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  1. 3. The Cake Night had fallen again and Austin and I lay in my bed spooning, his cock having just softened enough to slip from my gaping hole a small dribble of cum following it out. “You sure you’re alright,” Austin said, he had asked me this after each of the three more load he had dumped in my hole. “Yeah, I’m sure.” I was more then sure, I had slipped into a cum lust. It was a sensation, a need, a craving that I had never before experienced. With each load I took my lust grew, and I started to gently grind my ass again Austin’s crotch and he held me. “Jesus,” he said, laughing a little, “You can still be horny.” “Well,” I replied sheepishly. Taking one of his hands and leading it down to my still rock hard cock. I had cum several times as he fucked me but that wasn’t enough, it no longer was about me shooting loads but rather me taking them. “Nine loads of POZ cum and you still want more, you’re more of a cumslut then I am.” He laughed. I turned my head awkwardly to kiss him, and I felt his cock beginning to harden again, pressing against my ass cheeks. “I’ve got an idea,” Austin said, breaking out kiss and rolling out of the bed, “stay there, and don’t let any more of that cum drip out of your hole.” He padded out of the room completely naked his half hard cock swinging in a wide arch as he walked. I rolled over onto my stomach and waited. I head Austin wandering around the rest of the apartment, and then a few minutes later he came back into my room, his cell phone in hand. He got back in bed, put his phone on the nightstand and looked at me with a crooked smile. “How about you start sucking my cock again, slut,” he said playfully, “get in nice and hard before I stuff it back in your sloppy cunt.” Austin lay flat stretched out on the bed, and I shifted down so I was on all fours between his legs my face level with his steadily swelling cock. I took the growing meat in my mouth and started to suck, swallowing its full length while that was still manageable. I could feel my jaw stretching as his cock grew in my mouth forcing my lips wider and wider. As I bobbed my head up and down slathering his cock with spit, I heard his phone go off. As I continued to choke myself on his cock he checked the text and sent a quick reply. Another minute or two passed and my jaw was becoming sore stretched around his massive dick, when his phone went off again. Austin again checked his phone, and sent a reply, this time after he put his phone back down he looked at me and said with a wry smile, “Ride my cock.” I quickly jumped into position my legs on either side of his hips, his cock brushing against my ass. I shifted and took hold of his dick in my hand, guiding him to my cum-lubed hole, and sat down on his now fully erect cock. I sank slowly down on the shaft my hole tender from the obscene amount of cock it had taken in the past sixteen hours. When I had fully impaled myself on his cock I began to rock slowly back and forth lubing up his cock with the many POZ loads that still filled my ass. Austin pulled me to him, pressing my chest hard against his, kissing me roughly on the mouth. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me in place as he kissed me. I heard something behind me, out in the rest of the apartment but Austin held me fast. I could sense that there was someone else in the room, but still Austin kept a tight grip on me, slowly bucking his cock in my loose and sloppy hole as he tongue fucked my mouth. Then the weight on the bed changed and I knew that there was someone else in the bed with us. The mysterious stranger moved between Austin’s legs and I felt big rough hands on my ass cheeks. My heart was pounding. I considered running, pulling away from Austin, but despite my fears I didn’t want too. Austin understood my cumlust and had said that he had an idea of how to slake it so I would trust him. Just as I had come to that decision I felt the unmistakable pressure of a cock head rubbing up and down my ass crack. This new cock quickly found my already filled hole, and despite Austin’s thick cock already being lodged inside of me, began to press against my straining sphincter. For a long moment it seemed as though the mysterious stranger’s cock would never be able to breach my hole no matter how hard he pressed until all of a sudden my hole gave way. It was like I was being torn in two. My hole, which until the night before had been a tight sphincter, bust open and became a wide sloppy cunt. I pulled my mouth away from Austin and pressed myself up till my arms were locked straight, arching my back, pressing my ass into the two cocks that now filled my hole. I looked over my shoulder now and saw Rick, a wicked smile playing across his strong handsome face. “Austin told me you couldn’t get enough POZ cock after I bred your cunt last night,” he said, “He and I are gonna wreck you good, and then if that’s not enough we’ll take you to the bathhouse, strap you to a sling and let every cock in the place dump a load in you.” My cock twitched, and my hole pulsed around their fat cock. “You like the sound of that, don’t you?” “Yes,” I replied. Rocking my hips a little to fuck myself on their cocks. “You really are a cumslut,” Austin said. “Alright Austin,” Rick said, putting a hand on my back and pressing me forward so I lay flat on top of Austin’s smooth chest again, “let’s wreck this bitch.” Rick pulled out till just his cock head was inside of me, and then slammed back inside. Pushed forward like I was Austin could buck his hips up and down jack hammering my hole. It took them a few moments to find a rhythm but soon they were pounding me in unison, their two cock moving as one inside of my gaping hole. I screamed and moaned, their cocks battering my prostate and they fucked me. Sweat pored off of all three of us and the stench of sex became the only thing I could smell. We must have fucked like that for almost half an hour before Rick said, “You ready Austin?” “Yeah, let's breed his hole.” Together they slammed into me a few more times, Austin stopping a few strokes before Rick slamming balls deep inside of me. Both of their cocks were thrust past my second sphincter as they shot their massive POZ loads deep inside of me. They each fucked my now destroyed hole one more time that night before dressing me in a dirty old jock of Austin’s; a leather harness; and stuffing a butt plug, so large that the day before I would have questioned why any one would every need something that big, in my hole, and whisking me off to the bathhouse. Rick hoisted me into a sling while Austin attached my arms and legs to the restraints. The plug was then removed and my gaping cum filled hole exposed to the small collection of men who had already gathered around me. By the time I got home the next morning my once tight, condom only hole had been transformed into a cum dripping rosebud. I looked at my hole in the mirror in my bedroom before passing out, reveling the way my swollen ass lips puckered. I ran my finger along the rim of my hole remembering the way my hole had looked in the mirror over the sling as I took my first fist that night. I would never be the same prude again. I called into work; slept most of the day and then that night went back to the bathhouse. I never even bothered getting a room; I just got a locker and went straight to the sling. As I looked at myself in the mirror above me I knew that this would be a regular haunt of mine from then on.
    3 points
  2. There can never be too many loads in the guy's cunt. I've had a lot in the 2-5 or so load range. Less frequently, I've had a bottom who has taken loads numbering in the teens, 20s and even 30s. There's nothing better sliding my cock in a slippery smooth sperm lubed hole that has taken double digit loads. Even better is what happens to the bottom after being bred so many times. He is completely outside of his head and exists only as a greedy cunt wanting more and more - he's taken into a head trip where he is absolutely BEGGING for even more loads.
    3 points
  3. PART 1 My name’s Sloan. I’m 35, white, hairy, and hung. My dick is a fat, veiny hole-wrecker, and I love to show it off in public. I keep my body in the best shape possible—rock-hard six-pack, muscular chest, beefy legs. I’m really good at luring younger guys into giving up their holes. There’s something about my look, about my square jaw and intense brown eyes and high-and-tight crew cut. Something that makes me look trustworthy, wholesome. The good guy. The older brother. The mentor. But see, I’m not the good guy. In fact, I’m one evil motherfucker. My favorite hobby is seducing, chemming, and corrupting college dudes, pushing their limits, taking their fantasies to the dark side, and pozzing their sweet smooth hungry holes—pounding them raw and leaving them dripping with multiple loads of unmedicated virus. And the funny thing is this: no matter how much they protest at one time or another, no matter how much they claim that they don’t want to be barebacked and gang-bred and pimped out, they always end up hungry and begging for more of that sweet seed deep in their guts. So yeah: I guess you could say that I’ve pozzed a lot of boys, destroyed a lot of unsuspecting holes, initiated a lot of slampigs. But last weekend—well, last weekend was the hottest transformation I’ve seen yet. My favorite place to hunt for victims is about a block away from a bathhouse here in Berkeley. I watch for a certain kind of guy: 18 or 19, an undergrad just getting his first taste of freedom away from the parents, well-built, preppy. He might walk hesitantly toward the entrance, then stop to reconsider, then start walking back to his car, then decide to go into the bathhouse after all. That’s when I intercept him. I emerge from the shadows to strike up a conversation—and with any luck, change his life forever. Last weekend, I was in my usual spot. It was a warm August night, and I was wearing a pair of mesh gym shorts with no underwear, a tight wife beater to show off my hairy chest, and a ballcap. I’d taken a dick pill about 30 minutes earlier, so my cock was forming a huge tent in my shorts as I anticipated my next conquest. That’s when the boy got out of his car. He looked both ways down the street—a little lost, I guess—then spotted the bathhouse entrance. Clearly a first-timer, I thought. As he walked closer to me, I began to make out his features: short dark-brown hair, a handsomely boyish face with a nice strong jawline, a fucking adorable nose, and a pair of big, dark, expressive eyes that revealed both his anxiety and his excitement. He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a tight black tank top, so I got a pretty good look at his sweet little jock body, his muscular calves, and his deeply tanned, sinewy arms that showed evidence of some serious time at the gym. He stopped in the middle of the street. He wavered. He almost turned around and went back to his car. But he kept walking toward the entrance—and that’s when I spoke up. “Hey, buddy,” I said, stepping onto the sidewalk, my dick still at attention. That startled him. But as he squinted to look at me in the semi-darkness, his fear turned to relief. I was obviously the kind of guy he was hoping to find here. His eyes widened as they traveled the length of my body, from my face to my torso to the outline of my cock. “Hey there,” he answered in a surprisingly deep voice. “Whatcha doin’?” I looked down at my dick. “Oh, just hanging,” I said with an evil grin, giving my cock a giant twitch. He almost gasped to see it jump like that -- and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stepped back into the shadows and beckoned him to follow me. He obeyed as if in a trance, his whole body shivering as he approached. “What’s your name, buddy?” “Conrad,” he said, but he didn’t look at me. He was still staring at my dick. I made it twitch again, and this time he almost laughed in total fascination. “I’m Sloan,” I said. “How old are you, Conrad?” “I just turned 18 last week,” he replied. “I’m starting at Berkeley this fall. Most people in my class are about a year older—I skipped a grade.” “18 is a good age,” I managed to say, my mind suddenly filled with images of chemming and pozzing this perfect 18-year-old boy. My cock grew harder, and I took a tiny step closer to him. “By the way, Conrad, it’s OK to look at my dick. Really. This cock likes attention. In fact, you can even touch it if you want.” He gave me a funny look, as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. I smiled back, gripping my dick in my hand, then released it by slapping it against my thigh. Another gasp from Conrad. After a moment of hesitation, he reached down to touch the outline of my dick, his hands visibly shaking as he grabbed a handful of mesh and cock. After a moment or two of running his hand along the length of my poz shaft, he looked up at me with a dazed kind of desire. “No, no, Conrad,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s not what I meant.” I took his hand in one of my hands. With my other hand, I pulled the elastic of my shorts away from my waistline. Then I slowly guided him down my treasure trail until he could feel the touch and girth and weight of my cock. It was throbbing with heat, its surface slightly sticky from the steady stream of precum dripping from my mushroom head—as if my poz dick were drooling at the thought of devouring this beautiful, trusting boy. He grabbed onto the dick that would break him in half and poz him deep—and his eyes fluttered in total bliss. I laughed and said: “You like that dick, huh?” He nodded eagerly. I placed my hand on the small of his back and drew him closer to me. He smelled like all good 18-year-old boys should: a combination of cheap cologne, sweat, and chewing gum. I imagined what his crotch might smell like, all musky with dried cum and piss and hormones. As our faces hovered just a few inches apart, I reached my hand down the back of his shorts to feel a perfectly round jockbutt. He trembled again. I whispered in his ear: “Are you looking for a big bro tonight?” He nodded, and I drew him closer, letting him feel the heat radiating off my body. He sighed in contentment as he nuzzled my furry chest. Then I whispered in his ear again: “Do you want your big bro to fuck you, Conrad?” “Yes, please,” he said, lifting up his head to look me directly in the eyes. I smiled and mussed his hair. “Oh, poor lil’ bro,” I said. “Didn’t anybody ever fuck you before?” He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah,” he said. “Two different guys. But they were my age, and didn’t really know what they were doing. I was kinda hoping that I’d find somebody here at the bathhouse who could—um—” “Break you in?” He buried his face in my chest again, mumbling “yes,” and I ran my hands gently up and down his spine, feeling the strength of his back muscles, imagining what he would look like on all fours, back arched, ass in the air, begging for loads. My hands returned to massaging his beefy little jockbutt, and he let out a deep, shaky moan. “I would be so honored to break you in, little bro. I want to show you how a man should fuck a boy, and how a boy should surrender his hole to a man. Would you like that?” “Yes,” he said again. His arms wrapped a little tighter around my torso, and I gently pushed my cock against his body. My throbbing poz shaft thrummed next to the firm muscles of his stomach. He exhaled a long, slow breath, as if melting into me. And at that moment, I smiled to myself and thought: This boy is fucking mine. I pointed down the street. “I live about two blocks that way,” I said. “Wanna come back to my place, maybe smoke some pot, fool around a little? We can go to the bathhouse later, if you decide you’re ready for it.” “Sure,” he said, giving me the cutest fucking grin. And right at that moment, seeing his innocence and sweetness and eagerness to please, my dick twitched even harder than before, and the head of my cock released a small geyser of toxic precum. With any luck, I thought to myself, I’ll get to see that same giant grin on his face in just a few hours—right about the time he’s spreading his slammed-up jockboy hole to get pounded and knocked up by poz cock. I pointed him in the direction of my house. He walked about a half-step ahead of me, his sweet bubble butt bouncing beneath those gym shorts as my cock followed just a few inches behind. The poor kid didn’t know it yet, but he was as good as poz. I knew exactly what to do. Everything was prepared for my victim’s arrival. And within the next hour, I planned to be blasting my potent strain deep inside this sweet 18-year-old fagboy’s chemmed-up cumhole. MORE SOON…
    2 points
  4. 1. The Pary I slipped back into the booth setting my beer down on the round table as I did so and nodded to the booth’s other occupant. I had never been too keen on gay bars but it was my roommate’s birthday so he had gotten to pick the bar. It was still early in the night, the bar was still quiet, a person could actually hear himself speak, and so far only one of my roommate’s other friends had shown up. Austin, my roommate had gone off to the bathroom while I went to the bar to grab myself another beer, which now left me alone with his friend Rick. Rick was a bit older then I was maybe twenty-six, or twenty-seven, to my twenty-four. He was tall and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. His strong square pecs were clearly visible through his black v-neck t-shirt, and this thick growth of dark black hair sprouted up around the base of his neck. He was just the sort of guy that I normally go for, a total man’s man, if there was such a thing any more. I myself was a little shorter then he, with sandy blond hair, and a tight runner’s body that I worked hard to maintain. Around my sophomore year of college I had started to get a bit hairy, and now a year after graduation I was quite proud of the broad swath of light brown hair that grew across my chest and stomach; however I was now where near as hairy as Rick promised to be. “How long have you known Austin,” Rick said, in a deep voice, shifting round the booth a bit to get closer to me. “We met freshmen year of college, we lived across the hall from each other actually.” “And now you’re roommates? Or something more?” “No, just roommates. There’s never been anything like that between us,” I said truthfully. Austin and I had become friends living in the dorms at Northwestern and then roommates when we both moved off campus our junior years. It had seemed logical after graduation when we both got jobs in Chicago to continue the arrangement and get a place together in the city. Our two-bedroom Wrigleyville apartment was small and a bit cramped but we had found a place in a pretty good part of the neighborhood and sometimes the sun even shown through my window in the morning. “What about you,” I asked, “how do you know Austin?” “I met him a year ago, just after he moved to the city…well actually, right here,” he gestured to the bar around him, “been fucking the shit out of him since.” I was a little taken aback and just blinked at Rick. I had never really been comfortable discussing my own sex life, and I was most certainly uncomfortable discussing my roommate and best friend’s sex life. “Excuse me,” I stammered. “Yeah, I’ve probably wrecked that boy’s hot ass once a week sense we met. Except for when he plows me with that donkey dick of his.” The way that he said that sounded like he assumed that I had first hand experience with Austin’s donkey dick. Just then Austin came back followed by two girls and a couple more guys. The night suddenly took off from there, drinks were ordered all around and many shots started appearing at the table. Eventually the bar filled up and everyone ended up on the writhing mess that made up the dance floor. Austin, having drank more then his skinny little twink frame could handle, and possibly more then I had ever seen him drink before, had lost all of his inhibitions and was grinding his ass unapologetically on Rick’s crotch. Amongst the mess of sweaty gyrating bodies I was the only one who noticed the pair. My gaze was drawn to them as I watched my normally quiet and demure roommate grind his ass hungrily onto this big hulk of a man’s crotch. More drinks were had, and more dancing, Austin kept pace but was fading fast. As it drew close to closing time he had devolved into a sweaty, sloppy, drunken mess. When the lights came on and the bar started to clear out, I scooped Austin up from the booth he had half sat half fallen into for the past ten minutes and started to guide him towards the door. Several of his friends asked if I needed help with him, I assured them I was fine and started to steer him towards home. Just as I got to the corner and started to push Austin towards the L station, Rick caught up with us and slipped Austin’s other arm around his shoulder taking some of the, what was quickly becoming, dead weight that was my roommate. “Looked like you could use a hand,” he remarked. Again I assured him that I was fine, but Rick wasn’t taking no for an answer. He helped me get Austin onto the train, rode the two stops to our apartment and then helped me shove him up the steps to our door. Once we had pored him into his bed, rolled him onto his side, stuffed a pillow under his head, and closed the door, Rick finally broke the silence that had fallen between us. “You’re a good friend, taking care of him like that.” “Thanks,” I said, “and thanks for your help. He would have been a lot to handle on my own once he passed out on the train.” “No problem,” he smiled a broad toothy smile. “Do you want a glass of water or something?” I asked. “Yeah that would be great, those damn clubs are always so hot. I’m always so sweaty and hot afterwards.” I laughed and turned to the little kitchen area just off the living room. I filled two glasses of water from the pitcher in the fridge and turned back to face Rick. He had pulled off his black v-neck shirt and now stood bare chested facing me. His broad square pecs looked even more impressive then I had guessed they would through his shirt. Covered in a thick dark forest of hair they each sported a warm pink nipple the left one adorned with a single silver bar through it. He didn’t have a six pack but rather the single broad powerful patch of muscle that came from manual labor not a gym. A deep v of muscle framed the dense, dark, almost black, treasure trail that vanished into his low slung dark jeans. My cock twitched. His skin still glistened with sweat slightly. I felt my mouth go a little dry. He smiled that big toothy grin at me again. I handed him the water silently, his fingers brushing against mine as he took the water. “Too bad Austin got so drunk tonight,” he said the smile faltering a little. “Why is that,” I asked. “Well I’ve been saving up this birthday present for him all week,” he said, something new creeping into his sparkling brown eyes, “but I guess I’ll just have to give it to someone else.” “Could always wait till tomorrow,” I laughed, feeling a little nervous now. “Can’t wait that long, I’ve been saving this up all week, it’s now or never,” he took a step closer and as I leaned back to keep the distance between us equal I felt the kitchen counter firm behind my back. I laughed nervously again, as he stepped just a little bit closer. “So what is this present that Austin’s going to miss out on now,” I asked, guessing that I probably already knew the answer. “What do you think it is?” he asked, the hand not holding his glass of water now drifting to his crotch. “Dunno,” I said quietly trying to keep my eyes on his face. “A big hot six day load from my big, fat, beer can cock shot right up your roommate's cunt," he answered in a whisper. He was now only a foot away from me, and I heard him set his glass down on the counter with a clink. “But,” he continued, leaning in a little bit more his mouth getting closer to mine, “I guess I could always find some slut on Grindr to give it too. Unless,” he paused, his mouth now only an inch from mine, “There was a hot bottom boy right in front of me I could give this gift to.” With that he finally closed the gap, his mouth pressing hard to mine. I resisted for a moment, but when the hand that had been holding his water came to rest on the small of my back pulling me tight to his hairy slightly sweaty body, I melted. My lips parted and I let his tongue slip into my mouth, wrestling with my own. His hands slid over my body, slipping under my shirt, running up and down my back. He broke the kiss only to quickly pull my shirt off over my head. With my shirt now gone his hands slid down my back till the rested on my ass. He kneaded at the meaty flesh, and pulled away to say, “Damn you’ve got a hot ass. How the hell has Austin been able to resist this for so long?” “I always thought Austin was, like me, a total bottom,” I replied, a bit breathlessly. “With a cock like his that would be a fucking crime. Now get on your knees and get my cock out. I wanna see it down your throat before I stuff it up your ass.” He spun us around so that he was now the one with his back against the counter and I immediately fell to my knees. Normally I am not a hook up sort of person, but Rick was so fucking hot, between his amazing body, the slight stench of sweat that clung to him, his brick demanding manor, and the considerable amount of beer I had had I never once thought of saying no to him. I fumbled for a moment with his button fly but soon had his pants around his ankles. He wore no underwear, so I was face to face with Rick’s self proclaimed “big, fat, beer can cock.” He had not been exaggerating. It was like being face to face with a flesh colored can of Guinness. The massive, heavily veined, organ sprouted from a dense patch of black pubes and sported two almost absurdly low hanging swollen balls beneath it. Without being told to I stretched my mouth widely and too the bulbous mushroom head in my mouth. I worked as much as I could into my mouth, slobbering all over the shaft as I did so. I put my hands on his strong hips trying to pull myself forward. His hands soon came to rest of the back of my head pressing me into him, forcing more of his cock down my throat. Precum began to ooze from his cock, filling my mouth, and dripping out the corners of my lips along with my own spit and he started to face-fuck me. Rick groaned in pleasure as my throat worked his cock, and my own cock strained against my pants. Though I never would admit it I loved rough sex, I loved being used, and this big hunk of a man was doing just that. After I don’t know how long, he stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. He dragged me to my feet and kissed me before saying, “Strip.” I shucked the last of my clothing, and stood naked before him, my own modest six and a half inch cock shinny with precum. He kissed me again and then said something that surprised me, “Sit on my face, I wanna work your hole open before I fill you with my fat cock.” I stepped back and he lay down on the floor right out side of the door to where Austin slept. At this point I didn’t care and as soon as he was down I knelt down over him putting my ass right on his face. As his tongue found my hole I bent forward and did my best to swallow his cock again. Rick clearly took pleasure from eating ass and as his tongue danced around my hole I felt myself opening up to him, my sphincter relaxing far quicker then it normally did. Relaxing my hole wasn’t enough for him and he pressed his tongue into me, occasionally slipping a finger in too. I was moaning around his cock, groaning desperately as waves of pleasure crashed over me. It was a good thing that Austin was completely passed out cause there was no way he would have slept through my desperate whimperings and moanings of pleasure as Rick lapped at my hole. Finally I couldn’t take any more of it and I pulled my mouth off of his cock, quickly turning around so that I was now straddling his hips. I kissed him hard on the mouth, rocking my hips back and forth I felt his spit-slicked cock sliding up and down my equally slick crack. When I had spun around I had intended to get him into my room, into my bed, quickly get a condom on his cock and stuff his fat tool deep inside of me, but when I felt his mushroom head make contact with my well loosened hole, I did something that I never do out of a relationship. I pressed back with my hips, pushing my ass onto his cock, Rick locked eyes with me and shifted his pelvis forward a little bit. The head of his cock began to work its way inside of me, stretching me wider and wider as it entered. The thought of stopping seemed impossible, plus he had basically told me that he was going to be dumping a load in Austin tonight, and Austin would mess around with someone who wasn’t safe. I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as his cock sank deeper and deeper into me. When I finally felt his pubes on my taint I felt more full then I had ever before. Rick smiled that same toothy smile and started to rock his hips, fucking his cock into me slowly as I got use to the size of his cock. I felt like he was pulling my intestines out with his cock each time he retreated and punching them back in again with each inward thrust. He pulled me to him and started to kiss me deeply again. Somehow he managed to flip us both over, his arms tight around me, his cock never leaving my hole, so that I was now on my back and he was between my wide spread legs. The gentle fucking was over now. Rick from his new position shifted my legs to his shoulders and left forward essentially bending me in half, and then began to hammer away at my hole. This was how I loved to be fucked, on my back like a whore, taking cock deep and hard. Rick seemed to understand that without my having to explain it to him. He whispered “I’m gonna wreck your hole boy and then give you my gift. You want it boy?” “Yes,” I panted, sweat springing up on my face, “Give me Austin’s birthday present.” He completed my hole, telling me how it fit his fat cock like a warm glove. I could feel myself becoming loose around him, and I squeezed my ass tighter working his cock with my sphincter. I honestly have no idea how long he fucked me on the floor that night, all that I knew is that when he finally growled, “Here comes your present slut,” I had become sweaty, sloppy, mess, begging Rick to use my hole. Rick slammed into me one last time, bottoming out completely and causing me to yelp, as he said, “Take my fucking load bitch!” I felt his cock twitching in my hole and I knew that he was flooding me with six days worth of built-up cum. I moaned and felt my own cock twitch as I shot a load all over my self without even touching my cock. We stayed like that for a long moment, laying there with his cock still buried deep in my now cum filled hole, in a sweaty heap, before finally Rick said, “Damn, you’ve got a better ass even then Austin. I’m gonna have to start breeding your hole regularly.” I laughed, “Why don’t we go crash in my bed for a while. If you’re up for it in the morning we can go for round two.” “Sure thing,” he flashed that toothy grin again and pulled his cock slowly from my hole. I clenched tight as he withdrew trying to keep the massive amount of cum he had shot inside me. I mostly succeeded and I showed him to my room with just a thin trickle of cum running down my leg. Rick walked closely behind me, kissing my neck as we walked, his cock quickly rising to full mast again. By the time we got to the bed he had slipped his cock back into me and was slow fucking my wrecked hole. We did sleep that night but not much, by the time we passed out around seven in the morning I had two more loads in my ass. Together we fell asleep in my bed, Rick’s cock just inches from my well-used hole, the door to my room left wide open in our drunken horniness.
