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  1. Note: Parts of this story are quite true, although the names and locations have been changed. Part One: A bit about myself, I grew up in the Deep South in a very religious household. The day that I turned 18 I came out to my parents (making damn sure there was no chance of a trip to the "pray the gay away " camp). My father, being a deacon in the Baptist Church and a pillar of the community promptly told me to leave. Fortunately, my grandparents were more understanding and allowed me to stay with them until I finished high school. It was during this four month period that I made my first trip to Atlanta and managed to get into a gay bar with a fake ID. Now mind you, this was before the internet was around (1994) commonly, so simply finding a gay bar was a challenge, much less driving three hours each way to go to one. But my rock hard teen dick thought I was up to the task. I managed to convince my grandparents that I was going to see some cousins in another area of the state and left for Atlanta right after school that Friday in February. When I got to Atlanta at 7 that evening it took me another hour to find the bar I was looking for (the name starts with an "E"). I had no idea what to expect, which when I got there wasn't much considering that it was only 8 on a Friday night, but I presented my ID to the doorman, who I'm sure knew was fake, and was let in. I finally worked up enough courage to ask for a beer and then asked the bartender about the crowd. Looking me up and down, he replied "Should be busy later," and left it at that. That "later" never seemed to come. Bored out of my mind, I struck up a conversation with an older gentleman who quickly figured out that I was new meat and totally innocent. He convinced me to wait, and gruffly told me to quit looking at guys directly into their eyes unless I planned on going home with them later. So I waited, and sure enough about 11 the place started to get packed. I was like a kid in a candy shop! So many hot guys, like nothing I had ever experienced before, many of them in leather. I scanned the scene, and two guys, prolly not much older really caught my eyes. They were wearing leather head to toe, both were about my size at 6'2 and around 200 pounds. But holy fuck, it was clear they were built like a brick shit house. Working up my courage, and aided by the few beers I'd had, I walked over to talk to them. The dark haired guy was named Rocky and the blonde was Alex. They were both city boys from Atlanta and were intrigued by this innocent looking Alabama farm kid. We exchanged small talk, and noticing that I was out of beer, Alex asked if I wanted another. Five minutes later he shows up with not only three beers for us, but shots as well. Coming from a dry county, and from a family that never even had liquor in the house, this was really going to put me over the top, but I partook anyhow. After a bit, Rocky looked at me and asked if I wanted to hit the dance floor. I answered back with something about "not knowing how." I didn't want to be the dead weight, so I decided to go outside to the patio for some air. Not five minutes later, they were both out with me. " I'm just nervous, since this is the first time I've ever been in a gay bar" I explained. "You're not 21 either, are you?" Asked Rocky. I affirmed that his assumption was correct. "Here, I have something that will help you to relax" he said, handing me an ecstasy pill. Not knowing what it was, and being so nervous and naive, I took the whole thing. Suddenly, the lights were going up and I realized it must be closing time. Fuck, where had the time gone? I was experiencing feeling like I never had before, every touch sent shivers through me. Then that little voice in the back of my head went, "Oh shit, I am fucked up, I have no hotel room, and what the fuck am I gonna do?" So, I ran up to Rocky and Alex, both of whom quickly surmised that the farm kid needed somewhere to stay for the night. Little did I know this had been the plan for them all along. "Sure, you can crash with us, but we have to make a stop on the way home first." Not much I could do but agree. We walked to their car, with both assuring me that my truck would be fine over night, and left. While Alex drove, Rocky offered me a few hits off of a joint to help me calm down a bit from the E. We drove for what seemed like forever in my warped drug-hazed mind, but it was in reality no more that fifteen minutes and stopped at a rather large house. "Wanna come with us, or sit out in the cold?" Rocky asked. I decided to come in. Damn, this place was nice...I sat with Alex in the living room while Rocky went with the guy, who was pretty damn hot to be old enough to be my father. A few minutes later Rocky came back with the guy, nodded to Alex and we left. When we got to their place, a rather cramped apartment, they threw some porn on the TV on got comfortable. I was a bit nervous to say the least... Sensing my nervousness, Alex asked if I wanted to smoke another joint. Nodding to him, he handed me a whole joint and told me to relax. After four or five hits and ten minutes had gone by, I was stoned off my ass. Both Alex and Rocky were jerking their cocks by this point. Rocky was a nice eight inches and average thickness, but holy shit, Alex was a solid ten inches and as thick as a beer can. I couldn't keep my eyes off them. "Boy seems to like cock" Alex said to Rocky, "Yeh, but does he know what to do with one?" Rocky responded. Rocky told me to get down and give him head. I did the best I could, but there was no way I could blow him and not gag, but damnit, I wanted that cock so bad. "Should we get him the special boy medicine?" I heard Alex say, "Fuck yeh, I think this pig is eager to learn." Rocky responded. Rocky told me to stand up and a minute later Alex returned with a glass pipe. Rocky told me that some guys who are just starting out sometimes need some help to reach their potential. "Do you want some help?" "Sure," I responded. "Hold the stem and when you see some smoke coming from the hole start to inhale on the pipe, and I want you to take four big hits." I nodded with eager anticipation. After the third hit I felt like every hair on my body was standing on end. By the time I exhaled the fourth hit, I was in heaven. Rocky and Alex sat back down, both stroking their cocks slowly, with some nice beads of pre-cum leaking out. Rocky motioned for me to come back over and get between his legs, which I eagerly did. "Now get back down and slobber on that cock like you fucking mean it," he said. I went straight for the root, non-stop. Seconds later it dawned on me that I was deep throating another dude balls deep and loving it. About five minutes later I heard Alex say that he thought I was ready for more. "Get up and follow Alex," which I reluctantly did. I was sort of surprised at how fast I had taken to cock sucking, but didn't realize how fucked up I was, nor that I was about to get a lot more fucked up. Alex led me to the bathroom and showed me how to use the enema kit, "I don't want no shit on my cock, bro" and told me to holler when the bag was empty. After 3 clean outs, the bag was empty and so was I, so I hollered for Alex to come back. I was expecting a towel but instead he brought a half gallon of syrupy golden brown liquid and refilled the bag. "On your knees" he told me. Quickly complying, I felt the nozzle going much deeper in me than I had gone before. "Gonna run this whole bag into ya bro, gonna feel a slight burn, but it'll help ya get ready for later. Don't let it out until I tell ya." With that he opened the clamp and walked out. Holy shit was I getting uncomfortable from the burn and the fullness. Then, like a ton of bricks hit me I was sweating like I was in a desert and fuck I was feeling even better than before if that was even possible. A few minutes later, both Rocky and Alex returned. "Holy fuck, that is one fucked up pig boy," said Rocky. I was so spun I couldn't see straight. Alex removed the nozzle, "Stand up and push that out," he said. Standing wasn't going to happen without some serious help. Both guys got me up and I pushed the chem piss out while Alex reloaded the bag with water. This time Rocky stayed with me and helped to get the chem piss cleaned out. He handed me a jock, "really oughta cover that shriveled boy clit ya got there up." That was when I realized my dick was literally the smallest I think I had ever seen it. Normally, hard it was a solid seven inches, but he'll tonight, go all nights, it had gone on vacation. On the way to their bedroom, Rocky explained to me that sometimes when a guy takes medicine to overcome his fears, it puts his dick to sleep, "But don't worry, you won't need it anyway." I crawled into bed while Alex and Rocky watched. Alex put some extra pillows under my head and crawled behind me, "Give me your ankles," he said. Rocky lined his cock up to my hole, and with nothing but some spit for lube, was balls deep in an instant. I was in pain, but loving every minute of it. He was patient and took his time, taking a good half hour to nut in my formerly virgin ass. Alex wasn't, he used Rocky's cum for lube and rammed it home as hard and fast as he could. It only took him five minutes or so to nut. Looking up at Rocky, he said, "I think the boy has some potential for dad," "Oh hell yeh" was Rock's reply. I had no idea what they were talking about. I was too mesmerized by the constant leakage of my cock. Rocky looked down, saw me playing with and grabbed my hand. "Let it leak, that's all a t dick is good for anyway, and besides its hot" he said. Grabbing a butt plug, Alex plugged me and they left me to rest for a bit.
    9 points
  2. Part Two The following Thursday I called the number they had given me from a pay phone on the way home from school. I couldn't have a long distance call showing up on my grandparents phone bill. I got right through to Alex and told him that I would be there tomorrow night. "Great! Sort of figured you would find a way to get here". He then gave me their address and told me to be there by 7. The next night I arrived with fifteen minutes to spare. Rocky let me in. "We have a surprise for ya. Tonight you get to meet our dad." I looked at him in a funny way, since Alex and Rocky don't look a thing alike, " Why do I want to meet your folks?" Rocky looked at me and started to laugh, "He's not our real dad, but we do share the same DNA." I just looked at him sort of puzzled and figured I must have missed something when I was sleeping through 10th grade biology class. A few minutes later Alex arrived and announced that we had better get showered or we were gonna be late. Both Alex and Rocky showered together, then Rocky came for me as Alex again hung the enema bag. "Better be good and clean for tonight lil bro, Dad can put you through some paces." With that, they left and I got ready. We arrived at Dad's house exactly at 8. It was the same house they had taken me to the week previous. It being much earlier, a young guy, not much older than myself answered the door. Something didn't seem exactly right about him I noted mentally, but being polite I went in with Rocky and Alex. We were escorted to Dad's office. "Boys, you did well" bellowed a beefy fortyish daddy type from his chair behind the largest desk I'd ever seen. "Boys, ya'll go downstairs and get everything ready while the boy and I have a talk." Rocky and Alex left the room, as did the funny looking assistant. I was now all alone with a guy who I literally wanted to worship, but he was all business. He shuffled some papers around, and startled me when he knew my name, "Cheyenne, I see you have done fairly well in school, you come from a decent, yet religiously misguided family, is that correct?" Startled, I just nodded. "I know you have better manners than that, boy. You come from a good family in Alabama. You will address me as Sir." "Yessir" I replied. " I have had you investigated over the past week to see if you might be a suitable match for our family here. It does seem that you would be a good match." "What do you mean by your family, Sir?" "Well, I help out deserving young guys such as yourself in exchange for a few minor things, such as sex and some occasional low level drug dealing at the bars." " I don't want to become a whore or a drug dealer, Sir." "It's not exactly like you think, you would basically service myself, some select friends, and so far as the dealing goes, I have so many connections with the DA's office you will never be arrested." Still nervous about it, he told me about how well his family has done. Dad is the president of the largest bank in Georgia and has business connections in every field. He told me that right now he had 4 boys currently in college and that they lived in two pairs here in the city. "If you accept, you will probably live with Rocky and Alex, although I will have to get a bigger apartment for the three of you. But there's no pressure. You have until at least June to make a decision. If you accept I can promise you that you'll graduate and get whatever job you want." "I have a total of twenty boys in my family, with four in college and the other sixteen in excellent positions around the city, one is even starting to have boys of his own." With that, the conversation ended and the funny looking guy reappeared and escorted me downstairs to where Rocky and Alex were. "Lil bro, you're gonna have the night of your life tonight, so get ready. Jump in the shower and use the attachment to clean out again,band then put these on" handing me a jock strap. I did as I was told, and when I came out of the bathroom I followed the voices. The hallway opened up to a room that had stuff that I couldn't even describe. In the middle hung two slings (I learned what they were really fast). Rocky and Alex were talking to Dad --about me and what they had observed when we had watched porn the weekend before. They could tell I was nervous, so Alex grabbed that familiar glass pipe again and told me to take a few hits. Just as I did I saw four syringes produced. Rocky looked at me with an evil grin, "Buddy, if you like the smoke, you're gonna love a slam. Now get in the chair." Now I was truly nervous. A tourniquet was wrapped around my left biceps and Dad grabbed a syringe with a black mark on it. "I think he'll like a full quarter for the first time, boys." With that I felt a pinch, looked down and could see red in the barrel and then holy fucking shit.... More to come...
