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  1. I Like to Ride my Bicycle! I was singing, "I like to ride my bicycle, I like to ride it well!", at the top of my lungs. Singing helped me get over long days at the hospital. Fucking drama man. Ain't that why I like guys so much? The ones I like best are manly, absent of drama and adventurous. Whatever, still gotta earn me some dough. So I was pedaling my skinny, tall, white hairy ass home so I could chill the rest of the night. 4 days off in a row...nice thing about Nursing is the random days off. As I was turning towards my street a buff Latino on a steel frame bike, in full on racing gear zoomed near me. Shit! Hot! I whistled out loud and hadn't even given it a second thought. He looked back and saluted me, then kept at his pace. Wow! A salute back. That's rare. I never give guys attention, but being exhausted from work can make me feel drunk. I just whistled....just paying a compliment. Moreover, I needed new friends. I had decided to go full on guy-guy and was not having luck. Sure, 6ft tall, 175lbs and moderately hairy has been in style these past years...for most girls. Guys, well, they vary greatly in there likes. One nighters were a dime a dozen. I'd been fucked, fucked others and even done some glory hole adventures. It just...wasn't cutting it. My guys were not a dime a dozen. That night I had just found out I was HIV neg. I was, well, relieved. My past actions would point to the possibility of being converted. I read a shit load of stealthing stories, chem/poz fiction and I tend to try and follow through. I get it, we should not get the bug. I didn't want the bug, I wanted the sex and sleazy shit that came with it. I decided to celebrate the negativity and open up good beer, have a steak and smoke some dope. God I love pot. Best sex is just on weed bro. After cleaning up after dinner I decided to take out the trash. I just had shorts on and the night was cool enough to make my nipples stand at attention. Of course, if you could see them underneath my fur. Fuck! I was wasted, high and horny. I decided to get back in my pad and pass out on the couch. KNOCK, KNOCK. Who the fuck could that be? I went to the door and looked outside. I saw about 7-10 guys, on their bikes, their lights on and circling in the street...laughing and chatting it up. Who the....? What the...? Suddenly, the Latino jumped out of the bushes. -Que hay guey? -Nothing man. You all out for a ride? -Pues si, chaval. You should come join us? Gotta work tomorrow? -Naw, I have the dia libre. -Shhhh man. Awesome. Get dressed. We'll wait. Wear full gear. I ran back in and was almost hyperventilating. Who are these guys? My age? Fit cyclists, all races from what I could tell. Several with beards and tats. I was in disbelief. My dick got hard. I said to myself, just chill man. Show them you enjoy riding and then find those who like an otter, versatile bottom. I put on my Lycra shorts, a long-sleeved jersey, my helmet and got some water. I was suited up and went outside with my bike. They all whistled at me. I laughed. I said: -Alright man, sorry about earlier. You just looked good. -No worries guey. We are just giving you shit. If you ride well tonight, we induct you into the group. Here take this pill first. I will.... -No way man. No drugs. Work reasons. They all busted up laughing and circled me with their bike. The latino's tat said, "Julio". Julio replied: -Relax, it keeps u hard for hours. Just a joke. Won't show up en una prueba de drogas. Well, I thought, that was true. So I shoved it down with a drink from Julio's water bottle. Once I did that, something odd occurred. The circling stopped abruptly. Julio and I were in the center. One of the bearded hotties came up from behind and took (what I would consider) a knife and slit my shorts about two inches in the rear. The same boy bent me over and shoved a tubular insert up my ass and squeezed hard. It felt like...lube. Alright, odd. But hey, let's see where this leads. The bearded guy, Mark, said: -Get on your bike and let's ride! -WAIT! I want JJ to get off a bit first. ...Julio shouted. I was getting kind of hot and horny. Although I may not have stated it blatantly, but this was a dream come true for me. Julio told me to take a couple more swigs from his water bottle and then Julio said. -Truth or dare? -Dare, I replied. -Turn your bike up vertically. Take your bike seat and stimulate your pussy hole with it. Stimulate my pussy hole? Who the fuck were these dudes? What was I getting into? I love getting my ass teased. It's better than getting fucked...almost better. I did what Julio asked. The men whistled and commented: -Shit, that hole is gonna get wrecked. -Look at the fur on that bubble butt. Let's get that dripping!! -Julio, Can we play with it a bit first before we ride? We were still in my neighborhood, but it was late and no one was on the street. Plus, the guys were covering me. I guess Julio said yes and I felt several spanks. Then a couple of fingers in my hole. I was as hard a a rock. Julio said: -Ok. Venga, vamanos! They all got on their seats as did I. I felt a bit dizzy and fuzzy. I turned and looked at Julio. I must have looked worried and he said: -Bro, no worries. The water had GHB. Breathe deeply and enjoy the ride. We'll take care of u. We all cuidar de todos en nuestro club. Then we are gonna make you cum over and over again. He smiled. He had tats everywhere and a hairy chest. I trusted him from then on. Julio told me to pick a good destination point. I knew the river would be perfect and it had small beach-like inlets if there were any plans to do some skinny dipping. I had finally counted them and we were 10 in total. Many had biohazard tattoos. I knew what that meant and I knew no one had condoms. If what Julio said was true, that they all took care of each other, then I didn't care. I bet I looked like a pussy with my eyes all dreamy and falling for each one of them. Damn drugs. Julio must have known what he was doing. The cool wind, the lube and the previous penetrations made my hole tingle. I wanted cum and I wanted it bad. We made it to my favorite spot. They all had some sort of bag and they busted out liquor, poppers, music speakers and some other tools I couldn't make out. Julio opened up the party with: -Ok chicos. Let's fuck this guy and fuck him good. I want rigs ready, music playing and liquor flowing. Let's show him how much we need another hole. Guess who started? Mark. He bent me over against a log and started rimming me. I felt a another guy stretch out my arm and say: -Hey man, Mark's tongue feel good to you? I moaned . . . -Cool! I'll take that a a yes. I'm Stu. What's your name? -JJ. All my friends call me JJ. -Nice JJ. Ever done Tina? I shook my head no and moaned. Mark was going deeper with his tongue and adding additional lube as he went. I felt wet, loose and gooooood. -Well, it'll hit you hard at first. Afterwards, you'll go all night long. Ready? I moaned and shook my head yes. He took the arm, tied it up and found a vein. I don't remember the needle, but I coughed hard and rocked against the log. I took a deep breath and heard: -Oh yeah, nice and wet. I'm going in deep. Mark plunged his dick into my wet and cushy hole. Stu whipped out his 8 incher and shoved it in my mouth. I felt like a king. I could hear the other guys playing around and sucking each other off. Mark liked to plunge deep and slow and then speed up quickly every now and then. Stu's dick leaked precum onto my taste buds. I moaned in complete pleasure. Mark said: -Oh baby. Your pussy feels so good. I wish you could see how your pussy flesh hugs my cock and is getting pulled in and out with my dick. Stu was groaning. He said: -Dude, Mark, this guy loves to suck cock. Wait till you feel this! My ass felt no pain. I felt in sync with the rhythm of Mark's fucking. Then Mark started groaning and Julio whispered in my ear: -Mark is gonna cum up you good. He shoots huge loads. He helps our pussies get wet so the rest of us get a well-used hole. Shoot Mark! Mark grunted deeply and slowed. I could feel his dick pulse and quiver in my hole. Stu pulled his dick out of my mouth and went behind Mark. He put his hand near my hole and plugged it as Mark pulled out. Stu said: -Keep that juice in. Stu slid his 8 incher in and yelled, "Fuuuuuuuck!" I guess he liked it. By this time my hole felt a little numb and the flesh just gave into Stu's size. Julio moved over and took out an uncut, hooded big dick. I smiled and he offered me normal water first. I gulped it down. Julio took two fingers and opened my mouth and said: -Nos llevamos bien, no? We get along, right? -Yes sir. He put his uncut cock at my lips and I started making oral love to that cock. Stu screamed and came in my ass. He pulled out and a black guy came up and smiled. He said: -Hey man. I'm Marcus. Julio, hold him steady. Julio suggested we get a towel and flip me over onto the ground. He was looking out for me, just like he said. Julio laid a towel on the ground and picked me up and guided me down. Julio squatted over my face and placed his ass crack on my mouth. I rimmed him like there was no tomorrow as Jerry slid his dick in. By this point, a hairy hole to lick and a big dick up my ass was just what I needed. I was flat on my back and that let me rest. Again, the crew was watching out for me. Marcus' dick was def working the other cum loads into my flesh. I was still hard from the blue pill. A head popped into my view and said: -What up slut?!? I'm Sam. He was white, bearded, tats on his shoulders & biceps. A thick pelt covered his chest. After his introduction he went to down on my 7 incher. I had so much stimulation happening, I was moaning like crazy. Marcus thrust deeper and slowed. He said: -Deep, deep in your pussy. Fuuuuuck. I tried to squeeze my worn sphincter around his cock. I just couldn't. It was worn loose. I was still going tongue deep into Julio. Marcus pulled out and Sam took his place. Sam called for a pipe and he blew some clouds and then told Julio to suck my dick while a new guy, Cole, came over and worked the pipe for me. Cole lit the bowl and blew a couple of clouds into my open mouth. This just made me looser and I realized I was in heaven. I could feel Sam's cock and see his face over Julio's bobbing head on my rod. Sam was smiling and looking at his dick massage my hole. Sam said: -Man, Marcus did a number on you hole. It's so sloppy and loose right now. You can just see your pussy pushing in and out, craving my dick! Cum is leaking everywhere. Having fun? I just smiled and grabbed Sam's hairy chest. Just as I curved upwards to kiss him I felt my cock bulge and thicken. Julio must have noticed too because he pulled off and grabbed Cole. Cole had put down the pipe and was completely naked except for his boots and socks. He squatted over my shaft and sat down on it. I felt warm and the thrust of Sam's dick. Sam angled upward and Cole started humping my wood. I could feely cum load building. -Here he goes everyone! Sam, you close??? Sam moaned and I felt him pause in his thrusts. As soon as he did, Cole sped up his cock riding and I felt my insides explode up his already lubed hole. -Damn! He feels great!!! I haven't had a neg load from this group for ages. Glad it is your last. His eyes met mine and he leaned in and gave me a sweaty kiss as I shuddered during the last moments of my orgasm. Cole is a "Grade A" twink with a stiff cock. He jumped up and slid his dick in my hole. Cole said: -Wow, what a hole to breed. You know, I've been the main bottom for awhile. I'm excited to have a brother to share with the gang. We are gonna love swapping loads. You ready for my poz load son? -Yeah Cole. Load me up with the gang's strains. I need you all with me. I wanna carry you all with me...forever. Cole pounded his fists on my chest and facial grimaced hard. He gave two quick pumps and sighed and just collapsed on top of me. In contrast to his limp body his hard cock pumped a full 4 muscle spasms into my worked out hole. Cole gradually came to and pulled his body off of me. He was dripping with sweat and smiling. By this time Julio started to seem inpatient. He lined up what he called the: -Finishing Crew. Meet Daniel, Claudio and Polo. They are gonna make you drip buckets of cum. Cole might leave a drop for you. Daniel came over and set up a rig. Claudio leaned his cock into my ass. He was a burly and masculine 6 foot tall guy. He leaned in and kissed me. He easily distracted me from Daniel setting up the rig. I barely felt a needle go in as a warm surge hit me and Claudio leaned in deeply and kept me from coughing. He reached back with his right hand and directed his cock up a fleshy nest. I was flying way too high and loved it more than anything. My dick was throbbing and getting a ton of stimulation from Claudio's chest. He rubbed me deeply with his pecs and fucked me slowly, but surely. Fuck, this guy was a love bug. He cuddled and shoved deep thrusts. As he did, again, I felt warmth from below. We both came at the same time. I leaned into his gently-pulling-away kiss and fell backwards, panting. Julio came over with water and Cole came in to clean up. Licking every inch of my thighs and balls. He moved to my chest as I guzzled water. Julio just stared deep into my eyes and rubbed my head, saying: -Calmate chico, estamos aca contigo. Ya no estaras solo. (Relax man. You aren't alone anymore.) Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I thought. I am in this group deep. What am I man, a new gang member? I loved it. Polo came up with a huge boner. He smelled musky and I noted he had two bio tattoos on either shoulder. He looked at me deeply. He took a towel and wiped my face with cool water. He went down on my blue-pilled-penis and made sure it was also clean. He slid a fucking 8-9 incher in my hole and rubbed all up and down my sides as he rocked gently back and forth. He breathed nice and steadily. Julio came over with a joint. -Ahhhh, my favorite. I said. Julio smiled and lit it up. Polo moved in a more grinding manner as Julio and I smoked the joint and I gave into the huge dick stretching me out further. Polo breathed quicker and quicker and shuttered. He moaned and thrusted twice. He looked up as if he had just come up for air. He said: -I prefer to be the called "The Polishers". -I can attempt to put in a good recommendation with the leader. I said quickly and winked at Polo. Polo smiled back. Julio frowned and said: -Daniel. Get the fuck over here and breed this slut. Daniel obeyed and quickly lined up. God, I love big-dicked bears. What can I say? Daniel's physical stature far outweighed me and his presence just brought lust to my eyes. He placed his dick in my hole and I moaned. His belly rubbed against my dick and Julio brought over some lube for my dick. He got me all wet and Daniel leaned in with his beard and kissed me hard. He thrust evenly and rhythmically. I loved how he would pull out and tease my hole a bit. I am sure it was easy to slide in and out by this time. Daniel was verbal too. -God bro. Your hole is so slutty right now. It's a pussy out of fucking control. You have had so many different strains tonight. You are gonna be pozzed for sure. I prefer to be called "The Polishers" as well. You know why? I nodded no. -Because we get the job done. I don't take meds. You get whatever concentration the virus is right now. Are you ready to get converted my son? I nodded yes. Daniel moved quickly and thrust about 20 times hard with full on rectal wall hitting and prostate jolting. He came on the 20th and I came his thumping aftershocks. It was an unexpected thing. Julio patted Daniel on the back and said: -Okay every one. Back home. Let's get him home. I was in no mood to bicycle back home. I needed to breathe air for a minute and bask in the glory of the night's light. Julio got me dressed and gave me a hoody to keep me warm. We slowly got back to my pad and all the guys gave me a hug, a kiss, some butt pats and one nicely placed finger. My hole was wet and had obviously dripped on the way back home. Daniel pulled out his finger, licked it and said: -Thanks JJ. We'll be in touch. Julio walked me into my apartment. He had gone to get some water in my kitchen and came back and asked if I wanted to shower. I agreed and he asked where I kept towels. I showed him. We took a shower together and he suggested a joint afterwards. I agreed. We sat on my bed and just laid there chatting about the night. After we recounted Mark, Stu, Marcus, Cole, Sam, Daniel, Claudio and Polo's loads I said: -Wait. You haven't bred me. Why? His hand slapped against my mouth and he looked at me intensely and said: -Because I needed you all to myself pendejo. He brought out his strength and held my naked body down. He was already aroused and lifted my legs straight up at 90 degrees. He bent his elbow and used his body weight to anchor me on the bed. I slightly winced as he entered. He smiled and stated: -I like a little struggle. At first, well, I thought he was just joking. But then, he gave a bit of a frown when he saw I did not get it. Then it clicked; I resisted back. He felt my push and was caught off guard by my strength. He easily pushed back and said: -No way man, I got you where I want you. He pulled his huge dick in and out of my hole and braced his head on my forehead while bringing it down every now and then to kiss me. He loved I fought back a bit. He got off on it. So I dug down deep and grunted and pushed him hard. He did not get lose his grip, but his eyes met mine and he stared straight into me. He shuddered two times. He grabbed my hard dick. He said: -Can you handle poppers? I nodded yes and said: -Only if we get to smoke again afterwards. He nodded yes. He pulled them out and brought it down to my nose. I took two sniffs and he stopped. He kept the poppers there and slapped my head. I continued to breathe regularly while he shoved it up my nostril. He switched sides and did the same. I went whirling. He took four sniffs and slammed me hard. I felt him shove super deep. He grimaced and then looked down with all wide eyes and said: -I'm close man. You want it? He rocked my ass back and forth. I begged: -Please Julio. Fill me up man. I jacked off hard and needed some time to get there, but then came Julio's thrusts and they all hit my prostate. I had no time to prepare for the oncoming load shooting from my piss slit and the cum hit my open mouth. Julio grunted and pulsed a huge load up my sore ass. He grabbed my load and fed it to me. Afterwards, he rolled off to my side. We lit a joint. Smoked it. And slept.
    5 points
  2. This will bring some unwanted attention to those of us who live with HIV. I'm sure the phrases "They are all predators" and "Threats to society" and that lame ass crap will be filling the comment section on the news site and other websites... Dumbass should rot in prison. Not only for not disclosing, but having sex with a minor. Not cool. And I'll bet the 15 year old thinks twice about getting back on grindr. Given the fact the guy he's hooking up with is poz and didn't tell him. Then again.... Some never learn..
    2 points
  3. Well, I assume that in Texas the legal age is 18, so he had sex with a minor. Also he didn't tell he was HIV+, so he deserves his punishment. On the other hand, what did a 15-year-old do on an adult app?
