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  1. I had been with a bud blowing clouds all evening and decided I needed dick in me and as much as I could get. So I went to Steamworks and got a room. All checked in and in the room I quickly did a line and big booty bump. Lubed up. Threw on my tight jock and took a quick stroll around to see what the action looked like. It was busy that night, but not too busy. A few hot daddies with their dicks flopping around definitely looked like fun. I made my way back to my room, dimmed the lights, laid down ass up and opened the door. I watched several guys cruise by, but it wasn't long before a daddy with a big dick stood outside my door stroking his cock to show me what he offered. He was late 50s, nice tight body, shorter than me, with a massive dick. Honestly, he wasn't much to look at, but if the dick is right and he looks like a fun fuck, who cares. I twitched my ass a bit and smiled at him. He came in and shut the door. His hand went right for my ass and he was fingering me before any words were spoken. I took a hit of poppers. He added another finger and stroked his dick. He leaned in to me, "are you a party slut?" he whispered in a naughty, authoritative voice. I nodded my head. "good, I like to plow good party sluts." He moved on top of me and put the head of his cock on my hole. I couldn't wait for him to push it in. I backed up on it and could feel the head slide in. His daddy dick was at least 9" long and I wasn't sure I could take it all at first honestly. But he slid all the way in. And then he did my favorite thing.... He laid down on top of me, pushed in as far as he could, held his dick in position, crossed his arms on top of my neck and whispered into my ear, "I'm going to rape you now." I almost came just from that. He slowly plowed my hole in that position for a few minutes. The weight of his body and his crossed arms on my neck holding me down. Then he stood and moved me into a kneeling position on the bed. His dick never left my hole. I could see my ass in the mirror and his raw cock half in me. And then he began to thrust. Slowly at first then faster. And to my surprise he fucked me harder with his big dick than I could remember ever being fucked. He started grunting, slapping my ass, pushing my head / face into the bed. Called me a slut, "fuck yeah, slut! Take that daddy cock." And then I could hear his breath change, his pace became steady, and I knew he was going to breed me. He came hard, and fucked me through his orgasm. When he was done coming he stayed hard in my hole and slowly rocked. "Yeah, slut, I'm going to push that cum deep in you." And then, without a word he pulled out, smacked my ass, opened the door and left. I had barely laid back down, ass up, before this hot, young, stud with a swimmers build was at my door. "want company?" he asked. "As long as you put that raw cock in me." I said. He came in, shut the door and climbed on top of me. He pushed his dick straight in and said "I like a freshly fucked hole. Saw the daddy you just let use you. And I needed my dick in that hole of yours before anyone else got it." And he pulled me on all fours and started to plow away. He was probably one of the hottest guys I've ever fucked. And younger than me. I typically go for older dudes. Before I knew it he blew his load deep in me. And to my surprise, he didn't pull out, but flipped me over on my back. I wrapped my legs around his waist to keep him in me and he kissed me hard and aggressively. His cock seemed to stay hard so I squeezed it with my ass. And he began to pump again. We stayed like that for several minutes and he came a second time. "You are a beast." He said with a smirk. "Stay right here, I'll be right back. I have something for you." And he hopped off and ran to his room... I couldn't wait to see what he came back with... (TBC)
    10 points
  2. My name is Will. I live in the South, in a really big small town, or a really small big town, however you want to describe the place. At the time I had just turned 30 and was very cute with dark messy hair and long eyelashes. I didn’t hang out many people so I had the reputation for being mysterious and that got me a lot of play. I also had the reputation of barebacking a lot, but everyone else was also barebacking, right? I was hanging out at one of the two gay bars in my town on a Tuesday night. This was the seedier of the two and on a Tuesday it was just a meat market. Of course I was trying to get laid. Why else would I have been there? I was sitting at the bar with my back to the pool tables trying to pick up Dave, who sort-of worked at the bar. Or at least just thought he did. Anyhow, I knew he was a big whore, he was so cute and funny that I just didn’t care - I wanted to fuck the hell out of him. I’m 5’10 and, after running a furniture store for several years my body was thick and strong. Dave was five inches shorter and looked like Peter Pan. I thought we made a great looking set, but Dave was hedging his bets. You know, trying to put off deciding who to choose because of the promise of something better coming along. I knew there wasn’t anything better coming along, but hey, we all know the type right? I had noticed he was also talking to a guy to his right, I was on his left. I looked over and the guy was really sexy, lean, clean cut and very preppy looking. He was obviously young because he bore the mark of the underage, Giant Xes on his hands in permanent marker to stop him from drinking. I was tired of Dave’s bullshit and was ready to call the night a bust, so I leaned over to Dave and told him I was calling a cab and going home. Dave said “Hey Mark," pointing at the guy to his right who was just about to leave, "I bet he’ll give you a ride.” I looked over at Mark who nodded shyly and I quietly remarked to Dave "I thought that Mark was your trick for the night." Dave whispered to me “No, you've got it wrong. Mark’s my ex, but just to warn you he loves to fuck and if you think I’m a whore, you haven’t seen anything yet!” I looked over again at Mark and thought the night might be looking but it was probably too good to be true, because although he was a slimmer than I normally went for, Mark was beautiful. With that Dave introduced us, and casually mentioned to Mark that I needed a ride home. Mark looked me up and down and quickly said "Sure, I'll give you a lift," and with that we were on our way. I just lived ten minutes from the bar so we just made a little small talk on the ride back. I asked him if Dave was a fun fuck and that relaxed him and got him talking. When we got to my place he asked if I had anything to drink, since he couldn’t get anything at the bar so I invited him to come on up. We had a couple shots of Everclear and were chasing with a Corona, and Mark told he had asked Dave to hook us up earlier and reached over and kissed me. We made out for a few minutes and I said we should go to the bedroom and we did. I took his clothes off. It's one of my things. I love to undress a guy. He was fucking perfect: tall, smooth, and a nine inch dick. It wasn't fair. He was fuckin' perfect. When I took my shirt off he ran his hands over my chest and stomach and said “I love fucking muscle guys!” Up until this point I had thought I was topping. "You’re a top?" I asked. “Yeah man, I don’t get fucked” he replied. "What makes you think I do?" I replied. "Oh, people talk" he casually remarked as he started pulling at my nipples. Damn people did talk. Playing with my nipples was the sure way to make me take a dick and a few people knew that. No matter what I was in the mood for, if you played with my nipples enough I would let you fuck. It wasn’t long before he had pushed my back on the bed, pulled my pants off and had my legs on his shoulders. He spat on his hand and rubbed it on my asshole and the pushed the head of his dick in. I couldn’t believe this kid. I barely knew him, and his bare cock was deep in my hole. He was so young and sweet I was sure it would be okay. He was good at it too. He worked that big dick in my ass till I was whimpering for it harder and harder. The more he fucked the less innocent he seemed, and the mantra he kept saying, “Fucking you bareback is so hot!” only added to the excitement. After a few minutes I suddenly felt really wet and warm inside, he had cum in my ass with no warning. "Did you just cum in me" I asked him, but he didn't seem to hear me, and just kept on pumping. There was something about that, about him loading my ass up without even clearing doing so with me. Man I wanted more. He must have seen that I was losing control cause he got ready to blow the second load he let me know “Fuck man I’m cumming, take all of it man, all of it! Fuck here it is, here its is!” With that my ass was flooded a second time. After he caught his breath he commented “I didn’t think you take my load like that man!” Not that he gave me much choice. Fuck, I thought. He pulled out and fell in bed beside me, pulled me on my side and spooned me, with my ass leaking his own cum out onto his slicked up dick and that’s how we fell asleep. I woke in the middle of the night with Mark pushing the head of his dick back into my ass for round three. When he blew in me again he left his dick in me and we fell back asleep like that. When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I didn’t hear from him in the next few days so I just chalked it up to a hot one-nighter and man, was it hot. Two weeks went by and I was trying to pick up a guy on Saturday night at the better of the two bars in town. He was a pretty guy, a little on the stocky side but I loved that and he had a great ass. To my surprise he turned me down, saying "No man, I heard you are positive!” I told him that I didn’t know where he had heard that but it wasn’t true. He replied “No, Mark told everybody that he fucked you without a condom a few weeks ago. He said he felt really bad about doing it, but you let him nut in you three times and never even asked. Everyone knows Mark is positive, man!” I tried to play it off like it never happened, but my face was on fire and I just walked away. Sure enough, a few weeks late I came down with the flu. 'Fuck', I thought. This is a true story. But what do you think? Is it the end, or the beginning?
    4 points
  3. I always enjoy having other bottoms in group sex. I love watching other guys get their holes fucked while someone is fucking mine, its live porn to watch. Lots of times I'll kiss and make out with another bottom while tops are fucking our holes. Sometimes i'll suck off another bottom while he is getting fucked, if he wants me too. Its also fun to rim the cum out of another bottom's hole.
    3 points
  4. Before going on vacation last week, the new dog sitter came by to get the key and instructions. I had just finished up at the gym, still wearing a jock and sweaty clothes. I invited him in, and he immediately stared at my ass and lingered close. He was a hot otter, clearly packing a large cock under his shorts. I was showing him around, and we kept inching closer and closer, until we started making out. We tore each other's clothes off, and he rimmed my sweaty hole. His huge, thick 9 inch tool grazed my hole while I was on top of him, and I knew I had to have it. He teased my ass for a while before I finally sat on his cock, taking in the entire length. I rode him hard, making out with him and playing with his hard nipples. He asked me where I wanted his poz cum, and I begged for him to breed me. He shoved his cock in all the way and filled my hole deep.
    3 points
  5. My Quick and Bloody Infection I was a wannabe bugchaser who had never taken a poz load. Red is a poz top I've been flirting with online for a long time. During that time he'd said he had been on and off meds. He'd told me he has infected men, 'they wanted it', and he wanted to infect me. This online conversation took place two weeks ago. Red You want my load in you soon? Me Yes. I want your load. Red will be ready on your bed, ass up, lube on the bed and ready for my raw cock? Me Yes, I want you to breed me. Red great, I'll seed you deep Me I jerked off earlier imagining you were infecting me Red fuck yeah, that's hot. I'll breed you soon and when you're ready to take my HIV strain, we can make it happen. Make your hole bloody with a toothbrush so my bug absorbs directly in your blood stream: Me Yes. I want it Red you want my HIV strains running through your veins? Me I do and I don't. Are sure you're on meds?. Not fibbing to me? Red once I slide my raw cock in your hole, will you care? I never pull out until I dump my load deep inside Me 3:22 I'll take what you give me Red you won't have a choice once I'm in you, I can't bring myself to pull out of a raw hole until my cum is inside Me I want it. Red emailed me a week ago. Red I want to breed you, now. Me Can you come to me? Red yes. address? Me 5341 NW 52rd St, #11. Red leave door unlocked, be on your bed, ass up and ready Me Yes. I want it. Please. I heard the door open and close, footsteps, clothes being shed. He climbed up on the bed, his knees pushed against my thighs, a finger probed my hole. I whimpered and pushed my ass up, the finger withdrew, then was back, wet with lube. It pushed deep in me, probed around, curled and pulled out, the nail scraping my rectum, pulling out still curled. It hurt as it cut my anus, he pushed back in, dug around more, scraping, cutting, pulling out, making me bleed. Red held a toothbrush up so I could see it, I moaned, knowing what was next. "Now to rough you up inside, need to make sure my virus gets deep into your blood." I whimpered as he shoved the brush in my hole and scrubbed vigorously, in and out, then scrubbed across my already bleeding anus. Back in and all around inside my rectum, it felt like a small animal clawing it's way deep into my guts. I knew Red planned to infect me. He pushed me over on my belly and mounted me, his cock slid into my bloody asshole easily, he started fucking me slowly. He put his mouth against my ear. "I've been off meds for two weeks, my VL is up over a million. I've wanted to infect you for a long time, now I will. I'm going to pump you full of my infected cum, my HIV strains will be in your blood, may be already." With that he shoved hard and held it, cock swelling and twitching. I felt his big, mushroom head pulse in me, hot semen spurted against my internal sphincter and a warm flood filled my ass as he ejaculated deep in me, humping, moaning, injecting his death seed deep in my guts. Red turned me over, slid up and stuck his dick in my mouth. I sucked eagerly and tasted ass juice, cum and blood. The taste of blood was strong, it had to be my imagination that I could taste the virus infecting his cum, and me. After I cleaned him up he slid off the bed and dressed. Before he left he patted me on my ass. "I know I just infected you, but we'll do it again next weekend. Call me if you get the fuck flu." We set up another trick for the next Saturday, I tried to cancel. I woke up that morning with a high fever and barely made it to the bathroom before throwing up. Red said he'd come over and give me another bloody fuck, just in case. It wouldn't be the first time he'd fucked a man he'd just infected.
    2 points
  6. Last night my partner and I were feeling horny and went to what's locally called as the "Warehouse" party. This is a weekly private party that's basically a sex club and is in an small warehouse which has been converted to play space. Since there is no dedicated local play space, the Warehouse stands in. My partner was really intent on my being a bottom, saying he wanted me to see me used and breed all night. This is one of his bigger turn ons. We decided to go earlier than usual to have more time for play, so we arrived at 9:30, got naked and walked downstairs where there are a few slings, a bed and lots of areas to fuck. At the bottom of the stairs I found a nice, (possibly married) daddy, with whom I began playing, asking him if he wanted my dick in his ass. He replied he didn't think he could take it, and in any event, didn't fuck raw, so we started playing oral. While sucking him another daddy with a big dick came up, he slid in me without a word and shot a big load up my hole. Then more guys started stopping to check out the action, mostly daddies and a bear. Eventually the guys walked me over to the fuck bench. Married daddy stuck his dick in my mouth and then I proceeded to get fucked by many of the guys. My partner was nearby egging people on and telling them to nut up my slut hole. He told them I take every load. As one guy would pull out, another would slide in. This is something you read about often, but rarely have done in person. It was the first time I've been on a fuck bench letting guy after guy fuck my hole raw and not see who was in me. I lost count how many guys slid their raw dicks in me and shot, but thankfully my partner was keeping track. At the end of the nights, ten individual guys had slid into my ass, I had taken seven loads, many of the guys had fucked me more than once, and one guy came in me three times. Not surprisingly my hole was so wrecked it took me a while before I could get it up and slide into anyone, but eventually I fucked one guy, then played with the married guy again. Afterwards one more guy slid into my ass, then it was time to go. Today I'm hard and wanting more writing this.