    6 points
  3. One Friday evening at the beginning of the summer this year I was bored and horny. I really fancied going cruising in the open air and so and I decided to try Hampstead Heath. It had rained a lot during the week and I knew it would be pretty muddy under foot but I wanted some air almost as much as I wanted a fuck and I decided to chance it. It was a beautiful moonlight night and, although it wasn't exactly busy, there were quite a few guys around. I knew there would be little point in going too far in so I cruised around the top area off the main path for a while. I came across a tall young lad in a hoodie being fucked by an older guy and my cock hardened in my pants as I watched for a minute or two and then moved on. After a while I was cruised by a stocky guy and we went off the path to a quieter area. I sucked his cock for a while and then he went down on me. I was really horny but somehow I wasn't really enjoying the blow job and my eyes wandered a bit. Nearby I noticed two guys with their pants down, wanking and kissing each other. I had a good view of them both in the moonlight. One looked to be in his thirties and the other, dark haired guy looked early to mid twenties. As I watched, the younger guy got down and started sucking the other guy's cock. I watched for a while as they sucked each other and then the young guy pulled his trousers and his white pants right down and pushed his arse in to the other guy's face. I enjoyed watching this fit young lad getting rimmed and after a while the older guy stood up and started fingering the young lad's arse. He rubbed his cock over the lad's arse and began to push. The young lad straightened up and I could see him shaking his head. The older guy said something and he shook his head again. He said something to the other guy and they both looked around. To my surprise, the young lad came over to us. "I'm really sorry to bother you" he said in a sexy Irish accent, "but one of you guys you wouldn't have a spare condom, would you?" The guy who was sucking me stopped for a moment and shook his head and the Irish guy looked at me. "I'm sorry, mate, I haven't." I said. the young lad looked disappointed. "Shit," he said "I really want to..." He looked around but there was no one else anywhere about. "You could always do it without.." I said. He looked at me and said, with a really serious look on his face "Ah no, I'd never do that." "I'm sorry I can't help." I said. He flashed me a smile. "No problem, thanks anyway." he said and walked back towards the other guy. I was bored with the blowjob now. I had enjoyed being sucked as I watched the two other guys but since they obviously weren't going to fuck I was losing interest. I was just about to move on when I looked over again. To my surprise, the Irish lad was bending over, rubbing something into his arse. As I watched, the other guy moved behind him and even from where I was standing I could see that he wasn't wearing a condom. I heard the Irish guy groan as the other guy pushed his cock up him and started to fuck. I was really turned on now as I watched them fuck bareback just a few feet away from me. The guy sucking me had wandered off by now and, as neither of the two guys seemed to be paying any attention to me I moved a bit closer and watched as the older guy slammed his bare cock up the Irish lad's arse. They were both really getting in to the fuck and the Irish lad was moaning and wanking as the other guy began to fuck him harder. I was close to coming as the older guy threw his head back and groaned loudly as he thrust his cock right up the Irish lad's arse, obviously spunking his load right up him. The older guy pulled out and soon disappeared, leaving the Irish lad bent over with his trousers and pants at his ankles. As I watched, he pulled up his pants and turned round. He saw me standing there with my cock out and looked at me for a moment. I could see the desire in his eyes as I looked back at him. Without a word he turned round, pulled his pants down again and bent over, pushing his fit arse out.. I was so glad I hadn't come yet! Within seconds I was rubbing my cock against his hole. He was tight but well lubed and my cock slid up him easily. I began to fuck him and he groaned " oh yeah, fuck me....fuck me!" He was really into being fucked and after a while he reached round and pulled his cheeks apart, moaning to me to fuck him harder. He was one of the fittest lads I had fucked in a long time and the fact that had started off worrying about condoms and was now letting me fuck him bareback turned me on even more. I told him I was close to coming. "Do it!" he moaned, "fucking do it!" I didn't hold back. I fucked him until I felt myself starting to come and shot my load spurt after spurt right up his unprotected arse. "Oh yeah, fuck, yeah" he moaned as I flooded his guts with my spunk. It was an incredible fuck and we were both out of breath and sweating as I pulled out. He stood up and mopped his brow with his T shirt. "oh fuck" was all he said before he pulled his pants and trousers up and wandered off with two loads up his arse. He had seemed so concerned about safe sex at first and had just taken two loads from complete strangers. I have wondered since if he went back to safe sex and his bareback fucks that night were just a lapse or if he's taken more loads up his arse since.
    4 points
  4. Wow! The slam took me from zero to sixty in less than five seconds flat. After I got done coughing, I had the most intense desire to be fucked in all my life. All that I could manage to utter was "fuck yeh" over and over. Rocky helped me out out the chair and into the sling, while Alex was turning on TVs with porn on around the room. Instinctively, I reached down to grab my dick, but Dad grabbed my hands and used restraints to cuff both to the chains holding the sling up, saying "Boy, there is only my dick around this house, and if I choose, more. But, it's my choice, not yours. Tonight I'm gonna show you how much you'll love your cunt." Then, looking at Rocky, Dad said, "Grab me a bag and a suitable plug for your baby bro." Quickly complying, Rocky brought over the bag with the clear crystals, some lube, and a solid three inch black butt plug. "I think he can take this" he told Dad. Dad lubed up the plug and wiped some of the crystals on it, then began to work it slowly into my hole. Fuck did it burn, but Rocky stood beside me, tweaking my nips and telling me that everything will be good and that the plug was to help me relax for what would come later. "Wanna see something?" He asked. Nodding, which was about all I could manage after the slam and now even more being slowly worked into my hole, Rocky walked up to me and pulled his jock off to the side. Covering his dick was a cage of some sort. I looked puzzled. "It's a chastity cage, all of Dad's boys wear them when they are here. Only Dad and who he chooses are allowed to not wear one in his presence. Notice the keys on the chain around his neck? Those are for the cages that Alex and I have on right now. Since you're here, Dad will probably unlock of us tonight, but not both. I suspect you will have one before the weekend is out." With that he grinned and walked off to join Alex at the table where the syringes were. Just as he did, my cunt gave up its resistance and Dad got the plug in. Now I was plugged, high as a kite, and cuffed to a sling. My life was changing, and clearly for the better. Dad walked over and Alex, Rocky, and Dad prepped to slam their syringes. Dad went first, and as he did, both Rocky and Alex knelt before him taking turns on his cock. As the slam hit Dad, his dick grew to an impressive ten inches helped along by the two hot stud boys who were worshipping his manhood. As his rush subsided, Dad told Alex to stand, "Tonight, we need two tops, so I am going to unlock you" and with that took one of the keys and removed Alex's cage. Alex grabbed his slam, "Rocky, you know what to do" Dad said. Rocky moved over and began to worship Alex's cock. As it grew to its full potential, Alex repeated the same procedure as Dad. But for some reason, neither really coughed, they just got this evil look. Finally Rocky was allowed to do his slam. As he rushed I noticed that his jock was getting pretty wet with pre cum. "Rocky, join you lil bro in the sling" Dad ordered. He jumped right in. Dad walked up to me, slowly began to remove the plug. Damn, I felt an emptiness when it came out, but that was replaced by Alex's tongue as Dad watched and smiled. That was when I knew that I would become one of his boys. More to come...
    3 points
  5. Went to a party posted on bbrt in columbus last night. Me and about 6 or 7 other guys showed up and fucked the bottom silly. I dropped three loads in the bottom before heading out.
    3 points
  6. Alex and Rocky left me plugged and in bed for maybe five minutes alone. They came back in, "Want some water, pig?" "Yes" I responded and was handed a bottle of water. They wanted to find out a bit more about me and a game of fifty questions started. Mostly about my background and what plans I had after I graduated high school. My plan had been to attend college, but with my folks kicking me out, that probably wasn't an option. I found out that both Alex and Rocky were engineering graduate students in Atlanta. "I think you may have some potential," Rocky said. Even in my fucked up state, I got interested really fast. Alex piped up, " Let's see what we can do to help ya out on the college thing. We know people that might be interested." After that we went back into the living room and continued to watch some really hot porn of various types. Both guys watched my reaction to the various fetishes involved, almost as if they were studying me. Sometime later, they both took turns fucking me and then I was given a heavy dose of G to knock me out. Sometime late in the afternoon I came around. Both Rocky and Alex were laying on the couch watching TV. " when ya gotta be back home?" Rocky asked. "I need to be back by tomorrow afternoon at the latest, so I need to be gone by noon tomorrow for sure". Both guys lit up with smiles. "Whatcha think of last night?" Alex asked. "It was fucking mind blowing." Alex shot back that tonight I could have a few drinks, maybe a joint, but no more. I had no idea at the time, hut I was still pretty high. One look in the mirror confirmed that, as my eyes still looked like saucers. Coming back into the living room, Rocky told me that I had some serious potential and that my laid back, humble attitude was a big plus. That night we went out again, but got back early and only fooled around a bit since I had to go home the next day. The next morning we got some food and exchanged numbers before retrieving my truck. With that, I was ready to head home. "Ya coming back next weekend lil bro?" Asked Alex. I said that I would call them on Thursday night and let them know. "Well, ya better. We should have an answer for your future plans by then." I got in my truck and left what had been the most eventful event in my lifetime up until then. On the way home I kept wondering about Rocky and Alex having matching biohazard tattoos with a date above it and the word "Brother" under it. Being young and naive, I just assumed it was a college frat thing. Little did I know that I would have a matching (except for the date) tattoo in less than four months.
    3 points
  7. Using Growlr, I found a hot Mexican completely tatted up and straight (according to him). He kept calling me a cock sucker telling me to take this dick. I was between his legs servicing a nice 7 inch uncut cock. With his hands placed on the back of my head forcing his cock down my throat he murmured, "do you get fucked?" I quickly lifted my ass in the air and said, " it's all yours." He squeezed a little nectar out and teased my hole, "you got a rubber?" I responded' " do you really want to use one?" To that he spit on my hole and proceeded to stretch me open. Once the head popped through all I heard was a sigh of relief and he plowed right in. I said "OWN IT" to that he started to jack hammer my hole for 20 mins before he shot his load. That day he fucked me 4 times in 2 hours and loaded me each time. He was getting dressed and shoved his cock in my mouth saying clean me up so the wife doesn't know. I gladly sucked his cock and zipped him up sending him home to the wife. I saw him 3 more times this week for a total of 13 loads... Now I am headed home to see my husband.... Gonna be a busy weekend with a cum dripping hole.
    2 points
  8. I hope to hell PrEP will make me sluttier, that's for sure. I've been paralyzed by the fear of HIV into shutting down my sex life since I can only really get hard when the thought of semen exchange is in the mix, and I haven't wanted to risk my health (as hot as all the pozzing stories are as fantasies). Basically I've wanted every part of my fantasies except the HIV. That's what Truvada is offering. I just got a prescription for PrEP, and am interested in how many days/hours go by between the time I take my first pill, and the time I take a stranger's load. If I'm good, I'll last the prescribed week. Just need the final hep test back, and that shit's mine. Can't wait to scream out "Fuck Yeah, Breed Me" to some hot fucker I just met on Barebackrt, and feel his sperm shot deep inside me. Yes, it will make people sluttier, and that's a good thing. Everyone wins if more people have better sex. Shouldn't the goal be to keep people healthy? The safe-sex message was to avoid fluid exchange only when we couldn't make that happen safely. Now we can, so let's get our heads shifted back to what's important. With all the psychological and physiological benefits associated with semen exchange, if you can do that in a healthy way, shouldn't everyone do it? Imagine a world where every graduating high schooler gets a lifetime prescription of PrEP and a raw gangbang as a graduating present. Truvada: More sex, less risk. Truvada: Better living through safer slutting. Truvada: Become the whore you've always wanted to be...safely!
