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  1. How did I end up here? An hour ago I had been looking for a bit of light fun on Squirt when I came across his profile, now here I was blindfolded, in a blue jockstrap and on all fours with a bottle of amyl in my hand waiting for him to come and use me. I took one look at his cock on Squirt and knew I had to have him fuck me, I wasn’t sure at first if he would even be interested. Here I was a 23 years old and he was 48, more than twice my age, I doubted if I was his type. I decided it was worth a try and messaged him. “Hey, how’s it going?” A minute later I got a reply. “Good, what you looking for boy?” “I dunno exactly, but you have the most amazing cock, I’d do anything to get a closer look…” “Anything, Boy?” “Yes Sir, anything.” “Ok, send your address, I want you naked, blindfolded and on all fours on your bed” I quickly got hard at the thought of this and sent him my address. “I’ll be there in 30 minutes” he messaged back. So here I was blindfolded and waiting on my bed, I was starting to wonder if he had bailed when I heard my door which was on the latch click. I heard his footsteps as he came down the hall and walked into my room. “Nice…” he murmured as he came upon the site on me, ass up, blindfolded and waiting for his cock. I heard the noise of his iPhone taking pictures of me and my exposed hole as he ran his hands over my body and toyed with my cock and hole. I quickly tried to say “Hey buddy, I don’t want any pictures of me about…” when he leaned into my ear and said “A bit to late for that slut, you’re all mine for right now and you’re going to do whatever I want”. I shuddered and accepted that I would do anything to get that beautiful big cock inside me. I had laid out the condoms and lube next to me on the bed, I heard him uncap the lube and then felt his cold fingers playing with my hole. After a few minutes of his fingers I was moaning and begging for more. “Please, I need that cock inside me.” “Of course you do baby, you’re perfect little hole is ready for it too.” I heard a squirt of more lube and then felt his big warm cock head push against my twitching hole and start to open me up. “Hey, we should be using a condom” I protested. “You said you would do anything for my cock” he replied as he sunk two inches into me. I gasped as he pushed more of his fat raw cock inside me, I hit the amyl hard to help me take it, as I started to feel the effects I acknowledged to myself that I had told him I would do anything to have his cock inside me. A few minutes later I felt his big swollen balls brushing my ass, I had his entire cock inside of me. I was dripping precum all over the sheets as I focused on what it felt like with his massive swollen pole lodged deep in my cunt. Here I was taking the massive shaft of a man more than twice my age, waiting for him to use my hole as his cumdump. I took another hit of amyl to help with the pain of being so stretched. “FUCK ME SIR” He just laughed, “oh you’re going to be fucked alright” as he picked up the pace. I felt that big cock reaming out my hole, his huge nuts slapping against my thighs while he plowed me deep. I heard him reach for the iPhone again and start recording me, I pictured what it must look like with me on my knees with a fat cock demolishing my hole. He continued his pace, every now and then changing the angle at which I was taking his cock, eliciting more moans of pain and pleasure from me. He knew I was well past my safe sex concerns and only fixated on one thing, his fat cock in my hole. “You want my load you little slut?” he spat at me. “Yes sir, please make me your boy.” “Oh I’m gonna make you my boy, you’re gonna remember this fuck the rest of your life”. I just moaned in response. “The reason you’re gonna remember this fuck is because I’m about to knock you up you stupid bitch” he said into my ear. “The one thing you didn’t even think to ask was my status and so I have a present for you my dirty little bareback slut.” I felt him hilt his enormous cock deep inside my cunt, he leaned down and whispered in my ear “Right now, you’re taking my thick Poz load deep inside you.” I clutched at my stomach right as I felt his fat cock balloon deep in my guts as he impregnated me with his toxic seed. I couldn’t help it as I blew my own load all over the bed. I collapsed on the bed trying to catch my breath and work out what had just happened. As I lay there with my hole dripping with his toxic seed I heard him pull up his jeans and head down the hall. The door went just a second later. What had I done? A month later I received an email from a friend, the subject line was simply a “?” and the body had a link to Xtube. I clicked on the link, and there in full HD under the title of “Stupid slut gets Pozzed up” was me, blindfolded, on all fours, taking that beautiful cock that had converted me.
    11 points
  2. I'm still on my trip / vacation and staying at a new friend's place. He, his other roommate, and I were drinking and got shit faced. Well, I woke up this morning and couldn't find my friend but eventually found him naked in bed with the roommate. Me being still drunk, I jumped on top of my friend and started making out with him. After about five minutes friend starts blowing roommate while I blow my friend, then my friend and I switch places. I wound up with both of them blasting their loads on my chest; I then sucked both of their dicks to squeeze out all the cum. Haha I wasn't done. I followed my friend to his room, threw him on the bed, and stuck my dick in his mouth (while he played with my ass). I blew down his throat, then he had me sick him while he rimmed me. Well that led to him fucking me for about 5-minutes and then unloading in my ass. He wanted to cum again but while I sucked and licked his nuts; he came about 10-minutes later; I licked it up and cleaned his cock with my mouth. Great start to my Sunday morning.
    4 points
  3. I'll try to write about several of the best sex experiences I had at the Augusta Cumunion this weekend. One of the best, was the first. They have a section called the Pig Pen which has all types of fetish furniture, including 4 slings. I showed up about the time the party started. I stripped to my jockstrap and crawled into a sling. And the final touch was to put my hood on so I was blind. It's amazing how much you hear and how time really fucks with you when you can't see. I think I was only in there a few minutes when I felt a hand touch my stomach and a cock rub my hole. It's so hot to me not to be able to see the guy, no idea how big his cock is or the fact that I wouldn't know him if I ran into him. I heard a bottle of lube open and he rubbed some on my hole. Then his slicked up cock pressed against me again and eased forward, pushing it inside me all in one steady stroke. It was a pretty thick cock and I had to catch my self from asking him to slow down. He gripped the sling and started a slow, long stroke fucking that felt incredible. I reached down and felt his cock sliding in my hole, and did not feel a condom, perfect. I started grunting, involuntarily, and he sped up a little. He kept the pace for 5 or 6 minutes, then his strokes got a little faster and a little harder. His cock was just the right length because I could feel him hitting bottom. The sick part of me enjoys the pain and struggling to take a long cock and not pull back. Just so he had no doubts about it, I asked him to please cum in me. This seemed to fire him up because he fucked me even harder for about 30 seconds, then shoved really hard in me and held still, hissing loudly as he emptied his load into me. I thanked him as he eased his cock out. I felt a trickle of cum run out before I tightened my hole up to hold his cum inside me, which only lasted seconds because I had to relax it as another hard cock pushed it's way into me.
    3 points
  4. Part 3 After Logan had swallowed his first load of cum the man took Logan into the living room of the house where there were about half a dozen guys sitting around waiting for him. He was told to get on his knees and crawl over till each guy and suck each guys cock and swallow each load of cum. One by one Logan sucked each guy and swallowed every drop if cum and as the meth I his system began to fade. The man knew that Logan would need another slam before he was going to be fucked for the first time. They took Logan back to the bedroom he woke up in and told him to sit on the bed. He was given some Gatorade to drink that was laced with GHB as 'the chemist' entered the bedroom. As he drank the Gatorade he saw 'the chemist' load a syringe with crystals then add some water to get the meth to dissolve. Logan was finishing up his Gatorade as the GHB began to take effect. He didn't try to resist as 'the chemist' placed a tourniquet on his upper arm. Logan watched as 'the chemist' found a good vein and slipped the needle in, drew back getting a flash of blood before emptying the contents. When the tourniquet was removed Logan began to cough harder then he had the first time. Through his coughs Logan heard 'the chemist' tell the man as he requested, thus one was stronger then the first slam. Logan was breathing really fast as he rode a rush that was much stronger than his first slam as he laid back on the bed. The man stood over Logan as a naked guy came into the room. The guy looked closer to his age as the man left then in the room alone. The guy climbed on top of Logan, looked into his eyes and told Logan to relax as he leaned in for a kiss as he heard someone say that the kids newly poz and his vial load will easily convert the new meat. Once again Logan was lost in the drugs as he willingly accepted his kiss as Logan felt the guys cock stiffen between their bodies. Logan was quickly giving into the drugs and sex not knowing if he'd ever see his family or friends again. As the two were sharing spit and tongues he maneuvered Logan so that Logan could suck stone cock while he got his ass ate for the first time. This was all the lube Logan would get before he had his cherry taken. Once the young guy thought he had a minimal amount if lube for Logan's as he repositioned Logan where he could hook his legs under his arms as he pointed his cock towards Logan's ass. Logan felt the tip hit his ass as the guy moved his hips enough to get his cock right at Logan's hole. The guys pushed his hips forward as his cock began to slip inside his body. Logan couldn't resist the pleasure he was starting to feel as the cock inched its way home until Logan felt three guy's pelvis bump up against his ass. They kissed again as Logan began to not only get his first fuck, but a poz fuck. Logan had no clue what he was getting but the guy fucking him was nicked named 'the gifter'. He was an addict that needed his fix and agreed to get pozzed and become a member of the crew. He'd get the 'fix. He'd need as long as he took as much cum as possible, never went on meds and when he was needed to 'gift' someone he would only be given a small slam and drugs to keep his cock hard. With all that he was known for cumming multiple times and usually big loads. He knew after he was done with the 'deed' he'd get a larger slam and get fucked all night long. Logan felt the chock inside his ass begin to swell as the guy kissed him before looking into his eyes and telling him in broken English that he was giving Logan his first charged load. Logan didn't comprehend the meaning at the time, but once he got the fuck flu, as well as being addicted to the drugs he was being given, he'd understand. In the few hours Logan was fucked by this guy he took 5 loads when the guy pulled out. The guy looked at Logan's hole as a little but of cum seeped out before he roughly stuck a dildo inside his pozzed filled ass. The dildo would force the poz cum deeper inside Logan's body. After a good 5 minutes of the dildo it was roughly pulled out. It was replaced by a brush that would scrap the walls of locks ass mashing sure the bug would get inside his blood.
    3 points
  5. Traded for Drugs His parents split up when Loan was only 15. His mother remarried Couple years later and headed off on a month long honeymoon with her new husband who was a wealthy business owner. Logan, now a senior I high school was left on his own since his mother felt he could manage for that time. He went to school and worked out in the week equipped fitness room at their new home I his step father's house. Logan was surprised to get a call from his father, whom he bent heard from I nearly two years when his mother through him out. Logan's father had become addicted to drugs (meth, heroin, ecstasy). With all that had happened, Logan still loved his father and missed him in his life. Logan had no reservations when his fatter asked to meet him. His father wanted to let him know his side of the story between him and his mother. His father swore that he was now clean and sober and had been for months. It was time to make amends, one of the twelve steps. Logan headed out to meet his father where hesitation. He pulled up to a out of the way bar, parked and headed inside. He father was sitting I the back corner and waved to Logan. Logan walked over and joined his father. As Logan walked across the bar the bar ender asked if Logan wanted something to drink. He said yes, a Coke would be fine. Logan sat down as the bartender bought his drink over giving Logan's father a wink. Logan's father began to go on about how wrong he was and that he hoped that some say Logan would forgive him for what he had to do. Logan was a little puzzled with his father's choice in words, he wasn't asking for forgiveness for what he had done, but what he had to do. As Logan sat there puzzled he began to feel strange, he felt like the room was spinning until he passed out. .The bartender commented that Logan should be out could for at least 12 hours. They carried Logan out to his car, put him in the trunk and his father drive off. Logan pulled up to an old house where he pulled into the driveway and into the garage to hide Logan's car. He went inside and was immediately greeted by his dealer. The dealer asked if he had the money he was owed. Logan's father said the be did one better. He gave his dealer the keys to Logan's car and house. He told his dealer that the boy was in the trunk. His dealer had some friend who needed a his boy to rent out and Logan was perfect for their use. He have the boy shipped to Mexico for his friend and with the car and house contents that more than settled what he owed.
    2 points
  6. Below is a hot story that was posted on the old bugshare site. I remember shooting a few loads to it. It's about a poz man in his late 20's who rents a room from a family. This story has everything taboo from poz/neg, stealthing, bug-chasing, gift-giving, incest play. I just love it. ....................... I still live at home with my parents and my little sister. I’m David, I’m 21, Gay, with a 16cm cock. About a year ago, we rented out the extra room in our house to a guy in his late 20s, Michael. I'm not sure what he does, but he's hot, keeps himself very fit, works out at the gym a lot. He has his own room with a separate entrance via the balcony and as well as a bathroom for his use so we don't disturb him in his privacy. In spite of these precautions, after a few weeks Michael didn't feel so much like an intruder or tenant, but more like a buddy or some like a member of the family. He ate with us, hung out with us in the evenings We all got along very well. Since he was that close, he was off limits for me to hit on. That is, until a week this winter. In one of my regular horny bouts I went cruising some of the clubs for guys. Already quite hammered at one point I noticed Michael dancing on the dance floor openly making out with a hot young guy. They were all over each other. I never knew Michael was gay! But here he was, grabbing ass, kissing deeply to loud music. In my drunken state for some reason I did not keep quiet but slurred at Michael what he was doing there and why he was making out with some random kid when he could have had the kid down the hall, at which I cheekily pointed both thumbs my way. He didn't seem very surprised to see me there, but trying to talk to me seemed to bore the hell out of his companion. The boy left and Michael had me sit down somewhere quiet. Damn, he was hot. A bit sweaty already, his abs glistening, the light fuss on his chest looking very inviting through the wife beater he was wearing. I could see part of a tattoo on his shoulder, but not what it was. Damn, I love tattoos. Looking back, I think he was waiting for my buzz to go down, keeping me off drinks, sensing me more conscious, he finally made his move. Did I mean what I told him on the dance floor? Hell, did I?!? I didn't even answer but moved closer to kiss him. Without any hesitation he kissed me back, pushing his strong tongue against my lips to open up to him, pulling my head to his with his hands behind my back. I moved my hands to his chest, first massaging, then pinching his nipples. As I dropped one hand to his lap, he pulled me up and towards the exit. No word was spoken. Hand in hand we left. We practically ran for the car and left for home. Never mind my family might notice. They were asleep by then, anyway. As Michael had his own entrance via his balcony in the backyard, we thought it wise to enter there. In his room he almost ripped the clothes off my body. There I was, in the same house as my parents, naked in front of the man we shared our house with. I was hard, naturally. Michael kissed me again, touched my body everywhere, pinched my nipples, which I love, and without a warning went down on my dick. Again, no words were spoken. We were just too horny to form any sensible words anymore. And we knew what we wanted. Leaving my hard dick Michael pushed me down in front of him. Intuitively, I knew what he wanted me to do. I did. His jeans were opened and fell down his muscular legs and I was face to face with his hard, veiny cock. No pants, that's nice! It was a real beauty, about 18cm, the head glowing purple and glistening from pre-cum. Not wasting any time kissing, I took it deep into my mouth in one go. Delicious! The salty fragrance filled my mouth, my nose pushed against the trim bush of his pubes, his hands on my head setting a quick rhythm. I did not resist, why should I? I wanted the very same thing. I must have sucked his dick for about 15 minutes, coating it with my saliva, making it slick. Michael stepped out of his jeans completely and gestured me to get onto the bed. I lay down on my back as the strong man crawled closer. Still, no words were exchanged, no word of status nor condoms. He just kissed me deeply once more and put his hard cock to my waiting hole. Damn, he was teasing me with it, moving it around my manhole, putting it to the opening, but never quite pushing in. I couldn't take it anymore and as he moved to the opening again, I pushed down a bit against the tip of his cock, The head slowly pushing my love-channel open. I moaned. Right then, he knew I was in and that's when he pushed forward. Slowly, sensually, he pushed his whole cock into my excited body, getting into a slow but steady rhythm, making sure we both got a lot out of this. This was more than a quick fuck, it was intimate and intense. I kept touching his body, my hands under the front of his wife beater, feeling up his muscular chest. Damn, this man was one hot piece of work. My legs in the air, me on top of him, him fucking me from behind. I could feel my stretched hole and his hard cock moving in and out, fucking me deeply, steadily, skin on skin. At one point when I was on my back again, he started a quicker beat, and I pushed back in time to show him I was along for the same end. He grabbed onto my shoulders pushing me down on the length of his dick, ever deeper. The silence was broken: "David, I will cum inside of you." I could only moan, completely unable to express anything in a sensible sentence. "Take my cum, David, you hot little slut boy." He moaned, I loved the intense expressions on his face as he released in my hole. I swear I could feel the cum flowing out. His hand moving closer to my own hard cock was enough to send me off, cum sprayed all over my belly and chest, he scooped it up and let it drip into my mouth slowly, his cock still in me. Only after five minutes did he roll off me. I snuggled into him and we slowly fell asleep. The next morning at some time between five and six, I woke up, remembering I should probably better go to my room. It was already light outside and a little light fell in through the shut windows. Michaels wife beater was all ruffled, baring the tattoo beneath: biohazard. That night I hardly slept at all. We must have returned home at some point between 2 and 3 in the morning, I couldn't have slept for more than an hour in his bed. Having seen his tattoo and knowing what it might mean, I was unable to fall asleep anymore. After throwing myself around in bed for quite some time, I switched on the TV to keep my mind from working at high speed. Did the tattoo mean what I thought it meant? Would he do that to me? It couldn't, he wouldn't. He probably just liked the design, or maybe he liked that horrible metal band. But then again, he is gay, he fucked me bare. What if he does that with anyone? How do I know that he doesn't slut around? How do I know that what we did was an exception? But, hell, it was really fantastic, wasn't it? Thinking back, condoms would have definitely destroyed the mood. Had I ever thought of them. I mean, we should have used them, they all tell us we should. But there is no way we would have. We were just too horny. But would I do it again? In my room a took my laptop to the bed, surfing for biohazard tattoos. Could Michael really be positive? Why didn't he tell me? Unconsciously, the pictures I clicked became skimpier and skimpier, and more and more of erotic matter. Damn, they do look hot, don't they? How many of these half naked, or rather: half erect, men are HIV positive? They sure did not look sick. Quite the opposite. They were hot. I'd them. Would I? Thinking about it, I realized in a way I already did. And Michael could keep up with the best of them. No, he didn't appear sick, either. He was positively healthy. If he managed to look like that, how much risk could I have taken? Even if he actually was positive, he seemed to get along alright. Over time I calmed down more and more, my hand on my dick having quite a part in my relaxation. Horny as I was, I knew I'd do him again. Any way he wanted. There was no way I'd turn down such a hot fucker literally down the hall. So there I was, horny, Fuck, I needed to get some. And I know where to get it. Just five minutes later I lightly knocked at Michael's door... It only took Michael 3 seconds to get to the door and open it. The door wasn't even opened by the time I had my tongue in Michaels mouth. I pushed myself into the room, Michael in front of me having to walk backwards, shutting the door with my foot. Michael didn't put up any resistance, at a quick glance I could tell he was in the mood. There was porn on the TV and lube on his nightstand. Seems he expected a solo night and got something better. I didn't need long to have my hands down his pants and slowly stroke his beautiful dick. It was already hard to begin with, so all I did was taking over the jerking. Stopping kissing for a moment I looked down to see a drop of pre cum forming on the head, looking delicious. So I slowly kissed down Michaels body, taking off his wife beater in the process, pulling down his pants, to eventually land my tongue on the ever-growing drop on