    2 points
  7. I didn't mention this before because I'm not sure where it fit in the "cumdump timeline." I moved into a new apartment years ago. It was one of those carriage house apartments - the ones down the driveway and in the house behind the main house. Well, I'd moved in during June, and naturally the air conditioning blew out in July. I was hot as fuck and always, and I mean always, in my underwear, naked or running shorts so I wouldn't sweat to death. Even with the ceiling fans on, windows and screen door open, (if locked), most nights I still sweated like a pig. One dark night, after having complained to the landlord yet another time, I was in my apartment around 9:00 PM, trying not to die of heat exhaustion, I heard a knock on my door. Not surprisingly the knock spooked the fuck out of me. I all but jumped off and hid behind the couch before I caught my breath. I looked over and it was a guy about 5'8", 150 pounds, and looked ripped with that V shaped body. He spoke fast, saying "Hey, man, I'm sorry for scaring the crap out of you. I live across the driveway in the other apartment building and I've locked myself out, without my cell phone, of course, and I wonder if I can use your phone to call my roommate?" "Sure," I replied, relaxing, and opened the door, gesturing to the landline, thinking to myself there was no way I would let a random guy use my cell phone. He called and apparently only got voice mail, so he left his roommate a message, asking that she call back on my number. I ran to put on a shirt because I was feeling kinda slutty sitting there in just my running shorts, which left nothing to the imagination. I only put on a tank top, but it made me feel better. We sat on the couch to wait for her to call back. It was about 15 minutes before he called her again. We watched television and chatted as we waited. After the second call, I offered him a drink. I had vodka and water, he had straight vodka and we waited, chatting about his service in the Marines, about lawyers, running, roommates, gay life, dating, being single, and so on. Looking back I can see he was flirting with me, but for some reason I was somewhat oblivious to as much. He called his roommate at least two more times and after the fourth time, as I was passing him to refill our drinks, he said, "I wish you hadn't put a shirt on. You looked really hot in just your shorts." I laughed and filled us with just some more vodka, and returning to the futon where he was seated, I sat next to him. Not surprisingly he kissed me, and we ended-up making out for a while. Then I helped him out of his shirt off. Mr. Marine had a hot body, six pack included. His cock didn't feel huge, but I liked how he felt overall. He leaned me back so I was on my back and he pulled off my tank top. We continued to make out. It was still hot as hell and we were sweating a lot. He was also in shorts, but mine were the nylon running kind and it was way easier to get into my shorts than his. Our hands were all over each other, but his hands under my shorts and on my ass and fingering me and stroking my cock the whole time I was on my back. Fuck, I was getting really worked up. I undid his shorts and he wasn't wearing underwear. I grabbed his cock and stroked it right away. It was probably 6" cut. I got him off of me,got on my knees between his legs and he told me to suck his cock. I did, licking his whole cock and then sucked the head and licked the tip. I wanted to give this hot Marine amazing head. I sucked him for about 10 minutes. He was moaning the whole way, telling me what a good cocksucker I was. My jaw wasn't getting tired yet, but my knees were from the hard wood floor. I sat next to him again and kissed him. I soon found myself on my back again and we were making out. "Are you a bottom?" he asked. "Yes," I replied, and with that he turned me over and started making out with me while rubbing his cock on my shorts, as his fingers explored my sweaty hole through my short legs. I looked back at him, kissed him hard and I slipped the back of my shorts down. "That's right. Show me your hole," he encouraged. So I slipped my shorts down more and he pulled them the rest of the way off my legs, and resumed making out with me as his cock slid up and down my ass crack. Then he spat on my hole and ate my ass for about a minute. He'd then put his cock head at my hole and rub it around and then eat my ass more. He did this a few times and then put his cock at my hole and said, "Can I ride you bareback?" "Yes." His cock slid in my spit and sweat slicked hole and stopped. The head hurt and I spread my legs and he said, "You have a sweet ass." He slid in more and I just grunted and took him until his bare cock was buried in my ass. He kissed me again and started to fuck me. In a few strokes I was pushing back to meet his cock and moaning. He said, "I'm not going to last long." I just pushed back, and within a few more strokes he added "I'm going to cum in your slutty ass." "Cum in me," I pleaded. And he did. He came in my ass, and I blew my load on the futon. He fucked me two more times that night and I took two more loads from him. His roommate never did call back. In the morning he said, "I don't have a roommate. I've seen you around and I made it up to come meet you. I never thought I'd get to fuck you, but you're really easy. Thanks for taking my loads slut." We were still naked and I said, "Give me another load before you go." He spread my legs and fucked me bareback again, blowing another load in my ass. I never saw the Marine again. I don't even know if he was actually my neighbor.
    2 points
  8. Stopped by the ABS after work and did the normal laps around the halls. Then as I was standing against a wall, looking at my phone (poor taste I know) I saw a husky latino guy walk by. We made eye contact and he walked a few feet more and started talking to another guy. I stood there checking out BBRTS and Scruff and then he started to walk back towards me. I looked up at him again and said hi, he said hi back and gave me the 'follow me' look. I did. we went into a close room and he pulls out a nice uncut thick cock. He kisses me and then pulls out my pierced cock. He inspects it and said "wow, you have that pierced too" (my nipples are also pierced and he saw through my tight tshirt), He sucks my cock a little and then I suck his cock and deep throat it. he asks if I like poppers and I say of course, he pulls his out and we both take a hit and then he turns me around and shoves his thick cock up my ass, with only the spit from my blowjob and his precum as lube. It hurt like a bitch but I took it and he fucked me fast and rough. He blew his load in my ass and pulled out, turned around and he spit on my cock and I slid it inside him. I had to be more careful since I'm pierced but I fucked him hard and fast and he begged for my load and after about 5 minutes I shot inside him. We cleaned up a little and then left. No talk of condoms or status, etc. It was a hot fuck.
    2 points
  9. I was dick #3 in you and load #3. I fucking LOVED pimping your hot ass out! Drive me fucking INSANE with excitement seeing you anonymously used like that. You've just needed a gentle but slightly perverted daddy to lead you there. ;-)
    2 points
  10. Looking back some five years ago, I was such an idiot back then! Not because I lost my neg status one night, but that I didn't get in to horny and wild raw sex at a much earlier age. You see, as of age 26, I was a a classic time wasting guy. I'd hang out with my straight friends, come home, turn on the laptop and chat to some hot guys. I'd lead them on with talk about using my tight hole and sucking them dry. This would last for hours, then I'd shoot my load, and flick the power off without even so much of a goodbye. I had cum, so I was done. Of course I would hook up with guys, but these were guys I picked up in bars, clubs or out and about. I was lucky, I have dirty blonde hair a defined body due to my love of sports and an ass that fills a pairs of jeans very nicely. I started chatting to a 56 year old guy on BBRT. He was older but hot - sort of perfect looking in a really non-perfect way. He was too young to be a daddy, too old to be a jock, a muscular rugby type with definition but not gym-obsessed, sporting a healthy amount of chest hair with a few tattoos scattered about. My dick got instantly hard when I first saw his pics: his cock was thick, eight inches, and 8" dick, negative and he described himself as 'somewhat kinky'. In addition, he lived some 45 minute from me, which meant I was close enough to stimulate some interest, but far enough away to discourage an immediate offer of a hook-up. In short, I could put off meeting until I got my rocks off. I did my usual "hey, great profile, wanna chat?" Within minutes his first reply came through "Hell yeah! You've got an ass I could eat for hours". I was in a very horny mood that night and gave him my Skype ID so we could cam together. His body and cock were beautiful, and we jacked off together on cam, our conversation getting dirtier and dirtier. He kept telling me how he wanted to bend me over and fuck me. I kept willing him on, teasing him by playing with my hole, telling him how much I wanted him. He ended up shooting a HUGE load over his furry chest and within second my hands were covered in my own cum. We said bye and logged off. I showered and slept but woke next day with a raging hard on that could only be satisfied by jacking off to the memory of the hot cam session from the night before. We kept in touch and had a few more session, each of which got nastier and nastier until bareback sex was the major thrust of our conversation. I encouraged him by telling me how I love being fucked and how I want to take anonymous cum and have a top guy use me. This turned him on a huge amount! I was a pro at cyber sex and knew how to work a guy's buttons. Once again he spurted a HUGE load whilst moaning how he wanted to fill my raw hole with his cum. Unusually after this session we stayed online and started chatted about life, hook-ups, boyfriends, turns ons, etc. We must have chatted for over an hour with the time passing by. Two days later I was in a bar and my pocket vibrated. I found this Skype message: "Hey bud, u free and online?" I replied "Sorry, m8. Out drinking tonight" I didn't think anything of it until I was headed home, having had a bit too much to drink, and my dick stirring in my pants. Checking my phone, I found this message: "Hey bud, I really need to shoot my load... and i dont mean on cam. Lets fuck for real." Without even thinking I replied "Yeah that's long overdue. Come and fill my tight hole". This went on for another 15 minutes or so until, without giving the matter proper consideration, I sent him my address and told him to head over. After all, what was the problem? I was really horny, I really wanted to hook up, he seemed a decent guy, was clearly horny himself, and so we would satisfy each other's needs - at least for the night. He arrived just after 1:00 AM. I had already stripped to my boxers, and he did likewise. The outline of his hard cock clearly visible. "Hey bud, lets make his horny and like we spoke about" he said, pulling a blindfold from the pocket of his jeans. I nodded and obliged, without being able to see anything I sucked his dick and it was the most amazing experience ever. Using my hands, tongue and mouth to explore him. My cock was twitching and dripping precum without even touching myself. His hard uncut dick tasted great, and, as he gently pushed the back of my head, I sucked his cock deeper and deeper into my throat. After a few minutes he then turned me over and rimmed my hole very deeply. In fact his tongue action was blowing my mind. I wanted him to fuck me so much, so I was not surprised when I felt his hard head pushing against my hole. Still I was in command of myself enough to stop him, saying "Sorry man, but I only fuck safe. Can you rubber up there are some on the side?" "Huh?? But we met on a bareback site and talked about me fucking you raw and I'm neg and 100% clean." "Erm.. yeah.. well I was just kinda horny and said that. Let's fuck rubbered up and may be next time we can go bare. Once I know you better". Still blindfolded, I could hear him grab a packet from the side table, and rip it open. I reached behind me to feel the condom on his cock. I lubed myself up again and felt him slide inside. His dick was a lot thicker than I realized (or my hole was tighter!) In any event it felt great! It was the perfect balance of pleasure and pain. He continued fucking me for about 20 minutes, fast, slow, sometimes pulling out, sometimes balls-deep in my ass. Occasionally I'd reach round, seemingly to guide his dick, but in reality to check he was still wearing the rubber. Each time he told me to breathe, relax and enjoy! I was getting closer and closer but more importantly my arse was getting sore so I couldn't last much longer. "Need a minute?" he asked, pulling out and stopping for a minute. "Nah, I'm good man, but I can't hold off much longer" He just chuckled and slid straight back in to my arse. After another couple of minutes of fucking I could feel his dick shudder. He screamed "Fuck yeah man, take my hot load". That did it for me and I blew my own load straight away. Still horny he turned me around and got me to suck his dick clean. Only then did I realize he wasn't wearing a rubber. "Hey man, what did you do with the rubber?" "Oh, I got rid of that before loading you." I stopped sucking and removed the blindfold. The first thing I saw was a tattoo of a scorpion just above his dick. It was tiny, sitting at the very base of his still hard dick. "Oh by the way kid, I guess we're both not honest with guys - I've got a POZ sting in my tail." With that he grabbed his clothing and left. I didnt know what to do. My mind was all over the place. Was he lying, will I convert, what had I done?? So I did the only thing I could do in that situation.... I started jacking, fingering my hole and shot a massive load with the knowledge that I had a huge thick POZ load deep inside of me..... ;-)
    1 point
  11. My boyfriend, Jon and I had been a couple for almost three months. We were close, spending almost every night of the week sleeping over at one or the other's house, having a decent sex life that involved me breeding his tight hole at least three times a week. We had barebacked since our first time meeting. In fact I breed him three times on our first date, which lasted six or so hours. I enjoyed our time together and we got along well. The only problem for me in the relationship was that he was a strict bottom. Jon claimed to be vers/bottom, but he was not. The one time we tried him topping nothing happened. This was my problem, I am vers/top but I get cravings for raw cock in my ass from time to time. After three months of not getting any cum in my hole I was getting antsy. I knew Jon was not open to a third or an open relationship; it was a nonstarter with him. I wanted to be good and not cheat, so I suffered. That is until I came over to Jon’s house right after work one day. I arrived an hour and a half before Jon got home from work as I planned on making dinner and/or hanging-out with Adam, Jon's brother, who shared the house with Jon. Adam was about three years older than I, and was a hottie, standing 6’ 1", with a chiseled frame from his days in the army, sexy smile and a big bulge. I had had a bit of a crush since I meet him but I knew he was straight. In addition I was being good so no point in pursuing it. Well, that was until this particular day when I got to their house early. As I walked in the door Adam was completely naked on the sofa with a raging 8.5 inch hard and thick cock pointed straight at me. There was straight porn on the tv and he was mid-stroke. We both froze, having the look of a deer-caught-in-the-headlights. His was the look of shock, whereas I was stunned by the sight of such a perfect cock. I was the first to regain my senses and decided in a split decision to take advantage and get my itch for cock and cum in my ass taken care off. As he sat there froze, I walked across the room and without a word lowered to my knees and looking him in the eye took his throbbing cock in my hand. I was taking a chance and risking he would beat me up. I knew he was girlfriendless and hadn’t got laid in a while so I figured it was my opening. Since all he did was look back at me for a second then went back to the TV I took it as my key to continue jerking him. He stayed hard as a rock. After a few minutes of me jerking his hard cock I moved my mouth to his perfectly round and full balls and started to lick, kiss and suck them as I jerked him off. I continued to suck and worship his balls and jerk his cock and was rewarded with a series of moans from Adam. I took his moans as a sign to move forward and moved my mouth onto his cock head. I started slow blowing his big pole. Taking inch by inch of his big fat cock until I took all 8.5 inches in my throat. When I hit bottom he moaned and put his hand on the back of my head. He then proceeded to face fuck me long hard and deep only giving me time to breath when absolutely necessary. His thrust and moans told me he was really into it. He began to tell me to “suck that cock boy," and “choke on it.” He was definitely excited and rock hard. I was working out a way of getting my hole on his cock in my head but I was surprised when he told me in his rough voice "Get the lube and bend of the sofa," adding "I'm gonna pound your ass and make it mine! You'll need lube 'cause I'm a rough fucker.” I stripped, lubed my ass, and also lubed his cock. Just like a straight guy he shoved all his big fat cock in my in one thrust! It made me almost cry, but to his credit he held it there and let me get use to it. It started to feel good, really good. He started slow but very quickly picked up speed and depth. Soon he was pounding me hard long and deep. He continued to fuck my raw ass in this position for 20 minutes and then he grunted and flooded my hole. I thought he was done but he pulled out and told me to get on my back. He was semi-hard but he presented me his cock to suck and clean, which I gladly did. As I did so he got harder and then pushed up my legs and plowed into my raw hole again. He was not gentle this time and did not give me time to re-adjust. He went back to hard pounding and deep fucking. He showed no mercy for 30 minutes until he dumped his second load in my ass. The best to fucks and loads of my life. He pulled out and shoved his fat cum covered cock in my mouth to clean off. Then he said thanks and went to the bathroom to shower. I went to the kitchen sink and cleaned up a bit. Just as I was finishing up cleaning Jon walked in and kissed me while my breath still smelled of Adam's cum. It was very hot! Adam breed me at least once a week for the next nine months during which Jon and I dated, and fortunately Jon never found out, making it all the hotter! Note: This story is completely fiction.