    2 points
  4. This is my first story ever. I hope it turns you all on. It turned me on to write it and I look forward to adding on to it. MAC MEN By Randy Rawman I had been single exactly one month when my Powerbook died. I skipped the Apple store and went to a Mac Dealer in my neighborhood called MacMen. I’ve long thought that the guys at the Genius Bar are the unsung sex symbols of the new millennium, lanky bespectacled nerds with hard lean bodies and sexy tattoos under their royal blue T shirts with just a few clicks of their magic fingers and fix whatever’s ailing you and make everything okay. Yes, Apple geeks are dorky sexy. Angel’s just plain sexy. When I first laid eyes on him, I had come straight from the gym and was wearing my favorite ass-hugging red Umbro shorts and a gray Underarmour tank that caressed my pecs and shoulders and made me feel like a super hero. As Angel entered all my information into the stores computer, I took the opportunity to give him the once over. I couldn’t quite put my finger on his enthicity. There’s some Latin in there, a little Asian, maybe, definitely some black. Whatever it was, he was fucking hot. When I showed pick up my fixed computer a few days later, I was wearing the same shorts with a vintage Adidas nylon tank. Again, I had come fresh from the gym. I stayed extra long because I wanted to get a pump going in case Angel was working. Sure enough, it was him. “Hey Gym boy,” he says, even though I’m probably a few years older than him. “Here’s what we did.” He then proceeds to explain exactly what was wrong with my Mac and what they did to fix it. I could barely focus because his voice was so sexy (Where the fuck is he from?) and also because the way he was leaning on the counter, I can see his denim clad ass in the mirror behind him. While we’re waiting for my credit card to be approved, I consider asking Angel to coffee or something but can’t get up the nerve to say anything. He’s too fucking hot for me anyway. I thank him then head outside to my car. I load my computer into my trunk and when I slam the trunk lid, I see Angel walking toward me with a cocky smile. “Did I forget something?” I ask. “No,” he says. He walks the last few steps to face me before speaking again, this time in a much more hushed tone. “I wanted to catch you because I wanted to invite you to something, a party next month.” What? I was hoping that somehow our paths would cross again, but this I didn’t see coming. “A party?” I repeated. “Like a customer appreciation kind of thing?” Angel laughs. “No, it’s a private party,” he says. I shoot him a confused look. “Look, I fixed your computer,” he says, taking a step toward he and putting his arm on my bare shoulder, his volume lowering to just above a whisper. “I know what kind of dirty stories you read, what blogs you visit, what movies you download.” “I think that’s called invasion of privacy,” I say. “I think we share a common hobby,” he says. I don’t know whether to feel completely violated or totally turned on. “And what’s that?” I ask. He gives my shoulder a squeeze. “Breeding and getting bred,” he says, looking me dead in the eyes. This practically knocks the wind out of me. Just then, a mother walks by with two toddlers, totally unaware that helpful computer dork just called me out on my dirtiest little secret and that we were in the processing of bonding over one common interest; loads in asses. “Look, I gotta get back in there,” he says, handing me a postcard. “If I’m right about what you need, call the number on the bottom of that card.” He’s fucking me with his eyes now. “If I’m wrong, keep living in fantasy land and I’ll see you next time your laptop crashes from all the raw fucking you keep downloading.” It’s not until I get back in my car, that I realize my dick is rock hard and leaking in my shorts. I take a breath and read the postcard. If it was going to be an invitation to some kind of sex party, I expected it to be mysterious and vague. That wasn’t Angel’s style. BREEDHOUSE LA PRESENTS… SHUDDER Join LA’s hottest sex-studs for marathon night of load-swapping sperm-soaked fucking. JULY 24, 2013 THE RULES ARE SIMPLE: NO CONDOMS & NO PULLING OUT. NO LOADS WASTED. IF IT DOESN’T GO UP YOUR ASS, YOU BETTER FUCKING DRINK IT. The artwork is a cartoon of a blond muscle stud being fucked by a darker muscle stud who looks a lot like Angel while a group of other studs watch and wait their turn. Both fuckers are shuddering, heads thrown back in nut-draining ecstasy as the blond begs, “Breed me, fucker. Flood my ass,” and the Latino says simply: “Take. My. Cum. Uuunnnnnnnngh.” In the corner, written in ropy white letters is the artist’s signature; Angel S. Even his signature is made of cum. He’s a man of many talents. Am I brave enough to explore his other ones? It takes me two days to call him. I expect to get voicemail. I don’t. “Hello,” he says. Oh shit, do I hang up or do I talk? “Angel, this is Randy,” I say, my voice quivering. “You fixed my computer.” “I know who you are,” he says. “I was just thinking about your ass in those red shorts and how much I’d like to fill it.” I always thought my ass looked good in those shorts. Nice to have some confirmation. “How many times did you almost call me and then pussy out?” “None,” I lie. “Okay, four.” He scoffs. “Seven,” I say finally. “So I was right about you?” he says cockily. “Yes and no,” I say, fumbling the words as I try to explain myself. “I’m turned on by all that stuff, so turned on I can’t see straight, but in real life, I haven’t really explored that side of myself. Up until a month ago, I was in a monogamous relationship for ten years with a guy who didn’t like fucking. He was just into oral.” “Did Mr. Blowjob know what was on your computer?” he asks. “He didn’t want to know,” I say. “I haven’t been with anyone else in ten years.” “God, I bet you’re so fucking tight,” he says. I don’t know what to say to that. I’m saved from my awkwardness when I hear a doorbell ring on his end of the phone. “Look Randy,” he says, “I want to talk to you more, I really do, but I got a couple from Silverlake coming over here, a blond and a Latino…and the Latino’s going to breed me while I fill the blond with my four-day load. So I can’t talk. Have you thought about the party?” “It’s all I’ve thought about…but I’m not sure—“ “Check your email in tonight,” he says. “I got a proposition for you.” “You need my email address?” “I got it.” “What’s this proposition?” I say. “Just tell me.” The truth is, I just want to keep him on the phone. His voice makes me throb. “I can’t talk now, my buddies just parked…oh shit, they brought the leather, this is going to be so fucking hot, Randy. Fuck.” “Can I watch?” I say, jokingly. Angel laughs. “Hey, wait. Maybe you can,” he says. “You got Skype?” Fifteen minutes later, I’m matching a red-hot threeway unfold somewhere in the Hollywood Hills. Angel hasn’t told other two studs know he’s Skyping, but he’s positioned his computer with a nice view of the room. It’s his bedroom-slash fuck-den, complete with black leather covered bed and mirrors all around, and he’s making sure to be real vocal for me. “That’s it, Oscar,” he says when the Latino in chaps and a harness places his fat cockhead at his hot tight pucker. “Just drive it in. Uuuunnnnngh fuck! Don’t move for a second, let me get used to it.” “Okay, that’s a second,” says Oscar, with an evil smile. “I gotta fuck now.” He starts driving his cock in and out of Angel’s hot hole, withdrawing till just the head is inside and then slamming forward smashing Angel forward causing him to grind his hard cock into the bed. “Let me get on my knees, Oscar,” insists Angel. “This grinding is going to make me shoot and I don’t want to cum on the bed.” “That’s right,” says the blond, Ron, who’s in a leather vest and Nasty Pig jockstrap. “What’s the rule?” All three of them say it at once. “No wasted loads.” Angel looks right into the lens when he says that. And then he laughs. I know what he’s doing. He wants that to be my rule, too. He’s going to insist I live by it, too, or he doesn’t even want to fucking know me. No wasted loads. I can imagine him making me recite a manifesto, something like, “If there’s a cock in the room I’m in that isn’t mine, and it’s shooting a load, it’s going in me. It’s going down my throat or better yet—way better yet—up my hot ass. That’s what I was made for.” “And what else?” I imagine him asking. “And if my cock’s shooting its load, it’s going in an ass or a mouth, even if it has to be my own.” As I daydream about this, I make a promise to myself right then that from now on, even when I jack off, I eat the load. No wasted loads. “Oh fuck, I’m getting close and I don’t want to blast yet,” says Oscar. He pulls his drooling 9-inch breeding stick out of Angel’s ass, flips him around and shoves it down his throat. In the same flurry of moment, Ron, who’s 8 inches with fat mushroom head, goes balls deep into Angel in one smooth stroke. The whole switch happened so fast. There was maybe one split second when Angel when he wasn’t impaled on cock. “Fuck, your cock is amazing, Ron,” says Angel. “I can feel that fat head hitting my prostate.” “I want to drench it,” promises Ron. “But not yet.” When Ron pulls out, Angel’s hot fuckhole catches the light. Angel’s ass is already dripping with pre-cum. “I need your cock up my hole, Angel.” “This cock?” teases Angel, poking the head in and out of Ron’s tight pucker. “Is this the cock you want?” “That’s the one,” says Ron. “This cock with the four-day load in it?” says Angel. Ron throws his head back when he hears that news and groans. “Yes,” he says, like a man possessed. Angel’s rock hard 8-inch fuckstick plunges deep into Ron’s ass and he whimpers with pleasure and moans, “Yes, yes, yes, fuck me. Fuck me so deep. God, I need your cock.” "What else do you need?” asks Angel. “I need your fuckload,” says Ron. “I need you to flood my asshole. I need to you breed me.” “Get ready, fucker,” says Angel. “I’m about to reach the point of no return.” What Angel can’t see because of where he’s positioned, but what I can is Oscar priming his dick to go back in Angel’s hole. And it’s not going to come out until it’s drenched those asswalls with DN fucking A. This man, Angle. This man who looked deep into my harddrive and later my eyes, and could see that I had a need, a deep need, that I didn’t have the balls to explore. He’s going to change that. He’s going to break me in and introduce me to the Breeding Brotherhood and in case I think for one second that he’s all talk when it comes to bareback breeding, he’s going to breed one muscle stud on cam for me too see while another muscle stud coats his ass-walls with his creamy white load. And it’s going to happen right fucking now. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming, Ron,” Angel pants, just as Oscar jabs his shiny hot prick back into Angel’s puckerhole. “Oh fuck, Oscar! I was hoping you’d do that. Damn, that fuckstick is going to fuck the cum out of me and right into this fucker’s ass.” “Then do it, dude,” grunts Oscar. “Because I’m breeding you right…..NOW. Ungh…ungh…ungh…ungh…” Oscar keeps grunting with every jet of stud spunk that jets from his cock. “I can feel every squirt,” gasps Angel. “Damn, you’re still shooting.” “You’re pulling it out of me,” says Oscar. “I need cum!” Ron shouts. “Give me that four day load, Angel!” “You want it?” Angel asks. “I need it,” says Ron. “Here…it…CUMMMMS!” bellows Angel while grabbing Ron’s face and pulling him to be eye to eye. “Aaaah…aaagh…take my…cum….I’m…breeding… your….hot….fucking ….hole.” Angel arches back and is about to collapse on Ron with Oscar coming down on both of them, when suddenly Ron, stroking his hot fuckstick, says, “I’m cumming, too, guys. I wanted to breed but I’m fucking cumming. Who’s gonna drink it?” Angel and Oscar knock heads trying to dive onto Ron’s spurting cock but Angel gets their first. Angel takes jet after jet of thick cum, saying, “Mmmm,” with every spurt. After a bit, he pulls off and lets Oscar take over on Ron’s cum-soaked cock. While Oscar milks the last few drops from Ron’s delicious cockhead, Ron throws his head back, closes his eyes and tries to catch his breath. Since both his fuckbuds have their eyes closes, Angel can get away with looking right into the camera. He stares right into my soul and smiles. He heart, which has already been pounding out of my chest, nearly stops when he opens his mouth. He didn’t swallow yet. He opens wide and shows me the huge load Ron shot into him. He looks back into my eyes, swirls it around in his mouth, then points to me and then to the leather bed as if to say, “You’re next, fucker.” Then he swallows. I cum in my shorts without touching myself. TO BE CONTINUED. .
    1 point
  5. This started just over 3 weeks ago. While walking my dog after work one afternoon in my usual outfit of denim shorts and a white wife-beater...met Mauro, maybe 50, Blatino, 6", a little heavier than me, maybe 195, dressed in snug blue jeans and ratty pullover, friendly guy, says he lives a few blocks from me. Mauro walks up to me and asks about my dog. Says he's seen me several times and wants to know if I'm married. Married? Hell no. I have enough trouble with the dog. We head back toward my place and he asks about my apt and the bldg. 96 yrs old and needs some work. He asks to see my apt. We go in, talk a while when he finally gets to the point ... he asks if I'm gay, says its hard to tell, Yes. Asks if I party .. Sometimes. More questions then I send him on his way, I get up at 4a for work and have too much to do. He says he'll drop-by sometime ... Just after 9:00 that night, someone is knocking at the back door. Late eve uninvited guests are rare and I would usually know when someone was dropping by anyway. I answer and it's Mauro from earlier. He's still in jeans but now also wearing a white wife-beater. He says he has some supplies. Okay, come on in for a minute... He drops his backpack on the living room floor. Pulls out a water bottle and a small towel. In the towel he has a loaded pipe and a small red torch. Have a seat. He says he borrowed some shit (his words!) from his friend and wanted to see if I liked it. We talk for a few minutes then he gives me the pipe and torch. Yeah, I'll try one hit then I'll try to direct him out. I light up and see that the pipe bowl has a couple large rocks in it. The torch melts the T in just seconds, massive clouds form. I take my hit and get filled very quick... massive cloud ... massive head rush ... gawd ... I try to hand it back to Manny but he asks if it's good and says to do one more hit. Damn T is very good, my head is already filling and I feel it really well ... I take another big hit ..., he sits in front of me rubbing his crotch .. is it good? Hell yeah. He just sits back and I take two more deep hits ... he asks if I have any plans tonight .. I pull off my shirt, shoes, then my shorts, no underwear ... he says to stand up. I stand.. he asks where the bedroom is. I say to stand up and drop the futon ... seem to be moving very slow ... he opens his jeans and his 7"dick flops out ... long thick uncut meat ... a lot of foreskin ... I drop and slowly take his dick full down my throat ... he grabs my head .. I bury my face in his pubes and swallow his meat.. still getting harder .... the damn thing reaches full size down my throat ... he groans and grinds into my face .... He pulls out, strips, gets on the bed and lies back. I lean over him and suck on his hard dick ... full sized and hard as a damn steel rod .. close to 1.5" of foreskin still hanging off the end. He reaches back behind me and begins to tease my ass ... just light probing and rubbing my hole ... I deep throat his meat as he humps up into me ... he's groaning and slowly getting more aggressive on my hole ... licking his fingers and working one deeper into me. Half hour of this .. sucking and ass tease .. He says to straddle his face ....I climb over him, he reaches up and he pulls me down to his face .. eats my ass slow .. just light tongue at first while I bury my face back into his crotch .. he slowly gets deeper into it and me ... tongue fucking my hole .. working a finger in then deep tongue again ... I sit up and move down onto his face .. he begins to feast on my ass... chewing and sucking on my now soggy hole .. he'spulling my hips down to get in deeper . I lean back down and get his rod full buried down my throat .. at least 8" of dark uncut meat .. sucking and chewing on his foreskin ... sucking on and licking his massive hairy balls and sack ... he's got a rubber cockring around his balls .. damn things must hang a good 6-7 inches from his crotch ... Another half hour ... he says he needs to get up .. I move off and stay down on my knees .. try to get my head clear a bit ... he moves behind me, pulls my ass up a little higher and drives his tongue back in ... he's grinding my ass ... chewing on my ass lips ... shoving his tongue in deep, running around my hole ... he spits on my asshole then drives his tongue back in several times .... I'm moaning like a fucking pig ... giving him as much access as I can... He pulls away, pulls my hips back and then I feel his foreskin at my now very wet sloppy hole. I reach under and push his foreskin back off the head, line up his dick on my asslips and back my ass onto his meat.... Pull my legs forward to get him as deep as I can ... I can feel every inch .. FUCK .... He gets into a rhythm and fucks me steady ... I grind back on his pubes ... his big balls swinging and slapping my balls and now T-dick. ... he gets me on my side, leg up .. deeper fuck ... I feel him hitting and the head passing through my 2nd ring .. he's groaning loud .... we're both are soaked with sweat ... his fucking feels so damn good .... he gets the pipe .. two more hits ... not me, buried in his fucking ... he pulls out, says leg cramp ... I roll on my back, he pushes my legs back ... he lines up and slides/slams in ... hard deep fuck now ... slamming into my ass .. I reach back and grab his ass, pulling him in deeper with each thrust ... he's groaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear outside ... I'm telling him to fuck me .... he groans "FUCK" once and slows down .. I feel his dick throbbing, pumping his load into me ... 7-8-9-10... shots... fuck ... Both soaked in sweat, he's raining sweat on me ... he leans down and bites my nipples hard .. he saw that I had been twisting and pulling on my tits ... ... long pause ... he pulls out slow ... I reach back and feel his dick and my hole soaked with cum .... I finger myself ... damn... filled with his seed ... he asks if I want to shit it out .. hell no .. no way in hell .. I'm keeping in me all damn night I ask, he says he's okay ... wiped out but feeling good. We get up, I walk him to the bathroom to shower. I go back to the living room, drop back on the floor and work my cum soaked hole, his massive cum load.. damn ... get up and grab a butt plug from the toy box. .. drop back onto the floor and work the plug in ..... don't want to lose any of the load ... I lie there with the plug in, notice he's come back from the bathroom, watching me ... says he'd fuck me again if he could ... likes the plug, says he has a couple toys I might like .. He dresses .. I get us some water ... he says that if I want, he can get a ball of the shit for me .. just text him ... says he wants to fuck my ass again .... says he'll be waiting for my text... says he can get anything I want ... I'm barely tuned-in .... loaded with T and cum ... flying... he lights again, hands pipe and torch to me, can barely hold steady, he holds and lights for me .. another big hit .... fucking good ..... Mauro gets his pack, I very slowly get to my feet and follow him out .. still naked ... too dark for anyone to notice though ... Very slowly managed to calm down ... breathing very rough and heart-rate very high but did get better. Damn potent stuff . Damn good shit!! Plug stayed in all night and most of the next day.... felt damn good ....