his dick head. It tasted fantastic. I knew right then that I wouldn't stop before I got a whole lot more of his tasty dick secretions. Like a starving man I took his cock into my mouth, twirling my tongue around his shaft, licking his balls, worshiping his manhood. All this time Michael was completely silent. First surprised by my sudden appearance, then taken aback by my attack on his body, then fascinated by my horniness and will to pleasure him. But then he broke the silence, "I knew you'd come back, you slut!" I could only answer by trying to get more of his manhood down my throat. He helped me by putting his hands onto my head and pushing me down on himself, forcing more and more of his dick into me, choking me. I loved it. I loved the taste in my mouth, the steady stream of pre cum from his slit. I loved his forceful side taking over. I loved being on my knees in front of the man who shared the house with me and my family. I loved the little bit of doubt in the back of my head, the thoughts and fears of the morning pushed back into the furthest alleys of my conscience by reckless horniness. At that very moment I was all horniness, but there was this feeling of taboo, of crossing a line as well. Tears were forming in my eyes from being choked. Michael must have known my slight discomfort, as he forcefully pulled me of his cock and towards the bed. I was still fully dressed, so Michael almost ripped my jacket and shirt of me. As he started pulling on my shoes I quickly loosened my pants, allowing Michael to quickly tear them down my legs. In no time he was on top of me, kissing me deeply, our tongues wrestling, our cocks rubbing against each other. His hand found my dick with a soft tickle. The tickling concentrated on my balls, moving upward toward the head, then turned into jerking. I was hard as a rock and my hips started a rhythm pushing my dick into his fist. He hardly had to even move his hand. Separating our lips, Michael slowly kissed down my body. Starting with soft, sensual kisses on my neck, toward my chest, sucking on my hardening nipples. There he remained for some time, enjoying the feel of my nipples on his tongue and teeth, me enjoying his tongue and teeth on my nipples. At the same time, he kept his hand at my cock, my hips still moving in their ancient evolutionary rhythm. Eventually he kissed further down, taking some time at my belly button, then kissing inward in my hips, first left, then right, teasing me. Slow kisses from the sides toward my cock, never quite arriving. He took one hand to my ass, first slapping it in a harsh contrast to the soft touches of his lips in the front. Then he put a finger to my hole. Just as he slipped it in, his mouth found my cock. As his lips touched my dick head, a finger slid into me from behind. I was ecstatic, I moaned, I didn't know which way my hips should move: forward into his mouth or backward into his finger. Instinct knew what to do: both. I pushed my ass back unto his fingers then jerked forward into his mouth. The same rhythm I was in before, only more intense by being penetrated and penetrating. Michael slipped his fingers out of me to get some lube on them. His face was still on my cock, and has his hands reached for the lube I knew what he wanted to do and handed it to him. His mouth didn't even need to leave my cock and he didn't need to speak a word. Horny minds think alike. His lubed fingers got even deeper into my hole, opening it, more fingers sliding in, two, three. In the front, Michael was chewing on my balls by now, licking of the pre cum from my dick head once in a while. Then he pulled his fingers out of me turned around and put his cock to my mouth, never lifting his mouth from my crotch. I loved it. The feeling of my cock in his mouth while having his in mine. But Michael quickly tired of 69ing, threw himself around and pulled me on top of him. His hands pushed my down on his body until my ass was hovering above his hard dick. Even without his demanding hands I would have backed up onto his dick. The moment when the wet head slowly pushed my hole open was intense. I moaned out loud (in the back of my mind a voice tried to remind me of my parents down the hall and to keep the noise down). As he entered me ever deeper, Michael pulled my lips to his. The kiss went on until all of his dick was embedded into my hole. I started to move up and down on it and enjoyed the feeling of fullness and fulfillment. But Michael stopped me mid-movement. He held me up in the air, then pushing his crotch upward and fucking into me from below. Even working against gravity Michaels was fucking me with intense force, pushing all of his cock into me each time. He kept it up for an impressive time, but eventually he pushed me onto my hands and knees and fucked me from behind. From this position I could see myself in a mirror on the wall. And more importantly I could see Michael fucking me, his face contorted in lust. He noticed too and looked deeply into my eyes while giving me the fuck of my life. I moved my hand to my cock, but he slapped my hand away. He wouldn't have it. So he had me get on my back, with my head hanging down the edge of the bed, toward the mirror. His hand found my cock, his cock found my hole and he fucked and jerked us closer and closer to climax. "Do you want it?", he asked. "Yeah", I grunted. "I will fuck my load into you, are you close?" "Ugh", I felt my orgasm approaching. My body must have jerked, as Michael senses I was cumming. He sped up his fucking and just as cum started squirting from my dick I could see his face get red and through his clenched teeth he grunted: "Here comes Johnny!" There we lay in the afterglow. The passion and lust turning from aggressiveness to more tender hugs. With the worst of my horniness gone, the fog of lust gone, a question found its way from the back of my mind to my mouth: "Michael, you are positive, aren't you?" Kissing my brow, Michael breathed a shallow: "Yes." So there I was, poz cum in my hole, the second load in two days. Michael kissed me and hugged me tight, so any thoughts of getting to the bathroom and cleaning it out quickly vanished. And I had taken another one without getting it out again anyway. It seemed the deed was done. Thing was, I wasn't all that bothered. Right there, at that moment in Michaels arms it felt right. His body was warm, hot even, and out kisses started gaining passion again. "So, do you mind?" Michael asked. All I could answer was "I'm not sure. Yet." His hand found my cock at full attention again. "I know at least part of you doesn't." His hand moved up and down on my betraying dick. In a sudden, his mouth was around it. I know what being hungry for cock feels like, but I was still surprised at the vigor of this blow job. His fingers crawled to my hole while his mouth was filled with my dick. They found my slick hole ready for entry. In no time two fingers entered me and pushed in and out, opening my hole once again. He used both hands to pull at my hole, stretching it, then putt three fingers in and rubbed my insides raw. He had me. "Up for another go?" He didn't even wait for my answer. Nor did he need to. I fell forward into a nice doggy position, my ass up in the air, ready for the taking. Michael was already halfway inside of me when I said "Go for it!" Was I fucking crazy? He had just told me he had HIV and I welcomed him into again, bareback no less? The passion and lust of that moment is hard to explain. I guess part of me figured that the deed was done and one more load wouldn't matter. The other half was either giving a damn or getting off on the doubts and risk. Not that I really could think clearly with Michael in me. The more he got into me, the less I cared and the hornier I got. I caught myself moaning, then noticing that it wasn't really moaning, it was rhythmic chant, a mantra, if you will, "Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me." and so on. Michael did. Slow deep strokes. Hard strokes. Then half a minute of really fast hard fucking. Slapping my butt. Then repeat. It drove me wild with lust. He hard dick hit my prostate again and again, bringing me close to cumming. Michael sensed and slowed down, stretching out our lovemaking (was it lovemaking?). Eventually, Michael was at the point where he wanted us to cum. So he worked my prostate again with hard strokes, fucking the cum out of it. Just as I was in the process of cumming, Michael moaned: "Are you ready to get some more of my poz cum?" "Ugh" "Are you ready to get pozzed?" "Fuck me." "Are you?" "Yes! Fuck me! Poz me! Fuck me! YES!" It was the passion speaking, I was far gone. The orgasm was mine, though. It was intense. In the mirror I could once again see Michael tense up, and as he grabbed my butt and plowed deep into me, cumming he shouted "Take my poz cum, David!". I hoped my parents hadn't heard. I woke up several hours later, with two poz loads still in my hole. Michael was beside me on sleeping face down. The biohazard tattoo was now in clear view. It was beautiful, deep black with a blood red lining. I traced its lines as I thought about its meaning. Michael must have felt, as he started moaning softly. I couldn't see whether his eyes were open but I didn't stop touching his beautiful back. First I gave him a light massage, but moved my head closer to get his sexy fragrance. I was close to his tattoo when I sensed him definitely waking up. So I started kissing his back, more specifically, the tattoo. Just as I had retraced the lines with my fingers I now retraced it with kisses and my tongue. It was like acknowledging what we had done and that I loved it. He knew and asked: "You like my tattoo, don't you?" "It's really well done - and it's hot." "One of these days you may want one of your own. You definitely deserve one." I had to let those words sink in. "You know that I'm neg right?" "I wouldn't be too sure about that now. And the way you're picking up guys and taking them raw..." "Did you know my status?" "I guessed it from your reaction yesterday, but who am I to ask? If someone is up for fucking, that's that. Don't ask, don't tell. But I'm glad you came back." He was right. I made choices, once drunk, Twice super-horny. But nevertheless I chose every time to have sex with him. And the last two times could not be excused with ignorance. I knew it and I chose it. It was still quite a shock to admit to it. My mouth was still on his tattoo. I couldn't stop adoring it. "When did you get it, Michael?" "The tattoo or the bug?" "Both, I guess" "The tattoo about two years ago, the bug about 4." "How did you get HIV?" "Like this, from sex. I knew what I was doing, knew the risk and knew the pleasure. So I was okay with the diagnosis." "Do you know who gave it to you?" "No. See, I fucked around a lot back then, and still do. I was at gang bangs every other weekend and gave my ass up for everyone who was there quite a few times. Not mentioning all the poz or pozcum-filled asses I've fucked myself." "You if you hadn't hooked up with me, you'd have taken that boy home?" "Him, some other one, there is always someone for a versatile guy" "You mean for a hot versatile guy as you are." "Thanks, David. But you see, you proved my point. And you enjoyed it, judging from your coming back." "I did. So do you still go to gang bangs?" "Once in a while. You meet interesting people there." I didn't understand then what he meant. "All bare?" "Sure enough. I'd hate wasting all that cum. You're quite intrigued by it, aren't you? Have you ever been in a gang bang?" "No. I once made out with two guys, kissing, groping, but nothing more. It was hot though." He turned around and stroked my half-erect cock. "So, would you like to change that and actually have a threesome?" "Only with people I could trust....but I might know a guy up for it." I knew James thought Michael was hot. I knew James would be horny enough to be up for it (as long as he didn't cum). But James didn't know about Michael's status, I had never told him. Should I? Would he mind? Michael had his mouth on my cock again by then. His saliva was all over it. Suddenly he asked me to lie down on my back. My dick was rock hard and was sticking up. Michael gave it a few more sucks and spat on it. Then he sat down on it. To see the guy who lived with my family moving his hole down my raw hard cock, to see his passionate expressions as he did was super hot. He loved getting fucked just as much as fucking. My hands were on his tight ass in no time, his mouth and mine locked in a kiss. He did all the work, taking my dick as deep as it got, moving in a heavy rhythm. I knew the difference between safe and bare fucking, having done both, but at that moment I understood why people would do nothing else then raw, natural sex. At that moment I knew why people took so much risk just for feeling skin on skin. And I understood it even better just a few seconds later, when I filled Michael with a load of cum. The next afternoon I didn't have much to do, so I walked over to James' house. I was both horny and nervous. James sensed something was up right away. I guess it was the sex, he has this eery sex-detector going. So I told him. I told him about spending another night with Michael, about switching positions and how much I enjoyed being with him, how hot he makes me and how uninhibited I tend to be with him. And I told him about being found out by my sister. That really got his attention. He'd always had the hots for her and he made me tell him everything about the conversation. I wanted to leave things out, but he kind of managed to fill the blank spots. He was intrigued. He wouldn't let go of the topic, and in an attempt at changing it I spurted out "Michael asked me about threesomes." "What?" "He asked me whether I ever had one or ever thought about having one?" "So...did you?" "Nope, but I kinda like the idea." "Well, I did and it's hust as hot as you think." "You did? Why did you never tell me? I never thought there was a guy open to that, let alone two." "Sure I did. It's intense! You can suck one and fuck one. Or you are in someone and someone's in you. You should try it, nudge, nudge." "Are you saying this to get to fuck Michael?" "Ha. You really know me, dude." "Jackass!" I liked the idea, though. I know both of them, I've had sex with both of them. There probably is no better way of starting with group fun than this. I know Michael'd be game, James is already up for it, but there were still doubts in my mind. Me fucking Michael is alright, but would I be ok with James doing it as well? On the other hand: Michael already told me he was fucking with lots of guys. So why was I even jealous? But there was another thing: would I tell James about the risks? I didn't. I thought about it, but felt it's not ok to expose Michael without him knowing. And at that point it wasn't as if it was really about to happen. Unfortunately, nothing happened for a few days. No sex with Michael and no sex with James. On friday, I told my family (and Michael) I was going to stay at James'. Michael knew that I was considering James as the third guy. At James' we were set up with booze, video games and porn, to be consumed in that order. The booze seriously hampered our success at the games, but we reveled in the chance of safe drunk-driving at GTA. It got boring soon, though, and we dropped our clothes and put in some nice bisexual porn, bareback of course. Commenting on the girl's tits, the guys' cocks and jacking our dicks furiously, we got extra-horny. Just as I was about to go down on James the doorbell rang. James threw on some pants and returned with Michael just a minute later. I couldn't even stop the porn on the screen. There was a big on James' face. I knew what he was thinking. And Michael was catching up fast. "So that's what you boys have been up to..." He said. "Would you mind if I joined?" James stared at me, looking for a sign of approval and he found it when my mouth twitched, forming a smile. Wasting no time, he span around to Michael and dropped to his knees, hands on Michael's crotch. Michael: "My, you are a needy one, aren't you?" Then he looked right at me and grinned as James started massaging his dick through his jeans. You could see the outlines of his fleshy tool through the clothing. Even more, when James began kissing the hardness from root to head, leaving trails of saliva all over the crotch of Michael's jeans. He slowly pulled down the zipper and unbuttoned the jeans. Michael's dick sprang from the dropping pants, no underwear, nothing left between a hard cock and James' hungry mouth. At this point I lost all interest in the porn on the TV, all my attention was focussed on my best friend giving my lover (?) a blow job. And I knew how good James' blow jobs can be if he's really into it. He loves his tongue swirling around a hard cock, licking it from bottom to top and down again, slowly tracing the dick-head, or chewing on the balls. But what he really craves is pre cum and cum. He is crazy for it, the taste makes his blow jobs more and more intense and aggressive, when in the end he is switching between deep throating and sloppy licking all over the recipient's dick. So after James worked some pre cum out of Michael's cock, his cycle started: deeper and deeper the cock went in his mouth, more and more saliva was thickly coating it, and his tongue was licking out saliva and pre cum, making him ever hornier. Michael loved it. He didn't even bother to move his hands to James head, he just stood there, legs wide apart, and enjoyed. The sight got me horny, my hand found its way to my dick, but it wasn't enough. I stood up to stand next to Michael, leaning in for a kiss. While Michael and I were kissing deeply, James moved over to my cock, licking up the pre cum already glistening on its head. For a few minutes he switched back and forth, sucking Michael and sucking me, but it wasn't enough. He wanted us both. So he pulled at both our cocks so they were touching and slowly slid his lips over both our dick heads. I've never felt such a thing, Michael's cock next to mine in the confines of James' mouth while his tongue swirled around all the time. I loved it! Michael's hands were all over me by then and we were still kissing deeply. I knew this night was going to be good and would more than make up for the last few days. But I didn't want to cum yet. I pushed Michael down on the couch and pulled off his jeans. Now both James and I were sucking on Michaels cock and kissed each other around it. Then I turned to James' rear and pulled his pants down as well. My hands touched his already hard dick while I started rimming his fuck hole. It was twitching already, a clear sign James was super horny. I pushed my tongue deeper into him, and put a finger in as well. I was opening him up. But Michael had a different idea. He stood up, his white t-shirt still on, and left James head on the couch without anything to suck on, and stood behind me. Without much ado, Michael put his cock to my ass and pushed it in, the only lubricant being James' saliva. It hurt at first, but he knew how to make the pain really pleasurable. Soon, his whole shaft was inside of me, then pulled out all the way and rammed back in. I could only moan into James' ass. Apparently he appreciated the vibration of my moans, as he pushed back on my face. I wanted more. Like a dog I slowly crawled onto James, Michael following me, never missing a beat, and slowly pushed into James' saliva-lubricated hole. I was sandwiched between two hot bodies, one fucking me deeply, one being fucked by me. Fuck, it was good! Michael grabbed onto James hips and enforced a rhythm on all of us, pushing me even deeper into James' willing fuck hole. Michael's dick head hit my prostate from behind, driving me ever closer to orgasm, with no way of slowing down, he kept pushing me back onto him by pushing James onto my cock. I felt the cum boiling up in my balls, let out a moan and came deep into James. For a while, Michael continued the action, but I needed a break. So we broke it off, James quickly turned around to clean my cock and get some of the cum still leaking from it and Michael pulled out of me, his cock still hard. James was already looking at it hungrily. "Do you want it?" Michael asked him. James I sat down on the couch to catch my breath, ames jumped forward, swallowing Michael's dick whole. Coated with my ass juices and now my saliva, Michael's poz fuck stick disappeared into my friends face. This time Michael was more active and aggressive. He grabbed James' head and held him down on his cock, choking him - James didn't mind. Then Michael just held James in place and really fucked his face in the same rhythm in which he fucked my ass just a minute before. James cock was still hard, he enjoyed being used this way. After fucking his face for a while, Michael pulled out and slapped James' face with his dick, saliva and his poz pre cum leaving traces on it. When Michael forced him to turn around, pushed his head into my crotch and his own tongue up James' butt hole, James gave up all control and just let the pleasure happen. My dick was still soft, but James knew what he had to do. While Michael was sucking his man cunt, he began licking at my balls, then my shaft. I knew it would take a little longer, but the blow job would eventually get me hard again. Meanwhile, Michael pushed two fingers up James hole, fingering out some of the cum I deposited in there. He looked at the both of us and put his cum coated fingers to James' mouth. James licked them clean immediately, sucking the fingers in deeper. Michael wanked his cock with his other hand, smearing his pre cum all over it. I knew where this was heading and I didn't stop it. It was just too hot, too enticing. It was like a hot porno played out by two friends right in front of your face. Only, you could take part in it. I looked at James, who was visibly preparing for penetration and then looked at Michael. He looked me deep in the eyes as he slowly put his poz-precum covered dick to James' hole. It was twitching, waiting for its well-deserved cock. Michael grinned evilly as his dick head entered the well-fucked hole. James moaned as the poz cock filled his hungry body. He pushed back onto Michael, wanting him all inside of him. His eyes were closed, but Michael's eyes were staring at me like he was saying: "See what I'm doing? I'm poz-fucking your best friend. Bareback!" By this time I was hard again. Whether it was the hot sex going on in front of me, the secret I still kept from my best friend, or his hungry mouths action on my cock - I don't know. All I know that I was fucking horny and took initiative. Just as Michael had done, I slapped my cock on James' face or rubbed it all over it. More trails of pre cum were left on his face, so I leaned forward and licked his face all over. James meanwhile was moaning, completely oblivious to what I was doing. Michael was fucking into him hard, pulling all the way out and fucking it all the way in again, straining James' sphincter and fuck chute. Only when I kissed James on his mouth, he snapped out of it, opened his eyes and kissed me back instantly. His hand flashed to my dick and began wanking it. I could see the ecstasy in his eyes. When he felt pre cum leaking from my slit, James immediately put his mouth on it to get the taste. This left me laying back on the couch, looking at Michael's rhythmic fucking. His eyes were closed by now as he concentrated on the pleasure of his sloppy second on James' hole. At times, he was stopping deep in James, not moving a bit, so he wouldn't cum, holding out as long as he could. As that happened I thought I could see some slight movement of his shaft, as if he