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  1. Last night. Geeky 21 year old Mexican kid hit me up on adam4adam and said he's always wanted to fist someone. Gave him my address. He showed up in about an hour and was cuter than fuck. I checked out his small hands, noticed his nails were clipped short and handed him a nail file. As I explained what was going to happen, a nice bulge was developing in his pants. I led him back to my sling room and we stripped. Damn, skinny little fucker was packing 7.5 thick uncut inches. I new he had been working all day so I dropped to my knees to get a taste. As I slid his cock into my mouth, I rolled back his foreskin to savor the flavor. I was not disappointed - day old ripeness made my cock rock hard and my ass twitch as he started fucking my face. I stopped sucking him, got up and climbed into the sling. He immediately grabbed a handful of Crisco and started working it into my hole. First a finger, then two, three, then he slowly slid his entire hand into my hole to the wrist. The little fucker was rock hard and had a big grin on his face. Over the next half hour we worked depth up to his mid forearm and width including double fisting. Noticing he was still hard rock hard, I told him to stick his dick in. He stepped forward, slid his cock into my gaped greasy hole and started to fuck. Damn, it was good. After a couple of dozen good pumps, I had him pullout, slip his hand back in my hole then slide his dick into the palm of his hand inside my hole. As he jerked his cock inside me, I could tell he was about to blow so I told him to give me his load - the little fucker let out a moan and blew his jizz into my greasy guts. He must have unloaded seven or eight shots before slowly slipping his cock out. As he was catching his breath, I told him to fist that load deep inside me. As his fingertips shoved his jizz deep into my guts, I grabbed my rock hard cock, gave it three strokes and unloaded on my stomach and chest. Don't know if I'll ever see him again, but I do feel I gave him a decent into to fisting.
    4 points
  2. In the summer of 2010 I flew to Spain for a week in the sun. After a couple of days of debauchery in Barcelona, my boyfriend and I took a train to the seaside town of Sitges, which several of my friends had recommended to us. So I found myself on a train filled with many hot, sexy men. I'm 35, 5' 11", with short, buzzed, brown hair, a youthful face some facial hair that I've allowed to grow into a closely trimmed goatee. I have blue eyes and a solid build. I'm not particularly hairy, but my chest and stomach are covered with fur, which I keep it trimmed and neat, not shaved. My cock is cut, above average in size, and seems to be always hard. I would describe myself mostly as a vers bottom. I only bareback with my boyfriend, but will sometimes blow other guys outside of our relationship and even then I insist the guys wear a condom. My boyfriend of three years and I had the talk; the talk that gave each of us approval to play outside the relationship without any guilt. We also talked about how if we fucked or got fucked by anyone, we would always wear a condom. The afternoon we arrived at Sitges, I stopped at a sex shop and picked up some single-use lubes, a couple of condoms, and a bottle of poppers. That evening, around 12:00 AM, my boyfriend and I went to XXL. While it wasn't all that busy, the music was amazing, so we danced for a while and the place gradually filled up. There were muscle bears, bears, otters, twinks, the 'guy next door' type, in short, there were men of all shapes, ages, and sizes. After about an hour on the dance floor, my boyfriend disappeared, seemingly for ages. I figured he must be upstairs in the dark room. I've been to the odd dark room in my time, but mostly it's always been a lot of groping and a few blow jobs that haven't turned into anyone cumming, at least in me. Anyhow, I decided to see if I could find him, so off to the dark room I went. The narrow dark room was pitch black, and, as it turned-out, so packed with men that I found it difficult to navigate. While I could see some shadows, that was about it, so hands proved to be the only way of exploring. Not surprisingly most of the guys were wearing t-shirts, and I took the time to explore some well-developed, hairy chests. I also encountered several cocks, so while most of the guys seemed to be fully clothed, a fair number of the guys were nearly naked. One of the nice experiences was that I could pretty much feel anywhere and no-one pushed my hand away, whether I was exploring some guy's chest, his neck, the small of his back, or slide my hand into the waistband of a guy's pants. Many a guy would even wiggle a little so I could reach further in his underwear and feel his ass and crack. I was feeling a little drunk and guys were grabbing my ass. I walked along and this one particular guy grabbed the back of my belt and pulled me backwards towards himself. I let him pull me to him until I was standing directly in front of him, my ass pushed up against his crotch. His hands started roaming my chest, under my t-shirt, rubbing my nipples and rubbing my entire front and cock through my jeans. I was hard and he could feel it. He began to lick my neck, and almost involuntarily I reached behind my ass, the palms of my hands rubbing the front of his shorts. To my pleasure I found the top button of his shorts was already undone and the zipper was half down. He massaged my shoulders a little and whispered something Spanish in my ear. He was rock hard. I was able to lower the zipper a little lower and I reached into the front of his shorts. This seemed to be a invitation for him to reach down, unfasten my belt and fly and lower my jeans. I leaned forward away from him a little and he slowly pulled my jeans down and then my underwear, only pausing for a moment to grab my hard cock that sprang forward when he yanked down my pants. Other guys were still passing in front of me in this dark room that was more of corridor than a room, but other than the odd grab-and-rub of my cock, all the action was coming from the guy behind me. And let me say, he knew exactly what he was doing. I reached inside his underwear and felt a large, fat, uncut, dripping cock. Fuck, was he horny. I moved my hands so that my palms were facing and rubbing his furry belly. With one hand firmly and slowly jerking my cock, he pulled his shorts and underwear down, and they fell to his feet, so I kept exploring his body. With his free hand he began rubbing the crack of my ass, his firm fingers going right for my hole. They were rough and he was intent on trying to push a finger inside me. My pants were only partially lowered, certainly not quite at my feet, but I still had to lean forward to grab the small tube of silicone lube I had in my pocket. Retrieving it, I handed it to him. He flipped open the bottle and I thought he was going to rub some on his finger to lube my ass, but instead, he pushed me forward a little and he began lubing his cock. Obviously he thought I was giving him the green light to fuck me, but I wasn't. I didn't want him to fuck me without a condom. Not here, and not with a guy I didn't know or couldn't even see, but I was a little drunk and it was all happening pretty quickly and before I realized it, he was pulling me back towards him and his cock was lodged between my cheeks. His cock was really solid and his hands on my waist were strong and pulling me back on his cock, the head of his cock was pushing right for my hole now and I knew he was going to push it in. Raw. I thought for a second he was going to miss my hole but he didn't. I didn't want him to miss so I leaned just a little forward and then I felt him enter me. Slowly and firmly, my ass was stretching as he kept a firm hold on my hips. It felt fucking amazing. My mind was racing. I thought I either pull away now completely, or enjoy our session. I decided on the latter. I reached into my other pocket and fished out my poppers, but found I had to lean forward to reach down enough into my pockets because my jeans were now halfway down my legs. When I made this move, he pushed right in. All the way in. I could feel his pubic hair on my ass. His cock was inside me and he was holding me there, still for a couple of seconds, but not for long. His hands were on my waist and his cock was completely inside my ass. I opened the poppers and took a hit - a deep hit. He took the bottle from me, and I heard him take four deep hits, then he handed the bottle back to me, so I took another hit. Although I was now flying,and everything was a little out of focus, I could still feel the thump of the music and I could feel bodies pushing past us in the dark room. I was sweating and flying. He held onto my waist and pulled me on and off his cock, steadily, not fast, but with the serious intention to fuck me deeply. He straighten me upright with a few gestures, and then he began licking and sucking my neck, whispering in my ear, licking my ear. I tried to turn my neck and head so he cold kiss my lips. He took the hint and we kissed a little. I could feel stubble on his face. He was sweating, breathing heavily, and his tongue pushed into the corner of my mouth. As the position was very difficult on both of us, we stopped kissing and he placed his hands on my hips. I took the hint and began to rock forward and backward, slowly. I wanted him to enjoy my ass, so in my mind I was imagining that I was jerking him off with my ass, clenching and unclenching my ass muscles so he would not be able to stop fucking me before pulling out. He started a regular steady rhythm of fucking. I opened the bottle of poppers and took another hit, and he followed suit, taking several strong hits. The entire time I moved forward and backward on his cock. He was fucking me more deeply and I was completely enjoying the sensation of his cock inside my ass. As his fucking intensified, my mind was flying. All I could think about was what we looked like. What he looked like and what is cock looked liked pounding in and out of my ass. His fucking was taking on an animal like quality. I could hear him grunting. I reached down and grabbed my cock and started to jerk. He was pounding my ass so fiercely I thought I might bounce right off of it but he kept amazing control. I could hear the music of the club and I was loving every minute of the experience: the beat the music and the hot raw cock in my ass. I reached between my legs and I could feel his cock fucking my ass. I felt it with my fingers as it was pounding in and out of my ass. This must have driven him a little crazy because his fucking began to get harder and I could hear him grunting and his body started to spasm a little. He was cumming in me. I could feel him cumming inside me. He slowed down a little and then his cock popped out. Cum immediately ran down my leg. He turned me around and pulled me towards him, kissing me passionately. For the first time our cocks rubbed together. His was gradually going soft, even if it was sticky with his cum, but my cock was hard and pressed up against his. His hands grabbed my ass and he pulled me very tightly towards him. That was enough for me, and I came, shooting between our bodies and stomachs. He knelt down and licked my cum, taking my cock inside his mouth for a couple of seconds, sucking out the last couple of drops of cum from out of my cock. Then he stood up, pulled up his pants and said 'ciao' and disappeared. He was done, I was done, so I pulled up my pants and went off in the opposite direction, wondering if my boyfriend was also getting into some trouble. Anyone have any stories from some fun they've had in Sitges?
    3 points
  3. I crave dirty loads. Poz seed, especially high viral loads, make my hole twitch. The Craigslist ad was posted and the wait began. I had been tearing up my hole with a extra wide dildo so the strains would take as I wondered 'Where the fuck were the men?'. My ad was specific: "No poz cock or load refused." I'm in damn good shape for a 42 year old piece of ass. The pic I posted of my inked chest and cum-dripping ass proved as much. I just needed donors. The first responder was a foul mouthed older guy. He had no pic, which wasn't no problem. I didn't give a fuck what the top looks like, or, for that matter, his cock size. All I wanted was his strain. Well, he dumped his toxic load in less than two minutes, start to finish. He began to apologize, but I stopped him, saying "No worries. I got what I wanted." The second donor was a black kid. I wasn't sure he was actually poz. He may simply have wanted a white cunt to use and in which to blow his nut. Which was fine with me. He was hung and rough so at least he scrapped-up my insides. And, if I was lucky, he also gifted me. I drove across town for the third sperm donor, meeting him at xxx arcade in North Beach. He turned-out to be a business guy wearing a suit. He made me beg for his poz load as he fucked me through a glory hole. Donor number four wanted wanted to meet at the rest room in the public library in the Civic Center. It turned-out he was homeless, and he used the library public internet access to connect with guys. He told me he had a very dirty load for me. We used the handicapped stall, his big uncut cock was stuck to his filthy briefs. I couldn't fuckin' believe I was going to take his rank cock into my mouth. I knelt down to clean his piss slit out with my tongue and, goddam. He was dripping greenish puss. Of course I didn't hesitate. Fuckin' cumdump that I am! Then we moved onto the main event. Now, the first rule for any cumdump is simply: Bend over and spread 'em, which I did as soon as I had cleaned-up his cock, thinking to myself 'With his pus and the three earlier loads, I should be able to take his cock quite easily'. The angle, however, was wrong. The only way this would work was if I lay face down on the sticky tile and let the homeless guy climb on my back. Once in position, my face was jammed between the wall and the toilet, so I found myself licking the piss off the floor while he road me. After a few minutes of bucking, grunting, and finally screaming, he dumped his load deep in my cunt. Our fucking had, of course, attracted a crowd, so I underwent the all-too-familiar 'walk of shame'. Back in my car, I scanned my emails. Nothing. I needed more, so I headed over to the arcades in Folsom where I connected with a very clean-cut ,kid with the look of a Mormon. 'Damn' I thought, as he smiled at me. I was determined to reel him in, especially since I had long since discovered some of the nastiest pigs are the innocent looking ones. This kid didn't disappoint: he was a multi-cummer and, in short order, gave me three loads. As he was fixing his belt and zipping-up, I noticed the gold ring on his finger. 'Sweet', I thought. I checked my phone and one of my regulars had responded to my ad. This guy is in his early 20's, he calls me his AIDS Daddy. The more toxic the loads in my hole the more excited he would get. When I tell him I had been knocked-up by a homeless guy with gono, he spewed in his pants. 'Damn it', I thought, 'I should've told him the story while he was using me'. Anyhow, I swung by his place and, the miracle of youth, he was ready again in scarcely 15 minutes. He slow fucked me, and talked about pimping-out my ass out at Steamworks that night. 'Now, how could I refuse that sweet face?' I thought as he groaned, adding his DNA to the mix.
