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  1. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    5 points
  2. Part 3 As we pull up outside the house the front door opens and he steps out into the sunshine. Wearing shorts and a tee shirt he has an air of confidence about him as he walks to the car. His hair cut short barely revealing the salt and pepper hues, his body firm and trim. His shorts reveal the outline of his cock swinging as he walks. I decide there and then I made the right decision. With some nervousness I open the car door and stepped out into the heat. Pete walks over and without a word wrapped his arms around me and gave me a lovely bear hug. "It's so good that you're here, sorry I couldn't be at the airport to pick you up, I hope Steve took care of you?" "Oh yeah he took great care of me". He nodded and winked. "Come into the house, let's get you settled in" I told him I'd get my stuff from the car. "Don't worry, Steve will bring your bags in and unpack for you. Steve is my personal assistant, if you need anything and I'm not around you can ask him for anything and he will sort it for you, and I mean anything" Once we're inside the cool air of the house Pete grabs me and kisses me with a passion I haven't experienced in a long time, his tongue explored my mouth, I could feel his hardon pressing against me, I nearly dropped to my knees right there. He reaches round and with both hands grabs my arse and continues to kiss me. He pulls away from me "You must need to freshen up, come on". He steps away so I follow him through into a huge living room, tastefully furnished and airy. Down into a long corridor lit by a glass roof, it should be so hot but the air con manages to keep the house silently cool. Turning left we enter a bedroom with little furnishing other then a big bed, a cupboard and bed side tables. Off the bedroom is a huge bathroom. I see my toiletries have all been unpacked for me already, a little odd but I guess it's something I'm just not used to. Pete reaches in around the frosted glass wall of the shower and presses a button and multiple jets spray water in ever direction. "There you go, take your time, no rush. When you're finished come and find me and we'll have a dip in the pool". Giving me another deep kiss he leaves the room. Quickly I get my clothes off and step into the shower, the warm water soaks my hairy body quickly and feels so good after the long journey. I notice the douche nozzle hanging in one corner above the open drain, not knowing what's next I decide to make use of it. I turn around and back into the corner, checking the water coming from the nozzle I find its a perfect temperature so I aim it at my hole and slide it inside, the pressure builds so I pull it out and squat over the drain and let the water out. Repeating the process a few times I decide I'm clean and push the last drops of water out. Seeing my shower gel on the tiled shelf I start to soap myself up and enjoy the experience. I soap myself up again paying special attention to my cock and arse, the earlier booty bump making me enjoy it more than normal. Without warning I feel a hand run along my arse crack grazing over my hole, I shudder and let out a little moan. Strong arms wrap around me from behind and a voice whispers in my ear "I couldn't wait" His hand reaches back down to my soapy arse and slips a finger inside me, his hard cock pressed against me. "Hold on". He steps away and switches off the shower, disappears for a moment and comes back with a pipe, obviously packed with Tina, he sparks up the lighter, and hands me the pipe. I put it to my lips and he holds the flame under the bowl, as the smokes starts to creep out the top "breath in deeply and hold it until I tell you boy". The smoke fills my lungs and I hold it there. "Ok boy, let it out". A big white cloud surrounds us both before fading away. Three more hits like that and my buzz is getting higher. Pete firmly turns me around so I'm facing the wall and reaches between my checks again, every time he touches my hole it's like an electric shock. Taking a handful of gel he soaps my arse up again and caresses it so gently. I put my hands up against the wall in front of me and start to moan and then I start to beg, I need to feel Pete inside me. The Tina has really hit now, my whole body is alive with the stuff. Pete gently spreads my legs with his foot and I have that sensation that my hole is now exposed, "please fuck me" I sob. "Ok boy, as you ask so nicely". He wraps one arm around my neck and I feel the other hand go down to his cock, using one finger to guide it to my hole he rests the head at the opening, very gently he pushes his cock against my hole, the soapy suds let the head of his cock slip in easily and the head passes into me. Oh fuck, at last I have him in me, I've waited so long and now he's finally in my cunt. I want him to give me all of it but he just holds it there, his arm firmly around my neck, his other hand playing with my soft cock. "You want more ?, tell me how much you want it boy, persuade me to give you more" "Oh please, fuck me. I've wanted you for so long, please don't make me wait anymore. Please.........I want your cock so much.........I need you inside me..........please I'm begging you" "Good boy". And with that he slams the rest of his cock deep into my guts, pushing hard against my cheeks, almost knocking me off balance, even tho he's already all the way in he gives another hard shove that's make me almost cry out. My brain is on fire, all I can think of is the naked head of his cock rubbing my insides. You see bareback fucking isn't just a choice for me, it's a fetish, an utter obsession and that obsession is heightened even more when I'm on t. The thought of those little drops of precum oozing straight into my arse drives me crazy, skin on skin nothing between us, just as nature intended. Slowly and steadily he grinds in and out, sometimes all the way out sometimes just a little. The sensations in my hole are electrifying, I'm vaguely aware of us both making animalistic noises, but most of my mind is on his raw cock and my hole which not an hour before was taking shards of crystal, one thing I did know, I wanted more of both. I reach round with one hand to try and touch his cock, to touch a cock that's fucking me blows my mind, to feel it naked as it fucks into me, to feel the skin, every curve and contour slipping through my fingers into my arse. Pete pulls all the way out and the head slips between my fingers, I grip it at the entrance to my world and he pushes back inside. He repeats this for ages, getting the sensation of both my hand and my arse, I grip it even tighter. "I've been saving this load for two weeks boy, I'm not gonna last long, you want it ?" "Oh fuck yes please daddy, give me your spunk, make you yours" "You've been mine a long time, ever since I started manipulating you to come here, I've had this planned for months". With that he pulled my hand away and starts fucking me harder. Resting my head against the wall I reach back with both hands and spread my cheeks for him so he can get even deeper. I'm moaning like a fucking whore and then I hear Pete start to moan louder, his pace quickens and I'm sure I can actually feel his cock get harder. He's almost screaming as he slams into me and I beg him to cum, his cock starts to spew inside me, filling my guts with two weeks worth of spunk. He doesn't lose his pace at all, I know his cum is filling me up and being churned up and pushed deeper with each thrust. He begins to slow and finally he pulls his cock out, my hole suddenly feels incredibly empty and I sob a little as his cock finally leaves me. "Feel empty boy? I've got something for that". He pulls away and slips something inside me which makes the empty feeling a little less. He leads me from the shower and as I stand in front of the mirror I notice a black rubber tail poking out between my butt cheeks, I've give it a little flick and he smiles a wicked grin at me.
    5 points
  3. This is about my getting a definite re-charge. It took place at my favorite of all places: Man’s Country bath house in Chicago. There is nothing like MC. It’s my home away from home for this dick and cum addict bottom. I’ve got a favorite room which I try to get every visit. This trip was no different and the Dick Gods were with me. I’d snorted and smoked some tina before going to MC. I got to my room, stripped, and put on my chaps, boots, black jock, and harness. I lubed my ass and put out my supplies of lube, poppers, ethyl, and a couple of dildos for in between play. I spent the night as usual of walking a little but mostly in my room on my stomach. On occasion, I’d even see a guy in his room that was mutually interested, and I’d go in. I’d suck him hard, and he’d end up fucking his load in my ass. But, as I said, most of the time I was in my room on my stomach. The men walking by would look in and periodically one of them would walk by the room a couple of times before entering. I’d end up getting fucked and taking a load. I’d spent about 5 hours and taken several loads of cum in my ass when I happened to look at the door just as a tall Black man passed by. He looked at me and stopped long enough for each of us to assess the other. I nodded, and he returned the nod but moved on. Well, I needed something in my ass right then. I turned over on my back to decide. I took one of my dildos, licked the head of it, and shoved it in my ass. Yes, the door stayed open. Hell, I have no problem being watched as I get fucked or while I’m using one of my dildos. I am an exhibitionist and a voyeur. After getting my ass stimulated for a bit, I removed the dildo, licked off the juices, and put it away. I still had enough cum residue in my ass to use as lube. However, I did add a drop of lube to the outside as it was really dry. No sooner finished with that and the last of the gawkers (but no takers) moved on, then the tall Black guy walked by again. He was over 6 feet tall and weighed probably 240 or so as a guess. Girthy is what I call the type. His head was shaved but had a beard and ‘stache as I had. That might have made a connection for us. He looked in my room and smiled but kept going. Damn nice looking man. He came back by my room. This time he moved into the doorway filling it almost completely. He said, “What’s up?” I told him, “What is up is my need to get fucked and filled with another load of cum.” With that, he grinned widely. “You looking to be bred good then,” he said. “All the way breeding.” “Who you looking for to breed you?” he asked. “Any man with a hard dick or a soft dick I can suck and get hard,” I responded. With that, he came in the room and shut the door. He turned to face me as I had begun to get off the bed and stand on the floor. He unhitched his towel and hung it on a hook. I never took my eyes off his face. He placed his big hands on my shoulders and began pushing me downward. I knelt obediently, and he said, “Suck it hard.” I moved forward with great anticipation because I now saw his dick. It was thick with a vein that looked like it was ready to pop on the top of his dick and despite the low lighting it could still be seen. I was not sure if I could get his dick in my mouth let alone suck it. His dick had to be about three quarters the size of a soda can and at least 9 inches long—soft. It was unfortunately cut but it was here in front of me, and I was going to be using his big black cut thick long dick just as surely as he was going to use it for his pleasure in my ass. I reached my hand up to push his dick upward to meet my mouth. It was a tight fit but his dick did go in my mouth. I began sucking on his dick wetting it with my saliva. As much as I tried, I could not get all of his dick in my mouth. I sucked and rolled my tongue around his dick as best that I could while he stood there looking down at me. He let me suck away but then he seemed to pull out of my mouth and re-positioned himself and pushed his dick further into my mouth than it had been. It was much easier sucking but I still could not take all of his dick. I missed the opportunity to go all the way to his pubes. He began fucking my mouth and held my head still with his big hands placed on either side of my head. He face fucked me for quite awhile, and I loved every stroke he made. His dick then began to truly fill my mouth to the max. This was a pro of a man. He sensed that I had just about reached my limit and withdrew his dick and chuckled. “You did good. A lot better than most guys.” Even after he had withdrawn his dick, it continued to grow and soon was sticking out from his body with that big vein on top looking to be even bigger now. His dick had a slight upwards angle. The mushroom head glistened with my spit, and the piss slit stood ready to discharge his gooey load of cum. I was beginning to get heady from the thought of that huge black dick going into my ass; but take it I was determined to do. This man was going to breed me good and hard. He told me to get up and to bend over the edge of the bed. I did. “Lube?” he asked. I pointed to the bottle of lube. “You sure you want me to breed you?” he asked. “Yes; definitely.” I said. “Once I start, man, I’m not stopping,” he told me. “Just make sure I’m good and ready to take a breeding from you. Make my ass good and ready for all of you.” I told him. “You got poppers for yourself? You’re going to need them,” he told me. I reached over from where I was bent over the edge of the bed and retrieved my ethyl can and bandana. I was ready. “You got spray. Good. Better than poppers. You’re going to need it. I’ll tell you when to hit and when I do, take the biggest mothafuckin hits you’ve ever done.” With that, nothing more was said. He went to work on my ass. I felt a thick calloused finger jam into my ass. Oh, yes; this was going to be a breeding from Hell . . . and I was sure I'd love it. He worked his finger around inside finally beginning to fuck me with it. He did that maybe a half a minute and then inserted a second calloused finger in my ass. This rough edged finger fucking of his was only the beginning stage for him. He fucked with those two fingers for several minutes until he was satisfied. I was almost at the point of taking a hit but didn’t. He had shoved his fingers all the way inside my ass as far as he could reach. I wiggled around trying to accept more of them. I then felt him beginning to turn his fingers trying to rotate them and then pulling them out of my ass. As he pulled out, I could feel his nails scraping and tearing. He pulled almost all the way out and then shoved them back inside where he rotated slightly his fingers and began scraping and tearing my insides again. This he repeated several times until he had scraped 360 degrees on my insides. Round two came immediately after completing his initial scraping runs. He finally withdrew his fingers and said, “Take a look. You’re ready.” I looked at the fingers he was holding in front of my face, and they were tinged with blood. I was ready; my ass was ready; he was ready. He said, “I’m going to pop your kunt good.” I knew he was. I heard him say to spray my bandana and did so. He told me to spray more, and I did. “Now, exhale and take that big hit; take several big hits,” he said. I exhaled quickly and as I did so I felt his hands pulling my ass cheeks apart wide and the mushroom head of his big black dick line up with my hole. In an instant I shoved the bandana in my mouth and inhaled as quickly as possible. I quickly exhaled through my nose and as soon as possible again inhaled through the bandana in my mouth. I did a third though the last was not as deep as the first two as I was very wobbly. In the two fast inhales of air, I had inhaled a huge amount of the ethyl into my lungs getting some air but mostly the ethyl; the third I wasn't sure how much of the spray I got. I could feel it hitting my system and began to go limp as I continued to inhale more and more of the ethyl. I had to get as much into me as possible. With the start of about the fourth bit of inhaling this big Black man with his big black huge veined dick rammed that black dick all the way into my ass as I was slipping into unconsciousness. The pain I could tell was excruciating but was off in a distance somewhere—it wasn’t here with me now. With the T I had done hours earlier and now the huge amount of ethyl, I held my own. I bounced back and forth in passing out totally and yet being pulled back to reality from the pain. I then became aware that he was pounding my ass with full strokes of his massive thick black dick that was splitting my ass open while his full entry thrusting was hitting me on the inside and creating a very well used area as a bumper. As I began to rouse more, I felt him shove his big black dick all the way inside me and lean over taking the bandana from my mouth and the ethyl spray can from my hand. He heavily sprayed the bandana again, shoved it in my mouth, and said, “Breathe deeper this time, man or I’m going to kill you.” I exhaled as much as I could still being in somewhat of a stupor and then inhaled even harder than before. This hit me real good. My head hit the mattress and my arms were totally useless as I felt my whole body go blank. I was in such a place of unknowing and unawareness. I did finally begin to recover and felt my body being shaken by something. It kept shaking me. Was I caught in a wind storm? No, it was hitting me; something was hitting me in the same place. My head began to clear more. I finally began to stir and felt my bandana being removed from my mouth. Then I slowly roused myself to reality and found myself face down on my bed with my ass being fucked by a Black man I had only just met. His big veined thick long black dick was invading my ass and pushing my endurance to the limits yet I knew I would never tell him to stop . . . not that he would. I continued to become alert as he continued to thrust his black dick in and out of my ass stretching it open to new limits and hitting new depths inside me. I knew this was a man who knew not only how to fuck but how to breed an ass and fill it full of his glorious wonderful poison which I lusted to take. As I began moving about, he began a torrent of name calling and telling me what he was doing to me. “I’m fucking your kunt you white bitch. You are mine now. You are going to open your kunt to my black dick every time I see you. I won’t even ask; you’ll just offer it up to me. You’re nothing but a white bitch kunt for men like me to breed and fill with our poz loads. You’re going to take my black dick and every black dick or every dick I tell you to take up your kunt and ride them until they nut in your hole. You’re going to get a mix of the best poz strains I can find.” I slowly as if in a trance reached my hands out to the wall facing me placing them firmly there. I then began meeting his forward thrusts with almost equal thrusts backwards so that his invasion of my ass with his thrusts hit my insides even harder. Surely, I would be bruised from the pounding I was taking. The pain of such fucking had changed now to utter ecstasy of taking his dick the full length while he stretched my hole as wide as his dick had swelled. He slammed into me as I impaled myself onto his dick for a very long time. Each of us had begun to sweat. I could feel the sweat on my own body and the sweat from his body dripping onto my body mixing with my sweat. I was definitely being fucked in a way that had avoided me for a long time. This was how I needed to take dick and cum: hard, driven, deep, purposeful. But with all that fucking and we each had definitely met another man who enjoyed fucking the same way there reaches the point where all the ball slamming he did against my ass I knew we were reaching the end of the fuck. His grip on my hips became tighter. His thrusts came even harder and deeper. I let go of the wall and reached behind me attempting to pull my ass cheeks as open as possible so that he could drive deep in me as possible. He moved his hands down from my hips placing each of his hands on my cheeks with the heel of his palm inside the crack of my ass. He pulled my cheeks open wide and began to drive deeper and harder still. I clamped my sphincter around his big black wonderful hard dick every time he pulled out of my ass. I was going to milk every poison sperm out of his dick and into my white kunt. He spit out at me, “Take my fucking dirty load you white kunt bitch. I’m filling your white kunt with all my poison. You are MINE now.” With that he shoved his black hard dick all the way in my white kunt and began to spasm unleashing salvo after salvo of his hot thick creamy poison DNA into my bloody white bred kunt. He held his dick inside me as each wave of his cum shot through his dick and into me but then would occasionally pull half out to ram into my kunt once again. I kept milking his dick but after several minutes he slowly began to pull out of my ass. I clamped down on his dick to drain any late arrivals. He stepped back from me, I stood up barely but knelt dutifully and with gratitude if not reverence took his dick gently into my mouth and sucked on it until he was clean. The taste was superb. He was still hard but ever so slowly softening. Still, he had a beautiful black dick which did wonderful things to my ass. He pulled me to my feet and shoved his tongue down my throat in total surprise to me. Had I not just left his dick I’d have sworn he had just shoved his dick back in my mouth. He pulled away and said, “Man, you know how I love to fuck and can take it. What are you doing the rest of the night?” “I’m going to get fucked by as many men as possible but none that will fuck me like I just got fucked . . . and bred. And, if no other men want to fuck, I’ve always got my dildos.” “What dildos?” he asked. “I’ve got two black ones to keep me company at slow times.” I turned and reached to the backside of the bed shoving my hand under the mattress removing one and then the other. One is a biggy with balls while the other is an average size and a simple stop slip of latex to keep it from being sucked into an ass. Eyeing them, my Black breeder took the bigger one. “Get on your back with your ass at the edge,” he said. I did so. I soon felt the head of the big black dildo pushing against my ass. He continued to push, and with one steady speed, he shoved that big dildo all the way in. He began twisting it and fucking my ass. “I’m making sure you’re going to get a good breeding from me.” Once satisfied, he withdrew the big black dildo taking the smaller one and put it to my mouth. I opened my mouth, and he inserted it where I sucked on it. He removed it and shoved it all the way inside my ass. “Good. Now, none of that poison will come out easily.” He pulled me up off the bed and smiled and said, “You like getting fucked by Black men, don’t you?” “I get fucked by any man, but, yes, Black men know how to fuck the best. And, a very rare few Black men REALLY know how to fuck and breed a white kunt like mine.” “How long you here for?” he asked. “A couple more hours maybe. It depends on how things go.” “I want some more of that white piece of kunt. I think I deserve it, don’t you?” I laughed shaking my head in total agreement. “Any time you want in my kunt, it’s yours.” “I’ve got a couple of more hours myself. I’ll be back for a nightcap before I leave. You have fun until then; just don’t leave without my fucking you again though.” I smiled and said, “You’ve got another E-ticket to ride my kunt before we leave here.” With that, he draped his towel around his waist, opened the door, and left. From the three guys standing outside my door, there must have been a convention in town. I wondered what it could be. I smiled and nodded at the three and returned to my bed. Settling down on the mattress remembering the superb fucking and breeding I had just received. My sweat covered body began to cool down evaporating the sweat. It’s such a rarity to find a man like this one had been who really knows how to mix verbal with the right temperament of fucking a whore’s hole such as mine and has the equipment to make the fuck into a super memorable event. And, event it was. I took the corner of the sheet and wiped my head and face removing the last vestige of sweat. I had no sooner put my head back on my pillow when I heard a voice at the door, “Man, you must be a helluva fuck. I know dat dude who jus lef. Bet dat was a hot fuck to watch.” I turned and smiled saying, “He’s a helluva fucking breeder. You interested in breeding my white kunt?” “Might be.” “Well, when you know, stop by and let me know.” I don’t spend idle time talking any man into fucking me. He either has a load in him ready to get out or he doesn’t. This guy stood there a moment or two but finally came in the room shutting the door behind him. “You sho yo’ up to ‘notha fuck?” he asked. “I’m always ready for a fuck . . . even if I’m not. Any man or men, any dick, any piss, any cum, any time, any where, no questions asked is my mantra.” I slipped off the bed as he removed his towel. He was my height (5’ 10”), Black, had a kinky fur covered chest, clean shaven, and very close-cut head of hair. I hung his towel on the hook and sank to my knees. His dick was a nice size probably about 7 inches and cut. I sucked his dick into my mouth and began going up and down on the full length giving the entire length my attention. I swirled my tongue around the shaft much to his delight. I could feel his dick growing more and more. As soon as his dick got fully erect, I sucked on it a couple of more minutes and then stood up. I turned and bent over the edge of the bed. As I did I remembered the dildo. I reached back and pulled it out and put it to the side. “Man, yo had dat in ya? How come?” I told him so that none of the cum would leak out of me. I bent over the edge of the bed again and felt him line up his black dick with my white kunt. I could feel him moving the head of his dick around until it was below my hole. “Man, push some of that cum out.” I began to squeeze until I felt the liquid running down from my ass and stopped. “Yeah, yo a fuckin’ ho for cum. I’m gonna nut in you good.” I started to reach for my ethyl when he plunged full length. Oh, yes, some minor pain but I had just had a helluva fuck that made me ready for this black dick. This man plowed my hole from all angles. He was just as determined though and drove in me deep. “Man yo gotta have a gallon in you.” I was content to have it in me; he could guess the quantity as far as I was concerned. I just wanted to add his load to my mix. This man fucked with a determination and before long I heard him gasping for air and began feeling him tightening his grip on my hips. He then reached down grabbed my cheeks pulling them wide open and drove all the way in me as hard and as far as he could go. He then reached up grabbing my shoulders and pushed his dick harder still in my ass. I could feel his dick throbbing and bobbing in my ass knowing that he was depositing another good load of cum from another black man. He relaxed his grip, raised up, and pulled out. His dick was replaced by him shoving the small black dildo into my ass. He smacked my ass twice, laughed, put his towel around his waist, and left. I got up straightened up the sheet a bit and climbed back into the bed settling myself. I looked at my watch. I had a couple of hours left. I laid there hearing men pass by. I decided to go for a walk and probably my last one for the night. I got up off the bed, put my right foot up on the edge, and reached around to pull out the black dildo. As I did, a tall white guy with long hair and hairy chest walked by. He stopped and looked. “Just keeping the home fires ready,” I said. He laughed and moved on. I swallowed the dildo licking it clean then put it next to the big one, tested my ass with my fingers and found them very wet. I knew though going for a walk I needed to be sure I had some lube just in case. I added a small amount just for test feels. Upstairs I went and twice around it looking for a dick to fuck me. Then, back to first floor to get to The Pit. On my first walk around, some nice lookers but nothing that grabbed my attention or that gave me any indication of interest. Back around I went only to walk past a room whose door was previously closed. Now, it was open and in it was the white guy who had watched me remove the black dildo. I stopped. He smiled at me in his dimly lit room. I stepped in and closed it behind me. He stood up. He was a bit taller about 6 feet. Sandy blond hair, blue or green eyes, smooth chest, and from the looks he lifted weights. “You’re the dude upstairs who gets barebacked, aren’t you?” “Yes.” I said. “You interested?” “Sure. I need to get going though.” Not to stand in any man’s way, I turned around and bent over. “No, I need you to lay flat on the bed and me on top.” I climbed on the bed and lay down spreading my legs. He climbed on tossing his towel at our feet. I could sense he was jacking his dick. He knelt on the bed behind me jacking until I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart. That was what he needed to see—he was a visual stimulus man. Not long after that, he began to settle down on top of me. I felt his dick hit the outside of my hole on the first try. He then sank slowly into me filling my kunt with a dick that could have been the twin of the black guy earlier. He was stretching my ass completely wide open and was pushing inward fully. He wasn’t as long but he did have about the same girth on him. He settled his dick in my ass and laid totally on top of me crushing me into the bed. Whatever it takes to get fucked and take a load of cum. He began pistoning in and out of my ass slowly. He had put his left arm around my throat raising my head upwards. The right hand had slipped beneath me, and he began squeezing my pierced right nipple harder and harder. As he began twisting and squeezing my nipple he picked up the speed on his fucking. This man liked to destroy nipples as he fucked. It became obvious that my nipples were directly now wired to his dick and balls. In no time, he was squeezing my nipple as if he was going to twist it off while choking me with his other arm. When I was about to protest, he began slamming his dick into my ass until one final thrust which sent his body into tremors and shaking. He was shooting his load in my kunt. One more load for the night. He eased off my nipple and my throat but took a little to recover from shooting his load of cum. Finally, pushing himself up off me, he stood up as did I. “Thanks,” he said. I nodded and left to return to my room. On my way back, I passed a short black man who slapped my ass as we passed. I turned back to look at him and said, “Only if you mean it.” I kept walking. When I got to my room, I heard a voice say, “I mean it.” We both went in. “You the barebacker I heard about?” he asked. “I suppose so. I bareback,” I said. “I mean with Black men.” “Yes.” “I heard you take on any black man.” “As long as it’s bareback, yes.” “Let me see your ass.” I bent over the edge of the bed. He turned up the light and began looking at my ass. “How many loads of cum have you taken?” “For tonight, at least a dozen.” With that, he drove his tongue into my ass deep. This small-framed Black man had a huge tongue and knew how to use it. He fucked me with his tongue for a few minutes rising finally tossing his towel onto the bed beside me. I heard him spit and then felt him moving closer lining his black dick up to my hole. He drove all the way in and began immediately pumping my hole. Not a bad dick. Not huge but not a Wee Willy Winky like mine either. He fucked me for awhile and then stopped to move his dick to the left and right. His technique which I’ve had done before. Whatever it takes to get a man off and get his load in my ass I always say. He continued to fuck me and waggle his dick inside me. He then asked, “You ready for this load?” “Yes.” He pounded my ass hard. He made no sounds other than his skin hitting my ass and the sound of his dick slopping in and out of my kunt. The entire time he kept fucking. He stopped and slowly began pulling his dick out. As soon as his dick was out, he shoved his fingers up in me as far as they would go. He began scraping the insides with his nails. “That ought to bug you good.” With that comment, he was out the door. Oh, well. Some men don’t know to stick around and wait for proper thanks. It was getting close to my departure time. I thought about going for a walk to find my Black breeder but decided against it. He knew where I was. I started to change putting in my bag my leather and other gear. I was pulling the sheet off the bed when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood my Black breeder. He entered the room and shut the door. I noticed he was dressed and had his linens with him. I said, “I thought you might have left without saying good-bye. I’ve got to check out now.” “I’m leaving with you. Get your stuff and let’s go. I’m taking you home with me. I’m going to breed your ass all night and tomorrow as well. I’ve got a lot planned out for your white kunt. You’re going to be my bitch, and I’m going to teach you what that means.” “You drive? I didn’t.” he asked. “No. I’ll get us a cab though,” I said. Outside, I stepped to the curb looking up and down the street. Finally sighting one headed to The Loop, I put my hand up, and he pulled over. We crossed the street and got in. He gave the address, and the driver pulled out. We arrived what felt like hours later but realistically in about 20 minutes. I paid the driver who went on his way. I followed him into a small house where he closed and locked the door behind us. “Bring your things with you.” I followed him toward the back to a bedroom. “Drop them in the corner there and strip. You don’t need clothes on, and they will only get in my way. You get fucked any more?” “Yes; I got fucked and took three more loads of cum after you. None delivered like you did though.” It was no lie and not intended to be a suck up to him. I had removed all my clothes by then as had he. I walked toward him. “Yeah, that’s good. I like a kunt who loves to get fucked and bred a lot mixing all those loads together. Here’s the deal. I can breed you some more and you leave here or you can become my white kunt bitch. At any rate, you’ll still get bred by me but it will have some perks with it.” “I dig using white men like you. You real guys know what being a whore is about. You’ve been around and are addicts to being fucked and bred. You don’t care who it is, what size a dick is, or if it shoots dirty or clean. I dig breeding your ass just the way I did tonight and that’s how I breed every time with a white kunt bitch like you. You don’t want it that way every time, now’s the time to say so. I also dig on sharing your white kunt with all my buds and any other man I think might tear your ass up. I make any off you is mine. Your pay is getting your white kunt fucked and bred good. When not with me, you can get fucked all you want. But, when with me, I say who fucks you and who doesn’t. Don’t even ask about someone fucking you and no one goes in your kunt without my okay. You understand?” I looked at him closely and for some time considering his words. I knew what I was going to answer but didn't want to seem too eager. “Yes, I totally understand,” I said. “Good. You dress me and undress me. You bathe me. You clean my house. You take my piss and drink it or take it up your ass. What I do to you is use you. You belong to me. You got it?” “Yes, I understand,” I repeated. “Now, last thing. I enjoy beating and doing some sadistic things to my white kunts. Come with me.” We left the bedroom and went to a set of steps leading to a basement. Down we went with him turning on lights as we went. We arrived finally at a door where he stopped turning to me and saying, “If this shit isn’t going to work for you, tell me upfront. I know what I like and get it my way.” With that, he opened the door turning on the lights to what I can only describe as a terrible place of torture and pain inducing scenes. Jackpot, man! Though not often given the opportunity to indulge in this side of me, when the chance arose, it was never turned down. I surveyed this room with all the instruments, devices, toys, and other items of torture as if I had just had the best Christmas, and it wasn’t even December. I walked slowly around the room taking in everything that I saw. I turned to him and said, “Sir, may I speak bluntly?” He nodded assent. I looked directly at him, then, bowing my head slightly I knelt on the floor. “Sir, I have certain limits. I do not participate in activities involving minors, females, scat, gun play, cbt, shaving, fire, condoms, cologne, breakables, punching or beating to abuse, permanent alterations, or items that will render my ass incapable of being used. I have a mass on my right testicle as a result of a major injury in childhood. I can and do wrap my ball sac in a leather band or wrap a rope around it multiple times to push my balls downward. Done that way I can take a parachute and some weight on them.” Total honesty to his face. He moved slowly about the room. I knelt there knowing that this could go either way. Finally, he said, “But, you’d become a white kunt bitch owned by me when we are together with me breeding you and choosing who I let breed you also?” I weighed my thoughts carefully before speaking. I needed to be sure that I said precisely the right thing as this was a unique man and opportunity. I spoke slowly saying, “Sir, you would own me as a white kunt bitch. I will clean your house, bathe you, dress you, undress you, willingly accept you breeding me as you did earlier, willingly accept only those you approve to breed me when we are together, and willingly accept your sadistic play as long as the limits I outlined are respected.” This time he weighed my words as he continued to walk around the room. He stopped turning to me and said, “You will not wear any leather items until you earn the right.” I told him that my biker boots were all the footwear that I had. I wore only them and had no other shoes. He agreed to them. He walked across the room to me, pulled me upright, then guided me to a St. Andrew’s cross. He fastened my wrists and ankles to the cross. I was going to get my first sample of his work. He walked across the room, and I heard him selecting some items. He returned soon. He leaned into my ear and said, “Imagine this with all my might. Imagine this when I am angry or displeased. You better not let this drop out of my kunt bitch.” I felt his hand prying open my cheeks and soon felt an unlubed dildo being rammed into my ass full length. At least it wasn’t that thick. I sucked on that dildo with my ass with great determination not knowing what else to expect. I soon found out. I felt the multiple strands of a flogger hit my ass making me jump in surprise. He continued to strike my legs, arms, back, and ass moving from one area to another. No blow was with much force but the multiple strikes and the not knowing which area was going to be hit next kept my mind racing while trying to focus on not dropping the dildo he had shoved in my ass. I could feel with each strike the dildo sliding out a little as a result of my body jerking and my sphincter not closing completely because of all the cocks that had fucked me through the night. I continued to focus harder on sucking on that dildo with my ass while the flogging continued. Shortly, it stopped. I was heightened to sensitivity and breathing heavily while my body glistened in a new round of sweat. I began letting down my expectation of being hit. Then, I heard the flogger cutting through the air once more and braced for its impact. It struck solidly on my back tensing me once again and an immediate reaction of clamping my ass cheeks together as I felt the dildo slide outward. I held that dildo in my ass with my sphincter clamped down on it until all of a sudden what part of it was not in my ass returned to the inside of me and then immediately all of that dildo was yanked out causing my ass to feel totally empty while my sphincter clamped down onto nothing. There was a beautiful pain about being emptied that way. “Kunt, you are going to do me great.” I was released from my bindings and followed my owner upstairs and back to the bedroom. He went into the bathroom having me to follow him. He told me to piss into the toilet which I did. I didn’t realize how full of water I was. He then had me to get in the tub with him and told me to take his dick in my mouth. “I’m going to piss and replenish your bladder. Learn to drink my piss and not lose any.” He began to piss slowly and I greedily drank. The water came faster and I had to drink faster. I kept pace with his flow with only a few dribbles coming out of the corners of my mouth. “Good. Now, we go to bed.” We left the bathroom and got into bed. I realized how tired I was and coming off the T I had snorted and smoked. I started to move closer to him when he sat up and tossed the covers back. He felt around the bed finding my hand and took it to his dick where I found he was rock hard. Without hesitating I started to scoot down to suck his beautiful huge black dick when he twisted me around and began rising up on his knees. I finally realized he wanted me face down. As I moved into that position, I also spread my legs. His massive black huge veined dick found its target soon enough, and he plunged once more into my, no, his kunt. It did after all belong to him now. He fucked me almost as hard as he had at Man’s Country. The only thing making it easier was the soft mattress he had on his bed compared to the bath house mattress which is next to nothing. I could feel the entire length of his dick slam into my ass as the opening spread wide to accept his glistening black dick. As he fucked me more, I became aware that he had plunged into my ass without the aid of any lube. What was lubricating his dick were all the loads of cum that I had taken at Man’s Country including his own load of cum. He continued to pummel my ass with his dick saying nothing but using all of his energy to ram his black cut thick dick into his kunt and to breed once more the kunt that now belonged to him. He fucked for a good while until he began gasping for breath and pounding into my ass harder and harder. He slammed forward into my ass and held his dick there unleashing all too soon for me his sperm once more. I savored every ounce of his tainted DNA entering my ass. He lay on top of me for several minutes regaining his composure. With regret for me, he soon pulled his wonderful black dick out of my ass and got out of bed. I heard him across the room searching for something. He returned to the bed shortly and found my ass. He shoved his big middle finger in and began scratching me with his nail. I adjusted to allow easy access. He continued silently finally pulling his finger out with the deed done. I then felt something hard at the entrance of my ass and then a big shove. He had found my small black dildo and was using it as a butt plug. He shoved his middle finger in my mouth, and I obediently sucked it clean just as a white kunt bitch should do. He then turned my back to him with my neck resting on his arm and fell asleep.