was so close to orgasm that more pre cum or even bits of cum were flowing through it. The thought of how James' insides by now were coated with my cum and Michael's pre cum was driving me wild, though I cannot tell whether in a good or a bad way (or whether the two were actually the same). Remembering how hot the sandwich fuck was, moved behind Michael and started licking his hole. He surprised me by pulling out of James all the way and pushing into my mouth. I licked of my own cum, the ass juiced and Michael's pre cum, covering it in turn with my saliva, so he could push it back into James. As he did that I fingered his hole and spread it. When I knew he was ready I lined up my dick and slowly slid in. Michael held still for a moment. When I was in all the way, I held onto James' hips the way Michael did before and fucked them both. Michael twitched up and down my cock and at the same time fucked deep into James. And I controlled it all. When I felt Michael getting close, though, I'd stop moving, not rushing things, of not wanting to actually have him cum in James. I still felt Michael's body contracting, though, which was very hot. I kissed Michael's neck and whispered words of appreciation into his ear. I really liked the guy and I enjoyed even sharing him. My jealousy was gone and its place was taken over by a stronger feeling of closeness. Fucking like this for a while brought us all closer and closer to orgasm. I tried to gauge James' pleasure and not let him cum to early, knowing that that would effectively end the night. But I also needed to concentrate on Michael. When I eventually sensed James getting to close, I had us stop. Michael had to slowly pull out, as I pulled out of him. James was still extremely horny and immediately began sucking on my dick, licking off the taste of Michael's poz hole. He wanked Michael at the same time and then sucked us in turns. He was like a bitch in heat, like a dirty whore. I spat into his face and told him to sit down on my dick. So I sat on the couch as James' ass hovered above me. Facing me, he slowly took all of my shaft in. Michael soon had his cock between both our mouths again. So while I was fucking James, or rather James was fucking himself on my cock, both of us licked and sucked Michael. He slapped his dick in both our faces and let some salive drop onto us once in a while. There appeared a grin on his face, he took a step back and stood behind James. Then I felt his fingers on my cock. Rather: I felt them along my cock in James' hole. He was fingering James while I was fucking him! Then I felt his tongue on my balls, licking up to James' cunt, applying more and more saliva, pushing it in with his fingers. James was going crazy. Suddenly, I felt neither Michael's tongue nor his fingers, but soon after I felt something big against my dick, and pushing into James alongside of me. Fuck, Michael wants to double-fuck James! It didn't quite work, though, James was tightening up and Michael couldn't get in. Michael left the room for a second and returned with a bottle in hand. He held it to James' nose and said "Inhale deeply, bitch!". As James did just that, I felt him relax. At that moment, Michael pushed his cock against James ass again. This time he managed to get it in. I felt him slowly sliding up against me, the already tight ass accommodating both our cocks. We were packed tight! It was amazing! I looked at James, who's eyes were glassy, part tears, part ecstasy. Michael kept feeding him poppers, which, as I kissed James, also effected me a bit. All I could think about was fucking the tight hole being fucked by Michael. I could hear Michael moaning out "Take it, you dirty little bitch! Do you like that? Do you like getting double fucked? Do you like our bare cocks in your overpacked tight hole?" James could only moan his approval. Michael kept going on "You will get it. You will get both our cum deep inside that nasty hole of yours." James was twitching around us: he wanted it. The tightness, the twitching, the talk got us ever closer to climax. I sensed the signs of it in James and this time I wouldn't stop, even if I could. Michael sensed it, too, and fucked him with even more fervor. His cock rubbing against mine and James' motion on my cock pulled me with them. Michael spat out once more: "Take it, James, take my cum." As I felt Michael cum right next to me, covering my cock and James' insides with his poz cum, James and I couldn't hold back. I came inside of him as well, mixing my cum with Michael's poz load. James was fucked out. He could hardly talk and quickly fell asleep. Michael and I relaxed watching porn, also not talking for a while. Soon Michael's hand was on his cock, which got hard immediately. I quickly followed suit so were both stroking out cocks watching three guys doing it bare. Two of the men had biohazard tattoos and they were topping a young looking twink. James was still passed out, but Michael and I were looking at each other hungrily. Soon my head was between Michael's thighs and I was giving him a sloppy blow job. I could still taste cum on it, but also something else. A tinny flavor. Blood. We must have ripped James pretty good, looking at his hole, I could see the cum leaking out was slightly pink. For some reason this made me even hotter for Michael's cock. I deep throated him, sucked on his balls, spat on the shaft until the taste was completely gone. Then he drew me in for a deep kiss. Our tongues were all over each other, our hands on each others cocks and asses. Michael nibbled on my ear and then whispered: "Did you enjoy stealthing your best friend? 'Cause I sure did." Stealthing? So that's what we did? Michael continued whispering: "I'm sure it's going to take, we tore him up good." His cock got even harder as he spoke his dirty mind. Small pangs of bad conscience troubled me, but every time I thought about how I probably helped infecting my best friend with a deadly disease, Michael's hand and mouth made me feel so very good. It didn't take long for the guilt to be associated with the pleasure. The wrongness suddenly seemed so hot, so right. Thinking about how both our cocks had stretched James and opened him up for Michael's charged load made me even hornier. Michael noticed: "I see you did enjoy it. Once you yourself have the gift, you will know how hot it really is." For a moment I thought what a dirty fuck Michael was. First he picked me up at a club and even though he was practically family fucked me bareback with his infected dick. Then he made me accomplice in infecting my best friend. And now he was putting these thoughts into my brain. I should have been appalled, I should have been angry. But I was really just bloody horny. Soon I was turned over on the couch, Michael above me fucking his cock into my hole. This naughty, fucked-up man was playing me like a fiddle. While pushing all the right buttons, Michael kept whispering and moaning about stealthing and gifting and how I was a good apprentice. He really rammed into me as he panted "Do you think it will take? Do you think we pozzed him yet? Want to make sure?" He pulled out, walked over to James and stuck his dick in. "I'm going to make sure he gets it." This was so fucked up. This was so hot! I should have stopped him. I should have woken James up. Instead I leaned back, stroked myself and enjoyed the show. James was way out of it. Michael was giving him a good treatment, fucking in all the way, pushing in fast and forceful, trying hard to rip him up even more. But James did not wake up. At one point I wanted in as well, pushed Michael to the side and stuck my dick in. I emulated Michael's moves, fucking James just as hard and aggressively. Here I was getting sloppy seconds to Michael and myself, our mixed cum as lubricant around my hard dick. I could already see some specks of blood on it. I blew. Michael immediately took my place. His muscles flexing, he fucked and fucked him, pushing out cum deeper and deeper into James's channel. "Fuck, he so going to get it. We made sure of that. You made sure of that, David!" He worked up his lust, worked himself to another orgasm. I noticed the tell-tale signs of it approaching, and we looked into each others eyes as another load of his charged cum spewed into James torn up body. "Does James have any toys?" Michael panted a little out of breath. I picked his dildos and his butt-plug and handed them to Michael without a word. I only thought "Was is he going to do now?" The answer was following quickly as Michael stuck James' biggest dildo in. "We going to make sure it's in there deep and stays in there for some time. We don't want leakage." When he was done pushing the cum in deeper, he took the butt-plug and sealed James' hole. I wondered how James could sleep through all of this.
    2 points
  7. I'd taken to jogging after work only recently. Despite what usually happens in college, I'd lived a relatively healthy lifestyle. I played basketball, did a bit of swimming and didn't really party too much like a lot of my friends did. My main vice was that I guess I used my allure as a sportsman to sleep with plenty of girls. Now those days were well behind me I was doing my best to get back to a shape where I'd get some attention again. I got home and quickly ate some of the leftovers in the fridge and got into my running gear. I'd gotten bored running the same way each night so I thought I'd try another park in town. I wasn't sure whether the leftovers had been left for too long or I'd started running too quickly afterwards but it didn't take too long before I needed to start looking for a toilet block. Eventually I found one in a tucked away corner of the park. It wasn't in the best condition and the area looked a bit sketchy but I wasn't really in a position to try anywhere else. The immense sense of relief as I sat in the cubicle changed when I heard a heap of male voices entering the block. Perhaps it was a tour group or a sports team or something on a bus trip home? I heard them greeting and introducing each other, what were they doing? Shortly after, I heard muttering of "Get those clothes off", the unmistakable sound of skin slapping against skin, the gate being slammed shut and locked and my blood froze. A gay orgy was about to happen! How was I going to get out of this? I sat there scared out of my wits as voices came closer to my cubicle, and then I heard one of them. "Shit, there's someone in here!" "Fuck," I thought to myself. "Looks like we've got someone crashing our party. It's OK, you can come out. We won't bite....hard" I wiped my ass, pulled my shorts up, took a deep breath and left the cubicle. All I could see were naked male bodies, something like 10-15 of them, all over each other and all different ages & races. "God, what a fucking hottie. And a great new addition to the group." one of the guys said as he looked across at me. "Sorry guys, you don't understand. I'm straight....I'm here by accident." "Nobody's here at this time of night by accident." said one of the guys as he walked over towards me, naked and hard. I gulped nervously. "Looks like we've got a swallower!" he said to the others. Some looked over at me while the rest were more than happy keeping each other amused. A couple of the other guys stood up and walked over. "Everyone in here has to join the party" "But I don't want to..." "Like he said," said the other guy. "You don't have a choice" and they each grabbed one of my arms and pushed me to my knees. "Open your mouth" ordered the first guy that saw me. "No way!" I replied before getting a slap across the face. "You'll do exactly what we say if you want to get out of here in one piece." My wallet was removed from my shorts. "And if you tell anyone, we'll make your life hell" In a complete state of shock I opened my mouth and almost immediately the main guy's cock hit the back of my throat. I could barely breathe as I was choking on his cock and his groin pressed against my face. I had no chance to protect myself as both my arms were held. 'He's a natural," I heard him say as the other two laughed. I felt strong hands at my legs, lifting me up so that I was horizontal with the ground. When I tried to kick out, the guy facefucking me pushed hard into me, "What did I tell you about funny business?" I felt my shorts being taken off. "What a great ass he's got too" I heard one say. "I can't wait to get a piece of it." I'd never been so scared as I felt hands pawing at my ass. "You guys are so good, the four of you are like a fuckbench" and I was being held in midair, spreadeagled. The unmistakenly behind me and between my legs. "Looks like a great virgin pussy" and I felt the cold shock of lube on my ass. The only hope I had was that he had a condom on. As if reading my thoughts, the guy facefucking me said "And we only play raw too." I squirmed in the four guys' arms and was reprimanded once more. "Just ride it out bitch til we've had our fun." I felt a cockhead pressing against my ass and before I knew it, he was buried deep inside me. I gasped in shock which allowed the guy in front to push his cock further down my throat and I choked a bit. "I love it when a guy gags" That in turn must've put pressure on my ass muscles as the guy fucking me shot his load inside me within seconds. "God Bill, cumming too early again. Get him to clean it off while I get a piece of that" said the guy facefucking me. Bill pulled out and they swapped over. The guy that'd taken my throat was now about to take my ass. As Bill pulled out I felt cum dribble out of my ass and onto the floor. I felt someone positioning themselves beneath me, a skinny ill-looking guy who wouldn't have been much more than 20. "Can't let all of that beautiful cum go to waste" he said. "You're such a slut Chris", the guy ploughing my ass said. "haha, true Bruce. But unwilling sluts are so much more fun." and then he started to work my cock. Despite my best efforts and the shock I was feeling, Chris was so good my cock grew quickly in his mouth. It must've turned a lot of the guys on as I could feel cum splattering onto my back. To be honest, I had no idea what was happening. I was going through the horror of being gang raped yet also receiving the best blowjob I'd ever had. It didn't take long before I was cumming deep down Chris' throat and Bruce shot inside me shortly after. I'd taken two loads inside me and no idea how many had been shot over me. I had a sense there was plenty more to come. My hopes were raised when I was placed on the ground but they were dashed quickly when wrist ties were placed on me and I was dragged to one of the cubicles. As I looked down at myself I was shocked but not totally surprised given the treatment I'd received to see a little bit of blood running down my leg. Same for all virgins I guess. My arms were tied to the cistern and a leg tied to each side of the stall with my ass facing the door, open for all to take advantage of. I honestly lost count of the number of guys that took my ass while I was in that position. I'd become pretty deadened to the whole experience. I'd feel a pair of my hands at my hips, a cock slipping inside and they'd pound away inside me until I felt them shoot. I didn't want to turn around but I could tell from the sounds that guys were having their cocks sucked so they were ready to go once it was their turn. I'd effectively become a cumdump. I guess this had gone on for an hour or two before they decided they wanted me in a new position. I'd given up fighting by this stage and so offered little resistance when they pushed me onto the dirty floor on my back and tied my arms and legs wide in an extreme X position. Most of the time I was tagteamed while I was in that position, one guy fucking my ass and the other my throat. I took load after load down my throat, in my ass and on my body as some of the guys jerked off or pissed on me as they watched. Banging on the locked door woke me from my trance. "Big Jake must be here" one of the guys said. It didn't worry me too much, I'd been through so much already, what else could be done to me? And then I saw Big Jake. Jake was a massive black guy, easily 6ft7 and probably 300 pounds, all muscle. He took his shirt off but all I could see was the rapidly growing monster cock in his shorts, it had to be 13 inches. "Is this a new guy?" he asked. "Nah, some guy who pretended to be just passing" Bruce replied. "Has he been inducted?" "Should be, but you'll make sure of it." Bruce then turned to me. "From memory we're all poz, but Big Jake has the most toxic seed of all of us. If you weren't poz before you DEFINITELY will be once he's through with you." He lay on top of me and his massive, rock hard cock probed my hole and, given the battering it had taken through the night, he entered me pretty easily despite his incredible size. I could feel his cock pounding my prostate and I found myself grunting in time. "God I love straight pussy," Jake whispered in my ear. "And it's even better when I'm pozzing it." As I felt his cock thickening inside me I came heavily, my whole body shuddering underneath him. His load shortly joined the numerous ones I'd taken through the night and with that I finally passed out. I came to about four hours later, being shaken by a groundsman from the park. "Come on faggot, you've had your sleep. Time to go home." "I'm not a faggot..." "That's not what your chest says. Now get up, put your clothes on and go home." I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Someone had written "POZ FAG" on my chest in permanent marker. I pulled my top back on, gingerly pulled my shorts over my aching and filled ass and made my way home, my life changed permanently.
    2 points
  8. Man, it's amazing how easy it is to get hot black guys up here ... maybe I'll relocate! I finally meet up with a guy that lives just across the street from where I'm staying. Online, he insisted on safer sex,but I was so horny I decided to still go. I arrive and before he even closes his apartment door he grabs and starts kissing me. Somehow I push him against his front door, pull down his boxers, and start deep throating his nice thick 8" dick. I wasn't expecting a load, but just about 8-minutes later he grabbed the back of my head, slammed hard all the way down my throat, and unloaded a thick, tasty load down my throat. I was disappointed as I thought he'd just kick me out. Ha. He tells me to follow him and we head to his room. He then picks me up, throws me on his bed, literally rips off my shorts, and goes to town rimming my ass. Damn I loved it ... licking, sucking,and fucking my hole with his tongue. I'm really moaning like a slut after about 30-minutes of him rimming me (he also had me sit on his face). My hole is now wet with his spit and my ass juices. He grabs my hips, turns me so I'm doggy position, and just slides half his dick in me ... raw. He kisses, sucks, then bites my neck and then slams the rest of his dick in me. I'm moaning like a slut, but I did ask him to slow down. His response: pushes my head down into a pillow, uses his other hand to spread my cheeks as far as he could, and roughly fucks me as hard as possible. I'm not on poppers so I was even tighter ... I tried crawling away but he grabbed my hips, said "Did I say I was done with you?", and then long dicks me. He was pulling out until barely the tip was in my ass and then roughly slamming balls deep back in my ass. I was totally turned on by his domination and the fucking ... haha I came on his sheets without even touching myself! He was verbal, saying things like "Yeah, slut loves my big dick" and "Fuck yeah, this ass is mine". He finally came a total of about 45-minutes into fucking. Damn, the reason I love big thick dick: stretches my hole so much that I always feel the dick expand, pulse, and unload in my ass! Man his load was so huge it started dripping out while he was in me. He stayed in me, even when soft. He lapped up some of his and my cum on his fingers and ordered me to suck them clean. Long story short he got hard again and simply resumed fucking me ... only difference is he turned me on my back so he could, " ... watch as you beg for mercy and for my load". He came again after only 10-minutes of rough, hard pounding. He pulled out and squeezed my nose shut. Once I opened my mouth to breath he thrust his dick in my mouth to clean it off. So three hot loads from him. Got two more from another black guy about half a mile from my friend's apartment and then one from my friend ... all in my ass.
    2 points
  9. The top cumming inside and seeing him contract pulsing his cum into the bottom. When they take out their dick to cum annoys me.
    2 points
  10. I'll try to write about several of the best sex experiences I had at the Augusta Cumunion this weekend. One of the best, was the first. They have a section called the Pig Pen which has all types of fetish furniture, including 4 slings. I showed up about the time the party started. I stripped to my jockstrap and crawled into a sling. And the final touch was to put my hood on so I was blind. It's amazing how much you hear and how time really fucks with you when you can't see. I think I was only in there a few minutes when I felt a hand touch my stomach and a cock rub my hole. It's so hot to me not to be able to see the guy, no idea how big his cock is or the fact that I wouldn't know him if I ran into him. I heard a bottle of lube open and he rubbed some on my hole. Then his slicked up cock pressed against me again and eased forward, pushing it inside me all in one steady stroke. It was a pretty thick cock and I had to catch my self from asking him to slow down. He gripped the sling and started a slow, long stroke fucking that felt incredible. I reached down and felt his cock sliding in my hole, and did not feel a condom, perfect. I started grunting, involuntarily, and he sped up a little. He kept the pace for 5 or 6 minutes, then his strokes got a little faster and a little harder. His cock was just the right length because I could feel him hitting bottom. The sick part of me enjoys the pain and struggling to take a long cock and not pull back. Just so he had no doubts about it, I asked him to please cum in me. This seemed to fire him up because he fucked me even harder for about 30 seconds, then shoved really hard in me and held still, hissing loudly as he emptied his load into me. I thanked him as he eased his cock out. I felt a trickle of cum run out before I tightened my hole up to hold his cum inside me, which only lasted seconds because I had to relax it as another hard cock pushed it's way into me.
    2 points
  11. Thanks guys for all the support. I'll be gone for a few days but will post the next chapter as soon as I can. I'm working on it now. More to cum....
    2 points
  12. I felt in a slutty mood today. Went to the sauna and it was quite busy. Lots of older blokes and Asians in just my types too. I went straight to the corner in the dimly lit darkroom and kneeled across the corner benches so my legs were spread exposing my lubed hole to anyone who walked in. After z bit I felt hands probing and fingerings me. I poured some poppers onto a rag and sniffed deep and I was in another world. I felt a guy slide right up me balls deep and pounding my hole I was poppered up loving it he grunted and came in me another bloke pulled my arse apart and got another bloke up me. He was an older bloke with long balls that slapped against mine as he was thrusting and so on. The guy who was encouraging the guy's told me later that I had been fucked 12 times he then asked me to go on the massage table where he licked and sucked the cum out of my arse. Fucked me and said he was lucky 13. Awesome couple of hours.
