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  1. A huge thanks to all the slutty bottoms out there who are more horny than bright! About 10pm on a Friday night I was getting horned up before bed and decided to troll Craigslist a bit. Late night Friday to early morning on Saturday is when you catch the horniest bottoms who just haven’t been laid after a long week at work and probably struck out at the bars. The later it gets, the more desperate they get. I came across a juicy ad with a decent looking guy and a sweet looking piece of ass in pic to boot, which read: ----Walk in door unlocked, lights out, blindfold on and ass up. You walk in, unzip, lube up, fuck as long or quick as you want, cum and leave. Be under 30, send age, height and weight in first email and I’ll send back the hotel address and room#. When you get here, email me and I’ll unlock the door, turn off lights, get face down and blindfolded on the bed before you come in for your 100% discretion. I’ll have the lube and condoms on the edge of the bed for you. Safe play only!!!---- Perfect opportunity for me to get what “I” needed, a load inside a unsuspecting hole. I emailed my stats…minus 10 yrs, 25 lbs and added an inch…who doesn’t and what the fuck did it matter in this scenario. He sent me his location and room# and I was off. I arrived about 20 minutes later at his hotel and emailed. He responded immediately and I headed for the room. He’d put a slip of paper in the lock to keep the door from auto locking and I walked in. It was dark with just one small light on to guide me and I headed for the bed, tossing my clothes into a pile next me I was already hard as a rock hearing just his heavy excited breathing in the silence. I made sure to unzip slowly to intensify the sound, let my belt hit the floor for an extra twitch from him and drop my shoes with a good hard thump. I could tell the anticipation and noises had him completely fucking horned up and ready. I was naked and climbing up behind him as I used my knees to push his legs open further. I grabbed the lube and started dripping it slowly up and down his ass crack generously before tossing the bottle to the side and starting to let my fingers wander all around that ass crack to find my target. He was already moaning load for me before I started to slide a finger inside him. I said “let’s feel that warm hole of yours” and started to rubbing it, fingering him and then sliding two fingers inside him to start stretching that hole a bit. He was slowly moving his ass a bit and completely into it when I grabbed the condom wrapper and tore it open. I spit out the wrapper and then made noises with it in my hand before snapping it. All the sounds he wanted to hear to be safe as I just held the condom in my hand for later and lubed up my bare dick for him. I aimed for that hole and slowly slid right in, no resistance, no idea he was getting bred and all the pleasure I needed to get off and get off HARD inside this horny fucker. I started fucking him and nice pace and enjoying the ride for a while until I needed to blast that load. I pushed a hand down on his back as I picked up the pace and raised my hand with the condom to my mouth. Using my teeth I started tearing the end to get a nice big hole going for my exit ploy and once I had a big and obvious tear showing I came like a fucking demon inside him and just left my dick pulsing and buried. He raised his head off the bed but blindfolded and not turning back said “Oh God, you were wearing a condom right? Did I feel you cum inside me?” I quickly said “I used it and started pulling out. I pulled my dick through my wet dicked hand to get it slimed up and then turned it back on him saying “Oh fuck, did you give me a broken condom, DAMN IT YOU ASS!” tossing the condom on his back so he could feel it was wet. “If this was your plan, you’re fucked up…I’m leaving and you better fucking stay there like you promised so I can just get the hell out of here without the anonymous part being a damn lie too!”. I got dressed lightening quick as he stayed on the bed blindfolded but now begging and swearing that was an accident and he didn’t do it on purpose. I just huffed a “Fine, whatever!” as I headed out the door giving an just enough of an aggravated attitude that didn’t scare him but kept the tables turned and then fucking grinned my ass off all the way down the hall and into the elevator. Sometimes it’s just too easy. Thanks again to another dumb fuckhole!
    4 points
  2. Part 1. As I slowly regained consciousness, the first thing I felt was pain--excruciating pain, deep in my stomach and my asshole--that shot through my body in waves. Next came the ripe, musky smell of sweat, followed by the sounds of men having sex. I opened my eyes. Everything around me was dark and blurry, but I could make out a huge shadowy figure looming over me. I instinctively knew that everything I was feeling--the pain, the smells, the sounds--was coming from this enormous man, and I realized that I was being raped. I tried to scream, but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried to push him away, but I couldn't move my arms and legs. I realized then that I was paralyzed. The only part of my body I could control were my eyes. All I could do was watch in horror as this brutal beast tore apart my insides with every stroke of his burning hot cock. "Aha!" he suddenly snarled, noticing my eyes were open. His face then took on a frightening cruelty and viciousness, and he punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and causing my anal sphincter to tighten around his cock. He started thrusting into me even harder, shouting at me in a coarse, guttural language I didn't understand. And then, as if out of nowhere, I heard a familiar voice. "He's calling you a dirty whore... a worthless faggot," the voice hissed, "He says he's ripping you open... and when he's done... no one will ever want you... you filthy cunt!" I knew that voice. I tried in vain to turn my head, to see where it was coming from. "Don't bother trying to move, Allen," the hate-filled voice continued, "We've pumped you so full of drugs you won't be able to move for at least another hour, while Ibrahim the Beast here rips your asshole to pieces." "And you're going to love every minute of it, you nasty little cunt" hissed Will's voice, "aren't you, little brother?" --- Six months earlier --- I was born and raised in San Francisco as the fourth, unplanned child of ex-hippies, who were almost 50 by the time I was born. My parents called me their "miracle baby," and pampered me so much that by the time I turned 16, everyone called me "Her Highness" behind my back. It didn't help that even as a junior in high school, I still looked like a girl: 5'5", 120lbs, blond curly hair, and soft, nearly hairless ivory-white skin. Everyone but my parents thought I was a spoiled, whiny little princess, but I never got teased or bullied growing up because they all respected and feared my older brothers--Jack, Neal and Will--who were already in their late 20s by the time I was born. Like so many children of liberal baby-boomers, my brothers rebelled by becoming conservative. Against our parents' wishes, they joined the Catholic Church, played high school football, registered as Republicans and, when the First Gulf War broke out in 1990, enlisted in the U.S. Army. They came back from their tours in Kuwait as tough, hardened men who rarely ever smiled. Jack, the eldest, became a math teacher and football coach at our high school. Jack was the only brother to get married, but his 4-year, childless marriage to a fellow schoolteacher ended in divorce when I was about 2 years old. Neal, the second oldest, joined the San Francisco Police Department and quickly rose through the ranks to become captain. Neal had plenty of live-in girlfriends over the years, but never got married. Will, the third son, initially followed Neal's footsteps into the SFPD, but later joined the FBI; after 9/11, he left the FBI for a secretive job at Homeland Security that had him constantly traveling around the world. Unlike me, my brothers were also incredible specimens of manhood. I had clearly inherited my mother's genes, with my willowy frame and pale, delicate features, but my brothers took after my father, whose ancestors were from Lebanon and Syria--they weren't tall (about 5'10") but they were all built like brick shithouses, with black, curly hair covering nearly every inch of their muscular, burly bodies, and while I'd never seen them naked, I couldn't help but notice the flashlight-sized bulges in their pants. I grew up admiring my brothers from afar. They had all left home by the time I was born, and while they dutifully protected me from the bullies at school or in the neighborhood, they otherwise kept a polite distance. That all changed about a year ago, a few months after I turned 16. Our parents, who had patiently put up with my childish, selfish behavior for so many years, were tragically killed in a car accident. Since I was still a minor, it was decided that my brothers (who were in their early 40s at the time) would act as my co-guardians until I turned 18. Since Will was still traveling a lot for work, I was to spend half the year living with Jack and the other half with Neal. While our parents' death was devastating for everyone, I took it especially hard. I decided that I didn't want to be the good little "princess" any more, and started acting out--sneaking out at night and hanging with the "street kids" in our neighborhood. Most of these kids were gay runaways who made a living on the streets hustling or selling drugs, and I found myself being drawn to the danger, the excitement, and the hot sex that their lives promised. --- Meeting Antoine --- I was especially drawn to Antoine, a tall, skinny 23-year old black guy from Houston who was the unofficial leader of the local street gang. He supplied the rest of the kids with drugs (to use or sell), escorted for a bunch of white guys who couldn't get enough of his big, black cock, and made enough money to rent his own apartment near the Castro. I first met Antoine at a sex party in his apartment. I was invited by two street kids I used to hang out (and fool around) with sometimes--Manuel, a short but muscular 20-year old Salvadoran with visible gang tattoos, and Luis, a scrawny but tough-looking 18-year old Mexican from Fresno. There were four other guys at the party when we arrived--four big, black thugs. One of them, the tallest and best-looking of the group, got up and walked over. "Hi, I'm Antoine," he said, flashing a big smile and immediately putting me at ease, "and you must be Allen. I've heard a lot about you." He was tall--almost a foot taller than me--and strong, and when he draped his arm around my shoulders and walked me over to meet the rest of the guests, I felt safe and protected for the first time since my parents had died. "That there is Omar," he said, pointing to a 30s-ish dark-skinned man sitting on the couch with his shirt off, showing off a sinewy, heavily-muscled chest. "He's a good ni#$a to know; if he likes you he'll hook you up with anything you need and everything you want." Omar leaned back on the couch, looked me up and down, and smiled. "Nothing not to like so far," he said. "And those two motherfuckers fucking around with my party supplies," Antoine said, pointing to a couple of light-skinned thugs with matching face tattoos, "don't like it when I give out out their names to white boys they don't know, so you can just call them Master X and Master Y for now." The Masters, as I later came to know them, were bent over the coffee table measuring out white crystals into small plastic bags, and didn't look up. Antoine turned to me and asked, "so Manuel and Luis tell me you like to party, yeah?" I smiled and nodded sheepishly. I'd smoked weed before, but the Latino boys had recently introduced me to molly and poppers, which I absolutely loved. The fact that Manuel and Luis had then "taken advantage" of me by spit-roasting me only made it hotter. Antoine laughed, grabbed my right hand and brought it down to his crotch, where I could feel a huge cock starting to uncoil like a snake. "Baby, look what you're doing to me already," he said. "We are gonna have some fun tonight!" Antoine then turned to Manuel and Luis and told them to give me some weed and molly, then take me into the bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, freshly partied up, cleaned out, and hurriedly spit-roasted again by Manuel and Luis, I walked back into the living room wearing nothing but a jockstrap. The lights were turned down, and the TV was playing black-on-white porn. Antoine, Omar, and the Masters had taken off their clothes and were sitting around the coffee table blowing thick, white clouds. Antoine looked up and called us over. "Allen baby, why don't you come here and suck my dick," he said with a devilish smile, then ordered Manuel and Luis to start servicing Omar and the Masters. I walked over to Antoine, eyeing the uncut brown snake resting on his lap. As I got down on my knees, his enormous cock grew even bigger, lengthening to about 12 inches in length and about 7 inches around. As I reached out and carefully raised his cock to my mouth, a line of clear pre-cum stretched from his lap to the gorgeous reddish head peeking out of his foreskin. I leaned over, stuck out my tongue, and gingerly licked the pre-cum from the tip. Antoine shuddered, and sank deeper into the couch, closing his eyes and moaning. I slowly pulled his foreskin back and started licking the creamy cheese underneath, taking my time to savor the taste. As I started to wrap my lips around his cockhead, Antoine pulled my head back up. "Hey baby," he said, "if you're going to take all of my dick we're gonna have to get you ready." He grabbed a bong from the coffee table and started heating it in front of my mouth. Looking down at the white wisps circling the bowl, I felt unsure of what I was doing for the first time that evening. "I'm sorry," I said sheepishly, "it's just, I've never done Tina before." "Oh baby," said Antoine with his beautiful smile, "there's nothing to worry about. Nobody here is going to hurt you; this'll just make it more fun for everyone." I looked down at his cock, which was starting to wilt. "It's not that I don't trust you," I said, "it's just, I'm worried about getting addicted." "Who said anything about getting addicted?" Antoine said loudly, the first hint of a frown on his face. In an even louder voice he continued, "Baby, with me, Omar and the Masters in the room you don't have to worry about nothing! We're all here to make sure you have a great time, right?" he said, looking over at his other guests. They all looked up and nodded. Antoine turned back to me and said, "All you got to do, baby, is relax, stop thinking so much, and just do what I tell you, okay?" I nodded and took his cock back in my mouth, determined not to disappoint this big, strong, beautiful, amazing black man. As I began licking his shaft like an ice cream cone, however, out of the corner of my eye I saw several pairs of feet approaching. Everything that followed happened so quickly that I didn't have time to react. Antoine suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me off his dick while the other guests grabbed my arms and legs; Antoine then leapt to his feet and ordered the others to turn me over and hold me down. As I lay on the floor struggling to break free, I suddenly felt a sharp, unbearable pain in my balls that made me shriek out loud--but only for a second, as Antoine quickly shoved a damp, rank athletic sock in my mouth to muffle my screams. Antoine was now on top of me, one hand covering my mouth and the other gripping my balls. "Allen baby, you just gotta calm down a bit," he said in a calm, soothing voice, "the pain will go away as soon as you stop struggling. I don't want to hurt you unless I have to, and I won't have to hurt you if you'll just calm down and listen to me." He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Shhh, baby, that's right, just calm down and shush for a moment and I'll make the pain go away." And once I stopped struggling, he gently kissed my cheek, and whispered, "That's a good boy, Allen, that's it. You're such a good boy." Antoine and the other guests gradually loosened their grips until there was no pain left, as Antoine had promised. He then turned to Manuel and Louis and told them to get the first slam ready. "We wanted to ease you in at first, baby, but since you've been acting like such a bitch tonight, we have no other choice but to start you off with a slam," he told me as Omar tightened a leather strap around my arm. "It's going to be a bit intense at first, baby, and you'll probably have trouble breathing for a couple seconds until you start coughing. But then you'll feel the most intense rush you've ever felt in your entire life, and everything we do to you will start feeling so good, baby, you won't ever want us to stop!" "Now close your eyes for me, baby, for just five seconds," he said, gently biting my neck at the same time I felt a small pinch in my arm. "Now count to five with me... one... two... three... four..." Before we got to five, however, I felt Omar loosening the leather strap around my arm, and I suddenly understood why people call it slamming. As Antoine had predicted, after a few seconds of feelings like I couldn't breathe, followed by a short coughing fit, wave after wave of searing hot pleasure, unlike anything I'd ever felt before, slammed into me like a ton of bricks and started radiating through my body, and the room around me felt brighter, as if my brain had abruptly reset my eyes' brightness level to maximum. And then, just as quickly, my senses start coming back down to earth. The waves of pleasure and joy were replaced by a ravenous, insatiable hunger for sex--I suddenly found myself wanting a never-ending stream of humongous horse cocks shoved up my ass and crammed down my throat, unleashing rivers of ni#%a cum into every orifice of my body. I started jacking off with my right hand, then spread my legs and raised my knees so my left hand could reach my asshole. "Oh god, fuck me, Antoine!" I gasped, desperately finger-fucking my pussy, "please, please fuck me! Fuck me over and over again; and pass my nasty used cunt around!" "Yeah, baby?" Antoine teased, "you wanna get raped, is that it? You want your sweet little boypussy gangraped by ni#$a cocks?" He swatted my fingers out of my asshole and shoved his entire 12-inch cock up my chute in one monstrous stroke. I screamed out in pain, but Antoine just covered my mouth with his mitt-sized hands and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you filthy little whore! This is what you were begging for, so this is what you're going to get!" --- To be continued ---
    3 points
  3. Below is a hot story that was posted on the old bugshare site. I remember shooting a few loads to it. It's about a poz man in his late 20's who rents a room from a family. This story has everything taboo from poz/neg, stealthing, bug-chasing, gift-giving, incest play. I just love it. ....................... I still live at home with my parents and my little sister. I’m David, I’m 21, Gay, with a 16cm cock. About a year ago, we rented out the extra room in our house to a guy in his late 20s, Michael. I'm not sure what he does, but he's hot, keeps himself very fit, works out at the gym a lot. He has his own room with a separate entrance via the balcony and as well as a bathroom for his use so we don't disturb him in his privacy. In spite of these precautions, after a few weeks Michael didn't feel so much like an intruder or tenant, but more like a buddy or some like a member of the family. He ate with us, hung out with us in the evenings We all got along very well. Since he was that close, he was off limits for me to hit on. That is, until a week this winter. In one of my regular horny bouts I went cruising some of the clubs for guys. Already quite hammered at one point I noticed Michael dancing on the dance floor openly making out with a hot young guy. They were all over each other. I never knew Michael was gay! But here he was, grabbing ass, kissing deeply to loud music. In my drunken state for some reason I did not keep quiet but slurred at Michael what he was doing there and why he was making out with some random kid when he could have had the kid down the hall, at which I cheekily pointed both thumbs my way. He didn't seem very surprised to see me there, but trying to talk to me seemed to bore the hell out of his companion. The boy left and Michael had me sit down somewhere quiet. Damn, he was hot. A bit sweaty already, his abs glistening, the light fuss on his chest looking very inviting through the wife beater he was wearing. I could see part of a tattoo on his shoulder, but not what it was. Damn, I love tattoos. Looking back, I think he was waiting for my buzz to go down, keeping me off drinks, sensing me more conscious, he finally made his move. Did I mean what I told him on the dance floor? Hell, did I?!? I didn't even answer but moved closer to kiss him. Without any hesitation he kissed me back, pushing his strong tongue against my lips to open up to him, pulling my head to his with his hands behind my back. I moved my hands to his chest, first massaging, then pinching his nipples. As I dropped one hand to his lap, he pulled me up and towards the exit. No word was spoken. Hand in hand we left. We practically ran for the car and left for home. Never mind my family might notice. They were asleep by then, anyway. As Michael had his own entrance via his balcony in the backyard, we thought it wise to enter there. In his room he almost ripped the clothes off my body. There I was, in the same house as my parents, naked in front of the man we shared our house with. I was hard, naturally. Michael kissed me again, touched my body everywhere, pinched my nipples, which I love, and without a warning went down on my dick. Again, no words were spoken. We were just too horny to form any sensible words anymore. And we knew what we wanted. Leaving my hard dick Michael pushed me down in front of him. Intuitively, I knew what he wanted me to do. I did. His jeans were opened and fell down his muscular legs and I was face to face with his hard, veiny cock. No pants, that's nice! It was a real beauty, about 18cm, the head glowing purple and glistening from pre-cum. Not wasting any time kissing, I took it deep into my mouth in one go. Delicious! The salty fragrance filled my mouth, my nose pushed against the trim bush of his pubes, his hands on my head setting a quick rhythm. I did not resist, why should I? I wanted the very same thing. I must have sucked his dick for about 15 minutes, coating it with my saliva, making it slick. Michael stepped out of his jeans completely and gestured me to get onto the bed. I lay down on my back as the strong man crawled closer. Still, no words were exchanged, no word of status nor condoms. He just kissed me deeply once more and put his hard cock to my waiting hole. Damn, he was teasing me with it, moving it around my manhole, putting it to the opening, but never quite pushing in. I couldn't take it anymore and as he moved to the opening again, I pushed down a bit against the tip of his cock, The head slowly pushing my love-channel open. I moaned. Right then, he knew I was in and that's when he pushed forward. Slowly, sensually, he pushed his whole cock into my excited body, getting into a slow but steady rhythm, making sure we both got a lot out of this. This was more than a quick fuck, it was intimate and intense. I kept touching his body, my hands under the front of his wife beater, feeling up his muscular chest. Damn, this man was one hot piece of work. My legs in the air, me on top of him, him fucking me from behind. I could feel my stretched hole and his hard cock moving in and out, fucking me deeply, steadily, skin on skin. At one point when I was on my back again, he started a quicker beat, and I pushed back in time to show him I was along for the same end. He grabbed onto my shoulders pushing me down on the length of his dick, ever deeper. The silence was broken: "David, I will cum inside of you." I could only moan, completely unable to express anything in a sensible sentence. "Take my cum, David, you hot little slut boy." He moaned, I loved the intense expressions on his face as he released in my hole. I swear I could feel the cum flowing out. His hand moving closer to my own hard cock was enough to send me off, cum sprayed all over my belly and chest, he scooped it up and let it drip into my mouth slowly, his cock still in me. Only after five minutes did he roll off me. I snuggled into him and we slowly fell asleep. The next morning at some time between five and six, I woke up, remembering I should probably better go to my room. It was already light outside and a little light fell in through the shut windows. Michaels wife beater was all ruffled, baring the tattoo beneath: biohazard. That night I hardly slept at all. We must have returned home at some point between 2 and 3 in the morning, I couldn't have slept for more than an hour in his bed. Having seen his tattoo and knowing what it might mean, I was unable to fall asleep anymore. After throwing myself around in bed for quite some time, I switched on the TV to keep my mind from working at high speed. Did the tattoo mean what I thought it meant? Would he do that to me? It couldn't, he wouldn't. He probably just liked the design, or maybe he liked that horrible metal band. But then again, he is gay, he fucked me bare. What if he does that with anyone? How do I know that he doesn't slut around? How do I know that what we did was an exception? But, hell, it was really fantastic, wasn't it? Thinking back, condoms would have definitely destroyed the mood. Had I ever thought of them. I mean, we should have used them, they all tell us we should. But there is no way we would have. We were just too horny. But would I do it again? In my room a took my laptop to the bed, surfing for biohazard tattoos. Could Michael really be positive? Why didn't he tell me? Unconsciously, the pictures I clicked became skimpier and skimpier, and more and more of erotic matter. Damn, they do look hot, don't they? How many of these half naked, or rather: half erect, men are HIV positive? They sure did not look sick. Quite the opposite. They were hot. I'd them. Would I? Thinking about it, I realized in a way I already did. And Michael could keep up with the best of them. No, he didn't appear sick, either. He was positively healthy. If he managed to look like that, how much risk could I have taken? Even if he actually was positive, he seemed to get along alright. Over time I calmed down more and more, my hand on my dick having quite a part in my relaxation. Horny as I was, I knew I'd do him again. Any way he wanted. There was no way I'd turn down such a hot fucker literally down the hall. So there I was, horny, Fuck, I needed to get some. And I know where to get it. Just five minutes later I lightly knocked at Michael's door... It only took Michael 3 seconds to get to the door and open it. The door wasn't even opened by the time I had my tongue in Michaels mouth. I pushed myself into the room, Michael in front of me having to walk backwards, shutting the door with my foot. Michael didn't put up any resistance, at a quick glance I could tell he was in the mood. There was porn on the TV and lube on his nightstand. Seems he expected a solo night and got something better. I didn't need long to have my hands down his pants and slowly stroke his beautiful dick. It was already hard to begin with, so all I did was taking over the jerking. Stopping kissing for a moment I looked down to see a drop of pre cum forming on the head, looking delicious. So I slowly kissed down Michaels body, taking off his wife beater in the process, pulling down his pants, to eventually land my tongue on the ever-growing drop on his dick head. It tasted fantastic. I knew right then that I wouldn't stop before I got a whole lot more of his tasty dick secretions. Like a starving man I took his cock into my mouth, twirling my tongue around his shaft, licking his balls, worshiping his manhood. All this time Michael was completely silent. First surprised by my sudden appearance, then taken aback by my attack on his body, then fascinated by my horniness and will to pleasure him. But then he broke the silence, "I knew you'd come back, you slut!" I could only answer by trying to get more of his manhood down my throat. He helped me by putting his hands onto my head and pushing me down on himself, forcing more and more of his dick into me, choking me. I loved it. I loved the taste in my mouth, the steady stream of pre cum from his slit. I loved his forceful side taking over. I loved being on my knees in front of the man who shared the house with me and my family. I loved the little bit of doubt in the back of my head, the thoughts and fears of the morning pushed back into the furthest alleys of my conscience by reckless horniness. At that very moment I was all horniness, but there was this feeling of taboo, of crossing a line as well. Tears were forming in my eyes from being choked. Michael must have known my slight discomfort, as he forcefully pulled me of his cock and towards the bed. I was still fully dressed, so Michael almost ripped my jacket and shirt of me. As he started pulling on my shoes I quickly loosened my pants, allowing Michael to quickly tear them down my legs. In no time he was on top of me, kissing me deeply, our tongues wrestling, our cocks rubbing against each other. His hand found my dick with a soft tickle. The tickling concentrated on my balls, moving upward toward the head, then turned into jerking. I was hard as a rock and my hips started a rhythm pushing my dick into his fist. He hardly had to even move his hand. Separating our lips, Michael slowly kissed down my body. Starting with soft, sensual kisses on my neck, toward my chest, sucking on my hardening nipples. There he remained for some time, enjoying the feel of my nipples on his tongue and teeth, me enjoying his tongue and teeth on my nipples. At the same time, he kept his hand at my cock, my hips still moving in their ancient evolutionary rhythm. Eventually he kissed further down, taking some time at my belly button, then kissing inward in my hips, first left, then right, teasing me. Slow kisses from the sides toward my cock, never quite arriving. He took one hand to my ass, first slapping it in a harsh contrast to the soft touches of his lips in the front. Then he put a finger to my hole. Just as he slipped it in, his mouth found my cock. As his lips touched my dick head, a finger slid into me from behind. I was ecstatic, I moaned, I didn't know which way my hips should move: forward into his mouth or backward into his finger. Instinct knew what to do: both. I pushed my ass back unto his fingers then jerked forward into his mouth. The same rhythm I was in before, only more intense by being penetrated and penetrating. Michael slipped his fingers out of me to get some lube on them. His face was still on my cock, and has his hands reached for the lube I knew what he wanted to do and handed it to him. His mouth didn't even need to leave my cock and he didn't need to speak a word. Horny minds think alike. His lubed fingers got even deeper into my hole, opening it, more fingers sliding in, two, three. In the front, Michael was chewing on my balls by now, licking of the pre cum from my dick head once in a while. Then he pulled his fingers out of me turned around and put his cock to my mouth, never lifting his mouth from my crotch. I loved it. The feeling of my cock in his mouth while having his in mine. But Michael quickly tired of 69ing, threw himself around and pulled me on top of him. His hands pushed my down on his body until my ass was hovering above his hard dick. Even without his demanding hands I would have backed up onto his dick. The moment when the wet head slowly pushed my hole open was intense. I moaned out loud (in the back of my mind a voice tried to remind me of my parents down the hall and to keep the noise down). As he entered me ever deeper, Michael pulled my lips to his. The kiss went on until all of his dick was embedded into my hole. I started to move up and down on it and enjoyed the feeling of fullness and fulfillment. But Michael stopped me mid-movement. He held me up in the air, then pushing his crotch upward and fucking into me from below. Even working against gravity Michaels was fucking me with intense force, pushing all of his cock into me each time. He kept it up for an impressive time, but eventually he pushed me onto my hands and knees and fucked me from behind. From this position I could see myself in a mirror on the wall. And more importantly I could see Michael fucking me, his face contorted in lust. He noticed too and looked deeply into my eyes while giving me the fuck of my life. I moved my hand to my cock, but he slapped my hand away. He wouldn't have it. So he had me get on my back, with my head hanging down the edge of the bed, toward the mirror. His hand found my cock, his cock found my hole and he fucked and jerked us closer and closer to climax. "Do you want it?", he asked. "Yeah", I grunted. "I will fuck my load into you, are you close?" "Ugh", I felt my orgasm approaching. My body must have jerked, as Michael senses I was cumming. He sped up his fucking and just as cum started squirting from my dick I could see his face get red and through his clenched teeth he grunted: "Here comes Johnny!" There we lay in the afterglow. The passion and lust turning from aggressiveness to more tender hugs. With the worst of my horniness gone, the fog of lust gone, a question found its way from the back of my mind to my mouth: "Michael, you are positive, aren't you?" Kissing my brow, Michael breathed a shallow: "Yes." So there I was, poz cum in my hole, the second load in two days. Michael kissed me and hugged me tight, so any thoughts of getting to the bathroom and cleaning it out quickly vanished. And I had taken another one without getting it out again anyway. It seemed the deed was done. Thing was, I wasn't all that bothered. Right there, at that moment in Michaels arms it felt right. His body was warm, hot even, and out kisses started gaining passion again. "So, do you mind?" Michael asked. All I could answer was "I'm not sure. Yet." His hand found my cock at full attention again. "I know at least part of you doesn't." His hand moved up and down on my betraying dick. In a sudden, his mouth was around it. I know what being hungry for cock feels like, but I was still surprised at the vigor of this blow job. His fingers crawled to my hole while his mouth was filled with my dick. They found my slick hole ready for entry. In no time two fingers entered me and pushed in and out, opening my hole once again. He used both hands to pull at my hole, stretching it, then putt three fingers in and rubbed my insides raw. He had me. "Up for another go?" He didn't even wait for my answer. Nor did he need to. I fell forward into a nice doggy position, my ass up in the air, ready for the taking. Michael was already halfway inside of me when I said "Go for it!" Was I fucking crazy? He had just told me he had HIV and I welcomed him into again, bareback no less? The passion and lust of that moment is hard to explain. I guess part of me figured that the deed was done and one more load wouldn't matter. The other half was either giving a damn or getting off on the doubts and risk. Not that I really could think clearly with Michael in me. The more he got into me, the less I cared and the hornier I got. I caught myself moaning, then noticing that it wasn't really moaning, it was rhythmic chant, a mantra, if you will, "Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me." and so on. Michael did. Slow deep strokes. Hard strokes. Then half a minute of really fast hard fucking. Slapping my butt. Then repeat. It drove me wild with lust. He hard dick hit my prostate again and again, bringing me close to cumming. Michael sensed and slowed down, stretching out our lovemaking (was it lovemaking?). Eventually, Michael was at the point where he wanted us to cum. So he worked my prostate again with hard strokes, fucking the cum out of it. Just as I was in the process of cumming, Michael moaned: "Are you ready to get some more of my poz cum?" "Ugh" "Are you ready to get pozzed?" "Fuck me." "Are you?" "Yes! Fuck me! Poz me! Fuck me! YES!" It