    3 points
  4. Book II Matt It had been just over a month since I got the message from Jeremy, and we had coffee, a lot had happened in that time, my little family had grown some, Jeremy, Steve and Sam had grown closer, They all but lived at my apartment and then Jeremy and Steve moved in with me, thus saving them some rent money. Although money was the least of our concerns as I had won the multi-state lotto and was now well set for the rest of my life, even after setting up a trust funds for Jeremy, Thom, Hank and Mario, my son and my nephews. Jeremy and Steve shared the guest room when they weren’t sharing my bed, Steve’s queen size bed made it a tight fit with the day bed in there but they somehow made it work. Sam loved to come and spend the night on weekends mostly because it was closer to his job and Steve was almost always willing to pick him up and bring him back to cuddle with us. Even after my tryst with Eli and Jess, I had remained healthy, no fuck flu, and although I still had a bag of cum ice cubes hidden in the freezer, I still had a fantasy about chasing. As Sam was showing more and more interest in Steve who would only fuck him safe, he so wanted to feel his cum inside his hole, so on Monday of the week before Spring break I rounded up the boys and we all went down to the clinic, and got tested for HIV, it was no surprise that Steve came up Poz, but we asked them to test his VL and his CD4 counts Jeremy, Sam and I came back negative and the doctor recommended PReP for all of us. I got the prescriptions and we took them to the pharmacy along with all the prescriptions for Steve to start on his meds, his test had shown a viral load of just under a million and his CD4 counts just above 300, it was time to keep our Norse god healthy. That night I asked the boys to take their PReP and started Steve on his drug cocktail. I sat Sam down and had a serious heart to heart with him, explaining that he was to take the pills every morning faithfully and then he could have as much sex with us as he desired, even take Steve raw if that is what he wished. He was overjoyed, and promised he would stay true to his PreP regimen and we would be proud of him. The boys had asked for the time off from their jobs and I had promised them a journey during spring break so after sending them to bed I started doing research of what things we could do. After making an itinerary I started booking flights to take us to our destinations. The next morning the boys were up and getting ready for school and work, Steve would drop Sam off at his high school then go to his own classes before reporting to his job, I would drop Jeremy off at school where he would attend his three classes before catching the shuttle to the mall and doing a 4 hour shift at A&F. I came home and had a meeting with Sean scheduled mid-morning out in the foothills, he had already shown me a dozen properties but none of them had fit exactly what I was looking for. I drove out to meet Sean, it was a gated estate so had to wait till he arrived where as he entered the entry code and we drove in his car up to the house on the property. It had a high fence surrounding the entire property and the drive was curved and had enough trees that shielded the house from the view of the gate, I was beginning to like this house. “Let’s take a quick stroll around the property, before we go in” He began his Real estate spiel and I followed around the side of the house it was a grand mansion built in the mid-fifties for some bank big wig who wanted his privacy so it was already 60 years old but showed potential. The back yard housed a couple grottos and a large swimming pool which needed repair but was nicely landscaped. I could picture having parties for the boys out here, Sean escorted me into a grotto and suddenly he no longer was the professional real estate agent but a starving boy in need of sexual gratification, the grotto was adorned with an old sofa and chairs, what appeared as a counter that could be used as a bar and a fire pit for those chillier nights. Sean loosened his tie “So you know all those times we chatted about hooking up at a vacant property and having sex, well now’s your chance” “Oh so you want to sway my opinion of the place but luring me into a sexual situation” “Yeah you have a problem with that” I answered by taking his face in my hands and passionately kissing him, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding his sport coat down over his shoulders and onto the sofa, removing his belt and unbuttoning his fly, sliding his pants down to his ankles he then dropped to his knees and pulled my cock from my pants, he sucked my cock for about 5 minutes to get me hard then spun me around and started eating my hole, I always love a good rim job and he was doing a really good job of getting my hole wet. He stood up and placed his dripping penis in my crack and started rubbing it up and down my hole while playing with my nipples and whispering in my ear “You want this big dick in your mancunt don’t you, you want to feel me deep inside you” About this time the head of his cock found my pucker and was pushing in slowly impaling me using just his spit and his pre-jizz to lube my hole it hurt just a little then he was inside and my hole was beginning to accommodate him “You like that big cock in your hole don’t you, you like being bred with a hard toxic Poz cock with a fresh batch of the virus don’t you” I stiffened up , tightening my hole around his cock then started riding him harder, making sure he got his pre cum in all my cracks and crevasses, he had said he was chasing in our various chats over the past couple of years and now he was giving me his bug or at least attempting to knock me up, he pounded me standing, doggie on the sofa then flipped me over on my back so I could see his face as he was shooting his Poz cum up my ass. He shot what seemed like buckets into my guts then pulled out and had me clean his cock off. “You get to cum when you are in the brotherhood” He pulled up his pants, buttoned his shirt, tightened his tie and adorned his sport coat, walking out of the grotto he looked over his shoulder “You coming for the rest of the tour?” I pulled my pants up and tucked in my shirt, I could feel cum seeping out of my hole staining my new pants with spooge and ass juice. I soon caught up with Sean and he proceeded to show me the acre or so around the exterior of the home then showed me the inside. He house had some good bones but had seen better days, a lot of patching and painting would be required. The rooms though were of perfect size and it was a 8 bedroom 5 bathroom house with a large kitchen and open concept family room it even had a separate playroom and den I was impressed but I was non-committal to Sean at the time, I wanted to bring Steve and Jeremy here to get their opinion, I arranged for an evening showing for the boys to view our next home, I especially wanted Steve’s input since he was studying construction design and interior space designs this semester. He wanted to become a architect and interior design space specialist. On our way out I kissed Sean and thanked him for his gift. It was already getting to be late afternoon and I had a cocktail date with Sam’s dad at 4:30 in the valley not far from their home. John and I had met up several times since my first session with Sam, not sure if his dad had let him in on our encounters but I knew I enjoyed having drinks with John and discussing Sam. John was about 6 years younger than me and was a prime specimen of a man, he had kept himself in top form, even though he did so much traveling, he must have an international gym membership. In all the times we had meet up I still couldn’t tell what team he played on, he would talk about seeing this girl or that then his attention would be drawn away for a second when a hot guy entered the bar or restaurant we were meeting in. Today I was going to discuss taking Sam with us on our Spring break get away. He greeted me as usual then he got a serious look on his face “I know you wanted to talk to me about taking Sam with you and Jeremy on spring break but I wanted to ask you something” “Ok go ahead” Almost under his breath “Have you been fucking my Sam? I found a bottle of travada on his bathroom counter this morning, and I wanted to know if you and Jeremy been fucking my boy” I was stunned that he asked, but I figured he was a smart man and was able to put two and two together, that and he didn’t seem angry “Um, yes we have, I hope you are all right with that” “Thank you for helping protect my son, think I might be able to come to dinner sometime with him I’d like to get to know Jeremy better if they are going to be Boyfriends, fuckbuddies or whatever” With that he started confessing to me on how he was sorry he couldn’t have been there more for Sam, but he felt if he was around his son as much as he wanted to be than something might have happened to make their relationship become strained, he didn’t come out and say it but I had the feeling he was trying to say he would like a opportunity to explore his sons sexuality more “so is Sam expected home soon?” “Actually Steve is picking him up from swim practice to take him to the mall” “Want to go back to your place for a night cap” I knew it was still Happy hour but I wanted to get back to Johns and test a theory, and John seemed interested in the idea. When we got to John and Sam’s apartment, I had barely made it in the door when John turned around out of the public’s view and kissed me rubbing his hands on my chest and groin, then he began undressing me as I fumbled with his clothing as well, we were soon naked in the living room making out and caressing each other. John dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth and began sucking, soon we were in a 69 position and we each had the others cocks buried in our throats, I was getting close when he rolled over and asked me to fuck him like I fucked his son. I worked my way around John then lifted his legs and positioned my penis at his back door, spitting on my palm I applied some to his sphincter then pushed my mushroom head into his ass, John moaned then I pushed my whole shaft into him, he looked up at me and smiled. I proceeded to slow fuck John slowly increasing my speed till I was jack hammering into him then I thrust one last time and exploded in his intestines coating them with my dick slime, he was moaning and talking dirty to me the whole time. I left Johns a little after 7:30 and headed home, a busy day indeed
    3 points
  5. I recognized him from across the bar. It was hard not to - dressed in tight faded denim shorts, a sleeveless tee, suede work boots and a construction worker's hat, he was one of the few people in the entire bar who wasn't wearing head-to-toe black leather, that's why I was fairly certain that he wouldn't recognize me. My leather harness, chaps, dark shades, and biker boots were the polar opposite of what he saw his high school history teacher wearing on a typical school day. That's right, history teacher. High school history teacher. I teach at one of the local public high schools, and while it is fairly obvious to me (and some of my co-workers...and students) that I hunt dick at night, most people see me a just a guy who is a bit out-of-time. My thick black mustache, dark eyes, dark hair, and furry chest are the epitome if the 1970's clone look, and while it might seem out of time when I'm wearing sansabelts and Aarow dress shirts, it looks pretty damn hot when I'm decked out in leather. Or denim. Or nothing at all. Like tonight. I've been looking forward to Village Night all month. The last Friday of the month is dedicated to one of the icons of the Disco era and my favorite spot, the Bar Code, transforms from a leather cruise bar with an active backroom into a late 70's cruise disco with an overstuffed backroom. The kid looked like he was barely keeping his head above water when I saw Jack and Cap on either side of him. Jack was rubbing the kid's crotch, and Cap had his hand running up the backside of his leg. They were both whispering in the kid's ear. I knew I had to intervene, or the kid would be in over his head before he knew it. I danced my way over to him, grinding on a motorcycle cop here, a construction worker or cowboy there....and within seconds was pulling Cap's hand out of the back of the kid's shorts. "This one's jailbait, boys," I said. "Word must be out that the doorman is into chicken and lets in the underage crowd so he can arrest them out later. See? Here he comes." Frank was, indeed, headed this way. The pair moved off, no doubt to look for another unsuspecting victim of their s&m-and-pozzing plan. I grabbed the kid's arm. "Come with me if you don't want to end up in the back of a police car," I said, exaggerating Frank's plans for the kid. He followed without a word, looking worried....but also a little .... Drunk? Or high? I couldn't tell. We made our way to the backroom. As expected, it was wall-to-wall fucking. Not sucking, fucking. The kid stopped cold. "This is how men get off, not boys," I said. "Don't worry, we re just in here because Frank got banned after he left his post to fuck one too many times." I led him toward the back corner. The further we got, the darker it became. The smell of mansex was almost overpowering back here. "Thanks, mister." The kid finally said something, and I knew right away that he wasn't drunk. Cap must have booted the kid when his hand was down his pants, and it was starting to come on strong,too. He was jittery, sweating, and rubbing his cock, "Damn. Fucking hot," he said to no one in particular as he watched the fucking going on around him. I was about to lose my restraint. If he keep rubbing that cock through those fucking sexy denim shorts, I was going to end up fucking him. I knew I wouldn't resist for long. He gasped and started pumping his hips when I started kneading his ass. A moan. Rubbing that cock. Kneading that ass. I moved behind him and unsnapped the shorts' buttons one by one. His hand instantly went to his cock once it was freed and started pumping, intent on cumming as quickly as possible. I held him still, nibbled on his earlobe and whispered, "Shhhh... Savor it. Don't cum yet. Look at all the fucking. Real men, macho men, bent over and taking raw dick." He tensed up when I said the word raw. I was testing him. He moaned, "Fucking hot." Passed the test with flying colors. "Flying colors." Made me remember the two tabs of X in my front pocket. I took one out and laid it on my tongue, then turned the kid around and shoved my tongue down his throat. I'm sure he noticed me shotgunning the tab into his mouth, but he didn't protest. Once it was and absorbed, I asked him, "So you party?" "Not yet, need a teacher," he said. Ambiguous, I thought. But I couldn't resist that opening. "I'm a hell of a good teacher," I said before I slid my tongue into the back of his mouth and nearly gagged him. My hands were all over him, and the X was just barely starting to kick in, making him ultra responsive to my hands. He was almost writhing as I rubbed him all over. I heard his shorts hit the floor. No underwear. I pulled his shirt over his head, felt it to make sure the pockets were empty, and threw it into the middle of the backroom orgy. I looked for his reaction, but there wasn't one - his eyes were glassy, his lips were parted, and his cock was rock hard ad he continued to grind himself on my hand I moved to his hole...it was wet. Very wet. "You been fucked tonight, son?" I asked, some surprise in my voice. "Fuck me. Fuck me, I fucking need it." I gave him a slight slap. "I asked if you've been fucked yet tonight, boy!" His eyes focused for a second. "No. Lubed just in case.." That was all I needed to hear. I started pushing my cock at his entrance. He tried to pull off and then started moving his hands as if he were digging in his pants pockets. "Need to cover up," he said. And then he looked down and laughed. "Looks like my shorts are gone," and with that he started pushing back against my raw cock. Either he wasn't a virgin, or he had some long and thick toys at home, because I slipped in with no difficulty. I wasn't incredibly well hung, 7 inches, average thickness, but I was uncut, and he was a senior in high school. It shouldn't have been that easy. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Fuck yeah," I responded. "Fuck me. Fuck me like my daddy. Hard and rough." I started slamming him, and he responded like a proper cuntboy - pushing back with every thrust, pulling away, but never letting the head out of the hole. The kid knew how to fuck, that's for sure. We pounded at each other until I was glistening with sweat, and he was positively dripping with it. Positively. "Do you want my load, boy?" "Yes, daddy. Blast it in me." "My poz load? You want me to charge you up?" Bit his ear, hard. "Yeah!" He yelled. "Give it to me! Breed me! Fucking cum in my ass. Cum in my ass!" He was yelling loudly, and I felt his hole tighten. I knew what was coming. He was. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Poz me up. Poz me. Poz me." And i did just that. I buried my bone a deep as I could and unloaded in what was easily the hardest, longest and best cum of my 34 years. Seeded him. Dropped my load in that boyhole. Bred him lime a bitch, as he continued to squeeze at my cock in rhythm, his orgasm continuing and actually getting stronger. "Poz me," he whispered one last time. Eventually we slowed down, and I held my cock in his hole. I moved it around a little bit, left and right, up and down, to make sure that the seeds were planted. I licked his ear, "You're mine now, boy. I got you marked." He shuddered. "Yeah. Marked. Pozzed. Fucking hot. Can't wait to go breeding other guys." I though to myself that this kid has either been reading Breeding Zone, or he's not really an 18 year old high school student. "Where'd you get a dirty thought like that, kid?" "Breeding Zone." "Fuck yeah," I said. I took my shades off. "At least it wasn't in third period history." He turned his head and looked at me. "Mr. Dooney," he said. "Fuck yeah. Now squeeze that cock while I pull out. Get the last of those babies before we head to my place." He squeezed, and I slowly pulled out. Odd, he wasn't able to clamp down on my cock all that hard. The kid was loose. "Who the hell wrecked your hole?" I asked. "Doorman," he said. "Fucks me at least once a week." Hot. I thought to myself that it was a perfect fuck - the hardest cum of my life, thinking that I was pozzing one of my students, but none of the guilt. If Frank was hitting that ass once a week, he was already Poz, plus a few others. I thought about one of my fuckbuds, a GP, and wondered if he'd fuck me in the exam room once I told him that I was gonna need some antibiotics. I grabbed his shorts off the floor and shoved them into his chest. "Put these one," I said, "And get ready for the night of your life." He smiled, bent over and in a few seconds, we were walking toward the exit. I noticed a cowboy holding the kid's shirt over some guy's cock, using it as a cumrag. I waited for them to finish, then took the shirt and told my boy to put it on. Minutes later, I was walking into my townhouse with an 18 year old hottie in a pair of too-small denim shorts and a cum-soaked t-shirt. Good thing it was 3 AM, or someone might have called the cops. And I was almost disappointed that they didn't, because it would have been hot to share the kid with Greg, my hot cop FB, when he got here!
    2 points
  6. How many of you guys would be interested in a revival of the old barebackbears chat site? I wrote the software for that system, and I'm thinking about giving it another go. A site just for bears/daddies with no ads, no circus atmosphere, and no porn we didn't make ourselves. What do you think? (disclaimer: niche sites like this may never reach critical mass, but that doesn't mean they can't be lively and fun).
    2 points
  7. I arrived at our meeting place early and my poz bud arrived at about the same time, so we had time to talk and do a little preparing for my arrogant fuck bud to arrive. He was going to get a lot more out of this fuck than he knew was coming. Poz guy and I talked and planned for a bit and then started to make out while awaiting my fuck buddy. I definitely wanted this guy horned up and ready when my fuck buddy got there. We started by kissing some and then, since it was going to happen anyway, got naked and were feeling each other up and stroking each others cocks. He had a lot of precum and it didn't take long before his cock was covered in it and slick and hard as a rock. His cock was about as long as my fuck buddy's, but just short of being as big around. It was a damn nice size though and I couldn't wait and dropped on my knees, and took it into my mouth. I just had to taste it and feel that nice cock throb in my throat a little. We fooled around for about ten minutes when my fuck buddy finally arrived, and his arrival was just in time, as that poz cock was starting to taste mighty good to me and my ass was starting to tingle with a need to be filled. My fuck buddy took one look at us and stripped, saying "It looks like I got here just in time. Another five minutes and I'd have had sloppy seconds." We all laughed a bit at that, but I don't think either of them really knew how close that was to the truth. My ass was ready and in need of filling. My fuck buddy and the poz guy started to kiss, and I went down to swallow my fuck buddy's beautiful cock, to prime him so he would cream my hole good. Poz guy and I traded around after a few minutes and he was swallowing that big cock while I gave some tongue-action to my fuck buddy. The three of us went back and forth several times, as my fuck buddy became increasingly worked up. Yeah, I was determined to edge him, to get him so hot that he would be ready for anything. His cock was about as hard as I could ever remember it and he was panting to plant it in me by the time I lay down and told him to hurry and do me. I was more than ready to be fucked. My fuck buddy lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly entered my hole, a little at a time, teasing me as he went by pushing in and then holding still again. Our poz bud was behind him watching and then, right on cue, commented to my fuck buddy "Damn, you've got a nice ass too," adding "Do you like to get fucked?" My fuck buddy replied "Yeah, but I only bareback with this guy." Poz guy just smiled. As my fuck bud started to finally fuck me the poz guy moved behind him more and started to play with his ass, lubing it, and loosening it up by some vigorous finger play, all the while telling my bud "I gotta play with your ass while you fuck your buddy," and encouraging him to pound my ass good and get it nice and sloppy for him. He kept whispering how hot it was to watch his big cock tear my hole up. Knowing where this was headed, I enjoyed the talk almost as much as I enjoyed being fucked. My fuck bud always took a while to cum so I knew I was in for a good ass pounding, for at least twenty minutes or maybe more. It felt good as he lifted my legs higher and higher and had them over his shoulders, holding me almost upside down as he pounded my ass. It was always a great fuck with him. I could just see the poz guy a bit behind him as he was running a finger into my fuck buddy, and then said he was going for more fingers. My fuck buddy replied "It feels great, and I can feel the tingle of your fingers against my prostate as I pound away at this hole." Soon the poz guy told him he had all four of his fingers in my fuck buddy's ass. He, in turn, was clearly enjoying the anal play, and it helped him pound me hard. The poz guy kept up a steady stream of hot talk, telling us how hot it was to watch me being fucked as he played with my fuck buddy's hole and how hot he was getting too. He also told my fuck buddy how hot his hole was, and commented it was making him really horny too, and that his cock was hard as a rock. He pushed up against my fuck buddy, and ran himself up and down the crack of his ass, and asked how he liked the feel of that. My bud told him it fell good and bet I would love that when he got done with me. The poz guy never moved back away again and kept his fingers probing deep in my fuck bud's hole while his poz cock kept up a smooth slide up and down his crack smearing lots of his precum all over my bud's ass crack and hole and slicking him up even more with the lube there also. My bud was loving the attention and was pounding my hole as hard as he ever had and we were both soon moaning our pleasure a lot. My bud then told us he was getting close and then really started going even faster and harder if that was possible. The poz guy said he was really getting horny for some too, but I don't think by now it was registering with my bud at all as he approached his orgasm. I then notice the poz guy had pulled his fingers out of my bud and had him by the hips with both hands and rubbing his cock up and down his crack faster. My bud looked my in the eyes and told me to get ready as he was going to cum. He then rammed me about three or four more time and buried his cock as deep into me as he could as he grunted out that he was cumming hard. As soon as he came to a halt in me and was cumming the poz guy all at once yelled oh hell I can't take it and rammed his cock home in my bud's hole and said he was cumming too. My fuck bud was so far gone in his orgasm it didn't register at first that the poz guy's cock was buried deep in his hole and filling him up too for a while. As my bud was finally coming down he was telling us that was about the hottest cum he had ever had and then it dawned on him that there was a cock buried in him too. He looked over his shoulder and wanted to know what the poz guy was doing anyway. He told him he was sorry but he just got too excited when my boy came in me that he rammed home in him without thinking or knowing what he was doing. He apologized. My boy told him it was ok but he was not realy happy about getting a load in him. I could tell he was some pissed but kind of shrugged it off as he got up and got dressed and like normal was out of there within just a few minutes of cumming in me. He never hung around anyway more than a few minutes. I was still laying there with my legs spread and like usual, also, after being fucked by my bud I was in another world enjoying the feeling of being fucked and filled. I didn't even notice my boy leave nor that the poz guy was still hard and telling me how hot that had been and he was still damnably horned up by that. I didn't know anything until all at once it dawned on me that my legs were up I the air again and my hole was being pounded again. I came around and looked up and was looking right into the eyes of the poz guy as he was ramming his toxic cock in me now. I yelled what the hell are you doing, I don't want pozzed, just my boy. He just smiled and said he was sorry but that session just made him too horny and he couldn't resist my hole right there in front of him. I started to tell him to get off when he all at once rammed home in me hard and moaned and I could feel his cock pulsing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and he told me OMG that feels good and I am filling you full of my poz seed too. As he said that he leaned down and kissed me and started to pound away again and I could do nothing but thrust my ass back at him as it felt too good to stop.
    2 points
  8. I looked at him directly, staring into his eyes with a new hunger. He just smiled back at me, almost silently mocking my vulnerability, my need, my anticipation. I scooted down in the chair further, the leather cracking under me, as I pushed my ass over the edge of the seat further, pulling on both my legs further back, my hands supporting them tightly under the thighs. He stepped forward, grabbing his now very hard cock with his right hand, as he stroked it, pulling on the foreskin so that the thick, bulbous head would appear and disappear, almost winking at me, teasing me. "You wantin' some of this Boy?" I looked at his eyes and then at the head of his dick. I nodded. I think I heard myself groan. "What was that?" He took a half step back. "Y-y-yes," I stuttered, nervously, pulling my legs further back and apart. "Yes...Fuck it." "WATCHA say, Boy?" "Fuck it...please," I begged. He smiled and stepped forward slightly, pleased with himself for commanding the situation. He grabbed the chair suddenly and applied pressure on one side so it swiveled clockwise so quickly that I almost lost my balance in my current position. He looked in the cracked mirror over the counter and adjusted the chair back a little bit in the other direction so that we were both in profile in the reflection. He stepped forward again and yanked on the side lever, cranking it up and down a few times until the chair lowered itself a few inches. He stepped forward aiming the thick cock at my manhole and examined the reflection. "Oh yeah," I whimpered. "Please. Put it in!" I looked at the reflection also, pulling my legs further back and apart. He inched closer so that I felt the thick head brush against the outside of my asslips. I closed my eyes and moaned uncontrollably. "You likin' that, huh?" He shifted the cock head a bit, still on the outside of my manhole, brushing against it, up and down, up and down. He pushed the head in just s l i g h t l y as I felt the massive head spread my asslips with a little pressure. I felt a new moistness, his precum lubricating my hungry hole so that it started to feel slick and wet. I moaned even more. "I guess you likin' it then," he replied for me. "But you ain't ready yet." He pulled back suddenly and my hole closed up slowly from the emptiness. I moaned in regret. "Need to get that special pussy of yours really wantin' THIS!" He shook his thick, uncut shaft, taunting me as we both stared in the mirror. I looked puzzled in my reflection. He turned abruptly and grabbed my parTy bag and fished around inside. "This what I THINK it is?" he asked, waving my contact lens case. "Yeah," I replied, grabbing my legs tighter. "It's Tina but grounded into a fine powder." "Perfect," he smiled at me, unscrewing one of the caps. "Just what I was lookin' for." He licked his right index finger (which was massive in itself) and dipped into the container. The tip of his finger was coated heavily with the white magical dust. The Tina covered his finger like a miniature trimmed white glove in contrast to his dark skin. There was so much dust that I couldn't recall if I had ever had such a large booty bump. This was going to B U R N. "I want to make that special pussy sing," he said, examining his finger and then glancing at my hole. The annoying fluorescent light behind us suddenly snapped again, almost punctuating his declaration. I pulled on my legs tighter. He approached slowly, the finger pointing to the ceiling, almost as if he was holding a gun, ready to shoot. "You ready, Boy?" He looked at me perversely. I replied by pulling my legs further apart. "This gonna sting..." He approached as his hand descended to my hole, almost in slow motion. I glanced at the mirror as the Tina-dusted finger found my hole and dug in quickly. "Uhhhhh..." I moaned in satisfaction and in slight pain. He fed me with so much crystal that it seemed to be lining my colon from my hole and further deep inside. It was like a hot lava rolling inside me rapidly, causing tingling and familiar sensations but heightened to a new level. Everything that the Tina dust touched immediately burned. I was on fire and I didn't want it to be extinguished. "Let's let it cook in there," he said into my reflection, winking at me. His finger never left my hole. Instead he rotated it, clockwise at first, applying a firm pressure against my asswall. It burned with every movement. I bit my lip. And then he would turn that thick digit counter-clockwise, making sure to evenly coat my hungry tunnel with whatever Tina dust was still on that finger. I moaned. He continued, slowly fucking that finger in and out, in and out, but never removing it completely so that my hunger continued to build. I felt a sudden mass and couldn't figure out what he was doing as I looked in the mirror again. "You likin' that huh?" He seemed to announce, again pleased with himself. He pulled the finger out almost all the way from my hole that I saw he had curled the finger inside me for extra mass and volume. And then he pushed back in. I closed my eyes. His finger did a dance inside that seemed like forever. He pushed, pulled and turned and did other countless moves, continuing to tease my hole. I was now moaning uncontrollably as the fire inside ignited to a new level, burning hotter and hotter than I have ever felt before. My heart was beating faster that I thought I could hear it. The heat was intense as was my hunger. "Please," I whimpered. "Put it in!" "You ain't ready until I say so," he stated. He leaned close to me and turned his body slightly. "I wanna hear that special pussy sing." He leaned in and kissed me hard, his large lips enveloping mine so suddenly that I almost lost my breath. I inhaled through my nose. Breathing seemed strangely difficult as my heart beat became more rapid and louder. It was the massive booty bump having its effect. I had never been this high so intensely and so quickly. It was alarming. It was exciting. I inhaled through my nose again and let his fat tongue invade my mouth and kissed him back, licking his lips, his teeth, his mouth. We both groaned. I felt a new pressure on my hole. He continued to kiss me, my eyes still closed, enjoying the heightened sensation and the near panic that seemed to be creeping behind me. My heart beat faster and faster. He had two of his fingers inside my hole which was still on fire. The additional pressure eased up as my very hungry hole swallowed his digits. They twirled inside me in every which way, loosening me up, getting me open, hungry. "PUT IT IN!" I yelled, surprised at myself. He stepped back and looked at me sternly. "You like being in control huh, boy? Well let me tell you somethin'. This ain't no booty call. This ain't your spot." He paused and looked around the room. "Remember-you came into MY shop. I make the rules. You got me Boy?" His fingers did a dance inside my hole. He knew he had me. I nodded silently, obediently. The darkness of the early evening crept into the shop as what little natural light left outside faded quickly. The room took on another shade of green, as if the saturation level had been diminished, clouding the room in a subtle vignette of thin shadows at the edges. He suddenly pulled his fingers out. I looked at him in the mirror, dazed, puzzled, selfish in my need to be filled. The emptiness in my hole with its inner fire was maddening. All I could think of was some part of him inside me. NOW. "Put your legs down," he commanded. "You rest for a minute. I don't want you worn out." He turned around towards the counter, reaching for the glass pipe. "We barely started, Boy." He fed the pipe with more Tina and lit it up, slowly cooking it until it was ready. I exhaled a deep breath as my legs came down on the side of the chair. "Relax Boy," he commanded again. "You were getting tense there before. Definitely don't want that." I eased into the chair and slowly pulled myself up to sit a little bit straighter. My heart continued to race, pounding and pounding. I watched him take a big, deep hit from the pipe several times. Then he fished into my overnight bag again, juggling the contents around until he found something. He held a small brown bottle and smiled, handing it to me. He took another big hit from the glass pipe, held it and then set it aside on the counter. He approached me, leaning into me, taking my hand holding the poppers which he steered towards my mouth. He unscrewed the top and aimed the bottle at my lips and silently nodded, commanding me. I took a big, deep breath of a hit as he quickly sealed the bottle. Suddenly his mouth was over mine, exhaling the magic smoke into my lungs, chasing the popper hit. HOLY SHIT! That was a new shotgun experience! The poppers hit my head and made my heart beat faster and faster. I had to shake my head a little from the effect. His face was still on top of me as his eyes stared intensely into mine. Our lips were locked as was our gaze. His pupils appeared to be gradually getting larger, darker, as if they were consuming his irises. Then they would recede slowly, almost back to their original sizes. But before they would hit the origin point they would suddenly enlarge again at a slightly increased speed. Then suddenly, shrink again in some strange rhythm that I couldn't tell if he was somehow silently communicating to me in some new form. I shook my head quickly, shaking it, confused, bewildered, f l y i n g, as the Tina smoke now started to hit me with the haze of poppers. I exhaled back a huge breath and he swallowed my air as his pupils receded to their original size. He pushed away from me, his head and body, retracting rapidly, his large frame silhouetted against the fluorescent green light that appeared behind him on the ceiling, the darkness of his skin taking on a sharp yet faint edge cast by the overhead haze. He exhaled and two fingers found their way into my hole. His head turned slowly at an angle, his right chin lowering itself asymmetrically as he studied my face. I think my mouth was slightly a gape. I wasn't sure. His face was a further distance from mine now. It seemed far away. I couldn't see his pupils anymore or judge their size. His head turned in the other direction as I realized four fingers had been caressing my hole. "I think your pussy is ready to sing." He appeared in focus, sharp. His eyes were all black.