    1 point
  6. I'd been wanting to get spit roasted for some time, but I live in a small city which makes for slim pickings. We have some porn theaters in town, but they can be touch and go. So as you can guess, I spend a fuck load of time on the internet. So one day on the internet I saw an add for a couple of guys visiting from out of town. After exchanging very few emails, I knew these two guys were my type: shorter than 6', football builds, Hispanic and dark hairy chests. They were both tops and that suited this bottom fine. They mentioned they would have condoms and lube and wanted to do this semi-public. They also said I was their type: a 6' tall otter, slim build and good looks with a beard...college boy type. I suggested on the theaters that had both glory holes and a large theatre. That way, if they were flakes, I could try my luck at the gloryholes. The two liked the idea and asked if I liked poppers. My answer was straightforward: poppers are the extent of my current drug use with sex and as far as I would go. They replied, "Same here." We decided on 11pm that evening. I did my douching around 9pm and left an hour later. My joint glowed in the wind of the rolled down windows as my tunes blasted into the night. I got to the theatre pretty blazed and noted there were a good amount of cars in the lot. So I decided to check out the glory holes first since I had arrived a bit early. I set up in a booth with glory holes on either end. There were a couple of tall rugged guys there and I was hoping I would get a taste of cum since I assumed the two tops I was meeting would be cumming in the condoms up my ass. I heard this guy enter the booth to my right. I kept my eyes on the porn. Usually guys try and sneak a peak at their potential cocksucker slut, but this guy just stuck a 7" dick through, uncut. I fucking love uncut dicks. I went to town on the hairy shaft. "Shit...", I thought, "this has got to be truck driver or a country guy." This was only because his dick was rough and hairy, no primping with this guy. My cottonmouth was coming on hard and I could tell it was affecting the blowjob. The guy pulled off and wagged his dick through the glory-hole. He was hairy from head to toe. God, if those two dudes show up I am gonna be one happy cock slut. Just then I heard someone enter the booth to my left. I couldn't take my eyes off this trucker though. His hand came down with a drink and a straw in a large styrofoam cup. "Drink this, wet that mouth for me." I did. I swallowed large gulps and kept a bit in my mouth on the last sip to slosh around and keep it wet. He stuck his dick back through and I stood up a bit to give my knees a rest and was just bent over, unknowingly showing off my ripe cherry to the glory-hole behind me. As I sucked on the trucker an odd head-rush came to me. I kept sucking on the guy's cock, but felt really . . . well, higher. Almost like I was on X or G! That guy had G in the cup. It had been awhile, but since I knew what I was in for, I did not complain and just kept going. I felt the dude in the other booth moving around and blowing air on my pucker. I decided, "Let's get some good ass play if the other dude is up for it." I inched backwards and felt my ass hit the wall behind me, my back arched and I could feel fingers spread my cheeks. Then a wet, lubed finger penetrated my hole and started loosening it up. I felt the guy tap my ass with a small bottle. I reached back and took the poppers. I took a sniff and then the trucker pulled his dick out of my mouth. He bent down and his eyes met mine. "Give me those poppers." . . . I did. His hand stretched up to my nose. His index finger held one nare closed and the others pressed the open poppers to my open nostril. "Sniff you slut!" . . . I did. He kept it there for about 3 breath cycles in both nares. My head spun and I felt something larger at my well lubed and now welcoming shit hole. I turned around. There was a good 8" hispanic dick right there. I went to town on it. I did not want a bare dick up my ass. And then I felt the truckers hands on my crotch as he positioned my hole for his access. I felt fingers massage my pucker as I deep throated a hot brown cock. Then I felt the trucker's 7-incher penetrate my hole. "I don't want bare cock!, my mind screamed. But what really came out of my mouth was, "Give me your bare cock sir!" I was in deep and I knew it. I did not know the status of these two guys, but I didn't care. I could feel my hole open up. He went slowly at first and then started full speed. He did not last long. I felt his hot cum pulse into my ass and then he pulled out. I heard him say: "Here is something for you, I bet you got a long night ahead of you." I felt two fingers in my hole quickly enter and go. He then capped my hole with his fingers and said: "Keep it in there for a bit." It? What could it be? Then a rush came, a familiar rush . . . a booty bump. Wow people were generous with their drugs tonight. I got off the hot cock, turned around and spread my cheeks wide. I took three hits off the poppers and let the man fuck me bare. I could feel him enter and just thrust. He thrusted for a bit and my head just whirled. My dick was a raging hard on and I could feel the guy start going deep. He was about to cum. "Fuck, take this load you fucking whore!", he screamed. . . . I did. When he pulled out, a cloud lifted. Shit! The time, right? It was 11:07pm. I would be fashionably late. I picked up with slutty dignity I had left the booths and entered the theatre. It was not full at all. The two guys were dressed like they said and they saw me as I leaned up the back wall. They moved in closer and I saw two hot dark Hispanics with two football builds, huge chests, hairy and baseball caps. They both took them off and put them on backwards. This was going to be hot. I must have looked a bit sweaty and one said: "Shit bro, was that you getting rammed?" "Yeah, I got here early." "Then why did we even bring lube?!? Let's get your undressed!" They stripped me down bare. It was a theatre in a porn store and I was the night's dish. I started sucking their cocks together and both were beyond 7", but not 9" each. I didn't care. I wanted dick. They both got hard quickly and got me in spit roasted position. Top #1 looked a bit older and got my ass first while I sucked the younger guy's, Top #2, rod. I could here #1 take his bare dick and slap it against my wet and gushing hole. I heard a condom come out of its package and #1!slap it on. He entered with a moan, "Ooooohhhh, fuck, what a nice wet pussy. Dude, you are gonna cum so quickly!", he joked with his friend. "Naw, with the condom on it takes me longer." "Right! Awesome, well I just gotta keep my rhythm with this ass. What do you have up there? A whole bottle of lube?" I had no idea how much the other two had cum in my ass, but it must have been a lot. #1 just kept a nice pace, moaning the whole time. I could hear the doors opening and closing and see about 3-4 other dudes watching and stroking. One guy came up and I recognized his pants as the hispanic dick, the guy who had the poppers. He took them out and made me take a couple sniffs. I did, one . . . two . . . three sniffs. I felt the top speed up and then I heard, "Shit, bro, hand me another condom. This one broke." The other top started searching and gave him another. He opened it and put it on. One thrust, two thrusts, three thrusts, ".... SHIT! This one broke too." The two tops looked at each other while I kept sucking Top #2's dick. I heard whispering. I felt Top #1 caress my hairy chest and bring me upright with his dick still in. He whispered, "You like bare dick man?" "Yeah, I do." "You neg?" "Yeah, neg." "My bro and I here are both poz and we just found out. That's why we wanted to fuck you safely." I gave him a smile and said, "We tried." I bent over and started going over Top #2's long brown shaft. Top #1 just started pounding... "You want my poz cum you whore? You want my babies up in you and infecting you?" "Yes sir!" He screamed and shot a huge load up in me. He paused and kept his dick in. "Bro, get over here. If I take my dick out that cum is not going to stay in. You have to pound it in." Top #2 kept me upright as he switched positions with Top #1. I felt some cum leak out and a guy lick it off my legs. I was upright again and someone had pulled out a rig. I could feel the tightening of my arm, the insertion of a needle and then a rush of heat accompanied by a cough. I got bent over and a new cock was in my mouth. Top #2 started slamming me and I moaned, and moaned and moaned. I did not care. The chemicals were spinning me beyond sex and into a new world. Top #2 did not last long bare. He came within a couple of minutes. I am truly unsure what happened after that. I know I went over to a bench and put my legs up. I know the hispanic dude repeated and a couple other dudes munched on my hole for sloppy seconds, thirds, whatever . . . . I'm poz now and I have a steady boyfriend. We both got pozzed in similar ways, so we sometimes try and repeat those scenarios between us and our poz friends. I'm sure my conversion will never be surpassed.
    1 point
  7. I fucking love craigslist, grindr, and scruff. I fucking love the boys who "just wanna try." I'm 42 years old 5'8 210 stocky and large with fat muscle, beer fucking belly and a fat 8.7 inch dick 7.5 inches thick. I drink too much, and I smell like cigarettes. I shaved my head cuz of balding and I've a full beard, salt and peppered. With a hairy chest, hairy legs and pits and cock, I'm the one who takes away a boy's dignity. Oh yeah, I'm half Cuban, half Mexican, and ever since college I've been popping boys' asses, and making them moan and scream. Boys with daddy issues hit me up just with a, "hey" or a "sup" but I know they're just saying, in so many words 'I'm alone, I have no clue what I'm doing, just use my ass. Let me give you tonight's example'. I'm at the club, checking out the hot boys rubbing my crotch having a beer, when that all too familiar ding hums from my phone. I load grindr and there's a the profile pic. 21 year old latino some words in french I couldn't give a shit about 5'6 155 toned Chat, Friends, Safe Sex Only a black and white torso pic of a well defined chest some definied abs and a treasure trail leading off the screen. My profile: No pic 40 years old Long and Thick Daddy. Cherry popper. I got a strong headboard, you can hold on to it while I break you over it. BB only. Cuffs come on if you try to run. Will make your hole wet, wink, and cream. "Hey" he said. I send him a headless picture of my naked torso, including me holding my rock hard cock. "Wow," he responded. I send him my address, telling him to be there in 15 minutes - with a clean ass. "I'm not looking" he answered. I don't respond, but instead just chugged my beer and left for home. As I live five minutes from the club, I got to my front door in no time. I dropped my pants and start stroking. I loved the feeling of my hard cock in hand, the feeling of my veins pulsating as the blood surged towards my cock head. I grabbed a bottle of poppers and took a huff as I walked around the house, pulling on my cock, wearing only an extra large black T-shirt and my sneakers. My phone hummed again. It was the boy. "What's up?" I took a pic of myself sitting on my couch where there is a mirror facing of the wall and sent it to him. "That's fucking huge" he responded, and then sent a pic of his back and ass. He's smooth down the back, and has a defined back. He obviously works out. Maybe plays some sort of sport. His butt looks soft and grab-able. I send him my address one more time, but I can already see the distance off the app has changed. He's eight miles closer than before, and I haven't moved that far. "Get over here." A few minutes pass and I go to the guest bedroom. The type of guest for which it's intended is obvious. The windows are painted black so no street light shines in. I flipped on the light and a red and blue light comes on with the ceiling fan. I checked over the two mattresses which have no sheets, just straps to hold them down and a thick metal head board that is bolted into the wall with more straps. I flip on the video camera so it started running silently and checked the battery. Many a cherry explosion I have filmed. I'm good at this. Breaking in these boys is what I live for. The hum from my phone drummed on again. "I think I'm outside" he said. I checked to see a little Nissan parked across the street. Hitting the garage remote, the garage door opened. I send him a message: Pull into the garage. I heard him come inside, and could even hear his heavy breathing. I walked to the control panel and clicked the button. With that the garage door to closed behind the boy. When I hear the door lock closed, I walked out into the garage sporting my thick erect cock. I walked right past him and double-locked the garage door, and then turned so he could watch me stroke. I wagged my dick, inviting him, and he took the bait. He approached me, and I gestured for him to kneel, and when in position, I took control of his skull, and pushed my slimy cock head in between his lips. He immediately opened-up and accepted my cock, moaning as he struggled to establish a sucking rhythm and yet breath around my shaft. "Mmmmm," I told him, adding "Good boy." He clearly liked my praise and redoubled his efforts. Breathing heavily, he tried a new approach, by moving his head side to side, rather than taking me straight down. My size was obviously a challenge for his soft mouth and smooth face. "Good little fucker," I edged him on. Puling him off my cock, I lead him into the living room where I told him to strip. He had an undeniably great body. He's probably a a runner or maybe a swimmer, I thought, as I admired the hard muscles that defined his frame, noting he was mostly smooth, but had big patches of hair in all the right places. I threw off my shirt. I might have been muscular, but I was no where near his definition. Again I offered him my cock, and again he dropped to his knees, and began to suck me. Then, just to put him in his place, I pulled back on his hair so he was looking up at me, and I spat a nice fat shot on his face. The pretty little Latino looked like he was drunk on my spit. Holding the sides of his head, I started skull-fucking him. He choked, and gagged, spat-up. Naturally I rubbed all of his juices on his face. Then I again spat on him, and once more shoved my cock back down his throat. He was loving the treatment. His jock boy nose was running, and I suspect he wanted to say 'Slow down' or maybe 'Stop', but his dignity was slowly slipping away. But then that was why he had come to see me. So I coaxed him, telling him how pretty he looks, how hot he was. I told him what a good boy he was and how much I loved his sloppy running blow job. And I do love a sloppy blowjob. He was drooling, his eyes were tearing-up, his nose was running. I wiped all the fluids over his face and spat on him again. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. High off my cock. I love watching boys take their time on my cock, worshiping daddy dick like they've always wanted to do. I grabbed my poppers and offered the boy a hit. He looked at me, obviously confused, and pulled off my cock long enough to ask "What's that?" It took enormous self restraint not to slap his teeth out, but then again, there's always plenty of time for that. I smiled, and laughed a bit. "It makes you relax and super hard and horny," I replied as I pushed the bottle near his nose and watched while he gingerly took a small whiff. "Don't be scared, boy, take it deep like you want to." He smiled back at my suggestion and took a deep huff. I could see his toned chest expand. I reached-down and cupped his pecs in my hands, tracing the line down the center. He was hard and fit. He clearly worked-out regularly. "You lift boy?" I asked. His eyes fluttered. The poppers were clearly hitting him. "Yeah...." I let his head float back down on my cock and watched as the boy became more like a puppy, sucking and licking all the more intently. I love boys getting high off the poppers. They finally stop caring about the slobber running up and down their faces. They just love the feeling of that rock hard cock moving in and out and slapping their face. He started breathing really hard, so I handed him the poppers again. Yeah, he had the rhythm of things. He took another hit and kept going. His chin was dripping from choking on my cock, and my balls and cock were slick and wet. I couldn't help but smile; his tight ass was calling to me. I pulled him off my cock and directed him to the guest bed room where I handed him a bottle of poppers and told him to take a sniff. He had gotten so high just off the blow job that the rest would be easy. Cautiously, he walked into the dimly lit room, where I ordered him to drop his boxers and get up on all fours on the bed. He responded saying "I don't wanna get fucked." I realized these were the first words to escape his lips since my cock had slipped out with so much slobber and spit. "I just wanna taste your hole, boy." He paused considering the options. I took the decision out of his hands by placing my hands on his waist and guiding him to the mattresses and pulling down his shorts. He shaved his hole. I thought to myself 'The boy don't wanna get fucked my ass'. I took my time spreading his cheeks and blowing soft air on his hole, then I took a hit of the poppers and blew again, handing him the bottle in the process. I then heard him take a deep breath, and as he did so, I slowly ran my fat tongue behind his balls sack and trailed upwards towards his smooth soft hole. "Ohhhhhhhhh" breathes out while goose bumps run up his leg and I let my tongue roll around and around his lil boy hole while slowly guiding it back down behind his sack and up toward the top of his crack wetting that hole. His moaning is getting lil louder. I push lil harder pressing my tongue up on his hole. I can feel it start to move on my mouth and lips. He's loving it so much hes trying to take control of his hole. trying to let my tongue in so I can start tongue fucking him like he really wants. He's moaning in a beat now. Music to my fucking ears. his hole opens just a pinky width and my tongue takes full advantage pushing in. "OHHh fuck." He moans neck and head moving straight up and back. I hold his hips and pull my tongue out. then push it back in. He grabs his cock without being able to hold out. So i grab his hands and guide them to their proper position. His ass cheeks. He starts to pull his ass apart. He's becoming so ripe for the picking but I like to make him really beg for it. "You like me eating that hole boy?" I ask before pushing my tongue into him again. His hole trying to accept more but not knowing how to open since he has no hole control. "uh-huh" He's moaning into the mattress, so I push my to my tongue fucking to the next level. Out and in and out and in and out and deep in really licking into his ass walls before I slap his ass and ask again "You like me eating that as boy?" "Fuck yes!" He calls out I slap his ass again "Yes Sir! Boy!" I command "Yes Sir!" He calls out "Yes Fuck Sir!" "Good boy!" And I push my tongue back into his crack while he continues moaning as my tongue assaults his hole teachinig to relax, accept and open. "Keep talking boy! Tell sir how much you like me in your hole!" I dive back in "I fucking love it sir. I fucking love it. Oh fuck yes" He pauses to moan. "Did I say stop boy! Tell me you want me in that hole" "Yes sir fuck!" He's starting to get it, but still doesn't get what I'm leading him into "Yes sir I love it. Oh god Yes Please don't stop!" "That's right boy I won't stop. And you don't stop telling daddy how much you love me in your hole!" Diving in again "Fuck yes daddy. Yes sir. Oh. My. Gaaawwd. I love it. I love it. Its all yours daddy It's you hole. I love you in my hole sir. Fuck FUck fuck fuck fuck. Yes Oh my god. fucking yes fucking yes." "Don't you dare stop boy!" "I won't daddy. Don't stop daddy. Fuck yes daddy." It goes on and on and on till he finally lets it out. My tongue Is pushing into his hole with almost no problem. Hes crack is dripping down his legs with my spit when his moans finally say, "Oh My god yes Yes yes Yes OHHH.Fuck yes. Fuck yes I love it daddy I fucking love u in my hole. Its all yours daddy. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck yes FUck Me DaddyFuck my Hole!" Just the words I was waiting for. I spread his legs and push my cock against his hole. Tooooo fucking tight, even now, except now he was freezing and scared. His moans stopped the second the fat mushroom cock head kissed his wet pink pucker. The hole shut-up so very fast. I leaned over him, my belly filling the small of his muscular back, and my hairy chest and stomach dripping sweat on his sweat as I whispered into his ear, saying "Don't you dare stop, boy!" Then, as I held his hips, I ordered him to "Tell Daddy how much you like me eating your hole." "I like you eating my hole, Daddy." He was shaking. "You like me inside don't you boy" "Fuck yes daddy. But I don't wanna get fucked." His hole, however, was saying something else. I could feel the his pucker kissing my cock head. I push him the poppers and he takes them and tries to look behind him, but I was already pushing my cock head onto his wet hole, which was so slick from my spit. "I'm gonna fuck you so good, boy. I'm gonna open up that hole and make it cream and wet and make you learn how to make it wink." He pulled forward. The kid was fast and strong but I was on top of him and he didn't really want to get away, or he would have done more to stop me when I grabbed the restraints and fastened them around one hand and then the other. He resisted only a little when he realized the cuffs were chained to the head board. "What the fuck are you doing?" He was trying to act tough. I slapped his ass and buried my tongue back into his hole, roughly eating and tongue-fucking and sucking and chewing on his hole. He was moaned all over again. "Ah fuck, man, stop. Man ....fuck...oh my god...oh fuck..." I slapped his ass, "Yes SIR, boy!" "Fuck, SIR!. Oh my god, SIR, please, no fuck!" He kept on and one as I roughly chewed on his hole, which was getting redder and slicker. In between eating his hole, I'd rub the pre-cum from my swollen cock head onto his pussy hole, pushing it in. I knew he was going to be my bitch. I grabbed his hips pushing my cock and I felt it give way. Just a milimeter, but that was enough sign for me. I kept pushing. "FUUUUCK!" he yelled , but I held his hips pulling them toward me till his hole gave way and my cock head popped it. "AHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled. "OH FUCK! It hurts, bro! It hurts!" I got the poppers bottle and pushed them under his nose. He took the bottle and began to take large hits. I felt the heat his body, and I could feel his hole relax just a bit more, so I pushed-in further. Two and half inches after my cock head had breeched his hole, he was heaving. "Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fuckkkking god!" "That's right, boy! You worship this fucking cock now." I pressed in another two inches spitting on his hole while I held his hips. He was groaning the whole way in, sucking down poppers like water. No time like the present, so I gave him the gift of my last four inches, hard and fast. He let out a guttural, manly yell. His chest dropped down on the mattress. "OH FUCK." He finally said breathing heavily Damn right I thought. His ass was wet with his sweat and mine dripping down my gut onto him and his back. I spat on him, thinking that 'though I 'd rimmed him good and deep, inside the boy was probably pretty dry. "Time to make some cream, boy." "OH my GAWFUUCKOHFUCKOH FUCK. OH. FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK. OH FUCK." I began to make a steady rhythm on his hole. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. OH MY FUCK. FUCK. GOD FUCK FUCK FUCK. OH MY GAWFUCK! It was a steady beat and he accented every thrust with the obvious. I spat on my dick on every 10 or 20th thrust. First cherry began to flow on my cock. At least the boy was clean. Red spooge began to cover my cock and my lil bitcheshole. then he started moaning slower "Oh my godddddd.....ohhhhh fuck........oh oh ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhh...." His hole was opening. It had adjusted to my length, and was starting to get accustomed to my girth. "Fuck daddy..." he moaned. "You like that cock, boy?" "Fuck yesssss...." He was in high heaven. "Fucking ohhhhhhhhh...." I pulled my dick all the way out saw his pink hole had gone red. I plunged back in. "OHHHHHFUUUCK" I did it again. "OHHHMYGAWD" And again. "Fuuuuuckyeahdaddy!" So I was fucking his hole all the way in and out. He took it like a champ. Louder and harder. Moaning how much he loved my cock. was popping his hole when I first started to notice the cream. His hole began foaming white and thick and juicy. Cream coated my dick slippery and wet, as spit and pre-cum did it's work. He was backing up on my cock to the rhythm of my thrusts. "Oh fuck daddy. Daddy, Daddy Oh fuck" "You a good lil cum hole now boy. Look at that hole creaming up and shit," I told him, asking "You like that, boy?" "Fuck yes daddy. Oh dadddy daddy daaaaaaddddy." Cream dripping down his thighs. "You like this cock boy?" "Yes, Daddy," his muscled back making a wave back at my thrust. "Daddy wants to get deeper in that hole boy." "Fuck daddy. "Flip over boy." I grabbed the key from the drawer right next to the bed stand and unhooked his cuffs. He turned over on his back and His legs were shaking. I pulled them up on my chest and slid my dick in. His head rolled with pleasure. "Fuuuuuuuuckdadddddy!!!!" the muscle boy whined. "Oh my god!!!!" as I went balls deep and dug around. His abs were flexing his muscles all tense from the stress of taking his first big cock and maybe even his first cock ever. I kept deep-drilling his hole fucking and fucking and fucking. His head swung from side to side, moaning. He grabbed under his thighs and looked at me eyes buldging when I went in and closed after a few thrusts "Oh baby fuck daddy. Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me oh my god just fuck me." I pushed my cock deep into him, and unloaded my cum deep into his guts. His eyes were wide open, staring at me as my cum flooded his insides. He kept silent as rope upon rope of my cum filled his hole. I made it a point to slip my cock in and out of his ass, moving the cum up and down his hole until I finally got soft and fell-out of his hole. I wiped-off the jizz which remained on my dick and rubbed it on his face, down his chest, and on his abs. He laid there motionless just breathing, looking at me as I threw on my T-shirt and walked out of the room. I grabbed his clothes from the living room and tossed them to him as he lay in the dark room. I could see him try to figure-out how his legs worked. "Can I use your bathroom?" he asked. His face and body were caked with cum and spooge. "No. You go home wearing that." He looked shocked. He slid into his clothing and I showed him to the door. He sort-of waddled out. No doubt cum was pouring out his hole. And, of course, there was no doubt he was sore. I watched him stumble back to his Nissan. Twice I thought I saw his knees give away, but in any event he got to the car, climbed in, and drove off. Naturally I waved goodbye when he drove off. He'll be back. He did, after all, forget his wallet. I had placed in on the counter near the door when I was giving him his pants but I guess he hadn't noticed it. I logged into my e-mail address to check on the craigslist advertisement I had posted before I went to the club. Probably wouldn't fuck but maybe could get someone to keep sucking my dick. My email loaded. The first e-mail showed the headless torso pic of a 25 year old jock stud. The message read Hey, masc stud just looking to JO with another masc bro...you got a nice cock. I fucking love craigslist, grindr and scruff and these boys who "Just wanna try."
