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  1. First story. Semi-autobiographical. I must have been sitting outside the house for a good hour while I gathered my nerves. I told them I'd show up at 10 but I always preferred to make it there early to steel myself before heading in. This was a fantasy I had dreamed of all of my life and wanted to be absolutely sure I was going to follow through with it. About 20 minutes ago I had dropped a blotter and was waiting for the warmth to kick in. I always loved sex on hallucinogens because it created a primal connection between us like early homo sapiens fucking beside a low flame on the Sahara. Two apes gathering for a ritual of love forever bonding them to each other. The couple who owned the house I had played with several times. Doyle and Jim, two white daddies in their 60's, recently retired so they had the time on their hands to throw some pretty wild parties. Never more than 4-5 of us but I think I had made a good impression with them as a reliable hole who knew how to have a good time. I myself was 30 and slim with and pretty heavily tattooed. In my pretend life I had always come across as a confident, assertive leader-type but that was just the mask I wore while the doors were open. My true self was a meek submissive pig who was ready to comply to any dominate male and whatever twisted force they wanted to inflict on me. Doyle and Jim caught on to this immediately during our first encounter after a passionate night in their playroom that bled into the next sundown. After our last encounter, my head spinning from the weed and tina, I confessed that my dream was to be absolutely ravaged by as many men as possible only to be left on the floor a quivering lump of flesh. They told me that they would see what they could do but something on that scale did not always work out. It took weeks of planning to confirm a schedule but finally Jim texted me and said that they had gathered a decent amount of friends they knew in the scene that would be interested. The warmth I had be awaiting started to creep through my muscles and I knew it was time. I sent my text and started to walk towards the door. Doyle answered in his harness and jock and greeted me with a soft kiss on the lips. "Good to see you. Come on in!" We made our way to the living room where Jim was sitting in his jock on the couch messaging someone on his phone. I assumed he was confirming the night to their friends and saying the hole had arrived. He shot me a big smile and patted the floor to invite me over. I dropped my backpack and made my way to my spot by his leg. He rustled my hair and gave me a peck on the forehead and resumed using his phone. I started to feel myself manually breathe as the warmth overtook me head to toe while he ran his fingers across my back. Each swipe reaching down into me more and more. Doyle returned to the floor with some cocktails and sat on the other side of us, also rubbing my back. "Do you want to get changed or do you want to relax for a bit?" "How about both?" "Ok, you know the way, first door down the hall" I retrieved my backpack and made my way to the bathroom. The light started to play with my eyes and was dimming and brightening without any discernable pattern. I closed the door and undressed, feeling my hands against my own skin and slowly dragging my nails down my chest. I was unleashing something deep within me and was no longer nervous. I slipped into my black leather jock and fitted my harness tightly. I can't recall how long I spent but I became lost in the mirror making sure I was ready from every angle. the 3" plug I had inserted earlier was in place to be sure my butt was wide open from the get go. I debated taking it out but I decided to leave that honor to someone else. "Everything ok in there?" Jim asked through the door? Time had was definitely not in my control anymore. I made my way back to my spot on the floor, where a pet sits patiently waiting for orders, and quickly finished my cocktail. "First guy won't be here for another 30 minutes. How about we head downstairs and get started" said Doyle as he helped me up from the floor and began leading me to the basement. Jim followed closely grabbing my ass and tapping his fingers against the buttplug. A makeshift bedroom was the first point of entry, bed, TV, small refrigerator. They were generous hosts and always wanted men to feel welcome if they needed to stay a while and sleep off any effects from the night before. Past that was was the playroom though. A dim red light covered it like an autumn twilight. Two slings, a bench, toy chest, and a TV were included. All niceties ceased the second I crossed the threshold. Jim, forcibly pushed me to my knees to the right-side of the door. My face was merely inches from his bulging crotch. My vacation as a human being had ended and my life as a fuck-pet had begun. "Wanna go get some ice ready while I get us warmed up?" Jim said to Doyle who left for a side room. He then gently grabbed my hair and began pushing me into his pouch. My tongue lapped out and began to soak the fabric in my spit. "Hmmmmm. You're a hungry little faggot tonight, eh?" I could only respond by salivating more across his jock and gently cooing. He pulled his jock aside, knowing what I really wanted. In my state it's difficult to describe but Jim had one of the largest ballsack I had ever had the pleasure of feasting on. Each nut was about the size of a tangerine and he always seemed filled to the brim with cum which he had generously emptied into my cavity on numerous occasions. His cock was a decent sized uncut 6" which was generously girthy but it was those massive testicles that made me enamored with him and he knew it. Lights continued playing me with me and I could feel his musk radiate out from him as I slobbered over his nuts and felt his cock grow while brushing against my forehead. The air changed in the room as Doyle returned with the glass cock. He pressed his crotch against the back of my head as I heard the butane light flick on. All sustenance I needed in the world remained in those nuts. I would not want for food or drink as long as I had a supply of Man-seed to sustain me. I was a subhuman pile of pity who only needed to be flooded with liquid love to continue my paltry existence. "Look up at me" one of them said. Voices and frame had started to slip from view as one of them raised my chin and pressed the pipe between my lips. "Inhale" I heard and began to bring the bitter air into my lungs. I held for an unknown amount of time while I heard the liter flick again above me. The rush of chemicals flowed through me as I let out a hypnotic looking cloud of smoke. I gazed for a moment before Jim brought me back to reality with a sharp slap. "Pay attention and suck my cock faggot!" I immediately followed his instruction and brought his dick into my mouth. Making sure to run my tongue underneath his foreskin. Between the two of them Jim was the alpha and Doyle was the more gentle. Doyle's emerging penis grazed past my cheek as I sucked on his husband. He was a bit more endowed but not as thick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the veins of his shaft forming mountain ranges and he was already beginning to leak as a small droplet sparkled from the tip of his piss hole. This went on for sometime as I heard them passionately kissing above me. Droplets of spittle splashed my face like rain and I was lost in my sense of duty as a worthless pig, eager to have these two men treat my holes as a palace of worship for their engorged meat. Some time passed and Doyle hoisted me up by my armpits and guided me over to the bench. The leather felt good in the ever increasing heat of passion in the room as I pressed my face against it. "Looks like a big one he's got in there" Jim said and he began again slapping the end of my plug. Slowly twisting it inside me. Doyle laid his body against my back and lowered his full weight over me. "Last chance to back out..." I pressed my lips together and nodded. "I want it" Doyle opened his mouth and ran his tongue alongside my cheek in agreement. Jim had stepped in front of me and again pressed the glass pipe to my lips. "Inhale, pig". I sucked down the foul air as Doyle began removing my plug slowly. It plopped and my gaping hole felt a cool breeze that I sensed as one of the last moments of chill I would be experiencing for a while. He dropped the plug somewhere and I heard it's heavy thud against the floor while Jim against started slowly fucking my mouth. Doyle behind me began exploring my open fuckhole with his tongue and all at once I felt like some scared prey between two dominate predators. Ready to be torn apart at a moments notice. The room had begun to spin. A chime of a phone alerted me back to the present. Without removing his cock from my mouth Jim reached over to glance at it. Doyle continued to kiss my gaping asshole like it was my own lips. "Keep getting him ready. The first guy just showed up" Jim said as his penis pulled from my mouth. He exited the room and Doyle raised up. "You're going to make some very horny men very happy tonight, pig." to be continued...