    2 points
  5. Another one from my archives that I wrote under an earlier name, Raw Latino Muscle: I got to Steamworks at 5 p.m. and started breeding holes almost immediately. Lost track of how many but I know it was at least seven or eight loads, including more than one in a few guys who have become almost regular fuck buds there. They were all hot fucks, but the last one of the night (ain't it almost always the last one of the night?) set a new standard for me. It never would have happened as recently as a month ago. But since joining these groups, I've become addicted to bug. I'm a man on a mission. It was almost 3 a.m., and I was dead tired but determined to spew my poison strains in one more hole before calling it a night. After several passes through the corridors and the maze area, I finally found my target. He was on hands and knees in a room, his butt in the air, lube on the mattress and no condoms in sight. I zoomed in, shut the door and immediately started fingering his hole. It was dry, indicating I would be his first load of the night. I love shoving my fat dick into a butt full of jizz - it's the best lube - but knowing I would be first also meant I'd stretch and tear his hole so that my poz bug would go right into his bloodstream. Awesome! Before I could get on his ass, though, he moved his hot wet mouth to my huge pig nipples and began sucking and chewing like a mad man. FUCKING AWESOME! Most guys seem to go right for the dick, but my nips are even more sensitive than my cock, and getting them worked gets me rock hard. After a bit I pulled his head up and shoved my tongue into his mouth, and we kissed like there was no tomorrow. The chemistry was intense, and I knew this was going to be a really great fuck. He was a white kid, mid to late 20s, about 5-foot-7, maybe 150 pounds, slim and lightly muscled - not a twink, but a good boy who was gonna get a huge load of daddy's poz juice. I'm 41, Latino, 5-foot-10 and almost 190 pounds of solid muscle, and my thick and heavy meat was already dripping as I thought about how I would take his boy pussy: Start on his back, then turn him over and fuck him like a dog before I pinned him down with my muscles and shot a thick, juicy load of poison cum in his cunt. "Oh fuck me, daddy! Fuck your bitch! I need your fucking dick SOOO bad!" That was all I needed to hear. His legs were up in the air in no time, and my dick was lubed and aiming at his puckered hole … when it happened: The goddamned fucker whipped out a condom. It caught me totally off guard and made me fucking madder than hell. Fucking tease! I couldn't believe this was happening. If it had been earlier in the night, I would have jumped off him in a heartbeat and stormed out with a monster hard-on in search of the first hole I could find. But it was late, and I didn't want to do that this time - so I took a chance. I took the rubber from his hand, threw it on the floor and immediately shoved my lubed dick into his tight hole. It took all of my body weight to pin him down as the surprise and pain gripped his body. He tried to push me off, but I was clearly too strong for him. "Sorry, fucker. I don't do rubbers." I was pissed as hell, and I held him tight as his hole stretched and twitched around my invading pole. "Bareback only." He didn't say anything coherent, but he grunted and tried to push me off with his legs. "C'mon, bitch, you know you want it! You were begging me to fuck your cunt! You fucking need this, boycunt!" But he clearly was having second thoughts about the whole scene, so I decided to change my approach. "Come on, baby, take daddy's dick. You can do it, boy…" I eased up a bit on his body and tried a more seductive approach. "You got a real sweet boy pussy, and daddy wants to make you feel good." A little nasty encouragement was all he needed. He gave in immediately, shifting his hips so that his hole was right in line with my dick inside him, and started babbling like a baby. "OH GOD, daddy, I need your cock inside me so bad! Please fuck me, daddy! Please fuck me! Please fuck me!" He worked my nipples and kept talking like a whore in heat, and that was all I needed. My dick was rock hard, partly from his response and partly because I knew I was truly going to breed him. The guy must be neg - or at least must think he's neg - if he wanted me to use a rubber. I looked over by the edge of the pillow and saw he had a whole stash of 'em there. That only made me fuck him harder, determined to show him what happens to a fucking tease. "I'm gonna breed your pussy, boy. You know that? You're gonna get daddy's hot seed deep in your cunt. That's what you really want, you fucking bitch, isn't it? You want a hot daddy to fuck you and use you and breed you like a whore, don't you?" "OH GOD, DADDY, YES!!! That's what I want! That's what I need! Please fuck me, Daddy. Please fuck me! … But please pull out before you cum, daddy, please!" The fucking bastard! He was too fucking stupid to be real! Did he really think I would not breed his hole at this point? As long as I live, I will never understand the "logic" of these neg guys who think they can take raw dick and stay neg. What stupidity. What arrogance. "Sorry, fucker. I don't do rubbers, and I don't pull out. You're getting daddy's dick and his load, just like you want it…. Get ready, boy, because Daddy's gonna breed ya!" He just kept moaning and pushing back to meet my thrusts, and that was all the sign I needed. "HERE IT CUMS, BOY! HERE CUMS DADDY'S HOT SEED! GODDAMN YEAH, FUCKER, I'M SPRAYING MY STUD JUICE DEEP IN YOUR GUTS RIGHT NOW!" Walking around for almost an hour before I met this kid, I had worked up a huge load of hot cum. I coated the whole inside of his pussy with poz seed, so much that I could feel it squirting over and over as my balls pumped over and over again. I shoved my tongue deep inside his mouth and rammed my hips into his small body for all I was worth, determined to plant my poison bug so deep in his guts that he'd taste it in the back of his throat. I kept kissing him deep and telling him what a good boy he was as I thrust inside him for another minute or two, determined to work the poison into his pussy walls good so that none would spill out and it would all go straight into his blood stream. "Oh daddy… Oh daddy…. Oh, daddy…." He just kept muttering, too weak, shocked or both to do anything but lie there and feel my poz juice seep into his system. I don't remember the last time I had such a fucking intense orgasm. Almost as soon as it subsided, I was ready to go. I wondered for a moment if he came too, but then I decided that I didn't really care. It was all about me giving him what he fucking needed. It's what I fucking needed, too. I've shot more than a half dozen loads just recalling the whole scene and putting it down in writing. If any of you pigs want some of my poz juice, I'm at Steamworks in Berkeley every other Saturday night. Hope to breed ya soon.... Raw Latino Muscle
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  6. I never pullout whats the point of that? our Precum is loaded with hiv anyway, and i precum fucking buckets...G> when a guy is asking me to pullout, i dont lie about it. I just say nothing and totally ignore him, or just grunt to aknowledge his request. I have always developed selective hearing about things i get told what NOT to do. but i know what his ass is about to get. I stay deep when i shoot in em so they wont notice as fast that they are loaded with my DNA. blow it deep so it SOAKS into thier guts. Fucking always turned me on shooting up a guys ass that is nervous or a "pullout: bttm. hes going to convert anyway if he bttms and BB. not sure how other pig tops stand on that. i never been the type to ;'"ASK" a bttm if its OK or can i shoot in you... FUCK that i dont ask i breed. back in the day of rubbers, i always id tear the fucking thing off during sex anyways and that turns me on even more. esp when i do the deed and seed his ass anyways. hahaha
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  7. 3 nights ago I went to hook up with this HOT cub in his hotel...he texted me his room number and told me to just come right in...I get to his room and open the door...there he was in a jock laying face down showing off his HOT furry cub ass....I quickly strip and start eating his hole...after a bit we start making out and he wanted me to slide my cock in his ass......just as I was getting ready to slid in his ass there is a knock at the door....he tells me he had a guy joining us...who am I to complain....funny thing is when the guy comes in the room it turns out it was a guy I had bred a week earlier when he was in a hotel in town...after about a half hour of kissing sucking and stroking the cub gets on all fours and says he needs fucked....the other guy and I take turns fucking his raw ass...the other guy blows first...then the cub says he wants to fuck someone so the other guy offers his hungry hole...while the cub is fucking I slide in and we are getting a flow going....finally the cub blows his load and says he needs a break...we make out suck and fuck off and on for an hour...then I get a message from a guy I know from Growlr and so we invite him over....10 minutes later there are 4 of us fucking like the pigs we are..at one point we are all fucking like the pigs we are....we even get into a long fuck train with me bringing up the rear on the cub's ass.....I finished the night breeding the cub with two loads and the other guys with one each will try and get video up soon on the xtube link section of BreedingZone
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  8. Just hooked up with this guy I met on craigslist. I went over to his place and buzzed me up. As soon as I got in his bedroom is stripped down to nothing (which was easy because I was freeballing in a tshirt and flip flops. He strippes and I get on my knees and suck his cock. It wasn't big but it was nice, a bit more then 6in and he had big low hanging balls. While I was sucking him he was lubing up my hole and after a few min he turned me around and bent me over on my hands a knees. Came up behind my and slid the head in my ass. I asked him to stop (even though he wasnt that big) for a moment because I hadn't been fucked in awhile. Then he slowly started to ease it in, once he was balls deep I told him to fuck my as hard. He lasted about five min and told me he was cumming in my ass. After he stopped he pulled out and I sucked him back to full hardness for round two. After about ten min he blew his second load into my ass. Then we hoped in the shower to clean off and I sucked another load out of him while in the shower. It was hot night.
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  9. 2. The Surprise I woke sometime around two in the afternoon to Rick pressing his cock back into my nearly recovered hole. I moaned as my hole once again stretched around his impressive girth, the cum from the previous times he had fucked me lubricating his shaft as he sank into me. Once inside of my Rick wasted no time, and was soon hammering my hole with ruthless efficiency causing me to cry out with lust. I am not normally a screamer but Rick’s powerful fucking forced yelps and moans out of me like no one had before. It didn’t take long this time for the load to boil up in Rick’s balls and soon he was grunting and bucking like an animal as he added another load to my already well-filled ass. “One for the road,” he growled into my ear as he came inside of me. When his cock had stopped twitching he pulled out and rolled out of the bed. “I’ve got some shit to do, so much as I’d like to spend the day breeding your hole… I’ve gotta go,” he said as he moved towards the door. “I’ll show you out,” I said covering my disappointment at seeing that magnificent cock go. “Don’t worry about it. Go back to sleep. Get my number from Austin and let me know when you wanna get plowed again.” Then he was gone. I laid on my bed for a long moment, naked on my stomach, my stretched out cummy hole facing the door that Rick had left open again as he exited. I went back to sleep. Several hours later I woke up again to the sound of a new voice in my room. “Damn,” the voice said, “Who wrecked your hole?” It took me a long moment to place the voice. But before my eyes were fully open and I had looked over my shoulder at the speaker I knew it was Austin. I suddenly remembered that the door to my room had been open and that the way I was laying on the bed my cum covered ass was clearly visible. Austin smiled at me a little oddly as he took in my compromised position. Knowing what I did now about Austin I found myself seeing him in a new light. He was still a tall thin twink, but I took note of the well defined abs, the incredibly hairy pits, sweet pink nipples, the narrow but dense treasure trail that led down into his skimpy yellow underpants. I noted too just how well the basket of those underpants was filled out. “Seriously,” he pressed on, coming further into the room, “someone did a number on your ass and left a shit load of cum behind. I had no idea you were suck a fucking slut, let alone a cumslut.” “I’m not normally,” I said, shifting in the bed and covering myself with a sheet. “So who dumped all those loads in your hole?” I hesitated for a moment and then said, rather sheepishly, “Rick.” A strange series of emotions played across Austin’s face so quickly that I couldn’t place all of them; but I’m certain that surprise, anger, jealousy, and fear all flashed by before he settled on lust. He rubbed his crotch through his yellow briefs and I could see that the healthy bulge was beginning to swell. “Why are you covering yourself up man,” he asked coming even closer. “You liked getting railed by Rick didn’t you? Well I’ve got something I think you’ll like just as much.” With that he practically leapt onto the bed straddling my pelvis. He lent forward and kissed me roughly. My cock quickly hardened again as I began to explore my roommates trim body with my hands. Our kiss was short lived though as after only a couple of minutes Austin broke away and said, “I have to get my mouth on that ass, flip over.” I did as I was told and kicking my legs apart Austin spread my cheeks and started to devour my ass. He lapped up the cum that had leaked from my hole and pushed it back inside of me with his tongue as he desperately tried to penetrate my hole as deep as he could with that same organ. Much like our kiss though this joy was short lived as soon I heard rustling and felt Austin shifting about behind me. Soon his mouth left my hole but his hands remained on my cheeks, I felt something warm and hard press against my hole and knew that it was his cock. Without saying a word Austin steadily pressed his fat raw cock in side of me. It was not quite as long as Rick’s but it certainly was as thick if not thicker. I whimpered into the pillow as Austin came to rest balls deep in me and started to kiss my neck. He started out slowly, sensing that my hole was still a little worn to from my night’s escapades but soon worked himself up to a feverish pace. Soon Austin was panting as I moaned into the pillows in front of me, and sweat dripped from him falling onto me. He was not going to last long, that was quickly obvious, but his cock was tugging at my hole as it stretched me wide in such a magical way that I wasn’t about to complain. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned as he bottomed out in me and his cock began to throb. As his orgasm rocked through his body he leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t last longer, I’ll be ready to go in a minute though.” He started to rock his hips forward and back slightly, “But feeling all those POZ loads in you I couldn’t resist adding my own to the mix right away.” “What,” I said, my ass clenching around his cock in shock, “You’re POZ?” “Yeah,” he replied sounding a little confused, and then after a moment, “So is Rick. I thought you knew and that’s why…” “Oh fuck,” I said, “I had no idea.” “I’m so sorry,” Austin said, moving to get off of me. As his cock started to slip from my hole I realized I didn’t want him to stop. I had six loads of POZ cum in my hole… there was no changing that so I might as well enjoy the cocks that put it there. I reached back and grabbed his hips, pulling him to me, and shoving his cock back inside of me. “Where do you think you’re going mister,” I said. “But I’m…” “At this point it doesn’t matter, so how about we stop talking and you get back to plowing my hole with your fat POZ cock.”