    2 points
  9. this is the story of how i became a bottom bitch for the city's best BBC escort PART 1 His name was Tom. We met right after he moved here, he wasn't in the trade at the time. young, actually; he was 19 and I was 23. I was a tall, thin, hung, vers guy at the time. 6'4" 190, with a very thick 8" uncut cock that got a lot of attention. Of course, I suspected his black dick was even bigger. Our first few meetings were just awkward casual stuff, making out here and there, nothing serious. That changed though, one night, when he invited me over to his new apartment. I didn't really know what to expect, but given how hot he was, I was never going to turn him down. Black guys in my town were very rare, and he was 6'1", 200lb, built and packing a 9" uncut thick piece I'd only begun to play with. I knew I wanted him, I just didn't know how badly. At any rate, he told me to head to his place that night, and I obeyed. When I got there, he was chilling on his couch, smoking a joint and watching some bareback porn. I immediately noticed the glass pipe and a small bag of crystal on his table; i'd done the stuff only once before, and I ended up getting raped all night by a guy I'd never seen again - but it was one of the best nights of my life, all the same. I sat down next to him. "You smoke t?" he asked, caressing my thigh. "Done it before, never smoked it though." "You'll like it." he said, as he reached for the pipe and lit it. He took a huge toke, winked at me, and tugged at my shirt. I exhaled as I fell into him, and we kissed gently as he blew the smoke back into my lungs. "See? Have some more." He passed me the pipe, and torched the chamber for me, as I sucked it back, several times more. I sat back, as he did the same. All of a sudden, my body was buzzing; my ass was tingling; my cock shriveled into my balls. As he finished toking, I took off my shirt. "That's better. Make yourself comfortable." He put down the pipe on the table, and sat back down on the couch. All of a sudden, I noticed that his cock was hanging out of the top of his sweatpants, half hard and drooling from the tip. I couldn't stop staring at it. I was transfixed - it was so big, so beautiful, a real man's dick, and I wanted it. Bad. "You like that big black dick, don't you? Why don't you show me how much you like it?" He grabbed my wrist, and drew my hand right onto his dribbling, half-hard member. I grabbed on like my life depended on it and started stroking it. "Show me how much you like that dick, boy." I fell off the couch to my knees, and started sucking on his dick. I couldn't wait to see it erect, it was already huge in my hand, i knew it would be choking my throat in no time. "Yeah, suck that dick, show me how bad you want it." His dick was still semi-hard so I could take it to his balls, but with every stroke it was stiffening, and hitting the back of my throat. "Look at me while you suck my dick." I realized I'd basically tuned out, eyes closed. I looked up. His eyes were locked on mine. It was a completely different person than I'd known before we smoked up. He stroked through my hair, and then grabbed it firmly. "Look at me while you suck my dick," he told me, staring right at me. "I promise," I babbled between strokes, unable to resist. I kept going down on him, eyes locked on his - and his cock just kept getting bigger, and bigger - i couldn't take it anymore. "Good boy. I love watching those sweet white lips on my nigger meat." He pulled me up by my hair and kissed me. "Those lips on my cock head, that's what really gets me off. It's so sensitive - I want you to work that head for me, okay babe?" I nodded, and he pushed me right back down into his crotch. As I engulfed his cockhead with my lips, he kept stroking through my hair and staring right into my eyes. With every moan his cock got harder and harder, until it was an enormous 9" wrist-thick piece of big black meat. "Look how hard you got me, boy. What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" He pulled me up by my hair again, and reached around to finger my hole. I moaned. "What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" he repeated. "I want you..." I whispered. My grip tightened around his now rock-hard, 9x7 uncut member. "WHAT?" "I want you." I said, a little louder. "You want me to WHAT, boy?" "I want you to fuck me." "You want me to fuck this little white hole do you?" he asked as his finger slipped inside me, and I groaned. "Yeah, it looks like you want some nigger meat in this white boy hole of yours." A second finger pushed its way in. "You want me to fuck this white boy pussy?" His fingers were pushing deeper and deeper, and I was losing control. "Tell me." He pulled out completely. "What do you want?" "I want you tu fuck my white boy pussy." I said, surprising even myself. He rubbed the fingers he'd pulled out of my ass against my lips. "Get on the bed and spread your legs, I want to eat that hole before I fuck it." He slapped my ass and pushed me off the couch in the diretion of the bedroom. Obviously, I didn't need any further encouragement - all I could think about was his throbbling, droooling, massive cock. I basically leapt onto the bed into the doggy position, legs spread wide. "That is a nice ass you have there, boy. Now you hold still." He grabbed my ass cheeks and groped them, then spread them, and started licking my hole. I lost my mind immediately; the combination of the foreplay and the tina send me completely over the edge. The more he ate my hole the more I needed him, as his tongue drove deeper and deeper into me. It was the most overwhelming rimming I'd ever received. It didn't last long, as he could clearly sense how hungry I was. "That is some nice white boy butt you have there, boy," he whispered in my ear, as he slipped his thumb back into my asshole. "Are you going to let me fuck it?" "Yes, please, please fuck my white boy hole!" I nearly shouted, as his thumb rubbed against my prostate, and my shrunken cock dribbled precum. He added another two fingers to his assault of my ass, pushing deeper, making me moan louder and louder. Then, with three fingers up my ass, he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me back towards him, sitting me up on the bed. "I will. First, smoke a little more, okay?" He wiggled his fingers inside of me as he stared into my eyes. Then with his spare hand he picked up the pipe from the bedside and passed it to me along with a lighter. "I want to see you take three big tokes, and then I'll fuck this white boy pussy." He thumbed my prostate again and I groaned. I held the pipe as he lit the torch. One. Two. Three. He stared at me through every one, massaging my ass with his fingers. There was no escape. With every breath I was losing control more and more. "Good boy. Hold still, I need some too..." he pulled his hand out of my ass, and the feeling of emptiness was overwhelming. "Oh no please don't-" I squealed. "You want to get fucked, don't you? Now shut up and spread your hole again while I get ready to fuck you." He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up and kissed me, and then threw me back down onto the bed. "On your knees again, I want to see that hole," he demanded, as he lit the freshly-loaded pipe. I got back up into the doggy position, with my legs spread again. Now that my ass was lubed and fingered it was cold as hell, as well as tingling with hunger to be filled. I was intensely embarassed by my cold, wet rosebud being exposed to the world but knew I had no choice whatsoever. I heard him put the pipe down on the table, and then heard a slapping noise, which was him fastening a cockring to his giant 9" cock and big black balls. "Does that white hole want to get fucked?" he asked. I moaned. "You want some nigger meat in that white boy hole don't you?" I moaned again. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want it in you." "I want you to fuck my boy hole," I whimpered, and his hands slid along my hips. His cock slipped through my asscrack, and then rubbed back and forth against my hole. "Tell me you want this nigger meat in your white boy hole," he said, breathing on my neck, his massive, throbbing cockhead pressing, ever so gently but firmly, against my asshole, threatening to enter, but not quite. "Beg for this nigger meat, or you're not getting fucked tonight." "Please, please, fuck my white boy hole, fuck it with your nigger meat, I need your nigger meat in me please, please, pleasssseeee..." I didn't have to fake my petulant tone as the threat of not getting fucked at all, with my ass already wet with anticipation, my whole body shaking with desire, had sent me into complete overdrive. Amd as I kept shouting please, please, please, he thrusted his whole nine inches balls deep into me in one swift, brutal stroke. I froze in ecstasy, as he nibbled my neck as his balls slapped against mine. "Oh am I ever going to fuck this hole of urs. Why didn't you tell me you had such a sweet little pussy, boy." He pulled his dick out to the tip and thrust it right back to the balls. "You white boys have the nicest pussy, and it loves getting fucked by nigger meat don't it?" He continued thrusting into me, over and over. I couldn't even speak, the pleasure was overwhelming. He drove his cock to the hilt, and grabbed my wrist. "Why are you jerking yourself?" his deep voice whispered into my ear again. I didn't even realise I had been furiously masturbating my limp dick since he'd begun fucking me. "That little boy dick isn't going to get hard tonight. You're a white boy pussy, that dick ain't good for nothing. Do you want to get fucked or not?" "Yes, yes, I want you to fuck me, please...." "Good boy," he grabbed both of my wrists and shoved me down onto my stomach, and started thrusting his cock into my ass over and over. "A pussy boy like you doesn't touch his dick. Not if he wants to get fucked. All you need to worry about is how you're going to take this nigger meat, understand? My cock is the only one you're going to think about." I swear i could feel his dick harden even more and push deeper and deeper into my ass. "Tell me, pussy boy, that you won't touch yourself again." "I'm your pussy boy and I won't touch myself again I just want you to fuck me with your nigger meat please please keep fucking me with your nigger meat that's all I want..." He moaned, and shoved me down and doubled his pace of thrusting. "Good. If you need something to do with those soft white boy hands of yours, play with my nipples or my balls, keep your back arched... or smoke some more tina like the slut you are." he suddenly lifted me up and thrust the pipe into my face. "Breathe in, slut." He pushed his dick in to the balls again, and I could feel it throb it was so hard - was he ever getting off on this. So was I. I sucked in deeply. "See? No need to fight it, you have such a hot ass, it deserves dick in it." He took the pipe from me and inhaled a few times himself; each time I could feel his dick harden and heat up, like a threat, or a promise. He dropped the pipe over the bed and grabbed me tightly again. "I thought your white boy ass was going to turn out to be a bit of a slut, but I had no idea what a pussy little bitch you'd turn out to be," he roared at me, as he drilled my ass from behind over and over. He pulled out suddenly to fip me onto my back, and I instincively pulled my legs into my air and he slid his massive cock right back into my ass and continued fucking me. "Turns out you're a born pussy boy, aren't you. Look at this little pussy dick." On my back, there was no hiding my normally 8" dick shriveled to the size of a peanut. He stroked it idly, as if it were funny to him. "This is the last time I ever touch your dick, bitch. Understand? I don't ever want to see it again. All I want is this sweet white boy hole wrapped around my nigger meat. Deal?" He gripped my tiny, soft dick tighter, and picked up the pace of his fucking. "Deal!!" I moaned. "So you're not going to tuch your little boy dick ever again around me? Because you want this nigger meat in your pussy so bad?" "Yes I promise I'll never touch it again I just want you to fuck my white boy pussy!" as this spurted out of my mouth to my own surprise, he grabbed both of my legs and shoved me flat into the bed to fuck me even deeper. "Oh boy, you really are a bitch aren't you. This white ass is just desperate for big black cock. Why didn't you tell me you were such a slut?" He suddenly pulled out of me, and flipped me back onto my knees, and thrust three fingers deep into my hole. "Hahaha, look at you, you're not even going to budge as long as I'm in that pathetic little pussy of yours." He kept fingering my hole and it was true; I couldn't move, it was too fantastic. "You're completely addicted to nigger meat, and I'm going to show you what that means. You're mine now, boy, and I am not letting you go. This pussy is too sweet." I moaned and moaned as he continued fingering my ass. Little did I know what his other hand was up to. "Hold still." His hand withdrew, and I groaned - "HOLD STILL I SAID!" and I didn't dare budge. "A slut hole like this deserves a treat," he whispered. I could feel his cockhead return to my hole, rubbing against it again, this time with a warm tingling sensation. And with one fluid motion he was buried in my ass again, but this time with it came an enormous burning and then an overwhelming pleasure. He'd covered his massive erection in meth and was pounding it into my asshole - and now he was in complete control. Before I could even adjust to the overwhelming sensations he resumed fucking me silly. "What a slutty white boy you are, letting ur ass get booty bumped by nigger meat, what were you thinking? " he boomed, hammering my ass over and over, grabbing my hips tightly, pushing deeper and deeper into my ass than ever before, the meth setting it all on fire with need. "You can't say no to big black dick like this, can you? This pussy is all mine now." "ohhhhhhhhhh" I whimpered, the only word I could muster through the sensory overload. His cock driving the booty bump back and forth into my ass was only making him stiffer and stiffer, and I could barely understand anything beyond the massive black cock that was filling my insides with pleasure. "I'm going to fuck this sweet white boy pussy of