    1 point
  12. Moderator's Note: The first couple of pages of this story don't have chasing in them. It only starts near the end. I've been lurking on here for a while and decided to post about my experiences slowly progressing from a safe sex only guy to a bareback slut. I don't know how many of these stories I'll post, but if y'all like them, I'll post more. I grew up in the late 80s/early 90s in New York. In my brain back then, everyone who was gay died. I tried hard to hide my sexuality. When I would lapse and mess around with a guy, it was only oral and making out. I never swallowed cum and always felt guilty afterward. Eventually Aaron, a neighbor boy, and I started trying to fuck. It hurt and we stopped most times, until one night in a not yet developed part of his subdivision he fucked me. It was safe that time and every time he fucked me after. I'd always feel guilty after Aaron and I messed around, but we always did it again until I graduated from high school. After that, we only saw each other when I was home from college. Aaron is another story. My freshman year, I didn't really fool around with guys much. I joined a fraternity, dated girls, drank and partied. In was my sophomore year when I met my first boyfriend. He was a medical student, 4 years older than me, at 23. He always topped me and he always used protection. I was also not really satisfied with our sex, but I was in love. That is, until we broke up about a year after we started dating. It was my junior year and I moved out of the fraternity house spring semester because I was tired of having a roommate. I moved in with a straight guy and finally had my own room. I hooked up with a bunch of guys and was learning to top as well as bottom. I was having a blast. I was still all about using condoms every time I fucked back then. I was very serious about only playing safe. Then I turned 21 and my friends and I started going to the gay bars to dance and drink. It's here that I should say I was 6'2", blonde, blue eyes, 185 lbs with a 30" waist and a 7.5"cut cock. I became really popular at the bars, not that I thought anything of it. I would hookup with guys and still always used protection, but the more I drank the more likely I was to get fucked that night by a guy I had just met - white, black, latino, asian, didn't matter as long as they were young and hot. One night, I was dancing on the box in jeans and a pretty tight fraternity t-shirt and this guy got on the box with me and we started grinding. We kissed and went to get a drink. We ran into friends and I learned this guy's name was Matt. We had a few drinks, danced some more, and I could feel his dick getting hard as he was grinding my ass. He said let's have another drink and talk. We went off and talked and drank some more and he turned out to be a really cool guy. Unfortunately, he wasn't a local. He was in town for work and staying with a friend for the weekend. After a while, he kissed me and his hand slipped into my pants and grabbed my ass. We made out at the bar like that for a while and then he pushed me into a darker corner and slipped his hand down the back of my pants and underwear and rubbed my hole. I moaned and I kissed him hard and asked if he wanted to get out of there. We left and went back to his friend's place a few blocks away. He had me naked as soon as we were in the door. I didn't even know if his friend was home, but I was naked and sucking Matt's cock in the living room of this apartment. He was hard and I was getting his cock wet as fuck. I wanted to make him feel good more than anything in that moment. He took his shirt off and then as he got the rest of his clothes off he told me to turn around. I got on all 4s and he ate my ass. No one had ever done that before. I was in heaven. I was moaning and pushing my ass back on Matt's tongue. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes and then he turned me over and we made out and I could taste myself on him. It was so hot. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we must've made out for 20 minutes or more. It felt like forever and I was so into it. The whole time his cock was rubbing in my ass crack and poking at my hole. I knew we should stop and get a condom but I was so turned on and I figured we wouldn't fuck yet. His cock felt so good on my ass that a spread my legs more and just then his cock slipped in my ass about halfway. I was shocked and so was he. We hadn't used any lube and he wasn't trying to penetrate me yet, but there was his cock in my ass bareback. It felt so good. I grabbed his ass and as he looked into my eyes questioningly, I said, "Don't stop. Fuck me." He started to rock his bare cock in and out of my ass. I loved it. No cock had ever felt this good in my ass, On the floor on this random guy's friend's apartment, I was getting barebacked and I loved it. I thought about stopping but I didn't want to. I knew it was dangerous, but it felt so great that I just kept kissing him and saying "Fuck Me." It didn't take long before I felt him getting close to cumming. He started tensing up and I slid my hands down his back and grabbed his ass hard. He looked at me as said, "I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Do it. Cum in me." and I pulled him into me as he shot his cum in my ass. I'd never felt anything like it. It felt so good that I came right after he shot his load in me. He said, "Wow that was so hot.' and he slipped his cock out of my ass. He said, let's take a shower and we did. In the shower he said, "I never thought you'd take get fucked bareback. You seem like such a good boy." I told him that was my first time bareback and he got hard immediately. He asked if I wanted his bare cock in me again. I just leaned against the shower wall and spread my legs. He lined up his cock and for the second time ever, I let a cock in me without a condom. He fucked me there until the water got cold and then we went out to the couch in the living room. He slid his bare cock in me again fucked me on the couch on the living room eight next to my jeans where I knew I had a condom in the pocket. I didn't want the condom though. I just was his bare cock. I was on all 4s and he was behind me. He was getting close again and I was jerking my cock. It's then that he said, "Tell me you want my cum." I heard a noise, but was so into getting fucked that I just said loudly, "Cum in my ass." He blew his load into my ass. I was so turned on that I was in a haze. I had just let a dude cum in me again and I loved it. After a few seconds, we looked up and there was his friend who had just seen me getting fucked and heard me begging for cum. He smiled and said, "Glad you're having fun Matt." I was so embarrassed. Matt was too, but less so than me. Matt and I slept together that night for a bit, but I couldn't sleep knowing what I'd just done and been seen doing. I left Matt my phone number and left for my own apartment. I was really freaked out, but that night and for almost a month I jerked off remembering Matt fucking me bareback and cumming in my ass. I told myself I wouldn't fuck again without condoms, but part of me knew that wasn't true.
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  13. I was walking down an alley shortcut after leaving the place to get some fresh air. It was stinking hot, steamy and the smoldering temperatures in my city made it tough to sleep that night, so I went wandering with my camera to look for some great lighting to shoot some images. I had smoked a big bowl of my personal tina, hash and weed mixture and it had got me high and feeling creatively sleazy. That or the full moon that was shining brightly in the cloudless sky. I was downtown on the West side, great locations for some good photos. I loved the hardcore look and the way the alleys were always funky cool. I turned a corner into an alley I had never walked through before. Industrial leftovers, piles of iron and steel along the walls, steam pipes breath from wall mounted exhausts made it super cool looking and when I found the old abandoned cars and machinery I was pumped as it was the perfect place to shoot. I pulled out my Nikon with a 35-55mm lens and began to work. As if someone was reading my mind, the exhausts began pumping out more steam draping everything in awesome moonlight. I was lost in this perfect place and had been shooting images for about 20 minutes when I was surprised by a deep voice coming from the shadows near a single metal door with a dim china hat light over it. Out from the shadows walked a huge man, big, black, mature, and about 55 I guess, leather chaps over Levi jeans, black biker boots and a sleeveless wife-beater shirt. Big guns with leather and metal armbands and I could see both his nipples were pierced as his nipple rings pushed through the sweat soaked shirt. He must have been 6'6" and around 260 with big beefy muscle. Gray hair and a small leather and ringlets collar around his throat. I couldn't help to notice the massive bulge in his crotch either and I think he may have noticed my focus as he was smiling when I looked up at him. "I've been sitting here watching you since you walked down here. You really were getting into it, man" he said as he walked over nearer to me and took a seat on a pile of pallets. He had a bottle of gold Tequila in one hand and he offered it to me. "Thanks, I love tequila but it makes me super horny, er I mean, ah shit!" He laughed at me and told me not to worry, it does the same to him. I took a big pull from the bottle and handed back to him. Smooth tasting, smokey smooth. He took a sip and then asked me if I smoked. "Not cigarettes" I replied. "Good because I have some smoke here that you just might enjoy... as a matter of fact" he said as he pulled out a small black leather bag and began to assemble the contents, adding "I'm certain you are going to love it." I could see glass pipes, some plastic wrapped tube things, rubber surgical tubing, a huge bag of tina, a chunk of black hash, a couple of big bottles of poppers. "Holy fuck man, you look like you are ready for some serious partying!" "Just wait, buddy, let's see what we can do with this stuff, cool?" he asked me while I watched him load a pipe with huge shards of tina. "Smoke?" he invited, remarking "This is killer glass from some biker bros of mine. Potent shit, man." "Sure, I'll have a little taste." He handed me the pipe and held the propane lighter under it, heating it up until he said "Suck it man, suck that glass pipe white boy." Wow, this shit was good and very fucking potent. One hit and I was wobbly and then the big black Daddy said "Go ahead and take another hit, I know you going to like it." I began to wonder what he meant. "Suck it white boy, suck that glass cock and take that smoke down your throat and then shotgun it to me." Fuck yes, I thought as I sucked a huge lungful of the potent smoke holding in for a long time until he brought his mouth to mine and I started a slow exhale as he took it all down his throat and held it there. He stared at me closely now his face a few inches from mine as he looked in my eyes and then took my head in both hands and forced his tongue into my mouth and exhaled the tina smoke. Holy fuck, I was getting so fucking high from this shit and now this hot blackman was doing things to my mouth with his tongue that was turning me on in a massive way. He held my head and literally began to tongue fuck my mouth and one of his hands found my nipples and he began to work them over rough and hard until he pulled his mouth from mine and I finally got to exhale the smoke. Motherfucker, the rush of a lung-full of that smoke! My legs were loose and wobbly and he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall, against which I had to use both hands to steady myself. He reached into his bag and brought out a bottle of poppers. "Oh yeah, baby. Daddy's gonna get you high and fucked up just like you want it. Right boy?" he asked as he held the poppers under my nose. "Snort baby, snort those poppers 'cause Daddy's got something for you that you're gonna love." I snorted three big hits and then he capped the bottle and stepped back from me, the moonlight glimmering off the metal and leather he wore and the little beads of sweat that covered his bare skin. He began to slowly grind his body in front of me, grabbing his crotch and pulling on his nipple rings, his eyes growing bigger as his lust was being unleashed. The bulge in his pants was now huge. I had never seen anything like this and this gyrating hot Daddy was really turning me on. He strode in to feed me another round of popper hits and then back to his grinding, One hand pulling hard on his nipple while the other began to unzip his pants. I could see the cockring first, big and shining silver and then out came his cock. Motherfucker! It was still soft but it had to be eight inches long and fucking thick too. He walked slowly over to where he had left the pipe on the pallets and loaded the pipe again. Walking back to me one hand on his cock, the other with the pipe he placed it in my mouth and held it there as he took one of my hands and put it on his massive meat. I began to squeeze his cock and milk its thickness and feel it begin to harden, the heat of his cock was amazing. He held the lighter under the pipe and told me to suck it. "Suck it baby, suck that glass cock cause your black daddy is going to take you to places you've never been to before. You going to swallow this smoke and then you going to swallow my cock and I am going to feed you the biggest nut you have ever swallowed baby, then you going to keep sucking my cock so I can stretch that tight white ass open and fill you with more cum then you can imagine! You want it, baby. You want Daddy's cock fucking your holes and filling them with my cum. And baby, Daddy's balls are filled right up. Three weeks of hot cum and I going to pump it all inside you." His lust was massive, his eyes wide like an animal after catching his prey, now he was going to feast on it. We traded another shotgun of tina and his tongue begins to fuck my mouth hard and probing as one of his hands finds my crotch. He slowly unzips my pants dropping them to to my ankles. "No underwear boy? Hmmm, well lets see if you want it bad then." His massive paw wrapped itself around my cock and squeezed my big balls hard just the way I love it. He started to jerk me off with one hand, his tongue buried down my throat and his other hand working my nipples over, pulling them taunt, twisting them, grabbing my cheat and pulling handfuls of my pecs as he begins to groan like a lion. I was pinned to the wall, as the smoke worked me over and as the Daddy used me hard. "Keep jerking me off, boy. Milk that big black snake. Jerk it harder. You can't hurt black steel, baby." The pipe appeared again and he arched his back and started to fuck my hand with his cock. I wrapped both my hands around the shaft and jerked him off hard, working his huge balls in one hand and then rubbing the mushroom head of that magical cock until it was dripping precum like a water tap. He continued to smoke and it seemed like the smoke made his cock swell larger and thicker. I looked at him and his lust-crazed eyes were devouring me. He kept grinding his massive cock in my hands and then told me to open my mouth as he exhaled the potent cloud of tina feeding it too me then feeding me his tongue in an aggressive hot kiss. "Suck my tongue baby. Suck it into your mouth like you're going to to suck my cock. Show your Daddy how you going to suck his cock. Come on, baby, suck my tongue." Fuck yes, I thought as I wrapped my lips around his long tongue sucking it deep into my mouth and taking it like a cock, working his tongue over and then sliding my tongue in his mouth as I convinced myself that I was fuckin' hungry for some cock and cum. He pushed me away, holding me with both his paws hard against the brick wall. "It's time baby, time for you to taste some man meat. You ready to gag on some thick cock boy? 'Cause I ain't stopping sliding my cock down your throat until my balls are slapping on your chin!" The poppers appear under my nose and he stuffed his tongue in my ear and whispered, "Snort baby, snort it up cause you're about to get throat-fucked by my big black dick. Snort it, baby. Snort it up hard!" The poppers kicked-in big time and Daddy stepped back, grabbing both my nipples in his hands, pulling down roughly until I find he had put his big tool back in his pants. It's huge hard outline was in my face and he began to grind his crotch in my face. He grabbed a handful of my hair and leered down at me, kneeling in front of him, high as a fucking kite. His lust was becoming unleashed and, as he slowly unzipped his pants, he whispered "You ready boy? You ready to worship some serious black cock, boy?" I don't get to answer as he slid two, then three fingers into my mouth and as deep down my throat as he could reach. Three became four, and with that I gagged as my throat was filled with his fingers. With that he whispered "Fuck yes, lube for my cock boy. I love throat-cum when I fuck a white boy's throat. I love to make him gag. Now, suck my fucking cock boy. Suck it like you want it all down your throat.” I was on my knees, my mouth open - and then I saw his cock. It was massive. It was thick and rock hard. A cock massive in length, maybe 12.5 inches, a thick mushroom head that oozed precum. He had one of those big beer-can shaped cocks with a huge cock ring wrapped around low hanging bull balls. I looked up and saw him staring down at me with a real look of lust in his eyes as he began to slid he cock into my mouth, slowly an inch at a time and then pulling it out to slap it across my face, rub the tip over my lips and then back into my mouth again. "Yeah, baby, suck on Daddy's cock. You don't know it yet but you walked down an alley that leads to the backdoor of my party palace, my dungeon and playroom. Right now there is a full-on fuck fest going on behind that big steel door, and you're going to be the meat I throw to all the fuckin' hung tigers in there. You ever been a gang bang boy? No? Good, 'cause we're all gonna fuck your white pussy and turn you into a cum dump until all your holes are filled with cum." He was telling me this as he went deeper and deeper down my throat with that cock. He seemed to know exactly when to feed me more poppers and then more of his cock. "But before I take you in to the pit, I going to take a ride down your throat then impale you with this cock until you got my loads up your ass and filling your belly!" I cannot help but be overcome by wave after wave of sexual lust, lusting for more of his cock, lusting to taste his cum, to feel his cock shooting big blasts of hot cum up my ass. Fuck yes, I was into the cock-sucking zone and I took both his hands on put them on the back of my head. "Fuck yeah, boy, you want me to force this cock down your throat, don't you?" I could only gag in agreement as he started to slowly work that gigantic cock in my throat. I felt it when it started to open my throat up. He knew what he was doing. In between feeding me another inch of cock, he fed me poppers, and then, when his cock was fully lodged in my throat, he pulled my head to his crotch, slowly but forcefully. Holy fuck, it felt like his cock was all the way into my stomach. I couldn't breath and just let him slide his cock until I felt his balls on my chin. I forced my tongue between my stretched open lips and began tonguing his balls, he groaned and began to slid his cock from deep down my throat until just the thick head was in my mouth. "Look at me boy, I want to see your eyes while I go balls deep again. I wanna see you lusting for my cock boy. I wanna hear you begging for me to feed you my cum boy. Here it comes, boy. Oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' take my dick boy. Yeah, it's gonna go all the way down your throat. Come on suck it, slut. Suck my fuckin' cock you fucking cock pig!" I started to deep-throat every inch, taking it from the head all the way to the root, doing my best to tongue-lash his huge ball sac. Both his hands on my head he began to deep fuck my throat taking his cock all the way out until I was sucking on his hard mushroom head and then sliding it all the way deep into my throat. He stopped for a moment and began rubbing his cock all over my face and slapping my face with his monster cock. "want some precum" as he jerked his cock off in my face and told me to open my mouth while he squeezed enough precum into my mouth it was like he was cumming. then he fed me more poppers and started to really deep fuck my mouth until my throat slim dripped off my chin. But after a few more minutes of me working his beautiful cock with my mouth and throat, I felt him tugging at my waist. "If I let you do that much longer, I’ll be cumming down your throat and all over your face! Is that what you want? You want this huge load of cum all over your face and filling your mouth?" "Fuck yes, Daddy! Fuck my mouth deep. Feed me that hot load! I want to swallow all your jizz! Fuckin' feed it to me!" With that he ordered me me to suck him harder, and likewise ordered me to tug at his balls. Doing so, I could tell he was getting close, and for that matter I could feel his cock, fully-lodged in my throat, was getting harder and thicker. He groaned continuously, and then he yanked his cock from my throat, and he jerked himself, he ordered me to open my mouth. I complied just in time to swallow blast after blast of his hot, thick cum. It exploded from his cock and covered my face with the first few ropes, then he put the head in my mouth as he keep jerking the big black cock off until cum overflowed out of my mouth. Even as I swallowed his massive hot loads, his cock keep shooting until he pulled out and shot even more cum all over my face all the while slapping his cock on my tongue and lips. I swallowed it all and then he forced his cock back deep into my throat and finished cumming but told me to keep sucking him as he was still rock hard. "Fuck yes, you hot cock sucking cum slut. Just what I love. I'm gonna feed you so fuckin' much cum in all your holes. Your belly will be full and your ass dripping. Now get up here and let me get you high so I can really turn you into my cum dump slut."