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  10. PART 5 We walked into the sling room, and Grant closed the door. His uncut cock looked to be about 9.5” by 7”, dripping like a broken faucet and sporting a mean hole-wrecker of a P.A. “I’m Sloan,” I said, shaking Grant’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Sloan. And who’s the boy?” “He’s my lil’ bro, a slampig-in-training. One week past his 18th birthday, practically a virgin, and all partied up for the first time. He’s your fuckhole for the night, so call him whatever you want. His name’s not important.” Grant growled approval, then turned to Conrad. “Hey, son. Sounds like your big bro's been taking good care of you, huh?” “Yes, sir,” Conrad replied. “Yeah, boy? Tell me what your bro’s been doing for you.” “Well, sir—he’s making a man out of me,” said Conrad. “Before this, I’d only fucked around with other boys. Tonight is the first time I’ve surrendered my body, my hole—everything—to the control of a man who wants to mark me, own me, use me. And best of all, I can still feel his thick cumload dripping out of my hole.” “Is that so, boy?” Grant reached around to Conrad’s ass, pulling the boy closer to him. I heard his fingers dip into the warmth and wetness of that slopped-up boyhole. He gave another growl of appreciation. “Admit it, boy: you were looking for somebody to pin you down and fill your hungry little musclebutt with raw dick.” “That’s right, sir,” said Conrad. “My big bro knew what to do. He fed me white smoke from a little glass pipe. He just kept feeding me that smoke, and every time I exhaled a big breath full of clouds, I got hungrier. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that hungry, but that’s what I was—so fucking hungry for my big bro’s dick. I couldn't believe how amazing it felt when his bareback cock shoved into my fuckhole.” “Good boy,” said Grant, his hands slowly kneading the muscles of Conrad’s bubble butt. “And now that you’ve got a thick load of your big bro’s poz cum oozing of out your partied-up hole, are you still hungry?” “Even hungrier. Please give me more. Please poz me, Daddy.” Grant growled, pointing at the sling. “Climb up, boy.” As Conrad walked to the sling, Grant turned to me. “Nice work, son.” “Thanks, Dad.” I opened up my playkit, revealing a row of prepared points. “Would you like to do the honors? I think it’s time we got our boy slammed out of his fuckin’ mind.” “Fuck yeah -- but I've got an idea,” said Grant. “Whenever I slam, I shoot a big load of cum as soon as the tourniquet comes off my arm. Why let that load go to waste? I’ll push my dick up inside our boy’s hole, then slam myself at the same time you’re slamming him. That way, he’ll be riding his very first rush at the exact same moment my cock is shooting thick ropes of unmedicated poz cum deep inside his little fuckhole. Got it?” “Fuck, Dad—that’s fuckin’ perfect. And then what?” “And then I use my seed as lube. You know—fuck my slutty son for awhile, just working that toxic load up inside him, getting him good and pregnant. Watching his sweet little face as he takes my fat poz dick into his slammed-up hole. I usually shoot my second load after 10 or 15 minutes of massaging that first round of cum into a boy’s fuckin’ pussy. I like to leave their insides torn-up and painted thick with my fuckin’ virus by the time I pull out.” “Fuckin’ A, you evil fucker. Let's fuck this boy into the dark side.” With that, we turned toward Conrad. His feet were firmly in the stirrups, his muscular legs spread wide, his 18-year-old boyhole proudly exposed for breeding. Jason was already applying a tourniquet. I took a syringe out of my playkit and handed it to Grant, then grabbed another for Conrad. Jason cocked his head and pointed at the playkit. “How big are those hits, anyway?” “Oh—big enough,” I said with a smirk. Jason flashed an evil grin. “Fuck yeah, dude. You startin’ him with—what? A .35?” “More like a 0.4,” I said. “But before that happens, this particular needle needs to make a little detour.” I immediately found a vein in my forearm, inserted the tip, and pulled back the plunger. A scarlet swirl of my blood began filling the rig. Removing the needle from my arm, I aimed it at Conrad’s bulging veins. “You see this, boy?” I said to him, tapping the side of the needle, its contents now contaminated with red streaks of my toxic blood. “This is how we guarantee that you go home tomorrow with my virus growing inside you. Got it?” Conrad smiled and nodded, holding out his arm eagerly. “Fuck yeah—we’ll be blood brothers,” he said. “Make me your blood brother. Please.” “Of course, bro. I’m so fuckin’ proud to bring you into the brotherhood.” Needle in hand, I leaned over to admire his beautiful veins. I picked one almost at random; his time at the gym had given him a forearm full of perfect admin sites. “See bro—the tip of this needle has my poz DNA all over it,” I said. "Want it?" "Fuck yeah. Please. Stick that poz needle in me." I gave him a quick smile, then gently slid the contaminated point into his arm. “Are you ready to watch my virus invade your fuckin’ bloodstream?” He nodded as if in a trance. I drew back the plunger, and Conrad’s blood rushed into the syringe to mix with mine. I looked behind me to see that Grant, too, had a register, and that his Daddy dick was already firmly lodged in my lil' bro's hole. Turning back to Conrad, I loosened his tourniquet and flashed a wolfish little grin. “You ready, baby boy? You ready for this fat fuckin’ blood-slam?” “Yes. Do it, bro. Please.” “You’re gonna be so goddamn fucked up. I can’t wait, lil’ bro.” With that, Daddy and I looked at each other and nodded. Then we counted down: 3, 2, 1... Push. The contents of the syringe began disappearing into Conrad’s vein, slowly and steadily, while the crimson mixture of our poz and neg blood gradually merged with his bloodstream. I felt his body begin to tense as the first wave of the drug started to hit. And as I pulled the needle out of his vein, his eyes grew wide and his lungs made a scratching noise as he prepared to cough. Grant finished his slam just as Conrad’s coughing fit began. Each cough caused my lil' bro's ass to spasm around Grant's dick, and that took our Daddy over the edge: as he yelled "Fuckin' take my virus" over and over again, his fat cock pulsed repeatedly inside my lil’ bro’s stretched-out cunt, each pulse sending waves of poz cum deep inside my boy's newly slammed-up fuckhole. A moment later, Grant pulled his cock from Conrad’s hungry butt, giving both of us a glimpse of the thick spout of cum erupting from his fat mushroom head. “You wanna get pregnant, son? ‘Cuz I wanna knock your ass up.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy. I wanna give your fuckin’ poz sperm a place to grow.” Grant shoved back in. As his raw dick re-entered Conrad's hole, I watched my lil' bro undergo my favorite transformation: No longer struggling to catch his breath, no longer freaked out by the intensity of the slam, his eyes gradually lost their focus, overwhelmed by the pleasure radiating from his fuckhole. His mouth dropped open, and he let out a low, slow moan. As I watched, his body seemed to become an extension of his wrecked and dripping fuckhole—open and hungry and obsessed. “Feel that cum dripping out of your hole?” Grant said to him as he continued to nail Conrad's butt. “I’m filling you up with the fuckin’ sperm that made you, boy.” By that point, Conrad’s hole was leaking a steady stream of cum mixed with streaks of blood from Grant’s assault on his torn-up cunt. “Dad’s drawing blood,” I said, pointing to the evidence of internal damage. Grant let out a cocky little laugh. “Looks like you’re starting to bleed from your wrecked little cunt, boy. Want me to stop?” My lil’ bro shook his head fiercely, his eyes insane with desire. “Please don’t stop tearing me up, Daddy,” he said. “More poz cum, please.” “Good boy,” replied Grant. “Good fuckin’ slampig. You make your Daddy so fuckin’ proud. And you know what’s gonna happen a little later?” “What’s that, Daddy?” “We’re gonna slam you up again, and your hole’s gonna stretch like you wouldn’t believe. That’s right, boy—it’s gonna stretch until it’s a gaping, bloody punch-hole dripping cum and piss and Crisco. You want that?” “I want everything you want to give me, Daddy.” “Good boy. The next slam will reduce you to nothing but a hole. You won’t even know your fuckin’ name, boy. But that’s OK. When your sweet boyhole is stretched around my fuckin’ forearm, nobody will be calling you Conrad. They’ll give you a new name. My favorite name.” “What’s that, Daddy? What’s your favorite name?” “Slampig,” Grant replied, driving his dick deep. “And you know what, Slampig? I’m here to make sure that my son will never shoot a neg load again.” MORE SOON…
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  11. PART 4 “Wait a second,” Jason said, growing suddenly serious. “Before we get this kid slammed up and pozzed deep, there are a few things we need to address.” “Yeah, bud? What’s that?” He looked down at my gym shorts. “First of all, dude, I really need you to unleash that cock. You’re about to tear through the fabric. And let’s see that hairy chest, too—get fuckin’ naked for me.” I looked down to see the outline of my dick hanging down my left thigh, straining against the shorts and leaving a visible wet spot as it drooled toxic precum. I gave Jason a cocky little smirk, then peeled off my tank top, running my hand down my stomach to pull the elastic of my shorts down past my cock and onto the floor. “Now what?” Jason wasn’t looking at my face anymore. He was transfixed by the sight of my dick, still slick with infected seed. “Well, second of all,” he said—and here I caught a demonic glint in his pitch-black pupils—“before we go to the sling room, I need to take a giant leak. Could you direct me to the nearest urinal?” Without another word, I took Conrad by the arm and laid the kid on his back. “Spread your hole, faggot,” I said, taking a moment to look into his eyes with deep affection and brotherly pride. Conrad gave me a blissed-out, boyish grin. Then he reached down to his little jockbutt, pulling it back to reveal the hole I’d seduced with Tina, penetrated raw, and pounded full of poz cum. “That’s good, bro. Fuckin’ beautiful. A little wider, please.” He dug his fingers in deeper and pulled his little cumhole wide enough that a small cascade of my poz offspring dripped onto the bedsheet. “So listen now,” I continued, “Jason and I are gonna show you something new, OK?” Conrad nodded, so incredibly eager to please—no questions asked. A true chemwhore. His eyes locked on mine again, and I gave him an almost imperceptible nod, as if to say: You’re doing great, kid. Jason rested the head of his raw cock against Conrad’s smooth, dripping boyhole. “OK, buddy,” he said to Conrad. “You ready? Here we fuckin' go.” My lil’ bro grunted approval. And then with a slow, single thrust, Jason sank his bare cockhead and veiny shaft into my boy, not stopping until his balls came to rest against the cum-trail dripping steadily from Conrad’s cunt. Jason leaned forward, pressing his dick even deeper as my lil’ bro breathed out a single word: “Yes.” Then Jason closed his eyes and concentrated on the task at hand. “Just stay perfectly still,” he said to Conrad. “Relax your hole for me, boy. There you go. Just like that. Keep it relaxed. Stay right where you are. I’m just about to—“ Before he could even finish his sentence, it happened: he let out a long, guttural moan as his mouth opened wide and his head kicked back. Then he slowly thrust his raw cock even deeper, emptying a bladder full of partypiss into my beautiful fucked-up boy. I don’t know how long it took for him to release everything he’d stored up, but one thing was clear: my lil’ bro’s guts were getting flooded. “How does that feel, Conrad?” I asked him. He shook his head slowly as if to say: No words. My dick bounced in appreciation as I watched my boy’s pupils dilate a little more with every wave of piss invading his hole. “Warm,” he finally whispered, his voice lower now, his face less boyish, like he was transforming into a man while I watched. “So fuckin’ warm.” Finally, Jason’s steady moan drifted into silence. He opened his eyes and glanced over at me. We both laughed. “I’ve been saving up that slampiss for awhile,” he said. Then his eyes closed again and he let out another primal moan. “Fuuuuuuuck—there’s a little more. A little more piss for you, kid. Jesus. Goddamn—I’m so fuckin’ glad my chems found a home. A perfect home. Right here, deep inside this eager fuckin' faggot.” Conrad just kept smiling. “I was born to be a faggot for men like you," he said with a little nod. My cock swelling with pride, I leaned over to give my boy a kiss. Then Jason let out a giant sigh. “OK, boy,” he said. “I’m gonna start pulling out, OK? Now, here’s what I want you to do: I want you to start squeezing that sweet little fuckhole for me. There you go. Squeeze it—just like that. Nice! Such a good boy. Now listen: after I pull out, I want you to keep it nice and tight, OK? We’re gonna give you a few minutes to soak up my Tina-piss.” As Jason’s cock slipped out of Conrad’s hole, I saw a single dark-gold droplet of piss escape—but that was all. Obedient as ever, my boy turned all his attention to keeping those recycled chems deep in his fuckhole, right where they belonged. “Thank you, fucker,” I said to Jason, grabbing him by the back of the head as we matched breaths in a hungry kiss. I pressed my cock against his tight stomach, then reached around to his furry hole. My fingers slipped easily inside him, enveloped in a familiar warmth and wetness. “Goddamn,” I whispered in his ear. “How many loads have you taken tonight?” “Just five,” he said with a cocky grin. “My poz Daddy has a rule: I can take as much cum as I want, but only if I share my unmedicated load with at least one boy. Preferably a negboy.” I growled. "OK, I gotta meet this poz Daddy of yours. So here's what we're gonna do: I’m gonna help this boy release the piss from his hole. Then we’re gonna meet up with you guys in the sling room. Got it?” “Got it, dude,” Jason said as he opened the door, his towel slung over his shoulder. “And hurry. I tell ya, my Daddy’s gonna fuckin’ love this kid.” “We won’t be long,” I assured him. With that, I grabbed Conrad by the arm and led him down the hall, showing him to the group shower directly across from the giant hot tub. I turned on the water, spun him around, and wrapped my arms around his torso. As we stood there under the water, I thought to myself: You think you’re high now, kid? Releasing this piss will take you to whole new level. And that’s nothing compared with what’s still to come. “OK, lil’ bro,” I said with my mouth resting against his ear, my hands brushing up and down the length of his tight little six-pack. “I’m gonna rest my cock against your hole, alright? As I start to press into you, just relax. Got it?” He nodded, and I reached down to position the head of my dick against that hungry little cunt. As I started to apply pressure, I felt his ass relax—and suddenly my cock was surrounded by a rush of warm slampiss rushing out of his hole. I thrust a little deeper, feeling a gutful of chems splashing down my legs. And then I couldn’t hold back. I began to fuck him, but only for a minute or so—just to feel his hungry hole pulse and twitch hungrily around my raw dick. As I kept fucking, the stream of slampiss slowed to a trickle. He moaned. And for the first time, with every thrust of my poz dick into my 18-year-old boy’s eager fuckhole, he began actively milking my cock. “Very good, boy,” I whispered. “You’re fuckin’ made for this. Aren’t you, lil’ bro?” “Fuck yeah, big bro,” he mumbled. This kid was totally in heat—the slampiss rushing out of his hole had taken him into the goddamn stratosphere. “I’m made for this. And I need it so bad. Your raw cock. Your amazing fat dick, deep inside my boyhole. Bareback me. Please bareback me. Please. You. Fucking. Stud.” “Listen, lil’ bro,” I said, easing off on my thrusts before resting my cock deep inside him. I looked up to see that a sizable crowd had formed around us, so I leaned in a little closer and lowered my voice. “As much as I want to breed you right now, we shouldn’t make that poz Daddy wait any longer. So get your towel, boy. It’s time for you to get slammed up.” We walked back to the room, my arm draped over his shoulder, my hand occasionally mussing his hair like an affectionate big bro. I stopped by our room for just a moment to grab my playkit—and then proceeded to the sling room. When we reached the door, I turned to Conrad, placing my hands on his cute little butt as I drew his body close to mine. “You sure you’re ready for this, lil’ bro?” “I’m ready for anything, big bro.” “Good boy. Then knock.” He looked at the door, hesitating for just a moment, then glanced back at me. I gave him a proud little nod. He grinned that boyish grin, then gave the door a solid knock. Footsteps approached. The door opened. Standing before us, naked and hard, was a man like almost no man I’d seen. He was a silver Daddy type, mid-40s maybe, with a lean and muscled chest covered with salt-and-pepper hair, a tight stomach, and a truly massive pierced cock. Best of all: right above his navel, in jet-black ink, he had a biohazard tattoo that expanded and contracted with every breath, as if pulsing with hunger. “Welcome, you fuckin’ pigs,” he said with a lopsided grin. “I’m Grant. And you better get in here, ‘cuz we’ve got some fuckin’ work to do.” MORE SOON…
    2 points
  12. PART 3 Conrad looked up at me and smiled. His legs were still wide open, and a pearl-size drop of cum escaped his hole. I pushed it in with my finger, and he moaned. “Sit up, boy,” I said. “Take three nice hits off the pipe for your big bro. I’m gonna get us ready for a night at the baths.” I heard the click of the lighter as I grabbed a white jockstrap from the laundry basket, giving it a quick smell and catching a whiff of cum, sweat, and piss in the fabric pouch. I threw it to Conrad. “Here, bud—wear this,” I said. “It’s only slightly used.” He nodded as a dense cloud billowed from his mouth. Meanwhile, I grabbed my playkit, threw on a T-shirt, and pulled my gym shorts over my cock—still rock-hard and glistening with fresh poz seed. The mesh fabric strained around my erection, pulling on the elastic and revealing just a little bit of the thick patch of hair above my cock. I heard the boy hit the pipe a second time, then a third, as I prepared another dose of G in the kitchen. I brought him the dose as he exhaled smoke from his nose like a regular chemwhore. “Drink up,” I said, “then put on those shorts. But leave your tank top here, OK? I want everybody to see my lil’ bro’s hot fuckin’ body.” He nodded, gulping at the G-laced soda before pulling his shorts over the jockstrap. The waistline landed about one-third of the way down his bubble butt, revealing a bright-white band of elastic. “Good boy,” I said, lighting up the pipe and sharing the smoke with him in a deep, hungry kiss. “Now let’s go feed your hot little butt.” He practically ran to the bathhouse, stopping every 50 feet or so to keep his shorts from slipping to the ground. Finally I grabbed his hand, unbuttoned the top button, and let the shorts fall. He shot a worried glance my way. “Don’t worry, bud,” I said with a triumphant grin, opening the front doors to the bathhouse. “Nobody here’s gonna complain.” My buddy Rick was on duty at the ticket window. As Conrad and I approached, he gave the kid a once-over and laughed. “Holy shit, dude,” he said to me. “This one's gonna be good.” “It already is,” I said, showing him one of my fingers slick with cum from Conrad’s hole. Rick practically licked his chops. (He was one of my regular top buddies, and he especially loved sprinkling a layer of T on his raw poz dick and sliding it inside a faggot’s wrecked, dripping cumhole.) As he secured a room for us, I glanced back at the guys standing in line. All of them craned their necks to see my boy leaning against the counter in his jockstrap. I pulled his ass apart, revealing a trickle of cum running down his leg. That earned a few grunts of piggy appreciation. Then I whispered in my lil’ bro’s ear: “Keep spreading it, boy. Be proud of your hunger.” He nodded eagerly, reaching back and showing off his smooth, knocked-up boyhole. One of the dudes in line responded with a single word: “Fuuuuuuuuuck.” “The sling room is taken,” said Rick. “But I’m pretty sure you’ll be invited there at some point.” (He gave the word “point” a little extra emphasis, followed by a wink.) “Anyway, I managed to get a deluxe room for you. Come on through and let me check your bags.” We walked through the security door, and I put my playkit on the counter. Rick opened it up. I'd packed everything I might need for a night of poz-fucking: a row of prepared points, a large dimebag full of T, a needleless syringe for administering booty bumps, and a water bong. “Looks good to me,” he said with a smirk. Then he leaned over the counter and lowered his voice. “I’m off at 6 am. You’re welcome to come by my place when you’re done here.” Rick often hosted a group at his place on Sunday mornings. It was always a good crowd—mostly because he would recruit the hottest partyboys from the bathhouse by giving them a glimpse of his big dick while “checking their bags.” I gave him a nod. “Fuck yeah,” I said. “He’ll be very ready for you by that...point.” “Point taken,” said Rick with a smirk. “Now get to work.” As Conrad and I began walking down the hallway toward our room, I put my arm around his shoulder, bringing my mouth close to his ear. “If you see anything you like, just let me know. OK, buddy?” “Yes, big bro,” he answered, causing my cock to nearly spring out of my shorts. We walked past the hot tub, where some kid sat on the edge, legs dangling in the water, his hole eagerly riding a Daddy's raw cock. The kid was clearly tweaked out of his mind, and I could hear the top muttering a steady stream of pigtalk as the kid bounced hungrily on his dick. Conrad stopped and stared. “Don’t worry, buddy,” I said. “That’s nothing compared to what you’re in for.” We turned the corner. Ahead of us, leaning against the wall, a furry guy in his mid- to late 20s stood watching the men walk by. He was wearing nothing but a towel and a camouflage ballcap. I thought to myself: this is what Conrad might look like in a few years. The dude sported a little more muscle, a spray of hair across his pecs, and a clear treasure trail leading from his abs to the towel wrapped around his waist. But that's not what really caught my attention. No: what caught my attention was the giant red-and-black biohazard tattoo just above his left nipple. And then something happened that blew my fucking mind. Conrad saw the dude standing there, let out a little whimper, and made a beeline for this total fuckin’ stranger. And without a word, he placed his tongue on the guy’s nipple...giving the biohazard tat a long, slow lick. The dude grinned, placed his hand on the back of Conrad’s head, and encouraged him to keep worshiping the mark of poz brotherhood. Then he looked over at me. “This your boy?” he said. “Fuck yeah,” I answered. “I’m Sloan. This is Conrad.” “Jason here,” he said. “But before we go any further, he needs to be clear on one thing.” “What’s that? “My tattoo isn’t gonna give him what he wants. Only one thing is gonna do that.” He pulled the towel away from his waist, and his fat uncut cock swung forward, its head grazing my lil’ bro’s abs. Conrad whimpered again. I leaned over to give Jason a long, sloppy kiss. “Come with us,” I said. “I wanna see you help my boy earn his tattoo.” Conrad broke away from his poz-worship, and the two guys followed me to the room. Once inside, the boy dropped to his knees and began noisily and shamelessly slurping on Jason’s poz cock. Fuck yeah, I thought to myself. That G is definitely kicking in. “Goddamn,” said Jason with a laugh. “You got this kid fuckin’ blitzed, huh?” I answered with a proud nod. “Nice,” Jason said, then lowered his voice. “So…how are you guys partying?” I raised my eyebrows, then gave Jason another deep kiss as Conrad kept trying to devour his cock. “Fuck, dude,” I whispered in his ear. “That’s one of my favorite fuckin’ questions.” (As most partypigs know, the only people who ask “how you’re partying” are slammers—so Jason was not only a hot poz fucker, but a slampig too.) “Oh yeah, fucker?” he said with a smirk. “You been playing darts with this boy?” “Not yet,” I answered. “But in a few minutes, he'll be getting his first fuckin’ slam.” I took Jason’s hand and guided it to Conrad’s hole. His finger made contact with the warm seed slowly dripping from my lil’ bro’s knocked-up cunt—and with that, Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned in appreciation. “That’s poz load #1,” I said. “My load. I got this kid high and pounded his virgin cunt full of seed. And of course he’s hungry for more.” “Of course he is,” Jason said. “Listen—I’m here with my poz Daddy, the dude who knocked me up about a year ago. We’re in the sling room. We love getting negboys on their backs, slamming ‘em up for the first time, and transforming them into little poz cumhounds. You wanna join us?” I flashed him a wolfish grin, then leaned over to kiss him again. “Couldn’t have planned it better myself,” I said. “Fuckin' A. Let’s go create a slampig.” MORE SOON…
    2 points
  13. PART 2 As we walked through my front door, Conrad reached into his backpack and took out a box of rubbers. “Can’t forget condoms,” he said with an awkward laugh. I took them from his hand, managed a vague sort of nod, and threw them on the dining room table. My boys usually insist on condoms—at first. But after a little bit of chemical intervention, they always transform into eager raw cumholes. Only once did I end up with an especially stubborn kid who kept trying to wrap my dick, so I resorted to a backup plan—a stash of broken rubbers with little holes poked in the reservoirs. Didn’t matter in the end. By the time the condom tore apart while I was pounding his negboy hole, he was so high he tore the shreds of rubber away from my cock and ran his finger along the raw shaft as it plunged in and out of his chemmed-up cunt, his eyes glazing over with the deep-buried desire to be a bareback whore. I always get what I want. I told Conrad to take a seat on the couch and help himself to the pot. Meanwhile, I walked to the kitchen. I took a few sodas out of the fridge and poured them into glasses I’d already dosed with a cap of G. I love G because it transforms uptight boys into ragdoll sluts in a matter of 20 minutes. The taste can be tough to hide, but I recently found a dealer who consistently delivers high-potency GHB that doesn’t taste awful. In fact, after diluting the stuff in 12 ounces of Pepsi, it only leaves a subtle aftertaste—perfect for serving to unsuspecting negboys. As I finished my little cocktail, I heard Conrad’s voice from the couch: “Hey, what’s this?” That made me grin, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. On a tray in the middle of the coffee table, I’d left a bong full of pot. And right next to it, I’d left a little glass pipe full of Tina. Every single time, my negboy visitors are deeply fascinated by the glass pipe, so all I need to do is pretend like it’s nothing too special. “What’s what?” I asked. “I’m just wondering what’s in this little glass pipe thing full of white stuff.” “Oh, that,” I replied, walking into the living room with the G-laced Pepsi. “Not sure you’re ready for that. It’s called T. It can be really, really fun. It makes me horny as fuck, and I bet you’d have a blast on it. But maybe we should just take it easy—just stick with the pot, you know? Here’s some soda, by the way. Drink up, little bro.” He took a few gulps of Pepsi while holding the glass pipe, looking at it intently. My dick stiffened. “Actually, I’m curious,” he said. “Would it be cool if I just tried it?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, bud—be my guest. But let me show you how to work it, OK?” I sat down next to him, my hands visibly shaking with excitement. “Alright, now hold that pipe up to your mouth. Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna light this little torch and heat up the stuff in the bowl. Just wait a moment. See that? See the little wisps of smoke forming? Now when I say go, just start inhaling very lightly and steadily. Lightly and steadily. Got it? OK, bud—go ahead. Start inhaling. There you go. Good boy. Just take that swirling smoke into your lungs and hold it until I tell you otherwise. Got it?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “OK, little bro,” I said to him, taking the pipe away from his mouth. “Hold it, just for a sec. Then exhale it through your nose. There you go. Fuck yeah—good boy! Now again.” That first hit was a nice fat one—the cloud emerging from his mouth and nostrils was thick and white, and my cock dripped at the smell of the Tina emanating from his lungs. From that point on, with each cloud of meth that escaped his lips and his nostrils, he was losing a little bit of his innocence. For the second hit, I gave him the torch to operate, and I talked him through it. The result was another giant hit of solid white clouds pouring out of his mouth and nose. “OK, boy—do one more. You’re on your own. I think you got it.” He immediately hit the pipe again, and I turned away to hide my giant, triumphant grin as Conrad smoked away all his defenses. “I’m just gonna put a little entertainment on the TV here, OK? Oh, and don’t forget your soda.” When I turned on the TV, it automatically started playing one of my favorite movies. It’s an amateur video shot by a filthy pig I know from the Midwest—a wrestling coach who likes to chem and poz some of the hot little jockboys on his team. He’d sent me a few videos, but this was my favorite: a sexy, ripped, piggy 18-year-old named Lance was all slammed up and taking loads from a roomful of coaches and former teammates. Behind me, I heard the click of the torch again. Fuck yeah, I thought, this boy is already fuckin’ hooked. As I turned back to face him, I took off my wife-beater. Conrad froze in place, the pipe halfway to his lips, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He just stared at my hairy chest, his eyes dilated pitch-black. “You feelin’ good, little bro?” He gave me a dazed nod, his mouth agape. “Why don’t you take off your shirt, huh? Show off your sweet little body. Do that for your big bro?” He peeled his tank top upward, revealing his flat stomach with its ridges of ab muscles, then his compact little muscular chest. He was just starting to develop a treasure trail down the center of his stomach, leading past the waistband of his shorts to the bulge of his cock that strained against his zipper. His soda was gone; the G would be hitting him soon. I walked over to the couch and took the pipe from his hands. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you’re just about the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen." I ran my hand down his torso, and he sighed a deep, hungry sigh. "Listen, buddy: I have a few more things to show you. You wanna learn from your big bro?” He half-grunted, half-moaned in response. “OK: I’m gonna do a hit. Then I’m gonna blow it into your mouth, and you’re gonna blow it back in mine, then back and forth we go until we can’t go anymore. It’s called a shotgun, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with a sexy little bro like you.” I put the pipe to my lips and took a deep, thick hit of white smoke. Then I put the pipe down, turned to Conrad, sealed my open mouth against his, and exhaled my cloud into his lungs. A moment later, he breathed the Tina smoke back into me. We repeated that three or four times until the mouth-lock became a deep kiss, and we kept making out while the shotgun escaped our mouths and dissolved around us. As I kissed him, I loosened his shorts, pulling them down the length of his lightly hairy legs. His underwear followed. Then I slipped off my gym shorts; my cock bounced free with a gentle “thwack” against my stomach. I maneuvered Conrad so that he was stretched out before me on the couch, and I laid down on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. We continued to kiss. I grabbed the pipe, took another hit, and shared another series of breaths with my boy. Then he spoke, hesitantly. “Hey, big bro? Just in case you’re wondering, I’m all cleaned out and ready to go. My ass, I mean. The last dude who fucked me showed me how to do all that stuff. So…anyway. In case you’re wondering.” I smiled at him and mussed his hair. “What are you trying to tell me, little bro? You want my cock sliding in that sweet little butt?” He blushed and shrugged. I leaned into his ear and whispered: “Don’t you worry, buddy. It won’t be long before I bury my fat cock deep in your hole.” He shivered beneath me, then kissed me again. The G was kicking in. He was almost entirely in my hands. A few more minutes of teasing and prodding, and he’d do anything to get impaled on my raw cock. “Get on the floor, little bro,” I said. “Face the other direction, on all fours. Ass in the air. Back arched. No—back arched, like a fuckin’ fag. Much better. Good boy. Now reach back and spread that hole for your big bro.” His hands grabbed each side of his perfectly round butt, spreading it to reveal a smooth, pink, tight hole that pulsed with every breath he took. I knelt down, placed my hands over his, and wrapped my mouth around that aching little boycunt, pushing my tongue into his body, every one of his nerves quivering as I dove greedily into his wide-open throbbing cock-hungry 18-year-old partied-up fuckhole. He gasped as I kissed that sweet little fag-pussy with the same intensity that I kissed his mouth a few minutes earlier. I spit a few huge gobs of saliva on his cunt and worked them in with my tongue. His hole loosened up, welcomed my mouth and my spit, became noticeably warmer. He really was a fuckin’ hottie: such a tight little body, great definition from his calves to his chest, with the roundest, most perfect little boybutt I’ve ever seen. And the cock! He had the kind of thick, veiny dick that would make any top’s hole twitch. Enough butt-eating, I thought. It's time to fuck. “OK, little bro—one more thing to show you," I said, standing up so that my dick hovered over him. "I want you to take a fat hit off that pipe, then blow it onto your big bro’s cock. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, grabbed the pipe, and got the smoke swirling like a regular chemwhore. “Good boy. You like that smoke, huh?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “Just feed on that smoke, pig. Feed on that smoke. Your big bro wants to see you get fuckin' tweaked." He put down the pipe, knelt directly in front of me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and exhaled a thick cloud of white smoke that enveloped my dick. The smoke traveled up my stomach and chest as he began hungrily slurping on my poz shaft. He wasn’t a bad little cocksucker, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled his head away from my dick and guided him onto his back. “Pull your legs back, little bro.” He did, revealing that sweet little hungry cunt, still dripping with my spit. I began rubbing the length of my cock across his hole, watching his eyes flutter and his mouth drop open as he pulled his legs back a little further and looked at me with a kind of desperate pleading. “You ready for some dick?” He could only manage a whimper in response. “I can’t wait to give it to you, bro. But one thing you gotta know first. If it turns out to be a problem, then we can do something else. We don’t need to fuck, you know.” He nodded again, half-listening, every bit of his energy focused on the cock rubbing against his chemmed-up faggot fuckhole. “So here’s the deal, little bro. I only fuck raw. Natural. Bareback. And if a boy won’t let me fuck him the way I want to fuck him, then he’s not getting fucked. Got it?” Conrad glanced over at the TV, where the bottomboy was spreading his little jockbutt for yet another raw cock. Then he looked back at me. He reached down to spread his boyhole, just like the guy in the video. “Give me your dick, skin-on-skin,” he said, his eyes a solid-black void. “Bareback my fuckin’ hole. Please, bro.” “Fuck yeah, boy. You been fantasizing about raw dick, huh? Watching bareback porn?” “It’s the only kind of porn I watch. It’s the only kind of fucking I really want to do. Please give me your dick, bro. Your raw dick. I need your fucking raw dick. Please.” “You gonna make me pull out?” “No, dude. Please cum in me. Breed me.” “And when we go to the bathhouse after this—you want other dudes to breed you, too? Breed your chemmed-up cunt?” He paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eye, giving himself some time to overcome the shame of his boyhood secrets. “Yes,” he finally said. “I want my hole dripping with cum.” I nudged the head of my raw dick up against his hungry little butt, and his whole body shook. His breath went shallow. Then my cockhead slipped through that first outer barrier, enveloped by the warmth and tightness and innocence of his negboy hole, and I leaned down to kiss him, a sloppy kiss. “I’m dripping precum in my little bro’s hole,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m lubing you up with my seed, faggot.” By this point, Conrad was alternating between “fuck yeah” and “fuck me,” and he wrapped his arms around my back, murmuring “do it” three times. That’s when I began pushing the rest of my raw cock into the radiant warmth of that chemmed-up fuckhole, and he gasped as he surrendered everything to me. “This is how we were meant to fuck,” I whispered in his ear as my dick continued to disappear inside him. “You aren’t a true bottom boy until you’ve let a man split you in half bareback, until you’ve given up your hole for him to eat and pound and breed. I’m so proud of you, little bro.” With that, I directed his attention toward the TV. “But there’s one thing you should look out for,” I said, taking on a serious tone. “Some guys in the bathhouse will have a tattoo like that.” I pointed up at the screen. A young topdude was pounding the bottomboy bareback. Every time he pulled his cock away from that hungry little fuckhole, you could see a biohazard tattoo right next to his dick. “Do you know what that tattoo means, little bro?” He shook his hand. “Danger, I guess?” “Well, sort of. It means he’s poz. Just something to be aware of, because you probably don’t want that.” I glanced back at him, and the look in his eye was pure hunger. “Unless…,” I said, pretending to be confused, “Unless you’re turned on by that?” He shot a devilish glance at me, and I answered with a giant grin. Then he grinned, too. “You want some poz dick at the bathhouse, bro?” “Fuck yeah.” “Yeah? You wanna get knocked up?” He just kept grinning, and his body started shaking again—a kind of shiver, all fear and anticipation and excitement. “Such a good boy. Such a fuckin’ dirty boy. I love it. I’m so proud of my little bro.” And then, with no warning, I pulled my dick out of his hole. Conrad gasped. He suddenly looked lost and empty; the pleading returned to his eyes, and he pulled his legs back and spread his ass and whimpered. Meanwhile, I stared him down. “Sorry, little bro, but something just occurred to me. You didn’t ask about my status. Don’t you want to know my status?” “I don’t fucking care. Please, bro. Please give me your dick.” That made my dick drip: I don’t fucking care. “Good answer, buddy. But I think you deserve to know.” I nudged my dick up against his hole, and he tried desperately to maneuver his ass to get more of my meat lodged up in his guts. “Here’s the deal, bud: I’m fuckin’ poz. This is a poz cock teasing your hole. You like how this poz cock feels inside you?” “Yes, fucker. Please give me more, fucker. I need more. Please, bro.” “What’s that, buddy? I’m not sure I heard you.” “Pound my ass raw with your fat poz cock. Fucking PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE, BRO.” “You wanna get knocked up? Knocked up with your big bro’s virus?” “FUCK YES.” “Say it.” “KNOCK ME UP, YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKER.” “Fuck yeah, you hot little chemmed-up faggotboy.” I shoved my poz dick back inside that boy’s hole, and started pounding. I didn’t last long. I felt the toxic seed gathering up in my balls, brewing, getting ready to shoot. Conrad was staring me down with those giant black pupils, his legs spread wide, his hole peeled back and exposed to allow my dick maximum penetration. He just kept nodding. Nodding. Smiling. Telling me with his eyes that he wanted my gift. As I got closer to shooting my toxic load, he wrapped his arms around me and alternated between little whimpered chants of “poz poz poz” and “fuck fuck fuck.” “Goddammit, you hot little fag,” I whispered. “Goddammit. You’re gonna get my load. My fuckin’ sweet infected load, just for you, fuckin’ sexy little negboy bro.” And then, with pulse after pulse of my raw cock in his wide-open wet fuckhole, I bred him. Pozzed him. Charged that little faggot ass up. Gave him my virus. Then, as my dick stopped shooting volleys of poz sperm, I kept pushing my cock deep inside him, pushing my toxic cum into his guts before collapsing on him, my poz cock still buried deep. Conrad sighed, a long contented sigh. “That was amazing,” he said. “Oh, little bro,” I whispered in his ear. “I have so many fuckin’ plans for you—you have no idea.” I pulled my cock out of him, then guided his mouth to taste the poz seed coating my shaft. He slurped on it greedily, my dick still warm from the hunger of his hole. “Such a good boy,” I said. “Such a hot little pig. So proud of you, little bro. Now, whaddaya say we get your sweet little knocked-up hole to the bathhouse?” MORE SOON…
    2 points
  14. My boy and I have been together for seven years and have amazing sex. He's an insatiable piggy bottom who lets me cream his tight asshole every chance I get. He can bounce up and down it like a champ. We have only played together with other boys once and it was intense. See, we always play bare, and I just thought that he'd make other guys bag it up. Not so. When my boy's best friends from High School, who were now boyfriends, came to the city to visit, we put them up on our sofa bed. We have a small apartment, but the bedroom is separate enough to provide some privacy. First night they were on the sofa bed, we could hear them fucking. It sounded like Ron was really pounding Jonathan's ass hard. My boy got turned on listening and we snuck to the cracked door and watched for a few seconds before he backed up on to my precum-oozing cock. I fucked him in the doorway until I blasted my load up his hole, my cum leaking down his tanned thighs as Ron blasted inside his boy. We quietly closed the door as Jonathan shot his load all over Ron's burly chest. The next morning, our guests headed out to do some sightseeing, while my boy and I hopped on the train for work. We made plans to meet up at a bar and go dancing that night. (I gave them the addresses of some really sleazy adult stores in Hell's Kitchen and Chelsea in case they needed somewhere to go during the day. Don't know if they went.) I wrapped up everything at my office a few hours earlier than usual. I thought I'd head uptown and change before our night out. When I got to the apartment door, I could hear heavy breathing and moans from inside. I remembered we hadn't given our guests a set of keys and thought my boy must have been watching some bareback porn on the TV. Boy was I wrong. Opening the door, I saw my boy, being double penetrated by Ron and Jonathan. Ron was on his back, with Jonathan's sticky cock slamming back and forth into my boy's hole. His jaw dropped when he saw me and pulled off their cocks. The boyfriends laughed as my boy tried to make an excuse. “It's not what it looks like,” he shrieked. I chuckled as I unbottoned my shirt and dropped my trousers. “It looks like a helluva good time to me. Mind if I join in,” I asked. His eyes lit up and I shoved my now-hard cock as far and as roughly as I could down his mouth. I then noticed the lack of ripped condom packages on the bed. No lube either. Fuck, he's giving it up raw again! I thought, “at least time the tops aren't total strangers!” The other boys repositioned and went back to raw tag teaming his sweet hungry hole. I asked them both to tell me when they were close. Ron asked if it was okay to cream my boy's tight hole. I said, “You're both clean right?” He smiled but didn't reply. As his breathing quicken, I shot some of my load down my boy's velvety throat and some on his slutty slack-jawed face. He was in pig heaven. I got down on all fours close to my boy's ass as Ron started to shoot. Jonathan pulled his slimy dick out as Ron creamed my boy's tight hole. That sent Jonathan over the edge and he shot a few spurts on his boyfriend's raw dick before jamming his cock up there too. They both loaded him up real good, then pulled out. I shoved my own cummy cock up his hole and came again after just a few strokes. We were a sweaty mess. Ron said that they had got the idea to try to seduce my boy after a hot Hell's Kitchen gloryhole session. They called my boy at work and asked him to come home early so they could let them in. “So this wasn't the whole reason for coming to the city after all, breeding my boy?,” I asked? “Well now. Jonathan tested POZ this summer and we were going to a breeding party to see if I could take some loads too,” Ron said, rather matter-of-factly. Shit. The last time my boy took another guy's raw load, there was a good chance that it had been POZ. He dodged a bullet that time, but his ass was well-used and torn up. What if it took? My boy asked me, “Will you suck out the cum? That may make safer?” Well, safety was out the window at this point, and when I saw him fingering his sloppy cummy mancunt, I couldn't resist. I fingered out all three loads, felching for all I was worth, jealously swallowing it all, Jonathan's POZ cream, mixed with Ron's and mine. I got hard again and came in Jonathan's hungry mouth. We cleaned up and went dancing, getting horny and sweaty again before heading home and having another delicious fourway. This time, I took Ron's load and perhaps one of my boy's last NEG loads. Hot. Fucking hot.
    1 point
  15. This must be the place, I thought. Number 67 was in a street of small shops all of which were closed except for the late night convenience store on the corner. Even under the streetlights, Number 67 looked a bit different: scruffy and anonymous with blacked out windows and no sign above. There were two buzzers beside the door, one marked 'Office', the other 'Cellar'. I approached the door then hesitated. Well, I was a few minutes early anyway and, to be honest, I was probably looking for reasons to delay the moment of no return. Time for one more cigarette. I had been smoking almost non-stop all day -- a mixture of nerves, excitement and anticipation. Only three cigs left now, so I went to the late night store and bought another pack. A few days earlier, a guy on BBRT had told me about the roulette parties they hold at Number 67 -- fuck roulette. I hadn't heard of that before but it sounded hot and after he mentioned it there was no way I could get it out of my mind. When I plucked up the courage to contact him again he invited me along. He wouldn't say much about what happened there, but he said if my number came up I would be pozzed by the time I left. The chances were one in three. I looked at my watch. Still time to back out, but I knew that even if I did the urge would never go away. As I strolled up and down the street to finish my smoke all the mental conflicts of the last few days suddenly seemed to be melting away. I was ready to accept whatever the wheel would choose for me. Returning to that anonymous door, I took two final drags on my cig, flicked the butt into the gutter and exhaling the last of my smoke into the night air, I pressed the buzzer marked 'Cellar'. The door gave a click and I pushed it open. A muscled guy with stubble came up the stairs to greet me, with only a towel around his waist. "Hi, I'm Ben," he said. "We talked on BBRT. You can get changed in here." He showed me to a small room where a blond guy who introduced himself as Johan was sitting. Johan looked about 25, slim and smooth, naked except for his jockstrap. "Just waiting for the third one," said Ben. "I'll be back when he arrives." I stripped off down to the leather harness which I had put on before setting out, along with my favourite cockring. As I stashed my clothes in the corner the door opened and Ben ushered another guy in. "This is Steve," he said, adding "We're all complete now." Steve, in his mid-30s, had a shaved head, tattoed arms and was wearing a rubber vest. Seeing us undressed, he quickly slipped off his jeans and pants, and tossed them on the pile with the rest. Ben came back with three pieces of paper on a clip board. "You all know the score. One of you will be pozzed tonight. You all have an equal chance, nothing has been rigged beforehand, but before you can be admitted into the cellar we need you to sign this, just to say you are agreeing to unprotected sex." Without allowing myself to think about it, I signed the form. Johan and Steve likewise signed. With that Ben led us down the steps to a room that was almost completely dark, with only a dim red bulb glowing in one corner. I could make out the shapes of men, maybe a dozen, and three slings hanging in a line the middle of the room. "OK, here are your slings. Choose whichever you want," Ben said. I took hold of the middle one and slid my ass onto it. As I positioned myself, gripping the chains holding the sling, I sensed someone behind me. I couldn't see what was going on but suddenly I felt a handcuff click around each of my wrists and then around the chains on the sling. There were more clicks on either side of me and I guessed the same was happening to Johan and Steve. "That's to make sure nobody changes his mind," Ben said with a laugh as more hands worked on our legs, tying our ankles to the other chains on the slings. "I think we're ready now", said Ben talking to the men in the room. "These are our roulette players for tonight. Have fun but remember, no fucking till the wheel decides which one will be joining the brotherhood." As he spoke, the guys gathered around us. A couple of tongues started tweaking my nipples and a bearded face nuzzled my hole. On either side I could hear murmurs of pleasure from Johan and Steve which told me they were also getting the same treatment. A jizz-coated finger found its way into my mouth while other fingers worked my ass. It must have continued like this for about 15 minutes with the guys taking turns to play with us until I felt something small and solid pushing at my hole then working its way in. "Just brushing your insides - in case you're the lucky one," an unidentified voice whispered. Johan, on my left, was sighing and moaning, obviously also getting a brushing. On my right, Steve was mostly quiet apart from muttering the occasional "Aw fuck!" "Good," said Ben. "All fully prepped. Time for roulette." He shone a torch on the ceiling to show numbers above our respective slings. The number above my sling was number two. Then he turned the torch towards a circular disk on the wall, about two feet across with a biohazard symbol in the centre. It was divided into three sections numbered one, two and three. "No need to explain what happens next," Ben said, "but to make it a bit more interesting we're not going to spin the wheel just once. We keep on spinning it until someone's number comes up for a second time." The red light in the corner went off, leaving the room in total darkness. "Here we go," Ben announced. "Spin number one." I could almost hear my heart pounding. The only thing I could see in the blackness was the glowing cigarette of a guy standing beside me -- which reminded me how much I needed a smoke. Ben flicked the torch on again. The wheel was still moving but slowing down and it came to rest on number three. Steve gasped sayng "Uh-oh, that's my number." The guy standing beside me sucked hard on his cigarette and let out a rich stream of smoke into the torchlight. "Please," I whispered to him, "Give me a drag." He smiled and placed the cigarette between my lips as the light went out for another spin. This time Johan's number came up. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhh", he said, 'though I couldn't tell if it was the sound of regret or delight. A warm hand patted my shoulder and the guy with the cigarette spoke softly in my ear. "Seems its not your lucky night." "Seems like it," I replied, partly disappointed but also secretly relieved. Darkness again as the wheel spun a third time. When the torch came on the number was mine. "Wow!" said Ben. "Still no result -- it's level pegging. Get ready for another spin. This one is going to decide it." Then he switched off his torch. To be continued
    1 point
  16. I had been horny all week not able to get out and play with any of my regular fuck buddies my hole was hungry. I was idly cruising squirt waiting to see if one of my regular fuck buds showed up, no luck. I was about to give up and log off when a chat request popped up. I didn't recognise the user name, but the pic looked intriguing, and older daddy type in reasonable shape. "Hey you looking to play?" Indeed I was, the horniness was driving at this point, "Yeah mate, you can host?". A few seconds passed before the response "Yeah, here's my address be here in half an hour" And with that I quickly put on my come fuck me out fit, a tight jock strap, tight little white footy shorts and a dark singlet. I jumped in the car and drove over, with that nervous mix of anticipation and excitement, my hole twitching at the thought of some hot cock. I arrived at a fairly average house on a quiet street, no activity nearby, I realised all of sudden how late it had gotten, had to be close to midnight. Not that i cared, there was a slight chill in the air and I could hear some music coming from inside the house as I approached the door. I knocked, and heard some activity inside. The door opened to the guy from the pics he looked even better in person, he was wearing nothing but a towel and a smile "Hey mate come on in", I slipped passed and felt him admiring my tight arse in my shorts. I was in the living room, a big screen TV was playing a bareback porno, a guy on screen was getting it good and deep. This made my cock start to stir and strain against my jock, in the middle of the room between the lounge and the tv was a massage table. As I was taking this in my host had closed the door and dropped his towel. "I thought you might like a massage to help you relax". I was admiring his cock, had to be 8 inches and was only half hard at best. "That would be awesome mate", I replied and started to shed my clothes, I didn't need much encouragement at this point, and my cock was becoming uncomfortable in my jock. As I bent over to drop my shorts, he came up behind me cupping one of my cheeks in his hand, a finger ever so slightly working towards my hole. "Very nice mate" "Thanks" I don't get too many complaints I cheekily replied, "Bet you don't, if you don't mind I'm gonna give that some special attention when you're on the table, I have a special oil that will get you nice and slippery". As I got onto the table and positioned my head on the cut out, I said "Sounds good mate, been a while so I'll be a little tight". As I positioned my self I heard him getting his equipment together, then at the massage table head opening a cup with a straw appeared, "Gotta keep your fluids up mate" I took a big sip without even asking what it was, it was water but there was something else I didn't recognise. As I finished the contents of the cup I started to feel very relaxed and warm, I'd never done anything stronger than vodka and at first thought maybe there had been some in the drink. Then I felt his hands spreading warm oil all over my back, and as promised extra attention on my arse. He was kneading and spreading my meaty cheeks and I felt extra oil dripping on my hole. I was really enjoying the attention, and my cock was harder than it had ever been, a pool of pre cum between my stomach and the table. Then I felt something I will always remember, a sharp pain in my arse "Hey whats that", "Don't worry mate, just the special oil it burns at first but soon you won't notice it". He kept working a finger in and out of my hole running it all around the rim, and he was right the burning started to subside and it was replaced with a warm feeling and then a hunger, my hole started to open up and I then I heard this low guttural moaning, I thought it was the porn movie, but no it was me I was moaning for more. I felt him press more of his "special oil" into my hole, and this time he had two maybe three fingers inside me, I couldn't really tell but the other thing that was happening was I was raising my arse up to meet the strokes of his fingers. "Oh yeah I think this cunts ready for some cock", all I would do was moan in agreement "mmmhhhhh" "You gonna take my charged load in your cunt mate?", his charged load? what was he talking about?, all I wanted was his cock inside my hole right now! He was now on top of me, rubbing his cock against the opening of my cunt, teasing my hungry hole. "Your profile says you only play safe, but you don't want that tonight do you". He was right but at this moment all I wanted was cock raw and deep in me "I don't care fucking put it in me" I managed to slur out, "I can fuck you raw?", "yeah mate, fucking breed my hole I want your load" - I'd seen enough bareback porn to know the lingo. That was all he needed to hear, in one swift movement he positioned the head of his cock at my hole and buried it balls deep inside me, normally that would have hurt like hell, but instead I felt I finally had I what I needed, a big fat cock inside me. He started to pump me and all I wanted was this cock inside me forever. It felt amazing, sliding so effortlessly in and out coating my insides in pre cum. He pulled out without warning, "Hey", He slapped my arse hard, "Don't worry mate, we just need to relocate" He helped guide me off the table into a room at the back of the house, inside it was lit by only a soft blue glow, the walls lined with mirrors, and on one wall a tv showing an angle on the sling in the middle of the room, he helped put me into it and strapped my wrists and arms in place, then he disappeared for a moment I admired the view of my open arse in the mirrors it felt so empty and I could watch it pulsing hungry for cock. After what seemed like an eternity he reentered the room holding a needle and a rubber strap, "This is gonna make you feel even better mate", in my already partially chemmed up state, from the "special oil" I wasn't able to fight back, especially strapped into the sling, as he swabbed a vein on my arm, and applied the strap I mumbled some half hearted objection "nah mate I don't do needles". "It's okay mate, this will be worth it", and then he stuck the needle in my arm, a little blood appeared and then he depressed the plunger, I felt a slight warming in my arm, then he released the strap and I felt it hit me almost immediately, a head rush and several sharp coughs, then all I wanted was cock, as much cock as I could get. "How you feel mate", "Fuck me, give me that fucking cock" He smiled positioned himself at my arse and slid inside me, it felt more awesome than before even, he started working into me hard and fast. The sling swinging me in rhythm with his thrusts getting me impaled longer and deeper. And then he started "You gonna take my charged load boy, you gonna take Daddy's toxic seed in your cunt?!" "Yes fucking breed me, give me that load, I want that fucking load". And then I felt it the warm rush of toxic cum bathing my insides, he pulled out and shoved a butt plug inside me to hold the cum, didn't want to waste any. I was still horny, and wanted more, little did I know I would get it and then some. More to come....