    2 points
  9. Married Man at the Gloryholes: Part 1 I was 28, married 7 years, no kids and no rush to have kids. We were the typical young, married couple focused on our careers, had a dog, a cat, and a nice home. I always considered myself to be a happily married straight man. I admit I would notice guys in the shower at the local gym, or men I considered to be attractive walking down the street, but I always felt this was normal curiosity. You know, is this guy’s dick bigger than mine? Is he hairier than me? That type of shit. Was this the 7 year itch? Regardless, I didn’t expect my life to take such a dramatic turn, but once I opened that door, there was no turning back, nor did I want to. I did a bit of traveling across the country for work, so I was no stranger to hotels and being away from my wife. I had a healthy sex drive, so when I was out of town, occasionally I enjoyed checking out local strip clubs or adult bookstores. I never cheated on my wife, just the occasional porn magazine, or jack off session in the video arcade watching some erotic porn. I loved the smell in the video arcade. You know that smell of sex in the air. It always set the tone for some intense jacking while losing myself in a fantasy watching a hot porn video. Once again, I was out of town for the week. This time it was “The Windy City,” Chicago, not too far away, but too far to be commuting back and forth each day. It was a Monday night, and at the end of the day I found myself very horny. I decided to check out a local adult bookstore and maybe watch some porn. There was one only a few blocks from my hotel, so I decided to head on down and check it out. I flipped through some porn magazines then ducked into the video arcade. This arcade was quite busy. There were several men walking the halls and standing outside booths. I made the occasional eye contact with guys as they walked past. I found a few of the men to be quite handsome. Then I popped into a booth and skimmed through the channels of porn playing. I usually watched straight porn, but as I was flipping through the channels I came across a gay scene that caught my eye. There was a muscular, bearded man in leather fucking a rugged hairy guy in a sling. A group of guys stood around the sling stroking their dicks. To my surprise I found my cock getting fully erect at the sight of this man’s huge cock as he repeatedly buried it balls deep in this guy’s ass. He was fucking the guy with no condom on. Cum was leaking out of the man’s ass as the bearded guy repeatedly pulled his uncut, veiny cock all the way out, then again buried it deep inside him. My cock was begging for attention, pulsing in my pants, and I started to rub my crotch in excitement. After a minute or so I heard the door to the booth next to mine open and heard someone start flipping through channels in the booth next to mine. The light from videos next door lit up a large hole in the wall between our booths. I could see the black boots and jeans of the guy standing in the booth next to me through the hole. I continued to watch my video and slowly unzipped my pants and pulled out my hard cock. I was already leaking precum from my piss hole and lubed my cock with it as I started to stroke my shaft. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the guy next to me had slipped his hard cock through the hole in the wall. It was dancing in front of me and a thin string of precum dripped from the head of his big dick. I felt my cock pulsing in my hand at the sight of his beautiful rod. I couldn’t resist. I reached down and grasped the shaft of his cock. I felt it twitch in my hand, and I began to slowly stroke his dick. His foreskin slid over the head of his cock, and I could feel the slick juice leaking from his piss hole in my hand as I slid my hand back down his shaft. What the hell was I doing? My mind said no, but my cock and body said yes, and I continued to stroke his hard meat. Then he pulled his cock back out of the hole. I saw him squat down at the hole, and he reached through and grasped my hard cock with his hand. A wave shot through my body, my cock stiffened even more, and I moaned with pleasure as he pulled my cock toward the hole in the wall. I slipped my cock through the hole, and pressed my body tight against the wall of the booth as he continued to stroke my hard shaft. I felt the tip of his tongue lick across my piss hole then his lips engulfed the head of my cock. I could feel the hair of his mustache dancing down my shaft as he slid the full length of my hard cock to the back of his throat. I pressed my hips against the wall, shoving my cock into his mouth as far as I could, and again moaned with pleasure. He kept sucking my cock, and I didn’t want him to stop. He brought me close to cumming so I pulled my cock back out of the hole. I didn’t want to shoot my load yet. I squatted in front of it to get a better look at this man. He was bearded, with a mustache, dark hair, and quite handsome. He stood up and slid his hard rod back through the hole. It was right in front of me, and I wasted no time. I stroked the full length of his shaft again and was overcome with the urge to taste my first cock. I slid his tool into my mouth and began to lube his cock with my spit. The sweet taste of precum slid down my throat, and the smell of manly sweat hit my nostrils. It was amazing. I slowly sucked his cock and felt it expanding and pulsing in my mouth. Just as I was really getting into sucking my first cock, this hot stud slid his cock out of my mouth and squatted in front of me. He whispered to me through the hole, “Fuck, you are hot. Can I see your ass?” I stood up and dropped my jeans to the floor and arched my back for him to check out my ass. He again reached through the hole, felt my ass cheeks, then cupped his hand around my balls and pulled me toward the hole. I pressed my ass up to the hole and felt him blow on my ass hole. My ass puckered and cock throbbed. I felt his beard press against my ass cheeks and his tongue across my virgin hole. I spread my cheeks to let him get a good taste, and he kept licking my ass. He buried his tongue as far into my ass as he could trying to open my tight ass hole. Then I felt his wet finger press against my ass, and slip inside my hole. It felt amazing!! He slowly worked his finger in and out of my ass then slipped a second finger inside of me. He was slowly working my puckered ass until it opened up for him. I never thought this could feel so good. It was awakening desires in me I didn’t know were there. I felt his tongue bury deep into my hole as he rimmed me as deep as he could. I arched my back and spread my cheeks, pressing my ass into his hungry lips and tongue. He pulled his tongue out of my ass and I heard him spit in the booth behind me. Suddenly I felt pressure against my hole. It was the head of his wet cock pressing at my tight hole, begging to get in. I pressed my ass firmly against his rod and the mushroom head of his huge cock slowly opened me up and slid inside. OMG!!! What a sensation. My cock stiffened and pulsed, and I knew in that instant I needed to feel this man’s cock inside me. I put my hands on the opposite wall to push against his cock. With a forceful thrust he shoved his cock halfway in. My ass burned with pain and I tightened my ass around his thick pole. My stud pulled back slightly and kept his cock still. The pain subsided and I again slowly pressed my ass against his cock. The invitation was accepted and he again thrust into my ass. I again tightened my ass in pain, but he was now balls deep inside me. I could feel his pubic hair against my ass, and he remained still again, waiting for my approval to continue. The pain was intense and I pulled his cock part way out of my ass. I held his cock still in my hole until the pain subsided. I pushed my ass against his hard shaft again, and he again thrust into me opening my up again. The pain hit me again, and I gasped, but this time it quickly turned to pleasure and a burning desire to get fucked by this hunk consumed me. I started to work his cock in and out of my ass, and he slowly took over, thrusting in and out of my virgin hole. What the hell was I doing? I was cheating on my wife and with another man, but fuck, this felt so good, so right. I wanted him badly. I wanted his cum inside me. I pushed harder against the opposite wall, pressing my ass tight to the hole between our booths and he thrust harder and faster into my ass. I heard his moans, and felt his cock thicken and expand, spreading my insides even wider as his cock pulsed over and over in me, filling me with his cum. I was so excited, my cock erupted as my body jerked with each pulse of my cock. I shot spurt after spurt of jizz on the floor and wall of the booth. I was dripping with sweat and panting with exhaustion. This felt so awesome. I felt his cock slip from my ass, and a gentle trickle of cum followed running down my leg. I looked through the hole in the wall and watched my stud tuck his massive cock back into his jeans, zip them up and disappear out of the booth into the hallway. A little grin came across my face. I sat in the booth for a while with my jeans at my ankles, thinking about what I had just done. I cheated on my wife!! I let a guy fuck me and without a condom. I took his cum inside me!!! What the fuck was I doing??!!! What if I got an STD? I pulled my pants back up, tucked my cock away, and headed back to my hotel room. I could smell my stud’s sweat and cock on my mustache. I could practically feel him inside me. I couldn’t get the thoughts out of my head. It was so wrong to cheat on my wife, but this felt amazing. By the time I reached my room my cock was half erect again. I stripped off my clothes and crawled into bed. I was sweaty with a load of cum in my ass, but I didn’t care. I didn’t sleep much that night. My mind went back and forth from guilt to excitement. I longed to experience more, but what about my wife and family? Eventually I drifted off to sleep. Tuesday was a long day filled with anticipation. I got up and jumped in the shower to get ready for work. My ass was a little sore from the fucking the night before, but as I lathered up my body, my cock began to get hard. Something was awakened in me. I kept picturing the events from the night before. I felt alive for the first time. I had sex with another man for the first time. I realized I am gay. It kept rolling through my head. I’m gay… I’m gay…. I am fucking gay!! I loved it!!!!!! I planned to head back to that bookstore and look for my guy that fucked me. I wanted more. I wanted his cock. I wanted to taste him. Smell his sweat. Feel his cock deep inside me again. I wanted more of his cum in me. I knew it wasn’t safe, but the desire was too strong. My cock was rock hard as the water from the shower hit my body. I stroked my cock for a bit, finished showering, quickly got dressed, and headed to work. The day dragged on and on. I could not concentrate on my work. All I could think about was getting more cock and cum. Married Man at the Gloryholes: Part 2 My work day finally came to an end. I grabbed a quick bite to eat, and headed to my hotel. I called my wife to see how she was doing. I felt bad about cheating on her. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I also knew I was a different man now. I took a quick shower and again found my cock fully erect thinking about my play the night before. I stroked my cock and ran my fingers across my tight hole getting myself even more aroused. I dried off from my shower, through on some jeans, and walked down the block to the bookstore. The guy behind the counter gave me a smile and nod as if he remembered me from the night before. I again made my way through the porn magazines, but this time I looked at man on man sex porn. One in particular caught my eye. It was a hardcore xxx porn magazine simply titled, “Cum!!” On the cover a muscular guy had his lips wrapped around a hunk’s thick, hard, cock. My cock was hard before I even picked up the magazine off the rack. I flipped through the pages seeing pics of guys sucking dick and getting fucked raw. They had cum on their faces, in their beards and mustaches, in their mouths, and dripping from their asses. My cock was visibly throbbing in my pants with every turn of the page. I browsed a few more magazines then it was time to play. I didn’t hide the bulge in my jeans, and slowly made my way to the video arcade. I hoped to find my sexy hunk from last night had returned. The halls were once again lined with men with the occasional guy dipping in an out of a booth. The moans from porn and groans from sex could be heard from booths as I strolled by. I searched the halls, but didn’t see my hunk from last night so I ducked into a booth and flipped through the channels of gay porn. I unzipped my pants and stroked my throbbing cock. It didn’t take long before I heard someone step into the booth next to mine. Again I found a nicely shaped hole in the wall separating our booths, and I squatted in front of it to check him out. He was an average built guy, nice tight jeans. He began to rub the bulge showing in his jeans. My cock twitched with anticipation as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and his cock stood at full attention about 7 inches long. My mouth watered. I wanted his hot piece of meat in my mouth. He stroked the full length of his rod, then turned toward the hole in the wall and slipped his cock through. I wasted no time engulfing his rod in my mouth, and did my best to take every of inch of his cock down my throat. I gagged and struggled a bit at first. Then I made love to his shaft, slowing lubing every inch from his piss hole to the base. My cock danced with excitement. The taste of his cock and smell of his sweat was intoxicating. I was in heaven. His body was pressed firmly against the hole, and his pubic hair grazed my lips with each plunge of his cock all the way into my mouth. He moaned with approval, and his cock pulsed in my mouth. After a few minutes his cock thickened, his hips pressed harder to the wall, and his cock throbbed over and over, filling my mouth with his sweet, creamy man juice. I swallowed every drop of cum. His cock stopped spurting in my mouth, and I sucked and licked it clean. He slid his cock back through the hole and disappeared into the arcade. I stroked my cock for a bit and watched some porn then decided to cruise the halls. I found a spot along the wall with nice views to check out guys as they walked by, hoping to come across the guy that fucked me last night. There certainly were plenty of hot men cruising the arcade. I figured I would wait a bit and if my stud didn’t show up, I would do some more playing before heading back to my hotel. After about 15 minutes of looking at these studs, I was craving more action. I was about to duck back into a booth when HE rounded the corner. Just the site of my hunk made my cock rock hard. As he walked past me, he looked directly into my eyes. I continued to stare at him, and he glanced back at me over his shoulder. I followed him down the hall. He entered a booth and I wasted no time in taking the booth next to him. He was squatting at the hole in the wall, and I squatted in front of him. I whispered through the hole, “Thanks again for the load last night.” “That was you?” “Yes, and I never did anything with a man before last night.” “Fuck!! That was your first time? Hope you’re up for more.” “I was hoping you would say that.” He stood up in front of me and rubbed his cock through his jeans. My cock was throbbing in my pants, fully erect, and my ass puckered with each twitch of my cock. I watched him unbutton and unzip his jeans. He was freeballing it, and his cock sprung from his pants half erect. My mouth watered. I craved to taste his cock again. He slipped his cock through the hole. I grasped his meat in my hand and stroked his shaft, pulling back his foreskin. His cock grew fully erect in my hand, and precum ran from the head of his cock. I licked it up. The sweet taste made my cock throb, and I rubbed my crotch through my jeans while serving this stud. I slid the head of his cock into my mouth and he shoved the full length of his rod to the back of my throat, making me gag. My eyes watered, but I continued to worship his cock with my mouth and tongue. He pulled his cock back out of my mouth and rubbed his finger on the edge of the hole. I took it as an invitation to suck my cock, and I quickly unbuttoned my pants to feed him my hard tool. His mouth felt warm, as he lubed my cock with his spit, sucking the full length and teasing the underside of my head with his tongue. I pressed myself tight against the booth wall to give him every inch of my cock. He sucked my shaft for quite a while. I wanted to feel his cock deep inside me again, so I pulled my cock from his mouth and dropped my pants to the floor. As I turned to show him my ass, I heard him say, “Fuck, yes,” through the hole in the wall. I spread my cheeks and pressed my ass up to the hole in the wall. He buried his tongue in my ass as deep as he could and rimmed my hole sending waves of pleasure through my body. I felt the pressure from his wet finger slip into my tight hole then work it in and out. He slipped another finger in, opening me up slowly, preparing me for his massive cock. The anticipation was driving me wild. Then as fast as the pleasure started, he pulled his fingers from my ass, and disappeared from his booth. I quickly heard a knock at my booth door. I opened it up, and he slipped into the booth with me. He said, “I want to fuck you, but I want to feel your body while my cock is in you raw.” “Yes, fuck yes!” He looked into my eyes and buried his tongue in my mouth, and French kissed me. I could taste my ass on his tongue. His kisses were passionate, and erotic. He pulled his shirt off over his head, and removed his jeans. He was standing before me naked with a full hard on. Then he pulled my shirt off and I stripped naked as well. He again French kissed me, our naked bodies and cocks pressed firmly against one another. I was melting in this guy’s arms. He turned me around, and with one arm around my chest he firmly grabbed my ass and began to massage my cheeks and hole. I leaned my head against his, and closed my eyes. My back arched and my ass spread as he rubbed my tight hole. He licked his fingers and began to work them into my hole again while kissing the back of my neck. First one finger, then two. He kept saying, “relax, relax….open that hole up to me,” as he worked his fingers deeper into my hole. “Please fuck me. I want to feel your cock in me.” He spit in his hand and stroked his cock, then pressed firmly against me with his hard shaft between my cheeks. With his arms wrapped around my chest from behind and kissing the back of my neck, he ground his cock against my ass, lubing my hole. I begged for him to slide his cock in me, and the head of his cock slid to my hole. He spit on his cock one more time, then began to press against my puckered hole. I pressed my ass firmly against the head of his cock, and he slowly opened me up and slipped his head inside. I moaned, “Yes, I love it.” “Here it comes, baby are you ready?” “Yes, shove it in me.” With that, he grabbed my waist and thrust his cock into my ass. It burned like a bitch, and I yelped with pain. “Easy, just relax…..I’ll hold still. Open up to me.” I took some deep breaths, and the pain subsided. My ass was still a bit sore from the night before. Waves of pleasure began to roll through my body, and I pressed against his cock again. He gently pushed his cock into my hole. My ass tightened around his pole and my rod pulsed rock hard. “Easy, relax……” I kept taking deep breaths and my ass began to open to his massive cock. Then he thrust one more time and opened me up the rest of the way. The head of his cock hit my prostate. Again my ass burned with pain, but it quickly turned to ecstasy. He was in all the way. He held his hard cock still in my ass for a moment then he pressed his hips firmly into my ass and ground his cock deeper inside me. He began to pump my ass slowly. We worked up a rhythm together with me riding his cock. Every time my cock pulsed with excitement my hole tightened around his rod, and he moaned and groaned with pleasure. “Your hole is so fucking tight. It feels amazing on my cock.” “I love you inside me so much.” I could feel the heat between us as sweat began to run down our bodies. The touch of his hands on my skin while he pumped his cock in and out of my ass sent chills throughout my body. He grasped my shaft and pumped me harder and faster. He whispered into my ear, “Fuck, you feel so good. I want to give you my poz cum again.” My eyes opened wide. As the word poz rang in my ears, my cock stiffened and pulsed with excitement. With each pulse of my cock my hole tightened around my stud’s shaft. “You’re poz??!!!” “Fuck yes, and from the way your cock just responded, I know you want it. I’m going to poz your ass with my toxic seed.” There was no denying it. A desire stirred in me that I didn’t know existed. I was scared, but so turned on. I closed my eyes, and moaned with pleasure. He continued to pump his thick cock into my ass harder and faster each time hitting my prostate. I was in heaven. “Yes, fuck me. Fill me with your poz seed.” That sent us both over the edge. “Here it comes, baby. Take my DNA. Take my poz load.” “Fuck yes.” He pulled firmly at my hips and buried his cock balls deep into my ass. His body was pressed tight against mine. I felt his cock expand in my tight hole. Knowing I was about to take his poz seed again my cock stiffened and I began to shoot my load onto my abdomen and the wall. I could feel each pulse of his cock shooting toxic seed over and over into my guts until his shaft slowly stopped pulsing in me. He put his arms around my chest and held me tight, keeping his cock buried inside me. I could feel the heat and sweat rolling between us, and he kissed the back of my neck as we both panted with pleasure. He slowly slid his hand around the shaft of my cock and whispered into my ear, “My virus is deep inside you, baby.” My cock pulsed again in his firm grip. He kissed my neck and again whispered, “It’s a highly toxic load too.” My cock began to get hard as it again pulsed in his hand. “Fuck, YES!!! I’m so glad that turns you on too. There’s no turning back. You’re a part of me now.” He kept his cock buried in my ass, and began to stroke my now hard cock. I moaned with pleasure and arched my back pressing his shaft deep inside me. My cock stiffened again. I’m going to cum. “Shoot that load, the last of your neg seed.” Those words rang in my ears and pushed me over the edge. He held me tight in his arms as my body convulsed and my cock shot cum again and again onto my chest, covering his hand with thick, white jizz. As my body calmed, my mind focused on what I had just done. I took another load of cum in my ass from this sexy man, and not just any load, a highly toxic, poz load. What the fuck was I going to do? My eyes were wide open, and I panicked a little. My sexy man must have felt my body tense up. He held me close, and again whispered, “Shhhh. It’s going to be alright.” I turned to face him, pulling his cock from my ass. A trickle of cum followed and ran down my leg. Tears welled up in my eyes. “My God, what have I done??!!” He looked into my eyes. “It will be alright. Tell me you didn’t want this. Tell me you don’t want more of my poz cum.” I couldn’t respond. As scared as I was I couldn’t deny that this turned me on. It was something I wanted. I simply looked into his eyes, and he kissed me deeply and passionately. “I know you’re scared, but I know you want this too. I understand. I was the same as you. Just go with what you know you want. Let go……I want to give you all of me. I want to make you mine.” I put my head on his shoulder and held him tight. His warm body was pressed firmly against mine, and I could feel our hearts beating fast. He again kissed me deeply as his tongue danced with mine. He quietly said, “Are you ok? Can we go somewhere and talk? ” I dried my eyes and nodded yes, and we both dressed and left the bookstore together. As we walked down the street to a small coffee shop, thoughts danced in my head. I felt alive for the first time in years. I felt like I was truly being me. I didn’t even realize I had these desires pent up inside of me, but now that I opened that door, it felt so right. Not only did I realize I’m gay, but that I longed to take poz cum. I wanted to be poz, and it felt so good to admit that to myself. I felt free and yet I trembled inside. We found our way to a corner bar. My stud said, “This is a quiet gay bar. Let me get us a beer and we can go talk on the patio.” My stud handed me a bottle of beer, and we made our way to the back patio. There was only a few guys outside, so we found a quiet area, took a seat in the lounge chairs, and I took a large swig of my beer. He said, “I’m David, by the way.” “Ben,” as I took another drink of my beer. “Well, Ben, are you ok?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” “So…..what are you thinking?” “Well….I guess I’m still letting this all sink in….a lot has happened.” I showed him the ring on my finger. “I’m married. In the last 24 hours I cheated on my wife for the first time and with another man. I realized I’m actually gay, and I also took two loads of poz cum.” “Well, from the reaction from your cock at the time, you seemed to enjoy it.” “That’s what’s scary. I did enjoy it. When you told me I was taking poz cum it should have scared the hell out of me, but it didn’t. It clearly turned me on even more.” “Well, if it means anything to you, I found it hot too, and I chased poz cum to charge up.” “You told me you’re highly toxic…..like how toxic?” “Very toxic. I’m not on meds. My viral load is close to a million, which is very high.” “So I’m probably infected with HIV.” “Well, you could go to the hospital and get treated. You still have time if you go tonight. Without treatment you most likely will poz. I’ll take you if you want to go. As much as I want to poz you I want you to want it too.” “That’s the thing.” I reached over and took David’s hand. I rubbed his hand against my cock, which was now rock hard again bulging in my jeans. “I don’t want to go.” David grinned and rubbed my cock some more. “Fuck…..it’s hot, isn’t it?” “I’m majorly turned on by it and by you. So you said you chased to poz?” “Yeah, I did.” “What do you mean you chased?” “I knowingly took poz cum, just like you did tonight, and it turned me on a lot.” My cock again throbbed still rock hard in my jeans. I was turned on, yet almost shaking inside. “Tell me about it, if you don’t mind.” “Well, I originally started out having safe sex for many years. Then I met a guy at this very bar that only had sex bareback. I probably had a little too much to drink, and we ended up at his place. He told me how much he wanted to fuck me and cum in me. At first I told him I would only play safe. Then I agreed to let him fuck me bareback if he agreed to pull out before cumming in me. It felt so incredible having him in me raw. While he was fucking me he kept telling me how hot it would be to cum in me, and when he was ready to shoot he told me he was getting close. I was so turned on at the thought of taking his cum in me that I pressed my ass tight against his cock and told him to cum in me. He unloaded in me, and I never played safe again. The more cum I took, the more I got turned on by it. I started to fantasize about taking poz cum, and hoped each load I took was a poz load. Then I met a guy that had a biohazard tattoo on his arm. He proudly showed he was a poz guy, and just the sight of his tattoo turned me on. I was determined to get his cock and cum in me. I ended up going home with him that night. It was the first time I knowingly took a poz load. After that night there was no stopping me. I started searching for poz guys to fuck me raw and took all the poz cum I could get. I even met some gifters that made me beg for their toxic seed while fucking me. That was the hottest sex. About a year after I started taking poz cum I met a gifter that also had high viral loads. That was all it took. After taking a few loads of his seed I pozzed up.” “Did you know when you pozzed?” “Oh, yeah, about a month after taking his poz cum, I had bad flu-like symptoms. It lasted for a good week to 10 days. I had night sweats, headaches, was sicker than a dog. I knew I was converting, and as sick as I was it only turned me on. Listen, I know a lot of guys probably think I’m plain crazy, but all out uninhibited sex, taking poz cum and now giving poz cum is a huge turn on. It’s the ultimate barebacking, holding nothing back, just all out cum pigging. I know guys that regret pozzing, but I have never regretted it. I love knowing that guy’s DNA is in me, and pozzed me. I have a connection with that guy forever. That also really turns me on. I love being poz, and I love gifting for guys. Call me crazy and irresponsible. Everyone has their turn ons and turn offs. As long as it’s between two consenting adults, what’s the issue?” “Well, I can’t deny that this is all turning me on. What the fuck am I going to tell my wife?” “That I can’t tell you, but I can tell you that you’re a huge turn on to me. I’d love to get to know you, and I’d love to poz your ass up. Then after you charge up I’d love to start swapping toxic loads with you.” I leaned over, put my hand on his leg and kissed him. I said, “Yes!! Just one thing, I’m not from Chicago, but I do get here fairly often for work. I’ll be here for the rest of this week.” “I’m a patient man, Ben. I’m so turned on that you want this too. I hope you find it as hot as I do.” “I admit I’m a little scared by it, but I’m also majorly turned on.” I leaned over and whispered in David’s ear, “I don’t want to resist this. I want to take all your toxic seed. Poz my ass up.” David grinned, looked into my eyes, and pulled my lips to his and started to kiss me deeply. We sat and talked for about another hour and another beer. The more David told me about himself the more I was attracted to him. We finished our beers, and I realized it was getting late. I told David I had to work in the morning, but that I wanted him to spend the night with me if he was interested. He accepted, and we walked the few blocks back to my hotel room. I invited him in. David pulled me to him and we stood next to the bed and kissed for a long time. Our bodies were pressed tightly against one another, and I could feel his hard cock tight against mine. I grabbed his ass and ground our cocks together. Our lips remained locked as our tongues swirled in passionate kisses. I slipped his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants. As he dropped them to the floor I kissed his down his chest until I found myself on my knees in front of his hard cock. I again took his cock into my mouth and sucked his hard shaft. His sweet, poz, precum leaked from the head of his cock and slid across my tongue and down my throat. With each plunge of his cock to the back of my throat he moaned and pressed the back of my head farther onto his tool. I could feel his cock head pulse with excitement. He pulled me to my feet, slid my shirt off, and dropped my pants to the floor. He took me in his arms, our naked bodies pressed against one another. We kissed a bit more then crawled into bed together. I was majorly turned on again and begged for David to give me another load of his poz cum. “I definitely will. You’ll be poz in no time.” I rolled onto my belly, and David laid on top of me with his cock pressed between my ass cheeks. He slid his hands around my chest and ran his tongue up my back to my neck. He gently kissed me on the neck and nibbled my earlobe. Then he slid his tongue down my back, kissing my back down to my ass. He rimmed my hungry hole, already filled with one load of his toxic seed. His tongue was buried deep in my ass as he lubed my hole for his hard cock. He turned me over onto my back, “I want to look into your eyes as I fill you with my DNA.” David put my ankles over his shoulders and lubed his cock with his spit. Then he spit into his hand and again lubed my hole. “Are you ready for another toxic load, sexy?” “Fuck yes….please give it to me.” He lined up the head of his cock with my hole, and with a little pressure slipped inside my cum hungry hole. This time he slid in with more ease and was balls deep inside me with one thrust of his hips. “Fuck you’re lubed up good with my toxic seed already. Feels so fucking good. I’m going to work my seed in you good.” My cock was rock hard as his shaft stretched my hole wide open. Each plunge of his cock into my ass balls deep was slow and steady. He kept saying, “I want to give you my poz seed so much. I want to make you my poz cum pig.” “Yes, give me your seed.” He leaned over and began to kiss me as he pumped my ass harder and harder. He grasped my ankles and looked into my eyes. His thrusts drove in me faster. “Are you ready for my toxic seed? I’m getting close.” “Yes, give it to me, David. Poz me up.” “Fuck…..here is comes.” His cock thrust in me a few more times, then his shaft again stretched my hole wide open and he buried his cock all the way deep inside me. I felt his cock pulsing in me, filling me his second load of poz seed of the night. “Yes, fuck yes. Take my DNA.” I didn’t even touch my cock and again started to shoot my load onto my chest and face. I opened my mouth as cum shot from my hard cock and onto my lips. I licked up some of the last neg cum that would shoot from my rod. My balls were drained, and David’s cock stopped pulsing inside me. Every drop of his high viral load seed was deep in my gut. The thought of his poz cum in me excited me so much. His cock slid from my ass, and he laid on top of me, smearing our bodies with my cum. He kissed me on the neck, and licked up the jizz from my lips, then kissed me erotically with his tongue deep in my mouth. I could taste more of my cum on his lips and tongue. “Fuck, Ben, I love planting my seed in you.” “I love having you inside me too.” “Keep me in you all night. Let my poz cum work into you.” He laid on the bed next to me, and rubbed his hand through my cum smeared on his chest. We both looked at each other. He smiled at me and rubbed nudged my arm with his. Then we curled up together. His naked body felt so erotic pressed against mine. I grinned as I thought about the two poz loads of cum deep inside me as we both drifted off to sleep covered in sweat and my cum.
    1 point
  10. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
    1 point
  11. When I got to college I was totally straight. Never even thought about having gay sex or doing anything with a guy. I wasn't a homophobe or anything, It was just that tits and pussy, not cock, turned me on. In high school I had a girl friend, and like a lot of couples, we hooked up and she took care of my needs to get laid. But going away to college ended that relationship and suddenly it was just me and my hand - again. And as everyone knows, compared to a quality blow job or fuck a hand job simply isn't as good. Of course I wasn't the only guy on campus who was horny and looking to get laid so that meant it wasn't easy finding a new girl. Then one day I was walking back from class talking to a buddy and we ended-up on the topic of being horny and not being able to get any. He looked at me, smiled and said "You know there is a solution to that." And with that introduction he went on to tell me about the coaches' locker room in the old football / weight room building, explaining "...when they built the football team a new weight room, the old one was opened up to students for use 24-7-365. But what most people don't know is that down in the basement is a locker room that used to be for the use of the coaches. It's not that big but it has lockers and a decent shower area but since it's out of the way no-one uses it." Not understanding where he was going, I replied "Uhh huh, and what does this have to do with being horny?" "Well, after 6:00 PM each day" he says "it's a place where you can go to get your rocks off if you want. It's mostly gay guys but they will suck anyone who wants to get blown and you can usually fuck one in the ass if you want. They keep it pretty dark in there so it's not like you can really see who is taking care of you and it sure beats jacking off. I'm telling you, man, one straight guy to another, a guy's mouth feels just as good as a girl's and I'm told that fucking can be even better." Pre-college I would have ignored his suggestion, but at this point I was horny enough that the idea of getting sucked sounds good enough that I don't care who does it, especially if its anonymous. My buddy went on explaining that the deal is if your interested you go down there to the locker room and strip nude - no clothes allowed in the shower - and go on in. If a guy is in the middle of the room then he's looking for someone to service him. If he's against the wall facing out then it means he's giving blow jobs. If he's against the wall with his face to the wall then he's taking it up the ass. The idea of course is that guys will give and receive but its not like they are keeping records or anything. He could tell I was interested and offered to show me around a bit that night it I wanted, so around 9:00 PM that night we met up and headed over. It was a good thing the locker room was somewhat buried in an out of the way location, 'cause as soon as we opened the door the unmistakable sounds of sex filled the air. The room was dim but there was just enough light to find a locker and get undressed which we did. Now while I was horny as hell I was also nervous about the whole gay thing so my cock was anything but hard. My buddy on the other hand was sporting a nice 7" wood and clearly ready to get going. We walked into the shower room to find one of the shower heads in a distant corner was on full, putting out hot steam which fogged the room a bit. I could just make out couple of guys fucking and a couple of others getting sucked. We watch for a minute and then, as our eyes adjusted, we can see others against the wall waiting for action. My buddy lead me over to the wall, told me to face into the shower, and to have fun. Then he disappeared into the mist. No sooner had he disappeared then a guy appeared. He smiled at me and quietly asked "Let me guess: you're straight, and this is your first time, right?" I nodded in reply, swallowed hard, and wondered what would come next. I didn't have long to wait. The guy reached over and began playing with my soft cock, murmuring that I should relax. Then he went down on his knees, and took my cock in his mouth. His performance was magic. His tongue swirled around my limp shaft and head, licking my balls. Within seconds I was hard. To make a long story short, it was an amazing blow job and in the end I pumped jet after jet of my cum down his throat. As I left the shower area I spied my buddy, balls-deep in a guy's ass, fucking him hard. But the conversion part of this story is what you really want right? So my girlfriend problem never got any better and I keep returning to the locker room. Within a few visits I decide to try fucking a guy and found out first hand how much better a guy's ass can be than a girl's pussy. I found myself noticing hot guys more and more, and wondered if I was going gay, especially since I noticed fewer and fewer girls. I guess, however, all that really mattered was that when I walked into the shower room, my cock was always rock hard. Then came 'The night'... I'd gone over as usual, hoping to fuck someone. I undressed and walked into the shower. More guys than usual were clustered in the middle, but that wasn't particularly unusual. I had seen it happen before. Seeing a guy facing the wall, and not engaged with anyone, I headed over that way, but before I took three steps I was grasped from behind by several pairs of hands and forcefully guided to the wall, pinned against it, my legs spread eagle. "What the hell!?" I exclaimed. Someone replied "Well you've been giving out loads for a while. It's time you took some." "What the fuck, man, hey, I'm not gay I don't do that." "We aren't asking you. If I was in your shoes I'd relax and enjoy it." I knew there was a crowd around me and it was clear I wasn't going anywhere. And the only sounds were heavy breathing and the rhythmic sounds of guys stroking their cocks. My cock went instantly soft and I knew I couldn't escape.."Please, man, no, please don't." "Shhhh just relax." I felt fingers probing my virgin ass, opening me up for the first time in my life. The guy fingering me took his time but he wasn't gentle and it hurt. Soft whimpers escaped me as he opened my ass.."No, please, it hurts" I begged, but the guy kept going. Then I could feel his fingers begin to work lube into my ass and I could feel my hole stretching open. He moved behind me and I could feel the tip of his raw cock against my now stretched pussy. "Okay boy I'm gonna pop your cherry. Just relax," he suggested. "No, please, don't, no... please...noo" I whimpered as he began to push his way into my ass. Man did it hurt at first. The thick mushroom head truly opening my virgin ass and drove deep inside. It felt like I was being split in two, but he just drove his shaft in deep and left it there for a moment. I could hear others encouraging him, but some of what they were saying made no sense to me. "Yeah man, fuck that neg hole. Convert that boy. Poz him good." He started working his shaft in and out slowly at first letting me adjust and then with greater force. And as my ass relaxed and he started massaging my prostrate I was shocked to find myself enjoying it...my cock getting hard. I couldn't believe it. I was straight. I wasn't gay. And yet here I was, enjoying a cock in my ass. Tears of shame ran down my face as I confronted the fact I was getting pleasure from the cock in my ass. "Yeah boy, you like this, don't you? Fucking got a big hard-on, don't you?" the guy whispered in my ear, adding "Yeah you like this. I can tell. Fucking tight ass boy. Yeah. You know you're a faggot now, don't you?" He was right: I was. I couldn't help it. As he fucked away, my whimpers of pain had become moans of pleasure. He and everyone watching knew it. "Fucking A boy I'm gonna convert that neg ass of yours. Going to give you the gift. Make you part of the brotherhood." Had I understood what he meant I would have been terrified and would have tried to fight back, but I was clueless and in any case I was still held fast. Hands were groping my cock, stroking it as the group closed in tightly. I heard guys murmur about 'pozzing his ass' and 'milking the last neg load' from my cock. I could tell we were both going to cum very soon. "Tell me you want it, boy. Tell me you want my cum inside your ass." "Yes," I whimpered, "yes, please!" I could feel him shudder as he drove deep inside my ass, his hot juices filling-up my hole. I cried out as my cock fired its own load of cum at the same time. He stood behind me working his cock in my ass.. Working his cum into me. "Yeah pussy boy. That's right. You're one of us now. Part of the brotherhood. And now it's time for another member to give you his load. You want another load, don't you?" "Yes please" I whimpered unable to help myself, "fuck me...." I took six loads that night, all of them poz. By then end my ass was sore and gaping and my boxers couldn't contain the cum leaking down my thighs. A few nights later my buddy who had introduced me to the locker room came by and explained to me what all the poz and neg talk meant. It turns out he had also been pozzed. I cried like a baby and he held me soothing me and explained that it wasn't that bad. How meds could control it - if I wanted, and how now I could get fucked by anyone anytime. And that now now I could pass the gift to others if I wanted to do so. He held me for over an hour and soon we were making out. Truly making out. And that night we made love to each other. Two converted poz gay boys. When it was over we began to make plans to share the gift. But that's a story for another time.