    2 points
  13. Part 2 Logan woke up without a clue where he was. He could tell he was naked and tied up. As he laid there be hard voices but couldn't make out what was being said. Actually what he heard was Spanish. Logan called out wanting to know where he was, where his father was when this guys walked into the room where he was being kept. Logan looked up at the figure, he had to be over 6 feet tall, muscular build with call features. Logan was only 5 foot, 8 inches, with a slim build that he was trying to build muscle into, with no success. The guy looked down at him letting him know exactly why he was know their property. Logan was shocked at what his fatter had done to him and he now knew that he was their to work off his father's debt, he had no clue how he was going to do that until they were joined by someone this guy called 'the chemist'. While 'the chemist' was working the man standing over him told him that he was going to be trained to serve and please their clients, and if he didn't want to get hurt he do as he was told. While listening to the man, Logan felt something being placed tightly on his upper arm as the man told him the details of his training. The man told Logan that he was going to learn to suck cock, swallow cum and learn to get fucked. As Logan began to protest that he wasn't gay he felt a pinch as the needle of his first slam was betting administered. He looked over to 'the chemist' as the tight band on his arm was pulled off. He felt the warmth rush up his arm and into his chest. He felt like he couldn't breath as he began to cough hard. He felt his heart beat fast as he was released from being tied up. All he could do was say, "OH FUCK!" as 'the chemist' left the room being told that he would be needed again in a couple hours. As Logan laid there riding his rush the man removed his shirt and dropped his pants revealing a good size, uncut cock. Logan felt strange, it was feeling he had felt before with his girlfriend, a horniness that he couldn't fight. The man placed his hand I the back if Logan's head guiding him to his growing cock. Logan tried to resist but with the drugs clouding his mind he could not resists as the cock came closer to his mouth. Logan shook his head no, but when the cock reached his lips he opened his mouth letting it slid across his tongue. The man coached Logan giving him tips that helped him become a cock sucker. Logan could taste the man's precum as it coated his tongue. As Logan tasted the man's precum he thought he'd be disgusted at what he was doing, but he felt good and was starting to enjoy sucking cock. The fact of tbs situation was that the drugs had him leaning to enjoy sucking cock. With the drugs and the man's coaching Logan was taking the cock without gagging. The man knew this boy could bring them some good cash as he got closer to giving Logan his first taste of a man's cum. The man made sure to have a good grip on the back if Logan's head as the 17 year old was enjoying giving his first blow job. The man let Logan know that he needed to swallow his load that he was about to feed him as he grunted. Logan felt the man's cock pulse in his mouth as he began to feel his mouth filing with cum. Logan looked up at the man as he slurped down the cum being deposited I his mouth.
    2 points
  14. I love seeing bareback where the top stops and you can see the contractions in his taint as he fills up his bottom. Anyone got a few links to those.
    2 points
  15. ==== Cum Courier ==== A few days ago, I hooked-up with this guy online. His picture was amazing; massively muscled chest and shoulders and a great-looking bulge. He didn't send me any pics of his cock but said that I wouldn't be disappointed. I was feeling really horny as I had been visiting family for a week so hadn't even had a wank, let alone got off with someone and it was only 11am. His name was Gareth and he invited me over for a drink and a shag. I said yes straight away; I'm a slim guy and don't usually get muscle-men interested in me, especially one as big as he seemed to be, so I showered and dressed in a jockstrap, tight jeans and a white T-shirt and then caught the bus over to his place which was about half an hour away. The day was boiling hot and I was already feeling horny just from the heat. Arriving at his door, I rang the bell and waited nervously for him to answer. The door opened and there he stood; his pics hadn't done him justice. He was huge! He was wearing a very tight muscle-shirt and tiny cotton shorts, which barely contained a hugely thick cock with massive, heavy balls. His chest was massive with really big nipples showing through the thin cotton of his shirt. Blue eyes and a great smile made him look like a god. "Hey Paul" he said extending one massive fist to shake my hand. "Come on in. Fancy a beer?" We went into his lounge where a screen was showing a video from Treasure Island. He told me to have a seat whilst he went into the kitchen to get the beers. Returning, he handed me a can of Red Stripe and sat next to me. "Look, before we do anything, there's something you should know" he said, taking a swig of the beer. "I only do bareback and I'm very verbal. I'm going to breed my hot seed deep inside your ass and I want you to know it." He put a hand on my leg and looked at me. "Any problems?" "No" I said. "But I want to take your cock in a particlar way." "Hmm. OK. How?" he smiled. "I want to be on my back with my legs around your huge bod and I want to chew your tits when you shoot." As I said this, I noticed his cock hardening in the shorts. "I think we're going to get on just fine!" he said, flashing a smile at me. He took my hand and guided it to his rapidly swelling bulge. I rubbed it hard and he groaned, the material was stretched thin across his cock and I could feel that it was a real monster. He stood up and shucked the shorts off, exposing the most massive piece of meat I'd ever seen. It was so thick that I couldn't get my hand around it at all, and so long that I gasped. He picked a tape-measure off the table where he'd put his beer. "Want to measure it?" he said, grinning wickedly. I took the tape measure and placed the end against his body, rolling it out to the end of his cock. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "Fourteen inches... Wow!" He took the tape out of my hand and wrapped it around his girth. It was nine inches around. I looked up at him, face flushing with desire and before I could stop myself, dropped to me knees and tried to fit as much of his beautiful cock into my mouth as I could. "Fuck, you're enormous" I whispered as his big hands steadied my head against his meat. He let me suck him for a bit then swiftly spun me around, threw me to my knees and mounted me. The pain was incredible; I hadn't been fucked for ages and he was massive, but after a hit on my poppers, I started to enjoy taking his massive cock. "I'm really gonna seed that hole" he said, moving deep inside me. "I'm gonna blow my three-day load up inside you and I cum a LOT!" As he said this, I could feel his excitement build and his cock started to spasm inside me. "Tell me you want it, you cum whore!" he shouted. "I do, I do. I want your enormous load shot deep inside me, give me your cum, breed my sloppy cunt..." He started to breathe more heavily and remembering what really turned me on, picked me up still impaled on his cock and lay me on my back. He lowered his massive chest to my face and I sucked one of his bullet-nipples into my mouth. "Oh yeah!" he cried, forcing more of his cock into my hole and more of his nipple into my mouth. "Suck on those big tits!" I tightened my ass around his hole. "Oh, fuck, I don't believe it! I'm gonna cum" he said. My mouth went for his other nipple and sucked as much of the nipple and the muscular pec into my mouth as I could manage. "You fucking little cum whore!" he shouted. "You're gonna get my huge load bareback. I'm not wearing a rubber, I'm gonna breed your hole, I'm gonna pump my massive load deep inside you. My DNA's gonna mix with yours. I'm fucking knocking you up!" As he shouted this, I felt his cock pump what seemed like half a pint of very hot spunk into me. I sucked harder on his tits and felt another six or seven spurts of his cum flood my ass. I went to touch my own cock but he pushed my hand away and reversing our positions, pulled me on top of him, his amazing cock still buried inside me. We lay there a few moments then he got to his feet and smiled at me. "Wow! That was one hot fuck. Give me a few minutes and I can go again." "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah, but I'm really thirsty and out of beers. Can you just go down to the corner shop whilst I take a breather?" "Sure, I'll just get cleaned up a bit." I replied, gently fingering my hole which was beginning to leak cum. "Don't" he said, picking me up so I was standing. He handed me my jeans and helped me pull them on. "But your load was so big!" I argued. "Don't worry, the shop's just down the street. You'll be OK." I put the rest of my clothes on and started to leave. "Hey" he called. "Ask for St Pierre. It's my favourite beer." With that, he handed me a tenner and let me out, pointing in the direction of the store. A few minutes later I was in the local shop, scanning the beers in the fridge and on the shelves. I'd never heard of St Pierre so asked the tall, blonde Polish guy behind the counter. "Sure I've got that but we don't get much call for it so it's in the store-room." He started towards the door at the back. "You'd better give me a hand" he said. As I followed him into the back, I admired his tight-fitting jeans and the back of his wide neck. As soon as we got inside the store-room, he pulled the door shut. "St Pierre" he said, nodding. "The only person I know who asks for that is Gareth down the road." "Yeah, it's for him" I answered. He put his hand on his crotch and squeezed. "So, has he knocked you up? Has he pumped his load up inside you? I bet he has, hasn't he. You're probably full of his cum right now!" He pushed me up against the wall and began to unbutton my jeans. "God, I love it when he sends over one of his shags, filled with his spunk for me to swallow." He pulled my jeans down, lay down on the floor and pulled my ass down onto his face. "Relax" he said, tongueing my hole. "Give up that load and you can have mine in return!" I relaxed a little and felt the cum load begin to dribble out of my ass. His slurping tongue was really turning me on, and the knowledge that he wanted to shoot inside me, to mix his cum with Gareth's was making me hard. I loosened up a bit more a a ******* of warm seed ran out of my hole directly into his mouth. He pushed me away and got up, then unzipping his jeans, took out his extremely hard cock. It wasn't as big as Gareth's but it was still pretty big. I dropped my jeans and turned around, presenting him with my sloppy hole. He rubbed it into the spunk still dripping from my ass and then began to push it into me. I relaxed and he gasped as my hole suddenly sucked him in deep. "Fucking hell! You're hole's so sloppy and wet, I'm gonna cum really quickly!" he breathed, pressing his swollen head deep into me. "You want my cum?" he asked, sweat dripping from his face as he pounded my hole. "Oh yeah, I want your big load. Breed my cunt with that big meat, fucking shoot that spunk load deep inside me. Breed my hole. Seed me!" I cried, and with a yell, he unloaded inside me. I thought Gareth had a big load, but this guy's just didn't seem to stop! He fucked my raw hole for ages, spurting fresh spunk into my already well-used hole. Just as I thought he'd finished, he gave another yell and I could feel more spunk spurt into me. He finished, and stood dazed for a moment, then reached up to a shelf and with one quick move, pulled out his cock and replaced it with a butt plug. "That'll keep the spunk up there for a bit" he said. giving it a final push into my swollen hole. "Wow! You really know how to drain a guy!" He smiled at me and pulled on his clothes. I did the same and he reached up for a six-pack of beer. "Here you go. No charge!" "Thanks" I said, stroking his smooth abs. "That was an amazing fuck!" "Yeah, well I like sloppy seconds." he replied. "Now, if you're really getting into this, perhaps you should drop by at number twenty-six. It's a few doors before Gareth's place, on the way back from here. My boyfriend's there and feeling really horny. You like older guys?" I nodded. "He's fifty-three, really built with a beard and the biggest siliconed balls you've ever seen. Sound good?" "Yes" I said, already looking forward to it. "Ring the bell, tell him that Marek sent you and that you need another few loads to take back to Gareth. He's got some friends around at the moment so if you want to be gang-fucked, you probably will." He unlocked the door and let me out. As I walked through the shop, my head was reeling and my heart beating really fast. I'd just been fucked by two guys, was about to get gang-banged and had't even shot a load of my own yet. As I walked down the street, I could feel the base of the butt plug pressing against my jeans and it was keeping me rock hard. At number twenty-six, I rang the bell and waited for it to be answered. After a few minutes I rang again, leaning harder on the buzzer. I heard a door opening inside and through the glass saw someone approaching the door. As the door opened, I felt the blood rise to my face. The guy was a real muscle-bear; beard, huge shoulders and a sexy smile and all he was wearing was a pair of shorts showing a bulge that was about the size of a melon. "Hey Paul" he said. "Hey!" I replied, wondering how he knew my name. "Come into the bedroom. I've a few friends around and they're getting really horned up." Before I could help myself, I grabbed his huge balls with my hands and dropped to my knees, inhaling his scent through the thin cotton. "Not in the doorway!" he said, hauling me me to my feet. I apologised, but couldn't take my eyes of his bulge. He led the way into the house, and in the bedroom I saw three other, older but really good looking, very hung men standing around a sling. I dropped my jeans, shrugged off the T-shirt and jumped into the sling. Immediately, the first guy pushed his hand between my ass cheeks, pulled out the butt-plug and replaced it with his cock. After only three strokes, he yelled and began to pump spunk into me. I relaxed and let him breed me. He didn't last for long, but as soon as he pulled out, another guy was ready and pushed his hard meat into me. This guy had a short cock but it was nice and heavy. "I can feel that spunk sliding over my dick" he grunted. "You fucking little cum-whore, you're a fucking little spunk hole just waiting to be bred!" As he talked, his cock got harder and I squeezed my hole around his cock. "Fucking little cock-jockey" he grunted. "Can't wait to get cock inside you, can't wait to get bred by big guys shooting their loads into your ass!" As he said this, he too gave a yell and unloaded into me. The third guy had been watching and stroking himself, and without a word, pushed his cock into me and shot his load, then the guy with the silicone balls approached. His cock was also siliconed and I knew he'd waited until last so that I was stretched enough to take it. As the other guys stepped back, he pushed his meat into me with both hands, ensuring no spunk dribbled out. He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock and began to wank himself into me, not saying a word. My hands reached for his balls and I squeezed their hugeness as he began to moan. I could tell that the first guy was fucking him from behind as he suddenly leant forward, pushed his huge hairy chest into my face and commanded me to chew his nipples. The moment my tongue touched the first one, he began to spasm into my hole, filling it to overflowing with his big sperm-load. After a few more spurts, he pulled his massive cock out slowly and quickly replaced the butt-plug in my hole. "OK" he grinned. "Now you can take those loads back to Gareth!" I got out of the sling shakily, I was so horny but I knew where I wanted to blow my load. I pulled on my clothes and the muscle-bear showed me to the door. "See you around!" he said. I walked back up the road until I reached Gareth's house. As soon as I approached the door, he opened it and pulled me inside, leading me straight into the bedroom. "So, where's the beer?" he asked. "Crap! I must have left it at..." "Number twenty-six?" he finished for me. "Excellent!" He led me to the bed and unbuttoned my jeans. Producing a funnel and a pint glass, he had me squat over it. "C'mon" he urged. "You must be full to bursting. How many loads have you got up inside you right now? Four? Five? Let's see!" I carefully pulled out the butt-plug and a ******* of hot sperm shot out of my ass and into the glass. He carefully massaged my hole and a new load spurted out. "You got any more up there?" he asked, stroking my shoulder. "I don't think so" I said, just as another powerful surge squirted out. When I had emptied most of it, he held up the glass. It was half full of mixed spunk. Handing it to me, Gareth dropped onto the bed on all fours and rammed the funnel into his ass. "Now, give it to me!" he said. I began to pour the white liquid into the funnel and his ass sucked it inside him. In a few minutes the glass was empty and he was full... almost. My cock felt like it was going to burst, I was so turned-on by what had happened to me that morning. Using the last few drops of spunk from the glass, I lubed my cock and pushed it into Gareth's filled hole. The feeling of that amount of cum on my cock was mind-blowing. I grabbed his beefy thighs and began to stroke my cock into his hot hole. Within a few minutes I literally could not hold back, and with a roar, I dumped my load in with the rest. I seemed to shoot for ages, and when I stopped, I could hardly stand. Gareth pulled me down onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me. As I stroked his muscular chest, he whispered into my ear "You like being a cum courier? Delivering all that hot sperm to me?" I nodded. "Good" he said. "Because that's just the first assignment I have for you. I'm gonna send you all over the city picking up loads for me and bringing them back so that we can share them. OK?" I smiled and replied "Fuck yes!" ****** THE END *******
    1 point
  16. I'm turning 50 this year, which is all good, but I have had the chance to look back and although I don't have a lot of regrets there are a few times where I know I missed out on a good opportunity. Since this is a site about bareback breeding, one of those regrets took place when I was a freshman at Drake University in Des Moines, IA. I had only officially came out of the closet over the previous summer and I was having a good time going to the clubs (drinking age was lower then), and also going to parties. It was at one of those parties where I got fucked for the 2nd time. However, what happened after I got fucked (it was in the basement of the house while the party was going on), I still remember an opportunity that to this day I regret. I was upstairs, hanging out for just a few more minutes and getting ready to go, when I had several guys try to talk me into staying and going into one of the bedrooms. They were older (30s and 40s), and they really tried HARD to get me to stay. I was this skinny little blond twink and I think one of them knew that I had just got fucked, and one of them came right out and said, a little drunkenly, "I love to FUCK blondes!" However, this was still all way too new and I had already been told that the party would turn into a sex party and I just didn't feel like I had the nerve to do anything like that. I had tried to slip out, but these guys were really, really persistent. They came right out and told me how they wanted to gang-bang me and basically fuck me into the next century. And me, in my little twink mind, just said, no way. I got really nervous and basically just bolted out of there. One of my friends stayed and he had a friend who I didn't know so well and I heard the next week from my friend how the same guys who were trying to get me to go into one of the bedrooms took this other young kid into the room and basically raped him. My friend said they could year him yelling, screaming, telling the guys to STOP, STOP, etc., but eventually this kid just got swallowed up and per my friend there were other guys who went into the room and just took turns on this kid. And it has haunted me ever since that I could have been that kid. When I first started having the idea that maybe I missed out on something I thought it was really, really wrong to even have that kind of idea in my head. But now, damn if I don't regret not staying. My friend told me that when he looked in the room that the kid was on the bed, face down, and there were over 10 guys in the room and they were just taking turns - one after the other - just fucking him. The kid wasn't passed out and my friend said that he just looked exhausted. That could have been me! Now I have certainly made up for it and although I don't keep count I'm sure I've been fucked at least a couple thousand times and I have done some of the kinkiest and wildest stuff you can imagine... but still. Anyway, long story to a short question: Do any of you have situations that you look back on and regret that you didn't take the chance or the opportunity to do something?
    1 point
  17. Hi everyone, The last time I was here, I said, "I suppose deep down I understand that I'm going to get HIV sooner or later. It doesn't bother me, and I believe that I'll accept it when it happens, but I want to experience as much unprotected sex as I can before I get it." and "Maybe the best thing to do is just accept every load, no matter what. It's what I want deep down, and I'm starting to believe my life is worthless if I deny it. It's what I am." But I still felt kind of confused. Since I was last here, I have spent my time thinking about everything, and I have decided that I want to become a cumdump. I feel totally certain, and it's like my life is beginning. The next time I have lots of free time is on Saturday, and I'm going to spend the day in a sauna, sucking every dick that I'm able to. I feel a bit scared about anal sex, but it's just because I'm really inexperienced at it, and if a guy wants to fuck me and cum in my ass and stuff, I will definitely let him. I'm not going to ask any questions about a guy's status, and I will take every load. I suppose I just want to tell you guys, because this is the place where I feel I can talk about this stuff and not be condemned. This is a really big thing for me, and I feel grateful to this place for helping me to understand what I want, and accept that it's okay. And yeah, if you have any advice for me, I totally welcome it.