    1 point
  17. Bend Over For Daddy – The precum was streaming down his dick now with every stroke and all I wanted to do was scream in frustration from my need to get fucked. Every stroke of his hand around his long, black dick made his tennis ball size nutts jump a little higher, and his precum was thick, creamy, and even from where I was kneeling on the floor I could smell it. DAMN! The whole weekend had been one frustration after another and now here I was being teased by a dripping dick knowing I would not get to feel it blast inside me as his ad had said ‘safe only’. Ever have one of those weekend when things just don’t work out? Friday night it seemed like all of my regular breeding buddies wanted to seed me, but my ass just would not cooperate. Then Saturday, my ass was in spectacular form and hungry for dick, but there was barely one to be found. The one BBC I did find was too drunk to stay really hard and even though I did get his load and he seemed happy, I was not, and crashed still horny and frustrated, which led to a fitful night’s rest. I gave up trying to sleep, rolled out of bed about 4:30 a.m., and signed online just to kill some time and maybe find something interesting enough to jack off to and that’s when I saw his ad, “TOP FOR THE CREEP-N-ROLL – big dick in Anacostia need ass. Creep through, get my 10-inches, then bounce. Safe only.” The picture with the ad was dark, but it looked like a true 10-incher, so what the fuck. I emailed him, told him I was looking to get barebacked, his reply was, “Creep through, get my 10-inches, then bounce. Safe only – text me for address. My name’s DADDY.” DAMN! I was so horned for a good fucking I would take it covered if I had to so I texted him, got his address, signed into Uber, chose a black car for the ride, and hustled down stairs. When the driver got there and I told him where I was going, he hesitated, said it was a bad part of town, and asked if it was OK if he rang a friend of his, an UberX driver who lived over there to take me on his way home. I was sort of pissed, but said sure whatever and 5 minutes later a gray Toyota with windows tinted so dark I was surprised the driver could see, pulls up, I switch cars, text the guy I am on my way and off we go. At that time of the morning, especially on a Sunday, the streets were pretty deserted so it took us no time to get to Anacostia. The driver was polite and I could tell he was curious why I was heading there, but he did not out right ask, and just nodded when I said I needed to see a buddy. He pulled up in front of the address I gave him, a pale green house at the end of the block that had seen better days and offered to wait to make sure it was the right place and that my ‘buddy’ was home. He seemed to put a weird emphasis on the word ‘buddy’, maybe he thought I was buying drugs, but I didn’t care, so I hopped out, walked up the broken walkway, there was no doorbell so I knocked, and waited. I turned and saw my driver had the passenger side window down and was watching me, so I knocked again, waited, and was about ready to go back to the car when I heard footsteps, the chain rattle, two deadbolts unlock, and then the door creaked open. The black guy who opened the door was a little taller than me, his hair was a series of small braids pulled back that hung almost to his shoulders, each one ending in three metal balls. He had a trimmed, thin mustache and a goatee about three inches long, a few faint tattoos on his arms, and a fat, long dick – he was totally fucking naked! He brushed past me, threw what was left of the cigarette he was smoking out onto the lawn, did a two finger wave at the UberX driver and yelled, “Hey slim!”, stepped back into the house and just stood there. “Ummm… Daddy?” I asked as I took a few steps in while he closed and bolted the door behind me. The house was dark and he did not reply, but just turned and walked into the living room, plopped down on an old orange couch that had a dark green sheet draped across the back, picked up a pack of Newport 100s, lit a fresh cigarette, lifted his left leg up onto the ottoman in front of him, leaned forward a little and spit into his right hand, then began stroking his big dick. I stood in the entry way a minute, debating what to do, if I should stay or go, but hell, even if he was a bit strange, he had a hell of a dick and I needed to get my ass worked. Daddy did not look at me as I walked over towards the couch, he was too engrossed in the porn playing on the TV, a couple HUGE assed women going at it with each other. I was eager to get things moving so quickly stripped and then looked for a place to sit. The couch was covered with a pile of clothes on the end closest to me, he was in the middle, and his ashtray, some empty beer cans, a large bottle of hand lotion, and fast food trash were on the other end. He made no effort to move anything, so I positioned myself on my knees in front of him where I could get a good view of him stroking, and offer him my mouth. When I did, he scooted forward a little more on the couch so his balls were completely hanging free and continued stroking. I started jacking my dick and asked, “Want me to suck you?” Daddy didn’t reply, he just kept stroking his dick, which was now starting to ooze precum. He then put the cigarette between his teeth, dug around in the pile of clothes beside him, pulled out a white sock that was brown from dirt and filth and flung it at me. I caught it, not sure what he wanted me to do, but instinctively brought it up to my nose to smell. HOLY FUCK that was rank! I coughed and gagged a little, my eyes watered, and when I looked at him, Daddy had a smirk on his face and was jacking his dick harder now. I’m so used to guys being super verbal, so being with one who was not was odd, but at least I knew now something he liked. I held the filthy sock closer to my face, inhaled, and about threw up as I coughed and gagged even harder. I heard Daddy moan, “AAAHHHH,” as he looked at me and his dick was now shiny from the precum he was leaking. I put the sock down and scooted forward to try to suck his dick, but he pushed me back with his foot like I was a dog pestering its master for dinner. I picked the sock back up, a little annoyed, inhaled deep a few more times, and this time did not choke and frankly rather liked it. Pure man funk. I closed my eyes and savored it a moment and when I looked back up the precum was streaming down his dick now with every stroke and all I wanted to do was scream in frustration from my need to get fucked. Every stroke of his hand around his long, black dick made his tennis ball size nutts jump a little higher, and his precum was thick, creamy, and even from where I was kneeling on the floor – and through the lingering funk of his filthy sock - I could smell it. DAMN! “Bend over for Daddy,” my host said as he sat up on the couch and used his left foot to kick the ottoman a little more in front of the TV. Finally I was going to get fucked! I quickly stood up, bent over the ottoman and braced myself with my hands on the side edges, then stood back up and frantically searched my clothes for my poppers. Shit, I must have forgotten them. “Um.. I..do you have poppers I could use?” I asked him. “Bend over for Daddy,” my host said again, so I took that as a no. I bent back over the ottoman, my legs shaking in anticipation, and looked back as Daddy grabbed the large bottle of lotion off the end of the couch and fumbled around a bit through the pile of cans and trash, looking for a condom I assumed since he said safe only. Oh well, I anxiously waited as I heard him squirt some lotion out, then flinched a little as he began rubbing lotion first on one ass cheek then the other. He then squirted several long streams of lotion down the crack of my ass, ran a finger up and down, squirted some more, most of which seemed to hit the floor, then even more. He set the lotion down, turned and grabbed a red t-shirt off the clothes pile, wiped his hands and tossed the shirt onto the floor near the TV. He then grabbed my waist and pushed me forward and down as he said again, “Bend over for Daddy.” I was forced now to get on my hands and knees on the ottoman and as I adjusted myself in the new position, I could feel him start pushing his big dick into my ass. I had barely got situated when the first inch or two popped in. OH FUCK HIS DICK WAS BIG!! I grunted from the pain as he pushed his dick in a bit further. He paused, reached down for the lotion bottle, squirted more into my crack and onto his dick, dropped the bottle to the floor with a thud, and as he began using his left hand to coat my lower back and ass with excess lotion, he began pushing harder up my ass. All that lotion in my hole and around his dick started making slurping noises as he stroked me in and out, and he was taking his sweet old time, but I was so horny and began begging, “Fuck me daddy, fuck me harder. Fuck me!” He paid me no mind, and kept working my ass open with his dick, every inch sliding in and out and side to side in a steady rhythm. Daddy then paused again, eased his dick out with a loud PLOP and streams of lotion and ass juice ran down my ass and thighs and dripped onto the ottoman and carpet. I twisted my body and turned my head to see what he was doing and in profile saw that he did not have a condom on! He had been fucking me raw! DAMN! I had no idea. All that lotion, it was hard to feel much except ‘full of dick’, and I started breathing a little hard in excitement, hoping he was not looking for a condom now or deciding not to shoot in my ass. My host was rummaging around in the pile of clothes again and pulled out first one, then a second tube sock that both looked almost black from filth and dirt. The tops of each sock were pretty white, but the foot parts were dark and stained and as I watched he carefully wrapped each sock around his right hand almost like he was making a mitten, stood back, pointed at the end of the couch and said, “Bend over for Daddy.” I climbed off the ottoman, bent over the end of the couch that was filled with clothes, and almost became light headed from the stench and funk. Daddy got behind me and this time shoved his dick in as hard and deep as he could from the go pushing me forward into the dirty pile. He used his left hand to help me scoot back and get my footing as I buried my hands into the pile of dirty clothes to brace myself. Daddy then leaned forward, covered my face with his right hand that had the two dirty socks wrapped round it, and pulled my head back forcing me to arch my back and impale myself deeper on his raw dick. Daddy held his filthy sock covered hand tight over my nose and mouth as he started to slam fuck me. I was choking, gagging, coughing, tears were streaming down my face as I fought to breathe and every little gasp of air slammed me with the hideous stench. Every effort to breathe through my mouth allowed him to force some of the dirty socks in, as he made me taste them as well as smell them. The more I gagged and choked, the harder he fucked, and as it got hard to breathe at all because he was clamping his hand so tight on my face I started to panic a little, but daddy wedged me against the edge of the couch so I could not run and used his left hand to dig into to my waist and hold me tight. I pushed my ass back as far as I could and braced my hands on my thighs. I wanted to smell him, taste him, and feel him shoot his load inside me and the lotion that had been so sloppy to start, was now feeling dry and like my insides were being scraped, and I did not care. “AWWW…AWWW….AWWW..BEND OVER FOR DADDY….AWWW…..” my host yelled and then proceeded to jettison every drop of sperm he could into my ass. His long dick twitched, danced, and bounced around inside me as he orgasmed and with every spurt I worked my ass, clenching and grabbing, and trying to force it deeper and to pull out every drop. As he relaxed his grip on my face and pulled his filthy socks away, the rush of fresh air made me dizzy. Daddy then yanked his spent dick out of me sending streams of used lotion and our mix of cum and ass juice down my leg to stain the carpet, and when I turned to try to lick his dick clean, he just brushed me away with his foot, grabbed another shirt off the couch, wiped his dick, thighs, and chest down, tossed that shirt back into the pile, then sat on the couch and lit a cigarette and started watching the movie again. Well I guessed that was my cue that he was done, so I picked up the red t-shirt he has used earlier, wiped the worst of the mess off my ass and thighs, got dressed, and realizing he was not going to see me out, headed to his front door. After a bit of fumbling I got all the locks undone and let myself out and was surprised to see my UberX car was still sitting there and the driver was leaning against the passenger side, casually smoking. He put out his cigarette as I walked up, opened the back door for me, and then surprised me by making me scoot over as he got in right behind me. I looked at him, confused, and said, “Hey man, what’s going on?” suddenly afraid I was going to get robbed or something. The sound of all the car doors locking echoed as he pressed the key fob, and he smiled as he turned and said, “It’s time for the tip.” You don’t tip the Uber drivers, but I thought maybe he was new, or did not know, so I stammered, “Yeah man, no problem. I can tip you.” My driver laughed as he shook his head and started to unbuckle his pants. “No. You got it wrong. I’ve got your tip,” and I could only stare in wonder as he fished a mammoth dick out his shorts that was longer and thicker than the one that had just bred me. In a flash I had my pants off and was grunting face down in the back seat as my UberX driver mounted me and raw fucked my ass using the fresh cum that filled my guts as the only lube before adding his own. Maybe the weekend would turn out alright after all.
    1 point
  18. I fully intended to stop barebacking and not take loads up my ass and I saved my fantasies of taking poz cum in my ass for jerking off. I posted ads on Craigslist and got the usual ratio of about 8 losers to 1 keeper. Finally a guy who sounded really hot came over: black, tall, built, 9 inches and uncut. Like most queers I adore big black uncut cock. A total top he said; I was going to be his bitch for the evening. I was really excited, I hadn't gotten fucked in 8 months and needed it bad, so I said I'd love to be your bitch gurl. "Do you mind if I turn a couple of video cameras on and record you fucking me?" "Go ahead, just give me a copy. One thing I should tell you, I'm poz. I'll been a little erratic with my meds, so my viral load is kind of high." Shit. I'd forgotten to ask him his status online. I didn't play with poz guys, fantasies notwithstanding. But, I was so fucking horny, and he was hot and he was here. "Well, ok, but use a condom to fuck me; I'll suck you raw, but I won't eat your load." "That's fine" He took me in his arms and kissed me deep, I was oozing precum and my asshole was lubing up, getting ready for his cock. "Take my cock out and suck it you hot bitch. Call me Daddy.". "Yes Daddy." I dropped to my knees, unfastened his belt, unbuttoned his 501s and pulled his soft cock out. It was lovely, pitch black with a long foreskin extending well beyond the head. I took the skin in both hands, pried it apart and began licking the head and inside of the skin. He was flowing precum, I was in heaven lapping up his juice; then I remembered, I was eating poz precum. I was getting virus in my mouth. My stomach flipped over, I was scared but my dick was hard as a rock and my hole was sloppy, ready for anything. I sucked him till he was rock hard, which didn't take long. He was indeed 9 inches, but he'd neglected to mention how thick he was; thick as a beer can. I'd gotten pounded by a couple of nine inchers, but none as thick. This was going to be a fuck to remember. His balls were huge and hung low, I dove down and started licking and sucking on them. I could barely get one at a time in my mouth. He moaned, pulled me up to his face and kissed me. "Let's get into bed." I whimpered. I really wanted that big black prick in my pussy. "Get a rubber and put it on" I always kept a selection of condoms and lube by the bed. I dug through the pile and got the biggest one. Holding the thick shaft in my hand I licked and mouthed the head, lubing it for the rubber. My hands wouldn't go completely around his cock, and I have big hands with long fingers. He'd opened the condom package and handed the rubber to me. I positioned it over the head and slid it down over the head and the shaft with my mouth. Except I didn't, it wouldn't fit. I was trembling with need for for his cock, struggling with the rubber. I struggled with the slippery condom and the hard cock oozing precum for what seemd like an eternity, But I just couldn't do it; his cock was too big and the rubber too small Finally he growled, grabbed me by the neck and pulled me off his cock. He picked up the rubber and threw it across the room. "Fuck it. I'm gonna fuck your ass raw, you faggot bitch!" I turned away and tried to swing my legs over the side of the bed, but his two big hands grabbed me and pulled me to the center of the bed. He pinned me face down, climbed on top and kicked my legs apart. "No, don't. I don't want to get pozzed!" " Take a deep breath bitch, you're going to get fucked now!" I felt the head of his cock against my asshole. He rubbed it around, drooling virus laden precum on my hole and rubbing it in. I was terrified, moaning and crying, tears pouring down. I was getting pozzed. "Please use lube, please!" "Fuck you, you little whore; you're getting it now!" He shoved his huge prick deep into my asshole with one stroke. I screamed, I could feel my ass tear. I'd never felt so much pain. I struggled, but didn't have a chance. Like most men that liked cock I'd fantasized about getting raped, about how hot it would be. Now I really was getting raped. It wasn't fun at all. The pain was incredible. I had no control over the situation, he could use me however he wanted, for as long as he wanted. He could do anything he wanted, he could kill me. My dick was hard as it had ever been, I was terrified, about to throw up from fear. I shot a load into the bed. He felt me twitch and ran his hand under my cock. It was smeared with my cum. He laughed, "How's it feel having your darkest fantasies come true, boy? You're getting raped by a big, coal black nigger and you love it. You're getting pozzed and you love it." He smeared his hand across my mouth, "Eat your cum, you little queer. I'm going to make all your deepest desires come true tonight." I eagerly licked my cum off his hand, sobbing, tears flowing. And my ass hurt. God, did it hurt. My cock was still hard. His cock started stroking in and out, lubed by precum, and no doubt, my blood. He pulled all the way out. My asshole ached and stung, the pain was intense. I wanted his prick back in my hole and pushed my butt up trying the capture what I wanted. He laughed. "Want more, bitch? Don't worry, you're going to get it. But first, lick my dick clean." He rolled me over on my back and shoved his cock in my mouth. It was smeared with precum and streaks of blood. He shoved my head down on it, I licked, tasting precum, assjuice and blood. It was wonderful. I whimpered, but from pleasure this time. I loved worshipping my daddy's dick. He chuckled. "Looks like I've got a brand new convert. A faggot whore for poz nigger cock. Your ass is torn up, my babies are already in your blood. You're just another infected dicksucker now. But I'm still going to fill you with poison seed, make sure I do the job. What do you say to that, faggot?" "Thank you, sir. Thank you for your cock and your gift. Please fuck me, please?" I wasn't pretending, I was in pain, but I really was glad. I was on the road to where I wanted to be. I no longer had to worry about getting infected. It was done. He pulled me to him and kissed me. "You're Daddy's little whore now, aren't you? You'll do anything I say, won't you?" "Yes Daddy, I'm yours now. I want to please you." And I did, this man owned me now, I had his babies, his dna, in my blood. And I really wanted that lovely prick in my pussy again. "You took your fucking like good little whore, I'm going to reward you" He reached over to the end table and got a bottle of lube and smeared it over his cock. "I don't care how much I tore you up; I'm lubing you so it feels better for me. I don't give a shit whether you like it or not; you're just my punk ass faggot bitch. Stick your ass in the air, queer." I did and Daddy stuck the bottle's nozzle in my pussyhole. He squeezed and I felt a cold invasion flow into me. I whimpered, I wanted Daddy's hot cock in me. "On your back, bitch." I rolled over, Daddy grabbed my legs, pulled them apart, put my heels on his shoulders, nuzzled his cock against my hole and slid in. He bottomed out and held it, put one hand on the back of my head and pulled my mouth to his. Daddy's tongue slid past my lips and raped my mouth, like his cock raped my asshole. I played with my owner's tongue with mine, loving it that Daddy liked kissing me. My Daddy rode me long and hard, his wonderful prick stretching my hole, getting it accustomed to being used for his pleasure. I loved it, I'd never been fucked like that. He kissed me again and I shot a load all over my belly and chest. Daddy laughed, licked it up and kissed me, pushing my cum in my mouth. Then he picked up the pace and banged me hard for 10 or 15 minutes, finally shoving his prick deeper that it'd ever been and groaned. A warm flood filled my pussy as Daddy's cock twitched and shot spurt after spurt of poison jizz into my guts. "Pozzing your cunt, bitch!" He humped his cock into me 4 or 5 times really hard, tearing my pussy more, I screamed with pain. Daddy collapsed on me, kissed me again and looked into my eyes. I was moaning and whimpering with pain and pleasure. "Welcome to the club, you poz fuckhole." I kissed Daddy back, "Thank you Daddy". Daddy slid his cock out of me and held it in front of my face. It was lovely, softening slightly, dripping cum heavily streaked with my blood. I eagerly raised my head and took it in my mouth and sucked it clean. It was even better than the first time he had me clean him; his cum delicious, especially spiced with my pussy juice and the coppery taste of my blood. "Don't let anybody use your pussy till you get the fuck flu and test positive. I want you infected with my babies first." "Daddy, I don't want any cock but yours. I hope I please you and that you will fuck me anytime you want" Three weeks later I was down with the flu for 10 days. I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed except to crawl to the toilet. Daddy took pity on me and had his girls drop by and bring me food and gatorade. When I got better I went to the clinic and got tested. It worked; I was poz!
    1 point
  19. My play this weekend was with a guy who had two loads in him when I arrived. He knew I love fucking a boy who is full. I ate some that began dripping out and then fucked the rest into him deeply. We also invited two other like-minded tops to join us. He took another 4 loads that night--and we all took turns cleaning the excess cum from our cocks each time we pulled out and the next top to dove in. We all loved fucking in his silky, cummy hole.
    1 point
  20. it would seem that there are at least 122 guys on here who would have liked to legally cum in my ass when I was 12...if only i could have met some of them then!
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  21. I prefer a vocal or animated top to a silent cummer. As long as it is not fake porn talk. A man should make some noise when he cums, though it can be extremely hot to fuck in situations where silence is required, such as public restrooms or when someone is in the next room. Even then, I want to hear some heavy breathing.
    1 point
  22. My biggest pet peeve is getting stood up. It doesn't happen to me twice. Ok, well one FB I've had for six years stands me up when he feels like it, but as soon as his 9" uncut cock is inside me again I get over it. But no one else can. lol.
    1 point
  23. Hey I love watching guys cheat. Anyone out there got any vids they can share of them cheating?
    1 point
  24. Scooting down on the bed, Curtis lifted my legs and thrust his tongue up my ass. There was loud slurping sounds as he felched his own cum out. Releasing my legs, he got on top of me and snowballed his seed with me. "I gotta tell you, as much as I enjoyed playin the dom, making love to you was so much sweeter!" He said. "That intimate connection you talked about is stronger than ever and watchin you with the rest of us, I could see it there too." "This has all been so unexpected!" I said. "When Jesse and Lemar invited me here, I knew some good times were a sure thing. Seeing you, after all these years brought back wonderful memories and I suspected all of you would be sweet men. Over these few hours, the 5 of you went from guys to have sex with to guys who are very much a part of my life. Like you, Curtis, I enjoyed when you played the dom, but when you made love to me, it took our relationship to a whole new level. I know for a fact that you've seen me getting fucked at the rest stop on more than one occasion. All you had to do was say so and you could have had my ass." Curtis kissed me deeply, stroking my chest. "Back in Brooklyn, as connected as we were, we never exchanged names." He said breaking the kiss. "You were the one man who treated me as more than an ass to fuck and felch and I had thought I'd always be a total bottom. The rest stop was and is just a place to have sex and either move on to the next man or go home. Something about you, maybe it's how open and honest you are helped all 5 of us to be open to new things." Getting back on the bed next to me, Jesse ran his fingers over my lips and said, "Curtis is right. Yea, we were happy, but sexually, we let labels define who we are or were. I don't know if I'll like everything I'll try, but nothing is gonna stop me from tryin! Right now, what I wanna try is your manstink! Are you up to joinin me, Curtis, or is Eliot all mine for this?" "No fuckin way!" Curtis replied. "After everything he's done for us, Eliot deserves to have both of us sniff and lick his manstink. Just tell us where you want us to start!" Raising both arms, I said, "My pits are ripe! If you don't mind my stink, you can do my feet next, then my bush, my balls and my buttcrack!" No sooner had I finished my instructions, Jesse and Curtis had their noses buried in my pits. "You got a nice stink!" Jesse said. "I can see why you think it's better than poppers!" "Call me a manstink pig too!" Curtis chimed in. "Maybe it's time for us to swear off deodorant!" Seconds later, they were licking my pits clean. "Feet next!" Jesse said and they both moved down. Needless to say, I was a happy pig as both Jesse and Curtis explored my sweaty spots with their tongues and mouths. "Fuckin amazin!" I said when they opened my butt cheeks and for the first time I felt 2 tongues licking my hole. "Not that I'm keepin score, but we're even now. Even during 3somes, I never had 2 men eatin my ass at the same time!" To be continued
    1 point
  25. Open relationship is the only way to go, especially since mine have often been with verse boys and I'm 99.9% bottom so I can't fill his, well hole.