yours all night long." He pulled his cock out to the head, and slapped each of my cheeks, and then thrust it back in to the balls. "But you want me to fuck you all night long, don't you boy?" "....yesssss....." I moaned, struggling not to black out. "Yeah? You want your white boy hole bred by this nigger meat don't you? Your boy pussy likes being filled up doesn't it?" My tiny boy cock was frantically spurting precum as he told me exactly what I already knew. There was nothing I wanted more than this god of a man to keep fucking me. "And you're not going to touch that little white boy dick either, are you?" He laughed, and flicked my soft dick with his finger. He pulled his dick out entirely and slapped me across the face to get a response. I nodded frantically and licked hungrily at his nipples. "Yes, I just want to be your boy pussy, I want you to fuck me all night, I want you to breed my hole, please keep fucking me, please, please, please!!" As I submitted completely he rammed his rock-hard cock back into me, drilling me over and over as I screamed nonsense, as his dick kept stroking me deeper and deeper. "GOOD BOY." He locked eyes with me again, and continued fucking me with long, steady strokes from head to balls of his fat 9" cock. "I am going to breed this hole. Repeatedly. As long as you keep being such a well behaved little bitch, you are going to get this dick in you. And that's what you need isn't it?" He pulled out his dick to spit on my hole, and started circling his cockhead around it. "You're addicted to nigger meat now aren't you." "YES YES I'M ADDICTED I NEED IT IN ME PLEASE PUT IT BACK KEEP FUCKING ME I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME ALL NIGHT LONG AND BREED MY WHITE HOLE OVER AND OVER" I was thrashing around, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. He grabbed me by the throat and drew me to him. His eyes locked onto mine again, dead serious. His cockhead slipped into my hole, just barely. "This is what you are now. A pussy full of nigger meat. What a lucky boy you are. Lots of bitches want this cock, but I picked your pussy to fill up tonight. " I just nodded, as his steel-hard cock slipped back into me. He smiled, and began fucking me relentlessly. "Let's see how many loads I can leave in this hole for you... here comes number one!" He kept fucking me harder and harder. He started groping me frantically, as his cock swelled within me. He lifted me up entirely, and threw me on top of him, and began slamming my ass from below. I started cumming from him fucking me, my tiny boy dick spurting jizz onto his chest. He grinned, slammed his big black cock as deep as it'd go in me, and shot his massive load deep into my guts. I crumpled on top of him, and he kissed me on my neck. "Stay here with me, boy, and I will keep that pussy feeling good." I did. We fucked for another eight hours. He had three more major orgasms, but who knows how many loads he left in my ass. He fucked a few loads out of me as well, without touching my cock of course. We finished well after dawn. When he finally let me go home, he left me with instructions. Keep all his cum in my ass as long as possible, When I came back, I had to wear a jockstrap to hide my cock if I ever wanted to get fucked again. I had to stop shaving my ass crack, as he liked it hairy. And I had to show up spotlessly clean and ready to fuck all night long next time he asked, because once he started in on my ass he couldn't stop. And obviously, I had to smoke tina with him. I agreed to everything instantly. The next time couldn't come soon enough.
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  10. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
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  11. A couple years back, I was fortunate enough to experience full-on trucker sex. At a truck stop. In his sleeper cab. And because it was always a fantasy of mine and it really happened, it is probably my favorite sex story I get to brag about. I was living in the south at the time, and driving home late one Sunday after visiting friends in a city a couple hours away. I had to piss bad, so I pulled into a Pilot gas station an dashed to the restroom. It was close to midnight and there wasn't a lot going on there. There were quite a few idling semi's in the parking lot, but the station was empty. I found the restroom, hauled out my cock and started relieving my distended bladder. About halfway through my piss the bathroom door opened and this skinny, older guy walks up to the urinal next to mine to do his business. The nice thing about this bathroom was that the urinals were those floor to chest models, with no partition inbetween. Perfect for sneaking a glance. The trucker (which I learned he was) had hauled out both his cock and balls through the fly and was pissing no-handed so I had prime viewing. And he was dangling some serious meat! It was thin, but long, with a heavy set of balls. I finished pissing through a semi-hardon. Which, I could see, had caught the Trucker's eye. When he finished, he spent a LONG time milking the piss from his cock, getting himself hard in the process. Naturally I stoked with him, letting him see my interest. After about a minute he said "My truck's just outside." I nodded at him. He put his cock and balls away and said "It's the white Freightliner on the far end. Give me a minute head start before you follow. Come up the passenger's side. I'll have the curtains pulled." Then he was out the door. I stayed in the bathroom and debated what to do. Should I climb into a strange rig? He could be a kidnapper or killer. Or he could be setting me up to get my ass beaten. But the hard cock I'd seen on him made me decide to go for it, so after waiting as I had been told, I headed out. The Freightliner was surprisingly spacious inside. I sat in the passenger seat, all nervous, and he in the driver's seat. He rubbed his package and I sunk to my knees, unzipped him, and pulled it out. Trucker was a skinny, redneck Daddy type, and his cock was every bit of eight inches. Thin, but very long, with a nice head on the end, which I popped right into my mouth. He tasted like he'd been driving and sweating all day. I worked his meat for awhile, until he said "I hope you like to get fucked, because I need some ass." I told him that I did and it had always been a fantasy to take a trucker's cock in his sleeper area. "C'mon then" he said and led me to the back. Right behind the front seats we walked into like a mini-bedroom of sorts. There was a microwave, coffee maker, little end table, and a small tv mounted on the bulkhead. There was also the main lower bed and a flip down bunk which was stowed into the wall. He lay on the bed and I stripped my clothes off. He had me suck him some more before he reached for the KY. He lubed up an fingered my hole while I straddled him. Then he used his hands on my hips to gently push me down to his cock. Because he wasn't super thick, once his head popped in I slid all the way down to the base. "Aww fuck yeah! That's what I need-- a hot hole on my dick!" I bobbed up and down for maybe five minutes, gyrating my ass and squeezing my ass muscles to make his cock feel good. Then almost without warning he said "Fuck, I'm cumming!" And I felt his head pulsing way up inside me. Now I don't mind saying I was just a tad disappointed by him cumming quickly. I was just starting to relax and enjoy his cock. Plus the throb of the idling diesel engine and actually being fucked in a truck had me turned on to where I was rock hard. Figuring we were done, I start to pull off him. "Wait, don't go anywhere. I can cum at least twice without going soft. Just keep riding it and you'll get another load if you want." Was this guy for real?? Evidently he was (or the Viagra was), because I kept slowly riding and milking his cock and true to his word, he never went limp. In fact, within five minutes he was fully hard again and thrusting up into me. I rode him another fifteen to twenty minutes, and toward the end my orgasm was building in my nuts. I was pitched forward and slamming down onto his dick while he shoved upward into me. His dick was massaging everything just right. "Dude, you're gonna make me cum! I'm not even striking it, and I'm gonna cum!" Understand at this point I only ever had tow or three no-hands orgasms in my life. They were still a rare novelty. So he fucked me until my load was shooting all over his chin and chest. I shuddered with delight and was spent. When my orgasm subsided, I started to pull off him again. You know how it is, once you cum you want the cock out of your ass ASAP. "Whoa, slugger, where do you think you're going? I ain't finished yet." With that he grabbed my hips hard and started thrusting up into my ass again. I wish I could say that this part was hot too, but to be honest my ass was getting really sore and I just really wanted him to be done. But he just kept fucking and fucking me. I gritted my teeth and tried to do everything to hurry his orgasm. I worked my ass muscles. I worked his nipples. I pushed the spot below his balls. All while praying that he would fucking blow his load. It probably took an additional ten minutes of him drilling me before he suddenly tensed up and shouted, "Fuuuuuck yeah!" And once again I could feel his bulbous cock head twitching and throbbing deep inside me. Once he shot the last of his load, he smacked my ass twice, and said, "NOW you can get off my dick, and the hell out of my truck." I dressed very quickly and skulked back to my car. My ass leaked his cum all the rest of the way home, an when I got there I jacked off twice thinking about my trucker fuck.
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  12. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
    1 point
  13. Does anyone else enjoy having anonymous sex in Hotels? I travel for work and stay in multiple cities during the week. I love leaving the door slightly open to my room and going on craigslist to post an ad. I get on the bed in doggie style position with my legs spead wide and within two hours I start getting hard cock in my mouth and hole. The best time I had was in El paso,TX. I had three guys at the same time all taking turns on my ass and mouth. I even got double penetrated while I was gagging on cock. This went on for well over an hour. By the time they finished with me my hole was gapping sore and I was happy.
    1 point
  14. Where are all the pig bottom boys in Tampa? Looking for one or more who like it nasty raw and very wet. Work your hole till it begs for more anyone around?
    1 point
  15. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 1 Like all I was on a well earned two week holiday back home. Planned well in advance, making bookings for the hotel to stay at and the flight arrangements handled. I was so looking forward to the get away to go catch up with old mates and to also indulge my self some at the sauna I used to haunt when I still lived there. I’d pretty much covered of most things I had to do in the first few days back. Seeing the family, and a few of my friends that had been available. By the fourth day I felt toey so I checked the usual spots hitting up the apps and cruising the web listings to see what mischief I could get into. Instead of getting lucky happened to find a guy I’d lost contact with many years ago. I remembered he’s old nickname been Boof! though I couldn’t recall his real name. After a couple of messages and pleasantries we agreed to catch up for a coffee in an area of town called Southbank River Parklands. As I made my way there from my hotel in the city I realised it take me around fifteen minutes by crossing the bridge. Walking there I couldn’t believe the changes this part of town had gone through. Id sparred plenty of time so I could find the coffee shop and just as I did I heard Boofs voice. “Over here spunk butt” and looking into the coffee shop I saw him at the window. So I quickly made my way round to him to avoid my discomfort in hearing my old sauna name. As I gave him a hug and caught up. He said “Now what do you want ill go get it as I’m the owner of this place” bit stunned I asked dumbly “you playing me” to which he smiled and replied “Needed a change in my life, was tired and burnt out and thought I’d risk doing something I always wanted”. So I quickly said “Happy to have anything on offer” and he said great “I’ll get the mocha lattees going”. And as he stepped behind the counter to make the coffee I had a look round at his coffee shop. Boof was soon back with coffee and had even brought out a biscuit for each of us. I smiled and he said “come on we will sit out the side in the garden” so as we jostled through and found our selves in the garden which I could tell was only used for patrons having meals we had the garden to ourselves and we started chatting about what I was up to on my trip. Gave Boof the usual response, family, friends and fun and Boof enquired “And what fun is that”, to which I said “Misbehaviour”. Heartly Boof let out a laugh and went “Are you all set. Need anything” and that’s when I remembered Boof knew me very well that I would be looking for a few enhancers. I replied “Hadn’t really planned to take any on this trip” then it hit me maybe it was what I was after for when I got naughty later on. In mid thought Boof caught my attention by saying “you very shore about that spunk butt”. And in a flash I said “fuck yeah and what’s available”. Not long after he’d told me what I could get it was been arranged and they’d meet me here in the garden for coffee with Boof. So my enhancer deliveries arrived by the couriers at the coffee shop as Boof and I continued our catch up. It was now about mid afternoon and I was really now set. I thanked Boof for a great day and the help. He replied “Spunk butt show them how good that hole is and have fun”. I left a little more excited as this changed the whole outlook of my trip. I’d be very toey very horny and wanting cock. It wasn’t to long and I was back at the hotel. Thinking of what I had to take and the mischief id get up to. I quickly was on the phone to the remaining friends I wanted to catch up with about plans and what we’d do and when. As in my mind the hunt for cock was starting that very night with a trip to my old sauna haunting grounds.