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  8. I was about 20, I worked as a waiter and lived at home with my parents in a suburb of Toronto. My bedroom was in the basement and I had a computer just outside my bedroom door; a place where I could get myself into a lot of trouble. It was early days of the computer but we had a modem and could connect to a bulletin board, I think they were called. It was a time when the connection was slow and we didn't even have a proper email account. Yahoo didn't even exist. Does anyone else remember those early personal computer days? Anyway, I remember there was a gay bulletin board where one could logon and chat to other users. Pictures were extremely rare as you had to scan one and upload it; that could take forever and wouldn't be very good quality, so typically one would meet lots of guys online without seeing what they looked like. You would read a description only. I stumbled across a description of a couple that sounded very hot. They lived close so I dropped them a line. We chatted about what we liked and how we 'play safe' and planned on meeting. I drove to their house, arrived and was greeted by Jeff, who was about 35. He wore a tight white t-shirt and jeans, had brown hair, blue eyes, and was very sexy. We chatted awkwardly on the couch for a while before he offered me a rum and coke. It went straight to my head. I'm 5' 11", about his height, with brown hair, green eyes, and short trimmed, body hair. At 20, I was very fit but not muscular, many guys had, however complimented my ass, which had but a dusting of hair, describing it as 'full and muscular'. I was still young. As we sat on the couch, with the drink going to my head, he started to rub my thigh and explained that his partner was drinking at a neighbour's house. He went on to explain the night before was their 10th anniversary, but this night they were looking for a third for a little fun. It was my first threesome and I was very excited. We chatted, flirted by rubbing each other's legs through our jeans for about 45 minutes before his partner came back home. My jeans had some holes so he would teasingly rub my skin through the holes. It felt amazing. I didn't have many sexual experiences at this point in my life, something I told him during our online chatting so I think he wasn't moving too quickly on purpose. He was adorable and I really wanted to kiss him; so I did. We started making out feeling each other's chests under our t-shirts. I felt a very muscular, hairy chest, with firm nipples. I was getting so hot. I could see and feel a large bulge in his jeans. As we made out, his partner, Andy, came home and kind of sneaked up to us on the couch, saying to Jeff, "Wow, he's hot, we're going to have some fun tonight." Andy was wearing shorts and he pulled his shirt over his head revealing a very sexy, muscular body. He had brown hair, dark eyes, with a hairy, but trimmed chest hair, not short, just slightly. At 5' 10" he was a little shorter than Jeff. Andy leaned in and gave me a really long, deep kiss. I could taste some booze on his breath and it was really hot. Then Andy went upstairs to shower, and Jeff and I remained on the couch kissing and generally fooling around. In a couple of minutes, we went upstairs and went into the bedroom. Andy was still showering. Jeff told me that he really wanted me to suck him, so we got naked and Jeff sat at the headboard, spread his legs and motioned me towards his cock that was completely hard. I started to slowly suck his cock. It was uncut and dripping. Really hot. He started pushing my head down and I started choking a little. He said 'here, have some poppers" and he said "you might even enjoy it more." I had only used poppers a few times at this point but, I thought, why not. He opened the bottle, held it to my nose for a long hit and then closed in to kiss me. In a few seconds, it started to hit me so he proceeded to push my head down towards his cock. He kept his hand firmly on my head and forced me down to the base. Amazingly, the poppers made it so I wouldn't choke. I became totally cock hungry and sucked him hard. I was on my hands and knees and didn't notice Andy return from the shower. He sat beside Jeff and said "I want you now." I took another hit of poppers and started to suck Andy's completely soft, uncut cock. It was still wet from the shower and tasted amazing. Slowly it got hard and I enjoyed making him start to groan from my eagerness and how crazy I was sucking his cock. I t was kind of sloppy, but he said it felt amazing. After a couple of minutes he pulled my head off his cock, stood-up, and moved behind me, as I went back to Jeff's cock and started to suck again. I was on my hands and knees and bent forward on my elbows. Andy gently started kissing and then licking my ass that was up in the air. He started to rim my ass. It felt amazing. It was wet and sloppy and his tongue felt so good sliding in and out, spending several minutes rimming my ass. He came up at one point and remarked "Your ass is so clean." I felt very proud and happy that he was enjoying himself. He kept pressing his tongue in my ass and it felt so good. Jeff grabbed the poppers, opened the bottle and held it up to my nose as Andy kept his tongue deep in my ass, turning, and going in and out. Once the poppers would hit me, I was in total ecstasy. I bent down and resumed sucking Jeff. His cock was hard and a little bent, uncut and very tasty. Between Andy rimming me and from going back and forth from kissing Jeff and blowing him, I was feeling hot. After about another 10 minutes of rimming and taking a couple of hits on the poppers, Andy re-positioned himself, and started to press his fat, uncut cock against my ass. He wasn't pushing in, he just put it at the outside of my hole. I think he wanted me to push back instead of him pushing in, so I pushed back on my ass a little and his cock started to slowly enter my ass. He still didn't push in and he kept letting me doing all of the work. I slowly started moving back and forth, with only a little of the head inside. I loved it. It was about to go in me raw. Jeff, who had a good view of what was going on, asked "What are you doing? Are you fucking him raw?" Andy replied, "No, sorry, I'll get a rubber." I thought Fuck, this feels amazing. His cock was lubing my hole and, after 20 minutes of being rimmed, I was very ready to get fucked - and I really wanted him in me bare, even though I didn't normally bareback at that age. I was usually a good boy and demanded that a guy always wear a condom. But here I was, in a unknown couple's bedroom and all I could think of was how I wanted that fat, hard, uncut cock in my ass. Andy put on some lube, rolled on the rubber, smeared some lube on my ass and cock and suggested I take another hit on the poppers before he fucked me. I complied, taking a really long hard breath, and, presenting my ass to Andy, went back to sucking Jeff. Andy meanwhile grabbed the poppers from Jeff and took a long hit. I was in heaven and Andy was only starting to put his hard cock in my ass. I reached around behind me, grabbed Andy's cock that was slick with lube and started to help guide him in to my ass. However, just then the poppers really started taking over: in one stroke I pulled the condom off his cock and immediately pushed my ass down his shaft. Jeff had no idea I had just taken off the condom as I handed it to Andy. Andy didn't protest, but grabbed the condom from me, and slowly started to push his raw cock in my ass. Ever so slowly at first. He pushed in and out with just the head, but during each slow thrust he went a little deeper. I kept sucking Jeff and tasting his precum. Jeff held the poppers against my nose again and I paused with my blowjob only long enough to take a hit. I was flying and becoming cock crazy with a bare cock pounding in my ass and a hard cock dripping with precum in my mouth. Andy was getting faster and deeper with his thrusts. He kept telling Jeff how hot my ass was and "Jeff, I really want to fuck this guy raw." While Jeff didn't respond to Andy's comment and Andy seemed to play along with our little act of fucking with a condom. Jeff, however, remarked to Andy "Tell me when you're getting close." My cock was so hard and was bouncing around beneath me. I loved his hard bare cock in my ass and Jeff still had no idea it was raw. Andy kept up fucking me for a bit and I could feel his balls hit my ass, hard. He started grunting and saying to Jeff "I'm about to cum, man." With that, Jeff started to cum in my mouth. No warning, just cum that I happily swallowed. Andy exploded in my ass and I could feel it was getting easier fucking me with all that cum as lube. I could fee Andy's cum dripping from my ass and inside me. It felt so good. Jeff still had no idea. We stayed still for a couple of minutes before Andy plopped out and ran to the bathroom with the empty condom in his hand. I flopped on my back and laid there breathing hard, but still horny. Jeff had already crawled under the covers and closed his eyes. I guess he got what he wanted. Andy returned shortly, climbed on the bed and started sucking my cock. It felt amazing. He used his free hand to stick a finger in my ass. I could feel it enter easily with all his cum in my ass. He massaged my prostate with his finger and almost instantly I shot a huge load in his mouth. He leaned over and kissed me. When his lips met mine, he pushed a little of my cum in my mouth. Totally hot. Fuck that was hot. Thirty minutes and it was all over. He suggested that I stay over, and sleep between them in bed. I said "Absolutely!" Stay tuned for part-two, and how Andy deposited another secret stealth load in my ass that night.
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  9. Sometimes, things just work out. I live in a small town which makes getting a load a rare thing, and getting more than one load has never happened - until this past weekend. I had put up a couple of ads, and had chatted with a few guys, but it seemed like nothing was going to happen. Then within 15 minutes something clicked and three of the guys with whom I'd been chatting announced they wanted to come over. In the next hour and a half, I was fucked very well, three times, by three different guys, all bare, and all three dumped his cum deep inside me. After the last one left I set up my camera and took a video of the cum, (quite a lot of it, as it turned-out) that was streaming out of my well used ass. I wiped myself off and got dressed with a smile on my face at the memory of a fantastic slutty time. My first multiple loading. Wearing a pair of jeans, I went about my business, cleaned up inside the house a little and took the trash out. About halfway to the trash can, my next door neighbor called out to ask me a question. I walked over and she asked me to look at something on her car. While bending over to check something under the hood I felt something odd and suddenly my ass and legs felt damp. She wasn't paying attention, so fearing the worst, I slipped my hand down the back of my jeans and my hand came out covered in cum. By this time the wetness was down to the back of my knees. Although it was somewhat awkward, I did my best to continually face my neighbor so she wouldn't see the wet streaks down both of my legs. Eventually I finished checking what she asked me to check, and very carefully exited back to my yard. When I got inside my house I put my hand back in my jeans and found the top of both legs wet with cum. I could even smell it with my jeans still on. I eased the jeans off and found a big wet spot in the seat. In fact it was so big a wet spot that it extended down both legs almost to the knee. It seems that the cum that I caught on video was only a small portion of what was actually deposited inside me. The thought that I was walking around outside with the three loads pouring out of me was so too much. I had to jack off, with my cum soaked jeans laying across my face.
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  10. We've got a Spanish language student staying with us. 21, cute, tanned and dark. When he arrived I told him I was a cum dump and not to waste any cum during his stay (in my best Spanish). Not quite sure he got the full gist of what I meant as about an hour later he came downstairs with his fist clenched, opened it up to me to reveal a big dollop of cum in his hand. I ate it all up. Lush. Now got to work out how to get his nut inside of me direct from the tap!!
    1 point
  11. * Disclaimer* This is my first attempt at writing, and is based on a true story. Porn has always been something special to me. When I was a young boy, just 8 or 9 years old, i would love to hang out in my club house with my stash of porn mags and just study the pictures. Even though these were straight mags I would study the poses and practice them secretly. I would love to feel the cool air on my asshole has I spread my young cheeks wide. I remember wishing was a girl just so I could become a porn star. At that time I didn't quite understand the longing I felt for the veiny cocks that were glistening nice and bare in the magazines. Fast forward a few years, the Internet was now common and my old porn mags from the clubhouse were a thing of the past. I discovered the wonderful world wide web full of any type of porn you could possibly imagine. I would watch grainy videos and slow loading pictures for hours, sometimes touching my young and growing cock, but usually I would just be fantasying about how much I would love to be able to do porn once I got a little bit older. I ould visit some of my favorite websites (by this time they were mostly gay sites) and click on the 'Become a model' link and fill out the information, telling myself that once I turned 18 I would finally click the 'Submit' button. Well, my eighteenth birthday came and went, and I found myself in a long term relationship with a girl I met in college. At this point in time I considered myself bi and that my girlfriend was holding back my true desires of cock. After all, almost every night after a date, and when we said 'goodbye' for the night, I would find myself spending a few hours searching my favorite gay sites. Around this time I discovered Treasure Island Media and began to discover the intriguing side of bareback gay sex. It always seemed unnatural to me that men would wear condoms while fucking each other. I would think to myself "Why the hell would you wear a condom, it's not like they can get knocked up." I would later discover I was wrong about that, but in a good way. As the college years continued, I knew I no longer wanted to be with the girl and our relationship ended. By this time I was 20, but still hadn't found the nerve to take my first cock, bare or wrapped. I decided that now was the time. I started searching hook-up sites and came across Manhunt.com. It seemed the right time, so I created a profile and threw on some hot pictures which I had had taken of myself. Naturally my profile received a lot of attention, and, as it turned-out, one guy, Chad, lived near by and as his profile attracted me, we chatted several times over the course of a few days. By this time I had convinced myself I was going to get Chad to take my cherry. After a night of a couple beers, I received a text from Chad, suggesting I come over to his house. Chad also mentioned a buddy of his would also be there, and that the guy was about my age. "Well," I said to myself, "Alright this is it, we're doing it." loaded up into my truck and headed to his apartment. I was so excited I could barely grip the steering wheel. Pulling into the apartment complex I located Chad's apartment. He had made it easy by telling me to look for the Colts flag hanging on the front door. Screwing-up my nerves, I knocked at the door, and Chad opened the door. He was wearing only a bathrobe, whereas I was wearing basketball shorts (which did nothing to hide my excitement. I couldn't believe I was about to do this! Chad immediately made me feel welcome, and asked me to follow him into the bedroom where Harry, Chad's buddy, was awaiting us. As we walked into the bedroom I was immediately presented with the vision of Harry, who was already naked, sporting an extremely large cock. Once I saw him the lust for cock took over and I said "Looks like I have some catching up to do," and instantly dropped my shorts exposing my seven inch cut cock which was at full mast. Chad dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. Finally a man had his mouth around my cock. No girl ever gave me pleasure like this. I knew I was hooked and there was no denying it. Harry walked over and I grabbed his semi-hard cock. I remember being very gratified of how good it felt to hold another guy's cock in my hand. After a few minutes I knew it was time for me to become a cock sucker, there was no going back now. Once a cock sucker always a cock sucker. I wrapped my mouth around Harry's large cock and tried mimicking what I've seen in gay porn since I was a young boy. He moaned and seemed to enjoy it. After a few minutes of that Chad mentioned that Harry should fuck me. I was so ready for my first cock. I owned a few large dildos and three inch wide butt plugs so I was confident I could take his cock. I hopped on the bed and presented my ass to Harry, doggy style. He lubed up my hole and I heard him snap a condom on to his cock. I remember somewhat wished he hadn't pulled-on a condom, but I had other matters on which to focus, including that I thought it odd Chad was letting Harry fuck my hole first since Chad had told me he wanted my cherry. Harry lined up his cock and teased my hole with the head before plunging his dick into my virgin hole and went balls deep. Harry's thrusts into my hole quickened as I got more comfortable. This is when I discovered I was a vocal bottom and began to start begging for him to pound my faggot hole and to make my hole gape for him. Turns out Harry was new to gay sex as well and within a few minutes he announced he was coming and buried his still covered cock into my hole. He pulled out and seemed a little different after coming. He came up with an accuse about having work early and left. I was a little dismayed he had bailed, but then Chad asked me if I was ready to lose my cherry. I said "What do you mean? Harry just took that from me." "No," said Chad "I mean your real cherry." I wasn't sure what he meant. He told me Harry didn't count because he used a condom and it just so happened to be his last condom. Chad explained to me that I hadn't really had a cock in me yet and I didn't fully experience what sex with a man should be. Without a second thought I propped my ass up on his bed again and presented my ass. This time we didn't need as much lube. Chad then asked "Are you ready to take a true cock and become one with a man?" I simply moaned and my cock became rock hard. Chad pushed his bare cock into my newly fucked hole and he let out a moan as did I. It felt completely different! Something rushed over me. It was hard to describe, but it felt so right. I swear could feel the veins of his cock as they passed my sphincter, deeper and deeper into my ass. As Chad fucked me, he told me repeatedly how good my guts felt wrapped around his bare cock, especially when he would fuck me deep for a few thrusts and pull all the way out exposing my gaping hole. "Wow, I've never seen a hole gape so easily" he remarked. As he pushed his cock back in my ass would release a nice gasp of air, showing Chad how willing I was to accept him. I felt Chad's uncovered cock start to stiffen and swell up in me. I knew he was about to cum. I asked Chad "Where are you going to blow your load? You're not wearing a condom." "It's already taken care of," Chad chuckled as he picked-up his pace, and his breath turned into a series of continuous grunts. Then Chad said the words that would change my life "Prepare to be bred by my bare cock, you fucking bareback slut." With that he then buried all six inches of his thick bare cock into my guts and emptied his load deep into my virgin gut. We remained connected to each other, his cock holding his cum in my used ass like the knot on a dog's cock. I loved knowing his cock was holding his cum in while my guts adsorbed his load and accepted it into my body. After a few minutes he withdrew from my ass and I felt my asshole. It was sopping wet, which lead Chad to comment "Well now you're truly a man whore. That is what man-on-man sex is suppose to be. Promise me you will always bareback from now on. Without hesitation, I nodded in agreement. As becomes a good bottom, I left Chad's apartment without cumming, hopped in my truck and drove home, Chad's load leaking out of my hole while en-route. The sensation of his cum oozing out of my ass was too enticing. I had to stick a finger in my hole and feel myself up a bit. So I did and had my first ever taste of cum, and I thought myself fortunate to have had it come straight from my ass. I knew I was a barebacker and would find myself only wanting to watch bareback gay porn. I discovered more and more websites that catered to my desires. One day I was on Treasure Island Media and was watching some of the trailer videos. I loved how hot the no limits bare sex was and I knew I needed to do that. While searching the website I saw the 'Models wanted' link. I knew it was for me to start thinking about taking the next step. Part two coming soon if wanted.
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  12. BarebackRT now has a 'neg+PrEP' status. There are 173 folks in California and 66 in SF that have changed their profiles to Neg+PrEP. I've been wondering if there are people out there who will lie about this when they are actually poz or simply not on PrEP. Not sure what the motivations would be, but looking around these forums with all this 'gifting' business I'd assume there are actually out there? How common you think they are?