    11 points
  2. I'm still adapting to having a job and trying to be respectable and not having the free time to hook up and fuck. That said, I've jumped on Grindr almost daily to see what new meat is available in Frisco by my job. I'd mentioned the guy I've hooked up with at IKEA and there's also a super hot Latino guy named Carlos who seems to be in my building I've chatted with. He's not on all the time so its hit or miss and today he messages me and asks if I want to hook up and mentions the gym in our building. I had to confess I drew a blank on that as I didn't know there was a gym in our building. It may have been mentioned during orientation but I paid it no mind as I usually go to the gym by my home as its cruisy and I hook up there. I can't imagine this gym would be that hot, but nice to know its an option and it must be good for hookups if hottie boy is suggesting it. I tell him I'm down but have no idea where it is. He tells me to meet him at the ground floor and he'll show me. My heart is pounding as I discretely hop in the elevator down hoping I don't run into anyone from work. I get there and I'm hanging out nervously hoping no coworkers see me hanging out and soon enough Carlos shows up. Carlos's profile indicates he's 25 and his private pictures show a megawatt smile and a big thick uncut cock. His profile makes it clear he wants raw and I'm all to eager to give it to him that way and take it too. In person he's even hotter with a nice beefy build and deep masculine voice. He laughs that I didn't know about the gym and we walk through a large somewhat hidden door and down a hallway I've never seen before. He's asking me questions and I'm answering as we walk and soon enough he's swiping his badge and we're through another large somewhat hidden door and he asks me to swipe my badge and see if it works. Sure enough, it does and so we head into the gym area. There's no one in there and it has a pretty nice array of equipment. About what you'd expect white suburbanite office workers to want and I make that joke to Carlos who laughs at it. As I'm looking around Carlos pulls me in and starts kissing me deeply, pressing me up against the wall. I'm instantly hard as his tongue is deep in my mouth and I can feel his hard cock grinding up against me. "God I wanna fuck" he tells me and I'm not sure if he means fuck me, me fuck him, or both. I tell him I want to fuck bad and he takes my hand and leads me to the card entry for the lockerroom, swiping his badge. We go into the lockerroom and he shows me around, cautious as to whether anyone is in there or not. We're checking everywhere and its clear no one else is in there. Once he's sure he again has me pressed up against the wall and is deep tongue kissing me, grinding his hard cock on me. I'm enjoying the kissing and can feel him pulling my pants down from behind and his fingers entering my ass. My mind is racing thinking a million thoughts like I don't have a cleanup towel or lube. Even as I think that I'm taking my shirt off and undoing his, feeling exposed as anyone could come in at any moment and see us. And the thought of that has me rock hard. Soon are pants are down and he's turned me to face the wall and forcing his cock in me with just spit as lube. I'm not resisting but between pants saying we should move to somewhere less public in case someone comes in. Carlos laughs and agrees, apologizing that he got too into things and didn't think of that. We're quickly grabbing up our clothes and moving into one of the stalls which has full length walls. Once inside he's got me back up against the wall and is forcing his bare dick back inside me. We hadn't even talked about status, relationships, or anything, not that I cared. I wanted him inside me in the worst possible way and right now I'm taking every inch of his big thick uncut cock and begging for it. As hot as he is I'm guessing he gets hit on all the time and is probably regularly bringing guys down to the gym to breed raw. I can barely think as he's pounding me so intensely and I'm frantically begging him to cum in my ass. Before long he is doing deep hard thrusts and pumping his load deep inside me with a satisfied groan, shuddering once he's pumped his last deep inside me, whispering a "god that felt good" in my ear. I could feel his cock soften and slide out of me and was hoping he was down to take me the same. I turned around and he seemed apprehensive but also like he wanted it. It was my turn now to kiss him and pin him up against the wall even though he was a bit taller than me. He was tentative now at kissing but letting me tongue his mouth deeply and grind my hard cock up against him. Its funny how some guys are all cocky and tough when they top but when its time for them to bottom they pussy out. They're all too eager to rawdog you but get scared when you wanna do that to them. He warmed up to me kissing on him and said nothing as I turned him around to face the wall, spitting on his ass and my cock. I loved the sound of his gasp as I entered him raw and hearing him tell me to go slower and be gentle. Yeah...big man. You love breeding guys rough and hard until its your turn, don't you. But I played his game, taking it slow and gentle. He was gonna take my load whether he liked it or not. I loved hearing Carlos moaning even if he wasn't begging for my load or telling me how hot my cock felt. His moans said it all. I know guys like him that say they're all top yet love to get fucked, refuse to admit they love getting fucked. Yeah, most guys gladly let him breed them and never even think about topping him or making him bottom. But I'm the twisted fuck who loves to flip tops and make them bottom. Especially bareback tops like Carlos. I know they secretly want guys to breed them and here's proof. He could easily say no or make me wrap or pull out to cum. And here he is taking me raw and letting me cum inside him, breeding him like the bitch he wants to be. I'm so worked up I blast a huge throbbing load inside him that makes him call out "damn dude" as I cum. I lean in asking if he liked that and he confessed he did and that he needed it. And that's music to my ears. I love hearing studs like him confess to wanting loads. I kept stroking telling him I had more I could put in him. He said nothing and so I went for it, keeping my strokes going saying I was glad he liked it and wanted more. He was softly moaning now as I kept fucking him and I told him I was down to take his load again once I got off. I was already so worked up and decided to sit on the toilet and have him ride my dick so I could see his face as I came inside him. He agreed and soon enough I had the bonus of seeing his face in ecstacy but also see him jerking his cock as he rode me. I loved his enthusiasm as he rode my dick and couldn't restrain myself and found me telling him to beg for my load and he did with an enthusiasm that surprised me. His intense facial expression couldn't lie and clearly he wanted me to cum inside him. He wasn't riding me long before I came inside him yet again, not as intense a load but a nice one indeed. He'd been furiously jerking his cock and I was hoping he'd fuck me but instead he blasted a truly enormous load in my face. I couldn't see much as my eyes were open and now burning with his seed. I desperately tried to figure out what to do and could hear him apologizing, knowing he had made a mess. Carlos was now off my cock and frantically wiping my face with toilet paper trying to clean up his mess as he apologized. I could see soon enough and now was freaking out as I had not towel and no way to shower or really clean up. All I could smell was ass and cum. We both dressed and moved out to the sinks to try and clean up. The mirror told the tale as I was pretty much covered in Carlos's cum...all over my face and hair. I tried washing my hair but still found clumps of jizz everywhere in it. Neither of us had a comb and Carlos was desperately trying to pick out the clumps. It didn't help as all I smelled was jizz. Carlos was still frantically apologizing and I told him it was OK. I'd wanted it and neither of us could have known this would happen. Carlos said he needed to dress and get back to work and again apologized adding he'd had fun and wanted to do it again, sheepishly adding we should bring towels and plan better next time. I jokingly thanked him for adding salt to my wounds and he looked hurt. I said it was cool and we'd definitely do it again. As he left I quickly ran out to my truck hoping no one would see me as I knew I had a cleanup towel and could use it to try and fix things. Once back I hopped in the shower and was relieved to see there was shampoo and soap in there and knew I could wash it out. It took forever to dry off with my small towel but it worked and I dressed and threw the towel in garbage once done. Back at work no one was the wiser that I'd been bred in the gym. I still have Carlos's loads in me as I type this!
    6 points
  3. Patrick, Ben, and Mike were heading out of the hot apartment into the drifty, dark, and cold hallway. The car was already parked in the street, as Ben reached for the back door and confirmed his name with the Uber driver. Patrick grabbed the front seat while Mike and Ben got in the back, as they continued discussing amongst themselves with personal stuff. As the car headed off, Patrick was deeply thinking and trying to picture what’s to come next. What Mike and Ben said back at the house about going farther with Christopher really made it clear that this implied party drugs. It then became really clear that he’ll see some things that he didn’t even know much about regarding sex combined with drugs. Patrick felt really good about how Ben and Mike were inclusive and being friendly with him, giving him a sense of trust with the couple. This gave Patrick hope that Christopher could also be a proxy in that same friendliness. Patrick contemplated how the chemistry between everyone, given they all know each other, could give him a fun opportunity tonight, and allow himself to just enjoy the ride for once while things were good. His nerves reduced and instead felt his own inhibition and horniness take control. His last take of G was flowing all around his body, feeling just how strong that last dose was from an hour ago. Just sitting in the car felt electric, with three horny men heading to Christopher’s. While he was feeling the yearning for what was ahead of him, he was also thinking how he’ll interact with Christopher, and how he is as a host. The interaction back at Ben and Mike’s house about Christopher was short, at best. Patrick scrolled through the photos from the app, reviewing details about his appearance and his profile, checking his stats. He was nervous about his sexy and confident look. They drove through the city for what seemed like 20 minutes. The city was quiet, apartment lights were off, the roads were open, and the sky had a dark and early morning look. Getting off the highway and turning into the side streets of midtown, the feeling of anticipation hit Patrick, as the car was pulling up to the curb of a residential tower, with a glimmering lobby in front. The car stopped, and the driver said ‘Thank You!’ They got out of the car, entered the front lobby with their personal bags and approached a lady behind the desk. Mike was ready with details, explaining they were here to see Christopher in 27M. After waiting for the call to pick up, a muffled voice was faintly audible as it was clear that it was Christopher on the line. The desk receptionist replied back, and finished the call. Looking up, she smiled and gestured them to the elevator banks around the corner. The floor numbers fell fast to ground level as they waited for their ride. The elevator doors had opened for them, and up they climbed. The ride slowed to a halt, and there they arrived on the quiet 27th floor. In single file, they moved through the corridors, while Patrick was looking for the right letter, until Mike had arrived at Christopher’s doorstep. Mike sent a text, and in no time the handle moved, and the door swung open. There, standing in the bright hallway of the front door was Christopher, wearing basketball shorts and a zip-up vest and sporting a fresh haircut. Looking at his guests, Christopher gestured them in with a soft smile. They went in one by one, with Patrick at the end. Once Patrick closed the door behind him, Christopher faced Patrick and shook out his hand. ‘Beautiful eyes you have Patrick, good to have you over’ Christopher said ‘Thanks for having us over, yeah I’m really glad I came, thanks. And I guess you are friends, I had no idea!’ Patrick was being awkwardly shy. ‘We go way back to a slimpler time, through some mutual friends when these two were just dating.’ Christopher had a 5 o’clock shadow that was well trimmed, and salt and pepper hair. His height was also comparable to Patrick’s, and a fit body. Once again, the photos were a really close match to reality, in particular, his big bowling ball shoulders and thick arms. Patrick will have to wait for a final verdict on the rest of his body. Mike came in and gave Christopher a proper hug, and Ben was removing his shoes in the hallway. Patrick also followed Ben’s lead in removing his shoes, then waited for Christopher to walk them deeper into the apartment. Right off the bat, Patrick picked up on the quality of the apartment that was comparably more modern and high end then the last apartment. Funky art and books were everywhere, and Patrick could appreciate these nice details. ‘Can I get you guys a drink? I have juice but I don’t drink alcohol’ offered Christopher. ‘Just water for right now, thanks’ said Ben, hanging his jacket and showing off a little chest hair poking out of his sweater. ‘I’d gladly have some as well’ Patrick added. They all followed Christopher into the kitchen, through the hallway and into a main entertaining area of the apartment. Beautiful floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city were right in front of them. What was also noticeable were some messy parts to the space as well. There were iphone chargers on the floor, stacks of paper and folders in different piles, several water cups along the edge of the coffee table, along with chewable vitamins, a couple lighters, and other random shit. Christopher handed over Patrick his glass of water, when he suddenly noticed how dilated Christopher’s eyes were, surprising Patrick a little. ‘How is your night so far? Were you guys coming from home I bet?’ ‘Yeah we came from uptown alright, we got talking to this young pup close to midnight, he came right over, and we were enjoying our piggy little selves. Super verse this one.’ ‘Fuck yeah that’s good to hear’ ‘I’ve tried more things sexually than I would normally do, but it's been really fun tonight.’ said Patrick. ‘Is that so?? Have Ben and Mike been showing you how to have some fun?’ Curious to hear what you’ve done so far?’ asked Christopher in an inviting way to Patrick. ‘Well, we’ve been enjoying the poppers a ton which are super fresh and good quality, we brought some. But the thing I tried that’s new is G, so we had a couple rounds of that. ‘Okay! You’ve been having yourself a little party then, that’s pretty incredible as a first time thing. I love it too, and I especially love to enjoy it with friends and getting pretty horned up’ said Christopher Mike gave a small chuckle in an approving way. ‘I think we’ll make good company together.’ Patrick felt reassured by how Christopher was being a friendly host and approaching the topic. Not to mention, Christopher is incredibly hot with his smile and sexy personality. Well before we get into stuff I do want to let you know, that you are completely safe under my roof, and that I think you can have a really fun time with us. We three always have a very relaxed and open flow with each other and others we’re with. We also do other things similar to G that you are welcome to try if you haven’t before.’ ‘Okay yeah I’m open minded. Trying G has been mind blowingly fun’ ‘If you see that bong in the corner?’ Patrick spotted a glass bong, sitting on a side table, with beautiful colored glass. ‘I smoke different stuff out of that, and get a really horny buzz on. We call it Tina, and you only need a little of it to feel stimulated and fucking amazing.’ Patrick was very engaged in this conversation, following what Chrsitopher was saying very closely. You probably heard of Tina but maybe you haven’t seen it before. It makes you feel incredible when you’re having sex. Let me show you’ Christopher went over to the bong, picked it up and approached Patrick again to give him a closer look of what the process looked like. As Patrick had of course seen a bong before in his life, this did not look intimidating at all. Christopher offered it to Mike first. ‘Yeah Patrick for Ben and me, this is something that we’ll do a bit of every other weekend or so, and Christopher really plays a good host to his guests. We just didn’t want to jump in the deep end right as you came over. We could tell based on our first impression of you that we should ease slowly into the hard stuff. Even now, there's no pressure whatsoever if you just want to stick to G. If you want to at least watch how I use it you can see for yourself how to smoke this stuff. ‘What does it feel like?’ Patrick asked, as Mike grabbed a large lighter from the kitchen island, lit the torch and started to move it around the glass. ‘It's a bit different than G, where G gives more of a sense of tranquility and enhanced libido. But Tina is a real upper, so you’re gonna feel a sense of energy, and a strong urge to fuck. It’s especially amazing when you combine the two together. ‘Combine together?’ asked Patrick, confirming what he heard in surprise. ‘Yeah, you just gotta be careful and don’t bite off more than you can chew’. Christopher reassured me. Mike took his hit, and could hear the water in the bong bubble away. Mike paused to hold his breath for a moment, before slowly releasing. The smoke that came out was a pure white and heavy plume that seemed to stay suspended in the air for a moment, as it carried across the room. Mike went back to the bong for another hit, as Ben leaned into Mike, waiting to give him a kiss. What Mike was in fact doing was transferring the smoke into Ben’s mouth, as it wasn’t really a kiss. Ben’s cheeks filled with air, followed by Ben’s exhale with an equally sized cloud of Tina. Patrick was studying them to watch what would happen, and anticipate a change in their behavior, but to only see that Ben and Mike were looking a little bit more relaxed, sitting back in the couch sectional. ‘Interesting’ Patrick commented, not really sure what to make of this. He was curious by all that he learned, and ready to take the next step with this new guy in front of him. It was difficult for Patrick to try and weigh the pros and cons of any potential consequences about to take place. Deep down however, he was really searching for a justification for saying yes if he were asked to participate. Given the sexual energy in the room and how approachable everyone was, Patrick’s initial thought would be to try and stay, but not immediately jump right in with smoking. He would maybe dip his toe in the water later on, but felt ok with himself to just play things by ear, or perhaps even stick to G for the rest of the night. Christopher took his turn at the bong, re-lighting the glass bowl with a slightly different heating technique, and held his full lungs until he reached Mike’s lips. ‘This is a shotgun, it's great for efficiency’ said Ben. ‘It looks pretty standard to smoking weed but yeah I’ve never personally tried it out myself.’ said Patrick. ‘You are welcome to it but go at your own pace for sure. If you’re already having fun then that’s what counts’ said Christopher, blowing one more out into the living room. ‘I also was chatting with my friend Guilherme about an hour ago and he said he might be around for later but he had some stuff to do, so no promises. Guilherme is another friend of mine that I’m pretty sure Ben and Mike, you two have met before, right?’ Christopher asked the couple. ‘We know him from one of these nights that we were here before. Yeah he’s a good kisser, he can rim really fucking deep too, you’ll remember his face.’ The men were catching up in the living room for a bit, talking about their Friday nights. Patrick told how he is now on prep and wanted to fully embrace his sexual rebellion, and turn into a fucking pig. How this was interpreted to Christopher, Ben, and Mike was that Patrick was here to have his limits pushed. Ben began disassembling his bag containing gummy snacks, a personal travel case, and a fresh jockstrap and harness. The relaxed mood continued as the three other men continued blowing clouds, and giving each other shotguns, back and forth, sharing the same hit. While the smoke would fill up their lungs and the living room, Patrick could smell the unique odor it gave off. ‘I think you all would benefit from taking a quick shower, I already got towels freshly folded that are waiting for you in the bathroom, you’re welcome to rinse off and clean out if you need to. We’re all bottoming tonight at some point so good time to check’ ‘Perfect, thanks a bunch Christopher’ said Mike, rising from his seat. Ben also got up from the couch and followed Mike to the bathroom and down the hallway they went. All that remained was Christopher and Patrick in the living room. ‘Just checking in, how’s everything going for you? I know this is all pretty new to you’ Christopher asked Patrick ‘Yeah I’m curious about it but yeah I’m just taking it all in one step at a time I suppose’ Patrick smiled to let Christopher know that he wasn’t too worried or scared off. ‘Yeah its great you’re setting the speed for yourself, it's good discipline’ Christopher said. ‘Let me show you the apartment around so you have the lay of the land. Christopher walked Patrick around quietly, down the hallway, through one of the bedrooms with a huge television and an ambient, color-changing lamp. Christopher invited Patrick in the middle of the room, where he could see the nightstand covered by a thousand little objects. More water bottles were found, an ipad, TV remotes, poppers, lube, a lighter, more lube, and a small lamp. Christopher sat on the bed, and tapped the edge of the bed for Patrick to join him. ‘I’ve got a lot of porn, I want to see what you pick for the four of us. Here, let me show you my Naked Sword page for you to scroll through. Christopher handed over the ipad for Patrick to start flipping through the different options. Patrick chose his preferred studio that leaned more on group sex and raw bareback, and chose one of the recently released scenes. ‘Oh let me just grab my supplies in the living room, one sec.’ said Christopher. Patrick leaned back in Christopher’s bed distracting himself with the porn scene that he hadn’t watched before. For a quiet moment, Patrick could hear the water running distantly in the bathroom. Patrick was now ready to stick his tongue down Christopher’s throat once he got back. The footsteps in the carpeted hallway got louder, until Christopher found a light switch where the hallway light went completely out. The apartment became suddenly very dark, with the exception of the TV and the ambient red light from the bedroom. Christopher re-emerged in the room. Looking more intensely at each other, Christopher came straight at Patrick and kissed with their tongues locking. A jolt of blood pulsed in their slowly hardening cocks, as they got the first taste of each other. ‘You’re gorgeous, Patrick, do you know that? Beautiful eyes, you must get this from everybody.’ Patrick blushed, ‘So are you, I’m so horny for you’ said Patrick, before going back to kissing Christopher. They continued making out throughout the porn scene, not rushing each other but just enjoying the moment for the two of themselves. ‘Let me throw on some music, you have a preference?’ ‘Yeah I kinda like to listen to something with a low beat in the background, Let me connect my phone’ offered Patrick. Patrick put on his favorite playlist, receiving immediate approval from Christopher. ‘You seem like you really know how to have a good time’ Christopher complimented. Christopher made the move to unzip his vest, revealing his chest with a good amount of chest hair. He was in just as good shape as Patrick had hoped. Not a lumberjack but someone who had really well defined features to his upper body and a treasure trail. Patrick returned to his initial spot on the bed and put his arms around Christopher’s back. While they kissed, Christopher’s hands were crawling up Patrick’s shirt. With no resistance, Patrick allowed him to explore and feel everything he wanted. His hands would reach his ass crack a bit, rubbing his hands all over his waist. Christopher had discovered just the band of his jockstrap hugging Patrick, no underwear. At this point, both of their hard-ons were poking through their pants in the most obvious way. Christopher rubbed Patrick’s groin area, while Patrick slowly took off his own top, exposing his chest to the warm temperature of the apartment. Hands were roaming faster, while the kissing and the mouth fucking continued. Patrick leaned back on the bed to give Christopher the ability to undress his pants. Christopher grabbed his legs and yanked Patrick forward to the edge of the bed. He unbuttoned his pants and slipped off each pants leg, to reveal Patrick’s used black jockstrap that he had worn much of his time with Ben and Mike. Christopher brought his nose to his crotch to smell some body odor, Patrick’s pheromones, and some old sperm. He honestly wanted a shower if it could give Christopher a fresh start. He desperately wanted Christopher’s tongue to make love to him. ‘Once Ben and Mike are done, I’ll hop in as well if that’s ok’ said Patrick ‘Of course there’s everything in the bathroom that you’ll need. Before you go, how long ago was your last dose of G? This was back with Ben and Mike?’ Christopher asked. ‘Maybe an hour and a half? Maybe even 2?’ ‘Yeah I think maybe you can wait a bit longer, maybe after you get out of the shower you can join us with a round.’ ‘Thank you Christopher, I would gladly take you up on that. It would be really fun doing it together.’ said Patrick. Christopher grabbed his bong, and the torch from the night stand and began heating up the glass. Little curls of smoke began to come out of the glass pipe hole, as the crystal melted by the heat and turned into vapor. The bubbles whirled as Christopher inhaled deeply and extensively. He held his breath with his eyes on Patrick, exhaling his cloud of chemicals directly at him. Realizing that maybe blowing the clouds directly in Patrick’s face wasn’t the most gentle, Christopher immediately apologized. ‘Sorry about that, I… I didn’t think to not blow that right into your face’ ‘No-no, actually that was kinda hot, I was ok with that.’ responded Patrick Patrick’s heart began to race, as he was suddenly feeling like he was dancing with the devil. He wanted to flirt with Christopher and for Christopher to bait him to try meth. ‘You can keep blowing clouds, I like watching you do it’ Patrick said. Christopher smiled, ‘Ok cool, I’m glad you’re ok with it Patrick.’ Christopher got to the side of the bed, got out what appeared to be a dime bag with the crystal shaped pieces and dust, and extracted some with a straw as a scooper. He narrowed down to the bowl to top it off with more shards, and relit. The crystals began to liquify and turn into a thick smoke. The bubbles gargled through, filling Christopher’s lungs full of the crystal meth, and out he blew, again towards Patrick. Patrick breathed in the thick air, and leaned in to kiss Christopher, wanting to get close to the clouds and inhale whatever he could. In turn, he began again to kiss Christopher, which he could taste a bitter flavor from the smoke. Their tongues danced and collided, and the heat from both their bodies coming together got them excited. Christopher broke the kissing to grab air. ‘You were curious about the smoke just now, weren’t you.’ asked Christopher. ‘Maybe’ replied Patrick. ‘Light another one.’ Patrick’s heart was rapidly beating, hearing his own words making Christopher push his own limits. In Patrick’s mind, he was ready to get converted into trying meth. He wanted to clear his mind on having to make a tough decision and to just let the desire take control like never before. He was ready to be carried away by the night and the approaching morning. Christopher lit the torch again, letting the crystals once again melt. The inhale of the vapor rushed into the bong, hitting Christopher, as he continued heating up all that meth. The torch went off, the bubbles subsided, starting that moment of pause for Christopher to let the clouds swirl in his lungs. Patrick was gonna make a go for a shotgun with Christopher. Patrick's eyes gazed into Christopher’s dark pupils, giving each other their full attention. Patrick and Christopher came together and locked lips. Christopher slowly breathed the chems into Patrick, filling him with his warm clouds of Miss Tina. The exchange was seductive, and Patrick was feeling the smoke envelope in his mouth, his throat, and his lungs…..
