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  1. There Is a guy who hosts parties at a town house on 10th Street in Washington, D.C. He usually advertises his parties Barebackrt, so you can look him up, if you're so inclined. I hadn't attended any of his parties in quite a while, but last Friday I went. The guests undress on the first floor where clothing and valuables are kept in locked room. The second floor is a social area. On the third floor are three bedrooms in which the host puts out numerous bowls of condoms, but I've never seen any of the guys use one. On Friday there was a large crowd, somewhere between 80-100 guys, all ages, all races, all body types. In the past when I've attended, it has seemed as if the bottoms generally outnumber the tops by a three-to-one margin, but this past Friday the ratio was different, perhaps because there were a number of college guys from Georgetown in attendance. I found a place on one of the beds and lay on my stomach. In a few minutes a hot blond college guy started to rub my hole. I went to suck him but he turned away. All he wanted to do was fuck. He lay on my back, and murmured he wanted to fuck bare. With that, he himself, and slid into my ass, giving me a decent fuck in the process. After a few minutes I could tell he was close, and sure-enough, he asked "Where do you want my load?" "Inside," I replied. With that he let out a loud grunt as he unloaded his cum into my hole. His example must have turned the other college guys, 'cause within three hours I had five more hot college guys empty their nuts into my ass. The last load I took was from an older guy. As he pounded my ass I could hear the sloshing of the earlier loads of cum in my ass. This was an unusual, but very rewarding party.
    5 points
  2. This is only my second go at this, guys (and it's a true story) so I hope y'all enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One night a few months back, I had to work late. We had a server crash and I was tasked with trying to collect as much data as I could. I ordered Chinese and as the sunset in the western sky, my eyes were burning and my patience was running thin. Not that I have a boyfriend to go home to, but hell---watching porn, watching the Golden Girls, or sleeping was better than this! I glanced down at my phone and it said 8:11. I decided to call it a night, and closed my workstation down and headed for the exit. I took a detour to the bathroom to take a leak---it’s a 15 mile drive home and there’s roadwork after 8 on the expressway. As I am pissing and enjoying the feeling of release, I glance over toward the sink and notice a sharps container. I work with some older folks, many of whom suffer from diabetes, so it makes sense, logically. Yet, my mind saw the biohazard symbol and my dick immediately started to swell (thankfully I was done pissing). Bad thoughts at work are hot in fantasies, but nothing worth someone coming in and then having an issue that would land me in the unemployment line. So, I zipped up, washed up, and headed towards my car. On the ride home, while trying to enjoy the swell in my dick, I pull out some poppers from my console (hey, you never know when that trick asks you to come over on your lunch break!) and huffed. That biohazard symbol kept coming back to me. I had to focus on the road, but my dick focused on that red and black symbol I craved. Wait---it was the second Wednesday of the month! On the second Wednesday of the month, our local sex club (Manifest) hosts a “Poz 4 Play” night. I am neg, and had always glanced at it and moved past it at home on my computer. Either the guys going weren’t really my type, I was too chicken shit to actually commit to going, or had something going on. Needless to say, I was torn---but being a member of this site has pushed me further and further to what will someday become (hopefully) a reality---the poz swimmers will take root and give me what I crave. I pull into a gas station, change into a jockstrap I had from baseball practice (earlier that week---sweaty too, hehe) and hopped back in my car. So, another huff and I plug the coordinates into my GPS---and 20 minutes later I am there. I’m in the parking lot. Car is running, the air is thick and humid, and the broadcaster is going on about the Braves dropping a game to the Padres. Moment of truth---do I take a chance and go? Or cut and run back home to porn and bed. Poppers---poppers like a magic 8 ball will guide me. I slowly inhale, and relax. I breathe out and release the day---I slowly get out from my car and make my walk to the door. I pay my money, and the door guy gives me a wink and says “You’ll be popular tonight young man” (Oh yeah, I’m 29, white, blonde hair, ice blue eyes, 8c, and an ass made of velvet). I nodded and gave him a smile and walked in. He then said, “Hey kid, have fun” and tossed me a small bottle of lube. Yep---I was in the right place. To give you some backgrounds, Manifest isn’t like a bathouse. You can’t walk around full on naked because there aren’t showers, there aren’t towels, and there isn’t a gym. It’s a straight on sex club. There are rooms (some that lock and some that don’t, and some with and without gloryholes). I walked through the place and saw some porn playing, some noises from some of the rooms and the smell of plywood the place was built with and the dim glow of some dirty lightbulbs lighting the place. I find a darkroom in the middle. Now, I love anonymous sex. I love being face down ass up blindfolded for men to come in and fill me. I don’t want them to see me and I don’t want to see them. I want their cum in me and that’s it. And, I invite bottoms over for the same treatment. It’s just easier that way---no names, no drama, no fuss. But, this was poz night. Walking in the place is certainly a step in and of itself, but taking that next step to walk into the dark room was something different. Again, the brown bottle in my hand did the trick. A little huff and I walked in. Not only did I walk in, I pulled my pants down and exposed my jockstrapped ass. I applied some lube, turned towards the wall and heard the floorboards creak. A hand, two hands caressed my fuzzy ass. The top then felt my smooth hole and grunted in delight. He used the lube to slather up his dick---this was it. I didn’t turn around (not that I could see anything anyway) and huffed again. He slid in just as the poppers kicked in. He went balls deep in the first thrust and I knew then what a pig felt like. Feeling his abs as he pounded me with his thick cock put me into outer space. I tuned out all noises, distractions, and other men to focus on THIS man giving me the seed I craved. It was all about him---in that moment. He fucked me hard and rough for a few minutes with a decent sized cock until the pace picked up, the breathing labored---and then it happened. A poz load up my ass. Not my first by any means, but first in a setting like this. Time had stopped, I’d just succumbed the moment. And as soon as he pulled out and I was about to get up, another one replaced it. I was in complete shock and complete bliss. All those nights reading stories on Breeding Zone and now, here I am! Again, the brown bottle shit everything else off except that poz dick up my hole---and that's the way I both wanted it to be and the way it should be. I must’ve taken 5 or 6 loads, before one burly muscular hairy bear guy whispered “I’ve seen your neg ass looking at my profile on BBRT---so enjoy this load” and popped it in me. I never understood how guys lost track of how much cum they took until that night. It was different---taking them all at once rather than one off situations where one guy dumps his load in me at home and leaves. This was special---and I loved it. My ass then needed a break and I needed a shower, so I pulled up trou and quickly made my exit. A rather inglorious and unromantic end to an evening I won’t soon be forgetting. This was 3 months ago, and I’m still neg, and still planning on going back and taking more poz cum.
    4 points
  3. I haven't been in the mood in a while, so I finally got back on the horse (so to speak) Saturday night. Leaving a local gay bar notorious for johns hanging out in the parking lot, I spot one standing in the driveway and -- deciding to be adventurous and do what I normally wouldn't do -- pull up to him and start chatting. We make small talk, and he gets in and asks the usual questions (What are you looking for? Are you a cop?). He looks OK, probably 30-something but a nice, lean frame and stubble. Good enough at that hour. It's 2:30 a.m., and liquor is taking its toll on my judgment, so I tell him that I can't host because my roommate and an out-of-town guest are at my place, but luckily I have an F-150 with roomy seats. So at 2:30 in the morning, we find a secluded parking lot (dumb, I know) and after telling him I'm in the mood to get fucked, we drop our pants, have about a minute of foreplay, and he climbs on top of me, lubes his dick (which I never even saw) with spit and starts fucking me raw. He lasts about 2 minutes before he shoots deep, no questions asked. Condoms were never mentioned. Neither was status. Luckily I had a little cash on me, so I handed some to him, we drive back to the parking lot, make idle chit-chat, then go our separate ways. As risky and dumb as it was, it was one of the hottest encounters I've had in a long time.
    4 points
  4. You know it's been a good night when you end it with cum dripping down your legs! That's what happened to me on a recent visit to the Orlando area. First of all, I arrived there not even knowing that it was Gay Days at Disney. Once I found that out I set out on a mission to get as many loads as possible from the many visiting breeders. Load #1, #2, #3 were received from an hot top that I found on A4A who plunged his long hard dick into my welcoming hole while I was in his sling. The Top grunted out a huge load deep into my cum hole and proceeded to pound it deep into me. Once I got that first load I was transformed into super-pig. There's nothing better than using that first load as natural lube. Another bottom was invited to join in and the top wanted to see me fuck his sweet stretched hole. So, how could I refuse? As I was pounding the other bottom's hole the hot breeding Top gave me some poppers and put his dick back into my hole that was coated with his seed. I reached back to feel his cum slicked hard cock as it fucked my hole for the 2nd time. As the "filling" to our human fuck sandwich, the 3 of us were fucking and deep kissing while moaning and groaning in pleasure, and begging for seed. My new favorite top breeder didn't disappoint me and planted another huge load into my hole...it was one of those loads that you can feel the heat from as it's dumped into you. Wanting to share my seed, I planted mine into the other bottom. Load #3 was from the breeding Top once again at his mercy while getting fucked in his sling. The Top ordered the other bottom to fuck my hole too and I ended up with the load #4 from the other bottom. By the size of what was shot into me, I would say that the other bottom hadn't cum in some time. With all of that cum inside my hole I could feel it dripping out which was noticed by the Top who ordered the other bottom to suck it out of my hole and feed it to me...which he did much to the enjoyment of our Top. Wanting some of the cum too, the Top joined in on a hot deep kissing/cum sharing moment. One would think that would have been enough for me for the night, but it wasn't! I then went to a place called Hank's in Orlando...which is a pig's dream come true with a lot of outdoor raw fucking in the back area of the bar. While I was there, I got load #5 from a hot daddy while the crowd looked on in a dark area. He was another top who appreciated a cum lubed hole and he kept telling me while pounding my hole that he was adding his cum to the other loads in my hole. Wanting more I then went to the Parliament House for some fun. I hooked up with 2 guys who were staying there for the weekend. We went to their room and spent time with me fucking them, them fucking me and ended with me getting both of their loads shot into my now aching hole. They were hot and had the perfect dicks for breeding a hole. At this point my hole was so used that poppers were not even needed. So that was load #5 and load #6. So, you ask how greedy can a cum bottom get? After all of this I drove over to a gay bath in Orlando. All types of guys were there. There was a dark area there where I just bent over a bench and took an number of hard cocks. Not sure how many made cum deposits, but I'm guessing maybe another 2. But since I don't know for sure, I'm not going to include them in my official load count for the evening. So, I think that the official load count was 6 and the unofficial load count might be as high as 8! If only I could repeat that every night!
    3 points
  5. Hey guys, I posted this a while back in the "Sex with enhancements" folder, but a lot of guys have asked me about my experience being pozzed, and I try to refer them to this posting but always have trouble finding it. So I am posting the account here. With just a few minor changes "to protect the innocent" LOL this is how it happened. * * * * I guess it is time for me to tell the account of how I was pozzed. It was 1997, I was 31 and I had been chatting with a guy named Stan from San Francisco on-line (anyone remember IRC?) at the time chatting on-line was a strictly text based affair – though with some trouble you could ftp a guy’s pic. At 42 Stan was older than was I, but I’ve then always been attracted to older men, and Stan was really good looking with cropped salt-and-pepper hair and dark beard, hairy – just the way I like them! Anyway, in our chats the question of bare fucking had come up and I admitted that I fucked bare from time to time because I thought it was really hot, but that I was really selective about the guys with whom I did so, that I got to know them first, etc. He replied that he was the same way. After we had been talking for a few months I found out that I was going to be able to attend a conference in San Francisco for work and I excitedly let Stan know that I would be visiting his home town. He generously offered to let me stay with him, and I accepted. The conference was going to run from Wednesday until Saturday around noon and he said that Saturday afternoon he would show me around the Castro (where he lived) and we could hit some of the bars that night. Sounded good to me! I even arranged to take a personal day and fly back on Monday so that Stan and I could go out on Saturday night and not worry about me needing to get up early on Sunday for a flight. The conference came around and was actually one of the better conferences I’ve attended - I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Stan was a great host – helping me figure the public transportation system, and giving me a key so I could let myself in and out of his place. We even fooled around Thursday night. Nothing major, but it ended in a hot 69 and we blew loads down each other’s throats. On Saturday, true to his word, Stan showed me around the Castro and even took me out to dinner. When we got back to his place we went into the living room and Stan informed me that he had invited a few buddies over for a couple beers – then he said we would all hit the bars together. Once again, sounded good to me. Shortly after that the door bell rang and Stan let in this really hot looking guy who was probably around my age, but easily 6’3” and #215, also bearded with really hot green eyes. After introductions (I honestly don’t remember his name), Stan told us to get to know each other in the living room while he went and got drinks, going into the kitchen and was in there a while. I was having a good time talking with this new guy, so I wasn’t really paying attention. I remember hearing Stan talking on the phone, but I didn’t try to eavesdrop or anything – I was engaged with a guy I was hoping was going to fuck me later that night. Little did I know. Stan came back a while later with three beers and handed me one. He handed one to the other guy and then lifted his beer up and toasted to me and my visit. We all drank. I was looking to get a little loose, so I took several gulps fast before lowering my beer, and a couple more good swigs shortly thereafter. And that is when I began to feel it – a feeling that felt like I was getting really drunk. But I had only had half a beer! Sure, I gulped it down, but I knew myself. I didn’t get drunk that quickly. Turns out of course that Stan had drugged my beer and had been planning to do this all along. He hadn’t invited a few buddies over, he had invited 16 guys over. I came to learn that Stan was well known for his bareback parties – where frequently there was a "guest of honor" whom he lured in through the internet. This night I was that victim - errrrrr - guest. It didn’t take long before I was in a serious (but very pleasant) fog – Stan knew what he was doing in terms of dosing. I heard the doorbell ring and a couple more guys arrived. As he was answering the door, Stan called out to the other guy in the room, “Take him down to the basement. I’ll be down in a minute.” The guy lead me to a door and I compliantly went with him. My coordination was bad and I was really stumbling so the guy had me swing my arm around his shoulder and lean against him as we made our way to the back of the condo to a door. He lead me down some stairs and into a play area that Stan had not before shown me. There were a couple of slings, a platform with a queen-sized mattress on it covered in a black plastic sheet, and several other spaces with cushions and benches and stools where guys could pair or group off and enjoy each other. The guy I was with suggested I get undressed and try out one of the slings. I had no problem with that - seemed like exactly what I wanted to do! It took a little help from him to get my clothes off – my coordination was completely shot by the drug, but after a few minutes I was naked and he helped me into the sling. I heard the basement door open and shut and Stan was coming down the stairs. “Get him ready” he said and the other guy went over to a table and got what looked like a ribbon and a handi-wipe packet. The ribbon turned out to be a rubber tourniquet and the handi-wipe packet an alcohol pad. Next thing I knew the guy had my arm pinned under his arm and the tourniquet was wrapped around my bicep. Stan had a small syringe and he expertly found a vein and quickly injected me. I had never so much as even seen Tina before, much less slammed! When the other guy pulled the tourniquet off I felt the flash and rush, my heart racing, for a moment I thought I couldn’t breathe and then I was hit with the cough. Several coughs. I was sure I couldn't breath. There was a moment of panic but it was vague and removed - I guess because of the drug I had been given earlier. And then, dear god, the horniest feeling I had ever had rushed over me. I just started saying "Oh fuck me, oh fuck me, oh fuck me!" over and over again, and the feeling of need to have a cock in my hole was overwhelming. Stan, with a wicked smile on his face said, “Oh yeah, I think he is ready." As he put a little lube on my hole and on his cock he told the other guy to go ahead and open the door for the other party goers. My friend the bear climbed the stairs as Stan pushed his cock into my hole. While Stan was fucking me I watched man after man enter the basement. They all got naked, lots of them undressing themselves while keeping their eyes on the action taking place in the sling. Several guys egged Stan on and commented on the hot piece of ass he had found for this week's party. I have no idea how long Stan fucked me. I know several other guys fed me their cocks while he was fucking me, and I sucked them all gladly. Eventually Stan blew his load in my ass, pulled out and walked over to my head, saying "Suck me clean." I eagerly complied. As soon as his cock was planted in my mouth Stan asked to the crowd of guys "Who's next?" Another man quickly took up position at my hole and pushed in. I got fucked all right. From about 8:00 p.m. Saturday until about the same time on Sunday, all 16 guys invited to the party fucked me at some point. (At least so Stan told me when I chatted with him on-line a few days later when I was home – for me the night was mostly a blur.) While I don't remember much of what happened, I do remember a black man wish a huge cock taking his turn and screaming out in pain as he shoved his entire cock into me in a single violent thrust. But as much as it hurt, as soon as the screamed had exited my throat, I was begging him to fuck me. I loved that hurt! Another highlight was being double penetrated by two really beautiful muscle studs. Again, it hurt like hell, but this time I didn't scream I just begged for them to wreck my ass and flll it with their cum. In that on-line conversation I had with Stan days later (holy hell was the flight home torture - five hours in coach with an ass sore and still oozing blood from the abuse it had taken) he informed me that all of the guys who had been at the party were poz, several of them had full blown AIDS. Of course I was freaked out – but strangely not in a bad way. I know I probably should have been angry with Stan, but I wasn’t. I never did get the fuck flu, but at my regular four-month testing interval (about three months after the conference), I tested poz. I was online that very day sharing the new with Stan who congratulated me and welcomed me to the brotherhood. Strange thing – the greatest impact the experience had on me in terms of my behavior is that it actually scared me away from Tina for another 12 years! The intense rush I got that night was the most amazing thing I had ever felt. Way too fucking good to be natural. It was literally so good it scared the hell out of me. Even now that I am a regular partier - I still rarely slam. I can count on one hand the number of times I have done it since, and each time I do, I get a little uneasy - nothing should feel that good....it just isn't natural. Why do I have the feeling that I'll be doing slam #6 real soon?