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  13. Week 3 When I woke Monday I went and picked up my check and had my blood drawn. The guy who drew the sample told me that I didn’t look all that good. I told him that when I woke up I wasn’t feeling all that well. He suggested that I go home and climb into bed for the day. After taking my check to the bank I did as he suggested and spent the next 3 days in bed. I woke Thursday starting to feel better and was grateful since I did not want to miss the next trial session Friday night. I headed to the testing, received my shot and got fucked like I had the previous two weeks. I saw the hottie and his roommate who double fucked me the week before. Half the night I spent with them tag teaming me, fucking and seeding my hole. After we were all done we exchanged numbers as the sun came up. Week 4 The week started like normal. I picked up my check and had my weekly blood draw when I was asked if I’d like to make some extra money this final week. I was interested in more money and asked how. I was told if I consented to spending the weekend getting multiple doses of the drug. The testing would start as early as I was available Friday and would last until Sunday. My interest was definitely peaked so I asked how much more could I earn? If I was available the entire time I could make $750. I could get an extra $250 if I was willing to try multiple forms of the drug. That made a total of $1000 I would make in addition to the $750. I couldn’t resist and agreed to the weekend testing. When I arrived Friday afternoon I prepared for a long weekend of sex. I was taken to the sling again and was prepped for my shot. I didn’t say a word as I laid there as the fixed tourniquets on both my arms. The shots were administered in both arm at the same time, but the tourniquets were removed one at a time. First the right one was pulled off and I felt the drug work into my chest as I coughed out and with no warning the left one was pulled off and I felt that hit me hard. As I lay there I began to hear a ringing in my ears and had a little trouble focusing as I felt something cool being inserted into my ass. I faintly recall someone saying that I was given a suppository that would slowly melt and ass to my high. My high, I thought this was a sex enhancement drug not a drug that gets a guy high. I was trying to comprehend what was being said but all I knew was that I needed to be fucked. It didn’t take long before I was starting to get fucked. One by one each guy began to fuck me as I began to feel a slight burn in my ass and felt the feeling of the drug begin to get stronger. As the weekend continued they kept giving me one form of the drug or another. At one point I was taken out of the sling and I was laid over a bed to allow my ass to rest. As I lay there and fed a nice cock to suck I felt a stinging on my low back. I had no clue what was going on. I was then put back in the sling where the fucking resumed. I guess that it was Sunday as I began to come around. I was no longer in the testing facility. I did not recognize where I was until I saw a guy with a towel over his shoulder that read “The Boys Club”. I knew this to be the local bath house near campus. I was trying to figure out how I was now at the local bath hose when I felt a slight sting on my low back. I got up and as I wondered around I found a key around my wrist. It had a number on it that I was told was a locker where I would find my clothes. As I pulled my underwear on I felt a sting as the waist band rested on my low back. I walked over to the mirror and looked to see a tattoo half hidden by the waist band of my underwear. I lowered the band so I could see the full tattoo to find that same strange symbol I saw on some many guys who fucked me over the 4 weeks of the trial. As I was looking at the tattoo a guy walked in and asked if I liked his work. He continued that they didn’t see many guys my age who bug chased and then celebrated testing poz with a biohazard tattoo.
    1 point
  14. I was the last person I expected to see on Grindr. I barely ever hooked up, just never had the urge...sure the app was there, but I rarely even felt bored enough or horny enough for that matter to open it up and take a look. Today was a different story to say the least. I was so ridiculously fucking horned up, it came out of nowhere. Ever since waking up with a hard on and some fuzzy memory of a dirty dream I couldn't quite recall...I just needed to get some cock. So I opened Grindr up. The options felt endless from the ample supply of hot guys but the first one to message me was of course going to win this ass and within moments a sexy pic of a latin looking guy with defined abs but a slim build popped up with a greeting. Him: Need ass. Now. Me: Direct, huh? I kinda need that right now. Him: Distance looks close, you in the Hilton hotel by any chance? Me: Fuck, must be a lucky night..yeah, want me to come to your room? Him: Yeah, lights will be off, door unlocked. Come on in and get naked. Me: Hot dude, see ya in 5. Him: Oh yea...you ever do it raw? Me: Meh...try not too, though I've been guilty of it at times. Neg and trying to keep it that way. Him: Nah, that's cool. You sound like you're careful, think I could hit it bare man? I don't mind pulling out if you swallow. Me: I dunno. How big are you? Last guy with this fucking huge dick nut in my ass twice without me knowing cuz his cock was so big and he blew it in so deep was like two hours after he left his loads came out. He said he was neg and that's the only reason he just stayed in. Him: Just come over. We'll talk. It was cleaned out and walking down the hall to his room door when I noticed a short muscled latin guy opening the exact same room number and heading inside into the dark interior. I tilted my head confused, the Latino dude was fucking hot but not the one I talked to. Opening the door I saw the two of them already by the bed, the guy I chatted with was already naked, cock rock hard and Grindr still up on his tablet. The other one had whipped his dick out and was stroking it from his white shorts. "Um..double booked hook ups?" I laughed coming into the room and closing the door behind me. "Yeah, kinda just horned as fuck and was thinking someone might flake," he admitted, "But you're both here, hot." "You a top too?" I asked the other latin guy I didn't know. "Yeah, just trying to get a quick nut out and go back to the gym," he was already sporting a full boner as well. "Come here," the host said. I drew in and he reached up to pull my head down to his uncut cock. I got onto my knees on the bed pulling off my jeans at the same time but left on my wife beater as I serviced his dick. The other guy got behind me rubbing and squeezing my ass cheeks as he watched me begin to deep throat the host's hung shaft. It wasn't thick, just a good and long. Lube was poured onto my hole. I figured the studly jock was going to use my ass instead of the host's since it was already up in the air, and that was fine by me. The fat head of a cut dick pressed against my hole trying to open me up. I popped the cock I had been sucking on out of my mouth to turn back and look at the guy behind me. No condom was on his thick dick. "Man, sorry I don't really take it raw," I apologized. He groaned a bit in disappointment as he stroked his lubed cock. "I don't have any condoms, do you guys?" He asked. I shook my head and turned back to sucking, the host shrugged. "Maybe just jerk off and pop the head in every now and again til you cum all over his back?" The guy I was sucking suggested. I was too busy trying to not choke on his shaft which was halfway down my throat, and it didn't sound all bad. That also seemed to satisfy the guy behind me for his dick was up against my sphincter once more pressing to get inside. He stroked his cock quickly and teased the head of his dick against my ass without going inside for a few minutes longer. He stroked it powerfully with quick movements back and forth until the words popped out of his mouth: "Fuck, gonna cum!" he gasped and jammed his cock into my ass without warning. I wanted to gasp in shock, but the other sweet cock was once again fully down my throat and he had both hands gripping my hair to keep me in place for his pleasure. The fat cock being plowed into my hole pumped a few thick warm squirts of jizz into me, just barely an inch or two inside. The guy fucking me pulled out slightly and then drove it once more, and with the cum as lube he flew balls deep instantly with more jets of steamy spunk lining my insides. I tried to move my legs or ass to get him off but both his hands were already on the lower half of my back and pinned me easily onto the bed until he finished seeding me. "Damn, that's exactly what I needed," he commented in relief as he pulled up his shorts and tucked away his slick cock and promptly left the room. I was allowed to come up for air finally and gulped down appreciatively trying to breath and struggle with what just happened. "Looks like you need these," the remaining guy commented. It was poppers. I shrugged a bit but he had slid off the side of the bed and made his way behind me and back onto the bed before long. I realized he wanted to get the hole that was promised. "Man, I don't know...he might've been poz and just drilled it in me," I laid on my stomach not looking back. "Can't change that, but I still have some balls that gotta be emptied," he said, his cock was already pushing inside me as he lowered his body right onto mine, spreading my legs apart as his put more of his cock in. I quickly opened the poppers and inhaled deeply and urgently. My hole ached from the force and thickness of the first guy but now this one was way fucking longer. The effects of the poppers hit me instantly, and boy was I glad, cuz he was only half way inside and I wasn't sure I could take anymore until right then. I sighed relaxing, and just giving in to letting my hole be used. I felt like it was all they wanted from me anyway was a warm boy cunt to breed. So, I'd just be his bitch and not think about it. I hit the poppers again. "Damn boy, you really know how to open up," he was already piston fucking me so hard I was bouncing up off the mattress slightly. I couldn't believe it, "I'm going to cum in you at least twice before you go fucker." I wondered if I had finally gotten in over my head and was not walking out of this one with a neg hole.... To be Continued....
    1 point
  15. Last night I met up with my first CL hookup. A married guy from out of town on a buisness trip....went to his hotel room and as soon as I walk in he introduces himself and starts making out with me. Start stripping and are both down to our underwear....I decide I want to eat his ass through his underwear for the sake of the fetishes eventually getting rid of the underwear and just going to town on his ass.....after making him choke on my cock and some more ass eating (I love eating ass) I slide my raw cock into him for a bit with him on his belly, go back to eating his ass some more and throat fuck him on the side of the bed for a bit. Slide back into him on all fours and then he decides he want to ride, as soon as he sits down, within 5 minutes he busts his load all over my stomach and feeds me his load as I continue to fuck his ass, soon I tell him I'm ready to cum, he pulls off and takes my load into his mouth after I finish my orgasm he starts kissing me and without warning he starts snowballing my load with me! Hot! We rest and I catch my second wind and we start again this time I fuck him on his side and then on his back.....I eventually cum a little inside but he has me pull out and I still had enough force to shoot all over his face from his ass and got him in the eye! We laughed and fell asleep.....a pretty hot hookup I must say.
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  17. Thanks everyone for your support (including those who reached out privately). So here I am, a month later. My genotyping results came in a while ago. It was all green. The doctor said I could choose any ARV medication I wanted. I settled for Tivicay and Kivexa (Epzicon in the US). A big plus, for me, was that they don't necessarily require a meal, they have a longer half-life than many pills (so taking them a couple hours late won't be as dramatic), and most of all, they are getting combined as a single pill called Triumeq. It was approved in the US last August, but not yet in Canada. Hopefully Canada will follow suit and I would be able to switch instantly when it's available. My doctor wrote the prescription 3 weeks ago. But I wasn't ready to take them yet. I had a lot on my plate (filing for bankruptcy/debt consolidation, moving, breaking up with the boyfriend, etc). Most of this is behind me now. And tomorrow is the day. I have a checkup appointment, and I'm thinking of grabbing the pills and go home with them. Now, I'm mostly worried about side effects and whether I'll be able to adjust to the idea of taking them every day without missing a dose. I read a couple other threads, and it seems everyone goes through an adjustment phase. Apparently, the more you worry about side effects, the more likely you are to notice them, almost like a placebo effect. So my plan is to treat it as if it was an Advil that will also magically strengthen my immune system. Kinda childish, but my therapist says I should visualize it like a simple Advil. Reduce the fear, one pill at a time. I also got great news from my clinic / pharmacy. In Quebec, the public health care plan covers the meds, but there is always a maximum deductible of $80 per month. That's not a huge cost by any stretch, but when you're a starving student with mounting credit card debt, depression and unstable jobs, $80 becomes a concern in a monthly budget, knowing you have to buy them for life, and you can't skip a prescription. A month ago, I called Viiv Healthcare in Canada and the customer rep said there was no copay program, unlike in the US where they are more widespread. I was going to fork $80 per month regardless what happens. So I had to decide between starting ARV anyway and risking to go broke on occasion, or wait to get a better situation (stable income/stable lifestyle) before taking the first prescription home. But 2 weeks ago, I got a call that said my doctor applied for a lesser known "compassion program" offered by Viiv Healthcare, on my behalf, and Viiv accepted the funding! So until further notice, Viiv is going to help me cover the meds for as long as I take Tivicay/Kivexa. This was a huge relief! And I'm thankful for my doctor, who did the paperwork even though I hadn't asked for it. However, I'm a bit disappointed with whoever answered the phone at Viiv and told me there was nothing they could do in Canada. :-/ Turns out, they do have programs in place to help vulnerable HIV patients. Recently, I also took a day out of my schedule and did a "grand tour" of all the HIV organizations that exist in Montreal. I think I visited them all. I opened files at ACCM and Maison Plein Coeur. I met someone at Rezo. I applied to a local charity that runs a food bank for poz living under hard circumstances (they approved me this month, which is great because lately, I'm tired to eat peanut butter toasts every day for a meal). I also got new appointments with a social worker and a nutritionist at a local health center. I'm exhausting every possible support avenue. It's been difficult on my schedule but totally worth it. In the meantime, I also joined the Youth+ social group in Montreal. They had their first meeting last week (a pot-luck dinner). It was much less formal than I anticipated. It was pretty much a friendly dinner and chit-chat around a table. Showing up there alone was nerve-racking but I'm glad I went. I was the only new guy. They all seemed to know each other already, and most are between 25-35 years old. They're definitely further ahead than me, in terms of medication and coping with HIV. I felt behind. But I'll take it one meeting at a time. I wasn't able to socialize well. But they will have monthly discussion groups and social activities this year, so I plan to get to know them better and learn from whatever they personally went through. It was nice to chat openly with poz guys face-to-face. They had no problems telling me which clinic they went to and which meds they were taking. It felt good to be surrounded. The next discussion group is about dealing with prejudice. Perfect for me. But right now, my mind is focused on tomorrow. It feels like the end of something which I can never go back to, and the beginning of something else. Indeed, they tested me for abacavir, and it came back green, so I'm good to go. I was told it's a fairly new NRTI drug, but it's now part of every standard HIV-1 genotyping test. I'll be taking Tivicay + Kivexa too. Did you experience any side effects when you started a few months ago? I too, am hoping the single-pill combination from Viiv Healthcare arrives sooner rather than later. I heard the official name will be Triumeq. When it becomes available in 2015, Triumeq will contain dolutegravir (currently found in Tivicay), and unlike Stribild, Atripla and Complera, will become the only single-pill that contains abacavir instead of tenofovir. I'm not even sure what that means. But it's great to see progress being made every year. Thanks slowfuck. I think the people on this forum have generally been very supportive and a great resource, especially those who post about their experience with their diagnosis and medication - highs and lows. I believe anything that is left here in written words can potentially help dozens, if not, hundreds of people online. Very few people actively share testimonials or stories about being poz online, but many more seek those stories. They may be invisible lurkers, but they I know they look up sites like this one in order to absorb as much information as they can. Sometimes, that's all they have access to. In Quebec, the premiums are not adjusted based on income levels, it's $80 for everyone, except those living on welfare (free). The pharmacy is aware I'm having problems, and they say I'm not the only one. I fall in the category of people who are most at risk of being stuck at the cash register one month and not being able to pay for the pills. I can't apply for welfare since I do have a part-time job, but I don't have a steady income either since I'm a full-time student and there's only so many shifts I can work in a month. But because I work a part-time job, there's no private insurance. In a way, I'm paying the same premium earning $600 / month as someone who earns $6,000. That said, my situation is temporary. The diagnosis just came at a bad time in my life. And my clinic was able to get an approval from Viiv to cover my premiums for now, as last resort. I'm so lucky and I will pay it forward, one way or another. You're also right about anxiety. Turns out, my doctor is more concerned about my anxiety and depression than she is about HIV!
    1 point
  18. Wow my kind of gang would love to be there bottom bitch
    1 point
  19. So I decided to return to steamworks today, after having quite an internal battle between going back and staying away. Clearly my slutty alter won. So I get there, and I get a free room cause last time was my first time. I get into my room, get ready, and go out on the hunt. I don't know what I'm really looking for yet. It's a friday late afternoon, so it's getting busier and busier. I get to the gloryhole areas and start deep throating a pretty nice dick, but I kept gagging like crazy. I felt so amateur, compared to the guys around me with clearly no gag reflexes. Still, I had some fun until I started feeling a little light headed from the constant choking. The attention's got me in heat though so I needed cock inside me fast. I went back to my room, lubed up, opened my door wide and laid face down. I didn't care at this point. Clearly guys liked what they saw (my practically-gyrating ass) cause I got a few watchers and finally a couple bites. First guy got right to business and slid right in, second guy got into my mouth. Both of their cocks were thick, which made me feel so satisfied at first. They switched every once in a while. Each had their own really intense technique, and my hole was feeling great. The second guy came inside which turned on the first guy who went to town pounding away. Second guy left, I kept the door open hoping for more bites. I was riding the first guys cock. my ass facing the doorway, and in comes another guy. Third guy, I guess I'll call him. I let him inside me, (everyone deserves to sample my ass at least, right?) and he likes it but then I feel bad for first guy who's cock is just rubbing against mine now. Obviously I have to DP, right? I somehow show them what I want, cause they both got the idea. First guy slides in from underneath, and third guy starting pushing and poking until finally he shoves his way in. HOLY FUCK. I can't even describe it, they were both fucking thick and I haven't taken a big dick since June, so I'm practically a virgin.. Well not anymore. I actually physically feel a slight 'rip' (eep) but fuck it I feel great and these guys are loving it. Finally the pressure is too much and both explode inside me. I can feel their cum seep around (and slightly sting the more raw areas of my cunt). Third guy slides out and leaves. First guy stays in for a bit, thanks me and leaves. Now here I am, filled with a few loads of cum. I slightly panic for a second (I always do when I get bred, worries about HIV/etc) but the slut inside me is beaming and I start to rub my hole like a pussy in front of some new guys. I'm still on my bed, door's open, and I get three new guys who all get inside. Guy 4 shoves himself in and starts fucking me like crazy (I can feel my ass pulling in and out from the friction). He isn't too big or small, just VERY hard. Like a rock. He's definitely the moderator in this scenario, as he lets the next guy inside me. Guy 5, a young black dude with a nice cock, he fucks in a much friendlier way. He rubs the area around my hole with his fingers, almost soothing the pain from being double penetrated earlier. All while shoving his thick dick inside me. Next guy's turn, guy 6, pretty sure he came as soon as he fucked me and ran off. Now guy 4 and 5 were left, with a cunt full of 4 loads. I figured I'd DP'd once, what's twice gonna hurt? So I took them both too, this was harder than before cause both were slightly bigger, and guy 4 was pretty intense with fucking me hard. Once both cocks were in, I couldn't handle it and I came all over the place. They still kept fucking me and I started attempting riding them, until guy 5 came first, triggering guy 4's cumshot. Both slid out and were impressed by how much of a slut I was ("like a champ"). My ass is already tightened up like crazy (probably out of self defense from all the damage) Oh man, my ass is SORE. I took 6 cocks, 6 loads, all in like an hour maybe. Not sure what else to say, at this point.
    1 point
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  21. As a top, I pre-cum so much that even if I did pull out of a bottom before I cum, it accomplishes very little in terms of his protection. He'll already have taken much of my load anyway. And as a bottom, early in my days as a barebacker: I once asked a top as he was pounding me to pull out, but I asked just seconds before he was ready to cum. He shot me an angry glare, pulled out and immediately shot on my chest, then promptly asked me to leave. I was mad initially, then later realized that I'd misled him by offering to bareback in the first place. Lesson here for bottoms: If you have the balls to start the job, then you better finish the job.
    1 point
  22. Was back in Augusta last night, stopped by PH, lubed up and hit the bench with my ass in the air. Not a lot of traffic since it was later, but did manage to go back to my hotel with three nice loads leaking out of my cunt by the time I got to the room.