was the passion speaking, I was far gone. The orgasm was mine, though. It was intense. In the mirror I could once again see Michael tense up, and as he grabbed my butt and plowed deep into me, cumming he shouted "Take my poz cum, David!". I hoped my parents hadn't heard. I woke up several hours later, with two poz loads still in my hole. Michael was beside me on sleeping face down. The biohazard tattoo was now in clear view. It was beautiful, deep black with a blood red lining. I traced its lines as I thought about its meaning. Michael must have felt, as he started moaning softly. I couldn't see whether his eyes were open but I didn't stop touching his beautiful back. First I gave him a light massage, but moved my head closer to get his sexy fragrance. I was close to his tattoo when I sensed him definitely waking up. So I started kissing his back, more specifically, the tattoo. Just as I had retraced the lines with my fingers I now retraced it with kisses and my tongue. It was like acknowledging what we had done and that I loved it. He knew and asked: "You like my tattoo, don't you?" "It's really well done - and it's hot." "One of these days you may want one of your own. You definitely deserve one." I had to let those words sink in. "You know that I'm neg right?" "I wouldn't be too sure about that now. And the way you're picking up guys and taking them raw..." "Did you know my status?" "I guessed it from your reaction yesterday, but who am I to ask? If someone is up for fucking, that's that. Don't ask, don't tell. But I'm glad you came back." He was right. I made choices, once drunk, Twice super-horny. But nevertheless I chose every time to have sex with him. And the last two times could not be excused with ignorance. I knew it and I chose it. It was still quite a shock to admit to it. My mouth was still on his tattoo. I couldn't stop adoring it. "When did you get it, Michael?" "The tattoo or the bug?" "Both, I guess" "The tattoo about two years ago, the bug about 4." "How did you get HIV?" "Like this, from sex. I knew what I was doing, knew the risk and knew the pleasure. So I was okay with the diagnosis." "Do you know who gave it to you?" "No. See, I fucked around a lot back then, and still do. I was at gang bangs every other weekend and gave my ass up for everyone who was there quite a few times. Not mentioning all the poz or pozcum-filled asses I've fucked myself." "You if you hadn't hooked up with me, you'd have taken that boy home?" "Him, some other one, there is always someone for a versatile guy" "You mean for a hot versatile guy as you are." "Thanks, David. But you see, you proved my point. And you enjoyed it, judging from your coming back." "I did. So do you still go to gang bangs?" "Once in a while. You meet interesting people there." I didn't understand then what he meant. "All bare?" "Sure enough. I'd hate wasting all that cum. You're quite intrigued by it, aren't you? Have you ever been in a gang bang?" "No. I once made out with two guys, kissing, groping, but nothing more. It was hot though." He turned around and stroked my half-erect cock. "So, would you like to change that and actually have a threesome?" "Only with people I could trust....but I might know a guy up for it." I knew James thought Michael was hot. I knew James would be horny enough to be up for it (as long as he didn't cum). But James didn't know about Michael's status, I had never told him. Should I? Would he mind? Michael had his mouth on my cock again by then. His saliva was all over it. Suddenly he asked me to lie down on my back. My dick was rock hard and was sticking up. Michael gave it a few more sucks and spat on it. Then he sat down on it. To see the guy who lived with my family moving his hole down my raw hard cock, to see his passionate expressions as he did was super hot. He loved getting fucked just as much as fucking. My hands were on his tight ass in no time, his mouth and mine locked in a kiss. He did all the work, taking my dick as deep as it got, moving in a heavy rhythm. I knew the difference between safe and bare fucking, having done both, but at that moment I understood why people would do nothing else then raw, natural sex. At that moment I knew why people took so much risk just for feeling skin on skin. And I understood it even better just a few seconds later, when I filled Michael with a load of cum. The next afternoon I didn't have much to do, so I walked over to James' house. I was both horny and nervous. James sensed something was up right away. I guess it was the sex, he has this eery sex-detector going. So I told him. I told him about spending another night with Michael, about switching positions and how much I enjoyed being with him, how hot he makes me and how uninhibited I tend to be with him. And I told him about being found out by my sister. That really got his attention. He'd always had the hots for her and he made me tell him everything about the conversation. I wanted to leave things out, but he kind of managed to fill the blank spots. He was intrigued. He wouldn't let go of the topic, and in an attempt at changing it I spurted out "Michael asked me about threesomes." "What?" "He asked me whether I ever had one or ever thought about having one?" "So...did you?" "Nope, but I kinda like the idea." "Well, I did and it's hust as hot as you think." "You did? Why did you never tell me? I never thought there was a guy open to that, let alone two." "Sure I did. It's intense! You can suck one and fuck one. Or you are in someone and someone's in you. You should try it, nudge, nudge." "Are you saying this to get to fuck Michael?" "Ha. You really know me, dude." "Jackass!" I liked the idea, though. I know both of them, I've had sex with both of them. There probably is no better way of starting with group fun than this. I know Michael'd be game, James is already up for it, but there were still doubts in my mind. Me fucking Michael is alright, but would I be ok with James doing it as well? On the other hand: Michael already told me he was fucking with lots of guys. So why was I even jealous? But there was another thing: would I tell James about the risks? I didn't. I thought about it, but felt it's not ok to expose Michael without him knowing. And at that point it wasn't as if it was really about to happen. Unfortunately, nothing happened for a few days. No sex with Michael and no sex with James. On friday, I told my family (and Michael) I was going to stay at James'. Michael knew that I was considering James as the third guy. At James' we were set up with booze, video games and porn, to be consumed in that order. The booze seriously hampered our success at the games, but we reveled in the chance of safe drunk-driving at GTA. It got boring soon, though, and we dropped our clothes and put in some nice bisexual porn, bareback of course. Commenting on the girl's tits, the guys' cocks and jacking our dicks furiously, we got extra-horny. Just as I was about to go down on James the doorbell rang. James threw on some pants and returned with Michael just a minute later. I couldn't even stop the porn on the screen. There was a big on James' face. I knew what he was thinking. And Michael was catching up fast. "So that's what you boys have been up to..." He said. "Would you mind if I joined?" James stared at me, looking for a sign of approval and he found it when my mouth twitched, forming a smile. Wasting no time, he span around to Michael and dropped to his knees, hands on Michael's crotch. Michael: "My, you are a needy one, aren't you?" Then he looked right at me and grinned as James started massaging his dick through his jeans. You could see the outlines of his fleshy tool through the clothing. Even more, when James began kissing the hardness from root to head, leaving trails of saliva all over the crotch of Michael's jeans. He slowly pulled down the zipper and unbuttoned the jeans. Michael's dick sprang from the dropping pants, no underwear, nothing left between a hard cock and James' hungry mouth. At this point I lost all interest in the porn on the TV, all my attention was focussed on my best friend giving my lover (?) a blow job. And I knew how good James' blow jobs can be if he's really into it. He loves his tongue swirling around a hard cock, licking it from bottom to top and down again, slowly tracing the dick-head, or chewing on the balls. But what he really craves is pre cum and cum. He is crazy for it, the taste makes his blow jobs more and more intense and aggressive, when in the end he is switching between deep throating and sloppy licking all over the recipient's dick. So after James worked some pre cum out of Michael's cock, his cycle started: deeper and deeper the cock went in his mouth, more and more saliva was thickly coating it, and his tongue was licking out saliva and pre cum, making him ever hornier. Michael loved it. He didn't even bother to move his hands to James head, he just stood there, legs wide apart, and enjoyed. The sight got me horny, my hand found its way to my dick, but it wasn't enough. I stood up to stand next to Michael, leaning in for a kiss. While Michael and I were kissing deeply, James moved over to my cock, licking up the pre cum already glistening on its head. For a few minutes he switched back and forth, sucking Michael and sucking me, but it wasn't enough. He wanted us both. So he pulled at both our cocks so they were touching and slowly slid his lips over both our dick heads. I've never felt such a thing, Michael's cock next to mine in the confines of James' mouth while his tongue swirled around all the time. I loved it! Michael's hands were all over me by then and we were still kissing deeply. I knew this night was going to be good and would more than make up for the last few days. But I didn't want to cum yet. I pushed Michael down on the couch and pulled off his jeans. Now both James and I were sucking on Michaels cock and kissed each other around it. Then I turned to James' rear and pulled his pants down as well. My hands touched his already hard dick while I started rimming his fuck hole. It was twitching already, a clear sign James was super horny. I pushed my tongue deeper into him, and put a finger in as well. I was opening him up. But Michael had a different idea. He stood up, his white t-shirt still on, and left James head on the couch without anything to suck on, and stood behind me. Without much ado, Michael put his cock to my ass and pushed it in, the only lubricant being James' saliva. It hurt at first, but he knew how to make the pain really pleasurable. Soon, his whole shaft was inside of me, then pulled out all the way and rammed back in. I could only moan into James' ass. Apparently he appreciated the vibration of my moans, as he pushed back on my face. I wanted more. Like a dog I slowly crawled onto James, Michael following me, never missing a beat, and slowly pushed into James' saliva-lubricated hole. I was sandwiched between two hot bodies, one fucking me deeply, one being fucked by me. Fuck, it was good! Michael grabbed onto James hips and enforced a rhythm on all of us, pushing me even deeper into James' willing fuck hole. Michael's dick head hit my prostate from behind, driving me ever closer to orgasm, with no way of slowing down, he kept pushing me back onto him by pushing James onto my cock. I felt the cum boiling up in my balls, let out a moan and came deep into James. For a while, Michael continued the action, but I needed a break. So we broke it off, James quickly turned around to clean my cock and get some of the cum still leaking from it and Michael pulled out of me, his cock still hard. James was already looking at it hungrily. "Do you want it?" Michael asked him. James I sat down on the couch to catch my breath, ames jumped forward, swallowing Michael's dick whole. Coated with my ass juices and now my saliva, Michael's poz fuck stick disappeared into my friends face. This time Michael was more active and aggressive. He grabbed James' head and held him down on his cock, choking him - James didn't mind. Then Michael just held James in place and really fucked his face in the same rhythm in which he fucked my ass just a minute before. James cock was still hard, he enjoyed being used this way. After fucking his face for a while, Michael pulled out and slapped James' face with his dick, saliva and his poz pre cum leaving traces on it. When Michael forced him to turn around, pushed his head into my crotch and his own tongue up James' butt hole, James gave up all control and just let the pleasure happen. My dick was still soft, but James knew what he had to do. While Michael was sucking his man cunt, he began licking at my balls, then my shaft. I knew it would take a little longer, but the blow job would eventually get me hard again. Meanwhile, Michael pushed two fingers up James hole, fingering out some of the cum I deposited in there. He looked at the both of us and put his cum coated fingers to James' mouth. James licked them clean immediately, sucking the fingers in deeper. Michael wanked his cock with his other hand, smearing his pre cum all over it. I knew where this was heading and I didn't stop it. It was just too hot, too enticing. It was like a hot porno played out by two friends right in front of your face. Only, you could take part in it. I looked at James, who was visibly preparing for penetration and then looked at Michael. He looked me deep in the eyes as he slowly put his poz-precum covered dick to James' hole. It was twitching, waiting for its well-deserved cock. Michael grinned evilly as his dick head entered the well-fucked hole. James moaned as the poz cock filled his hungry body. He pushed back onto Michael, wanting him all inside of him. His eyes were closed, but Michael's eyes were staring at me like he was saying: "See what I'm doing? I'm poz-fucking your best friend. Bareback!" By this time I was hard again. Whether it was the hot sex going on in front of me, the secret I still kept from my best friend, or his hungry mouths action on my cock - I don't know. All I know that I was fucking horny and took initiative. Just as Michael had done, I slapped my cock on James' face or rubbed it all over it. More trails of pre cum were left on his face, so I leaned forward and licked his face all over. James meanwhile was moaning, completely oblivious to what I was doing. Michael was fucking into him hard, pulling all the way out and fucking it all the way in again, straining James' sphincter and fuck chute. Only when I kissed James on his mouth, he snapped out of it, opened his eyes and kissed me back instantly. His hand flashed to my dick and began wanking it. I could see the ecstasy in his eyes. When he felt pre cum leaking from my slit, James immediately put his mouth on it to get the taste. This left me laying back on the couch, looking at Michael's rhythmic fucking. His eyes were closed by now as he concentrated on the pleasure of his sloppy second on James' hole. At times, he was stopping deep in James, not moving a bit, so he wouldn't cum, holding out as long as he could. As that happened I thought I could see some slight movement of his shaft, as if he was so close to orgasm that more pre cum or even bits of cum were flowing through it. The thought of how James' insides by now were coated with my cum and Michael's pre cum was driving me wild, though I cannot tell whether in a good or a bad way (or whether the two were actually the same). Remembering how hot the sandwich fuck was, moved behind Michael and started licking his hole. He surprised me by pulling out of James all the way and pushing into my mouth. I licked of my own cum, the ass juiced and Michael's pre cum, covering it in turn with my saliva, so he could push it back into James. As he did that I fingered his hole and spread it. When I knew he was ready I lined up my dick and slowly slid in. Michael held still for a moment. When I was in all the way, I held onto James' hips the way Michael did before and fucked them both. Michael twitched up and down my cock and at the same time fucked deep into James. And I controlled it all. When I felt Michael getting close, though, I'd stop moving, not rushing things, of not wanting to actually have him cum in James. I still felt Michael's body contracting, though, which was very hot. I kissed Michael's neck and whispered words of appreciation into his ear. I really liked the guy and I enjoyed even sharing him. My jealousy was gone and its place was taken over by a stronger feeling of closeness. Fucking like this for a while brought us all closer and closer to orgasm. I tried to gauge James' pleasure and not let him cum to early, knowing that that would effectively end the night. But I also needed to concentrate on Michael. When I eventually sensed James getting to close, I had us stop. Michael had to slowly pull out, as I pulled out of him. James was still extremely horny and immediately began sucking on my dick, licking off the taste of Michael's poz hole. He wanked Michael at the same time and then sucked us in turns. He was like a bitch in heat, like a dirty whore. I spat into his face and told him to sit down on my dick. So I sat on the couch as James' ass hovered above me. Facing me, he slowly took all of my shaft in. Michael soon had his cock between both our mouths again. So while I was fucking James, or rather James was fucking himself on my cock, both of us licked and sucked Michael. He slapped his dick in both our faces and let some salive drop onto us once in a while. There appeared a grin on his face, he took a step back and stood behind James. Then I felt his fingers on my cock. Rather: I felt them along my cock in James' hole. He was fingering James while I was fucking him! Then I felt his tongue on my balls, licking up to James' cunt, applying more and more saliva, pushing it in with his fingers. James was going crazy. Suddenly, I felt neither Michael's tongue nor his fingers, but soon after I felt something big against my dick, and pushing into James alongside of me. Fuck, Michael wants to double-fuck James! It didn't quite work, though, James was tightening up and Michael couldn't get in. Michael left the room for a second and returned with a bottle in hand. He held it to James' nose and said "Inhale deeply, bitch!". As James did just that, I felt him relax. At that moment, Michael pushed his cock against James ass again. This time he managed to get it in. I felt him slowly sliding up against me, the already tight ass accommodating both our cocks. We were packed tight! It was amazing! I looked at James, who's eyes were glassy, part tears, part ecstasy. Michael kept feeding him poppers, which, as I kissed James, also effected me a bit. All I could think about was fucking the tight hole being fucked by Michael. I could hear Michael moaning out "Take it, you dirty little bitch! Do you like that? Do you like getting double fucked? Do you like our bare cocks in your overpacked tight hole?" James could only moan his approval. Michael kept going on "You will get it. You will get both our cum deep inside that nasty hole of yours." James was twitching around us: he wanted it. The tightness, the twitching, the talk got us ever closer to climax. I sensed the signs of it in James and this time I wouldn't stop, even if I could. Michael sensed it, too, and fucked him with even more fervor. His cock rubbing against mine and James' motion on my cock pulled me with them. Michael spat out once more: "Take it, James, take my cum." As I felt Michael cum right next to me, covering my cock and James' insides with his poz cum, James and I couldn't hold back. I came inside of him as well, mixing my cum with Michael's poz load. James was fucked out. He could hardly talk and quickly fell asleep. Michael and I relaxed watching porn, also not talking for a while. Soon Michael's hand was on his cock, which got hard immediately. I quickly followed suit so were both stroking out cocks watching three guys doing it bare. Two of the men had biohazard tattoos and they were topping a young looking twink. James was still passed out, but Michael and I were looking at each other hungrily. Soon my head was between Michael's thighs and I was giving him a sloppy blow job. I could still taste cum on it, but also something else. A tinny flavor. Blood. We must have ripped James pretty good, looking at his hole, I could see the cum leaking out was slightly pink. For some reason this made me even hotter for Michael's cock. I deep throated him, sucked on his balls, spat on the shaft until the taste was completely gone. Then he drew me in for a deep kiss. Our tongues were all over each other, our hands on each others cocks and asses. Michael nibbled on my ear and then whispered: "Did you enjoy stealthing your best friend? 'Cause I sure did." Stealthing? So that's what we did? Michael continued whispering: "I'm sure it's going to take, we tore him up good." His cock got even harder as he spoke his dirty mind. Small pangs of bad conscience troubled me, but every time I thought about how I probably helped infecting my best friend with a deadly disease, Michael's hand and mouth made me feel so very good. It didn't take long for the guilt to be associated with the pleasure. The wrongness suddenly seemed so hot, so right. Thinking about how both our cocks had stretched James and opened him up for Michael's charged load made me even hornier. Michael noticed: "I see you did enjoy it. Once you yourself have the gift, you will know how hot it really is." For a moment I thought what a dirty fuck Michael was. First he picked me up at a club and even though he was practically family fucked me bareback with his infected dick. Then he made me accomplice in infecting my best friend. And now he was putting these thoughts into my brain. I should have been appalled, I should have been angry. But I was really just bloody horny. Soon I was turned over on the couch, Michael above me fucking his cock into my hole. This naughty, fucked-up man was playing me like a fiddle. While pushing all the right buttons, Michael kept whispering and moaning about stealthing and gifting and how I was a good apprentice. He really rammed into me as he panted "Do you think it will take? Do you think we pozzed him yet? Want to make sure?" He pulled out, walked over to James and stuck his dick in. "I'm going to make sure he gets it." This was so fucked up. This was so hot! I should have stopped him. I should have woken James up. Instead I leaned back, stroked myself and enjoyed the show. James was way out of it. Michael was giving him a good treatment, fucking in all the way, pushing in fast and forceful, trying hard to rip him up even more. But James did not wake up. At one point I wanted in as well, pushed Michael to the side and stuck my dick in. I emulated Michael's moves, fucking James just as hard and aggressively. Here I was getting sloppy seconds to Michael and myself, our mixed cum as lubricant around my hard dick. I could already see some specks of blood on it. I blew. Michael immediately took my place. His muscles flexing, he fucked and fucked him, pushing out cum deeper and deeper into James's channel. "Fuck, he so going to get it. We made sure of that. You made sure of that, David!" He worked up his lust, worked himself to another orgasm. I noticed the tell-tale signs of it approaching, and we looked into each others eyes as another load of his charged cum spewed into James torn up body. "Does James have any toys?" Michael panted a little out of breath. I picked his dildos and his butt-plug and handed them to Michael without a word. I only thought "Was is he going to do now?" The answer was following quickly as Michael stuck James' biggest dildo in. "We going to make sure it's in there deep and stays in there for some time. We don't want leakage." When he was done pushing the cum in deeper, he took the butt-plug and sealed James' hole. I wondered how James could sleep through all of this.
    2 points
  4. "I want to POZ you Bart. I want to fuck you and shoot my toxic load deep in your guts.You're so cute, everybody wants a piece of your ass. And they only get it when you are willing to give yourself to everyone. You NEED to be pozzed. You know you do. Look at how tense you are. You should enjoy cock not fear it. You should embrace cum not reject it. What you need is a nice unhealthy dose of infected cum in your tight little asshole. Oh my see, that little prick of yours. See how it twitches when you hear I want to breed you. You like hearing that don't you? Yeah I know you do you little slut. You're silent but I know deep down you want to be a big piggy slut. An uninhibited whore who needs cock like his worthless life depends on it. I can give you that. Just let me push my throbbing dick in your cunt and I can give you all the sexual freedom you so desperately want. Look at my cock. Come on, look at it. See how nice it looks. Not scary at all. Not looking diseased or anything. It just looks like any other cock, however it only spews a deathly cocktail of jizz and bugs. You need those bugs. You'd be the perfect host. They'd nest between your buttcheecks and control who can come in and not. And they will gladly let anyone enter. C'mon touch it. Feel my pozprick. Yeah that's it. Feels good doesn't it. Now grab my balls. Feel how heavy they are. They are filled with toxic jizz. I haven't cum in a few days so when I shoot tonight it will be a copious amount of poison. I want to knock you up with my aids babies. Yeah you'd like that won't you slutboi. Now on your knees and start sucking the venom out of my hose. Good boy. Yeah work that mouth of yours on my cock. You sure like that don't you. Bet you're momma is proud now. Sucking a sick stranger's dick. Fuck you are so made for servicing cock. I must admit I'm surprised how eager you are sucking a POZ man's prick. You see those other men looking at you? They like you on your knees with a dick in your mouth. They all know you're getting gifted tonight. And after I'm done they can ravish your little hole as much as they want. Can you already taste my poison? I'm leaking like a faucet already. Here let me show you. Look at it. See those drops of cum? Let me show you. Oops was that in your eye? Did I poke your eye with my infected dick? I'm sorry... Don't get up. Please just stay there on your knees, I want to rub my whole dick over your face, cover that pretty little mug of yours with my dicksnot. This is so hot, look at you. Covered in sticky cum. Your face is full of HIV now, how you like that? Get up and turn around. It's time I stabbed that shitter of yours. What do you mean you're not sure? That's the problem right there you see, you need someone to decide for you. So I tell you, you HAVE to turn around and get a nice creamy load up your gut. So turn around and show me that nice butt of yours. Oh what a beautiful pucker you have there. It's looks so small and tight. I'll just use a nice glob of spit for lube. There. This is it Bart, you are about to get fucked by a POZ man. Ughhh, just one big push. Relax, relax, let me shove it all the way in. Hold still boy, it's just a little over 7 inch. There there it's all in. Now relax, get used to that prick. No no no, don't push it out. I'm just going to shove it back in you know. Dammit it slipped out. Just stand against the wall. Push your ass a bit back. Where is that hole of yours ah yes found it. One two three, FUCK. Yeah man, stabbing your ass again. I know it hurts, but it's much easier than going slow. Just get used to it. Shhh shhh. No no, don't touch your cock, hands against the wall. I don't want you to cum yet. Just hold still and enjoy my prick. I'm going to fuck you know Bart. Nice and easy. Yes, good boy. See how well that goes. Back and forth, back and forth. Doesn't that feel nice? This is what you've been missing all that time. Unhealthy raw sex. Sex like it's meant to be. I'm going to pick up the pace now. You can take it don't you, yeah you can. You like getting fucked don't you. Yeah you do. I'm so proud of you Bart, you are getting barebacked. Taking poz dick in that little hole of yours. Ohhh, ooh I'm cumming. I'm going to fill you up with my toxic spooge. Uhhhh. Yeah, uhhhh. There take it, ughhh, fuckkkk. That were some nice spurts. Fuck I needed to unload that. Did you cum? You didn't? Good. I'll just stay in that roughed up little ass of yours. Let your bowels absorb my poison. Oh man, that was intense. Did you like it Bart? Did you like getting bred? Bet you did. Let me massage the cum in your ass. Yeah. Pfff. I don't think I'm getting limp Bart. Holy shit my cock just stays hard in that previous NEG ass of you. I'm just going to plow you again is that ok? Sure you can jerk off now if you want to. Yeah jerk that little cock until it spews the last squirt of NEG cum you have left. You've been a good boy. Just let me enjoy that asshole of you a little bit more. Yeah sliding in and out of your sloppy hole. Feels good doesn't it? Cum is the best lube, you'll see the next time you come here. You're ready to squirt Bart? Yeah cum boy, shoot your load. Look at that, you really shot a nice big load. You must have been hot and horny. Look at it Bart, look at your jizz dripping from that wall. Healthy fertile jizz wasted on a wall. Your last chance at spawning offspring. You're one of us now Bart. Free to get fucked by whoever wants to fuck you. No need to thank me. Let me just slide out of your ass. Whoops, made a bit of a mess down there, might have torn something in my enthusiasm. Don't worry, THAT will heal up. My gift won't. Bye now."
    2 points
  5. Part I. My boy and I had sort of fallen on rough times. Maybe we’d overspent in the last few months and when we both got laid off from work, our savings started to run thin pretty quickly. I went looking for part-time work in my field, but nothing panned out. My boy kept going on interviews, but he never landed a steady gig. With no prospects, we were quickly getting desperate. Some fuckbuddies invited us out for a drink to catch up, and we kept putting them off since we couldn’t even afford to drink. Before we hit hard times, we’d often go out clubbing with Bobby and Dylan before winding up back at our apartment. Bobby and Dylan were a super cute couple, both in their early twenties, and both super fit. They were, like me and my boy, both pretty versatile, and also like us, they liked raw sex. Whenever we played as a group, we always fucked bare. It was so hot watching Dylan breed my boy. His thick cock would stretch out my boy’s ass good, leaving it loose and sloppy for me to fuck when he pulled out. I loved sloshing around my boy’s ass, feeling Dylan’s cum squelch around my dick as Bobby fucked and bred me. After we bowed out several weeks in a row, they started getting concerned. They thought we didn’t like them any more. It was embarrassing when we confessed that we couldn’t afford to go out, but they invited us along anyway, saying that they would pay, especially if they could get to fuck us! Over drinks at our regular bar, they told us that they had fallen on hard times a few months ago, and gotten part time work in a go-go bar to tie them over until real work returned. Bobby said that the boys could make upwards of $500 a night, even if they didn’t do any really dirty stuff, and much more if they were prepared to go all the way with customers. I was so naïve, and asked what ‘all the way’ meant. Dylan started telling stories of lap dances that got out of hand, even once or twice where the guy paying him to dance had a really big cock that worked it’s way out of his pants. Bobby said it was so hot watching his boyfriend dry humping bare dick, and that sometimes, if they were willing to pay more, they would both let guys tease their holes, and maybe even get the head inside them if none of their bosses were looking! My boy and I had both given up our gym membership a few months ago, to save money, and I was not feeling at my best physically, but my boy had kept up running and doing exercises in our backyard. He looked as great as he ever did, and our friends suggested he go for an audition right away and see if he could get the gig. Maybe it was the cocktails hitting us hard after not drinking any alcohol for a few months, but my boy was instantly eager. Had we been sober, I’m sure we both would have thought it through better, but he was ready, right away, to go start dancing in his undies to make some good money from strangers. Two hours after starting drinking with Bobby and Dylan, they poured us into their car to drive us over to the gay strip club to meet their boss. There, in the parking lot, Dylan helped me into the back seat. I was dizzy from the cocktails I had drunk. Bobby helped my boy into the seat, and I heard him chuckle. He said told Dylan that he had seen a glimpse of my boy’s underwear and that it simply wouldn’t do for a proper go-go interview. Of course, a few months of unemployment meant we hadn’t been buying anything we could do without, including cute new underwear. I’m sure we were both wearing last year’s model at best, and stretched out elastic jockstraps at the worst. Bobby and Dylan winked at each other and suggested we make a quick stop on the way to the strip club to get my boy some sexy new undies at a friend’s shop. My boy was clearly getting turned on talking about stripping and sexy underwear, and was rubbing his crotch. Dylan and Bobby kept watching my boy in the rear view mirror as the car started. It got me hot too to know my boy would soon be shaking his lithe mostly-nude body for money, and I worked my hand down the back of his shorts. It was true that his underwear was stretched out; I could easily get my whole hand into his pants to finger his ass! My boy was wriggling on my hand, as Dylan, in the front passenger seat took out his cock and started wanking. I wondered aloud, “How are we going to pay for new underwear? That stuff can be expensive, and we’re broke!” Bobby assured me that their buddy, who owned the underwear store, would give us a good deal. The way he said it made me ask if my boy might have to do something naughty. Dylan answered, “Absolutely! You’re ok with that, right?” Bobby told me that it was so hot watching Dylan with this guy that he had to join in. As I fingered my boy’s ass, and Dylan jerked his big cock, Bobby told us that their friend, Alex, was really well hung, and really hot. He said, “Alex started by taking Bobby’s measurements, waist and stuff. He had Bobby drop his shorts so he could see how big his dick and balls are. He got out a few choices, leather jockstraps, rubber shorts, and tight g-string bikinis. Bobby went into a changing room to try the rubber shorts on and then danced for Alex, just like a go-go boy. Alex then had Bobby grind into his lap. Alex got so hard that his dick was straining against his jeans leaving a dark wet spot from his precum. He asked Bobby if he could remove them for him. It was so hot watching Bobby pull that stud’s jeans down. When Alex was just in his boxers, he told Alex to change into the g-string. Bobby did it right there, stripped naked then pulled up the g-string. Alex grabbed Bobby and had him sit down hard on his crotch. Alex’ dick slowly worked it’s way out of the boxer fly. I could see Alex’s precum getting all over Bobby’s ass. Alex pulled the thong aside so his dick could really rub against Bobby’s hole. When it got shiny from so much precum, Alex told Bobby to switch to the jockstrap. Bobby shimmied out of the g-string, and into the jockstrap. He was so hard that his dick wouldn’t fit into the front pouch. That didn’t seem to bother either of them, and Bobby sat right back down onto Alex’ cock. This time, his hole was totally free, and after a few passes, the head of Alex’ dick went right up Bobby’s ass. I started to freak out a little, and Alex just smiled, ‘If your boyfriend wants to make the real money, he’s got to learn to take dick!’ Bobby started riding that cock as I stood there and watched. After a few minutes of getting pounded, Alex held Bobby’s hips and came inside him. Even if Bobby had wanted to pull off, Alex wouldn’t have let him!” By this time, my boy had taken off his shorts and underwear altogether and I was working three fingers into his ass. Bobby shot his load into his hand and offered it to Dylan to lick off. I realized that the car had stopped and we were in a parking lot, lit only by neon light from the window. We were at Alex’ shop, and the time had come to offer my boy up to this stranger for free underwear. I knew my boy was horny, and would probably let Alex go all the way. What had we gotten ourselves into? To be continued...