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  12. I guess I should mention, I’m a dealer, distributer, delinquent, deep dicking druggie. My suppliers are good, and my payment varies. When I first moved to this little Texas town, I was just happy to have my own place. Finally out of my parents place. Finally out on my own. Finally able to really pursue my entrepreneurial endeavors. I started selling when I was 15, and over the course of 4 years I’d built good solid professional relationships with the worst types of people. I knew how to run them from city to city, hide them, and just my luck I had such an innocent face, I’d never been busted for anything. Now in this do nothing town I could really be the king of my own area. But this story isn’t about how I became big, or how I dropped out of college but kept my apt only blocks away from campus. This story isn’t about having the best X, T, MJ for miles and how I sold it cheap to all the college boys and girls. This story isn’t about how I found out I was gay, or my first string of gay hook ups. This story isn’t even about how I got pozzed from all the bareback fucking I was doing. No. This story is about Leo. Leo the black haired, dark eyed. 5’9, 195 lbs, 22 year old, natural, muscle jock with an emo/skater self grown self-hatred of how much he wanted big dick up his ass. My God, If I believed in God, I would have said he was Him and worshiped that muscle ass till my dick fell off and then some. How can you describe perfection seriously? The guy looked like he walked off a porno shoot, with a face so sad and mopey that he practically begged to be used. He was huge, and hot, and the moment Jesse, my regular customer, a lil amature tweeker walked in with this hunk shuffling silently behind him. My jaw hit the floor so fast I got a nose bleed. No joke, my nose started bleeding, and sure maybe it was from the line of coke I had a few hours before, but I’d never over done myself before, I was always in control, and seeing him was a whole other story. Mind blown. I regained my composure quickly and tossed away the shirt I wearing as I used it to wipe the drops from my upper lip. I smiled to myself as it was their turn for their jaws to drop. What can I say, I was hot too. Just not Leo hot. I guess I should also let you know that about me. My grindr profile says 5’11 160 Latino Muscular single Jock Tribe. I was toned and slim with good rounded muscles in all the right place just proportionate to my lean frame. Tall, lankey, muscley and just slight peach fuzz of hair in all the right places. I was 27 and could pass for 23 and my swimmer/runner/biker jock frame, yes druggies can also be athletes, have you never heard of Lance Armstrong?, made even the straight boys think twice about their sexuality. You can verify it with some of my straight customers. I made a point to play off my nose bleed as just me taking off my shirt and it seemed like it worked just enough, or maybe the two boys were just taken aback by my sudden strip show, either way, They were fresh out the gym and I was ready to give Leo a whole different type of workout. “Hey sorry about Leo, he just tagged along but he’s cool” Jesse spoke up . It was also the first time I learned Leo’s name. Jesse was a slim tall boy with no muscle, me at 18, with a nice firm bubble butt, not me at 18, and the face of cute little puppy dog, and I still got mine, and yes, I’ve fucked his hole since his freshman year, put so much toxic jizz up his little pussy, made hims scream in high heaven pleasure and pain, turned him into a total cum dump, and helped him through all his latent daddy issues. Basically, the boy be my bitch. He’s working on his master’s in psychology and I could tell he’d been working out, which was the whole reason I invited him over. I wanted to try out the updates on his goodies. From the look of his whining face, I could tell he was kind of hoping the exact same thing, but Leo ironically enough cock blocked us both for totally different reasons. I had Jesse’s bag of MJ all ready to go, and handed it to him with a shrug, and nod at Leo. He nodded back, and unconsciously an evil little smirk crossed my mind. “Gay, Straight, Bi, or you don’t know.” I asked bluntly. I couldn’t remember if the drugs turned off my filter or this was just my natural persona. Leo was taken aback and blinked so fast you’d have thought I slapped him. My evil grin turned into a smile. “Fuck you.” He said and a stupid smile broke out across his face. I smiled back, so I’ll take that as gay gay gay, I thought. “I don’t have any money…” Jesse broke in. Honestly, I had kind of forgotten he was even there. “You know what that means.” I replied moving my eyes slowly back to him from Leo. Jesse broke out in a little giggle and Leo looked at him awkwardly. “You smoke?” I asked him. “Yeah…” He replied knowing that there was something missing in the conversation. Just not knowing that is was my dick up his cunt. “Well lets smoke. Shut the fucking door” I said bluntly again. Jesse instinctively walked to the living room sat on the couch and start rolling up papers. Leo and I looked at each other for a while. I picked up my joint, lit it, inhaled and passed it to him. He took it and did the same. Jesse was right, he was cool. I waved him to living room sitting in a large chair while he took a seat on the couch between Jesse and me. He took another puff of the joint and passed it back to me right before breaking out coughing. I smiled more. As the joint ran out, I lit up a bowl of Jesse’s still unpaid for bag, and passed it around, letting my lips lick around the tip of the pipe as Leo passed it to me, trying to taste his lips off the pipe itself. The high was setting in I could see Leo’s face smiling idiotically and Jesse was in his own little world, looking hungry and begging. I guess now was as good a time as any. I patted my hand on my crotch and Jesse crawled off the couch slowly eyes half open n red and began rubbing his face in my sweat pants mouth open and drooling. I looked up and saw Leo staring while high little Jesse was trying to suck my dick out of my pants. His mouth was open eyes fixed on what he was seeing. Jesse was moaning and drooling a nice wet stain around my cock till finally I push my pants down and let my fat dick slap him in the face. I was only 7 maybe 7.5 inches but the thickness is what got guys. I couldn’t tell you how many inches around it was, but just hold a beer can, its thicker than that without question. My eyes were fixed on Leo as he was fixed on my cock. His eyes were wide, as so many other guys found out before him, my dick was not one to be sucked. My cock was for opening up sweet boy holes. Jesse drooled and licked and stuffed his face, till he looked up and saw me looking at Leo and Leo looking at him. Jesse switched gears and crawled to Leo, He unbuttoned Leo’s pants, and then it was my turn to be surprised. He was sporting a beautiful 8 inch buttfucking pole. Jesse nearly squealed with delight as he swallowed Leo whole causing Leo’s head to fall back and a soft moan escaped his lips. My cock began to drip as I stroked watching Leo receive Jesse’s amazing head. Jesse drooled and slobbered and moaned over and over sucking in Leo’s cock as if he was trying to use it to breath. Leo’s hips began to buck into Jesse’s throat as he was losing control to pleasure and high. His eyes shut as his bucking was getting rougher and rougher then suddenly he opened his eyes and looked directly at me stroking my dick. “I’m gonnacum!” he announced looking right at me. “Cum.” I said softly returning his stare and without breaking eye contact, he shuddered shivered and filled Jesse’s mouth with cum. I nearly came myself. Jesse had just pulled off his cock, when Leo stood up, pulled his gym short up, adjusted himself and made for the door. “I got to go” he said, and without waiting for a response he left. I looked at Jesse who looked just as confused as I was, but I was also pissed. I walked to door locked it and looked at Jesse, “Bedroom. Now.” I said and he crawled to the room, tossing clothes off as he went. When he reached the bed he bent over the side and with out a word, I spit in my hand and shoved my unlubed cock at his hole. He screamed, “DADDY! SLOWLY PLZ!” “FUCK THAT!” I responded. I was pissed, at Leo, at myself. “Fuck slowly!” I pushed my cock at his hole again, it began to open. The familiar hole knew what was coming and was trying to catch up. I pulled out spit on his hole, onmy cock head and pushed again. This time Jesse’s twink hole gripped my cock and he screamed again. I began to shove my cock into the warmth of his ass shoving open the walls of his ass as he screamed into the sheets biting them grabbing ahead trying to pull his body off the side of the bed away from me. I pulled back a bit and saw red on my cock. Fuck it. I thought I spit down where my cock lay on his hole and shoved again not stopping for his screaming for his hole till my balls reached his ass. Usually Jesse was much higher when I abused him like this. And his hole had already had my cock at least once that hour. I just wasn’t in the mood today. I gripped his hips and slammed his hole again and again while he screamed and tried to run. After what felt like only a few minutes to me, I pulled out and could see my cock was covered with pink and redcream. As I flipped him over his eyes were tear streaked. “You want lube.” I asked grabbing the T laced lube. He nodded vigorously while sucking in the tears. “Do you want me to stop?” I asked He shook his head vigorously now and opened his legs and ass. I couldn’t help but lean in a kiss him. Despite it all, he still loved it. As my tongue pushed into his mouth, I pushed 3 fingers and a large glob of laced lube in his hole. He let out a dull but strong noise into my mouth on my tongue as I worked the lube and the fingers in on him, and I kept my mouth on him while I applied a second serving, and by the end of it his moaning softened head rolled back and I pushed my cock back into him. He gasped and moaned, “ Ohhhhhhhhddaaaady.” I fucked him steadly popping his hole again and again, and all he could do was repeat his mantra, “Ohhhhhhhhdaddy” I couldn’t cum. All I could think about was Leo. I smoked and fucked Jesse’s hole all afternoon, night into the next morning till I couldn’t stand it anymore. Jesse’s hole was a gaping train station that could park a ford focus and by the end of it I still couldn’t cum. Jesse lay now on the floor breathing, and had stopped making sounds shortly after 3am. It was noon now and he just lay there. Slowly his legs came down as I left to kitchen and when I came back he was still laying there. I lit up a joint and told him I was going to the gym. I called a buddy of mine to come to the house and watch him while I was out. I came back a little after 5, and heard sex noises going on when I got to my front door. My buddy and another mutual friend of ours were in the middle of plowing Jesse from both ends, when my friend looked up I couldn’t help but notice he looked bored. “What the fuck you do to this guy.” He asked, “His hole is a fucking cave.” I couldn’t help but smile, “Same thing I’ll do to you if you don’t get the fuck out of my house. Take him too” The dressed up and helped carry Jesse out of my house. I wish I could say this was the first time this had happened, but Jesse was a tweaker at heart, and trips to my house usually ended this way for him. I’m sure I’d see him again in a month or two...then after a moment remembering the night before, maybe three.
    1 point
  13. I was on vacation in Chicago one summer visiting a friend when I found out about the Bijou theater. One night, around 11:00 PM I was looking on-line for the local bathhouse when I found a reference about the theater and the play space it offered. I took down the address and was off to check it out, arriving there about midnight. I paid admission, purchased some poppers, and when the clerk explained lockers were offered for guys who wanted to strip down, I rented a lock. Jackpot! I liked to wander around nude, and now I could without fear of loosing my wallet. He buzzed me in and I walked into a dim theater where I found old porn from the 70s playing, so I took a seat and waited for my eyes to adjust. Soon enough I noticed there were only two other guys in the theater, one of whom was asleep or passed out, I wasn't sure, and the other, who happened to be in my row, was an older guy, balding with a gray mustache and sideburns. He looked like an aging 70s porn star with a lot of mileage on him. I started to feel a bit self conscious as he kept looking my way. In fact, he started to creep me out a bit, so I focused on the porno and tried to get into it, taking a hit of poppers to enhance the action. It worked. With my first sniff I was feeling my head spin and my cock get hard. Those nasty 70s porn boys were fucking on a dance floor to disco and I wanted to boogie in the worst way. I glanced over to the dirty old man in my row to see he had pulled his cock out and was stroking away. It was big, about nine inches. I couldn't stop looking over at it, and decided it was time to reward this nasty fucker with a little show so I got up and made my way to the lockers in the back. They were in a small room with a spiral star case that led up to the play space. i stripped down to my tighty whites and my keds high tops and put the rest of my clothes in the locker and walked back to my seat. As soon as I sat down I took another hit of poppers and looked over at that dirty daddy with the big tool. He was still stoking it and staring right at me. I could see the lust in his eyes and feel his appetite for me. I pulled my cock out and started to stroke it. When I looked over at him he had stuck his tongue out and was gesturing like he was licking out a hole. Fuck! I could feel the heat rise from my cock and my ass all the way through my body. I got up and headed to the play space up stairs where, upon arriving at the top, I saw many little booths with large glory holes in the partition walls. I wandered down the rows, but the place seemed to be deserted, so I let it all hang out: I dropped my shorts and walked about wearing nothing but my keds high tops. Then, as I rounded a corner, another, about the same age as the guy on the first floor, came out of one of the booths. He was fully dressed, had a full head of grey hair, a short trimmed beard and mustache and he was a little chubby. He began to talk to me as though it was normal to see a naked guy in his keds high tops. He asked how often I came there and I replied I had never been to a place like that before. When I said I was nervous, He told me I was a strapping young man and I should be proud to show my body. Just then the guy from down stairs came around the corner. he was totally naked. I could see how skinny he was. He had skinny legs with bone knees and no ass. His arms were as skinny leading to hands with long fingers. He didn't seem to have an once fat on him except through his mid section which was kind of thick. I could notice his face closely. His upper cheeks had a strange sunken look. He stood there beating off. I couldn't help getting a boner. My heart was racing, maybe from the poppers, maybe from the danger or both. Then the other man said lets get in a booth. He took me by the arm and led me into one of the booths and shut the door. He put his arms around me and said " now just relax" and we kissed. At that he said "good boy". He held the bottle of poppers up to my nose. I inhaled deeply. Then he said "that's it son" he rapped his arms around me again and reached back to my ass and spread my cheeks apart as he backed my ass to the hole in the wall. I could hear the door in the next booth open then shut. Then my new Daddy said "Put your bum through the hole and let that nice man on the other side check it out." I could feel fingers spread my cheeks apart and then something warm and wet push against my hole. Daddy encouraged me, saying "Let him check your bum to see if it's a pussy." At that I could feel a boney finger enter me and slide in deep. i could feel it feeling around up inside of me. Daddy asked if the man was checking my bum and I nodded. The the finger withdrew and the warm wet tong pushed up inside of me as daddy made me take another hit of poppers. I could feel it push deep into me, tasting me. I said to daddy that the man was eating my hole. Daddy made me take another hit of poppers and said the man was going to turn my boy hole into a pussy and asked if I wanted that, If I wanted to be a pussy boy. I told him I did and daddy said good boy and we kissed and daddy's tong entered my mouth. I had two tongs inside of me now, two men new what I tasted like. Then the nice man on the other side of the wall stopped eating my hole. in a few seconds I could feel something hard push against my hole then push up inside of me. I long shaft slid deep inside of me. I could feel it push past my second sphincter. and into my belly. Daddy asked me if the man's cock was inside of me. when I said yes, he made me take another hit of poppers. The man began to fuck me deep, pistoned into me like a machine. Daddy asked me if I liked that big raw cock in my pussy. I told him I did and he gave me anther hit of poppers. Daddy said that the man's big raw cock was going to fuck my pussy and make it into a cunt by putting sperm in my pussy. He ask if I wanted the man to put his sperm in my pussy and knock it up. I told him I did. Daddy made me take another hit of poppers and then held me tight. We kissed and then he said in my ear," good boy, Good boy, let that big raw cock breed you." "It's going to impregnate you with poz seed". " Your getting knocked up son". "Good boy!" He put his hand on my belly and pushed "I can feel that big raw poz cock inside of you. This is were it's going to put it's poz seed. My head was spinning and my heart was pound in my ears. My hole was getting fucked like a cunt. That's all I wanted in the moment was to be a cunt and get knocked up by that big cock inside of me. To receive its seed, be injected with cum and be permanently impregnated. Daddy held the poppers up to my nose and then I said,"daddy I'm getting knocked up, I'm getting knocked up daddy." He said "that's it son take that poz seed in you cunt". At that the cock inside of me began to speed up its thrusts and I could feel it get harder. Then three hard deep thrusts as a loud moan came from the other side of the wall. I felt the cock inside of me spasm as it squirt sperm deep inside my gut. After a moment, the cock began to slowly come out of me. I had a full filling even after it was all the way out and I knew it had put a big thick load in my cunt. I could the door to the next booth opened and the man left. The hole thing could have been a dream except for the wad I could still feel inside my gut. Daddy opened the door to our booth and led me to a sling. He made me get in and for the next several hours, I was the cunt for the hole place and several other men that showed up. I went back to my hotel and fell asleep with my belly full of cum. The next morning I woke up and it had all absorbed into the walls of my colon. a few days later I woke up with morning sickness. I was pregnant. I had the fuck flu. I had really gotten knocked up by a half dozen men but I think it was the first one that was my baby daddy.
    1 point
  14. I can't take credit for this, found it on nifty.org and I wanted to share. From: john bottom <slamme76@hotmail.com> Subject: Breaking and Entering His Ass (Part1) So this is one scene I had in mind. I wrote it out like a short story. You're the homeowner and I'm the intruder. It was night and some guy broke into another guy's house. It was a nice house. New. The intruder was very proud of his breaking and entering abilities. He was walking around like he owned the place. After strolling through the house he was shocked to hear a voice: "Don't move an inch." It was the homeowner and he had the intruder cornered with a baseball bat. He held the bat ready to swing and the intruder knew that the homeowner could at least knock him out if he wanted to. But the homeowner was in control and he could sense the intruder's fear. "What the fuck are you doing in my house? Who the fuck are you?" The intruder was scared, apologetic and begging. "Please, just let me go. I'm begging you. Don't hit me, please, just let me go." The homeowner could tell the intruder was really scared. The homeowner knew, dressed like he was -- black leather pants, cut off t-shirt, boots -- that he looked intimidating. The homeowner took a long look at the intruder and finally told him to take his clothes off. "Hey, I'm not into that..." the intruder said, at which time the homeowner raised the bat up. "It's take your clothes, take a beating or I call the cops. Which is it?" The intruder was cornered. He didn't want to end up in jail because he would become some black man's prison bitch and he didn't want to take a beating, so he figured, "I'll take my clothes off, this guy will jack himself off and then I'll be on my way." So the intruder took his clothes off. He was tall, slender, blond, muscular and smooth. It looked like he shaved his legs. He stood there naked while the homeowner admired his body. The intruder could feel the homeowner's eyes caressing his smooth skin. He could feel a draft between his legs, around his balls and his ass cheeks. He was very aware of being naked. The homeowner told him to turn around at which time he handcuffed the intruder's hands behind his back. This surprised the intruder and he wanted to turn around and say something but the act of taking his clothes off and having his hands handcuffed began to make him hard and he didn't want to call attention to himself -- have the homeowner spin him around and see his hardening shaved-like-a-boy cock pointing out. So he didn't say a thing. The homeowner pushed the intruder face first against the wall and spread his legs and started feeling the intruder up -- chest, legs, ass... but when he reached around to feel the intruder's cock he couldn't help but notice the intruder was totally hard. "I thought you said you weren't into this?" the homeowner said, to which the intruder had no reply, he just looked down embarrassed. The homeowner got close to the intruder and pulled his head back by the hair and whispered in his ear, "You're going to be my little prison bitch tonight. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." He told the intruder to lay spread eagle on his stomach on the floor and not to move. The homeowner stomped out in his boots to the kitchen and the intruder thought about how everything had gone wrong and now he's going to be a prison bitch and how he wanted to avoid that to begin with... but he was turned on. His cock was hard and it felt good. He could feel it rubbing on the floor and pre-cum smearing onto the smooth wood surface. The idea of letting some strange man take ownership of his ass and mouth... he would never admit it to anyone, but it made his cock hard. His shaved asshole was sweating and he began to wonder if the homeowner noticed that it was shaved when he was feeling him up. He hoped not. Meanwhile, out in the kitchen, the homeowner found a barstool and began looking for a hypo he had left in a drawer there the night before. He had been partying and was still feeling the effects when he caught the intruder. He was thinking to himself, "Jackpot. This guy is pretty hot, he shaves his hole so you know regardless of what he says, he likes his boy pussy played with. I might have to teach him how to deep throat and loosen his hole up so I can go balls deep on his ass, but what a find! I can keep him for as long as I want. Maybe even take some pictures and threaten to post them on the Internet if he doesn't come back for regular sessions. Hey, that reminds me..." The homeowner found what he was looking for in the kitchen and returned to where he left the intruder with barstool in hand. He put something on the table in the room, tinkered with it and then moved over to where the intruder was. When he saw the intruder still spread eagle on the floor, he knew he had an obedient fuck boy. He told the slender naked handcuffed intruder to stand up and he did. He made him face the wall again and pulled the barstool under his ass and told him to step back and sit. He un-handcuffed one hand and cuffed the other to the lowest rung on the barstool. He told the intruder to raise his ass up and when he did the homeowner reached between the intruder's legs from behind and pulled his shaved plump cock and balls out so it was now hanging over the edge of the barstool backwards pointing straight down. When the intruder sat back down he was feeling very vulnerable. The position of his cock was forcing him to lean over and expose his shaved hole. He was worried that the angry homeowner would see his shaved pussy, figure out his secret and start pounding him right then and that was something his tight hole wasn't ready for. But the homeowner was one step ahead. With the hypo between his teeth, the homeowner grabbed the wrist of the intruder and held it up to the front. He wrapped a piece of surgical tubing around the top of the intruder's arm and located a vein. The intruder looked up and said, "No!" The homeowner looked at him angrily and told the intruder, "What's it going to be? The cops, the baseball bat or this? You decide." The intruder lowered his head. "You're going to love this," the homeowner said laughing. "You should be thanking me. This is good shit." The homeowner slipped the hypo into the intruder's vein, pulled back the plunger and in the dim light saw a little drop of blood in the hypo at which time he pushed the plunger all the way down continuing to hold the intruders arm up. The intruder felt a clicking sensation in his throat and then the meth hit. It went straight to his pussy and cock. He let out a pouty moan and slumped with his head between his legs and his ass hanging off the end of the barstool. He felt the blood pumping into his cock and his shaved hole begin to sweat. When the homeowner put a bandaid on his arm and let it go, the intruder couldn't help reaching behind with his now free hand and feeling his hardening cock, his ripe juicy balls and his sweaty shaved pussy hole. He didn't care anymore if the homeowner saw his hard shaved cock or his tight shaved hole. All he was thinking was having his ass and mouth filled. In just a few seconds he went from a tough-guy-burglar to a total pussy boy thinking only about cock and how to please it. The homeowner stood back and admired his handy work. He could see the intruder panting, stroking his now hard cock and occasionally fingering his tight shaved asshole. Now the homeowner's cock began to swell. He knew that for the next couple of hours the only thoughts going through the intruder's head would be primitive thoughts about craving and pleasing cock. He was the homeowner's sloppy fuck pig. The homeowner knew he could un-handcuff the intruder if he wanted and the intruder would go no where. He knew this was true. The intruder would just sit there bent over the barstool waiting for his master, wanting only to please the master's cock with his warm tight holes. The homeowner walked out of the room, confident that he could sit down, watch a ball game, drink a couple beers if he wanted and come back and find the intruder still waiting, bent over the barstool playing with his cock and his pussy hole. The homeowner walked back to the kitchen. There found a tub of Crisco and headed back to the room where he left the intruder. He re-handcuffed the intruder's wrist back to his other wrist and around the bottom rung of the barstool. The homeowner stuck his fingers into the tub of Crisco and slathered the intruder's smooth cock, balls and tight pussy. He stroked the intruder's cock downward and poked his index finger into the intruder's amazingly tight, clean ass. The intruder let out a pouty moan. The homeowner slipped two fingers in and began sliding them in and out of the hot slick boy pussy. The intruder moaned and the homeowner imagined how this tight boy hole would feel wrapped around the shaft of his beautiful cock and how it would feel when his balls began to slap the intruders balls when he decided the boy could handle his entire tool. "Yeah, you want something in there, don't you?" the homeowner said, referring to the intruder's ass. "What would feel good inside that tight little boy hole of yours? More fingers? Some cock? Yeah, boy. You're a natural at this. Look at you bent over. Look, you're hard. This is your calling boy. You were meant to be owned." The homeowner went on at length telling the intruder what he needed and the intruder was amazed at how right the homeowner was. Everything he said was true and he could only respond with a moaning "yessss." It was true and both the homeowner and the intruder knew it: some men were meant to service the needs of other men. Sometimes that meant fetching a beer and sometimes that meant massaging the master's cock with your hands, mouth or ass to make the master feel good. And sometimes that meant letting the master take over and own you and do whatever he wanted. The homeowner recognized it and the intruder understood it. The homeowner was taking ownership. The intruder was becoming his bitch. Completely hard, the homeowner got undressed next to the intruder. Mostly he kept his fingers in the intruder's hole while undressing, removing them only to unsnapped buttons and untie his boots. He got all his clothes off and put his boots back on and towered over the panting, sweating intruder. The homeowner's beautiful cock was hot and hard and his balls were full. The thought of essentially raping the intruder had made him that way. The homeowner liked the way the intruder's slick tight hole felt and occasionally he reached down and admired the intruder's plump balls and hard cock. He was even nice enough to stroke them for the intruder since the intruder couldn't do that handcuffed to the barstool. The homeowner stroked his own tool too, his hands still slick with Crisco. He walked around the front of the intruder, reached under his chin and raised his head up. He liked what he saw. "Such a nice face," he thought, and then opened the intruder's mouth with his thumb and slid his hot cock inside. The intruder tasted the salty pre-cum mixed with Crisco. He didn't mind the Crisco but he absolutely craved the pre-cum. It was the taste of cock and at that moment that was what he was all about. The homeowner pushed his cock halfway in and the intruder choked and gagged but the homeowner kept his cock in the intruder's hot wet mouth. "Deal with it! You can do this. I know you want to be a good cocksucker for your daddy because daddy likes his cock suck. Come on boy, make daddy's cock feel good. Don't fight it!" The intruder resisted the gagging reflex and found that he could do this. Soon the homeowners cock was sliding in and out of the intruder's open mouth, right down to the balls. "Look up here," the homeowner said to the intruder. With the intruder's eyes gazing up, the homeowner pumped his tool in and out of the open mouth while he pinched his own nipples. When he pulled his cock out after about 20 minutes of none-stop pumping a strand of slobber hung from the end of his cock to the intruder's mouth. The homeowner stuck his cock back in and began to pump. He reached back with his hand and patted the intruder's slick shaved hole. The hole was tight and strong. Standing off to the side, he could see the intruder squeezing and releasing the sphincter muscle each time the homeowner pumped the intruder's mouth. "I'm going to warm that ass up a little bit," the homeowner said to the intruder, at which time he slapped the intruder's hole hard letting out a loud crack. The intruder moaned as loud as he could considering the homeowner's balls were bouncing off his chin. The homeowner slapped the hole again and again and again. Then he slipped two fingers in all the way and then pulled them back out. They were clean. He rubbed the intruder's hole in a circular motion, occasionally dipping his fingers in the boy's pussy. The intruder was trying to say something but he made no sense in his intoxicated state and with the homeowner's cock deep in his mouth. It didn't matter. The homeowner was fixated on the intruder's hole and didn't care what he had to say. The homeowner walked away from the front of the intruder. His cock pulled out of the intruder's wet sloppy mouth and the intruder began to pant. He had grown very use to the sensation of having a cock in his mouth and he quickly wanted it back. But the homeowner had other plans. He walked around the back of the intruder and admired his beautiful boy pussy. "Jackpot!" he thought again. The homeowner put his hands on the intruder's hips and lined the head of his throbbing cock up on the intruder's slick shaved boy pussy. The intruder arched his back. He craved the cock so much now. The homeowner was going to slide it in slowly, take a couple minutes to open the intruder's pussy up before really giving it a workout, but then he thought about why the intruder was there and how he broke into his house and that made him angry. And so he pushed the head of his cock into the intruder's slick tight ass and felt the beautiful warmth that only a man's ass can give a man's cock and decided not to stop. He was angry but in control and penetrated with one massive even stroke right down to his balls and held it there. At first the intruder thought the homeowner's hot cock felt very good inside his ass, but about halfway in, the intruder was feeling uncomfortable and by the time he homeowner finish his first deep stroke, the intruder was mixed with feelings of ecstasy and pain and the mix felt very good. He squirmed looking for more ecstasy but the homeowner was in control and held him still, his cock planted deep in the intruder's ass and he was holding the intruder in a place if felt good to him. "Don't tighten up on me! Relax! Relax. Take that man cock. That's a man's cock in you boy! You know what to do. Take it because that's what I want. Take it. This is what your good at. Not robbing houses." And the intruder began to relax and take all of his master's cock. The homeowner put his right foot on the bottom rung of the barstool and reach down to where his cock was entering the intruder's ass. He found the intruder's cock still hard now dripping cum and pointing straight down. He gave it a couple strokes. Then he grabbed the intruder's balls and placed them in his hand next to his own balls. Both men's balls were shaved and they rubbed up against each other. "Feel that, boy? Those are my man balls. That's you taking all my cock." He pushed deeper in the intruder's hole and then pulled back out, then slid it back in, then pulled it all out except the head. He could feel the intruder's still-tight hole squeezing the head of his cock. The homeowner knew they were in the final stretch. "See if you can feel my balls slapping yours." He slid his cock deep inside the intruder's ass and gave a little flick with his hips at the end of the stroke to make his balls go forward. "Feel that?" The homeowner pulled out to his head again and pushed it back in, this time a little harder. "Feel that? Feel my balls slapping against yours? Huh? Not yet? Okay." The homeowner pulled out to his head again and really hammered the intruder's ass. "Feel that?" He pulled out to his head again and slammed it home, each time asking the intruder if he could feel their balls slapping together. The homeowner was growing angry and was pumping the intruder hard and from all angles asking the intruder over and over if he could feel their balls slapping. The intruder only moaned. The homeowner's words made beautiful sense but he could not answer. He was too focused and giving his ass up for ownership, giving it to the master. "Break into my house, bitch! I dare you!" the homeowner yelled as he pumped the intruder's ass with all his might. The noise of the homeowner's hips and the intruder's ass slapping together was ringing in the intruder's ears. "Take my fucking cock, bitch! All of it!" One last pump and the homeowner stepped around to the front of the intruder with a controlled purposeful stride. This was the last step in total ownership. "Open your mouth!" The intruder instinctively opened and the homeowner stuck the head of his cock in and began to stroke, pumping hot salty seaman in, filling the intruder's mouth. "Swallow!" the homeowner yelled as he cranked on his tool and squirted more hot cum into the boy's mouth. "Swallow it all you bitch!" When he was done the homeowner un-handcuffed the intruder and walked away to the kitchen. The intruder was still dizzily intoxicated from the injection and having his ass and mouth pumped like a whore. He stood up and laid on his back on the wood floor. He reached down and felt his sloppy boy pussy. It was wide open, loose from his masters tool and very slick. He pulled his knees to his chest and began exploring his stretched pussy. It was hot, wet and loose. He squeezed it tight again and was happy that he could still easily make it tight and keep it tight for his master, but he liked playing with it loose. He could hear the homeowner in the kitchen microwaving something but he didn't' care what was going on in the kitchen. His world was about his cock and boy pussy and he panted as he stroked both with both hands. The homeowner walked back into the room drinking a beer and carrying a warm cucumber. He took a knee between the intruder's legs. He poured beer into the intruder's mouth and the intruder gulped it down. He poured more in the intruder's mouth and some on his chest. The intruder never stopped stroking his hard cock and playing with his balls and pussy. "You ready to cum for your daddy, boy?" the homeowner asked the intruder. He lined the warm cucumber up on the intruder's hole and began pushing it in. The intruder opened his hole, giving it to his man. The homeowner went deep with the cucumber and then pulled it out. It was a little bigger than the homeowner's cock and the intruder took it eagerly. The homeowner pushed it in deep and pulled it out. "You ready to cum, boy?" The homeowner began stroking the cucumber in and out and asking the intruder if he was ready to cum for his daddy and that some daddies weren't nice enough to do this for their boys, but he was a nice daddy and he'd gladly watch, even help, as a boy shot his load. "You should feel lucky, now come on boy! Cum for daddy!" The intruder was moaning, almost crying like a little boy and jack wildly, fondling his balls and feeling with the tips of his fingers the cucumber going in and out of his ass. "Come on boy, cum!" the homeowner yelled. "Cum, boy! You can do it! Show your daddy how you can cum!" And all at once the intruder let out a moan that almost sounded like a cry for help and shot three big loads into the air, the first landing in his face and the rest going on his chest and the floor. When the homeowner saw the cum on the floor, he became mad grabbed the intruder by the back of the neck and made him lick the cum off the floor. He walked over to a table and picked something up about the size of a coffee mug. He was looking into it in the dark and the intruder could see whatever it was was reflecting light back into the homeowner's face. The homeowner just stared into the light. "Look, boy. You nearly took that whole cucumber," the homeowner said. He held what turned out to be a video camera up to the intruder's face and the intruder could see that he was taking almost all of the cucumber. He laid back on the floor, took a deep breath, pulled his knees into his chest and began stroking his cock, balls and hole again.