    3 points
  4. Justin gets fucked by Daddies Ryan greeted us at the door a few moments after we had knocked. He was dressed in just a loose pair of gym shorts, and the heft of his cock was clearly visible through the fabric. I guess that he was excited to finally get his seed into Justin after a month or more of chatting but not getting anywhere. “Come in guys, make yourselves comfortable. Can I get you a drink?” Ryan began after introducing himself. I toed off my sneakers and asked for a glass of water. He looked at Justin, who politely declined anything. Ryan walked over to the kitchen area and pulled out a glass then filled it with a Britta filter from the fridge. I walked over to the counter dividing the dining area from the kitchen and accepted the glass from him, giving him a subtle wink as I brought the glass to my lips and drank deeply. Finished with the water, I put the glass back on the counter. “Well,” Ryan said “I don’t know about you guys but I’m not here to stand around a kitchen. How about we head to the bedroom and get to know each other better.” “Sounds good to me.” I said. Justin nodded as well, and we all followed Ryan into the Living room where we were introduced to David. David stood up and followed us all back to the bedroom. Once there, Ryan began to Kiss Justin as David and I began to kiss and feel each other up. Ryan quickly got Justin out of his shirt and whistled his admiration at the boy’s nice chest and abs. Though he was no athlete, Justin did have a nice body. Justin dropped to his knees knowing that he should get his mouth wrapped around some daddy cock soon if he was going to be taking cock again in his ass. David and I quickly stripped each other, but were more focused on the action taking place between Ryan and Justin. Justin had pulled down Ryan’s shorts and was currently sucking that cock deep into his throat. Watching Dad get sucked off by Justin made me sad that I had not gotten him to suck on my cock earlier, but then I was more focused on getting my toxic cum in his ass than a long session; that could come later. Ryan picked Justin up off the floor, and quickly stripped him of his jeans, smiling when he discovered the boy was commando. Ryan helped Justin up onto the bed, setting him on his back with his ass on the side and dove in to eat his ass. I positioned myself on all fours on the other side of the bed and David quickly got behind me and began to eat my ass out. Ryan let out appreciative grunts as he ate the remnants of my load out of Justin’s opened hole. “Hmm,” He said “Looks like someone already got a load up his cunt. And it’s a tasty one too. Would that be your Buddy Tom’s load I am eating out of your ass?” “Yes Sir, we had time to kill before coming over here and Tom got me lubed up for you with his cum.” Justin responded. “He is a good friend then, guess we will have to thank him properly.” Ryan said then went back to eating out Justin getting him ready for his larger Daddy cock. Justin was right beside me on the bed, so I grabbed his head and we kissed as our asses were prepped to get fucked by the two daddies. This also helped distract Justin from the fact that my Dad was now adding fingers into his ass, and that his fingernails were roughing up his insides to help the virus get into him. Soon, the two older men stopped with the ass eating and lined their thick daddy cocks up with our boipussies and quickly shoved in. Even though I had taken Dave’s cock numerous times, I was not ready for the quick entry today. Justin moaned in pain into my mouth as I moaned my pain into his. Dad and Dave pounded us without mercy, till they both growled and both of us felt the man inside us began to pulse and shoot their toxic seed deep into our waiting asses. When Dave pulled out, I broke the kiss with Justin to reach around and clean his cock off for him, and to blow him till he was hard again for Justin’s sloppy thirds. “How’d that feel Boy?” Ryan asked Justin as he kept his cock inside him to make sure the toxic seed didn’t start to drip out till Dave was ready to push it further in. “Did you like your first load of Poz cum?” “Yes Sir, it felt great to get your cum inside me. Something I have been afraid of for so long, but now thanks to Tom I know I shouldn’t fear it.” “Good Boy, hopefully you will be knocked up with our virus and part of this family when you leave here today. But regardless, I hope you will come back and keep letting us fuck your sweet ass even after we make you part of the family.” “Yes Sir, I like having Daddy Cum in me, and if it gives me a gift, than I will accept it and enjoy it.” “Good Boy, Now Daddy Dave is going to add his Cum with mine in you so that we can both be Daddies to your virus. I’m going to go add my second load into your Buddy Tom.” Dave and Dad switched places, and I moaned in pleasure as Dad’s cock slid into my hole and began to work Dave’s cum further into me. Justin moaned as Dave’s cock slid into him and began to work the previous two toxic loads even further into him. I motioned to Dad to stop for a second, and he withdrew from my ass. I adjusted my position so that I could suck on Justin’s cock and feed him mine as we both got our second Daddy load. As soon as I was in position, Dad slid back into me and began to fuck in earnest. Justin was a great cocksucker, and I gave him as much pleasure on his cock as his ass was getting from Dave. Justin moaned around my cock, and I guessed that must mean he was close. I swiped my tongue around the head of his cock a few times and that was all it took. He groaned and began to shoot his neg seed down my throat. That sent me over the edge, and I began to pump his mouth full of my toxic seed. Dave was the next to shoot his load, adding a third poz load to Justin’s ass. Dad grunted behind me shortly after Dave had shot and added more poz seed to my cunt. We all slowly moved apart, then collapsed together onto the bed. After resting a few minutes, I slid out of the bed and started getting dressed again. Justin joined me in getting dressed. Ryan grabbed his shorts and walked the two of us out, giving both of us a hug as we left. “So,” I asked Justin as we walked down the street “how was taking known poz cock and cum?” “It was amazing, and Ryan and Dave were great. You were too, I loved that we both sucked each other off as we got fucked, would love to do that again.” “Yea, I love having a cock in my mouth and ass at the same time. Though what is really great is two cocks in your ass at the same time. Going to have to try that soon” “I’ll add it to my list of things to do now that I am going to become a cumslut.” “And what about taking those poz loads? Feel better about that?” “Well, I’m not sure that I want to get poz, but if it happens I will deal with it. Like you said, I can go to the free clinic and get treated there so my folks won’t find out.” “Cool! So, what you going to do with the rest of your night? I can see if Rob wants some company and you can hang with us and get some more cum in that ass.” I said with a smile and a hint of more things to try. “Thanks, but I got some things I need to get done for school tonight. Not to mention that my ass is kinda sore from getting fucked three times in about two hours. I’m not used to that much action, though it does feel great to have those loads in there and to want to get more in there.” “Ok, well, if you change your mind, text me and we can meet up. I’m not sure what Rob has planned for tonight, but we can add you in if you want.” With a promise to call or text if his plans changed, we hugged and shared a brief kiss before heading to our respective buses back to campus. Hopefully Dad and I will hear from Justin again and we can add him to the Family of Poz boys. Pozing James After leaving Justin, I went back to the dorm room to find Rob making out on our bed with James, the cute Blonde with us on the wrestling team. When I opened the door, they both looked over at me and grinned. James perky butt pointed right at me. “Bout time you got back.” Rob said “Did you succeed in getting the condom Nazi to take your poz cock and cum?” I looked worriedly at James, but noticed that his hole was glistening with cum so guessed that he already had one load for Rob in him. “Yea, then went over to the Daddies and they both loaded him up too. Time will tell if it takes.” I replied while taking off my clothes. “I see you guys started without me.” “Yep,” James said “Rob already gave me one toxic load, but I want yours in me too. Want as many as you guys can give me. Chris said you two were the best fucks he ever had.” “Wow, Word is getting around I guess.” I said as I climbed onto the bed and between James’ legs. James spread his legs further and lifted his ass up opening his hole a bit as he did so. I dove in to that hole, and could taste Rob’s load leaking out. I lapped up some of Rob’s cum and then moved up to kiss rob and give him a taste of his cum and James’ ass. Rob and I kissed and snowballed his cum with James between us as my cock grew hard in his crack. Once I was hard, I got off James and had him slid his hole onto Rob’s rock hard shaft then bend over and kiss rob as I worked my cock into his stuffed cunt. He groaned as I pushed in and really stretched him out. “Gotta make sure this ass is roughed up so that our Bug can take in you quickly.” I said as I finally bottomed out in his hole. “Give it to me guys; Knock up my ass with your bug!” James said as I began to fuck his ass. Rob and I found a good alternating rhythm and soon were really pounding on James. About ten minutes into fucking him, he groaned that he was going to cum and proceeded to shoot his neg cum all over his and Rob’s stomachs. Rob and I kept thrusting through the spasms of his ass as he shot several large spurts of neg cream. I was the first one to feel my load building, and let the guys know I was about to add my toxic cum into James. He begged for me to plant it deep, so when I couldn’t hold back any more I shove all the way in and began to unload into his full ass. The pulsing of my cock on his set Rob off and he also shoved all the way in and let loose another dirty load. Once I had drained my balls, I slowly pulled out of James and collapsed next to him on the bed. James kissed me and Rob as Rob’s cock slowly deflated and popped out of James’ ass. “Thanks Boys, I hope that does the Job. I can’t wait to poz up and help you guys spread it around the team. Any Ideas on who’s next?” James said. “We are not done with you yet. You are getting many more loads of this poz cum tonight into that ass. And Chris is not confirmed yet, it has only been a week and a half since we first fucked him and no signs of conversion yet.” I said. “Besides, the fun is in the fucking to make you poz, not just the fact that we converted you.” Rob said. James reached down and grabbed both our cocks, slowly jacking them back to full hardness. “Well, let’s get you back up and get these back in me so I can get all that poison jizz in me to convert me.” After we had both fucked a few loads into James, Rob had slid out of bed and grabbed his “magic” toothbrush, the one that he had used on his ass when we converted him. He showed it to James, and james’ legs curled up to his chest allowing rob to slide the brush into his ass and work it around to aid in roughing him up and pushing our toxic cum into the lining of his ass. “Yea, you guys are great! I should be poz and toxic like you in no time!” James said as the brush moved around inside him. “We aim to give you exactly what you want and need here.” I said as I leaned down and kissed him again. By the time the sun rose on Sunday, my cock was sore from all the fucking; Rob’s and my balls were truly drained, and James’ ass was so full of our cum that it had leaked out and soaked the bed under him. We lazed in bed for a while, drifting in and out of sleep. Around noon, the grumbling of our stomachs finally drove us to get out of the bed and get food. After our lunch, we went our separate ways to get ready for classes the next day.
    3 points
  5. I grew up in an upper middle class neighborhood to parents that were well known in our community. I had a privileged life. By the time I was a freshman in high school, I definitely knew I was attracted to guys... Luckily for me, I had a body that many of the guys I liked were attracted to as well. Life was good. I had my pick of any of the girls or guys that I might want. Until... my dad died suddenly. It was devastating. I felt sooooooo alone for the next couple years. My mother eventually remarried. He and I never got along... He wasn't like me dad. He drank, cussed, I was pretty sure he did drugs, and he always seemed to be "between jobs". In front of mom, we he and I always seemed to get along but when she wast around, he used to call me a "worthless pussy." The meaner he got, the less time I spent at home. The less time I spent at home, the more time I'd spent hooking up. By the time I turned 18, I was sucking dick and getting fucked in bookstores, parks, and meeting strangers I found online. Despite the fact that it seemed like i'd fuck most any hot, older guy, anywhere, I had one rule. I never did it at home... I got too comfortable. I got a text from a married fuck-buddy... he wanted me to blow him but he didn't have a place. I wanted his load more than anything and agreed I'd blow him at my place.
    2 points
  6. Saturday morning I started early and invited a black top over for a breeding session. We had been chatting for a while but I always felt there was something "off" about him. I should have listened to my instinct. He came over and looked like a junkie, smelled like shit, and couldn't get hard. Waste of time. I booted him out in a friendly way just in time for one of my favorite fuck buddies who was on his way over. This 10.5 inch black top is instantly rock hard and fills up my hole like no one else. He fucked me doggy then missionary before creaming me deep. Shortly after I invited a young black top over from BBRT. About 8.5/9 inch dick. Told him my hole was loaded and he was into it. He came in, I sucked him hard, then he gave me one of the shortest fucks of my life before loading my hole. Must have lasted all of 3 minutes. I love a quickie usually but this was especially short. Oh well, at least I got a huge load in my cunt.
    2 points
  7. Spent all night whoring my cum craving cunt out to random guys. 22 loads are in my hole right now, gonna push them into a cup and drink it.
    2 points
  8. Part 11 The guy standing next to Eric as they watched Cory breed Bobby with his poz seed told Eric that Cory better enjoy this fuck because it's the last time he'll ever top. Eric noticed the guy earlier and didn't know him and expected he was with one of his friends guests but was surprised to learn he had come with Cory. They were a Daddy/boy couple and Cory had only recently tested poz after having taken his Daddy's poz loads for nearly a year. Daddy or Earl, was the only man to have ever fucked Cory and did so the first night after introducing the kid to Tina. He told Cory that if he was to be his boy that no one else could fuck him nor could he fuck anyone else until he tested poz. Once he tested he would poz another boy then he would never fuck again and would become a cumdump for Earl, his friends and anyone else that wanted him. Earl told Eric that he would get Cory fixed so that he'll stay a submissive bottom. Eric asked if he meant to fix him ike a dog. Earl said no that Cory's balls would stay intact but he was getting him fixed chemically. The same drug used for sexual deviants which would prevent erections or ejaculation. A buddy of Earl's had told him about and had used it on his boy. It sounded severe but Earl told him it was prescribed to children to stop puberty if it started too soon. And since Cory was only 5'6" and 110 pounds it would make him stay a boy. Eric asked if Earl was ready to make Cory a cumdump and slam him up like Bobby. Earl pulled out an eyeglass case and showed Eric that he came prepared to turn Cory into a fucked up fucktoy if Eric was ok with another bottom boy and Eric told him as long as he could use Cory too. Earl called Cory over and strapped the boy's arm as he told him it was time for him to stop pretending he was a top and become the boy he really is. As Earl was giving Cory his treat he told Eric that the most he ever slammed Cory with was .4 but this is .6 and he was fixed too. Earl then told Cory welcome to the rest of your life. Cory coughed hard and heard loud ringing then drifted away into a place where all he felt was pleasure. Eric and Earl watched the boy cough, shake then settle down and saw drool coming from his mouth and his hard cock disappeared and now looked like it would forever. Earl rolled Cory onto his belly and told Eric he was his to enjoy. The boy looked completely out of it which didn't turn Eric on but the boy's ass was calling him and he liked knowing that his cock was only the second one to breed the boy. Eric leaned over the boy as he wanted to have his tongue in the boy's mouth as he pushed his cock into the tight little hole. As Eric touched his face Cory opened his eyes and saw Eric on top of him and softly asked him if he was going to fuck him and Eric smiled and pushed the head of his cock into the boy and then told Cory he wasn't just going to fuck him but he was going to breed him and turn his tight little boyhole into a cunt. Eric lowered his head and got his tongue into the boy's mouth as he bottomed out in his ass. Shaun overhead two very hot older men talking about how they liked to fuck men and not these hairless little twinks. Shaun's hole was getting horny watching Bobby and Cory get fucked and he was ready for his turn and went to his room and put on some leather including his favorite jock and then approached the two daddies. He saw them checking him out as he got closer and knew he made the right impression. They knew Shaun was Eric's boy but had never met. Shaun asked if they could help him. One of them said only if you help us and grabbed his crotch. Shaun told him that if he'd help him carry another sling in then restrain him in it and slam him up they could do whatever they wanted. The men were speechless for a moment so Shaun added that was unless they wanted the little boys instead. Both men grabbed Shaun and told him to show them this sling. As Earl saw Eric take Cory he went to Bobby. Another guy was getting his nut in Bobby and when he pulled out Earl didn't let the boycunt close before he pushed in to his balls. His cock wasn't the thickest but it was the longest yet in Bobby at just over nine inches. He told Bobby to look at Eric and Cory and told him that Cory was going to be a cumdump and that Bobby was the last boy that Cory would ever top. He told him that Cory filled him with a massive toxic load and when we slam you again your getting his blood too. Bobby said he was happy that Cory choose him and hoped they could play with each other later with dildos. Earl asked if Bobby was going to breed a neg boy too and enjoyed hearing that Bobby never would fuck or use his boycock for anything other than pissing or having it hurt. He told Earl he wanted to be the best boy ever for Eric and Shaun and when they told him he was there boy he knew he didn't need to be a man and he liked feeling like a little boy again for his brother and little boys don't cum. Earl asked if Cory looked hot drooling like a baby and Bobby started sucking his thumb and nodded so Earl told him he could slam him hard and also make sure his clit wouldn't get hard nor cum but he'd be able to orgasm again and again. Bobby now sucking his thumb harder nodded to Earl. Earl told Bobby he needed to ask Eric if he could get what Cory got. Bobby called Eric and said, "Daddy, could Daddy Earl give me the same as Cory, please Daddy." Eric didn't know if Bobby understood what he was asking for but decided it didn't matter and also loved hearing Bobby ask like a child. Earl then told Eric that Bobby would only be fixed for three or four months and you can decide then if you want to do it to him again. Earl got the rig ready as Eric pulled out of Cory and got between Bobby's legs. He grabbed bobby's junk and asked him if he was going to grow up and find boys like Cory to breed. Bobby said he wanted to be his brother's and Eric's little boy forever and didn't want to ever grow up. Eric told him that Cory was going to be a boy forever and that Earl was never going to let him cum again and was actually going to make Cory's dick become like a real boys. Eric asked Bobby if he wanted to give up cumming forever too. Bobby told Eric that he wanted to be his boy forever and would do anything. He admitted to dreaming of having it cut off but didn't want to be a girl. Bobby cried that he wanted to be a real boy like before Shaun moved away. Earl asked Eric if he was ready and Eric told Bobby that he was going to be a boy again and told Earl to slam him. Eric put his thumb in bobby's mouth and Bobby started to suck it as Earl slammed him and Eric told Bobby he loved his little boy. Bobby soon stopped sucking and coughed and then his eyes rolled back and his head turned and drool ran out. Eric asked Earl if he wanted to fuck Bobby and Earl told him he should breed Cory at the same time. Shaun saw and heard his brother tell Eric he wanted to be little again and Shaun wished he could fuck Bobby right then but he was about to get slammed and then fucked too. He was happy his little brother came to visit and that he would always be his little brother. The end
    2 points
  9. As you can see from my profile name. I love darkroom sex the best. The anticipation, the probing, fingerings and then the multiple non stop fucking once a cock cum and slips out another then another and so on slip up me. Not having a clue what they look like and hearing grunt when they cum in me. Gets me horny.
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  10. Part 2 As I opened the door, here he was, Hot guy, smiling at me. I was somewhat surprised and didn't know what to do or say, but he wasn't quite so tongue-tied, and opened saying "Hey, I'm Peter, we haven't met." I took his hand and barely manage to introduce myself. He smiled, and commented "I saw you tonight, and got the impression you weren't enjoying yourself." "Well, I was about to go home." "Can I get you a drink? But I've gotta pee first." "Sure. I saw the bathroom in that direction. I'll wait for you in the kitchen." A few minutes later Peter entered the kitchen, and upon connecting with me, said "Finish you drink. I'll get you another," which he did. "Cheers!" With that introduction we began chatting, talking about random things, and generally getting to know each other. At some point, we started to talk about drugs, what we had done. I mentioned I had never done G, but was somewhat interested in trying it. About then Peter poured me yet another drink. I was already getting pretty high from the alcohol, but even without the alcohol, for a guy as hot as Peter I would have done anything. Then we started to talk about sexual experience. I tried to conceive the fact that I'm a slut, a bareback one no less. With the G working up, I felt horny, and out of nowhere I started to kiss Peter, deep French kiss. At some point, he just whispered "So you really are the slut everyone is talking about." "What are you talking about?" "Why do you think I came by tonight? I hear you got fucked by everyone here , that all the guys have shot a load in to your ass. Why do you think they call you the 'glue' of the group?" I was kind of shocked to learn that my friends where talking about me behind my back. But it was essentially true. Virtually everyone of the guys at that particular party had fucked me at least once, and several guys had fucked me repeatedly. "Hope I didn't offend you," commented Peter. "No, you didn't. I just never really thought about it - that, in fact, I have had sex with almost all of my friends. Which, I suppose, does make me a slut. I hope you don't think less of me." "Are you kidding? I like the fact that you're a slutty ass. Your ass will be great tonight, 'cause I'm gonna fuck you. But it's nice to see that you're also a smart guy." "Okay, so when did I agree to let you fuck me?" "When you kissed me!" I only could smile.