    1 point
  23. Now that I can get on board with. I agree.. If you are going to bareback, they need to accept the fact that infection can occur whether the guy pulls out or not. So let him unload inside you.. You are already 3/4 the way there.. Maybe 9/10's...
    1 point
  24. Sometimes you go through a quiet patch and then... it just happens. Visited my favourite sex club tonight on one of its two good evenings each week. A little bit quieter than usual. Not a lot, just enough though to dampen it down a bit. Got nowhere for three-quarters of an hour, which is unusal, and nearly went home. Then, it started. Finished with nine loads. Pussy feels amazing....
    1 point
  25. ParTying makes us lose whatever inhibitions we have. Personally, the only cocks and asses I'm concerned with when I'm tweaked are those of the men I'm with, so xxx piggy bareback films aren't necessary. I've started a post about one of my own wild adventures.
    1 point
  26. I have not posted here for a while. I had a great month of breeding. I bred 5 guys who never fucks without rubbers (heard from my friends and them many times). I fucked a married neighbor of mine few weeks ago in his study while his wife is bathing their kids upstairs in their master bathroom. Anyway, last fuck was yesterday. I saw a guy on growlr who lives in LA somewhere but was only 5 miles from me. I messaged him to come over. He came over in about an hour while i was in the pool. He came straight in the pool and we started fooloing around. I turned him around and tried to fuck him in the pool but it did ot work. So i climbed on the ledge and he blew me. After he swallowed my first load i was ready to dump my 2nd load in him. We fucked before but we played safe every time. I took him in the bedroom and just flipped him over. Spit in the hole and rammed my dick straight in which was hard as hell. Since i just came it took me a while to cum. That gave me the opportunity to fuck him for a while in 3 different positions. Finally i pinned him against the head board and filled him up. He kept squeezing my cock with his ass and told me not to take it out yet. I left it there but we laid down on the bed with me still in his ass. I ended up getting hard again while playing with his nipples. So i went for round 2 of fucking. Ended up blowing 2 more loads in him. What a great Saturday.
    1 point
  27. I'm new to barebacking but definitely think if you let a guy in you bareback he should be able to cum inside you. I use to use condoms but it's just not fun and guys slip them off anyways
    1 point
  28. For me it is implied.when a guy fucks me bareback I assume he will cum in my ass. Actually that is the only way for me. Never pull out
    1 point
  29. So my first lunch time breeding had gone well. 18 loads up my ass and 4 down my throat (https://www.breedingzone.com/entries/1180-Lunch-hour-breeding). It seems I was a hit with the tops. My handler hit me up asking when I was going to be able to provide my services again. I was pretty busy with school and work but I was desperate for cock and more importantly loads. I asked him if we could do another lunch hour cuz it worked with my schedule. He said that would work best for him too. Shortly after our communication I got a mass text that was sent to about 30 guys including me. It had two pictures, one of my cummy ass hole from my last breeding and one of me being spit roasted between two black tops. Since I was blindfolded the first time around, this was the first time I actually saw me being used. I liked it, it was hot! Somehow not knowing who was breeding my hole made me horny, I instantly sprang a boner. The text read: “Young Latin cumpdump looking to take all loads during his lunch hour on Wed, 1 hour only starts 1pm. Text me back for details if interested” Now this was set up on Sunday, and I wanted to be sure I was desperately craving cock by Wednesday so I put myself on lock down, no hook ups, no masturbating; I wanted to make sure I was super horny and craving cock. Waiting till Wednesday was torture! By Tuesday night I had a hard time sleeping just thinking of the pounding I was going to take the next day, my ass was craving some cum and the next day could not come fast enough. That Wednesday I woke up, went to the gym, got nice and sweaty, came back home and changed into my jockstrap. My handler specifically requested I wear a jock and told me to make him proud, I had every intention to! I headed to work…I had a hard time concentrating, no pun intended. I sat at my work desk with a rock hard cock just staring at the clock on my computer painfully going by. When lunch time rolled around I practically ran out my work, I texted my handler and told him I was on my way. He said it was cool and to not be late, some tops had already let him know they were on their way and he needed my ass there to service their cocks. I smoked a joint on my way there, makes me hornier, and since I hadn’t jerked off since Sunday I was craving cum like no tomorrow. I was 10 min away when my handler texted me, told me that one top was there…he said: “one guy is here, the other is parking, when you get here come straight to my apt, the code is #356, I will buzz you in, come up the walk way to the left, apartment 5. Step in and fully undresses.” I hurried over and found a parking spot on the street, I practically ran over I was so excited, my hand was shaking when I punched in the gate code, it buzzed and I pushed it in, as I stepped in I saw a guy walking towards the building about half a block down and wondered if he too was on his way to give me his load. I walked up the walk way and turned left, my handler didn’t even wait for me to knock, the door swung open, he told me that 4 tops were already in the bedroom, he told me to strip down to my jock. I quickly took off my clothes and made sure to grab my poppers from my slacks. I could smell the marker as my handler wrote “CUMDUMP” in big letters on my back and then an arrow to my hole. It’s true, it’s what I was, what I craved, and what I was excited for. My handler then put on a blindfold on me and led me by the hand across the living room and into the bedroom. As soon as I walked in to the bedroom I could hear voices, I wasn’t sure how many tops were there but my handler had said 4 with more on their way. I was pushed into the room and all of a sudden I felt surrounded. I felt hands all over me, one was twisting my nipples, others were groping my ass, I felt fingers being inserted. I could hear them talk amongst themselves as if I was not there, it was so hot to be talked about like you are not a person…”mmmm…It has a nice ass, tight too”…”I can’t wait to drop my load in it”….”it has some nice cock sucking lips too” Someone smacked my ass hard, my cock got even harder if that’s possible, a voice told me to get on the bed. I was lead over to the side of the bed and I was roughly pushed down on it, ass up face down, I was told to get on all 4s. I quickly did what I was told. A cock quickly found its way to my mouth and started throat fucking me. There was no slow or ramping up, these tops knew they were there to breed a hole and were not taking it slow. I could smell the musk from the guy fucking my face, his pubes brushing on my nose. I gagged a bit, but for the most part I was able to hold my own as he rammed his cock down my throat. At the same time, I felt another cock at the base of my hole. I pulled off the cock I was sucking, I took 4 big hits of poppers and just let the high wash over me, the guy started to push his cock into me, I took two more hits from my poppers and went back to sucking cock. The guy going into my ass just pushed it in, didn’t take it slow (later my handler told me he was a bit scared for me because this guy was the biggest there and had a thing for making his bottoms feel some pain) I was so horny from not jerking off for days though, and flying high from the poppers that my ass opened up and he slid in with no issues. I even started backing my ass up on it, trying to get him to bottom out in my ass. I was in heaven, one cock was stretching my ass hole, slamming into me, which in turn would push be forward onto a cock that was going in and out of my throat. For the next 45 mins there was always a cock in my ass and one down my throat. I could hear the door bell ring from time to time and then footsteps. I could hear people getting dressed or undressed and people talking about me as if I was not there. “thanks man, that was some sweet ass”…”how many loads so far?”…”let me know about next time.” I had lost track of how many loads I had taken, at this point I knew I had a good 10 in me at least. Every time a guy pulled out my handler would ask him if he shot his load and then would make a hash mark on my back. It was getting close to the end and my ass was full of cum…I could feel it leaking down my ass and legs, when the top pulled out I farted and a big gob of cum came out, he simply scooped it up and put it in my mouth, I licked that hand cleaned and thanked him. That got me going, pretty soon, I was being fed loads from my ass, I was told to squeeze out, then I felt a pair of hands cupped at my mouth, I could smell the puddle of cum and I licked it up. I was in pig heaven; I thanked him and begged for more. I felt someone eating my ass, it was so tender from the pounding I was enjoying it, I was told to push out, and I could feel loads squeezing out, I then felt one hand on my chin, it lifted my face and I was told to open, then the top just spat all the loads he had feltched out into my mouth. I almost came! I took about 2 more loads after that and finally it died down, the last top was escorted out by my handler, I was told to stay put. He left the guy out and came back to where I was face down ass up on the bed. He got down and started to eat my ass, then he got up and lined up his cock to my hole and just slammed it in. my hole made a squishy sound and he started fucking me telling me how I did a good job, I had made him proud, that my ass felt nice and wet. It didn’t take him long to shoot his load into the mix. He pumped in his load one last time with one good thrust and pulled out. I was then allowed to take the blindfold off. I looked in the mirror, I had a lot of marks on my back, I couldn’t count them in the mirror…my handler counted them for me and I had 21 hash marks, one for each load. I felt like such a slut and loved it, I got dressed and left. I drove back to work, I had a major hard on going, I had never even nutted, but it was cool. I was there to take loads up my ass. If I nutted didn’t matter, and I preferred it this way.
    1 point
  30. Some nights everything comes together just right and by the time you're leaving your hole is dripping spooge and you're marveling at your luck. Other nights, nothing. And some nights it looks like nothing, then one guy fucks you and shows everyone else what to do. I've had tops open the door to the booth so a crowd could gather to watch them breed me, or take me out in the corridor and fuck me outside the booth. Plenty of them have made so much noise that guys are lined up ready to fuck me when they're through. There's nothing like the sights and sounds of another man breeding. It gets everyone else in the mood.
    1 point
  31. Last night the timing finally worked out for a buddy I had met on A4A. We had been chatting and texting, teasing each other for a few weeks. I was waiting face down on the bed, wearing only a black jockstrap as he asked. I heard my door open and was tempted to look up but I do love anonymous encounters. I could hear him getting undressed and then he got on the bed behind me. He immediately started eating my ass and damn was he good at it. He would lap at my hole like it was a bowl of milk and he was starving, then dip his tongue as deep as he could get it in my hole and start over. After several minutes of the best eating I've had, his mouth pulled away and I felt the blunt tip of his cock touch my hole. We'd already discussed that he's the biggest I've tried. His cock is about nine inches and beer can thick. I rarely get fucked and asked him to just try to ease the head in and let me push back as I could take it so I didn't get ripped. Oddly, he said he wanted to fuck me a little, pull out and cum on my back. Not what I wanted but okay for a first meeting. He did just as I asked. He rubbed the head around, spreading the slickness of his spit, I felt his dick pull back and more of something wet, that I realized was more spit, was dripped on my hole. He rubbed his cock around some more and pushed slightly. The head felt like a telephone pole pushing against me. I took a deep breath, relaxed and pushed back against him a little and felt the tip slide in. There wasn't any pain, surprisingly, but I felt stuffed more full than I ever have, and that was just the tip. He pulled back, spit some more and entered with just the head several more times, then followed with two or three inches of his cock which took my breath away. Still no pain but I was stretched wide open. He was jacking his cock with the few inches in me and it didn't take long before he said he was going to nut. The way he said it was like a warning in case I wanted to pull away but instead I begged, "go deep." In one motion I felt all nine inches of meat slide into me. Now there was some pain but it wasn't too bad. He lay on top of me, sort of holding me down, and thrust into my ass two or three times, hard, and stopped on an in stroke. I felt his cock swell slightly and then start jerking as he emptied his balls in me. From the spasms he seemed to cum a lot. After a few minutes, he pulled back and my stretched hole was already wanting more. After he left I video taped his cum running out of me. I swear was half a cup flowed out of my ass. Now that I know I can take his cock, he's coming back tomorrow to fuck me properly.
    1 point
  32. Mauro sounds like my kinda guy!!!!!
    1 point
  33. It was around 2005, I was a junior at a northeastern college and I was doing ROTC as well. My sexual experiences with other people had been limited to women (dating as well), but my solo exploration was quite adventurous. As soon as I hit puberty and started masturbating I started playing with my ass. I don't know what inspired it, but I had progressed through the years from fingering myself and just generally exploring, to intentionally stretching my hole with whatever I could get my hands (ass) on. Over the years I had used markers, bananas, vegetables, shampoo bottles, water bottles, and finally, once I was older, dildos that I had purchased online. (I had also had quite a bit of experience with solo piss and scat play.) Of course, as I had a roommate at college, my ass-play and exploration was quite infrequent so it wasn't like my boy-hole was a gaping mess or anything, but I knew that I would be able to comfortably take a thick cock - if the time came. I had been reading the Craigslist ads for a year or so and found myself really turned on by the idea of playing with an older guy. I don't know exactly why, but my interest has always been in older guys that were looking for a wet mouth and a tight ass to fuck. I've never been interested in topping a guy, and I wasn't then, and still am not very interested, in having an orgasm myself actually. If it happens at the end that's fine, but I prefer to play for a while before I have my own orgasm as I tend to lose interest after I cum. So I was 21 years old, reading the M4M section, and getting a feel for what was available in the area. I can't remember if I posted an ad or if I responded to an ad (I probably posted it) but I eventually settled on a guy in a town about 30 minutes away from school. He was a white guy, married, tall beefy but out of shape in an old man sort of way, and probably in his late 50s. After a couple of emails and probably a few picture trades we made plans to meet a few days later in the week. That whole week I was perpetually boned and both excited and extremely nervous. Not only was this my going to be my first M4M experience, but I was also a little concerned about the CL sketchy-ness of it all. So on...let's say Friday...I ditched my friends, walked to my car, and started driving to this guy's town. He had given me an address and told me to meet him at some sort of historic building in his town. Apparently he was the town historian or had some sort of role that gave him access to the building at night and he thought it would be a good location for a private rendezvous. I drove to the given address and parked on the street. To my left was an old church or train depot or something (it's crazy how the years have dulled the memory that seemed like such a big deal at the time). As I parked I saw a door open and there was a man silhouetted in the doorway. I got out of my car and walked across the street and up the stairs to him. At this point my heart was absolutely pounding from excitement and apprehension. We probably shook hands awkwardly and then he ushered me inside. His physical appearance was true to his pictures and he seemed like a nice enough guy. He was also obviously a little nervous, but seemed to be in better control of himself than I thought I was at the time. I remember walking through several rooms and hallways filled with simple little display cases and framed pictures until we came to a back room. While we were walking he explained his role in town and the significance of the building, but I doubt I even processed any of what he said. All I could think about was the throbbing erection I had in my pants and the pounding heart I had in my chest. Once we were in the back-room he closed the door and motioned to some blankets he had arranged on the floor. The room had that cheap kind of industrial-grade carpet and smelled of dust. He stepped close to me and asked "Are you okay with this?" Nervously, I answered 'yes'. Then he put a hand on my crotch and remarked on my hard on. He didn't say anything further but he began to unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants. He pulled my pants and underwear down and my hard cock bounced right up to attention. He cupped my balls with his big hand and began to caress my cock. I distinctly remember almost cumming right then, and so I quickly (and so nervously/excitedly) pushed myself away and said, "Can I see your cock?" Of course he replied 'yes' and then stepped back to unbuckle his pants. As he was doing that I finished taking off my pants and then dropped to my knees in front of him. At this point his pants were down and his briefs were exposed with an obvious erection inside. I reached up and slowly pulled his waistband down allowing his fairly large and thick cock to spring out. I pulled his briefs down to his knees and slowly began to grip and stoke his cock, which was the first cock I had ever touched...other than my own. He just stood there silently smiling and staring down at me. I remember desperately wanting to just gobble his cock, but knowing that with this being my first time that I should take it slowly in order to fully appreciate the moment. So, I was on my knees with his meaty cock in my hands. I looked-up and made eye contact with him, and then I lower my mouth towards his inflated cock head. As soon as my lips touch his cock I felt a wave of relief and pleasure wash over me. I remember that it felt like I had finally found something important that had been missing for far too long. I popped his head fully into my mouth and swirled my tongue around once or twice, and then lifted his cock towards his belly and began to his and lick his shaft, and then tipped my head to the side a bit so I could get my tongue on his heavy balls. My hand gripped his shaft and my tongue lightly licked his sack. I can still remember realizing that my nose was tightly pressed up in his sack and that his scent was incredibly sexy. After that I began to fully suck and lick him in a way that I'm sure was truly amateur. After doing that for what seemed like forever, but I'm sure was only minutes, he sat on the ground and told me to get between his legs and keep sucking. He was not at all too dominant, but I do remember feeling like he was the one that was obviously in charge and knowing that I really wanted to keep pleasing him. I knelt on the floor and leaned forward on my stomach as I continued to suck him. At some point he began to pat and squeeze my ass, tracing his fingers over my hole. After a minute or so, he reached back further, and seriously played with my hole. At this time in my life I was 5'9" and in good military shape, but I had the lean body of a runner and not a thickly muscled frame. I was probably about 145 or 150 lbs of lean muscle. I like to think that my ass was pretty cute and bouncy. My body hair is naturally light except for my legs, pubes, and ass, but I used an electric trimmer to keep my leg and ass hair down, and my cock and balls were shaved smooth with my pubes being trimmed close. After a few minutes of me sucking and him touching he pulled me off his cock and told me that he wanted to fuck my ass. As absolutely great as sucking his cock was, a proper ass-fucking was what I had been waiting for so I eagerly agreed to his request. He had me turn around in the doggystyle position and gently rubbed some lube into my virgin (technically) hole. While doing this I asked him if he had brought a condom. He said that he hadn't because he was allergic to latex and that he hadn't used a condom with his wife in over a decade. He then asked me if I had fucked any other guys to which I said that I had only been fucking one girl (my girlfriend) for the past couple of years and that I was sure I was clean. He assured me that he was as well. I had gone into this thinking that a condom was going to be absolutely necessary, but in the heat of the moment I gave in. All I knew was that I wanted his big daddy cock in my horny hole. He lubed his cock and then gently pressed his fat head against my tight (from nervousness) hole. His hands gripped my side and his greasy cock began to fill me. It felt fucking incredible. The physical sensation and the psychological sense of fulfillment were amazing. As my hole warmed to his cock he began to pick up speed. At some point his hands reached down and began to jerk me off in rhythm to his thrusting and in just a few jerks he had my formerly straight cock spurting while my ass clamped down on his big dick. I was totally lost in the moment but at some point he told me that he was going to pull out and that he wanted to finish in my mouth. I pulled myself off his cock and spun around toward his cock. He sat back on his ass and once again I knelt/leaned forward to take his cock in my mouth. A few bobs of my head and a few pumps of his hips and he told me he was going to cum. Regretfully, (very regretfully) I remember jerking his cock furiously with my hands while hovering my mouth just above his cock-head. His manly cock shot a big load of cum up toward the roof of my mouth. The taste was both familiar (I had tasted my own spunk a few times) yet different and I loved it. My supremely over protective fear of STDs kept me from doing what was right and swallowing his manly gift, but I turned my head a little so the hot spunk could cover my face. As he grunted and basked in the glory of his orgasm I gingerly cleaned his cock and slowly sucked on his shrinking member. After a few moments of that we both got up, put our clothes on, and awkwardly said something like, "That was great. I'd love to do it again. Let me know if you ever want to do that again" and then we walked out and went our separate ways. I remember that on the drive home my ass was deliciously greasy and wet and that my cock just wouldn't go down. I never saw that guy again, but that encounter did launch a trend of playing with older married men about twice every year. The end. That's a totally true personal story and I'd love to hear what you guys have to think. I can't claim to have had as wild a sex life as all of the men here, but your experiences definitely feed my fantasies.