    2 points
  6. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 13 My phone lit up and dinged, letting me know I had a text message. “Hi, is this Zak or Zeek?” “It’s Zeek….who is this?” “Maybe you won’t remember me. U gave me your number if I wanted to talk. I’m Coty.” “I remember you, Coty. You were our waiter.” “Yes.” “I’m glad you kept my number. It’s easier to talk than text. Call me if you can.” He did not reply. After a few minutes my phone rang. “Hi Coty.” “Hello.” “So you want to talk?” “Um…..maybe I shouldn’t have called.” “Coty wait!!…..I’m glad you called…..There’s nothing wrong with being gay.” “I don’t know if I am. I mean, I think I probably am, but…..” “But what?” “I don’t know. I….I don’t talk to anyone about these feelings.” …… after a pause. “That night at the restaurant I wanted to go with you guys, but….. I was scared to.” “I understand….it’s not easy. It was hard for me coming out too.” Coty was crying….. “I tried to tell my parents…… they said no son of theirs is gay…..” More tears…… “They want me to see a psychiatrist. If I don’t they said I should get out.” “Coty…..where are you?” “I’m on Kinnickinnic near work.” “Stay there. I’ll come get you. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes.” I found Coty a few blocks from Café Centraal. “Coty…..it’s Zeek…..get in.” “Thank you for coming.” “It’s going to be okay, Coty….believe me. There’s nothing wrong with you….you know that don’t you?” “I know. I don’t want to talk to some psych person either.” I brought Coty back to my place. “Make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?” “Just some water would be cool.” I grabbed a beer for myself. “Here you go, Coty.” I handed him a bottle of water. “Thanks.” I sat on the couch next to Coty. My leg was touching his slightly, and he glanced down at our legs touching, but didn’t move away. “You know, when I was in my early teens I felt different. I didn’t fit in with the guys at school. I got called faggot and queer. I thought all the glancing at guys in the shower during gym class and sexual dreams about guys was just normal curiosity. I didn’t grow up around gay people. I just kept to myself and was confused. It took me a little while to realize that my attraction to men was a lot more. Then it happened. I kissed another guy around 15 or so. We ended up sucking each other’s cock and jacking each other off and it felt so natural to me. I knew right then, without a doubt I was 100% gay. I have never even had sex with a woman. I’m very comfortable being a gay man, and it didn’t take me long to become a pig with sex.” Tears ran down his face. I tried to lighten the mood. “Hey, I’m happy being a pig….there’s no need to cry over that.” Coty chuckled and sighed a little. “My parents will never accept me being gay.” “Coty, maybe they will come around. Give them time, but if they don’t, you can’t live your life to please them. You have to make yourself happy, and if that’s as a gay man, then so be it. It does get better. Give it time.” “Funny thing is, I fantasize about it, but I’ve never even done anything with another guy. Not even a kiss. I feel so out of place.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’ll happen. You’ll find someone.” Coty leaned his head on my shoulder and cried. I put my arm around him and hugged him to comfort him, and he returned the hug. He nuzzled his head into my neck and eventually stopped crying. I felt his lips kiss me on the neck, and my cock began to stiffen. He looked into my eyes, still sniffling from crying, and I kissed him….his first kiss. For someone who had never kissed before, he was a natural. I buried my tongue in his mouth and our tongues danced in a passionate exchange. I slid my hand down his body and grasped the firm bulge in his pants. This kid was packing a basket full and then some. His cock responded with a stiff throb against my grip. My shaft was now fully erect and pulsing, and he reached down and stroked it through my jeans. As much as I wanted to tear his clothes off and poz his virgin ass right there, I stopped and slowly pulled him away. “Ah….., Coty, there’s nothing more I’d like to do right now than to fuck the hell out of your ass, but you may want to slow this down.” “What? Why?” “Because I only fuck bareback, and I’m no angel. If I fuck you, I’ll want to cum in you, and I’m newly hiv positive.” “I don’t care.” “No, but I do, because you’re not ready for that.” I again kissed him and unzipped his jeans. “Just relax,” I said. I pushed him back on the sofa and unbuttoned his pants. I slid onto my knees on the floor before him and pulled his jeans to his ankles. The last several inches of his hard shaft protruded from his underwear against his abdomen. I pulled them to his ankles revealing the most beautiful 9 inch cock. I grasped his rod at the base and stood it straight in the air. My tongue met the tip of his shaft, and I licked up the glistening precum forming at the mouth of his piss hole. The sweet nectar slid across my taste buds and down my throat before I engulfed his dick into my mouth. Coty grasped the back of my head and let out a long groan. “Oh my God,” he mumbled under his breath and thrust his cock as deep as he could into my throat. My eyes watered, and I gagged on his massive tool. “Wow….you are going to be one popular guy.” I continued to slowly work the full length of his cock with my mouth and stroke my rock hard dick through my pants. It didn’t take long to bring Coty to the edge. His shaft thickened and stiffened. I slid my mouth to the tip of his cock and the first of his thick white jizz oozed from his piss hole. I lapped it up quickly and engulfed his meat into my mouth as it fired off thick ropes of creamy spunk. His upper body jerked while he filled my mouth with a huge load of cum that I eagerly gulped into my belly. I pulled his cock from my mouth, and it throbbed several times in my hand. He panted and groaned and closed his eyes. His body was limp other than his still rock hard shaft in my hand. “Looks like you can go another round,” I said as I slid his cock back into my mouth. I pumped his shaft with my hand following my lips down every inch of his tool. Within a minute load two was filling my mouth and sliding down my throat. My dick throbbed and balls ached for release. I wanted to impale him on my hard cock, but I didn’t. Even though my symptoms had subsided, there was still a chance I could infect Coty with my gono. Believe me, the thought of giving this twink all my diseases boned my cock, but I resisted the urge. Instead, I crawled on the sofa in front of him and pressed my lips firmly to his giving him a taste of his spunk. “How was that?” “Oh…….fuck…….that was incredible.” “Well, I hate to break the news to you kid, but I think you’re gay.” I finally got a chuckle and smile from Coty. “Yeah, that pretty much confirmed it.” “Do you have any place to go tonight?” “Ah….I guess back home.” “I can take you home or you can spend the night here if you like.” “I’d rather stay, if that’s okay.” “Of course it is. Are you hungry?” “A little.” “Come on.” I led Coty to the kitchen. “I’ll fix you something to eat.” Coty boldly kicked his jeans off and followed me to the kitchen bare-assed with just his t-shirt on and cock swaying side to side. Over a sandwich and chips we sat at the kitchen island and talked a bit more. He was actually older than I realized. He was almost 21 and was close to finishing his radiology tech degree. Coty inquired, “You said you’re HIV positive?” “Yeah, I am.” “Ah…..What’s it like?” “It’s not for everyone, but to be honest with you, it’s very erotic to me.” “So you like being poz?” “Most people won’t understand, so I don’t talk about it much, but yes I do. I love it. It’s like the ultimate in bareback. Holding nothing back no matter what. Total release and surrender to my pig desires. It’s exhilarating to me and knowing I’m a vessel of toxic seed takes it to a whole new level.” “So when you were still negative you knowingly let poz guys cum in you?” “Yes…..does that freak you?” “Um…..no…..” I noticed Coty’s cock was again rock hard. “Does that turn you on?” He nervously looked down at his cock as it throbbed and bounced. “Um….” “It’s okay, Coty. It turns me on and it turns me on that it turns you on.” He chuckled. “Does it scare you a bit that it turns you on?” “Yeah.” “I get it. I went through that too. Once I started taking poz loads I totally let go of that fear. I don’t regret chasing to poz. This was totally right for me.” “Will this turn on ever go away?” “Not likely….mine only grew stronger, and I wanted to poz. You can either fight it or embrace it.” Coty’s cock again throbbed rock hard, and he crunched on a chip. “Will you give it to me if I want it?” “Well, let’s give it some time. You think about this. You’re just coming out, figuring things out. If you still want it after that, and you know what you’re getting into, then yes, I’ll try to convert you…..okay?” “Okay.” We finished up our snack, and chatted a bit more on the sofa. Coty was going to slip his jeans on again, and I said, “You don’t have to put them on. I’m heading to bed in a few minutes…..besides, I’m enjoying the view.” Coty sighed and smiled. “You have a choice. You can sleep in the spare room or you can join me in my bed.” “Um….if you don’t mind, I’d like to sleep with you, Zeek.” “Good answer.” That night, Coty curled up with another man for the first time. He slept in my arms the entire night, and I woke to him still sleeping with his head resting on my shoulder. His morning wood was pressed firmly against my leg, which only stiffened my already hard cock. I rolled Coty onto his back, grasped his cock and slid it down my throat. Coty quickly woke, “Fuck…..I have to piss, Zeek.” I kept sucking his beautiful shaft. “I…..can’t……hold……it……Zeek. I’m…..going…..to…..piss.” Coty flooded my mouth with strong morning urine. I struggled to keep up, but managed to gulp it all down, only spilling a little bit onto Coty’s pubic hair, which I quickly lapped up. I then slipped his dick back into my mouth and sucked his cock until he shot another load down my throat. I was so boned up and stroking my own shaft that I knelt over Coty and shot my poz seed all over his cock and balls. I licked ‘em clean and sucked the last glob of cum from his piss hole. “Holy fuck,” Coty replied. “Like that?” “That was hot.” “We’ll make a pig out of you yet. Wait till you start fucking and getting fucked.” Coty’s eyes lit up. I thought to myself…..this kid is turning out to be a natural pig….there is no stopping him….he’s going to be chasing in no time. The thought made my cock half-hard again. “Fuck….yes. I want more.” “Ok kid…. But right now I have to move. I’ll be late for work. I’ll put a spare key on the cupboard for you. Just lock up if you leave. You’re welcome to stay until you figure this out. It’s up to you.” “Really? Yes….. Thank you, Zeek.” I quickly showered and ran out the door for work. Over lunch I called Zak and told him about my turn of events the night before. He agreed that for now Coty should stay with me if he wants to, and if he decides to chase will be his gifters. Zak decided to stay in Chicago for the weekend, since his gono symptoms kicked in. He started the treatment so if Coty decided to chase he’d be ready to start seeding his ass by the following weekend. Friday after work I took Cort to his parent’s house so he could get some clothes. His parents tried to convince him he just needed therapy, but he had new found strength as a proud gay man and continued to pack his things and left. Friday night Coty was quite excited and all over me to get fucked, but I explained that he would have to wait or he could possibly get infected with not only my HIV, but also my gono. I told him I would fuck him with a condom if he wanted me to fuck him. He wanted my cock in him as soon as I finished my gono treatment, but was adamant that he would only play raw. If I would not breed him I could pull out, but he said that he thought it through and he was thinking clearly. He wanted my cock raw and wanted my cum in his ass. Even if I pulled out, he wanted all my toxic precum. I told him I would think about it, but that I still felt he should wait a while before taking charged seed. He said that he may be first coming out now, but he knew what he was doing and wanted to be a poz, bareback, pig. As much as I told him I hoped he would wait before taking that step, I was equally turned on that he wanted to take toxic loads and poz. I also hoped he would never use condoms. The thought of Coty being a cum pig, just like Zak and I, had me so turned on. He was like a dog in heat. I wanted to say fuck it and breed his ass with my toxic seed. I had a hard time resisting, and knew that it was a losing battle. I needed to try to at least make it through my gono treatment before fucking him raw. I only had a few days of meds remaining, so I mentally focused on Tuesday as the day I could start fucking Coty with my toxic cock. Would I pull out?...... Probably not. Coty stripped naked and worked my cock between his ass cheeks, teasing me with his cunt, hoping I’d crack and pop his cherry with my stiff shaft. I nearly gave in to temptation, but managed to control myself and suck his cock until he shot down my throat once again. I talked to Zak Saturday. Since he was staying home this weekend, he booked himself with appointments for the weekend and made plans to hang out with his sexy daddy, Charles. When I heard the news I was floored. I secretly hoped to add Charles to our relationship and have a hot triad. By noon an expected text dinged in on my phone. “Hey Zeek.” “Hi Ian….what’s up?” “I definitely have gono.” “Does Brian know?” “No…..I told him I wasn’t feeling well. Even though I want to fuck him and give him my gono, I’d rather wait and charge him up after I poz.” “Do you want me to take you to the free clinic?” “No, I already took care of it. I’m already on antibiotics. Thanks again for the added bonus infection. It’s hot. BTW, I worked some of your poz seed from my hole into Brian’s cunt last weekend then unloaded in him, but so far no signs of gono with him. Maybe I’m already poz and gave him his first toxic dose….I can only hope.” “Fuckin’ hot.” “See you soon….later bud.” Then I got a good idea. Ian was already infected with gono, and so was Zak and myself. Brian could be as well. One person who was also chasing was not, and maybe he was the answer to help pop Coty’s ripe cherry before I cracked and infected him with my gono. I pulled out my phone and text Jonathan. “Hey Jonathan.” “Good to hear from you, Zeek.” “I have a favor to ask of you.” “Ok….what do you need?” “Remember our waiter, Coty?” “The little nerdy guy?” “Yeah, well that “little nerdy guy” would surprise you. I left a note for him that night to call me if he wanted to talk about his gay side.” “You didn’t.” “I did. And he not only contacted me, he’s turning out to be a total pig with a huge cock wanting to get fucked raw.” “That’s right up your alley. Does he know you’re poz?” “Yes, and he wants me to poz him.” “So what’s the problem?” “With all our celebrating over my conversion Zak and I got loaded with a ton of seed and got gono.” “Ouch.” “It’s cool, but I’m having a hell of a time resisting wanting to plow Coty’s ass. I finish treatment Tuesday, but thought maybe you could pop his cherry tonight.” “I think that could be arranged…..” “Cool….how about my place around 5 pm?” I gave Jonathan directions to my place and thanked him. “See ya then.” I wanted this to be a surprise for Coty, so I told him we were going to have dinner to celebrate his coming out. Coty’s shift ended at 5 at the restaurant so he said he would be home by 5:30 p.m. The plan was working out perfect. Jonathan arrived on time, and we both prepared the dinner table. While we got ready I asked Jonathan, “Any symptoms yet that you may have converted?” “Nope….none.” “I think you need more of our toxic seed.” “I can hardly wait.” Coty got home around 5:30 and was surprised to see we had a guest. “Do you remember Jonathan, Coty? He was our ‘dessert’ the night you served us at the restaurant.” “Yes, I remember. Nice to see you again, Jonathan.” “Jonathan is going to celebrate your coming out with us. Have a seat.” During dinner I could tell Jonathan and Coty definitely had a connection. Jonathan and I cleared the table and told Coty to relax……we would serve HIM this time. We both disappeared into the kitchen. Jonathan and I stripped naked and reappeared in the doorway boned up. “Time for dessert,” I said. Coty laughed and pulled his shirt off over his head. By the time he stood up his cock was fully erect. He unbuttoned his jeans and tossed them on the floor. His huge cock stood straight up. “Holy fuck,” Jonathan exclaimed!! “What a monster cock.” Jonathan walked up to Coty and stroked his dick. “I want you to fuck me,” he whispered in Coty’s ear. Coty and Jonathan began to make out while stroking each other’s shafts. I ground my cock between Coty’s ass cheeks. Jonathan knelt in front of Coty and began sucking his huge dick. Coty leaned into me and I buried my tongue in his throat and kissed him from behind. Jonathan stood up and pressed Coty’s cock to his ass. Coty grabbed Jonathan’s hips and slid his cock across Jonathan’s cunt. “Oh fuck,” Coty moaned. “Wait till you feel your meat filling that sweet hole,” I whispered to him while caressing his chest and nipples. I grabbed a bottle of poppers and lube and tossed them to Jonathan. “You’ll need these with that piece of meat.” Jonathan lubed up his hole and slicked up Coty’s cock then bent over the dining room table and took a big hit of poppers. I grasped Coty’s cock and lined it up to Jonathan’s cunt. “Go in easy,” Jonathan said as he sailed off on his poppers high. Coty grasped Jonathan’s hips and pressed the head of his cock to Jonathan’s hole and thrust his head inside. Coty advanced his shaft into Jonathan’s sweet cunt and sighed, “FFFUUUCCCKKKIIINNN AAA.” Jonathan held Coty back with his hand before taking another huge hit from the bottle of poppers. A few deep breaths later and he pushed his ass into Coty’s shaft, tearing open his insides. Jonathan winced in pain. Coty was only halfway in, but Jonathan was a cock slut and determined to take Coty’s entire dick. “My God….I never thought it would feel so incredible,” Coty groaned. “Feel that warm flesh wrapped around your meat,” I added. “Pound that ass with your cock.” Jonathan again cranked open the bottle and inhaled deeply. With one quick thrust he impaled himself all the way on Coty’s massive cock. “Oh…..FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!” Coty whined. His cock throbbed repeatedly stretching Jonathan’s cunt wide open. Jonathan yelped in pain and took several deep breaths and exhaled slowly. “Fuck me,” he whispered. “Nice and slow.” Coty slowly withdrew his cock before sliding back into Jonathan, seeing every inch of his shaft disappear deep into his gut. I again sandwiched my cock between Coty’s ass cheeks. “Feels amazing, doesn’t it?” Coty’s thrusts began to pick up speed and his breathing intensified with short, fast grunts. “Oh, fuck…..I’m getting close,” Coty said. “Plant your seed deep in his ass,” I added. “Fuck yes…..give me your load.” Coty’s ass cheeks clamped around my cock and he groaned as he thrust balls deep into Jonathan and unloaded his seed. At the same time Jonathan’s cunt puckered around Coty’s meat and his dick fired off its load. He kept his ass pressed tightly onto Coty’s cock. I made out with Coty and he melted into my arms before his cock flopped from Jonathan’s wrecked cunt. Tuesday finally rolled around and my gono treatment was completed. I was anxious to get home to Coty, but my day agonizingly dragged on. Tonight was the night. Coty would be taking not only his first cock in his ass, but his first poz cock too. I decided that if he still wanted my toxic seed I would breed him and convert his ass. I returned home from work to find Coty taking an afternoon nap. He was lying on the bed on his belly with the sheet draped across his naked body, with one ass cheek exposed. I grabbed my poppers and lube, stripped off my clothes and slipped into bed naked. I crawled on top of him and ground my hard shaft across his tight hole. Coty responded by pressing his ass into my cock. I kissed him on the shoulder and whispered in his ear. “Still want my bare cock?” “Yes….” “Still want me to poz you with my charged seed?” “Oh, fuck…..yes.” “I’m going to give you my raw cock and poz your ass.” “Give it to me.” “This is going to hurt, but we’ll take it slow.” I positioned Coty on his knees to fuck him doggy style. I lubed up my cock and his hole then worked my fingers into his tight virgin hole. I tossed him the bottle of my favorite poppers, Pig Sweat. “Take a hit of these and hold it in…..it’ll help.” Coty held the bottle to his nostril and inhaled. He held his breath before slowly exhaling. “Oh wow,” he mumbled under his breath. That was my cue. I pressed my mushroom head to his virgin hole. My cock met with resistance, but I wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Fuck you are tight.” I applied more lube and Coty took another hit of poppers. I took advantage as Coty sailed off on his popper high and forcefully thrust the head of my shaft into his cunt. Coty screamed in pain. “Try to relax………it’ll get easier, I promise.” Coty took a deep breath and grasped the bottle of poppers. He whimpered as I forced his hole open with several inches of my shaft. “You’re doing great. It’s going to feel amazing once we open you up.” “It burns like crazy……just shove it in me….get it over with.” He desperately unscrewed the lid and hit the poppers. I grabbed his hips and tore into his gut. His ass cheeks slammed into my hips, and I felt his hole tighten around my shaft. Tears rolled down Coty’s cheeks. “I’m in….Just hold still for a bit. Your cunt feels so amazing.” Coty took several deep breaths and the vice grip of his cunt on my pole slowly relaxed. “Are you alright?” “Yeah....” “I’m definitely leaking precum so my virus is already in you.” “Fuck yes…..I want your poz cum.” I pumped my meat into Coty. “I’m so happy you want my toxic cock in your virgin hole. I want to give you my DNA. Feel my deadly “Oh my God….you were right…..this feels so incredible. I want your HIV….please give it to me.” I kept pumping his ass, working his hole wide open. “I’m getting close….are you sure you want it?” “yes…..poz me up. Cum in me.” “I’m going to shoot…..here it comes…..no turning back. Your virgin ass is mine forever.” My cock erupted, coating Coty’s intestine lining with my charged batter. “Feel my shaft pulsing in your cunt? You’re getting all my poz babies.” “Fuck….Oh Fuck, yes,” Coty exclaimed, and his neg cock unloaded its creamy spunk. Coty was grinning from ear to ear….. “Thank you so fucking much. I love this.” “Well, maybe you’ll love this too.” I pulled Coty to his feet and pushed him into the bathroom. “Get on your knees.” Coty knelt in front of me, and I drenched him in urine. He opened his mouth, and I filled it full of my piss. He swallowed a bunch down and spit the rest out down his body. I soaked his face, and he rubbed my piss all over his body. “This is so erotic.” He licked the piss from his lips. “I knew I would love it all.” Coty was well on his way to becoming one hot, poz pig………
    2 points
  7. He sent me a message on Grindr, we meet for dinner. on the way back to my hotel we keep stopping and kissing. get back to the room, as soon as the door is closed, he grabs me, starts taking off my clothes, and his. soon we are both naked, and are rolling around on the bed. he asks me if I have a condom, NOPE. then asks me if I am clean. I say yea (took a shower before meeting him for dinner). he tells me to fuck him bare. fucked him for about 15 minutes before I feel my load building. I ask him where he wants me to shoot. he tells me where ever I want. I shoot some in his ass, and pull out and finish all over his belly and cock. jack him off till he shoots all over his chest and belly. we clean up and more kissing before he has to leave. was a great session.
    2 points
  8. Part 2. "Yeah, baby?" Antoine teased, "you wanna get raped, is that it? You want your sweet little boypussy gangraped by ni#$a cocks?" He swatted my fingers out of my asshole and shoved his entire 12-inch cock up my chute in one monstrous stroke. I screamed out in pain, but Antoine just covered my mouth with his mitt-sized hands and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you filthy little whore! This is what you were begging for, so this is what you're going to get!" I knew that struggling would only make the pain worse, but I couldn't help it. It felt like Antoine was shoving a red hot poker up my ass, and I vainly tried to pull away, twisting and turning under his massive body. Worse, his hands were so big they covered my nose as well, making it almost impossible to breathe. "Stop!" I tried to yell, "I can't breathe!" but Antoine's enormous hands muffled my screams. With each breath, less and less air were reaching my lungs. The room began turning dark, and I started to panic, knowing that I was about to pass out. But then, the pain suddenly started to go away. Not only the pain, but the fear and the panic--everything started melting away, overpowered by the unbelievably warm, nerve-tingling sensation in my ass, which was getting stronger and stronger with every stroke of Antoine's cock. I could now feel every inch of his monster as it thrust in and out of my hole, and the sensation was more intense and pleasurable than I can describe. And with that, my body finally relaxed, I closed my eyes, and I stopped struggling. My screams died down and turned to moans of pleasure. I started thrusting my ass backwards to meet Antoine's strokes, welcoming him deeper into my body. He responded by releasing his hands and fucking me even harder, each brutal thrust hitting my windpipe and causing me to grunt. "There you go, little piggy, grunt for me!" he shouted, pulling the sock out of my mouth, "now that's what I'm talking about!" He started pummeling into me like a jackrabbit, pounding my ass with so much speed and power that pretty soon all I could hear was the sound of his balls slapping against my asscheeks. His eyes rolled back in his head, the veins in his neck started bulging, and his moans grew louder and louder--until he thrust into my ass with so much force that it knocked the wind out of me, lifted his head and roared like a wild animal. I could feel his engorged cock grow even bigger inside my ass, as he pumped load after load of ni#%a cum up my hole. "You're a nasty worthless little cunt!" he said as he was catching his breath, "but damn that's one hot fucking ass!" When he pulled his cock out, his warm, sticky cum started leaking out of my battered hole. Instinctively I reached down and scooped it up with my fingers and tasted it. Antoine laughed. "You like how I taste, baby?" he asked. "Yes, sir," I replied, and I meant it; his cum tasted like him--strong, powerful, and a bit dirty. When I started to lower my legs, his arms shot out and gripped my ankles. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he said, "we're just getting started!" He turned to Omar, and said, "come and get it ni#%a, these holes now all open for business!" --- To be continued ---
    2 points
  9. So I'm visiting a guy (black guy) with whom I've spoken on a daily basis by phone, text, and video chat for the past few months. Oh, and he has a boyfriend. We have discussed, at great length and detail, our sexual proclivities. Well, his boyfriend left this morning to visit his own friends in another state. Fast forward to tonight: we got drunk after a few drinks and shots, and watched a movie. We started leaning on one another which lead to groping, kissing, and dry humping. We then moved to the bed (his bed that he shares with boyfriend). We start making out and undressing, with me on my back and my friend rubbing his dick along my crack. This goes on for about three minutes, then we start 69ing for a few minutes. After this, I feel him lubing my ass and his dick. He slowly sinks his dick in my ass while alternating between kissing and sucking my nipple. Once in my ass he fucks rather hard after getting me high on poppers. Man, I felt great! He then got off the bed, kept me on my back, and resumed fucking me this way. He continued for another 15-minutes before blasting a huge load in my ass. Haha, when he pulled out a bunch of his cum leaked out and stained his comforter. We showered and I ordered him on the bed in his jock. He was in doggy style position and I immediately started rimming his hot ass while jacking him off. After about 10-minutes of rimming him I needed his dick, so I started to furiously suck his dick. About 5-minutes later I was rewarded with a massive, sweet tasting load in my mouth ... and of course I swallowed it all.
    2 points
  10. Hey guys sorry for the delay. Still writing another chapter. Most of my free time is shrinking I've been "tied up" literally by a hot daddy or 3 if u get my "point."
    2 points
  11. My fantasy was finally coming true. A gay couple I had known for a few years was having a party and had agreed to have me be the party favor. I would be put on a bed in the spare bedroom, naked, and the guests would be told that if they needed relief during the party to pay me a visit. When the first guests knocked, I went to the room, put on the blindfold and got on the bed. I could hear more people coming, the music started. It seemed like it was hours but I had no idea how long because the clock that was in the room had been unplugged, probably on purpose. Without warning, I heard someone tap on the door a couple of times and it opened. I didn't move. Whoever it was shut the door behind himself and I heard it lock. Guess he wanted to make sure our meeting stayed one on one. I heard him undress and then his hand was on the back of my head, pulling me towards the edge. As I eased to the side I felt his cock touch my lips. I wrapped my hand around it, opened my mouth and sucked him in deeply. It was a nice mid-sized cock and I could already taste precum leaking, which made me suck harder. I blew him with a good rhythm until he pulled his cock out of my mouth and crawled on the bed behind me. "Ass Up" he said, and I immediately got on my knees. I heard the lube open, he smeared some on my hole and pressed his cock against it. It all happened within a few seconds which made me realize he hadn't put on a condom. I relaxed and he eased forward, slipping completely in me in one slow stroke. It hurt a little but I kept quiet. He started fucking me with nice steady deep strokes which felt incredible. I moaned without meaning to and he sped up at a little. It must have turned him on to know I was enjoying it. He kept up the pace longer than I thought he'd last until he stopped on an instroke, sighed heavily and I could tell he was cumming. I tightened up my hole around his cock to milk him dry. He shuddered a couple of times, pulled out, smacked my ass and said 'thanks'. I was in slut heaven. I was just bred by a guy I never saw and wouldn't know it if I saw him on the street. The breeding was a surprise too. My friends had said most guys would be safe and there was a bowl of condoms on the nightstand by the lube. I trusted them because they know I'm negative, and just decided to go with it. I don't think I was alone very long before the door opened again. I heard the second guy undressed and he got on the bed behind me, all without saying a word. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me up so I was once again on my knees, ass in the air. I head the lube open and felt his cock touch my slick hole. He eased forward and just as his cock head popped in, I realized that he was a good bit thicker than the first guy. He held up a minute for me to get used to it. I guess he felt it when I pulled forward a little. To let him know I was ready, I pushed back against him, taking the rest of his dick in my hole. What his cock lacked in length, he made up for with girth because I felt the slight burn of being stretched good and tight. When he felt me push back, he grabbed my hips and started a steady jack hammer rhythm. He had good control and must have been in good shape because he fucked me like that for a good 15 minutes nonstop. I noticed his strokes get a little harder and thinking he was close I started moaning a little and pushing back again. That did the trick because he fucked me really hard for about 30 seconds, growled and went all the way in me. His cock was thick enough that I could feel it jerking as he pumped his cum into me. I didn't think he'd put on a condom either and reached back to check. Sure enough, I now had two loads in me. When he pulled out, my hole didn't close immediately from the thick pummeling he had given me. I clenched a few times to work it shut and keep the cum in me and got back on my stomach. The next guy had me get off the bed and suck him, which I eagerly did until he pumped the first load of the night in my throat. Over the next couple of hours, I was visited five or six more times. I swallowed three more loads and got fucked by two more guys, both of whom decided to use condoms. I could hear the party winding down and was wondering if it was over when the door opened and an unknown guy announced "There is one more guest who needs some attention but a few of the guests want to watch the show." Since I love to be watched I had been a little disappointed that all of the use I'd had up to this point had been one on one. And now I was going to be a public display too, as if the night could have gotten any better. I heard a few more people walk in the room and felt the bed move as someone got on behind me. I instinctively raised my ass up. I heard a condom wrapper being fumbled with, then the lube bottle clicked open. Some lube was squirted on my already slick with lube and cum hole. Then I felt a cock head rubbing around my ass. My first impression was that this might be the thickest of the night. It felt very blunt. The head moved some lube around then pressed against my hole. I relaxed and waited but nothing happened. The pressure increased as the guy leaned forward, but still nothing. Shit, this guy must be hung like a beer can. I pushed out slightly and pushed back a little and felt my ass spreading wide around what had to be the thickest cock I'd experienced. The head had started in, but I could feel I hadn't gotten all of the width yet. I eased forward, wiggled my ass around and pushed back. The rest of the head finally popped inside and I froze. If I hadn't been blindfolded I think my vision would have blurred. The thickness had pressed against my prostate, which thankfully gave me some pleasure to mix with the pain. I didn't move, hoping my ass would relax and stretch, not knowing if the guy would stop if I had to ask him too. The guy did have some mercy. He didn't move for a good minute or so, during which my ass did relax a little. He pulled back and the head popped out. I heard and felt some more lube being applied and then the blunt tip touched me again. I pushed out hard and eased back as he eased forward and the head went in followed by an inch or two of the shaft. I froze again; actually feeling like I might cum from the pressure on my prostate. After a short pause, he eased out, and back in, each time, giving me another half inch of so, and then I realized that while I was concentrating on the width, I hadn't considered the length. I felt stuffed so full of cock I could burst and I still hadn't felt his balls touch me. On the next in-stroke, it felt like he hit bottom and the pain started to overcome the pleasure. He kept making slow deliberate strokes, now hitting bottom on each one and I unconsciously pulled forward. This seemed to tick him off a little because he pushed me forward the rest of the way until I was flat on my stomach. He put his arm under me and kept fucking. Going forward was a bad idea because now I couldn't pull away. All I could do was lay there and take it. The pain did ease some with the new position and after a few dozen, ever deepening strokes, I could feel his balls against my ass cheeks. I almost smiled to myself knowing I had taken it and didn't have to tap out. My hole burned and I could feel the head of his cock in my guts but figured if he didn't last too long, I'd make it. He kept fucking me in a slow, steady rhythm and my ass kept relaxing until the pain was nearly gone. Needing him to come before my hole was completely torn up, I let out a moan and lifted my ass up to meet his thrust. His rhythm never changed, but the feeling inside me did. As my hole started burning more from being stretched so wide, the pressure on my prostate kept me feeling like I might cum. I'm one of those guys who, after I've cum, I've gotta stop, which made me know I had to prevent myself from having an orgasm at all costs. I felt his fingers run up my neck and into my hair as he gripped a fist full and used it to pull me back against him. I groaned loudly and kept raising my ass up against him, but still his rhythm never changed. I tried tightening up my ass but I was stretched so wide it didn't work. My hole was shot but still he kept fucking. My last resort to make him cum was repeatedly beg "Please give me your load." I might have begged, but still he fucked me. There was no change in rhythm, just an increasing soreness in my hole. I listened and sensed even the breathing of the observers hadn't changed. His hand was still in my hair and his cock was still so far in me I swear I could feel it in my chest. "Take my ass, Sir", I groaned, and as if my body were listening, I felt an enormous orgasm coming on. I tried to stop but felt the contractions start. I groaned loudly and my stomach was suddenly soaked with my own cum. I thought I heard a giggle as the fucking suddenly stopped. The massive cock was slowly pulled from me, one inch at the time. When the head exited, I could actually feel the cool air on the inside of me I was gaped so big. The blindfold was removed and after a few seconds of my eyes adjusting I looked back. Behind me on the bed was a female with a strap on that looked the size of a horse cock. Now it all made sense. The guy who had nearly ruined my ass, who I couldn't make cum, no matter how hard I tried, wasn't a guy after all. I swallowed hard knowing she could have gone on much longer, wondering at what point I would have used my safe word. Clapping broke out from the ten or so guests who had crowded into the room to watch..