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  15. This is the first part in a multi part story. It is purely a work of fiction from my perverted mind. Any similarities between anyone living or dead is purely coincidental also any statements made to the benefits of having HIV or taking meds is totally fictitious as well. My name is Frank and I’m 25 years old and gay. I’m 6’3 and weigh in now at around 190 pounds. I have blonde hair and green eyes and I can easily bench 230 pounds for five reps. I attended a Midwestern University and received my Bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and my Master’s degree in Physical Therapy. I would be as most readers would describe as a hunk or jock. During my undergrad years I also swam, both for pleasure and as a competitor. As a matter of fact I had been swimming since I was 10. It came to be a surprise when my best friend from high school and college called me one day and offered me a job as a swim coach to his junior college swim team. I had been working as a coach for the local high school and had spent many hours suppressing my hard cock that would spring up whenever a player would get too close or spend too long in the shower soaping up his equipment. I never acted on the impulses for fear of being labeled a child molester but when you have 100’s of hot young guys parading themselves past your office nearly naked a man has his breaking points. Mine typically would consist of closing my blinds and locking my office door and jerking a huge load onto my desktop then licking up the evidence. I’m sure a player or two got an erection from my breath that sometime had the hint of a cum swallower, as I would lecture them after a practice or gym class. When I was in my late teens I was a horny cocksucker in a very conservative town in the bible belt so had little opportunity to enjoy same sex relations on a regular basis. Even though Andy was my best friend and we enjoyed making out, we knew we couldn’t get caught so we never progressed beyond groping and cuddling when we could, and passionate make-out sessions when we would go camping. One fateful day I heard of a truck stop about 20 miles out on the interstate where horny truckers who would shag just about anything that walked. So naturally I made some lame excuses one morning about having to go get some new feed for the horses, jumped in my Camaro and headed out to the truck stop. I pulled up between two large rigs and got out to see if the rumors were true. Now, I was a attractive teen, skinny and lean, although full of muscle from all the workouts and sports I had done in high school. As I walked up the line of trucks, my knees began to shake a little, wondering if I had made the mistake of a lifetime, wondering if this was to be the last day of my life. Most of the truckers looked rugged and very menacing, almost as if they had just escaped from the penitentiary a couple of counties over. My thought was to turn and run. Later I learned the guys would be called 'bears' in the gay parlance. At most I would be called a cub and a virgin to boot, having little experience outside of snuggling with Andy. There was a café at the truck stop and as it was nearing noon, I went in and ordered a burger, thinking food would calm my nerves. While sitting there chowing down on my burger I notice that most of the truckers pretty much just ignored me and went on with their business. A couple of them seemed to be looking me over, but most didn't even seem to register me. I had been sitting there about 25 minutes while keeping an eye on the men’s room, thinking that was where the reported action was occurring, but honestly the men's room seemed to be just that - a men's room, certainly not a sex venue. Suddenly an older man approached my table from my blind side and asked “Boy, are you lost?" I looked up to find an attractive guy about mid 30’s looking down on me with a shit-eating grin on his face. I stammered and said something like "No, sir, I'm just having a burger on my way back north to college.” I was lying and I suspect he could sense I wasn’t there for the burger, because his next question was "Have you ever seen the inside of a big rig?" to which I managed to stammer out "No, but I've always wondered what they look like." He smiled and said "Well, finish-up and I'll give you a tour of my rig." I gulped down my food on the spot, left a $10.00 bill on the counter and and followed the man out to his truck. He opened the passenger's door and gestured for me to climb-in and take a look. Once I got in, he went around to the driver’s seat and in one smooth swing, got into the seat, asking “Pretty nice rig, you think?” I was all but speechless, but managed to say something appropriate. Then he swung around behind the seat past a curtain and invited me into his inner sanctum. I was dumbfounded, and couldn’t believe they could fit a queen size mattress in there. He then began caressing me and kissing me, murmuring "Oh my, what a pretty guy." Of course I was more than happy to go along with his directions as he took my tee shirt off of me and began rubbing my back. He leaned me back as he pulled my jeans down past my knees. I had worn my jock strap that morning and he pressed his face into my groin as he began to nibble and suckle on my rock hard cock through the material of the pouch. He sucked on my cock for a bit before removing my jeans and jock, so I lay there naked but for my socks. Again he complemented me, saying "Oh my, we have some succulent chicken today” although admittedly at the time I didn't know 'chicken' was a euphemism for a young guy. He stripped off his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, and positioned himself over me and began kissing and sucking my entire nubile body. He licked my pits and the seat from my balls he cupped my butt cheeks in his hands and began licking and sucking on my ass and pucker. His spit was making it slick and his attentions were relaxing my hole. He probed my hole with one finger, then two. I cautioned him "You're going to make me pee if you keep that up” but he just nodded, took my cock in his mouth, all the while fingering my hole. I couldn’t hold back - the soda had made it to my bladder and I pissed into his mouth and down his throat. My hard cock had gone soft while peeing in his mouth but very quickly was rock hard again and dripping precum. He pulled off my cock without losing one drop of my precious fluids saying “Remember what I’ve been doing to you. Now you are going to show me what you have learned about pleasuring a man.” With that he leaned back. I pulled myself forward towards him and planted a passionate kiss on his full lips. He tasted of piss and, being a man, somewhat musky, but musky in a comfortable way, so naturally I wanted more, so I worked my tongue up and down his muscular body, lapping at his pits. The taste and aroma were an aphrodisiac. I nibbled down to the waistband of his shorts and he lifted his hips as I slipped his jeans and boxer shorts off of him, licking the head of his sustainable cock, which was my first real taste of cock! His precum was sweet and succulent so I eagerly sucked his cock into my throat, although I gagged a bit when he pushed my head down further, but he didn't relent. I coughed up phlegm a couple times but soon found I could deep-throat him with relative ease. I did as he did and cupped his ass and raised him up to reveal his rose bud. It looked clean and smelled freshly washed with just a hint of man musk I dove in not waiting to be invited and invaded his hole with my tongue. It tasted pungent and oddly, a bit like strawberries. I started to finger his hole and discovered he was easy to penetrate, so I wiggled a finger around inside his gut - which somehow felt squishy. I pulled my finger out and licked it to put two in and tasted a hint of cum. I looked up curious and he grinned, saying "You're my second today." He told me to keep fingering his hole and he would treat me to a good drink like I had given him. I was reluctant at first and he asked "Don’t you want to learn to please a man?" I nodded yes and took his cock in my mouth while fingering his hole. It didn’t take long and he was pissing down my throat. He then got to his knees and announced it was time for my next lesson. As I lay on my back, he took my cock in his mouth and raised my ass up in the air. He then threw my legs on his shoulders and positioned himself at my hole. He pressed my sphincter with the head of his cock and slowly invaded my body with his. It hurt like hell as the head of his plump tool stretched-open my hole, inch by inch sliding into me, eventually hilting his entire eight inches deep in my gut. When he reached full depth, he paused to allow my ass to adjust to the invasion. My legs fell from his shoulders to wrap themselves around his midsection. Holding him in in this position, his cock deep in my ass was an amazing sensation. He began to move his hips and his cock began its rite of passage in and out of my bowels. I was clearly there for his pleasure, and he raised one leg onto the bench to get more leverage and slowly bent me over so I was staring at my own cock, which was dripping precum onto my face. I curled a bit more and was able to reach my cock head. This seemed to make him even more excited 'cause he started fucking me with increased passion. As I sucked on my cock and watched his cock sliding in and out of my hole, I noticed a tat on his upper thigh. It was a bio symbol like you see in medical offices and on containers containing used needles. Now, I had been so horny I hadn’t even thought about safe sex when he approached me, and now I was paying the price: he was fucking me hard and almost certainly had ripped my man cunt in the process - now he was dripping his dirty precum on my insides. He growled a muffled gasp and shot his seed into my hole. I was his for all time. He had taken my cherry, my innocence and possibly my negative status from me. He withdrew from my ass, collapsing next to me, but still he grasped my still hard cock, pumped it, and said "Let’s see how well you learned your lesson." I figured 'what was good for the goose was good for the gander' so I climbed on him doggy style and pumped my load deep into his guts, so he may well have taken my last negative load. After I blew my load and withdrew from his ass, he lit up a cigarette and offered me one as I confronted him with my suspicions. He confessed he converted a few months back and while it wasn’t his intension to poz me up, I hadn't asked about his status before we fucked, so he figured I either knew what the potential risks, or I was already poz. He also remarked that as hot as I was, I would almost certainly be stealthed sooner or later, particularly given my high sex drive, so now I could have sex with anyone and not have to worry. It was getting towards 2:00 o’clock and we went at it again. He dumped another load in my hole and I came all over his face (which, to my pleasure, he made me lick off!) When we were done and he had to hit the road, he gave me a deep passionate kiss before firing up his rig and booting me out. He even gave me a butt plug to hold the juices in and so I wouldn’t leak all over my seat on the way home. I felt fulfilled. As he pulled out the scrap of paper he gave me detailing his return trip to the area fell from my hand for the wind to pick up and carry away. Andy had gone to the same university as me and we had some of the same classes but I had never confided in him that I came down with the fuck flu a month or so after my encounter with the truck driver. We even shared a dorm room for two years, but I never got treated for HIV while at college and I always lied to him about my occasional bouts of unexplained flu or colds. I was keeping myself pretty healthy for the most part and the virus hadn’t begun to ravage my body. Andy went on to get his masters at a different school and we somewhat parted ways. We exchanged Christmas cards and would call each other on important occasions, and I was his best man at his wedding. Still it was a big surprise to find out he was the athletic director of a small community college and he wanted me to become one of his coaches. (To be continued – taking the job)
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  16. My name is Zip. I know, I know. It’s a funny name to have. Anyway, I volunteer once a month in the AIDS ward at St. Theresa’s Hospital. I help out, doing what I can. As we got to know each other the men and I became more comfortable around each other. They seemed to like having me around. The patient with whom I got along best was named Mickey. He had a sly sense of humor and could always make me laugh. It turned out we were both baseball fanatics as well. Mickey had been a pretty handsome fellow back in the day. It was kind of sad to see the effects of the virus as it increased its hold on him. He’d started losing weight, his cheeks were sort of hollow and his butt cheeks were getting flabby. He managed to take it all with his typical good spirits. One day I was helping Mickey out of the shower as I often did. “Here, let me help you,” I said as I dried his back. As I walked around to the front I was kind of surprised to see that he had an erection…a real stiff one by the looks of it. I dried his chest and his legs. I was on my knees at this point and I finished off by rubbing the towel all around his bobbing hard-on. That seemed to really excite him even more. I don’t know why exactly but I hesitantly reached out and wrapped my hand around his hard cock. He emitted a short grunt, which told me that he liked what my fingers were doing. I figured, if the poor guy enjoyed it, why not give him a hand job? So I got to my feet, sat on the bench facing him and began to stroke gently up and down his shaft. God only knows how long he had been confined to the ward, but I reasoned it had probably been quite a while since he had had sex of any sort, so would be the harm to giving him a simple hand job, after all? Soon, Mickey started making this growling noise so he must have been pleased with my efforts. I certainly wasn’t expecting it when, all of a sudden, he leaned towards me, placed his hands on my shoulders and firmly pushed me down so that I was lying on my back on the bench. His hands moved down a bit and started to unbutton my shirt. I tried to sit up and said, “Mickey, what are you doing?” He looked at me calmly and pushed me back down again. “Ssshhh!” he said in a low voice as he finished undoing my shirt. The shirt fell open, baring my chest. The look in Mickey’s eyes got a little harder and he reached out and gently started to work both of my nipples. I think at that point my sex drive must have come to life because I was instantly aware of how good it felt as his fingers continued to pinch and twist my nips. I was surprised to hear myself let out a long sigh of satisfaction. What was going on? This should NOT be happening. Mickey splayed his left hand his left hand on my chest, effectively holding me down on the bench. His right hand lazily drifted down to my belt and casually began to undo the buckle. “Mickey!” I said. He cut me off, saying, “Keep it down! No one’s going to know we’re here unless you make a fuss.” He gazed at me. “You’re not going to make a fuss now, are you?” When I remained silent he said, “That’s better, let’s just relax and take our time, shall we?” His hand returned to my pants, unbuckling the belt, popping the button on my jeans and smoothly sliding the zipper down. Against my better judgment I was getting turned on by all this. Mickey noticed the swelling in my pants and slid his hand down the front of my jeans and cupped the bulge that had appeared in my tighty-whities. “That’s nice,” he cooed. “Real nice! This is too good to pass up. I want you to hold it right there and don’t move a muscle! I’ll be right back!” With that, he wrapped his towel around his waist and quickly left the shower room. Less than a minute later he came back in, closing the door most of the way but leaving it slightly ajar. He grinned at me as his towel dropped to the floor. Returning to my side, he loomed over me, with his cock kind of wagging back and forth as he moved. I thought I could see a small drop of pre-cum at the tip of his glans. His eyes gleamed as he held up his hands. In the right he had a condom packet and his left hand held a small object…unmistakably a bottle of poppers. When I spied the condom wrapper, the thoughts that were spinning in my head slowed down a bit. It was a relief to see that safety protocols were being observed. “I had these in a drawer…souvenirs of days gone by I guess,” he said sheepishly. With that he tossed the rubber onto my stomach. Next, he uncapped the bottle. “Here,” he said, “see if it’s still ok.” He bent down and held it under my nose. I inhaled deeply a couple of times and instantly felt that familiar feeling wash through my body. “Wow! It’s still pretty strong,” I said as I floated off into la-la land. When I returned to earth, I found that my pants and briefs had been removed. Mickey had my feet propped up on his chest and he was pulling off my white socks. “Welcome back!” he chortled. He surprised me by first kissing both of my feet and then sensuously licking each one. He put my legs back down on the bench and picked up the condom packet. I asked myself, 'Am I really ready to let this guy fuck me, even with a condom? Mickey’s a real nice guy and all but…I mean…he’s got AIDS!' Oblivious to my internal turmoil, Mickey tore open the wrapper and then said, “Here!” as he shoved the bottle back under my nostrils. I began to fade out again. The last thing I remember hearing was a voice saying, “Damn! This condom is way out of date. I guess we’ll have to bareback.” When my attention returned, Mickey was already inside me, smoothly sliding in and out. “Did I hear you say something about barebacking?” I asked in a tight voice. “Yeah,” he said, “the rubber was no good but it was kind of late to put the brakes on. This is much hotter anyway, don’t you think?” I was utterly speechless which I guess he interpreted as consent on my part. He smiled and bent his face down to mine and began to passionately kiss me, nibbling and nipping my lips. So confused was I that even as I tried to squawk a protest through our locked lips I found my body responding to what Mickey was doing. Our tongues started dancing together and my whole being began to synch up with the steady rhythm of his fucking. “Mmmmmm! Mmmmmm!” was the only sound I was capable of making at this point. I knew that this was ridiculously unsafe. Here I was, in a hospital ward, having unprotected anal intercourse with an AIDS patient. But as the sexual heat began to cloud my judgment it all started to seem not so important after all. Soon, physical pleasure was all that mattered. After a long, long period of steady thrusting, Mickey began to pick up his pace. His breathing was becoming ragged. My toes flexed and curled as his body transmitted its increasing excitement. I was at the point of wishing that this would never end when Mickey groaned loudly and his frame started to shudder. All of a sudden he bucked against my ass. Once!…twice!... three, four five times he pushed into me, shuddering again at the end! That, in turn, set me off. My whole body spasmed repeatedly as volley after volley of my seed shot across my stomach and chest. I clenched my sphincter ecstatically, wanting to freeze time and savor the moment. We both lay there panting, exhausted from our frantic climax. I heard a voice mutter, “That was so fuckin’ HOT!” With a start, I realized that Mickey was not the one speaking! With Mickey still collapsed on top of me I couldn’t get up but I twisted my head around to see who had spoken. I can’t say who it was for sure because, not one, but all five of the other patients on the ward were clustered in the open doorway. At this point Mickey finally got up off me and there were audible gasps. “Holy Shit! You guys fucked bareback? Zip! What were you thinking, letting Mickey breed you with his infected cum?” That’s when reality came crashing back into my head. Yes, I had let Mickey fuck his AIDS into me, filling me with gobs and gobs of his toxic sperm. To make it worse, while he was planting his dirty seed deep within me, my legs had been wrapped around his waist while I feverishly licked and moaned into his ear. Guiltily, I knew that by the time he blew his poisoned load deep within me, I had desperately wanted…no, needed him to defile my negative ass. Of course that’s about the time that the other guys figured the same thing out: that I had ultimately been more than willing to receive Mickey’s gift! Now I was eager for not just one man, but many men to blast their virus-laden cum into my willing holes. It may not have happened yet, but it was assured that I would soon be told that I, too, was HIV positive. Maybe one day I might even take up residence in this very AIDS ward. But, for now, all that was in the future. Now, I had other things to worry about. From the look in their eyes I could tell that one important fact had finally dawned on them: if one of their number was free to breed me bareback, then it was only fair that all of them had the right to bend me over a gurney and fuck me full of their tainted sperm any time they felt the primal urge. And when the day came that I became infected with their disease, they would send me out into the world to pass the virus on to others. Until then, I will remain Zip and be used regularly every month as their own private AIDS dump! I may even start coming twice a month! It’s the least that I can do to put some Zip into their lives!
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  17. My Dad and I used to fuck around. Yeah, my real Dad. But I thought we had moved past it, until he fucked me again over Christmas this year. It all started when I was younger and Mom went back to work full time In the evenings. Evidently this put a real crimp in my father's sex life, and so I ended up filling in. I mean, I had heard my parents having sex. A lot. My room was right next to theirs and sometimes they weren't quiet. You see, when I was growing-up, my family was very hippie liberal. Lots of nudity. Sex was discussed from an early age. I took occasional baths with my father, or sat and kept him company while he bathed. I also knew about his porn collection and would often sneak viewings of it after school. There were a lot of Playboy magazines, but also some real hard core stuff. Anyway, when Mom went back to work, Dad started masturbating in the evenings. I know as much because I could hear the porn videos and the faint squeaking of his bed. He also almost never closed his door all the way. Being curious, and a bit twisted I guess, I started sneaking out into the hallway and watching him. It was strangely erotic watching my own father masturbate and shoot his load. Erotic, but also shameful. I knew it was wrong, but I still got hard. Eventually he caught me spying. I figured he was going to go apeshit, but all he did was call me into his bedroom. "You might as well get comfortable and have a wank too," he told me. That's how it started. Every night we would watch porn and jack off together. But then one night he put his hands behind his head and told me he was tired and I should jack him off. And I did. His cock was heavy and thick in my hand. He came quickly and it ran down my hand. I was excited by and ashamed of what I had just done. But I didn't stop. Soon after it was "You know, I could sure go for a blowjob like in the videos." And again, I gave him what he wanted. I had already experimented by having given blowjobs to my cousin and my best friend and a couple of other guys, so I was good at it. Apparently my Dad noticed my skill and appreciated the fact. I still remember the first time I blew him and being rewarded with a mouthful of his saltiness, and the compliment "Damn, you're good at that!" After that I was his cock sucker. We rarely talked-- just got naked, watched the porn, and I would blow him. The whole time I was fairly conflicted about the arrangement. Here I was, horny, getting sex almost every night (when I didn't have late school functions or excessive homework). But the sex was with my Dad. Within a year or two, we transitioned to fucking. I don't really remember what prompted the change, but one night just as I was getting into sucking him he pulled me off saying "I wanna try something different tonight." With the porn playing, Dad had me get on all fours. He got out a tube of KY, smeared some on my hole, some more on his cock, and then started to push his dick into me. It hurt. A lot. It took a few tries and a lot more KY, but he managed to get all the way inside me. "Damn you are TIGHT!" I remember him saying. And then he started humping me. For me, this was a lot different than the blowjobs. Sucking Dad's dick was much less of a transgression in my eyes. I was just helping him masturbate with my mouth or something. But now I was being fucked, and that just seemed wrong. It was uncomfortable. It was degrading. It was something that a wife (my Mom) should be for-- not me. I was suddenly ashamed and embarassed that I was in my parents' bed, letting my Dad have his way with my ass. I zoned out watching the big-titted woman on the video getting butt fucked as well. I remember wondering of she actually enjoyed it or not. Then Dad tensed up, an I knew he was cumming inside my ass. I also noticed that the fucking left me rock hard. While my father cleaned up, I jacked off, full of hot shame. We fucked a lot after that, not a lot of talking. And always from behind. Eventually I moved out of my parents' house. After that, divorces, jobs, his new girlfriends and marriages kept me safe from any repeat sessions. Until this past Christmas. He came to visit me for a couple days, alone. His newest girlfriend had to work so she couldn't make the trip. To be honest, the thought of us having sex again hadn't really even crossed my mind. I had come to terms with what we had done, and realized that he was probably responsible for my fetish for older 'daddies', but that was it. Besides, my Dad was around 60 by this time. Well, evidently the men in my family are always horny bastards. We had been drinking and watching football games when it was time for bed. I got him set up in his room and retired to mine. It felt like I had just fallen asleep when suddenly I felt him. It really startled me! "Dad, what the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed. "I think you know" he said. And I did. I could already feel his erection pressing against my ass. Dad wanted sex, and as much as my adult self was repulsed by the idea (and truth be told, with him, at least at that moment), I knew I would relent. I would again give up my ass to Dad, even after all this time. I pulled off my boxers and started digging in my night stand for the necessary stuff. I lubed up my ass, then reached back and lubed up my father's cock. It was thick and heavy in my hand. And familiar. So much like my own cock now. I assumed the position, and took a hit of poppers. "Son, are those drugs?" he asked. "No, Dad, they're just poppers. They help me relax." Hrmph was all he said as he thrust into me. So many thoughts and feelings swirled in my mind while Dad used my ass for his pleasure. I was ashamed for what I was doing, of what I was allowing him to do, and also ashamed that my cock was hard and that the sensation of Dad's cock sliding in and out of me was such a turn on. It didn't take him long before he was wheezing and squirting his load into me, donating his sperm and his DNA as he had done decades earlier in creating me. When he was done, he pulled out and slunk back to his room for the night. And I was left to jack off in hot shame, turned on like the bottom cum whore that I am. The bottom cum whore that Dad had made.
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  18. I've barebacked too many times to count and I've knowingly fucked and been fucked bareback by poz guys. But I've never taken a poz load (that I know of). But I know it's only a matter of time. The crazy thing is, I am actually "straight". This is the way I imagine it will finally happen... I will be buzzed, possibly bordering on very tipsy. I will have gone out for the evening. I will have chatted with girls, who for some reason or another, I just couldn't convince them to fuck a random guy that night. So I will have gotten bored and gone home. Maybe I stopped by this site to read any new stories, but I'm sure I will check out Adam4Adam and Barebackrt. I'll see if any of my "friends" are online and I will do my search for guys who are listed as poz, or practice "anything goes". But I see one poz guy in particular who I've chatted quite a bit with. He's invited me over several times, and for whatever reason, I just never took him up on his offer. But tonight is different. I am just drunk enough, and just horny enough, to say what the fuck, and agree to come over. He lives somewhere in Manhattan, and since I'm centrally located in Hells Kitchen, it is an easy cab ride to his place. I'm nervous when I call him from the door. Now is my last chance to chicken out. But I don't. He buzzes me inside. I ride the elevator up to his floor. My stomach is in knots with anticipation and fear. I know what's going to happen when I get to his apartment. And so does he. In our previous chats, I have made it crystal clear to him that I am neg and the idea of him pumping his poz cum inside me turns me on. He has told me several times that he will be the one to convert me if I want. I knock on his door. He opens it and invites me inside. The lights are low because I told him online it would help lower my inhibitions. He's wearing a towel around his waist and that's it. he looks just like he does in his online pictures. He's older than me, but sexual energy is radiating off of him. He asks me if I want something to drink. I say sure. He tells me to make myself comfortable. I ask him where his bedroom is and he points me the direction. He disappears into the kitchen and I walk into his bedroom. The lights are off and it is quite dark. I begin to take my clothes off as quick as I can so that I am naked when he returns. Once I am naked, there is no going back. My clothes fall away as my inhibitions do too. I toss my clothes in the corner and climb onto his bed. The blankets are already messy, it appears he was in bed before I got there. He walks into the room. "Do you want me to leave the lights off?" he asks. I tell him I would like that, that the dark will allow me to tap into inner pig, that hides in the light. He comes over to the bed and hands me a cocktail glass. "All I had was Jack and Coke." I take a sip and can tell he had more Jack than he did Coke. But the alcohol will add to my present inhibriation, so I take another drink, upending the glass until I finish the drink. He laughs. "I guess you don't want to waste any time do you?" I answer his question by pulling his towel off, then pulling him onto the bed with me. Our bodies lay side by side, facing each other. His cock is already hard and the tip is pressing ontomy cock. I am getting stiff now too. My heart is racing a million miles an hour. We begin to kiss. It is a frenzied, passionate kiss, driven by alcohol and pure sexual tension. Both of us now begin exploring each others bodies with our hands. We find each others cocks and begin to work them. His dick feels so good in my hand, so big and hard. I just know that I need to taste it. We roll over so that he is on his back and I am positioned over him. I break over kiss and move quickly down to his cock. Without any hesitation I begin sucking him, greedily using my wet mouth to work over his shaft, paying close attention to the slit that is beginning to ooze precum. It tastes a little salty, but because I haven't been with a man in such a long time, I crave to find out what his cum tastes like in my mouth, so I get busy, sucking and stroking him. I hear him moan, my guess is, he is enjoying my efforts. I continue this for a couple minutes, when I decide to go for it. I have shown up at some random online guys apartment in the early morning hours, and I am now sucking his cock, his poz precum mixing with my spit. But I want to feel his cock inside my ass. I pull myself up his body, on top of him, so that I am straddling him. My hole is positioned directly over his rock hard cock. I reach behind me and find what I want. I jerk him a little bit to ensure he is hard, but that is something I don't have to worry about, that pole could drive nails. Then I move his cock so that his head is now moving up and down my crack. The spit from my blowjob and his precum is all the lubricant I need. The tip of his cock finds my hole. This is it. "Are you sure you want to do this", he asks. "Do you want me to give you my poz seed?" I answer him by pressing the head into my hole. Because I haven't been fucked in quite a while, there is pressure for a moment, but I am so horned up and ready, I easily loosen up, and he begins to slide in. I release his dick and allow him to begin the work. He starts to slowly pump my ass with his cock, in and out. I am so incredibly fucking turned on right now. His cock feels absolutely amazing, it's touching all the spots I need touched. And the energy rush shooting through my body because I have a raw poz cock inside me, makes my own cock harder and I begin to match his movements, trying to time his thrusts with my own. We've now established a nice slow rythym and we begin to kiss again. With every thrust, I feel him moving deeper inside me, and I moan with pleasure. He is also moaning, as I assume he is enjoying my nice tight hole. My brain is spinning. I am breaking taboos (again) and doing what I shouldn't be, but there is no place I'd rather be, then on this guy's bed (I dont even know his name) with his hard bareback poz cock fucking me. He's got me pretty well opened up at this point. He makes one more thrust and I can feel his balls touch my ass. He is in as deep as he is going to get. "Does it feel good," he asks me. "Oh my god yes" is all I can answer. "Your cocks feels alive inside of me. It's so fucking hard and filling my hole." He moved his ass a little, moving on the bed just an inch or two. "Tell me how this feels." At that moment, his cock feels like it grow an extra inch in length and width. I gasp at how good it feels. He chuckles. "Yeah, guys tell me they like when I do that." WOW is all I can think. He rolls me over so that he is on top of me, his cock never leaving my hole. He lifts my legs and places them on his shoulders. He begins to start thrusting again, this time, faster and harder. I reach both of my hands to his ass, clamping down, and pulling him in so that I am getting all his cock. But he doesn't need any help. "Grab the headboard instead, so I can really fuck you without any interruption." I do as I am told. Now he is really starting to piston fuck me. Both of us are moaning. The pleasure is overwhelming for me. I am getting lost in all this sexual explosion. But somewhere in the back of my mind, there is a little voice screaming at me about the fact I am being fucked bareback my a random online guy who is HIV positive. I try to block out the voice, but it is getting louder. Now I am starting to think maybe I shouldn't be doing this. But it does feel so good. And I don't want to upset him by spoiling the fun. (I discovered in past fuck sessions that poz tops get very disappointed when I denied them their time to cum inside me) But that voice is screaming at me now. I decide maybe I can be subtle about this, and stop our fucking for a moment and blow him some more. Then if he cums I can shoot it on my face or in my mouth. He is still fucking me when I ask him, "Are you going to tell me before you cum?" He stops pumping my hole. He takes my legs off his shoulders, allowing them to rest on the bed, bent at the knees. His cock is still inside me. "What is it your asking?" I tell him that I just want to know if he is close to cumming and to tell me before he does, so that I can be ready for it, given it will be the first time I have taken a poz load and all. Actually, I want to know, so that I can then make my move to begin blowing him again, because it appears I have let the fear get to me. But his hard cock does feel good inside my hole. My ass feels like it is trying to suck him in deeper. Then he laughs a quiet laugh. "What's so funny", I ask him. He begins to slowly start fucking me again, just barely. "Well I will tell you when I am going to cum, if that's what you want me to do. But you should have told me this before we starting fucking. Because you have already taken one load from me already." Absolute terror shoots through my body like electicity. But in the next millisecond I am turned on beyond belief. My hole clenches around his cock as he begins to fuck me faster. "Yeah, remember when you said you liked that little trick I did that made my dick feel like it grew?" He was sliding in and out of me now in a nice rapid pace. My depraved imagination told me I could feel his poz cum lubing my ass, making it easier for him to plow me. "Yes, you don't need to worry about taking your first poz load. I gave you quite a bit that first time. So I guess I should say, welcome to the club." He had really picked up the tempo and was driving his cock in and out of me. My head was spinning with excitement and fear. I wanted to jump up from the bed, run to the bathroom, and try to get rid of his load, but there was absolutely no way I was moving from that spot. I was right where I wanted and needed to be. I had said fuck it, and now I had finally taken that last step. I had some random online guy's poz cum inside my ass, just like I had fantasized about so many times. I licked my lips, tasting saltiness of either my sweat, or traces of his precum from earlier, when I still hadn't gone all the way. He was plowing me now, and it was a bit painful at this point. But for as much as it hurt, it felt wonderfully good. He reached under my hips and pulled me as close to him as he could get, ramming my insides. I grabbed my cock and started to jerk it. I was on fire with horniness. I had become the pig I wanted to be. His body jeked a bit and he stiffened, but kept fucking me. "I cumming!!!" He yelled at me just as he took one last thrust, pressing his cock as far deep in me as it would go. I think I could feel his hot poz seed spurting deep inside my body, filling me with warmth and his DNA. I continued frantically jerking off and then erupted my own cum from my cock. I felt it hit me in the face and on my neck. I quickly used my hand to scoop up all my cum I could find and began feeding it to myself. I swallowed it all, savoring my own taste, while quivering my the breeding he had just given me. "Wow!" I could feel his cock softening and he pulled himself out of my hole. I reached down and probed my hole with my finger. It was hot and sticky, his cum oozing out. I scooped up a little and brought it to my mouth. As I brought it to my tongue, he leaned in and kissed me, our tongues mixing with the cum. Then he stopped and got up off of the bed. He picked up the towel and wrapped it around his waist. "So is it everything you thought it was going to be?" He found my clothes on the floor and tossed them to me. It had been everything I had ever fantasized about. The hot fucking, the stealth pozzing, then letting go and being flooded with his cum. I had loved it as much as it had terrified me. But all I could answer was, "Yeah I liked it." I started to get dressed, sitting on the edge of his bed. All of the sudden the lights in his room came on. I squinted. "No need to be shy now boy," he stood at the foot of the bed. "I will always be apart of you now. I will flow through your body. Congratulations." As he stood there smiling, I saw a red biohazard tattoo on the inside of his arm, that I hadn't noticed before. He noticed me looking. "Nice huh, maybe you'll end up getting one of these too." I had finished getting dressed and stood up. He began to usher me out of his room. "Ok, time for you to go. I need to work on getting another neg guy over here so I can convert another one of you chasers." He walked me to the door and opened it. "When you're ready, come see me again." And with that he shut the door behind me. I looked at the clock on my phone. Amazing, I had only been at his place for less than 30 minutes. It had seemed like I'd been in there for hours. But in that short time, my life had been changed. His poz cum might take in me, or it might not. Time will only tell. But the important thing, was I had finally crossed that line and knowingly taken a poz load in my ass. Now there would be no reason for me not to take others. In less than 30 minutes, my entire sexual path had been changed. I was never going to quit barebacking, and that meant with girls too. So if I ended up remaining neg, then I'm sure soon enough someone else's bug would catch with me, but if he had indeed pozzed me, then I was going to start passing the gift along to everyone I could. I left his building, saw a bodega open late night and walked over. I was dying of thirst. When I was back out onto the street and walking towards the intersection to find a cab, I looked over towards his building, a taxi stopped and a single guy got out and walked up the same door I had just left. I wonder if he knew what he was getting himself into... So like I said, all that story was fiction, but I really do see it playing out like that. I will be tipsy one of these nights and will end up with some lucky guy pumping his poz cum inside me. And then the fun will begin. Anyone on here want to be that lucky guy???