    2 points
  6. My boyfriend I met my boyfriend at a party. But. before I continue, let me introduce myself. My name is Jeremy, I'm 5', 10", and 120 pounds, so I'm quite slim. At the time of this story I was 23. I had been invited to go to a friend's party. I didn't want to go, but since I had nothing else to do, I decided to go thinking about going home early. After I got there, I saw that my ex-boyfriend Tony and his new boyfriend were also in attendance, so I started to have a few drinks, if only to give the impression I was over Tony. Then it happened: I noticed an exceptionally hot guy, who was somewhat taller than I, who had a swimmer's build, blond hair and deep blue eyes. I also noticed a chubby guy who was trying to hit-on me, but I wasn't having it: the tall guy was all that interested me. I could see my ex, he didn't seem to be enjoying himself. He and I had broken-up because we had wildly different perspectives in a couple of key areas of life, the the sex with him had always been great. Surprisingly, I found myself talking with Tony's boyfriend, only to discover he was beyond boring. Great. Anyhow, at some point I needed to pee so I went to the bathroom. I barely had the time to close the door that Tony pushed the door and closed it behind himself, and began kissing me. Fuck, was he a good kisser. Then he said "I wanna fuck you." I was okay with his suggestion, but still need to pee from all the drinks I had consumed. I was barely done when Tony pulled his big cock out of his pants, and began fingering my hole, which, fortunately, I had prepared before I left the house. "Suck me bitch," he muttered, pushing my head down, adding "fuck, I've missed your mouth. Get me hard so I can fuck you." After about two minutes, he turned me round and rammed his 18 cm (7 inch) bare cock into my ass, exclaiming "Fuck, that feels good. That little bitch won't let me fuck him bare. Take my big dick! I'm gonna cum in your sweet ass. I'm gonna lube you up, 'cause I know you'll be fucked again, slut!" Once he came, he tucked himself away and left, as if nothing had happened. I love it when a guy just cums and leaves! I went back to the living room and went back to my drink. I chatted with some guys, uninteresting. I just wanted or to get fucked by that hot guy, or go home and find a dick to fill me up. I was thinking about leaving but decided to pee before I left for home. Again Tony saw me heading for the bathroom, and again he made a straight line to join me, where, once behind the closed door, again he dumped a load in my ass, To be honest, however, but all I could think about was the hot guy. Anyhow, after Tony blew his load and left, I emptied my bladder, made my farewell to my host, and made for the exit with the thought of going home to cruise for someone else to blow more cum into my ass. Just then, as I opened the door to leave, there he was: the hot guy, and he was smiling at me with intent. To be continued if enjoyed
    2 points
  7. Part 2 As I opened the door, here he was, Hot guy, smiling at me. I was somewhat surprised and didn't know what to do or say, but he wasn't quite so tongue-tied, and opened saying "Hey, I'm Peter, we haven't met." I took his hand and barely manage to introduce myself. He smiled, and commented "I saw you tonight, and got the impression you weren't enjoying yourself." "Well, I was about to go home." "Can I get you a drink? But I've gotta pee first." "Sure. I saw the bathroom in that direction. I'll wait for you in the kitchen." A few minutes later Peter entered the kitchen, and upon connecting with me, said "Finish you drink. I'll get you another," which he did. "Cheers!" With that introduction we began chatting, talking about random things, and generally getting to know each other. At some point, we started to talk about drugs, what we had done. I mentioned I had never done G, but was somewhat interested in trying it. About then Peter poured me yet another drink. I was already getting pretty high from the alcohol, but even without the alcohol, for a guy as hot as Peter I would have done anything. Then we started to talk about sexual experience. I tried to conceive the fact that I'm a slut, a bareback one no less. With the G working up, I felt horny, and out of nowhere I started to kiss Peter, deep French kiss. At some point, he just whispered "So you really are the slut everyone is talking about." "What are you talking about?" "Why do you think I came by tonight? I hear you got fucked by everyone here , that all the guys have shot a load in to your ass. Why do you think they call you the 'glue' of the group?" I was kind of shocked to learn that my friends where talking about me behind my back. But it was essentially true. Virtually everyone of the guys at that particular party had fucked me at least once, and several guys had fucked me repeatedly. "Hope I didn't offend you," commented Peter. "No, you didn't. I just never really thought about it - that, in fact, I have had sex with almost all of my friends. Which, I suppose, does make me a slut. I hope you don't think less of me." "Are you kidding? I like the fact that you're a slutty ass. Your ass will be great tonight, 'cause I'm gonna fuck you. But it's nice to see that you're also a smart guy." "Okay, so when did I agree to let you fuck me?" "When you kissed me!" I only could smile.
    2 points
  8. This guy posts some hot videos. You can see the bottoms face http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=xHx4r-G402-#.VYPZf0LoFFI
    2 points
  9. I had similar encounter, played safe and finally met a guy I had been chatting with for several months who had mentioned he liked to fuck bare but it was not required. We met at this house, we talked, went to his bed room and got naked. I set out lube and condoms, after quite a bit of making out and oral, he had me kneel off the end of the bed, teased my hole with his cock head then just took my hole bare and fucked me a while raw. I freaked and pulled away and then sucked him off and swallowed. We chatted off and on for the next couple weeks, I was a bit hesitant to meet again, but finally did and didn't bother to bring condoms. He fucked me bare but did pull out when I asked, but knew he was precuming in me. About sixth months after seeing him regularly, he was fucking me bb, I was laying face down him atop me, and when he said he was close to cumming, I just laid there silent and felt his cock spasm and knew my hole was finally being bred. Agree, his breeding me was the ultimate way of him making me know my place and I so enjoyed it. I know he knows I love it!
    2 points
  10. Dump him! Quickly. The more you say about him the less I like him. He's a controlling asshole.
    2 points
  11. Ok, so the whole taking slowly into the bb scenes started a little quicker and heavier than i thought it would. I normally have mondays off and thought I'd have a cruise and see who would up for some fun, i was prepared to have to spend the day looking for a BJ but almost instantly i chatted with a horny guy who was only a half an hour down the road and wanted a quick hook up, no mention of BB at that point and i didn't mention it as i was so horny i just wanted cock in me covered or no! As i was halfway through this conversation i had another but of a guy an hour away who wanted to bb fuck my hole... damn i though i have a meet arranged, so i spoke with him and told him that I had this meet and he said to message him if id got a load in my hole and he'd make sure he was free!!! OMG i think I'm gonna aim for a load. So i jumped in the car and headed down to the first guy, getting harder in the car at the thought of a hot load in my hole. I arrived and text him to let him know i was there. As i got to the door i saw a big tattooed daddy bear. My cock twitched again and he invited me in and as he closed the door he squeezed my butt... mmmmmmmmm. he led me upstairs, to the spare room, and just started to undress me, taking my clothes off quickly and left me standing there naked as my cock grew hard. He stroked my fur and grabbed my cock, then started to suck my nipples which really makes me hard. When he'd finished sucking i looked down and he'd got his massive tool out, and i mean massive. I sank to my knees and started to get it into my mouth and i had to stretch but like a trooper i managed it. I sucked him for a while and tasted that mustiness of his crotch. it was like nectar, but he had other ideas. he pulled me off his cock, bent me over the bed and started to lick my hole. Making it really wet. I could feel his tongue probing my hole, sliding in an out and making my hole really wet.... i love that. Then he stood up and without a word i felt his cock head against my hole. Slowly he pushed, and as he did i sniffed a big hit of poppers and slowly but surely he stretched my little hole to take his whole cock. I told a sharp breath and then relaxed to let him get balls deep. I felt full. He began to fuck me slowly, and then the tempo increased... i rode his cock as he got faster and faster, he felt so big in me but i loved it. we both started bucking and as i thought he was going to climax he pulled right out in one slide. grabbed me and turned me round pausing me to the floor and making me suck his cock. It had his precum and my asrse juice on there... i have never done A2M but I'm hocked now... i licked nd sucked that massive tool to eat every single drop of that ambrosial mixture. He moaned a little as i sucked his dick clean and this seemed to make him grow even bigger if that was even possible. Then he turned me around again and this time no prep he lined up and drove into me up to the hilt! Fuck i was in heaven. as was he i think... and he kept pounding and pounding getting faster and faster, building up a head of steam and i knew this was it, he was going to cum... he was getting closer and close and leant down against my back and whispered "Want my Load"... i was so in heaven that i could just nod, "ok" he said and sped up, until he almost screamed as he unloaded his first big spew of spunk into my hole. and i felt his cock grow and pulse as he loaded my hole... he kept thrusting and fucking his load into me deep, and kept riding his cock until i thought id drained every drop! he pulled out and i felt a little cum dribble out of my hole, but he scooped that up with his finger, turned me around and offered his finger to me which i greedily sucked clean, then he looked down and i knew what he wanted, i sank to my knees again and sucked his still hard dick, eating that mixture of his spunk and my arse greedily... it was amazing to taste. I cleaned him spotlessly clean, got dressed and left with out so much as a thank you and i was so horned by it, i text the other guys and said "Im Loaded", and his address was text back almost immediately. So back in the car my arse felt awesome, nice and open and wonderfully wet... and made my way over to the other guy. I arrived and text to say i was there, he text back to say i needed to go in the back gate, strip naked in the alley and then go into the garden. Oh Fuck this was gonna be hot. I stripped and walked into the garden and this older hot daddy was there naked and hard and ready to play. He started by fingering my hole and said "fuck thats a nice hole and a huge load" and with not much more he slid his cock up indie me and started to fuck that load into me! Wow, this was epic. "So, how do you feel about piss?" he asked, "Love it" i said. "Ever been pissfucked"? Ive had piss in my arse but never been piss fucked properly..." so he just laughed. He slowed fucking and just stayed still then all of a sudden i couldd feel my hole start to get heavy, he was pissing into my hole. oh fuck yeah!!!! he pissed for what seemed and age and then just started to fuck my hole, every thrust seem to want to force out a bit of piss, but he kept going. He kept going to the point where i didn't think i could take any more... and whispered "I need to let this piss go"... he kept fucking and i thought he hadn't heard me, so i took a breath and he then said "Just let it go" he stopped fucking but didn't fully withdraw his cock, and i let my piss filled arse relax and spew his hot piss mixed with cum out to spray all up his stomach and all over my back... He got harder and i got harder at this and then he continued fucking me. He wasn't as big as the last guy but still an ample cock and now i was full of piss i was in heaven... He kept feeding me poppers and fucking me getting faster and then eventually, made me bend forward so he could get a good grip and a really force his cock in, so he fucked and fucked me harder and harder until he began to moan and blew his load up my piss filled arse. He unloaded into me and at the same time i was wanking so frenetically that i came too.... This was the most amazing day ever and so my bb life has gotten off to a bang! Heres to the next one
    2 points
  12. There is a sauna I go to regularly, which has a "naked" day where no towels are allowed. Its very popular and I'd say the majority of guys fuck bareback. There is an upstairs play area with rooms, videos and a cinema but the real trolls head for what I call the pit. Its a basement room off the main corridor which is pitch black. As you descend the stairs, the darkness envelopes you and all you can see are vague shapes in the darkness and all you can hear are the soft sighs, grunts and skin on skin of men having sex. I like it because its anonymous, and because the trolls down there wouldn't get a look in upstairs and are as sleazy as they come. There is an open space, a low bench along one wall and a sling in the corner. As I descend the stairs, I tear open a sachet of lube and smear it into my arsehole so I'll be ready for whatever the drkness might hold. Its busy inside. I bump into flabby, sweating bodies and hands grope for my swelling cock. I push through to the back and bend over onto the slimey bench, my buttocks upraised and spread as I crouch. I don't have to wait long. A calloused finger runs up and down my crack, fingering the lube, and then I feel him get behind me and a thick, stubby cock slides into me. I gasp with pleasure at this forceful entry, and I can feel his fat, sweating belly against my buttocks. He starts to thrust in and out and a crowd of guys push round us,, hands grabbing my cock and fingers probing my hole where the cock is sliding in and out. Grunts of excitement when they feel the lack of condom. I can't see anything, but I'm surrounded by sweating, excited men as I'm fucked like a bitch in heat. The man gives a loud grunt of satisfaction and I feel his cock throb as he cums in me. When he pulls out, I reach back and feel cum dripping over my balls. A bottle is thrust under my nose, and I take a deep hit of poppers as someone else gets into the saddle, sliding a long thin cock up me. I give myself up to it, allowing them to breed me in the darkness, taking their filthy sperm willingly into my body....
    2 points
  13. Got a text last night from the two French business guys I have met before when they were in town for business. Told me they had a surprise. The surpise turned out to be 3rd guy they found on Grindr and was staying in the same hotel. German vers but who was in a top mood. all three pumped a load in me. All went for sloppy seconds too. The German guy fucked me last for half an hour and then told me he couldn't cum again. So, five loads in a constant almost 3 hour fuck. My hole hurts. Certainly the German guy was a rough fucker.
    2 points
  14. I was on my lunch hour. Saw this tall skinny muscle guy walking down street, T-shirt slung over one shoulder. (It was 95 degrees.) I must've been staring cause he waved. I realized he was a hustler. Goofy grin, missing teeth confirmed he was jacked up on something - meth, crack, who knows. I circled block, slowed down ... made sure he saw me make right turn off busy street on to quiet, leafy street. Waited. He approached passenger door. I rolled down window, unlocked door. "Get in," I said, grinning. When he got in, he saw I was playing w/myself. "Looking to make some money?" I asked. "What you get into?" he said. "I'll pay to suck your cock," I said, adding. "Twenty bucks. More if you face fuck me hard, cum on my face." He laughed, said, "Damn, is this a great country or what?" Took him back to my house. (Housemate was at work.) Afraid to take a crackhead in my house, I parked in my garage, gestured for him to get out. In my suit & tie from work, I squatted, started sucking his cock. Like the rest of him, it was long. And stinky. I loved it. It was about 9 inches. As I slurped on and made a pig of myself, I dropped my pants, starting beating my meat like I'd been doing in my car. I looked up and whispered, "You wanna fuck me? Fuck my ass? Please? PLEASE? I'll pay you! I'll pay you!" He shrugged. I went inside, got lube. I gestured for him to bend me over the trunk of my car and fuck me, with my shirt up and my pants down. My beard was sticky with his precum. He popped in my ass in about 2 minutes. He got back in my car, I dropped him off back where he'd been walking. I headed back to work ... 40 minutes late. :-) And had to go to john around 2:30 and beat off! Oh, and I paid a total of $30!