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  14. Answering an ad from a Poz Daddy who wants to infect a Neg virgin and make him his TOTAL slave: what about tomorrow evening, like 8pm or so? I will clean my ass out with a good enema so I'm nice and clean for Daddy, then when I show up you can inspect my asshole and make sure it's nice and clean. I'm dying to worship my Daddy's cock and deep throat it. I want to stick my tongue deep in Daddy's assholeand lick it until your cock is rock hard. After my whipping gets my ass right red I hope daddy will put me on my back with my legs over his shoulders and fuck me like the whore I am, bending down to bite my nipples til they bleed and kiss me deeply. I'll wrap my legs around your ass and pull you deeply into my pussy so Daddy can breed my pussy with his toxic seed. I want to feel your hot poison cum filling my pussy and getting my slut pussy pregnant. I'd love to straddle Daddy's cock and ride him while he twists my nipples and I grind my pussy on his toxic cock. I can turn around and ride you backwards so you can watch your Daddy deathcock go in and out of my neg boypussy. I also want to bend over the edge of the bed and take your infection from behind, with Daddy reaching around to play with my clitty and bleeding nipples and kissing my neck and ears, and I'll turn my head so Daddy can fuck my mouth with his tongue just like he fucks my pussy with his deathstick. After a good hard fucking, I want to clean off Daddy's cock and if you have to piss I'll look up into your eyes while your cock drains and gives me a belly full of toxic piss. I hope you'll leave my panties on and just pull them to one side while we make out on the couch watching porn and Daddy plays with my cunt, getting me wet and horny. Daddy can play with my little titties while he gets me ready for my toxic breeding. Then I'll pull my panties to one side and straddle Daddy's lap and ride his cock with my arms around my Daddy's neck and we can make out while I ride up and down on Daddy's cock like a good little whore. Daddy can reach behind me to get my ass spanked and sore. After he cums toxic spooge in my cunt, I hope I get more punishment, while Daddy takes his belt directly to my fucked out pussy hole, dripping with his poison cum until it's red and sore, then fucks me again while my assrim is raw and bleeding, letting the poison into my bloodstream, raping me like a chaser slut deserves. I like to be forced to fuck until my asshole edge is ripped so the fucking is really intense knowing your deadly cum is entering my bloodstream and when I cum I feel it in my sore nipples, raw asshole and stinging red butt cheeks and whipped thighs. I want you to rub your poison cum into my bleeding nipples so I can aborb it with my ass and my nipples. Then I hope Daddy will spoon with me while we drift off to sleep, and when Daddy's cock gets hard again during the night he can just lift one of my legs to open my well fucked, pozzed and loose pussy to fuck me again while I'm sleeping, and I'll wake up to the pain of my pussy being raped again and my nipples being twisted while Daddy forces my head around so he can rape my mouth with his tongue. Then I'll suck Daddy's cock clean and lick his balls and asshole until he's hard one more time and we can lay face to face, lift my leg and fuck nice and slow one more time while we kiss deeply and romantically, fucking me lovingly this time with long, slow strokes because now he knows he owns my now poz pussy, until Daddy's close to cumming his fatal cum, swimming with viruses, then rolling me onto my back, lifting my legs into the air and pounding my bitch ass and deep-cocking me until his balls swell and deliver another load of hot poz cum into my no-longer neg pussy, giving me a big shot of his special cum and injecting Daddy's DNA into my body so I absorb Daddy's cum into my bloodstream and he becomes part of me forever. Daddy will send me home with a sore ass, a raw and burning pussy and nipples and a well-fucked mouth and asshole and instructions on when to come back for more cum injections and punishment, after I get the fuckflu and the infection sets in deeply. Then, with my newly poz pussy ready for punishment and fucking, making me bend over a chair and count the strokes as I take my torture and rape, and a belt to my back and thighs as well, taking special care to make me spread my cheeks so Daddy can whip my newly baptized asshole directly. I'll suck Daddy's cock before I leave deep throat with my nose buried in his cock hair with its hidden biohazard tat, hidden beneath his thick musky cockhair so negs can't see it until it's too late. I bury my nose deeply and touch the poz-tat so I can smell his scent deep in my lungs, carrying his pheremones into my bloodstream and driving me mad with lust. Daddy can turn around and I'll spread his butt cheeks and push my tongue deep in Daddy's toxic asshole so his cock gets rock hard again, then Daddy will put my on my hands and knees and rim my poz pussy out, sucking out my now cum-filled cunt, swimming with a pint of viral cum and drawing the cum to the survace to get it wet for one more fuck before I leave. Daddy fucks me from behind, spanking my ass and getting it nice and red so my ride home it will sting and throb the entire way so I"ll remember the punishment. By then my panties will be soaked with Daddy's poz cum running out of my asshole so Daddy will have to fit me with a buttplug to keep his fresh, heavy viral load up inside me for the ride home, with instructions to wear it all day until I come back for more fucking so my pussy will be loose and ready for poz cock at all times. He'll push the buttplug in deep and even spank the buttplug to it's forced deep in my infected asshole while I take my punishment. Daddy clamps my nipples and hangs weights nipples and on my clitty and a tight cock ring around my balls while I take my spanking so the pain of my torture has me raw and ready to really feel the fucking I'm going to get, with Daddy's thick cock raping my ass while I moan and whimper like a little girl getting her pussy violated for the first time. Daddy tells me that from now on I don't have a cock, I have a clitty and tells me he's going to feminize me. He wants me to walk and talk like the faggot little girl I am and to moan and whimper while I take my punishment like a good little feminized faggot. He tells me I don't need balls anymore because I only live to service Daddy and since I don't need balls anymore he's going to have a doctor friend of his remove them so my cock shrinks down to the size of a little clitty just right for stroking and playing with while daddy licks my hole and then fucks me. Daddy tells me my days of fucking are over, that from now on I'm just a little fuck toy for Daddy and his friends, and when they come over Daddy pimps me out to them, making me service everyone's cock before bending over so they can fuck me one by one while the rest watch and one of them rapes my mouth while the rest take turns raping my asshole or beating me with a paddle or belt. If anyone needs to piss they will use me as a toilet boy, draining their balls and bladder into my belly until it's swollen with piss and cum. One of the men tells me to get in the bathtub, and tells me to pull my panties to one side so he can piss on my raw sore asshole so it burns, then turns me around to piss on my cock and balls trapped in the tight little girl panties, then he pisses on my raw nipples making them burn and then pisses on my face, I open my mouth to let his piss run into and out of my mouth, running down my face and getting my entire body covered with his piss. Then Daddy just pats me dry with towels so that I'm still covered with a layer of piss while he takes me back out to continue my punishment and face and pussy fucking by all his friends until all of their balls are drained of cum and it's running down the back of my leg. Daddy inserts my buttplug to keep all the men's cum inside me and sends me to bed to sleep until everyone leaves and he comes in to fuck my piss covered, cum filled ass. Maybe Daddy will eventually get another slave, and both of us will be filled with cum and Daddy will instruct me to suck the loads of hot cum out of the other slaves asshole and then spread my cheeks so he can clean my pussy, then line us up so we can get on our hands and knees side by side and kiss and lick each other's tongues while Daddy whips us both, then we lay on top of each other grinding our clitties together while Daddy gets on top, putting his cock first in one pussy then the other, taking turns fucking us. The lucky one will get Daddy's load and the other will get to suck it out his pussy while the other cleans Daddy's cock with his mouth. One of us will rim Daddy's ass while the other sucks his cock until he's rock hard again, then one of us will straddle and ride Daddy's cock while the other sit on Daddy's face so he can stick his tongue deep in his well-fucked cum filled pussy and we fuck and suck all night. Eventually both of us faggot girls are bred and knocked up with Daddy's hot cum and we live with well-spanked red asses, wearing only panties and little teddies and bras while we mince around the house, always ready to bend over the chair or the couch to receive more spanking and fucking or to drop to our knees to suck Daddy's cock or rim his asshole like good little slaves. I'd like Daddy to take me on a date to a drive in movie with me wearing just panties, a frilly bra and a little teddy nightgown. While people walked by we would make out and Daddy would feel me up while I tried to hold him off like a good girl who is taught not to let boys fuck her, but Daddy gets me hot and reaches inside my bra to pinch and twist my nipples until I'm so horny I stop resisting and let him finger bang my pussy. Then he pushes my head down into his lap and I suck his cock while people are walking past seeing the little slut whore sucking her Daddy's cock. Then we drive to the wooods and Daddy bends me over the fender, takes off his belt and whips my back, thighs and ass, taking special care to make me spread my cheeks so he can whip my asshole and get it raw so I'll really feel my fucking. The he puts me in the back seat on my back and takes my school girl cherry, just pushing my panties to the side so they rub my asshole raw while he fucks me deeply, taking my ass cherry and kissing me while I murmer how much I love my Daddy and how much I love his cock deep inside me. Daddy lifts my legs so he can see his cock going in and out of my stretched asshole, then rolls me over and I lay flat so he can enjoy my chubby red buttcheeks and eventually I feel hot ropes of cum shooting into me, covering the walls of my pussy with his hot cum that seeps into my womb finding my seed and getting me pregnant with my own Daddy's baby. I'll have to go to school with my belly swollen up so my panties don't fit anymoreand everyone knows I'm a slutty little whore. When Daddy picks me up from school I immediately bow my head into his lap so everyone sees me sucking his cock and knows my Daddy is the one who broke my cherry and knocked me up with his baby. I'll work hard to be a good wife to Daddy, sucking his cock regularly and taking spankings and fuckings several times a day. Any time Daddy has to piss he just pulls out his cock and I get down on my kness and look up directly into Daddy's eyes while he drains his bladder into my swollen belly, letting his cock spray into my cheek so I don't choke and feeling the piss run down my throat filling my belly with piss. I get used to being fucked by Daddy or rented out to his friends for constant fucking and sucking and any one of them can whip my ass almost bloody while I'm handcuffed to the rack Daddy keeps in his dungeon basement. Then I'm handcuffed to my wrists to my ankles over his torture sawhorse so he can give me an enema and then use all his toys on my ass, using a thin, long dildo to poke my prostate and milk shot after shot of um out of me (unless he has already decided to take my balls and feminize me into a eunuch fucktoy), taking time out to renew my red ass with more whippings. He uses a speculum to open my asshole wide and fills me with soapy water to clean my ass out good, then puts in a buttplug and forces me to hold it inside my pussy while he whips me again. Then he takes me in his shower and lets me drain my ass and clean the piss, blood and cum off me so I"m clean enough to take to his bed and after being such a good little whore and taking torture, fuckings and piss showers from so many men Daddy takes me to bed and makes love to me tenderly, we kiss licking each other's lips and sucking on Daddy's tongue as he kisses me like a teenage girl, very sweetly and gently, his mouth very wet and his saliva running down my throat until I'm begging for his cock. I lift my leg face to face, rubbing his cock on my clitty until hie's rock hard, then I reach down and direct into my pussy, and fact to face with one leg lifted up Daddy makes love to me, fucking me slowly, pulling his cock all the way out until I feel the rim bumping over my asslips, then pushing it slowly all the way balls deep until it hits my prostate with exquisite pain, by prostate is so swollen and painfully sore after all the fucking and cumming I've taken. Then looking deep into my eyes and kissing me romantically and lovingly he injects a long, continuous shot of cum into me, instead of a series of short shots, he lets go with one long rope of cum that is so big it foams up around his cock and is forced out of my ass around his cock because I'm filled ot the rim with cum. We keep kissing and nuzzling until Daddy's cock gets soft and comes out of my ass, then I turn my ass toward him and spoon while we drift off to sleep. Daddy will wake several times to lift my left, attach his sucking mouth to mine and suck my tongue while he continues to fuck me 3-4 times during the night and I sigh into his mouth as I feel yet another hot shot fill my pussy and I know I totally belong to Daddy and Im his willing submissive slave. Maybe next week Daddy will take me to the tattoo parlor and have big rings put into both my nipples, a stud in my tongue to stimulate men while I suck them, a permanent cock ring out on tightly so I'm always in a state of horniness, and a tramp stamp tattooed above my ass with Daddy's choice of a phrase, maybe Daddy's Little CumSlut and a very small tattoo with a broken cherry and a date, commemorating the day Daddy broke my cherry. Instead of playing the tattoo artist, Daddy has me suck him off while he tattoos my tramp stamp, so that any time I go to the beach in my little speedo everyone will know I'm a queer cocksucker who takes loads up his ass. Then Daddy sits down, has me sit on his cock while I get my nipples pierced, kissing me deeply while the needle goes into and through my nipples, then a thick ring is inserted so my nipples will be swollen and sore all the time. After all the sucking and twisting and pulling on my nipples, I've started developing little breasts like a teenage whore for Daddy to fondle and suck while warming me up for a fuck. Daddy makes me wear a collar and a g-string and takes me to a gay bar where he shows me off to all the horny faggots there. He gets a booth and has me get under the table and suck everyone's cock while they drink. Eventually one of them asks to take me to the parking lot and a train of 4-5 men take turns gang-banging me and one inserts a buttplug so I'll be walking around full of toxic mancum. Eventually Daddy decides that I not only don't need balls, I don't need a clitty anymore and has my balls and cock removed so I'm a smooth little eunuch. I can still cum when Daddy hits my prostate with his cock and toys, but eventually he decides I"m getting too mcuh pleasure out of my nipples and removes those also, and threatens ot remove my prostate as well, keeping me in a constant state of fear and awe of Daddy and how he has modified my body to be his permanent little whore slut, only fit for getting fucked and pleasing me iwth my ass and mouth. I am content with my fate because I know I'm a worthless little slut and my entire life is dedicated to pleasing Daddy and getting fucked by him and his friends and constantly full of poison cum in my ass and belly.