    6 points
  4. Met up with a young 20 something last night. He was on DL looking to get fucked. I told him to leave his door unlocked and I‘d be there in half an hour. It was almost dark when I got there but I saw him, naked, kneeling on his couch presenting his arse. I stood behind him, unbuckled my belt and dropped my jeans. I wasn’t wearing any underwear and I was fuckin hard. I pressed my cock on his hole and pushed in. Fuck he was so ready, lubed hole and easy to penetrate. As I was fucking him he asked me if I was wearing a rubber or was I gunna shoot my load in his arse. I thought he was gunna back out when I said “I’m fucking you raw and I’m gunna breed you but instead he said “great, breed me daddy” that was the cue I needed and I started pumping my load in him. I drained my nuts up his arse.
    5 points
  5. Last night. Went over to Ramrod, it was deader than the proverbial doornail. No fucking = very few guys there. Drove over to Slammer, got the last legit parking place. I think I got it because I always grease the palms of the guards. Two bucks every time can go a long way. I couldn't even get into the darkroom at first, but guys were fucking each other everywhere - in the hallways, the booths, the elevated gh galleries were jammed, with more guys waiting to get a chance to get their skulls Bred. The orgy room was an absolute pigpen .... all the snowbirds have long flown the coop, leaving only the dedicated, completely devoted local pigs to run amok. The Holes were in total "competition" mode, the orgy room was so jammed I had to wait a while just to wiggle my way in there. Bottoms feeling my Cock, backing up on it while I was trying to move around a bit ... men grunting and groaning in a slow chorus of Lustful depravity ... it was mag-fukkin-nificent. Finally found a place to sit on one of the benches, enjoy the scenes of debauchery. There was a nice-looking guy directly in front of me, bent over with a hard raw Cock up his gut, and it wasn't his first of the evening. We got into a fun little chat while he was taking loads - he said he wanted mine to be next - I told him to put his mouth on it - told him how beautiful he is with a hard Cock in his mouth and Hole, taking loads. He'd pull off and tell me how much he loved hard raw Cock, I told him how much I adore cumdumps ... how beautiful he looked with raw Cock in both his holes ... made it fun waiting my turn. He was so straightforward, matter-of-fact about telling me how much he loved hard raw Cock, taking loads - sucking them off - just as it should be. There was some kind of altercation on the other side of the room - employees with flashlights looking for a pair of glasses, which they finally found. I'm guessing one guy thought he got robbed of a Cock/load, and got pissed off. When the guy fucking him finally Bred his Hole, he turned around and I got down and ate that full, wet Hole. There must have been 6,8 loads off different Cocks up there ... it was just a perfectly-Bred Hole. Stood up and shoved it in, displacing quite a bit of Sperm, and noticed he was already sucking off another Cock in front of him. I didn't want to hurry at all - this Hole was really special - so had to pull out and eat his wet Hole again for a while. When the Cock he was sucking off shot it's load, he just turned around and kissed me - the sperm in his mouth, running down his chin - it was simply fantastic. Gave him my load in just a few more thrusts, and he thanked me while bending over for another Cock. He was so straightforward about his addiction to Cock, Sperm - so proud of his hunger - eager to share his Lusts - openly talking about what so many men try to disguise. This guy is what I call a real, born-to-it cumdump ... aka relationship material.
    5 points
  6. On the 1st day of college, I, Brock Grant bumped into this goddess named Maria. We challenged each other and became each other’s rock throughout college. Things were great until graduation night when she introduced me to meth. It didn’t take long for me to become addicted. Maria had enough and broke up with me. I checked myself into rehab and by the time I got out, I realized that I was gay. I began dating Charlie and things were amazing for the first 9 months, I came to the realization that I needed to be pozzed. Believe it or not, Charlie was supportive of it and he recommended that we have an open relationship. I started sleeping around with new partners each week. However, I was unlucky and never got the bug. I don’t know how, but I was convinced to go on PrEP. Actually, once Charlie got infected, he asked me to go on PrEP. I finally convinced myself I wasn’t ready to get HIV. It was the best of both worlds as I enjoyed the sex, and I was still protected. I started using meth again and I was lucky that I wasn’t addicted. I was able to use it only twice a month. 2 years later, I find out that Charlie hasn’t been taking his meds and that he has 6 months left to live. Once he passed away, I decided I was done with meth, and it was my turn to become poz. I began sporadically taking PrEP as I made it look like I was taking it every day. In reality, I was only taking it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I was stupid enough to post messages on social media saying that I was ready for the bug. I made it my mission to find men who were HIV +. Yet, I was still negative as it turns out that all the guys were undetectable. I truly had no clue what detectable or what undetectable meant. I only found out what that meant when I asked someone how a slut like me was still negative. Suddenly, I started dating Chad who was detectable. For some weird reason, he would only sleep with me if I agreed to use condom every time that I had sex. I must have really loved him and myself because for the next 2 years, I always used a condom. That is until I became smart or reckless again…..
    4 points
  7. Chapter 9: Bate and Switch After the professor shot his load, he immediately called Marc and told him to immediately go to the Bate site and look for " Beaker." That was the nerds screen name! The professor said to watch the nerd stroke, and then ask him if he was up for some mutual stroking on cam. The professor thought this this would be a great first step in setting that up Marc's ultimate breeding of him. The professor told Marc that it would be a rather boring session, and he reminded him there was to be no sex besides mutual jacking, that he needed to slowly work his way up to breeding. He suggested that Marc start off jerking side by side, and then suggest they jerk each other off. Marc eagerly went to the site, and gave the nerd plenty of positive feedback. To Marc's suprise, the nerd asked him if he'd be up for a mutal session, either on.ir off camera! This saved Marc the trouble of setting it up. The nerd told Marc he had planned another session for tomorrow and privately gave Marc his adddress. When the nerd answered the door, wearing nothing but a sexy thong jockstrap, the nerd was shocked, and said we are in the same class together! Marc acted similarly suprised and said yea would have never guessed it would be you! The nerd was obviously excited as a bulge started rising in his jock. Marc suggested they start immediately but the nerd said they had a bit of time as his session was scheduled and he had lots of frequent followers. The nerd suggested they still head to the bedroom for as he called it, " pre production." As the nerd turned around, Marc admired his tight ass. He wondered how he got it so tight and firm, but couldn't help but think how hot it would to eventually be in his virgin pink hairless pucker and converting him. Once the nerd explained the camera set up, and how it would work, Marc asked him if they could show each other their cocks. The nerd said absolutely not. That would be an integral build up to the show. The nerd explained it was all part of the tease, bur more importantly to get guys to give tokens for specific actions. He explained that they usually did, but not always. The nerd said hed probably get a few tokens if there were any new viewers, but he said his faithful followers would likely offer lots of tokens to see his cock for the first time. He reminded Marc not to get too anxious and show his cock. He said tease tease tease. The more tease the more tokens! He said some may even ask for a private show. The nerd said he would keep track of any tokens offered to him, and transfer them to him. In addition, he told Marc hed also transfer some of the tokens hes earned. He said when the time was right, he would seductively start by showing his cock first. He said he would watch the comments to determine when it was best to completely show it. He said it would be a slow process, with just a few teases, then he would put his hand down his jock and play with his cock before totally exposing it. He told Marc that he should do tye same. He indicated that the cam would be exclusively on Marc's cock, but he had a note pad and tell him when and what to do. As there would be no faces, it was perfectly fine to look over at the notes! The nerd eagerly told Marc 5 minutes to showtime and they got in the bed assuring the cameras were properly in place.
    4 points
  8. I’m stuck at Berlin airport waiting for a delayed flight back to London, so now is as good a time as any, I suppose. PIG party was the best sex party I’ve ever been to. I nearly didn’t bother, as it’s rather expensive (€39) and I had not bought an online ticket in advance, thinking I wouldn’t have the energy after Horsefair. But all those loads must have given me the boost I needed, and as PIG was only a 15-minute walk away from where Horsefair was being held, I decided to just go and have a look to see how long the queue was. Well, as suspected, the queue was indeed very long, but once the doors opened at 11:00pm, it started moving very quickly. That in itself was one of the best things about PIG- it is very well run. I only had to wait outside for about 15 minutes, and once inside there were no queues anywhere, whether checking your bag or buying a drink. Given there were apparently about 2,500 guys attending, this is quite a feat and a good example of German efficiency! For drinks, you just buy tokens in the reception area, and then exchange these for what you want at the various bars and drink stations around the club (and there are lots of them). There were helpful staff everywhere, which is why I guess it all worked so smoothly, and one of the reasons you pay €39. The venue itself is amazing. It’s an old mint (as in money manufacturing plant) and it’s huge. It’s spread out over 2 floors. On the first (ground) floor is the reception, coat check, bars, dance space, VIP area and a large outside area which functions as a sort of beer garden, which was great given it was a hot night. And in the basement are the play areas, which is really what everyone is interested in. It’s very hard to describe: it’s a true maze, with corridors, rooms, dead ends, more bars, more dance spaces, and random staircases leading nowhere- it’s very easy to get lost and I did several times. And hoards of men everywhere, representing every fetish you can think of, from naked to full leather and everything in between. Sex is happening all over, but seems to be divided somewhat into rooms/zones. There’s a fisting zone, a piss zone, a cumdump zone (where I naturally gravitated to), an oral zone, sling rooms, shower rooms, odd rooms with random bits of stuff in- whatever you can think of, it was there somewhere. Of course, it’s not just sex- there are loads of guys standing round drinking, socializing, dancing- but it’s all kind of mixed up together, which is great. I actually found the experience quite trippy at some points. The sheer size of it and the random layout, the slightly creepy ‘abandoned factory’ vibe coupled with some weird lighting effects and strange artworks- there’s a real Alice In Wonderland feeling to it. For me, it’s the ultimate Berlin experience, and encapsulates everything that Berlin is known for. Honestly @tomzefis, if you actually live in Berlin, you should definitely go next time it’s on. The Lab is great too, but PIG is on a whole different level.