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  11. Fucking Justin Justin and I quickly went from sitting and kissing on his bed to me laying on top of him as we kissed and our hardening cocks ground against each other through our clothes. I reached down between us a pulled his shirt up. I broke the kiss to slide his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. Justin responded and pulled my shirt off and it quickly joined his on the floor. My eyes wandered over Justin’s torso, admiring his smooth torso. His hands played over my chest and down my abs, fingers following my happy trail to the button of my shorts. His fingers fumbled with the button and zipper, but soon had them undone. I lifted my crotch off his, and he slid my shorts down my legs. I kicked off my shorts, then resting my weight on my knees, I undid his jeans. Justin lifted up his hips and I slid his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion. His cock was rock hard and nestled in his bushy brown pubes were two nicely sized balls. I licked his nipples and slowly worked my way down his torso till I was inhaling the musky smell from his cock and balls. I licked his cock before taking both his nuts into my mouth and giving them a good tonguing. As I licked his balls, I slid his jeans and boxers off and tossed them to the floor. With his legs now free, I spread them slightly and worked my way down to his near virgin pucker. He went wild as my tongue worked around his hole, and then slowly into him. Justin was soon moaning from my tongue fucking his hole, and he grabbed his ankles, spreading his legs wide to give me easier access to his now spit soaked hole. While I continued to fuck him with my tongue, I began to add a finger into the mix. He really loved it, and was begging me to never stop. My other hand reached down and pulled my cock out of the pouch of my jockstrap. Now that his hole was lubed up with my spit and loosened from my fingers, it was time to slide my dripping toxic cock into that neg hole. As I moved up, I spent a few minutes on his cock, sucking and licking his 6 cut inches and making him moan again from my oral skills. With a pop, his cock fell out of my mouth and I moved up his body, kissing his stomach and nipples before I kissed him on the mouth as my cock lined up with his hole. “Can I be the first to fuck you raw?” I asked him as the head of my cock pressed against his entrance. “Please,” Justin said “Help me become a cumslut like you.” My cock pulsed at the idea, and the head easily slid in. I went back to kissing him as I slowly worked all 7 inches into his hole, the first bare cock he had ever taken. As my balls hit his ass, Justin moaned into my mouth. I slowly began to slide in and out of his hole, each stroke there was less resistance as my precum and his ass juices provided lubrication for the fuck. Once I felt he was ready, I really began to fuck him, pounding in and out of his hole, sometimes sliding all the way out to punch back in. “Fuck Tom, This is the best sex I have ever had! You feel so good inside me, if this is how it feels all the time bare, then I am never going back to condoms. FUCK!” Justin said as I rose up to really pound on his hole. “Bare feels the best, and you will know for sure when Ryan and Dave fuck us later.” I replied. “I’d rather just stay here with your cock in me all day.” “But we both need some Daddy dick to really sate us both. I’m getting close, want me to shoot it in you, give you some cum lube for them?” “Yea, fill me up with your cum Tom, shoot it all in me!” I began to thrust deep into Justin as his hand moved to his cock and began to jack himself off. A few minutes later, I pushed as deep into him as I could and unloaded my toxic cum deep into his ass. As my cock fired volley after volley of tainted seed into his no longer virgin to HIV ass, Justin moaned and shot a huge load of neg cum all over his face and chest. I leaned down and began to lick his seed off his face and swallowed most of what I licked up. After I licked the last few remnants of his load off his body, and my cock popped out of his ass, I kissed him and fed him some of his own cum, snowballing the seed as our tongues encircled each other. We lay there on his bed for a few more minutes, kissing and savoring the afterglow of a great sex session. Then it was time to get dressed and “see” if Ryan and Dave wanted to meet up. As we dressed, I convinced Justin to go commando since he didn’t have a jock. I told him he should get one as they are quite hot to get fucked in, as he would see when I was getting fucked. About 4, I contacted Dad through the app again. He gave me the address, and Justin and I were on our way to meet them for the “First” time and get some more cum in our asses, or at least more cum in his and get some sweet daddy fucking for me.
    2 points
  12. Meeting Justin Saturday Morning, I woke to Rob’s snoring. Letting him sleep in from the fuck Chris had joined us for the night before, I quietly got showered and ready for a day with Justin. As I left for breakfast, I texted Justin to see if he was awake yet. “Hey Justin, What you want to do today?” “Not sure, just woke up.” Came his reply a few minutes later. “Getting Breakfast now, I could head down to Georgetown after; give you a bit more time to wake up.” “Cool. Can meet you at the Corner of M and Wisconsin.” “Sounds good, will text when I am on my way.” I ate my breakfast, then headed out to catch the bus down to Georgetown. I texted Justin when I was on the bus, and knew about when I’d get there. When I got off the bus, I recognized him immediately from his online pics. We greeted each other, and then he took me on a tour of Georgetown, and area of DC I had yet to explore. After some time looking in shops at stuff I could never afford, I suggested we find some lunch. Justin took me to a cheesesteak place, and we got our food to go. We sat in a park overlooking the Key bridge and the Potomac river as we ate. While we ate, since it was just the two of us, I figured now was the time to start my conversion of Justin to a cumdump. “Thanks for a nice morning,” I said between bites of my sandwich, “Georgetown sure is a cool area.” “Yea, this is why I chose to go to school here, that a to get away from my family.” Justin replied. “Why did you want to get away from your family? I know I was glad to get out here and on my own so that I could finally be free to have sex without worrying about Mom walking in on me.” “Yea, kinda the same here. My parents are very religious and if they ever found out I was Gay they would kill me. I was so tired of hiding it. I think my girlfriend knew something was up since I never wanted to do anything with her, always using the excuse of wanting to save myself for my wedding day.” “Well, now you are here, away from them so you can be who you want to be, have sex with who you want, and how you want it.” “But that’s just it, I’m here and sort of free, but since I am still under their health insurance, I really can’t be who I want to be.” “What do you mean? Who do you really want to be Justin?” Justin paused and munched on his sandwich for a while, I didn’t push him, knowing that he would come out with it when he was ready, and my cock grew hard in my shorts. It was a good thing I had worn a jock today or I would have been setting up quite a tent. I just sat back and also worked on finishing up my sandwich. “If I tell you something, can you promise not to laugh at me or hate me for it?” Justin finally spoke up after finishing his sandwich. “Buddy, I don’t think I would hate you or laugh no matter what you said.” “OK,” he said looking me straight in the eye “I really want to let loose, let every guy fuck me raw and dump their cum in me. I don’t want to worry about catching anything; I just want my ass full of cum from man after man.” “Dude, I feel the same way! In fact, I never worry about catching something; and if I do, there is a free clinic that can help out. I was just in there a few weeks ago for a check, everything came back just as I expected, and No meds for me.” I told him with a smile and a reassuring hand on the shoulder. Sure I had kinda lied to him, but once he opened up fully with his desires, I think he’d be asking me for my toxic loads and letting Dad and Dave pump him full of their family makers too. “So when you have sex with other guys you don’t use condoms and don’t worry that you will catch something form them?” “Since I moved to DC, none of the cocks that I have let fuck me have had a condom on them, and I have let the guys fill me with their cum. And When I have topped, I have not used a condom and shot my loads inside them.” “God, that sounds so hot! I really want to feel a cock slide into me without a condom, I want to feel cum in my ass.” I knew there was more coming as he looked down at the ground before he continued. “What I really want is some stuff I was reading about on the internet, I want a Poz guy to fuck me and shoot in me, I want to be bred by a guy, not really caring if I end up with hiv or not, to really let go.” “Dude, that is exactly how Rob and I feel; actively wanting guys who are poz to fuck you and breed you is called chasing. Is that what you mean?” “Yea, I guess. I just think that if I got it, then I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore. But at the same time I am so afraid that my parents will find out and then my life would be over. Know what I mean?” “Sure do buddy,” I said placing my hand on his thigh, “I used to worry about what my mom would think if she found out I was gay, but when I did come out to her, it was not what I expected. She was actually quite accepting and my fears were just that, my fears. But as to wanting to be Poz, I felt the exact same way and so did Rob, and we have found out that several of the guys on our team feel the same way, they want to become poz and then spread it. Make our team a family, kinda, all joined by being Poz together.” “Really? A bunch of hot athletes all want to become Poz? That is not something I would have imagined in a thousand years.” “Yep, it was the love of becoming Poz that started Rob and I to fucking each other, because Like I said, I have a thing for older guys. Guess some shrink would say that it comes from never knowing my Dad.” “So, have you had the chance to take any Poz loads?” “Yea, I have taken a few. And wouldn’t mind taking a few more from those hot Daddies Ryan and Dave.” “I get so Boned over their images, and have jacked off to the idea of them both fucking me and shooting their poz seed into me, making me one of their sons. Ryan told me they have a bunch of guys they have knocked up they call their sons.” “Yea, he told me the same thing. Hey, I have an idea. How about I see if they are online and we both go get fucked by them. Would be safer if we both were there to protect each other in case they were psychos or something.” “What could it hurt? Might finally fulfill my fantasy, and having a buddy there will keep me from chickening out.” “Cool, let’s see if they are online.” I opened up one of the apps I knew Dad was always on, and sure enough there he was. I texted him through the app that me and a buddy were interested in meeting up. His reply came back saying that he and Dave would be home around 4 if we were still interested then, to reply back. I passed the Info on to Justin and asked what we should do to kill the time. He suggested that maybe he could show me his Campus and Dorm. Again, I was glad to be wearing the jock, as my cock sprang back to attention thinking of being the first to unload in his ass. I readily agreed and we headed up the hill to the Campus of Georgetown University. The campus tour was nice, but the place I really wanted to see was Justin’s Bed. Justin paused as we walked up to a modern looking building on the edge of a campus loaded with old buildings. “And this is my Dorm. If you want, we can go see my room. Maybe my roommate won’t be in.” “Sounds good to me.” I replied, giving his hand a squeeze before we headed in. No one was seated at the security desk, and we quickly went to the nearest stairwell, Justin took the lead, and I watched his ass move in the tight jeans he was wearing as we quickly walked up to the third floor. He lead me down the corridor to a room with two name tags on it: Justin and Christian. The Door opened just as we got close, and a rather cute guy came out. Justin said hi, and he replied back. Justin asked him what was up, and he said he was off to meet some friends for some Football. After he had taken off down the corridor, Justin invited me in, and told me that was his Roommate Christian. I told him I understood why he lusted after him, he was quite good looking. “Yea, too bad he’s Straight.” Justin said as he cleared off a spot on his bed to sit. We both sat on the bed, and just looked around the room for a few minutes. I knew he was not going to make the first move, so I placed my hand on his thigh and leaned over to kiss him. He responded to the kiss, and began to kiss me back, his hormones taking over and all his pent up frustration came out in a kiss that lacked practice, but more than made up for it in enthusiasm. My hand slid up his leg and grabbed his stiffening cock through the denim and he moaned in pleasure. I knew then that I would have his ass and be the first guy to unload in him, and he’d not know he was taking poz cum till it was deep in him.
    2 points
  13. The Problem of Justin The next afternoon, Wednesday, my phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number. I opened it and it was from Justin. “Hey Tom, Hope I am not interrupting anything. Justin here from last night.” “Nope, just left my last class of the day, and have a bit of time to kill before practice.” “Cool, I really got hard with our discussion last night. I was wondering if you could tell me more about how it feels to have a cock without a condom on inside you.” I smiled as I re-read the second text. I think I had him almost willing to take bare cock now, the hard part was going to be convincing him to take Poz bare cock. “Sure, what did you want to know exactly? Kinda hard to describe in texts.” “Well, does it feel different than with a condom? That’s all I really know.” “Oh yea, so much better! And my roommate tells me that he loves the feel of my uncut cock sliding into his ass without a condom on. When I top, I know it feels SOOO much better, I can really feel the heat of the guy’s ass on my cock.” “Cool. Guess I need to find someone I trust to try it with then. J” “Yea, trust is important with bare sex. Hey, you got time this weekend to meet up? Can be near you or up here near me.” “Can I let you know later this week? Gotta see what classwork I have.” “Sure, not much going on for me. We are still months out from meets, so Practices are only Monday thru Thursday.” “Cool. Well, thanks for responding and will talk to you later.” “Later Justin.” I now knew I had him on the bareback sex, the next step would be to convince him that taking Poz loads would be ok. That was going to be the harder hurdle. Well, I would ask Rob if he had any ideas and see what we could come up with. I really wanted to make Dad proud of me for getting him another Boy to knock up. Even though I knew he was having sex with other guys, and that there had been guys before me, I think that I hold a very special place with him since I am not only his Poz son, but also his biological son. Friday morning I got a text from Justin as Rob and I were relaxing in bed trying to get the energy to get up for Friday classes. Chris has come over after practice the night before and we had both given him two more poz loads as well as both getting a load from him each. If he didn’t watch it, he would soon be joining us in the Poz Wrestlers club. “Hey Tom” Justin said “Hey buddy, gonna have time to meet this weekend?” “Yea, looks like it. Want to come hang around in Georgetown?" “Sure. I’ll text you when I wake up and we can figure where to meet then. Sounds good?” “Great! Look forward to meeting you.” “Same here.” “So,” Rob asked, “Who’s texting so early on a Friday morning?” “This guy Justin who my Daddies want to fuck. He was safe only, and I think I got him to the point where he’ll take a cock bare, but he is afraid he might catch something. I need to try to convince him that it would just be better to poz up and then he can be the cumdump he was meant to be.” “Hmm, sounds like a tough nut to crack. Is he into younger guys, or just older guys?” “I think mostly older guys, though I think he is so horny right now that he’d take any cock that would fuck him. I told him about us, and he said he wished he could get his roommate to fuck him.” “Well, we do have a special arrangement don’t we” Rob said with a smile and a quick peck on the lips. “Speaking of Special arrangements, my cock could really use some relief right now in your ass.” “Only if I get some relief in yours after.” I replied with a smile. Rob moved on top of me and we began to kiss as our cocks grew between us. Soon he slid his cock into my ass, and pounded away for about 5 minutes and then shoved all the way in as he sprayed my insides with his morning load. Once his cock began to soften, he pulled out and straddled me, sliding my rock hard cock into his ass. I let him adjust, then flipped us over and pounded his hole viciously till I felt my load rising. Just before I shot, I pushed all the way in and let my cum shoot into the deepest parts of Rob’s ass. I shot for about a minute till I knew that I had completely unloaded in him. I slowly pulled out as we kissed again. “Ok, We should go get breakfast and think more on your little cumwhore in the making.” Rob said as he rolled off the bed. We grabbed sweats and tees, forgoing underwear as usual. Slipping on flip flops, we headed out to the dining hall. We chatted about various ideas on getting Justin to willingly take poz loads, and came up with a couple of directions for me to direct him towards; the big thing would come when I met with him and would see how he responded to some of them. After Breakfast, we headed back to the room, got ready for the day, and went our separate ways.