    1 point
  15. It was a cool spring morning and I was cruising on Breeding Zone looking for trouble, well really looking for good jerk off material and just wasting time when I noticed an e-mail alert in my notifications. I had a friend request. I clicked on the link to find a cute young guy who wanted to be my friend. After looking over his profile I quickly went back to my friend request page and clicked on add and save to add this hunk as a friend. I had been dabbling in writing stories for the site and was fairly successful in getting a small readership of my fantasized tales. Well this hot naughty boy, had been following along with one and had commented on it several time encouraging me to progress in the story line. A few days had passed and I received a message in my in box from the boy thanking me for accepting his friend request and asking me to be his daddy and to fuck him the way the coach was using his new swim and wrestling students. I responded back I would love to use him as my character was doing to his hot athletes in the story. He wrote back a couple days later, you have yahoo? And I replied that I did and gave him my yahoo nickname and he replied back with his. I added him to my messenger and sent a request for him to do the same. About a week had gone by and I had not heard from him and I figured he had flaked on my request, suddenly on a Saturday afternoon I was playing on face book when a messenger notification popped up “Hey daddy sorry for the delay but had School projects to finish” “You’re in school” “Yes college” “Big or little one” “Large one in metropolitan city” “You get much action there” “Not really into guys my age, tried it once in senior year of high school, but it wasn’t good” “So you like daddies, so how old were you when you tried man on man sex? “I had just turned 18, my buddy said he wanted to fuck me as my birthday present” “Oh really” “He wore a condom and it hurt like hell, I think he was a virgin as well, although he was 4 months older than me” “Sort of hot two virgins going at it” “Still haven't even tried bb sex yet dad lol” “And you want daddy to pop your bb cherry” All went quiet on messenger and he soon logged off, I put him down as another twink teasing me, most likely shoot his load and logged off. I went back to Facebook and a couple other social websites then saw I had an e-mail on my secondary mail account. I logged in and found he had written me a message on BZ asking me to be his daddy and asking if I was willing to make him my little boy, own his ass. I could play along with his fantasy, and told him I would be honored to be his daddy and own his hole, but I told him that he had to share his hole with my husband of 20 years. A few days later I got a message back saying he was excited that we wanted him and he would be on-line Friday evening for chat “Hey Daddy’s” “Hi son” “Are both of you there?” “I’m in the bedroom on the laptop, hubby is in living room playing games on the WII” “Oh, does he know about me?” “Yes, and he thinks you’re adorable” “Do both of you want me?” “Yes child, we want you” “You know I’m technically too old to be adopted” “I was hoping that to be so, I’m not a pedophile” “You ok with me being 18?” “Makes the fantasy that much hotter” “Is this just a Fantasy to you? I was hoping for more” “Well so far yes, you are being so elusive about your details” “What do you mean?” “I mean you won’t even tell me where you’re from” He discloses his general location to me and we discuss I have relatives in the area, and that he is just a year younger than my nephew in the area “So daddy are you going to knock me up?” “You want to be knocked up?” “I’m kind of scared, but I really think I do” “So when’s your schools spring break?” “In two weeks” “You want to spend it with your two new dads?” Once again he logs off, and it is a few hours before I get a off-line message from him “Yes, where should I fly into, you will pick me up won’t you?
    1 point
  16. I'm a 26 year old, totally cocky straight white jock dude, definitely the alpha dude in my group of buds, but I have have a major dirty kinky secret: I get off being fucked in the ass by guys. It started out just watchin' porn on the 'net and jerking off while fantasizing about being the guy on the bottom, the tops just using me like a hole for cock. I tried to repress the thoughts (and feelings), but shit, the more I tried not to think about it, the more it fuckin' turned me on knowing I had this secret nasty side that my girl and buds had no clue about. First time I was with a buddy kiteboarding in Mexico. A bunch of us dudes were hanging out afterwards and a Mexican dude had Tina and passed it around. I got fucked up big time on that shit and totally lost control. Late that night after my buddy left with some girl I ended up in this dirty bathroom on the beach with my boardshorts pulled down bent over with the Mexican guy that had the Tina fucking me in the ass until he dumped his cum in me and walked out. I was totally freaked out but also horned up big time by how fuckin' dirty it was. Next day I was freaked out thinking my bud would know something was up but it turned me on big time thinking about knowing he had no clue I let some dude fuck my ass. Later that night I was at the bar with my buddy and I saw the Mexican guy again I was both turned on and nervous since my buddy was there. The Mexican guy was cool, though not given up what happened last night. After my buddy left with some other chick I asked the Mexican dude if he had more T. He laughed knowin what I really was askin' for was to get fucked up and get his cock up my ass. So, yeah, I got fucked up on T that night and spent all night like a dirty fuckin' whore being used by the Mexican guy. It was nasty. I sucked his cock let him fuck my face, slap me around, fuck my ass, spit on me and treat me like a total whore and ended up with a few loads of his cum in my ass. Next day me and my buddy drove home - I could barely sit in car with my ass in pain from the cock I took the night before, but man I was boned all the way home. That was about six months ago. Since then I've become a total cum dump for Mexican guys. This shit is totally a deep dark secret but I get off sneaking around without my girl or buddies knowing that I will let any Mexican guy fuck and cum in my ass if he wants to.
    1 point
  17. Awesome topic! I luv topping (tag teaming) a hot btm boy with my hubby and we have a hot vers/btm pal that we do this with almost every weekend. Being the bottom while a vers guy tops me and gets fucked simultaneously rocks as well. And, I'm good with being versatile (top or bottom) in a DP situation -- but I have to say it feels SOOO amazing that I don't last too long as a top :-D
    1 point
  18. Being in the middle like pic 2 of NLBear is by far my favorite. Having a cock in my ass only makes my cock harder to plow another ass.
    1 point
  19. hello guys.. I think it's doable to do a bb gathering for bzone members only. the timing maybe a bit late by now.. and I'm offering my room for the bzone members only gathering. I'm staying at the host hotel. my room has 2 beds, we can use one or both depending on the needs. am suggesting that we meet ... if today, saturday, it will be late at nite around 9pm since I'm attending the grabby's and I hope that it will be finish by then or earlier. otherwise, tomorrow sunday starting at around 12pm. let me hear from you guys that are here for the 2015 IML event and your thoughts about it.
    1 point
  20. I was a bottom in quite some gang bangs, and when it occurred that I was the only bottom, which was for various reasons but rarely on purpose, I always wished there would be other bottoms on my side. I really can take a lot and for a long time, but having 3 or more demanding tops behind me all the time with no chance to rest a little with a beer or so was not much more than exhaustive after a while. Apart from that I love to make out with other bottoms while we get fucked simultaneously. Its great fun to feel a good top pounding your ass and at the same time watch other bottoms experiencing the same and make comments how good that is.
    1 point
  21. I'm debating whether I should go to the local bathhouse here in Austin this Friday night. I've been there before when it hasn't been that busy. But Friday night should be a good night. I'm a bit nervous about going - and am wondering how many men are going to fuck me bareback that night...
    1 point
  22. fuck I would love to find day laborers to breed me... how do you know? would be awesome to get more experience as a raw bottom
    1 point
  23. Looks hot! Oxballs make some really great stuff, I have a few things of theirs. I could really spend a lot of money on their gear if I wasn't broke as fuck!
    1 point
  24. I always thought the were made by fairies.
    1 point
  25. Just got bred deep by my favorite fuck buddy: a sexy stoner 30 year old muscular black top with a massive thick 9 inch BBC. We have great chemistry and he's obsessed with my ass. It was a quickie by our usual standards but he was horny as fuck and super rough/aggressive with my ass and hole. Tore me up a bit but it happens. He jackhammered my ass for 20 mins before blasting his nutt deep in my cunt and talking about how he wants to give me every drop. He did and my hole is sloppy and happy now.
    1 point
  26. As a vers/btm, I'm totally cool playing with another bottom or two -- lots of fun options -- from swapping fucks to making out while we get fucked to felching, etc...
    1 point
  27. Hooked up with this sexy black guy from A4A. He fucked me three times this evening and I've still got his loads in my ass.
    1 point
  28. Met pwrbttm26 from BBRT at a bookstore in Lexington. He was advertising his hole for anonymous use. I got there and found him with 7 loads in his hole. We went into a booth and I bent him over and recorded the breeding. It's on my XTube page. I found him again later and gave him load 18 but we didn't record that one. He ended up with 22 loads!
    1 point
  29. I swear. I am going to buy a lotto ticket every time I get fucked... So I was previewing a condo today for a client and it is occupied by college guys. The place was trashed and all their clothes everywhere. Packed boxes of crap all stacked up. Beer bottles all over the place. I was walking around the condo and realized someone else was there. Out of the bathroom comes this college guy I had connected with on Grindr and sucked his fat dick 3 or 4 weeks ago. Typical corn fed all american type. Not a looker, but the body and dick of death. He laughed, we chatted and he opened up his towel. I sat on the edge of his mattress and sucked it hard. He pulled off and asked me for some ass. I dropped trou and kneeled on the mattress. He spat on my hole and fingered it kinda gently.. spit on it again... I moaned and he rubbed his foreskin up and down my crack and tucked the skin in my hole. Kind of used it like a fuck tube to get that dick up my tight hole. I'm tight. VERY tight. He worked on me til I was almost begging. Then he fucked me like a dog and dumped his load in my ass. He pulled out and wiped off. I asked if his room mates liked ass and he said they didn't know about him. Damn. From the stuff laying around.. all that jock gear... man, I think I might have been able to get a few more loads in there! I will settle for this one tho. He's coming back in the Fall to finish his degree. I hope he decides on a post graduate program too.
    1 point
  30. This past Monday, a soldier boy I had fucked before hit me on a4a. He wanted to have a threesome. He wanted to fuck me and use my toys. I invite a daddy thats been fucking me for a month now. He is kind of new to man sex. But he is a good kisser and rimmer. And he can fuck forever. So the soldier boy was a not show, so my daddy rimmed my ass good while I sucked his dick until it was nice and hard. He always tells me how he loves to fuck my boy pussy. The first time we meet he used condoms. But the second time we meet, he was on his back, while I sucked him hard, and then just climbed on top of him and sit on his cock. He couldn't believe how good it felt, and fuck me hard that night and gave me 3 loads. Monday wasn't different. He gave me his first load, then kept playing with my ass eith his fingers and my 8in dildo. Until he was hatd again. Then he bkind folded me tied my hands together and my feet. Push me fsce down on the bed and climb on top of me and proceed to fuck me hard and to call me names, that I was his boy to use, and I told him to rape my pussy. I got rewarded with a second load. After that he left. My cunt was dripping cum which I collected with my finger and lick it. I then went on craigslist to see if I got lucky. And I did. This young guy was looking for some fun at his place, so I reply with stats and pics of my bubble butt. He responded back with his cock pic and his roommate pic. One white guy and one black both with huge dicks. Score I said and hsul ass to their apartment. When I got to their place, I remembered the white guy fucked me before long time ago and it hurt in a good way. So we go to the bedroom and we get naked. White guy is 30, beard, swimmers body, and hairy, 8.5 big head cock, black guy is late 20s, smooth chest, 9 in cock. I started sucking the black guy, and alternate between them and them sucking me.Then we climb on the bed I get on all fours and present my pussy to the white guy and he licks it while I suck the black guy and make him hard. His partner tells him to fuck me. So they switch places and the black guy , without lube just shoves his cock deep in me, I want to scream but his buddy has his cock deep in my throat and holding my head. Thanks to the two earlier loads in made it more bearable. He fucked me hard until he dump his seed deep in me. Pulled out and switched places with his partner. I lick clean the black guys dick and prepare for his buddy assault on my wrecked pussy. He has a big head that always hurts a little on the way in but it feels so good. Heplowed my ass until he blow his load deep in me mixing it up we the 3 previous loads. I left after and when I got to my room. They emailed me and said how they loved to fucked my hole and wanted to do it again in the future. Next morning got another email from them and their phone number. I text them to see what's up and they want me to come over right away. They wanted to dump their loads in me before going to work. I'm such a slut. Went back and got two simultaneous loads, one in my ass and one down my throat. This past Monday, a soldier boy I had fucked before hit me on a4a. He wanted to have a threesome. He wanted to fuck me and use my toys. I invite a daddy thats been fucking me for a month now. He is kind of new to man sex. But he is a good kisser and rimmer. And he can fuck forever. So the soldier boy was a not show, so my daddy rimmed my ass good while I sucked his dick until it was nice and hard. He always tells me how he loves to fuck my boy pussy. The first time we meet he used condoms. But the second time we meet, he was on his back, while I sucked him hard, and then just climbed on top of him and sit on his cock. He couldn't believe how good it felt, and fuck me hard that night and gave me 3 loads. Monday wasn't different. He gave me his first load, then kept playing with my ass eith his fingers and my 8in dildo. Until he was hatd again. Then he bkind folded me tied my hands together and my feet. Push me fsce down on the bed and climb on top of me and proceed to fuck me hard and to call me names, that I was his boy to use, and I told him to rape my pussy. I got rewarded with a second load. After that he left. My cunt was dripping cum which I collected with my finger and lick it. I then went on craigslist to see if I got lucky. And I did. This young guy was looking for some fun at his place, so I reply with stats and pics of my bubble butt. He responded back with his cock pic and his roommate pic. One white guy and one black both with huge dicks. Score I said and hsul ass to their apartment. When I got to their place, I remembered the white guy fucked me before long time ago and it hurt in a good way. So we go to the bedroom and we get naked. White guy is 30, beard, swimmers body, and hairy, 8.5 big head cock, black guy is late 20s, smooth chest, 9 in cock. I started sucking the black guy, and alternate between them and them sucking me.Then we climb on the bed I get on all fours and present my pussy to the white guy and he licks it while I suck the black guy and make him hard. His partner tells him to fuck me. So they switch places and the black guy , without lube just shoves his cock deep in me, I want to scream but his buddy has his cock deep in my throat and holding my head. Thanks to the two earlier loads in made it more bearable. He fucked me hard until he dump his seed deep in me. Pulled out and switched places with his partner. I lick clean the black guys dick and prepare for his buddy assault on my wrecked pussy. He has a big head that always hurts a little on the way in but it feels so good. Heplowed my ass until he blow his load deep in me mixing it up we the 3 previous loads. I left after and when I got to my room. They emailed me and said how they loved to fucked my hole and wanted to do it again in the future. Next morning got another email from them and their phone number. I text them to see what's up and they want me to come over right away. They wanted to dump their loads in me before going to work. I'm such a slut. Went back and got two simultaneous loads, one in my ass and one down my throat.