    1 point
  26. You obviously enjoy cheating, you've been responsible by getting on PrEP to protect yourself and your BF from HIV, and your BF can't countenance an open relationship, so there really isn't much of a choice. Have fun, keep it discreet, and get tested for STDs regularly!I went through phases of my domestic partnership/same-sex marriage when I didn't cheat, but this had more to do with lack of opportunity or lack of time than with an intention to stop cheating. He never found out, and I never told until the very end, when it didn't matter amymore. Now I'm with a wonderul man who is as much a slut as I am. We have a great sex life at home and we're open to playing together as well as apart. We realize that our connection has to do with more than our dicks. Don't be hard on yourself. You're satisfying a basic human sexual need, you're protecting your BF from the main health risk, and you're protecting him emotionally by keeping it secret. There is nothing "dirty" about sex with multiple partners. Someday your boyfriend will learn that, when a forbidden cock is about to spurt in his mouth or he is about to breed a stranger's ass. At that point you can talk about opening up the relationship. As others have said, there is never any reason to confess past exploits to him; just couch it in terms of future desires.
    1 point
  27. Ive been coupled going on 28 years. Back in olden times when we were first together, I think most gay couples, us included, emulated straight couples aka 'monogamy'. I didnt realize 'the seven year itch' is a real thing, and I started wanting to fuck around in year six. I learned most gay couples we knew (and in DC that was a lot) lived by a sort of 'dont ask dont tell'. That is almost no one was monogomous, just no one admitted it. Monogamous gay couples are RARE. Like people who say they dont watch tv, a large number of gay men who say they dont cheat are lying. Nowadays, it seems like everybody is 'open' anyways. I wonder if you can't talk plainly to your boyfriend about your sexual needs, or even about your need to have a sex life outside of yours and his, is he really a good boyfriend for you? The thrill of cheating on the other hand, well that is a fetish or an addiction unto itself. Maybe you hang onto an inappropriate boyfriend for you because the thrill of having someone to cheat on makes sex that much more dangerous and fun?
    1 point
  28. I wasn't out and regret it. So many beautiful dicks and cum wasted....
    1 point
  29. Last night I met up with a kid off of Craigslist, he was at his moms house and wanted some ass to breed! (Who am I to say no?) So I went over, we hung out for a little bit before he pulled his cock out and said I should start sucking him. I fell to my knees and immediately took him in my mouth and got to work! he kept his hand on the back of my head, forcing his cock deep into my throat, telling me that he has a 5 day load he's gonna fill my hole with, he's been edging for 3 days and really needs to knock me up. He stops me from sucking him after only a few minutes, saying he was close to filling the wrong hole. (all the while I'm sucking him with his mom and grandmother on the other side of the wall. No door separating us either ) He then says we should go to the shed so he can dump his load up my ass. So we slip outside, go out back, and get inside. he tells me to suck his cock some more to get him lubed up for my hole. After another minute of blowing him, he tells me to stand up, pull my shorts down, turn around and bend over. I do as I'm told and he immediately lines his cock against my hole and shoves in my ass with one thrust. He pounds my hole for about 4 minutes before unleashing a massive load up my ass! If I were a girl, I'd be pregnant! He wasn't lying, he really did need to breed my ass!
    1 point
  30. Stealthing the twink- Frat guy gets head, then breaks the condom while fucking a twink. A few videos from my phone of breeding a nice tight ass.; http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=yvzSt-G294-#.VEnmRkrF_ng
    1 point
  31. Tommy's crying turned Oscar on and he knew he wouldn't last much longer and he told Tommy to beg for his load and it would all be over. Through the pain Tommy heard and begged to be bred. Oscar started breathing harder and then pushed all the way into Tommy and held still as he shot into the boy. Oscar collapsed and stayed on top of Tommy until he felt his cock start to go down and he had Bobby bring him a big butt plug which he pushed into the bloody hole as he withdrew. Bobby is such a whore that he dropped to his knees to clean Oscar's cock as Oscar toyed with the plug in Tommy. "Whore that was the best $500 I ever spent, I know you'll remember this as long as I do" Oscar took Bobby and went for a drink while I spoke with Tommy. "I bet that hurt more than it looked?" Tommy still sobbing told George, "it hurt more than I ever imagined it could hurt, is it really bad?" "It'll be sore for a couple of days but it isn't bleeding much. Tommy, if you could do it over would you beg again to be fucked hard by Oscar?" "Of yeah, it hurts but I needed to feel it and I hope once I'm healed he'll want to do it again." "Now that sounds like a real whore to me" "What was that about him spending $500?" "Tommy you told me you wanted to be a whore so many of the people you'll meet while we're together will be your first customers" "I just made $500 by letting him fuck me?" "No Tommy boy, I get $300 and you get $200" "George your my pimp too" "I thought you'd like that, but now we have to get you ready for your next visitor" George pulled out Tommy's butt plug causing Tommy to scream and George told him he didn't have days to heal so we need to help your boyhole close but don't worry you'll get plugged again later. Tommy whimpered a bit and George and a new guy, Chuck, watched the boyhole try to close and after a minute it was closed again. George then introduced Chuck to Tommy and told Tommy that a whore must be ready for all kinds of sex and fetishes and while your hole rests some Chuck would like to show you what he likes to do to a cute little twink whoreboy like you. Tommy watched as Chuck took out a leather gag and gagged him. That excited Tommy and his limp cock started swelling again. "Oh how nice to see your getting excited. I love boys that get into it as I know I can go harder." Tommy froze when Chuck pulled out a rubber mallet and said he'd start with that.
    1 point
  32. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=VU0SZ-G894-#.VEWM7xbg_kc 18 year old breeding his daddy
    1 point
  33. my least favorite is when a Masculine looking Man opens his mouth and talks like a woman....
    1 point
  34. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy. Tommy knew this was going to hurt bad and maybe for days but he needed that cock inside him. The poppers helped and made him want it all in him fast and he started to beg for it as he cried. "You want me to shove it all in and rip you open, boy?" "Yes give me all of your cock. Hurt me, I don't care just fuck me and ...." Oscar slammed into Tommy and the boy screamed and George told Bobby to make out with Tommy to try to quiet him. After trying several times but not able to quiet Tommy we had Bobby cover his mouth. Tommy stopped screaming but kept crying and Oscar told Bobby to move because he wanted to hear Tommy. Oscar taunted the boy as he fucked him as fast and as hard as he could. He told Tommy he asked for it and begged for it and was going to get it. Oscar had paid five hundred dollars and he was going to get his money's worth out of this boy. Normally a boy was out of commission for a week after one of his brutal fucks but Oscar loved knowing that there wasn't anyway this boy was getting a break and knew they'd slam him with a .5 once Oscar finished wrecking Tommy's boyhole. Tommy's crying turned Oscar on and he knew he wouldn't last much longer and he told Tommy to beg for his load and it would all be over. Through the pain Tommy heard and begged to be bred. Oscar started breathing harder and then pushed all the way into Tommy and held still as he shot into the boy. Oscar collapsed and stayed on top of Tommy until he felt his cock start to go down and he had Bobby bring him a big butt plug which he pushed into the bloody hole as he withdrew.
    1 point
  35. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them. Oscar told Bobby to bump Tommy and make it big. As Bobby went for the supplies Oscar talked with Tommy. "Tommy, since your a whore now and you can't suck my tool I guess you'll let me just fuck you." Tommy clearly was nervous and actually started shaking. "I won't fuck you boy, not even with you being a whore, unless you beg me too. Do you want me to wreck your new boyhole and make you cry like a little boy?" "Oh, sir, I can't take your cock, it would kill me." Bobby returned and showed Oscar how big of a bump he had and Oscar nodded for him to shoot it in Tommy's hole. As Bobby stepped back Oscar pushed a finger into Tommy. "OK, Tommy, let me just finger your boyhole and see if I can make you horny, isn't that fair?" "Yeah that's nice. I wish I had more practice because I want to please you. Could you use two fingers, please" Oscar pushed a second finger in. "I knew you'd like these fat fingers of mine. Here taste them" Tommy licked then started sucking on them and Oscar knew the bump had started. "I bet you'd like three fingers in you, just ask me" "Yeah please give me three fingers, please now" Oscar pushed three fingers of his other hand into Tommy as he finger fucked the boy's mouth. A minute later he pulled his hands back and looked at Tommy and could see the hunger in his eyes and asked him, "Tommy is your boyhole feeling empty?" "Please put your fingers in me" "No, Tommy, nothing is going near your hole again until you ask, no beg, me to fuck you and wreck you, and ask me to hurt you. I want to hear you cry because you need me and you want me to break you." Tommy started to shake for a few moments and then looked at Oscar and begged. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy.
    1 point
  36. It doesn't happen all that often, but I have milked a number of boys. The routine I have developed is to have the boy jerk off for about 15 minutes or so to get him going with anticipation of having his cock controlled. I then restrain his wrists and ankles to the head and foot boards and jerk him until he's beyond begging for a release. It takes getting a rhythm going and pulling back when I sense he might shoot and different jerking techniques like firmly grabbing his cock and jerking him or going loosely up and down his cock with my hand and also resting him for a few minutes every so often. It's all about keeping him on the edge over and over but denying him an orgasm. The most effective way of making the boy squirm and lose control is to put a thin, small toy of about 6 inches in him and have his cunt muscles draw it in and out massaging his prostate while I own his cock. Keep this up for a couple of hours and he will shoot a massive load that just keeps on spurting. And then flip him over and breed him - he's so spent at that point that he's just all cunt wanting to be bitched out by Daddy.
    1 point
  37. Tommy slam was only .15 because I wanted him to remember getting his cherry destroyed and later I could slam him out of his mind. Once he got control of his breathing I removed his arms from the restraints he reached for his cock but I grabbed his hands. "Tommy tell us are you ready to be a whore?" "Oh, George please do it make me a whore. I want you.." "Tommy, boy, it doesn't matter what a whore wants. It only matters that a whore does what he is told. Do you understand?" "Yes, I'm sorry, George, what do you want?" Oscar handed me the poppers and I held them to Tommy's nostril as I held the other and told him to inhale. Three times I had him hit the poppers then I told him to lick is finger and get it into his ass. I told Tommy to keep fingering his hole as I introduce everyone to him. Knowing I couldn't give him two straight weeks of abuse alone I invited many friends and after this weekend we will visit many other people. I choose tonight's visitors based on various fetishes or types of sex I wanted Tommy to be exposed to so that two weeks from now we would have made up for lost time. The last person I introduced to him was another twink whoreboy, Bobby, and then I told Tommy to stop fingering himself and then I told Bobby to rim Tommy. Tommy again reached for his cock so I restrained his arms again and told him he was never again going to touch himself but would learn to cum from being used. Tommy was moaning like a whore from the rim job so I pulled his head aside and shoved my cock in. For a virgin boy he wasn't a half bad cocksucker but I wasn't planning on dumping my first load there and told Bobby it was time to bump Tommy. Bobby had an evil grin as he bumped Tommy and I think Bobby was enjoying corrupting another boy. It was finally time and I got between Tommy's legs and told him a good whoreboy needs to do two things. First find out what the top likes then second is to make sure the top is satisfied. For me I like to fuck and breed boys so you don't need to do anything but enjoy this as I pushed my cock against his asshole. "Tell me that your cherry, boyhole, innocence are all mine to take" By now the bump was making Tommy's hole hungry and he was missing Bobby's tounge. "Please take my cherry, boyhole and my innocence" As he said the last word I started sliding into his ass.
    1 point
  38. I pulled up in front of Tommy's apartment and he jumped right in and as I sped away I handed him the knockout pills and without a word being said he took them. When I first started chatting with Tommy I never expected this but believe me that when a twink jock cherry boy tells me I can do whatever I want then I'm going to fulfill my fantasies too. I told him to remove his shorts and throw them out the window and I was amazed he did it without hesitation proving he was ready. When we met previously he told me he was a virgin but did jerk off however couldn't find privacy often and hadn't cum in nearly a month. I told him if he wanted me to make him a whore he couldn't jerk off again until we got together. Now without his shorts i could see the front of his jockstrap was soaked which told me he obeyed but I asked him when he last came and he said a few weeks before we met. I told him he was as good boy and to close his eyes and and to go to sleep and he soon passed out. Watching him sleep so innocently made my cock drip knowing what we were so going to do to him. Two hours later we pulled off the highway and another half hour later we arrived at my friend Tom's farmhouse. The guys heard me pull up and soon a dozen studs were on the porch watching me and Tom carry our guest into the house. The party had started earlier and they already had a couple of whore boys to play with but everyone held back waiting for me and Tommy to arrive. The pills should wear off soon and we put Tommy in a sling while we waited. Once we saw his start to come around I put a rubber strap on his arm and found a vein as he opened his eyes. He started to look around the room and I let him see and hear what was happening to the other boys and to know it would happen to him soon too. Oscar was a pimp we knew that liked dealing with white twink boys and loved breaking them in with his black ten inch cock that looked more like a fucking rolling pin it was so thick and straight. He stood next to me and when Tommy turned towards me he gasped when he saw Oscar's tool. "Tommy are you ready to become the whore that you know you are?" I asked him. "Are you ready for me and my friends, like Oscar here, to use you like a ragdoll?" Tommy clearly was nervous and didn't answer right away so I told him to wait a minute before answering as I pushed the needle in his arm and drew back turning the contents red and then pushed it all into his vein. One of the other guys wiped the injection site and even put a bandaid on him as I removed the strap and told Tommy what to expect.
    1 point
  39. Dad Pulled Dave and I aside later in the evening “So you horn dogs, what have you decided about the PreP? Take it or play roulette?” “Well Dad, as far as I can tell the damage has been done, yeah there is a chance we dodged the bullet, but let’s be realistic, Stuart has bred us pretty good and somewhat wreaked our holes” I quipped in “Sir Tom’s right, Stuart has bred us multiple times over a short period and his Bug most likely has begun working itself into our systems, we could do a post exposure regimen but that will only limit our fun this summer, I would rather just fuck around and take my chances before going to college in the fall, Dealing with it later” Dave added “Well boys I respect your Decisions, two of your brothers have decided to take the PreP, I won’t say who but, they have had limited exposure so far and decided that was the path they should choose “ With that he went back to the fire pit and joined John in an intimate embrace, we got up from the edge of the Hot tub and went forward to the sling where Ben was lovingly being pounded by Chris. I came up behind Chris and massaged his quivering buttocks, His Hole was slick from what I assumed was Bens load, Ted came up Behind me and wiggled a finger or two in my hole pressing me into Chris, my cock wedging into his pre-lubed hole. Ted began nibbling my ears as he gyrated against my ass, his ass working its way into my hole, forcing my engorged member to enter Chris, who began shaking as his load fired into Ben’s clenching orifice. Dave had been sucking Ben and edging him closer to release as Chris pounded into him, causing Ben to blast his load all over Dave’s face and abdomen. Chris was stuck between me and Ben and with Teds monster pressing into my second ring I could just keep grinding into my middle half-brothers rectum, with no place to go and Dave feeding him Bens Spunk, Chris licked the seed from Dave while his shrinking Phallus soon regained its rigidity and soon he was pounding into ben with renewed vigor. As Ted began Chewing on my neck and ear his breathing began to become heavy and he began grunting as he was soon blasting a huge load past my second ring filling me with his seed. Feeling the warmth of his load fill me I blasted into Chris Whispering into his ear “This may be one of my last negative loads” Chris moaned and filled Ben with another of his loads. Ted coming down off his Orgasmic high pulled out of my gaping hole and allowed me to slowly remove my tool from Chris, allowing him to stir his cream inside of Ben before withdrawing his spent member. Dave slid into Ben as Chris exited the sloppy hole, having been highly excited by the exchange of semen with Chris, he shot within a few minutes. So with a gut full of cum, I lead Dave below decks to our bunk, having worked a whole day we both were exhausted, and with the revelations of last night and this evening mentally fatigued as well. Spooning behind Dave, I nibbled on his neck and held him tight, and we were soon both fast asleep. Sometime in the night a third body invaded our bunk, this time it was Ben, who had traded off with Stuart, so that my older brother could spend some time with Ted And Chris. Ben had snuggled up behind me and as our close proximity stiffened his rod, slowly impaled me in my sleep on his engorged cock, as my tool slipped into Dave’s puckered hole as well, a slow rocking soon had the three of us lovingly fucking at a slow leisurely pace, after about 45 minutes of stimulation Dave suddenly groaned and flooded my grasping fist with his nocturnal cream, his ass muscles milking my cock, sent me over the edge as I began filling his ass with my milky load, as Ben unloaded in me. I awoke early to find Ben’s cock still buried in my hole, as mine was plugging Dave’s hole and leaking precum into his sloppy hole. Every motion buried Ben deeper in me or me into Dave as I wiggled to free myself I felt Ben spasm and cream my inside with another of his loads, before he rolled over and let me escape. I arose and headed to the fore deck where I stood attempting to piss when dad came up behind me, caressed my shoulders before dropping to his knees and taking my half flaccid cock in his mouth, coaxing the piss from my now throbbing tool. I finished empting my bladder then dad told me to hit the shower after waking up Dave and Ben. Dave joined me in the shower, as we soaped each other up playing grab ass, we so were told to hurry up as others had to prep for the day as well. We got out of the bathroom and dried off and dressed then sat down to a simple breakfast of cereal and toast. John handed out the day’s assignments and Ted guided the craft to the campgrounds, I was paired up with Chris, Dave was paired with Stuart, Ted and Dad, and Ben and John. Our morning duties were to clean up the last couple of Campsites and then check out the bath/toilet areas. Chris and I checked our map and went straight to work clearing the overgrowth and trash on the farthest sites and worked our way back towards the Bathrooms. The first site hadn’t been used much the previous year and the outside edges were overgrown with brush, so we set out clearing the brush first, Chris suddenly started to chuckle when he found a small pile of used condoms, most were beginning to deteriorate but upon closer inspection it appeared many had been tampered with and had contained trace amounts of semen rather than the larger dried up deposits of the others. We sweep them up and disposed of them in a trash can and finished clearing the few remaining tumbleweeds. Chris quipped on our way to the next site that “The first space must have been used last summer as a breeding ground for the horny and the shy, being somewhat isolated from the other spaces by a small grove of trees, but this year with the camp being so much popular we are going to need every campsite, especially on the holiday weekends” “Yeah, I bet many a boy got bred and gifted in that small clearing, initiated into the brotherhood” I added with a smirk, upon arriving at the next site I spied the stud from the bath house yesterday, I waved to him as he began to duck into his tent, he stood up showing off his bare torso and a keen six pack of abs with just a light dusting of fur, He was in loose fitting shorts which began tenting when he saw me acknowledge him. He walked over and introduced himself. “Hi I’m Chuck and my friend in the tent is Jay if he ever gets out of his sleeping bag” “Hey Chuck, glad to meet ya” I shot back at him “glad you got over your embarrassment from yesterday” With that he began to redden in the face, his blush was so cute, he must have been early twenties, just then a head popped out of his tent, a hot ginger who looked maybe 18 or 19, complete with freckled face and shoulders “Hey Babe, why don’t you come back and cuddle with me some more….” He started saying before seeing Chris and I witnessing his public display of affection, I grinned a knowing smile and winked at him. “Hey, me and my brothers are spending the summer on a houseboat down on the lake, and if you and Jay want to come by, let one of us know and we’ll make sure you get a invite, were limited to how many we can accommodate at once unless were moored” Chris told him as he headed back to his tent, he said he’d talk it over with Jay, and inform us when they were available. We went back to cleaning the area for another half hour or so. As we made our way to the next site we peeked into Chuck and Jay’s tent, which they had left the flaps open, and observed Chuck balls deep in Jays love tunnel. Chris looked at me then we both burst into horny laughter as we wandered away, our cocks tenting our jeans. We finished cleaning up the last of the overgrown campsites just before noon, in time to head over to join our brothers for lunch. As we ate I noticed several campers going to and fro the cantina to either get lunch or gather supplies to take back to their respective campsites. About half way through lunch I spotted Chuck and Jay emerging from the store with pre-made sandwiches in their hands, I waved them over and introduced them to my family. Chuck seemed to blush each time he looked at Dave and me, I thought it was cute until I realized I was doing the same every time he and Jay would touch, causing my cock to harden, I whispered in Dave’s ear “That’s the guy who watched us fuck in the bath house yesterday, and I saw him fucking his bf in their tent earlier” Dave chuckled then Whispered back “Yeah the ginger was in the bath earlier washing up when I went in for a piss, let’s just say he let me hose him down then took my load in his throat” We both chuckled, Chuck and Jay chatted with my brothers and Dads while Dave and I finished our lunches, Dave leaned over to me and gave me a peck on the check “Want to go for a quickie or save it up for tonight?” he asked casually “This being the last night of the floating orgy being just us bro’s I think I’ll save up my juice so I shoot larger loads” I responded “Cool I was thinking the same, bro. see ya tonight after work then” He gave me another kiss then headed out with John for his afternoon shift, I paired up with Ted now and Chris, Stuart and Ben got together for their afternoon chores. Todd went back to the cantina to do some inventory and do some training with the clerk he hired for the summer to handle the afternoon shifts, a cute 18yo brunette that I would learn was the son of one of his associates. The afternoon chores included restocking the bathing house and washing areas, and double checking the campsite registrations and checking on the campers who had checked in. We were still fairly empty with just a half of dozen sites out of the forty available occupied. Ted handed out to the new campers invites to Saturday and Sundays parties to the few studs who had checked in, Friday was already booked with 11 guys accepting invites to board at 4:30. By the time we were checking on the last campsite it was getting close to time to head back to the ARK as we began referring to the Houseboat, the inside joke was that over the next 12 weeks it would indeed become a vessel of changing lives We arrived at the ARK just as John was starting the engines and Chris was firing up the barbeque to cook the night’s dinner, Todd was untying the vessel and Dave jumped aboard, Ben and Stuart were in the galley prepping salad and vegetables while Ted and I headed inside to set up the evenings refreshments and do some last minute cleanups with the bedrooms, bathroom and dining/living areas. John guided the ARK across the water and into a cove that was different than the last couple nights, this one had a secluded beach a short swim from where we would moor the Ark next to a Floating Raft that was anchored about 25 feet from the beach, The raft was the same length as the ARK and about 12 feet wide. Once tied off and secured for the night the door on the stern was opened for access to the floating dock and Todd and John set up a dining table out on the dock. Hey if you boys want to take a quick swim to wash off the day’s grim John and I will Set out dinner As all of us had striped of our tee shirts on the way over and a couple had shucked their jeans as well we were actually in various stages of undress our muscles glistening with the days sweat I pulled off my jeans and Dave grabbed me from behind as I exited naked onto the dock, as we both fell into the water wrestling, Dave was naked too and I could feel his erection pressing into my back and thighs. Soon the short distance between the raft and the shore was traversed and the beach was now occupied by 6 hot studs naked with partial hard-ons grappling with each other. We were in and out of the water swimming between the beach and shore in water that much to my surprise was warm compared to the rest of the lake. When we all got back to the Raft and climbed out Todd explained that while much of the lake was freed from snow run-off this was one of many of cove where the water is trapped and is heated in the shallow cove by the daily sunshine. We ate dinner in the buff as our dads took a quick swim just before joining us, all the food had be put out on the table with covers on it to keep out the bugs and torches with citronella were lite on the corners of the raft we ate hardily and soon we were filled and sat around shooting the bull, discussing the daily events and our observations of the various campers. After dinner we helped clean up and put the table back onto the ARK along with the folding chairs. We all retreated to the top deck of the ARK and Dave and myself hit the hot tub each with a drink in our hands and each other in our free hand. Chris and Ted joined us and Stuart came up with a new member to our crew “Hey Guys I want to introduce Alan, my slutty Boyfriend who arrived just a bit ago and was ferried out here by the marina attendant while we were inside cleaning up dinner, I just found him lounging on the fore deck.” Alan was a nice looking Pacific Islander with a great build and an intoxicating smile. I could see why my Brother fell for him, he didn’t have the biggest cock of our group but he was no shrimp with about 7 inches sticking out in front of him drooling precum. He and Stuart sat on the rim of the hot tub as Dave and I Traded turns sucking their meat in, the other bros took turns as well feeling up the new guy and I soon was making out with Alan while he worked his cock into my hot hole, Stuart insisting I get the first load from his boy Alan, who was whispering into my ear between kisses “You like riding the death stick that knocked up your brother don’t you?” “Fuck yeah, you going to knock me up too arnt you? “Damn right if your brother hasn’t succeeded yet I will definitely Poz you up by the time the summers over” He was beginning to pound me hard wrecking my hole “You ready for my toxic load stud” “Hell yeah give me Your Death seed “ As he pushed deeper exploding in my guts coating my rectum with his toxic nut. As he pulled out Dave moved in and began licking my ass and cleaning up the leaking sperm as I cleaned Alan’s cock of my ass juices and his sperm, as Dave was rimming me Stuart stepped up and shoved his cock deep in his ass and pounded my boy/bro hard and fast till he exploded with is load as well. By the time Alan and Stuart were finished planting their first loads of spunk in Dave and me the others were engaging in some hot orgy action, I was raging hard and needed a hole to plow and soon was buried deep in Ted as Dave buried his cock in Todd’s hole fucking the man who gave him life and dumping his seed in his dad. After about a couple hours of fucking and sucking John stepped up and announced “Tomorrow starts the long Holiday weekend so I suggest you all turn in and get some rest” Stuart told us he was sleeping with the dads and asked if we minded sharing our bunk with Alan, we both agreed it would be our pleasure
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  40. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  41. it is also a hot turn on when being fucked in front of others -
    1 point
  42. Love to slide my dry cock into a loose and loaded hole. 6 loads seems to be the ideal slickness for me. So hot having anon cum gumming up my pubes and dripping from my nuts. And the cummy funky smell is better than poppers for me. I'll usually add 2-3 more loads of my own to the sloppy hole.