    1 point
  18. The Fort was a pub in East London, which was a sleazy, dark old victorian building which held boots-only days on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It was the kind of place no one admitted to going to, but a lot of people did, and you could fuck wherever you wanted, even at the bar, and few people used condoms. The regulars were pretty sleazy too, mostly trolls and one or two young guys like myself drawn to the danger like moths to a flame. Sadly, its gone now, torn down for housing. I had only been there once or twice and on each occasion had come away with a couple of loads in my arse, but I was still neg. Part 1 One Wednesday I went in, paid my fee, and was given a locker key. It was gone 2.30 so the owner had turned the lights down and the music up loud. I could see naked men walking around in the gloom as I headed to the bar for a drink. Someone caressed my arse, and I turned to see a middle aged guy, lean and olive skinned, veins standing out on his wasted thighs and a bulging belly above a long, thick cock with a cock ring around the base. I gave him a timid smile. "Hi." He smiled back "Nice arse," He replied with a slight Italian accent. Something about him mesmerized me, which he seemed to recognise as he guided me over to some chairs. He made me lift my legs and probed my hole with his finger. I was dry and a bit nervous. "Push it out," he ordered, "push it onto my finger." I lowered my legs. "I need some lube" I made to get up to get some when he said "Sure, but no condoms, okay?" He held my gaze and I shivered with excitement and revulsion. I returned to the chair with some sachets of lube. He lifted my legs again, tore one open and smeared the cool lube onto my arsehole. His finger slid in easily and he encouraged me to push my hole open. "They like it like this," he said, "puffy and open pussy, eh?" With his other hand, he smeared lube on his cock and began to jack it off as his finger slid in and out of me. "Are.. are you..y'know, poz?" I asked, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He laughed. "Sure!" He said." 20 years and without meds." His finger slid deliciously in and out of me as he encouraged me to open myself until my pussy was gaping and wet. I saw other naked men standing at the bar watching us, their erect cocks testament to the excitement of what they were watching. Suddenly his finger withdrew and he crouched over me, sliding his cock into me in a single, unexpected, delicious rush. "W..wait !..." I gasped, squirming on the hard wooden seat as his cock started to slide in and out. "Okay," he said, and slid out of me, sitting back on his chair and sipping his beer. I was breathing hard, and my hands were shaking with excitement. "How many times you been here?" he asked. "A couple." "Been barebacked?" I nodded in reply. "Well, you better get dressed and go, because if you bareback here you're gonna get knocked up sooner or later," he continued. His words shocked me. T he was right but I also recognised the hunger in me his words created. I sipped my drink, then hesitantly raised my legs. He smiled, leaned forward and thrust his disased cock into me again, sliding it slowly and lasciviously in and out of my hole. "Good." He said. " Good. When you join the club, you won't have to worry any more." He pulled out and grabbed my arm. "C'mon, let's do this right." I followed him to the darkroom at the back of the bar, my legs like jelly and my heart pounding with fear and excitement. Several trolls got off their bar stools and followed us, flabby bodies sweating with excitement. In the darkroom, I could barely see but the man guided me onto a slimey leather bench somewhere in the middle. "Kneel !" He said. I got on to the bench and knelt, resting on my forearms with my arse upraised. He came around and stood before my face, his drooling cock against my lips and I felt his hands reaching down my back, spreading my cheeks and smearing more lube in my hole. I couldn't see a thing, but my other senses seemed heightened and I could smell sweat, cum and body odour as I was surrounded by bodies in the darkness. I felt a hand on my buttock, sliding between the cheeks and seeking out my hole. The italian's hands spread my cheeks further, and suddenly a blunt, thick cock slid into me, and a hairy belly was pressed against my backside. I squealed like a stuck pig, but my friend cupped my face and kissed me in the darkness, whispering that I shouldn't worry, that it was a gift, and after I was pregnant I'd never look back. The man in me was fucking me hard, and suddenly he pushed deep into me and I felt his cock stiffen as he spurted. "Oh..no! " I gasped. But now some poppers were thrust under my nose and I felt my resistance going. The cock left me, I felt a gush of sperm over my balls and knew I had been impregnated. Before I could move, a second cock slid into my wet hole and began to fuck me, as the italian guy fed me his cock and whispered encouragement in my ear. Four or five guys had me, and they left my hole puffy, gaping and dripping. "Now it's my turn." Whispered the guy. " I'm going to give you my babies " With that, he slid around behind me, and I felt his long, firm cock slde up me. I pushed back to meet it, tears on my face, knowing I was lost even as he began to shudder and spurt inside me.....
    1 point
  19. The next few entries are going to cover my very recent trip to Berlin. I stayed in Schoneberg for 5 night, I'm typing this as I've just got back my ass and cock are still tender and the memories are still fresh. I fly in to Berlin during the day and get to my apartment in less than an hour, it's a nice apartment with a great price, at first I couldn't believe it but I booked through ebab(a breedingzone user's suggestion) the week before I flew to Berlin I looked through both recon and bbrt to make up a top-do fucklist, I can now say that I never met one person from that list. I decided to take it easy for the first night so I looked at some of the tamer gay restaurants and bars in schoneberg. I came across one place that had a few people scattered throughout the bar, I sit up at the bar and politely ask "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" "A liddle?" the barman replies, he is very slim twinkish type who through some conversation, learned that he was from Prague and a singer, I casually asked him about the places in the surrounding area. "Well Toms is good for drinking and sex downstairs, there's New Action, next to that is the Bull, but don't go there, it's nasty. Everyone has AIDS" I can't get across tone in text form but if you could hear the disgust in his voice when he mentioned The Bull and his facial expression it might make you as uncomfortable as I was. Here's a guy who has no idea who he is talking to in Berlin, in the gay area and he says something like that to a stranger. One of his many favourite songs come on the radio and he begins to clap dance and wave his arms about while singing alone, putting on his own little show for the uninterested patrons, who seem like they've seen it all before. I finish my drink, and leave. I walk down to Cafe Heile Welt and head inside, it's a swank fancy bar, chilled out and full of guys and girls. The bar is full but there are some seats close by. As I sip on my third beer, I look around to see what kind of folk drinks here, seems to be the kind of folk who just out of the office, not exactly people I relate to. Then some older Italian gentleman at the bar raises his glass to toast me, I raise mine in return. We start talking, and he offers me a drink. After a while he leans in and start kissing, then he works his way to my neck(which I love) I grab at his crotch and he has a fat piece, he tell me to follow him to the toilet. He gets up and leaves. I get up after him, and as I walk in he is pissing into the urinal. He looks surprised that I followed him, maybe I misheard him. He shakes the last few drops of piss from his dick, it's a nice size, and looks semi-erect. He gives me a look and then looks down at his cock. I squat down and start sucking, I can taste the few drops of beer that leak out of his slit onto my tongue, and swallow him down to the balls, he pushes my head into his groin so hard that he stumbles back a little when my weight leans forward, he pulls his cock out, the only thing connecting us is the thick string of spit from my lips to his dick. "Would you like to finish your drink and come to mine?" "Yes please" I answer. I wasnt exactly searching for sex on the first night, but hey, I was ready for it. "Do you have poppers?" "I can get some" We walk up the street and he runs into a bar called Schuene to get poppers. I wait outside, as the door swings back open I can see from a glance that the place is a lot sleazier that the bars Ive seen so far. What lay ahead? I wondered. We get back to his nice apartment, and strip off and kiss, I suck his cock some more, as it grows I realise exactly what I'm in for. Oh dear. He puts me in the doggy position, a position I've never been most comfortable being fucked in for some reason, always makes me feel like I need to pee, but I go with it. Luckily he applies lube first, then slowly pushes it in, which catches my breath. Prior to this I hadn't been fucked for a month or two. It slid in and stayed deep for a while until my ass adjusted to it's girth, then he begins to fuck. Before long my legs are over my head and he's drilling my stretched hole. No mention of a condom and I didn't even go to the Bull, so much for that barman's skewed sense of how sex works. I moan in pleasure, "Do you want poppers?" I had totally forgotten about the poppers, was having too much fun. I take a deep hit from the freshly opened bottle, woah these are strong. I feel the thumping of my heart rate increasing. He starts to drive down harder, I feel his balls slapping my ass. So hot! I grip his hips and pull him into me, and deep and hard as I can. He spins me over onto my stomach, slams his cock into me all the way, wraps one arm around my neck and opens the poppers. Holding them under my nose as he grinds away inside me. The strength of the poppers is making me foggy and I begin to fade. He slams harder and faster as I go limp, my hole finally gives away and takes his pounding with no resistance. He moans, groans, and grunts and shoots ones right up into my guts. I pass out with exhaustion and popper rush. I feel tingling in my legs and come to. He pushes his fingers up into my hole, and then his knuckles really working his cum up in there. I turn around and kiss him then squeeze the last few drops of cum from his cock into my mouth. We sleep, go for brunch the next day and exchange numbers... By the time I got back to my apartment it was nearly evening, which meant it was time to get ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to check out TOM's, so I get ready and head out at about 10PM. I enter the club, there is a bar to my right and coat check to my left, there are a handful of people sitting at the bar and one of two guys on the benches opposite. I perch myself on the barstool and grab a beer. One or two overly confident scantily dressed guys pace the bar area cruising for someone to take downstairs into the darkroom. Two Arabs sitting next to me at the bar strike up a conversation with me. They are both thin and approx early thirties. One guy takes a shine to me and tells me all about himself, I'm not too interested and try to look for some other dudes while being polite. He tells me his fetish is feet and guys stomping food and making him(as a slave) eat it from the sole of their shoe. "To each his own" I thought. It's a relatively safe fetish compared to some of the activities I've gotten up too. "Can I lick your feet please?" he asks me. "Aaah it's not really my thing, I'm more bottom" at this point I'm ready to check out another section of the bar. He keeps pleading with me to just try it, then his friend also asks. There is only so many times I can say no, so I tell him just a few minutes. His face lights up. "Ok let me take you to the dark rooms". The dark rooms in Tom's are, well, dark. A pitch black maze, with audible groans and slapping and rutting going on. This gets me hard immediately. I have no interest in the guy I'm with or the kink he's into, but my imagination is running wild with the thoughts of sex I could be having. He leads me into a seated area and I take a seat. He then squats down and grabs my right foot and takes a large lick of the sole of my boot. God only knows what I've been stepping in down here, this guy is doing something I simply couldn't. But he's really getting into it, I push my left foot against his crotch to feel a hard lump. He then pulls off my boot and smells inside, all the while pushing my other foot harder against his dick. He then presses my (white) socked foot against his face and breathes in deep, just like he is taking a hit of poppers. I start to get into it, and I'm becoming aroused. He opens up wide and swallows all of my toes, pushes on my heel to get my foot deep in his mouth and makes himself gag on my foot. The idea of wet socks for the rest of the night is loosing appeal to me. So I tell him to take them off, he does this with pleasure. I then get the most awesome tongue bath I've every had, never experienced this before but woah, it's a hot feeling. After drenching both my feet in his saliva, I'm feeling horny as fuck. So I grab his head and bury it in my crotch, grinding on his mouth and nose and just generally humping his face. Before things can get interesting, his friend finds him and complains he's bored. At this point both men start arguing in a very camp annoying way. "Fuck this" I think, I'm going to The Bull. The Bull is a 5 minute walk from TOM's, I buy a bottle of Rush from behind the bar and make my way down. I get there and it seems from the outside like a very nondescript bar. My heart starts to thump, it's a similar feeling to that I got before I entered my first gay bar in New York. How far I've come since those days, what a difference a year makes, huh? I build up the courage and enter the bar. It's a small bar, dive like, with different porn playing on each TV all bareback, all raunchy. I check my coat in and buy an energy drink. I've had enough beer and need my energy up. There was about 3 people at the bar, so I went straight ahead to the back room. It had an area where people slept, I later learned this bar stays open 24/7 so people can nap off the alcohol or whatever other chemicals were coursing through their veins. There was a fuck bench, a sling, and a benched area all around with guys sitting jerking off. I walk around the backroom advertising myself to those who look like tops. One older muscled guy see's me and calls me over, he is sitting down playing with his soft cock, fully nude. I stand in front of him and he pulls up my t-shirt and kisses my stomach. Then forces me down to his crotch and slowly positions my face in between his balls and inner thigh. I begin to kiss him. Then move to his balls, they are nicely scented low hangers, I swallow both and look up to see his face, he nods in approval then pushes his soft cock in with both balls, so his genitals are resting deep in my mouth. I fondle everything with my tongue, and feel his cock swelling, I then work his cock. He likes me swallowing it deep, which I love also. When I eventually come up for air I get a whack across the face, and he pushes my head back down on to his cock and thrusts like hell. His dick is still only semi-erect so it's easy to take down my throat, it feels nice as it's large but soft. I come up for air and met with another hard smack across the face. He speaks something in German, "Ich spreche kein deutsch" I tell him, "You like?" he asks in a deep manly voice. I nod "yes". He turns me around so I'm facing away from him, then bends me over. He pushes his semi-hard cock against my hole, I try to push out to allow him to enter me, it bends against my hole then eventually pops in. He begins to fuck his soft dick into me deep and rough. He is quite aggressive, I start to wonder if it's because of his lack of erection. His eyes seem a little spaced, I wouldn't be surprised if he had taken something. This seems like the kind of place, plus at this stage it's early morning, and all the freaks are out He pulls out and makes me suck him again. I do my very best to make him grow inside my mouth but it isn't happening. I feel two hands take me from behind as I'm working this soft cock. The person takes off all my clothes, then penetrates me with two fingers. The cock in my mouth is swelling again. He flips me around, and jams it in again, there is a large black guy in front of me wagging his cock. I swallow it down like a good boy. I try to concentrate on both giving good head and squeezing his friends cock with my hole. I get a few hard spankings from both guys as I do my thing. I take a huff from my bottle of rush. I start to realise the sleaziness of the situation, it drives me wild, I love being used, and think of the mentality of the tops using me. It turns me on further. The white guy pulls out and his cock is still only semi erect. He shoves my head down to take care of it. I then feel the black dude at my back door, his dick really hurts going in, I take another large hit, I feel his dick press against my bladder, it's uncomfortable. I'm taken away from the sitting soft German by the large black guy. He throws me in the sling. Then enters me slow. I take another hit, I feel pretty high. He grunts and groans as his dick slams against my insides. I feel like my inner organs are being shifted around, I really want him to stop but don't want to pussy out. "This is what you wanted" I tell myself, "This is why you came to Berlin, so take it!" As I'm being skewered by this big black man he sticks his fingers in my mouth and grips my jaw, like a handle, and fires off like he's about to cum. He cums, groans and collapses on top of me. He pats me on the face to indicate a job well down. As his dick leaves my holes I feel some of the cum seep out and down my back, between me and the sling. I reach under to feel some and smell it, it's a strong cummy smell. As the black guy leaves a filthy looking skinhead parks himself right at my hole at the base of the sling. He slaps my open hole with his fat cock, it's not as large as the black guys, which makes me happy, as I get a break. This guy looks fucked, jaw is gurning, glassy eyes, piercings on his face, tattoos, very sleazy, very hot. He has a large metal cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. He slides his dick in with ease. It makes me tingle, I take another hit of poppers. My heart thumps in sync with the loud dance music(I guess that's why they play it) without hesitation he penetrates me deep, pushes against my ass hard, I feel the metal ring enter me, it's so fucking hot. He fucks away, balls slapping, he's dripping sweat on me, this guy is high and loving being inside my ass, and I'm loving it too. He pulls me into him, and we make-out, he tongues me deep. He grips both hands around my throat and squeezes. I get tunnel vision, sound becomes distorted. I wake up in the sling. The skinhead is fucking me like crazy whilst pushing down hard on my stomach, I feel the stinging pain that I have to pee. He's trying to get me to piss myself. But I simply can't. I ask him to stop, he does. "Would you like to go to my apartment?" he asks me in a strong German accent. I accept the invite. I pick up my clothes from the dirty floor, and get dressed, we head out into the daylight, it's blinding, the skinhead is dressed entirely in leather, he looks like a comic book character. I'm very turned on. He brings me back to his place. The more I'm with him, the more I notice how incredibly high he is. We get back to his and I strip off, he throws me on his couch and pushes my legs behind my head. He enters me dry, no lube, no prep. Slowly pushing himself deeper into me until it reached the cold metal of his cock ring. After some fucking, he takes his dick out, and presses both of his large smooth balls against my hole, he tries sitting down so they will go in. I push out hard to open my hole, some more of the black guy's cum pours out "Oh yaaah geile!" his balls slide into my ass. The feeling is incredible, it brings me directly back to new york during the meth binge. Only I'm not on meth, and I don't want to be either, I've achieve that level of horniness without the use of drugs. He fucks me for an hour or so more, as deep and as hard as possible, my hole has totally submitted it just craves cock hard fast deep. We both collapse on the couch in a sweaty pile. "Did you cum?" I ask, expecting the answer to be no on the count of the drugs. He smiles, "Three times". Hell yeah. Just what I needed to hear. I'm tingling and exhausted, I fall asleep for a few hours and wake up covered by a blanket with him sitting next to me watching TV. What a nice dude, for such a sleaze ball(like myself lol) He gives me his PlanetRomeo handle and I get stepping, it's a surprisingly short walk back to my apartment, I'm spent. I get into the shower and push out a healthy load of cum. I'm on cloud 9, I've decided I need to be here. This was a nice introduction to The Bull but the best was yet to come. "Ich liebe Berlin!"
    1 point
  20. Just for today, just for the holiday: It's not hard, he thinks, seducing these neg only safe-sex only clean cut types. Just lie to them. Tell them what they want to hear, say, "Yes, I'm clean and disease free" (Technically HIV is not a disease, it's a virus). Smile in your pictures a little mysteriously and nod at all the right moments, "Yes, I always practice safe-sex" (What does that mean anyway...like if we don't end up knifed to death...that's safe sex right...?). Start in quick but subtle with the ever tried and true, "So what kind of porn do you like? I love XXX and ZZZ" (bareback only studios that are poz-friendly). "Yeah, they're awesome..." "Yeah, bareback is the best." "Yeah..." They're mine...all the time. It's so easy to invite them over and have them look and stare and think, "He's so nice," and smile broad and say, "Come inside, the bedroom is this way," Leading them easily over and over again, into the bedroom, "Make yourself comfortable and take off your clothes." Casually do the same, and look at the monitors playing porn then say, "So what kind of guys do you like." Do the my type and your type game for a bit and then just nod slightly and kick back in bed and led the clumsy foreplay begin. Let them trip over themselves over and over again as they try to impress you and just keep glancing back and forth to the screens of porn and then chuckle aloud and say, "I've got something for you to try." Reach to the side of your bed and pull out that glass pipe and a micro torch and smile as you heat the pipe just so and then hit it just right, watch their eyes grow big and they never say anything contrary. Exhale a perfect white cloud of that fucking fantastic smoke and then pass them the pipe and say, "Here, hold it in your mouth like this," as you position the pipe in their mouth, and finally say, "I'll light it for you, just inhale when I say so." They barely nod but you can sense their excitement bleeding into the air. Heat the pipe again and then when that white smoke starts to rise to the top, say, "Hit it." Always "hit it" because that sets them up to fall so far down they won't ever hit the ground. And then ya just let the white smoke do its magic. Pretty soon Mr. I'm Safe Sex Only guy is on his back with his eyes dilated with fuck-lust saying, "Fuck my pussy! Fuck my pussy!" And it's hot because he's so straight-arrow clean-cut nicely dressed jock guy...with an ass so wet you can stick your raw cock in it at any moment. So you do while you hit the pipe and let him watch you in awe as you take the hit and slide into him and fuck him hit after hit. You fuck him doggy and sitting so that he can take some hits as well...you are after all, generous to a fault. It's so natural to just ask him, "You want me to knock you up? You want me to poz you?" It's so natural for him to say, "Yes. Breed me. Please breed me." So you do, and you smile as his pupils dilate and he smiles feeling your toxic seed spraying inside him and you both gasp and then you smile when he reaches for the pipe and asks you to help light the pipe. "Of course," you say. What else would an incubus do?