    1 point
  31. If I know I'm going to be fucking a lot for a few days (for an event like Southern Decadence or Folsom), I'll switch to just protein shakes and juicing for a week before and go back to solid food when my ass can't take it any more. I still clean out periodically with touch-ups a few hours before a party just to make sure I'm squeaky clean. You'll need to see what your body responds to, so trial and error are your friends.
    1 point
  32. I gave him my unit number in the condo and he bred me four more times before he left. I have a feeling he'll want to visit a lot more often in the future.
    1 point
  33. During lunch yesterday went to local bookstore and got fucked in the theater taking four loads in my ass and one down my throat. Great afternoon at work...ass full of loads and the smell of cum on my breath.
    1 point
  34. My first time taking it bareback was only the 4th or fifth time I had ever had sex... Met the guy at the Chute and he asked if I wanted to follow him home and parTy with him. As soon as we got thru the door he stripped while I sat on the couch while he got his stash of parTy supplies and a couple of beers. He handed me the bubbler and a torch and as I was hitting it hard he was undressing me down to my jock. Asked to see my ass again, said he couldn't wait to fuck it. He asked if he could fuck me bareback, I said safe only, still being an inexperienced newb... Anyways we went to his bedroom, he kept reloading the bong and told me I needed to catch up, he slammed just before we left the bathhouse. He put me on all fours on his bed facing his TV which was playing some T.I.M. porn and started rimming me and playing with my hole since I was pretty tight. I asked if he a condom, he said yeah and openened it up, but never put it on. He instead put on a cockring and I assumed he was rolling on the condom, but was so spun and horny I never turned to look. He gets behind me after he lubes us both up with Vaseline and starts to enter me... After he is in me he asks how I like his raw black cock. I panic, but he just holds my hips firmly, and pulls me back deeper onto it and kisses my neck and tells me how tight my hole is and how good it feels stretched around his dick. He then pulled out and asked if I wanted him to wear a condom, I say no, just pull out when you cum, and he agrees. Long story short he fucks me long, deep, and raw, and breeds me while a neighbor watches from his pation door.
    1 point
  35. Fuck man, I'm stroking my dick and I'm close to cumming. The combination of incest and pozzing there little brother is so damn hot. Can't wait to hear about them shooting their AIDS babies into him. Please continue !
    1 point
  36. I really was a "good boy" for the rest of college. I dated a few guys and slept around some, but I always used condoms. Even when I was back home and hooked up with my neighbor, Aaron, a few times we always used condoms. He was becoming a great top. I guess he much have been fucking around a lot because he made me want it every time I saw him. I went to law school after that and my whole first year was hellish with studying, etc. After my first set of finals, I went out and partied hard for two days - even missed my plane home for Christmas. LOL. When I came back for second semester, I was back on track and starting to look for 1st year summer internships. I was dating a dude at this point, but we never saw each other and weren't exclusive. He asked to fuck me bareback a bunch of times, but I always played safe. I honestly think he was into me, but I was too busy to spend much time with him and we broke it off. Over the summer, I got a summer internship at a decent sized firm and was working long, but not crushing hours and I was able to go out with some friends I'd made by hooking up and a running club and at law school. I think I also starting chatting on AOL with guys at this point, but I couldn't bring myself to just hook up with a guy I just met online. One of those times online though, I met an awesome, funny, smart guy. His name was Will. We agreed to go running one weekend. I met him and we ran. He was cute, had a great body, was my height at 6'2", was thin with a six pack from running and I was betting a hot cock. We laughed and talked as we ran. We had a great time. I agreed to meet him and his friends out later that night for a pre-party at his place and then go out to the clubs. He called me later and asked if I wanted to get dinner too. I was so excited and said yes. We shared a small dinner and then went around the corner to his friend's place. He and his boyfriend and a couple of other guys were there. He chatted and drank beers and vodka - Will and I on vodka. We stayed there for a while and then went out to the clubs. I hadn't been to a few of them and we danced and had so much fun. Will grinded on me some (not a great dancer for sure) and we made out a lot. At about 2am we left the club and went back to Will's place. We kinda talked about it and I had said yes to staying over earlier in the night. He had also said he was versatile and I said I was too, but mostly a bottom. He said, "You're ass is so hot. I bet guys always want to fuck you. I know I do." And we laughed. We got back to his place - a studio in the gay neighborhood - and we started to make out even before his door was opened. We got inside and made out a ton. The room was literally - a bed and a desk. No chairs or sofa. I did a little strip tease of him and slipped off my underwear showing him my ass. He rubbed my ass and immediately started rimming me. His tongue was so good in my ass. I was so hot for Will. I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted the night to never end. Mostly, I wanted his tongue to stay in my ass forever. After a few minutes, he asked me to suck his cock and he got naked. I went to town on his hot cock. It had to be 8 or 8.5" cut. It was a perfect cock. Not to thick, but just enough to totally stretch my mouth and kinda veiny. I wanted him to like my blow job. I wanted that so much that I was so good at sucking his cock that he was going crazy. He said after a few minutes that he was going to cum. I did something I'd never done before. I didn't stop sucking him and let him cum in my mouth and I swallowed his load. He said that was so hot and that he never cums from head, but I was too good. He asked how he tasted and I said good. He said something silly about making his cum sweeter by drinking orange juice and eating bananas so guys would like the taste. We laughed and cuddled on his bed. He played with my ass some more and he gave me a good blow job, but pulled off when he could tell I was getting closer. He did this a few times, which was "edging" me and I didn't know that's what he was doing at the time. I was so hard and he was getting hard again. We made out so long that the sun was coming up. I'm not sure when it happened, but we grabbed some lube and lubed up our cocks and he fingered my ass some with it. We kept lubing our cocks to "edge" and make it hotter as we made out. Eventually I was straddling him and he was rock hard. He was lying flat on his back and his cock was rubbing against my ass as we made out. I said, "Do you want to fuck me?" He said yes and I grabbed the lube an rubbed it on his cock and my ass. He was looking up at me and I could tell he was about to tell me the condoms were in the drawer. At that moment, I did the sluttiest thing I'd ever done. I wanted Will to like me and want me so badly. I wanted that cock. I was so fucking turned on by him. I just sat on his cock. I winced at first, but I slipped his whole raw cock in my ass. He moaned and I moaned and I adjusted to his size and started to ride him. He started fucking up into me and say what a hot piece of ass I was. I was loving it. I had just put a bareback cock in my ass myself. It's not that I wasn't thinking at the time, I was thinking. I was thinking I wanted him to fuck me bareback. I wanted to feel what I'd felt with those other random guys. But, Will was special. I had just met the man of my dreams and I wanted him to bareback me. It was so fucking hot to have him inside me bareback. I rode him and he bucked up into me. After a while, he said he was getting close and I didn't stop riding him. I wanted him to cum inside me. I wanted Will's load. He said it again and I just kept going. I leaned down and kissed him as I still rode his bare cock. He then grabbed my waist and grunted so loudly and I felt his warn cum shooting inside my ass. I didn't stop riding him and I started jerking my cock until I came maybe a minute later. We made out and talked about how hot that was. He said it was the first time he'd ever topped bareback. I asked if he liked it and he said fuck yes. I said I liked it too. He and I made out and fell asleep. We woke up in the afternoon and took a shower. We agreed to meet for dinner at his place and to watch Sex and the City. I made sure to look really sexy when I went over to Will's later that night. We ordered food and made out some. I sucked his cock and swallowed his load again. Just then, the delivery guy showed up. I laughed so hard as he tried to get dressed and pay the dude. It was so funny. He put the food in his tiny kitchen, came back in and no joke, we got in a tickle fight. Next thing I know my tight jeans were coming off and I had't worn underwear because I needed to do laundry. He grabbed the lube that was still on the floor next to the bed from earlier and lubed up his cock and said, "Let's fuck." This time it felt a bit odd that he didn't ask me about a condom because he seemed like it always used them. But, all I wanted was his cock inside me and I spread my legs and he slid his cock in me slowly. I was still in my tshirt and I pulled that off as he bottomed out his cock inside me. He asked if I was ready, I said yes, fuck me. And he started to slide in and out and then long dick me and then pulled out and popped back in a few times. He slam fucked my ass for a while and I just started cumming as he fucked me. He noticed and sped up some and didn't even ask or say anything but came inside me and collapsed on me. We kissed. I had just taken a second load from Will. I wanted all his loads. I was falling for him hard. He was my perfect guy. We watched Sex in the City that night and fucked again. I rode him again that night and let him cum inside me again. Will and I went out for a few really happy months. I was always running over to his place to get his raw cock in me. I topped him a few times, but he was almost always unloading in my ass. I think I took 200 loads from him in the 6 months we dated. (Ah, youth!) Then, one day I found out he was also fucking around with his neighbor, a really bitchy asshole named Jimmy. I was so mad because I had been let into the building by a person who'd seen me there a lot. I went upstairs and realized that there were noises coming from his apartment. He was moaning and saying "keep fucking me. Don't stop." Then I heard Jimmy clearly say, "Do you want my load?" My Will, the guy I was falling in love with said, "Cum in my ass." I waited for that to stop and I was devastated. My guy was cheating on me. I knocked on the door and Will answered and saw me. He was so shocked and I started to cry. Jimmy laughed at me and Will, thank god, threw him out. We argued and fought and I pushed him and cried a lot. I couldn't believe my perfect man who I had chosen to take bareback one the first date and every fuck after and taken over 200 loads from was cheating on me. He said he cared for me a lot, but we weren't monogamous and he didn't want to be. I was so hurt. After about an hour, he held me and kissed me and wiped my tears away. I let him hold me and I leaned against him. He kissed my head and I kissed his chest. He was still only in his briefs. He rubbed my back and I kissed his chest more. I knew what I was going to do. I had to show him I was a better fuck than Jimmy. I saw him getting hard and I slipped off the bed, took off my shirts, slipped his cock out of his briefs and started sucking his cock. I gave him a great blow job. We both had a ton of mixed emotions. He couldn't concentrate on me giving him head, so he pulled me up and we kissed and made out and he took off my pants and boxers and gave me a blow job. I moaned and let him work. Then, I went down on my knees again off the bed with him on the edge of the bed and sucked him some more. I could smell the cum in him and the sex he'd just had. I saw the lube on the floor and opened it and spread it on my ass. I turned around and lowered my ass onto his cheating bare cock and rode him. After a while, he flipped my over and I was bent over the bed and he started fucking me hard. He knew I liked him buried deep in me and doing short strokes to hit my prostate. That's what he did. Soon I was cumming. He didn't stop like he usually did after I came. Instead he kept fucking me which kind of hurt at first, but I got used to it. Then he said, "Take my cum." He grunted so load and I felt him unload in my ass. I was so sad and so horny and exhausted. Will and I never made it past that last fuck. We slept together that night but I couldn't sleep. My ideal guy was cheating on me and my ass, even bareback, wasn't enough. I was devastated. I was a 6'2", blonde hair, blue eyed, really attractive guy with a toned body and a good career ahead of me that was letting a guy cum in my ass at least 5 times a week and he still didn't want me. I didn't know what to do......(until next time.)
    1 point
  37. Fantastic story!!! I really wish we were not prohibited from liking moderator posts! Moderator's Note: This was an issue with the old forum software that no longer is a problem.