    2 points
  15. Tricked and Set-up (Part I) My name is Danny. I'm 18, 5'8", 125 pounds, thin and lean with a runner's build. My girlfriend and I were big partiers. We would spend every weekend smoking meth, fucking each other (and whoever else was around). One particular weekend we were partying with this guy, Rod, who really loved to tag team my girl’s pussy with me. He was 22, 6'2", 180 pounds, a hot fucker, lean body with a big dick (about 10” long). We just loved breeding her cunt. After that weekend we became good friends and began to hang out. One weekend my girl said she had to go out of town for a few weeks to visit her parents who lived on the other side of the country. That left Rod and me alone to party and troll for pussy, oh, and we got along well 'cause Rod had a great supply to good shit to smoke. This weekend we decided to hang at his place and smoke a little as he called girls he knew to see if we could get some pussy to breed. As he called he offered me some G. I had never done G and thought, ‘What the fuck’ and drank it down. After a good hour of smoking and him calling we were no were closer to getting laid. We kept smoking and chatted as we got to know each other better. In our conversation he asked me if I ever had a booty bump. I told him that I hadn’t and was curious as to what it was and the effect it would have on me. When he told me it involved sticking a nice size shard of meth up my ass I was not enthusiastic at that prospect, but he said it was a better high then smoking. This had me very curious. Rod told me to drop my pants and he’d give me my very first booty bump. Although I thought it a little weird to have a guy play with my ass, I guess the meth and G gave me the courage 'cause I found myself dropping my pants and boxers, and, on Rod's direction, leaning over the arm of the couch. When I had assumed the position, he lubed up a finger and started rubbing my hole. At first it felt a little strange when I felt his finger slowly push into my hole. He then pulled out and told me he was going to stick the meth. This time he stuck two fingers in my hole along with some meth. He told me I should feel the burn as the meth melts which I did. It felt a little strange as he worked his fingers in deeper until he hit something deep inside me that it sent a shock through my cock and I began to get hard, very hard. A small, involuntary grunt escaped my lips as this happened. Then I felt him slid in a third finger as he worked my hole good. Another grunt escaped my mouth as I felt him begin to work three fingers in and out of my hole for a few minutes. Then as quickly as he had them in me they were gone. He asked me, “How are you doing there bro?” As I began to feel the meth work on me and my hard cock throbbed between my legs I told him, “I’m doing fucking fantastic.” He asked me, “Want a little more meth bro?” “Yes, fuck yes!” Rod placed a hand on my upper back, pinning me to the couch as I felt something hard and large begin to press into my ass. I looked over my shoulder to see Rod guiding his cock to my hole. I attempted to move, but couldn’t and with the meth working in my hole I don’t know if I wanted him too stop. As his cock slid into my hole I felt no pain. I felt a burn from the meth he had place on the tip of his dick as he slowly slid his 10” cock into my ass. I felt his balls snug up against mine and as he bottomed out deep inside me, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Now you’re gona know what it’s like to be a bred like a bitch.” Those words cut through me as he began to fuck my virgin ass. In my mind I was screaming 'No, please stop', but my body kept asking for more. Every time he slammed into me I would let out a moan of pleasure. Rod clearly knew exactly what he was doing to me. As Rod used my hole he told me, “I knew the second I saw your tight ass I would be pumping you full of my cum. How does it feel to know that the same cock that bred your girl's pussy is gonna breed your ass?” All I could think was that the situation he described was weird beyond words, but at the same time my cock was so hard with that thought I thought it was going to break off, so I wasn't about to object. Rod leaned down and began to kiss my neck and lick my ear. I made the mistake (or did I do it on purpose) of turning my head to meet his as he kissed me while he had his cock balls deep inside me and we grinding it in hard. He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach.
    1 point
  16. The Couple in my life… (part 1) I met this couple online and I was chatting with one of them, true bear, fur all over, hung, beard, stocky, gorgeous. We chatted off and on for several months when he asked if I wanted to meet, of course I said yes without hesitation. They were looking for a third but he wanted to meet me alone first to get to know me before introducing me to his partner, who was a bit older but just as sexy and hot. I met him after work one evening at a local coffee place. I got there first, he walked in and he was so much hotter than in pics. We talked for a few hours and he had to take off because he had an early morning but told me he wanted to meet up again. So we made plans to meet at his office the next day and then go back to his place to have dinner and hang out, his partner was away for the week so it was cool. I met him at his office and he told me to follow him. We arrived at his house and I made sure I had my condoms packed in my wallet just in case the night went where I wanted it. He gave me a tour and there was one room he skipped over. I didn’t think much of it and then he said it was just an empty bedroom for storage. We went back downstairs and he started to prep dinner and poured some wine for us. This led to opening another bottle, and another. We were both pretty lit by the time dinner was ready. Just before dinner was ready he came over and asked what I was into, I explained I am open to anything and a bottom. He got a big grin on his face, leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes, he pulled away and said, this will be fun. He then served up dinner and we continued talking. He asked if I was sub and replied, I can be. Then he asked if I liked enhancements, I asked what kind, he said, poppers, pot, meth, coke, I replied that I loved poppers, pot does nothing for me and I have never tried meth or coke. Are you open to trying he asked, I replied, sure. He got a big grin and said, awesome! Let’s move to the couch…. We get on the couch and start making out hard. He asks me do I like bareback and say no, I have condoms with me. He says ok and make out some more and then he tells me to get upstairs… I reply with a yes sir… He orders me to strip down then to strip him, his body is amazing, and I rub it and kiss it all over. He tells me to get on the bed on all fours and walks out of the room. He comes back and quickly slips a hood on my head. I try to fight and he just holds me down. He whispers in my ear, remember you told me you were sub, now your mine…. I just replied, yes sir. He starts to finger my hole hard, it feels like it’s getting cut up. He pulls his fingers out and shoves them in my mouth to clean them off. I oblige. Then I feel something hard against my hole, it scratches as it gets pushed in, he says, this should relax you some. I asked what the fuck are you giving me, he just leaned in and says shhhhh, its ok. Then tells me to get up on my feet. I can’t see a thing so I carefully get up and stand there; he takes my arm and starts to lead me somewhere. I allow him and don’t ask where we are going, I hear a door creak open and it’s very warm in the room and smells weird. The floor is rubbery and he leads me into the room and then turns me around and tells me to sit up into what’s behind me. I have trouble to he helps me and its cold and feels like its hanging, like a swing. He helps me adjust in the seat and then grabs my arm and I feel him handcuff it to something, and then grabs the other and does the same, then my feet are lifted and locked in place. Good boy he replies. He pulls off the hood and there is a mirror above me, I look around and see that I am in a sling. I am feeling kinda high now and getting very horny. He turns on the other lights and I see all kinds of things, dildos, whips, flogs, the room is a dungeon, this is the room he didn’t show me earlier. He walks over and kisses me, I get a full view of his cock, so not what he said, it’s bigger! And has a 000 gauge piercing. He pulls off the kiss and asks where are my condoms, I reply they were in my pants pocket, and I brought the magnums. He walks into the other room and comes back with my pants and reaches in and pulls out the sleeve of 5 condoms. He looks and me and says, were you expecting to use all these? I chuckle and say, not all of them… he laughs back and says, I’m not going to use any of them.. I look at him puzzled. He walks over to a drawer, pulls out a scissor and cuts all the condoms in half, I don’t use condoms remember, he replies. You want to be our boy then you do it the way we want. You actually will be mine to start, hence why you are here alone with me. He says, I am going to mark you as mine. Mark me? I reply, yes, I am going to fuck you all night and poz you up! I reply no way and start to squirm. Don’t worry boy, you are already on your way. Your hole is nice and raw and I plan on fucking you and dropping my loads in you all night. With that he takes a rag, dumps some poppers into it and wraps the rag around my nose, holding it in place with a ball gag in my mouth. My head starts too spin and he then puts a belt around my arm and pulls out a syringe. I see it’s filled with liquid. He wraps a rubber strap around his arm, injects some of the liquid and pulls some blood out, gives me a wink and says welcome to the family and finds a vein in my arm and inserts the needle, I watch him pull some blood, mixing his and mine together and then jams the contents into my arm. Welcome to the club baby. He pulls the needle out and releases the belt, I feel an instant rush and start to cough and I feel like I’m going to pass out. He walks around and is down by my ass, and says, you ready boy? I just start begging to be fucked. He says, good boy and rams his cock all the way in.. He starts to fuck me hard and keeps say, daddy loves my boys ass… within a few minutes he shoots a huge load in my hole. I beg for more, he just keeps fucking me, he dropped 4 loads in me in an hour. He pulls out, walks over to my head and kisses me. How is boy feeling he asks, I reply, I want more. Fuck me more I beg. He laughs, in time baby. He grabs the strap, hits me full force across my ass, and then wraps it around my arm again. He says, this will help you rest a bit, and then you will be ready for more. He gets another syringe and finds a vein and injects all the contents. He leans in and kisses me and says, get some rest baby boy, you will have a long night. He walks to the wall, getting a big butt plug and shoves it into my ass. I don’t want anything leaking out while your resting, winks and walks out. I look up and see the mirror and see myself laying there. In my haze, I look around and see cameras on the walls, I pass out. More to come……
    1 point
  17. This is a story rescued from the late lamented Bugshare site. It was always one of my favourites and I thought it was gone for good until I started cleaning out some old files on my computer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I'll post it in parts as it's a long read, but worth it Texas Bareback Massacre, Part 1 "We shouldn't go in there," Willie protested with a longing glance back toward his brand new l957 Chevy which was parked askew in a ditch. "Of course we shouldn't go in there," Tad answered his friend in disgust. "We shouldn't be out this late on a school night. We shouldn't have driven your new Chevy out on the Old Loop Road to see how fast it would go. We shouldn't have run it into a ditch. We shouldn't, but we did. So what do you want to do now? Walk ten miles back to town or a few hundred feet to that tavern and call your father for some help?" "My daddy will kill me when he finds out," Willie whined, "he told me never to go near that place." "Well, he's going to kill you about the car," Tad explained in exasperation, "phoning him from the tavern won't make any difference and will save us a ten-mile walk." "We shouldn't," Willie replied, hanging back as his friend walked on ahead. "Come on, baby," Tad goaded his friend and Willie, who was too afraid of being thought to be afraid, followed like a lamb. The tavern was a ramshackle road side inn with a half burnt out neon sign that read "T v rn C ld Be r" and a dirt parking lot containing an old pickup truck and a row of dirty motorcycles. The tavern had a bad reputation with respectable persons not only because it was frequented by bikers but because the bikers were never seen with any biker chicks. Words like 'fairies,' 'queers,' 'faggots' and 'fruits' were muttered about the bikers. Young men from the mill or the college who frequented the place had bad reputations and no respectable man, young or old, ever admitted openly to going into the bar although many of them had remarkably detailed knowledge of what went on inside. "Come on," Tad was annoyed by his friend's hesitancy as he stood outside the tavern door waiting for the all-too-timid Willie to catch up, "We'll just use the phone and get out. Five minutes and then we'll go back to the car and wait for your father." Tad pushed the door open and Willie followed him inside. The tavern was a big square room with a bar running down one side and six broken down, mismatched tables, randomly arranged upon the cracked linoleum covered floor. The floor was dirty, the walls were dirty, the tables were dirty, the bar was dirty and the atmosphere was dirty with the odors of stale bodies, stale beer, and stale smoke hanging in the air, while wifts off stale urine wafted from the restrooms in the rear. The only things dirtier and more odious than the room were the dozen unshaven and unwashed bikers lounging about the tables and the bar. The room fell silent and twelve pairs of sullen eyes turned upon Tad and Willie as they entered the tavern with their fresh washed faces and their fresh washed preparatory school clothes. From behind the bar a sweaty, fat man in a dirty apron beckoned with a soggy, gray rag to the boy's to step up to the bar. "What do you boys want?" he asked gruffly as Tad and Willie approached. Tad for all his bravado before Willie was too abashed by the seedy conditions of the bar and its clientele to immediately speak. Willie was just plain too frightened to say a word. "What ya want?" The barman's tone lowered as he repeated his inquiry. "We know what they want," an intoxicated voice called out thickly. "Well I can give 'em what they want," another drunken voice added. "We all can," the bar patrons all laughed at this suggestion, a laugh as dirty as everything else in the bar. "Shut the fuck up!" the barman snapped before turning back to Tad and Willie. "I don't serve no minors. How old are you?" "Eighteen," Tad finally found his voice but it was slightly cracked. "Eighteen," Willie's voice was so low that he might as well have mouthed the words. "Ya gotta be twenty-one," the barman snapped as his rubbed his dirty rag over the dirty surface of the bar. "We don't want a drink, Mister," Tad was hesitant but polite, "we just want to use the phone." "This is a bar, not a phone booth," the bartender growled. "We can pay, sir," Tad explained as he slid a hand into the pocket of his gray flannel trousers and pulled out a few neatly folded dollar bills. "My friend ran his car into a ditch. We need to call his father to come pull us out." "You don't have to call Daddy," a tall, brawny biker dressed in soiled leather and tarnished chains rose from a table close to the bar, "my boys can pull you out." "Sure as fucking can," a chorus of eager voices assented as the big biker sauntered over to the boys. The big biker stood next to Tad and put one booted foot upon the bar rail. Tad wrinkled his nose as he caught the scent of stale sweat and unwashed clothes and moved a little further away from the muscular mountain of unwashed male flesh. "That won't be necessary, sir," Tad respectfully but eagerly declined the offer, "Willie's Dad can do it." "If you call Willie's Daddy," the big biker said as his casually dropped his leather booted foot from the bar rail and stretched himself to his full height, "Willie will get in trouble. If my boy's pull you out, his old man doesn't ever have to know." "Let him do it, Tad," Willie whispered in Tad's ear as he drew his keys from the pocket of his gray flannel slacks. "I don't want my Daddy to know." Why don't you give your keys to Piston?" the big biker addressed Willie as he pointed to a burly blond biker who was lounging next to the jukebox by the door. "Him and Reb can get your car out and bring it here. Piston was joined at the jukebox by a small dark biker wearing a dog collar, who sidled up remarkably close to his big blond buddy. Reb laid his head against Piston's broad chest as the burly biker put a beefy arm around the younger man's waist. Embraced together they sauntered over to the bar, where Piston held out his free hand for Willie's keys. With a look of fright mingled with disgust, Willie shied away from the embracing bikers, as he held out the keys in his trembling hand. "We better go with them, sir," Tad suggested as he stayed Willie's hand, "so Willie can drive." "Reb can drive," the big biker said as he stepped closer to Tad, "You boys can have a drink with us while you wait for them to bring your car." "No, thank you, sir, we'd better go," Tad refused the unkind offer and taking a step backwards from the towering bulk of the big biker bumped into Willie who was pushed back against Piston's hard shoulder. "Give me the keys, punk," Piston growled as he reached over Willie's shoulder and snatched the keys from his hand. "Take a fucking seat," Reb snarled as he shoved Willie away from Piston and towards the nearest table, "Piston's taken." "Wait a minute!" Tad protested as he reached out to draw Willie back. "You too," the big biker barked as he shoved Tad in the same direction as his friend, "get your ass over there." Tad and Willie were too stunned and frightened to resist. They stumbled over to a dirty table and sat down. The big biker followed the boys and sat down between them as Reb and Piston left by the tavern door. The rest of the bikers quickly gathered around the table like vulture's surrounding a pair of dying animals in preparation for a feast. "What'll you boys drink," the big biker asked. "Nothing, thank you, sir," Tad replied in a subdued tone. Willie could only look nervous and shake his head. "You two boys think your too good to drink with us?" the big biker snarled as the gang pressed around the table and murmured ominously. "No, no, Sir," Tad protested as he smiled weakly in an attempt to mollify the gang, "we're under age. We can't have a drink." "You're eighteen," the big biker turned friendly and smiled but not with his eyes only with his yellow teeth, "you're old enough to drink if you're old enough to fuck." The men around the table laughed and nudged each other at this remark. "Fucking, right," one said. "Give the boys a drink," another crowed, "they're plenty old enough to fuck." The gang laughed again. "Beer for my new boys, Sam," the big biker called to the bartender. "Shit, Wolf," the bartender complained, "I'll lose my fucking license." "Lock the fucking door," Wolf, the big biker commanded, "We'll make this a fucking private party." "Fucking ace!" the gang cheered. One of the gang peeled off from the crowd around the table and snapped the lock closed on the front door, while Sam waddled out from around the bar with two pitchers of beer, which he set before the boys. "Drink up," Wolf commanded the two teenagers. Tad and Willie looked at the foaming pitchers with dismay. Neither one had ever done more that have a sip of his dad's beer. "Drink the fucking shit up," Wolf was back to snarling and showing his yellow teeth. Tad took the handle of the pitcher that was set before him and lifted the jug to his lips. He took a small sip from the frothy contents before putting the pitcher down. Willie sat so frozen with fear that he was unable to speak or move or drink. "These fuckers don't know how to drink," a fat biker behind Tad roared as he grabbed Tad's pitcher and took a healthy swig before passing it into the crowd. The other pitcher too was taken and the gang around the table quickly drained them both before returning them refilled to the boys. "Now drink up, boys," Wolf commanded. Tad picked up his refilled pitcher to take a little sip but as his lips touched the rim, Wolf put his hand on the bottom of the pitcher and held the jug up to Tad's mouth. Tad took several deep gulps as Wolf tipped the pitcher up and forced more of the contents to Tad's lips. Tad could not swallow the cold brew fast enough to keep his mouth from overflowing. Beer ran down his chin and dripped upon the front of his red and white striped button down shirt. Willie tried to reach out for his pitcher but could not bring himself to touch it. A helpful biker grabbed Willie by his red hair and pulled his head back, while an equally helpful friend poured the contents of the pitcher into Willie's gaping mouth. The boy coughed and choked and spluttered and spewed beer upon the gang. "Fucking asshole, you were told to drink that shit," the helpful biker roared as he pulled Willie by his hair from his seat. Tad immediately leapt to his feet to defend his friend and was immediately forced to sit back down by the burly bikers standing behind him. "Sit down, mother fucker. Leave Crank alone," Wolf snapped as he put his dirty hand on Tad's shoulder, "he's just gonna teach your fucking friend a lesson in good manners." Crank, the helpful biker, swung Willie around by his hair and dragged the boy away from the table to the center of the floor. "Ow! Ow! My hair," Willie cried as tears filled his eyes and he tried to keep his feet. "Shut up you fucking cry baby or I'll give you some shit to cry about" Crank shouted as he released Willie's hair to slap the boy across his tear streaked freckled cheek. The force of the blow sent Willie reeling. He fell against a vacant table and sprawled across its top. He lay on its dirty surface in a huddled mass trembling like a wounded rabbit before a beast of prey. He lifted his disheveled head and fearfully looked back at Crank. From his seat across the room, Tad could see blood trickling from the corner of Willie's mouth and the red bloom of Crank's hand print upon his pale cheek. "Leave him alone," Tad protested as he felt rough hands hold him down before he could start to rise. "You better forget about your fucking boyfriend, he's Crank's now." Wolf leered at Tad as he spoke, "You just worry about who your fucking boyfriend's going to be." Crank took Willie's wrist and drew him from the table to his feet. Willie leaned back against the table edge to support himself while he put one hand to his red cheek and tried to stifle his sobs. "Take off your shirt off, cry baby," Crank demanded. "Show your Daddy what you've got." Willie leaned further back against the table to draw himself as far away from Crank as he could. He snuffled as he tentatively put a hand to the button-down collar of his cotton shirt. For a few moments, he fumbled with the button without opening it, then he dropped his hand to his side and hung his head. "You fucking son of a bitch, I told you to take your shirt off," Crank barked. "Do it or I'll do it for you. Take it of, fucker. Do it! Now!" Willie flinched at the sharpness of Crank's barked command but otherwise he did not move. Faster than a mongoose strikes a cobra, Crank leapt forward and with both hands tore open the front of Willie's white cotton shirt. The fat biker's powerful hands quickly tore the shirt apart and stripped the tattered rags from Willie's body. The boy did not have time to react before Crank struck again with both hands to tear the stunned teenager's fresh white tee shirt from his arms and chest. Willie was too timid to put up a fight, but with instinctive modesty he crossed his arms over his nearly hairless, neatly freckled chest. Willie was a varsity swimmer and had a swimmer's body with lean hard muscles stretched tightly over a slight frame. Except for his head which was covered by a short crop of flaming red hair which had been disheveled by Crank's rough hand, he kept his body hairless by shaving everyday to increase his speed in the water so he said. Like most natural red heads, his skin was fair and freckled and he turned a bright pink all over when he blushed. He was in no danger of blushing as he stood with his arms covering his bare chest and the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "Let's see them pretty titties, boy," Crank said as he reached for the Willie's wrists. "Don't! Please, don't touch me!" Willie screamed and started to cry. "Shut the fuck up, cry baby, I don't want to hear no caterwauling," Crank snapped as he backhanded Willie across the mouth. Willie's head snapped to one side as his body twisted and collapsed in a slow spiral to the dirty barroom floor. "Stop him, please, Wolf," Tad begged the big biker to save his friend. "Shut up, cocksucker, just watch the fucking show," was Wolf's only reply. Tad looked all around him and saw that all eyes in the biker gang were focused on the lurid scene before them. Willie lay upon the floor stripped naked to the waist. His boyish face was bruised on both cheeks and he was bleeding from a cut in each corner of his mouth. Over him stood a brawny biker with his fat belly hanging over the top of his worn jeans. His greasy hair was dark and shaggy, his scarred face was unshaven and his eyes burned brightly with lust. As he looked at Willie's exposed chest and the boy's tiny pink nipples, he licked the saliva from his cruel lips. "On your knees, cocksucker," Crank commanded as he pulled Willie up and forced the boy onto his knees. Crank stood before the boy with his sturdy legs spread and his wide hips thrust forward. With one hand Crank unzipped his grease stained jeans and pulled out his short fat prick from his open fly. His other hand he placed behind Willie's head. "Open up, cocksucker," Crank said as his pulled his dick and pointed it at Willie's trembling lips, "wrap your lips around this and get it hard." Willie's eyes grew wide and his face screwed up in disgust. He had never been so close to another man's dick. With quick furtive glances, he had surveyed from a distance the other boys in his gym class showering which was just to check their size against his own. He had never been so close that he could see the veins and blemishes on the dick shaft or smell the stench of an unwashed crotch or feel the heat roiling from an open fly. Willie licked his lips not in anticipation of the unsavory meal offered to him but in the hopes that he would stop himself from puking on the spot. "I said to wrap your lips around my meat, cocksucker," Crank snarled as he shook Willie by the hair on his head. "Do it now!"