    1 point
  19. Pass the Bottom My boy and I are both pretty versatile, but lately, he's been getting more into topping. Now, I like to get fucked every now and then, but not as often as he's been interested in topping, so we decided to open our relationship up a bit and find other guys for him to fuck. We've always played bare with each other and only felt it natural to let him fuck other guys raw too. We've placed a few ads online and hooked up with some hot guys for some pretty steamy times. Sometimes I'd fuck the guy after he pulled out, sloshing around in the bottom's hole, already well-lubed and well-fucked. Maybe we hooked up with six or seven different guys, but one, Tom, was really special. In fact Tom was absolutely adorable. He was no taller than 5' 6” and had a tight little swimmer's body. He kept his strawberry blond hair close cropped, which butched him up a bit. I loved watching my boy plow his raw hole. Tom would bounce up and down on my boy's pole with his head thrown back. He could ride for as long as we could give it to him. Hot. After a really hot three-way, we were piled on our bed with Tom's legs spread wide and his hole loose and cummy with both of our deposits. He asked if we'd be interested in joining him and some fuckbuds for a party. We said sure and he sent our email addresses to Dylan, the guy putting the fuck party together. We got an email from Dylan a few hours later. Here's what he wrote: Dudes, We're a group of guys who like to fuck bare and like to share. We lost two tops and Tom says you guys would fit right in. Condoms provided but not necessary. Frankly, few guys wear them. The bottoms prefer to take their tops' loads home in them. Cum play... We were boned just thinking about it and made sure to clear our schedules. The next Saturday night, we arrived at a fancy house in a really expensive neighborhood. Dylan answered. He was fucking hot. Must have been over six foot tall. Wide shoulders, trim waist, and washboard abs pressed against a tight black muscle-t. He had red hair and big green eyes. Without knowing if he was a top or a bottom, I knew my boy and I would have fun with him either way. Dylan escorted us down to the basement where there were a few guys waiting. He introduced us around and we chatted up the guys. Dylan told us that we could discuss our favorite positions, top or bottom, and fetishes, but no one was the mention status. “Status?” I asked. “POZ or NEG, man. It brings the mood down if we know who we're playing with. Besides, isn't it more exciting not knowing?” Fuck, I thought. This might be more intense than we had planned, but from the growing bone in my boy's shorts, I knew he wanted to stay. I figured since we were both invited there as tops, the risk was really low anyway. My boy and I shook a few hands and groped a few hardening cocks as we mingled. Tom was there with another top friend of his, Andy, who wore a leather cap, was really skinny, and was in his 40s. When the last two guys arrived, Dylan grouped us into a circle. There were eight of us altogether, but it would up being five tops and three bottoms, not including Dylan himself. Dylan asked for a volunteer to switch sides and bottom. My boy's hand shot up in the air immediately without even asking me what I thought. I was a bit taken aback, especially since he had been so into topping lately. Dylan had him and the other three bottoms stand in a circle as he had the tops gather four chairs, plus one for him into a circle around them. “We're gonna start tonight with a round of PASS THE BOTTOM.” “Fuck yeah!” one of the guys shouted. Dylan continued, “Here's how it works. While I play some music, you tops will have about twenty seconds with a bottom in your lap before you have to pass him to the next top. If you don't have a bottom in your lap when the music stops, you loose an article of clothing. If you wind up with your date on your lap when the music stops, you get to remove an article of your bottom's clothing. And remember, there are condoms in the bowl if any of you are chicken...” I did a head count and realized that the numbers were off because the rest of the couples had been invited top/bottom. The rules seemed pretty simple. Dylan sat down to my left and clicked his phone to start the music and the bottoms picked a top and started grinding in his lap. A hot skinny black guy started first with me. He sat down with his back to me and ground his tight ass against my crotch. I reached around and tweaked his nipples. He got up, and the next round, I was without a bottom. I looked two guys to my right to see my boy writhing on the lap of a really big beefy bald guy. The guy had his hand snaked into my boy's shorts and must have been working his nuts or his ass. The top next to me was a lean gym bunny. He had both hands down the back of the black boy's shorts. Then, came the switch. Tom wound up on my lap and straddled me, sticking his tongue into my mouth as he ground against my crotch. A middle-aged guy with a bit of a gut sat down on me next. He sat down so hard that he practically knocked the wind out of me. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my head then grabbed my hand and shoved it down the back of his shorts. He whispered into my ear, “I've had my eye on you, stud. Like what you feel down there?” My fingers found his loose ass all greased up and ready for fucking. I grunted, “YEAH!” and he hopped up. Just after he pulled off to sit on the next guy, Dylan stopped the music. My boy was in Dylan's lap and I was alone. I pulled my shirt over my head as the guys clapped and Dylan restarted the music. My boy plopped down on top of me, grinding away. I reached my hand into his crotch and could feel a puddle of precum there already, moistening the basket of his jockstrap. “Gotta make the next round faster! I want to end up in your lap so I can loose some clothes!” Instantly, the skinny black guy was back on my lap. He worked my nipples hard with his fingers and slipped his tongue in my mouth. He was a great kisser. I grabbed his bubble butt with both hands and helped him dry hump my crotch. Tom skipped over Dylan and was next in my lap. “Having fun, so far?,” he teased as he sat down on my lap. He reached behind himself and started unbuckling my jeans. “Is that against the rules?,” I asked. “The rules are gonna go to shit in a few minutes... Looks like your boy's having a nice time too.” I peeked over Tom's shoulder and saw my boy on his knees in front of Andy. My boy was working down his tight jeans and Andy was forcing my boy's face into his swollen crotch against his briefs. Another switch brought the guy with the guy into my lap again, and then my boy. I'd never seen him so wild. He was fingering his own hole with his hands in his shorts when the music stopped. I yanked his shorts to the floor and he stepped out of them, leaving his ass exposed and beautifully framed with his jockstrap. So far, he was the only bottom with his hole exposed. I knew things were about to get interesting. As we passed the bottoms around again, I saw that some pants had been unbuttoned and some shorts pushed down, but all of the tops seemed to still have their underwear on. As much fun as I was having with those bottoms dry humping my underwear clad dick, I was equally turned on stealing glimpses of my boy's bare hole rubbing against five big hard underwear-clad precummy dicks. The bottoms were passed around three times before the music stopped. While the skinny black guy was wriggling on my lap, Tom wound up on Andy's lap. With Andy's jeans at his ankles, his cock was straining to pop out of his briefs. Tom helped him poke his dick through the slit as he pulled off his own shorts revealing that he wasn't wearing underwear. Before the music started, Tom aimed Andy's dick at his hole and sat right down it with a loud gasp. Dylan restarted the music and pulled Tom down in his lap. I didn't have a bottom, so I looked to one side and saw my boy pulling the bald guys shorts up and freeing his drooling massive cock. He was slipping his asshole over the hard cock smearing the bald's guys precum all over his hole. I jerked my head to the left as I saw Dylan sink his cock into Tom's hole. I couldn't help but pull my underwear down and fist my cock. When they switched, Tom sank right down onto my dick as the guy with the gut shucked down his shorts and took Dylan's bare cock. My boy was bouncing up and down on Andy's tool with his head thrown back in ecstasy. By now the rules were out the window and all bottoms were getting barefucked. Dylan kept the music playing and the bottoms kept moving from guy to guy. I was amazed at how silky and tight Tom's hole was compared to the loose wet sloppy cunt on the guy with the gut. We kept passing each bottom after a few strokes in their hole. Dylan yelled, “Round and round and round they go. Who gets a TOX load, nobody knows!!!” I realized that at least one of the top must have been POZ. I wondered if my boy wanted to take my load or someone else's. When he came by I asked him as I grabbed his ass, raising it onto my dick. “You want my load, or you want one that might be charged?” “I can get your load whenever I want it. I wonder whose I'll get!” With that he winked at me and pulled off of my dick and mounted the gym bunny to my right. I knew I was getting close and thankfully I only had a few strokes in each bottom's ass before they were passed. I loved knowing that I was mixing my precum with each top in all of those asses. The gym bunny was the first to cum, with Tom on his lap. He held Tom's shoulders down and shot his load deep with strong thrusts, raising his muscled ass off of the chair. “I'm taking his load!!!!!!!!,” Tom shouted. That send Andy over the edge and he came hard in the black guy's ass. Those guys pulled their chairs out of the circle leaving me, the bald guy, and Dylan, passing around my boy and gut-heavy guy with the loose hole. We passed them around between us about three times before Dylan lost his load deep up my boy's raw, used ass. The bald guy was balls deep in the guy with the gut and exclaimed, “Help me out over here. He's so loose I can barely feel a thing!” I hopped out of my chair and slid into that sloppy stretched-out hole right alongside the bald guy's thick tool. Finally, I could feel some friction. The bald guy fired off first and I followed suit coating the sloppy cunt with my load. Dylan started applauding and the guys all joined in. My boy had his arms wrapped around Andy and Dylan. “So, can we talk status now?,” he asked. Dylan and Andy smiled at each other and they pulled their shirts over their heads. Andy had a red biohazard tattoo over his left pec and Dylan had a black one around his navel. The gym bunny and the bald guy took off their shirts too, but no tattoos. “Just 'cause we're not marked doesn't mean we're not carrying charged loads!,” grunted the bald guy. Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders saying, “I think me, you, and your boy might be the only guys here who are still NEG.” My boy was weak at the knees, and not from shock, but from elation. “I guess I'm going to get it sooner or later. Anyone want to go for round two and make it happen tonight?” The tops all shouted, “Hell yeah!”, “Fuck yes!” I knew he wanted to be the center of attention. As each guy who wanted to fucked him, I cradled his head and kissed him. Dylan pulled out just before he was ready to cum and slipped behind me. As the bald guy bred my boy, I took my first and only cock of the night. Dylan filled my hole with his toxic spunk before pulling out. All in all, I only took one POZ load compared to my boy's four!
    1 point
  20. What follows is true. This happened about 3 weeks ago (November 2014). Enjoy. I did. I am 22, 5'7, 120 pounds. I am bisexual, but only in the sense that two or three times a year I find myself craving cock enough to "go through with it." My first hookup was when I was several years earlier. I connected with a 30 year old guy through gay.com. We got together and he ruined me in his car. From that point on it was only a matter of time, I guess. I have long been a member of A4A, and until recently I thought that was the only place to look for dirty minded 40+ top daddies, who are, to be honest, my top interest. I like being treated like a boy slut by men old enough to be my father. I had met a few here and there, enough to learn how to properly shave my entire body, to fast for two days before sex, how to clean myself out perfectly. I even managed to find a 65 year old who lived a few miles from me and became, until recently, a regular fuck buddy, but a few weeks ago, after reading a story on breeding.zone, I decided to give BBRT a try. At first I wasn't sure if I should really put myself out as it seemed as if most of the guys were poz, but then the flood of older men in my area wanting to push their bare cocks into me kept me coming back. One guy in particular caught my attention, and led to the story that follows. Again, I have made no embellishments. This is true. We exchanged messages for a couple weeks. He was 50 whereas I was 22. I'm certain looking back that I must have been a cut of fresh meat on BBRT - skinny smooth twinks who love older tops, bareback sex, anonymous connections, glory holes, groups, and, what I now know caught his attention, stealth role-play. While I am by no means a bugchaser as the word 'stealth' might lead you to believe, I do go absolutely wild when I imagine a total stranger filming me as I take his condom covered cock up up my ass, only to have him take it off and 'force' me down and pump his cum deep in my ass while I beg him not to. My second fantasy is to meet a total stranger who has, without my knowledge, posted an ad online for anonymous tops to come fuck 'his boy'. Finally, I get off on the idea of being filmed doing any and all these things. I told him all this. I didn't know it at the time, but I as I wrote to him I was writing my own story. I had planned the hookup for weeks, even before I met him. I knew what I wanted and I knew I would find it. The only question was 'Who did I think could get me closest to making my fantasies come true?' This guy, however, fit the bill perfectly. He wrote me as if from his first message I was his boy, showing me photographs of another twenty-something year old guy for whom he had arranged a bareback gang bang. He also had a studio-quality video camera and also mentioned a small 'dungeon' in his basement, but it seemed as if he wanted to keep it for a surprise as he didn't provide any photographs. He did, however, show me his perfect seven inch cock. Had he been any bigger I might not have gone through with it as I've been fucked enough times to know that I can't handle much more than a seven inch dick. The rest of the package was equally appealing: he was a leather daddy type, not quite a biker but bald with a goatee, slightly stocky sporting a shaved cock and balls. I get off on that. He offered to host a week in advance, which made it the following Friday, instructing me to show up at 8:00 PM. He also told me to do exactly as he said, and in exchange for which he would "Make your wildest fantasies come true." I remember when he first said those words I made sure to tell him that if he ever did invite total strangers to use me, they would have to use condoms. He could fuck me bare, and I would take his load anywhere he wanted to put it, but I was clear headed at the time and drew a line between fantasy and reality. I don't remember exactly what he said but whatever it was, it worked. Now let me preface this by saying I would never list "party" in a hookup ad because of what I think it implies. There are too many people who are hardcore into things like tina for me to feel comfortable with associating myself with that group. However, on this particular occasion I had procured a healthy amount of molly from a friend, and had every intention of rolling my way through the best raw fucking of my life. I took two points before I got in the shower, and an hour later, as I was finishing up, I started to realize just how much fun I was about to have. I spent some time playing with my hole, making sure I was ready. I probably enema to an unhealthy extent, but it's critical to me that I am as clean on the inside as a human being can be. Finally finished, and pushing those last minute jitters out of my mind, I ate two more points, tucked six more into my sock, and hopped into the car. His house was in the suburbs of Denver, not too far but remote enough that no one would care what went on there. He opened the door and pulled me inside by the back of my neck. He was smoking a cigar. I was trembling uncontrollably. The molly had set in and I knew in a matter of minutes I would be doing some of the dirtiest things imaginable. "Good boy" he said, as he lead me down a dark staircase into a room flooded with red light. What I saw was entirely new to me. I have never been to a bathhouse or sex club, but after spending a night in this man's basement, maybe that isn't true. The room was about 20x20. Carpeted. The first thing that caught my eye was a large camera on a tripod in the corner. I had never seen a camera that large before. In the center of the room was a very nice king size bed. Other than two side tables that I'm sure were only there to hold the lube, condoms, and handcuffs I saw, the room was empty, but felt complete. This place was made for forbidden sex. "Strip," he ordered as he left me in the center of the room, returning to the tripod. I obeyed as he asked "What are you going to do tonight?" "Anything you tell me to." "Anything?" I hesitated for a moment, still unsure of what I had gotten myself into. "Yes." Just as I finished taking off the last of my clothes, he pulled out his phone with a devious looking grin, took a photo of me, and sent what was either a lengthy text message or many short ones. [Master filming his boy take loads in private dungeon NOW] My little boy needs cum from total strangers. Perfect hole. Send face and cock for daddy. PLAY ALONG.
    1 point
  21. Moderator's Note: This story was moved here because it had gifting. I was traveling across the states and ended-up staying at a hotel in Arkansas. No sooner had I landed in my room then I did my usual thing: I used my cell phone and looked up CL and the hot advertisements, and having watched some xtube and redtube vids, I was thoroughly horned-up, so I posted this advertisement on CL: Horned up fireman looking for anonymous seed and breed session in my motel room. Within a short length of time I was rewarded with a hit from a guy who asked if I wanted a hot, three-week load from him. Without hesitation I sent him my hotel name and room number and got ready for him. I too was married at the time (to a female) but was just coming out of the closet and searching for my true calling. I turned out the lights and and closed the curtains with only a little crack to allow the street light to illuminate the room slightly. I partially kept the door open by the security lock bar which permitted to door to be ajar. I assumed the position laying across the double size bed with my bare ass facing the door. Not long after I was ready, the door opened, then shut and I heard the lock snap closed. I heard his pants drop and a hand touching my ass. No words were said, just a faint moan from me when his finger touched my hole. He spit on his finger and lubricated my hole and then his cock. He pressed his spit-coated cock into my hole, which was really tight, but gave way to his persistence. I moaned as he kept pushing forward past my second sphincter and his hands gripped my hips. He told me to take all of him as he began to pound my ass. I soon found I was enjoying the fucking I was getting, and on each thrust, I could feel his large balls press against my ass cheeks which let me know, he was all the way inside. He was not so thick that it was uncomfortable, but very long and from the way I was kneeling on the bed (my knees in my chest), I could feel my my stomach area behind my belly button move on his deep thrust. It almost put my stomach muscles in a cramp since he was in me so deep. He kept teasing me saying how tight I was, and kept saying how he was going to give me what I wanted..."to be bred". I moaned to him, urging him not to stop. Then I felt the initial of his intrusion turn to a warm wet feeling. I knew he was still hard as a steel rod and i knew he had not cum yet, but just figured it was just ass juice or his pre-cum which had me so wet. After about ten minutes of his assault, he began asking me if I am sure I wanted his hot load to seed and breed me. The sound of him saying that to me...made me want it so much that, without hesitation I answered "Yes." He repeatedly asking me if I was a 'cum whore' and wanted his 'special load'. I was about to cum myself from the sensation of his cock massaging my prostate, so when he ordered me to beg for his seed I could only respond "Yes,, fuck yes, don't stop. I want your hot seed in me. Fill me up." He pushed one last time and I could feel his cock twitch up in me, and actually felt the squirt of his big load inside of my ass. He pulled out and I could also feel his juices running down my balls onto my leg. I reached back and placed my finger over my hole to keep as much in me as possible. He quickly got dressed and left, leaving me to relax and re-live in my mind what had just happened. I then knew I had cum myself on the sheets under me onto the pillow I had placed under my hips. I brought my fingers to my mouth to lick up some of his cum which was leaking from my ass, only to realize the wetness which I assumed to be ass juices and cum was, in fact, my blood. When I turned on the bedside light, there was a large blood stain on my sheets and bed spread. I moved to a dry spot on the sheets and fell off in a nap, and did not awake until 4:00 AM when I swallowed hard, realizing I had taken a stranger's load in my ass. I decided to get up and clean up up a bit, and expel his load into the toilet. Only a small drop or two leaked out of my ass. In fact, I expelled more blood than cum, so I assumed my body had absorbed his DNA seed, and that since I was bleeding, his seed had a direct route into my system. When I checked my phone, I realized he had sent me a text saying "Thank you, hope you enjoyed your breeding. Oh, and by the way, I am not on meds and have a high viral load count. My doctor said I have full blown AIDS." Right then and there I knew I had crossed the line, but I was also turned on with learning I had taken my first poz load, and that I was turning into a cum whore.
    1 point
  22. This is a story I wrote a while ago, and was posted on the old bugshare site. It's based on a collection of my personal experiences, its about 60% fact, 40% fiction. I'll be posting it in installments, to make it easier to read. I hope you guys like! It was one of those long days, my classes were boring as hell, I just couldn't wait to get home, get online and find a hook up. It was one of those excruciatingly hot and humid August afternoons, if you've ever been to Florida that time of year, you know what I mean. I kept looking at the clock, the last hour of school just dragged on and on. I started thinking about the guys in my class, wondering what their cocks were like, wishing I could get the chance to service each of them after gym, baseball or basketball. Imagining their hot sweaty cock and balls, the intoxicating scent of their young sweaty masculinity, just as I was day dreaming and starting to feel my cock start to stiffen, the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran for the door, I didn't want anyone to see my harden through my loose fitting mesh shorts. I got home a couple of minutes later, sweating from the bike ride, I didn't waste any time getting up to my room and get on my computer to find some cock. I was SO fuckin horny, I kept sniffing my pits, they smelled so fuckin good, I had just a little bit of blonde wispy hair under my arms, but the funk was full on. I got online started cruising for guys in my area, I like guys that are older than me, and definitely kinky, I don't do vanilla at all. After a couple of hours I was about to call it a night and sign off, then I got a message from a guy about 20 minutes from me. He was 32, muscled, completely hard bod, smooth chest and 8.5 inches of thick uncut pierced cock meat. He was a man of few words, he asked me my age, and then wanted to know what I was into. I gave my standard reply "I'm into everything, I'll try anything twice" he asked "Are you sure about that? If you agree to meet me, I'll hold you too it." I got so fucking boned when he said this, I told him that I liked it really kinky, and I love being hot and sweaty and not taking a shower. He asked me if I would be able to spend the weekend at his place, I didn't see why not, tomorrow was Friday, I didn't have anything due at school so I agreed. He' arranged to pick me up from school the next day and told me not to shower between now and then. The next day dragged even longer than the day before, all I could think about was the hot dude with his hot cock pounding me, wishing it was 3PM already. My classmates noticed my funk, the jocks in my class were sat behind me, they started thrown erasers and paper balls at me. One of them threw a paper plane at my head, with a note written on it. "Hey fag what the fuck is that stench? You smell like my balls after a game, bet you fuckin like the thought of my balls, I bet you wanna blow me now fuckin queer." of course I got rock hard reading that, thinking about the hottest jock in school and me goin down on his sweaty balls after a game. Fuck, is it 3PM yet!? 2:58…2:59..3:00… FINALLY!!! I ran out that door so fuckin fast, I bolted down the street, around the corner 2 blocks away where we'd arranged to meet. I got there, and there was no car. I was panting so hard from running, I had to sit on the curb. The sun was beating down on me, it had to be 90+ degrees. I sat there waiting, had I been stood up? I figured I'd wait 15 minutes then leave. I was soaked through from sweating, and decided to leave, just as I got up and started to walk away a black mustang sped around the corner screeching to a halt next to me. I stood there and looked, the windows were blacked out making it impossible to see inside. I started to walk down the side walk, and the car followed me, and stopped when I stopped. I got the hint. I moved towards the door and opened it and got in. The leather seats were ice cold, and the AC was on full blast, it felt so good. I turned, and looked at the driver, the guy was exactly what he described and looked like in his pic. I looked down, and there it was in all his glory, his thick uncut cock hanging out of his cam shorts. He didn't look at me, he just pulled away and said "suck it".... I didn't need telling twice, I went down on him like my life depended on it. I slurped at his cock, and played with his PA it tasted so good, I rolled back his foreskin which revealed a decent amount of dick cheesy, FUCK YEAH! I wasted no time in going down on him and cleaning it with my tongue. His cock was getting harder and harder, making it more difficult to deep throat, I had tears in my eyes, but refused to give up. I could smell the scent of his balls and ass, I was in fuckin heaven! I gave him head for the whole drive, we stopped moving and he slapped me on the head "get the fuck off my cock you fuckin queer" I kept sucking for a little while longer, thinking he'd like it… he slapped me on the head and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me off his cock. "When I tell you to do something you fucker, you fucking do it, got it?" With that he grabbed my jaw forcing my mouth open, hacked and spat a huge lugie into my mouth. He put his hand over my mouth and clamped my mouth shut "Don't swallow fag, let it sit there in your mouth… good boy savor it… roll it around on your tongue… good boy now swallow" I did as I was told, it was so fuckin gross, how fucked up do you have to be to spit snot into another dudes mouth and make him swallow it? Then I'd noticed we were parked on his driveway, he looked dead ahead, not even glancing at me, and said "We're going to pull into the driveway, I'm going to get out and go into the house, you will stay here. You will drink this bottle of water" he pointed to a bottle that I hadn't noticed yet in the cup holder. "You will have 5 minutes to do this, after exactly five minutes, you will get out, strip naked and leave your clothes here in the car. The car keys will be on the rack next to the door, you will lock the car and take the keys with you. Once inside there will be a blind fold on the door handle to the right. Put the blind fold on and stand with your hands behind your back. Got it fag?" I wasn't expecting such detailed instructions, but figured what the hell "Yeah I got it" he hit me on the side of the head again. "Thats Yes Sir, fucker! You better learn quick, or you are in for a whole lot of hurt this weekend boy". He got out of the car, and went inside, closing the door behind him. I began to think to myself that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Then I remembered the water, and if I didn't drink it, he'd hit me again. I'd already lost 3 minutes. I grabbed the bottle and chugged it. It tasted weird, kind of like almonds I guess, a really funky after taste. I drained the bottle, at least thankful for the refreshment, I'd been dehydrated from being out in the sun. I followed the instructions he'd given me, and was just reaching for the blindfold, when I heard him yell "YOU'VE GOT 10 FUCKING SECONDS FAG" I panicked, and put the blindfold on, and was just putting my hands behind my back when he slapped me on the back of the head. "That was for taking 3 minutes to start drinking the water, and dude you fuckin stink! Do you even know how to fuckin shower?" He raised up my arm, grabbed my head and forced me to smell my pits. They were pretty rank, probably the sweatiest they have been in a long time. The scent was intoxicating though, I began to feel light headed. He let go of my arm, and began to caress my naked body. He ran his finger down my spine, into my crack, caressing my warm, wet sweaty hole. He put the finger under my nose and told me to sniff. Fuck was it hot! It was a mix of sweat, and my natural boyfunk that had built up over the last two days. It got me rock hard. I was beginning to feel really light headed, as if I was drunk. Then it came to me, and I said "Sir, what was in that water?" He just hit me again, and laughed. Fuck, I knew it he's gonna fucking drug me and kill me. I was about to reach up and take off the blindfold when he grabbed my arms, and cuffed them behind my back "Nice try fucker, but you aren't going anywhere. Remember when I asked if you were sure you'd try anything twice? Yeah, I know you're thinking you're in deep, and trust me fag, you are in deeper than you will ever fucking realize" Then his tone changed, he spoke softly and whispered into my ear "All you have to do is relax, and trust me. I'm not going to do anything you won't be begging for" then he laughed again. As he said that, the room began to spin, I was unsteady on my legs. He was much taller than me, I'm only 5ft 6, he had to be at least 6'2 - he must have seen me begin to sway, I felt his firm hands on my shoulders holding me from behind. He gripped me tightly, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, it gave me goose bumps. He felt so close to me, and yet somehow so far away. I felt that I wanted him to hold me tightly, embrace me, I wanted him to touch me, to feel me, to make me shiver from the inside out. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to show him what I was willing to do for just a second of affection. Then, he spoke "Boy, I can feel your heart pounding inside your chest, are you nervous? are you scared?" I replied, "No Sir" the grip he had on my right shoulder tightened, his left hand moved down my smooth chest, wiping away the perspiration that betrayed me he stopped over my heart - and embraced me so tightly, I almost lost my breath. "Well fag, you should be nervous, you should be scared, but I'm going to show you the time of your life, and trust me, this won't be something you will ever forget" My heart rate went through the roof, I was nervous as hell. "On your knees boy, and open your mouth" I did as I was told, my mind was racing, my heart pounding, I felt like I'd just downed 5 double shots of Jager. "Open your mouth wider boy!… wider… until it fucking hurts OPEN IT WIDER!" he hit me again. "Don't close your mouth boy" and with that, I felt the sudden clink of metal hitting my lower teeth, I felt the heat radiating from him. He slowly rubbed the head of his cock over my tongue, teasing me, making me want to close my mouth. His cock started to slide further back, filling all the available space in my watering mouth, it was beginning to swell and get harder. Pushing further back still, I tried to resist the urge to close my mouth but couldn't. I closed my mouth. The slap on the side of the face stung, it burned more than anything I'd ever felt. Fuck that hurt! "I told you not to fuckin close your mouth! DON'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" He grabbed my jaw and squeezed my mouth open and rammed his cock all the way into my mouth down to the base. His pubes went up my nostrils, the scent of the sweat that lingered on his crotch got me so rock hard, I forgot the stinging. I couldn't breathe, his prick was engorged to its full length and girth and wedged into my waiting throat. His hand on my jaw, and the other on the back of my skull holding me in place. I was beginning to panic, I started to gag and yet he held me firm. My eyes were watering, I began to try to pull away and then… reprieve. He let me pull back but just an inch, before slamming his cock back into my throat and I choked. He started pulling his cock just to the back of my mouth and then slamming it in, and started skull fucking me. He didn't give a fuck about me. He'd look down at me, just grinning, as if the more pain I endured, the more turned on he was. He spat in my face, his warm saliva and snot dribbling down my forehead onto my already tear soaked cheek. I couldn't move, he just kept slamming his pole into my face with reckless abandon, I was crying, I had snot pouring out of my nose, I had spit hanging from my chin. It went on for what felt like an hour, but was probably less, I had no reference as to how long it was, other than it felt like an eternity. Without warning, he pulled out, and pulled me to my feet, pushing me face first against the wall. He pushed his body against mine, his arm raised above my face so his pit was level with my nose. The stench was gloriously offensive, he rubbed his arm pit into my face, making me lick it "clean". He was marking me with his scent, like an animal, I moaned. I felt pressure against my ass, his cock still dripping with my own spit was rubbing against my hole mixing with the sweat that had built up in my crack. I began to moan louder, my breathing turning to a pant, I was intoxicated by the ripe stench of his sweat and musk. His cock began pushing harder… fuck was I ready for this? Can I handle it? Fuuuuuuuuucccck I had no choice he gave one last push with his hips and he broke into my hole. He continued with the push, forcing his way into my hole, his cock just kept going and going invading my tight hairless boyhood. "Yeah fucker, you're good and tight, yeah thats it tense up, it just makes me wanna fuck you harder. Your fuckin spit is the best fuckin lube boy. My PA is rubbin against your insides boy, its gonna get you all worked up on the inside, my precum is leaking out into your sweaty hole" Then it hit me. He's fucking me without a rubber! I freaked, "You're fucking me raw? What the fuck dude! Take that fucking thing out of me!" I tensed up my hole trying to push his pole out, I tried to break away from his grasp. But his hard body had me flat against the wall, he was bigger than me and stronger than me in every way. "Come on faggy, I know you like this, and you trying to get away from me, that just makes it hotter, I'm just gonna fuck you harder now" With that, he pulled his cock out all the way, I saw my chance, I tightened up my hole as best I could and tried to move my ass out of line from his cock. "Haha you sneaky fucker, nice try" he bit the back of my neck, fuck did that hurt as he sank his teeth into me he rammed all 8.5 inches of uncut pierced meat into my hole all the way to the base. I screamed so fucking loud, I saw stars, and he picked up the pace pounding my hole harder and faster - slamming his cock into me over and over again. The pace picked up, I was begging him to stop "I'll do anything, please just don't cum in me!" he stopped, and whipped his cock out of me hard and fast, it burned my hole so fucking much! He whipped me around and kneed me in the gut making me fall to the floor. "Open wide fucker!" and he slammed his cock into my throat. As it was sliding in, I saw that it had blood and shit on it. I wanted to puke, this was fucking disgusting! He didn't give me a chance to fight, he was always a step ahead of me. Holding my face he maintained a fucking rhythm, he was thrusting harder and harder into my face, he began to shudder and groan… oh fuck this is it… with one last thrust he slammed his cock all the way into my throat, spasming he began to shoot rope after rope of hot thick salty cum into my gut. I began to choke and gag, he pulled back, I choked and snorted again, the cum went up my nose, I coughed and sneezed it out. He kept his cock in my mouth clean it fag, you made this mess, not me" I was shivering and shuddering from what had just happened, mindlessly, I sucked and cleaned his pole as best I could. His cum dripping from my nose to my chin, and on to the floor. I felt abused, broken and stupid. He stood towering over me, watching me, laughing. I moved to stand up, I needed to get out of there, I'd had enough. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, pushing me back to the floor. "Where the fuck are you goin? Did I could say you could stand up? Well pig? Tell me did I fuckin say you could stand up? NO! So sit the fuck down!" I just starred at him, I wanted to hate him, I wanted to scream, but all I could do was look at the sweat beading on his ripped chest, those perfect abs, and the smell and taste of his cum in my mouth. "Stupid faggot, don't you remember? You said you'd try anything twice, and you are also here for the weekend. We're only just getting started" Weak, and out of breath, I sat defeated on the floor against the wall. My hole was burning, sweat was dripping into my eyes… I didn't have any energy left. My head was still spinning from whatever he'd put into that water I'd drank earlier. He didn't give me a chance to rest, he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me up. He dragged me down the hallway into another room, and pushed me through the doorway. "Don't even think about moving punk, or I'll kick your ass into next fuckin week." I didn't even have the energy to reply to him. I heard him close the door, and walk down the hallway. I must have passed out, I don't know if it was a minute or an hour, I was brought-to by him kicking me in the back "What the fuck are you doing fag? I didn't tell you, you could pass out. Drink this, now. He handed me ice cold water bottle, I didn't think twice, I was so thirsty and dehydrated I needed it badly. "You'll be full of energy in a minute boy, but I'm impressed you're still conscious, that makes me think I'm not working you hard enough" With that, I finished the bottle of water, I felt a little better, the room was no longer spinning. I presumed it was night time, as sole window in the room was dark. I began to realize what was around me, there was a sling hanging from the ceiling… boxes stacked floor to ceiling on one wall, each with pictures on it, I couldn't make out what they were. There was a rim seat, a dog crate, on the back of the door were several dog collars and leashes hanging up. To my left there was a leather padded bench, the floor was concrete, with a drain in the middle, and there was a sink in the other corner. I thought "what kind of sick fuck is this guy?" I was about to find out. "Get up and lay on the bench boy" I struggled to get up, but did as instructed, fear was now returning. He began to strap me to the bench, first he stretched out my arms and strapped my wrists and upper arms down to the bench, then he strapped my ankles and thighs. "Now boy, you're gonna have to trust me implicitly, you are about to experience what it means to be a true submissive whore. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, you lay perfectly still and don't move a muscle no matter what. The hard way, you resist, and you will be in more pain than you can ever imagine." I just laid there, unable to move, staring straight up at the ceiling, regretting every second. "By your silence, I presume you're going to take the easy way. He started moving around the room, taking things out of drawers, laying them on the floor. He then tightened the restraints around my left arm. It almost went numb, I felt a cold wipe go across my skin, and then a prick. Then I realized… oh fucking hell… in my mind I was screaming, it took all the energy I could muster not to move. Then, it happened. He grabbed my head, and said "look me in the eye pig, and don't blink" he released the the restraint on my arm. "THREE TWO ONE" BANG! I was terrified, there was a bitter taste in my throat, a fraction of a second later I lost my breath. I was gasping for air, choking. My ears seemed to explode with a deafening ringing. I couldn't stop coughing and choking, my mind was reeling. "Fuck yeah pig! Yeah! Thats my boy!!! You're mine now!" My heart was about to explode out of my chest, then the rush began to wash over me. All I could say was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…" He was grinning, "theres no turning back pig"… he released the restraints, I immediately sat up and the rush just kept coming, it was fucking endless. "Now pig, there won't be much need for restraints, I know you are the kind of punk that will follow any order now" With that, he pulled out another needle, stuck it in his arm, and pushed the plunger. He didn't cough like I did, but I could tell he was just as high. He pulled out the needle, and held his arm out to me "Lick it pig" I went and licked the blood spot from his arm, it tasted so gross but I loved it. He wrapped a cock ring around his dick and balls, and got rock hard immediately. "Fuck yeah pig! You're gonna get it all tonight" He pushed me back to the bench, grabbed my legs, threw them over his shoulder and pushed his pierced pole into my hole all the way in, no lube. FUCK IT FELT SO GOOD. He started slamming my hole, hard and fast, I began to moan, getting louder and louder. "Fuck yeah piggy, you like that? Yeah you're gonna be my fuckin slut all weekend" I could only reply with "Yes Sir, thank you Sir!" he was splitting my hole open, and I didn't fucking care, I just wanted my hole filled, and to please him to show my gratitude for showing me this twisted fucking world. He pulled his raw cock out of my hole and flipped me around to suck him clean, as I was sucking him clean he leaned over my back teasing my hole with his fingers "damn piggy, that hole is still tight, I think we need to stretch it a bit more" I didn't say anything, I just swallowed his cock to the base, and tried to relax my hole even more, a sign for him to keep probing at it with his fingers. He pulled his pole out of my mouth and balanced his balls on my lips, "you ever been fisted punk?" "No Sir, please Sir, I want to be the best pig I can be for you Sir. I will do anything for you Sir." He pulled back, "be careful what you wish for pig, you know I can make it happen". "Please Sir, I'll do anything, even something you haven't done but want to do, I will be that pig. I will do it Sir". He didn't need any more encouragement, I was back on the bench, he handed me a fresh bottle of poppers and told me to breathe deep twice in each nostril. While I did that, he brought out a squirt bottle, and squirted lube on to his hands. I went to put the poppers down, he told me to keep them in my hand, because I'll need them. With that, the high I was experiencing went to the next level, the poppers hit, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I felt him apply pressure to my hole, he started sliding a couple of fingers into my hole. They just slid right in, no resistance. He just kept sliding them in and out, over and over again. He added a third, twisting it around my hole, making me squirm and writhe begging for more. He kept adding more lube, and I kept inhaling the poppers. Then he got to all four digits, and started to push the thumb in… fuck, I was in heaven! He just kept working my hole over, pulling in, out twisting it, changing hands. Then he told me to take two deep hits of the poppers and to push. I did as I was told, and the pressure against my hole was immense. He told me to keep breathing deep breaths, and with that the rush hit me, and his whole fist slid right up into my shitter. I immediately began to piss myself, it trickled all over my chest, all over his arm… it was so fucking hot! "Damn pig, you gotta be careful, you're starting to impress me, I might have to raised the bar on you". All I could do was lay there in ecstasy, he gradually started pulling his fist in and out of my hole, never quite getting to the point where it would fall out, always holding it right at that threshold. He was driving me crazy, I wanted to do anything for this dude. He must have been working my hole over for what felt like 10 minutes, but he pointed out, it had been almost 2 hours. Ok punk, we need to pace ourselves, this shit will get you going for a good 12 hours, but to make the most of it you gotta rest every once in a while. He began to pull his fist out of my now gaping hole, 3-2-1 push, I pushed. It plopped out, and so did half the lube he'd put up there, and I'm sure some shit as well. My hole was gaping, it was gasping for air, just like me. I kept letting out wet farts as the air was escaping. Fuck it felt so good, and yet so empty. I reached down, and began teasing it, showing it off to him. He hocked back and spat a wad of snot onto my hole. I eagerly pushed it in. "Thank you Sir" My hole was so fucking sloppy, but I felt it beginning to tighten. I still didn't have full control over my ass muscles yet. "Sir, do you have anything I can put into my hole to keep it loose for you?" He didn't say anything, he got up, rinsed his hands off in the sink, and opened one of the drawers on the wall. He pulled out two huge butt plugs, one slightly larger than the other, and measured them against his fist. He took the one that was slightly smaller and set it on the bench. "Have at it pig… but just before you do, get on the floor face down, ass in the air… get that ass as high up as you can" I did as commanded, he stood up, lined up his still hard cock to my hole, and prized it open just a little with his fingers. I felt him spread my hole and push the head in about half way. The next thing I know, I felt a warm sensation in my now well used cunt. "Fuck yeah pig, you like me pissing in your hole?" Fuck I didn't even think about that! Damn! it was so fucking hot, he even let out a fart as he was doing it. He pissed for what seemed like forever, and he stopped just as it began to trickle out of my hole and down my thigh. He grabbed the plug and pushed it straight in, no warning. Just an hard shove that almost made me fall flat on the floor. I was even more full now, than when I had his fist in me. "Stay like that pig, don't move" He left the room, while I was just kneeling on the floor, my face against the concrete. Then I heard his voice from down the hallway, it sounded like he was on the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I didn't care either. I was more interested in feeling that hot steaming piss in my hole, and the plug that was forced into it. He came back, and ordered me to stand, as I did, I felt another rush of the drugs kick in, he noticed me wobble a slightly "That will be the tina in my piss, you just got a secondary high pig" Fuck it felt good, all I could manage was "Thank you" he handed me more water which I drank in record time. As I was drinking, he walked around me, eyeing me up. He leaned in from behind me and whispered in my ear "Have you enjoyed pleasing me so far punk?" I was in the middle of downing the water and just nodded. "Good boy, so are you sure you will do anything for me?" I nodded again. He grabbed my flaccid cock, and balls and tugged tightly, making me wince. "You have a nice tool pig, theres nothing that turns me on more than a total bottom slut with a huge cock and low balls that he doesn't use. You know, I bet that cock of yours would look even better pierced. What do you think punk?" He didn't give me a chance to reply, he shoved his rank sweaty arm pit into my face and held it there "Yeah, I think you'd like that punk, me marking you with my scent, and marking you with a ring through that pretty little cock" I can't deny I'd always fantasized about getting a PA, but never had the guts to do it. My head was swimming again, fuck this turned me on! "Good thing for you punk, I've got a couple of buds on their way over here now, and one of them is the best piercer in town. I'm sure he'd do one for you, in exchange for some servicing, I'll even give you another slam to help you decide, what do you think?" I didn't need to say anything, my cock betrayed me, it went to full on hard in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, I thought you'd like that pig". Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1272730477&file=/2063/513973.html>
    1 point
  23. After writing the first part of my story ( https://breeding.zone/blog/1228/entry-821-buppy-begins/ ) i decided i wanted to actually feel the feeling of a toothbrush scraping my insides. So i went to the store and bought a new one to try this out with. I was nervous to say the least about the experience. Once I got home i immediately went to my room and pulled out my lube and put just a tiny dab on it just to let it go in. it felt amazing to feel the bristles scrape and scratch my inside, I was instantly erect as I fantasized about being prepped ot receive a toxic load. Thinking back I probably should have cleaned out a little before I started but I was to excited to wait, but in the end I was deeply satisfied, I edged over and over as oi scraped my insides. I didnt let myself cum however so im still all pent up and horny as I write this. As for the second part of my story, I have run into a block on a crusial part of the story. I have 2 directions I want ot go and I cant continue until I have decided which to go.