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  14. Rob gets Stuffed The weekend was all about Rob getting as many poz loads in his cunt as possible, but a couple of times he and I were face to face in doggy position as Dave and Dad fucked us both. We would kiss and make out as our asses were used for the pleasure of our daddies. I was amazed at the number of loads Dave and my Dad deposited in the two of us. Looking back, I think the highlight of the weekend was on Sunday when we all convinced Rob to take both daddy cocks at the same time while he sucked on my cock. It started off with Dave on his back and Rob straddling him. Once Dave’s cock was buried in Rob’s cunt, Dad got between their legs and slowly worked his cock into Rob’s ass. It was amazing watching Rob take both those cocks in his ass. I know from experience that taking both those cocks will really stretch you out and leave your ass gaping after they are done with it. With his ass full of daddy cock, I got on the bed and settled in between Rob and Dave’s faces. Rob took my cock into his mouth and Dave began to tongue my ass and lick the loads out of it. It was so hot for me to feel Dave’s tongue on my cunt as Rob slurped on my cock and nibbled on my foreskin. Since Dad was on top, he set the pace for the double penetration. I could see the base of his cock each time he pulled back. It was so hot for me knowing that Rob was filled with both the cocks that had pozzed me. And I could tell form the moans that were escaping from around my cock that Rob was enjoying being on the receiving end of this stuffing. Dad was taking it slow, really roughing up Rob’s ass and making sure that our weekend project would come out with a positive ending. After about 15 minutes, between watching Rob getting Double stuffed, Dave’s tongue lapping the cum out of my ass, and Rob’s mouth working on my cock, I felt my load starting to rise. I let everyone know I was getting close. Dad pulled out of Rob and moved back. “Get that cock in here and give him another load of that toxic jizz of yours," Dad ordered. I quickly moved between Rob’s legs and added my cock with Dave’s in his stretched out hole. It only took me a few strokes with Dave’s cock rubbing against mine till I pushed in and added more poz cum to the mixture already brewing in Rob’s cunt. I slowly pulled out after I had deposited my load in him and Dad quickly slid his nine inches back in. I moved back up to the head of the bed and settled back in between Dave and Rob. Dave went back to eating my ass out, and Rob began to clean my cock of the cum and ass juices that covered it. I could tell that Dad and Dave were getting close as both of their breathing had gotten staccato. Soon both of them growled and Rob moaned around my cock as he got a double dose of poz daddy cum in his well-used hole. I slid down next to Rob and kissed him as the two men finished depositing their last loads of the weekend into Rob. Dad and Dave slowly withdrew from Rob’s swollen hole, and in so doing, a small amount of cum dribbled out, but Dad quickly rubbed it onto the plug and slid it into Rob’s ass. Rob and I got dressed, and, with kisses all around, Rob and I headed back to our room to deal with schoolwork and get ready for classes the next day. That night, Rob fucked me with his more than likely last neg load as we were keeping the plug in him to make sure he absorbed all that toxic cum. Afterwards we snugged, and fell asleep in each other’s arms. A little over a week later, I woke up to find Rob sweat-soaked. I kissed him then fucked another poz load into his converting ass. He stayed in bed for the next couple of days and I made his excuses to the team and collected his assignments for him. Now that Rob was poz, we could begin our conquest of the team and other studs around campus.
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  15. Dad and Rob The next two night were more of the same, after practice and dinner, Rob and I would head back to our room, do any needed homework, then I would fill his ass all night with my poz loads. He never once asked to fuck me, it was always my cock in his hole. In addition to the first fuck of the night being rough and without any type of lube, after I had dumped that first load in, Rob would have me brush his hole roughly with a stiff bristle toothbrush he had found on Wednesday. I always made sure that it came out tinged with pink cum before my hard cock went back into his hole and stayed there for the rest of the night, dropping load after load. In the morning, after I pulled out, the brush went back in and roughed him up again. Friday, we didn’t have practice, so as soon as we were done with classes, we met in the room for one last session between the two of us. Since this was going to be our last time alone for a few days, we made it into a lovemaking session. Rob and I slowly stripped each other till we were both naked, our cocks pointing towards the celing. I kissed Rob deeply as we rubbed each other’s back and our cocks rubbed against each other as our fronts joined. I dropped down to my knees and began to suck on Rob’s thick cock. I soon tasted his precum on my tongue, and knew he was primed. I stood back up and we kissed again as we headed towards the bed. We collapsed onto the bed, and I got Rob onto his back. I straddled his torso and kept kissing him as I rubbed his cock against my crack. Each time his cock would catch on my hole, I’d try to get a bit more of it inside me, using his precum to lube up my hole. He moaned around the kiss each time his cock dipped into my hole. I knew he was ready to fuck me, and load up my hole before I loaded up his. The next time his cock caught on my cunt, I pushed and it slid into me quite easily. Rob moaned as his cock sank into me to his balls. I began to ride him, wanting to get his load into me. I kept the strokes slow, wanting this to last. “You are such a fucking tease” Rob moaned between our kisses. “I want your last neg load that you give me to be one that you remember.” “Well, why don’t you let me control this fuck so that you can get another poz load in my cunt before we meet-up with your daddies?” With that, Rob flipped me onto my back and picked up the pace on his fuck. Far too soon in my opinion, he planted his cock to the base in my ass and I felt each pulse as he shot his presumably neg cum deep into my ass. After all, we really had no idea if my poz cum had done its job and knocked him up yet; but until he got sick, we both assumed he was still neg. Once his balls had drained his load into my ass, he slid out of my cunt and laid down next to me. I rolled onto his back and as my cock probed between his cheeks, I kissed his neck and shoulders. When my cock finally caught on his hole, I began to slide into him. Rob let out a moan of pleasure as my balls hit his ass. I slowly began to slide in and out of his ass, making sure he felt every inch I was giving him. “Stop being so damn gentle, and fuck me into this mattress already!” I picked up the pace, and began to really pound my cock into his ass. “This what you want?” I asked him. “Yea, pound my cunt and give me your deathseed! Knock me up with your bug!” I loved that our sex always had this dirty talk in it since I had converted. I couldn’t wait till Rob was poz too and I could beg him to put his deathseed into me and the other guys from the team. I felt my balls begin to tighten up as my cum readied to shoot into Rob. “Here it comes baby, shooting my poz seed into you, getting you pregnant with my bug!” “Yea, Give me that toxic batter! Fill me with your bugs!” With one final thrust, I sank into Rob to my balls. My cock shot several times deep into him, filling him again with my poz cum. I kissed the back of his neck as my cock shot into him, and we laid there for a few minutes more till my cock softened and fell out of his ass. Rob reached under the pillow and pulled out the brush and handed it to me. “Rough me up before we get dressed and head over for our weekend.” I took the brush and inserted it. I roughed up his insides for several minutes with the rough brush. When I pulled it out, some of my cum was on it, and the bristles were a nice pink color. Rob took the brush and sucked the cum and blood off it till it was nice and white again. We both shared one more kiss before we grabbed shorts and tees to wear and slipped on our flip flops. No need to bring any other clothes, as most of the weekend would be spent naked in my Dad’s bed. It was a quick trip on the bus to their house, and Rob and I sat on opposite sides of the bus and kept flashing each other our cocks from the leg of our baggy shorts. A short walk from the bus stop, and we were at Dad’s door. Dad answered the door in just a tight pair of shorts, and Rob shot me a grin after he appraised my dad. “Nice, I think I will like getting fucked by him!” Rob whispered to me as we entered the house. David was sitting on the couch, naked, and slowly stroking his cock. “Come on in boys and get comfortable.” David said to us. Once the door was closed, Dad shucked off his shorts and joined David on the couch. Even though I had just cum a little less than a half hour ago, my cock sprang to attention from seeing my poz daddies on the couch, each stroking his hard cock. I also noticed the tent in Rob's shorts. We quickly stripped off our clothes, and once we were naked, David and Dad motioned us over to them. I let Rob lead the way so that he could choose which cock he wanted to suck on first. He dropped to his knees between my Dad’s legs and began to suck on his gorgeous uncut cock. I knelt between David’s legs and began to soak his cock with my spit. I looked over at Rob as David worked his cock deep into my throat; he was really enjoying deep throating Dad’s cock. I reached a hand over to Rob’s ass and pushed a couple of fingers into his hole, making sure that he would open up easily when the moment came for him to ride these two beautiful cocks that we were working with our mouths. Rob moaned in pleasure around Dad’s cock as my fingers entered him and my nails began to dig into his lining, adding to the abrasions from the brushing I had given him before we left the dorm. Dave noticed what I was doing, and placed a hand under my chin to bring my attention back to him. Silently, he scraped one of his fingernails against his thumb, asking me if I was digging in Rob’s ass. I nodded my head while still sucking on his cock. He gave me a thumbs up, and then pulled his cock out of my mouth. “Well, Rob, You seem to have good cock sucking skills, let’s see how that ass feels around my cock.” David stood up and I removed my fingers from Rob’s ass as David got behind him. He lined up his cock, and began to slowly slide it into Rob. “Damn Boy, you got a fine ass here! And it feels like it is prelubed too!” “That’s my cum you feel in there,” I said, “loaded him up before we came over here. And he loaded me up too.” “Nice, how many load have you put in him?” “I’ve been loading him up every night since I got back to the dorm after my fuck flu, so about 30 or so loads. And we’ve been using a brush on him too to help it take.” “Sweet!” Dad said, “Gonna make you into a gifter just like me and Dave, aren’t we?” “Yep,” I said, “and Rob and I are going to help spread it around campus, starting with the guys on the wrestling team.” “Yes, sir,” Rob broke off his sucking to say, “Once I'm infected, Tom and I are going to make sure we can spread your gift to every guy we can get our cocks into.” “Good boys,” Dad said, “but first we need to make sure that this bug takes root in you Rob. And to that end, the three of us are going to be filling you with our cum till you are knocked up with our virus.” “Well, sir, why don’t we stop talking about it and start getting that cum into me!” The whole time, our conversation had been to the beat of David’s thighs slapping against Rob’s ass. And from watching David, I knew he was getting close to dropping his first load into Rob. I am sure the poz talk had helped him get close quickly. “Here cums your first load from your new daddies," Dave exclaimed as he slammed his cock into Rob and began to shoot his poison load into Rob’s willing ass. As soon as he had shot his load into Rob, Dad and David switched up and Rob cleaned off David’s cock as I watched my Dad sink his beautiful nine inches into Rob, I kissed my Dad then whispered my thanks in his ear. Dad pounded Rob’s ass, getting his cock deep in there, probably battering past his second sphincter, to really get his toxic jizz deep into Rob. “Here’s load number two," Dad remarked as he shoved his entire cock deep into Rob and unloaded into him. With two loads in him, three if you counted mine from earlier, Rob’s hole looked used. But now it was my turn again on his ass. I shoved my cock into him and pounded him roughly as he held onto Dad’s legs and cleaned off his cock. Soon I added another load of my toxic batter to the mix that was brewing in Rob’s cunt. Dad grabbed the plug that each of us had used to hold in the toxic loads and slid it into Rob. “Okay, boys,” Dad said, “now that Rob has taken a load from each of us, let's go get some dinner and let them stew in there a bit.” The four of us got dressed, headed out to the diner where I had met Dad and Dave that first day. Rob would squirm every few feet as he adjusted to having the plug in his ass. Once we sat down, he was fine; the pressure from the chair adding to the pleasure of the plug in his ass. We had a pleasant dinner and the three men in my life learned more about each other, with me adding in bits and pieces too. Finally, after desert, we headed back to the apartment, and Rob’s date with a weekend of being a cum dump.
    2 points
  16. "Relax buddy, we won't cum in you. Today is all about your pleasure, not ours." That's what they said right before they started tag teaming my asshole with their raw cocks. But I'm getting ahead of myself. When I was 19, my family took a trip to one of those all-inclusive resorts to Cancun. It was over Christmas break, so I guess it was a nice escape from the winter, but the resort wasn't exactly geared for the fun of a 19 year old who wasn't drinking. We had done the side trips to the ruins and shit, but mostly we hung at the resort where I was bored and mostly alone while my parents drank and had fun. One day they opted for the catamaran drunk cruise. I begged them to not make me go. I pulled the "I'm not a child anymore" card and said I would be quite content reading, napping and lounging by the pool. They finally relented, and I was left to my own devices for an entire day. If only they'd been more protective of their horny, gay son. I hit the pool pretty early with only my book, towel, mirrored shades, and swimsuit. Since I used to be a competitive swimmer I still had my speedo, which is what I decided would make for the best tan lines. I claimed one of the lounge chairs and set in for a nice day of relaxation. And I promptly fell asleep in the warm sun. I awoke some time later hearing hushed voices next to me. It was two, obviously American men whispering in close proximity to me. Voice 1: Look, the kid totally has a boner! Voice 2: Shhh! Don't wake him up and embarrass him. Voice 1: (laughing) Looks like part of him is already awake! (This is when I realized that I had one of those relaxed, sun-boners and they were talking about me! I was mortified and kept still while desperately trying to will my hardon away, but it wouldn't budge.) Voice 1: Damn, it just flexed in his suit! Totally hot! Voice 2: Yeah, the kid has a nice package on him, and a nice little body. Voice 1: I'm getting hard just looking at the outline of his cock. Oh the things we could do... Voice 2: Don't even think about it. Voice 1: Oh, like you aren't thinking about filling that young ass. Voice 2: Go get us a couple beers and cool off. I heard Voice 1 guy get up and flip-flop away toward the bar. Hearing them talk about me in a gay way was making my dick so hard that I knew it wasn't going to go away without a serious spank. I made sort of a fakey "I'm snoring and waking myself up" noise and rolled over onto my stomach. I tried to lay there quietly like I was still asleep. And when Voice 1 came back, I did an equally fake slow wake up and roll over, but simultaneously grabbed my towel and covered my still throbbing junk. I sat up and decided to read a bit, thinking this might take my mind off things. No such luck. Especially when I saw the two men attached to the voices. One was mid 40's, salt and pepper hair, rough beard, and a stocky, muscular body covered with a pelt of coarse, curly black hair. The other was blonde, a bit younger (maybe mid 30's), tall, smooth, tanned and toned. Both were exceedingly attractive (the blonde could have been a model) and both were wearing straining speedos that left very little to the imagination. I tried to ignore them, but they could tell I was staring. Voice 1: Hi there! What are you reading? (it was the blonde) Oh my god. They were so hot and they were talking to me! I stuttered a bit before telling them that I was reading Humboldt's Gift for my American literature class. I remember this fact purely because I never did finish that damn book and had to cliff note the fucker. This opened the doorway into conversation, through which I learned that they were John (Voice 1) and Vince (Voice 2), a gay couple on vacation. They asked many questions about me, like was I there alone? Was I enjoying my free day? What time would my parents be back? Did I have any plans for the rest of the day? By this time my boner had actually gone down and I was thirsty, so I uncovered myself and stood up to go to the bar to get a coke. My further mortification was imminent. Vince: Um, you might want to sit back down. Me: Why? John: (laughing) Because you left a spot of precum in your speedo the size of a half-dollar! I looked down, and sure enough my penis had betrayed me yet again. My electric blue speedo had a huge, dark blue spot of wetness centered right at my cock head. I hastily sat down and covered up again, completely and utterly embarrassed. Vince, however, knew what to do. "John, go get him a coke would you?" "Sure thing." As John walked off, Vince quietly remarked "Don't be embarrassed. It happens to all of us. And, truth be told, that's a pretty impressive spot. You must be a big leaker. Or just incredibly horny." "Well... um...." "So, are you? A healthy cummer, I mean?" "Isn't that sorta personal?" "Lemme guess. You are stuck here with family and you haven't jacked off in days. And now you are so backed up you were going to fire off a few loads today with your free time. Am I right?" "How'd you know?" Chuckling, Vince replied "We've all been there, guy." "What are you two laughing about?" John asked as returned, coke in hand. Taking the lead, Vince explained "The poor guy hasn't cum in days because he's been cooped up with his parents. Hence the gigantic wet spot." John handed me my coke, and a glance passed between he and Vince. I couldn't believe I was having an open conversation about jacking off and precum with two relative strangers, even if they were two, handsome gay men. Apparently they were of one mind, cause without any further discussion John remarked "You know, we could help you out of your jam. You need to empty yourself out before you make a mess all over this pool deck, and it just so happens that Vince and I like to pleasure guys, such as yourself." "Oh, I don't know... I um...," I stuttered, turning even beet red in embarrassment. "No pressure or anything. It would just be a relaxing, fun time and all about your pleasure. We would make sure you would be empty enough to survive the rest of your stay here with your parents," Vince explained, in a very discrete, man-to-man voice. "Honestly, I'm not sure I should," I responded, honestly more than a little interested. John: What else have you got to do today? I guarantee you'll have a better time than just sitting by the