    1 point
  16. Uncut here with a 4g and no problems whatsoever. The jewelry does tend to keep the foreskin retracted most of the time. The one positive that I have found is that I can force my foreskin over the jewelry in a mens room to keep from the dreaded urinating mess. With that said, I've just accepted that its just easier to have a seat and get on with it. Really. Sitting to urinate is not a bad tradeoff for all of the positives that you will encounter. Go for it. Give it time to heal, then enjoy the PA.
    1 point
  17. If I care to see what his hole looks like with a load on his hole I'll for a pic otherwise my load goes deep as possible.
    1 point
  18. So, the other night I made my first trip to the adult book store here in town. I've heard a few people talk about it, but it was something that most of the guys I meet up with around here don't have much information on the place. Decided to just try it out. Drove up to the store and walked in to a bookstore full of the hottest porn, they seemed to focus more on guy on guy, so I liked that. I walked around for a bit and found the entrance do the video booths and theater. I asked the clerk how much it was to get into the theater, he told me it was $10 for the day and that gives me access to the booths. I gave him $10 and he gave me a ticket, so I entered the booths first and put a few dollars in. It was hot just to know I finally made it in to a video booth like this. I noticed paper towels and a wastebasket with a bunch of wadded up towels, it was hot. I played with a cock for a few minutes with the door cracked but no one came by. I made my way over to the theater and there were about 5 guys in there. Unfortunatly, they were playing an older straight porn. I sat there for a few and noticed a guy glancing at me from time to time. I figured this was a code for something. He got up and left, I waited a few seconds and followed him to the booths and entered the one next to him. I placed a couple dollars in and by then he was slowly opening my door, so I let him in. I quickly unbuttoned his pants and placed his semi erect cock in my mouth and began blowing the guy. I did that for a few minutes but I think he was more interested in sucking cock than being sucked. So I stood up and he wrapped his glorious mouth around my now throbbing cock. Oh MY GOD this guy could suck a cock. It was sooooo hot getting blowin' in a booth like that for the first time. I didn't last as long as I want and I told him I was about to cum, so he excitedly started slurrping up my rather large load (I had been edging for quite sometime). He seemed pleased and told me to let him know anytime I need serviced and got up and left. Not more than 2 minutes later my door opened again and in came a guy with huge hard on all ready for me. I got on my knees and blew him and took his load into my mouth. I was soooo satisfyed now. By then it was 12:45am and the place was about the leave so the clerks started coming back to the booths and ended my night. It was sooo hot, I'm glad to know a place like that exists around me. Maybe I can get a barecock next time?
    1 point
  19. exciting life of a nurse...gr8 stories....keep them cumin'....i wish i was Jeremy and that i could be with u...
    1 point
  20. I suggest you tell Dad about the young guy who's fucking you when he's in town from college. Don't tell him too much, but the father is more likely to suspect his son fucks fags. If the father is intrigued by the hot alpha teenager, you might suggest a role playing three way. See if Daddy gets into the idea of sharing a fag's cunt with his 'son.' I'll bet he's into it. He might even figure out it's his son.
    1 point
  21. Anyone using video chat should understand how easy it is for someone to record the cam session and then anonymously share it on public sites. There seems to be a trend of this happening a lot lately and it not fun when it happens to you. So be careful guys.
    1 point
  22. OK- everyone is touching on the concept of getting watered down piss as your entry to watersports. But really, it is going to be a warm liquid either of some flavor or not-- the bigger thing is to rewire your head-- once you get your mind into accepting piss, it is no issue afterwards. For those afraid of the flavor; just make a cup of beef or chicken bouillon broth and drink it a few times, thinking of it as piss. Then, when you get the real thing, the saltiness of the piss will be very familiar- just like the broth was, and just as warm- and of course you enjoyed the broth, so why wouldn't the piss be just as enjoyable-- you just have to trick your mind into not freaking out over something it really wants and likes. And remember, a guy might cum once or twice and shoot an ounce or two, but a good pisser can go all night long and deliver pint after pint of pleasure
    1 point
  23. I hadn't heard from my horny cop neighbor for a while until I got a text yesterday evening. "Big Arab dick for you" it said. Door was ajar when I went downstairs. In the bedroom I saw my neighbor watching porn on TV and playing with his dick. Next to him, face down, was a beefy Arab guy with cum on his hairy butt. Looked like my neighbor had been busy. When I entered the bedroom the guy turned around showing a rock hard erection. Beefy guy, beefy cock, big balls.The guy didn't waste time when I had undressed and joined them. He used cum from his own hole to lube mine, spit on his cock and shoved it in. Fuck that hurt! Took a few minutes to get used to it. Fucked me like an animal. All the while talking to me in Arab (which I don't understand). Neighbor watched us and the TV, still stroking his now stiff dick. Arab shot a big load in me and neighbor took over. Pumped me 20 mins and dumped one in me too. After that I got another quick load from the Arab guy. Was exhausted and my hole was sore but went upstairs again with a big smile. Hope to see that Arab fucker again sometime! Don't even know his name.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I agree with Tiger. If he wants to stay neg, then prep. If he is interested in chasing, or anything of that nature then no prep.
    1 point
  26. He should start prep so he has no worry about you loading him up (since viral load can sometimes vary and you doctor wouldn't know until already higher) and also so he can get load by anyone else without thinking about it. Side effects are minimal...other than a frequent trail of cum dripping down my legs...
    1 point
  27. Same here, lean over, on my back or sling, just want my hole pounded and load deposited. More and more I stopped caring from who. It totally turns me on having a fucked up hole. Love fingering myself in break and feeling the rosebud and gape...
    1 point
  28. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 6 The next to enter into the sling room. Were the two that didn’t go back to lockers to get anything earlier. As they entered and looked my hole over “what do you recon? He got a big enough hole for our two cocks at once? One of them said as the other continued to spread my hole. Then I heard “might be a tight fit but I certainly think we can bust him open for the two of our cocks”. “Okay pig you need to get out of the sling for the moment” the larger of the two said. “One of is going to get in the sling then your going to mount on top”. Understanding there direction I got out of the sling as the larger one lied down and got in position. ‘Take that cock and get it hard pig” he demanded. So I went straight to work sucking his ever growing cock. once again I was facing about eight inches but this was easily thicker than a beer can. “Okay pig come around and now straddle me. Following the orders I went around to the right and lifted my leg over his body so I could straddle his body and ride his cock bronco style in the sling as I got myself centred and moved back towards his cock. From where I first got on as my ass moved back the second guy said “that’s it pig”. I knew what he meant as I felt the head of his cock touch my hole. “I’m going to position you now and as he gave a slight pull on my hips the cock that was resting on my ass lips glided right into position, As I rested and waited I took a hit of the popper feeling this cock in me. .another hit of the popper and I felt the red glow warmth of the buzz as I slid further onto the thick monster. Was right at home as I started to lift myself a little getting used to it and then the motion of the swing took in. up and down I went small droplets of cum running down to the guys ball sack. “damn he has got a bit of seed in him” came from behind me “thats it take that cock you hungry little cum whore” slapping down hard on his hips and pushing the cock righ into my innards came from a new voice in the room. As more seed dribbled down the cock I was on. The small guy cherped “yeah best lube is toxic juice” as I then felt his hand scooping the spilage up as I slapped down hard on the cock spilling more of the seed. “That’s about enough wastage time to get mine in there.” The second guy cried. At first as he pushed his cock towards the hole pushing it firmly down on the monster inside me my hole refused to loose its grip. Held in place slowly though my hole was opening filling the head gape my hole wider. Gradually I felt the familiar popping from been fisted. My hole opened and with a single thrust the second cock was sliding right up along the other cock. In a cry of joy I shouted “FUCK YEAH”. And the two animals returned “take that you pig”. Followed by “where going to flood you pig with viral loads” “the guys after us are more twisted and we are breaking you in for what’s to come.” From the smaller guy behind me. Taking a strong inhale of poppers. My mind started to race and wanted to find out but at hand I could feel the change in my bowels as the two cocks shifted in me. The guy in the sling id mounted. His cock was short slow movements. Whilst the second cock was sliding further backwards and forwards. Sometimes guiding right back to the mushroom head before sailing up my chute with verocity. Each time id cried. “fuck yeah” “brutalise my cunt” or “give it to me” As the movement of the pounding I was feeling inside the sling. The sling started to rock and creak. Slowly but suredly the movement of the two cocks inside me started to change I was now sliding up and down the monster a lot further. While the second cock went from long movements to shorter. My own movement was changing I was syncing with two. Lifting my butt up further as the two cocks slid out. Whilst ramming back down both shafts hearing the sloppy sound as I hit the base of the cock’s. “Fuck” came from the third watching “this needs filming”. Heartedly I said “my phones on the floor it can record.” With that the guy bent down and got it. Handed it to me so I could open. As I opened up the camera and set the settings. I could feel myself been thrust into deeper than before. The sound from my sloppy slapping sounding hole had changed to almost a gasping slurping sound. Quickly I set it to camera recorder for the best setting and recordings. Pointed to the button to start recording and said “Start it from when you get into position and record it from any angel”. As I sailed back down the two cocks again. As I came up off the cocks the guy id given the phone to had stepped into position and pointing the camera the flash came on and shone in my face. With that the recording started. And as the shine from the flash moved out of sight and around the room. I could feel the movement again of the cocks burrowing there way up. Taking an inhale of the popper. And feeling the syncing of all three movements. The red dazz again kicked in. My body was now in shivers of joy. My cock had swollen in the leather jock busting for escape. I Cried out incognite sounds as the pig was released. I was now moving the full length of the two cocks inside me. Sometimes the shorter guys cock would slip out but on the next movement down it was back in place. Slamming into my gapping hole. Along side the monster cock. Inside my hole I started to feel a new sensation. A warmth and tingling. All the other deposits of cum had been pushed further and deeper up my innards or had dried with the friction of the two cocks pounding my hole. It was driving me wild with joy. Climatic senses triggered in my gapping hole. Deeper than before. I started to clasp both cocks as I came up the shafts. The pulsing cocks had gotten harder. “Fuck you pig” came from the shorter guy behind as all three of us as our moaning joy reached fever pitched. “this guy is going to be milking our dirty poz cocks dry of all there seed” came from the one in the sling. I could see the guy had moved back to the front capturing our facial features and movement. In that moment, I muttered some words to the affect “oh fuck” “breed this pigs neg hole” “flood my gut with your hot fucking poz loads” and as if by mental thought the guy on the camera started to move again. To film the rest from behind. As the light again disappeared the sound of the two cocks slamming in me came back. The hot warm tingle was still there but I was feeling something else. My hole was now wet again. The slamming continued and grasping both cocks as I went up I heard “Pig your going to get it” from the shorter guy followed by the one in the sling “fuck hes going to milk us dry” Up and down I bounced on those cocks my hole feeling more amazing with each stroke. “I can’t hold on any longer” “fuck” as I felt the first shot. The second guy moaned as my hole clasped tight followed by “im going to blow my toxic load”. The first of the erupting cocks was now shooting its final drops when the the second guys load started to flood my hole. “fuck” the guy shouted at the top of his lungs. “damn pig get every drop. Milk that dirty load into your neg hole”. As the first cock softened then popped from my now tightening hole. The last drops of the monster cock had come to an end. The camera man exhaled “look at that big cum filled cunt” fuck and with that I rode on the monster trying to get some of the flood cum to run out my hole. “Fuck” came a cry from the guy also in the sling. “Take it you bitch“ as again my hole got seeded. With that I slammed down on the monster to its base. And heard the squelch of my full hole. The cameraman still recording from directly behind said “Hell yeah pig” “you’ve joined the dark side tonight” and as the monster slowly softened and sat just inside my hole. My mind went to my flooded gut and the poz cum in it. The head of the monster slide out in its softened state and as it did drops of the deathly seed ran out. “that hole is now ready for the rest of the night” the cameraman said and with that I heard the recording stop. As I disembarked of the guy in the sling the shorter guy came up and whispered. ‘I hope you enjoy the gift” and in that time the guy in the sling had gotten up.out of the sling. The two left the room and the camerman handed me the camera. Without hesitating I said “your next” and proceeded to climb back into the sling. This time face down my ass spread wide over the very end. My feet dangling in the air as I turned and said again. “film your breeding” handing the camera back still set up.