    2 points
  12. I love it all, but the best part has to be the moment of breeding - the top speeds up his thrusting, his grunts get more intense, and I feel his cock pulsing as he spurts his spunk deep into me. I like being on my back with my legs in the air so I can look into his eyes and see his expression as he breeds me, and I know that a part of his DNA will be mine for ever.
    2 points
  13. My accidental night…(fiction) I was driving in a snowstorm and went off the road. There was no one around anywhere, no cell service, I was freezing and totally fucked. So I decided to walk towards a small shopping center, I was not prepared so I was freezing. Nothing was open except for a video store. So I walked in and asked if I could use the phone, I called a tow truck and they said it wouldn’t be until tomorrow since there was a huge accident on the main highway that was getting cleaned up. Fuck me. I ask the guy if there are any motels around, he said no, but there is a bathhouse that rents rooms for the night. I sigh, where is it? I ask. He says it’s attached to the building but you have to walk around the side of the building. I thank him and walk over. I walk in and it smells like chlorine. I ask if there are rooms and how much? The guy at the window says, 20 bucks. I say ok. I ask if there is a dryer I could use, the guy says bring me your wet clothes and I will dry them for you. I am grateful and thank him. The place is empty. I take my key and towel and quickly hit the room and lock the door behind me. Room is simple but it will do. I stripped down and wrapped myself in the towel and climb into bed to warm up. I dozed off and woke to a knock on the door, I jump up and ask who it is… Its John from the front desk, I open the door and it’s the guy, now wrapped in a towel. Where are your clothes? I am leaving soon and want to dry them for you before I head out. I thank him again and hand him the clothes. Be right back he says. A few minutes later he returns, closes the door, and asks what happened, I tell him and he says the accident would have made me sit in the car, so maybe its divine intervention. I laugh. Come with me to the sauna, there is no one here, so its ours. I say sure, and he loosens his towel and tightens it again, I get a glimpse of his cock, impressive, about 6 inches soft. He leads the way to the sauna, feels good in here I say. We chat more and he tells me he has to get home soon but knows the roads are still closed. Thirsty he asks? I say yes, be right back, he leaves and comes back with a couple waters. I grab mine and drink half the bottle right away. I lean back and its quiet, I feel light headed from the heat, he moves close to me and says, yeah its really hot in here. I guess a few others came in since I came now and were in the room. I heard him talking to them but didn’t know what was being said. Drink up bud, its hot, then we will go to the couch room and chill. I drink the rest and he helps me walk to the room, but we never make it, I start to fade out. I wake up in a sling, shackled in, unable to move, ass wide open. I suddenly feel something sharp in my hole, I feel it shoved in hard, I moan, its ok bud, its just a booty bump to help you loosen up, with that he shoved his finger deep in my ass, I feel the scratching deep in me and then a warm feeling in my ass. That should take quick since I cleaned him out before we put him in here. He then shoves his cock deep, all 9 thick inches. I start begging to be fucked. He laughs, oh we will. I glance around and there are about 12 guys in line. Each of them were sporting a biohazard tat in the same spot. We are initiating you to the club, you will have this tattoo as well. I get fucked by these guys multiple times, I am there 8 hours and just constantly fucked. My ass is dripping. Cleaning cocks that were in me. They take me out of the sling and put me on a filthy mattress, there is a guy on his back and they order me to ride him. A hot black guy with an 11 inch cock, the other guys pick me up and impale me with his cock. The then lean me over him and he starts fucking me, another guy comes up from behind and rams his cock in my ass, ripping me open, the black guy laughs out loud, awh did that hurt bitch? And fucks me harder, as does the other guy. I am the president of this club he tells me and I might take you as my own. With that he tells the other guy to get off and he flips me onto my back and fucks me like no one ever has. Hmmm I like you, he grabs a little box, opens it and finds the biggest rock, he pulls out shoves the rock in my ass and fucks it all the way in. He pounds me and stops, he cum’s, then fucks me again. This went on for a few hours. One final huge load, I couldn’t believe his stamina. He was a beauty however. I was coming down off my high. He told me he wanted to see me later that day. So I went to his place and he had a nice little dinner waiting, but he was naked and wanted to load me up before, during and after dinner. I gleefully obliged. I became his little PNP whore, I was his, we were together. I was at the gym with him everyday and I was in his bed every night, he also lent me out to his friends. Fully charged with lots of plus sign tattoos on my ass for the amount of poz loads I have taken. Worst night changed my life, and I will never regret it.
    1 point
  14. Well, it was time to visit Grandpa. That was until I discovered all these hot bareback sex sites on the 'net and found that while it made me sick, it also made me hard. I started reading all the stories I could find and would go on icq and chatrooms and get off on the heady world of barebacking. After months of this, it dawned on me that I really wanted to do it. I wanted to be pozzed, even if I was only 18. And better yet, I didn't have to look very hard to find a guy to poz me, it could be a family affair. Yeah, you guessed it. I want my Grandpa to do the honors and breed my teenage ass. So, one Saturday I caught the bus out to the hospice, which was located just over the City line, and was run by Jerry, a very nice man, and his partner, Trevor, both of whom were in their twenties. Jerry and Trevor oversaw the hospice and on this occasion there were about twenty men staying there, all of whom had AIDS. I had been here several times before, but generally had found the place depressing, perhaps because I had never taken the time to appreciate the finer beauty of the disease. Instead, on earlier trips I had focused on the smell of death which pervaded the hospice, and, to be honest, I found it difficult to watch my Grandpa waste away. He had been a vital and fit man who lived life to the fullest, but at this point his very body was rotting from within, his muscles had wasted, although he still looked fairly good, I suppose, as his body was still lean and tight. I also distinctly remember my grandfather generally seemed happy, even if he was dying. Upon arriving I chatted with Jerry, and he remarked how happy he was to see me again, and continued saying my grandfather often spoke of eagerly of my visits, telling all his friends that I was a fine and good-looking young man. I blushed at hearing his description, only to have Jerry look me up and down and confirm the truth of my grandfather's compliment. I looked at him, and wondered if I should read a message in Jerry's remark, but Jerry simply smiled and mentioned it had been awhile since there was someone really fit and healthy in the hospice, and in the course of his remarks, casually let it slip that both he and Trevor were also infected. I looked at him somewhat incredulous, but couldn't deny to myself that my dick was bulging in my shorts at the very thought. Jerry offered me a chair and chatted for several minutes, mentioning he had been pozzed several years earlier, and that he was one of those men who hated condoms and so one night he simply decided to stop using them. The rest, as they say, was history. I asked about Trevor, and Jerry said he had, in all likelihood, infected Trevor. Encouraged by his openness, I asked all sorts of questions, thinking to myself that I felt almost as if my cock was about to shoot. It was all too much. Jerry told me that infecting Trevor hadn't hurt their relationship, as Trevor wanted to convert, taking the view that as he was young and sexually active, it was only a matter of time before he became infected anyway, so it made sense to be converted by someone he loved? I remarked that Trevor's view made sense. After a few minutes Jerry commented that I seem very interested in raw sex. I responded "Yeah, I'm into it, well, I wanna be into it. I've been reading a lot of stories off the 'net and chatting to poz guys around the world." Jerry asked how I would summarize my thoughts, and I replied "Well, it freaks me out, but I can't stop thinking about it and my best jack-off fantasies are thinking about some guy fucking me raw and infecting me." Jerry smiled, and remarked "I can see you're into it, if only 'cause you're rock hard." I blushed when I realized my excitement had resulted in a full hard-on that was tenting my shorts. I look over at Jerry and he laughed as I was bright red, but he told me there was no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed, as it was a natural reaction. He went on, remarking that hot bareback sex was hot, and that when I was ready I'd make the right decision. I considered telling him the reason for my visit, but decided to hold off, as I was worried about how he might react. Then after some more conversation, in which he told me some stories involving his hottest bareback encounters, he suggested I must be anxious to see my Grandpa. I replied that I was, and with that he led me to my Grandfather's room. It was time to visit Grandpa. "Grandpa?" Standing at his door, I knocked and waited for a few seconds, but didn't hear a reply, so I cautiously opened the door and peered in. Empty. Grandpa wasn't there, but I decided to wait his room for him. I made myself comfortable on his bed and, looking around, I saw his night table was littered with bottles of poppers and some porn magazines. The magazines all had a common thread: youngish guys being fucked raw by older men, some of whom were old enough to be my grandfather. I flipped through the pages and felt my cock bulging again, so I picked-up the poppers, unscrewed the lid and took several deep sniffs, thinking to myself, 'Oh fuck, this is good stuff'. The sensation was overwhelming and, as I felt my heartbeat quicken, I also felt the rush overcome me and I felt the need for cock as I salivated while looking at the photos. It was too much. I needed to beat my cock, so I pulled off my shorts and sat there on my Grandpa's bed, jacking my cock while taking repeated sniffs from the brown bottles, sampling each different brand. Rush. Jungle juice. Pig sweat. Mmmmm! I spat on my fingers and work some saliva into my hole, jacking my cock vigorously. It felt great and I longed to be one of those young guys in the fuckrags taking cock from an older man cock into my ass and throat. I wanted to be a whore for men. I got up on the bed and bent over, working a finger into my ass. In so doing, I accidentally dropped the bottle of poppers and in reaching down to pick it up, I noticed a crusty looking vibrator gleaming under the bed. Perfect! Seeing that Grandpa wasn't available, his vibrator would be the next best thing. I took a few more hits from the poppers and greedily wrapped my lips around the crusty vibrator, coating it with my spit. Then, lapping the foul tasting juices off it, I took it down my throat. getting it nice and sticky with my teenage spit. I then take another sniff from the poppers and after sucking on the vibrator a bit more work it slowly into my hole, feeling it push at my virgin ass and thrust inside my cherry. God it felt good. I thrust the vibrator slowly into my hole and moaned as I felt my ass twitching in response to the penetration and longing to feel a real cock in my ass. God, I still can't believe what I did. Here I was, on my Grandpa's bed and fucking myself with his vibrator. But as my ass slowly opened up and adjusted to the vibrator, I stopped thinking where I was, or with what I was fucking myself. I needed to be fucked. So I thrust the vibrator in harder, took a few deep huffs from the bottle of poppers, and fucked myself even harder. And then it happened. I felt my balls tense-up and my ass sucked in the vibrator a little bit more, my balls drew up and my body spasmed as I sprayed my cum on the bed sheets. My load sprayed out of my cock which was twitching wildly, shooting load after load of seed over the bed sheets, drenching a poz man's bed with my neg load. After cleaning up a little and pulling my shorts back on, I looked around the room further and came across a photo album which was filled with hundreds of photos, some of which showed my Grandpa as a young man of my age, and even more surprisingly, it included photos of my Grandpa at close to his current age, having sex with guys of all ages. I flipped through the album, and examined each photo carefully, noticing that some of the photos had a caption, including remarks like 'Bred this one' and 'Didn't want it, but changed his mind with a dose of X'. My god! The album was a virtual treasure trove of some of my Grandpa's sexual exploits. After settling back on the bed I flipped through the pages and felt myself getting hard again. Looking at the photos of one young guy being fucked, I couldn't help but feel the need to beat off and dream about how hot it was to look at photographs of my Grandpa fucking his poz cock into the boy, making the guy his poz bitch. Man. Talk about a trip. And then it dawned on me: my Grandpa was a breeder! My god. The realization was enough to make me wanna shoot, but I somehow held off and keep looking at the photos while my dick leaked precum over my stomach. As I sat there looking at the photos I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and further it almost seemed as if the room was crashing in on me. I wanted to be bred at a hospice filled with men with full-blown AIDS. Seeing the numerous fuck rags and bottles of poppers in my Grandpa's room. And just where is Grandpa? Shouldn't he be here? I assumed Jerry had understood my Grandfather was in his room, but obviously he must have been mistaken. Just then I saw the door slowly open. "Grandpa!" "Adam? God, boy, it's good to see you!" We hugged and I felt a bit embarrassed that I was still hard and hoped he didn't notice. "Its great to have you here boy. I've missed you." And with that he noticed the open photo album on the bed and commented "Ah, I see you've discovered some of my secrets." "Yeah. I didn't mean to pry. It was just that once I started looking at the photographs I couldn't help seeing more." "No need for explanations, boy. Judging from that nice cock that I see you're packing, it's obvious you enjoyed what you saw." Fuck. He noticed. I stood there blushing and imagining the bright shade of crimson I was turning, but Grandpa just laughed and hugged me again and patted my crotch. Then he invited me to sit on the bed and we had a long man to man talk. Since he knew I was aware of at least some of his 'secrets', my Grandfather was quite free in his remarks, and there was no ice between us. I told him of my reasons behind wanting to visit and he expressed some surprise that I wanted him to breed me. He wasn't shocked that I want to be bred, no, he understood that all too well. He knew what a fucking turn on it was to take poz cum - as well as to give it. I asked him what it was like for him to shoot his poz cum into all the guys whose photographs I had seen in the photo album, and he replied "It was fantastic. Shooting poz cum into a neg body is an amazing turn-on, knowing that once his raw cock was inside the guy's ass, that it would be up to him as to whether he filled the guy's hole with poz seed, admitting "Sure, some guys didn't want it, but that just made me even more determined to give it to them." I smiled and asked how he became a breeder, and Grandpa replied "It was a natural extension of taking and giving loads. Many years ago, when I was neg, I would go out to baths when Grandma was home baking or off shopping with friends, and while I loved your Grandma, Adam, it wasn't enough. Sometimes a man needs more than a woman can provide. And so it was with me and your grandmother. I loved her deeply but found the sex I was getting at the baths was much better than anything she was providing back home." When I asked him when he sero-coverted, Grandpa gave a hearty laugh and slapped me on the back, remarking "My, you sure are well-educated, aren't you?" adding "Honestly, I don't know when I converted - I fucked around with many, many men, so it could have been virtually anyone." I then gulped and asked him if it made fucking Grandma difficult, knowing he was out fucking unsafely with other men and then doing her. He just smiled back at me and answered "Not at all, Adam," giving me a sleazy leer. I was shocked, and in my mind, begin questioning the circumstances that led to my Grandma's death. She was sick rather suddenly and was sick for a long time before she died. My god. Did my Grandpa breed my Grandma? I slumped back against the wall and looked at my grandfather in a whole new light. Grandpa noticed the shocked expression on my face, and asked "You alright, Adam?" "Yes," I replied, adding "It's just that I can't help wondering if you infected Grandma." Grandpa laughed and replied "Maybe I did, but she's dead now, and besides, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, Adam." He then laughed and I couldn't help but, in some way, admire his confidence: infecting and bugging up others and not giving a shit what happened. Just looking out for himself. Grandpa then looked at me affectionately and complemented me, saying how wholesome I look, and adding that it had been a long time since he had seen such a hot, healthy boy in the hospice. I asked him how life was in the hospice, and he answered it was really good, that sometimes the guys had bareback orgies and occasionally a boy will come into the hospice, the grandson of one of the other men who stay here, and that he will suck off several men, as other men fuck his neg ass and poz him up. Grandpa mentioned that even Jerry and Trevor occasionally got in on the action. I replied "That's pretty hot shit, Grandpa, and I love bareback" and with that our conversation moved onto my experiences. I told Grandpa that, for many years, I had had fantasies of men barebacking my neg raw ass, but only after seeing some of the bareback sites on the 'net was I was finally able to express verbally what I wanted, that when I saw the pictures and stories on the 'net part of me would feel sick, but I would also feel a sexual flush: I'd sweat, retch and feel nauseous, but my cock would be bulging in my jocks and straining for a marathon jack-off session. Seeing he was turned-on by the thought, I continued, saying that sometimes during class I would excuse myself 'cause I found myself looking at my hairy teacher in mathematics, and found myself thinking about him creaming in my young hole. Fucking me up and dominating my body. Afterwards I'd walk around the campus and see some of the other students and think how hot it would be to take all their loads, and I'd start jacking, thinking about some older men with HIV, fucking their poz cocks into my hole and changing my status, pumping their seed deep into my body and converting me whether or not I wanted it. Grandpa replied my fantasies were hot, but he pushed me for specific experiences I had had. I returned his gaze, and blushed, saying that when it came to actual encounters with guys, my experiences were few, and that beyond sucking a few cocks, and having had a few guys come on my face and chest, that I hadn't any stories to offer. Grandpa laughed, saying "That's nonsense. Looking at you, it's clear you have many things to offer, and all you need is a guide, an instructor, if you will. Someone to coach you about sex." I returned his gaze and asked "Will you help me, Grandpa?" Again he laughed, replying "Of course, Adam, I'll help you, boy!" and with that he gave me a rather wicked leer, adding "And now it is time for your training to begin, Adam, so follow me out to the patio. There are a few people I want you to meet." Grandpa led out to the back were a group of older men were sunning themselves. Some wore jocks, while others were fully nude. I noticed one man smiling broadly at me. He was a black man who appeared to be in his 40s. While I couldn't help but stare at his emaciated body, I also couldn't help but stare at the bulging nine inch black snake hanging between his legs. It was massive and I could already feel my ass twitching. Following my gaze, Grandpa quietly remarked "That's Frank" and introduced me to the group. Although apparently some of the residents of the hospice had gone out on a day trip with Trevor, over a dozen men were present on the patio. All were very friendly, and all but one was old enough to be my father or... grandfather. The youngish guy was in his 20's, and I eventually learned he had the supervirus strain, and had been infected when he was 17. After he continued fucking around for a number of years, he found he was getting sicker by the day and hence, he was admitted to the hospice. I looked over the young guy and although wasting, he still had a prettyboy look about himself, even if his face and body were obviously being ravaged by the virus. He commented that if I wanted it, he could help me out, and his strain would help me get over being so nervous about HIV. I just smiled and replied, "Thanks, but no thanks." As we chatted, I noticed Frank looking on appreciatively as he slid his fingers over his enormously long and thick black cock, which had a glob of pre-cum oozing from the head. He smiled and winked at me. I quickly turn away, embarrassed by his blatant invitation. Grandpa looked on, laughed and suggested I make myself comfortable, adding that he needed to go out briefly, but that he'd be back soon. With that Grandpa asked his friends to look after me, and he left the patio. With Grandpa's departure, I felt a bit edgy, but the men were all very nice and accommodating. If fact, several of them were clearly sizing me up, and Frank continued stroking his ever-growing black cock while he looked intently at me. I couldn't take my eyes off of Frank, and not surprisingly kept imagining the different ways I might enjoy his cock. It was just so big and fat. I wanted to kneel there and tongue the fucking pre-cum off it, running my tongue up and down the gooey shaft and lapping at his balls and letting him push me around. Being a black man's toy. The idea appealed to me enormously, particularly given that I had had limited to so few actual encounters with men, and then, never an interracial encounter. And I knew Frank wanted to play with me: I could see it in his eyes. He wanted to fuck his big cock into me and give me his poz cum. Fuck, I bet he had pozzed hundreds, maybe thousands, in his lifetime. Given the appeal of big cock, he'd have no shortage of guys wanting to swing on it. These thoughts ran through my head and naturally I was horny, so I asked where the toilet was, and upon learning it's location, I took leave of the guys. I needed some relief fast: I needed both to piss and beat off. Hurrying to the toilet, I entered the stall and shut the door. Inside I found some fuckrags on the floor, as well as a half-empty bottle of poppers. I took a few deep hits of the poppers and enjoyed the sensation. Of course I had read about them off the 'net but prior to this visit to Grandpa's hospice, I had never tried them, as it had occurred to me the use of poppers is one of the reasons bareback sex is so rampant: guys get all fucked up on substances, lose their inhibitions and do what they really want. But then who gives a shit about analyzing this fuck when the hit takes hold and you get that rush and euphoric sensation coursing through your body? I sat on the toilet, stroking my cock, as I looked through the magazines, taking an occasional additional hit from the little brown bottle. Fuck I was so horny, and wished Grandpa was with me right then and there. I knew I could really use some cock. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I didn't reply, but continued beating off, but then there was another knock. "Occupied" I answered, adding "I'll just be a few minutes," but then the door opened and standing in the doorway was Frank, his cock hanging out, swaying back and forth, pre-cum drooling from the tip. "Oh, I think you'll be in here for some time, Adam" and with that he pushed himself into the toilet. I stared back dumbly at Frank and tried to gauge his smile. I told him I was a bit embarrassed, that I was just sitting there minding my own business, but Frank answered he was having none of that, that he could clearly see what I had been doing, that is, I had been beating my cock while looking to fuckrags, even as I was loaded up on poppers! I replied it wasn't a crime, but undeterred, Frank answered he wasn't accusing me, suggesting that I could use some company. I answered I didn't think that was such a good idea and he gave me an ultimatum: "Tell me that while you're high on poppers, boy!" I retorted I didn't have to do anything, but he replied that if I didn't comply with his orders, he would simply rape my ass and take what he wanted. I looked back at him and knew he meant business, so I did what he said. I unscrewed the lid of the brown bottle and took a deep sniff. "Ahhh that's it kid, take some deep snorts, you know you want to." I took three hits under each nostril and tried to remain steady on my feet as I looked back at Frank, but couldn't think of anything relevant to say. I just looked at him and felt saliva forming on my lips and tongue and realized I was beginning to drool. Frank just looked at me and instructed me to sit on the seat and to feed on his cock. I obeyed. Everything seemed to be moving simultaneously both quickly and slowly, that it wasn't really happening, that I wasn't sitting on a toilet seat and being stripped by a black man at an AIDS hospice and sucking his poz cock, sucking it for all I was worth, running my tongue and lips up and down his pole, and letting him fuck the head of his cock down my throat. God, the sensation was overwhelming. It was better than anything I'd read off the 'net, if only 'cause I wasn't imagining the experience, I was living it: I was having sex with a poz man! *** Frank continued fucking his cock in and out of my stretched mouth. My lips felt like they splitting open at the corners as I struggled to deep-throat the fucker. It went on steadily for some time till Frank announced he was going to fuck his entire nine inch cock down my throat, and he suggested I tell him when I was ready. I was psyched for the challenge but realized I needed more help, so I unscrewed the poppers again and took several sniffs under each nostril and then looked up and him and he asked me "Ready, boy?" I looked back at him and nodded, but he hit me in the face, grabbed a fist full of my hair and tells me to ordered me to tell him when I was fucking ready, not merely to just fucking nod! "I'm ready, Sir!" I grab the cock and put my mouth on it but Frank tells me to wait. That he wants to feed his Poz cock to me. So I sit on the seat beating my cock while looking up at him and he tells me to just put my lips on the end of it and to tell him when i'm ready. I feel a bit uncertain so sniff more poppers to help me loosen up and put my lips on the end of his cock as ordered and say with a mumbled voice "i'm ready" and wait for Frank to start. He simply looks back at me and states "you're a fucking hot pussyboy adam... and soon, you're going to be even hotter" i wonder what he means for a second or two and as the realization hits (along with the popper-induced effect) Frank begins thrusting his fat Poz black cock through my lips and struggle as it quickly fills my throat and i began gagging. "Loosen your throat boy. Pretend you're swallowing some water" i take his advice and slowly feel my throat relaxing to the ever-probing cock in my throat and am soon deep throating it like a pro. Sucking Poz cock like I have been doing it all my life. The sensations are incredible. I greedily thrust my lips back and forth on his Poz cock eager for his seed and soon have my lips, tongue and the rest of my face covered in pre-cum and saliva. Frank just smiles and continues fucking my face. ... after what seems an eternity, Frank tells me i'm ready and tells me to bend over. I don't object. I want cock in my ass now. I feel Frank kneeling behind me and pressing his tongue into my quivering hole and greasing me up with his spit. Feeling his tongue work its way over my hole and into my ass its too much and I feel like i'm gonna cum, but Frank sensing this, tells me to stop beating my cock and to just fuck my ass on his face and I do so. Fucking my neg boy asshole on his AIDS ridden gaunt-laden face. Wondering if he has sores on his tongue and is fucking them into my body? Frank stands back up and tells me to take a good snort of poppers as he's gonna fuck my hole good and I comply. Resistance is futile! And then it happens; I feel Frank pushing his Poz cock up into my ass and realize i'am now like one of the boys that that guy zach writes about on the net. The realization is overwhelming and I feel my cock stiffen further as i feel my ass swallowing up the long black cock thrusting ever upward into me. God I don't know what to think? Just a few days ago I was a normal teen sitting at home reading stories off the net and now here i'am living my own story and being fucked by a Poz cock – at an AIDS hospice. Talk about living fast! But somehow none of that really registers or matters to me now. All that matters is that Poz cock thrusting away in my ass and giving my body to Frank and as I feel him wrap his arms around me and pull me backward, I hear him say to me that he's gonna Poz me up. And just then as i hear the words I start to struggle. I don't want this man's load. I want my Grandpa's!!! He was the whole reason I came to the hospice in the first place. But now i'm a mess of confusion. God I don't know what to think. Does any of it really matter in the end? Do I care who Pozzes my neg hole? I just don't know... As I feel Frank thrusting his big black cock in me, a cock full of AIDS cum, i think of Grandpa and can't help but wish he was here right now fucking me. That was the whole reason behind my visit to the hospice – to get bred by my Grandpa. Still, as I feel Frank rutting away in my hole and filling it with his splooge and getting ready to seed me I can't help deny that this feels fucking fantastic. I'm no longer just jacking my cock thinking about some guy pummeling my hole with his AIDS cock, its really happening! And it's so much better than anything than I could have imagined. Feeling my ass take his entire cock and feeling it thrust away inside my neg body. Knowing that he has the power to Poz me if he so decides. That is a very heady feeling. Knowing that my health lies in his hands. That at any moment he can make a life-altering decision for me and that which fucks me, could ultimately kill me. Make me die. Change me from a healthy neg teen into a diseased Pozzed-up cumwhore. "Oh fuck... " i feel Frank's cock thrust in deeper and as it does so, it slides against my prostate and my body is racked with pleasures, the likes I have never known. "Oh god... " I begin thrusting back harder on Frank's cock as I take another hit of poppers and tell him to fucking tear my hole up and shoot his Poz cum into me. I want it so bad. I've never wanted anything so bad... Frank slams his Poz cock in and out of my ass and tells me he's gonna charge my hole. Really fucking give it to me. That i'm just a pussyboy asking for it and with that I feel his cock get hotter in my ass. Maybe it was the poppers, maybe it was the sheer pleasure I was feeling, but I could have sworn that his cock felt hot in my ass just then. And then it happens. Frank's balls draw up and he tells me he is about to cum and then I feel like a loaded gun is going off inside my neg ass and i feel all warm inside and can feel his Poz cum shooting inside my body. Drenching my insides and coating my asswalls with his diseased load. "Oh fuck... " Frank holds onto me and slams his cock back and forth as more cum sprays out of his piss-slit into me. It's never-ending and my hole feels like its taken a bucket full of Poz cum deep inside. I just stand there gasping at the sheer pleasure. Defeated, and wanting more. And then I think of Grandpa. I had thought he would be the first man to fuck his Poz cock into me. But he wasn't. It was this slimy diseased black fucker Frank and his thick gooey AIDS-laden cock. A black man tearing up a white boy's ass. He was the one. God... Frank squeezes the last of his AIDS cum into my neg ass and slowly slides his thick cock out of my ass; telling me that I was a hot fuck and that any time I want some more of that, to just come to his room. I don't reply. In fact, I feel like nothing is really registering. I realize that i'm in shock. I then hear the door close behind Frank and knowing i'am alone, crumple to the floor. It then all finally hits. I've taken Poz cum in my ass. Been fucked. Raped. I didn't even ask for it. And yet, I didn't really put up much of a struggle did i? The poppers clouded my judgment and now I have a Poz load saturating my insides like all those boys zach writes about. But this is real. It's not some story i've read on the net. This is my life and its really happening. So I just sit there on the toilet for several minutes collecting my thoughts and then, standing up, notice the pain in my ass. God, its hurts. Frank's cock was so big. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my first time would be that brutal and would be with someone like him. But it was, and now I have to deal with it. I grab some toilet paper and wipe my ass; noticing the sheets of paper are coated with cum and streaked with blood. Shit. My hole is torn. Still, it doesn't really matter I guess. I've taken Poz cum in my ass. Poz cum. Does it really matter if there is blood? I suppose not. As I stand there wiping my crack, I decide this is all too much to deal with and after pulling back on my clothes, go back to my Grandpa's room and lie on the bed thinking about what just happened. Maybe all of this is my fault? After all, I was attracted to Frank. Hell, when I saw him out on the patio stroking that big black cock of his, I was spellbound. I'd never seen something so enticing in person before... and that's why I needed to beat off in the toilet so bad. So, why am I upset? I should be happy! Frank obviously liked me as well. That's why he pushed his way into the toilet and fucked my mouth and ass. Made me his. I guess the real problem is that i'm having trouble coping with the fact i've just taken Poz cum and my mind is trying to sort through everything i'am feeling. It's all rushing at me and little of it is making sense. But then, maybe it's not meant to? Maybe this is that primal desire zach writes about so much. Giving into what your body really craves, regardless of what your mind might be telling you. God, I wish he was here so I could talk about the encounter with him. Tell him what i'm experiencing and thinking. I'm sure he'd understand and have some comforting words to say to me. But i'm alone. And there's nobody to talk to. Not even my Grandpa. So I sit here alone thinking about what just happened and as I do, something strange happens. My cock, which has been oozing pre-cum all over my shaft and balls, gets hard again. Obviously, my body likes what happened, even if my mind is still playing catch up. And then it dawns on me. I just had a black man fuck his Poz cock deep in my ass and shoot his diseased cum in me. Fuck. Why the hell am I upset? This was the whole reason behind my visit to the hospice in the first place. To get Pozzed. Okay, so my Grandpa wasn't the one who fucked me but then who cares! I have Poz cum in my ass. That's all that really matters. As I think about Frank fucking his big cock into me, I strip down and bending over, work a finger into the cum oozing from my ass and wipe the slime over my full lips, licking the cum off it. It tastes so good. Poz cum. And then it dawns on me, I want some more. More Poz cum in my ass and almost involuntarily I pull my asslips apart and moan. I think about Frank fucking his big cock into my ass again and take a deep sniff of poppers, making sure to get the fumes under each nostril and inhaling several times. "Oh fuck... " i'm so lost in desire that I don't notice the door opening and before I can react, hear my Grandpa's voice. "Adam? What are you doing boy... ?" "Oh my god! Grandpa!" I quickly right myself and Grandpa just stands there watching as I pull my shorts back on. I make up some excuse about being horny but he's having done of that. He tells me he saw cum oozing from my ass. "I've seeded enough holes in my lifetime Adam to know when someone has been fucked. And you my boy, have been fucked!" Grandpa looks back down at me inquisitively but demanding and so I tell him. I tell him how Frank fucked his Poz cock into me and how much it hurt but how much I loved it at the same time. Grandpa, at first, wants to go have a ‘word' to Frank but I tell him no; that would only create a scene, and besides I enjoyed it. Grandpa puts his arm around me and pulls me close. "But Frank's Poz Adam. You realize what that means don't you?" I tell him yes, I do. But that it doesn't bother me. Deciding the moment is finally right, I tell my Grandpa that the only thing I regret about the encounter is that he wasn't the first. I look back at my grandfather and ask him "will you fuck me now?" And he stares back full of lust, and tells me yes. "Drop those shorts boy and assume the position. Its time for Grandpa to fuck you boy" yep u guessed it. "That's it Adam. Spread your ass cheeks for me" i pulled my asscheeks as far apart as possible and bent right down on the bed. My ass high in the air behind me. I felt Grandpa's fingers prying at my hole and him pushing two of them in me and then lapping at the juices on them as he pulled them out. "Mmmm. Frank always does cum a lot" I heard him moan in pleasure before he did something most unexpected... "Grandpa? Wha? What are you doing? Ahhhhh. Oh god... " my Grandpa had buried his face in my hole and was licking out my ass. Sucking around my hole and licking and sucking on Frank's load which was still oozing out of my hole like some bubbly foam. It felt so good. I'd never been rimmed in my life before and never expected my Grandpa would be my first. It felt wonderful. Grandpa, meanwhile, was having the time of his life eating out his young grandson's ass and working his diseased sore ridden tongue back and forth in the young boy. He loved the taste of cum and though he was a bit mad that Frank had fucked the boy, he had definitely done a good job. Ripping his grandson's ass right up and fucking it with his AIDS load. Grandpa was hoping he would have been the first but he knew when he had left and saw the hungry look in Frank's eyes, that it would have only been a matter of time before Frank pounced and lunged his lethal cock in the boy. And besides, as Grandpa knew only too well, good-looking boys like his grandson Adam were meant to be fucked. That's all that mattered. They should be fucked hard ... and often. And Adam would be fucked a lot in his lifetime. Just looking over his grandson's beautiful body that much was obvious. Grandpa was a randy AIDS fucker and loved eating out the young hole before him but he wanted to do more than just eat the ass. He wanted to fuck it and fuck it hard. He may not have been the first but he wanted his grandson to remember this experience. Given the 1000's that would no doubt follow, that would not be an easy task to be sure, but he was damned if he would give it his best. And besides, Grandpa had fucked many boys like just his grandson in his lifetime. It was one of the reasons he had been so active and notoriously active in fucking young boys up. He had often fantasized about his grandson as Adam visited him over the years and lost count of the loads he had blown in the shower or down the toilet while thinking about ripping those tight blue jeans down and fucking his grandson in the ass. Fucking him with his AIDS cock and making the boy a cumdrenched teenage fuckslut. That's why the revelation from Adam that he had wanted to be fucked by him and Pozzed had been such a wonderful surprise. So Grandpa got some lube from a drawer, and coated his large slimy cock which was sticking out from his groin like an obscene weapon of mass destruction, and pushed it hard into the boy and told Adam that he was gonna fuck his hole up good and proper. Really fuck him hard. He heard Adam cry out and knew it was hurting the boy, especially after the pounding Frank had given him, but he didn't relent. He lunged at the hole and fucked his big cock back and forth in his grandson's ass and told Adam to take several hits of poppers to lesson the pain. "It'll let you take more without hurting you. The pain will turn into pleasure" Adam knew he was right. He was surprised at how effective these fucking little bottles of fucklust were. They were able to be absorbed into the body and make even the most painful experiences pleasurable. They gave rise to the body's natural fucklust and enabled the person to erode their inhibitions. And they felt so good... Adam took several hits from the bottle under each nostril and waited a few seconds for the effect to take hit. Three, two, one... Bingo. "Fuck me Grandpa. Fuck me! Yesssssss... Tear my hole up! Fuck me with your big cock. I want it so bad... " Adam gripped the bedsheets and thrust back at his Grandpa like a diseased whore in a brothel. Which he was in many ways. Getting assfucked by these AIDS ridden fuckers. He wanted all of them. As he fucked his ass back onto the big AIDS cock in his hole, that was tearing up inside his young body, he thought about all the other men in the hospice and how much he wanted them all to fuck his ass. To fuck him with their diseased cocks and fucking spooge all of his holes with their AIDS cum. He wanted it all. It felt so good having my Grandpa's cock finally in my ass. I loved each thrust as I felt the old man fuck his cock deeper into my hole. Every inch of his lethal cock was embedded in my ass and I moaned and snorted poppers like the young whore I was. Grandpa, meanwhile, was having the time of his life. He loved how tight Adam's asshole was. Even Frank's big cock tearing it up and spooging it full of cum hadn't loosened it much. Grandpa liked tight holes. Problem was that good looking boys often lost that as they got fucked repeatedly. Sure enough, Adam, would be just like them. Grandpa knew as much. Adam would be like those boys he had fucked at the clubs and parks over the years with a hole that hung permanently open from repeated fucking but then that was the life of a good looking boy – to get fucked and be of service to anyone that wanted to use them. The sooner Adam learnt that, the better off he would be. Adam thrust his ass back on to his grandfather's cock and moaned as Grandpa gripped his waist and sunk all of his inches deep into his young grandson's hole; savoring every moment. Especially as he had jacked thinking of doing something like this so many times over the years. Now it was a reality. Grandpa fucked the boy in many different positions; he had his grandson lay down on the bed, fucked him doggie-style and got the boy to bend over while standing up. But for the climax he wanted to see his grandson's eyes so he fucked him legs up as his sweaty young grandson lay back on the bed and threw his legs apart and over his grandfather's shoulders. "Oooooohhhhhhh" Adam moaned. "Don't stop cause i'm halfway there Grandpa. This feels ahhhh, sooooooooooo goooooddddd" Grandpa thrust his big cock back and forth in the hole and loved how Frank's Poz load stuck to his cock as he thrust it along the abused asslips. He looked down with a lust he hadn't felt in some time and told Adam how much he loved him and how hot his hole was. Adam just grinned and said to fuck him harder and thrust his ass back onto the cock, embedding it all in his torn ass. That's when it happened. Grandpa felt his balls draw up and as Adam arched his head back Grandpa unloaded in his grandson's willing ass. Drenching it with another load of AIDS cum. He felt his cock spasm wildly and cum shoot out of the tip; saturating his grandson's cum-filled hole. It felt so good. Adam meanwhile was jacking like crazy and wanted to cum badly. He really wanted to shoot his fucking load over his stomach but Grandpa sensing the boy's urgency told him to hold off doing that. That he had a better idea where to shoot the load and bent over for the boy. "Fuck me boy. Fuck your Grandpa" Adam lost in lust didn't even think about it. He just used some of the cum dripping out of his ass, lubed his stiff teenage cock and lunged towards his Grandpa's hairy asshole and fucked his neg cock into the AIDS body. It was a feeling unlike any other. He was now a top fucking an AIDS man. It was incredible. Grandpa moaned as he felt Adam fucking his cock into his hairy ass and knew it wouldn't take long for the boy to cum but he wanted the load to go somewhere where it would become part of him. Adam felt his balls draw up and with a strangled cry, yelled out and unloaded his neg cum into his Grandpa's ass. It was a cum unlike any other. It was the best fuck of his life. Fucking with his Grandpa had been an awesome experience and as the two lay there together sweating and panting, he knew it was only the beginning. That they would share many other incredible adventures together. A new life had been formed.