pool kicking yourself for missing a mind-blowing afternoon of sex. Vince: It's your call, but we're nice guys and I think you would have fun. Me: .... ok. We left the pool together and they escorted me up to their hotel room. Now, while I wasn't a virgin (I'd been having oral sex with other boys for a few years now, and I had a fairly regular suck session with a fraternity guy at school) but I'd never done any kind of anal. And definitely had never done a three way. And I'd never had sex with men clearly much older than I was. So you can imagine how very nervous I was. At first we just sat on their bed and they gave me a beer. I drank it fast and relaxed a little. Then they each reached out a hand and started stroking me lightly. Massaging my neck a little. I started to get hard. Both were very patient to start. They gently stripped off my swimsuit and laid me back on the bed. Both of their mouths fell to working on my body-- my neck, my nipples, my stomach, my thighs, my balls. And then I felt the wet heat on my cock. Instantly I was rock hard and straining to hold myself back from the waves of pleasure rocking my body. It was John sucking my cock while Vince sucked and tongued my nipples. He slowly traced his tongue up my neck, to my adam's apple, and then over my chin to my mouth. When Vince's mouth met mine, everything exploded-- including my orgasm. John greedily clamped down on my cock and took every drop. He stayed there until my dick finally stopped squirting like a minute later. John: Holy FUCK this kid's a cummer! God damn! Vince: And I think I found his trigger points. Me: I'm sorry! It's just that when you kissed me I couldn't hold back. You are just so... handsome. And hairy! Vince: (laughing) Yeah, I do have a bit of fur. Me: It's hot! John: I think the kid isn't done yet... he still hasn't gone soft. After that, John and Vince stripped off their suits... and wow. John was totally clean shaven, which made his cock look exceptionally huge. Judging from the size of mine, I figured he had to be at least 8 inches. And Vince had a dark bush of pubes, big balls and a shorter, but decently thick, uncut cock. And both had these curious tattoos on their hips. Me: Oooh. You guys have matching tattoos! Looks like a nuclear symbol. Are you guys radioactive or something? John: (smirking) Something like that. Me: Well, you both are pretty hot! Vince: I think we should massage another load or two out of our friend here, John. Me: Hell yeah! Deal! We had another couple of beers, and then Vince got the lube out of their travel bag. I was buzzing well at this point and feeling pretty good. Vince got me up on all fours, and then proceded to do something that nobody had done to me up to that point. He ate my ass. And when his tongue hit my pucker, I almost came unglued. This released the last of my inhibitions, and I became an insatiable fuck hole that afternoon. John was kneeling on the bed close to me, and as soon as Vince started rimming me, my mouth latched onto John's cock and I started sucking for all I was worth. I was only able to fit about half his cock in my mouth and I tasted his precum as I worked his salty slit with my tongue. John: Damn Vince, this kid can SUCK! Vince: Yeah, but we're here to milk him dry. And I think he needs to be milked from the inside. And with that, Vince lubed a finger and slid it into my butthole. Electricity jumped through me and I became a sex crazed novice bottom. He fingered my prostate (nobody had ever done that either) and it made me go crazy with desire. I sucked John like a hoover while bucking around on Vince's finger, all the while drooling precum all over the bedspread. Vince worked a couple fingers into me along with more lube... then his fingers left my ass. It felt like someone had shut off my horny switch. But then, I felt Vince's cock head rubbing up against my hole, teasing and pressing against my pucker. And while it was electric, warning bells were going off in my head. Me: Do you have a condom? Vince: Yeah, somewhere I think. But how about I just tease your pretty butthole a bit with my cock first? Me: We really need a condom. And you need to go easy on me-- I've never been fucked. Vince: Never?? Me: Nope. I've wanted to do it, but it just hasn't ever happened yet. John: Vince, pass me the poppers. I'll help our little bottom virgin out. Me: What are poppers? They aren't drugs are they? I don't do drugs. John: No, you just sniff them and they help you relax. They actually have a medical purpose. Me: Um.... John: Here, I'll show you. Just take a small sniff like this... John took a hit, and I could see him go flush a bit and relax. Then he held the bottle under my nose. I debated it for about a second, and then took a hit. The warm rush was incredible. Vince timed my rush with another finger assault which had me begging for more. The damn poppers had made me desperate for cock and had silenced those pesky warning bells. Me: Oh god. Fuck me! Vince: You want it? Me: Yes! I need to feel your cock inside me! Now! Please?? Vince didn't need to be asked twice. John held the little bottle under my nose again, I took a hit. And as I went soaring on a wave of pleasure, Vince entered my ass. While it hurt, it really didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Sure it burned a little bit, but overall he was able to slide right in and I just felt full. It probably helped that he was uncut and I was an incredibly horny teenager. Vince slow fucked me while I got used to having a cock in my ass, and I went back to working John's big cock with my tongue and throat. The pleasure I was getting from both ends being filled, plus the alcohol, plus the poppers had me rock hard and begging for as much sex as these two men could dish out. Vince eventually sped up his tempo and the sensation his fat cock was giving me was making my head reel. I was tingling everywhere and begging to cum again. I reached back to cup Vince's balls and to feel his cock sliding in and out of my ass. And that's when I noticed he didn't have a condom on. Me: Where's the condom? Vince: You told me you wanted cock in you now. I didn't have time to put one on. Me: But sex without a condom is risky... Vince: Relax buddy, we won't cum in you. Today is all about your pleasure, not ours. John: Here, have some more poppers... Vince continued to fuck me and my protests ebbed as the pleasure increased. John pushed his dick back into my mouth and I let the poppers relax me into the pure ecstasy of man on man on man sex. Vince: Oh Johnny, you really need to feel this boy's ass. It's so tight and smooth! John: I can't wait for my turn! Vince: Well, it's coming soon. I'm about ready to share... John: Sweet! Here kid, take another hit Me: Damn this feels so good. Vince: It's gonna get better in a minute. I'm going to put my cock head right at your prostate and you are going to feel me flex it. Trust me, it will drive you wild with pleasure. Me: Do it! I wanna feel that! Vince thrust a few more times in me quickly, then parked his cock a little more than halfway inside me. And then I felt it. His cock head was pressed up inside me, and I could feel throbbing and flexing inside me. The sensation was incredible! John: You doing it Vince? Vince: Fuuuck yeah. You feel that, kiddo? Yeah, I'm trying to milk your load out from the inside. Me: It feels amazing, I don't want it to stop. Vince: I can do it again later, but now it's John's turn though. And just wait til you feel him inside you! Me: I don't know... he's so big! I'm not sure I can take it... Vince pulled out with a wet plop, and shifted around the bed. He suggested that I try riding John's cock to start. That way I could control it better and be more comfortable. Without Vince in me, I felt like my switch had again been turned off and I desperately wanted it back on again. So I agreed. John lay down on the bed- his cock enormous and intimidating. Vince lubed him up and worked a bit more lube up my ass. Me: Shouldn't we get a condom? John: Vince didn't have to wear one. Me: But we have time to get one one now and... Vince: It's okay kid, just try it for a bit. We can always get one on later. I want John to feel what I got to feel! Me: Just... don't cum in me. Okay? John: Wouldn't dream of it. I straddled John's groin. John held onto the base of his cock while I tried to line up his head with my hole. Vince fed me more poppers, and before I knew it I was sliding down almost the full length of John's big cock. He bottomed out inside me with still about an inch of cock to go. There was a dull pain deep in my abdomen when John's cock head was poking my guts, but the sensation of that much cock sliding inside me and filling my guts sent me over the moon. I think my eyes literally rolled back into my head. John: Holy fuck! This kid is a natural born bottom! Vince: What did I tell you? John: So fuckin' hot and slick! Thanks for lubing it up for me! Me: Oh my God! You are so fucking BIG! Vince: Enjoy the ride you two. I started sliding up and down on John's cock and he let me control the fuck action. Every thrust into me from his cock gave me the sensation like I was stroking my own erect penis. Only I wasn't touching myself. It was like I was jacking off, but no-handed. The pleasure was building, and it sent my body into sort of a fuck frenzy. I was fucking myself down onto John's cock and building my orgasm with every bounce. Vince straddled John's face and fed his soft, uncut cock into John's mouth while John grabbed my hips and helped ram my ass up and down faster on his cock. Vince worked my nipples and then planted another deep, wet, scratchy beard kiss on me. I went into overload. Me: Oh God! I'm gonna cum! Vince: Do it, kid! Me: Dont' stop fucking me-- I'm so close! John: I wanna feel you cum with my dick jammed in your sweet fuckhole! Vince grabbed the back of my head and kissed me again hard and with that kiss my first shot arced up between us and spattered all over Vince's hairy chest. As soon as he felt me start to shoot, John grabbed my hips and thrust all the way into my butt, even that last inch that wouldn't go in seemed to find a place inside me. The pain in my guts mixed with my orgasmic pleasure was enough to make me cry out into Vince's mouth. But I couldn't stop cumming. Volley after volley of my spunk coated Vince and dripped down onto John's face. I was spasming like I was having a seizure and Vince eventually just looked on in amazement as John started laughing and licking up the cum gobs that spattered his way. I kept shuddering and shaking with the post orgasmic shivers. Vince kissed me gently while I was still impaled on John's cock and trying to relax my quivering sphincter. John told me that if I stopped wiggling around so much he could make himself go soft so it would be easier to pull out. A few minutes later and after some deep breathing on my part he was indeed flaccid and I was able to ease myself off of him. Feeling fully satiated, I was going to take my leave but Vince and John convinced me otherwise. Vince: You are a young stud, and I bet you have another load in you yet. John: Besides, we haven't cum, have we Vince? Vince: No we haven't. And there's still a few more things we could do together. Three cocks offer so many options... John: It would be a shame to waste them. Me: But I probably should be going... Vince: Where? You're parents aren't gonna be back for a few hours yet. Might as well spend it fucking. John: Hasn't it been fun? Haven't you enjoyed yourself? We've sure enjoyed you. In the end I agreed to stay for another round of sex. We had a few more beers, and they eventually got me hard by tongue-fighting over my cock. This got them hard too and the next thing I knew it was a free for all on their bed. We were all kissing and sucking whatever we could get our mouths on, rubbing on each other, humping, etc. I ended up on top and this time rode Vince's cock (I had decided that I quite liked riding and being in charge) while John stood on the bed so I could suck him. Then John squatted over Vince's face so Vince could tongue his hole while John and I made out. John worked my nips and I begged Vince to do the pulse-trick on my prostate again. After about 15 more minutes of fucking, he grabbed my hips and I felt the magic throbbing inside me again. Each pulse was like an joy buzzer shock inside me- I loved it! Then they both maneuvered me so that I was on my back with my head hanging over the edge of the bed. More poppers and John was fucking me again with his huge cock while Vince stood over my face with his flaccid, wet, uncut penis. Me: I've never sucked an uncut cock before. Vince: Well, this is a day full of firsts for you! John: (giggling) And lasts... Me: I think I'll remember this day for the rest of my life Vince: Of that I have no doubt. John grabbed my ankles and took to fucking my ass hard. And I took Vince into my mouth and let my tongue savor his foreskin. The feeling of the skin was silky, and I could taste a mixture of lube and what I thought was his precum. When I inhaled, I got a full whiff of his musky manscent. It was almost better than the poppers. The rush of blood to my head and the feeling of foreskin in my mouth was dizzying. John flipped me around (all while not pulling out his cock) and got me on all fours. He then suggested to Vince that since this had been a day of firsts, how about they make me Lucky Pierre? Vince agreed and hopped up on the bed in front of me. I had no idea what a "lucky pierre" was, until Vince spit on my cock, and shoved it into his ass. It was so warm and velvety... so unlike anything I had ever experienced. So hot! So much better than a blow job! I was getting my ass fucked by a big cock while simultaneously losing my anal topping virginity inside a hot, furry daddy! It was all too much. I think I lasted all of a minute before I warned them that I was getting close. That's when John reached forward, grabbed Vince's hips and Vince reached back and grabbed mine. I was locked in place between them and stuck in Vince's ass! Me: I'm gonna cum! I should pull out!!! Vince: Just cum in me, kid! John: Do it! He wants you to! Me: But... but... Vince: I trust you John: C'mon kid! Shoot that load! Breed my boyfriend! John thrust again hard inside me and with that I erupted inside Vince's ass. The wet heat of my orgasm enveloped my cock as I shot my third load of the afternoon into Vince's bare ass, groaning "God DAMN, this feels awesome!" Apparently it was an impressive orgasm because Vince echoed my remarks saying "Holy fuck, I can feel him cumming in me!" In full approval, John answered "So hot! Take that virgin load!" After my orgasm finally subsided, John slid out of my ass with ease and I did the same to Vince. We collapsed in a sweaty heap on their bed. I awoke about an hour later, with a headache and instant fear. According to the bedside clock, my parents were due back at any time. I jumped to my feet, pulled-on my speedo, grabbed my stuff and headed out. I thanked Vince and John for the best sex of my young life and they said it was truly their pleasure. I made it back to the pool and managed to rinse the sex off about ten minutes before my parents arrived, so they were none the wiser about my afternoon activities. Several weeks after we got home I got really sick. My parents figured it was just some bug I picked up while in Mexico. Six months later at the student health center at college, I found out my parents were right. It was something I picked up in Mexico. And I discovered the meaning behind Vince and John's matching tattoos.
    1 point
  17. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
    1 point
  18. He just wanted to hang out, talk. It was so laid back and casual, I didn't even realize when he steered the conversation toward sex. He said some men are just made to be tops ... they know how to take charge of another person, and their big cock is evidence of the power they hold over others. On the other hand, he said some are just born submissive ... they typically have a smaller dick that just can't provide the same pleasure to a bottom. And they don't have an ass, they have a boypussy or a pussy, which can't resist a real man's cock. He asked me how big I was, and I told him. He kinda laughed and said, "Yeah ... you know most bottoms need more, right? This is what a real cock looks like." And just like that, he whipped out his huge 8.5" x 6" hard cock. I just sat there in shock, but I couldn't take my eyes off it, and got rock hard myself. He said, "It looks like you wanna touch it. Go ahead." So I reached over the couch and took it in my hand, and started jacking him off. For some reason, I felt the urge to get on my knees in front of him, and kept going. He told me to suck it, but I told him I only meant to hang out with him, not have sex. Just then a big drop of precum appeared on his slit. "Look, you don't have to suck it, but just lick that off before it hits the floor, yeah?" The drop got bigger, and started rolling down the shaft. I quickly stuck out my tongue and licked it off. Before I knew it, another drop was rolling down, and I instinctively kept lapping it up. I couldn't stop myself at that point, I took the first few inches into my mouth. "Good boy, see? You were born for this. I knew you couldn't resist." And he was right, his cock was intoxicating. As I sucked his cock deeper, he stood up and held my head still while fucking my throat. "Ohhh yeah, good little faggot, hot little cockslut." I wanted to protest what he was saying, but having his cock in my mouth made me turned on by those words. I could feel myself falling deeper into what I later realized is a very submissive, suggestable state. Eventually we moved to his bedroom and continued. He said he wanted to fuck me, and I said no. "Let me just rim you, then." And I agreed. When my clothes came off, he held my smaller dick against his and smirked. "You belong in chastity." I shouldn't have let him near my ass because his tongue felt amazing. "Let me fuck you." Again I said no. "Just the tip." I didn't say anything for a while, but I couldn't resist for long. "Okay, just the tip. For a few seconds, then take it out." He agreed as he grabbed lube. When he slid the head in, it hurt, and he implored me to at least wait until it felt better before taking it out. I relented, and it wasn't long before it started to feel good. After a few minutes, I told him to take it out. "Just a few more minutes?" I couldn't say no. What I didn't realize at the time was that he was slowly sliding more of his cock into me. "Hang on, let me re-adjust." He pulled his cock all the way out, then slid it back in. I moaned. "Yeah, good boy, your pussy needs this cock, doesn't it?" I didn't say anything as he continued to pull out, then back in again. Eventually I turned to look at him, and told him to get a condom. "Why? I'm not fucking you. I just wanna have some fun, then we'll stop." As his cock continued moving in and out, deeper with each thrust, I just moaned. It was getting harder to think clearly. He kept up for what must have been half an hour. I was a quivering mess at that point, and he said he was going to own my pussy ... going to breed it. I tried to push him away, but he grabbed on and it was too late. I was embarrassed on my way out, trying not to make eye contact, but he just said, "You'll be back for more." He was right. I went back three more times before I was able to stop myself. And even then, it was only because he started talking about "booty bumps" and whoring me out. I was turned on, but terrified, and that was the end of that.
    1 point
  19. I've harbored fantasies of being castrated for almost as long as I've had barebacking fantasies, and I wonder what the general feeling is among tops (especially poz tops) about topping a castrated or completely gender nullified (cock and balls all removed) masculine bottom. Would having my nuts cut off make me more or less attractive to tops, or am I mixing fantasies?