    1 point
  24. Hi Kazore, Just saw your question. The protocol for the Ipergay trial is: 2 Truvadas at least 2 hours before sex Then 1 Truvada every 24 hours For 48 hours after last sexual contact So let's assume I'm going to have sex only on Friday night. I'll take 2 pills Friday morning, 1 Saturday morning, 1 Sunday morning, then stop. If I'm going to have sex Friday night, Saturday, Monday night, and Tuesday night, I'll take 2 pills Friday morning, 1 every morning until Thursday. So if you have sex pretty often, you take it every day. But if you stop having sex for a period of time, you stop the Truvada. I'm in a relationship so I don't hook up a lot. At the beginning of the trial, I was single and very sexually active, 95% top, fucking probably 150 guys a year. I've never really bottomed and taken loads even on Truvada. I may start now that Truvada has been proven effective -- but until November, the Ipergay trial was double-blind with a placebo arm, so I couldn't be sure I was on Truvada or the placebo. They only gave everyone Truvada in November when they realized so many guys in the placebo arm were seroconverting. I was comfortable with the risk of being a bareback top even if it was the placebo. And I'm rather uneasy about being a bareback bottom even on Truvada, because of the risk of hep C or HPV/warts/anal cancer. So in the end I'll probably take Truvada with my boyfriend so that we can have some hot bareback orgies a few times a year.
    1 point
  25. I have an interesting relationship with an ex-boyfriend. He's seeing someone else and they are happy together. Own a house and go camping. It's good. But every now and then he craves my thick, beefy butt. We don't see each other twice a week...it's once every six months or so. Eight months or more. We see each other online and say, 'Oh hey. Been a while. We should get together.' Sex with Brent is like sex with an angry deer. LOL. He is a gentle man. He's thick and beefy, totally a bear. Hairy everywhere with a very thick 8.5 inch cock. When he puts it in a cockring it gets fatter. And then he starts grunting. He and I rut like forest animals when we fuck. He gets aggressive and a few years ago we started fucking bare...but never to climax. He always pulled out. I was fascinated with bb sex but never really took the plunge and would *never* let a guy cream me, even an old friend and occasional fuck budy like Brent. Good guy. Smelled sweaty and clean during sex. But you can't just...take loads. Everyone knows that. Brent and I fucked bare and that was the furthest I had gone. But things have been changing for me and the fantasy of bb was not enough. I am fixated watching videos of guys creaming while deep inside...I am almost turned off but cum-on-the-hole shots. Some of them are sexy, especially when they push it into the bottom's ass but I prefer the scenes where you watch the top's balls contract and you know he's unloading as deep as he possibly can go. That drives me nuts. Brent and I reconnected last week and decided to get together. It had been a while. A long while...maybe a year? After a few missed schedules, we finally connected this morning. At his house, we caught up and smoked some weed. He took off his shirt and scratched his hairy pec. He walks around the house in nothing but shorts all the time anyway, so it was funny to see him wearing a shirt when I answered the door. We had talked online about how my fixation on bb sex was growing stronger and I needed to feel it..really know what it felt like when a man unloaded inside me. There's big debate on whether or not the bottom can 'feel' it but I knew for me it would be more about the psychological thrill of letting a rutting, sweating, grunting, big-dicked top do what nature intendedh him to do: breed. Breed deep. Get that sperm swimming in the pink. We sucked each others' hairy chests and kissed a little. More about fucking for us now, so kissing was not a big part of the equation. But we kissed in appreciation for each other's sexiness and he grabbed my ass in the red jockstrap I wore. I sucked his dick and it was fat as I remembered. Starts out all medium-sized and then after sucking it gets harder and fatter and his mild-mannered demeanor gets set aside as he starts to fuck-grunt and accept how powerful it feels having a man kneel and suck your meat like it's god's gift to human existence. Brent likes the back of my throat and his hands grabbed my head and helped himself to getting in deeper....he'd hold his dick there...in my throat while I tried to breathe. If he came right at that moment, I'd never taste a drop. That deep. At one point he looked down at me and said, "We're only going to use spit. So get it as sloppy as you can." He rimmed my ass for a while and that was hot, hearing him grunting back there. But for him, it's only about getting the hole ready for acceptance...he's not into rimming for ass-eating sake....no, it's a necessary part of his breeding. He eats ass and gets it wet. He wants my saliva and his to be all that's needed, so even if it's not his thing, he's enthusiastic about it, spitting in the hole and pushing it in with his tongue. When Brent fucks, he goes balls deep as soon as possible. He wants to make sure I feel every inch of it and that gentle part of him is driven into a lust frenzy by this point, so his big swinging cock is already dripping precum and my saliva by the time he drives it home. Balls fucking deep. He warned me to take a hit of poppers first, and I did, so when he pushed into my guts, the sensation was intense and like coming home. I welcomed him into me and he groaned on my back, right into my ear. "I'm raw inside you," he said. He says I'm the only guy he fucks around with besides his partner and the infrequent one-off...but he doesn't fuck raw with anyone but his partner and me. I don't know if that's true. We've known each other for years now, so I suspect it is. But that means getting his raw cock inside me *means* something. He's trusting me with the gift of his big, bloated penis as it drips precum in my chute. He fucked me while I was on my stomach and then on my back, then leaning over the bed corner where he got really deep. But he likes me in missionary position with my knees bent because it's the most vulnerable position and a bottom has little defenses against that kind of fuck - it just goes as deep as he wants. I say 'ouch' occasionally and he grins this wicked grin, like he is tired of being Mr. Nice Guy and now he will just fuck as deep and hard as he always wanted to do...and he does. He pounds me. I started talking dirty to him about how good it felt, his big raw dick, the possibility of breeding, and how slick my insides would be if he decided to unload his sperm. His dick gets even harder when I talk this way so while we have never bred, I know he wants this. His preferred place to cum is my throat...but I think that's because he's been conditioned to not want this...to breed...it's wrong to want this kind of pleasure of dominating a bottom with sperm. But he does want it. And he fucks me harder. We find this great position with me on my side and stomach while he nails me from behind and I keep talking about how great he feels, his big cock assaulting all my pink and tender flesh. when I talk about my pink guts and how the swollen, soft colon is getting beat up bad, he gets harder. He likes that he's abusing my flesh. He likes that his hard cock is making it hurt inside me. And feel amazing. I think it turns him on that unleashing this side of him turns me on because he wants it to be good for me too so he gets to be as selfish as he wants...but also knows that I love it. He starts pumping harder and says into my ear, "Today...today I'm not going to pull out. Am i?" "No," I say. "I want it. I want your sperm. I want you to cream my guts that almost never saw a load up there. It's almost virgin cum territory up there. Enough colon left or a man to claim part of it as his own." This kind of talk makes him harder, me too, and he grabs my dick to find it soaked in precum. I mean...soaked. I precum a ton and my entire jockstrap was wet like it came out of the washer. LOL. This made him hard and he sucked his fingers and rubbed it on his face, which made him fuck harder. "Here it comes," he said and then he started grunting hard into my ear. My mind race - was I really taking sperm? After so many years of denial, it's shocking, absolutely shocking that a man would do this to me and I would willingly let him. I gasped. He growled, like a fuckin' bear growl and he just started pistoning and I knew...I knew he was unloading. I didn't feel it inside me....not at first, but then it got very slippery, very wet. He kept fucking and pumping and grunting and sweating onto me and he just pounded that dick harder. My insides were completely soaked. I could feel that. As his last strokes were his dick getting soft and then plopping out, it felt like his cock was withdrawing from a bathrub full to the rim of semen. I couldn't believe how wet I felt. I'm home now. This happened an hour ago. Brent's juice is still inside me right now.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Have been craving a black load up my ass for a week. Haven't slept well, have had trouble focusing, have been obsessing over it. Been trying all my typical hook up sites with no luck. Tried cruising at the park yesterday and was only able to swallow a load. Chatted with an older black guy on A4A who said he was coming over, but then we had a miscommunication and we missed each other. This morning he texted me just as I was waking up, told him I could host, and he was on his way! 30 minutes later I was letting in a 50yo Caribbean guy who had a foot on me and a really perky butt. He was a great kisser with a big tongue that filled my mouth and really gentle hands. We were naked and in bed in less than three minutes, and he had his pretty sizable dick in me a minute after that. He had me in every position and all over the bed, sliding in and out the whole time. I'm pretty tight and most guys give up pretty quick, but he got his whole rod in me and wouldn't let it leave. He kissed and whispered to me the entire time I rode him. After 2.5 hours, I told him my friend was staying on my couch and was arriving in less than an hour, so he groaned and growled as he dropped his load all the way inside me. He kissed me goodbye and told me he would be back next weekend. I jumped in the shower and tried to keep the load in me, but my hole was so stretched it felt like it couldn't close! My ass is swollen and warm to the touch... finally feel like I got what I needed!
    1 point
  28. Part 2 "Pete wants you nice and relaxed, and as I'm his friend you need to do as you're told. Drop ya shorts for me and spread those legs." I looked at Steve, his face covered with dark stubble, his neck thick and strong. He's playing with his cock through his shorts, I can see the bulge quite clearly, like me he's obviously not wearing underwear. My eyes catch his again and he just raises he's eyebrows and looks down to my shorts. Well I know Pete has paid a lot of money to get me here and this is obviously the start of me doing as I'm told. So I undo the tie holding my shorts up and push them down, I hadn't realised just how hard I'd gotten and my cock springs out, my PA just peeking out the end of my foreskin. I spread my legs as wide as I can, my shorts tight around my ankles. "Step out of one leg for me, shift your ass forward on the seat and spread those legs wide". I do as I'm told and now my hole is exposed right on the edge of the seat and I realise why the seat was pushed so far back when I got in the car, this was obviously planned. Steve slides his finger in his mouth and covers it with spit. Leaning over he reaches between my legs and finds my hole through the hair and rubs the spit around, I can feel my hole relax and then he just slides right in, his finger opening me up a little before he slides a second one in. Slowly he pulls his fingers out and grabs the bag of T, fuck I know what's coming. He opens the bag, spit on his fingers again and reaches in, he rummages around and next thing I know he's showing me two big shards on his index finger, he smiles and reaches down between my legs. "Spread your cheeks for me, don't wanna drop this shit". I do as I'm told and with both hands pull my cheeks apart. I can feel his middle finger finding my hole and then his other finger pushes the crystals inside me. As his finger swirls around inside me I suddenly start to feel the burn. His second finger joins the first and he's stirring around in my guts and I know the stuff is dissolving inside me, I can feel the warmth and then I feel it start to spread. I throw my head back against the seat and close my eyes, not sure how long I stayed like that but I'm enjoying a nice gentle rush sweeping over my entire body. Steve seemed to be enjoying my hole, another finger goes in and now he's really stretching me. I lift my legs up, one foot against the door the other on the centre console, Steve pulls out and gets another shard then brings his hand under my leg and quickly he's pushing back inside me, stirring the third shard around inside me. My groans fill the car and I want more now, I need more than just his fingers. Devastated he pulls out, leans back and looks over at me and smiles "Petes gonna love your hole" He's got his cock out now and he's holding it and beckoning me to it with his eyes. Leaning over I take hold of it and admire it for a while, cut as to be expected, and there's a single drop of precum which I quickly lick off with a swipe of my tongue, tastes sweet. I can't wait anymore and I open my lips slightly and try to take as much in my mouth as I can. By now the Tina is flowing through my body and I'm hungry for it, my whole body craves cock, I don't just want it, I need it. I begin to suck his cock with all the skills I can, using my tongue and the roof of my mouth to stimulate the head and Steve is moaning, I think I'm doing well. Letting his cock free I look up at him and ask him to fuck me, well not so much ask as beg. "With time boy but not now, Pete will be your first not me, so suck my cock". With that he pushes my head back down on his cock, well if he won't fuck me I'm sure as hell gonna get his load in my mouth. I didn't have to wait long, I can hear him moaning louder, his cock seems to get even harder so I pick up my pace desperate for that taste. With an animal like groan I feel his cock pulse as glob after glob of creamy cum fills my mouth, eagerly I swallow it all down savouring the taste. Steve pushes me away and tucks his cock back in his shorts. "Well done, get yaself sorted and let's go see Pete". Reluctantly I pull my shorts back up and shift myself back on the seat. My head swimming with thoughts of what just happened and that craving for cock. Steve starts the engine and without saying a word pulls back out onto the road and heads around the edge of town and we start to climb a little. This is obviously a good neighbourhood, houses stand way back from the road behind gates, giving a sense of mystery to who lives there. I'm assuming this is just part of my tour of the sites, so I just relax and gaze out the window at the passing houses. Steve suddenly slows the car and swings the car round and pulls up in front of a pair of big heavy wooden gates, he punches a number into a little keypad on a pole, and silently the gates swing open revealing a long driveway leading to single story house that looks like something out of a movie - surely this isn't Petes place ?
    1 point
  29. Gave my load to a BTM who was looking for a poz load
    1 point
  30. Lord Jesus, today is by far the best I have had, but with only two guys, and only one of them being the reason. First guy started texting this morning, he kept postpoining when he would come by 30 minutes, didn't think he would show, he finally did after I told him to get lost. He was high as fuck and drinking, said he was up all night with a buddy doing meth. I sucked for about 40 minutes, didn't think he would ever cum! We took a break, he told me about his life, his two kids' life, his ex-wive, his ex-ex-wife, her family, her family's family, the Mexican they hired to pick nuts... Seriously, I heard about 10 people's life story in less than an hour. I finally had to shut him up so I went back to sucking, finally he shot out 3 quirts and he thrusted his cock down my throat as far as it would go, started moaning and shot out more squirts, pulled it out, shot a massive load in my mouth and all over the side of my face. He started talking again, had to pretend family was coming over to get him gone. Lmao The second guy texted while he was there, which was the reason why I wanted him gone. Guy wouldn't send any pics, but said he was coming over, then says he was joking around, would never do that shit. I found him on Facebook and told him I knew who he and his wife was, and that he was in the army. He begged me not to say anything to her, he loves her so much. I was never going to blab, but let him think what he wants. He said he would come over and let me suck him if it meant his wife not finding out. I didn't think he would show but he did. When he walked in he was in full uniform. I had this fucking hot as hell Sergeant in my living room. He started going off about not telling his wife, I said dude, I never had no plan on saying anything, just thought I would play you you like you played me. Then he is like, well you wanna suck my cock? Um, duh!! I loved sucking his cock, ate his as first the first time, sucked so more, jacked until I seen him shoot a stream of cum out and sealed my lips around it and drained the rest out. 30 minutes later Sergerant texted telling me he liked it, we kept texting, he wanted to come back, he was getting excited, 3 hours later Sergeant was on my couch again, with his legs proped over my shoulders, while I took turns, sucking his cock, licking his nuts and eating more ass, while rubbing my hands over his buzzed chest and playing with his nipples until he fed me his second load of the day. I told him he made one of my top fantasies come true. I had sucked military cock before, but him being in uniform was so FUCKING HOT. I felt like shooting 50 loads just looking at him. Would love to give this ass up to him, but I'm gonna take this one slow!
    1 point
  31. Im fine with either. As long as im being fucked and getting a load.
    1 point
  32. In general I prefer a verbal top, hear his breathing, moaning and finally the groaning. I do like to know when the top tells me he's going to shoot so I usually whisper to the top "Make sure you go deep when you shoot your load" But experiences with silent tops can be very hot too, especially in saunas and darkrooms. I find it so hot when I'm on a sling or fuck-bench at a sauna, and a guy starts fucking me and all of a sudden he pulls out and leaves without saying a word. I then check and I feel the cum dripping out of my hole. Big turn-on and in that case silent breeding is fine.
    1 point
  33. Back to my slutty ways today xD. Took loads from 3 different black guys. I hooked up with a muscular and hung (9.5" thick) black guy at about 9am. He finally made it over (he flaked twice before). I was in my basketball shorts with no underwear when I let him in. Before I even made it three steps up (I'm in a 2-floor loft) my stairs, he pulls down my shorts, pushes me down so I'm laying on the steps, and rims me deep and good. I'm moaning like a slut and let him go to town on my ass for about 20-minutes. Once he stops, we had to my couch in the living room. He strip naked, pulls off my shorts ... then forcefully pushes down on my shoulders to get me on my knees; I happily open my mouth and am rewarded with his piss. Once he finished, he starts to fuck my face. Forcing my head down his entire dick, making me gag and choke. After about 10-minutes of this he says he wants his ass. He picks me up and throws me down on my couch, then positions me doggy style. He spits on my hole and slowly penetrates my hole. He takes his time and admit 2-minutes later I feel his balls and crotch agains me. He did warn that he's a rough and dominant top: He starts long-dicking my ass and ramming as hard and rough as he could. I'm already begging for his load ... he rams deep and cums after only 15-minutes. He stayed hard and in my ass and left three loads in me. After he left I checked my phone and saw messages from another black guy, but he lives in the same apartment complex. I didn't tell him I was just fucked and have loads in my ass. He came over not even 10-minutes after my first fuck. My neighbor isn't into rimming, so I get on my knees and start sucking his nice 8" thick dick. I deep throat him for only 5-minutes and he unloads in my mouth. I swallow most of it but share some with him as we made out. After a few minutes on for kissing, he places me on my back and my legs over his shoulders. He discovered my cum filled ass and then said, "Fucking slut. I'm gonna fuck the cum out of you." He proceeded to slam all of his dick in my ass in one hard, fast thrust. Love it when a top does that after I've been warmed up! He also ducks me very hard and rough, but he starts talking dirty "Yeah, like me raping your ass?" and lightly choking me. After about 10-minutes I cum without even touching myself! I try to roll away, as my ass tightened up a bit, but he choked me harder, and fucked me harder. Said, "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" A few minutes later he slams all the way home and unloads a massive load. He then does something new: He pulls out, climbs up on the couch, and made me suck his dick clean. Gotta admit, I loved it! The third black guy just left a few minutes ago. Me being a slut, I kept all the loads in my ass all day. He and I have been texting back and forth since December 2014 ... and he loves sloppy seconds (thirds this time). He came over at about 7pm; he lasts forever before unloading! I left my front door unlocked, and was already in position: on the floor on my hands and knees with my ass up in the air. He walked up to me, dropped his pants, and just slid all 8" right in my ass in one thrust. He fucked me in this position slow, then rough, then slow, for over an hour. He sensed I was getting real sore so he proceeded to fuck me hard and blew his load in me about 15-minutes later. He stayed hard in my ass for about ten minutes ... dunno why but it felt good. He then pulled out, smacked my ass, and I offered to clean his dick. Of course he accepted ... I not only cleaned his dick but swallowed a load yay. I know I'm sleeping well tonight :-)
    1 point
  34. Talk of Lucifer in the story really gets me off. In every way AIDS is a disease that is nothing short of evil. Look at how many people it has killed and continues to kill around the world! What makes it so damn hot is that pigs like us love diseases that kill. Partly because we are sick fucks. But the thought of dying from AIDS because some guy wanted to gift you is beyond hot. More over, the way gift givers stealth or otherwise infect innocent lives is just an act of pure evil. Let's face it- it's really fucked up. But we have fun doing bad things to good people. Knowing that we will be responsive for someone's death from a deadly disease brings Joy to our lives. It's an act of pure evil that truly makes a gift giver so happy. We truly are students of Lucifer- just pure evil. We find death to be sexually stimulating. What else can be more exciting! NOTHING! I know I love AIDS because it costs so much to the infected. It ruins lives and I love it...I will never stop looking for it no matter what. AIDS would make me truly happy. No questions asked
    1 point
  35. I am fortunate enough to live where the adult entertainment industry is large. We have three bathhouses, countless strip clubs, and many bookstores. That being said I love to frequent the holes. We all know the dark game and this game is like no other. Wondering around the arcade in the dark with nothing but the light of porn videos to light the way. In and out of booths looking for a cock to suck or to ride, bending down to peek through the hole to examine the slab of meat on the other side. Today was like any other day at the holes. I was was walking around scoping out the patrons. I ventured in to a few booths and came out unsatisfied. I am pretty much versatile and like most gay men I LOVE TO SUCK COCK. In a booth I am on my knees sucking on a nice seven uncut thick blue collar cock and was fed a thick load I literally had to swallow, he zipped up and moved on. Back on the prowl I ended up on the other end of the spectrum with a pink cut eight inch white collar who pinned my head against the wall and proceed to fuck my throat til he released his pent up juice. He also zipped up and left. All in all I sucked six cocks in less than half an hour, and swallowed every last load, but this story is about the seventh cock that was fed to me through a glory hole. The seventh cock was thick about six inches cut and white. He plopped it through the hole and I did what every cock sucker does: I got down on my knees and started to service. He pulled it out then fingered for my cock. I happily obliged. His mouth was so velvety, warm, and his saliva was like silicone lube. His mouth was fantastic. After a few minutes went by I found myself moaning and fucking the hole, bucking up against the wall. I quickly pulled out as I needed to have the full effect of this treasure. With that I bent down and motioned for us to go into a booth together. He agreed. Once we were In the booth, and before I could blink, he was on his knees, his pants down and ripping my pants down, sucking on my cock and servicing my balls. It was wonderful. I found myself gripping the back of his head, shoving my cock deep past his gullet into his throat and fucking his voice box. I was merciless and I enjoyed it. I didn't want to cum too soon so I again quickly pulled out and assumed my normal cock sucking position and went to town. Sucking his cock, I started to finger his hole using his own spit, 'cause I was determined to fuck this guy. He was a short guy, about 5' 6", wearing business attire. I wanted to own him.... I stood up and told him to strip. To my surprise he did. We hit every wall in that booth and soon we were getting knocks at the door and someone staring at us through the gloryhole. We were no longer quiet and hiding the fact of what we were doing. I bent him over and rimmed that hairless hole (not my favorite 'cause I am a fur fan) and watched that pink pucker twitch with anticipation.... He knew what was coming and quickly dug into his pocket for a rubber and handed it to me. I looked at him and quickly surmised that he just wasted a rubber cause this whore was going to be be bred..... Again, more knocks at the door, cocks being shoved through the hole and we could care less.... I rimmed that pink pucker and got it nice and wet, then I had him spit on my two fingers with his fantastic saliva and slide them in his hole. I then threw the rubber on the ground completely intact and rolled like it comes and whispered in his ear, "A whore like you doesn't need this." I could tell by the look in his eyes he was worried but also lost in the moment and then he uttered the magic words "Fuck me, fuck me please." Being a smart ass I replied, "If you say so." There I was sliding into that pink pucker and before I knew it I was dick deep and his face was pressed up against the wall. I was having my way with this whore and loving it. A hand was stroking his cock through the hole and I just bucked away. We moved all around that booth and before we were done his face was squashed up against all four walls. Just as I was about to paint the walls of his hole I asked him if he wanted my load. He quietly panted "Yes, please breed me." I wanted the men outside the booth to know I was breeding the guy, so I repeated my question somewhat louder. This time he answered me quite a bit louder, saying "Please breed me." Determined to drag it out, I demanded he answer me again, and this time he peered over his shoulder at me and almost screamed "Give me that fucking seed! Breed my hole!" With that I released a solid five jets of seed. I was still dick deep and wallowing in my own cream and I tapped on the gloryhole to motion for a cock. Pulling out of his used hole with a plop I ordered him to "Clean me up, but you have to do it while riding that cock," pointing at the prick jutting out of the hole. He quickly spun around and slid his cummy hole down on new prick and cleaned up my cock. I found it rather hot that there was another cock riding my fuck juice in the whore's hole. Once I felt I was clean enough, I pulled my jeans up, zipped up and whispered a bit of gratitude to my buddy who had just took care of my needs. As I walked out the door I looked over my shoulder and observed him ride the wall, clearly enjoying himself. Stepping into the hallway I encountered a selection of cocks, all of which were being fisted by their owners. I looked around and pointed to a healthy uncut cock and motioned for him to go next. As the door closed I just smirked and propped myself up against the wall. I stood for a minute listening to moaning and watching the booth walls shake. The whore was getting what he needed. I got in my car and fisted my cock all the way home. Today I awoke and reported the encounter to you. Hope you like it. I sure did.
    1 point
  36. My hard thick wet cock was slipping in and out of his hole like a soft velvet glove over my shaft. It gripped my cock with strong muscled cheeks but opened happily to take the full length and girth massaging my rod covered with special lube and toxic cum. I watched as muscle boy leo arched his back up then curved it down, his face pressed against the bed In high hog heaven groaning in rhythmic gasps as his back and hips moved repeating his catch phrase of the night. “fuckme, fuckme, fuckme” I ran my hands over his wet sweaty smooth ass spread wide but tight for my cock watching it flex as I ran my greasy hands up the small of his back and I followed the curves of his hard muscles up the stud’s back leaning over him, and I began massaging his shoulders right as I began laying my pipe deep inside grinding my balls over his ass forcing him to put his chin to the bed looking forward mouth wide in a silent breathy moan, “ oooooooooofuck” This was heaven. I pulled out and flipped him over running my hands all over his hard body, muscle that had been built from years of training and dedication and I decided all his years of building his slim small frame to this muscled V-shaped ripped stud was in preparation for this moment. For this night. He built himself up to look this amazing so when I broke him, he’d be that much more beautiful broken and lost on my dick moaning for me. He gripped his legs behind his knees pulling them back. Leo’s eyes were glazed but hungry still high and horny and hard. My dick pressed against his hole and as I began to sink in his head fell back rested on the headboard and I dove on his neck licking biting and sucking down to his traps and flicking his nipples all the while slipping myself and in and out of him. I could feel his pulse wrapped around my dick. His breathing was making his ass walls shake as he inhaled quivering and I sunk myself backinto him again and again lost with his hands on my back. As the fuck fest continued though, my high was dropping and I knew what I wanted more than anything now was to push this muscle boy’s limits even further. Filling him up with my toxic juice was just the beginning. I licked his thick neck and lips as I pulled out of him. He made a low sound which part whine part growl as I climbed off the bed. His hands reached for his hole feeling it stretched and wet and raw. Cum began to drip out as the lil cum dump had probably never figured out how to hold it in without a cock pushing it back into him. Leaning over him from the bedside I kissed him deep and he made the whining growl again, “fuck me” he said. “You want more cock baby?” His eyes shut as if the word cock pushed him into a fuck dream, and he nodded hard. “I’m gonna get you some nice big cock, “ As I reached between his legs palming his blinking cum hole. Making him touch himself and shudder, “ and we’re gonna fuck you up really good baby fill you up with cum.” He whined and shook his ass over on my hand nodding. I went to the closet and pulled out a small orange buttplug. Reaching between his legs again I shoved it at his hole which stretched going over the thicked part till the stopper parked over his hole holding the remaining jizz in him, and he wiggled and moaned feeling the stopper against his ass with his hands in amazement squeezing the plug. I could only hope his strong glutes didn’t completely destroy the thing. I got my phone, dialed a number and hung my dick near leo’s face which he immediately took into his mouth moaning thankful. Jamal answered. “Where you at boss” “Busy, how are things” “Full swing here good turn out” which I could already tell from the background noise. “Are Tall and Sam there?” “Yeah there around,” I couldn’t help but smile looking at Leo suckling on my cock and my mind racing. I gave Jamal instructions to pass to Tall and Sam and hung up. I moved Leo’s head to the side of the bed so it hung off, and started feeding him my cock and rubbing it all over his face while running my hands over his body greased with sweat some lube and evidence of fucking. Tall and Sam were good friends of mine. Two married guys who found they liked to get high and fuck around. Tall was, well he was 6’5 and a ginger in his mid 30s. He was a swat officer and was nicely thick all around not nearly as ripped as me or leo but very muscular, and if that wasn’t hot enough, he swung a thick 9.5 inch dick that made him a sex god. Sam was Latino, shorter at 5’6 was a lot more wolf-like than myself or Tall, but his 8.5 was as thick as me and what he lacked in muscles and tone he made up with sheer force, masculine attitude and beast like bed manner. He was a construction worker 4 kids, 3 of whom were with different families and when he and Tall met each other 3 years ago at one of my parties, they put one boy in a hospital with a serious ass tearing. I suddenly heard gurgling and pushing back, which is when I realized I was choking leo, and I quickly pulled off and he heaved water spit all over himself before collapsing completely red n blue trying to breath. I gave him a few minutes to catch his breath while I unlocked the door and left a note on the handle with Tall and Sam’s name which said its open come in. When I got back, Leo had pushed out the butt plug and was obviously just about to start a small freak out. He looked at me and tried to say something but I quickly mounted him face first pushing my tongue down his throat and forcing my cock into his hole fucking him to keep him quiet. Well quiet in some senses anyway. He seemed resigned to let me work on him a little more enjoying the anal pleasure. I fucked him slowly letting his hole get use to opening again. I licked his hard nipples and slowly deep dicked him again and again till after what seemed like an eternity I heard two laughing voices and in the mirror saw Tall and Sam walk through the bed room door. They fell silent when they walked in. They like I had before were taking in the view of Leo for the first time and when they finally found their voices they only said in unison, “Fuck…” As they began to disrobe Leo’s eyes were wide, he was nervous still high and unsure of everything. But before he could voice any concerns, there was Tall kneeling over him with his giant fuck stick. Leo looked at me, then at the fuck stick then at Tall, and Tall just smiled one of his country man southern comfort smiles. “Come on son. “ Leo smiled and took Tall into his mouth. I turned around and saw Sam holding a little bag of goodies from the party. I leaned over Leo as he sucked Tall and whispered in his ear, I’ll be right back, Tall will take good care of you. I pulled out and Leo was breathing hard as Tall climbed between his legs. “Goddamn boy.” Was all I heard Tall say before I heard Leo scream. I turned back from taking the baggie from Sam to watch Tall push hard balls deep into Leo. He pulled out and then dived back in again making Leo scream a second time. And so the fun began. I grabbed the baggie and walked to the restroom humming to the beat of Leo screaming. “AHHH…AHHHHH…AHHHHH. ..AHHHH…AHHHH..AHHHH” It was steady and constant in time with the sounds of balls slapping ass. When I walked back in, Tall was on his knees lifting leo’s muscular legs by the hips on to hip letting him twist to try and run only to pull him back down on his massively big cock. I took out a bottle of poppers and got right behind Leo tilting his head up. Tall took a moment to stop the movement as the bottle was put right under Leo’s nostril. “Breath” I whispered while pushing the bottle up on him. He sniffed deeply. Then a second time in threw the other nostril. “ohhhhhhhhhhh” He breathed out after a moment. I looked at Tall and we both smiled. He placed Leo’s ankles on his shoulders leaned over him and began his real fucking. Music to me ears: “OH GOD OH GOAWD OFUCKGODMEFUCK.” “Fuck Yea” “OHGOAWD” “FUCKING LOVE THAT PUSSY” “FUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKK” “YYYYYYYYEEAAAAHHH!!” Sam walked over to me stroking his thick cock. “Damn…where the fuck did u find this guy” I just smiled and shrugged and pulled on his dick. He walked up to Tall and tapped him on the shoulder making Tall pause and look over already starting to break a sweat. “Sorry” He smiled “ I got a little excited” Leo was opening the bottle of poppers and taking a big hit while Sam was already tapping his ass asking him to flip on his stomach. I winked at Sam as he took a fresh mix of lube Id made from what he brought from the party. He applied it to three of his thick digits and shoved them hard into Leo’s butt. Leo cried out from the assault and quickly took more poppers hard and deep. “That’s right boy” Sam edged while he added more laced lube into Leo’s butthole. “You take big fucking hits of those poppers, if you know what’s good for you. “ Both Tall and I sat back, we loved to watch same work. Leo was laying on his stomach as Sam started to shove his thick dick into him. Leo moaned/screamed as the girth pressed his ass open again. “YYYYYYEEEEEEAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Sam exclaimed as he finally hit balls deep, and then began to really fuck. Beastly fuck. He slammed his cock into Leo hard. The bed was moving forward and back with each thrust. He grabbed Leo’s hair and pulled hit back forcing his back to arch and fucked into him, and he was relentless. When Leo tried to get up and move from the on slaught, as all the boys eventually try to do when Sam really get’s going, Sam just grabbed the sides of Leo’s hips and started fucking him like a dog smashing him again and again hard and ass slapping roughly sweaty greasy till finally Leo started coughing/screaming and then, “I’M CUMMMINNNGGGGGG!” Leo sprayed the sheets and himself with cum. Sam pulled out as Leo fell over to his side. Cum literally fucked out of him, heaving and gasping for air. He looked beautiful. I climbed back on him and continued fucking him. Then Tall. Then Sam. Then Me. We fucked and fucked and fucked, and then, Leo’s hole was so open we were ready to take it to the next level. Leo was riding on top Tall reverse cowgirl style when I climbed between his legs, and positioned my cock right up against his hole already filled with tall. It was so lubed up with cum and etcetera, but even then as I tried to push nothing happened. Leo was looking at me for the first time in two hours, and I put his nipple in my mouth and felt his hole slowly start to give way. He was screaming. I felt Talls cock being squeezed against my invading cock to saddle up right next to his. We all three started yelling too until finally it opened and I ripped through his hole and Tall and I began fucking like a piston into Leo.Then Tall and Sam doublt fucked him. So it went on till Sam and I double fucked him. After that Leo’s hole was so open and raw I’m pretty sure I could have fit my whole arm inside him. Not gonna lie that I didn’t want to try but I was so beat. Sam left first having cum twice and once at the party. Tall stuck around and after a while it was like he was making love to Leo until finally his dick went limp, possibly because Leo had passed out and it wasn’t fun for him anymore, and he left. I looked on at leo and simply rolled a joint and smoked, till I finally passed out in my arm chair. Every hour or so, I’d open my eyes and see Leo still laying there so broken, sticky and wet, and I’d just smile and drift back off to sleep.