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  15. David is an 18 year old boy that my buddy Steve introduced me to. The first time I met David he was a little bashful and shy but Steve assured me that the kid would be up for some adventure. The three of us hung out for a couple of hours ... and when I drove David home, he pointed out where I should pick him up that night. It turns out that he was going to climb through his bedroom window because his parents were .... well you get the picture. That first night I took David to an after hours house party. I paraded him around for an hour or so and then took his young boy ass to one of the bedrooms. With a little coaxing I got him to strip out of his tee shirt, loosen his shorts and pull out his seriously large cock for a couple other guys to see. Without much more effort David ended up on his knees sucking cock for most of that night. I watched him gulp down 5 loads of cum but there were probably twice that many or more ... honesty I was kinda preoccupied for most of the evening getting fucked. Turns out he got fucked several times that night too. It was when I took David to the SAWMILL campground that I knew he had become a complete and total slut. By now I'd fucked him a bunch of time and had even taken him to a sex party but David at the Sawmill campground was better than a kid (which he was) in a candy story (which it was). We got there early Friday evening and he stuck pretty close but by Saturday mid morning he was completely at ease and pretty much running around on his own without much drama. By that afternoon he had vanished which I guess should have had me a little worried (but honesty it didn't - LOL). There were dozens of trailers, motor homes, cabins, tents and trails leading from place to place. I figured David knew exactly were to find me if he need or wanted anything - plus I was having a great time just hangin out at the pool. Late Saturday evening I found him again - It looked like he had been cruzing the bathroom at the pool area. David was gettin fucked by two guys in the shower area who were NOT taking no for an answer. They had him pushed up against a half wall that separated the shower area from the "hallway" and were pounding him hard enough that about the only thing he could do was just hang onto the wall itself. It was fucking HOT as hell. When I walked up it was clear David and I knew each other and I remember one of the guys was like "dude, do you know who this kid belongs to?" Apparently one of their friends had grabbed onto David earlier that day and had been keeping him spun up on G and X while they fucked him. When they invited me back to their cabin I realized David didn't even have any clothing ... they had just walked him over to the shower naked so he could clean up some. Later that night ... aka early early Sunday morning before it started getting light again we all headed out to "the trails." This time David had on some clothing (although not his) however by the time we were in the woods he was completely naked again. Now "the trails" at the Sawmill are just that ... a series of trails that just kind of loop around to each other with little areas tucked away here and there for guys to hook up in. We took David to the end of one of the little areas and basically spread him out on a bench where he started to get fucked again and again and again. In addition to the 4 guys from the cabin and myself ... I watched no fewer that 10 different guys fuck his once tight boy hole. David was probably fucked 20 or more times that weekend and Id bet he took enuf cum to fill a quart jar!
    1 point
  16. I was on vacation in Chicago one summer visiting a friend when I found out about the Bijou theater. One night, around 11:00 PM I was looking on-line for the local bathhouse when I found a reference about the theater and the play space it offered. I took down the address and was off to check it out, arriving there about midnight. I paid admission, purchased some poppers, and when the clerk explained lockers were offered for guys who wanted to strip down, I rented a lock. Jackpot! I liked to wander around nude, and now I could without fear of loosing my wallet. He buzzed me in and I walked into a dim theater where I found old porn from the 70s playing, so I took a seat and waited for my eyes to adjust. Soon enough I noticed there were only two other guys in the theater, one of whom was asleep or passed out, I wasn't sure, and the other, who happened to be in my row, was an older guy, balding with a gray mustache and sideburns. He looked like an aging 70s porn star with a lot of mileage on him. I started to feel a bit self conscious as he kept looking my way. In fact, he started to creep me out a bit, so I focused on the porno and tried to get into it, taking a hit of poppers to enhance the action. It worked. With my first sniff I was feeling my head spin and my cock get hard. Those nasty 70s porn boys were fucking on a dance floor to disco and I wanted to boogie in the worst way. I glanced over to the dirty old man in my row to see he had pulled his cock out and was stroking away. It was big, about nine inches. I couldn't stop looking over at it, and decided it was time to reward this nasty fucker with a little show so I got up and made my way to the lockers in the back. They were in a small room with a spiral star case that led up to the play space. i stripped down to my tighty whites and my keds high tops and put the rest of my clothes in the locker and walked back to my seat. As soon as I sat down I took another hit of poppers and looked over at that dirty daddy with the big tool. He was still stoking it and staring right at me. I could see the lust in his eyes and feel his appetite for me. I pulled my cock out and started to stroke it. When I looked over at him he had stuck his tongue out and was gesturing like he was licking out a hole. Fuck! I could feel the heat rise from my cock and my ass all the way through my body. I got up and headed to the play space up stairs where, upon arriving at the top, I saw many little booths with large glory holes in the partition walls. I wandered down the rows, but the place seemed to be deserted, so I let it all hang out: I dropped my shorts and walked about wearing nothing but my keds high tops. Then, as I rounded a corner, another, about the same age as the guy on the first floor, came out of one of the booths. He was fully dressed, had a full head of grey hair, a short trimmed beard and mustache and he was a little chubby. He began to talk to me as though it was normal to see a naked guy in his keds high tops. He asked how often I came there and I replied I had never been to a place like that before. When I said I was nervous, He told me I was a strapping young man and I should be proud to show my body. Just then the guy from down stairs came around the corner. he was totally naked. I could see how skinny he was. He had skinny legs with bone knees and no ass. His arms were as skinny leading to hands with long fingers. He didn't seem to have an once fat on him except through his mid section which was kind of thick. I could notice his face closely. His upper cheeks had a strange sunken look. He stood there beating off. I couldn't help getting a boner. My heart was racing, maybe from the poppers, maybe from the danger or both. Then the other man said lets get in a booth. He took me by the arm and led me into one of the booths and shut the door. He put his arms around me and said " now just relax" and we kissed. At that he said "good boy". He held the bottle of poppers up to my nose. I inhaled deeply. Then he said "that's it son" he rapped his arms around me again and reached back to my ass and spread my cheeks apart as he backed my ass to the hole in the wall. I could hear the door in the next booth open then shut. Then my new Daddy said "Put your bum through the hole and let that nice man on the other side check it out." I could feel fingers spread my cheeks apart and then something warm and wet push against my hole. Daddy encouraged me, saying "Let him check your bum to see if it's a pussy." At that I could feel a boney finger enter me and slide in deep. i could feel it feeling around up inside of me. Daddy asked if the man was checking my bum and I nodded. The the finger withdrew and the warm wet tong pushed up inside of me as daddy made me take another hit of poppers. I could feel it push deep into me, tasting me. I said to daddy that the man was eating my hole. Daddy made me take another hit of poppers and said the man was going to turn my boy hole into a pussy and asked if I wanted that, If I wanted to be a pussy boy. I told him I did and daddy said good boy and we kissed and daddy's tong entered my mouth. I had two tongs inside of me now, two men new what I tasted like. Then the nice man on the other side of the wall stopped eating my hole. in a few seconds I could feel something hard push against my hole then push up inside of me. I long shaft slid deep inside of me. I could feel it push past my second sphincter. and into my belly. Daddy asked me if the man's cock was inside of me. when I said yes, he made me take another hit of poppers. The man began to fuck me deep, pistoned into me like a machine. Daddy asked me if I liked that big raw cock in my pussy. I told him I did and he gave me anther hit of poppers. Daddy said that the man's big raw cock was going to fuck my pussy and make it into a cunt by putting sperm in my pussy. He ask if I wanted the man to put his sperm in my pussy and knock it up. I told him I did. Daddy made me take another hit of poppers and then held me tight. We kissed and then he said in my ear," good boy, Good boy, let that big raw cock breed you." "It's going to impregnate you with poz seed". " Your getting knocked up son". "Good boy!" He put his hand on my belly and pushed "I can feel that big raw poz cock inside of you. This is were it's going to put it's poz seed. My head was spinning and my heart was pound in my ears. My hole was getting fucked like a cunt. That's all I wanted in the moment was to be a cunt and get knocked up by that big cock inside of me. To receive its seed, be injected with cum and be permanently impregnated. Daddy held the poppers up to my nose and then I said,"daddy I'm getting knocked up, I'm getting knocked up daddy." He said "that's it son take that poz seed in you cunt". At that the cock inside of me began to speed up its thrusts and I could feel it get harder. Then three hard deep thrusts as a loud moan came from the other side of the wall. I felt the cock inside of me spasm as it squirt sperm deep inside my gut. After a moment, the cock began to slowly come out of me. I had a full filling even after it was all the way out and I knew it had put a big thick load in my cunt. I could the door to the next booth opened and the man left. The hole thing could have been a dream except for the wad I could still feel inside my gut. Daddy opened the door to our booth and led me to a sling. He made me get in and for the next several hours, I was the cunt for the hole place and several other men that showed up. I went back to my hotel and fell asleep with my belly full of cum. The next morning I woke up and it had all absorbed into the walls of my colon. a few days later I woke up with morning sickness. I was pregnant. I had the fuck flu. I had really gotten knocked up by a half dozen men but I think it was the first one that was my baby daddy.
    1 point
  17. The following is based on true events, however some changes have been made to heighten the story. I cannot disclose what is truth and what is fiction. It was a Sunday morning and I was on BBRT chatting to various guys, when a guy I know in Newcastle asked what I was up to. We switched to MSN to save messages, and he told me how he had arranged one of his group parties for that evening. I had often heard the exploits of his parties in which all tops are generally poz, and all the bottoms are generally neg except where he has to make up numbers. This Sunday he'd arranged for a group of neg bottoms to come for an all bareback group session, but two of the bottoms had dropped out meaning there would be nine tops and two bottoms. Given the disparity in numbers, he thought I might want to attend to help make up the numbers, especially given I'm neg, the tops would be pleased. I couldn't really afford to travel so he offered to pay, and I agreed as long as he could get me to the train station for the first train back so that I could get to work. I asked about the other bottoms, and they were both safe sex bottoms, and there was a potential third (who ended up coming). The organiser had met these guys and had condom-only sex with them a number of times, and floated the idea of group sex, to which they agreed. His usual approach was to ask them about group sex, and if they liked the idea would tell them about the bareback group sessions he hosts, but he made it clear he would only extend an invitation to the guys if it was certain they were neg 'cause the tops were very particular about the bottoms, which included the provision the bottoms were not allowed to inquire as to the status of the tops, which meant that he never had to lie. When the evening arrived, I was one of four bottoms. I was also the only bottom who knew the status of the tops. While people were arriving we sat round drinking plenty of vodka and various shooters. After a while the tops started to make their moves and began to strip the bottoms. There were nine tops all aged between 30 and 50, and four bottoms, (three of whom were in the range of 18 to 20, and at 26, I was the oldest bottom). As the night progressed and all the bottoms had taken four or so cocks, the first bottom gave up and left the session, having decided his ass was too sore to continue. I looked disapprovingly as he left as he hadn't fulfilled his responsibility to serve the needs of the tops over his personal preferences.* The rest of us continued playing, and I'm fairly sure up to this point there had been no discussion about status, but when one of the tops noticed blood mixed into the cum leaking from one of the bottom's hole, he slid into the bottom announcing "We have a bleeder, boys!" He pounded the bottom's hole quite roughly, and just before he climaxed, he specifically asked the bottom "You want my load?" "God, yes," the bottom gasped. With that permission, the top spurted deep in the bottom's arse, exclaiming as he did, "Yeah! Take my load boy, take my toxic load. I'm gonna work this deep into your guts so you never forget it!" The bottom pushed him off and got very upset, and saying "I'm neg and want to stay that way. You guys lied to me!" At that point our host intervened, answering "No one lied to you, and not only didn't you ask about the HIV status of the tops, perhaps you should have considered the risks of bareback sex before you accepted the invitation to this session." The other bottom looked shocked, but then when asked if he wanted to continue, he asked who was poz, and when he realized he had taken four poz loads, he remarked "Well, a few more aren't going to make that much difference." In the time at his disposal he managed to take another two loads before he had to make his departure, which left me as the only available bottom. By this point I was the only bottom left, and all the tops were still up to relieving themselves of at least one more load. As a subservient bottom I felt obliged to continue and managed to accommodate each man one more time, one-by-one. When they had all gone my friend asked if I was could manage to give him one more go around. Notwithstanding I was exhausted and my arse had seen better days, I decided the least I could do for the host was to offer up my hole for him one more time. Across the night, I took fifteen or sixteen anal loads, and several more oral loads. By the time I left my arse was quite sore, and blood and cum were leaking from my hole and oozing my leg. By the way, it's been a week. My arse is still a bit sore, but I am certainly glad I accepted the invitation to attend the session.
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  18. My load soaked my fuzzy chest, firm pecs, all the way up to my well trimmed beard. I was surprised at the amount since this was my third load of the day, all produced while watching a video of the ripped 19 year old stud who was renting one of the smaller apartments in my building. On my computer screen, the webcam recording showed him going from fully clothed, to naked and hard, to shooting his hot teen spunk onto a pair of black lace panties(left on his bedroom floor by one of the sorority sisters who shared the 3 bedroom apartment above his). Every time I watched it, I always ended up cumming when he reclined on his bed and described fucking her in the stairwell only 5 yards from his landlord's (aka my) door. As the vid rolled on to his massive explosion, I began to get hard again but had to put it away before I rubbed myself raw. How did I find myself stroking to my hot, young buck-of-a-tenant? With a little luck, some careful planning and a bold goal. This was only stage one of my plan to transform Derek from a normal, innocent young ladies man into my personal plaything. It all began when he walked into my rental office and asked if I'd had a chance to look at his application for the smallest unit, hidden near the back of the building in the basement. Normally I do not rent to college guys, due in part to their irresponsible tendencies, and in part to my perpetual hardon whenever I am near one. Derek could see my reluctance before I spoke, and cut me off with a well thought out list of reasons why I'd be lucky to have him living there. After the usuals, like tidy habits, quiet hobbies, etc., he added that he was working two jobs to pay for school since losing his athletic scholarship due to a blown out knee. His warm smile, round cheeks, deep blue eyes and dusty blond hair made me want to say yes, but his tight tee shirt and shorts led me to say no. Still he persisted, practically begging, since his dorm was too loud to study and all the other apartments within walking distance of his jobs and the school were either too expensive or taken. I apologized and waved for him to leave, knocking down a stack of flyers accidentally. He bent to help me recover them, causing his sagging briefs to reveal his firm bvd covered buns. When he stood up, his shirt rode up, giving me a tantalizing view of the most chiseled abs I'd ever seen in real life. He moved in two days later, and soon his fan club included all of the ladies in the building as well. After he was let go from one of his jobs, I decided to take advantage of the situation, hiring him on as afternoon help in the office. Now that we were spending a few hours a day together, I discovered just how naïve Derek truly was. Everyday some girl would find an excuse to come interrupt us in order to check out Derek, but he would just blush and get shy. One of the smutty sorority girls from the third floor even came by in her bikini (on her way to the pool lol) and the only thing that proved he was alive was the obvious outline of hard teen meat in his pants. "damn those are nice tits." I said once she left. Derek was caught off guard but agreed whole-heartedly. "fuck yeah man, and what a sweet ass." he added while trying to discreetly readjust his hefty hard on. "wish she'd invite me out for a swim." "if you asked," I laughed at his innocence. "She'd let you tittyfuck her in the middle of times square." This began our free discussion of sex, which proved, as I thought, that Derek's experience was limited to some sloppy head from drunk party girls, and 4 sessions of missionary with a girl from his high school. Since he was too shy to approach girls outright, I suggested he try meeting them online. At first he seemed hesitant, until I told him about sites where girls with webcams would strip and masturbate if he found the right one. The next day was spent with him regaling me with tales of smutty bimbos creaming on cam, and his desperation upon discovering they'd do more if he had a cam too. Begin phase one: I offered to let him use the office computer after closing time as long as he was careful not to be seen. Meanwhile I downloaded security software so each of his sessions was saved for my pleasure. After a few weeks of scenes where he'd only whip it out at the end and usually cum off camera, I became proactive. The thing I should have mentioned before is my real profession: drugs. I make a tidy living selling to the local campus and surrounding area, with a select few of my employees living in the apartments, right next door to unsuspecting students and model citizens. One such employee was the same girl that gave Derek a fashion show in her string bikini, and she owed me big. A few months earlier she'd given in to temptation and spent 3 days with her ass in the air at a local frat house, getting gang banged and smoking almost 300 dollars in Tina, which she still owed me. She had no problem with my plan to work it off by seducing Derek and convincing him to perform a stroke show for her while she was "out of town." All it took was getting her to catch him at the computer one night and she had him. Friday night I could hear them fucking on every surface of his apartment, and from the sounds of it, he was talented. The following morning he was at my door by 7, recounting every glorious moment. "I could pound her cunt forever Mr. E," he praised. "it sucks that she is going to visit her family this weekend, but she wants to video chat tomorrow night. I want to make her squirt on the keyboard." "Then you better get some moves Derek," I said, leading him onto phase two. "Why don't you watch some dudes who jack off on cam for money, see what they do that works best, then copy it for her?" The result of his research was the video I can't stop watching, with another session the next morning. As expected, Derek became obsessed with getting her on his cock, which was difficult to fit in with his classes, afternoons in my office, evenings bussing tables at the old Chicago's, and the 90 minutes a day in the gym. He skipped a couple work outs to hook up with her, before I told her to only be free during his bussing shifts instead. this leads us to Phase three: deciding between paychecks and pussy. "so what should I do, sir?" he always called me by my last name or sir, which had me hard in no time. "Do I keep giving up shifts for the fuck of a lifetime, or do I tell her I can't do it then?" "first of all, she is just a piece of ass Derek," I educated him in the secret to women. "She seems magical now, but I bet I can find you another slit who is even hotter if she can't be bothered. Second, didn't you say you'd been doing those cam shows every weekend with her? Why not do a live show for a paying audience? Chances are you'd make enough in one night to equal a month at that shitty restaurant." He declined, but left with a look on his face that told me he wasn't as sure about it as he let on. When he went to his 'girlfriend' that evening and told her he needed to work, she informed him that he could either do her when she was free or she would find a new stud. Stunned and a little heartbroken, he went to work, but texted me when he was on his way home that night: Taking u up on offer 2 find new girl, and decided to do the pay show. C u tomorrow. Saturday night he did his first show and made enough that he quit his busboy gig before the clock hit midnight. A week later, he'd done three shows and had enough to splurge on some beer and brats, which I shared in. He'd never had any beer before, except a sip here and there to seem cool at parties, but my influence was having its desired effect, so he'd finished his third when my 'surprise guests' arrived at my door. Lana and Lois were two of my regular clients, buying enough each week to provide their clients with enough crystal for any and all dates they scheduled. As pros go, these two were the least skanky, but they still had the hints of 'will fuck for cash' in their clothes, make-up and long hair. Lana was some sort of Asian/Hispanic mix, with dark red loose curls, and per my instructions, she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts and a tight tank top. Lois was creamy white with black straight lochs, and her huge breasts were barely covered by her tight, see through dress. Derek sat in silence while I lead them inside and asked them to join us while I got them their goodies. Phase 4: introduce Derek to drugs as a side dish to hot pussy. As expected, his jaw dropped when I admitted to selling drugs to these "sweet grad students." if Lois hadn't sat in his lap when I brought it all out to measure it, he probably would have run for it, but after some drinks, he was all too eager to let her grind into his lap. Accepting a couple beers, they playfully flirted with us both, suggesting all the wicked things they could imagine happening if they got high with us. By the time I brought out a pipe and asked Derek if he minded if we smoked it, Lois had taken his hand and slid it between her thighs, riding his fingers and whispering how horny Tina made her. "Tina? Who are you talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes drifting to where Lana had joined me on the couch, her hand in my fly getting me hard. "this," she said, loading some crystals into a pipe, lighting it, and exhaling a giant cloud. "is Tina. Wanna try some? It make Dicks throb, pussies drip, and orgasms like you won't believe." "I don't do drugs," Derek said, regurgitating the line he'd been hearing since he could crawl. "isn't it bad for you?" "Yeah, but so am I," Lois moaned as she slid off his fingers and walked over to hand me the pipe. I took a huge hit and shotgunned it back to her before reaching out and tugging on her dress so her tits popped out of it. I leaned forward and took her nipple in my mouth while Lana and Lois hit the pipe, shotgunning back and forth. Derek stood up and walked over to our miniature orgy, pressing his huge bulge against Lois' bubble butt, but still declining the pipe. "Don't pressure him if he doesn't want to, he's just a kid Lois." I said dismissively, taking a huge hit while Lana fished out my hard 8 inch Dick and swallowed it whole. Really, I was fed up with his prudishness, and I winked at Lois who turned around and backed Derek into his seat. "That's okay," Lois said, stripping out of her dress entirely. "Lana and I will just fuck around with your boss. Maybe you can join us next time, but I guess it's just us grown ups tonight baby boy. Lock the door on your way out." Derek sat speechless while the three of us continued getting naked and grabbed the pipe to head for the bedroom. "How... How do I smoke it?" Derek's soft voice stopped us as we were almost out of sight. I smiled before turning back around a walking over to show him in nothing except my dogtags and socks. "go ahead and get him started while Lana and I get ready for you two." Lois said before pulling Lana into the bedroom and shutting the door. They knew I wanted to be alone with Derek when I got him addicted to meth, so I'd always be the first thing on his mind when he smoked it. "Hold this but don't inhale until I tell you," my hard dripping meat pulsed while I lit the torch and cooked the crystals, until a thick white cloud swirled out of the round bowl. "Ok, now suck as hard as you can boy." Derek did as he was told, inhaling until he couldn't anymore, then coughing hard for a minute while I took my turn. We did that back and forth, and in only a minute or two, Derek's whole body came alive and started humming for sex. "Get undressed for those hot bitches. We're wasting the smoke boy," I said, watching Derek peel off his tight tee shirts and slide off his basketball shorts, leaving him in tennis shoes and a pair of white briefs that barely contained his massive rod. "this time, exhale your smoke into my mouth and I'll do it for you too." When he leaned in to shotgun, his briefs grazed my thigh, causing us both to drip precum. When I returned the favor, I got closer so our lips were almost touching, bring our hard cocks together, separated by the thinnest of cottons. His next exhale, I leaned in and our lips rested against the other's, as I felt the pulse of his racing heart pumping through his shaft and head. The last hit before we went in the bedroom, I put my arm around his shoulders, and peeled away his briefs with my free hand, kissing him hard and gripping his penis for a long moment before striding away. When he recovered from shock, he ran after me, and we spent the next six hours trading off using the girls' in every combination imaginable. By the time we shot our loads, Lana was practically blacked out on the floor and Lois was hanging from my neck, sandwiched between us while we double fucked her pussy. I locked eyes with Derek as I covered his Dick in my semen, which freaked him out enough to make him pull out and spray his load on her ass. While Lois and I went to shower, Derek grabbed his clothes and ran off into the night... End of part one. Still to CUM: Derek craves more Tina, needs cash and agrees to fuck a girl on camera in exchange. Instead Derek discovers the last Phase in Mr. E's plan: taking Derek's cherry.