    1 point
  20. This is only my second go at this, guys (and it's a true story) so I hope y'all enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One night a few months back, I had to work late. We had a server crash and I was tasked with trying to collect as much data as I could. I ordered Chinese and as the sunset in the western sky, my eyes were burning and my patience was running thin. Not that I have a boyfriend to go home to, but hell---watching porn, watching the Golden Girls, or sleeping was better than this! I glanced down at my phone and it said 8:11. I decided to call it a night, and closed my workstation down and headed for the exit. I took a detour to the bathroom to take a leak---it’s a 15 mile drive home and there’s roadwork after 8 on the expressway. As I am pissing and enjoying the feeling of release, I glance over toward the sink and notice a sharps container. I work with some older folks, many of whom suffer from diabetes, so it makes sense, logically. Yet, my mind saw the biohazard symbol and my dick immediately started to swell (thankfully I was done pissing). Bad thoughts at work are hot in fantasies, but nothing worth someone coming in and then having an issue that would land me in the unemployment line. So, I zipped up, washed up, and headed towards my car. On the ride home, while trying to enjoy the swell in my dick, I pull out some poppers from my console (hey, you never know when that trick asks you to come over on your lunch break!) and huffed. That biohazard symbol kept coming back to me. I had to focus on the road, but my dick focused on that red and black symbol I craved. Wait---it was the second Wednesday of the month! On the second Wednesday of the month, our local sex club (Manifest) hosts a “Poz 4 Play” night. I am neg, and had always glanced at it and moved past it at home on my computer. Either the guys going weren’t really my type, I was too chicken shit to actually commit to going, or had something going on. Needless to say, I was torn---but being a member of this site has pushed me further and further to what will someday become (hopefully) a reality---the poz swimmers will take root and give me what I crave. I pull into a gas station, change into a jockstrap I had from baseball practice (earlier that week---sweaty too, hehe) and hopped back in my car. So, another huff and I plug the coordinates into my GPS---and 20 minutes later I am there. I’m in the parking lot. Car is running, the air is thick and humid, and the broadcaster is going on about the Braves dropping a game to the Padres. Moment of truth---do I take a chance and go? Or cut and run back home to porn and bed. Poppers---poppers like a magic 8 ball will guide me. I slowly inhale, and relax. I breathe out and release the day---I slowly get out from my car and make my walk to the door. I pay my money, and the door guy gives me a wink and says “You’ll be popular tonight young man” (Oh yeah, I’m 29, white, blonde hair, ice blue eyes, 8c, and an ass made of velvet). I nodded and gave him a smile and walked in. He then said, “Hey kid, have fun” and tossed me a small bottle of lube. Yep---I was in the right place. To give you some backgrounds, Manifest isn’t like a bathouse. You can’t walk around full on naked because there aren’t showers, there aren’t towels, and there isn’t a gym. It’s a straight on sex club. There are rooms (some that lock and some that don’t, and some with and without gloryholes). I walked through the place and saw some porn playing, some noises from some of the rooms and the smell of plywood the place was built with and the dim glow of some dirty lightbulbs lighting the place. I find a darkroom in the middle. Now, I love anonymous sex. I love being face down ass up blindfolded for men to come in and fill me. I don’t want them to see me and I don’t want to see them. I want their cum in me and that’s it. And, I invite bottoms over for the same treatment. It’s just easier that way---no names, no drama, no fuss. But, this was poz night. Walking in the place is certainly a step in and of itself, but taking that next step to walk into the dark room was something different. Again, the brown bottle in my hand did the trick. A little huff and I walked in. Not only did I walk in, I pulled my pants down and exposed my jockstrapped ass. I applied some lube, turned towards the wall and heard the floorboards creak. A hand, two hands caressed my fuzzy ass. The top then felt my smooth hole and grunted in delight. He used the lube to slather up his dick---this was it. I didn’t turn around (not that I could see anything anyway) and huffed again. He slid in just as the poppers kicked in. He went balls deep in the first thrust and I knew then what a pig felt like. Feeling his abs as he pounded me with his thick cock put me into outer space. I tuned out all noises, distractions, and other men to focus on THIS man giving me the seed I craved. It was all about him---in that moment. He fucked me hard and rough for a few minutes with a decent sized cock until the pace picked up, the breathing labored---and then it happened. A poz load up my ass. Not my first by any means, but first in a setting like this. Time had stopped, I’d just succumbed the moment. And as soon as he pulled out and I was about to get up, another one replaced it. I was in complete shock and complete bliss. All those nights reading stories on Breeding Zone and now, here I am! Again, the brown bottle shit everything else off except that poz dick up my hole---and that's the way I both wanted it to be and the way it should be. I must’ve taken 5 or 6 loads, before one burly muscular hairy bear guy whispered “I’ve seen your neg ass looking at my profile on BBRT---so enjoy this load” and popped it in me. I never understood how guys lost track of how much cum they took until that night. It was different---taking them all at once rather than one off situations where one guy dumps his load in me at home and leaves. This was special---and I loved it. My ass then needed a break and I needed a shower, so I pulled up trou and quickly made my exit. A rather inglorious and unromantic end to an evening I won’t soon be forgetting. This was 3 months ago, and I’m still neg, and still planning on going back and taking more poz cum.
    1 point
  21. I started work today at 2:00 AM, and was finished at 5:00 PM, so I had a long day, and when I arrived home, had planned nothing more interesting than an early bedtime, so when I hopped on BBRT it was more out of habit than lust. Then, almost right away I was hit up by a guy who purported to have a HUGE cock, and who was only a ten minute drive away. Well fuck. Who am I to ignore fate? I arrived at his place some 30 minutes later, having taken a shower and having performed a thorough cleaning-out. The guy met me at the door and was somewhat shorter than I expected, but I could clearly see his hard cock through his shorts. It may not have been the ten inches he had claimed, but it was a MONSTER none the less! We went up stairs where he immediately pushed me down on the couch and started to tear off my clothes and finger my ass pussy. Then he face-fucked me, and, having raped my mouth, he went onto my ass. He tried to push it in with just spit, but I all but screamed in agony, so while he lubed himself, he ate me out. After his big dick was thoroughly lubed, he slid slowly but forcefully all the way into my ass, balls deep. SO FULL! He fucked me deep and hard for about ten minutes then picked up his pace and bred me deep, telling me to "Take that poz cum." I FUCKING LOVE POZ TALK!!! He didn't stop fucking me, and, some five minutes later, went on to blowing another load in my ass. He was good for more but I was wrecked! Glad I didn't go to bed when I got home from work!
    1 point
  22. I live in a condo high rise building, so there's a lot of foot traffic in the staircase all the time. Now that it's almost summer, the pool is open and is pretty festive since it's the start of the season. There's a really hot straight couple that live in the building - both gorgeous, very personable and just fun to be around. On weekends, they're typically out by the pool socializing/drinking. This past weekend they had a buddy visiting. He's muscular, hairy and has a bit of an accent. We were all hanging out and drinking beer and having a good time when someone noticed the beer is running low, so I volunteered to head down to the street and hit the market or liquor store. The straight couple's visiting buddy said he had to piss and he asked to tag along. I didn't think much of his remark until we were walking inside the building toward the elevator bank and he asked if I minded taking the stairs. "Sure, why not?" I replied. Before we even got down the first flight of steps his hands were all over my ass. As we made-out, our cocks were growing full tilt. We were both a little nervous because we could get caught by anyone, and in addition, it was quite obvious he wanted my hole. I sucked his hot piece, got it super wet and started spitting in my hand and wetting my own hole. With that, he fucked me right then and there. We tried to keep quiet but we were both working up quite a sweat. After he blew a huge nut into my guts, we composed ourselves enough to make it down the stairs without raging hard-ons. It was SO HOT to walk around with his cum inside my ass.
    1 point
  23. I received a message on Growlr through a profile with no pictures. The message said that I was the hottest 'daddy' he ever saw. And wow, did he want to have sex with me. For most of us who use those apps, no picture = game player or picture-seeker, so I thought it was fake. He then explained how a month earlier he cruised me hard at the gas station where I regularly purchase gas, and that he knew me as a customer there and he lusted after me pretty hard. He named the right gas station, so I knew this person was for real. He added that a month ago, he decided to "up his flirting game" so as I pulled my car from my spot next to the station, he conveniently took out the trash, blocking my exit, forcing me to see him while he stared at me. After he explained this story on Growlr, I did remember a young guy doing this at my gas station. I also remembered thinking at the time 'What the fuck is your problem? Get your trash out of the way, bud'. He described himself as a twink, a tall twink, skinny and with wild hair. Intriguing. He hoped he might find me on Growlr, and while I was flattered, I didn't know about this guy. After all, he was straight-identified, 23, had a very serious girlfriend, worked at a gas station but tried to live as musician. But I dunno, he had sincerity on his side, and this friendliness too, so I met him after his gas station shift. He was handsome.tall and lanky, long hair pulled back, and with scruffy facial hair. Well, short and long. It was a weird combination. But inside this gruff hipster was this excited guy. His band was taking off. They had booked a tour of Europe, a bunch of mid-sized or smaller cities. Sounded sketchy, but he really believed it was going to happen. We ended up going to my place later and had a hot scene. He liked a daddy in control, so I stripped him and made him kneel before me while his 7.5 cut cock bounced straight out in front of him, dripping precum. He was excited. I sucked him off, made him lick my belly (which he loved), and he moaned and groaned in ways that made me know he was way into it. He fucked me, looking into my eyes. I was just beginning to bareback but not yet taking loads, so I had him pull out and I watched his face freeze and clench while he shot his giant load on my leg. He was shy immediately after. I drove him home after that. Shortly after that, he contacted me on Growlr to thank me for the experience and added he was off to Europe on tour and goodbye. He asked me to think of him as my 'Good boy'. (I realize this is a long setup to getting to sloppy raw sex. Sorry. Didn't mean for this to be a full story, but the creamy pay off is coming.) He contacted me a month ago. He was back in the states and had been living in my city for the past five months or so. He had gotten married, had a a baby, and his music career had taken off, that he had a record contract and was performing and recording music full time. (I guess he really did have a music tour in Europe!). Good for him. During our raunchier Growlr chats, he confessed that the first time he fucked me was the first time he had ever been with a man. He had never fucked a man. Not ever. I was shocked by this because of the way he role played so easily, and how very relaxed and into the sex he was. That day, I didn't have to talk him into fucking, he pounced. He really wanted to cream me, too. That was a big deal to him. I said it was a big deal to me, too. I wasn't taking loads when we first fooled around...but I was now. I asked him how many men he had fooled around with besides me. 'None', he replied. We played text-tag for three week. He had to work around the baby schedule, the band, his wife, all that shit. I work and have a life, I wasn't going to drop everything because a 23 year old happened to be free between 10:00 and 11:15 one morning. But this morning, he texted me, inviting me to get high and for the first time, I replied 'okay'. I had been thinking about his load and how much I wanted it. We had unfinished business. He was supposed to breed me that very first time he had sex with a man, but we didn't do it. It should have happened, but I was now ready to honor his seed. Got to his house, total mess, total "we're married and poor" situation but it was in a cool attic of an old home. Wooden floors, painted green (when you could see the actual floor) and a giant sloppy bed in front of big windows with cobwebs and broken slat blinds. He wore baggy clothes, even more lumberjack/hipster than before. Super skinny. We smoked his pot, which was good, and then it got quiet between us. Earlier that morning during our texts, he confessed he was nervous and unsure. He definitely wanted the sex and he wanted to blow his nuts in me. But he was nervous all the same. When things got quiet between us, I took the lead. I put my hand on his leg and said, "When we got together over a year ago, I made you pull out. I was new to barebacking. I hadn't taken men's loads my whole life and I was new to indulging my favorite, most intense fantasy. I made you pull your beautiful cock out of yer Dad...." He groaned. I said, "I won't be asking you to pull out today. Today, you empty your nuts inside your Dad. Is that what you want?" His lips opened and he tried to speak, but no words. His hips jerked, thrusting up into the air, thrusting at nothing. I took this as a yes. I made him kneel again, stripped him slowly until his skinny body and big dick were at right angles. He took off his baseball cap and he had long bushy hair in the front which I pulled behind his ear. I kissed him, something he did not want a year and a half ago. But he wanted it now. After the very wet kiss ended, I whispered into his mouth, "Was that the first time, you kissed a man?" He whispered, "Yes." I made out with him again and caressed his balls, already tight. I lowered myself to suck on his big dick, hard as stone, and bouncing in front of him. Leaking precum. I smeared some on my upper and lower lips and the made him kiss it off. I sucked his big cock until it was sloppy, but I cut the blow job short. His hard cock was quivering. His balls were tight against his body. I didn't think he'd last long on a proper blow job. I told him that we were gonna do doggy style this time and he nodded. He said, "I'm nervous." I kissed him and said, "Do you wanna shoot your load in Dad's hole?" He nodded against my chest. "Say it, son. Say you want to cum inside me." He mumbled out, "I wanna cum inside you." "Say it. C'mon. Tell me what you want." He looked me in the eye and said, "I wanna fuck you and then shoot inside you." I instructed him to get some lube. I took care of my own hole and he greased up his dick. I knew he would not necessarily be gentle...I mean, he'd be as gentle as I told him to be. But I figured he'd just try to pop his whole cock inside me in one jerky motion. Which he did. I slowed him down a bit, but not for long. It but about three or four tries before he was balls deep inside me, his hands wrapped around my pecs and he said, "Oh." I squeezed his dick and he moaned. We started fucking, both of us moving some to create the slow see-saw of fucking. It was wet inside me. I asked him how he liked that sensation, that wet gripping hole. "I love it," he said and he gasped. He lasted longer than I thought he would, I give him credit for that. He fucked me in slow, even strokes, I think just because he was enjoying the sensation of each long-ass grip. I said stuff like, "You gonna cum inside your dad today? Paint my insides white, son?" This would make him fuck harder and gasp out a 'yes, or 'yes, dad.' Pretty soon he said, "I'm gonna cum. Should I cum?" I said, "Plant your seed, son. Cum in me." This drove him over the edge and he fucked deeper a few times. After each thrust, he clenched his anus hard - I could feel it -- because it forced his cock to clench up inside my ass and squirt out more liquid. He gasped and gasped on top of me, his head on my back. At last he said, "Whoa," and pulled out. As soon as he was out of me, I was just a pot-smoking buddy. A pal. Someone who he invited over to smoke. I was out of the house within five or six minutes. He was still very friendly, asking me lots of polite questions about my life so he could get rid of me faster. We hugged before I left. He hit me up on Growler a few minutes ago to say how nervous he was and also that, "I liked it." I told him what he wanted and needed to hear. "You done good, son. I'm proud of you." As a P.S. to this story, my young buddy texted me on Growlr about 10 hours later, close to midnight, asking me if I would come back for a repeat.
    1 point
  24. My personal favorite is going to the baths in nothing but my Pump jock and laying ass up on a dirty mattress in a public basement room getting fucked by too many guys to count. Taking hits of poppers and just opening my hole to all of the cum available that night! I always lose count and end up with cum running down my legs!
    1 point
  25. First, understand that this happens to almost every gay man. For me it was falling in love with a freshman dorm mate. I met him the first day of school. I was watching TV with Mark's jock roommate and Mark walks in from the shower, nonchalantly takes off his robe, and when I saw his blond furry chest (like Redford) and pretty pink cock I was smitten for the next couple of years. If you know for sure is straight, then I recommend moving on and quickly. I know it's hard, but you're facing nothing but disappointment, frustration, and sadness. And trying to satisfy your feeling by becoming his friend will just make the longing worse for you.
    1 point
  26. I am unowned, but I wear my chastity device voluntary 24/7 under my jockstrap. That shows anytime, that my cock isn´t a part of the game. Just my holes need attention. Once I had some trouble at the security control at the airport because of the metallic lock. Ihad to undress in a separate room. And it was very humilating to show it to the controller.
    1 point
  27. Well, since I am a total bottom, I like to take it in both of my holes at the same time (spit roast).
    1 point
  28. The best compliment is my infected sperm in his guts. If I am really into him then I will tell him that I want to fuck him again in the future and follow through with it. Bottoms are for use, but need to be appreciated also.