    1 point
  29. You weren't having all that sex out of fear, now the fear is gone. You are not a different person, you are freer to be who you want to be.
    1 point
  30. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 5 So there I sat posed to give the password to the barmen holding my breath finally exhaling. I called the barman and as he got close I gave him the password saying it made me excited a little as I said the words “Bug Chaser”. With that he turned and walked out from behind the bar. As he positioned himself in front of the group of us announced “Okay gentleman we have ourselves a conversion party. Bottles of Water are on the house. Bug chaser come here and stand before your gifters”. As I walked to the front of the crowd to stand there. A lot of things raced through me. Fear Joy Excitement. Turning and facing my breeders. “Here he stands before you” “gentlemen you can now go get your party toys and gear for use on this bug chasers cunt” the barman said. I stood there seeing the glint of evil in them. I was having the best night and this was going to top it off. As I watched most the crowd go of to the lockers apart from two of the group. Soon the crowd was back with bags or small pouches. As they assembled again the barmen spoke “we have before you the bug chaser how bout we find out where he wants to be converted tonight?” an applause went up. “Lets see” from the crowd. The barmen turned to speak and even before a word I cried out “the sling room”. “good pig you know how to make it special.” Came from the crowd. “There you have it the cum pig has made his choice” “give me ten minutes to set the lighting up so it’s a really hot encounter the cum pig won’t forget” “you all can now get ready for the party to start” the barmen spoke and as soon as he finished he went off. With that I rejoined the group. And as I did I could see what was been pulled from the bags. Leather gear and toys of all shapes and sizes I saw a toilet brush been withdrawn from one bag. “Come hear” I heard from one of the guys getting out the leather. As I got close he said “These should fit you put them on”. I was handed a harness and leather jock to get into. So I slipped the jock on and was struggling to workout the harness. He saw me struggling and offered me help. As he got me into the harness and tightened the strapping to the best fit. I could feel his flesh against mine. And a hard erect cock pressing into my butt. “All of us here have one thing in common” he whispered “we are all members of a club” “each of us here was converted by AIDS DADDY” As the barmen came back from whatever he was doing he said to the group “the room is set up for your depravity tonight” “enjoy” The guys lead off and one of them grabbed me “if you want pics get your phone we will take pictures for you” he said. I was a voyeur and had always wanted my true piggy self been captured in moments of joy. I spun and went to my locker took my phone out and took it with me. As I saw them and feeling them grab at me as I walked to the room it was time to take position in the sling. Two of the guys where making adjustments to the sling. Lowering the head of the sling down. When they were done they motioned me into the sling. Poppers and phone in hand I got in and positioned myself where I was comfortable. The stirrups got lowered to hold my ankles in place and have me spread wide. My hole was aching for the next cock to invade it as my ass swung there in the air. . I rested the phone on my belly and then took a big sniff of the popper first the left then the right. I gave myself a few seconds of the buzz before I had my next big inhale. Putting the cap on I rested it in my hand. Looking at the guys in the room I said “I’m ready for your toxic juices breed my hole and convert my sinful needs into a freedom to do as I please.” “Okay guys lets start so who in the pack is going to go first” came from the guy close to the door. From outside I heard “me, I will” and as I got ready with another snort of the popper I saw my next invader. It was the guy that had helped me into the harness. My hole was now feeling a little dry, the guy was closing in on me. And my ass opened up a small amount of cum started to leak from hole. Running down my crack. He gave me a glance “how many loads are in you right now?” he said and as I answered “I’ve had six loads” and with that I saw him go down. He went down and started to rim my hole getting my ass slick with spit. As he spread me open looking into my spunk filled hole “you’ve gotten some good loads now for more” came the words from the first in the party. He stood up and as he did gathered the drops of spilling cum from my hole onto his cock. I turned my head up to face the mirror as I watched him enter me. First it was just the head of his cock then came an almighty push slamming the eight inches he packed into me. The sling moved as I hit his base bouncing back out before coming to rest again. Slowly I felt him pull out and in the intensity. I focused on the mirror. Watching as he slid out and his cock glistening with the toxic cum I already had loaded in my bowels. As he pushed in I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his cock but didn’t see it long enough to make it out as he slammed in again. My cock throbbed as he hit inside my ass clamped down. “What a well trained hole you have pig” “big sloppy cunt yet the power to still grip onto a cock” came as I released his cock from my grip. .Feeling him now working his cock around, inside my hole to find his next probing attack. Soon though the thrusting stoped and he had me squirm for his cock. His cock flared on my ass lips. “I’m going to fill you with viral juice” he said. Looking at him I replied. “Yeah give it to me, pump my stomach full of your death seed” and with that he started to pound my hole with fury. My ass loose and been pounded by his eight inches. Now and then I’d grasp his cock like a vice to make him quiver. Finally after a good eight minutes. Seeing the sweat dripping on his face. “Do that one more time and I’m going to fill you pig” as if by command my body responded and clasped down. “OH YOU filthy pig” ”Fuck”, he cried as I felt the familiar warmness of gushing seed flowing in. “That’s it pig take that filthy seed in you” “become one with us”, he bellowed as the last drops gushed from his now empty sack. Impaled and full. He looked down and said if “I’ve got the energy later ill be back to plant some more in your sweet hole pig”. With that his softening cock slipped from my hole. As he turned around he shouted “NEXT” and left the room.
    1 point
  31. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 4 I paced myself for a bit as I sternly cruised who was in the downstairs part. As I got to the video room I could hear the chatter coming from within. “Glad a pig bottom came in tonight so need to unload in an unsuspecting victim”. I was aroused by all this poz talk and soon found a dark room near the video room. As I positioned my body across the bed and positioned my legs so my ass hung right out showing my hole. I took another inhale of the popper. My world went red with joy as I felt the touching on my ass. “How many loads you taken?” came from the man behind me. ‘I’ve had four loads so far” I replied. I felt the man move behind me and squat and lick my hole. He started to spread my hole open and a drop of seed started to run from my full cunt. “Good pig” I heard followed by “I’ll be adding to that when the rest of my buds arrive”. I took a hit of the popper and heard the man leave as the next guy came in. I soon felt the sharp prickling of the Prince Albert again against my hole and realised I was going to be impaled on it again. My head was a spin and he said “your such a good hole to breed. I want to give you another hot load” I braced as he pushed himself in the nine inches and almost beer can sized thickness was pushing into me when I had my next hit of poppers. This time it wasn’t as rough as earlier and for the next five minutes he was just sliding in and out of my wet hole. Occasional id feel a small stab of pain when the pa missed the entrance. But I was thoroughly enjoying taking this cock. Second time round I was just in daze. Slowly my senses had started to come back to me and I could now feel the pa cock stabbing my insides hard again. I couldn’t contain myself any longer I screamed out loud enough everyone could here. “Yeah breed this neg pig hole” it was just enough to have me feel myself milking that cock. “Fuck pig you know how to turn a poz man on. Your going to be bugged by the end of night” “fuck yeah take my second dirty load you dirty pig” and with that I felt him ramping up his thrusting I was now in so much pain as I felt the load hit my punctured walls. Such a burning sting arousing my sense that I was bug chasing and had been wanting this free willed sex. As the last of his thrusts stopped I knew he’d finally finished shooting his load. “Thanks pig I’ve really drained all my toxic juice in you” “I’ll be messaging you on the site to find out how sick you are in a few weeks”. He said very weakly drained of his energy. As his dick went limp in my hole and I felt how we had some how both gotten very sweaty in that fuck. I was breathing heavy and with his limp body on me I said “I think you need this room more have a rest and thanks for charging my hole” he allowed me out from beneath him and as I got my towel and poppers. I knew I was needing a break and a steam would be perfect so off I went with the load id gotten leaking out my hole. The steam room of the sauna was always good could find a spot and spread out also had a small locker that matched the locker upstairs so you could put your poppers away from the heat. As I stored my popper in the locker I saw the bio hazard tattoo guy again. He’d just come back or had been in a room. He winked at me and said “Buddy of mine is in there you’ll be wanting his load to”. Curiosity now got the better of me, I decided to take the poppers in with me if I was going to have sex in the steam room. With all the changes the rest of the place had gone through id thought the steam room would of to. But it was still the dark dungy place old pine wood seating one top one back running the length of the wall and around the corner to the darkest spot. Still had a shower in the corner for a quick cooling cold blast. But it was the two rooms in the steam room one wanted to be in. both had a bit of long bench in them to so one could climb on and then spread there legs and ass open. I chose to go in to the second one as it allowed you to see through to the dark corner. As I placed the towel on the bench beneath me and got in position with my ass over the end I saw the guy the bio hazard guy had told me about in sitting on the bench stroking his monster cock in the dark corner. Hearing the creaking sound of the bench the guy moved round to the room. Looking at him there was something familiar to him. A distant memory from my haunting days of the past in the sauna. As he came into full site I recalled his name, the years hadn’t diminished his bearing manly build. The only change was the face some what stricken no longer the black hair but bald and a salty beard. “Hank is that you” I asked and got no reply as he came closer to inspect me. He stuck his rough fingers in my juice filled hole. “I’ve waited a very long time to have you again boy” he said as I continued to look at him and seeing him still stroking his thick veiny cock. He was big at about eleven inches. My thoughts couldn’t stop thinking “who are you when did we meet?” I asked. As he plunged his rough fingers into my cunt again. “I haven’t gone by Hank in year’s boy” came his reply. “I’m surprised you recognised me” I was lost in thought going back to the very first time I entered the sauna how scared and timid I was and how this man before me changed my life that night showing me the ropes telling me the tricks. And then letting me suck him off in the sauna. “You’ve grown boy no longer an innocent but knowing what you want. The place is a buzz of your exploits tonight” I didn’t know what to say back to Hank after he said those words. “By the way kid I go by aids daddy now” I was now in complete shock but out of nostalgia I reached for his cock and felt its veiny thickness. “You know I started to frequent this place quite regularly after that first night when I sucked on your cock just over there by the entrance’ “I wanted to feel you fuck my tight hole so many times” I said to him as I rubbed his leaking precum on my hole. “Tonight breed me with your aids load” I whispered. “I’ve got nothing to loose from it just more freedom. Breed my neg pig hole with your seed like I know you want to” I taunted. He then came down to my face and said “I’ve been waiting so long to fill you with this cum boy” “that I still desired your butt to have my deadly seed in it” “I waited to long and when you moved away I started coming again I missed my chance” “hoping you’d come in” “tonight I’m going to breed you like I should of back then” and with that my hole opened up and I felt his flared cock head enter my hole. I screamed in joy inside me and reached for the poppers. In haling in the steam room I went in to a cloud of red haze. I could feel his cock pushing in my wet hole. But it didn’t feel so wet as I slowly took his monster cock. As he slowly grinded his cock into my hole I was lost in Sodom delight my eyes shut but feeling the presence of Hank above me as this monstrous red figure that was going to change my life yet again. He took it slow like a lover would to start just getting me used to his immense size in me. It felt like an hour had gone past I was feeling dehydrated and sweaty. His cock continuing to work its way deeper into me. I