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  19. The next few entries are going to cover my very recent trip to Berlin. I stayed in Schoneberg for 5 night, I'm typing this as I've just got back my ass and cock are still tender and the memories are still fresh. I fly in to Berlin during the day and get to my apartment in less than an hour, it's a nice apartment with a great price, at first I couldn't believe it but I booked through ebab(a breedingzone user's suggestion) the week before I flew to Berlin I looked through both recon and bbrt to make up a top-do fucklist, I can now say that I never met one person from that list. I decided to take it easy for the first night so I looked at some of the tamer gay restaurants and bars in schoneberg. I came across one place that had a few people scattered throughout the bar, I sit up at the bar and politely ask "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" "A liddle?" the barman replies, he is very slim twinkish type who through some conversation, learned that he was from Prague and a singer, I casually asked him about the places in the surrounding area. "Well Toms is good for drinking and sex downstairs, there's New Action, next to that is the Bull, but don't go there, it's nasty. Everyone has AIDS" I can't get across tone in text form but if you could hear the disgust in his voice when he mentioned The Bull and his facial expression it might make you as uncomfortable as I was. Here's a guy who has no idea who he is talking to in Berlin, in the gay area and he says something like that to a stranger. One of his many favourite songs come on the radio and he begins to clap dance and wave his arms about while singing alone, putting on his own little show for the uninterested patrons, who seem like they've seen it all before. I finish my drink, and leave. I walk down to Cafe Heile Welt and head inside, it's a swank fancy bar, chilled out and full of guys and girls. The bar is full but there are some seats close by. As I sip on my third beer, I look around to see what kind of folk drinks here, seems to be the kind of folk who just out of the office, not exactly people I relate to. Then some older Italian gentleman at the bar raises his glass to toast me, I raise mine in return. We start talking, and he offers me a drink. After a while he leans in and start kissing, then he works his way to my neck(which I love) I grab at his crotch and he has a fat piece, he tell me to follow him to the toilet. He gets up and leaves. I get up after him, and as I walk in he is pissing into the urinal. He looks surprised that I followed him, maybe I misheard him. He shakes the last few drops of piss from his dick, it's a nice size, and looks semi-erect. He gives me a look and then looks down at his cock. I squat down and start sucking, I can taste the few drops of beer that leak out of his slit onto my tongue, and swallow him down to the balls, he pushes my head into his groin so hard that he stumbles back a little when my weight leans forward, he pulls his cock out, the only thing connecting us is the thick string of spit from my lips to his dick. "Would you like to finish your drink and come to mine?" "Yes please" I answer. I wasnt exactly searching for sex on the first night, but hey, I was ready for it. "Do you have poppers?" "I can get some" We walk up the street and he runs into a bar called Schuene to get poppers. I wait outside, as the door swings back open I can see from a glance that the place is a lot sleazier that the bars Ive seen so far. What lay ahead? I wondered. We get back to his nice apartment, and strip off and kiss, I suck his cock some more, as it grows I realise exactly what I'm in for. Oh dear. He puts me in the doggy position, a position I've never been most comfortable being fucked in for some reason, always makes me feel like I need to pee, but I go with it. Luckily he applies lube first, then slowly pushes it in, which catches my breath. Prior to this I hadn't been fucked for a month or two. It slid in and stayed deep for a while until my ass adjusted to it's girth, then he begins to fuck. Before long my legs are over my head and he's drilling my stretched hole. No mention of a condom and I didn't even go to the Bull, so much for that barman's skewed sense of how sex works. I moan in pleasure, "Do you want poppers?" I had totally forgotten about the poppers, was having too much fun. I take a deep hit from the freshly opened bottle, woah these are strong. I feel the thumping of my heart rate increasing. He starts to drive down harder, I feel his balls slapping my ass. So hot! I grip his hips and pull him into me, and deep and hard as I can. He spins me over onto my stomach, slams his cock into me all the way, wraps one arm around my neck and opens the poppers. Holding them under my nose as he grinds away inside me. The strength of the poppers is making me foggy and I begin to fade. He slams harder and faster as I go limp, my hole finally gives away and takes his pounding with no resistance. He moans, groans, and grunts and shoots ones right up into my guts. I pass out with exhaustion and popper rush. I feel tingling in my legs and come to. He pushes his fingers up into my hole, and then his knuckles really working his cum up in there. I turn around and kiss him then squeeze the last few drops of cum from his cock into my mouth. We sleep, go for brunch the next day and exchange numbers... By the time I got back to my apartment it was nearly evening, which meant it was time to get ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to check out TOM's, so I get ready and head out at about 10PM. I enter the club, there is a bar to my right and coat check to my left, there are a handful of people sitting at the bar and one of two guys on the benches opposite. I perch myself on the barstool and grab a beer. One or two overly confident scantily dressed guys pace the bar area cruising for someone to take downstairs into the darkroom. Two Arabs sitting next to me at the bar strike up a conversation with me. They are both thin and approx early thirties. One guy takes a shine to me and tells me all about himself, I'm not too interested and try to look for some other dudes while being polite. He tells me his fetish is feet and guys stomping food and making him(as a slave) eat it from the sole of their shoe. "To each his own" I thought. It's a relatively safe fetish compared to some of the activities I've gotten up too. "Can I lick your feet please?" he asks me. "Aaah it's not really my thing, I'm more bottom" at this point I'm ready to check out another section of the bar. He keeps pleading with me to just try it, then his friend also asks. There is only so many times I can say no, so I tell him just a few minutes. His face lights up. "Ok let me take you to the dark rooms". The dark rooms in Tom's are, well, dark. A pitch black maze, with audible groans and slapping and rutting going on. This gets me hard immediately. I have no interest in the guy I'm with or the kink he's into, but my imagination is running wild with the thoughts of sex I could be having. He leads me into a seated area and I take a seat. He then squats down and grabs my right foot and takes a large lick of the sole of my boot. God only knows what I've been stepping in down here, this guy is doing something I simply couldn't. But he's really getting into it, I push my left foot against his crotch to feel a hard lump. He then pulls off my boot and smells inside, all the while pushing my other foot harder against his dick. He then presses my (white) socked foot against his face and breathes in deep, just like he is taking a hit of poppers. I start to get into it, and I'm becoming aroused. He opens up wide and swallows all of my toes, pushes on my heel to get my foot deep in his mouth and makes himself gag on my foot. The idea of wet socks for the rest of the night is loosing appeal to me. So I tell him to take them off, he does this with pleasure. I then get the most awesome tongue bath I've every had, never experienced this before but woah, it's a hot feeling. After drenching both my feet in his saliva, I'm feeling horny as fuck. So I grab his head and bury it in my crotch, grinding on his mouth and nose and just generally humping his face. Before things can get interesting, his friend finds him and complains he's bored. At this point both men start arguing in a very camp annoying way. "Fuck this" I think, I'm going to The Bull. The Bull is a 5 minute walk from TOM's, I buy a bottle of Rush from behind the bar and make my way down. I get there and it seems from the outside like a very nondescript bar. My heart starts to thump, it's a similar feeling to that I got before I entered my first gay bar in New York. How far I've come since those days, what a difference a year makes, huh? I build up the courage and enter the bar. It's a small bar, dive like, with different porn playing on each TV all bareback, all raunchy. I check my coat in and buy an energy drink. I've had enough beer and need my energy up. There was about 3 people at the bar, so I went straight ahead to the back room. It had an area where people slept, I later learned this bar stays open 24/7 so people can nap off the alcohol or whatever other chemicals were coursing through their veins. There was a fuck bench, a sling, and a benched area all around with guys sitting jerking off. I walk around the backroom advertising myself to those who look like tops. One older muscled guy see's me and calls me over, he is sitting down playing with his soft cock, fully nude. I stand in front of him and he pulls up my t-shirt and kisses my stomach. Then forces me down to his crotch and slowly positions my face in between his balls and inner thigh. I begin to kiss him. Then move to his balls, they are nicely scented low hangers, I swallow both and look up to see his face, he nods in approval then pushes his soft cock in with both balls, so his genitals are resting deep in my mouth. I fondle everything with my tongue, and feel his cock swelling, I then work his cock. He likes me swallowing it deep, which I love also. When I eventually come up for air I get a whack across the face, and he pushes my head back down on to his cock and thrusts like hell. His dick is still only semi-erect so it's easy to take down my throat, it feels nice as it's large but soft. I come up for air and met with another hard smack across the face. He speaks something in German, "Ich spreche kein deutsch" I tell him, "You like?" he asks in a deep manly voice. I nod "yes". He turns me around so I'm facing away from him, then bends me over. He pushes his semi-hard cock against my hole, I try to push out to allow him to enter me, it bends against my hole then eventually pops in. He begins to fuck his soft dick into me deep and rough. He is quite aggressive, I start to wonder if it's because of his lack of erection. His eyes seem a little spaced, I wouldn't be surprised if he had taken something. This seems like the kind of place, plus at this stage it's early morning, and all the freaks are out He pulls out and makes me suck him again. I do my very best to make him grow inside my mouth but it isn't happening. I feel two hands take me from behind as I'm working this soft cock. The person takes off all my clothes, then penetrates me with two fingers. The cock in my mouth is swelling again. He flips me around, and jams it in again, there is a large black guy in front of me wagging his cock. I swallow it down like a good boy. I try to concentrate on both giving good head and squeezing his friends cock with my hole. I get a few hard spankings from both guys as I do my thing. I take a huff from my bottle of rush. I start to realise the sleaziness of the situation, it drives me wild, I love being used, and think of the mentality of the tops using me. It turns me on further. The white guy pulls out and his cock is still only semi erect. He shoves my head down to take care of it. I then feel the black dude at my back door, his dick really hurts going in, I take another large hit, I feel his dick press against my bladder, it's uncomfortable. I'm taken away from the sitting soft German by the large black guy. He throws me in the sling. Then enters me slow. I take another hit, I feel pretty high. He grunts and groans as his dick slams against my insides. I feel like my inner organs are being shifted around, I really want him to stop but don't want to pussy out. "This is what you wanted" I tell myself, "This is why you came to Berlin, so take it!" As I'm being skewered by this big black man he sticks his fingers in my mouth and grips my jaw, like a handle, and fires off like he's about to cum. He cums, groans and collapses on top of me. He pats me on the face to indicate a job well down. As his dick leaves my holes I feel some of the cum seep out and down my back, between me and the sling. I reach under to feel some and smell it, it's a strong cummy smell. As the black guy leaves a filthy looking skinhead parks himself right at my hole at the base of the sling. He slaps my open hole with his fat cock, it's not as large as the black guys, which makes me happy, as I get a break. This guy looks fucked, jaw is gurning, glassy eyes, piercings on his face, tattoos, very sleazy, very hot. He has a large metal cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. He slides his dick in with ease. It makes me tingle, I take another hit of poppers. My heart thumps in sync with the loud dance music(I guess that's why they play it) without hesitation he penetrates me deep, pushes against my ass hard, I feel the metal ring enter me, it's so fucking hot. He fucks away, balls slapping, he's dripping sweat on me, this guy is high and loving being inside my ass, and I'm loving it too. He pulls me into him, and we make-out, he tongues me deep. He grips both hands around my throat and squeezes. I get tunnel vision, sound becomes distorted. I wake up in the sling. The skinhead is fucking me like crazy whilst pushing down hard on my stomach, I feel the stinging pain that I have to pee. He's trying to get me to piss myself. But I simply can't. I ask him to stop, he does. "Would you like to go to my apartment?" he asks me in a strong German accent. I accept the invite. I pick up my clothes from the dirty floor, and get dressed, we head out into the daylight, it's blinding, the skinhead is dressed entirely in leather, he looks like a comic book character. I'm very turned on. He brings me back to his place. The more I'm with him, the more I notice how incredibly high he is. We get back to his and I strip off, he throws me on his couch and pushes my legs behind my head. He enters me dry, no lube, no prep. Slowly pushing himself deeper into me until it reached the cold metal of his cock ring. After some fucking, he takes his dick out, and presses both of his large smooth balls against my hole, he tries sitting down so they will go in. I push out hard to open my hole, some more of the black guy's cum pours out "Oh yaaah geile!" his balls slide into my ass. The feeling is incredible, it brings me directly back to new york during the meth binge. Only I'm not on meth, and I don't want to be either, I've achieve that level of horniness without the use of drugs. He fucks me for an hour or so more, as deep and as hard as possible, my hole has totally submitted it just craves cock hard fast deep. We both collapse on the couch in a sweaty pile. "Did you cum?" I ask, expecting the answer to be no on the count of the drugs. He smiles, "Three times". Hell yeah. Just what I needed to hear. I'm tingling and exhausted, I fall asleep for a few hours and wake up covered by a blanket with him sitting next to me watching TV. What a nice dude, for such a sleaze ball(like myself lol) He gives me his PlanetRomeo handle and I get stepping, it's a surprisingly short walk back to my apartment, I'm spent. I get into the shower and push out a healthy load of cum. I'm on cloud 9, I've decided I need to be here. This was a nice introduction to The Bull but the best was yet to come. "Ich liebe Berlin!"
    1 point
  20. Like this (it's not me, I wish...!)
    1 point
  21. Dr Mike – The Sire Chronicles The Sire Chronicles has several chapters, all of which will be posted in this thread, so check back. We first met Dr Mike in the story, - Dr Mike – Biohazard or Healer, which I posted a while back. The Sire Chronicles is the conclusion of his story with me, but the beginning of new breeding adventures. Chapter 1 – The Sire’s Need to Breed and Seed We leave for Chicago in about five weeks Dr Mike says, for International Mr. Leather (IML). ‘We’ being Dr Mike, me, and Charles and Roger. I first met Charles in the Dr Mike story, but also wrote about him in - The Return of Charles – Horse Dick Master and Dr Mike’s Lieutenant. Dr Mike says this is a very special trip and has been telling me for the past few months how important this trip will be, but will not say why. So I am busy taking care of several errands and tasks for him. The task of the moment is more personal as Dr. Mike is having some additions made to the big 9x9 red and black biohazard tat on my lower back that touches the top of my ass. Butch the tattoo artist demanded a down payment, so as the needle burns in the additions to my tat, I am working the remnants of his bear cum around my tongue and mouth, savoring the musky scent of his balls still left on my nose. But no worries he told me, he would load my ass too before I left or get his boy out front to (who has a HUGE dick so I am hoping for the boy! – OINK!), so I had something to look forward to. Cocky bastard. It’s strange what one thinks about when you have no option but to think. I could not move as Butch did his work, so my mind was focused on the word SIRE. Sire - noun, verb, sired, siring. noun 1. the male parent of a quadruped. – OK NOT ME 2. a respectful term of address, now used only to a male sovereign. – THAT WAS DR MIKE FOR SURE 3.Archaic . a.a father or forefather. – DR MIKE WAS THIS TOO IN SOME WAYS b.a person of importance or in a position of authority, as a lord. – TOTALLY DR MIKE verb (used with object) to beget; procreate as the father. – OK – NOW HERE IS WHERE IS COMES BACK TO ME To beget, to procreate, at one time I thought my DNA and legacy would carry on through the child I would have with Julie, but I realized I loved taking dick – raw dick – and wanted that more than I wanted her, so I had to move on – blah blah blah – and now I am being bred multiple times a day – by raw dicked fuckers who want a nice warm hole to cum in. The fact that many of them have infected cum and dicks of one sort or another is pure bonus. Under Dr Mike’s treatment regiment, I was the prey. I was hunted, stalked, tracked, and they would move in for the kill and tag and breed me with their infected cum. But over the past few months the tables had turned, the prey had become the predator – sometimes anyways, and I was not done yet being a force of death and destruction to the boys and men in Washington, DC. So time to back up. If you have been keeping up with the stories I was busy on the weekends with Carl – as I started to tell in Carl – The Homeless Dick Gangbang in the Library and Matt the War Hero; with Hank and others including Lionel as told in Carl’s story and also The Thugs From the Library Return – The Brother Joins In, and Charles and Roger, as told in Dr Mike’s story and The Return of Charles – Horse Dick Master and Dr Mike’s Lieutenant. I also did The Mandingo Taggers in that story I posted, as well as others including The Soldiers –supporting the troops –the Dr Mike Way and of course, Joseph – Dr Mike’s Patient I Stealth Pozzed and Earned my BIOHZARD Status. Basically I had become a biohazard slut and whore for Dr Mike and I loved it!! While my work did suffer I must admit, Dr Mike was pleased, and that was all that matter. Spring would arrive soon to Washington, DC. The cherry blossoms would be out, the azaleas would be in bloom, and I was getting lots of infected cum. It was the beginning of February and I received a voicemail from Dr, “Be at my office tomorrow morning at 8:15 a.m. Wear professional clothes, make whatever accommodations you must.” What the fuck? I had to work. I was already in enough trouble for taking time off at the last minute. But I would not disobey Dr Mike, so I was dressed and at his office building by 7:50. The last few times I had come to the office there had been a new security guard at the front desk. He was a bit older than me, handsome, dark black skin, and from his accent African, and he reminded me of Ben, the guy Dr Mike had fuck me with a new HIV strain and syphilis filled dick. The first couple of times I said hi to the new guard he barely responded, but last time I came through for an after hours visit with Dr Mike the guard was very friendly and even rubbed his dick when I stopped to sign in. I knew the guards changed shifts at 8:00 a.m., so I had to time it right. I walked up to the desk and said, “Hi, how’s it going? The bathroom’s down this way right? They had the heat on in the Metro train and now am so sweaty, have to go wipe off a bit.” The new guard just shook his head and pointed, rubbed his dick and smiled. I walked down the hall towards the restroom, but instead of going into the MEN’s room where I sucked off Hank, I opened the room marked JANITOR, stepped inside, left the door cracked open so I could see and waited. I did not have to wait long as the new guard came down the hallway, and just before he got the MEN’s room, I opened up the JANITOR closet door, smiled, stepped back as he looked around, then came in too, closed and locked the door. I didn’t have time to waste so unbuckled my dress pants, dropped my shorts, bent over and wagged my white hole at him. The guard took the hint, undid his fly but left his pants up, and tried to push his dick up my hole. I was always prepared now under Dr Mike’s treatment regimen, so my hole was prelubed and with a couple adjustments, his dick popped through my ass ring. Another raw breeder! I loved how so many guys will fuck raw any chance they get no matter what they might say. Anyways, he had a nice dick, not that long, average thickness, and he got right to work pumping my hole. “Please cum in me, “ I said, “Please shoot it up my ass, please cum…,” and he did as I asked and rewarded me with a hot load. He pulled out, zipped up, said, “Thank you,” shook my hand and left. I did a quick wipe down, went into the MEN’s room to make sure I still looked presentable and went to Dr Mike’s office. The older guy was at the front desk when I walked in, and the waiting room was empty. I actually never learned his name, but he was always nice enough and no longer seemed surprised at all when I showed up. “Slow day for you?” I asked. He just looked at me non-perturbed and said, “We start seeing patients at 9:00,” and went back to his paperwork after motioning for me to go ahead down through the door to the back offices. My heart started to race as it always did when I knew I would see Dr Mike, and the cum in my ass seemed to fizz and tingle as my hole twitched in reaction to being so near him. I got to the end of the hall, paused, tried to slow my breathing, and knocked. Dr Mike opened the door to his private office and my breath caught. DAMN just the sight of him made me horny as hell. He did not say a word as he stepped back into his office, I walked in, and he closed the door. Dr Mike then spun me around, grabbed my chin in his hand and looked at me and said, “Who fucked you? I can smell your ass and I can smell the cum, so who fucked you?” How the fuck did he do that? Was he upset? “I…I uh….I was just trying to do like you have been telling me Sir, I…uh…I,” I stumbled. Dr Mike smiled an evil smile and said, “Yes, I am well aware of that, but did I ask for a recap of the treatment program I myself prescribed? I did not. Now answer my question, who’s cum is now dripping out of your ass?” “The guard, the new one at the desk to the building,” I said. Dr Mike let go of my face, stepped back, smiled wide and said, “Ah yes, good, very good. I was not sure about him and actually thought I may have trouble with that one. You see I cannot have anyone questioning the comings and goings of my patients and he had seemed, …well…, it does not matter now. You have done well and served me and addressed a need without my even having to ask. You do please me, and I frankly do not have time for this, but I will show you how much you have pleased me.” Dr Mike turned me around and I could hear him unbuckling his belt, so I undid mine, dropped my pants for the second time in only minutes and soon Dr Mike had two fingers jamming up my ass, pulled them out, let me lick them and tasted the guard’s cum. Dr Mike did that a few more times and licked his fingers, before bending me forward and driving his dick up my ass. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I loved his raw dick inside of me. I felt so complete. “What do you want boy? What do you need? Huh? What do you want?” Dr Mike said as his breathing was getting heavier. He always asked that and I knew what he wanted to hear, “I need your AIDs Sir, infect me, kill me with your cum, KILL ME WITH YOUR VIRUS!!” That was all he needed to unload in me. Once his orgasm stopped I slid off his dick, turned around, licked and sucked him clean tasting the mix of cum he just made. As if nothing had just happened it was back to business. Dr Mike walked to his desk, grabbed a file, which I assumed was mine and seemed to get thicker every time I came, sat in one of the chairs and pointed to floor – his order for me to kneel. “Now, let me see, ah yes. I continue to see the results I am looking for in your blood work. Your strain becomes more and more virulent, your viral load higher and higher, and along with the mix of other STDs we have been cycling through, your body is a hot stew of death and destruction,” Dr Mike said as he recapped the highlights noted in my chart. “You have done all I have asked and more. You have obeyed me, served me, and now it is time to move on to the next phase. At the end of May you will be joining me on a very special trip. We will be going to Chicago for International Mr. Leather, or IML. Do you know what that is? No? Well it really does not matter as I should say we will be in Chicago during IML, not necessarily for the event itself, but a distinction that matters little for you. Either way, your treatment program will be intensified, you will seek and take as many infections of all types as you can between now and then. I am going to focus the death kill of your strain. I also need you trained in some other, more mundane skill sets. To accomplish what I desire in the necessary time frame, I need you at my full disposal, so you will quit your job.” Quit my job? There was no way. I couldn’t, I had to pay bills, and eat for fuck sake, was he crazy? Dr Mike saw all of this in my eyes and his voice became stern. “It is too late to raise objections or questions. You already gave yourself to me and besides, at 8:00 a.m. this morning your office received a call from Charles conveying to them your resignation due to family commitments. So, now on to the next piece of our business,” Dr Mike said as he pulled some papers out of the file. I was somewhat stunned, but stayed kneeling, not quite sure what was happening. “Sign here at the bottom,” Dr Mike continued, “This is a contract for you from a company you shall learn more about later, but for now all that matters is it says you will be paid $6,000 per month, for the next four months for services rendered with automatic renewal of said contract at such rate to be determined etc…. etc…. and such duties as shall be required…..etc…. etc…. at the direction of myself etc… etc… Shortly after 8:00 a.m. this morning, a $6,000 signing bonus was deposited into your account by Charles. Yes, I have all of your banking information and so much more, so now sign.” $6,000 a month! That was like triple what I was making now. Holy shit. I didn’t understand and was so confused, and my hand was actually shaking a bit, but I signed, Dr Mike returned the papers to the file, stepped to his desk, picked up some other papers and a bottle of liquor, came and sat back down and handed the bottle to me. “I understand these are big changes, you will see why in Chicago if all goes as I plan, but for now, all you must know is I will continue to protect and care for you as I have been. Now drink. Take the edge off your emotions, I need you to focus on other things now.” Dr Mike said. “You are special. You know that. Your infection is beyond belief, and while we have had success in passing that along, we must do so now in a more proactive manner. Thanks to the HIV awareness campaign the city recently funded, I am now receiving many many new patients. Some are infected already, and a select few I am able and choose to use for my own purposes. But most come to see me for testing and most of those are negative,” Dr Mike explained. “That cannot continue. That must change, and I have two tools to help me in this.” Dr Mike went on, “The first tool is the HIV test itself. It is unreliable and there are many false negative results, which is why the standard protocol is to often test twice over the period of a few weeks. That is my window of opportunity and where my second tool comes in, you. While myself and my other regiment options such as Hank and Charles still have their place and role, it is you – with your extreme and sweet infection – that will ensure the AIDS rate in this city continues its steady climb. You will be the SIRE of the next generation of infections, and that begins today.” SIRE? What did Dr Mike mean? I did not understand. “Have you ever seen a genealogy chart? You know, a family tree?” Dr Mike asked. I shook my head yes as he continued and showed me a large sheet of paper with my name at the top. “This, this is your tree. This is your AIDs tree, those infections I can trace to you based on the strain and other testing. See, I have Joseph on here, and will trace who he infects, and who they infect and on and on. I will do that for the others too, the others whose names will go in these now empty boxes. Do you understand?” I did understand. A part of me was shocked, surprised, and I felt like I should be disgusted. I wasn’t though, I was turned on. This is what Dr Mike made me for and this is what he wanted, I was in. Dr Mike turned slightly in his chair, placed his hands on both sides of my head, and looked intently into my eyes as he said, “You are my seed, and through you I will pass the scourge of AIDs onto many more in DC and beyond,” and he leaned in, kissed me hard and deep, pulled back, stood up, and went to his desk. Wow, he took my breath away with that. “Stay here,” Dr Mike said, “I will be back shortly. You may sit in the chair, use the bathroom, whatever you wish, but stay here.” I got up off the floor, rubbed my knees, and could not resist dropping my pants so I could finger my hole a little and taste Dr Mike’s bio cum from my ass. I did not want him to catch me doing that, so pulled myself together, sat in the chair to the left and started to think about all that he had said. SIRE – quit your job – Chicago, very special trip – escalate and intensify my training – so much I didn’t understand. But, I was Dr Mike’s and he owned me. That he was right about and I had given myself to him. Dr Mike returned about 20 minutes later, and said as he opened the door, “Come with me.” I got up and followed him into the hallway. As we walked to the former therapy room Dr Mike said, “I have sent the staff home, so we are alone for the moment. Alone except for him,” as he pointed to a white boy, strapped face down on the padded bench where I had been used and taken and infected by Dr Mike and Charles. I slowly walked around the bench. The boy was white, about 5”7, skinny and bony, and his ankles and wrists were in the cuffs on the sides of the bench. He was not blindfolded like I was, but had on a full leather hood with no cutouts in the face. His head was jerking back and forth like he could sense someone was there. Dr Mike stepped next to me as I reached out and touched the boy’s shoulder and flashed back to the day Dr Mike and Charles raped me. How I bled, and hurt, as they brutally used me, and realizing how much I wanted their infected cum – I wanted their AIDs cum over and over. I also felt a stab of jealousy seeing someone else like this. That should be me there for Dr Mike, not him. I knew Dr Mike had other patients and assumed he fucked them, but did not like thinking about that. I was Dr Mike’s and he was mine – at least I told myself that. Dr Mike wrapped his arm around my shoulder an said, “This is Christopher and don’t worry, he cannot hear us and right now a little something I gave him is kicking in so his focus is not all there. He can, and will feel everything, but his mind just won’t focus on exactly what is happening.” Dr Mike continued, “Poor little Christopher just turned 18 about a week ago. He actually first came to see me a few months ago as he and a friend from high school had jerked off together and some of his friend’s cum got on his hand, so Christopher wanted to get tested. He was afraid he got HIV. Of course he didn’t, but he will now, thanks to you. You see Christopher here has another challenge in his life, he found some pills in his mother’s medicine cabinet, started helping himself, and now that he is here for school is having trouble finding what he needs. Amazing what useful information comes out when I speak with a patient. I explained to Christopher how I could help him with that situation and he had two options, to use a contact I could refer him to off the street, or come here, but if he came here there was a price and a charge in services.” I listened as Dr Mike went on, “Christopher chose the street option first, but I made sure that my friend gave him some bad stuff, that did very little, so Christopher came back. He is desperate, and I gave him just a little taste and told him my price – he needed to be of service not just to me, but another patient. That patient is you. So here we are. Now, your job is to fuck him. While I would relish opening his virgin ass, I need his hole pure for your strain and yours alone. I need to track the results and show Deac…and show that what I have done is worthy of the attention I have asked for. Christopher will return every two days for you, I will make sure of that. You will fuck him, breed him, and seed him with your toxic cum until he too is filled with your very special AIDs.” Dr Mike continued, “You will be Christopher’s SIRE, his MAKER, his AIDS FATHER! Now, get undressed. Letting a negative top fuck your bloody ass is a random and lucky infection at best. Today you will infect with intent and purpose.” I hesitated, Dr Mike looked me hard in the eyes, his voice louder and stern, “YOU WILL do as I say. I understand this is difficult, but you must grow and serve as I demand and need, and you are mine. You have grown and proven your worth and served me well over and over. You will do so again.” I got naked, stood behind Christopher, small, smooth ass, not a mark on it. “Slap it,” Dr Mike said. So I did. “Harder,” Dr Mike said, so I did. “HARDER,” Dr Mike said, so this time I slapped hard as I could, the kid bucked, tried to run, my hand stung, but seeing the red mark I left made my dick get hard, and the precum start running, so I slapped him again, and again, and again. “Now,” Dr Mike said, “Get his hole ready. You will rape him. This is about infecting him as much as possible, so he needs to be bloody. Go ahead. You know what must be done.” I used both hands and spread the kid’s cheeks apart. His was pretty hairless and his hole tight and puckered. I took my right index finger and pushed at his hole and he bucked, twisted, and I could hear his muffled cries from under his hood as his body focused on what his mind could not. I shoved my finger into his hole, which fought me and clamped tighter. I pushed harder, with no luck, so pulled my finger out, spit on his hole and shoved it back in. This time my finger pushed through and his hole twitched, and I could feel his pulsing hot flesh around my finger. I finger fucked him a bit, then pulled it out, spit again, and with all my strength forced two fingers in. He was twisting hard and pulling at the straps now. Time to make it hurt. I twisted my hand so my fingers could get at his guts and started digging with my nails at his insides, first one side, then the other, then the other, back and forth. Soon the warmth increased and a driblet of blood came out of his hole and covered that sweet spot between his ass and his balls – a little bloody trail of tears. I pulled my fingers out, looked at the blood covering them, and wanted to breed him so bad right then. Dr Mike touched my arm, he was smiling as he looked at me, “Very good, excellent. You have learned well. Now, put on this blindfold, get your dick hard and work it inside of him. I don’t want you to be distracted by the sight of him, or anything else, so being blindfolded will help you focus on his hole, that and nothing else. So begin, I will be right back.” I put the blindfold on, stuck my fingers back in his ass and tried spreading them out to tear his hole and get it a little open. I spit a few more times, missing the hole, so then spit on my fingers. I have just an average size dick, so did not have the size of some to completely force my way in. Between working his ass with my fingers and jerking my dick with my left hand, I would go from being super hard to somewhat soft, back and forth. Dr Mike was right, the blindfold helped me focus, but fucking was just not my thing. While the thought of infecting this kid turned my on, my dick was screaming “Don’t make me, I’m a bottom!”. I heard the door shut, then Dr Mike wrapped his arms around me, his dick pressed against my back, as he whispered in my ear, so intimately, guiding me, instructing me, to feel it, feel Christopher, feel him resist, relish in that, relish in how his hole reacts and now feel him want it, feel his hunger and need begin. Christopher may be wanting it, but my dick still wasn’t. Wait, what was that noise? Was someone else there. I went to lift the blindfold and turn to look, but Dr Mike stopped me. Dr Mike said, “Bend over, take your fingers out, lick his ass, slick it up with your spit, taste his blood, the tang of his hole, now lick it again, let me guide you – I know what makes you hard,” and with that Dr Mike slammed his dick into my cum filled ass. I gasped, and the spit flowed from my mouth to the kid’s hole as Dr Mike fucked me. My dick was instantly hard, so I pushed back and up, edged forward, and I put my dick in the kid’s hole – the warm blood tingling and enveloping my skin, mingling with my spit to provide the lube I needed to use him for Dr Mike. My dick is not all that big, but when I popped through his ass, Christopher shook, trembled, bucked, and tensed. It did not matter. I could not stop if I wanted to as Dr Mike was fucking me, pushing me forward into the kid’s ass. “Fuck him, yes, take his ass, make him yours, I will fuck you like this every time if you need me to,” Dr Mike said, “Do you want that? Do you want my infected dick in you? Your hole is so tight right now, I can feel every muscle flex as you fuck him – damn!” “Yes Dr Mike, Oh FUCK YOU’RE GOING TO MAKE ME CUM, I’m going to cum in him, you want me to infect him DR? YOU WANT ME TO GIVE HIM MY AIDS?” I cried out as I began to shoot and my ass clamped down on Dr Mike’s dick. Dr Mike bellowed as he shot his second load of the day into me and by now I could tell when he cummed as his dick head swelled like a dog’s knot in my ass, securing itself deep as his entire shaft throbbed, and pulsated jet after jet of his toxic cum into my guts. “No – don’t pull out – work it around – give it time to embed in his cells,” Dr Mike said as he continued to work his dick around my hole. “This one will be pure, Christopher’s HIV lineage traced only to you. I will tell him he must only fuck here, where it is safe and I can protect him, no risk, and to serve me. I will also tell him I will test him to ensure he has been with no one else, otherwise I will not risk my other patients. You will continue to fuck him – and others - until it takes. As virulent as your blood and virus is I fully expect this will be enough. Then you will show him how to serve me in other ways.” What did that mean? Was Dr Mike replacing me? I paused my fucking, Dr Mike got firm again and said, “You are being prepared for bigger and better things and I need others to carry on the work you have started, now, pull out of his ass, but stay where you are. I am going to uncuff Christopher and take him to my office. You stay here until I return.” I pulled out, my dick felt wet, and I had to admit I had not cummed so hard in forever and it did feel great having Dr Mike inside me when I shot. Totally intense. I heard Dr Mike unbuckle Christopher, felt him bump up against me as he helped the kid out of the room and the door close. I took a deep breath, let it out, and lifted my hand to take the blindfold off, when my left arm was suddenly grabbed, and a gloved hand clamped around my right wrist stopping me just before I reached the blindfold. “Oh sweet little boy, did we scare you?” Charles said as he laughed. Where the fuck did he and I assumed it was Roger then holding my left arm - come from? I knew I heard someone. “You should be scared. You have been slinging that sweet white ass all over town and have not been paying enough attention to this here 11-inch dick of mine,” Charles continued. “Has he son?” “No Sir Master,” Roger chimed in, who then spit on my face and slapped me hard. Roger continued, “Damn wanted to fuck that one that Dr Mike just took, but he says we can’t. Says we can fuck you though, ain’t that right Sir.” Charles growled, turned me around, pushed me hard onto my back on the bench, lifted my legs, “Time for your next lesson boy, and we ain’t raped a hole in a while and Dr Mike said we don’t have to hold back at all,” he said as his gloved hands clamped around my throat and his gonorrhea encrusted Prince Albert piercing through the head of his dick tore the way open for his horse dick up my ass, while Roger stood over my face and started to piss into my partially open mouth. Back in the present, Butch the tattoo artist just finished the new additions to my tattoo. The colors seemed brighter, the whole design seemed like it had more depth to it now, which he said came from using layers of white under the colors, or something. Plus, there was the additions of several plus signs (+ + + +) inside the ring/circle that formed the center of the biohazard design. Like a marksman who knotches his gun barrel with his confirmed kills, these were mine. As Butch finished cleaning me up, I thought about the weeks since I SIRED Christopher and Charles and Roger raped me again. Dr Mike was not joking when he said my treatment regiment would become more intense and everytime I asked him why Chicago was so important all he would say was, “Because I say so.” Damn I hated that. But I was taking raw dick and cum several few times a day when I was working in his office. Dr Mike was having me get fucked by every full-blown AIDs patient he could, as well as any dick full of other STDs. He also had me SIRE a couple people every week in his office, with pretty much the same routine. I would stick my dick in their ass, while Dr Mike fucked me, and then once he left, Charles and Roger were often there to rape me, each time more brutal than the last, marking me with their bruises. Sometimes Hank, Carl, or one of the others would be there instead. The strangest part of my new contract though was Dr Mike had me learning how to handle accounting books, was having me trained in all of the latest computer technologies (and the trainer had a nice dick too, which was great), I took classes on some cooking techniques, I had a personal trainer who came to the house to get me in tip top shape, I met with a clothes stylist at Neiman Marcus, an etiquette coach, and more. One minute I felt like a damned show pony, the next a bitch at a puppy mill being fucked to churn out a new litter. What the hell was Dr Mike up to? Well, will have to think about that later. Butch wants his payment and has decided I need a load in both ends from him and his boy out front. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of Dr Mike – The Sire Chronicles: The Breeding Pack