    4 points
  9. This assumes we have so much as a clue who they were. We don't. They don't hand out name-tags at the fuckjoints. We pay our dough, go in and fuck anything/everything we want that want's us. The point, as I see it, is that every guy should be proactive regarding his health - regardless of whether he actually knows who's loads he's been taking or not. It's on each individual guy to take these precautions, whether previous partners or complete strangers.
    4 points
  10. So I'm visiting my BF in the big city, where there are actually more than the same 10 faces on the cruising apps. This creates interesting opportunities... I was out walking Friday for exercise, and idly scoping Sniffies while playing an online game. A nice clean-cut looking guy hit me up, asking if I wanted a blowjob. Now, I didn't particularly, as I'm not big on those, much more of a flip fucking kind of guy. But I was in a frisky mood, and his profile said he was into fucking and getting fucked, bare, so I continued the conversation as I walked in his general direction. He was fairly persistent - said he worked at a school nearby and had a private office where we could play, and nobody was around. Which was basically likely to be true, because school has been closing early every afternoon all week here, due to excessive heat. So I'm gradually getting closer, and I am thinking to myself, "what the hell" - it was the naughtiness of the idea as much as anything that I found intriguing... Next thing I know I'm messaging him "I'm here" and he pops out the front door of the (large, blocky, old-style) school building and lets me in. With a nod to the janitor saying he'll lock up. And takes me upstairs to his. Private. Office. Which is... (wait for it)... The Principal's Office. Because he is, apparently, the Principal. WTAF. Complete with wedding ring. Yup. And I call him a "naughty boy". And he's swapping tongue with me and massaging my crotch, and has me sit down in a chair where he gives me a fairly serviceable blowjob. Of course I talk nasty to him about how much I want to breed his ass (he objects, saying he just took a dump and isn't clean). So I just go with the fantasy and feed him my load. And he escorts me back to the door and I'm on my way to finishing my walk and getting to (remote) work. So now I can say I've been taken to the Principal's Office for being naughty. Yup. We sure were!! You cannot make this stuff up. I have to wonder how long he's been at this and whether his wife knows. Or the rest of the staff...
    4 points
  11. Only way to truly be protected is to play safe. If you want to BB then get on PrEP and get tested every 3 months
    4 points
  12. Last Thursday its been unbelievably hot for the last week , so hot that I cancelled all not emergency work (I'm a locksmith) With a clear day I went to one of the few remaining crusing grounds about 3/4 hour from where I live - Ive been going there for years and it seldom disappoints. Its by a major arterial road which is busy 24/7 , you never know who your going to meet , businessmen , van / lorry drivers , workmen , they all stop by. I arrived at lunch , as it was very hot in addition to the above list you get a few sunbathers and trolly dollies as their are 2 airports close by. I tend to follow a route , bushes close to the car park first (most gays like me are lazy and go nearest to the carpark) - no real action - a couple of guys wanking - but I'm here to fuck. I was pleased to see as usual lots of lube sachets and virtually no signs of condoms or wrappers - a sure sign of BB activity. I did a couple of loops around the long grass and some guys showing ass , but no contact. Back to the bushes , and bingo. I arrived to see a group of guys clustered , a hot bottom leaning against a tree with his fit late 20's ass sticking out all pert beautifully cased by a pink and black thong just below his cheeks (not a girly one but quite a masculine one) ,and a tight grey top and very dark sunglasses. There was a huge tall Jamaican guy with a softening massive cock getting dressed (he has been ball naked) and a guy rubbing his cock against the bottoms cheeks , but not penetrating him. The bottom was looking decidedly bored , the guy rubbing him self against him soon nutted against his cheeks and stumbled off a fast pace pulling up his shorts as he went. As usual there were lots to guys stood around watching and wanking , however nature (and this bottom ) hates a vacuums so I moved in ,stood behind him and swiftly and in 1 stroke was in him up to my nuts. He was as loose and wet as fuck (I'm guessing I had the jamaican and a couple of others to thank for that) Some fucks take a while , however as he was so wet and loose I just hammered him. Pushing him on to the tree and hands pulling his hips back on to me to get the maximum penetration. I hadn't cum for a few days so put several spurts deep in him, as I pulled out my cook was fully coated he was that full. I left the meat for another tops pleasure.
    4 points
  13. My hands are trembling as I pack the pipe. Despite months, years of preparation, knowing I’m about to cross a line almost no one has the balls to cross has me shaking with anticipation. And lust. Pure, unbridled lust, flowing as freely as the precum slicking up my cock head. I know I told him I’d wait, but I can’t help it. I take a few hits off the pipe. My cock responds instantly, getting half-hard at the quality of the crystal, and the debauchery it will lead to. Debauchery. That’s a term of art if ever there was one. This is straight up depravity. I’m sprawled out on my bed, familydick video playing on the 90 inch high def television hanging on the opposite wall, Derek Allen is showing his “step”son how to fuck his gorgeous blond boyfriend proper. I’m taking a few casual hits, eyes darting between the porn and watching myself in the mirrors that flank either side of the bed, an infinite regress of daddy stud stroking his daddy stud cock. 9 inches reflecting back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. As turned on as I’m getting from the crystal, the porn, watching myself jack off, it’s nothing compared to what I know is coming just as soon as he emerges from the shower where he’s eagerly and methodically cleaning out his asshole. My son. My pride and joy. Varsity athlete. Honors scholar. Future Senator. Meth-crazed cumslut. Daddy’s little boy. I “officially” found out my boy was gay a few weeks after his 16th birthday, when I walked into the living room finding him holding his best friend’s hand, shaking, with tears streaming down his face. “Dad, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m gay.” I was so proud of him for choking out those words despite the existential dread gripping every fiber of his being. Fully anticipating the worst of all reactions from his upstanding, God fearing, patriotic Texan father, he readied himself for the end of his family, his home, every foundation of his existence. “Shit boy, I’ve known that since you were 13. How long did it take you to figure out you could use an incognito browser?” Relief, then astonishment washed over his face, only to be replaced by a sheepish grin as his best friend convulsed in loving, heartfelt laughter. “Have you figured out your old man sucks cock too?” The laughter stopped immediately, and after a second or two of silence, it resumed in the form of a few nervous chuckles. Is the old man fucking with me? I could read it on my boy’s face. Little did he know, I would be fucking with him, something I had decided shortly after he turned 15 and for which I spent the last 3 grueling years planning in meticulous detail. Camping trips with communal showers, increasingly explicit movies on saturday afternoons, shorter shorts exposing my hefty cock. Lighting his first joint. Cracking his first beer. Frank and franker conversations about the kinds of lube he used to jack off. “Accidentally” leaving the bedroom door open a crack when I’m fucking a trick, leaving the bathroom door open when I’m taking a piss, dropping my towel a little too soon after getting out of the shower. Every step brought him closer and closer to the moment two years ago when he pulled my shorts down, gasped at the heft and fucking beauty of my cock, lowered himself to his knees, and with a wonton lust he can’t possibly conceal, closes his eyes, opens his mouth and accepts, with a gratitude bordering on reverence, his daddy’s dick for the very first time. He turned 18 on November 08, 2022, and by 12:05 am, he was shaking from the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever experienced, as I shot rope after rope after rope of cum all over his beautiful face. I knew my boy wanted my dick, wanted my load. I didn’t realize how badly he craved it until the first volley of my nut landed on his face and triggered a hands-free geyser erupting from his equally ample, equally beautiful dick. I came a second time moments later when, as I stood there panting and sweating, he began scooping up our combined loads, and - never breaking eye contact with me - swallowed it all while humming “happy birthday” to himself. I hadn’t planned on fucking him just yet, I wanted this to be a marathon, not a sprint, but I was so turned on by my son embracing, reveling, wallowing in my daddy lust that I started getting hard again. Almost telepathically, my boy knew what was coming. He got on all fours, climbed onto my bed and pulled apart his ass cheeks. I’ve eaten a lot of ass, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Licking, caressing, making out with the bottom’s hole… I consider it one of the only ways a man can truly pleasure and be pleased by another man. (That and sucking his cock with the unbridled enthusiasm my son had just shown on mine). So when my son wordlessly pulled apart his ass cheeks, his hole already puckering, I knew I had to take my time and savor it, no matter how painful my erection was getting. My technique rarely fails to leave my bottom quivering and begging for my cock. My son was shaking, begging, crying for his daddy to give him all 9 inches. I get harder and harder remembering his whimpering, ‘please dad, please I can take it, I need your cock in me, I need your cum, I don’t care if it hurts, I WANT it to hurt, I just need your dick in me. Please daddy. PLEASE!’ They were the first words either of us had spoken since the clock struck midnight, my boy legally became a man, and his mouth and hole and entire body became devoted to my servicing my dick, slaking my lust, slurping my cum. I never could deny my boy something when he pleaded with me like that. So I lined up my cockhead with his hole, and I didn’t even have to push. He pulled me in him. He shuddered, came again when I bottomed out, my balls resting against his taint. I leaned forward, gave him a kiss on the head, and whispered in his ear “get ready.” And then I fucked him, hard, for the next three hours. Every single position, every single variation, from good old doggy style on my bed to pile driving him on the kitchen table, his back and ass being mashed into the birthday cake - Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - until my legs literally buckled out from under me, and I collapsed from the exertion of devoting every ounce of my energy to fucking my son. Even then, he couldn’t leave my cock alone, and I both passed out and woke up to him worshiping it with his mouth. We fucked almost every day for the next eight months, until his acceptance to UCLA. When he applied as a junior, all he could think about was getting out of Texas, getting to LA, sucking surfer dick and fucking stoner ass. Those fantasies almost completely evaporated after that first night, and the nights after. By Christmas vacation, when he spent the entire two weeks completely naked, and covered in cum - his, mine, a few discrete friends I brought over on Christmas eve for my boy’s very first gangbang - thoughts of California were a memory so distant they could have been mistook for a dream. But I insisted. My boy is no slouch, and as much as I knew he wanted to devote his entire existence to pervy, incestuous escapades, I refused to let him waste his God given potential… Both in the classroom, and in the dorm room. As much as he hated the thought of leaving home, daddy cock, daddy cum and lots of it, I knew he’d be okay. And that faith in my boy was born out his very first night in Westwood, when I got a video of him flip fucking with a gorgeous stud who turned out to be the starting quarterback of the the Bruins football team. It was a performance I’d see repeated many, many times that first year, courtesy of the live webcam he set up for me to watch, in realtime, as he sucked and fucked his way across campus. I, of course, returned the favor, putting up cameras all over our house so he could follow my action as well. We developed this beautiful tradition - every friday night, we would time it so that we were both fucking at the same time. I always nutted just a little bit faster when I could see my boy, and by the end of his first year, we were cumming simultaneously almost every session. When he flew back after his first year, he wore the thinnest shorts he could possibly find, and his erection was painfully obvious as he walked right up to me and kissed me, hard, on the mouth. Normally, I’m pretty cautious, but I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I got him back to my truck, I bent him over the front seat and fucked him like his asshole owed me money. Three cars drove by while I was making my boy whimper and moan like the cheap whore I raised him to be. One of them was a sheriff trooper. My son has never made me prouder than when he looked the sheriff dead in the eye, and in between gasps from the relentless pounding I was giving his hole, said “your cock ain’t gonna suck itself mister, get that fucker over here before my daddy needs me to clean his dick off.” Most men would panic. Most men would be desperately trying to zip up their pants and fumble their way through a wildly unbelievable attempt to convince the deputy not to believe his lyin eyes. I just kept thrusting. My son just kept moaning. It was a siren song to the cop, who briefly wrestled with his conscience before doing a quick double take to check and see if anyone was looking before opening his door and revealing a beautiful, already hard and leaking 9 inch dick. He didn’t say a single word as he sauntered up to the other side of the truck, opened the door, and fed his cock to my son. I was alreay close to cumming, but I decided to edge myself in my boy’s hole until the Sheriff was close so that my boy could get loads on his face and in his ass at the same time - something he had grown particularly fond of, courtesy of all the frat boys he’d bring home after last call. The Sheriff, still somewhat disbelieving what was happening, nonetheless came within 3 minutes, blasting a huge load all over my boys face and hair, licking some of it off, and smearing the rest with his not-at-all deflating cock. My son, cocky little fucker that he is, just looked up and said “how about you escort us back to our house and we keep this party going.” That phrasing was the first indication that my boy was getting up to a little more than he was letting on. But I didn’t have time to question him further as the Sheriff leaned into his walkie-talkie and said “Dispatch, providing an escort to a soldier back from deployment, disregard the sirens.” We lived a nominal 60 minutes from the airport, but with the Sheriff’s kindness to a “returning soldier” we were home in 35 minutes. The Sheriff pulled into our garage so as not to disturb the neighbors, and somehow had completely disrobed en route, everything but the boot and the cowboy hat. He wordlessly bent my boy over the squad car as I sat on the nearby work bench and took in the sight of my boy’s hole being plowed, slowly and steadily, the Sheriff’s thick and veiny cock glistening with the cum I had already shot up my boy’s ass. The Sheriff fucked him for 2 hours before having to respond to a call of “shots fired.” "Shots fired all right, all over my fuckin face," was all my boy said. I love, love, LOVE how cocky my boy had become, how fucking brazen he could be. He was a big dicked cum slut stud, he knew it, and he knew everyone within his line of sight new it too. We spent that entire first summer sucking, fucking, eating ass, even fisting him once. I’d fall asleep with my cock in his ass every night, with him half-whispering, half-sighing “I love you daddy.” I’d usually be woken up a few hours later, as deep in a REM cycle, he was dream fucking himself, not even waking. And of course, as the sun broke over the horizon and shone clearly through east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, I’d be roused by the sensations of him licking, kissing, and sucking my first load of the day. It was towards the end of the summer, as he was preparing to head back to California, when I found out Daddy’s perfect cum dumpster had set his sights… higher… I had to travel to San Antonio for a conference, and as much as I wanted to have him with me, I was giving the keynote speech and my sense of professionalism overrode the untrammeled lust that had consumed me ever since the first time I saw his web history and the tiny bit of boy cum crusted on the table all those years ago. He understood, although his disappointment was palpable. But I always encouraged him to have fun whenever, wherever and with whoever he wanted, and like a good father, I never once brought up the word condom. And from the videos I saw, he never gave it a thought. My boy only fucked raw. One of the many, many reasons I was so fuckin proud of him. The speech went off without a hitch, I received a couple of dozen new orders for the tech I was pitching, with enough of a profit margin to ensure that my boy could spend the rest of his life fucking his boy without ever worrying or wanting for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of having fun in a different city. And since I was feeling pretty bold, I decided this would be the rare night I’d get lit and fuck all night. I pulled up rent.men, found a stud whose page telegraphed meth whore, and booked him for the whole night. He had a perfect ass, a 10 inch dick and a smile that could light up Dallas. His soft blond hair contrasted perfectly with the hard, clearly roided out pecs, abs and biceps he not-so-subtly wanted me to worship. I asked if we could film, a keepsake for the boy. Rentman insisted. I got him on his side, with his knees pulled up like he was being fucked doggy style. It’s my favorite position, gives me perfect access to his prostate with the upward and slightly left leaning curve of my dick. I never broke eye contact as I pushed in, not even as I lit the bong and the torch and gave him several shotguns. He was flying, I was flying higher, and after 40 minutes, he had to tap out. I went to take a piss while he rested, absent-mindedly watching the porn and stroking his cock to the amateur videos my son had so thoughtfully provided on an external harddrive he slipped in my satchel bag right as I was heading out the door. I was watching myself take a hands-free piss in the mirror, getting hard watching my cock and debating on whether or not I should ask him if he pointed. I was just about to flush when rentman made my dreams come true, saying “oh hey wait I know this kid, I got lit and fucked him when I was in LA last spring.” I love my boy.
    3 points
  14. Perhaps the topic would have been better titled “My Rules For Bottoms”, because the notion of there being ‘rules’ that bottoms are somehow subject to is rather droll, and we can only take this in any way seriously as an expression of one individual’s personal preferences. Note that we only tend to see these sorts of lists of rules, requirements, expectations, or characteristics in relation to bottoms, cumdumps, or ‘fags’, as though our submission or receptive male sex role renders us second-tier beings in need of being controlled. Where is the list of Rules For Tops, and if there were one, how many Tops would be jumping up and waving their hands to subscribe to that the way some bottoms do to this? But hey, what the fuck, why not? Rules For Tops 1. I am not responsible for your erection. If you can’t get it up and keep it up, don’t waste my time. I’m not going to spend half an hour on a lost cause. 2. Do not - do not - try to stuff a limp noodle up my fuckhole. Know when you’re hard enough for penetration and when you’re not. 3. Know how to find a cunt with the end of your cock. Missing the first time is understandable; missing five times in a row is embarrassing. 4. Know whether you’ve actually penetrated. Really. 5. Quit asking for my poppers. They will interfere with your erection. You are not immune. And while I’m at it, quit fucking stealing them. 6. You don’t have to be fresh from the shower to fuck me, but basic hygiene is required. If you have body odor, you’re breeding bacteria. 7. Know what you want from the fuck, and be prepared to take it. This is your chance to take what I’ve got - don’t waste the cunt, because another guy would have loved to have absolutely destroyed it. 8. Do not add imaginary inches to your cock. You can only disappoint bottoms by doing so. Be proud of what you have, and use it. 9. Your semen is like liquid gold. Apply it where it will be most valued. Do not shoot it onto my hole. This brings satisfaction to no one. 10. If you say you’re going to fuck me, show up. Nothing, and I mean nothing, emasculates a man like failing to follow through on a fuck. It calls your whole manhood into question. - I’ll stop, but there’s so many things I could add, I could do this all. day. long.