    1 point
  43. Ted led me up the path to the campgrounds, stopping at the self-service kiosk, checking for overnight check ins. There were two check-ins so ted noted down which camp sites they signed up for and the check in names. We proceeded to the cantina and Ted gave me a list of the items to pull from the shelves, then showed me what needed cleaning and restocking, then went to begin preparing the morning breakfast for the campers purchases. As the aroma of sausage and eggs and breakfast burritos filled the cantina a few campers wandered in to stock up on supplies, toiletries and buy breakfast. I went about restocking the selves from the inventory that had come in the previous day, dusting the shelves and mopping the floor. All the while the revelations of the morning weighed on my mind, could it be my brother infected me with the bug, did he know or suspect he had it, did I want him and his infection, my cock began to harden thinking about him fucking me again. I thought about not only did he fuck me but he fucked my best friend, my life heartthrob, my brother from another mother, he spewed his toxic seed into both of us. I both wanted to make mad passionate love to him and beat the crap out of him for putting us at risk. As the morning wore on we closed down the diner part of the cantina, prepping pre made sandwiches to sell at noon and dinner take outs ready to be put on the BBQ’s in the evening. I went through most of the morning with a hard on, and a few of the campers didn’t help as they came through the cantina in little more than basketball or running shorts, their junk swinging barely concealed beneath the flimsy fabric, their chest heaving of manliness and sexuality. Lunch time came, Stuart and John took over the cantina while Ted and I went to join Todd and the guys for lunch, Dad tossed us some sandwiches and chips, he then sat on the end of the table “Ok guys, when we get back onboard tonight Stuart will address all of you, in the meantime, You all have a decision to make, I have some contacts and I Knew this was a possibility, given Stuarts wild streak, John had me come prepared, I have a 100 day supply for each of you if you choose to take it, of PreP” We all ate our lunch in silence for the most part, being in close proximity of Dave had me hard throughout lunch, as we were finishing up our lunch Dave nudged me tilted his head towards the men’s toilets/showers and excused himself to go use the bathroom. I followed him saying I needed release too, as soon as I got in the restroom I notice Dave was not at the urinals or in a stall, I walked around to the backside and found him naked stroking his hard cock, I immediately dropped my shorts and stripped off my tee shirt and went to my knees in front of him, taking his rod into my mouth and throat. He let me suck his cock just enough to get it slick with saliva before pulling me up and spinning me around, and slide his cock into my ass, it hurt like hell being impaled so quickly, although once in Dave was able to use the cream inside to lubricate my hole enough so each of us could enjoy the fuck “Ever since I heard the news this morning I wanted to give you some of my last negative seed, not sure if I want to take the prep dad is offering, seems like a lot of bother to have freedom” Dave pounded my hole and soon released his cum into my battered rectum, I enjoyed the ride and pondered the words, feeling him pulsate against my prostate delivering his spunk soon had my seed shooting on the tiled floor, my ass milking the last drops of semen from Dave’s still hard cock, he pulled me up to him and turned my head so he could plant a wet sloppy kiss on me ” that’s all we have time for now, we’ll talk later” With that he pulled on his shorts and tee shirt and ran back to the others. I turned around to grab my shorts and tee and suddenly heard applause. I turn around to find a camper who witnessed most of the fucking, Dave must have run right past him, he stood a couple inches taller than me and had sandy blonde hair and a muscular build which was accented by his tank top and low slung cargo shorts “You camping nearby? Would love some of that action” He then noticed my tee shirt and the camp insignia “Oh you guys work here, shit well I hope we can see each other during my stay” He turned and left out of embarrassment, I exited the bath house and returned to the picnic table to join Dave and my brothers. With John and Stuart taking the cantinas afternoon shift, Ted and I went to the camp office to pick up the site checklist and do verification rounds of the campsites, the first two sites were vacant although I found recently spent condoms near one of the picnic table, I being the kinky bastard I picked them up and tied them off for use later on Dave. The campsites were almost all identical just enough room for a couple tents, each had a water spigot in one corner and a power pole in the opposite with a smart meter on each pole. They had a small fire pit and a picnic table, many had room for a small camper or RV to hook up adjacent to them, as we went down the checklist on each site we noted which ones needed sprucing up and which ones were available. . Our third campsite was occupied and soon found out it was my tall blonde guy that was there with his friend, I also noticed that most of the campers were male with a few females hanging around the fringes in opposite corners of the campgrounds. I soon discovered that of the 38 campsite 12 were currently occupied, 8 with what I was deeming gay groups and 4 with lesbian couples. I noticed Ted was also handing out invitations to the weekend’s parties on the houseboat. He explained that we could only invite 11 people at a time onto the vessel to keep within marine occupancy limits, I asked when he invited the blonde guy and he said that they, the blonde and his companion would be boarding on Fridays festivities, this being Wednesday I only had two days to wait to see if the promising buldge in his shorts would ring true. We finished our rounds just before 4 and headed back to the offices which were on the backside of the cantina. Dave and the others were waiting on us and we loaded up supplies from the camp store to take down to the floating palace as we had named her. I grabbed a couple boxes and headed down to the dock with Dave at my side. Dad, Todd, was the last to arrive and cast us off as ted steered the vessel back to our private cove to be moored for the night. As the house made it across the lake I cut up some potatoes that Chris had boiled off earlier in the day and added salad dressing and cut hard boiled eggs to make a great big bowl of Potato salad while Dave went up and took over grilling duties for the evening.. By the time we reached the mooring Dinner was ready and we all dished up a plate and sat around the fire pit. Stuart gobbled down his meal of polish sausage, Baked Beans and Potato salad then stood before us “Ok guys, I know this mornings news was a shock to some, and sort of expected by others of you” He glanced over at Todd and John “Well, I guess I owe you all an explanation. First off let me say last night’s confession by our fathers was somewhat of a surprise to me but then again I Knew from the time of Joan’s death that they were in a long distance relationship. Ted knew too but we kept it quiet for our dads sake till they could break the news to you, I however did not know of the swapping that been going on and although I find it hot that I now have all these hot brothers, I know they have managed to keep us all valiant till our 18th birthdays preaching celibacy. Well I’d like to thank my Brother who broke my cherry on the night of my 18th birthday two years ago, I didn’t know you were my brother then but I think I’d have it no other way. Thank you Ted, who by the way has been the first to fuck all of us brothers now that I think about it.” We all laughed at Stuarts little quip “well as you all know I was accepted to UC Berkeley on a academic/athletic scholarship and as many of you know I sought out the Gayest –straight fraternity I could find and have been living in the fraternity house since my freshmen year started, four quarters ago, my pledge brother, Alan has been my roommate and part time lover for the past two years and for those of you who have not met him, he’ll be coming up with some of my frat bro’s this weekend. Well Alan makes me look like a saint in the sex department, he gets into some really slutty moods and goes hog wild. We had sex throughout our freshman year and pledge period with many of our brothers, but always with condoms and playing safe. Well that all changed this last fall when Alan who was feeling horny convinced me and several of our frat bros to go to a CumUnion party at the Steamworks back in September. Now I had barebacked with Alan in private before, but this was the first time we had had sex, bareback sex in public, the dozen or so of us who went let our hair down and had mad orgies in front of everyone who wanted to watch. Well I lost track of Alan when one of my Bro’s was pounding my hole while I was sucking some guy’s dick while someone was sucking mine underneath me. Well long story short Alan became a major cumdump that night and took massive anon loads into his hole he estimated 30 to 40 loads before I caught up with him again and I added my load to his already overflowing manpussy. Well Alan got sick around Halloween and we thought it was just the flu.” Stuart took a drink from his beer and continued “well Alan didn’t tell me but he went to the health center and got tested and treated for a couple of STI’s and also withheld that he was now POZ, although from what I gathered he confided in Dad that his status had changed and that he wanted to Knock me up so we would be bonded, He told Todd He really loved me and wanted to share every Part of himself with me. Well throughout the rest of the quarter Alan managed to go from bottom pig to dominate top whenever I would let him. I guess he succeed in knocking me up over Christmas since I got the fuck flu around Easter, I was in denial for the last two months as I wanted to believe he wouldn’t do that to me, but at the same time I love him for wanting to share his gift with me.” Stuart began to sob and Dad and john hugged him and Ted planted a big kiss on him as well “I’m so sorry Tom and Dave, I don’t know what possessed me to put you guys at risk and hope you weigh your choices, my choice is to go unmediated as long as I can, I have a strong T cell count and although my viral load is high It is dropping on it’s own as my body tries to fight off this infection, I know it’s a losing battle but I will cross that bridge when I come to it” Stuart sat down and continued to sob as Dave went over to him and Whispered to him “Thank you big bro for the most precious gift you could ever give me… the freedom to fuck whoever, however I can” While we were fixing dinner Dave and I talked about the consequences of the previous night’s sexual debauchery and what it meant for us, we decided that Stuart had given himself to us and we had in turn become bonded in a gift which was now shared between us. I walked over to my older brother ad took his hand and lead him to the hot tub and stripped him bare as Dave removed his and my clothes we all climbed into the tub We took our turns mounting his enraged hardened cock sliding our boycunt’s on his shaft. Taking turns playing who’s going to get the cream, as he shot his load deep inside me, in ground my ass into his crotch. After I dismounted Dave slid down his pole and attempted to milk another load from Starts balls. It didn’t take long before he shot his second load of the night into Dave. As we both leaned in and kissed our older brother we whispered into his ear in stereo “Let’s make sure this takes” and began teasing him to fuck us more
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  44. We were all kind of dumbstruck from our fathers confession, Ted was holding back the tears, just barely, I couldn’t tell if they were tears of joy or sorrow about being lied to his entire life, I was a bit elated to know these hunks who I had known all my life and had shared so much with, were in fact my half-brothers, and like me were at least bi sexual. I felt a swelling in my chest as Stuart came over to me and hugged me “Little bro, I know it’s a lot to take in but we’ll all be ok, dad wants to talk to you” Dad had strolled forward towards the bow Stuart and I joined him “Tom, Stu I know you think I lied to you and your mother all these years but she was well aware of the situation, as a matter of fact Joan and her had their own thing going until Joan’s passing from breast cancer” “we always wondered how you guy managed to pop out 6 boys in such a short time, but I never realized how you managed to beat the odds and come up with six homos” Stuart joked “Joan’s passing was too much for your mother and it’s why she thought we should separate, we never actually completed the divorce, but my work kept me away from not only you two but John as well, sort of why you guys never caught onto our long distance relationship” “I always suspected there was something strange about you friendship with John, and when you took Stuart with you to the coast when you and mom split, I’m glad I had Dave to help me through it” “Your mom knew Stuart was beginning to have homosexual tendencies, and thought keeping you two apart would reduce the trouble you two could have gotten into, his boasting on holidays and vacations, hid from you on our request, his flings with other boys, and some of them with girls were true” “yeah, and it kept my hands off my hot little bro, but that can change if you want it too, after all haven’t you taken two of my loads already” Stuart looked proud of himself Dad gave him a wicked smile and Stuart punched me in the shoulder, we walked over to rejoin the rest of the group around the dim blue-yellow light of the gas fire pit the glass beads sparkling in the glow. The sun had already set and the pit and a few Christmas lights were the only illumination on deck. I grabbed Dave and hugged him, now knowing he was my half-brother made me wonder if our relationship had a chance, I had always felt deep feelings for him, keeping them in check because he was so straight and never wanting to damage our friendship, without the physical activities of the sports we each played allowed our sexual tensions to cumulate in passion and lust. He kissed me and whispered “We have a long day ahead of us want to retire” I nodded and was about to tell the others when John stepped up “ok gentlemen, you have an early call tomorrow, and a lot of work to complete before the holiday weekend, so its best you head to your cabins and get some shut eye and some rest, oh and keep the moaning down it scares the fishes” With that we all began to head below, down the ladders, Dave and I retreated to our bunk and were about to close the door when Stuart stepped in behind us “Sorry mates but the captain has requested I bunk in here tonight” “The captain?” “Yeah, Todd and John, it’s been a couple weeks since they have been together and they wanted to do some catching up” We chuckled and flopped down on the bed, I intended to spoon Dave but Stuart got between us “If I don’t break this up now none of us is going to get any sleep, and I’ve only had one chance on this boy’s sweet hole” He said with a smirk. As the three of us lay there on the queen size bunk fondling and making out sleep was beginning to take over as Stuart turned into Dave and slid his cock into my lover’s hole, not to be left out I positioned my throbbing tool against Stuarts hole and let his gyrations into Dave work my cock into his now precum slickened hole, I did a quick adjustment to get a little closer and soon Stuart was rocking between us fucking Dave as I was fucking him. He moaned loudly as he shoot his fourth load into my boyfriend and I followed shortly after blasting my load into my older brother’s hot hole “You maybe my older bro, but your ass was made for fucking” I whispered into his ear We all fell asleep shortly after snuggled and spooned together, I was woken a couple of time in the night briefly with a cock in my now cum filled hole, as Stuart and Dave took turns making deposits in me when they would wake up. John began pounding on doors at 6am and we awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs being prepared in the galley, Stuart was up first and headed to the head to relieve himself of his piss stream. John had placed a bucket for that purpose just inside the door with a note on the toilet to use the bucket for number 1 and the toilet for all others. He explained just before breakfast that using the bucket saved the sanitation system on the craft from being emptied so often, and with an evil smirk “and other recreational uses” Stuart had avoided the mandatory Oral Quick swab the previous day, but Todd cornered him and handed him the test stick, he argued it wasn’t necessary that he was clean but dad made him do it anyway. Todd took the stick from him and sent him in to the galley for breakfast. I had relieved myself in the bucket alongside Dave and Chris and pulled on a pair of jeans, and headed to the galley myself. I finished my 2 eggs and a couple strips of bacon when John came around and added Stuarts name to the white board with a + following I looked at Dave and I looked at Stuart then at dad. Todd and John looked like it was what they had been expecting Stuart looked shocked, and terrified, he started sobbing “I’m so sorry little bros, I didn’t know, I didn’t realize I was putting you at risk” “Damn you Alan” he continued “Ok guys I know you now have a lot more to consider we have work to do” john piped in It had just occurred to me that the boat had been moving, all the time while we had been getting dressed and having breakfast as John threw tee shirts to Dave, Stuart and I I felt the motor rev up and reverse as the craft slid into the dock near the campgrounds, I looked at the duty rooster on the white board and saw I was paired with Ted, Dave was paired with Chris and Ben and Stuart was partnered with dad and John. “Ok the leads know the work schedule, newbies try to keep up, meet back here at noon for lunch” With that, we left the houseboat and headed up to the campgrounds for our first day of work
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  45. By the way, this is the picture I had on my desktop when I introduced Dylan. Pretty fuckin cute, huh?