    1 point
  22. Yes, your poz unmedicated load up his butt
    1 point
  23. Would love to see a pic of that
    1 point
  24. When he unloads his hot sticky sperm into my thirsty cunt.
    1 point
  25. I obviously need to hang out with you. Fisting is 99% mental. Replace thoughts of 'I don't know if I can get fisted" with "When I get fisted" http://www.bestshockers.com/1-man-1-jar/ For you pervs who are interested. Warning: graphic.
    1 point
  26. I've had the exact same experience. If find younger doctors are much more judgemental, and quick to critique, than the older more seasoned docs.
    1 point
  27. Freeballing at work now too ..lol
    1 point
  28. So, I was in Phoenix over the weekend and did the cheap motel cumdump thing. Here was my ad: 27 Ave Indian School Hotel Cumdump - m4m - 45 45 yo white dude taking loads at cheap motel. Need to get off? I don't care about your age, looks, whatever. Guy #1: Bear - rimmed me good, fucked me OK,dumped his load and said he'd be back later. Guy #2: Older African American gentleman - asked about protection and I said no...banged away...dropped his load and left. Guy #3: Young African American guy - 10.5 (real) inches...two hours of fucking and he didn't come. He kept making sure the curtains and door were open... he let in Guy #4: Never saw his Face....was busy sucking Guy #3 I was getting sore from Guy #3's massive dick and I had to get to an appointment, so he jerked off with just his tip in my hole (wish mine was big enough to do something like that!) and added to the mix. After I got back from my appointment, Guy # 1 comes back and hoovers my ass to get all the cum he can before fucking me again. Later, I got the following response from Guy #5: On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:45 PM -0700, #5 wrote: "I have a load I would love to give your hole " He included a cock pic. On Mar 28, 2015, at 11:46 PM, "I" wrote: "229 (the room #)" On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:53 PM -0700, #5 wrote: "You ddf? And Do I just walk in drop my pants fuck your hole? And you goys lots of cum in your ass already? ;)" On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:00 AM, I wrote: "Works for me!" I'm on my knees, ass to the door, when #5 comes in and pops his cock right in. He talks dirty about all the cum in my ass. Asks me if I want his and pops a load. I look over my shoulder as he's getting dressed and see that he's a cute, hot, teenager, (hopefully legal!!). I see him drive off in (mommie's??) car. Then, this starts: On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:13 AM -0700, #5 wrote: "You're not HIV positive are you?" On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:14 AM, I wrote: "Nosir...boring businessman...haven't done this in two years." On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:18 AM -0700, #5 wrote: "How many people have came inside you tonight? And why do you do this?" On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:18 AM -0700, I wrote:"Um..5 or 6...and I'm on "prep". And why do I like anon sex? That's a hard one....just something different every once in a while..." I then spent an hour or two trying to get the African American guy down the hall who kept playing with his bulge and seemed to be outside smoking a lot of cigarettes...no dice.. though... Guy #6, was another guy who messaged me that he was also in the motel...wanted safe, so he just jerked off on my ass and left.... 3 of the cocks attached:
    1 point
  29. I have been barebacking for years. And not sure if i have taken a poz load or not. Well last night i took my first known poz load. Thank you again. The guy and his partner came to my room at a hotel and the three of us played together. i sucked there cocks while the other fisted my ass. After they had both fisted the poz guy fucked me and then gave me my first poz anal load, what a feeling.
    1 point
  30. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=eBvkv-G884-#.VRZdavmUd-s bare doggyfuck a 22 yo college pussy and cum twice
    1 point
  31. I hope the next chapter comes soon. This is really hot!
    1 point
  32. What I did was stupid, and I knew it. But by not articulating the obvious, I could keep things in suspense in a way, making the oh-so-real threat seem less tangible, somehow blurry and far away, as if it had nothing to do with me. I should have stopped him, but I didn't, somehow couldn't. And you're right, PozfetishPig, I was helpless in a way, but not like most people would expect. It wasn't like I was at his mercy, tied up or held down, forced to surrender to whatever he had planned for me. Sure, he was on top of me, holding my lank, boyish legs spread wide with his paw-like hands, while his fat bare dick was sawing in and out of my teenaged pussy. But I could have asked him to pull out and let me go anytime and - call me naive - I'm 100% sure he would have complied, if I'd asked him to. Though his big cock and towering body was totally dominating me, I never felt like I had given up control, which makes my reaction even harder to explain. You know, I was free to go and I wasn't drunk or on drugs either. My mind was clear, the meaning of that tattoo obvious and I knew the only reasonable thing to do - but for some reason I couldn't make myself do it. I had to ask him to pull out, had to better ask him soon, but each time his fat mancock was sliding back into me, bottoming out inside my sore rectum, I was telliing myself 'Just once more, oh my God, just once more'. I yelped each time he was hitting ground, his cock was hurting my insides, my hole way to small to properly accomodate its girth, but I just couldn't imagine a world in which this fat, throbbing intruder was not ravaging my boypussy. Or, probably more accurate, I didn't want to imagine it. Of course I knew where this was leading, that I would end up with a big load of this guy's poz cum deep inside my guts if I didn't act soon. But though he was hurting me, I had this strange feeling that I was born to be hurt like that, to have strangers abuse me like that. 'One more thrust, just let him hurt you once more'. And before I really knew it, one more thrust had proved to be one too many and I felt his cock expanding inside me, throbbing fiercely as his poz load was coating my insides.
    1 point
  33. Like normal, my regular FB dropped off the world again. Had been three weeks since my poz bud and I had last got ahold of him and loaded his ass up good and also mine got loaded as well. Not an unusual thing as he was always doing that and then would come back all at once wanting to fuck me in an hour or so. That was another of the things that teed me off and caused me to look for a poz guy to load him up. His arrogance of disappearing with no contact whatsoever and then appearing and wanting to do me with barely any warning. Then, all at once, he was back and wanting to meet in about an hour again. I emailed him and asked where the hell he had been hiding? He came back and told me that he had been really busy at work for about a week and a half and then had come down really sick. He didn't go to the doctor but thought he had the flu or something and had been miserable for about a week. I could only smile as I read that, thinking he probably had the fuck flu and was poz now. I wrote back saying I was sorry to hear that. Now, I had to decide whether to meet up or not as I had not gotten sick any and was probably still neg. it seemed. I told him I would let him know in a few minutes if I could get free or not. I immediately got ahold of my poz guy and let him know. He was all for meeting up for sure as he was horny for some nice ass again and then make sure my bud was definitely pozzed up good. I told him that I had not gotten sick after 4 of his loads to my buds 2 so I wasn't sure whether to do anything or not now. He said, hell, set it up anyway and maybe he could take my buds mind off of me while he fucked him and I could just give him a bj at the same time. I thought that sounded good to me. I got ahold of my fb and told him I could and my buddy wanted to come again also. He was all for it now and told me he loved getting his cock in him while doing me too. I told him I was more into maybe just giving him a bj today while he got fucked. He just said he would see us there. As usual the poz guy and I got there first. It didn't take us long to get naked and start making out. He was a hot guy anyway. It wasn't long before we were 69ing and I had his cock in my throat like he had mine. While sucking me he was playing with my balls and crack and soon was running a finger around my hole. A few minutes later he let loose of my cock and his mouth and tongue were traveling down more and then he lifted my legs and started to rim my hole. He slobbered a lot and then had his tongue going in and out as deep as he could and then I felt his finger sliding in beside it. I was really loving it and the taste of his cock and precum had me soaring for sure. Pretty soon we heard my bud show up but we continued with what we were doing while he was getting his clothes off. Very quickly he was beside us and I let the poz cock out of my mouth as my bud bent down and planted his lips on mine for a great deep kiss. As we kissed the poz guy reached out with his other hand and grabbed my buds cock and pulled him towards him. He then took his cock in his mouth and started sucking him hard without missing a beat of his finger in my hole. As the poz guy sucked my bud, I felt him insert another finger in my hole and then quickly another one as he kept opening me up. It felt great and we all had cocks so hard you could pound nails with them I think. As soon as we were all good and hard, my bud pulled away from our kiss and the poz guy's mouth. He rolled over onto his back and grabbed me and pulled me up and on top of him. He then started kissing me again and the poz guy still had his fingers in my hole and now had 4 in me. I was so hot now I was bouncing on his fingers and wanting more and more. Before I knew what was happening the poz guy pulled his fingers out of me and I felt him grab my fb's cock and guide it into my hole and my bud drove it home balls deep in one thrust. I gasped and pulled away from the kiss and told him I had just wanted to give him a bj while he got fucked good. He just smiled and asked if I wanted him to pull it out now, while starting to ram it back and forth in me. I could only moan with pleasure so he didn't attempt to pull out and kept ramming my ass good. I figured with me on top, I could hop off when he was ready to cum as he always let me know he was ready and I would not get his probably now poz load in me. As he was fucking me I could feel the poz guy still playing with my hole as my bud's huge cock was going in and out and it felt like he was adding more lube or something. All at once I felt my bud stop pumping me and felt another pressure behind me and then pop I felt another large item entering my hole. I gasped at this intrusion and tried to turn to look over my shoulder but my bud had ahold of me so I could not see much. Then I heard the poz guy saying how good that felt to have his cock buried in my hole side by side with my bud's cock and I knew they both had their cocks buried in me at the same time. I couldn't even move. Then I felt them both kind of getting a rhythm going so one cock was going in while the other was coming out and they both started to fuck me. I tried to tell them to stop as I didn't want this but it felt so good all I could do was moan in pleasure. Soon they were both pounding my hole hard and fast. I felt myself trying to meet every thrust with my ass as I was fast getting so turned on I could hardly think of anything but how great those cocks felt in me. While pounding away the poz guy leaned over me some and started to speak. He was asking my bud how he liked that? He wanted to know if I liked it too? We both were barely able to tell him how good it felt. He wanted to know if we wanted him to pull out of me and ram it in my bud or not and we both told him to not do that just keep up what he was doing. He then leaned way over and my bud leaned up for a quick kiss and the poz guy surprised me by telling my bud he had news for him. Before I could say anything he told my bud that he was poz and had been since before we met the first time. I looked and my bud's eyes got huge. The poz guy then told him he had heard he had been sick and it was probably the fuck flu and he probably ought to go get checked soon. My bud's mouth dropped open after hearing this but he didn't stop pounding my ass. The poz guy then told him that by now he probably had a nice hvl and as he said this my bud groaned and said oh shit, I'm cumming. The poz guy groaned too and yelled he was too and could feel my bud's cock throbbing his load in me. I could feel both cocks pulse then but couldn't move to get off of them with one under me and the other on top of me and could only take their loads. They both kept their cocks in me until they went limp and basically fell out and then I noticed that I had cum also all over my bud's stomach and all over myself too. The poz guy got off of me then and rolled to the side and I kind of sat up over my bud. The poz guy then told me since I had said something about my bud being sick he had decided to not fuck him but surprise me by fucking me then instead and when my bud pulled me on top of him he decided to make it a DP experience and hoped that would tear up my hole enough to take also. My bud was still laying there in a daze from what he had heard. I looked down at their cocks and could only shake my head as there was probably little doubt now that I would become poz too as there was blood on both of their cocks. My bud was a little pissed but, for once, he did not jump up and take off and I got another load of cum from each of them before he finally left. My hole was really torn up for sure from their big cocks as there was blood still on them when done. Not a huge amount but enough I would bet I will be coming down sick soon as my bud had. He didn't seem quite as arrogant when he left this time though so hoping next time he wants to play I will be given a little more time. LOL
    1 point
  34. Damn HOT! Lucky slut taking your poz Daddy load!
    1 point
  35. I Love it turns me on some much, just the words, poz, disease, infect, get me hard. A top saying he wants to infect me is enough to get my cunt twitching with hunger.
    1 point
  36. Well, we had done it and stealthed my FB with a load of hvl poz cum. The poz guy, though, took a little advantage of the situation of me being in another world from being fucked so good. He had after loading my boy, also rammed home in me and bred me with his toxic load and it felt so good that he kept on pounding my hole until he had cum in me a second time to boot. WOW Was I ever in fuck heaven from the way they had used my hole. I loved every minute of it even if I had been surprised a lot by the poz cum and had not really been after that at all. Afterwards the poz guy and I had talked a bit and decided to get my boy again as soon as possible. He thought we could turn him into a cum dump and get rid of him wanting a condom ever again. We just needed to get him going more and we both decided to try and keep our 'rosters' clear as possible to be ready for him when he would call. We didn't have long to wait either. My boy loved my hole so much and it was hard for him to find anyone else who could take the pounding he liked to do with his huge cock. True to form he sent me an email and wanted to fuck me and again with only about an hour to try and get ready. He also asked if it was possible for the 'other guy', as he referred to him, to join also. He probably thought it would be too quick to get him. He was going to be surprised though, I hoped. I immediately got ahold of our poz guy and he was ready and could meet us at the time. We were both there early. Loved the way he made out and also the taste of his nice cock too. We made out for a good 20 minutes before my FB got there. He looked a little surprised to see the poz guy there but tried to not let on and said how happy he was for him to be there. My FB wanted to know if the poz buy would fuck me first to get me opened up more for him. This was a surprise though and I had not thought he would ask that. I looked at the poz guy and he smiled and told us he was ready for it. I wasn't sure I wanted it but laid down and we all started to make out for a bit and then the poz guy climbed on me. He looked me right in the eyes as he started to stick his cock in me. It was drooling precum and slicked my hole up and he was able to slide in fairly easily with his own lube. My boy was soon over me kissing me as the poz guy started to stroke his cock in my hole. It felt amazing and I was soon ramming my ass back at him as he tried to bottom out every time in me. This went on for a good 10 minutes when my FB all at once asked to take over. I groaned as the poz guys cock left my hole but soon I was back in ecstasy as my boy rammed his huge cock in me and started pounding away immediately. He was telling me he was too turned on watching me take another cock and just had to have my hole. The poz guy was now behind my boy with a hard cock in need and leaned over him again. He asked us what he was supposed to do with his cock now as he was really turned on badly and in need of getting off. I grabbed my boy though and planted a hot deep kiss on him to keep him from answering and just pointed with one had for the poz guy to ram it in him. The poz guy started rubbing his cock up and down my boys ass lubing his hole with his precum like he had mine. My FB started to squirm a little but I held him tight and shoved my tongue in his mouth as deep as I could and wrapped my legs around him tighter also. He quit moving so much other than ramming his cock in me deep and hard and soon I could tell the poz guy had his cock buried in him again. My boy held still for a bit deep inside me and I could feel the poz guy pounding away at his hole. My boy was looking me in the eyes and soon he could not hold still and he started to pound my again which definitely got him impaled deeper in me and the poz guy deeper in him too. He quit the kiss and his head went back as he arched his back and pounded me as hard as he could. He was then yelling how great this felt and looked over his shoulder at the poz guy who leaned in and kissed him passionately. My boy was moaning his pleasure now and soon broke the kiss and was telling us both to use him good. The poz guy kind of let part of the cat out of the bag as he then told my boy to get ready he was going to cum and impregnate him. My boy was too far gone and it didn't seem to register what was said. He just told the poz guy to hurry as he was about ready to cum too. They both went wild then and soon my bud rammed home in my ass as deep as he could and yelled he was cumming. The poz guy then yelled he could feel it in my boys ass and he was cumming too and all this set me off and I was cumming all over my stomach without having to touch my own cock. All three of us getting off at the same time and wow I was floating away my orgasm was so strong. I started to come back and again the poz guy was the only one with me as my boy had got up and left again quickly. He was rimming my ass and eating the load from by FB and before I could say anything he had lined his cock up with my ass and was rammed in deep. He held it still in me as it registered on my mind that his poz cock was again in me. I was trying to find a way to tell him no but could not think of a way with it feeling so good in me. I had never been able to turn down a hard cock and especially once it was in me it was basically impossible for me to say no. He just held still for a while and only kind of stirred around a little without actually pumping and out at all. The feeling was nice though. He was telling me he thought he was definitely pozzing my boy as he had noticed a little pinkish color on his cock this time when he pulled out of him and there had been he was sure some tearing in him and bleeding which would help his toxic load get into him better and faster. I hadn't heard it but he also told me my boy had thanked him for the load when he left. We both smiled at that one. As he told me about the thank you, the poz guy pulled back on his cock until only the head was still in me and asked if I wanted another load. Before I could answer he shoved forward and buried his cock to the hilt in me and I could only moan in pleasure and he took that as a yes and really started to fuck me good. Again, I got two more loads from him before he was done and I had not told him to stop. I was a doggone cum dump myself and now proabably getting pozzed when all I had wanted was my bud to get it. Not only that but I got two loads now for the one he got. What should I do now?
    1 point
  37. I arrived at our meeting place early and my poz bud arrived at about the same time, so we had time to talk and do a little preparing for my arrogant fuck bud to arrive. He was going to get a lot more out of this fuck than he knew was coming. Poz guy and I talked and planned for a bit and then started to make out while awaiting my fuck buddy. I definitely wanted this guy horned up and ready when my fuck buddy got there. We started by kissing some and then, since it was going to happen anyway, got naked and were feeling each other up and stroking each others cocks. He had a lot of precum and it didn't take long before his cock was covered in it and slick and hard as a rock. His cock was about as long as my fuck buddy's, but just short of being as big around. It was a damn nice size though and I couldn't wait and dropped on my knees, and took it into my mouth. I just had to taste it and feel that nice cock throb in my throat a little. We fooled around for about ten minutes when my fuck buddy finally arrived, and his arrival was just in time, as that poz cock was starting to taste mighty good to me and my ass was starting to tingle with a need to be filled. My fuck buddy took one look at us and stripped, saying "It looks like I got here just in time. Another five minutes and I'd have had sloppy seconds." We all laughed a bit at that, but I don't think either of them really knew how close that was to the truth. My ass was ready and in need of filling. My fuck buddy and the poz guy started to kiss, and I went down to swallow my fuck buddy's beautiful cock, to prime him so he would cream my hole good. Poz guy and I traded around after a few minutes and he was swallowing that big cock while I gave some tongue-action to my fuck buddy. The three of us went back and forth several times, as my fuck buddy became increasingly worked up. Yeah, I was determined to edge him, to get him so hot that he would be ready for anything. His cock was about as hard as I could ever remember it and he was panting to plant it in me by the time I lay down and told him to hurry and do me. I was more than ready to be fucked. My fuck buddy lubed himself and my ass, and then slowly entered my hole, a little at a time, teasing me as he went by pushing in and then holding still again. Our poz bud was behind him watching and then, right on cue, commented to my fuck buddy "Damn, you've got a nice ass too," adding "Do you like to get fucked?" My fuck buddy replied "Yeah, but I only bareback with this guy." Poz guy just smiled. As my fuck bud started to finally fuck me the poz guy moved behind him more and started to play with his ass, lubing it, and loosening it up by some vigorous finger play, all the while telling my bud "I gotta play with your ass while you fuck your buddy," and encouraging him to pound my ass good and get it nice and sloppy for him. He kept whispering how hot it was to watch his big cock tear my hole up. Knowing where this was headed, I enjoyed the talk almost as much as I enjoyed being fucked. My fuck bud always took a while to cum so I knew I was in for a good ass pounding, for at least twenty minutes or maybe more. It felt good as he lifted my legs higher and higher and had them over his shoulders, holding me almost upside down as he pounded my ass. It was always a great fuck with him. I could just see the poz guy a bit behind him as he was running a finger into my fuck buddy, and then said he was going for more fingers. My fuck buddy replied "It feels great, and I can feel the tingle of your fingers against my prostate as I pound away at this hole." Soon the poz guy told him he had all four of his fingers in my fuck buddy's ass. He, in turn, was clearly enjoying the anal play, and it helped him pound me hard. The poz guy kept up a steady stream of hot talk, telling us how hot it was to watch me being fucked as he played with my fuck buddy's hole and how hot he was getting too. He also told my fuck buddy how hot his hole was, and commented it was making him really horny too, and that his cock was hard as a rock. He pushed up against my fuck buddy, and ran himself up and down the crack of his ass, and asked how he liked the feel of that. My bud told him it fell good and bet I would love that when he got done with me. The poz guy never moved back away again and kept his fingers probing deep in my fuck bud's hole while his poz cock kept up a smooth slide up and down his crack smearing lots of his precum all over my bud's ass crack and hole and slicking him up even more with the lube there also. My bud was loving the attention and was pounding my hole as hard as he ever had and we were both soon moaning our pleasure a lot. My bud then told us he was getting close and then really started going even faster and harder if that was possible. The poz guy said he was really getting horny for some too, but I don't think by now it was registering with my bud at all as he approached his orgasm. I then notice the poz guy had pulled his fingers out of my bud and had him by the hips with both hands and rubbing his cock up and down his crack faster. My bud looked my in the eyes and told me to get ready as he was going to cum. He then rammed me about three or four more time and buried his cock as deep into me as he could as he grunted out that he was cumming hard. As soon as he came to a halt in me and was cumming the poz guy all at once yelled oh hell I can't take it and rammed his cock home in my bud's hole and said he was cumming too. My fuck bud was so far gone in his orgasm it didn't register at first that the poz guy's cock was buried deep in his hole and filling him up too for a while. As my bud was finally coming down he was telling us that was about the hottest cum he had ever had and then it dawned on him that there was a cock buried in him too. He looked over his shoulder and wanted to know what the poz guy was doing anyway. He told him he was sorry but he just got too excited when my boy came in me that he rammed home in him without thinking or knowing what he was doing. He apologized. My boy told him it was ok but he was not realy happy about getting a load in him. I could tell he was some pissed but kind of shrugged it off as he got up and got dressed and like normal was out of there within just a few minutes of cumming in me. He never hung around anyway more than a few minutes. I was still laying there with my legs spread and like usual, also, after being fucked by my bud I was in another world enjoying the feeling of being fucked and filled. I didn't even notice my boy leave nor that the poz guy was still hard and telling me how hot that had been and he was still damnably horned up by that. I didn't know anything until all at once it dawned on me that my legs were up I the air again and my hole was being pounded again. I came around and looked up and was looking right into the eyes of the poz guy as he was ramming his toxic cock in me now. I yelled what the hell are you doing, I don't want pozzed, just my boy. He just smiled and said he was sorry but that session just made him too horny and he couldn't resist my hole right there in front of him. I started to tell him to get off when he all at once rammed home in me hard and moaned and I could feel his cock pulsing. I opened my mouth but nothing came out and he told me OMG that feels good and I am filling you full of my poz seed too. As he said that he leaned down and kissed me and started to pound away again and I could do nothing but thrust my ass back at him as it felt too good to stop.
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  38. I answered "Yeah, Sorta - but there are some negatives." I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago and it was earth-shattering. I'd (almost) always been safe and HIV was one of my biggest fears. It led to the break-down of the relationship I was in and I then made the decision to move back to the UK (I'd been living in San Francisco for many years). In the first few months, I was fortunate to be surrounded by friends, love and acceptance and spoke with a lot of poz guys about their experience of living with HIV and found a 12-step meeting for folks living with HIV, too (I'd been sober a long time already). And I told all my family, who were all totally cool. I just knew that for me, carrying around secrets doesn't work. I also attended a weekend seminar type affair organised by the SF Stop AIDS peeps, which was awesome. 5 years on and I'm at peace with being poz. I have no shame about it (I'm upfront about my status on dating/hook up sites), and no guilt. I'm fortunate that I've not had serious health problems, and have excellent and free care/treatment here in the UK (which was a big influence on my decision to return here). It's not been an easy ride, and I've gone through some dark times, but today I'm happy. I wouldn't go back and change things. It's taught me that the worst thing imaginable happened and I survived. And of course, I'd be lying if I said my sex life hasn't improved...I rarely topped, as condoms kill my hard-on and I feel jack shit with one on. Early in diagnosis I discovered my love for taking loads...but then when I tried topping bare....man...it's the best thing ever, especially when I get to dump my load inside some pig's hungry fuckhole at the end of a long pounding. Bottomhole - I hope it gets better for you. It can take time to adjust, so hold on.