    1 point
  34. Well I just had a FB diagnosed HIV+ who was on PrEP, went off because of a lack of insurance, because HIV+ and just a few days ago changed his profile to "positive" So it does happen. He could have been HIV+ for up to three months, and he was surely quite toxic in that time. In general however I think people are lazy about changing status just like they are about getting tested. I bet there are many more people on PrEP who never changed their status. Additionally most of the people I have talked to have been pretty consistent with PrEP usage, so while my FB did convert, I think most people try to be better about taking PrEP than he was.
    1 point
  35. Ok, I have to say, some (or most) of my stories would probably make my Mom look bad, but she did what she could for us under the pressures and circumstances we were under. That said, after Mom and my Dad divorced, for several years Mom fell into a deep depression, and, more so than anyone really should, she became dependent on alcohol and prescription drugs for relief. Needless to say this, is when I pretty much started my rampage. Lol. She would sometimes have parties and friends and other people would come in and out of our apartment. Honestly there wasn't a day of the week when I didn't wake up to find either one of her friends (or someone I never saw before) crashed on our couch. Anyway, more than a couple of times some of those guys who partied with my Mom that night at our apartment would find their way into my bedroom, while my Mom was passed out somewhere else in the apartment. The very first guy I remember was Robert, who, at the time, I'd guess he was in his late 20s, or maybe early 30s. Anyway I remember waking up and I feeling my ass being licked and eaten out. My first reaction was, essentially, WTF?. I was frozen by shock, if not by fear. I was scared. I didn't know who he was or what was going on, but that quickly turned into paralyzing pleasure. The feeling of his hands spreading my ass apart, then feeling his warm wet soft tongue on my hole, the sensation of his stubble between my ass cheeks. OMG. I was literally biting my pillow. When he finally realized I was awake he didn't stop all at once, but rather he continued for a minute or two more, then he got up, stood by the side of my bed and took out his cock. I won't lie. At this point in my life I had already sucked cock, so I basically knew what to do. I sat right in front of him and went down on cock. He put his hand behind my head and slowly and softly guided my head back and forth on his cock. It tasted soo good. Finally after a few minutes of sucking his cock he asked if I liked him licking my hole. "Yes," I replied. Robert then instructed me to turn around, so I lay at the edge of the bed and waited for his hot tongue to work my hole again, but what I felt wasn't his tongue, rather his his cock was sliding between my ass cheeks. OMG, it was warm, and soft, and wet sliding through my ass. I lay there and enjoyed the feeling, then, without a word, I felt him slide his cock head into my hole. I honestly wasn't quite sure that was what I wanted to do, so I turned to address him, but Robert said "Relax, this will feel better than my tongue in your ass," and with that, hell yeah, I was on-board. I lay face down, and heard him spit on his hand, and apparently lubing-up his cock. Then he spread my ass cheeks apart, spat on my hole and fingered it in a bit. I really wasn't expecting him to do that and so I jumped again, but did my best to relax my hole, which wasn't hard, 'cause his finger in my hole felt sooo good. Finally, he spread my ass cheeks apart again, and this time spat on my hole, and then pulled me to the edge of the bed so I lay there, face down, my legs were hanging off the bed. He played with my hole with his cock head, smearing his pre-cum on my hole, and then very slowly he slipped his cock head into my hole. (Side story: okay, just so you know, to this point in my life I had been using a pickle, wrapped in a sandwich bag, lubed up with lotion as a dildo, so I was somewhat accustomed to having something in my hole). Even so, I won't lie, Robert's cock hurt, and I guess I squealed a bit, whereupon Robert abruptly stopped, and asked if I was okay. I gave him the green light, and his cock still a little inside my hole, he very slowly pushed in inch by inch. He felt like nothing I had experienced before, in both a good way and bad way. I bit down hard on the pillow, even as I gripped it tightly beneath myself, but I wanted his cock so bad. Finally after what seemed like hours, he was balls deep in my pussy. I could feel his legs shake as he slowly started to work his cock in and out of my hole. Sadly, but still so fuckin hot, after about a minute or two I heard him breathing heavily as his body started twitching. Most definitely I felt his cock pulsating in my hole. At first, of course, I didn't exactly know what was happening, I honestly couldn't say he was cumming inside me. Then after about a minute or so his body went seemingly totally limp, His legs shaking, he slowly pulled out of my hole. OMG, I could feel how wet he made me. Of course I couldn't see my ass, but I'm fairly sure his cum was leaking out of my hole. I felt so - I don't know - happy, that I had made him happy. I layed there, his load in my ass, for the rest of the night, just thinking about the whole encounter with Robert. For hours I couldn't sleep, but eventually, 'though, I fell asleep. When I woke up the next day Robert was gone and my Mom was still asleep in her room. Robert, wherever you are, thank you. I won't forget it, muuuah
    1 point
  36. Last week I was in Columbus Ohio. I went to the Club Columbus to relax and of course have fun. It was a Thursday night. I rented a room and laid on my stomach ass in the air. I felt a hand rubbing my ass so I looked up and there was this very young Latin guy. To be honest he did not look 18. I do know they check ID's so I was fairly sure he was legal. I asked him his age and he said he turned 18 two days ago. This was his first trip to a bath house. He was a freshman at OSU. i asked him what he liked but in a minute he was on top on me. He slid his bare dick in my lubed hole and started fucking. It was not too long before I heard him moan. He whispered he was going to shoot and could he cum in my ass. I just pulled him tight and he blew his load. Huge one at that . He said it was fun and his first time in man's ass bare. He left and I did not see him again that night. His cum stayed with me
    1 point
  37. I know a guy who lives about 10 miles south of DC. He is married, but loves to fuck ass, and advertises as a multi-cummer. When I'm in the area, I often like to text him, hoping to find-out he is free. Daytime usually works best for him, and often he'll come right over. I generally suck him for a while, but he really likes to fuck, so within a few minutes his bare dick ends up in my ass, pounding away. The best part is that after he shoots his first load, he stays in my ass, and in a while he'll get hard again, and pumps another load into my ass. Often he can repeat this at least one more time before he is spent. He's a nice, reliable barebacker who only wants to fill my ass with his cum. What else could anyone ask for?
    1 point
  38. I’m a mid 20's athletic white guy with a huge black cock craving. After my first time with a black guy, I loved it. And now I love having it when ever I can. The hottest time was awhile back when I went to an adult bookstore where they have video booths with gloryholes set up. There are several of them in town, however this one is near the university and is frequented mostly by young black guys. I went in one afternoon looking to jack off maybe suck a hot black cock if there was anyone, but no expectations. I walked in and went to the arcade area. I walked around for a couple of minutes, not seeing anyone, or I should say anyone I was interested in. So I walked toward the back of the booth area and went into a booth. I slide a dollar bill in the video machine and watched some porn, hoping maybe when I my dollar ran out, someone would have came in the arcade by then. While flipping through the channels I heard the door in the next booth open and shut, and then video machine start up. I bent down and looked through the glory hole and saw a tall thin black guy standing there watching straight porn. He looked to be around 19 or 20 years old. He was watching the porno and rubbing his crotch through a pair of thin black mesh basketball shorts. I pushed my head closer to the hole to get a better view, and this guy was hot. I kept watching and hoping to get a better view, and then he looked down and saw me watching him. I figured he would leave however instead he gave me a show. He pushed his back to the wall, and rubbed his crotch even harder. I was watching his cock grow inside his shorts. It looked unbelievably huge. He reached one hand into his shorts and pulled his cock up, as he used his other hand to pull his shorts down. His cock was fully exposed now, and it was a huge beautiful milk chocolate cock. It was completely hard, and had to be a good 11 inches or more, and was medium thickness. I wanted so badly to suck on it, as it was one of the bigger dicks I had seen. I kept sticking my finger in and out of the hole, trying to get him to come closer and stick his cock in the hole. After a few minutes, he walked closer and stroked his big cock in front of the hole, and then slowly stuck the head in the hole, and then slide the whole cock through the hole until at least 10 inches of it was hanging into my booth. I grabbed it and started sucking on the head, and then wrapping my lips around it and sucking as much of the shaft as I could. I have sucked a lot of cocks, but I was loving the fact I was sucking a big black cock, it was so hot and sucking black cock is so different for me. I can't explain why, but it feels that way to me. After a few minutes, I felt his cock pull back from my mouth, and he pulled it back into his booth. I assumed he was done, but instead he leaned down to the hole and watched me stroke my cock for a bit. He then whispered that he wanted to fuck my ass if I was cool with it. I was like SHIT YEAH, lol. He asked me if I had any condoms or lube. I told him I didn't have any condoms, but I was cool with bare.. I wanted him to breed my hole. He told me he was cool without if I was. So I slide the lube through the hole to hom. He slid his cock back through the hole, this time with a layer of lube rubbed all over the head and shaft. I spit on my fingers and rubbed my hole, and then held his cock as I guided the head of his monster cock in my tight hole. After a few minutes of teasing my ass, I was able to push back against his cock, bring a good bit of it in me. At that point, I knew I was good, I put my hands against the other wall to brace my self and pressed my ass closer to the hole. He then started pushing his cock back and forth in a nice rhythm. It was so hot feeling this guy’s big black cock deep in my ass. He continued to fuck me through the gloryhole for about 5 more minutes or so and then I felt his cock jerk and before I could pull away from him, I felt him explode a huge fucking load of cum deep inside of me. He kept fucking me and shooting, it was an amazing feeling. When he finally stopped cumming and pulled back, a ton of his cum came flowing out of my ass and dripped down my legs. I was out of breath, and set down. I looked through the hole to ask him for his number so we could fuck again, but as I did he was pulling up his shorts and walked out of his booth. I sat back down and started to jack off, wanting to cum. I just kept thinking about that huge black cock fucking my hole so good and filling it with a ton of cum. My hole was pulsating as I sat there, and I knew I wanted more cock. So I stood up and tucked my cock back in my shorts, and walked out of the booth, now on a mission for more hard raw young black cock. At this time of the afternoon it is not that busy, so I figured I would be out of luck. As I turned the corner of the hallway I saw tall young black guy leaning against the wall. He looked to be maybe 25 or so, he was wearing a pair of tan kaki shorts, and a t-shirt. I walked by him to get a better look at him, and he was very fine looking. So I turned around and walked down the hall a little, and leaned against the wall. After a minute or two of standing there and looking at him, I walked back toward him and went into the booth in front of him. I shut the door, and put a dollar in the machine to start a video, hoping he would enter the booth next to me. After a few seconds, I heard the door open in the booth next to me. I peaked through the hole and saw it was him. He wasted no time unzipping his pants and letting out his soft fat black cock. He shoved it right through the hole, and I wasted no time sucking on it. Once hard he was a good 9 inches. I sucked it nice and good for a bit, and then pulled back. He pulled his cock back in his booth, and I whispered through the hole that I wanted him to fuck my white ass. Then for what ever reason, he just pushed his cock back in his pants, zipped up, and walked out of his booth. I was like.. fuck! So I sat back on the chair and flipped through the video for a min or two until my dollar ran out. I got up and walked out. As I walked around I saw him again, this time standing next to another fucking hot ass stud. They were talking and laughing about something. The guy next him was probably 22 or so, I would guess. He was wearing a black t-shirt, and a pair of grey basketball shorts, and leather sandals. He had a white wrist band around his forearm, and had on a white ball cap. He was sexy as fuck. I figured it was a lost cause, so I just walked past them heading to the end of the hall. As I got to the end and turned around, both of the guys were walking behind me. I was a little nervous now. The one that was in the booth next to me walked up next to me and asked me to go into the last booth with them, booth of them. It was a larger booth that would allow easily 3 people or more. I asked him why, and he told me that he and his friend wanted to fuck my ass nice and good. I was nervous, but I was like fuck yeah! So I followed them into the booth. The booth had a larger bench in the middle of it, instead of the normal chair as in the others. I shut the door behind me and saw the younger stud pull his shirt off exposing his hot chest and six pack. He was rubbing his cock through his shorts, and whispered for me to suck his cock. So I dropped down as he pulled his shorts down exposing his big fat milk chocolate cock. He was a good 9 or 10 inches as well. As I sucked on him, he grabbed the back of my head and started skull fucking me. It was so hot. The other guy pulled me back and stood me up. He told me to pull my pants down. He then bent me against the bench, and spit on his fingers and rubbed my asshole. As he did, he realized that my hole had just recently been used, and was still full of cum. He laughed and said fuck yeah, just what he liked a cum slut bottom. He grabbed his hard cock and slowly pushed it in my hole. As he did, I felt cum push its way out of my ass around his thick cock. He started fucking me nice and hard, using the last guy’s cum as lube. The other guy came around the bench and fed me his cock again. It felt so good having my mouth and ass filled with huge young black cock. I was in second heaven. After a little bit, the guy I was sucking was getting jealous of not getting any ass, so he walked around switched places with his buddy. He slide his cock in, not stopping in until it felt like it was at my belly button, lol. He pushed at least a good 9 inches in me. He fucking pounded my ass so fucking hard, and as he was he kept asking me if I liked having my ass as gang raped by a couple hung black cocks. I was moaning yes, with every thrust. For at least 20 minutes these two took turns fucking the hell out of my ass, and skull fucking my mouth. My hole was so used and abused, it was throbbing with pain, but felt so fucking good. Finally I felt the ones cock jerk, and heard him moan as he unloaded his cum deep in my ass. He continued pushing back and forth for a minute. Then he slide his cum covered cock out of my hole. The other guy was right behind him to push his cock back in my multi load hole. He took no time to cum, and as he did he grabbed my waist and pulled me against his cock as hard as he could, pushing almost all of him in me. I could feel the head of his cock expanding inside of me, and each gush of cum as it exploded in my hole. It was so deep inside of me, that without even touching my cock, I started coming all over myself. He pulled out, and now my hole was so expanded, that a ton of cum just flowed out of my hole like a fucking faucet. I couldn’t move, I stayed leaned against the bench, and both of them came around and shoved their cum covered cocks in my mouth and told me to clean them with my tongue. Which I did without hesitation. They finally started dressing, and told me that they wanted to fuck my ass again sometime, and maybe bring along some friends as well. So I gave them my cell number. Hopefully that day will come soon, and I will have another great story to tell. So that was one of my favorite times at the adult bookstore/video arcade. My white ass and three very hung young black bulls loading it up with cum. A very hot time.
    1 point
  39. I wouldn't believe everything you read on here this is the internet afterall and you can't take everything you read online as being the truth or the right answer.
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  40. I didn't think twice when he asked if kissing was safe. It did strike me as obvious, but I anticipated questions like that. Plus, we had been kissing just moments before, so it's understandable that he asked. I answered the best I could. I think disclosure of any kind comes with a double burden: the discloser deals with stress, fear of rejection, then educating the partner. The disclosee has to deal with the initial shock, acceptance, then be able to absorb information. Poz guys will always have to do some HIV 101, whether they like or not. But it's the same for any other kind of disclosure. For example, what if someone reveals to me that he's transgender, or deciding to declare bankruptcy, or that he has a condition that requires major surgery... something like that. The burden of 'teaching' always falls on the one having to disclose sensitive news. People tend to brush on issues until they're confronted with the reality. Thankfully, if your partner is truly accepting, then he'll learn on his own, whether that's living with HIV, or being transgender, or going bankrupt, etc. He'll quickly get to empathize and 'know' rather than judge and 'ask'. I wish every gay guy was aware of this. I see too many 'clean/ddf' statements and baseless 'neg' statuses on hookup sites.
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  41. It's great that the date went well. Dan Savage sometimes calls disclosure of HIV status a Superpower. It instantly detects Douch Bags. I'm glad he wasn't one. The thing I find most troubling in this post is that the guy asked if Kissing was safe! Is the state of HIV awareness really that low, that someone would ask about kissing? Our HIV education organizations have totally failed us. It seems that along with all the other burdens, it falls on the Pozzies to teach HIV 101, every time we reveal out status. I love the graphics produced by The Stigma Project, but I have sort of scoffed at the ones with info-blurbs about kissing, casual contact, and other ultra ultra basic concepts. Sadly I guess they are needed.
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  42. PissPigBrooklyn and JizzDumpWI - thanks for your kind words. I saw my counselor today (same ID clinic, but she's my social worker / psychologist). It was a good session. She echoed nearly everything you said. HIV is just one of many possible 'deal breakers' out there, and everyone has their own, from trivial to serious. A guy can be rejected for being too thin, too fat, too hairy, a drug user, a smoker, or perhaps living with his parents, maybe even too good-looking! HIV is just one of many 'things'. None of these attributes 'define' a person. So there's no reason why HIV should carry extra weight on my shoulders. In other words, I should stop being a 'poz drama queen' (not her words of course, but it became my internal speech). I did meet my date later that afternoon. Mind you, it was only our 2nd date. But there's definitely a spark (he's still so damn cute!). So I felt it was time to tell him. The butterflies came back. I actually followed your advice. I did it rather directly, without dropping hints, without building any suspense. I flat out told him: "I feel the need to share something with you; I've been seeing a doctor recently, and I got a diagnosis for HIV". I teared up immediately after that, because I saw his shock and braced for the worst. Needless to say, he also saw me at my most vulnerable. He didn't freak out at all! There was no crisis, but I could sense hesitation. He just had to process the news. The first thing I uttered was "I'm sorry". Not sure why, but it came out. The second thing I said was "I would never put you at risk, so I wanted to tell you before things got any further". The third thing was "I'm definitely in good hands, and I'm not in danger of dying from HIV, especially in 2014". After some back and forth, he switched from concern to curiosity, which I took as a good sign. He started asking questions. He didn't know what undetectable meant (I told him about my test results)- so I explained viral loads and how meds work today. He asked if kissing was safe. He asked if using 2 condoms was safer (I don't think it is? due to unnecessary friction?). I also had to clarify that undetectable only means 'under control', definitely not 'cured' (you'd be surprised how many guys think that's the case). To my surprise, after 10 minutes, we were moving on to other topics - talking about IKEA furniture =) I have to say, that was a great feeling. At the end of the day, I'm glad I told him. Of course, I don't know what he's thinking tonight, or will think tomorrow. He might change his mind. But at least, it was a huge weight off my shoulders. This was actually the first time I told anyone I was poz (aside from the internet). In a way, today just invalidated the weeks of anxiety I had accumulated. And it confirmed what everybody here told me all along. HIV really doesn't change a person; it IS part of being poz, but it will never define 'you'. bbzh - I agree the timing was a little weird for me (people should never rush a disclosure for the sake of disclosing), but there's a definite spark between us. We can't stop texting, holding hands or sharing every little details of our lives. There's clearly plans to meet again. So I felt like today, it was the right time to share what I was going through. Not too early that it feels out of place. Not too late that there's broken trust. Thankfully, the drama was all in my head. It was all gone after 10 minutes. There will be many more discussions if we get to the point of having sex. But for now, I appreciate your concern about going through a delicate phase. It's always good to reflect. I only had 10-15 minutes with my ID doctor the other day, so I didn't have time to dig deep on what happened (plus, there was the initial surprise of finding out I was undetectable, which threw me off). Basically, they will keep monitoring my viral load, based on a new sample taken yesterday. If my VL increased, it would indicate that 3 weeks of PEP medication (Truvada + Isentress) was enough to target the virus - and that would be the reason I was undetectable last month. Additionally, if there's enough virus to perform genotyping (VL above 400), then they will recommend a drug that will work as well as PEP did for me (but we would still favor one-pill-a-day as opposed to 3). The other possibility (and the one my social worker is predicting) is that my VL will remain undetectable, even after stopping PEP meds for a month. In fact, it is entirely possible that I was already undetectable the day I first went to the clinic in April. Sadly, we don't have measurements before that. So there's not enough data to make a conclusion yet. Everyone says there's a possibility that I'm an elite controller, but it's too early to confirm. Regardless what happens with the next results, I should still welcome both scenarios as good news. By the way, I took home my results: The only thing I'm truly worried about now is my CD4 count. The doctor said it's on the lower side, but there's nothing alarming. True: I don't know what my CD4 was before so I can't compare. But personally, 240 seems very low to me - especially when I see other members in the 500-900 range. I know CD4 is just a measurement in time. I was told it can fluctuate on any given day. And there's also the fact that I lived with high anxiety for two months now. Maybe I'm not eating well enough? Or maybe 200-300 was always a normal range for me? Am I obsessing too much over my CD4? Overall, the past 2 days have been a roller coaster, but mostly a good ride today.