lost control and my body started to orgasm. I was impaled and my ass just start to clasp on to Hanks cock for dear life. Hank just pulled me up a little and started to thrust. I could feel my ass linings pulsing and clamping his cock as he slid in and out. “Damn” I heard cried by Hank. “Fuck you have a talented hole” he screamed” “No wonder the wire is a buzz about you” once again id gotten in sync and as hank rammed me and pushed my bowels open “Breed my hole this pig wants its freedom” I cried screaming “fill me with that death sticks load” “Pregnate me with your toxic juice” words just kept coming from my mouth as we continued to fuck there . My hole was so sloppy now and I was been fucked on by the full eleven inches in and out. I couldn’t take any more and as my body went into shock in a second orgasm I clasped down again on Hanks cock fully inside and deep in side me felt the hottest load I’d ever felt in my life. It was hot and stinging. And as his dick went quickly limp in my hole. I thanked him for the gift. Kissing him and saying “I think its time we both get some re hydrating done”. Hank left first and as the door closed id finally regained some sense of where I was positioned I pulled myself back on the bench and got my feet on the ground grabbed the poppers and threw the soaked towel over my shoulder. I went up stairs and Hank was talking to about twelve men at the bar and as I got close to the exit to throw my wet towel in and grab another I heard “Get over here” It had come from one in the crowd I knew that and as I walked to get a drink of water or something “we are all here now” “hope your enjoying your breeding pig” it wasn’t the crowd it was coming from the speakers. A bit of an evil grin came up on my face as I got to the bar. Asking for a bottle of water. I grabbed the drink and headed of to the locker to get my smokes and have a bit of a break. Checking my phone I saw a text there is thirteen of us here we are gathered up at the bar. I replied to the message and took the phone with me and went to have my smoke as I got to the smoking area. A new message came through reading it said. Be at the bar area with the rest. The venue is now a private party for your breeding. You need to speak to the counter staff and say the words bug chaser. Finishing my smoke I headed to the bar to say the words. As I got close to the bar I saw it was only eleven pm damn I thought I’ve got thirteen here to breed me till dawn this is going to be good. As I stood at the bar one of the gents said “just wait a minute’ the counter staff are just doing a check down stairs to see if anyone is floating about in any of the rooms’. I suddenly realized I was in a den of poz vipers ready to breed my hole. I turned to the guy and said “Can I go put my smokes and phone away I’ll be right back”, I quickly put my phone and smokes away in my locker and grabbed the pill id pulled out earlier. Time for this I think. As I shoved it under my tongue and went back to my bottle of water at the bar. Taking a big gulp the tablet washed from under my tongue and down my throat. It be half hour before I felt the effects of the ecstasy id just taken.
    1 point
  32. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 2 I was on my bed in the hotel cruising for bareback sex on the usual sites posting my ads up to where I’d be going and seeing who’s attention I was catching. I had my shower and got prepped for my outing to take as many loads as possible. Getting myself a drink from the mini bar in the room I took one of the first enhancers I’d be taking through the night. As I checked back in on my ads I found I had six messages over the couple of places id posted it to. I quickly replied to all the messages and sent them off saying id be heading to the sauna very shortly and would be there for a while to feel free to arrive when ever they would be able to make it. Normally I’d check out the profiles before replying but I wasn’t wasting time. I soon made my way from the hotel to the saunas some forty minutes later. My mind was a buzz of the old days at the sauna. As I got close there had been changes in the area so I still hoped the sauna was there. I found my way into the entrance of the sauna as you had to negate a walkway to the carpark to enter the sauna from the back. As I rounded and headed to the door could hear faint sounds of chatter which gave me a sign there where patrons there. I went up the flight of stairs to the entry point paid my entry got my towel and locker key and was buzzed in to the change rooms. I got out of my gear wrapped the towel around my waist and got myself settled with setting my locker so when I came back for the other enhancers they where easy to access. I then stilled myself grabbing the bottle of poppers I’d brought along to help things. I transversed from the locker room into the lounge and little bar area. And ordered myself a drink. As I sat on the stool chatting to the staff member having the alcoholic drink I was very much starting to buzz and knew I needed to get down stairs and start having fun. It wasn’t long until I got myself aquainted with the new layout of the place. Where everything was which rooms had more lighting or not. Where best to position myself for my night of debauchery. I was feeling good and thought id quickly to back and check if id been messaged back. Sure enough had six texts saying when they would be in so replied back and thought great going to get fucked and loaded tonight. I went back down stairs and found the glory holes it was a dark corner except for a bit of red light. This just felt like the perfect spot start with getting some cum. As I squatted and waited to see from which of the two rooms I was going to get cock from. Id put the poppers down and was looking for it when I stumbled on a toothbrush on the ground. I soon found my bottle and was taking a snort when I saw movement. Putting the lid on the bottle I steady myself for what was to come. My first cock of the night was average size and cut. As his cock rose to fullness in my moist mouth, I could here his moans and feel his balls tighten. I sucked on it to wet my lips with cum. As I went back and forth and him thrusting through the glory hole I knew it wasn’t long. He let out a defying moan and as his cock exploded the cry of “ugh ugh” as the last of his spoiling load came to and end. My mouth was wet and it was a good load so decide to rub some of it up against my aching hole to get it lubed and ready now that it wanted cock in it to. The rest of the spilled cum went down my throat. I had only just cleaned my hand of cum, I’d been using to lube my hole when I caught the next guy entering the room beside me. As he walked in I could see the faint outline of a tattoo just above the pubic hair but didn’t make it out what it was as he closed the door and put us both into darkness. As his cock entered the glory hole straight away could smell the staleness of cum on his cock. With another big inhale of the amyl I started to suck his cock trying to make out what the tattoo was but been cut from full sight still couldn’t see or make it out. His cock was uncut tasted manly with all that cum and what ever else was on it. As he became fully rigid in my mouth his forskin pulled right back and his helmet was down my throat oozing precum, I wasn’t putting this cock to waste down my throat so I got repositioned and allowed his hard cock to enter my cum lubed hole. As I backed down on his cock coming through the glory hole his girth was still getting bigger in my hole as I got to the end. When my ass hit the wall between us, I moved forward some and started over. This was a good feeling and soon I had the poppers to my nose for more inhaling. Pushing back to the wall and feeling the cock inside me. With one mighty slam I pushed myself right down his cock and stayed on it. Not moving from the wall as a muffled moan came through the air. Soon I could feel him thrusting into me as I stayed in position. Taking the popper and enjoying the first of many loads I hoped to get that night. As his momentum picked up gear and I could feel his cock throb I knew it was coming close to an end. I bucked down hard pushed myself harder into the gloryhole so my hole would open right up and as I did he cried “fuck take it take that load take all of it you cum pig” as his cock softened in my hole and finally came out. I thought I would try to get another look at the tattoo, so I picked up my towel and bottle of poppers put the toothbrush I had found on the floor in my towel and let myself out of the room. As I opened the door and my eyes adjusted to the red light I could see the guy that I had just gotten the load from. Giving me a wink and saying “thanks”. I looked down and saw the bio hazard tattoo. As I left the area in a buzz I strolled around to see who was around. To surprise, one of the rooms I hadn’t been able to check out on an earlier round was free. It was a sling room decked with a mirror above it so one could see what happened. My arousal grew, knowing later I would be in the sling, my ass fully loaded, only too ready to take even more. But my thoughts were focused on the bio hazard tattoo I had seen as I wondered 'Why would someone get that? '.
    1 point
  33. I've never liked the feel of condoms. Rubbers simply irritate my pussy. Raw cocks never cause any sort of pussy irritation. Rubbers, of any kind, simply provide no sort of comfort. There's too much friction, no matter the lube used. So while I never turn down a fuck, breeding is totally my #1 choice.
    1 point
  34. I felt my hole twitch and a small glob of cum escape from my battered pucker as I looked at the man about to give me the fourth load of my life. 'I must be the luckiest bottom in the whole fucking world', I thought, and then paused for a moment surprising myself with how much my self identity had changed in the past two hours. I had gone from a total top who had been fucked safe once three years a go, to a bottom bitch, not just any bottom bitch but a bareback bottom bitch, and more then that a bareback bottom bitch for POZ cum. I studied Chad hungrily as he walked forward. He was taller then the others and a little thinner though still well built. He a look that I could only describe as Irish: bright red hair and beard with shocking green eyes and a healthy sprinkling of freckles across his face, chest, and arms. Ginger coloured fur grew across his chest and down his washboard abs in no real pattern just sort of everywhere. His cock was long and thick, probably just a little smaller then Chuck's, and certainly thinner then Keith’s beer can. Oh, and it was uncut. I stared at the pale flesh that covered the ruddy coloured head of his cock in wonderment as I had never seen an uncut cock in person and I wondered if it would feel different inside of me. He lifted a powerful arm to brush his hair back from his face as he knelt down between my legs exposing a thickly haired ginger pit. Had my soul not burned with lust for Chuck I probably would have given my self body and soul to Chad in that moment. He looked at me his green eyes sparkling with mischief and he directed my gaze to the underside of his left forearm where amidst the form of a twisting snake was the unmistakable biohazard mark. My heart quickened as he with one hand lifted my right leg onto his strong muscular shoulder and with the other aimed his cock at my well-fucked hole. He slid in easily but I still gasped as he bottomed out his ginger pubes coming to rest against my taint. “When we’re done with this sweet hole you’re gonna be knocked up for sure,” he said slowly withdrawing his cock, “and I’m sure glad you’re only going to be across the street. I love using Johnny’s hole but sometimes I’m just in the mood for something different and your furry little cunt is just the thing.” “Please fuck me. Please, breed my hole.” “Don’t worry boy. You’ll get the load you so badly need.” Chad closed his eyes and started to pound away at my hole. I had thought that Wes’s fucking had been merciless but that was nothing compared to this. Chad alternated between jack-hammering his cock into my now slackened hole and pulling his cock out till just the tip rested inside of me and slamming the full length back inside in one quick motion. I screamed out as his cock head repeatedly punched into my prostate. Repeatedly. He was destroying me and I loved every second of it. The room was thick with the stench of sweat and the sound of raw flesh slapping against flesh. My eyes were watering and my mouth was dry but my hole was alive with pleasure. I felt as though my whole body had vanished and nothing was left but that cock inside of me. My feelings and hunger for cock and cum had progressed I no longer just wanted his load but I needed it. I needed him to cum inside me, I needed his cock inside me, I needed to be fucked. “I’m gonna breed this sweet ass so fucking good,” Chad said, smiling at me, his face now covered with sweat. “You ready for another big load of cum, boy?” “Yes, please God give me your fucking load.” “Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum!” Chad, just like Keith had, slammed balls deep inside of me, laying there on top of me as his cock jerked and twitched spurting it’s thick frothy treasure into my awaiting guts. The sent of man sex that wafted off of Chad’s body as he lay on top of me was astounding. I found myself wishing to stay there forever under him, but slowly his cock began to soften until at last he pulled his now soft cock out of my hole with a quite plop. Slowly Chad got up and I could see the other three standing in a ring around me all sporting wood again. “Why don’t you fella’s go down to my place and breed Johnny in the sling, I wanna take my time breeding this boy for the first time.”