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  39. Yes, I love being somewhat scared by a top! The perfect situation for me is a rough, hung, muscular top... I'm a bit nervous when I go over to his place, he strips me, manhandles me, throws me around a bit, takes what he wants, pushes me outside of my comfort zone a little, hurts me a little and generally makes me his fucktoy. Afterwards I wanna feel dazed, confused, ruined, unsure of what exactly just happened But as others have said, I do have limits and I expect those to be respected. I also never wanna feel like I could be a victim of a crime. Everything should be consensual.
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  40. when I ask a guy pumping my ass if he's poz and he says "yeah" and I tell him I'm neg...and he pounds harder & shoots a hot load deep in my ass...
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  41. The breeding definitely. I love it when the fucker unloads in me. The same way, when I top, I love it when the person I fuck takes my load.
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  42. I've been on since April 2013. Since that time I've taken about 60 loads and been fucked by substantially more guys than that. Much of the fucking has been anonymous - at sex parties, bathhouses, etc. Sometimes I don't even see the guy - some guy will just start fucking me when I'm sucking some other guy, or I'm ass up and don't look back, or I'm blindfolded, etc. Needless to say I'm not asking their status. I've also fucked at least that many guys during that time, but that's much lower risk. 

I should add that I was getting fucked and going to sex parties and taking anonymous loads before going on PrEP. A year or so before I started PrEP I had sorta decided to "let it happen" (but it didn't happen). Prior to PrEP I took 43 loads in my ass. There wasn't quite as much anonymous sex before I went on PrEP. When I started taking loads I initially looked for undetectable tops - but clearly there was a risk. I didn't really start getting into taking anonymous dicks and loads until a few months before I started PrEP - I did a little here and there, but nothing regular. Oh, and I got the DNA test and I'm neither immune nor resistant. 

I haven't had as much sex as I would have liked this year - I'm only on track for 55 loads by the end of the year. I really wish I could get to 100, but don't see that happening. But maybe I can bump it up to 75 or so. Then next year bump it up yet again. And yeah, I'm still testing neg - the PrEP regimen makes you get tested every 3 months. AFAIK it would take an unmedicated top with a strain that's Truvada resistant to infect me. Given that I was just going to let it happen before I started PrEP I'm fine with becoming poz. There's no fear or anything. It's just I finally came to a point where my sex life was more important than staying neg. PrEP lets me do both. In a way I get to bug chase indefinitely – it's sorta fun. Just wish more poz tops were into "poz talk"
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  43. MAC MEN 8: THE PARTY PART 4 “More…loads…” is the first thing I say when I come back to my senses about a minute later laying on top of Kenny’s sweaty, muscled back. “You all right, man?” he asks. “I think I blacked out for a second,” I say. “Other than that, never been better.” I look over to the load board and see Lito making a hashmark, his huge cock swinging like a pendulum, a long drop of spunk hanging past his knees. Then I look down to see my cock is still wedged up Kenny’s ass. Good. I love to watch and feel my spent spunkshooter snake out of a cummed up manhole and I’m glad I miss the withdrawal during my mini fuck-coma. “Don’t pull out yet, Randy.” I turn to see Angel, the man responsible for the slutty turn my life has taken. Angel goes in for a hot, wet kiss—I never get tired of those lips—then crawls under Kenny and positions his gaping mouth under Kenny’s freshly-bred fuckhole. “Now you can pull out,” he says. As I start to withdraw, I see Angel’s hungry eyes and gaping mouth on either side of my cummy spent shaft. My cum-caked cockhead squelches out of Kenny’s hole bringing with it a hot, white glob of seed that lands right on Angel’s tongue. It’s followed a second later by my shiny wet cock, which he takes to the base in one gulp Kenny stands and turns to face me while Angel sucks down the dregs of my load, tasting me and all the men who filled Kenny before me. “That was so fucking hot,” Kenny sighs, his scruffy flushed face an inch away from mine. “Lito Cruz bred me, right?” I ask, reaching around to finger my swollen hole. “Right after I unloaded in you? Or did I dream that?” “It fucking happened,” says Kenny. “I watched him unload in you in that mirror right there while your load was seeping into me. It was fucking amazing.” Before Kenny goes to make a mark on the wall for my load, we promise to get together soon to, “hang out and reminisce about our high school days.” “Or we can just swap cum,” he suggests. “I’ll take option B,” I say. Angel lets my cock slide out of his mouth then stands up to give me a sloppy warm spermkiss. Then he leads me by the hand to a spunk-spattered fuck bench. We each put one knee up on the bench for balance then face each other and finger each other’s battered cumholes. “How are you doing?” he says softly. “This is too fucking much, man,” I say. “I’ve never been into drugs, but I feel like I’m on something, like drunk on cock and ass and flesh and cum and all these hot fucking men. I know there’s a world outside this place, where I have a life and a job and responsibilities and all that shit, but I don’t care about it. I just want this night to go on and on and on.” “It can,” says Angel, “and it will. And you’ll still have your life and your responsibilities and everything but you’ll also have this life as a fucking hot barebacker to escape to when you feel the need to do what we were born to do as men with cocks; breed a hungry hole.” “And there are so many hot men in this room—hell, in this world—and I want to swap spunk with all of them,” I say. “Every load I take, every hole I breed just makes me want more and more and more.” “I knew it,” he says. “I could see that in you the moment I met you.” “Fuck, you’re wet,” I say, when I feel a big glob of cum drip down my fingers to the floor. “How many loads have you taken so far?” “Taken four, given three,” he says. “How ‘bout you?” “I’ll tell you later,” I say. “Right now, I’m too out of it to think. I know I’ve taken more cum than I’ve given.” “You got more in you?” he asks. Before I can answer, Hassan, Marcus’s Middle-Eastern buddy from before taps me on the shoulder. “You guys look like you’re in deep conversation,” Hassan teases, his half-hard cock slapping against my thigh. “I thought guys came here to fuck, not talk.” “We’re talking about fucking,” I say with a smile. “How ‘bout you keep on right on talking while I tap that ass like I wanted to earlier,” Hassan proposes. “I’ve been kind of raving about it,” says Marcus sauntering up behind Angel. “And I’ve always wanted to tag Angel’s hole.” “You’ve tagged my hole,” Angel reminds him. “Not that I’m complaining.” “I’ve fucked you, yes,” clarifies Marcus, “at Ron’s birthday breed-up but I didn’t unload in you because the birthday boy got all the loads, remember?” “Oh right,” remembers Angel. “It even said that on the invitation. But I remember I wanted cum so bad that night. So I got Frank to breed me without letting on that he was—even though I could feel every hot jet—and then he came in Ron a little while later. Luckily, he’s a quick rebounder.” Hassan pulls my chin toward him and starts kissing me softly on the lips. The slow, sweet pace is a nice change after so much balls-to-the-wall man-pounding. Marcus does the same to Angel. Hassan takes my hand and leads me around the fuckbench so I’m facing Angel who’s being put into position by Marcus. Angel and I smile at each other—we know what we’re in for—then kneel on the bench, face to face, offering up our slick, hungry asses for the taking. I stare into Angel’s eyes as I feel Hassan’s throbbing cock slide into my ass. Angel’s eyes widen right along with mine as Marcus slides into him. As they start to fuck, Hassan and Marcus coordinate their slow, sensuous fuck-rhythms so that everything I’m feeling, I can see on Angel’s face and visa versa. “They’re totally doing a number on us,” I say to Angel. “We can play that game, too,” says Angel. He looks up to Hassan behind me. “My friend Randy’s hole is sweet, isn’t it, studman?” says Angel. “I know it’s sweet because I was the first man to go in there bare to breed him. I flooded his guts with a massive load of sperm. I still remember how good it felt to shoot my hot ropes right up that perfect hole that had never been seeded before. And once that happened, everything in Randy’s world was different. I unleashed a monster.” With that Angel kisses me. “A fuck monster.” “I’m about to unleash a monster, too,” taunts Marcus, “right up your sweet hole, Angel…but not yet.” “Marcus, you can try to hold off all you want but if Angel wants your load, and you know he does, that ass is going to milk it out of you,” I say. “I know because Angel’s the first fucker who let me cum in him bare…but he didn’t just let me, he made me with his talented ass. And now he’s going to make you, too.“ I can see in Angel’s eyes that he’s starting to really use those expert ass muscles of his to get Marcus’s seed. “He’s turning on the milking machine, isn’t he?” “Oh fuck,” says Marcus. “That’s incredible.” “And your aching balls are pulling up, aren’t they?” I ask him. Marcus just nods, in rhythm with his fuckstrokes. “Better keep up, fucker,” Angel says to Hassan. “Fine,” says Hassan who matches him stroke for stroke for a while but finally gives up and just starts to longdick me as hard as he can. “That’s it, Hassan,” I groan. “I love those long strokes. I love hearing the wet sounds as you slide in and out on the carpet of cum your buddy Marcus blasted up there earlier. Add to it, fucker. Flood me.” “Do it, fuckers,” demands Angel. “What are you waiting for? I see you two at the gym together all the time, strutting around like you’re the hottest fuckstuds going, silently promising that if a bottom stud’s lucky enough to get that hot, worked out body pounding into him that he’s also gonna get a big, hot, wet load.” “So you guys gonna deliver or what?” I say, as Hassan starts jackhammering his cock right past my prostate. I fall forward and hold onto Angel’s shoulders as Hassan starts the inevitable build to orgasm. “Breed us, fuckers!” begs Angel, holding onto my shoulders as Marcus gets ready to spunk him up. “Give us your hot loads!” I look up and see Marcus nodding frantically at Hassan as his orgasm overtakes him. “Get ready for my load,” he pants. “Here….it….cummmmmmms!” I stare deeply into Angel’s pleading eyes. “Every drop, Angel,” I command him. “Take every drop of Marcus’s hot load.” “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh fuck, take the load, take the load!” barks Marcus, his massive pecs heaving as he unloads in my breeding mentor’s hot, insatiable cumhole. “Unnnnnnnngh! Unnnnngh! Yeah, that’s it. Unnnngh!” “Now your turn, Hassan,” says Angel, breathless from the recent breeding. “My friend Randy needs your load. Look in his eyes. He’s living for it. Nothing else matters to him right now but your hot load of mansperm. Don’t let him down. Blast your cum into that perfect ass.” “It’s cumming, fucker,” Hassan gasps, slapping my hips with his big hands as his cock pistons in and out of me in long slippery fuckstrokes. Hassan is the king of longdicking and I love the way it feels, especially with so much manjuice up there already. “You’re getting seeded, dude, whether you want it or not.” “Oh, he wants it,” says Angel. “I want it,” I beg. “Breed me, stud. Knock me up with that hot sperm.” “Aaaaaaaaghhhhhhh!” shouts Hassan, claiming the distinction as my loudest cummer of the night so far. “Aaaagh, aaagh, ughhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuucckkkk, oh fuck oh fuck.” “Soak it all in, Randy,” says Angel grabbing my face and putting his mouth right up to my ear. “Let it seep into you, every microscopic bit of it, make that sperm part of you.” I take Angel’s words to heart. I close my eyes and visualize Hassan’s hot jets of mancum as they blast into me; one rope hitting one asswall, the next hitting the other, the third hitting the roof of my ass-tunnel and the rest shooting straight ahead in several more strong blasts. “I feel it,” I groan. “I feel every pulse. Give it all to me, Hassan, drain those giant nuts.” Hassan falls onto my back with a thud. “Best cum tonight,” he says after catching his breath. “Thanks, man,” I say. “That was even better than I imagined. I knew you were going to be a hot fuck but those long strokes hit places in me I didn’t even know I had.” Angel, Marcus, Hassan and I stand in a circle, caressing each other’s shoulders, back and asses and recovering from the heavy-duty mind/assfuck. I like these guys. I could see the four of us hanging out outside of here; having meals, working out, catching movies, like double-dating except everybody’s fucking everybody and no hole is safe. I glance over Angel’s shoulder at the wall of loads. It’s two-thirds covered in hashmarks. I want to take a photo of the wall before I leave for my Facebook cover page. To the uniformed viewer, it’s just a wall with a bunch of hashmarks on it. But all my Shudder buddies would know it’s all about assloads. I like to imagine my fellow barebackers innocently surfing the web at work, landing on my page and getting a raging hard-on at the thought of Shudder, then leaving the office and whatever work it is they were supposed to be doing, to get their breed on as soon as possible. And if I’m in the neighborhood, I’m more than happy to leave my desk to take their seed.
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  44. Xtube Pozzing – Locked and Loaded: The first shot of scalding cum landed in my right eye as the homeless guy frantically beat his dick. “That’s it,” Lex yelled to make himself heard above the din of voices of the men waiting to use me, “Glaze his face. Stick out that tongue whore, taste that infected cum, that’s it, show the folks at home what a good hungry slut you are.” I turned my head slightly and squinted my left eye so I could see Lex, video camera in hand, capturing the first hot load. After already being used by the pimp in the alley, Jay, Griz and his guys, Lex, and their friends, the guys now decided the best way for me to serve them as a whore was to star in my own Xtube video as a white, negative bottom being raped and infected by a group of nasty black men. I now looked at the homeless guy standing over me, the one who’s crust covered dick I had sucked and licked clean and who had just shot on my face. “Good, now turn to the camera again and say ‘thank you Black Master for your infected load – I am nothing but a white negative whore ready to be used and bred’ – now say it,” Lex ordered. Suddenly my head spun a bit and it seemed like the homeless was moving in fast-forward mode as his hand looked like it was jacking at 100 miles an hour. Must be the drugs, fuck I had never been so fucked up and high! Yet, somehow I still managed to give my thanks and prayed for more. “Who’s next? Get those dicks locked and loaded and show me the money shot!” Lex said as the first guy stepped book, someone else grabbed my head and forced another dirty dick down my throat. “Remember. First loads go on his face, down his throat. Once everyone coats the whore up, we’ll then move on the main event – seeing you fuckas rape and infect that pink whore ass!!!” This elicited a loud round of “FUCK YEAHS and GONNA FUCK THAT BITCH GOOD and YOU WAIT WHORE, I GOT SOME CHARGED DICK FOR YOU!” For the moment, all I could do was focus on sucking the guy in front of me and not flipping out from the drugs. I reached up to wipe the first load off my face and eye and SLAP! Jay’s big hand hit my face again, making me bit down on the dick in my mouth as Jay said, “Don’t fucking touch that. Every hole and pore in your body needs to absorb that infected cum, you hear me? I wanna see my little rabbit covered in nutt, so you just keep on working that mouth slut!” I nodded, opened my mouth, and took the dick back in, the cum now seeping a little into my right eye and stinging like hell, but I knew better now than to try to wipe it off. Griz then said, “For your horny bastards watching this, not only will this white whore get pozzed up and infected with who the fuck knows what today, you can all consider this a How To Manual in How To Serve Your Black Masters. Ain’t that right whore? Tell them? Tell them you want that black dick, tell them you need that poz cum, tell them what a slut you are for that long, thick, hood dick.” I twisted my head, letting the dick currently in mouth slip out as I turned my face towards Lex and the camera and said, “Yes Master. I’m a whore whore for my black masters. Please teach me how to serve you. Please use me as your whore. I’m your baby drinker. Please infect me anyway you want, with anything you want – but most of all Masters – please give me more drugs!” The guys standing around me all started to laugh as Jay leaned down, held his crack pipe to my lips, and Lex moved in for a close up as the smoke from the pipe swirled around my cum coated face then focused in on me blowing it around the dick waiting for my mouth. Lex growled, “Fuck yeah! Good whore learns quick, look at that, smoking that dick.” Soon the guy fucking my throat picked up the pace and as he got close pulled out and as he did Jay said, “Say what you carrying man – tell the camera what you got so folks know if you’re gonna give our whore here the ‘package’ or something else.” Just as he started to speak someone placed their hands over my ears so I could not hear, and as I was about to ask why thick globs of cum started hitting my face. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue to catch the wayward drops, and then sucked him dry once he had glazed me. That was the way the rest of the guys went – shoving their dirty dicks down my throat, as they got close they would start jacking to be sure they coated my face and just as they started to shoot someone would cover my ears while the guy told the camera what he was carrying. I guess I sucked 8 or 10 guys, both of my eyes were completely encased in cum, my face was covered, I had cum drips down my neck, even some in my hair and on one ear. Some of the bigger dicked guys had really gotten off on making me choke on their dick and they forced it past my gag reflex, so my chest was also covered with cum and gut juice I spit up. While I waited for the next dick Lex said, “That’s it for the first set of loads. Here baby, open that mouth, let your black masters feed you what you missed.” I obeyed, opened my mouth, and soon big thick fingers were wiping my face off then shoving the infected load into my waiting mouth. After a couple minutes of licking fingers clean, Jay bent down, lifted me up, and then sat back in the chair with me in his lap. I wiped my hands vigorously over my face like a little hamster trying to clean himself off, shook my head to get myself back in the here-and-now, and smiled as Griz leaned down, patted my face, handed me a pipe and said, “Good slut. That shit was hot. While the fellas light up and get ready for the next round I put a little something special in this glass, so let me burn it for you, just open those pink lips and inhale when I tell you.” With Jay holding me in a bear hug in his lap, and Griz lighting the pipe, I opened my lips anxious for whatever new drug they planned to dose me with. I didn’t care anymore or question what they gave me, or what they made me do, all I knew is that I wanted more of it all – more dick, more drugs, more dick, and more drugs. I hit the pipe and started choking and coughing as Griz laughed and said, “Fuck damn! Don’t try to take it all at once. This shit is tough shit, so ease up on it, it’s not some dick for you to jump on, you feel me?” I laughed a little, took a smaller hit, and immediately my whole body tingled, my mind cleared, everything seemed more 3-D. Lex then came up, leaned down, kissed me long and hard and after he pulled away said to the others, “OK, what’s next? Right to fucking or something else? Here’s what I’m thinking….” A few minutes later I was on my hands and knees on the nasty carpet in the basement as the homeless guys lined up behind me and in front of me. Before they started though Griz jumped the line, told me to open to my mouth, and as Lex zoomed in with the camera on my face Griz said, “Next up in training our whore is a good chem piss high. Here in the hood we like a fucked up, sloppy whore who takes every body fluid and we mean EVERY. Step 1 – cum facial, Step 2, take that nicca piss – so come on whore, open that mouth and you better swallow every fucking drop.” I started to gag and choke as the first stream of piss from Griz’s dick shot down my throat. Fuck damn that was awful, but Griz just growled, slapped my face hard, held my head between his big hands and forced his dick in a bit further as he continued to piss in my mouth and I continued to gag and choke and piss ran out of my lips and down my chin. At the same time, the homeless guys behind me moved around me and the first one lined his dick up with my ass and shoved it in. I expected to get fucked but he stayed still, his body tense as his fingers clamped into my hips and soon I started to understand why – he was pissing up my ass. I immediately tried to move, but Griz squeezed my head hard between his hands like a vise and growled, “STAY THE FUCK WHERE YOU AT – YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE EVERY DROP OF THIS PISS.” The first load of piss up my ass made be feel bloated and like I had to shit, and as soon as the first guy finished and pulled out I heard Lex say, “Clamp that hole shut. Fuck, for you folks at home, look at that, shiny hole covered in toxic piss full of chem. Watch that throat work, see his neck? He’s struggling to swallow that stream!” Lex was right. Every drop down my throat made my guts clench and just as Griz finished up and pulled his dick out my entire insides felt like they collapsed into a big fist and piss and cum and gut juice came pouring back out of my mouth and all over my arms and the carpet. “Damn! Like the fucking Exorcist and shit,” one of the homeless guys said. Lex kneeled, the camera now inches from my face as he said, “Say you want more. Say you’re sorry and say you want more. Tell them how you want to taste all the piss and feel it all up in your ass.” While the next homeless guy stuck his dick in my piss-filled and added to my bloat, another one slid his dick in my mouth as my tongue felt his meat twitch and dance before his piss started to flow. He did not have much to give me and I was able to keep it down, but as the third guy started to slide in my ass I could not hold my hole shut and piss and old cum came pouring out, making the next guy in line jump back and exclaim, “FUCKING NASTY BITCH!” before he reached forward and punched me hard in the side, right in the same spot the young dude had kicked me in. I cried out, immediately dropped and rolled over as angry voices surrounded me. I looked up from the floor and saw Jay and Griz both whaling on the dude, fists flying, and the sound of them connecting with bone and flesh seemed really unbelievably loud. “YOU UNGRATEFUL ASSHOLE – WHAT THE FUCK? YOU LIKE THAT SHIT? DUMB ASS FUCKER! YOU DON’T PUNISH A WHORE FOR WHAT’S ONLY A NATURAL REACTION THEY CAN’T CONTROL, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY TRYING – YOU FEEL US? WE TOLD YOU ALL TO LEAVE THAT SORT OF SHIT ON THE STREET.” As I struggled to focus the guy who punched me just kept screaming about his money, where’s his money, and was quickly dragged out the back door by Jay and Griz, his screams mixing with the yelps of the dogs in the backyard. One of the homeless guys knelt down and touched my face and asked if I was OK as Lex held out his hand to help me get up, his camera still rolling. “Well folks, that’s another lesson from the hood. You don’t let no one – I mean no one – fuck with what’s yours like that. That whore is ours, and if we want to do a beat down that is our choice – or yours if enough of you request us to make a new video of, but some fuck head’s we don’t know.” Griz and Jay came back in, the rest of the guys lined up, and as I knelt on the carpet now soaked in chem piss and more, I realized I had not hit the pipe again, yet felt even more fucked up than before. Was that a piss high? I still gagged on some of the piss but eagerly swallowed what I could and tried to keep as much of it up my ass as possible, but am not sure how successful I was. The next thing I remember clearly was Lex in front of me again with the camera saying, “Tell me slut, did you like that piss, what does it feel? You all wet now? That pussy slick for dick? Ready for a grimey hood fuck? Time to get that pussy pozzed up!!” I rolled onto my back on the carpet, not quite sure what was going on where I was. The carpet was sopping wet – was that from me? I didn’t care. Someone tapped me with their foot, it was Jay, “Come on, get up. Let’s get you ready for the next part of your pozzing.” I managed to get up and made Jay laugh as I kept reaching out trying to touch his hard dick. “You a hungry slut ain’t you? Don’t worry now. That pussy is going to get worked.” I saw Lex peeling off some bills from a wad of cash and two of the homeless guys started walking up the stairs. He turned to Jay and said, “Fuckers got squeamish when I told them what I had planned. Now, time to get our whore bred! Are you ready for some more strong black dick riding you?” I could only hum as Jay pulled me back against his hardening dick and Lex stepped forward, leaned in and kissed me wet and sloppy, then whispered, “You smell like a dirty whore already. Once these guys are all done using that hole, guess what, Jay, Griz, and I are only getting started and you WILL NOT leave here anytime soon baby.” Lex’s words did not really register at the time as Jay sat me back in his lap, Griz handed me a pipe, and Lex zoomed in with the camera while saying, “Look at this white whore. Like all white pussy, craves that Big Black Cock – BBC – BBC fucking them, nutting in them, using them, isn’t that right? You want some more BBC? You want BBC to nutt up in you? Infect you? Mark you as theirs?” I handed the pipe back to Jay, looked in the camera and said, “I want as much BBC as you can give me, I NEED it in my ass, making me your white pussy – PLEASE MASTERS!” At that Jay’s dick started jumping and he tried to shift so he could slide it in my ass, but Lex told him to hold off and led me to the bedroom with the remaining homeless guys in tow. I kneeled on the bed, pulled the pile of pillows up under my chest to give me support, reached back and spread my cheeks and begged, “PLEASE GIVE ME THOSE AIDS BABIES – THOSE BLACK BABIES – MAKE ME YOUR WHITE WIFE!” Lex’s grip on the camera faltered a bit at that, Griz and Jay growled, and the homeless guys lined up, their infected dicks ready to seed me, smallest to biggest – the smallest being a good 9.5 inches and extra-thick. Before we could begin, I stood up, asked Jay for the pipe again, took a long hit, kneeled back down, and waited. My head was surrounded my a thick cloud of smoke from the pipe and all the other guys crowded in the small room, smoking their own pipes and blunts and more soon filled the small bedroom with a deep, thick haze that added to the nasty setting. I expected a quick rough fuck, but instead I felt a finger, just one. I could hear Griz, “The key to pozzing any neg whore is to get them prepped. There are lots of ways to do that, but if you have the time, I suggest using your own fingers, taking your nails, digging into that ass like’s it’s a pan of biscuits you have to get ready to bake.” I clenched my teeth as Griz worked his fingernails into my ass ring, taking his time, one finger after another, one hand to the next. He pulled out, then Jay said, “Or, if you a true freak, you brush that whore up. Thank you Crest! Here I have your typical extra firm bristle tooth brush. Just slide it in, no lube, fuck look at that hole twitch! See this is what ever slut wants and needs. No matter what they say they all want the ‘package’ and what better way to give it to them? Now I prefer the side-to-side action, but in and out, long and deep, whatever you like as long as you pull it and see this – hot red bristles!!!” I was gritting my teeth and trying hard not to cry out as Jay brushed my hole harder and harder. I knew what was happening, but in the drug high did not care and all I could think about was all the hot black dick waiting to fuck me. My hole made a big SQUISH noise as the first homeless guy forced his dick into my ass, no lube, just fucking with what Jay had created. I dropped my head and cried a little into the pillows and within several strokes what was incredible pain flipped into ultimate ecstasy and I started to push my ass back. I could hear voices around me saying, “THAT’S IT WHORE, PUSH THAT PUSSY OUT! FUCK IT MAN, FUCK THAT HOLE, POUND IT! YEAH LOOK AT THAT, SLUT’S GOT HER PERIOD, FUCK THAT CUNT, BREED THAT PINK PUSSY NICCA, SHOOT THOSE AIDS BABIES!! INFECT THAT WHITE HOLE!!!” I wish I could say I felt each load or knew when they shot in me, but I can’t. I was so high, and my ass in such a mix of pain and wonder that my senses were just overloaded. Lex instructed each guy to make sure to tell him when he was getting ready to shoot his nutt and when he did, Lex’s voice would carry over all the others, “SHOW ME THE MONEY SHOT, SHOW THAT CUM HITTING THAT TORN UP PUSSY, THAT’S IT, NOW SLAM IT BACK IT, WORK THAT LOAD UP THERE, MAKE IT SLOPPY AND OPEN THAT UP.” After each guy had cummed in my shredded ass, Jay stood over me working the toothbrush around in my ass, telling the camera that was the best way to ensure every infection took, to make an ass as raw and tore up as possible, and to repeatedly infect it. Lex and Jay then let me up to hit the pipe again. I could barely stand, but when Jay asked if I wanted more I yelled, ‘PLEASE FUCK ME!!” I was then bent back over the bed as each homeless guy fucked another load number up my ass and I lost all track of time and who was fucking me. I began to reach back and try to grab them to pull them deeper into me as they bred me. I wanted their infected cum, I wanted their black dicks, I was their whore. As the next homeless guy climbed off me, I turned my head to see Lex with the camera angled at my ass as Jay spread my cheeks and said, “THIS IS WHAT ALL YOU WHITE BOTTOMS WANT, BUT YOU’RE JUST AFRAID TO ASK FOR IT. SO SAY IT, SAY YOU WANT TO BE GANG FUCKED LIKE A WHORE, INFECTED AND USED. BE HONEST. IF YOU’RE NOT YOUR BLACK MASTERS WILL TAKE IT!” Griz stood me up as my legs were cramping and I needed the pipe, so he lit it again for me and I once again got lost in the clouds. I heard Jay and Lex arguing a bit with a couple of the homeless guys and then Lex leaned in and kissed me, held my face in his hands and said, “You’ve done so fucking good and my dick is STRAINING to bust up in your wet wet hole. Jay thinks your ass can’t take any more, but I know you can and it would make me really happy if you did. I think you’re a true cum slut and were made for taking all this black dick. I made a promise to these guys – a promise that they could fuck a white whore as much as they wanted as long as they could keep that nutt flowing. Some of them have dried up and gone, but we still got a few men here ready to go and who want to keep giving you’re their dirty loads. What do you want?” I tried to focus my eyes as I looked at Lex, then stepped back away from him, looked at Jay stroking his big dick, Griz wanking on his, and the homeless guys who were left. They were all over 10 inches and some of the dirtiest, but my hole was hungry and I needed more. I looked back at Lex and said, “Turn your camera back on.” The red light of the camera started winking at me, I focused on the lens and as I turned, reached around and guided the closest homeless dick towards to my waiting ass and said, “I offer my hole to my black masters – to poz me and use me as their whore - NOW SLAM FUCK ME!” After a few more rounds, one of the homeless guys had me on my back on the bed. His dick was almost as big as Jay’s and this was the first real chance I had to look at him. The guy had some teeth missing, a mini afro, one eye that was milky looking and had a scar running from it so I think he was blind, and maybe a little older but he had a tight, muscular body with two tats on his upper chest of handguns surrounded by a number of bullets. My legs were pinned up by my shoulders while he took his time stretching my hole open with his dick as he kissed my neck and pressed his sweaty body to mine. I wriggled my arm around and was tracing the bullets while he fucked me, fascinated and oddly attracted to the guy. He stopped kissing my neck, gave me an evil smirk and said in barely a whisper, “Nobody fucks with the King.” He then shuddered, angled into my ass walls, shuddered again, and Griz’s voice said, “Fucking-A man – that’s it, can see that dirty cum being pushed back out. Get the fuck up, here take the camera, I can’t wait anymore and my cubs need out.” The homeless guy grunted as he pushed himself off me and took the camera from Griz who immediately pinned my ankles as far back as they would go as he positioned his massive, engorged dick over my quivering hole, turned his head towards the camera and said, “No pussy should be able clamp tight and try to push your dick out. Hate that shit. It needs to be open, bruised and used just like our white whore is and once you get your whore opened up – it’s the fucking Promised Land!” Griz dropped his entire body onto my hole, slamming his dick balls deep in one thrust. I yelped, Griz pulled all the way out and slammed again. As the video fades to black with the image of Griz drop-fucking me, a message appears for the viewers at home, “WHITE WHORE AVAILABLE FOR USE – NO LOAD REFUSED – TEXT 24/7 TO GET YOUR PIECE NOW.”
    1 point
  45. I got my last load in my mouth this morning from my brother's cock.
    1 point
  46. Last Thurs at CODE and the Eagle NYC. Was in the bathroom sucking dick and one guy asked if he could fuck my hole - so i dropped my pants, huffed my poppers and took his cock (no lube, just spit). He pounded my hole and i heard him ask if he could shoot inside, i responded my grabbing his hips and pulling him further in my ass. That did the trick! After he pulled out another guy stepped up and started fucking me, i huffed my poppers and took it like a champ. While he was fucking me they came in and broke up the fun, he started POUNDING my hole, shot his load zipped up and left. Needless to say i was the last to stumble out of the mens room.
    1 point
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