    1 point
  29. feel the head of his cock pulsing...yep feel the instant gushing of cum in my hole...yep feel the warmth of his seed...yep feel the leaking cum out of my ass later on...yep
    1 point
  30. Ok, so the whole taking slowly into the bb scenes started a little quicker and heavier than i thought it would. I normally have mondays off and thought I'd have a cruise and see who would up for some fun, i was prepared to have to spend the day looking for a BJ but almost instantly i chatted with a horny guy who was only a half an hour down the road and wanted a quick hook up, no mention of BB at that point and i didn't mention it as i was so horny i just wanted cock in me covered or no! As i was halfway through this conversation i had another but of a guy an hour away who wanted to bb fuck my hole... damn i though i have a meet arranged, so i spoke with him and told him that I had this meet and he said to message him if id got a load in my hole and he'd make sure he was free!!! OMG i think I'm gonna aim for a load. So i jumped in the car and headed down to the first guy, getting harder in the car at the thought of a hot load in my hole. I arrived and text him to let him know i was there. As i got to the door i saw a big tattooed daddy bear. My cock twitched again and he invited me in and as he closed the door he squeezed my butt... mmmmmmmmm. he led me upstairs, to the spare room, and just started to undress me, taking my clothes off quickly and left me standing there naked as my cock grew hard. He stroked my fur and grabbed my cock, then started to suck my nipples which really makes me hard. When he'd finished sucking i looked down and he'd got his massive tool out, and i mean massive. I sank to my knees and started to get it into my mouth and i had to stretch but like a trooper i managed it. I sucked him for a while and tasted that mustiness of his crotch. it was like nectar, but he had other ideas. he pulled me off his cock, bent me over the bed and started to lick my hole. Making it really wet. I could feel his tongue probing my hole, sliding in an out and making my hole really wet.... i love that. Then he stood up and without a word i felt his cock head against my hole. Slowly he pushed, and as he did i sniffed a big hit of poppers and slowly but surely he stretched my little hole to take his whole cock. I told a sharp breath and then relaxed to let him get balls deep. I felt full. He began to fuck me slowly, and then the tempo increased... i rode his cock as he got faster and faster, he felt so big in me but i loved it. we both started bucking and as i thought he was going to climax he pulled right out in one slide. grabbed me and turned me round pausing me to the floor and making me suck his cock. It had his precum and my asrse juice on there... i have never done A2M but I'm hocked now... i licked nd sucked that massive tool to eat every single drop of that ambrosial mixture. He moaned a little as i sucked his dick clean and this seemed to make him grow even bigger if that was even possible. Then he turned me around again and this time no prep he lined up and drove into me up to the hilt! Fuck i was in heaven. as was he i think... and he kept pounding and pounding getting faster and faster, building up a head of steam and i knew this was it, he was going to cum... he was getting closer and close and leant down against my back and whispered "Want my Load"... i was so in heaven that i could just nod, "ok" he said and sped up, until he almost screamed as he unloaded his first big spew of spunk into my hole. and i felt his cock grow and pulse as he loaded my hole... he kept thrusting and fucking his load into me deep, and kept riding his cock until i thought id drained every drop! he pulled out and i felt a little cum dribble out of my hole, but he scooped that up with his finger, turned me around and offered his finger to me which i greedily sucked clean, then he looked down and i knew what he wanted, i sank to my knees again and sucked his still hard dick, eating that mixture of his spunk and my arse greedily... it was amazing to taste. I cleaned him spotlessly clean, got dressed and left with out so much as a thank you and i was so horned by it, i text the other guys and said "Im Loaded", and his address was text back almost immediately. So back in the car my arse felt awesome, nice and open and wonderfully wet... and made my way over to the other guy. I arrived and text to say i was there, he text back to say i needed to go in the back gate, strip naked in the alley and then go into the garden. Oh Fuck this was gonna be hot. I stripped and walked into the garden and this older hot daddy was there naked and hard and ready to play. He started by fingering my hole and said "fuck thats a nice hole and a huge load" and with not much more he slid his cock up indie me and started to fuck that load into me! Wow, this was epic. "So, how do you feel about piss?" he asked, "Love it" i said. "Ever been pissfucked"? Ive had piss in my arse but never been piss fucked properly..." so he just laughed. He slowed fucking and just stayed still then all of a sudden i couldd feel my hole start to get heavy, he was pissing into my hole. oh fuck yeah!!!! he pissed for what seemed and age and then just started to fuck my hole, every thrust seem to want to force out a bit of piss, but he kept going. He kept going to the point where i didn't think i could take any more... and whispered "I need to let this piss go"... he kept fucking and i thought he hadn't heard me, so i took a breath and he then said "Just let it go" he stopped fucking but didn't fully withdraw his cock, and i let my piss filled arse relax and spew his hot piss mixed with cum out to spray all up his stomach and all over my back... He got harder and i got harder at this and then he continued fucking me. He wasn't as big as the last guy but still an ample cock and now i was full of piss i was in heaven... He kept feeding me poppers and fucking me getting faster and then eventually, made me bend forward so he could get a good grip and a really force his cock in, so he fucked and fucked me harder and harder until he began to moan and blew his load up my piss filled arse. He unloaded into me and at the same time i was wanking so frenetically that i came too.... This was the most amazing day ever and so my bb life has gotten off to a bang! Heres to the next one
    1 point
  31. Great story hope it continues real soon with daddies breeding Justin
    1 point
  32. I was in Savannah doing work on a case. I usually fly home on Friday, but I'd decided to stay and fly my boyfriend down to see me instead. Then my boyfriend got sick. I had upgraded to a nicer room and I had a car so I thought it wouldn't be a bad weekend to stick around. It did really suck that I hadn't had sex since I last saw my boyfriend and I was really trying to be loyal. Friday night I ate at a place that was pretty good, but since I was alone I sat at the bar and well, since I was alone I probably drank too much. The bartender was nice and was always refilling my drinks quickly. He was kinda cute, but I think he was straight and just working me for a tip. I went back to my room and got online -Grindr. You know because everyone with a boyfriend is on Grindr just to make new friends, right? LOL. This couple was really hot. Both shorter than me - one baseball player build and fit and the other a twink. I was chatting with the baseball player. He said that he liked me, but that he and his partner only played together. He checked with his partner and eventually suggested I should come over. I drove to their place; getting lost twice because I kept missing their street. I got there and we said hi and baseball player was the top and totally acted like it. Twink looked annoyed that I was there at first, but it turns out he just had "bitchy face." Baseball player poured me a vodka and we were chatting and getting comfortable. Baseball player told me to take off my shirt to show him my body. I did and he said, shorts too. I slipped them off and was just in my boxer briefs. They were both clothed. Baseball player refilled my drink and kissed me. He said, "Tell us what you like. I want to hear you say what you want us to do." I said, "I like getting fucked. I like getting used by guys. It's fucking hot. I love sex and love having sex however guys want to have sex." Baseball player was rubbing his crotch in his sweats and the twink actually smiled. One of them asked if I liked to suck cock. I said yeah. Baseball player said, "Take off your underwear." I did and I went over and straddled the twink and kissed him. Then I leaned over and kissed the baseball player while the twink rubbed my cock and ass. Baseball player said, "Let's go upstairs." So we walked over to the stairs and we got about 2 steps up and we all started making out again. Twink was leading the way and he turned around to make out with me. Baseball player started playing with my ass and kissing my neck. Twink opened his shorts and said, "Suck my cock." So, I did. It was a hot cock on a little dude. I was impressed. I licked and sucked it. Head and balls. Baseball player was pushing my head down on Twink's cock and I was letting him do it and trying not to gag when he pushed too far. I think baseball player was getting really turned on because he got naked and was rubbing his cock on my ass. He was rubbing it all over my ass crack and spreading my ass cheeks to let his cock slide all over. He picked my mouth off the Twink's cock and said, "Go get the stuff," and he kissed me. Twink ran upstairs and came back down and I was sucking off the baseball player. He also had a nice cock, probably 8' cut. It was really nice. Nicer than Twink's cock; but twink still had a nice cock. He turned me around again and I saw the lube and poppers get handed to baseball player. I went back to sucking the twink's cock.Twink told me I was a great cocksucker. He said, "I can tell you really love giving head man." Baseball player was fingering my ass with lube and began rubbing his cock along my crack. He kept rubbing it on my ass. I was pushing back to feel more of his cock in my crack as I sucked the twink's cock. He said, "Why don't you sit on twink's cock." I turned around and grabbed twink's cock and lined it up with my ass and sat on it. I winced, but I was drunk enough, horny enough and had lube in my ass so I kept sliding down on it. Fuck it felt good to have a cock in me. I started riding his cock some and the baseball player leaned in and said, "you look so hot riding his cock." He watched me ride twink's cock and stroked his own. Twink was kissing my neck and reached to get the poppers. He did some and then put them under my nose for me to sniff. I was feeling great. I rode his cock like a champ. Twink said, "slow down or you'll make me cum." I said, "that's the point right." I kept riding him. He pushed me up and said, "Turn around." I did and he got behind me and slammed his cock back inside me. I grunted. He started fucking me hard. Baseball player was cheering the twink on. After a few minutes I felt twink get faster and he jammed his cock in my ass and shot his load in my ass. Now it was baseball player's turn. This dude had been sniffing poppers and jerking off watching his boyfriend fuck and breed me. He was so turned on. He said, "My man's cum is the only lube my cock needs." He slide his 8" cock inside me slowly, but forcefully and did not stop until his balls were on my ass. He started fucking me. Long strokes, short strokes, all the way out, jackrabbit. This guy was a great top. Without warning, after a few minutes, he grunted loudly and came in my ass. It was wild sex. I started jerking off and I came on their stairs. it was hot sex. We made out some more. I rode both their cocks again. They both came in me again. I was in heaven by the time I left just before dawn. I went back to the hotel and collapsed into my bed and slept until mid-afternoon.
    1 point
  33. Not only awesome story telling, but great and unexpected additional fucks added to the excitement. I loved the racial mix and the believability factor was high. Would be a story I ideally shoot for writing when I'm not being lazy and making it short! Hahah
    1 point
  34. Oh man, I loved the twist at the end! It was a hot story without it---but that final paragraph...fucking WOW!
    1 point
  35. Great story hope there will be a part 2 or another story by you very erotic
    1 point
  36. Young Raw White Str8 Cub Cums Again http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=aZ2jN-G702-#.VXjg3c-6e00
    1 point
  37. I've already posted this elsewhere but one Friday night of a Labor Day weekend in New Orleans, I sucked cocks all night in a bar called Rawhide. I was wearing nothing but cowboy boots, jeans. Bar was PACKED w/shirtless men. 100 degrees. Around 2 am, crowd changed from gay accountants on vacation to local New Orleans ghetto thugs. I didn't stop. I kept going till 5 am. I lost count in the upper 20s. I begged men "Cum on my face and my tits!" And they did. My beard got saturated; it slid down my neck, between my tits, down my happy trail, puddled in my belly button, stopped when the trail of cocksnot hit the top of my pubes. I walked around bar showing off, little ropes dangling off my beard as I stood in line to piss or order a beer. Had to walk 10 blocks back to hotel, thru hotel lobby. That was Friday night. Went back Sat. afternoon... Sat. night... Sun. afternoon... Sun. night... Did a few less each time but must've done 60 that weekend. Crack hos can't do that many cocks. And yes, I bent over and got fucked a few times that weekend too ... without turning around to see what they looked like.
    1 point
  38. Hey guys-- and especially hi to the regular followers- I was sort of bummed during May about the number of loads/action I was getting in May, especially the end of the month when I was on a 10 day vacation and decided to stay home and try my luck online. It was Memorial Day weekend and my birthday- so I had big expectations of non stop fucking-- well, you know where this is going--- days of not as much as a single endless emailer on the hook sites ..grrrr. So I was really surprised yesterday when I did the numbers off my wall calendar and realized just how many loads I HAD gotten! In May, (all are taken loads ) I was fucked 17 times,was fed a load 4 times, and took 16 fistings. And, I even gave 2 fistings-- but I prefer not to admit to that or I might lose my bottom certification <g>) So, at the end of May, my CUM-ulative totals are :60 loads/fuckings in my ass, 17 loads taken orally, 44 fistings received ( and yeah, a couple given) and 2 piss sessions . As I just posted over in the last load given/received-- last Friday was a real boost to my slut numbers- took a no tell motel room right next to the gay Latin bar in Miami, so I was able to do the bar and do the room for action--but really the patio was sufficient for most of the action after the sun set and the pigs came out In the arena of shameless promotion- during June my ass is available Thurs thru Sat, so if you are looking to run my hole and load me up- get in touch--1 load or a gang bang, it all works for me as long as the cum is in me
    1 point
  39. my very first time raw, the guy was fucking me doggy, as i was dosed on poppers,it felt great, after abit he said im going to cum in you, i said no pull out, to late he pinned me down and blew his load in me, when he finished he pulled out and back in a few times, it was fantastic, few days days later he text me for a repeat :-)
    1 point
  40. OMG What Did I Do? Part IX I was finally getting that close up look at this guys huge cock. It was in my face and then I had the head of it in my mouth before I knew what I was doing. He was sucking my cock and ramming my big dildo in and out of my ass. He was pounding my hole hard and fast with that dildo and had me just floating away with the fantastic feelings he was causing. I tried to get more of his cock in my mouth but it was just so huge I could barely get a couple of inches past the head of it in me. I could feel myself getting harder and harder and was very close to cumming, when he all at once stopped sucking and grabbed the base of my cock with his free hand hard. It completely stopped the sensation and he just held on tight for a bit. I groaned around his cock and he then told me he didn't want me to cum yet, just keep edging a while and then make it a really good orgasm for me. I just wriggled around as he had not quit ramming my hole with his other hand with the dildo. I was going into overdrive more wanting to get off but loving the sensation also. After a few minutes, he started to lick my cock up and down. Then he eased it into his mouth a little at a time. He was driving me wild and I was sucking his cock and then would take it out of my mouth and lick all of it I could get to. This huge cock was magnificent. I had never seen nor felt anything like it before and was doing my best to just worship it. As I got it back in my mouth he suddenly pushed it in hard and basically gagged me hard. I was gasping but he was on top of me and I could do nothing and then he let up and I was able to get a gasp of air and then he did it again. He kept this up, alternating between almost choking my air off completely and then letting me have just a gasp of air. I was loving his attention to my cock and ass but was getting so little air I was getting a little dizzy from it. Then just when I didn't think I could take it much more he pulled his cock out of my mouth and at the same time pulled the dildo out of my ass. I arched my back involuntarily from the sensation of being empty and not wanting to be. As he tossed the dildo aside he then let go of my cock with his mouth, grabbed my legs and lifted them up and pulled my ass up from the blanket and then his mouth was clamped to my hole and his tongue went to work. He use his tongue to rub around and around my open hole and then would drive it into me. I was almost able to dump him off of me when he did that from jerking my entire body as he caused such a wild sensation of pleasure. Lucky for us both he was bigger than me and was able to hang on and kept on rimming me driving his tongue as deep as he could push it into me. As he did this he eased up off of me then and turned around and without getting his mouth off of my hole put my legs up over his shoulders and was then looking up at me. He lifted my ass up just enough that as I lifted my head up to look down there I was looking him right in the eyes as he kept rimming me. He was really driving me more and more crazy and then one of his hands took ahold of my cock and started to pump it. I don't think I had ever been this wild before and was basically driving my ass and cock at him for more. Then he broke off rimming me and his lips started up across my balls, stopping to suck each of them into his hot mouth for a bit. Then higher and took just the head of my cock into his heated mouth as he continued to pump my cock with his hand. Then he started kissing his way up my stomach to my chest and then back and forth kissing and nipping at my nipples for a while. I was getting close to cumming again as these sensations were just too much for me to handle. Then, as his kisses came up across my throat and then to my mouth I felt his cock hit my ass. I froze up some then. Wait, was I wanting to go all the way like this. The only cock that had been in me for a long time was my boyfriend's. Did I want to completely cheat on him. I was way over the line now, but this was too much, wasn't it? He must have felt me tense up though as his hand stroked me faster then and his tongue went deep into my mouth then in a very hot passionate kiss. He just rubbed his cock around my crack a little as I relaxed some thinking that was all he was going to do. His hand on my cock felt so good stroking away. I know I had never felt this much pleasure before and I could think of nothing else but my approaching orgasm. He broke the kiss off and looked me in the eyes as he told me I was fantastic and he loved the feelings of my body against his. His almost hypnotic voice had me just falling deeper and deeper into his eyes. I could tell I was about to cum when, again, he quit stroking my cock and grabbed the base of it hard. Again I groaned my frustration but he quickly started to stroke me again. My groan turned into moan of pleasure then and I felt a new pressure also. It then came to me that he had started pushing his cock into my hole. The head was already in. I had never felt so full and his cock just kept slipping further and further into my hot open ass. My eyes got very big but he just kept looking into them deeply and his voice kept telling me to relax and enjoy. I could not move. After, what seemed like an eternity, his cock stopped moving into me. I was finally able to move a little and reached down and felt my ass and his huge cock was buried completely in my hole. I could not believe it. That huge monster cock completely in me. I almost freaked out then, but his mouth came down on mine again and his tongue went deep into mine. He then started to pull back out with his cock until just the head of it was all that was left in me. He then pushed back in slowly and in and out like that oh so easy and slow. I was just moaning continually now from the intense feelings. I could feel that cock stretching me like nothing before had including my large dildo. It was more fantastic than anything ever before. In about 10 minutes of this he started to pick up the pace, faster and faster and harder and harder. He was driving every inch of his cock into me as deeply as he could. He pushed my legs up higher and higher until I was on my shoulders and my hole pointing straight up. He was pile driving my ass fast, hard and deep as it could go. My own cock was pointing straight into my face and only about 3 inches above it. He kept it going for a good 15 minutes more and then I could tell a difference in his breathing and knew he was getting close. My own cock was throbbing from his pummeling of my protate. I knew I was close to cumming again too. Then he leaned down a little and told me he was cumming and my own cock exploded right into my own mouth. As I felt his huge cum filling me up he then grinned and told me it was great to be able to fill my hole with his very high viral load of cum.