    1 point
  35. i want my bf to feel proud of the insatiable cumwhore i've become. no matter how many blessed loads are working inside me, he will always be the one who liberated my inner slut. and i love him giving the gift to other hungry bug chasers, thinking about that makes our one-on-one sessions so very special
    1 point
  36. I am single, so don't have a boyfriend. if I had one the decision to have sex with other guys would be between me and him. No cheating around, just be open about it. I used to cheat on my BF when I was in my 20s but afterwards did not feel good about it. Better to be open about it. If you want a relationship, but want sex with other men as well, don't be in a relationship. You're better off single.
    1 point
  37. When I had my tongue piercing, I enjoyed giving head to guys with a PA. But, only if they took their PA ring OUT. That way, I could get my tongue jewelry into their PA hole. And they weren't going anywhere until I was done! LOL.
    1 point
  38. By the way, this is the picture I had on my desktop when I introduced Dylan. Pretty fuckin cute, huh?
    1 point
  39. Thick the real question is what do you want to do yourself. You are the most important part of the equation.
    1 point
  40. I love just being a hole for men. I like the idea of just being a toy for someones pleasure. I've spent a few nights and weekends being whored out by a guy or just used by him. My favorite time was when a guy took me to a bathhouse and got a room. Blindfolded me then had me in the doggy position with the door open. I was used for hours by anyone that wanted my pussy.
    1 point
  41. It's cool with me, as a bottom bitch I don't have a say anyway, right?
    1 point
  42. The real pity is that he doesn't know that you are fucking him over. By cheating on him and potentially exposing him to diseases that he doesn't want.
    1 point
  43. I dont quite understand why people cheat. If someone wants to mess around with a lot of people, then I feel that person should be alone, and not in a relationship. A relationship is supposed to be between two people, not three of four or five or six.....
    1 point
  44. Oh so very much this. It's one thing to take risks with your own health, it's quite another to do it to someone else. All this aside from how awful it is for you to be cheating on your boyfriend.
    1 point
  45. I will be judgemental, I suppose you do understand the risk you are putting your bf in? You understand and know, he doesn't, kinda like getting stealthed. "if" something does happen and you pass it on to your bf, it is YOUR decision he will have to live with for the rest of his life.
    1 point
  46. Hell no. Like you, I would love him to see me getting screwed by some studs. Someday I will let him walk in on me, legs spread getting pounded with seed dripping out of my ass, a cock in my mouth, and a few guys waiting for a turn. That would be hot!
    1 point
  47. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 2) Kyle was taking his second load of poz cum of the afternoon and he was loving it. He knew from that point on he was gay. Over the next few hours he would take more loads from the 2 studs who had shown him how wonderful gay sax could be. All his life he would jerk off trying to think of a hot chick from school or a sexy super model. But now he knew his true self, his real sexual desires were being satisfied. Tyler was fucking Kyle when he said to Rickey, “This bitch is gona bring in some good cash.” “Hell yea Ty, once we get him built up a bit he’ll be a good addition to our coral.” “Look’s like he needs another slam.” “Yea, you’re right Ty. I’ll go get him one, I think he’ll be ready for the ‘DP’ after that.” “Right, I’ll flip on my back,” Tyler picked Kyle up and flipped over on his back without pulling out of their fuck toy. “That’s it, just rock back and forth a little while Rickey get’s you a little something to keep you feeling good.” Rickey returned and promptly gave Kyle another slam, this one stronger then the first. Kyle couldn’t sit up any more and laid down on Tyler’s chest immediately after the removal of the tourniquet as the drugs moved through his body. “OH FUCK!” escaped Kyle’s mouth as he lay on Tyler’s chest. Rickey didn’t waste any time and crawled up behind the drugged teen and slid his cock in along side his buddy’s as a louder “OH FUCK!” came from the drugged up boy. Kyle never knew his as could stretch that far, but as he accommodated the 2 cocks within him he felt an immense pleasure deep in side. Rickey and Tyler set about fucking into Kyle with such animalistic vigor the 2 studs knew that the teen would not escape their grasps as their new commodity. Kyle could only moan as he took the hard fucking of 2 cocks at the same time. Tyler and Rickey had an ability to sustain themselves when they double fucked a willing cunt and Kyle was no exception. Kyle took the simultaneous pounding for well over an hour before they shot their loads. Rickey was first (and in his position it was easier for him) to pound away at Kyle’s well stretched ass. There were a couple times he pulled out to the tip and rammed back in their new boy. He looked into Tyler’s eyes as he shot his load. Once Tyler felt his buddy’s cock spasm his thrusting picked up and he shot his load. The 3 sweaty body’s lay upon the bed as they each collected their breath. Tyler’s cock slipped out first followed by Rickey puling out. They pushed Kyle on his back and took a good size dildo to the boy’s hole, making sure to work their poz jism deeper into the drugged up boy. They were satisfied that their DNA was working its way within Kyle’s blood stream when they saw a red tinge on the end of the dildo. The dildo was removed and a large butt plug replaced it within the teen’s gapping hole. Rickey leaned in close to Kyle and told him, “You’ve been a good boy so far, but now it’s time to learn to suck cock and swallow cum. The rest of our ‘crew’ will be here soon and you will suck each one of them off.” Tyler added, “I’m sure they will love the opportunity to cum down your throat.” A naked Kyle was helped down to the living room as Rickey and Tyler pulled their cargo shorts and shorts back on. They made Kyle drink Gatorade (laced with G), as he watched bareback porn on the 60” plasma as they made sure he did not stroke his semi-hard cock. They could tell that the Viagra he took was not working as well as he was slowly getting Tina dick. Tyler commented, “Another good slam and he’ll be as limp as a wet noodle” as he went to administer a third slam to the drugged up fuck toy. “There ya go boy, you feeling good?” Kyle was in heaven. He had never done drugs before, not even a beer, and now he had been given 3 slams of crystal meth. All he could doo was nod yes as he was in a drugged up haze. His semi hard erection had become a shriveled up 2” boy clit, but he was horny as fuck. Kyle begged, “Please fuck me, I need to be fucked, please.” He was left, not allow to touch himself as he waited. Soon a couple young guys came through the door. They looked to be no older then Kyle, 18, if that. There was Jim, Bob and David. They almost had the same build as Kyle except for the fact that these three were a bit more muscular. The three were told “Kyle here is your new ‘brother’ and he wants to learn how to give a proper blow job. You will each get your reward once he has swallowed each and ever load you can give him. And remember, you can’t fuck him. We’ll be watching.” Jim was the first boy that they brought into the stables. He was a former high school wrestle and used to be straight when they drugged and thought him the joys of gay sex. After his indoctrination Jim broke up with his pregnant girlfriend and went to work for the roommates. There were a couple of boys after Jim, but one ran off with a ‘John’ and the other got killed. Then Bob was easily recruited into the stables. His father kicked him out after discovering he was gay and a drug user. He easily fit in with working as one of their male whores. The last one was David, he was a lonely gay boy in Chicago and found acceptance from the group. He was resistant at first to working for them, but after converting and testing poz he knew he had no place to go. Rickey and Tyler promised to take care of him. The 2 roommates did take care of their boys. They gave them a place to live, clothes, food, gym memberships and most important thing of all, AIDS medication. The three escorted Kyle up to one of the other bedrooms. The only furniture in this room was a couple mattresses on the floor and a dimly lit lamp in the corner. There was also a night vision camera in one of the corners so that the roommates could watch the three teach Kyle to suck cock. Jim said, “If you listen to us and do as we tell you, you will have no problem sucking any size cock into your throat, and with Bob’s length you might even get his cum to bypass your mouth and go directly down your throat.” Jim was first, by seniority, and dropped his shorts. He pulled Kyle’s head into his crotch. “Just lick it for now, lick from my balls to the tip of my cock.” Kyle began to work his tongue all over Jim’s cock and balls. And with the T and G in him he was really getting into this. It didn’t take long for Jim to get hard. Then Jim told his cock sucker, “Open your mouth and suck it in, and remember to watch your teeth. No ‘John’ likes his dick scraped by a boys teeth when he’s getting sucked.” Kyle did just as he was told, and he was sucking his first cock. “Oh yea, that’s it. Work my pole with that mouth of yours.” Jim hadn’t been allowed to cum on almost a week and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He grabbed Kyle's head to make sure that he wouldn’t pull off, looked down at Kyle and told him, “Make sure you show the camera the cum in your mouth before you swallow ever drop.” Jim then began to pant as Kyle felt his cock thicken in his mouth, then “OH YEAH!” Jim shouted out as he fired a weeks worth of cum into Kyle’s mouth. Jim made sure that Kyle showed his open mouth to the camera so that their pimps could see the fresh cum in his mouth before he swallowed it down. Kyle didn’t have much time to catch his breath as David pulled Kyle between his legs. David grabbed his cock sucker’s head and forced the length of his tool to the back of his throat. With Jim at his side, Kyle was coached on how to breathe, work his tongue and his mouth on a cock to give the best blow job known. David just sat back as his balls boiled to overflow and soon Kyle was eating his second load of cum. Kyle finished to look up at Bob stroking a massive 9” cock, bigger then what the roommates had. Kyle was trying to figure out how he’d get that in his mouth when Jim encouraged him, “Just remember what I told you about breathing through your nose and to relax.” Kyle crawled on his knees over to Bob and began by licking his balls. Bob kept stroking as Kyle worked his tongue up the shaft to the tip as Bob moved his hand to the back of Kyle’s head. Rickey and Tyler watched on the group on the plasma knowing that this was going to be a brutal face fuck. Kyle was not prepared for Bob’s cock. He thrusted his massive 9” deep into Kyle’s throat. Since their working boys aren’t allowed to fuck, this is Bob’s way of working out his frustrations. Kyle’s eyes welled up with tears as his throat took a rough fucking similar to that his ass took earlier. With Jim’s instructions and encouragement and his own determination, Kyle was able to accommodate the cock in his throat. Bob was one to take a long time no matter when he shot last. He was a brutal top that was turned into a whore bottom. When he got this rare chance to use his dick, he made the most of it. Kyle quickly learned to relax his throat as Bob rammed his shaft in and out of his mouth. Kyle did his best to put up with the face fucking and just as his jaw began to get sore he felt the cock in his throat began to swell then spasms as Bob was delivering his load directly into his gut. Bob pulled back a bit to give Kyle the last few spurts before smacking him across the face with his still hard cock. “I fucking wish I could breed this bitch! I’m still fucking hard.” Just as Bob finished talking the bedroom door opened up and in walked Rickey and Tyler. Rickey asked, “Nice job boys, you think this bitch will be ready to work the party tomorrow night?” “I’m sure with some personal tutoring I can have him ready Boss”, Bob was quick to say. But he knew he had no chance of fucking the new kid. The boys were there to be fucked and to suck the various guys who paid their way into the party. “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey.
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