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  46. PART 6 As Grant’s dick slowly churned the poz cum inside Conrad’s fuckhole, my bro just kept grinning—a less angelic grin than before, almost a little evil—and his eyes radiated the dark intensity of a truly trashed-up chempig. “I’m so proud of you, bro,” I said to him, and he looked at me with that same grin. “This is fuckin’ amazing, bro,” he replied. “Ever since you put that needle in my arm, all I can think is dick. Dick. I need dick. I love dick. Fuck, dude! DICK.” That made everybody laugh. “I’m glad to hear that, boy. Slamming should do that to a bottompig like you.” Conrad growled hungrily, then turned to Grant. “Fuck, Daddy—that felt so good. Your cock, your cum. You fed me exactly what I needed, exactly where I needed it. Poz cum in my raw hole.” Right around that moment—as Grant and Conrad continued their Daddy-bro bonding with filthy pigtalk punctuated by the occasional deep kiss—my phone buzzed. It was a text from Rick, my buddy at the front desk of the bathhouse. If you’re up for another conquest tonight, he wrote, I’ve got a candidate for you. Hot little self-righteous condom-Nazi with a gorgeous furry butt. I replied right away, telling him that Recruit #1 was already a trashy slampig, so I had time to bring another boy to the dark side. Rick texted right back: Fuck yeah! You’ll find him sitting on the edge of the Jacuzzi. I want to see his pupils get bigger than fuckin quarters. And then I want to destroy his slammed-up hole. (This is why I love playing with Rick: for him, innocence is only acceptable if it’s up for immediate destruction.) I didn’t want to miss this boy at the Jacuzzi, so I grabbed Jason—Grant’s furry pigboy—and asked him to give me a hand. Then I pulled Conrad down from the sling and said it was time to rinse off. I assured Daddy Grant that his boys would return soon, then ushered Conrad and Jason out the door with their towels draped over their shoulders. As the three of us walked past a steady stream of half-naked men—many of them leering at us, some reaching out to brush their hands against Conrad’s boyish skin—I explained how the two of them could help me nail my newest victim. When we arrived at our destination, the three of us parted ways: I went to the Jacuzzi, and Jason and Conrad went into the group shower. (At this particular bathhouse, anyone sitting in the Jacuzzi can ogle the dudes in the shower—the two areas are only a few feet apart.) As for Rick’s boy, I caught sight of him immediately. He was maybe in his mid-20s, short and compact, with a perfect dusting of fur across his muscular little chest. A little bit of scruff. Rugby players’ legs. A nice piece of uncut meat between his legs. And that face—the kind of angelic face that demands to be stuffed full of cock. As I slowly walked down the hot tub stairs and submerged myself in the water, I made sure that my cock stayed above the surface long enough for my new target to see it. He saw it, alright—and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stared back. And as I sat down on the ledge across from him, I cocked my head to indicate he should sit with me. He didn’t hesitate for a second. As he walked my way, I got a clearer look at his ridiculously defined six-pack, not to mention his rapidly-growing cock. Best of all, when he spun around to sit down on the ledge next to me, I got a quick peek at his ass. Rick wasn’t kidding—this boy had the kind of butt that gangfucks were made for. We started with a little small talk. His name was Dylan. He was a grad student, and he’d been in the area for about six months. But just as I began to turn the conversation in a more filthy direction, everyone in the Jacuzzi started pointing to the showers—and once we looked, we couldn’t stop staring, because Jason and Conrad were putting on quite a show. This was all part of my plan, of course. I’d instructed Jason and Conrad to walk into the shower area as if they didn’t know each other. I’d told them to choose adjacent showers. I directed Conrad to begin soaping up his hot young jockbutt, and I told Jason to respond by jacking his stiffening cock. By the time Dylan and I started watching, Jason was already fingering Conrad’s hole and asking him to squeeze out a little cum from his last breeding. We watched as a thick stream of white jizz came streaming out of Conrad’s butt, which earned an audible grunt of appreciation from the cumpigs in the hot tub. By the time Jason pushed Conrad against the railing of the Jacuzzi and started pounding him raw, I was rubbing my finger across the surface of Dylan’s tight little furry fuckhole, earning a little moan in the process. His cock was rock-hard as he openly gaped at the bareback fuckshow in front of us. “Pretty hot, huh?” I said, continuing to run my finger across the entrance to his hole. “Fuck yeah—it’s definitely hot. But not for me, man—I play safe, you know?” “Oh, that’s cool—so do I.” He turned to me and gave me an appreciative smile. Then I leaned over and whispered in his ear: “And I have rubbers in my room. So when can I fuck you?” He didn’t answer, but simply stood up and walked to get his towel, the muscles in his butt flexing with every step. He glanced back and gestured for me to join. Following close behind, I watched him clamber out of the Jacuzzi, his leg swinging up to the edge as he climbed out the side of the pool—a maneuver that briefly exposed his fuckhole. One way or another, I said to myself, consensual or not, this boy’s butt is taking my raw dick tonight. Just then, the fuck between Jason and Conrad was reaching its noisy climax. Jason was asking my lil’ bro all sorts of questions: do you like being a fuckin’ bareback slut at the bathhouse? Do you like giving up your wrecked pighole to total strangers? Are you gonna take loads in your slopped-up hole all fucking night? Conrad didn't answer, exactly, beyond a half-coherent litany of nasty pigspeak, his slammed-up brain unable to perform basic processes while that big raw dick was pounding his hole. He just kept saying things like fuck, fuck, fuck, breed it fucker, fuckin’ A, fuckin’ use this hole, use my hungry cunt. Knock it up. Please, please knock it up. Fuck! Goddammit, you hot pig motherfucker… Then I heard Jason start to breathe heavily as his dick slapped faster and faster against that cum-flooded hole. Then came a few more questions: You want my fuckin’ load in your slopped-up hole, huh? You hungry for my cum? You wanna get fuckin’ pregnant, dude? Yes, shouted Conrad, nearly delirious with hunger. Fuckin’ yes. Fuckin’ breed me. Please. Please, please breed me. I’m so fuckin’ hungry for that seed. Ohmigod—ohmigod—I feel it—I feel it—fuck yeah! Gimme your load, dude. Thank you. Oh, fuck! Thank you. Thank you. Ohmigod—FUCKER! Everyone in the hot tub could see Jason’s whole body shake as he unleashed his poz cum inside my lil’ bro, Conrad grinning like a little kid as he milked that dick clean with his hungry jockbutt. When Dylan and I turned to leave, I caught a quick glimpse of Jason’s softening cock, coated with fresh seed, pulling out of Conrad’s hole, only to be replaced right away by some random dude’s veiny, precum-dripping Daddy dick. My lil’ bro let out a guttural moan of approval as the new cock invaded his ass—and the whole time I just kept brushing my fingers against Dylan’s twitching, furry muscle hole. First, we took a brief detour to the front desk. I told Dylan that I needed an extra towel, but I actually needed to give Rick a signal that a new corruption project was underway. As I picked up the towel, I gave Rick a little wink, and he replied by mouthing the word “Oink.” As Dylan and I walked away, I looked back at the front desk and held up both hands, mouthing “10 minutes.” Rick answered with a thumbs-up while flashing an evil-pig grin. Back in the room, Dylan climbed up on the bed, got on all fours, and immediately began sucking my dick. Bobbing up and down on my poz shaft, he instinctively arched his back and aimed his hole at the ceiling. I fixed my sights on that quivering cunt, imagining just how incredible this negboy’s fuckhole would feel against the skin of my poz cock. I leaned down to kiss Dylan. It was important to make a good connection with this kid, to gain his trust. I’ve found that a good makeout session can help establish that kind of instant connection, especially if the boy is affectionate and eager for someone to take care of him. That was Dylan, all right—I could tell he was a sweet one. I wreck boys like him all the time: nice kids who somehow fall under the spell of a guy like me, a guy who lives to see virgin boyhole oozing thick white sperm, preferably streaked with ribbons of pink and red. Cum and blood: the keys to initiation and brotherhood. Dylan kissed me hungrily while I kept toying with his fuckhole. “Just curious, boy,” I whispered in his ear. “Do you like to get tied up?” “Fuck yeah,” he said. “Just as long as you don’t make the knots too tight. I kinda just want the illusion that I’m tied up, you know? I need to be able to escape if necessary.” “Oh, of course,” I replied, reaching into my bag to grab a handful of rope. I looped a few coils around his wrists, then made a loose knot on the bedposts so that he wouldn’t feel trapped. “That OK, boy?” He nodded with a big grin. I leaned down to kiss him again, and his body trembled with hunger and excitement. “I can’t wait to feel my cock slide inside you, Dylan. You’re such a sexy little fucker.” He responded with a happy murmur as I reached into my bag. OK, that’s enough affection for now, I thought to myself. It’s time for things to take a nasty turn. First, I grabbed a piece of piss-stained fabric and shoved it in his mouth. Then I reached up to the knots on the bedposts, and with a simple tug I tightened them so that Dylan couldn’t move his arms. His eyes grew wide, and he attempted to use his legs as leverage, but it was no use—I’d already pinned his thighs with my knees. “Sorry, kid,” I said. “When I tie a boy up, he’s fuckin’ pinned until I say otherwise. For real. No escaping, understand? Tonight you’re mine.” As Dylan attempted to scream through the fabric, I heard a knock at the door, followed by a key entering the doorknob. I looked back to see Rick come in with our buddy Santiago, another staff member. (Santiago, you see, is the kind of ruthless Latino top who just isn’t happy until he sees blood on his dick.) “Excuse me, guys, but we heard sounds of a struggle in here,” Rick said to me, doing his best to sound genuinely concerned. “We just wanted to make sure everything’s alright.” Dylan tried screaming again, but I muffled him even more by placing my hand over his mouth. “Everything's fine," I assured him. "I do have one small problem, though: I need some help getting this boy under control. See those ropes on the bedside table?” Rick nodded and grabbed the ropes. Dylan, meanwhile, was trembling with fear—and that’s a major turn-on for me. When I see a boy get scared because he’s no longer in control, my cock twitches and I start drooling precum. I mean, look: there’s nothing hotter to me than watching a boy break. I love breaking ‘em down until they finally surrender and start begging for the raw dick they’ve always wanted. As Dylan kept trembling and whimpering, Rick and Santiago each grabbed a leg, bent him in half to expose his fuckhole, then secured his ankles to the bedposts. He struggled from time to time, and his head kept shaking back and forth in silent protest. But these protests were feeble—he knew he was fucked. I turned to Rick. “In the nightstand, you’ll find a needleless syringe. It’s all ready to go. A nice big fat dose.” He handed it over to me, and I inserted the plastic tip into Dylan’s hole as he gave me a pained, pleading look. “Don’t worry, boy. This is just some very, very special lube.” Then I pushed the plunger in, releasing the drugs into his fuckhole and bringing Dylan one step closer to the world of chemsex. With the chems quickly finding their way into Dylan’s system, I reached into my bag to grab one of my specially prepared condoms. (The preparation is pretty simple: I slice off the reservoir at the tip, so it only takes a few deep thrusts before my mushroom head bursts through the weak end of the rubber.) I held up the condom for Dylan to see, and relief flashed across his face. We were being safe after all! Then I rolled it onto my dick—making sure my boy didn’t catch sight of the hole at the tip—before pouring some lube on my shaft. Finally, with a slow thrust, I began sinking my poz dick and its useless rubber into this helpless negboy fuckhole. His cunt was warm and hungry from that giant booty bump, and I had no problem going balls-deep on the first push. I pulled back a few inches, then buried my dick all the way once more—at which point I felt my cockhead burst through the rubber, and my precum-covered cock got its first exposure to the warmth and wetness of Dylan’s unprotected fuckhole. A moment later, I pulled back out. The broken rubber now covered about two-thirds of my cock, and a string of precum connected the tip of my dick to the warm hunger of Dylan’s hole. “Sorry, dude,” I said to him, “Looks like the condom broke.” Fear entered his eyes again, and he tried to say something through the fabric stuffed in his mouth. “Dylan, I can’t hear what you’re saying. Don’t worry, though—I’ll ask somebody else. Hey, Rick? Look at this rubber. What should I do?” Rick shrugged. “Take off the rubber. Fuck his hole raw.” “Fuck yeah,” said Santiago. “Just breed that fuckin’ uptight faggot.” I looked back at our boy. “So tell me, boy: Should the three of us just bareback that sweet fuckhole of yours?” Dylan was screaming again, shaking his head back and forth, trying his best to fight his restraints. “Sorry, buddy—I really can’t hear what you’re saying. I guess we’re just gonna go with the majority, OK? Which means I’m gonna pound my cum deep inside you.” And with that, I ripped off the rubber and shoved my raw dick into Dylan’s partied-up butt. I leaned into him, looking directly into his eyes as I began to pump in and out of him with long strokes. He was starting to cry, but that just made my dick harder. “Don’t cry, buddy,” I said to him. “We’re only gonna fill your butt with three raw loads, that's all. You love bareback sex, don’t you?” “Well, at least part of him does,” Rick said, pointing to Dylan’s cock. It was rock-fucking-hard. “Your dick’s pretty hard, Dylan,” I said to him. “I guess some people might call this a rape. But what do you call it when you're raping a cunt that secret loves it?” I noticed that Rick and Santiago were starting to get naked, quietly unveiling the biohazard tats on their chests. And as I expected, Dylan saw the tattoos almost immediately, his eyes going wild with distress as he tried to yell through the muzzle. “I think he kinda likes the biohazard symbol,” said Santiago. "That makes two of us, Dylan," said Rick. "I'm glad to see you're so open-minded about taking our poz cocks bareback, even though we're not on meds." Either Dylan was exhausted or losing his voice, because he hardly made a whimper when he heard that. He just closed his eyes and quietly took my dick. A few moments later, as my pace quickened and my balls tightened, I leaned closer to Dylan. “I’m about to blow a fuckin’ load, boy. Where do you want it?” Now he was crying in earnest, still shaking his head back and forth, still making the occasional whimper. I turned to Rick. “I’m not sure, but I think he said he wants my cum in his hole.” “Yeah, that’s what I heard. Knock him up.” And then Santiago chimed in: “Fuck yeah, dude. Poz that sweet little butt.” At that, I felt Dylan’s hole clench. “His hole just squeezed around my cock. I think that means he’s consenting.” “Fuck yeah it does. Go for it,” Rick said. “Get this boy fuckin’ pregnant. Rape him full of the bug.” I turned back to Dylan. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? My unmedicated poz cum seeping into your bloodstream?” Dylan just closed his eyes and tried to say something. “I really wish I knew what you were telling me, boy. You must be begging for my toxic load in your sweet little hole. You wanna get loaded up, boy? I certainly hope so, ‘cuz I’m breeding you—I’m fuckin’ breeding you, bitch. Hear that, fag? Yeah? You like it? You hungry for some poz seed? That’s what I thought you said. YOU LOVE IT. Well, open wide, faggot, ‘cuz I’m pozzing your sweet neg hole right…fucking…now.” And just like that, I force-bred Dylan with a giant load of my poz cum. He was clearly in shock as I pulled my cock out of his hole—eyes glazed over, mouth wide open. Rick climbed onto the bed and immediately thrust his poz dick into our freshly bred boy, laughing when he saw the near-catatonic expression on Dylan’s face. “I think this kid is speechless with gratitude,” he said, slowly working his cock in and out of our new cumpig. “So let’s make him more grateful. Don’t we have a little something to brighten his day?” “Of course we do,” I replied, taking a few prepared rigs out of my bag. Then I leaned closer to Dylan. “Listen, boy: You want to take our raw dicks, don’t you? Well, this will make it easier for you to be our poz cumdump. But if we’re going to do this, I need you to sit very, very still, OK? Because otherwise you’ll just hurt yourself. Do you understand? That means no struggling, boy. Got it?” As I was saying that, Rick placed a blindfold over Dylan’s eyes, then a tourniquet on his arm, all while keeping his cock lodged deep in the boy’s hole. Then he spoke to Dylan. “We need you to nod for us, boy. Let us know that you understand. You need to be still. Perfectly still. Got it?” A pause, followed by a slow nod from Dylan. “Good boy,” I said. “Now, you’re going to feel a little pinprick in your arm. Again, do not move your arm. Just keep your arm still.” During this little speech, I was busy inserting Dylan’s rig in my arm, capturing some of my blood in the chamber. Then I lined up that same syringe with a vein in Dylan's forearm. “Such a good boy,” I assured him. “OK, here’s the pinch. Stay still.” I inserted the dirty needle in his vein, then pulled it back to mix his blood with mine. “You’re being very good, boy. Just stay like you are.” It only took a few more seconds to push the contents of that fat rig—including a fresh infusion of my poz blood—into the boy’s bloodstream, remove the needle, and release the tourniquet. There was a sharp intake of breath from Dylan. Then Rick moaned. “Dude,” he said. “I love fucking a boy’s hole when he gets slammed up, because his butt gets about 10 degrees warmer as soon as you administer that hit.” As Dylan began a violent coughing fit, Rick’s eyes rolled back and he groaned. “Fuckin’ A. His cunt is convulsing with every cough. I’m not gonna last long inside this boy.” As for Dylan, after a few moments of near-panic, he began to relax. His head tilted back, his mouth opened up. He let out a deep moan. As soon as Rick heard that sound emerge from Dylan, he started working the boy's hole—and with every thrust inside that furry slammed-up cunt, moan sounded a little more like a hungry growl. I leaned closer to Dylan. “OK, slampig. How do you feel about raw cock now?” He paused, then slowly shook his head a few times, just like before. Then another pause. And as Rick’s cock plunged its full length into his hungry butt, Dylan started slowly nodding. “Wait—is that a yes, boy? Are you trying to tell me that you want raw dick?” He nodded again, more vigorously this time. “Is that slam making you hungry, boy? Hungry to get pounded and bred and pozzed?” This time, the nod was almost violent. I could even hear him yelling “Yes” through the fabric. “OK, boy,” I continued, “If we let you speak again, are you going to accept what we’re giving you? Are you going to be a grateful and obedient fuckhole?” Another nod. “Well, here’s your test. When I take this fabric out of your mouth, the first thing I want to hear is ‘Please knock me up.’ Got it?” A nod. “Good boy. Now do it.” I started to remove the makeshift muzzle, and I could hear him saying the phrase through the muffled fabric already. Over and over he said it—“please knock me up,” “please knock me up.” In fact, for those first 30 minutes of speaking, with that giant slam still rushing through his bloodstream, “please knock me up” appeared to be the only thing he knew how to say. And that was just fine, because getting knocked up was the only thing he really needed to do that night. I laid down next to him and whispered in his ear. “So tell me the truth: you’ve always wanted to be a cumpig. Isn’t that right, boy?” “Yes,” he replied. “I wanted cum so bad. Raw dick. Uninhibited fucking. I’ve been so scared, but I’m not scared anymore.” “Good boy. You shouldn’t be scared. You should be proud. Proud to take raw dick, proud to be a true bottom—a bottom who surrenders everything to his top—and above all, proud to be free from the fear of getting pozzed. You remember those dudes fucking in the shower?” "Yeah. That was fuckin' hot." "Well, those are my friends. I set that whole thing up. I asked them to do that in front of you, because I knew it would activate your inner cumpig. I knew it would get you thinking about raw cock, about anonymous dick, about embracing the needs of that hungry fuckin' cunt of yours." I took off Dylan’s blindfold. His pupils were enormous, but his eyes shone with an odd combination of happiness and hunger. “Thank you,” he said to me. “Thank you for giving me what I needed, even before I knew that I needed it.” We fell into a deep kiss just as Rick’s body shuddered violently, his dick delivering pulse after pulse of poz cum inside this slammed-up boy’s hungry hole. Dylan let out another groan, whispered "Thank you so much, you fuckin' stud," and went back to making out with me. Finally I sat up, looking him deep in those jet-black pupils. “One more question, boy. After the three of us breed you, what are you gonna do?” He shot me a devilish little grin. “You mean…other than hunting for more loads?” “Good answer,” I said with a laugh. “And if you think you’re hungry now, you have no idea what’s coming. Because it won’t be long before we’ll slide another needle in your arm to get you even nastier and trashier, you twisted fuckin’ pig.” With that, Rick waved his cock over Dylan’s face, all slicked up with a heavy coating of fresh cum. And without saying another word—like any good pair of pigs—Dylan and I helped each other lick that poz dick clean. MORE TO COME…
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  47. Hey, pigs -- I'm working on the next part of the story. In the meantime, I figured you might appreciate this little series of photos I shot last night...
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  48. PART TWO As I lay there in the dark chained to the sling, I felt something placed over my face. There were hands feeling my head. Murmurs from Steve and Johan told me something was happening to them too. Then I realised what it was. They were blindfolding us. "I need to explain to our three cumseekers here," Ben said. "I told you we would make it interesting. Well, you guys are extremely lucky. It's not very often that we have three spins and no winner. To make it more fun, none of you sluts are going to know the results of the last spin." There was suddenly silence as the fourth and final spin happened. Was it going to be me? Ben broke the silence by suddenly declaring, "I'm going to switch on the light now, so that all the guys can see the result of the fourth spin. Except you with the blindfolds, obviously, and we won't be telling you the outcome. We thought we would keep you in suspense for a while." I was still trying to take this in when something touched my nose. It smelt of poppers and I took a long hit. "Take as much as you can," someone whispered. "You'll need it." Ben continued: "All three of you are going to get fucked now. The chosen one will be taking only the poz cock. The other two of you will be getting the rest of the cock... the neg cock.. or at least the ones that were neg the last time they were tested, which could be a few dozen fucks ago now. Anyway, I'm sure you won't mind taking a chance on that." I could sense that guys were crowding in around us now and working to get their cocks ready for action. Someone was fingering my ass again and this time there was a slight burning sensation. I couldn't focus well. Then I suddenly felt something at my mouth. It felt like a cigarette and I clasped my lips around it and sucked greedily. "Make the most of it," a voice said. "This could be your last neg smoke." I took another deep drag as a cock pressed against my hole then pushed all the way in. The pain was unreal as he started to fuck my hole mercilessly. I was not ready for it and it was so painful to start with that he might as well of had his arm inside of me. After a few minutes, though, it didn't feel as bad and I was starting to get into it. I could feel myself swinging and rocking as he grabbed me and shoved his dick deep inside me. "What is it you want?" he asked. "Cum," I said. "What sort of cum? Let me hear it." "Poz cum." "And maybe that's what you are gonna get," he said. "Here comes my load." He slammed inside of me one last time and held it there. As soon as he pulled out, another guy immediately got to work fucking me. By this time, I was starting to enjoy the sensation and I realized I could hear Johan and Steve grunting and groaning in their slings. I was probably making plenty noise myself, too. Steve was obviously loving it and he was moaning loudly and begging for more, really getting into it. Johan on the other side sounded like he was more in pain. The guy fucking now me was huge. Luckily the first guy had opened me up well enough to be able to take him. He wasn't very deep, but he was thick and I felt full. "Guess what?" he said quietly, "Three months ago, my neg ass was in this exact sling getting fucked, getting fucked by two big cocks. It was amazing and the best feeling. I went to the doctors to get tested and got my results back last week and told Ben. He said they were short of guys and needed some huge cock to fuck you three sluts. I can tell you're desperate to ask what my test results were, but you'll just have to guess." At this point, I started to tear up thinking that this could be the cock that gives it to me. I could be the 'lucky' number. My heart sank as the dude who was fucking me gave his final few thrusts before another dick entered me. They kept fucking me in turns, one after another and I lost track of the time. I figured I had at least been fucked by all the guys who were crowding around me, maybe even a few of them had a couple rounds on my hole. I felt so used and fucked as there was nothing I could do except lay there and wait for them to now finish using my hole. At this point, I had no idea if everything I had inside me was neg or poz. "This ass is getting sloppy" said the guy who was fucking me. Not something I wanted to hear but kinda felt proud, like I was joining the ranks of a real bottom slut. At this point I suddenly felt a lot more pressure at my hole. It dawned on me, he was fucking me with not only his cock inside me, but also a dildo. Steve was still making a lot of noise but less than before. I could still hear Johan being used as the chains on the sling were rattling, but he wasn't making any noise at this time. They had really started to wear us out. As the tops started to wind down, the three of us lay in our slings, exhausted and sore. They fitted us with butt plugs and took our blindfolds off. The men that stood around the room looked exhausted but proud of their efforts. I glanced at Johan and Steve, both looking dazed, and at that moment a thought flashed through my mind. What had I done? Was it too late? "Look at the boards in front of you," Ben said loudly. "The tally marks are the number of loads you've received this evening. For one of you, that's A LOT of poz cum inside your fuck hole" I stared at the board, I got 23 loads and these guys weren't quick fucks. They took their time, no wonder I am now so loose. I glanced over at Steve's number, he got 18, while Johan got 16. Apparently, I was the guy to fuck tonight. Or did this mean I was the chosen one and they wanted to make sure I was fully loaded? "Keep those butt plugs in as long as you can," Ben said. "We don't want any of that valuable manjuice leaking out, especially for one of you." Finally, they unfastened our handcuffs and helped us out of the slings. Steve was the first to speak. "So who was the guy with the lucky number?" "Well," said Ben, "We're going to keep you waiting a little longer. Right now, you can go home, and if any of you get sick in the next few weeks, give me a call." Steve, Johan, and I all quickly grabbed our clothing, and were quickly rushed out the door and into the street. The three of us stood then thinking, what happened? What do we do next? Johan had an idea: "Want to trade numbers so we can text the others if we get the flu?" We agreed and started to part ways. As I'm walking away, Johan catches up to me stops me. Under the street lights, he was cute and there wasn't a person in sight. He asked if he could give me a blowjob and I said yes. I dropped my pants and right there in the street this cute young guy went to town on getting my load. I couldn't last long after all the stimulation I had got this evening and blasted it down his throat. As quickly as he asked, he got up, said thank you and off he went, leaving me standing on the street with a deflating cock and my pants around my ankles. I pulled my pants up and headed home for a great sleep. .. It's been two weeks now, and I'm counting every day. Every time I sneeze or feel an ache somewhere I wonder if it's the start of the fuck flu. Last night I woke up in bed with a sweat and thought that was it, but it passed. I keep wondering too about Johan and Steve. Maybe it's time to give them a call.
    1 point
  49. Quickly, as far as I'm concerned: > 1. Do you regret it? Not a single moment. Turned poz in 1989, fullblown in 2008 and now HepC+. And fukkin happy with this. > 2. Is it really sexually liberating. Sex is free by itself - no need of any "liberation". "It is really sex" is the correct sentence for me. And the day after is just empowering and enlighting. > 3. What happens when a cute neg boy is interested in dating you? My current next-to-be BF is non-poz. It all started in terms of bug-chasing, but now there's so much more. And we're fucking in love. Enough said, I think.
    1 point
  50. was wednesday night - 3 guys who i picked up on the street in zurich
    1 point
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