    1 point
  21. I'm 23 years old now, and have been with many men, but the man who showed me that I was gay will always have a special place in my heart. His name was Ryan, and he was a neighbor who lived just down the block from my family. We'll pretend his last name was Thomas, 'cause I never called him Ryan. only Mister 'Thomas'. I was still living at home, just out of high school and yes I was 18 . In my younger days I would sometimes mow his lawn for him or rake leaves, shovel snow, stuff like that for cash because, at that age, I didn't have a job. I remember him always being really cool, friendly, and he'd tip me big for doing those chores. He'd even buy me gifts for my birthday, at Christmas, and sometimes just out of the blue for no reason. He told me not to tell my parents about them. He never told me why I wasn't supposed to, but I was happy to comply since I was very fond of him, so I never told my parents about the gifts. On my 18th birthday though, all I received was a letter, in which Ryan said he wanted me to come over to his house on a day I wasn't busy, and that my gift was there. Naturally I was excited, speculating he was going to give me something big - maybe even a car! Now before I tell you about the day I went over cause of his beckoning letter I'll tell you about about the two of us. I am a white guy, a bit of a jock tall, cute, and athletic, have dark hair and dark eyes. I was a wide receiver on my high school football team and got a bit of attention from the ladies, but after having a few girlfriends in high school, I never really got past third base with them, and truth be known, I didn't really want to. When I'd masturbate, it would always be to girls getting it up their ass, and getting creampied, but my focus was always on the cock, the cum, and the asshole. I realized quickly I wasn't really into pussy at all, eventually I started looking at gay porn, and found it amazing, but I was ashamed of myself. I found myself drifting off into many, many erotic fantasies about being with men, and of course, Ryan featured in many of them. At roughly 6' 2'', Ryan was clean-shaven, quite muscular, had short brown hair and I imagine he was around 230 lbs. I had no idea at the time but he also had been fantasizing about me. So anyway, onto the birthday letter. I have a summer birthday so I turned 18 right after graduation. So a few days after my birthday when I had nothing planned, I decided to stroll over to his place. I just told my mom I was going over to a friend's house, so it was no big deal. I walked up to his front door and rang the doorbell. He didn't know I was coming over so he was very happy to see that I had gotten his letter and decided to see what my gift was. He let me inside, and asked if I wanted a drink. I asked if he had Pepsi, and he said "No I meant like an alcoholic drink, Ian. You won't tell your parents, right?" I chuckled "Ha ha no, Mr. Thomas, that would be great though!" I was always blushing around him, and he always smiled when he saw me doing it. "You must do pretty well with the ladies. You're quite the stud, you know?" he commented. I blushed wildly, and a grin crossed his face. "Yeah, I guess so" I replied. At this he was a little confused, asking "What do you mean by that?" So now I came to a hurdle. Mr. Thomas was the only person who I could trust with my secret, that I was into men, but how would he take it? We were now standing in his living room, I was drinking down my glass of an unknown alcoholic beverage that tasted great. I told myself, Well fuck it, I know I can trust him. "Well Mr. Thomas, can I tell you something, and promise not to tell my parents?" I asked. "Of course Ian, you know you can talk to me." "Well," I nervously said, my face beet red, "I THINK I LIKE MEN AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO." He was a little shocked by this and so was I. How could I just come out and say something like that, and to a man to whom I was attracted, and about whom I had fantasized? Then he took a deep breath, clearly having made-up his mind, smiled, and replied, "Ian, haven't you ever wonder why a good looking man like myself doesn't have a wife? I'm gay. Why do you think I always bought you gifts, and had you do chores for me? Your are the most beautiful person I've ever met!" He was so casual as he said this, I was frozen, but he wasn't, he walked over to me and kissed me strongly, his tongue pierced my lips as he wrapped his arms around my body, holding me tightly. I could feel a huge bulge in his pants, but couldn't focus on it, my mouth relaxed. I was being kissed by a man! It felt so good, so right! I started kissing him back now, sucking on his tongue, our mouths engaged in a deep kiss. After a minute or so, he broke off the kiss, looked at me and smiled, he grabbed my ass with both hands, and pushed me with his big masculine body onto his couch. I found myself on my back, he was laying on top of me, groping me, and devouring my mouth. I was so horny now, and our bulges were up against each other. He lifted himself off of me, took off his shirt, and I instinctively did the same, then my hands wondered down to me pants, he saw this, and immediately removed his belt, unzipped his jeans, and out of the part in his boxers, his huge cock sprang out. He was straddling my hips now, and the monstrous cock was about 2 feet away from my face, It was amazing. Mr. Thomas' cock must have been around 8 inches, slightly darker then the rest of his pale complection and really think, like really thick. With a fucking sexy purple mushroom head that perfectly complemented the rest of it. I was entranced. I just lay there staring into it's glory. My hands still stood by my zipper, he's strong hands removed them. And he undid my pants, and my smaller, 6 inch cock sprang out, hard as a rock. He then lunged back onto me, fucking my mouth with his tounge again, He began fucking my cock and balls like I was a girl. His huge member plunged wherever it wanted up against my sac, pushing at my balls, and then it sprang forward and lay atop my own cock, just as Mr. Thomas lay upon me. This cock fucking, and extreme make out session went on for awhile. I felt like I was in love, I had never felt this way before! He then sat up again, and removed his pants completely, I did the same thing, and suddenly we were both naked. once again, on his big couch, he was straddling my higs, with his huge cock hanging there, over my own and my eyes once again locked onto it. "I want to make you feel good Mr. Thomas!" I nudged my body so that his cock was now hanging over my abdomen, and kept creeping under his legs until it was over my chest, then mouth. He lowered himself down, I opened my mouth and felt that amazing head, wet with precum touch my tounge for the first time. I then envelepod that delicious head completely into my mouth, I felt like my mouth was full from that alone! I just lay there milking that sexy goliath of a penis. He groaned loudly and oftenly, "aaahh Ian, my sexy little bitch" "oooooH" He then grabbed his shaft with his right hand, and the back of my head with the left, I had so far only been able to fit the head in, but now he began fucking my mouth, I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care, and soon I realized I could still breathe through my nose as he used my mouth for his pleasure, he kept fucking my mouth, working his thick cock deeper and deeper. It tasted so good. It was oozing precum, and he must have been working out or something before I came over cause it was sweaty, and I loved the taste. He continued his conversion of me into a faggot. Eventually his cock head was pressed up against my tonsils, and a good half of his huge shaft was in my mouth. It was hard to concentrate on breathing and being fucked in the mouth but I did it cause this was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Drool ran down my cheeks and out of my mouth, along with precum. He was turning my mouth into a pussy! Eventually the whole thing was down my throat. His pumping speed increased, as he kept groaning, "oooh baby your my little boy toy, your my little slut, you love cock don't you boy?! I couldn't respond, I could only lick and slurp at the base of his cock with my tounge. I couldn't see anything either, his pubes pressed against my nose now. His huge balls slapping my chin. "ooooooooh" here it comes boy. He pulled his dick out, and I got a breathe, then he plunged that huge sexy head back in, jacked his shaft for a few minutes with his cockhead just resting in my mouth. Then it happened, I felt his cock head pulsating in my mouth, and I was flooded with hot, warm, gooey, tasty man sperm. The jets of cum hit my tongue, the back of my throat, stream after stream after stream. Until my mouth was completely full of cum. He pulled his cock out and said, "Swallow it like a good faggot" He lowered himself and his think member lay on my chest, oozing a little bit of cum and saliva on me. I just lay there with that thick seed, that puddle of sperm in my mouth. I was enveloped by the taste, I never wanted to swallow it cause I loved how I felt. A grown man just used my mouth and fucked it like a girl's pussy. But it was so much better than a girl's pussy. Fuck women I thought, this was all I wanted now. Cock and cum! I then swallowed it all down, his seed impregnating my stomach. I was his. I didn't even want to cum, i mean i did, but it was more important to me to service him, that's all I cared about, he just showed me who I was, and I just wanted to be owned by him now. I started spending nights at his house, I gave him at least 10 blowjobs like that a week probably.I didn't want to go to college anymore, I wanted to live with him and be his. For his use only. I no longer cared about a career, my career was being a cock slut. I don't know how he produced so much semen, but sometimes I'd get full from all the cum I drank of his, and just knowing his seed was in me, I felt like I was on top of the world! I loved being used and depraved by him. He started getting violent with me, sometimes he'd have me kneeling on the floor and would just pound my mouth for hours on end. He was violent with me, but he really loved me. He started buying me stuff all the time, flowers, lotions, and dildos! He told me to train my asshole when I was at home from now on, and I did. He told me that after a week of me training my hole, he'd take my virginity for real! I was so excited. so everynight id go home and play with my tight hole, he told me after my sessions, to put an inflatable butt plug he got me into my hole and sleep with it inside of me, pumped up a little the first night, and by the end of the week I was sleeping with the butt plug in me fully expanded. The next mourning I decided to look at my asshole turned boypussy in the mirror. It still looked tight, but then i lubed up a penis shaped dildo he bought me, and slid it in, it was big, but not as big as Mr. Thomas' cock. It hurt a bit, but I just kept pumping, and after a good 10 minutes, I let it out, my hole looked so fuckable, It didn't quite gape open, but it was no longer an asshole, this was now meant for men's cocks. And the first cock to enter was going to be Mr. Thomas'. So we set up a night for our next sleepover, all of the sleepovers we had before were just oral, me going down on him for hours on end, some nights i'd fall asleep in his bed with him, his cock in my mouth, sometimes i'd wake up with liquid in my mouth and running down my face with a wet puddle in the sheets, like he jacked his cock off in my mouth while I slept, or maybe even pissed a little bit in me, It was so nice to wake up to my mans cock in my mouth and the thought of his seed and piss being able to have a nice warm place to be released into! But anyway, it was now August, and we were pretty much officially boyfriends, or rather, master and toy. We watched a movie together that night in his bed, toying with eachothers cocks all the while, he usually didn't show too much interest in my cock but tonight he did play with it quite a bit. The movie ended, he didn't turn off the tv. Mr.Thomas leaned over to his night stand, and asked, "is your hole ready for tonight boy?" I replied "yes Mr. Thomas, i've been training it all week, I even got the 7 inch black dildo all the way in me this mourning and it was amazing!, I can't wait to really pleasure you!" He smiled, grabbed a bottle of lube out the droor. "well not only does your hole after be ready for a cock to be in it, but we have to be sure you don't have to take a dump or anything" I knew my hole was clean, I made sure of it before I came over, I would never let down my man!" My hole is as clean as any girl's pussy, i made sure of it" I said blushing and smiling. "Well i should hope the fuck so, those things are filthy, but I know what you mean, good" He lubed up his fingers, and while jacking me off gently, he reached under my butt, and stuck a finger up my hole, he didn't have to work to hard at it, I was horny as fuck and ready to go, I started fucking his finger with my asspussy, he then extended, a second finger, then a fourth, he started ferociously masturbating my sexhole, in and out and in and out!, he then lay down on his back, fingers still up inside me, and told me to lay on him the opposite way, I knew he wanted to 69, I straddled his chest, with my ass facing his face, and lay down upon him, that big sexy meatpole looking me right in the eyes, and he turned my ass into his own personal plaything, I sucked his cock down my throat, the past weeks had made me and adept blowjob slut and deepthroater, I went to town on his massive cock for about 10 minutes. From his end, my smaller cock and balls rested on his chest, oozing precum with a small puddle of it soaking into his chest hair. He suddenly removed his fingers that had been working over my now slutty hole, exposing a modest gape, but not an ugly one, just a thin part that almost resembled a pussy, but way better cause it was a boy's asshole turned into a hungry virgin sex hole that craved cock. He lifted his head up and plunged his mouth up against my butt, his tounge probing me, he did this for awhile, and it felt amazing, his toungue slushing around in my insides, in my pussy. God damn I was a horny faggot! "Okay bitch your ready now" he told me, he slid up, his cock plopping out of my mouth, my cock being ran down his chest, then abdomen, then for a moment, rubbing up against his much larger, sexy mammoth cock. He pushed me over to a doggy style position, with my butt in the air, I felt him push his cock up against my hole, and even though my hole had seen alot of action from dildos, my butt plug, and his fingers over the past week, It wasn't ready for even his think purple mushroom head, but he forced it in, grabbing me by the hips I felt his head plunge into me, I felt it, and I felt as the rest of his cock slid in me, the difference in widith I felt from his cock head to his shaft was very noticable, as his head slid deep inside me I felt it rubbing up against my insides, It hurt so much, but my hole was being fucked! It was so awesome, so amazing, the pain didn't matter, I pushed my ass against him untill he was all the way in, my cunt relaxed around his cock, his balls resting up against my gooch, his pubes tickling the top of my ass! Wow this was amazing. Then the fucking started, 30 solid minutes of pumping, precum, ass juice, and lube oozing out of my asshole, my god did I feel like a slut! In and out he pounded me, wrecking my hole, he wouldn't stop, he only got faster and rougher, I cried out, not in pain, but I was being impaled on a cock I thought was only 8 inches, it felt way bigger inside of me, now that it was fucking a hole it probably got even bigger, and instead of being slightly flaccid when i sucked it, it now felt rock hard, and the already big head felt huge inside me, It was clear he had penetrated me all the way past my rectum into my second hole (is that whats its called) fucking me over and over and over, suddenly his balls tensed up, and a flood of semen shot into my bowels, endless jets of seed, impregnating me, seeding me, making me even more his than I already was. But he wouldn't stop fucking me, I thought after he came he'd be done, but he wasn't, "Ooh fuck yeah boy, i'm gonna stay in for another round" "Oh no i thought, my asshole was already wrecked" With his semen now lubing my now slick hole he kept on pumping, in and out, in and out, now he started a new technique, that was torture for me, he'd slide his whole cock out of me, exposing my stretched hole, and plunged back in, this continued for and hour now, and he finally had his final orgasm of the night, pumping even more seed into my already saturated hole, I belonged to him now, my hole was his, for his use forever! There must have been a good 2 cups of semen that had been fucked into me, absorbed into my body because after our fuck, He kept himself inside me, reached over and turned off the light, and flipped us on our side, spooning one another, entwined, his massive cock in me all night while we slept together, both exhausted. To Be Continued!
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  22. Part I. My boy and I had sort of fallen on rough times. Maybe we’d overspent in the last few months and when we both got laid off from work, our savings started to run thin pretty quickly. I went looking for part-time work in my field, but nothing panned out. My boy kept going on interviews, but he never landed a steady gig. With no prospects, we were quickly getting desperate. Some fuckbuddies invited us out for a drink to catch up, and we kept putting them off since we couldn’t even afford to drink. Before we hit hard times, we’d often go out clubbing with Bobby and Dylan before winding up back at our apartment. Bobby and Dylan were a super cute couple, both in their early twenties, and both super fit. They were, like me and my boy, both pretty versatile, and also like us, they liked raw sex. Whenever we played as a group, we always fucked bare. It was so hot watching Dylan breed my boy. His thick cock would stretch out my boy’s ass good, leaving it loose and sloppy for me to fuck when he pulled out. I loved sloshing around my boy’s ass, feeling Dylan’s cum squelch around my dick as Bobby fucked and bred me. After we bowed out several weeks in a row, they started getting concerned. They thought we didn’t like them any more. It was embarrassing when we confessed that we couldn’t afford to go out, but they invited us along anyway, saying that they would pay, especially if they could get to fuck us! Over drinks at our regular bar, they told us that they had fallen on hard times a few months ago, and gotten part time work in a go-go bar to tie them over until real work returned. Bobby said that the boys could make upwards of $500 a night, even if they didn’t do any really dirty stuff, and much more if they were prepared to go all the way with customers. I was so naïve, and asked what ‘all the way’ meant. Dylan started telling stories of lap dances that got out of hand, even once or twice where the guy paying him to dance had a really big cock that worked it’s way out of his pants. Bobby said it was so hot watching his boyfriend dry humping bare dick, and that sometimes, if they were willing to pay more, they would both let guys tease their holes, and maybe even get the head inside them if none of their bosses were looking! My boy and I had both given up our gym membership a few months ago, to save money, and I was not feeling at my best physically, but my boy had kept up running and doing exercises in our backyard. He looked as great as he ever did, and our friends suggested he go for an audition right away and see if he could get the gig. Maybe it was the cocktails hitting us hard after not drinking any alcohol for a few months, but my boy was instantly eager. Had we been sober, I’m sure we both would have thought it through better, but he was ready, right away, to go start dancing in his undies to make some good money from strangers. Two hours after starting drinking with Bobby and Dylan, they poured us into their car to drive us over to the gay strip club to meet their boss. There, in the parking lot, Dylan helped me into the back seat. I was dizzy from the cocktails I had drunk. Bobby helped my boy into the seat, and I heard him chuckle. He said told Dylan that he had seen a glimpse of my boy’s underwear and that it simply wouldn’t do for a proper go-go interview. Of course, a few months of unemployment meant we hadn’t been buying anything we could do without, including cute new underwear. I’m sure we were both wearing last year’s model at best, and stretched out elastic jockstraps at the worst. Bobby and Dylan winked at each other and suggested we make a quick stop on the way to the strip club to get my boy some sexy new undies at a friend’s shop. My boy was clearly getting turned on talking about stripping and sexy underwear, and was rubbing his crotch. Dylan and Bobby kept watching my boy in the rear view mirror as the car started. It got me hot too to know my boy would soon be shaking his lithe mostly-nude body for money, and I worked my hand down the back of his shorts. It was true that his underwear was stretched out; I could easily get my whole hand into his pants to finger his ass! My boy was wriggling on my hand, as Dylan, in the front passenger seat took out his cock and started wanking. I wondered aloud, “How are we going to pay for new underwear? That stuff can be expensive, and we’re broke!” Bobby assured me that their buddy, who owned the underwear store, would give us a good deal. The way he said it made me ask if my boy might have to do something naughty. Dylan answered, “Absolutely! You’re ok with that, right?” Bobby told me that it was so hot watching Dylan with this guy that he had to join in. As I fingered my boy’s ass, and Dylan jerked his big cock, Bobby told us that their friend, Alex, was really well hung, and really hot. He said, “Alex started by taking Bobby’s measurements, waist and stuff. He had Bobby drop his shorts so he could see how big his dick and balls are. He got out a few choices, leather jockstraps, rubber shorts, and tight g-string bikinis. Bobby went into a changing room to try the rubber shorts on and then danced for Alex, just like a go-go boy. Alex then had Bobby grind into his lap. Alex got so hard that his dick was straining against his jeans leaving a dark wet spot from his precum. He asked Bobby if he could remove them for him. It was so hot watching Bobby pull that stud’s jeans down. When Alex was just in his boxers, he told Alex to change into the g-string. Bobby did it right there, stripped naked then pulled up the g-string. Alex grabbed Bobby and had him sit down hard on his crotch. Alex’ dick slowly worked it’s way out of the boxer fly. I could see Alex’s precum getting all over Bobby’s ass. Alex pulled the thong aside so his dick could really rub against Bobby’s hole. When it got shiny from so much precum, Alex told Bobby to switch to the jockstrap. Bobby shimmied out of the g-string, and into the jockstrap. He was so hard that his dick wouldn’t fit into the front pouch. That didn’t seem to bother either of them, and Bobby sat right back down onto Alex’ cock. This time, his hole was totally free, and after a few passes, the head of Alex’ dick went right up Bobby’s ass. I started to freak out a little, and Alex just smiled, ‘If your boyfriend wants to make the real money, he’s got to learn to take dick!’ Bobby started riding that cock as I stood there and watched. After a few minutes of getting pounded, Alex held Bobby’s hips and came inside him. Even if Bobby had wanted to pull off, Alex wouldn’t have let him!” By this time, my boy had taken off his shorts and underwear altogether and I was working three fingers into his ass. Bobby shot his load into his hand and offered it to Dylan to lick off. I realized that the car had stopped and we were in a parking lot, lit only by neon light from the window. We were at Alex’ shop, and the time had come to offer my boy up to this stranger for free underwear. I knew my boy was horny, and would probably let Alex go all the way. What had we gotten ourselves into? To be continued...