    1 point
  18. This is a story I wrote a while ago, and was posted on the old bugshare site. It's based on a collection of my personal experiences, its about 60% fact, 40% fiction. I'll be posting it in installments, to make it easier to read. I hope you guys like! It was one of those long days, my classes were boring as hell, I just couldn't wait to get home, get online and find a hook up. It was one of those excruciatingly hot and humid August afternoons, if you've ever been to Florida that time of year, you know what I mean. I kept looking at the clock, the last hour of school just dragged on and on. I started thinking about the guys in my class, wondering what their cocks were like, wishing I could get the chance to service each of them after gym, baseball or basketball. Imagining their hot sweaty cock and balls, the intoxicating scent of their young sweaty masculinity, just as I was day dreaming and starting to feel my cock start to stiffen, the bell rang. I grabbed my books and ran for the door, I didn't want anyone to see my harden through my loose fitting mesh shorts. I got home a couple of minutes later, sweating from the bike ride, I didn't waste any time getting up to my room and get on my computer to find some cock. I was SO fuckin horny, I kept sniffing my pits, they smelled so fuckin good, I had just a little bit of blonde wispy hair under my arms, but the funk was full on. I got online started cruising for guys in my area, I like guys that are older than me, and definitely kinky, I don't do vanilla at all. After a couple of hours I was about to call it a night and sign off, then I got a message from a guy about 20 minutes from me. He was 32, muscled, completely hard bod, smooth chest and 8.5 inches of thick uncut pierced cock meat. He was a man of few words, he asked me my age, and then wanted to know what I was into. I gave my standard reply "I'm into everything, I'll try anything twice" he asked "Are you sure about that? If you agree to meet me, I'll hold you too it." I got so fucking boned when he said this, I told him that I liked it really kinky, and I love being hot and sweaty and not taking a shower. He asked me if I would be able to spend the weekend at his place, I didn't see why not, tomorrow was Friday, I didn't have anything due at school so I agreed. He' arranged to pick me up from school the next day and told me not to shower between now and then. The next day dragged even longer than the day before, all I could think about was the hot dude with his hot cock pounding me, wishing it was 3PM already. My classmates noticed my funk, the jocks in my class were sat behind me, they started thrown erasers and paper balls at me. One of them threw a paper plane at my head, with a note written on it. "Hey fag what the fuck is that stench? You smell like my balls after a game, bet you fuckin like the thought of my balls, I bet you wanna blow me now fuckin queer." of course I got rock hard reading that, thinking about the hottest jock in school and me goin down on his sweaty balls after a game. Fuck, is it 3PM yet!? 2:58…2:59..3:00… FINALLY!!! I ran out that door so fuckin fast, I bolted down the street, around the corner 2 blocks away where we'd arranged to meet. I got there, and there was no car. I was panting so hard from running, I had to sit on the curb. The sun was beating down on me, it had to be 90+ degrees. I sat there waiting, had I been stood up? I figured I'd wait 15 minutes then leave. I was soaked through from sweating, and decided to leave, just as I got up and started to walk away a black mustang sped around the corner screeching to a halt next to me. I stood there and looked, the windows were blacked out making it impossible to see inside. I started to walk down the side walk, and the car followed me, and stopped when I stopped. I got the hint. I moved towards the door and opened it and got in. The leather seats were ice cold, and the AC was on full blast, it felt so good. I turned, and looked at the driver, the guy was exactly what he described and looked like in his pic. I looked down, and there it was in all his glory, his thick uncut cock hanging out of his cam shorts. He didn't look at me, he just pulled away and said "suck it".... I didn't need telling twice, I went down on him like my life depended on it. I slurped at his cock, and played with his PA it tasted so good, I rolled back his foreskin which revealed a decent amount of dick cheesy, FUCK YEAH! I wasted no time in going down on him and cleaning it with my tongue. His cock was getting harder and harder, making it more difficult to deep throat, I had tears in my eyes, but refused to give up. I could smell the scent of his balls and ass, I was in fuckin heaven! I gave him head for the whole drive, we stopped moving and he slapped me on the head "get the fuck off my cock you fuckin queer" I kept sucking for a little while longer, thinking he'd like it… he slapped me on the head and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me off his cock. "When I tell you to do something you fucker, you fucking do it, got it?" With that he grabbed my jaw forcing my mouth open, hacked and spat a huge lugie into my mouth. He put his hand over my mouth and clamped my mouth shut "Don't swallow fag, let it sit there in your mouth… good boy savor it… roll it around on your tongue… good boy now swallow" I did as I was told, it was so fuckin gross, how fucked up do you have to be to spit snot into another dudes mouth and make him swallow it? Then I'd noticed we were parked on his driveway, he looked dead ahead, not even glancing at me, and said "We're going to pull into the driveway, I'm going to get out and go into the house, you will stay here. You will drink this bottle of water" he pointed to a bottle that I hadn't noticed yet in the cup holder. "You will have 5 minutes to do this, after exactly five minutes, you will get out, strip naked and leave your clothes here in the car. The car keys will be on the rack next to the door, you will lock the car and take the keys with you. Once inside there will be a blind fold on the door handle to the right. Put the blind fold on and stand with your hands behind your back. Got it fag?" I wasn't expecting such detailed instructions, but figured what the hell "Yeah I got it" he hit me on the side of the head again. "Thats Yes Sir, fucker! You better learn quick, or you are in for a whole lot of hurt this weekend boy". He got out of the car, and went inside, closing the door behind him. I began to think to myself that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Then I remembered the water, and if I didn't drink it, he'd hit me again. I'd already lost 3 minutes. I grabbed the bottle and chugged it. It tasted weird, kind of like almonds I guess, a really funky after taste. I drained the bottle, at least thankful for the refreshment, I'd been dehydrated from being out in the sun. I followed the instructions he'd given me, and was just reaching for the blindfold, when I heard him yell "YOU'VE GOT 10 FUCKING SECONDS FAG" I panicked, and put the blindfold on, and was just putting my hands behind my back when he slapped me on the back of the head. "That was for taking 3 minutes to start drinking the water, and dude you fuckin stink! Do you even know how to fuckin shower?" He raised up my arm, grabbed my head and forced me to smell my pits. They were pretty rank, probably the sweatiest they have been in a long time. The scent was intoxicating though, I began to feel light headed. He let go of my arm, and began to caress my naked body. He ran his finger down my spine, into my crack, caressing my warm, wet sweaty hole. He put the finger under my nose and told me to sniff. Fuck was it hot! It was a mix of sweat, and my natural boyfunk that had built up over the last two days. It got me rock hard. I was beginning to feel really light headed, as if I was drunk. Then it came to me, and I said "Sir, what was in that water?" He just hit me again, and laughed. Fuck, I knew it he's gonna fucking drug me and kill me. I was about to reach up and take off the blindfold when he grabbed my arms, and cuffed them behind my back "Nice try fucker, but you aren't going anywhere. Remember when I asked if you were sure you'd try anything twice? Yeah, I know you're thinking you're in deep, and trust me fag, you are in deeper than you will ever fucking realize" Then his tone changed, he spoke softly and whispered into my ear "All you have to do is relax, and trust me. I'm not going to do anything you won't be begging for" then he laughed again. As he said that, the room began to spin, I was unsteady on my legs. He was much taller than me, I'm only 5ft 6, he had to be at least 6'2 - he must have seen me begin to sway, I felt his firm hands on my shoulders holding me from behind. He gripped me tightly, I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, it gave me goose bumps. He felt so close to me, and yet somehow so far away. I felt that I wanted him to hold me tightly, embrace me, I wanted him to touch me, to feel me, to make me shiver from the inside out. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to show him what I was willing to do for just a second of affection. Then, he spoke "Boy, I can feel your heart pounding inside your chest, are you nervous? are you scared?" I replied, "No Sir" the grip he had on my right shoulder tightened, his left hand moved down my smooth chest, wiping away the perspiration that betrayed me he stopped over my heart - and embraced me so tightly, I almost lost my breath. "Well fag, you should be nervous, you should be scared, but I'm going to show you the time of your life, and trust me, this won't be something you will ever forget" My heart rate went through the roof, I was nervous as hell. "On your knees boy, and open your mouth" I did as I was told, my mind was racing, my heart pounding, I felt like I'd just downed 5 double shots of Jager. "Open your mouth wider boy!… wider… until it fucking hurts OPEN IT WIDER!" he hit me again. "Don't close your mouth boy" and with that, I felt the sudden clink of metal hitting my lower teeth, I felt the heat radiating from him. He slowly rubbed the head of his cock over my tongue, teasing me, making me want to close my mouth. His cock started to slide further back, filling all the available space in my watering mouth, it was beginning to swell and get harder. Pushing further back still, I tried to resist the urge to close my mouth but couldn't. I closed my mouth. The slap on the side of the face stung, it burned more than anything I'd ever felt. Fuck that hurt! "I told you not to fuckin close your mouth! DON'T YOU FUCKING LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" He grabbed my jaw and squeezed my mouth open and rammed his cock all the way into my mouth down to the base. His pubes went up my nostrils, the scent of the sweat that lingered on his crotch got me so rock hard, I forgot the stinging. I couldn't breathe, his prick was engorged to its full length and girth and wedged into my waiting throat. His hand on my jaw, and the other on the back of my skull holding me in place. I was beginning to panic, I started to gag and yet he held me firm. My eyes were watering, I began to try to pull away and then… reprieve. He let me pull back but just an inch, before slamming his cock back into my throat and I choked. He started pulling his cock just to the back of my mouth and then slamming it in, and started skull fucking me. He didn't give a fuck about me. He'd look down at me, just grinning, as if the more pain I endured, the more turned on he was. He spat in my face, his warm saliva and snot dribbling down my forehead onto my already tear soaked cheek. I couldn't move, he just kept slamming his pole into my face with reckless abandon, I was crying, I had snot pouring out of my nose, I had spit hanging from my chin. It went on for what felt like an hour, but was probably less, I had no reference as to how long it was, other than it felt like an eternity. Without warning, he pulled out, and pulled me to my feet, pushing me face first against the wall. He pushed his body against mine, his arm raised above my face so his pit was level with my nose. The stench was gloriously offensive, he rubbed his arm pit into my face, making me lick it "clean". He was marking me with his scent, like an animal, I moaned. I felt pressure against my ass, his cock still dripping with my own spit was rubbing against my hole mixing with the sweat that had built up in my crack. I began to moan louder, my breathing turning to a pant, I was intoxicated by the ripe stench of his sweat and musk. His cock began pushing harder… fuck was I ready for this? Can I handle it? Fuuuuuuuuucccck I had no choice he gave one last push with his hips and he broke into my hole. He continued with the push, forcing his way into my hole, his cock just kept going and going invading my tight hairless boyhood. "Yeah fucker, you're good and tight, yeah thats it tense up, it just makes me wanna fuck you harder. Your fuckin spit is the best fuckin lube boy. My PA is rubbin against your insides boy, its gonna get you all worked up on the inside, my precum is leaking out into your sweaty hole" Then it hit me. He's fucking me without a rubber! I freaked, "You're fucking me raw? What the fuck dude! Take that fucking thing out of me!" I tensed up my hole trying to push his pole out, I tried to break away from his grasp. But his hard body had me flat against the wall, he was bigger than me and stronger than me in every way. "Come on faggy, I know you like this, and you trying to get away from me, that just makes it hotter, I'm just gonna fuck you harder now" With that, he pulled his cock out all the way, I saw my chance, I tightened up my hole as best I could and tried to move my ass out of line from his cock. "Haha you sneaky fucker, nice try" he bit the back of my neck, fuck did that hurt as he sank his teeth into me he rammed all 8.5 inches of uncut pierced meat into my hole all the way to the base. I screamed so fucking loud, I saw stars, and he picked up the pace pounding my hole harder and faster - slamming his cock into me over and over again. The pace picked up, I was begging him to stop "I'll do anything, please just don't cum in me!" he stopped, and whipped his cock out of me hard and fast, it burned my hole so fucking much! He whipped me around and kneed me in the gut making me fall to the floor. "Open wide fucker!" and he slammed his cock into my throat. As it was sliding in, I saw that it had blood and shit on it. I wanted to puke, this was fucking disgusting! He didn't give me a chance to fight, he was always a step ahead of me. Holding my face he maintained a fucking rhythm, he was thrusting harder and harder into my face, he began to shudder and groan… oh fuck this is it… with one last thrust he slammed his cock all the way into my throat, spasming he began to shoot rope after rope of hot thick salty cum into my gut. I began to choke and gag, he pulled back, I choked and snorted again, the cum went up my nose, I coughed and sneezed it out. He kept his cock in my mouth clean it fag, you made this mess, not me" I was shivering and shuddering from what had just happened, mindlessly, I sucked and cleaned his pole as best I could. His cum dripping from my nose to my chin, and on to the floor. I felt abused, broken and stupid. He stood towering over me, watching me, laughing. I moved to stand up, I needed to get out of there, I'd had enough. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, pushing me back to the floor. "Where the fuck are you goin? Did I could say you could stand up? Well pig? Tell me did I fuckin say you could stand up? NO! So sit the fuck down!" I just starred at him, I wanted to hate him, I wanted to scream, but all I could do was look at the sweat beading on his ripped chest, those perfect abs, and the smell and taste of his cum in my mouth. "Stupid faggot, don't you remember? You said you'd try anything twice, and you are also here for the weekend. We're only just getting started" Weak, and out of breath, I sat defeated on the floor against the wall. My hole was burning, sweat was dripping into my eyes… I didn't have any energy left. My head was still spinning from whatever he'd put into that water I'd drank earlier. He didn't give me a chance to rest, he grabbed me by the arm, and pulled me up. He dragged me down the hallway into another room, and pushed me through the doorway. "Don't even think about moving punk, or I'll kick your ass into next fuckin week." I didn't even have the energy to reply to him. I heard him close the door, and walk down the hallway. I must have passed out, I don't know if it was a minute or an hour, I was brought-to by him kicking me in the back "What the fuck are you doing fag? I didn't tell you, you could pass out. Drink this, now. He handed me ice cold water bottle, I didn't think twice, I was so thirsty and dehydrated I needed it badly. "You'll be full of energy in a minute boy, but I'm impressed you're still conscious, that makes me think I'm not working you hard enough" With that, I finished the bottle of water, I felt a little better, the room was no longer spinning. I presumed it was night time, as sole window in the room was dark. I began to realize what was around me, there was a sling hanging from the ceiling… boxes stacked floor to ceiling on one wall, each with pictures on it, I couldn't make out what they were. There was a rim seat, a dog crate, on the back of the door were several dog collars and leashes hanging up. To my left there was a leather padded bench, the floor was concrete, with a drain in the middle, and there was a sink in the other corner. I thought "what kind of sick fuck is this guy?" I was about to find out. "Get up and lay on the bench boy" I struggled to get up, but did as instructed, fear was now returning. He began to strap me to the bench, first he stretched out my arms and strapped my wrists and upper arms down to the bench, then he strapped my ankles and thighs. "Now boy, you're gonna have to trust me implicitly, you are about to experience what it means to be a true submissive whore. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, you lay perfectly still and don't move a muscle no matter what. The hard way, you resist, and you will be in more pain than you can ever imagine." I just laid there, unable to move, staring straight up at the ceiling, regretting every second. "By your silence, I presume you're going to take the easy way. He started moving around the room, taking things out of drawers, laying them on the floor. He then tightened the restraints around my left arm. It almost went numb, I felt a cold wipe go across my skin, and then a prick. Then I realized… oh fucking hell… in my mind I was screaming, it took all the energy I could muster not to move. Then, it happened. He grabbed my head, and said "look me in the eye pig, and don't blink" he released the the restraint on my arm. "THREE TWO ONE" BANG! I was terrified, there was a bitter taste in my throat, a fraction of a second later I lost my breath. I was gasping for air, choking. My ears seemed to explode with a deafening ringing. I couldn't stop coughing and choking, my mind was reeling. "Fuck yeah pig! Yeah! Thats my boy!!! You're mine now!" My heart was about to explode out of my chest, then the rush began to wash over me. All I could say was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…" He was grinning, "theres no turning back pig"… he released the restraints, I immediately sat up and the rush just kept coming, it was fucking endless. "Now pig, there won't be much need for restraints, I know you are the kind of punk that will follow any order now" With that, he pulled out another needle, stuck it in his arm, and pushed the plunger. He didn't cough like I did, but I could tell he was just as high. He pulled out the needle, and held his arm out to me "Lick it pig" I went and licked the blood spot from his arm, it tasted so gross but I loved it. He wrapped a cock ring around his dick and balls, and got rock hard immediately. "Fuck yeah pig! You're gonna get it all tonight" He pushed me back to the bench, grabbed my legs, threw them over his shoulder and pushed his pierced pole into my hole all the way in, no lube. FUCK IT FELT SO GOOD. He started slamming my hole, hard and fast, I began to moan, getting louder and louder. "Fuck yeah piggy, you like that? Yeah you're gonna be my fuckin slut all weekend" I could only reply with "Yes Sir, thank you Sir!" he was splitting my hole open, and I didn't fucking care, I just wanted my hole filled, and to please him to show my gratitude for showing me this twisted fucking world. He pulled his raw cock out of my hole and flipped me around to suck him clean, as I was sucking him clean he leaned over my back teasing my hole with his fingers "damn piggy, that hole is still tight, I think we need to stretch it a bit more" I didn't say anything, I just swallowed his cock to the base, and tried to relax my hole even more, a sign for him to keep probing at it with his fingers. He pulled his pole out of my mouth and balanced his balls on my lips, "you ever been fisted punk?" "No Sir, please Sir, I want to be the best pig I can be for you Sir. I will do anything for you Sir." He pulled back, "be careful what you wish for pig, you know I can make it happen". "Please Sir, I'll do anything, even something you haven't done but want to do, I will be that pig. I will do it Sir". He didn't need any more encouragement, I was back on the bench, he handed me a fresh bottle of poppers and told me to breathe deep twice in each nostril. While I did that, he brought out a squirt bottle, and squirted lube on to his hands. I went to put the poppers down, he told me to keep them in my hand, because I'll need them. With that, the high I was experiencing went to the next level, the poppers hit, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I felt him apply pressure to my hole, he started sliding a couple of fingers into my hole. They just slid right in, no resistance. He just kept sliding them in and out, over and over again. He added a third, twisting it around my hole, making me squirm and writhe begging for more. He kept adding more lube, and I kept inhaling the poppers. Then he got to all four digits, and started to push the thumb in… fuck, I was in heaven! He just kept working my hole over, pulling in, out twisting it, changing hands. Then he told me to take two deep hits of the poppers and to push. I did as I was told, and the pressure against my hole was immense. He told me to keep breathing deep breaths, and with that the rush hit me, and his whole fist slid right up into my shitter. I immediately began to piss myself, it trickled all over my chest, all over his arm… it was so fucking hot! "Damn pig, you gotta be careful, you're starting to impress me, I might have to raised the bar on you". All I could do was lay there in ecstasy, he gradually started pulling his fist in and out of my hole, never quite getting to the point where it would fall out, always holding it right at that threshold. He was driving me crazy, I wanted to do anything for this dude. He must have been working my hole over for what felt like 10 minutes, but he pointed out, it had been almost 2 hours. Ok punk, we need to pace ourselves, this shit will get you going for a good 12 hours, but to make the most of it you gotta rest every once in a while. He began to pull his fist out of my now gaping hole, 3-2-1 push, I pushed. It plopped out, and so did half the lube he'd put up there, and I'm sure some shit as well. My hole was gaping, it was gasping for air, just like me. I kept letting out wet farts as the air was escaping. Fuck it felt so good, and yet so empty. I reached down, and began teasing it, showing it off to him. He hocked back and spat a wad of snot onto my hole. I eagerly pushed it in. "Thank you Sir" My hole was so fucking sloppy, but I felt it beginning to tighten. I still didn't have full control over my ass muscles yet. "Sir, do you have anything I can put into my hole to keep it loose for you?" He didn't say anything, he got up, rinsed his hands off in the sink, and opened one of the drawers on the wall. He pulled out two huge butt plugs, one slightly larger than the other, and measured them against his fist. He took the one that was slightly smaller and set it on the bench. "Have at it pig… but just before you do, get on the floor face down, ass in the air… get that ass as high up as you can" I did as commanded, he stood up, lined up his still hard cock to my hole, and prized it open just a little with his fingers. I felt him spread my hole and push the head in about half way. The next thing I know, I felt a warm sensation in my now well used cunt. "Fuck yeah pig, you like me pissing in your hole?" Fuck I didn't even think about that! Damn! it was so fucking hot, he even let out a fart as he was doing it. He pissed for what seemed like forever, and he stopped just as it began to trickle out of my hole and down my thigh. He grabbed the plug and pushed it straight in, no warning. Just an hard shove that almost made me fall flat on the floor. I was even more full now, than when I had his fist in me. "Stay like that pig, don't move" He left the room, while I was just kneeling on the floor, my face against the concrete. Then I heard his voice from down the hallway, it sounded like he was on the phone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but I didn't care either. I was more interested in feeling that hot steaming piss in my hole, and the plug that was forced into it. He came back, and ordered me to stand, as I did, I felt another rush of the drugs kick in, he noticed me wobble a slightly "That will be the tina in my piss, you just got a secondary high pig" Fuck it felt good, all I could manage was "Thank you" he handed me more water which I drank in record time. As I was drinking, he walked around me, eyeing me up. He leaned in from behind me and whispered in my ear "Have you enjoyed pleasing me so far punk?" I was in the middle of downing the water and just nodded. "Good boy, so are you sure you will do anything for me?" I nodded again. He grabbed my flaccid cock, and balls and tugged tightly, making me wince. "You have a nice tool pig, theres nothing that turns me on more than a total bottom slut with a huge cock and low balls that he doesn't use. You know, I bet that cock of yours would look even better pierced. What do you think punk?" He didn't give me a chance to reply, he shoved his rank sweaty arm pit into my face and held it there "Yeah, I think you'd like that punk, me marking you with my scent, and marking you with a ring through that pretty little cock" I can't deny I'd always fantasized about getting a PA, but never had the guts to do it. My head was swimming again, fuck this turned me on! "Good thing for you punk, I've got a couple of buds on their way over here now, and one of them is the best piercer in town. I'm sure he'd do one for you, in exchange for some servicing, I'll even give you another slam to help you decide, what do you think?" I didn't need to say anything, my cock betrayed me, it went to full on hard in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, I thought you'd like that pig". Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1272730477&file=/2063/513973.html>
    1 point
  19. The jizz in my ass had been feeling lonely all through dinner and I was gagging for more loads. The bars were busier tonight, everyone hanging around outside again chatting and cruising away the hot evening. At the end of the street, in front of Queenz bar, was a gaggle young lads, fairly cute but with that annoying overly-preened plucked eyebrows look going on, they were handing out flyers, selling drugs and selling themselves. Coke is the drug of choice over here it seems. We get given flyers for Union that includes a free shot, it's a dance club and the music is good but there are only 4 other people in there besides us. We have our free shot (Vodka mixed some Lemoncello type liqueur) and go to DSB Dark Bar opposite. This is more like it. A long thin place, cute barmen with their tops off, porn and seating down one end near the entrance to the toilets and darkroom. We get a drink, the largest gin & tonics you've ever seen, and I go off to explore the darkroom. There's an open seating space in the middle with a big screen playing porn, the rest is little cupboards for 1-2-1s but there don't seem to be glory holes. Down the very end is a sling and just outside are 2 guys making out. I get my cock out and a guy who must have followed me from the bar gets up close and starts feeling my ass. I pull my pants down and can feel his hard cock pushing on my ass cheeks. Condom? He asks. I lube my ass with spit and guide his cock to my hole. Spunk in me I reply, and he pushes his cock all the way in. I sniff my fingers and can smell Nate's load from earlier, mixed with sweat and ass juice. This gets me going more than the hit of poppers which I've just been handed by one of the 2 guys opposite who have stopped making out now and are watching me take this guys raw cock. The one who handed me the poppers is trying to get the other lad to get his ass out so he can fuck him. Lad number 2 isn't keen. The guy inside me doesn't take long before the tell tale grunts start and his thrusting gets faster. I look behind and say yeah to reassure him he can dump inside. Yeah he replies and his cock starts to spasm in my ass. He pushes hard and my face is pinned up against the wall, his babies flooding my cumhole. He pulls straight out and won't let me suck his cock clean. Just zips up, pats me on the shoulder and goes back out to the bar. This is obviously not what the one guy opposite is into and he walks off leaving the other guy, the one whose been trying to fuck him, with a hard dick and no one to play with. He comes straight over and rams his dick up my spunk dripping hole without a word. Arrhh yeah. It's bigger than the previous cock and I can feel the cum inside me making my hole sloppy, stretching to accommodate his width. He begins with long, sensual strokes which make my hole feel so good. He takes a hit of poppers and offers me the bottle so I have big sniff and feel like I'm in heaven. Fuck yeah breed me man I cry out and hand him his bottle back. He's inside me, pleasuring his dick with my asshole, churning up the seed inside, for around 10 mins before, without warning, he groans and dumps his wad of jizz deep in my ass. He stays inside making sure I get every last drop and I have to stop wanking my cock as I'm really close to cumming. I pull off his cock and he shudders a bit and sighs. Cheers mate I say and go down on him, sucking off the spunk and ass slime coating his still hard cock. He smiles, zips up and walks back to the bar. I wander around the rest of the darkroom but it's empty now so I go back to the others and my G&T. We all go outside for a smoke and Nate says he came to see what I was up to but I seemed to be busy. Yeah, getting 2 loads I explain. Yes I saw he replied. We go back in but the place seems to be thinning out. Everyone is doing the typical Spanish trick of having one drink in each bar then moving on. I'll just have another quick nose in the back before we go I say to everyone. It's still empty in there so I guess it's time to follow everyone else and move on. Just then Nate taps me on the shoulder and indicates toward the sling room. Erm ok then. I strip off and so does Nate, we put our clothes in a heap on a stool next to the sling. My cum dripping hole is now exposed and at just the right height for Nate to pound me. He goes at my ass for about 15 mins and his big cock is all very nice and all but he's got a condom on and it's just not doing it for me. Different guys pop their head through the open doorway to see what's going on and one comes in and brings his cock up to my face so I can suck him while I get fucked. Do you want to spunk up my ass I say. He doesn't say anything but Nate pulls his cock out and indicates to this guy that he can have a go if he wants. The guy doesn't move so I say I think I need a break (more about this guy in the write of the next day). We have a last drink in XXL and everyone else is ready to go back to the apartment. I'm gonna see what's happening down the beach I say, I'll see you in bed I say to my bf. Be careful he says. I get a small beer and chat to some English guys outside for a bit then make my way up to the darkroom. I do a bit of sucking but no one is up for dumping load number 4 in me so I head down to the beach. My head is spinning a bit by now so I sit on the same bench as the previous night and wait for trade, watching the waves and listening to the sea while slowly stroking my cock. A guy comes down the steps to the beach and notices me, he stands there watching for a while then walks off to the opposite side of the beach wall to another bench. I follow him with my cock still out and my trousers and pants near my knees, my ass exposed and ready for action. He gets his cock out so I can suck him, he's circumcised and his cock is all bronze from nude sunbathing. I get him hard in my mouth and ask him if he wants my ass. How many loads you got already he asks in foreign accent I can't place. 3 I say. You want more? As many as I can get I say as I lean over, resting my arms on the wall and pushing my ass out toward his cock. I'm gonna breed your cunt boy he grunts as he wanks his fat cock and pushes the head onto to asshole. Push some seed out to lube my cock he commands. I do as I'm told and coat his dick with seed which comes gushing out of me in a big loud fart. Fucking filthy cumwhore he says and rams his cum coated jizz stick up in me with one hard thrust that takes my breath away for a minute. He starts pounding away at my ass and another guy comes down and sits on the bench next us. I feel for his cock and try to suck him but he says he just likes to watch. I'm getting long, hard strokes from my top now and he's clearly getting close. You want it don't you slut he gasps, loud enough for everyone to hear. Yeah knock me up I plead with him. He thrusts really hard, nearly knocking me off balance, and cries out, I'm fucking cumin in your cunt boy, take that fucking load. Arhh breed me man I whimper. He pulls out and demands I suck him clean. Mmmmm I don't need telling twice. His cock tastes great, covered in his own load mixed with all the other seed from my ass. I fucking love that taste. I carry on sucking, pulling his dick for any last drops of cum, sticking my tongue into his piss slit. I'll be here tomorrow night if you're ready to dump again I say. He smiles, says maybe, zips up and walks back up the stairs. I stick my finger up my ass and can feel all the guys sperm swimming around inside. I sniff my finger, fuck yeah, it smells so strong and ripe, I lick my finger and taste all the gooey mess and stick it back up to get more. Ass spunk has to be the best smell in the world. You like getting fucked, the guy whose been watching asks. I love it, you sure you don't want to use my ass I reply. No, I don't fuck men he says but tomorrow will be busier, I'd like to watch you take more. I'll be hear after midnight I say. I'll show you where you can get the most cock he helpfully assures me. Nice one I say. Laterz mate, I walk along the beach back to the apartment checking down on the sand all the way in case there's any more action I can join in with. Unfortunately it's all very quiet.