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  43. It has been several weeks but a good time has been had by all, or at least by me! Landscaper now visits twice a week sometime with one of his helpers and sometime alone. Now it does not seem to matter. At some point during his work he comes into the kitchen, we play our litle game, he fills a container full of piss and watches as I gulp some down, laughs and goes back to work. About ten days ago during one of these visits it was really hot out and when he came to make his donation he was shirtless and covered in sweat. This guy has an incredible body. Anyway, he puts the empty container on the sink and as I reach for it to hand it to him and ask for a refill (this has become our routine) he takes my head and puts it tight to his neck and tells me to lick the sweat from his neck. He moves my head to his chest and then pit as I clean him of his sweat. He pushes me on my shoulder until I get on my knees and I was face to zipper with his crotch. My dick was so hard I thought I was going to explode. He slowly unzips his jean and I can see his briefs, he pushes my head to smell his crotch. My mouth is only a piece of cotton away and as I lick his dick thru his briefs he pulls me back, takes out his dick, brings the container down and begins to fill it with piss. I am only inches away and go in for the kill but he pushes me back. The smell of his body heat and piss are overwhelming and I move in again but he pushes me back again and says that is the closest I will ever get so enjoy the view. He takes my head and turns it so I am looking up at him and says something like if you want more how about this...he pushes on my cheeks and forces my mouth open and coughs up the biggest ball of spit I can imagine and deposits it in my mouth and releases me. He laughs when he is putting himself together and says you are the sickest sob I have even meet. But then says laughing but at least you are my sob. On his next visit we were back to our previous routine so don't know if that was a one off or what.
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  44. A big thank you for the suggestions to just be honest and ask when he was going to.... I got the courage today to be bold. Landscaper and one of his helpers spent the day in my yard and since there were two I did not have much hope for anything to happen but before i knew it helper was gone and landscaper was in my kitchen downing a huge glass of water. I reached in the cabinet and pulled out a container, sat it on the counter and said it was time for a refill. Without missing a beat his dick was out and filling the glass container. This time I did not make any excuse or try to hide the fact I was watching with great anticipation. He just about filled the container, sat it on the counter while he pulled himself together and when I went to reach for it he pulled my hand away and picked it up and rubbed it against my check asking if I liked the heat from his body. I could smell his piss and actually found myself shaking as he teased me. He put it on the counter and ask what I was going to do with it. I picked it up and put it to my mouth and drink a huge gulp watching his reaction. I could not tell what he was thinking but when I stopped he told me that was either the sickest or hottest thing he had ever seen. At least he said it with a smile. I have no doubt now I have an unending source of piss from an incredible man with muscles galore and it seems a pretty nice heart too. Since the cat is out of the bag I will not have trouble from now on asking for what I want.
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  45. No one has commented on my prior post but thought I would do an update. This winter has been hell where I live with a brutally cold and snowy weather. Not great for a landscaper. All my guy has been able to do is shovel snow, not enough I guess for his family. So landscaper was over during this past weekend and we were in my kitchen talking about how tough it has been and he finally gets up the nerve to ask for a loan which I had no problem giving him. I mean he is leaning against the counter with tight jeans and coat looking like something out of catalog. I go to get some money for him and when I get back he has next to him on the counter a large glass beverage container from the dishwasher. Asking if I was bothered by any animals during the winter and before I knew it he has his dick out and into the top of the container letting loose a big hard steady stream of piss like only like a 25 year old can produce. I don't know if he saw me staring because I could not take my eyes off what was happening but we stood there for what seemed like a full minute until he finished, shook his dick and put the now half full bottle on the counter as he zipped up and put himself together. He handed me the bottle and commented on how hot the bottle was and that it would keep my hands warm. He had the biggest shit eating grin on his face as he thanked me for the loan and headed for the door. I could not muster anything to say but as he headed out he said something along the lines that if that did not do the trick there was more where that came from. As I heard his truck door close I was already drinking the fresh piss from the bottle not even thinking of saving any of it but enjoying this guys hot, foamy delicious piss and not believing him letting me watch as he provided it.
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  46. Sucking is for getting the cock slick for fucking
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  47. MAC MEN PART 2 By Randy Rawman Later that night, I received an email from the address Seed2Swap@gmail. The subject line read: “Once you open this, Randy, you can’t unopen it.” I take a deep breath and opened it. Dear Randy, I can tell you’ve got what it takes to be a hardcore breeding stud…but it’s not going to happen overnight. The Shudder party is in two weeks and I want to make sure you’re primed and ready. Meet me at this address tomorrow night at 10 PM 6969 Wood Dr. LA It’ll just be me so don’t freak out. But wear something that shows off that amazing ass. Angel The next night, I spent a full two hours getting ready to meet Angel. I showered, trimmed, cleaned-out my hole, tried on a bunch of different outfits, settling on the nylon Adidas sweatpants in which I know my ass looks good. Beneath the Adidas I wore a pair of ass-less Addicted briefs I bought online some time before, but hadn't worn because I was saving them for a special occasion, thinking this was that 'special occasion'. The address Angel gave me was a seemingly deserted warehouse in industrial section of downtown. I was about to drive away when Angel emerged from the door, wearing ratty jeans and a tight T had some wording on it, but I couldn't quite make it out. “Park anywhere,” he called-out, so I did, and then got out of my car to meet Angel, who was standing in the open doorway. At this distance I could read his shirt, which said I Don’t Pull Out - sweet. I was about to give him a hug, but he cut me off, grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a deep kiss, slipping his hand down the back of my pants and putting a finger up against my hole. “Nice shirt,” I remarked. “Nice hole,” he replied. Then he took my hand and slid it down the back of his jeans until I found his hole. He gave a guttural growl. “It’s wet,” I observed. “Blame my cable guy,” he replied, adding “He was hot and horny and I wanted free HBO.” I pulled my finger from Angel’s ass. The jizz on my fingers caught the light. Pig that he is, Angel shoved my finger into my mouth, ordering me “Taste," which, of course, I did. Then he kissed me for a second time. “Did you cum, too?” I asked. “I easily could have, but I saved my load for you,” answered Angel. That’s exactly what I wanted him to say but when I did, my heart nearly stopped. He leads me to a spot in the center of the empty warehouse where a lone dirty mattress is on the floor. “Why are we here?” I asked. “This is where Shudder happens,” he answered. “I wanted you to get a feel for what it’s like for when you daydream about it, which I know you’re already doing. Of course, on the night of the party, it’s darker, there are some fuck benches and slings set up, more mattresses, glory hole walls….” “Pounding music?” I asked. “No, no music,” answered Angel, coming up behind me and grinding his crotch against my nylon-covered ass. “The guys who come to Shudder know that a big part of the turn on is the sound of the party: cum-filled balls slapping against tight musclebutts, studs moaning in pleasure and pain as they get their guts reamed, saying, “Breed me, fucker! Breed my ass!” Hot tops moaning in ecstasy as they ask the bottoms if they’re ready for their hot loads. Studs cheering each other on, shouting, ‘Cum in him, fucker. Breed that boy! Seed his guts! He needs it! Ugggghhhhhhhh.’ I’m telling you, Randy, at the peak of the party, it sounds like there’s a fuckstud getting bred every five seconds.” I got weak-kneed at the thought and nearly passed-out, but Angel was there to catch me. He helped me kneel on the mattress, then knelt beside me, and began kissing me. “I can’t even imagine how many loads have gone into asses in this place since we started a year ago,” he commented as he helped me remove my shirt, adding “The smell of the place alone is enough to make you cum.” With that he pushed my face into the cum-stained mattress. “Name a favorite porn star, Randy. “What? Why?” “Humor me: just name one and I’ll tell you if he’s fucked on this mattress.” “Chad Brock.” “Yup" said Angel, pushing my crotch into the mattress. “Matt Sizemore?” “Many times,” says Angel. “In fact we fucked each other on this mattress. I remember him pulling out of me and asking me to spit his load back out of my ass. If you lick the mattress, you’ll get a little of it.” He pushes my head down and watches as I lick. While Angel peels down my sweatpants, I list more of my favorite on screen barebackers; Brad Maguire, Sage Daniels, Dominic Ryder, Jack Allen, Will West, Damien Silver, Chris Kohl, Morgan Black, Sean Storm, Dawson, Drew Sebastion, Kamrun, Damon Dogg, Lito Cruz, Jake Wetmore…with each name, he grunted a yes or no. There were far yes replies than no. He summarized saying “If you’re a hot guy who lives to breed and you live within a few hours, you’ve swapped loads here.” Angel flips me on my back and pulls my sweats all the way off. My rock hard seven inch cock, already leaking pre-cum, snapped up on my belly. “That’s a pretty dick, Randy,” commented Angel, adding “I knew you’d have a pretty dick.” “Thanks,” I replied, smiling. “When was the last time you took a dick in your ass?” asks Angel. I didn't answer. “You can tell me the truth, Randy. I like you. I think you’re sexy. I’ve got a load with your name on it churning in my balls right now. I’m not going to think less of you no matter what you say.” “It’s been over 12 years,” I say, sheepishly. “I told you my ex didn’t like fucking. There was a guy I saw briefly before then and we only fucked and handful of times, but always with condoms.” “With what?” Angel asks, circling my hole with his finger. “Condoms,” I say. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says with an evil laugh. I laugh, too. “So I’ve never bred anyone before,” I admit. “Or been bred, for that matter.” “But it’s all you think about?” he says. “Yes,” I say. “From the moment you wake up till the moment you go to sleep?” “Yes.” “Well, the good news is, before you leave this building, you will have done both at least once. How do you feel about that?” “Freaked out,” I say. “But good. I feel good.” “”Good, because there’s no going back,” he says. In one fluid moment, he stands up, unzips his jeans and shoves his cock in my mouth. It tastes so fucking good. He pulls the back of my head down on it. I feel like I might gag at first but then I get used to it and before long, he’s fucking my face. “You do that good, Randy,” he says. “My cock really likes being in your body. Keep sucking.” While I get used to his cock, he rubs his hands through my hair. “All those years you were shooting your cum into the air, into a wad of toilet paper, onto your stomach. What a waste.” “I don’t want to do that anymore,” I say, pulling off his cock. “I know you don’t,” he says. “I could see that in your eyes when you walked into my computer store.” Angel pushes me on my back on the mattress and climbs on top of me in a 69 position. He goes up and down on my throbbing cock, making me groan in ecstasy, but then pulls off. “Don’t you dare cum in my mouth, fucker.” Then he dives down and sticks his tongue in my hole. “Use lots of spit on my cock, Randy,” he says. “Get it wet for your hole.” Randy climbs off me, strips off the rest of my clothes and looks down at me. I’m laying naked on a mattress that literally hundreds, maybe even thousands, of men have bred on. He pulls a packet of lube out of his jeans, then shucks them off completely. “I’m going to take off my shirt now, Randy, but I first, I want to make sure you have read what it says,” he says. “I got it,” I say. The part of me that’s watching this scene from outside my body can’t believe this is happening, that I’m mustering the courage to live out my the fantasies I’ve kept buried deep inside for so many years. “It’s time Randy,” says Angel, standing above me fully naked, lubing up his giant hardon. “Here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to stick my fuckstick in your tight asshole. It might take a while. It might hurt. I won’t be brutal but I’m not going to stop until I’m balls deep in your hot ass.” “Okay,” I say. “Close your eyes. It’s going to hurt at first, but keep breathing.” I feel his mushroom head press against my hole. I start to squirm, tossing my head from side to side. “That’s fine, Randy,” he says, “Squirm all you want. But when you turn your head from side to side, just imagine you’re at Shudder and there are hard cocks plunging into hungry asses everywhere you look. Hot studs are shuddering all around you, and they’re shuddering because they’re doing when men were born to do, dropping their steaming hot loads into holes that are literally sucking it out of them.” “Oh God,” I moaned, my eyes rolling back in my head. “I’m almost in Randy,” said Angel. “Just five more inches.” “That’s not almost,” I replied, laughing through the pain. “Make that four,” commented Angel, laughing with me. I breathed as deeply as I could, trying to get used to having a dick up there for the first time in twelve years. “I have a problem, Randy,” said Angel, “You’re too fucking sexy and I don’t want to cum without getting all the way in a really pounding you…so I’m just going to shove the rest of it in….now!” “Unnnnngghhhh!” I answered, almost blacking out. “Breathe, fucker,” whispered Angel, putting his mouth right up to my ear. “I’m all the way in you now. Balls fucking deep. How does that—“ “Fuck me, Angel!” I gasped. “I’m ready. Fuck me and don’t stop until you shoot your cum inside my ass!” “You got it, fucker,” he says, and starts deep-dicking me in earnest. At first, he fucked me in missionary, then he turned me on my side without ever taking his cock out of my ass. “Oh fuck, you’re so fucking tight, Randy. Your ass is like velvet, man. You’re going to get my load soon and it’s going to be so fucking huge you’re going to taste it in the back of your throat.” “I’m ready, Angel,” I responded. He flipped me back onto my back, picked-up his pace and leaned over, looking me in the eye. “I’m ready,” I grunted, “I’m ready to be like you, Angel. Seed my hole!” “Oh, you’re going to get my seed, fucker,” he says, panting. “You were gonna get it even if you didn’t want it. But I know you want it. I knew it the second I saw you.” “Cum in my ass, Angel,” I say. “Make me yours. Flood my guts!” “Oh God, I’m cumming, Randy. I’m cumming in your hole!” “Breed me, fucker! Breed my ass!” “Unghh! Unghh!” “Oh fuck, I feel it. I’m getting your cum. This is fucking happening! A hot stud is breeding my ass. Oh my God. Oh my God.” “Unghh! Unghh! Unghh! Unghh! Unghh! Unghh!” Each “Unghh!” represents a rope of manseed that’s shooting into my guts, sealing me forever to this man, this man who could see what I needed and was thoughtful enough to give it to me. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” gasps Angel, trying to get his breath back. He collapses on top of me, keeping his dick inside my ass. I use my ass muscles to milk out every drop I can. “Great muscle control,” he says. “You’re going to be very popular at Shudder once the word gets out about you.” Without pulling out of me, Angel reaches to his jeans, pulls out his camera-phone and turns it on. “Keep that exact same look on your face, Randy,” he tells me. “That freshly-fucked, ‘my life just changed forever’ look.” I do as he says. He points the camera at my blissful face then pans down my body. He points the camera at his dick as it slithers out of my cum-soaked hole. He keeps the camera on my hole after he pulls out. “Keep me inside you. I want you to take my cum home with you, Randy, to eat later,” he says. “Like a doggie bag?” I say, laughing. “Exactly,” he laughs. “But I shot a ton so let some of it out on the mattress to commemorate your first breeding, right here on this spot where so many balls have been drained and holes have been bred.” “Is it coming out?” I ask, trying to relax my ass muscles. “No,” says Angel still using the camera. “Wait, there it is. Fuck, man. It’s so white and thick. You’re going to cream when you see this video.” Angel rubs the glob of cum into the mattress, tosses the phone aside, then leans in and licks the wet spot. He crawls back up my body and sticks his tongue in my mouth. I groan as I taste the hot, sweet cum on his lips and tongue. “Is this what it’s like at Shudder?” I ask. “Kind of,” he says. “Only at Shudder you would have had a dick in your mouth while I was breeding you and we would have gotten a standing ovation.” He cradles my balls in his hands and says, “You ready to empty these in my guts?” The experience of getting bred by my fantasy man was so intense I almost forgot there was a part two. “Yes,” I say, getting up on my knees. I grab the packet Angel used then spread all the lube that’s left on my throbbing cock. “There’s not a lot of lube left,” I say. “It’s okay,” says Angel. “I’ve still got the cable guy’s load in there. First time breeding and you’re going to get to fuck in another stud’s load. Stick your cock in in one stroke, Randy. You won’t believe how good it’s going to feel.” I line my hard, raw prick up at his asshole. Looking down, I realize, I’ve never seen my cock touch an asshole without a layer of latex. The thought is intoxicating. “This is what it’s about, isn’t it?” I say. “What what’s about?” Angel asks. “Life,” I say, and I plunge in to the hilt. “Aaaaaagghhhhhh!” “Fuck, Randy, that feels so good,” he says. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Randy, and add to the load that’s already in there.” “I’m not going to last long, baby,” I say. “I’m going to knock up that fucking cunt of yours, Angel.” “And after that, there’s no turning back, stud,” says Angel. “You know that, right, Randy?” “I know it,” I gasp. “You’re going to think about breeding boy butt even more than you already do,” he teases. “I know.” “It’s going to be on your mind all the time; when you’re at work, when you’re at the gym, when you’re asleep…” “I know.” “Fuck, your cock feels incredible,” he says. “You’re a natural, Randy. You were born to be a barebacker, born to take seed and born to give it…” “I was,” I say, hitting the point of no return. “It’s my destiny.” “Then give it to me, Randy! Cum in my ass! Breed my fuckhole!” “You want this cum?” I say. “You want this stud’s load?” “You know I do,” Angel admits. “I’ve wanted it since Day Fucking One. Cum in my ass!” “Here it cums, fucker!” I bellow. “Take. My. Fucking. Spunk! Ungh. Ungh. Ungh. Ungh.” “Fill me up, baby!” he cries. “Give me that hot seed!” The jets keep coming and coming so I yank my spurting cock out of Angel’s ass and point it down toward the cum-stained mattress, adding a few ropes of Randyseed to the legacy of this incredible fuck emporium. Then I shove it right back into Angel’s wet hole. “I can feel it,” he says. “It’s so fucking hot and wet.” I collapse on top of Angel. “Holy shit, that was hot,” I say. “That was amazing, Randy,” says Angel. “I would have never known you weren’t that experienced. You have it in you to be a real bareback fuckstud, Randy, if you want to. You just need someone to help you along.” “Are you applying for the job?” I ask. Angel dips a finger into his ass, pulls out a wad of my cum and brings it to his mouth. He nods yes. “Now, let’s kiss on it.” He kisses me with a mouth full of my own cum. TO BE CONTINUED
    1 point
  48. Tonight I traveled to the tops' apartments - Got fucked by 5 guys in about 3 hours and got 4 loads... By the last two fucks there was a puddle of cum under where we fucked I had so much in my ass...
    1 point
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