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  23. Part 1 It was going to be a great day! I had just turned 18 two days ago, I was graduating from high school in the afternoon and I was going to a huge party that night with my girlfriend Emily, my best friend Paul and his girlfriend Linda. First let me tell you about myself. My name is Caleb. I’m the youngest of four boys in a very religious and close family. I was home schooled until high school and then went to a high school operated by our church. I guess you could call me the nerdy type. I am 5’11’’ and weigh about 160 pounds. My hair was blond and shaggy. I loved to swim so I guess I had what you would call a ”swimmers build”. My girlfriend Emily said most girls thought I was cute, in a “nerdy” way. Emily was my age and we had been seeing each other all through high school. Emily was very pretty. We both were religious and never took our relationship beyond the handholding and occasional kiss phase. We both believed that any sexual contact should remain off limits until we married. We were very naïve about the real world. Paul was my best friend. We had known each other since we were little kids and were inseparable. If I was a nerd, Paul was a “super nerd”. He is about 5’6’’ and weighs 130 pounds. He has a pale complexion with shaggy red hair. Paul even wears the typical thick rimmed glasses. Paul could easily be mistaken for being 13 or 14 years old. Paul’s girlfriend Linda is very shy. I don’t think they had even held hands let alone kiss. They both are even more naive than Emily and me, if that is possible. I have always considered myself total straight and never even thought about "fooling around" with a guy. It was against what I believed and besides I was saving myself for Emily. Tonight was going to change our lives in so many ways and I we were completely unaware. All four of us were graduating together, so after our graduation ceremony, Emily and I met up with Paul and Linda and we attended receptions put on by our parents and by 9:00 pm it was time to head to the party. We were all nervous but excited about the party. Many kids from our class were attending and we knew there would probably be alcohol and maybe more available there. Paul and I had only snuck a few beers in our life and both of the girls had never tried alcohol. Linda said she would go but would not drink but the rest of us had decided to have fun and celebrate our “big accomplishment”. The party was taking place at a remote farm about ten miles from town. When we arrived there were dozens of kids already partying, many from our school and many I didn’t recognize. The farmhouse was huge and there was a very large swimming pool and hot tub in the backyard along with many picnic tables. There was a huge bonfire in a fire pit. Everybody had contributed money to attend so there was beer, liquor, soft drinks and food. All four of us had packed bathing suits and we noticed nearly everyone there was already in their suits and enjoying the pool and hot tub on a very warm night. We went inside to change and were directed to two bedrooms in the back. The house was beautiful and I was surprised anyone would let such a party take place in it. When we got outside after changing I asked around about who owned the home. I was told it was two former graduates from another local school who were great football players and had even played in the NFL before getting hurt. They were now successful businessmen and agreed each year to allow the party on their property. Their only stipulation was that no one leave drunk and that they be allowed to join the party later in the evening. A friend of Emily’s led us back into the house and showed us a picture of the two owners. They were both stunningly handsome shirtless black men appearing to be in their early-forties. They were both about 250 pounds of solid rippling muscle. They looked like Greek gods. I heard Emily gasp when she saw the picture. “They are beautiful”, she whispered. I thought it odd that these two men would own the house together, but I didn’t pursue the matter further. We went outside and found the beer and alcohol and the three of us grabbed a beer and headed to the pool. The beer was flowing fast and furious and Paul and I matched each other drink for drink. We were definitely feeling the effects About an hour had passed when we heard the owners had arrived along with a nephew of one of the guys. A few minutes later they appeared. All three were shirtless and wore basketball shorts. Their picture did not do them justice. My school didn’t have any African American students, so we had little exposure to black men. They were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Jordan was the biggest and appeared to be in his early forties. His muscles seemed to pop from his body. Emily commented that his thighs were bigger than my waist. He had closely cut hair and an incredibly handsome face. He had only one tattoo I could see. It was an odd design around his navel. James appeared to be about the same age but wasn’t as big but he had a perfectly defined chest with an eight pack of abs and the same odd tattoo. He had his hair in dreadlocks. Aaron, who turned out to be Jordan’s nephew was about in his early 20’s, swimmers build like me and the face of a model. He too had the same tattoo. We were introduced to them and they seemed very interested in us. Jordan put his arm around me and James put his arm around Paul and asked if we were having fun. We looked so small next to them but they really seemed to like us and we talked for a while. Aaron meanwhile seemed to really be interested in Emily which was making me jealous but I knew she was not going to screw up our relationship. Linda just stood and watched as we all talked. After a few minutes, Jordan suggested we all go to the hot tub. We all grabbed beer and headed over. The hot tub was huge. It could easily handle 20 people and there were about 10 people in there. We climbed in and Jordan made sure to sit next to me and James next to Paul. Aaron got there a few minutes later and maneuvered himself in next Emily. Linda said she didn’t feel good and said she was going to lie down in the car. After a few minutes somebody brought out a “bong”, something I’d never seen before. Everybody in the tub started passing it around and taking “hits” off it. When it came to me, Jordan showed me and Paul and Emily how to do it. I took two hits and suddenly I was feeling pretty relaxed. The marijuana and the beer were really making me feel good. I leaned back and suddenly felt Jordan put his hand on my leg. I couldn’t see it because of the foam in the tub but it felt massive and he slowly began rubbing my upper thigh. I looked over at Paul and could tell by the look on his face that James was doing the same to him. Jordan then reached under the water and grabbed my hand and placed it on his massive thigh. You could feel the muscles under his smooth skin and I began to rub him. I saw Jordan look at James and wink. Jordan than asked me if I’d like to try something called “poppers”? I said sure and he told Aaron to go and get his backpack from the house. Aaron asked Emily to go so they could bring back more beer and she agreed. As soon as they left, Jordan yelled “It’s time to party!” He shifted in the water and then next thing I knew he was holding his shorts in his hand and tossing them out on the grass. James removed his shorts immediately as did several other guys and girls in the pool. James turned to Paul and me and said “What about you two?” Neither of us made a move so they took action. They reached down and grabbed us by our waist and lifted us with one hand while stripping our suit with the others. The next thing I knew I was back in the tub totally naked with Jordan’s massive arm around me. I looked over at Paul who looked totally in shock and appeared to be sitting on James’s lap. Aaron showed up at that moment, but Emily had remained back at the house to use the bathroom. Jordan reached in to the pack and pulled out two bottles and tossed one to James. They took the covers off and put it up to our nose and said breath it in. I did twice and felt like I was flying. I felt Jordan put his hand on my stomach and slowly rub me. He moved his hand down to my penis and took it in his hand. I realized then that I was getting hard. He pressed his face against my neck and began nipping it with his teeth. I moaned slightly and when I did he turned my face to his and I kissed a man for the first time in my young life. His tongue played with my tongue and without thinking I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I heard a moan from behind and saw Paul lying with his head on James’s shoulder. It was obvious that Paul was being touched under the water and was enjoying it. Suddenly I felt something brush my leg. I reached and felt his penis for the first time. It was massive. I couldn’t imagine a man having a penis that large. Jordan smiled and stood up. I was face to face with penis at least 10 inches long but its width was stunning. There was a large metal ring piercing the tip of it. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. I heard several people in the tub as well as some people who were now watching the four of us, gasp when they saw it. “Taste it!” he told me. I obeyed and opened my mouth. It was so big I could barely get it in but Jordan slowly helped me taste my first penis. “Your turn baby” I heard James say and I turned around to see Paul licking the tip of James’s penis. James was not as massive as Jordan but was longer. He had to be at least 13 to 14 inches long. Paul was mesmerized by it all. They both grabbed the poppers bottles again and took a hit of their own. Then they shoved the bottle under our nose and we both inhaled. I knew then that I was really starting to enjoy this and wasn’t going to try and stop whatever was happening. Suddenly we were both picked up by our two Greek gods and carried to a picnic table. I felt so small in his huge arms as he carried me. His body felt warm against mine and I reached and rubbed his muscled chest. He pulled me tight against him and began to kiss me again. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Aaron, who was also now naked, was there at the table spreading a blanket on it. We were both placed gently on table next to each other.
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  24. The following is set mostly in the future, although flashbacks will be frequent, obviously it is fiction, as are the characters, and the situations portrayed Marcus: 2031 I looked at the clock and wondered if he was going to show, Damion said he would arrive before midnight but it was now 11:55 and there was still no sign of him. My man cunt was still dripping cum from the last stud who fucked me an hour or so earlier, but I really wanted Damion in me, to fill me with his demon seed, to make me beg for it, to let him see the lust in my eyes as he believed he was knocking me up. I wondered what he would say if he knew the truth about me. If he knew that I had become immune to his virus, and that I just wasn’t a bug chasing stud who craved his seed. No, that changed for me several years ago, and as I lay there waiting for Damion, I reflected on how I had gotten to this point in my life 2009 I was a late bloomer, as many of my friends would describe me, awkward and clumsy in my 6’2 frame, athletic but not really coordinated enough to play organized sports. Oh I played tackle on my high school football team because I knew how to knock things over, the I was pretty much the proverbial bull in a china shop kind of guy. And, while I knew I liked boys and older men, not until I was in my senior year of high school, about when I started getting control over my body and building some confidence in my actions, which was also the time that my acne cleared up, that I began to realize I was turning into a stud, or so my best friend Robert told me. Until he met me, Robert was a total closet case. Then his constant drooling over me forced him out of the closet, people noticed his always hanging around me and gushing over me, it was like he was totally into me. It was near the end of the school year when we went to a party for the senior class that he outed both himself and me. While at the party, Robert came up to me, openly groped my cock, and planted a huge kiss on me. Robert was a real looker, about 5’11” and maybe 165# blond hair and green eyes, had a swimmer's build and would certainly be a real catch for any girl - or guy. I had known he adored me, especially since I was just a bit taller than he, and, having dark auburn hair and blue eyes I saw myself as a pretty good catch. Anyway he chose to make out with me right there in front of the senior class of 2009. We were out and proud and it really wasn’t that big of a deal anymore and it seemed like everyone accepted Robert as my new boyfriend. I dated Robert throughout the end of the term and the first year of college, we had a great relationship and loved to have sex, never once thinking anything bad could happen to us, even though as our relationship grew we got more and more kinky, going to the Steamworks every Friday sometimes Mondays and Thursday’s as well, loving their black out nights and seeing what fresh meat would wander in. I loved seeing Robert getting plowed in the sling or being pounded on the fuck bench, and he loved watching me taking loads as well, then when one of us would secure a room we’d go back and play together, many times with the door open so others could see our sexy bodies pounding into each other, sometimes inviting others to join in. Robert had found a couple regulars with whom he liked to play, many of whom were positive, and Robert made sure the guys bred us as often as possible. We both had been reading the stories on Breeding Zone since graduation, and we talked about it, and decided we were both versatile cum sluts, pigs to be exact. As it turned-out, Robert first came down with an unseasonable flu and I followed a week or two after, but Robert insisted we still go to the baths and get our cum injections throughout our flu-like symptoms. As Robert nursed me in our room while I was in a cold sweat, Jack came to our room. Jack was one of our regular fuck buddies, and he loved to breed us. He was maybe early twenties 6’1” 130 pounds, with a swimmer's build. I thought he had a somewhat 'wasted' look. Anyhow, as I lay there, feeling crappy, Jack lifted my legs and spat on my hole then shoved his hard cock into me. In one thrust. It hurt like hell and he began fucking me. “Oh yeah , I see my death seed is taking hold. Not sure if I was the one who knocked you up, but each of you has taken my never-medicated toxic drug resistant strain in your body countless times, and I’m here to seal the deal for you, Marcus.” “Fuck, yeah, give me your toxic death seed,” I moaned. Jack obliged by blowing his load into my ass. Usually, after fucking us, Jack would then split to see what other victims he could find to pump his AIDS into, but that night in early 2011 he sat back and chatted with us, told us how he had been infected years ago while hustling the streets as a runaway teen, and how he went back to his family who helped him straighten out his life, helping him to finish school and land a good job only to end up on welfare when he became too sick to work, living on his savings. Then he dropped the bomb. We knew he had never taken meds, or that’s what he always told us, but he confessed that early on in his infection doctors had him on the cocktail and it didn’t seem to work. They kept trying different combinations, but his strain was med resistant and his HIV just kept growing inside him, that he had only had the virus for six years and he already had full blown AIDS. Although he has refused meds for the past five years, the doctors wanted to try one last time, so he was going to check himself into Hospice that night. We were his final fucks. He told us to carry on his legacy and breed as many as we could, knowing that we would be nasty pig gifters, He left and a couple weeks later we got news that he died. So, there I was. Not only infected, but infected with a particularly deadly strain of the virus. I wanted to go out and breed some hot twink and let him be my POZ legacy. Robert was accepted at a university in another state on an athletic scholarship, and continued his piggy ways playing with the student body at his new school, as well as playing with any hot daddies he could convince to help him finance his extra-curricular activities. I visited Robert on many occasions and he always arraigned some conversion parties while I was there, just as I always took him to the Steamworks when he came home to visit. 2031 It was half past midnight when I went and locked my door. Damion was not to have my ass this morning but I knew he will have me sooneror later, that he loved fucking my hole, and giving me his toxic seed.
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  25. So my quest to get pozzed by my Black Daddy continues. We were supposed to hook up yesterday, but when I got to his place he need some parTy supplies. Unfortunately, his dealers were not to be found. While we waited for them to call us back, I douched and put on my new jock strap for my breeding. He was dressed hoping to get a call so we could smoke a bit and he could shove his big, black poz cock up my still negative, but very hungry and willing hole. While I sat naked on his couch except for the jock strap we watched porn - he had a little of the T left so we smoked it which just made me super horny for his big, fat poz cock. He only likes to fuck while high, and I'm becoming a big T whore, so since we couldn't get any I went home without getting fucked. We made plans for Thursday when his normal supplier would be back. I texted him before going to bed to make sure we were still on for Thursday and to let me know if the T didn't come through. Much to my surprise this morning I awoke to a responsive text saying he had gotten some T and to come over and get his cock. Since I hadn't made plans at work, I went in early, did what I had to do, made an excuse and went to his house - craving getting his fat cock and poz load in my ass. He opened the door wearing nothing but a jockstrap, his sexy black bear body making me horny. I jumped in the shower and cleaned out, put on my new jock strap and went into the living room where we fuck. He lit a bowl and we chatted, after several hits, I couldn't resist sucking on his big cock to get it ready for my ass. As I sucked it I rubbed his belly and he started telling me how he truly wanted to be the one to poz my ass - he wants me to just let him fuck me until I convert. He's on meds but has converted a couple of guys with his "virulent swimmers." The T, his now hard dick and all the poz talk had my hole craving his beautiful fat poz cock in my ass. I mounted the fuck chair, he mounted me and we fucked all afternoon - After the first poz load and we honestly discussed him knocking me up and how ithas alays been my fantasy to get pozzed by a black daddy bear with a fat cock. He even suggested that I bring a toothbrush next time. After another round of smoking and the dirty talk, my hole was again twitching for his cock and cum. After about another hour he shot his second toxic load in my ass with me begging him to poz my ass. I still have his cum in me - but think I have found the guy that will finally give me what I want. Can't wait to have his Black DNA in me forever!
    1 point
  26. Setting the picture: im Asian, chub. Been sucking dick since 2009. Ive sucked a fair few cocks since 2009. 2009 was a big year for me, moved out. And to celebrate i decided that night would be the night i would get my V card stamp and get fucked. Was a horrible experience, painful, guy had a tiny dick, not much penetration. But none the less he came inside me. Crazy experience. After that, ive only been fucked two other times. Once with a condom and the other, bareback. All of those experience were rather painful so i decided to give it one more try before giving up bottoming. Met this guy tried to fuck at his place. Was so tight that he couldnt get in. He ended up blowing on my chest. Gave up. Fast forward to December 2014. I met Max through an ad i posted on Craigslist Melbourne. Max was cute, asian chub, just like me. So we got along. He clarified he was straight, but curious. He was looking to try stuff, so at first he would let me suck him off. He would usually cum on my face or in my mouth. So after i sucked him a few times. He was curious about fucking me in the ass. I planned a day, i douched and prepared everything. He came over and spent the next two hours playing, me sucking him, him jacking me, him fingering me and finally trying to fuck me. Didnt go so well, again was too tight, think i was too nervous about the whole thing. He was cool about it so i jacked him off and he left. Today, i had a day off and was checking my emails. I got a msg on squirt from Patrick. Patrick was another chub asian whom i would go suck off from time to time back in 2009-2013. He wanted to play. I remembered that Max said he wanted to watch me play with other chub asian. So i planned for a little fun, where i service them both and have them cum on my face. I planned this to happen at 9:30pm so by 10, Max arrived, but patrick, being typical, did a no show. It was cool, Max and i just talked. We usually have this routine we follow. We strip naked, and we kind of hold each other and we kind of twist our waists side to side so we swing our hard cocks and hit each others. We do this while we catch up what we are both up to since last time we hanged. Then we do a little docking action where we exchange precum and rub our cockheads together to mix it up. Things get heated here and chatter becomes hard because we fail to concentrate on what we are talking about. Then we move on to some light nipple play and i usually suck him till he nuts. That was the plan for tonight. Everything we as usual. He rang my door bell, came in, we're chatting while we take our clothes off. He continue to talk while we dock our cocks together. I start stuttering in the convo, and i decide to stop and tell him to sit on my two seater couch while i suck him. At this point he is moaning and he tells me I'm getting better at sucking his dick. Im always curious about his limits and i sit next to him and try to convince him to suck me. He said no, but he grabbed my dick and started to jerk me a bit. It gets uncomfortable since hes sitting next to me so i suggest he changes positions, so im sitting on the couch and he is kneeling between my legs. He starts rubbing his cock on my butt cheeks while he looks at me smirking 'since im here...' I smile grabbed some lub and told him if he needs it to rub his dick around my hole. We get uncomfortable again so we moved to a one seater couch, where im on my back, legs over his shoulders, his lubed cock rubbing my hole. He started jabbing, more and more of his cock goes into ass. Its painful. But something about this time feels right. I start opening up. The feeling is incredible, to have him inside of me, to be connected, feeling every inch of his cock. He pulls all the way out and slams it back in. It feels amazing. Nothing about condoms are mentioned. He's fucking me and he says he thinks wants to cum inside my ass instead of my mouth. I said nothing while i reached down and spread my ass cheeks. He slams in deep and cums. This is an amazing experience. To finally feel raw sex, even sex in general to feel so right, and so good, is mind blowing. I write this while i have his cum inside me. I feel his cum inside me, it feels sleek and its charging me up with energy. Im trying to convince him to make this ass breeding a weekly thing. We've already agreed that the one seater sofa is going to be the fuck chair. There was a weird moment at the end. We are both standing at the door. And we kept on repeating our good byes. There was this lingering feeling as if he wanted to kiss but i wasnt sure. Did he?
    1 point
  27. I started at 7, but that was just older men playing with me, not fucking.
    1 point
  28. jdman, I only bareback once in a while and I'm on PrEP. It doesn't have to be only for those who are barebacking 24/7. I seriously think you should consider going on it. That way whenever you decide to engage, you are protected. Communion is once a month and in San Fran there are tons of other parties throughout the month. It will give you peace of mind and you can then decide which parties you want to go to whenever the "need" arises, as your needs I would imagine come at the spare of the moment?
    1 point
  29. Love hot stories like this. Thanks.
    1 point
  30. Another anon guy in a hotel. Made a big deal about how he hadn't been fucked in a while so I needed to be gentle. I got to his room hoping he would be ass up...I love total anon don't need to see your face. Unfortunately he was standing there facing me so i walked over to him turned him around and grabbed his ass. He reached over and felt my cock through my pants. I was already rock hard and he asked me again to go slowly with him. I got him on all fours and dropped my pants. There was some lube on the bed so i greased up and pushed it in. As he had promised he was super tight. I got about halfway in, and started slowly stroking trying to get that hole open the rest of the way. After a few minutes he asked me to lube up some more. I pulled out and generously lubed my pole and his hole. This time as I was halfway in he took a big hit of poppers and told me to force it all the way. I gladly did. Once I was balls deep I started fucking him in long slow strokes and he quickly got into it. In no time he was begging me to pound his ass as hard as I could. I gladly obliged giving him everything I had. He got louder and louder, urging me on untill he let out a loud moan and I looked down and saw a huge puddle of cum forming on the mattress. That was enough to push me over the edge and with a few more powerful strokes I shot my load deep inside him. Hope he hits me up again next time he's in town.