    1 point
  20. A guy responded to my craigslist ad a month or two ago. Straight guy...well, mostly straight. He liked fucking thick beefy ass, but has only had one other experience doing it. Loved it. He loves dating women and loves pussy, but somehow, thick beefy ass drives him nuts. Being new to this and nervous, we met at a bar near my home and drank a pitcher of beer together. We talked and laughed, and he could see I was a regular guy, just like him. He was not a regular guy. No, not at all. He was handsome. Big thick hair, handsome jawline, perfectly white teeth. He was not muscular, but had muscles. More like average/athletic with little fat. We had exchanged photos, but his did not do him justice. As soon as he walked into the bar that first time, I realized he had no problem getting women to fuck. No problem. That first night we hooked up was fun. We had great sex. He said that he wanted to try kissing, something he had not done prior. Asked me if it was okay. I didn't mind. We kissed and he said it was okay, but kissing a woman was still better. The sex was fun and he nutted inside me--in a condom. I wanted his raw load. I figured it might take a few sessions, but I thought that eventually, I might persuade him. A full month passed before I heard from him again (he preferred I not contact him and I agreed). We exchanged texts about getting together and I thought I'd start planting the seed in his head. Well...the seed to plant his seed. These are the actual text messges we exchanged a few hours before we were to get together: Him: I'm very very horny right now. Might have to pound your ass multiple times tonight. That sounds good though. Me: Multiple times sounds hot...You might be tempted to slip off the condom and dump your first load inside me so you can use it as lube for the second time... Him: Ha ha. I'll try really hard not to. I'd like to do that. Fill your ass up all the way to the brim. I'm already about to explode just thinking about it. Me: Hmmmmmm. It's hot thinking about it, isn't it? All your warm creamy sperm swimming deep inside into that pink hole.... (after a few minutes of him not responding...) Me: Freely ejaculating with the goal of shooting it as deep as possible... Him: Alright, you seriously have to stop. Me: LOL...I like teasing you. Straight guys are proud of their cum. They wanna breed. Gosh, what's going to happen if I don't stop teasing you?.... He did not reply to that one until close to our meeting time. He got distracted by a hockey game with friends. We met in the bar again and drank. I refereced our hot text exchange and he groaned. I apologized if I was making him nervous or uncomfortable with this topic. Not uncomfortable, he said. He wanted it...but... I explained I was on Truvada, the HIV prevention drug and told him the stats. He had heard of Truvada, but didn't realize how effective it had become. I could see him mentally debating in his brain. I told him one of my fantasies was to be with a top who secretly took off the condom while we were fucking and only told me once he was close to cumming. His eyes bugged out and said, "That sounds dangerous." I said, "Yeah, maybe ten years ago. But with the Truvada...well, I'd find it hot. I'm just saying...it's a fantasy." I worried I pushed too hard. I tried to explain that it was more about giving the top power over my butt...giving him the decision-making power over how I got fucked. THAT he understood and liked. That he could appreciate. The first time we fucked, he held my head into the mattress as he pounded me. I made sure we had plenty of beer before we careened back to my place. He was eager to start fucking right away nad bent me over the couch. "Right here," he said. He pulled out a condom from his pocket and I heard him unwrap it. I was disappointed but at the same time, I kinda figure that one of these days...one of our sessions, he would come around. I have also discovered I kinda like trying to convince a guy to bareback...to go raw. It's a turn on to me. He entered me and it was good. HIs dick is about 6 inches. Maybe 6.5 It's not huge. Average thickness. But he's a hot guy and he fucks well, as if he figured out how to make the most of his cock. He fucked me for about five minutes and I groaned my appreciation. He kept saying how much he loved my ass. Then he pulled out and said, "I'm taking off the condom." Just like that, he was back inside me again, this time raw. He moaned as soon as he slid in. He felt the difference right away. I knew I was gonna get his load and within about four minutes, he growled, "I'm gonna breed you." And he did, collapsing on my back. When he pulled out, I suggested we go upstairs to my bedroom and I would massage his body until he was ready to nut again. He liked that idea. I gave him a great massage and told him how amazing it felt to have his semen inside me. He liked it. He liked hearing how much it turned me on to carry his sperm. I described how he came, how turned on I was by his words, "I'm taking off the condom." In less than ten minutes, he said, "I wanna fuck you again." When he slid into me, I said, "Does it feel wet?" "Yeah," he said in a heavy breath. "Yeah, it's wet." He nutted in me twenty minutes later. I sucked a third load out of him and we slept for a while in my bed, naturally falling asleep. He woke up and put his cock inside me. I asked him if he liked feeling how creamy it was and he said that was his favorite part, feeling his own cum on his dick and knowing it was going to stay in me all night. Making out with a man must not have been so bad after all, because we kissed for a long time with his cock in me before he pulled out, dressed, and went home. On his way out the door, he said, "That was intense. I've never been inside a guy bareback." Next time, I don't think we'll even start with the condom.
    1 point
  21. Do you like edging? I watch in some amateur porn videos which I find much hotter than professional (maybe the guys are more into it than the pornstars).I like to see them desperate to cum. Have you ever tried this? I want so badly to be tied and edged until my cum flows...
    1 point
  22. It makes you think about nothing but sex unless you're distracted! It isn't easy. Constant reminder bulging in your pants. But it's worth it to pledge ownership.
    1 point
  23. That's me at a month!! I don't really have the time to go into my past few experiences right now but just to answer your question: no, he doesn't clean me out. Other than his dick fingers and my mums (I think) butt plug he doesn't do anything back there. I wash myself out every night before going to bed in case he comes in. I've gotten it down to know how much water to use and so forth and I totally stay away from spicy foods and such. Lots of fibre! It's all so he gets the most out of my (his) boy pussy!
    1 point
  24. love both doing it to my bottom and having it done to me. makes it all the more intense when you finally blow.
    1 point
  25. I still feel your BF is bossing you around. He is 9 years older than you.27 vs 18 is a big difference (less when you get older). I do not know you personally, and not your exact circumstances. But based on what I read I would still advise you to get out and start a different life somewhere else, if you can. Are you tied to the place you live or could you move easily?. You're too young to be tied up with someone who is not compatible with what you want sexually. As for prEP. This is what came up on google, but maybe someone else from Canada can get you better, more recent information. http://www.catie.ca/fact-sheets/prevention/pre-exposure-prophylaxis-prep
    1 point
  26. Thanks tallbtm. "The Ranch" was supposed to be raunchy (which is why I booked there) but I never noticed anything like that. Guests were very nice but not the sexual beasts they were supposed to be (= fucking other guests). Crews Quarters looks like just another B&B. Well, doesn't look like I will go anywhere near Ptown in the near future anyway. Didn't get much sex there but I like the atmosphere of the town, certainly when the day visitors were gone. And I still like re-reading the novels of Nathan Aldyne even those are from the 80s. Brings back memories :-) The thought of bears taking over the pool of the Boat Slip and the dick dock almost makes me want to book a flight though!
    1 point
  27. I recently hosted a 2 day sex party in my apartment. A total of about 9 guys participated. Mostly top dominicans, blacks and middle eastern guys with a couple of other bottoms. I collected 4 hot loads, toxic and non-toxic up my ass. One guy insisted on using a condom so after he came I took the condom off his cock, turned it inside out and pushed his cum up my ass, hot. Another guy insisted in coming in my friends mouth, he then passed the cum to my mouth, there was a TON of CUM, I then spit it into my hand and shoved it up my ass. Very hot. We cammed the whole show.
    1 point
  28. On Sunday, I decided I needed a real piggy breeding day. I had been chatting with a top friend of mine (who incidentally - stumbled on my posts here - which is pretty awesome) and I know he loves to fuck a nicely bred hole. I wanted to deliver a real cummy mess for him - so I had a couple of top buddies come over and breed me beforehand. Top 1 was an older daddy type with a nice cock that precums a LOT. He got straight to it rubbing his wet dickhead against my hole getting it nice and lubed for entry. He slipped in after I took a deep hit of poppers and fucked very briefly before he whispered in my ear that he was cumming. He shot deep inside of me and we laid together for a while. After about 10 minutes he said "ready for load number 2?" - which was music to my ears. He jumped back on top of me and this time gave me a much longer ride. He shot load number 2 deep inside of my hole and as he laid on top of me letting his cock go soft, he said "keep my babies safe" - which drove me crazy. After he left - top number 2 came by about 15 minutes later. A regular fuckbuddy, he has a really big cock that gets rock hard. He came in and started eating my ass - going crazy at the taste of cum leaking from me. He drove his cock into me with a single thrust and pounded away for a while. He can fuck like a jackhammer and he was really enjoying the slippery feeling of my cummy hole. I could feel the first two loads dripping down my balls as he pounded me and soon, he was moaning that he was shooting up my guts. I could feel his cock spasm inside of me - which I love. After that first fuck, we chilled for a little while as I know he's always ready for round 2 in about 30 minutes. Almost to the dot, 30 minutes later he was inside of me again - pounding me and filling me up with load 2. Or should I say, load 4 in total. By this time, my hole felt really full - and it was a challenge to keep that all inside of me - but I wanted my hole to be filled for my buddy. After top 2 leaves - its time for my friend to come over. I text him to let him know that I have 4 loads in me and he says he'll be right over. Let me preface this all by saying, he is one of the top 3 tops that has ever fucked me - and I'm not just saying that because I know he reads these entries. He is tall, sexy, has an amazing tongue for kissing and rimming, and his cock is beautiful - great shape and thickness. And man, he knows how to fuck - he pounds really deep and can pull almost all the way out and slam back in without missing a beat. Love that. He gets to my place and starts to eat my ass out - I know he can taste the loads. I start to suck him off and he gets hard right away. He goes back and pushes that amazing tongue deep in my hole moaning while he's eating that cum out of me. He pushes in and lets out a long huge moan as he can feel just how cummy my hole really is. We fuck for a while, slowing down at points so that he can snap a few pics and go back for more of taste of the jizz running out of me. We fuck for a while and then I tell him to breed me deep. That was the motivation he needed and he starts shooting deep inside of me. I know he's cumming a lot as I can feel his cock throb inside of me. After he finishes, I sit on top of him and push a bit of the cum out into my hand. I jerk off and shoot a massive load on him using his cum as lube. All in all - got 5 loads up my ass that day - and was a very happy piggy. Hope he reads this and comes over again soon - I love that cock and the loads he shoots.
    1 point
  29. a great trip back in the time machine... and hoT as fuck (you and o'hara)
    1 point
  30. As many of you know, I tried to be a 'good safe sex boy' for years. I always had 'Safe Only' in my profile and after I realized how much I liked getting fucked bareback I even typed it in caps in my a4a profile - SAFE ONLY. As if the all caps was going to change how I acted when I had a cock resting on my ass. LOL I went out of town for a family wedding and was staying at a hotel by the airport where my cousins had their 'after reception party'. I got drunk and went to my room before things got totally insane. Besides, I was horny. I got upstairs and since I had marked myself as a visitor in the town/city, I had a few messages, but as it was about 2:00 AM, only one guy who had messaged me was still online. He was mid-30s, 100% top, and, as he had unlocked his pics, I could tell he had a hot cock. Oh, yeah, his profile also said 'Safe Only'. At this point I was 23 years old, so mid-30s was pushing my age range, still I messaged him and unlocked my pics to show off my ass and cock. He got back to me right away: Him: Sexy pics. 2am, huh? You horny and looking to get fucked? Me: Fuck yes and kinda drunk so I'll be extra slutty. LOL Him: I like slutty boys. What are you into? Me: Making out, oral, getting rimmed, getting fucked, and dirty talk. U? Him: Sounds hot. Like all that, except I'm a top. Where are you staying? Him: You ever been nailed bareback? Me. XXX Hotel. Me: Yes. Him: Are you open to getting fucked bare tonight? Me: I prefer you wrap it. (He had read the message and not responded for a few minutes. I was nervous.) Me: I'm open to it if you want. I'm not a condom nazi or anything. Him: So you'll let me fuck you bareback? Me: Sure. I'm neg and ddf, u? Him: Leaving now. I'll be right over. 10 minutes. (Small fucking town/city apparently because he was there fast.) I opened the door for him wearing just my briefs. He was wearing basketball shorts and a tee shirt and flip flops. He kissed me and grabbed my ass. I sucked his tongue and grabbed for his cock. He was going commando. HOT! I took out his cock and stroked it. "Suck it," he ordered. I dropped to my knees and started licking and sucking his cock. "You like that cock boy?" he asked. I mumbled 'Uuh huh' as I sucked him. He replied with the simple order "Get it wet for your ass." I sucked him harder and tried to use all my skills to get his cock off because I was worried about letting him fuck me bareback. He said, "You're a great cocksucker. Keep going slut." "You're a hot slutty bitch showing off your body to a stranger wearing just those briefs. I bet you like showing off how slutty you are. Don't you?" I stopped sucking his cock and said, "Yes I like showing off." "Stand-up and turn around," he ordered. No sooner had I done so then he pushed me on the bed, he stripped off his clothing, and lay on top of me, his cock nuzzling my briefs and we were making out front to back. I liked how his cock felt against my brief clad ass and I kept pushing and grinding back against his cock. His hands were all over me, cock, ass, chest, hair; but he never made a move to take off my briefs. I reached back for his cock and it felt so nice. I needed to feel him on my skin, so, I pushed my briefs down so they were resting just below my ass cheeks. He said, "That's right slut. Show me what you want." I stroked his cock and put it on my ass crack. He rubbed his cock on my ass and poked at my hole a bit, but I was too tight for him to slide right in. He pulled me up and stood me at the end of the bed and was rubbing his cock on my ass. I went over and slowly removed the briefs from my legs, which, of course, allowed my cock to pop out. He said, "That's right slut. Show me your ass. You want to get fucked?" "Yes," I replied. "Where's the lube?" I replied "The stuff is over there," gesturing to a night table where I had placed some condoms and lube. Glancing at the night table, he asked "You're going to let me ride you bareback tonight, aren't you slut?" "Yes, but please don't cum in my ass." He squirted some lube on his fingers, lubed his cock, and also worked his slippery fingers into my ass. Then he removed his fingers from my ass, bent me over the bed and started to push his bare cock inside me. I grunted and needed to adjust since I hadn't warmed up my ass much. He slid in slowly but after a bit he had got it all inside my ass and his pubes were resting on my ass. He moved his cock a bit back and forth and the pain subsided. I grunted in pleasure as his cock head grazed my prostate. He started fucking me to open me up more, so longer strokes, but not deep-dicking. We did that for a while and the dirty talk started again. As I moaned like a bitch in heat, he asked "You like my fat cock in you?" "Fuck, yes." "My bare cock feels so good in your safe sex ass," he responded, clearly teasing me. Between moans I replied "Fuck, your bare cock feels great." "Not so worried about those condoms are you? You just want my bare cock pumping your slutty hole." "Yes. That's what I want." We were completely into the fuck. He positioned me on my back and started fucking me with my legs around his waist, as he kissed me again and again, his hairy belly pressing on my abs. He said, "You are a hot slut." I responded with a moan and by kissing him even more deeply. After a bit, he murmured he was getting close, to which I suggested "Let's finish off doggie-style." We re-positioned ourselves so I was on all fours at end of the bed, and he stood behind me and slid back inside my fucked hole in one stroke. Involuntarily I grunted "Fuck, that feels good. Do it again." He long dick jabbed me a few more times and that got me really fucking horny. My cock was rock hard from feeling him hit my spot. He got a good rhythm going on my ass and he reached around to jerk me off. The dirty talk started again when I said "Fuck my slutty ass with your hot bare cock." "You want it slut? Want this dick?" "Fuck yeah, I want your bare cock. It feels amazing." "Glad you said you wanted it bareback tonight? Bare cock feels better right?" "Yes. I wanted your bare cock as soon as you asked if I get fucked bareback." "Why?" "Feels so much better." "What else feels good?" His tempo was picking-up, so I knew he was close. So was I. "Cum!" "What cum?" "Yours." "Tell me what you want slut. Tell ...this....stranger...uh...uh...what you....want." "Your cum. I want your cum shot inside me, Breed me." I'm not exaggerating when I say that very second he exploded in my ass, and I came on the bed. He collapsed on my back and then rolled over on his side. After he caught his breath he stood-up, and dressed, but before he walked-out the door, he said "Thanks for taking my load, slut." He left and I fell asleep. In the morning I occurred to me he had never answered the question about his status. Too late now.