    1 point
  38. My first towm was with a swim team buddy. I guess the speedos work. He came over to my house and we sucked each other Then he asked if could try and fuck me. We used liquid crisco. He went in and after a while came in my ass. After that we fucked bare all the time and he came in my ass. I was 16 and so was he
    1 point
  39. That weekend, Nate spent naked almost all the time and ended up being breed by myself or Jake countless times, when I got back from dropping Jake off at work on Monday Nate had an evil grin on his face “you have been holding out on me” as he points to a box in the closet” I was looking for the ironing board and found that” He was pointing to a Fort Troff box in the corner of the closet, I had just about forgotten we even had it, the room having been a catch all just two weeks earlier, the cleaning and preparation for Nate’s arrival was pretty hectic. I pulled the box out and we emptied it of its contents, poles and straps and chains, we began assembling the sling off to the side of the room. After adjusting the height of the sling and making sure it was secure and wouldn’t fall over Nate stripped his clothes off and fell back on the sling, a evil grin crossed my face as I slipped his ankles through the foot loops then secured his arms to the sling, he was spread eagle with nowhere to go. I pulled out a ball gag and guided it into his mouth not knowing how much noise he might make, I pulled out a blindfold and placed it over his eyes and secured it, With Nate secured, Dumbed and blinded he was at my mercy. I let him lay there for a while occasionally coming in and teasing him while he lay helpless, I would rub his balls and caress his ass, I found some feathers and would lightly touch his nubile skin and create shivers for him, his cock was standing ridged in a constant state of arousal. Finally as I finished up with the housework I came in and caressed his nipples and ran the feathers along his chest and abdomen, his cock became more ridged and I lowered my lips to pleasure him. As my lips encircled his glans he began to moan, his ass clenching and releasing winking at me, I could taste his sweet precum on my lips as I allowed my tongue to taste his sweet pucker, he squirmed in the sling and a mumbled “#uck Meeee” seemed to escape from his lips, with Jake at work I began teasing Nate with heavey Poz talk “So you want daddy to breed you with his deathstick?” “##ummmph””ummpp” “You want dads cock in you Neg boihole?” I rubbed my beard on his balls then dove deep into his hole with my tongue, now completely ignoring his ridged pulsing cock, this was for my pleasure not his right now. I continued to tease and loosen up his hole with my tongue occasionally slipping a finger into his hole, then I stopped rimming him and started finger fucking him roughly, carelessly allowing my fingernails to scratch up his anal walls as I slid first two the three and finally all four fingers into his tight but now stretched sphincter. I spit on my cock to reduce friction a little, but offered him no more lubrication on his hole as I popped my cock head into his tight Twinkie ass, he reeled back into the sling in pain and as I thrust into his rectum with all 7.5 inches in one swift jab his ass raised up off the sling and I could see tears escaping from behind the blindfold “It’s ok the worst is over, Daddy is going to fuck you now and make sure you’re his” I had paused to allow Nate to adjust to the fullness he now felt, as I felt his hole relax its grip on my tool I began a slow fuck, his gasps of pain turning into moans of pleasure as I raked the head over his prostate repeatedly. My precum soon was lubing up his hole and making it slick, I looked down as a pink froth was forming on my cock. I pounded into him for a good ten minutes periodically jabbing in farther to tear him up more, he was panting and blubbering beneath the gag. “You like daddy pounding your hole, making you his little cumdump boi? You want daddies seed in you, you want daddy to Poz you up with his toxic seed?” He just babbled what sounded like yes daddy Poz me up, I was at the point of no return as I slammed my engorged cock into him and blew 4 or 5 spurts into his neg boy-hole. I kept pumping in and out of his wreaked hole until my cock went soft, working my cum into his intestines. I finally pulled out and placed a small bucket below his ass to catch the cum dripping out of his gaping hole. I went into the bedroom and retrieved a plug which I roughly plunged into his rectum to stop the leakage, then removing the gag, tilted the bucket up and drizzled the contents into Nate’s mouth and all over his face. I then leaned over and kissed his supple lips and cleaned the mixture of cum and ass juices and blood from his face, returning to his lips and sharing the mixture. I let Nate lay in the sling to recover but removed the restraints and the blindfold, he knew he could get out at any time, but he continued to lay there as I did some more chores. About a hour later I looked in on my little slave boy to find him snoozing in the sling. I leaned over and kissed the boi then slowly removed the plug from his rear, inspecting the damage I had caused with my rough fucking. I helped Nate up out of the sling as he drowsily fell into me, I lead him to the shower where I washed him and caressed his sore, slightly gaping hole then we dressed and went to pick up Jake. We entertained Nate the rest of the week, trading off fucking and sucking him periodically throwing him into the sling, but did not repeat the rough fucking he got on his second day here, I never told Jake how I ravaged and wrecked the boys hole while he had been at work, working my toxic cock savagely into Nate’s tender bottom. All too soon it was Friday and we were dropping him off at the airport to return to the northwest University town he had come from Nate started e-mailing and messaging us daily for the next couple of weeks, before his classes got too much for him to do much more than study for finals, and attempt to pass his classes. The messages got fewer and more time elapsed between them, I figured he had gotten us out of his system and was losing interest. April blended into May and since early April we had only gotten a few sparse e-mails or texts, Memorial Day weekend was fast approaching and as we made plans to go on a short trip my Yahoo messenger pinged that he had sent a message “Hey daddy remember me” “wink” “How could I forget you son” “Sorry I’ve been distant, but with schoolwork and studying for finals I got bogged down” “I can forgive, how do you think you did” “Well I came down with a small cold after returning home, about two weeks later” “Oh really was it bad” “Not really just sore throat, and sniffles and a major headache, but I survived, although it put me behind in my studies which is why I had to buckle down and stop lusting after my daddies” “oh you were lusting after us? Should we be worried?” “hahaha, daddy you make me feel so special, I went and got tested just before finals” “You did, and?” “Still negative, sorry daddy” “That’s ok, we really didn’t fuck you that much, maybe only about 12 of my dirty loads, and 7 or 8 of Jakes negative ones” “That’s kind of why I was messaging you daddy, I was wondering if I could come and stay with you this summer, my parents are going to Europe for about a month on a cruise and I don’t want to stay in that big house all to myself” “Well I’d have to talk it over with Jake, but I don’t think he’d mind a hot twink hanging out with us” “Well daddy I have a final in about 20 minutes will get back to you tonight” “Ok catch you later” I closed the messenger window and picked up my phone and texted Jake, explained the situation to him and said we’d talk when I picked him up. “Hey babe, how was work” “Wasn’t too bad till I got your text” “Oh why?” “Well as hot as Nate is, I got to thinking if we could afford to feed a 18year old boy all summer” “I see your point, but I think we could manage somehow” “Yeah we’ll have to chat with him, what time did he say he would message you?” “About 7 o’clock” “The thoughts of him coming to stay with us also left me with a hard-on most of the afternoon” “Oh yeah, bet that made it hard to get up from your desk” “Nice Pun, stud we'll talk it over with Nate” With that we played grab knee all the way home then Jake threw me in the sling, fully dressed and we made love, him lifting my legs up to remove my shorts and briefs then diving into my mancunt with his tongue before impaling me on his cock. At just after 7 Messenger pinged and we sat there camming with Nate, expressing our concerns and Nate countering them with things like: “I’ve got some money saved up and he’s willing to get a summer job to help out, oh and yeah I’ll be driving down so transportation wouldn’t be an issue” Jake and I finally gave him the go ahead to make plans for his visit, then Nate stripped off his tee shirt and shorts and beat his meat for us “oh yeah you want this boy cock don’t you, well in a short time it will be yours” He shot his load then ended the chat with blowing us a kiss Jake and I sat there a moment before I attacked him and we struggled down the hall groping and fondling each other the whole way before falling onto the bed and making love, both of us looking forward to Nate’s arrival in just a few days
    1 point
  40. Bottom here with a well equipped slingroom north of Mount Pleasant, Michigan and love sessions with lots of mutual assplay and fisting.
    1 point
  41. While I love every part of it, the best is when he does long strokes in and out, re-entering my hole quickly. The feeling of my hole getting confused while getting punched with a cock over and over. I especially like it when they pull out enough so just the head is still lodged inside, and my hole practically quivers, trying to hold the cock in but not squeezing so tight to force it out... the sensations drive me crazy. and then the final moments of the man grunting and moaning as he shoots his load inside me, still fucking and massaging his load into me. my hole feels slippery and wet, perfectly lubed for the next cock in line... what can i say, i'm addicted to it all, a natural craving i guess
    1 point
  42. The skin on skin feeling, best when the cock slides in and the breeding is my fav!
    1 point
  43. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  44. My bareback fantasy is getting caught by my dad in the middle of an orgy where I am the bottom to many guys.
    1 point
  45. The next couple of weeks flew by, I cleaned up the spare bedroom just in case the boy actually called us from the airport, not really expecting him too since I’m used to being teased by sweet young things. Friday night of the second week came and went, really expected it would then around 5:30 on Saturday morning my phone buzzed “Just arrived, on way to baggage claim, please cum pick me up” My heart was all aflutter as I nudged my husband awake “The boy actually arrived, get dressed, and let’s go get him” We didn’t even bother to shower and just threw on some clothes, we both were a little sweaty and even had a hint of the sex we had with the neighbor boy the night previously we arrived at the new terminal in about 25 minutes and circled around the arriving flight area, on the second go round my heart stopped as I spotted him standing near the curb, I stopped about 50 yards away and texted him “Here, at airport looking for you, dark blue ford, little roller-skate, wave if you can see us” I noticed him fumbling in his pocket and pulling out his phone, he read the text and began looking around, he looked toward us then raised his hand and waved, and I pulled forward and stopped the car in front of him. Popped the trunk and got out to help him with his medium sized bag and gym bag, as I approached him he set down his gym bag on top of his other bag and pulled me into a big hug, there were small tears streaming down his cheeks “I wasn’t sure if you were really going to come get me, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this” I hugged him back as my partner shifted himself to the back seat making room for our house guest, I threw his bags in the trunk and slammed it shut, climbing into the driver’s seat, putting on my seat belt and pulling away from the curb and onto the exit from the airport, the boy looked terrified and excited all rolled up into one “I’m not sure if we ever exchanged first names but I’m Nathaniel, and I’m so happy to finally get to meet you in person” I introduced myself and my hubby to him and took his hand in mine to let him know he had little to worry about, he moved my hand to his crotch which was already bulging in anticipation. We exchanged small talk on the short drive back to our apartment all the while he groped me and I him, while my hubby in the back seat kneaded his shoulders and teased him with views of his large phallus. We arrived at our apartment and I parked the car and retrieved his luggage from the trunk, assisting him to carry it into the dwelling, once inside the boys reservations suddenly disappeared and he breathed in a sigh of relief, out of public view he suddenly relaxed. “So how was the trip?” “a little bumpy, but I made it here, I honestly didn’t know if you were really going to show up and was prepared to take the bus to the city” “Aren’t you glad we showed up, saving you the bus trip and god only knows what else?” “Yeah and you two turned out to be the sexist couple, when you pulled up I thought I had gone to heaven” I laughed, and Jake my partner chuckled. Being a serodiscordent couple my status was only discussed in whether I disclosed to potential partners, Jake only occasionally got off on Poz talk, and the idea of gift giving was somewhat taboo with him. I had warned Nate throughout our conversations to keep his chaser status under wraps “So how’d your coffee house encounter go” I asked referring to his post on BZ about a pending hook up with a daddy he spied in a local coffee house “he was a flake sort of, he made a date then kept rescheduling, then when we did get together he just wanted to suck me off, wouldn’t even let me touch his junk” “Ah I see, so total wash out eh” “Yeah, but I learned a good lesson out of it, some guys just like to tease” I had refrained from making a move on Nate, didn’t want to scare him off, this god from the northwest, I picked up his luggage from the middle of the living room, bent over slightly towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek, then carried his bags into the spare room, he followed me as I showed him his bed set off to the side of the room “This is your room for the week, if you so choose to stay here” “Why wouldn’t I want to stay here daddy” With that he became somewhat the aggressor and began kissing me passionately, I reached under his tee shirt and began playing with his nipples as Jake came up behind him and began nibbling on his neck, he raised his arms above his head and we removed his tee shirt revealing that hot torso I had been drooling over ever since seeing his photo album on BZ. I began sucking and nibbling on that nubile body while fumbling with his belt and zipper, then peeling his jeans from his hips, boy claimed to be all bottom but his cock was ridged and drooling while Jake and I worked over his body, Nate stepped out of his jeans and cute sexy briefs and stood before us completely naked as we caressed and fondled his hot body, it didn’t take us long to shed the few articles of clothing we wore and soon we were on the bed with Nate between us as he sucked my cock and got rimmed by Jake, opening up his nearly virgin hole. Nate got me hard and turned around to sit on my erection as he began taking Jake deep into his mouth, the head of my engorged tool poked into his moist hole, he grimaced and screamed as my shaft penetrated him for the first time, I quickly pulled out, Afraid I had hurt the boy “No daddy, it really didn’t hurt that much, put it back in” I reached over to the nightstand and withdrew a bottle of lube and applied it into his hole then worked my cock back into his slick orifice, this time he just moaned around Jakes cock ,as it slid into his throat, Nate gagged a little, then swallowed Jake to the root. The boy suddenly became voracious and began bucking back onto my cock, which was by now coating his rectal walls with my toxic pre-cum, stretching and tearing his sphincter and ass up. I began piston pumping the boy as I knew this first time I wouldn’t last long. Jake was beginning to growl and scrunch up his face and I knew Nate was getting a taste of his baby batter as he shot his load in the boys’ mouth and throat. Jake pulled out and Nate licked his cock and balls clean as I continued to pump away at his tender ass, as my partner exited the room to go fix some breakfast I pulled Nate down onto the bed, still impaled in his ass I began fucking him with him on his side “You want my toxic Baby batter up your ass boy?” I whispered in his ear “Yeah daddy, knock me up, give me your Poz seed” “So, you want my toxic, Poz dna in you” “Give me your bug Daddy” A couple more thrust and I could feel my cock pulsing with my toxic seed flowing into this once sweet thing, one, two, three blast of cum deep in his gut, my cock aching to spew more seed into this once innocent boy, a boy now begging me for my seed ”here it cums boy no turning back now” He suddenly clamped down trying to push me out but only succeeding in milking my cock of its final drops, I lay there behind him nibbling on his neck my cock still buried in his convulsing ass, I pulled his face around, and gave him a big sloppy kiss as my cock began to soften and slid out of his hole. He rolled over and kissed me back before sliding down to clean off my cock his ass suddenly in the air again as Jake re-entered the room with breakfast. “Well this can wait a few” as he set down the plates and slid his cock into Nate’s now used and cummy hole. Jake fucked him for about 5 to ten minutes before adding his negative deposit to join my toxic spooge. We ate breakfast and then took Nate to the shower where we proceeded to make out and tease him while soaping him up and washing him off. Jake got dressed as we were drying off then proceeded to tell us to be good as he left to go do errands. I took the towel from Nate’s hips and led him to the king size bed and turned on the television and Blu-ray to stream some movies for the boy, it didn’t take much and he was hard and dripping again. “Ok son, now its daddies turn, I know we have discussed you only wanting to bottom but daddy has needs too” With that I took his 8 inch cock in my mouth and began to give him a blow job to remember. He was getting close when I began to rim his hole and he thought he was going to get fucked some more. I could taste the two loads of cum in his hole and sucked some out savoring the taste the kissing him deeply to share with him the cummy taste of his ass, as I lay on top of my hot Twinkie stud I guided his cock to my hole then breaking our passionate kiss sank my ass over his pole impaling myself on his ridged dripping cock “Daddy I don’t top” “Well if you’re going to take my seed, you’re going to have to earn to give back every now and then” I rocked back and forth a few times sliding my ass lips up and down his engorged penis giving him immense pleasure, Nate began working his cock into my hole then hilting it blew his first top load deep into my guts. I rolled off him and cleaned my ass juices and his cum from his cock then once again sharing it with him via a deep kiss. “Wow that was mind blowing” “Don’t get used to it son, that is the last time you get to fuck daddy again till you test Poz.” “Well times a wasting” With which he rolls over and mounts my hard cock again this time using the cum in his ass to lube my entry, I pump in and out of him for some time working his slick wall with the seed that already exist then slowly adding my pre-cum to the mix I was still sliding my cock in and out when Jake returned home a couple hours later having made two more deposits. Jake prepared dinner and Nate and I picked out some movies on Netflix to watch
    1 point
  46. fuck, anybody around and wanna hear my story, message me to skype.