    1 point
  31. Hot. Love reading about the descent. We start out as virgins. Always craving... Something. Something we can't name. The we get our first encounter. Maybe we give some guy a clumsy blowjob. But we get a taste for it. We surrender our cherry hole. It hurts. Oh fuck it hurts. But it sets off something inside us as well. After he pulls out, we feel an emptiness. We want it again and again. Still painful each time but each time more and more amazing. Maybe we feel guilt. Maybe at war with ourselves. Need to stop. No! I need it again. Fear fights desire. Determination fights our desperation. Until we will do anything to feel a dick inside us again. No condom? Well... Just this once. I'm safe, are you? All leading to the inevitable. The surrender, the fuck, the cum. The sensation, the pleasure, even more intense. The feeling that you have truly given yourself to another man. No barriers. The feeling of his warm seed inside you. Maybe you try to play safe again. But it's not the same anymore. You want it raw. And you will do anything to get it. A little less picky about his age or build or looks. A little less attentive to his status. Until, on some level at least, you don't care. Maybe you even want him to be poz. The risk. The reward. And then, someday, that moment your doctor says he has news for you. You know what it is. He wants you to be sad. Maybe you are as reality sets in. But there is also that relief. I don't have to worry anymore. Maybe that elation. Even pride. You've crossed over. Welcome to the brotherhood.
    1 point
  32. Short but sweet - is this short Twitter video what you mean?
    1 point
  33. Paul must have fallen asleep from the sheer exhaustion of the fucking he had just received. He awoke to find a hand over his mouth and someone ramming their cock into his ass. Paul tried to escape but to no avail. It seemed he was pinned down - the heavy weight on top of him - his arms unable to move and his legs forced apart. "Wakey wakey slutboy - I'm back - and I've brought a few more friends along for you to service with that cunt of yours" It was the voice of "The Top" Paul more awake and beginnig to take in the situation - there seemed to be 3 guys in the room with him - "The Top", the guy currently fucking his hole and another guy on his right side holding down his arms. "How you liking that fuckhole, Jack?" "The top" asked.. "Fucking loving it - hot and full of cum, just how I like it - Where did you find this one? "Fucker was advertising on the net for a top.....Ï know a few tops" The Top said with a laugh - the other guys joining in with him. Paul lay there - his ass being violated by a good sized cock - unable to move or resist. Paul let the situation take over him and began to relax and let the moment carry him off ... he began to fuck back..matching each thrust of the guy fucking him...what was his name...Jack..yeah. Jack was fucking him deep and Paul could feel the length and girth of that cock in his fuck-hole. Jack began to fuck Paul faster now.."Fuck, I'm gonna shoot!" and Paul felt Jack's body spasm as his cock pulsed inside his ass - filing it with a fresh load of cum. Jack thrusting had and slow...making sure that cum drained deep into Paul's ass. "Right, my turn "the voice on Paul's right said. Jack pulled out of Pauls hole, and was quickly replaced by another fat cock "Have I got a load for you, slut!" the new voice said This new cock showed Pauls hole no remorse - another fat cock was now causing friction is his cum filled ass. This new guy liked to fuck with deep thrusts - pulling all the way out and then thrusting hard back into Paul ass. He didnt last long - within 5 minutes the new guy was slamming another load of cum into Paul's ass also making sure that every drop remained deep in that hole. The guy lay on top of his for about 10 minutes after he was done - his cock slowing shrinking out of Paul;s hole Occasionally whispering into Paul's ear "You fucking love that dont you slut? ..... SO much DNA inside that ass .....You are going to be carrying all these guys that have fucked you for the rest of your life....dirty little fuck whore...." As suddenly as it started Paul was once again alone - he heard the door close - managed to drag him self of the bed and locked it. As Paul walked to the bathroom he could feel the cum running down his legs. In the bathroom Paul looked over his should at his ass in the mirror - bent over and pulled his cheeks apart...his whole was red and gaping - cum filled every crevice...he pushed his ass out and a waterfall of cum splashed onto the floor. "Damn" Paul said - "I really and a cumdump now" Paul limped back to his bed - tired and truly fucked - he looked at the clock - 3:36am - damn he had been fucked for nearly 6 hours..... Paul climbed into his cum stained sheets - pulled them over his head and went to sleep. He wondered what the morning would bring.....
    1 point
  34. It was like a vision from hell - the dim, red glow from the bar, the loud pounding music, and the pale sweaty bodies and grinning faces surrounding me. They were like a pack of dogs with a bitch in heat, fighting to get at my helpless body as I lay in the sling. I felt lube being smeared over my hole and then someone pushed their way into position between my legs and I was staring at a skinny, balding man with hollow cheeks and piercing eyes. His arms were like sticks as he grabbed my thighs with his boney fingers and thrust his cock into me. It was long and thin and slid easily into me like a snake, and then he began to slide it slowly in and out, pushing the sling back and forth to meet his thrusts. His body was mostly in shadow from the crowd around us, but then someone dipped their head to suck my cock and a shaft of red light from the bar fell across his wasted body and I saw the biohazard tattoo on his belly. My heart froze. Although I had been fucked by men who said they were poz, this was definately the real thing and I knew I was being fucked by someone who was not only poz, but looked as if they had AIDS. I started to panic a little. What was I doing? Then Terry's face thrust against mine and he kissed me so long and deep it left me breathless and excited. "Shhhh now," he whispered. "Don't it feel good to have that poz cock in you?" I groaned as the man's thrusts were faster, more urgent and I could sense he was about to cum. Terry grinned evilly at me. "It'll soon be over, matey. Don't fight it. Just accept." He bent and kissed me, his tongue exploring my mouth and his hands around my face as the top in me gave a loud grunt of triumph and I felt the wetness around his pulsating cock and knew he was infecting me. I groaned and shuddered with the filthiness of it, kissing Terry back with hunger. I had never been so excited. "Good, good." He whispered. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" I could only nod as he glanced back and watched the next guy climb into position and slide a fat cock into my dripping hole. "Here comes the next one - I wonder who the daddy will be?"
    1 point
  35. I saw sweat on Bill's forehead and realised he got off on watching the filthiness in his pub. Terry grinned at me, revealing broken and blackened teeth. "Sure, "He said, bending forward over the bar and pulling his arse cheeks apart. The dark crease glistened with lube and, as I watched, a drool of cum leaked from the slit. My cock was stiff as a poker by now and I shivered with lust. "Well?" Said Bill "Climb on, kiddo." I got behind the old man and positioned my cock between his buttocks. Bill craned over the bar, licking his lips in excitement as he watched me slide into Terry. It was incredible, hot, wet and smooth but also wicked and degrading to be fucking this old troll where everyone could see. Terry grunted softly with pleasure, pushing his arse back to meet me as Bill stared intently at my cock slding in and out. "Dirty sod, ain't he? "Bill breathed. " Bet you can feel a few loads up there on yer cock?" I slid in and out feeling the cum rising in my balls until, with an explosion of pleasure, the most incredible orgasm washed over me and I spurted deep inside the old man. "Oh yeah," Terry breathed " Shoot that lovely spunk up me!" I gasped and shuddered until I'd finished, then slid my cock out of him, noting the gush of sperm which dripped over his balls. "Nice one, sunshine." winked Bill, and went off to serve a customer. Terry sighed happily and sank down onto a bar stool as I stood panting next to him, my softening cock wet with cum. "Thanks," he said. "What's your name?" "Ian," I replied. "Saw you with Luigi earlier. Dirty bastard. Did he fuck you?" I nodded. "You poz?" I shook my head, and he raised an eybrow and laughed." "Blimey! You must want it bad then, you must have taken several hot loads in the darkroom." I felt relaxed talking to him, as he perched on the stool with my cum inside him without a care in the world. "You sure you want this?" He asked. I hadn't really thought directly about it, but I was so excited and turned on by being in this pigsty I could only blush and nod my head. He turned to face me, his tits sagging onto his chest and a long, thin erection standing up below his belly. "I've been poz for a long time. Not on meds any more. What the fuck? I want to have a good time and I like my cum being potent." He leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth. His slimey tongue slid into me and his breath smelled strongly of beer and tobacco. I gasped with disgust, then gave myself over to it, revelling in kissing this dirty, diseased old man., knowing I was descending into lust and degradation. He pulled back and smiled at me. "Come on then, loverboy" There was a sling to one side of the bar. He led me over to it and made my lie back. The leather was slimey with cum and lube. He lifted my feet into the stirrups and tied the belt around my abdomen, then stood back and grinned wickedly, wanking his cock in anticipation. "Well now," He said "Weren't planning on going anywhere soon were you? I've got a few friends who'd like a crack at knocking you up." He pushed some poppers into my hand. "Take a good sniff, mate. Did you think you were going to get away with coming here? You're about to get what you deserve." He disappeared and left me, legs wide and arse open to the world. I saw Bill grinning at me from the bar as I sniffed the poppers, and then a shadow fell across me and I looked up to see the sling surrounded with eager, sweating men and my heart lurched with excitement...
    1 point
  36. Yup, luv bareback sex in the woods: hike, stripped, bent over a rock/log and bred deep and hard...sperm dripping from my hole n running down my leg!! Heaven!!!!!
    1 point
  37. Oh yes I remember mine very well. I was 19 years old and in the military and had been at my duty station for a couple of months. I came in from duty to find a new roommate, Robert, had been assigned to my room. He was a year older, nice looking with nice body, bright blonde hair (very short cut as required) and pretty friendly and originally from Illinois. I worked an evening shift from 3 p.m. until 11 p.m. and he worked a day shift from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m., so we didn’t see much of each other during the day and usually he was in his bunk when I came in at night. After a couple of weeks I noticed that most nights when I came in I would sometimes hear heavy breathing, light moans and his bunk creaking. One night I was overly curious and asked if he was okay. He, stuttered and apologized for disturbing me and said that he was “just taking care of business”. I asked what business and he said that he was jacking off as he did every night. What a turn on for me. I asked if I could watch or help and, since our rooms could not be locked, propped a chair under the door knob. He pulled the sheet back he was naked and that there stood a beautiful cock, about 7” nice and thick with a big bulb head, so hard it was throbbing. Well, I proceeded to help him stroke it and couldn’t help giving it a nice kiss about the time that he shot his load. Every night for a couple of weeks we would “help” each other jo or cock kissing being as quiet as we could so we wouldn’t get caught. We talked lots about what we enjoyed and we found out the same thing – we both liked cock as often as we could get it. On Saturday a couple of weeks later we decided to go into town for dinner and a beer. While we were talking he suggested we get a motel room so we could have privacy – it sounded like a fantastic idea to me. So, we found a motel, checked in and went to the room. When we got inside he turned to me and said “I’m going to plow your ass tonight” which got everything started. We hurried and got naked, started kissing, fondling each others cock, balls and ass, sucking each other then he told me to turn over. He kissed all over my rosebud, put some spit on it, spit on his cock then put the head against my hole and started pushing. It stretched my hole then that big bulb head popped in and damn it felt so good. He started slow going deep then faster until he exploded cum deep in my ass. We stayed overnight – fucked several times that night and the next day before checking out, him fucking me and me fucking him, we left with both of our asses full of cum. That was my first REAL ass fucking by a nice big cock(I had been finger fucked as a teen ager by a boy that I played with – but that’s another story) – it was bareback which I love. We spent many week-ends together sucking and fucking and filling each other with hot cum over the next 18 months. Fantastic memories – I would love to have that cock today.
    1 point
  38. Nothing better then being rimmed before I get fucked. Like when the top rims me than teases my hole with a finger or two. By then I am ready to be plowed.
    1 point
  39. im 25 yo been waiting a long time to write a post saying this on here, but after loving bb for quite some time, but as far as i know never been bred I recently started talking to a 21yo with huge 8" cut dick. hes african/portugese so a nice colour :Pso anyway after chat about bb and breeding and stuff we met last Saturday night on a dark oval and i sucked him until he was rock hard, a few cheeky remarks hinting that he was poz and me hinting i want poz cock, i told him no more waiting breed my ass now so i bent over face down ass up and he slid it in, tbh thinking he was probably poz made me so nervous and scared until after about 3 mins he said hes about to cum, wow amazing in a instant i got horny and hard (like super horny) and then felt him cum in me followed by him saying to me, now you know what it feels like to have seed breed into your hole as he grabbed each of my cheeks with his hands like he now owned them, nerves all gone and having turned totally horny for him breeding me i told him to fuck another load of seed into me which of course he proceeded and i got my hole lined a second time ... so still wasnt 100% sure he was actually POZ so chatting online yesterday he confirmed he is and has high viral load, ever since ive been since horny and so tonight were meeting and hes gonna fuck me again, not even nervous now it was so hot when he cummed in me last time i want his raw dick filling me again and even better this time i know for sure hes poz. he lives pretty close to me so both keen to keep fucking and i told him he can fuck loads into me bareback every day and POZ me up. pretty excited
    1 point
  40. luv to be rimmed and fingered -- no lub required
    1 point
  41. check this out. It's only 45 sec. but its got everything I love about fucking asian bois raw. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=XqX0m-G276-#.VKMbOYX_InU
    1 point
  42. I held the pot as Noel dipped his fingers into the gel before transferring it to his arse ring and pushing it into his sweet little boi pussy giggling “this stuff gets hot once its inside”, I feigned innocence “really son?, let me try it”, I dipped my middle finger into the pot “hands behind your head son”, he licked his lips as I gently pushed my middle finger into his lovely tight little hole, I worked my finger in and out “that feel better boy?”, he grimaced a bit “still hot but better”, I pulled my finger out of him dipping it into the laced lube again before returning it to his hole “its always hot at first but it still feels good eh?”, he nodded in affirmation not that I needed that his cock rock hard leaking precum onto his stomach was indication enough for that. I continued finger fucking him, getting deeper each time until I felt his little nugget, that made the little bugger cry out and arch his back “oh yeah you like that huh boy?” , he bit his lip then licked them so sweetly his eyes getting that lovely little glazed look I love so much, I pulled my finger out of his bum scooping up more of the lube shoving it deep into his hole again but using two fingers this time, he squirmed again, there was something so lovely seeing him adjust himself in the chair when he spread his legs over the chairs arms more, I worked his little bum, two then three fingers in him stretching his eager virgin little hole out “that’s a good boy, you love this its what you need”, I pulled my fingers out of hole delighting in seeing him push it out, his hole puckering yearning for more, his sweet blue eyes all glazed over and full of lust. I pulled him up kissing him deeply before twisting him round “kneel on the chair boy”, the compliant lad did as he was told as I undid my slacks and pulled out my fat cock, I spat on my hand rubbing it on my cock, the boy looked at me over his shoulder his eyes glazed and horny, I chuckled “time to pop your cherry son” lining my cock up at his puckering ring “your going to get it and then some”. He cried out a bit as I penetrated his little ring but the chems swimming round in his system blocked out the real pain of my fat cock forcing his virgin boy cunt to accept my cockhead as it popped into him, I grabbed his hips giving short hard pumps inching further into his anus with each thrust grunting “fuck boy your pussy is so tight!”, he was moaning and groaning hanging his head as his first fuck overtook him, my dick slivered in and out of his butt, his ring was stretched obscenely round my dick as I long fucked him “yeah boy your cunt needed this a real man to break you in!”, I grabbed him by his hair jerking his head up and back, “tell daddy how you love it!!” his tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth, spit running down his chin he gurgled “love it daddy” I dropped his head “I knew you would boy, fuck your cunt is so good!!” I grabbed his hips again and resumed my pounding, red streaks were showing on my cock as I fucked my big dick in and out of his stretched out little boy pussy, I made sure I angled my thrusts to hit his prostate eliciting little yelps of delight out of the boy as I felt round under him feeling his boy cock nicely surprisingly hard, “oh yeah my little slut, good fucking boy”, I released his cock and pulled my dick so my cockhead rested just inside his hole, then I slammed it back into him, “yeah boy Daddy’s going to give it to you how a boy should be fucked”, I did it again, and then again his body shaking his back shiny with sweat, I slapped his arse “daddy’s getting close boy”, he wailed out “yes that’s it boy daddy’s going to cum in your boi pussy, make you a good boy!”, I pumped a few more times before I ground into him as deep as I could and fired five or six nice big spurts of my fertile toxic muck into his deflowered little bum, as I cum in him I felt his arse contract round my dick as he fired his own spunk all over the chair, I could not help but grin “good boy!!” I stayed inside him leisurely pumping my dick in and out a few times as I never loose my hard on quickly ensuring that the insides of his rectum were well covered with my seed, I ran my hand down his back “that’s a good boy, just as a boy should be, well fucked and full of cum”. I carried on pumping him gently as the door opened and Andy the other Santa walked in muttering “fucking poxy kids”, and then his gaze settled on us stopping him in his tracks, he took off his big white beard grinning “who’s the fucktard?”, I pulled my dick out of Noel’s gaping hole smirking in seeing some of my pink tinged cum leak out “just a Christian dumbfuck boy who’s just had his cherry popped”. Andy pulled his cock out walking up to Noel lifting the lads head up “nicely chemmed I see”, before walking round tracing his fingers down the boys back and over his sweet bubble butt, he put his hand down scooping some of my tinged cum that was leaking from the lads arse and rubbing it on his cock, jerking it until it reached its full impressive hardness, he rubbed his finger and down the kids arse crack shoving his finger into the boys hole, Noel sighed hungrily as Andy finger fucked him “yeah little piggy your nice and open just how I like it”
    1 point
  43. coyotesmiles- as a Trickster & Vile Seducer, I hold you in the highest esteem
    1 point
  44. The first time a guy ever pissed in me I wasn't expecting it. We'd set up an anonymous breed and go where he came in and found me naked and ass up ready for his cock and load. This particular guy liked for me to pretend to be drugged/asleep. I knew he had cum from his sigh and spasming cock buried deep in my hole. I expected he'd get up and leave, but he just stayed there. After a bit I could feel his cock kind of twitching and then I started to feel kinda warm and full and realized what he was doing. At first I was startled, but just as instantly got totally turned on by it. He pissed for sometime, and not just little spurts, this guy had some pressure and I could feel it going in. After he was done, he pulled out without spilling a drop (he was deep when pissing), dressed and left. I held it for quite awhile, but when I let it out there was easily more than a liter. Something else that is really hot is my piss took on his scent when I pissed later. The piss goes into the colon where fluids are absorbed. it is so fucking hot, wish I could find more guys who can do this.
    1 point
  45. I like pissing inside asses. Especially if the bottom doesn't know it's coming. I let him think I'm just recovering after shooting my load and am reluctant to pull out lol. I fucking love it when the warmth starts to spread and they reaiize what's happening lol.
    1 point
  46. Uncut, your age doesn't necessarily come into the equation. A few of my buddies like to think of me as Dad, have me call them 'son', etc. The youngest of these is in his early 30s, the eldest late 40s. I have a few buddies who are under 25, but if any of them is keying in on the age difference, the Dad/son dynamic, they aren't talking about it with me. At 23/24, you are well in the age bracket that you could actually be my kid had I been breeding women back in my late 20s - early 30s. There are sites that could well help you find the right Dad if that's what you feel you need, or want to explore. You will never be too old to be a Dad's boy.
    1 point
  47. There are some that are not mature even at 18. I, on the other hand, was horny as hell earky on, sucked at 13 and got fucked at 14. Loved it ever since.
    1 point
  48. Definitely 16. If the equipment is ready,and the hormones are flowing, I'd say let's get it go'in. Getting young guys experienced and comfortable with sex earlier,will benefit them when they reach 18. Hopefully by then,at 18 when the hormones are really! raging,they'll be comfortable having sex(hopefully bareback) as much as possible and with as many men as possible. And isn't that the goal?
    1 point
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