    1 point
  31. I was travelling for work and was in a fairly small city. I was horny and had a few hours to kill before I had to go to dinner with a client. I got on a4a and was looking around for a top willing to come to my hotel and fuck me. I started chatting with this guy who was a few miles away. His profile said he was 5'9", 165 lbs, blue eyes, brown hair, a 7"cut cock and an average body. Convo: Me: Nice cock. Him: Thanks. You're hot. Me: Thanks. Unlock? u a top/btm? (I unlocked my naked pics) Him: Unlocked. Top. U? Me: Usually bottom. Neg and ddf here, u? Him: Same here. When are you looking? Me: Now. At xxx hotel and can't travel. Him: I'll come fuck you. Me: Text me xxx-xxx-xxxx. We switch to texting. Text: Him: On my way. Should be there soon. Me: Getting in the shower. u fuck bb or safe? Him: Safe. U? Me: Done both. Him: I only fuck safe with guys I meet online. That cool? Me: Sure. I have condoms in my bag. Him: Cool. He arrived in about 10 minutes. I'd just gotten out of the shower and was in my towel and I let him in. He was stockier than his pics and profile said and I was put off at first. I was nervous and so was he. So we chatted for awhile. Since it seemed like we were just going to chat, I decided to move things along. I got up and walked over to my bag and got out some boxer briefs and dropped my towel. I bent over to put on my underwear when he came up behind me and rubbed my ass. I grabbed for his cock and rubbed it through his jeans. It was hard. I dropped to my knees and opened his pants and started to suck his cock. His cock was fat just like his picture. I sat him on the bed and sucked his cock. He said I gave good head. He pulled me onto the bed and sucked my cock. I was on my back and he was a great cocksucker. I was really turned on and he spread my legs and started rubbing my hole. He asked where the lube and condoms were and I pointed to my bag. He grabbed them and opened the lube and put some on my hole. He started fingering me and had 2 fingers in me really quickly. He sucked my cock and I was getting so turned on. He asked if I wanted to get fucked. I said yes. he told me how hot I was and had me bend over the bed. He fingered me some more and rubbed his cock on my ass. He said, "You are so hot. I want to fuck your ass so bad." I said, "Do it. Fuck me." He grabbed the condom and i opened the lube to put some on my cock and handed him the lube. He fingered some more lube into me. He was rock hard as he had 3 fingers in my ass. I was moaning. He said, "Do you really let guys bareback your hot ass?" I said, "Sometimes. If they want to." At this point I noticed that he still hadn't put on the condom. I said, "Are you going to fuck me?" He said, "Yes, I'm going to fuck your hungry ass." He rubbed his cock in my crack and leaned over me and said, "I'm going to fuck you good." I said, "Do you want to bareback me?" He said, "I just met you. Are you sure?" I said, "You can if you want. Either way is fine as long as your cock is in me soon." He kept rubbing the head of his bare cock on my hole and along my crack. He said, "How do you want it? What do you like better?" I said, "Bareback." He dropped the unopened condom on the bed next to me and pushed his bare cock into my ass. I winced in pain and he stopped for and let me adjust. Then he started sawing in and out of my ass slowly. His bare cock was inside me and I was moaning. He kept saying how hot I was and how good my ass felt. He bottomed out inside me and then started fucking me hard. I was pushed down on the bed and we were both moaning and grunting. I realized that I was fully naked taking his bare cock and he was still wearing all his clothes and just had his pants open and his boxers down. I told him how good his cock felt. He said, "I'm not going to last long fucking you bareback." I didn't say anything. He kept fucking and like a minute later he said, "Are you close?" I said yes and he said, "I'm going to cum." I realized he was probably going to pull out. I said, "Don't stop. Keep fucking me." He said, "If I don't pull out then I'm going to cum in your ass." I said, "Don't stop. Keep fucking me." He said, "But I'll cum in you." I said, "Do it. Cum in my ass." He grunted really loudly and jammed his cock inside me and shot his cum in my ass. I jerked off quickly to the feeling of his cock and load inside me and I came on the bed. He pulled out and said, "That was hot." I turned over and said, "Yeah it was. I'm glad you decided to bareback me. It made it hotter." He said, "Me too." He pulled his boxers and jeans up and left. I showered and went to meet the client and my boss for dinner full of safe sex boy's cum.
    1 point
  32. Get vaccinated. For both A and B. End of worry. Any county health clinic can do it….
    1 point
  33. Two loads last night from a hot, poz black guy.
    1 point
  34. After a day at nudist beach staring at cock, in particular one large cock that kept getting hard each time I bent over in front of it and flashed the guy and his bf my ass tattoo, I was horny for a dark room again. Some friends had arrived on a flight from London and got to the beach just after lunchtime. We were staying in the same apartment complex so there were 4 of us on our balcony for post-beach drinks and for helping each other apply after-sun in those hard to reach crevices. One of the guys, Dan, is a good friend and occasional fuckbuddy, the other, Nate, neither I nor the bf had ever met before. Nate turned out to have a lovely big thick cock, which I discovered on the beach when I rubbed sun-block on his back and my hands wandered a little, first to his asshole then round the front. He didn’t complain and his cock swelled in my hand. It was all I could do to stop myself sucking him then and there on the sand in front of everyone – unfortunately the beach is mixed and there aren’t any hideaway spots for fun. So the 4 of us are back at the apartment, sitting on the balcony, drinking Sangria and chatting. Talk gets round to what we got up to last night so I tell them what the dark room at XXL and beach are like for cock. I’m sure it’ll be busier tonight I assure them. I get up to get the after-sun and my towel falls off, ooops, I quickly pick it up inadvertently sticking my ass in Nate’s face. He notices my ass tattoo straight away and pulls my cheeks apart for a closer look, sticking his finger up my hole in the process. That doesn’t touch the sides I say, come and stick something bigger up it in the bedroom. Nate follows me into the bedroom and we both strip off. He’s tall, dark hair, with a slim, hairless torso that’s well defined for someone who I find out later has never been to a gym and thinks they’re a waste of time. I get to work sucking his semi-hard cock, a nice mouthful with large bellend. It’s a shame he’d showered already as I bet it would have smelt well ripe after an early flight and a day getting sweaty on the beach. He reaches back and starts playing with my hole, licking his fingers and coating my hole in spit. He turns me around so my ass is sticking up in the air and starts rimming me, getting his tongue deep inside, slurping, sucking and chomping on my sticking out ass lips. You got condoms and lube he says. Arh, I don’t have either. I still need to find a sex shop to get lube and poppers, you’ll be fine with spit and you don’t need a condom I say, I’m clean and I want your spunk inside me. Turns out he has one long term fuckbud he barebacks and uses rubbers with everyone else. He’s obviously well horny and ready to cum so starts wanking, his bulbous cockhead hitting my asshole with each stroke. I reach back with both hands, stick first 2 then 3 fingers from each hand in either side of my hole and pull it apart for him. I can feel it gape wide open and I urge him not to waste a drop but get all his seed inside my cum hole. I can feel his jizz hit the sides of my hole as he jerks big wads of bollock juice into my wide open stretched cunt. He scoops up some dribble from around my hole and pushes it inside. He groans as I turn round and suck the remaining spunk off his still hard dripping thick cock. It tastes fucking fantastic. Welcome to Sitges I say, as I push a finger in my hole and feel his babies swimming around deep inside. I pull it out and lick my finger, savouring every sperm. My bf comes in for the aftersun and says you’re not getting cummed in already are you? Yeah, I reply, come and suck it out. Try as I might I never managed to persuade him to play with the loads I take, he’s just not that into jizz, oh well. We finish off our drinks, Dan and Nate go back to their room and we all have naps and meet up later for dinner, cleaned out, showered and ready for cock.
    1 point
  35. Well.... You're right of course. But for me there is a difference between doing it and watching it. When doing it I want every drop to go down my throat (blowjob). But when watching it, be it in porn, amateur video or real life, I love to see how much cum the top is shooting. And therefore I don't mind seeing him blowing his load into the face of the sucker (facial) before being sucked clean. It is a matter of semantics indeed. Love the first when doing, the second when watching. I love to see the bottom's face splattered in cum when of course I would have swallowed every drop. But then again, on video you wouldn't see a thing, just the top cumming and the bottom swallowing. I guess that doesn't make it exciting for the viewer. And both are called blowjobs although, as you said, one should be called blowjob and the other facial.
    1 point
  36. I have played castration scenes before, with a top tying me and exposing my testicles, banding them and then (pretending ) cutting them. So fucking hot for me!. There is a great youtube video of a real male castration, again I get hard and have to wank every time I watch it. would seem better to have a male castrated before puberty for most enjoyment I think.
    1 point
  37. "Next time, I don't think we'll even start with the condom." I can almost guarantee it. Now that he's felt a hot wet hole around his cock bare, it will be hard for him to go back.
    1 point
  38. Hooked up with this sexy black guy from A4A. He fucked me three times this evening and I've still got his loads in my ass.
    1 point
  39. I was dick #3 in you and load #3. I fucking LOVED pimping your hot ass out! Drive me fucking INSANE with excitement seeing you anonymously used like that. You've just needed a gentle but slightly perverted daddy to lead you there. ;-)
    1 point
  40. As a bottom, I said no. Why? Because my hole is for as much cum as possible. Not just one top.
    1 point
  41. Ive always thought that condoms were totally unnatural, uncomfortable. Like others have said, once you go raw, theres really no turning back! And why would you want to?
    1 point
  42. Once you go raw, you never go back to condoms. It's just unnatural.
    1 point
  43. Went to Midtowne in Dallas on Saturday for most the late afternoon and early evening. First time in ages I've been there and had a great time. Took five loads including two poz for sure. Loved feeling so full of cock and cum. Didn't fuck anyone since I was saving it for a bareback party I was going to later in the evening. Bred two guys at that party, a hot vers guy who also bred me, and fucked a extremely sexy young black twink. Gave him his first load of the night, but who knows how many he took after that. Every guy wanted a turn with his ass. Also ended up getting three more loads for a total of 8, most I've had in one day in eons.
    1 point
  44. hs sk8r here - luv to hear more about this
    1 point
  45. From my first time I have always been able to feel a top cumming inside me. The way he is fucking is an easy way to tell when he's getting close, and then feeling his cock swelling inside me. I love the pulses and getting so wet inside. My top pushing in deep so his seed is as far inside me as he can get it. The true feeling of being bred where instinct takes over and the need of the top to pass his DNA along and keep his bloodline going is beyond his control. My job as a bottom is to be the fertile breeding ground for his potent seed.
    1 point
  46. Tom Growing up, it was just me and Mom for most of my young life. When I was about 11 my Mom's brother, my Uncle Charlie moved in with us. He was openly gay and he woke something in me that I had not realized: that I too was gay! I was infatuated with Uncle Charlie, but he was very well behaved around his closeted young nephew. Since we lived in a small Midwestern town, I was afraid I was the only young guy who was gay, and, of course, I was perpetually horny. Then a new family moved in next to us. They had a son, Justin, who was slightly older than I, and readily we became friends. Justin and his family had moved from San Francisco to the Midwest because Justin's dad's employer had requested the move. Justin and I started spending a lot of time with each other and over time, we began to explore sex with each other, but it was not just sex that kept us as friends. Justin was the one that started me in wrestling. It was thanks to him that I became the wrestler I am today. We spent many hours together working on our wrestling moves: pins, holds, grapples, everything. Of course it helped that all our private wrestling sessions were naked, and ended with us fooling around. Mainly our arrangement was that the looser sucked-off the winner, but over time we went on to further games, for instance, Justin was the first guy to ever fuck me. We had many hot times, but like most things, it came to an end, as Justin went off to college. I was happy for him, but it left me alone and frustrated again. With my only sexual release gone, I turned to the internet. Online I not only discovered that while I had enjoyed Justin, I really liked the look and attitude of older guys. I also discovered that what Justin and I had been doing was called barebacking, raw, breeding. I started reading everything I could on it; this was when I discovered about bug chasing and gifting. The thoughts of becoming poz grew stronger and stronger in my mind. I wanted to find a poz daddy, for him to accept me, and for him make me into what I wanted to be: a receptacle for his seed, to be his poz boy and take all he gave me. Eventually I signed up for all the hookup sites and made profiles for myself where I would be going to college. I had a few hits, but most were guys my age. I would chat with them and find out all the places to go, what the area was like, all that stuff, but the guys I wanted to find and with whom I wanted to fuck around, didn't seem to notice my ad. I commented about it to one of my new online buddies, and he told me I needed better pics to attract them. I explained that I was still living at home, and couldn't take them. He offered to help me out once I went away to college. My Online Buddy was named John, and the day after Mom and Uncle Charlie dropped me off at college, I contacted him about taking the pics. He was free that evening, so I got his address and set about figuring out how to get there, and what to wear. Luckily, he was close to the Metro, so I set out a bit before, and got there just on time.
    1 point
  47. Part 3 The whole gang laughed but not at Tad because they were paying no attention to him. They were laughing as Willie flopped about on his stomach while Crank forced a second fat finger into his aching asshole. Crank laid one thick finger atop the other and turned them like a corkscrew into Willie's tight canal. "Where's the fucking grease, Sam," Crank complained loudly as his fingers refused to be pushed further than the second knuckle into the groaning teenager's dry ass hole. Sam scurried off to the kitchen to fetch a can of shortening with a backwards glance at the suffering boy. By the time he returned with a can of commercial shortening, Willie had been rolled on his back by the bikers and his wrists tied to his ankles and his elbows to his knees. By this method, his legs were forced to bend at the knees and spread wide apart as they were drawn up towards his chest. As he lay on his back, his buttocks were lifted from the table and the space between his legs was laid open and fully exposed. The bikers left him on his back with his buttocks hanging over one side of the table and his head hanging over the other side. Some helpful gang member lifted Willie's head so that he could watch Crank grease his big dick. Willie watched with his mouth open and panting in fearful anticipation as Crank scooped a gob of shortening from the can that Sam was holding in his shaking hands. Crank smeared his hard cock from its root to its tip with the thick white goo. He took a second gob on the two fingers he had been using to assault the boy's ass and shoved it into Willie's puckered asshole with a single stroke. Willie screamed and bucked at the double digit invasion of his virgin ass and screamed again as Crank screwed his fingers in and out to smear the grease about inside Willie's newly opened shit chute. Tears clouded Willie's vision, as in a blur Crank take his place between Willie's thighs. As Willie felt the blunt tip of Crank's dick kiss his greased asshole, the boy whimpered in anticipation of the raping thrust. "Take a deep breath, fuck meat," Crank cheerily advised him, "and kiss your fucking cherry ass goodbye." Crank lunged forward and with a single brutal thrust buried the entire length of his dick in Willie's gut. Willie screamed and the gang cheered as Crank began humping his greasy prick into the boy. Tad did not raise his head to look but screwed his eyes closed as if that would block out Willie's screams. "Shut him up," Crank huffed as he put a hand behind each of Willie's knees to brace himself while he humped. The helpful biker dropped Willie's head and being helpful still stopped the boy's screaming by thrusting his cock into the teenager's gaping mouth. As Crank pounded his prick into Willie's overstretched asshole, the helpful biker at the boy's head engaged in oral rape. The two brutes quickly found their rhythm and double humped the boy like two rutting beasts. After a few minutes, which to Willie seemed like hours, Crank grunted and drove his prick all the way into the boy. The biker's massive body froze for an instant in sexual paroxysm, then his loins contracted as he ejaculated his hot semen into Willie's gut. Willie had no time to think about what had been done to him or that he now carried inside his body a part of his rapist, which he would absorb to make it forever a part of him. He could only feel relief as Crank's raping dick left his body and horror as another biker's raping dick took its place. Willie tried to scream as the new penetration renewed his agony but his scream was muffled to extinction by the prick filling his mouth. "Deep throat me, cocksucker," the helpful mouth raping biker husked as forced his bloated cock past Willie's virgin glottis and down into the boy's throat. Willie gagged and wretched as his body tried to expel the hot mass plugging his throat. The boy couldn't breathe as his throat was completely stopped by hot, hard man meat. The helpful biker looked down and smiled as Willie twisted and writhed in a desperate and futile fight for breath. Willie's frightened face turned red and then blue, before the helpful biker withdrew enough prick meat to allow Willie a few gulps of air. Willie was still gasping desperately when the helpful biker slid his prick back down the teenager's ravaged throat. The helpful biker's oral rape had a rhythm, which Willie quickly learned. Three rapid throat raping penetrations were followed by one deep throat which the biker held until Willie thought he would pass out. Willie learned to fill his lungs between the three short strokes so that he would have enough breath to carry him through the deep throat ordeal. Willie did not know that it was his struggle for air and the working of his throat that turned the helpful biker on and kept him going strong. The biker between Willie's legs picked up the helpful biker's rhythm and started fucking in three short thrusts which was followed by a deep penetration during which he ground his coarse pubic hair into Willie's upturned buttocks. The two men worked together as they grunted and sweated to torture the teenager by making him feel every moment of his double rape. They thrust their hips until their heavy, hairy balls slapped against his forehead and his backside. They ground their filthy pubic hear against his tender skin. They corkscrewed, pounded, plowed and pried their pricks into his body and not satisfied with his suffering from these assaults, they tormented him further by using his body as a sexual toy. In a concerted effort to torture the abused prep-school senior by sexually arousing him during his rape, the helpful biker tweaked the boy's pink nipples and caressed his heaving chest while the other rapist stroked the boy's pink prick and tickled his clean shaven scrotum with touches lighter than a feather. Willie to his shame started feeling aroused by the things his rapists were doing to him. As the rapist between his legs pounded his prick inside Willie, he hit a place that made the boy moan and curl his toes in a spasm so intense that the battered teenager longed to feel it again. To this pleasure was added an arousal caused by suffocation which made Willie long to hold his mouth rapist dick in his throat until he passed out. His torment was completed by their tender caresses to his nipples and his cock and balls. The abused teenager could not fight the stimulation coming from all directions at once. His mind was overwhelmed by sexual arousal and his body betrayed him as his prick became fully erect and he started pushing his face into the helpful biker's crotch while humping his hips for the man between his legs. The helpful biker covered Willie's head with his hunching body as he squeezed Willie's tender nipples and pulled them away from his chest. "Take my fuck," He gasped as he drove his prick down Willie's throat. "I'm cumming, cocksuker. Eat my fucking scum." Willie gagged and gulped and gagged as the helpful biker filled his throat with bolt after bolt of scalding fuck juice. Halfway through his ejaculation the brute pulled his pulsing prick from Willie's throat and mouth to shoot the last of his cum across the boy's sweaty face. The helpful biker released Willie's nipples and uncurled himself from the boy's head, then he stepped out of the way for the next biker to have his turn at Willie's gaping mouth. Willie was disappointed, he had been so close to cumming when the helpful biker had pulled his prick from Willie's aching throat. Willie was ashamed of his desire, but he needed another prick lodged in his throat. He opened his mouth eagerly and accepted the next biker's drooling dick into his mouth. Willie wanted to cum, to feel his balls boiling over and pumping hot nut oil out his dick, so that he would have to feel nothing else. The biker between Willie's legs changed his rhythm to match the new mouth raper's pace. He teased Willie's hard cock and jerked the boy against his will. Willie was being driven to sexual madness by the unending double penetration and the unwonted manipulation of his nipples and his cock. He knew that he shouldn't but he wanted his rape to continue so that he could feel the constant sexual stimulation, that tickling pleasure that drew him ever closer to climax and blocked out all the horror and humiliation of his rape. He grunted with each penetration and thrust back to force the rapist deeper into his gut. His nipples turned to hard peaks of sexual stimulation as his testicles congested with lusty blood and his achingly hard cock leaked precum in a steady stream. The biker between Willie's legs abandoned his steady rhythm and started copulating like a rutting dog upon a bitch. As he drove his prick into Willie in a blur of short, sharp strokes while he jerked the boy's hard cock at lightning speed. The biker reached his climax with a shout and humped the boy throughout his orgasm while he twisted Willie's prick as if he would tear it out by the root. With a strangled cry, Willie came in a fountain of hot cum which struck the biker in the chest and dropped back in fat white gobs onto Willie's heaving belly.