    1 point
  41. I've been single almost the last 5 years and have happily spent most of my adult life single. I'm in a place where it would be great to have a partner, but it's hard finding guys to date...I don't live in London (an hour train ride away, so not far), I only fuck bare and don't drink or use drugs and am not interested in a monogamous relationship, so that all narrows the field down considerably. I don't need a relationship to validate myself, so I'm not going to settle. But hoping to one day meet a cute lil barebacking bottom that doesn't need chems to get piggy and who will let me whore his ass out, or chill with me on the sofa after a great meal, watching the Walking Dead as I knit him some socks...and if I need a pee break, he'll be down on his knees, mouth open...
    1 point
  42. So true, PozFetishPig!!! What's the use of having sex at all, if it's that shallow, insensate, inanimate, exsanguine pseudo-sex without skin-on-skin contact, without melting into each other, without fusing your own DNA with that of your fuck partner...? Guess I'd rather stop having sex altogether...
    1 point
  43. This ALWAYS turns me on. "Let me just finger you...feel my tongue. Doesn't that feel good?" "Think how good my dick would feel. Let just put my head in, you'll like how it feels. I won't go all the way in." Then you feel his balls hitting your ass cheeks. "Man! You should have a rubber on!" "Oh man, I don't have one...this feels so good, I can't stop. Your ass is so tight, so hot. It just feels too good squeezing my dick." It feels so damn good. That raw, hard cock up your ass. Fucking sliding in and out of you. You know you can't stop, you want that dick fucking you...RAW. "Okay man, just pull-out before you cum." "Yeah man, I promise I won't cum in you." Then for a moment you're disappointed that you won't get his cum. But, before you know it, he's full-on fucking you. Full strokes deep in your ass, pulling out, back in. He's fucking pounding your ass and you're LOVING IT! So is he. "Oh Fuck man. Your cunt feels so good. I'm gonna cum...oh fuck yeah, I'm gonna shoot my load." "Pull-out man! You can't cum in me!" "Oh fucking no way...I'm going to seed your cunt. I never planned on pulling out. Fucking going cum up your ass - make you my bitch!" At that moment I start cumming...shooting my load, squeezing my hole and he starts cumming. "OH FUCK YEAH! Take my sperm, fucking suck it down into your ass. You knew all along you wanted it!" My insides are now wet, warm, and slick. I'm in heaven. His slick cock working up a foam till its a bit soft. He pulls it out and brings it up to my mouth for a good cleaning. I'm fucking drunk on cum. ----------------------------------------------- The idea of a Booty Bump does really turn me on. Would like to try it just once. Damn I need a good fucking right now!
    1 point
  44. Part 3 As Eric lit the lighter he nodded to the TV and said I wish that me right now. The scene was the woman on her knees blowing the guy. Eric said to Bob that he knew that Bob wished it was him too. Bob looked and watched as she swallowed the guys entire cock and it made his mouth water. Then he saw another guy appear and the two guys started to make out. Bob then watched as Eric sucked in that awesome white smoke. Eric set the pipe down and then put his hand on the back of Bob's head pulling to to him and stopped less than an inch from being mouth to mouth and he slowly blow the cloud into the boy's mouth. Having Eric hold him felt so right and he hoped they did this again. Bob inhaled the smoke from Eric and held it until Eric told him to blow it back to him and then he pulled the boy's head further until they were connected. Bob nearly collapsed as he felt Eric's mouth against his. Eric took Bob's hand and placed it on Eric's throbbing cock and then pulled his head back and whispered into the boy's ear, "Watching the video I knew you wanted to be the one swallowing the cock. I know right now you're so horny you want my cock don't you?". Bob moaned out a quiet yes. Eric let the boy go and then told Shaun he wanted to watch him shotgun with his brother. Shaun moved quickly and picked up the pipe and held it to his brother's lips and called him his sexy little brother. As Bob inhaled Shaun locked eyes with him and their love and hunger got intense. Shaun set the pipe aside and put his mouth to his brother's and started making out. When Bob needed to exhale Shaun didn't bother trying to inhale as he instead was enjoying shoving his tongue into the boy's mouth. Bob reached for his brother's cock and they both moaned into each other's mouth. Bob opened his eyes and saw on the TV that the new guy was pushing his cock into the first guys mouth. The hunger inside him was almost out of control as he needed to get a cock in his mouth now. Finally Shaun let go of Bob's head and they separated. "Watching that guy suck his buddy is making my cock drip", Eric said, and Bob and Shaun turned to him and saw he was sitting naked and stroking himself. "Shaun come show your brother how to do it." The brothers knelt in front of Eric and Shaun told Bob to lick the head of Eric's cock. Bob was so excited and started to lick up all of Eric's precum and was addicted immediately. Shaun told him to watch his teeth and to take as much in his mouth as he could and Bob went down on it until he gagged. Eric took hold of his head and guided the boy further down as Shaun moved the boy onto his knees and then he removed both his and his brother's underwear. When Shaun touched his little brother's cherry boyhole the boy's body shook in pleasure but Eric held his head firm. "Looks like little Bobby likes his hole touched", Eric said, " Show him what getting his hole eaten feels like." As his brothers tongue licked his hole he tried to scream in delight but just then Eric pushed his cock into his throat and soon the feeling was too much and the boy started to cum. Shaun felt the spasm on the boy's hole and shoved his tongue all the way in and fucked the boyhole with it. Bob didn't know what happened but his orgasm went into overdrive. Eric fucked his throat a couple of times then held it all the way down and unloaded into his throat. When Eric let the boy's head up Shaun grabbed it and turned it to the side as he plunged his cock that was about to fire into it and just as he got it in it started shooting his load.
    1 point
  45. jockstrap is best, we bottoms don't need our cocks played with
    1 point
  46. Pozing Rob Once my Dad and Dave had succeeded in loading me up with their poz seed, and I came down with the flu, though it was not the season for it, I knew it was now time for Rob’s conversion. Dad helped me through the sickness, (which was mercifully brief), and, in fact, had ensured it would take by filling my ass with every load he and Dave could get to cum out of their balls. After I recovered, I returned to the dorm and asked Rob if he was really sure he wanted to be Poz. “Dude, this is something that we will share for the rest of our lives. Something we can spread together and pass on. While you have been busy with your two poz daddies, I have been subtly asking around the wrestling team. Everyone in our division is either gay or bi. And not just the five of us freshman either! The two juniors, Jon and Seth, have been fucking each other since their freshman year; and sometimes they bring in a third guy to fuck with them. There are a few others in the other weight classes. Together we are gonna fuck them all, and spread our gift to all of the team. But first, you gotta give it to me. So let’s get naked, and get that poz cum in my ass!” I smiled at Rob as we both quickly stripped and jumped onto the bed we shared. I went to reach for the lube we keep on the stand, to find it missing. “Where’s the lube?” I asked. “No lube. You need to tear me up, gotta make sure it takes.” “Ok, but this might hurt.” “But it is going to be so worth it when we start sharing this around campus, buddy!” With that, I slid Rob’s legs back to expose his hole for my assault. My cock was already rock hard and had starting leaking my now toxic precum. I lined up the head with his tight hole, and looked into his eyes. I could see the want and lust in them as I quickly pushed all seven inches of my cock into his bare hole. He let out a groan of pain, and I saw the tears form at the corners of his eyes. Bu the grabbed my ass and kept pressure on it till I was firmly planted in his ass. I was purposefully rough with him for the initial fuck, drawing all the way out, then plunging quickly back in to his gaping hole. He didn’t want mercy for this fuck, and I was not going to give it to him; I was only going to give him my bug. Soon his groans of pain turned to moans of pleasure. I fucked him for as long as I could, but far too soon I felt my load building to release. A few more thrusts into his neg ass, and I was beyond the point of no return. “Here you go baby, my first poz load, and it is just for you!” With those words, I slammed my entire length into Rob and shot my first known charged load into another guy. It helped to know that he was wanting this from me as much as I was wanting to give it to him. We kissed deeply as my cock shot its charged load deep into his ass, and we kept kissing as my cock slowly deflated, but never got fully soft in his hole. Once I could, I began to fuck him again. My cock growing hard again in his ass, and my balls preparing another charged load to plant in him. We kept kissing all through the second fuck, a more gentile, loving fuck. The first fuck had already torn-up his ass, and made it receptive to the virus flowing in my cum. This fuck was for us, to cement the bond that would be forever with us. We might only be fuck buddies, but we were the best of fuck buddies, we were guys who would share DNA, who would be forever linked through a virus that we shared. All night long my cock stayed in Rob’s hole, never getting completely soft. I lost track of how many times I came in him. All I know was that when morning came, and I finally could cum no more and pulled out of him, the cum that was still on my cock was tinged pink and he was leaking slightly from all the cum in his ass. As we laid there, both basking in the glow of Rob having taken his first poz loads, we chatted a bit, and I asked “So, while I know you just took gallons of my cum, I was wondering if you would take more.” “I will keep taking your cum till I come down with the flu and am converted.” “I was thinking of not just my cum, but also maybe my Dad's cum. Since they converted me, they could help convert you too.” “You want the guys who pozzed you to also fuck me and breed me?” “Yea, I think it would be hot for us all to get together and both of us take their cocks and cum all night.” “You’d be there with me?” “Of course I would be there with you. You are my special friend, we’ll do so much together!” I said then kissed him again. When I broke the kiss he answered, saying "Let's do it." We got up, showered and got ready for classes. That afternoon I called Dad and told him I had bred Rob all night, and that he wanted both my father and Dave also to breed him. Dad was receptive to my proposal, and we scheduled the upcoming weekend for a get-together with Dad, Dave, Rob and me, during which they would fuck our brains out, just to make sure that we were both good and toxic to spread it to the other guys on the wrestling team, who, presumably, would spread it to others.
    1 point
  47. Not sure I agree. There is plenty of medical protocol that needs to be observed with PrEP and seems reasonable at this moment to bump people to ID docs. Sure, maybe the GP is a bit lazy to research stuff and do it on their own but I'm sure in a year or two they'll get up with the program and do it themselves. I'm getting PrEP with Kaiser and they have a whole team of docs here in SF doing PrEP alongside with HIV care and that's the way they want it, and this is from the quintessential HMO who is always looking at keeping costs down.
    1 point
  48. Now Tad braced himself for the worst as Wolf moved behind him and took his position between Tad's legs. Piston, Hog and Bull had managed to stretch Tad's puckered anus into an open hole into which the blunt tip of Wolf's fist sized cock head fit comfortably. Using the cum and detritus oozing from Tad's abused ass hole as his only lubrication, Wolf mounted the teenager in a single man killing thrust. Tad screamed and fell forward on his arms with his head to the floor and screamed until there was no air in his lungs. With no throat raping prick to distract him, Tad's full attention was focused on the agony in his guts. If Piston was a red hot baseball bat, then Wolf was a volcanic telephone pole. Tad's puckered asshole stretched to a taut smooth ring, while his aching rectum tore as Wolf's monster filled the ravaged tunnel beyond capacity. Wolf withdrew his monster until only its head was inside Tad's back door and laughed when he saw that the shaft was streaked with fresh blood. "Told you I'd make you fucking bleed," he gloated as he slapped Tad on his firm round buttocks. Wolf plowed Tad's buttocks with slow deliberate strokes, while the tortured teenager screamed and beat the floor with his fists. Wolf had to do nothing special to cause Tad agony. The mere size of his prick was enough to make Tad scream. Wolf did not grunt or pant or moan but did his damage to Tad's gut in a workmanlike manner with only a quiet snarl curling his lips. When at last he reached orgasm there was no scream or howl, Wolf just held himself perfectly still while his balls pumped his cum into the boy's bleeding guts. His cum seemed to last for several minutes before his large testicles were drained. After his last ejaculation, he gave Tad three of for more thrusts with his softening penis before withdrawing from the boy. "That's a fuck you won't forget," Wolf laughed as he slapped Tad on the buttocks and walked away. Tad with a groan collapsed and lay on his stomach on the floor. He was too overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion to notice the half dozen bikers drifting over from Willie's table to have their turn with him. They rolled him onto his back and one dropped to his knees and straddled Tad's chest while the other knelt between the semi-conscious teenager's legs. The first biker fell forward on his hands and fed Tad his hot dick while the other lifted the teenager's legs to his broad shoulders and shoved his meat into the boy's upturned ass. Tad did not grunt or groan or whimper as he barely felt their pricks penetrate his throat and rectum. After suffering through Wolf's colossal penetrations, the rutting thrusts of mere ordinary men were easy for him to bear. At first Tad thought his torture had ended, that he would endure his gang rape in a semi-conscious unfeeling daze. But then relieved of the overwhelming pain of repeated massive penetration, his body started to react to the more pleasurable thrusts of ordinary men. As each minute passed he became more aware of what his rapists were doing to his body. He felt sensations in his guts that made him groan with desire. He felt the cold aching of his loins warm to sexual arousal. He felt his cock swell and grow to man-size. He felt nothing but shame at his body's reaction, at the desires coursing through him. Tad's mind was racked with the pain of feeling pleasure from his rape, as his body had been racked by the pain of Wolf's abuse. Tad recoiled from the horror of being aroused by the unnatural touch of another man. But his body betrayed him and as one biker replaced another, his cock grew to full erection and his loins begged for relief. By the time the first six bikers had each had a turn at his mouth and ass, Tad had reached orgasm twice and was aching to cum once again. The first six bikers were replaced by six more and then Sam the bartender took a turn. On through the night the gang rapists drifted back and forth between Tad and Willie and used each boy again and again. They untied Willie and bound Tad and then they bound them both together. They raped them separately and they raped them as a pair and they raped them continuously. To Tad and Willie, the bikers became a blur of anonymous male flesh with an erect prick to thrust into their mouths or between their legs. They were all alike in their rutting sexual desires and one man was no different from the next, except for Wolf. Tad always knew by the agony he felt in his throat or ass, when Wolf was at his door. When Tad and Willie grew to tired to respond to the rapes, the bikers invented little games to get their attention. Willie was brought from his stupor by a fist to his testicles and the treatment was repeated whenever his responses flagged. Tad had his nipples pinched and twisted until he wept and begged the biker's to tear them from his chest. But they laughed and twisted them some more. The bikers raped the prep-school boys until they were unconscious, while they were unconscious and when they came to consciousness again. They raped the boys hour after hour in every position and by every method their perverted minds could bring into play. The bikers took sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths and fifths and when they could not use their own equipment they used whatever came to hand. Bottles, glasses, salt shakers, toilet plungers, wooden spoons and from the kitchen vegetables of all kinds were thrust and twisted and plunged into the teenagers' unresisting bodies until the bikers grew tired of their fun. Finally at dawn the biker's were sated and slunk off to clean themselves and rest like dogs after they have finished with their bitches.
    1 point
  49. I live in oregon is there one here say portland would like to sign up asap
    1 point
  50. Real nice. We were just at Sawmill for a couple of days - BF got plenty of loads in his hole, and on the trail one guy bred his ass while I bred a hot hairy muscle stud and told my BF to take it up his ass so I could stick my cock into his cummy fuckhole. Hot time.
    1 point
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