    1 point
  47. The other day I was browsing through the stories on Breedingzone to see if any revved-up my motor, and sure enough I came across one called “My Boyfriend's Ex Gets Revenge” and I quickly shot a big load onto my stomach. I checked out the author's profile and found he was looking for stories about pozzing his boy. Well, although I didn't know if they were into older daddy bears, I thought, I’d do one better and invite them come out to California for spring break and spend a week having fun in the sun. I thought What the hell? The worst they could say is no. Much to my delight Rob said sure and I began planning their stay at my residence. I put up an ad on M4sex now and a4a and bbrt for a party. The next few weeks flew by and soon I found myself picking up a couple of the cutest twinks at the airport. I helped them with their one bag as it came off the turntable, thinking Wow, gay boys who travel light. We hopped into my SUV and traveled the short distance to my house. I offered both a beer when we arrived and told them to make themselves at home, as I slipped into something a little more appropriate, I came back into the great room in shorts and my harness. Upon seeing me Matt began to salivate as I stepped up to him and proceeded to force my tongue into his mouth and plant a wet kiss on his lips. Rob sat back and watched as I began to manhandle his boy and I quickly removed Matt’s pants and shirt. I had him stripped down to his Andrew Christian underwear/jock as I forced him to suck on my engorged cock through my shorts, not wanting him to see my special tattoo on my hip. He dampened my shorts well as he sucked and chewed on my cock through the material. Rob had pulled out his cock and was stroking himself as I pulled Matt up kissed him roughly and spun him around and bent him over as my tongue shot into his boy butt moistening his hole and preparing him for my 8 inch cut thick cock I undid my shorts while sucking on his brown pucker and loosening it up for the ensuing invasion. I stood up and positioned my tool at his opening and asked Matt “What you want daddy to do to you?" “Fuck me daddy. Breed my hole” was the sluts response. I pressed and my cock slipped into his hole with just spit and precum as lube. I went in slowly but did not stop till I felt my balls slap against his ass cheeks, I then pulled out and slid back in again quicker this time and with less resistance from Matt. I began with long strokes in and out of his sweet hole, before shortening and quickening the pace to a fever pitch. As I was reached my crescendo I asked “Where you want my dirty seed boy?" "Inside me, sir” was his response. I hilted my cock and exploded into his gut coating it with my demon seed then began working it back and forth with short strokes while still buried deep in his ass. Rob looked like he was about to blow, so as I withdrew my cock I guided Matt down onto Rob’s quickly swelling member and cased Rob to blast his cream to co-mingle with mine deep in Matts gut. I then made Matt suck off the juices from my cock and when Rob finished ejaculating into his anus I made Matt clean the combined jism from his cock as well. As it was getting to dinner time, after we all took a shower, we went out to eat at a local hot spot for guys to connect at. After dinner I excused myself and went to the men’s room and posted on the bulletin board in the stall a flier with the information to a breeding party (It didn’t, of course, specify actual breeding) and then returned to the table passing out fliers to hot guys on the way back. I told Rob and Matt I had arraigned for a small party back at the house to welcome them to California and they smiled their approval. When we got back to my place around 9:00 P.M. I told them that the party was to begin soon and that the guest would arrive shortly. A little after 9:30 the bell rang and I opened it to find a blonde hunk standing on my stoop maybe mid-thirties inquiring if this was where the welcoming party was and I ushered him in, and hung a sign on the door that stated “Rob and Matt’s welcoming Party come on in and get comfortable” then closed the door. As I turned around I found the blonde with his tongue down Matt’s throat and his hands down his pants. I walked up to Rob and ran my fingers through his closely cropped hair and lead him, Matt and the blonde stud into a room off the great room which had been closed off when they first arrive. My playroom consisted of a St. Andrews cross twin slings side by side and various other devises that could be used for restraining a person or being able to have your way with him. I lead Rob to one of the slings and laid him back on it, helping him to remove his remaining clothes, his supple athletic body being framed by the slings chains I lifted his legs up to make him more comfortable and secured his wrist as well. The blonde was doing the same to Matt in the sling a few feet away. The blond began fondling and fingering Matt’s hole and Rob could see what was going on from his perspective Matt was moaning as Blondie removed his fingers and took a toothbrush from his pocket and began rubbing Matt's hole with it slowly working it in and out all around till it came out bright pink. The blond then looked over at Rob and smiled handing the brush to me I began to prep Robs hole as well just in case. He then shoved his cock deep into Matt’s pink hole and began fucking the boy slowly at first and then picking up the pace. Rob was so intrigued with this blonde stud fucking his boyfriend’s defenseless ass, dominating him he didn’t realize the other dozen men who had arrived and were beginning to file into the room. He came to the realization as someone took his raging boner into their mouth and began sucking his cock and someone else had shoved their cock into his mouth, but due to the placement of mirrors he could still see Matt being used, now by three guys as an athletic twink had climbed onto the sling and was straddling his boyfriend, lowering himself down onto Matt’s cock forcing Matt to fuck him as he was being fucked now by a big black man with a bright red bio tattoo on his shoulder. The blonde was now in the corner with some twink cleaning off his cock. The black man came with a roar as Matt blasted into the Latin guy whose ass was milking the semen from his cock. The Latin guy got off of Matt's cock and squatted over his face, Matt then ate the cum from the boy's ass, cleaning up the hole. The black cock was replaced by a burly bear's thick tool making Matt gasp and his already stretched hole was stretched even more. Rob had a front row seat to all of the men using Matt; spit roasting the boy and dominating his hole. Rob was so caught up in the show he barely realized he too was getting fucked by some twink with a pencil cock but long and thin, much like the guy it was attached to, the twink almost looked like he had been starving, until Rob noticed the assortment of Bio hazard tattoos on the boy’s body including ones that read underneath and above AIDs Whore, the boy stiffened and he could feel his cock pulsing inside Rob’s gut as the boy shot his load, he then pulled out and taking the opportunity of an empty hole at Matt’s sling slid his still hard 10 inch thin cock into Rob’s boyfriend and began pumping into Matt as well. About 10 minutes later dumping a load into Matt’s well used hole. The party was at full swing be midnight and at least 35 guys were in attendance a mixture of poz and negative guys and many were using this as an opportunity to chase while some were gifting I made sure all the know poz guys gifted Matt and many saw the opportunity to gift both partners hanging restrained in the slings. Every corner of the house had sex happening and more than one hole was pozzed that night but I didn’t want to wear out my guest so as people began to leave I released Rob and Matt from their restraints and they both just lay there, accepting more cummers as the party wore down. (Enough for the first night. Let me know if you want the entire week of debauchery described.)
    1 point
  48. After a hot and exhausting night of fucking his brains out, your slutty boyfriend asked me to share this with you. I guess he totally gets off on cheating on you with POZ cock. I knew I was about to make a business trip, so I logged online and posted an ad on a few sites, offering to breed hole. I got a few responses, but none got my big balls churning like your boyfriend's direct response: "Tag my NEG hole raw. Make me your's forever. Looking for HOT loads. My boyfriend is away, and I want to have a surprise for him simmering in my ass when he gets back." Sweet. We arranged to meet a sleezy bar near my hotel. I'm sure the bar was swanky thirty years ago, but it was now it seemed seedy and a bit threadbare. I guess the owners had decided to keep the lights as dim as possible. A perfect place for a hookup. When I got to the bar, there was an anxious-looking tight-bodied college twink with dark spiky hair and a pierced ear. I nodded to him as I approached, and he wrapped his arms around me, locking our lips together in an intense tongue kiss. I pulled off him and said, “Slow down, dude. Let's enjoy this and get to know each other a bit first.” As he reached for my crotch and felt my stiffening cock, he grinned saying, “I know all I need to know about you.” This slut was hungry for it. He didn't know my real name, nor had he asked about status. He gulped down the rest of his cocktail, grabbed my paw with his slim hand, and practically dragged me to the street as he hailed a cab. "My place or yours?” he asked, pausing a second and kept going. “Mine. You'll like the setup.” We got in the back of the cab, and this slutty kid could not keep his hands or his mouth off of me. He tore open my shirt and nibbled at my nipples, running his hands across my furry muscled chest. He undid my belt and jeans and fished out my rock-hard nine inches. “Ooh. Don't know if I can get that down all the way.” I admired this kid's energy, but in my book, it's not the bottom who drives the bus. I decided it was time to show him who was in charge. I growled into his ear, “You'll suck it down and you'll fucking like it!” With that, I pushed the back of his head down into my lap. The cab driver was smiling in the rear-view mirror and gave me a thumbs up. We got back to his, rather YOUR, place, and I shimmed back into my pants as we made it into your building. I'm sure at least one of your neighbors was mortified to see your boyfriend all over me in the hallway. We fumbled our way into your living room where your boyfriend ripped off his clothes, revealing his tight little smooth twink body. He's got a nice cock and such a tight flat hairless belly. He bent over for me so I could tongue his hole a bit before working my fingers up there. I was surprised his pussy was so tight! I got him moaning, “Use me. Take that NEG cherry.” I realized again that I had never told him my status, which would frankly be hard to do. Between us, I haven't been tested in over four years, and have swapped POZ cum with a bunch of fuck buddies. If I'm still NEG it's a miracle, but who knows. Anyway, I let him think I was going to give him a charged load, and maybe I did. Who the fuck knows? I rubbed my dripping cockhead against is spit-slick hole, working the head in a bit. His velvety hole was tight and slippery. He arched his back and pushed against me slightly, working his boy pussy against my raw cock. He squealed with pain and delight, and leapt forward, my cock springing away from his ass. “Not here. Let's use our bed.” “Our bed?” I asked. “Yeah. He'll be able to watch from there!” “He? He who?” Without answering, your boyfriend let me into your bedroom. He went straight to the desk, flipped open the laptop and got his webcam working. I don't know if you were watching live or ever saw the recording, so I'll keep telling things as I remember.... I threw him onto the bed, on his back, ass towards the camera. I forced my tongue into his mouth. I wanted to show this cumslut who is in charge. I sucked on his ears and his neck, and tweaked his nipples until he squealed. I shoved my fingers into his mouth and then ran them along his crack. In a flash, he hoisted his legs in the air, showing off his winking nearly-hairless boy pussy. I shoved two fingers up his pucker. (My cock is thick and I wanted to be sure I could ram it in without hurting him too much.) He was screaming for it. “Oh yes! Oh yes! Use that hole! Take my NEG cherry!” His chaser talk was lighting a fire in my balls and I wasn't even fucking him yet! I scooted his closer to the edge of your bed and slammed my bare cock, balls deep into his hole. I saw the green light on the laptop and decided to put on a show for whoever was watching. I eased sideways so you could see my bare cock plunging in and out of your cheating boyfriend's unprotected bug chasing pussy. I was getting off knowing that you might be watching a total stranger who might be about to shoot toxic POZ babies inside your boy's hole. I flipped your boyfriend over onto his belly and climbed up onto his ass. I wanted you to be able to see his face as I plowed him. I rammed my cock back in and thrust my tool in and out over and over and over again. “Fuck yeah. Use that hole. Give me what my boyfriend can't. Give me what I need. I need your cum. Your dirty cum. Your toxic cum!!!” His own filthy talk was sending him over the edge, and I knew he was shooting his load by the way his hole was milking my dick. He was groaning as he orgasmed, and I shoved his face down into the pillow and held it there. “You want it? You want my load? Want part of me inside you forever!?!?” I pulled out all the way. I saw that familiar pink foam around my dick that comes from tearing up a bottom's ass. “YES!” I shoved in deep and pulled out. “What do you want?” I deep fucked his ass again, and pulled out. More pink foam. “I want your POZ load!” Once more. Still more blood. “Where?” “In my ass! Give it to me!” I pulled out one last time, shooting gobs and gobs of spooge all over his winking hole. I shoved in and shot off another two spurts deep up his gut. I pulled my spasming cock out and used my head to wipe the rest of my load and his blood back into his pussy. I rolled him over to finger some of his own cum puddle into his mouth and saw that he was crying. “Tears of joy,” I asked. “No man. You tore up my hole! That fucking HURT!” “Better chances of the bug taking if you're bleeding back there.” His eyes got big, and he threw his arms around me, pulling my face to his and kissing me hard. He then lay back down and started shoving his own fingers into his ass, pulling his cheeks apart, and stretching his hole wide. “Wanna tear me up some more?” I knelt back to his upturned ass, lewdly shoving three fingers inside. He was whimpering. I gave him my cum soaked bloody hand to lick and he gobbled it up. After a few minutes, I managed to get a forth and then all of my fingers inside his used hole. “Does your boyfriend fist you?” “Never.” “Does he like sharing your hole with strangers?” “Yes.” “Want me to help share it with some more?” “Yes!” I removed my fist from his ass, and with the camera still recording, got the laptop and brought it to him. I told him to post ads on Craigslist, BBRT, and A4A. I worked my sticky bloody fist in and out of his abused asshole as I dictated and he typed: NEG bug chaser cheating on his boyfriend taking all loads. POZ a plus. Open to fisting Within five minutes, we had four guys ready to cum over and cream your's boy's ass. “Keep recording, you faggot. I'm sure your boyfriend will want to see this.” He kept recording, and the rest of the night was incredible. I whored your boyfriend out to at least two POZ guys. I'm sure you loved watching his eyes get big when he saw their biohaz tatts. And that double-fuck was amazing. I fucked him again after they pulled out, barely able to feel his ass after it had been so stretched out. I had to get out that dildo you keep in the nightstand to shove it in there next to my dick. That was enough traction to get me off again. Load total: Questionable: 2 POZ: 2 Thanks for sharing your boy's hole. I'll be sure to look him up the next time I'm in town.
    1 point
  49. I've been to a few conversion parties in Sacramento and San Francisco and the guy I gave my toxic load to was hooded and screamed his head off and thought I was a black dude because of the size of my dick. I have never had that happen but for some reason it only turned me on and made me fuck faster and harder and I wispered in his ear that I was going to be his POZ-Daddy, the guy who sires him and all he did was whine. When I was done and my balls emptied I pulled out and I had never in my life seen that much blood and scum leak from a guys ass before. I am pretty sure I was the one who pozzed him since most of the guys there had VL's that were undetectable or extremely low and mine was just over the 250,000 level. We were never allowed to see the face of the Neg guy in the sling, but I would of sure liked to meet him and welcum him to the brotherhood as his sire. Also wanted to thank noexitfastlane for a real HOT story there and hope to read more of your work. You got me dripping away here really good this morning!
    1 point
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