    3 points
  15. After my somewhat unsatisfying hook up this morning I was back on Grindr and got a message from a hot light skinned black kid who wanted to hook up. He was 18 and honestly, hot as fuck with a thick uncut dick. He was clear about being a top and I asked about bare and he was down for it with no questions. Best of all he could host. I got his address, freshened up and headed to his place. I got there and he looked just like his pictures. He was kind of embarassed as he admitted he had another guy there and wondered if I was cool for a three way. I said I was and could already see this cute as fuck blonde kid hanging out. I asked if he the kid was 18 or not and he assured me he was. I was kind of pissed as I thought the black kid was gonna drill me but knew I had to roll with the punches here. The blonde kid was a little chubby with a cute face, blonde hair, and a shocking masculine voice. He also had the look of desperation in his eyes that so many young guys have where they just desperately want to get fucked but can't say it. The black kid (Dre) told me that he was still going to fuck me, but wanted me to fuck the blonde kid (Cody). Dre admitted he and Cody are a regular thing and that Cody likes him lining up guys to join. I said I was cool. It was clear both of them had been smoking weed and Dre led me to the bedroom, kissing me, and taking off both our clothes with Cody in tow. As Cody stripped a nice sized uncut cock popped out with a big gob on precum leaking off it. I dropped to my knees and eagerly started sucking Cody's cock, loving the sweet taste of his precum. Dre was behind him sliding his cock inside him asking him if he liked me sucking his cock and he said he did. He moved on asking him if he wanted to cum in my mouth or cum in my ass and he admitted he really wanted to cum in my ass. I'd thought I was gonna breed the kid but was down for him breeding me. Dre was clearly in charge and told Cody to let him know when he was ready to fuck me and kept stroking inside Cody who was moaning with delight. I was starting to get worried Dre was going to cum in Cody's ass but he'd back off and I guess he knew he was close and wanted to edge instead. Cody finally said he was close and I backed off his dick and got on the bed on my back, spreading my legs so he could enter me. Cody lubed up my hole and his cock and thrust inside me roughly and soon Dre was behind him drilling him into me. Dre was telling Cody to fuck me like the dirty bitch I am and to use my hole, calling both Cody and me dirty sluts. I loved that Dre was verbally abusing both of us and both Dre and Cody got into a steady rhythm and I knew that I was going to take Cody's load. Dre reassured me his load was going in my ass next and that Cody gets more than enough of his loads. As all this was happening I was staring at Cody's pretty face, and loving the look of intensity as he was fucking me. I was telling him how hot his cock felt and how bad I wanted his loads, begging him to stay inside me. I could see from his facial expression he was cumming and could feel him throbbing inside me as he let loose a massive blast and loud groan. Dre slid out of him leading him to gasp loudly. Cody's dick softened and slid out of me as he panted, trying to catch his breath. I could hear Dre order Cody to get on the bed calling him a slut and that he needed to take my load like the bitch he is. I got up and Cody obediently took my place, laying on his back as I got in place to enter him. I didn't even lube up as his ass was already loaded with lube and Dre's precum. Cody's face was a mix of pleasure and pain as I entered him and started pounding him pretty hard as Dre egged me on calling him a dirty slut, a whore, and a pig and to start begging for my cock and cum, which Cody enthusiastically did as Dre watched. I love how Dre treats Cody so nasty and Cody eats it up and more importantly that Cody is an obediant slut who loves random guys breeding him raw and that Dre gets into random guys breeding his boy raw. "You getting close pig" Dre asked me and I said I was. He got behind and entered me roughly and I gasped loudly and started telling him how good his cock felt in me. "Yeah I know, you want my load don't you pig?" he demanded and I played along telling him how bad I wanted his load. He told me to focus on breeding his boy and that he wanted me to drain my balls inside him and he was gonna drain his in me. As if to emphasize the point he wrapped one arm around my neck choking me slightly as he pulled my head back to whisper in my ear that I was going to take his load, using the n-word, which got me super-aroused. I was close to cumming and told him that and to keep choking me. Dre started pounding me even harder saying he was close too and we both orgasmed at roughly the same time, me lost in wanting his load so bad I wasn't even paying attention to Cody as be loudly begged for my load and for me to stay inside him. I could barely hear him over the loud noises Dre was making as he came and clearly he'd build up a huge load he was now blasting inside me, churning his load and Cody's deep inside my guts. I wasn't about to pull out of Cody and wanted Dre to cum in me again and said as much. Dre reassured me he wasn't done with my "bitch ass" yet and was continuing to pound me, using the n-word to describe his cum as he did. The first orgasm I was really more focused on what Dre was doing to me, but now was focused on Cody and enjoying the look of pleasure on his face having taken my load. I was asking how much he enjoyed it and he was vocal about how much he'd wanted my load and how hot it was taking even as Dre was furiously pounding me and lost in his own satisfaction of drilling me hard. And while I loved the pounding he was giving me I'd expected that. What really turned me on was the unexpected joy in breeding his boy raw and pumping my loads in him, and I loved the look on his face as he begged for my second load as I blasted it inside him. I didn't break eye contact with Cody as Dre egged me on saying "Fuck yeah boy, breed his ass, fucking load him up". Knowing that I'd cum Dre now was pounding me mercilessly, pulling all the way out and slamming balls deep back inside telling me my ass was his, that he owned me, and so on. He was driving his load and Cody's deep inside my guts as I begged for his load and now I was using the n-word. I could feel him slow to short hard deep thrusts as he groaned mightily and blasted his load inside me. He collapsed on me, forcing me down on Cody as my cock slid out of him and I could feel Dre panting hard as he was on top of me, his cock slowly sliding out. We lay there for a bit, pretty much spent, but also pleasured. I'd gotten what I wanted and then some. I'm sure Cody got what he wanted and Dre too. I loved how pervy they both were, picking up random guys to fuck with, no guilt, no shame. If I had a BF I'd want them to be like Cody or Dre and I'm not sure which. They're a perfect match for each other. And as hot as Dre is I'd love to drill his ass raw and load it. Part of me wants to flip tops and make them bottom. I guess its that unobtainable desire. And I love that while Cody was supposed to be a bottom he also tops and is actually a pretty hot top. Clearly Dre has to find outlets for him to top or maybe Cody just finds guys. Honestly I know nothing of etiher one. Maybe they both fuck around like crazy. But seeing how Dre has Cody on a short leash I don't guess thats the case. Dre finally gets up off of me and heads to the bathroom to grab a towel and comes back wiping himself off and then tosses the used towel at me to use, which is kind of gross, but kind of hot. I get up and wipe myself down as well and I'm guessing I don't get to use the shower to clean up proper, not that I care, I kind of want to carry both there loads with me and smelling like them. I'm done with the towel and toss it to Cody who halfheartedly wipes himself clean and I start dressing to leave. Dre sees me to the door and thanks me for coming over and says I was pretty hot and that they both enjoyed playing with me. I said I had too and that any time they wanted me to join to text me. The walk back to my truck was a weird mix of WTF just happened and hopes that it would happen again soon, mixed with the desire to be with a guy like either one of them. I don't really want a BF unless they're chill and open to being a bit wild like those two.
    3 points
  16. Chapter 20: Life Lessons For several months before Daniel and Lazlo’s wedding date, Maile had been torn. She had gone over it all in her mind, over and over, wondering if she should even try to shift their mother out of her intransigence, or if she should just leave well enough alone. Of all the family, Maile was the only one who saw her mother with any degree of regularity. Since both of them sat on an inter-church council as representatives of their respective congregations, they were compelled to see each other once a month. At these meetings, they were distantly, formally polite – but nothing more. It was a state of affairs that distressed all the other members of the council, and especially the pastors of both their churches. Everyone at these meetings knew a little about the story of what had happened, but the emphasis on who was at fault shifted dramatically depending on which version each one of them had heard. Maile came to the next meeting, less than a month before the wedding, filled with a new determination. She could see clearly, as the family was rebuilding itself since the funeral of her father, that her mother risked being left out in the cold and all alone as she aged. Daniel and Laszlo were developing connections to Malia and Darren as well as herself, connections which didn’t depend in the least on their mother. Daniel never spoke his mother’s name, never referred to her as his mother, seemed quite prepared to go on acting as if she had died years earlier – and maybe, Maile thought, he wished that she had. Maile couldn’t fault him if he did feel that way. She understood now, better by far than when it had happened, how brutally her mother had treated her own first-born child – and then her husband and her other children. But she continued to hope that somehow, in some way, if she could just push the right buttons in the right tone of voice, she might persuade her mother to alter her position. She decided to approach the pastor of her mother’s church, the Temple of the Heavenly Host, and ask him to work with her own pastor to arrange and moderate a face-to-face meeting where they could discuss the issues. She had told none of the family what she was doing. Her private feeling was that the chance of success was not great – and that this would be her last attempt. If she couldn’t crack through her mother’s hard shell of self-righteous intransigence this time, she would give it up as a lost cause. ************************* Laszlo, too, was distressed about the ongoing breach between Daniel’s mother and all of her children. His relationship with his own parents had always been a rather cool one, rich in practical matters of necessity and convenience rather than any great emotional depth, but it still seemed to him somehow wrong that his mother and father should be coming to participate in the wedding – and to the rehearsal dinner the night before -- where Daniel’s mother, still very much alive, would not. He wished that there were something he could do. He said as much to Uncle Ken on their last meeting before the month of the wedding. Laszlo, no less than Daniel, valued Ken’s advice and wisdom – hard-earned through years of endless trouble and sorrow and stress. For once, the older man had no clear answer. He remembered, all too clearly, the rigid approach to life of Daniel’s mother when she was young, and how the Biblical phrase “a stiff-necked people” always seemed to him to be a peculiarly accurate description of her. He could only advise Laszlo to be patient and let the people most closely involved work it out as much as they wished. “After all,” as he explained with great patience and compassion to Laszlo, “you can’t make people want to change.” ************************* Daniel and Laszlo had drawn up a detailed plan for the wedding, including vows for the ceremony, and a list of who should be allowed to speak or propose toasts on what subjects after the dinner. For the meal itself, they had opted for a buffet in the Rainbow Room after the cocktail hour on the terrace. This would be a meal which could offer a dazzling array of Hawaiian, East Asian, European, and American dishes with enough variety to tempt all palates present. They had worked closely with the sommelier to pick out a select champagne for the toasts, and bottles of choice red and white wines which would be placed on each table. With the DJ, they had selected two particular songs, favourites of theirs, for their entrance and first dance. Maile had put her artistic talent to work designing a swirling, impressionistic logo of two men in tuxedos dancing to act as a background graphic and logo on all communications about the wedding, and on the programmes for the big day. Malia, who was especially gifted in fine work done with her own fingers, had designed and created ten similar but not identical centrepieces for each of the ten tables of eight guests. Darren had used his unique gift at calligraphy alongside Maile’s artwork to create place cards for each guest, and a number card to go on the bottom of each centrepiece to indicate the person at each table who should win the centrepiece as a door prize. All of this work was done before the wild weekend of the bachelor party, because Laszlo