    1 point
  48. By a strange circumstance... For the next 15 years, Dave and I fucked and converted many boys. Some wanted it, and some were too dumb to see our status or ask about condom use. Often we double teamed the guys, and made sure that we both gave them a huge load. Our favorite was when we got a guy who wanted to be double penetrated. We loved the feeling of our poz cocks rubbing against each other as we bare fucked a hole, and our loads were often deposited at the same time when we were able to DP. We had a stash of condoms that were prepped for breakage, and our 'silicon' lube was laced with baby oil to ensure breakage. Our goal in life had become to spread our seed and procreate through our disease. We had ads on all the popular hookup sites, and all clearly stated that we were poz, and preferred to fuck bareback. Sometimes it got us the ass we wanted, sometimes the guys were hesitant. Those were the ones that we either stealthed, or used the old 'just the tip' line on till we were shooting our poison deep into them and changing their lives forever. The big shock of my life came when we got a hit from a cute 18 year old freshman named Tom who had just moved to DC for college and was looking for some Daddy types to help him come out into the gay world, and give him the bug. When he unlocked his pics for us, I was stunned. It was like looking into a slightly distorted picture of me at that age. He didn’t have my light blonde hair; rather it was a dark strawberry blonde, but his features eerily looked like my younger self. We chatted, and over the course of a couple days, I discovered that he had grown up with a single mom and had never known his dad. He had come out as gay in high school, but growing up in a small town he had not known of any other gay guys. Tom really wanted to meet us, and Dave was fully up for giving him our bug; there was just something in the back of my mind that had me on edge with Tom, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. We all met at a local diner for lunch, and to chat before deciding on going any further. It was over that lunch that I finally discovered what had me on edge with Tom. We talked about his plans to study sports medicine at school, and that he in high school he had been on the wrestling team where in placed in the Nationals top three every year of high school. In fact his wrestling skills had landed him a nice college scholarship. But it was when He showed us a picture of His mom that it all clicked. I had fucked around with his mom back when I was in the military, and must have knocked her up. Tom was my son. Not only was he my son, but he was gay and was a chaser, just as I had been, although I had never admitted as much until Dave had converted me. I dropped the bomb that I had just discovered on Tom and Dave. I knew Dave well enough to know that as soon as the recently discovered truth was out, his cock was rock hard and leaking his toxic precum with the thought of us gifting my own flesh and blood with our bug. Tom, I didn’t know that well, but the look that came over his face was eerily similar to the look that was on Dave’s face. The two of them quickly finished up their lunch, and were practically dragging me back to our place. Once we were alone in our apartment, Tom pulled me to him and gave me a deep passionate kiss. “I’ve always had this fantasy,” he said “of finding my Dad and him being gay. I never imagined that he’d be this hot or that he has something else that I wanted other than being a mentor to me.” “What do you mean, Tom?” I asked. “You know. I want the bug. To be poz. My cock and hole are twitching right now with the thought of it being given to me by the same cock and cum that made it possible for me to exist.” As much as my brain wanted to rebel against the idea, my cock began to harden in my jeans and the thought of my seed, that had helped create this young man in front of us, being fucked into him and its poison finding its way into his blood and converting him began to interest me. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to give him what he wanted. “I have an even better idea,” I said, “you can call us Daddy and act like we are your Dom Dads. But we will all know the truth and enjoy the hell out of it.” “So,” Tom asked, “does this mean that you will fuck me? Give me your poison seed and convert me to be like you, Dad, poz?” “Yes, son.” “Nice! How about we start on that converting of me now.” With that out of the way, Tom grabbed both my cock and that of Dave, and began to massage them through the denim of our jeans. Both of us let out a moan, and I grabbed Tom’s hand form my crotch and began to direct him to our bedroom. Dave followed behind us, stripping his clothes off as he went leaving a trail of hastily removed clothing. Once in the bedroom, Tom began to strip, but I stopped him. I wanted to be the one to take of each article of clothing and expose the body that I had unwittingly helped create all those years ago. As I pulled off his shirt, a nice firm six-pack, a beautifully sculpted adonis belt and solid pecs were revealed. His lithe body reminded me of mine when I was his age. I still had the six-pack, but now there was a lot more fur there, not just the trail of hair that lead down from his belly button into his jeans. Tom reached over to me after I had his shirt removed and slid my tee shirt over my head. He leaned in close to me and put his head on my furry chest and a purr left his lips as he nuzzled into my pecs. We both kicked off our shoes and then at the same time reached for the button and zip of the other’s jeans. I batted Tom’s hand away and told him to wait his turn. As I undid the button and pulled the zip down, a moan came from the doorway where Dave stood naked and jacking his cock. “Stop with the tease, you two, and get naked so we can get to the fucking. I don’t think I can hold off cumming for much longer. This whole Father/Son thing has got me really close.” “Then stop playing with your cock and wait like a good boy” I said with a smile in my voice.
    1 point
  49. Pozzing Dave. I sent Dave to the bedroom, and told him to get that plug he had used on me out and not to lube up his hole, that I was going to rough fuck it again and get him really bloody to take my poz seed into his system. I locked the doors and walked back to the bedroom. On my way past the bathroom, I stopped and grabbed a new toothbrush from under the sink. Entering into the bedroom, I found Dave on his back, a look of lust and apprehension on his face and, if it was possible, a rock hard cock straining to get even harder between his legs. I placed the toothbrush on the bed next to his leg and slowly took off my clothes. Once I was naked, I told him to get up on all fours. I could see a slight sheen to his hole, probably where my load from the initial anger fuck had seeped ever so slightly out of his ass. I spread his ass cheeks and began to slide the toothbrush into his hole. Dave let out a slight grunt of pain as the stiff bristles pushed past his sphincter. Once it was in his hole, I brushed vigorously, twisting the brush as well, getting every corner of his innards bruised with the brush. After about ten minutes, I pulled the brush out, and to my satisfaction, the white bristles were now a nice shade of dark pink. With his innards prepped, the next step in his conversion was growing between my legs. I lined my stiff cock up to his pucker, and with one thrust pushed in till my balls hit his hole. I didn’t let him adjust to my intrusion, but began thrusting hard and deep into his dry hole. Soon his ass-juices and my precum (and a bit of his blood) were slicking up his hole. Looking down, I noticed my cock was covered with a pink tinged, slightly milky mixture of the ass juices and my last load. I didn’t think it was possible, but my cock got even harder at the sight and I began to really pound Dave’s hole. He cried out as I unrelentingly pounded on his hole, really tearing into him, no doubt adding to the bruising I had done with the toothbrush. Without pulling out, I flipped him onto his back and shoved my cock deep into his hole. Each thrust hit his prostate and made his cock jump. I knew if I kept this up he might cum, hands-free. I finally felt the tingle in my balls, signaling that my second known toxic load was about to erupt from my cock and enter Dave, hopefully converting him forever. I grabbed Dave’s leaking cock, and began to jack it as I kept pounding his hole and hitting his prostate. He moaned and screamed that he was going to cum. I told him to let it out, that I was going to flood his ass with my toxic spunk. He moaned “do it”, and a few thrusts and pumps later I was flooding his ass with my diseased load as his last neg load shot out; the first shot landing on his face and the rest coating his chest and my hand before we both collapsed in exhaustion. Once I recovered my strength, I slowly pulled out, and he squeezed my cock with his ass to keep that spunk in him. I grabbed the plug that was sitting on the bed next to me and as my cock popped out I slid it into his now cum-filled hole. We rested next to each other, and over the course of the night, I pulled that plug out about a dozen times and added another toxic load to his ass each time. His ass was so sore the next morning from all the fucking that I was amazed he could walk. Like a good boy, he kept the plug in him all day and made sure my cum would incubate and enter his body to infect him. We kept on fucking as often as we could, and a few weeks after I got my result, Dave came down with a fever, the shakes and could not keep any food down. Like he had for me when I converted, I took care of him, and got him through his conversion. When he was 'healthy' again, he went and got tested. Sure enough, he was now poz. With that taken care of, we set about to find as many boys as possible to convert and turn into poz bottom sluts. Together, we would create a legacy of our poz strain throughout the area.
    1 point
  50. Tricked and Set-up (Part II) He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach. I turned my head to look back at Rod and again he kissed me, deep and passionately as his tongue began to probe my mouth. I was still a little stunned at what had just happened as I felt Rod flex his still hard dick in my ass a couple times. “Looks like my little bitch liked getting his ass fucked full of my poz cum.” That statement had me thinking. With all the fucking and partying my girl and I did, we never used condoms. I knew the risk and figured I might get pozzed at some point in the future, but admittedly I never thought it would happen as a consequence of my being fucked up the ass with full of poz cum. I answered back, “I guess I did like getting fucked.” “Good, cause were not done yet bro. You ever slammed meth before?” I kind of knew what slamming was but never knew how to do it. I figured I would go with the flow and try another first with Rod. I nodded no in answer his question. “Alright, let’s get naked and head to the bedroom.” Rod pulled his still hard cock from my ass and a good amount of cum dribbled out along with it and down my legs. I stepped out of my jeans and tossed my shirt a side and followed Rod back to his bedroom where he told me to sit down as he prepped a rig for us. I sat down and watched as he fished out a syringe and filled it with some meth. He then filled it with water and I watched as the met dissolved. He then took a belt and placed it around his arm and hit a prominent vein. I watched as he drew back a little bit of blood then shot about a third of the contents into his arm before he drew back some more blood into the syringe. He took off the belt and let out a cough and said a loud ‘FUCK’ as I watched the drug take effect. “Now it’s your turn.” I asked Rod, “Are you going to use the same needle on me that you just used on yourself?” “I only have on point and we have to share. Besides you already have my DNA swimming inside you, what’s a little poz blood.” Rod placed his bet tightly around my arm. He found a prominent vein in my arm. Then he took the bloody syringe and stuck it in the vein he found and pushed the entire contests into my arm. When he let the belt go I felt warmth rush through my body and I coughed very hard three times. “FUCK! That’s fucking amazing bro. I should have tried this before now.” “Feeling great, ain’t you bro?” “I feel fantastic!” I looked over to see Rod’s cock was leaking precum was rigid like steel. I grabbed for my dick and felt a shriveled up little nothing. I was confused why Rod got so damn hard and I was so soft and small. Rod must have known what I was thinking 'cause he said “I knew you were a bottom bitch.” All I could respond with was, “Huh?” “Look at your dick now bro. I knew you were a bottom the second I saw you with your girlfriend. I figured she was fucking you up the ass with a strap on, but to know I took your cherry and was able to bring your true self out.” His words cut through me and made me think. Was I really a bottom that needed to be fucked? Would I be able to fuck my girl the next time we were together or would I want Rod inside me from now on? I knew the way I was feeling I needed his cock inside me right then and there. “Maybe you have because I need to be fucked, I need you inside me.” Rod pushed me to my knees and I knew what he wanted. I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock into my mouth and began to suck. Rod placed his hands on the back of my head and guided me as I learned how to suck my first cock. With Rod’s help it didn’t take me long to learn how to suck cock like a pro (as he put it). I was lapping up his precum and it tasted delicious. But my cock was still soft and small. I don’t know how long I had been sucking on Rod’s cock when he said, “Time to get fucked my bitch.” I stood up and Rod kissed me as he maneuvered me on my back on the bed. He crawled up between my legs as he lifted my legs up to his shoulders. His cock poked at my hole as he leaned in for a kiss and his cock began to slide inside me as his tongue began to enter my mouth. It felt incredible to have his cock back inside me. As he went deeper so did his tongue into my mouth. Our kiss became more intense then any I’ve ever had with any girl especially my own. We stopped kissing as he bottomed out balls deep inside me. He just lay still inside me as he looked into my eyes. Rod then pulled out a little and thrust back in. He did this for a few minutes before he told me to wrap my legs around his waist so that he could start fucking me like any of the girls I’d fucked before. I did as he told me and soon enough Rod was starting to power-fuck me. It felt incredible as I felt his cock slid in and out of my hole and I can only hope I serviced the various women I'd fucked half as competently. Before I knew what was happening my cock began to thicken. I could feel it growing on my stomach. I wanted to touch it but Rod told me to leave it alone. He would prove to me that I was made for being fucked by a real man, meaning, of course, Rod himself. He looked straight into my eyes as I felt his dick begin to expand and spasm a little. He let a small moan escape his lips as he leaned in and whispered to me that he was seeding my hole with another poz load of cum before he licked my ear lobe and tongued my ear. I knew Rod had great stamina and could cum multiple times. But now I was on the receiving end of his power tool. Suddenly Rod began to power fuck my ass. He was plowing me hard, fast and deep. I could feel his massive balls bounce off of my ass as he worked away at my hole. I felt my cock reach its full length and width. But it did not seem like it wanted to stop there. My cock felt like it was getting harder and harder. I thought it was about to burst when I head Rod begin to grunt and groan. I looked into Rod’s eyes as he pounded into my hole. I knew what was cumming (Rod) and I knew I wanted every drop inside me. He let out a louder moan as I felt his dick spasm inside me. As the sweat was starting to collect on his forehead he said, there’s load number three. I continued to feel my cock throb and Rod was not letting up. If anything he was pounding me harder and harder. I felt my cock leaking precum like I had never leaked before. It almost felt like I was pissing. Rod was looking me in the eyes as he began to pant and grunt. The sweat was dripping off his face and onto mine. Ever so often a drop would fall into my open mouth allowing me to taste his masculinity. I felt his cock getting harder and larger. My cock was throbbing uncontrollably as he pounded into me. I felt like my cock was gong t explode. Just as Rod slammed into me harder and harder and grunted with each thrust I felt my cock begin to spasm. As my orgasms started my ass clamped down on Rods hard tool deep inside me and he began to dup his fourth load inside me. His cock was so far inside me it felt like he was past my internal sphincter. We were both panting heavily as Rod began to kiss me with a passion I had never felt before.
    1 point
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