    1 point
  37. I worked my way out from underneath the large, black man, as the girl came over and shook him roughly. He barely stirred in his sleep. "He gonna be out for a while. You must have done it up big," she said matter of factly. I, meanwhile, was turning a new shade of crimson, and was picking mu my clothes and getting dressed as quickly as I could. "I need to go," was all I could think to say. She just shrugged and said, "If you say so," she walked out the door, and I followed a few seonds later. I looked around, but she had literally disappeared - there was no one out, only cars driving down Fourth. I hightailed it back to 4th and main - a long trek. Had I really followed him all that distance? I breathed a sigh o f relief when Imsaw my car. I unlocked it, started up, and sped back toward the 'burbs. As I walked in, my dad was just leaving for work. He gave me a wink on his way out, and put his hands up to his chest to mimick a set of large breasts. I smiled weakly and ran up to my room. In the shower, I started feeling funny - a little dizy, a little sick to my stomach. I shook it off when I realized that his two huge loads were involuntarily seeping out of my hole. I felt like a slut, and loved it! I knew right then, without a doubt, that I loved sex with me. I was, as my dad would say with derision so often, a "fag." But at that moment, with cum dripping onto the shower floor, I could care less.. I got a man of with my hole - no, my pussy, as he callled it. I have a pussy, and it makes huge black men cum. I got hard, jacked off, and sat on my bed, thinking about where I could get more guys to fuck me. *** *** *** Fast-forward three days and 11 hours. I am back in the bookstore with my ass pressed up against a hole in the wall. An unknown dick is pumping in an out of my wet hole, sloshing around a load from the last cock. The bookstore is a can't-miss hookup. I have been fucked four times, and each one was as diferent as the last. But none were as good as my black daddy. I had not sen him since that morning I ran out of his place, buttoning my pants on the way out the door. The man on the other side of the wall groaned and shot his load. I milked his cock with my hole, and he eventually slid out and left the booth. I buttoned up,my Brittanica jeans and peeked out the door for a glimpse of my latest fuck a short, dumpy white guy, middle aged, was waddling out of the peeps. He left a nice load in me. Too bad for his wife, i got it instead. And then, just like last time, there he was. Standing outside of a booth, rubbing his crotch and staring right through me. I felt cold inside, then my ass twitched and my dick started to inflate again. He ran a hand all the way down the length of his cock, bulging through that same pair of checked pants. It was onscenely huge. Had i really taken that whole thing. "Hey, bboy," he said. "You back again?" I walked over to him, my pussy went with fresh cum. "I haven't been able to think about anything but you laying on top of my." "You got a fine pussy. Suck the cum right out of a man's dick." Despite the roughness and crudity, I was proud, and more than a little turned on. " I can do it again," I said. He turned and walked into the movie theater. I knew what that meant by nnow,, so I followed close behind. Once we got inside, i dropped to my kneews. In seconds, his cock was down my throat. "Damn, baby," he said. "You got a pussy in your yeah, eat dat dick."mouth, too!" I just grunted as Ii kept working his dick. Within a few minutes, I felt a new set of hands on my head, and heard another voice, thick with ghetto accent, whisper, "Yeah, boy, eat dat dick." I obliged - all the way down,and ran my tongue over his heavy balls. He moaned. "Damn!" Said the new guy. "I want some of that!" "Five bucks," said my man. What?! I was being sold? Instead of shock or shame, I felt hugely flattered. "Fuck dat," said the new guy as he backed off. My man responded, "That's another five." The new guy stopped in his tracks. He moved closer, looking me over as I kept throating that giant cock. "Yeah, but not here." "Let's go," my man said as he pulled his dick from my throat. "Come on, girl," he said. I followed. What else could I do? I knew I wanted those cocks to fuck me. In the back of my mind, I was also hoping that he'd have more of whatever was in that needle.
    1 point
  38. I thought pozzing was my biggest turn on.... I blew some clouds earlier and it reached deep down into my dirtiest parts. I WANT AN AIDS LOAD!!!! Getting poz loads is so filthy and I love it; but I want to get spun and have someone make my dick truly toxic! I want to beg and moan and pray for that AIDS load. I want them worshipping my toxic cock while it infects me, taking a strain from every load they've ever taken. Them have them beg to be bred by my now deadly dick. FUCK! I want to be tatted, and pierced, and roided, and have an AIDS daddy give me everything and more.
    1 point
  39. He was standing in my living room. Twenty two years old , five foot nine 195 pounds of beautiful defined pale light skin smooth latino muscle, yes my boner was instant. He looked around the room as I had shut the door pretending not to notice the buldge growing down my leg. “So I got 10 bucks” He said nonchalantly pulling out the bill. “I figure a dime bag of whatever we had last time. It was pretty awesome shit.” “I’m kinda out of that bro.” I said walking right passed him into my bed room. I sat on my bed and pulled out my pipe and a little baggie of T and let the time beat. Finally I heard him walking down the hallway after me. Leo was hot but maybe slow. He finally opened my bedroom door saw me laying on the bed fiddling with the pipe. “So you don’t have weed?” He said. Standing in my doorway tiny waist but hunky shoulders and chest even his nipples were pointing at me through his black Oakley Tshirt. I couldn’t help myself, I licked my lips a little. “This is all I got till next week.” I said throwing the little baggie of tina on the bed. He looked at it and looked at me. “Ten dollars an’t gonna cover it though.” I continued on. “Oh.” He said finally looking around my bed room. Kingsize bed. Big screen TV. Mirror on the Ceiling and closet by the bed had a mirror door. “That’s cool. I’ll come back next week.” He said but didn’t move from the doorway. “Get in here Leo.” I said I was already stripping him with my eyes. “You’re a cool guy. I’ll give you a free pass this time. Smoke with me.” He paused and looked at the bag. “I don’t know how to smoke that” he finally said. I patted the bed and set up the bowl. “I’ll show you.” I lit up the bowl and took a hit, I made sure to only take a small one. I wanted him to enjoy more of it. Then I held the bowl for him while he put his soft little pink lips on the pipe. I saw his lips on the pipe and all I could think about was fucking his face with his head hanging off the side of the bed while my big balls slapped his eyes. I lit the bowl for him and once there was a big cloud of white I instructed him to in hale. He took it and broke out coughing loudly almost falling back. “That tastes like shit!” He said coughing in between every syllable. I opened a half opened bottle of Gatorade and handed it to him . he sipped it while trying to control his coughing and I took another small hit smiling. I watched as he sipped the Gatorade and wondered how much G was still in it. I pointed the pipe to him again and he put his lips to it and took another decent hit. I put the pipe down and looked at him while he coughed and sipped and watched with my blood pumping the high could not hit him fast enough for me. I got up and walked to my closet stripping off my shirt. Using the mirror I saw his eyes look at me. I saw him lick his lips just a bit before taking another sip. “Take another hit man. “ I’m just gonna change. He looked at the pipe and fumbled with it for awhile while he lit up another hit and I pretended to be looking for a new shirt. When he breathed it out I took off my shorts and underwear off in one swoop and turned around. I was sporting my full hard on. I walked over grabbed the pipe from him and layed down. “What the fuck man” He kinda gasped. “What?” I said like nothingwas happening. “ You already seen me naked bro. it whatever.” I grabbed the remote for the tv and turned on the gay bareback porn that was playing before I left this morning to set up the party . He turned from me and started watching. “Hey Leo?” I finally asked. “Sup” He said slowly without turning from the screen. “You like my cock?” He laughed and turned. “Yeah…It’s nice” “Then suck me off a little bro.” He looked at me and then at my raging hardon. As if trying to think, but the thoughts kept running away from him. Then he climbed over and layed down between my legs, grabbed my cock with both hands, and put the head in his mouth. ‘ohmmmmmmmm” was the only sound he made. “Oh. My. God.” Was all I said. He started to jack my pozz dick into his mouth licking the head having his tounge swirl the fat mushroom head I watched as histight body made his tight clothes move and I couldn’t help it, I start pulling his clothes off. He threw off his shirt, and I laughed a little. He was perfect. Smooth big defined chest, strong abs, pink nipples. I grabbed his dark black hair and pulled him toward me shoving my tongue down his throat. When his tounge pushed back on mine, I started pulling at his belt nearly tearing off his jeans. He shuffled out of them and his boxers and I grabbed his head again and led his high as fuck face back to my cock and started to feed the muscle boy. “Oh my God.” I looked at his ass. Just light small hair practically smooth and so big and muscled I grabbed both cheeks in both hands and he pushed back and moaned. The muscle boy moaned. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pushed him and got him on his back and licked down his torso. “This is so fucking intense.” He moaned. As I sucked on his nipple, I moved my dripping pozz cock near his hole rubbing and pressing on it. “fuuuck bro that’s hot.” I started to press on it, when he pushed back “Condom bro…”He muttered. Obviously there was not enough G in the Gatorade and I almost instantly felt myself softening. Fuck that shit!!! I nodded but said nothing and passed him the pipe. He lit up as I searched around the closet and pulled out a bottle of lube laced with T. He blew out a fresh hit, and went down on him sucking on his balls. “I’m gonna open you up.” I said as I lubed up a finger and started pushing it toward his hole. He nodded and moaned when my first digit invaded his hole filling his hole with a special mix I put together. “I burns…” He said after a few seconds, but he didn’t stop me. I got a second glob and shoved it in his hole. He winced, but I could feel his hole relaxing. I was looking at him when his mouth started to hangopen and his eyes started to glaze over and I shoved in three fingers now massaging the burning lube into the walls of his ass. He was breathing hard and staring at me with he mouth hanging open a loss for words. Only light soft sounds and tiny grunts were escaping his open mouth as my digits worked tip to knuckle in and out of his hole and my tongue pushed back into his through . his eyes never shut until finally I pulled my fingers from his hole completely. When he opened them, his eyes were in shock. “No,” He whined “ put ur fingers back in. Its amazing” His speech was slurred and slow. “you want something up your ass?” I asked. “Fuck ….yessss…” he said “How bout my raw cock? You want that up your ass?”I started to rub my death stick on his hole. He grabbed his giant legs in answer and was pulling them back. “Fuckkkkkk….” He responded “I said, ‘ Do you want my raw cock in your ass’?” He nodded slow and hard “Yes!” I lined up my cock with his hole and started applying pressure to his lubed up tina filled hole. “You gotta open that hole up for me Leo.” “Fuuuuuuuck:” He moaned as the pressure and lube began to make slow room for his hole. Then our eyes locked and his mouth and eyes opened wide as my head slowly sank into his hole. I pulled back for only a second then pushed forward again, and his hole began to accept the slide going just deeper and deeper. “FFUUUUUCKKKKKKKK.” He said eyes wide mouth wide starting back at me. I could feel the walls of his ass stretching hard to accommodate my penetration. He was breathing so hard and fast starting at me as I slide back and forth opening and pushing further slowly and steadily he started making sounds like animal gasping when my cock was now stretching his hole still half of my cock trying to bury itself inside the muscular walls of his neg muscle boy cunt. And the tightness!!! He was squeezing his hole and ass so hard it was choking my cock but I was so hard and thick it felt like a glove stroking my uncut thickness in him . as the balls finally grazed his ass, he through his head back eyes open at the mirror above watching himself be impaled mouth wide open breathing hard and making sounds and finally uttering the only word he could: “FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK” I looked up and saw my muscle boy. My leo in the mirror muscles and veins glistening so young and clean and neg. So smooth and hard and neg. So young and tight and so about to be filled with pozz cum until my dick falls off. I fell on him throwing my arms under his legs, getting up on the balls of my feet and started to fuck. I licked his neck as his arms grabbed my back and thrust my hips into him again and again, feeling him squeeze his hole tighter only made me want to break him harder. I smash him to his own instruction. “OH MYGAWD” He yelled “FUCKMEFUCK. AWHAWHAWHHHHHAWHAWHAWHAWHHHH…fuuuuuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. AHHHHHH. OH…FUCK…FUCK…ME. FUCK FUCK FUCK. OHMYAWD. Fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk.” Sweat started to drip off of me, and I pulled up wiped my self and started thrusting forward while holding his ankles watching his muscles tense and move and then I felt his hole start to loosen. Slowly at first, it was open, but then it adjusted to my assault and I could pull out completely for the first time and then push back in balls deep. Leo threw his head forward while I did this from tip to base and back again looking at my cock going into him in the mirror. He tilted his head while screaming religious hymns to my dick watching it disappear into his hole. “Ohhhhmaaagawwwd” He said when he pulled his gaze from the mirror watching him fuck . “You like that daddy dick leo?” First words I’d said for awhle. “Fuck yes daddy!” he yelled “You want that daddy cum” “Fuck yess!!” I went balls deep and thrusted deeply from there quickly and repeatedly till I felt my balls boil. He was loosing his mind from the deep dicking I was giving him I yelled: “You like that fucking pozz cock in your hole” His eyes were wide. Mouth open. Breathing hard. “You want my dirty pozz daddy cum in your hole!? He was taking my deep dicking, His face scrunched up. “FUCK YES I WANT UR CUM IN MY ASS!” I pulled his legs apart pushed as deep as I could go and began to unload rope for rope of pozz dirty cum into his neg hole. He moaned and groaned while I continued to push my cum into him again and again till my dick finally softened and I pulled out. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”He whined and flipped over on his knees and hands.”Fuck me!” He pushed his ass back and arched his back. “Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!” He was begging and I hardened instantly. I climbed behind him and slipped my dick into his blinking hole and he moaned and whined and dropped his chest to the floor “Fuck meeeeefuuuuuck meeeeeee fuuuckk meee!” he was nearly crying. I fucked on, slapping his ass. “Who does this ass belong to?!” “You daddy!” “Who does this ass belong to?!” “It’s yours daddy!!!” “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU BELONG TO!!!” “All yours daddy its all yours. I’m all yours! FUUUUCKME!!!” “ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH” I began slamming the muscle boy primally smashing balls against ass while he yelled and begged in sheets and all that could be heard aside from the sound so slapping flesh on flesh and moaning and groaning, and me slapping his ass was him saying: “FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKMMEEEEEE!!!” at the top of his lungs till I blew a second load of thick creamy pozz juice into his neg smooth muscle boy wrecked ass hole.
    1 point
  40. I spent the next week finding out everything I could about him. I was determined to have Leo’s muscle legs on my shoulders, plowing his lil neg hole full of my pozz cum turning him into a high hog jock cum dump. I fantasized about making him all mine keeping him so hooked on on me needing me and my fucking. I was jacking off to him knocking on my door riding the full girth of my fat cock like the stallion he was throwing his head back. My God…I’m hard again. I was in the process of setting up lights for a house party I was hosting. Did it once a month, invited all the hot boys 18 to 45 to get fucked up and fuck each other up. I forgot Cody was still there. He had gotten quiet, but I could tell he was just doing that cuz I had stopped listening. Cody had been one my only real long term relationships. I was his dealer and things took off from there after I found out he was gay. He would get out of class come over get high and beg for dick. Even after we broke up he hung around 5’4 slim twink, but he couldn’t stand sharing me which is why we ended up breaking up. My cock is hunter. Turns out he knew a little about Leo. Leo was a bartender at one of the college local bars. On Ladies night he would strip his shirt and get on the bar and let ladies do body shots off him. He worked out at the college sponsored gym, and as we found out 4 nights ago. He’s notorious for letting gay boys suck his dick. After that my mind went foggy into a fantasy and I had stopped listening. “Anything else?” “I don’t know if he’s gay.” Cody said in the middle of setting up the sling…wrong again…I got down to help, you’d from all the time he spent in it, he’d remember how it goes. I got to Cody grabbed his butt and pulled him away from the sling as I fixed the set up and secured it. “Get in” I told him, and he complied laying down in the sling. I flipped the lights and admired my handiwork. Christmas lights lined the stairway to second floor. Two red lamps lit up the dining area with the stashes of T, X, bongs etc and even though we were both fully clothed, I made the motions of swinging Cody back in forth in the sling toward my crotch as if I was fucking him while looking around trying to make sure this was the best spot in the house. I could hear the upstairs master bedroom which I placed 4 mattresses and the TV was playing a 14 hour play list of porn I’d compiled, yes some homemade. I could see the drugs in the dinning area, I could see the kitchen and all the drinks. The living area had two love seats facing each other and a futon couch facing a giant mirror I’d borrowed from a customer, and in the mirror I could see me, swinging cody. The setup was fairly perfect dim and totally sexual. I’m so glad, I’d bought this place, even though I only used it for parties. “You did good.” Cody whined as I swung him. I let my hand slip under his shirt feeling his small frame, I know he was feeling my semi hardon in my jeans up. After I pozzed him, I figured that would be the end of it, but he started to open up even more begging for more and more raw sex when we were going out. It was just that he couldn’t take me fucking anyone else other than him that would drive him insanely depressed. He had once asked me if he was enough, to which my high ass replied, you would never be enough. Then I fucked him the rest of night while he broke up with me, the whole while begging me to not take my dick out. It had been two years since then, and two months since we last hooked up. I unbuttoned my jeans and he did the same to his and we started kissing as we shuffled out of our clothes. He pulled out a small bag and I grabbed my pipe and let him set it up while I went down on his exposed hole. He lit up and sucked in a nice hit of white smoke, and I went up put my lips to his and inhaled while he exhaled taking it all in, my cock pressed up against his hole. “More spit…” He whined, and I spat in to my cock one, twice, as we shared another shotgun of a hit and finally the fat head of my cock pressed up against his gave way and I entered him. “OHGOD….yes…” his head fell back as I spat more on where my cock met his hole and pushed further into him. His head wagged from side to side and his hips wiggled in a little dance trying to get me all into him. “Push it all in Please. Ram Please.” He moaned and whined and, oh so sorry I didn’t introduce myself, Hi, my name is Ram, wiggled in the sling while my cock opened his hole and the wetness began to cover my cock. “Oh fuck me.” He repeated, “Oh fuck me. Ohhhhh. Fuck. Me.” I really did enjoy fucking him. I looked in the mirror and could see my muscles tensed just nicely watching me fuck my lil twink ex. He placed his hands on his chest and stroked down toward his dick pushing his dick on my abs while deep and grided my dick into him. “People are gonna be arriving soon.” He opened his eyes and looked at me biting his lip knowing what I was saying was we needed to stop. Tonight was a business night for me. “Just a little longer please?” He begged I shoved my dick in hard making him yelp. “How bout I give you my load.Payment for helping me out. Then you start manning the door. I need to go get my phone charger from the apartment.” He nodded sadly as I began to really fuck him “Now.” I punctuated each thrust. “ Don’t. For. Get. Twen.Tee. Dol. Lar. Entrance. Five. For. Members. Lockers. In. The.Garage. Play. At. Your. Owwwwwnnn. Risk. “ “OOoooh” was Cody’s only reply. “Ready for my load baby?” “Just a little more?” Cody whined I grabbed the sling, leaned back on my heels a little bit and began thrusted more strongly. Cody whined and moaned. “Ohdaddy. Fuck…Dadddddddyyyyyyy” “Here it cums boy.” I pushed balls deep into him and felt ropes upon ropes empty into him. He pulled me ontop of him to be feel my body on his while I grinded my dirty cum in his hole and I lifted him off the sling carrying him in the air cock still inside him. We kissed and grinded and I eventually pulled out and began to dress. Cody followed suit as I walked out of the house to my car. Cody was such a good little boy toy and he didn’t really care much for group sex. The only reason he was at the party was to help me, and to hopefully get my dick. I saw Jamal walking up the sidewalk to the driveway. Jamal was my own personal hired thug. Brought him down from Houston with me. He’s a customer up there without any real options just a big frame and a big dick. So when I told him he’d have a steady job with me here, he drove down and been extra muscle ever since. I gave him our usual greeting and told him Cody was inside. He had been trying to tap Cody ever since I told him I would harbor no ill wills about it. Cody loved the thought of Jamal’s big dick but was all weird whenever Jamal would hit on him. Honestly they’d make a great fuck pair. Maybe tonight I’d hook it up for them both. After the party though, Jamal had work to do keeping all my tweeking friends and customers in line. He had a couple questions about the guest list, but I told him the pics and names were inside. Nineteen guys, and if they didn’t match their pic then they weren’t allowed in. more than half were regulars but still, keep you pictures updated people. I walked to my car and drove to my apartment feeling a little horny again, thinking of Cody finally taking Jamals big dick and Jamal’s satisfaction at finally popping the little latin twink. I parked at my apartment, got out my car and that’s when I noticed a figure sort of pacing around my building. The frame in the shadow caught me and I smiled. “What’s up Leo?” I called. The shadow jumped and then thinking better of it waved. “Not much. Was hoping to buy some weed. “ He said nervously. I got up close and opened my door, motioning my head for him to follow. Almost all of my weeks supply, end of the month and all, was at the party. “Well see what I can hook you up with.” I replied. He followed me inside and I shut the door behind him.
    1 point
  41. Paul opened the door of the cabin to see a muscular guy standing there, stroking his cock. He stared down at Paul. 'You want me to fuck you boy?' Paul nodded his agreement. 'Not here', the man whispered, and he took Paul by the arm, leading him down the corridor to a set of stairs. The stairs were lined with men, most naked, all stroking their cocks. They turned to see Paul, and he was sure one of the guys nearly slipped off the step, stunned by Paul's beauty. The man pushed his way through the men, as hands reached out to touch Paul. They fondled his ass, ran their hands down his back, his stomach and arms. As they neared the top, someone shouted: 'Wait! Please!' Paul wheeled around to see an skinny man standing in front of him. 'Ahhh... ahhhhhhh... AHHHHHHHHHHH!' The man's cock erupted with a thick shot of cum. It hit Paul's stomach with a splat. Paul looked down to see a thick, creamy load running down his stomach. The man tried to grab Paul as the young guy's cock was rapidly hardening. 'Hey!' the muscular man shouted, pushing the skinny man back. 'He's mine'. 'Please come with me!' The skinny man shouted. 'I don't have long left, I need to pass it on before I go! Please!' Paul didn't know what to do, but the muscular man pulled his arm harded. Paul looked back, as the skinny man stared at him malevolently. They arrived at a doorway, and as the muscular man opened the door, Paul saw a quite comfortable bedroom. A large window on one wall betrayed the morning sunlight. The clock said 7am. 'Wow', Paul thought. Paul suddenly noticed another muscular man sat in the corner, stroking himself. Paul was rock hard. The two men kissed each other. 'This is our private suite. For regulars only'. Paul nodded. 'Get on the bed you fucking slut!' Paul did as he was told, crawling onto the bed on all fours. The two men signed audibly as they saw Paul's spectacular fuckhole in front of them. The first man wasted no time. He roughly shoved three fingers into Paul's cunt. Paul yelped, jumping up slightly. The man pushed him back down, as he slid his huge bull cock into Paul's hole. Paul felt his asshole pop as the man's huge mushroom head invaded his ass. 'Oh yeah... fuck me... FUCK ME PLEASE!' Paul rocked back against the huge cock, as it pounded his g-spot over and over. Paul could feel the man's precum running down his legs. 'FUCK ME!' The second man shoved his massive cock into Paul's mouth, grabbing the back of his head as he did. Paul sucked for his life, as the man moaned louder and louder. 'My turn!' the man shouted to his partner, and they swapped places. Paul let out another yelp as his asshole yawned open for this new cock. The men were screaming in ecstasy as Paul jerked his twink cock. 'FUCK ME!' The men were getting close, Paul could tell. 'You ready for a double load slut?' Paul couldn't get his words out he was so turned on. He nodded voraciously. The two men positioned themselves over Paul's wide open hole. 'Ahhhh....' ... 'Awww yeah...' ... 'Here it comes slut! You ready? Here it ccomes!' Paul shot a huge load in unison with the men, who flooded his gaping hole with two thick, creamy loads. Paul screamed as he felt both cocks jam into his inviting hole. The men worked their loads into the twinks guts, the double penetration causing Paul to tear up. 'Please, slow down'. The two men took their cocks out, and Paul's hole exploded with a mix of blood, and thick creamy cum. The two men kissed as Paul recovered himself. He looked over at the two men. 'Get the fuck out slut. GET OUT! GET OUT!' Paul jumped up, grabbing his towel and making for the door. He slammed it shut behind him. He began to wipe the cum away, but noticed the blood on the towel. 'Wow, they fucked me hard', he thought. He still wasn't sure what their biohazard tattoos were about. He suddenly realised he wasn't alone. He looked up to see the skinny man from before, on his knees on the floor, with his cock inside a similarly skinny man. The skinny man noticed Paul, immediately pulling his cock out of the other man and standing up. Paul stared at him, turned on by the man's obvious attraction to him. 'Come with me', the man said.
    1 point
  42. His face was looming closer and closer as I felt his enormous piece of meat nudging at my hole. It might have been whatever was in that syringe, or it might have been how hot I was for this huge, dangerous man, but all I could see were his two eyes almost floating above me, giant black pools of liquid that seemed to have no bottom. "Yeah, you're fucked now," I heard from a distance. It echoed a few times in my head. I felt myself rolling a bit, kind of like when you're on a raft out in the ocean. Suddenly a little nauseous, I closed my eyes to try to gather myself, but that just increased all of the sensations I was feeling, both good and not-so-good. I had that delicious free floating feeling, while at the same time I also felt like I was about to vomit. I felt my eyes rolling as I tried to get a grip when suddenly I felt my hole expand involuntarily. He felt it too, and he shoved a few inches of his meat inside me. I was surprised that there was no pain - I guess the speedball was taking care of that. Instinctively, I lifted my legs, wrapped them as far around him as they would go, and then dug in. I literally fucked my ass onto the rest of his cock, swallowing it all with my ass in one swift motion. Again, no pain at all, just sensation of skin-on-skin, of his cock sliding deeper into me. I could feel every vein, every crease of my ass, bump and nuance of his cock as I quickly slid down on it all the way to the root. In my high, I could actually visualize what it looked like as the head of his cock split me open and buried deeper in me than anyone, or anything, had ever been. As I hit the base with my ass, those floating eyes looked surprised for a second, then rolled up into his head as he let out a long moan. "Yessssssss, baby, that's it. Take that cock all the way. Show me how bad you want it. You a natural baby. We gonna turn you out good." I tried to ask him what that meant but I was still unable to manage anything other than a garble of sounds. "You feeling it, aren't you?" he said. Again, it was not a question. "Yeah, I got you. You gonna get used to this real quick, and so am I." With that, he started to withdraw his cock - a process that seemed to last for fifteen minutes, though in real-time it might have must been two or three seconds. He then spit on his hand, rubbed it on his dick, and then slowly slide back into me. This time, it seemed smoother, no veins or bumps. He repeated that process five or six times - I lost count in the growing euphoria - and on each downstroke, I would shiver as his cock bumped into and ran along my prostrate. Then he got to work. All at once, he pulled out completely, and then shoved the entire length back into me. This time, I felt it. Not enough heroin on the planet could have dulled that pain. My legs shot out straight, every muscle straining, but I was only able to yelp weakly. My ability to speak was still caught in the swirling vortex of the drugs, and I could see the words I wanted to say swirling around over my head. I tried to grab them, but they stayed out of reach. Then, most blinding pain as he yanked it out and whipped it back in with even greater force. On the third stroke, pulled out, grabbed a handful of Crisco ("When did he get that?" I weakly thought, "And why didn't I see it swirling around up there with all my words?") and rubbed it all over his cock, then shoved it back in again. This time, other than he stabbing sensation of his length, there was no pain - only intense pleasure as he massaged my prostrate on his trip to my center. He held his cock in me and leaned down again, my legs once again instinctively wrapping around him. His mouth leaned down to mine, and I felt his warm lips touch mine. His breath was surprisingly sweet, and the feel of his tongue as it entered my mouth was velvety smooth. I sucked on his tongue like it was a cock, and he fucked my mouth with it. It was then that I noticed that his hips were moving again, now in perfect rhythm with the tongue that was moving in and out of my mouth. That amazing floating feeling of perfection had returned, and I finally started enjoying that rolling sensation. I was able to envision every cell of my body, each and every one being filled on an assembly line with exquisite pleasure - the sensation of being fucked properly for the first time - and then returned to my body with a tingle of joy. My hips started moving to meet his thrusts. I wanted - no, needed - that cock in me as deep as it would go. On each downstroke, I wiggled my ass to try to get a few extra centimeters in me, and then as he withdrew, I concentrated on relaxing every muscle in my ass to make for a smooth, easy withdrawal. Then he would press back in again, and the friction from his invading cock became the center of the universe until he hit bottom. Then my wiggle and his gasp. Faster and faster it went, his tempo increasing, and my hips bouncing up off the bed to rise up and meet him. He was pounding me now, but I was pounding him back - my heels digging into him every bit as much as his cock was digging into me. All I could focus on was the need to feel him inside me, as deep as possible. I felt him biting into my shoulder, then licking my neck, then his tongue all over my ear, then gripping my head and holding it while he shoved his tongue in my mouth - all during the time that we were fucking each other, hard. I needed him deeper, and deeper, and never felt so full and fulfilled as when he hit bottom. On each downstroke, that instinctive wiggle I gave caused him to shudder just a little. He was fucking harder and harder, and I was taking every thrust like a cheap bathhouse whore. Then he buried his face in my neck, sped up even more, started moaning, "Oooh, baby, ooooh baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....." Even as inexperienced as I was, I knew what that meant. His hips kept moving faster and faster, sending me into the stratosphere, and then he gave one last thrust inward and held it. At that second, I finally managed to lock my ankles together and wiggled the last inch of his cock into me even further, and that did it. He let out a long groan, and I could feel his cock jetting his cum into me, spurt after heavy spurt. He kept moaning, "Yeah....yeah...." with each spurt, his baritone voice low and tickling every inch of me. It seemed to go on for hours, but I know it could not have been that long. Still, I counted at least fourteen pumps from his balls into my guts before he finally let out a long breath. He laid on top of me for an unnaturally long period of time. He was absently licking my neck or rubbing my sides, and then the most amazing thing happened - I felt his hips move again, felt his cock withdraw, and then felt him slowly spear back into me. He had not gone soft and fallen out of me like I expected. Instead, he was embarking on a second fuck, just minutes after filling me with his seed. I let out a long moan, and involuntarily burst loose with my own orgasm on his third stroke. I shook against him as he held his cock deep inside me, moving it back and forth only by a few inches, "Yeah, baby. Cum on my dick. That's it. Show me how much you love it. Keep cumming! Yeah! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" Every time he said it, I would cry out and another volley of cum would rise out of the depth of my soul, shoot through my balls at lightning speed, and get ejected from the tip of my cock, bathing us both in buckets of my cum. I never came so much or so hard in my life, my head uncontrollably moving back and forth and the most animalistic noises coming from my throat. Was I really making those sounds? We fucked our way to another climax for each of us, this one for me being far less intense but still incredible. As the last bit of my cum splattered onto his chest, he move down again, those huge black eyes once again filling my vision, and he rubbed our bodies together, using my cum as a lubricant. He gave me a tender kiss or two, and then just laid on top of me. My legs finally unhooked from around him, fell to our sides, and we both drifted off to sleep. I have no idea how long we slept, but we were both awakened by a bright bolt of light coming from the outside door as it burst open. I heard a young, female voice saying "Daddy, Momma sent me over to get my....." I craned my head to see a coltish girl, maybe my age or younger, standing in the front doorway. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor as she stopped mid-sentence. The man on top of me was still snoring heavily as I tried to get out from underneath him, panicked and no longer able to breathe because of his heavy weight on top of me. But I couldn't get him off me and he was not waking up nearly quickly enough!
    1 point
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