and Daniel knew that they would only have 48 hours to get home from Palm Springs, unpack, and repack, before leaving for Hawaii and their week-long wedding celebration. ************************* The face-to-face meeting was not making any progress. Maile explained. Pastor Robbins, the leader of Maile’s church, cajoled. Pastor McEwen, Lehua’s long-time spiritual advisor pleaded, but Lehua remained immovable, only quoting her favourite scripture passages in reply. But then, suddenly, the dynamic shifted. Respect for elders flew out the window as Maile’s remaining patience evaporated in two seconds. As if a switch had been flipped inside her mind, she abruptly exploded. The two pastors stared in astonishment at this volcanic outburst, but she ignored them. She was beyond caring what anyone else thought of her. “Damn it all, Mother, have you even listened to a word that any of the three of us have said to you? It’s like you have ears of stone! We’re trying to get you to see the ultimate end of what you’ve done, and you just ignore it all and stand rigidly on your own precious self-made, self-righteous pedestal!” “Honour thy father and thy mother. Have you forgotten?” “The best way I can honour you right now is to try to jolt you out of your stupidity and ignorant, blinkered vision. Now, you listen to me, Mother, and listen well. You may not have known about it at the time, but your elder brother Keawe was gay.” “Keawe! He wasn’t! What about your Aunt Lily? He was devoted to her.” “He married Leialoha under protest, but he didn’t love her. He stayed with her because he had promised to do so and because he was a man who took his promises seriously. The man he really loved was Kanani Murayama, who also was forced to marry a woman he didn’t love, yet Kanani and Keawe were in love all their lives, for over forty years until Keawe died. But they could never live together openly or express that powerful and enduring love that bound them, heart to heart, and that was because of you and all the hate-filled people like you! Kanani’s love for Keawe now supports his care and concern for your son, Daniel. That’s because Keawe named Daniel as his heir and asked Kanani to watch out for him. Daniel and his partner both name Kanani their uncle.” Maile was winding herself up into a veritable tempest of outrage, spitting the words out like a fire-eating preacher of the old school. “And now, Daniel, your eldest child, your first-born son, cannot bring himself to speak your name or acknowledge you as his mother because of the way you’ve abused him. Your husband refused to speak to you as he lay dying, said he didn’t wish to see your face, ordered you to leave the room. His dying words were not for you, but for his eldest son – ‘Tell Daniel… I’m sorry. I was wrong.’ Your daughter, Malia, told me that she could not and would not come with me if I made an effort to try to speak with you. Your son, Darren, after his father’s funeral, said, ‘Thank heaven Mother didn’t decide to stick her nose in’ – and then he laughed. “That leaves only one of your four children, me. I came to this meeting in a mood of hope – and you’ve just shot that hope down in flames. I’m walking out on you and giving up on you right now. I hope your pride and arrogance is enough for you to live on, because it’s all you’ll have left, now that you’ve driven your entire family to hate the very sight of you!” She stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The two pastors looked sadly at each other. Lehua stared at the closed door in astonishment, in shock, and then in realization -- and a slowly growing fear. ************************* Maile wept, disconsolate, despite Malia doing what she could to console her twin. “Malia, I ruined it. I just couldn’t take it any more. I lost control, blew up right in her face, told her off up one side and down the other, and then walked out and slammed the door like a toddler having a tantrum.” Malia, who had arrived early for the wedding weekend, hugged her close. “Maile, I don’t blame you at all. I lost patience with our mother years ago. I know I couldn’t hold out for even a minute without blowing my stack at her. I admire you for hanging on for as long as you did.” “It’s like I forgot everything I knew. ‘Honour thy father and thy mother.’ I sure didn’t do that today, and she jumped on it, reminded me of it.” “That’s just what she would do. Face the reality, Maile. She’s the kind of person who quotes the Bible when it suits her and then promptly forgets it when it doesn’t support her prejudices. Don’t let her devout exterior fool you. You’ve got more Christian charity in your little finger than she has in her entire body, and don’t you ever believe otherwise.” She held Maile close while Maile cried out her unhappiness. Later that afternoon, Maile and Malia drove to the FourWinds Resort to try to see Kanani Murayama. ************************* The afternoon after the disastrous meeting, Daniel and Laszlo flew into Kauai again. As they came out of the baggage claim area, they were met by a uniformed driver holding a sign with their names on it. He led them to a limousine, loading their bags, and then drove them to FourWinds. Getting out of the limo at the front door, they were greeted personally by the General Manager who was waiting for them, together with a butler who was assigned to take care of their needs throughout their week-long stay. A bellman took charge of their bags, while the butler led them along the walkway and across the Rainbow Bridge, up the hill to Chalet No. 3. Once their bags arrived, they unpacked the wedding suits and handed them to the butler to have them pressed and ready for Saturday, along with their shoes to be polished. The butler in turn gave them a special phone number which they could use to summon him directly for anything they might need, and then (on request) left them to get settled in. ************************* Mr. Murayama sat behind the desk in his office at the FourWinds Resort. He’d been concentrating on the backlog of paperwork, knowing that he had no appointments that morning. He wanted to clear the backlog away, so he’d have ample free time to join in the wedding celebrations on the weekend – the wedding of the pride and joy of his later years, his two nephews, Daniel and Laszlo. All the time, at the back of his mind, there loomed the image of Daniel’s twin sisters, Malia and Maile. He’d been startled, but not altogether surprised, when they came to see him – nor had he been surprised by Maile’s tale of how she had tried to get through to her mother, and the outcome of that abortive meeting. The whole situation of Daniel’s family truly made him sad, but he could see no way in which he could help to untangle the knot. That was for those who were directly involved to do – if they could find a way. When his secretary came in and told him that Lehua wished to see him, his first reaction was extreme surprise. But then, he told the secretary to ask her to wait a few minutes. Next, he sat down and thought long and carefully about what this might mean, and about how he might be able to influence the situation to the benefit of his two beloved nephews. Finally, he buzzed the secretary and told her to bring Lehua in. He stood to greet his guest, and then begged her, in his usual courtly manner, to be seated and tell him what he could do for her. “Kanani, I have come to you to beg for your help.” “How do you think I may be able to help you, Lehua? I’ve not even met you since we were young, and that’s many years ago now.” “I know, Kanani. I… I have been a fool.” He simply raised his eyebrows in an inquiring manner. “I am shamed by what I have learned these last few days.” “What have you learned?” “I have heard from my daughter Maile about your long relationship with my brother, Keawe. It was a surprise. I had suspected… had guessed that Keawe was… that he preferred….” “The word is ‘Gay,’ Lehua. Your brother was gay.” “Yes.” “Say it yourself.” “Keawe was gay. But I had not realized that you had been the man he loved. And that love… so many years, in secret, hiding, pretending, never able to be open. It is the depth and strength of your love for each other that has shamed me. I have been the worst role model of all, while you and Keawe remained true to each other through all those decades of strain and silence. I am sorry that I helped to force that silence upon you. And now I know that there is someone else to whom I must apologize, someone on whom I forced a far worse strain and a much deeper wound – my son, Daniel. I need to try to reach him, to begin to make things right after the terrible way I have wronged him. I need you to take me to him.” “Am I supposed to know where he is?” “I think that you do know. Maile has told me that Daniel and his….” Again, her voice quavered into silence. “His fiancé?” “Yes, his fiancé. She has told me that they are close to you, that they name you ‘Uncle’. And I have already heard from others that they are holding their wedding this Saturday, here in FourWinds. And that Maile, and Malia, and Darren will all attend the wedding. I would guess that they may all be here already.” Mr. Murayama studied her carefully. The old lines of rigid, arrogant pride and stubbornness had vanished from her face. Her expression had softened almost beyond belief. This was a different person from the one he had known all those years ago but had only seen at a distance in more recent years. This was a Lehua he had never expected to see in this lifetime: a hesitant, fearful, timid, even humbled Lehua. At last he spoke. “I will take you to him.” Daniel and his siblings, with Laszlo, were sitting around the small dining table in the happy couple’s private chalet. They were talking about the mechanics of the wedding celebration, of course, and about the role that each would play on Saturday. They had just reached a natural stopping point in their conversation, and Laszlo was heading for the phone to order drinks for all of them, when the knock came at the door. Laszlo went to the door and opened it to see Uncle Ken. “Uncle Ken! Please come in.” He came in and shut the door behind him. His eyes were fixed on Daniel as he spoke solemnly. “Daniel, I have brought with me someone who wishes to speak to you as soon as possible. You may be able to guess who it is. Before I bring her to see you, I ask you to recall what I have told you about the way in which I have found serenity and peace in my life during my later years. Please call that to mind and remember it.” Daniel nodded. He got the message, loud and clear. Forgiveness. He knew at once that the unnamed visitor must be his mother. And more than this – he sensed that Uncle Ken would not be bringing his mother to see him unless he felt that she had in some way shown that she wished or deserved to be forgiven. His uncle was the one messenger from whom he would accept such a message – a man, also gay, who had equally suffered hurt and harm from the hate of others. “I will see her, Uncle Ken.” Ken opened the door and said, “Please come in now.” As Lehua entered the room, they all stood – Daniel last. Old habits of respect die hard. Daniel had instinctively rebelled, but Uncle Ken’s last words still resonated in him, and finally ruled him. “Laszlo, bring a chair for our guest, please.” Lehua flinched at the impersonal “our guest,” but she sat in the chair when Laszlo brought it and put it down, facing Daniel across the corner of the table. Everyone else then sat. “Why have you come?” Daniel’s tone was as cool and impersonal as a judge. “Daniel… I am here to tell you that… that I have now realized and regret the pain I inflicted on you all those years ago. When I disowned you and told you never to return, that was a terrible thing to do, harsh and hateful. It was wrong of me, and I kept compounding the wrong for years by remaining rigid and unforgiving. I am sorry, so sorry for the harm and hurt I have done to you. I am also sorry to have brought the same heartache upon my whole family…” and here her gaze swept the entire room. “Please… all of you, and Daniel, you, most of all… please forgive me…” and, after the longest pause yet, and in a voice failing towards a mere whisper, “…if you can find it in your hearts.” Everyone in the room now looked silently at Daniel. He got the message. It was to be his choice; the others would take their cue from him. So many ideas rushed through his mind at top speed – memories of the outrage and hate and sadness at being flung away, censure of himself for mismanaging everything, anger at all the people who had manipulated him, joy at having found love with Laszlo and at rediscovering his siblings, sorrow for his uncles and their long sorrow. He was racked by a turbulent, complex storm of conflicting attitudes and emotions. But one sound came through the welter of feelings, loud and clear. It was the voice of his Uncle Ken, a man he deeply respected and loved, counselling him to be forgiving. He stood, took his mother’s hand and drew her to her feet. “Mother,” and he heard a quickly suppressed gasp from behind him, “I forgive you. And I ask you in turn to forgive me. I’ve now learned that it would have been better for all of us if I’d had the courage to tell you and Father my truth, but I ran away out of fear and left you to find out for yourself in the worst possible way. For that, I am sorry.” She stepped timidly towards her son, and he embraced her. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Then, he released her and said, “Mother, there’s someone here I need you to meet. This is Laszlo Kertesz. He’s my fiancé, and we are going to be married on Saturday afternoon.” Laszlo stepped forward, giving his courtly bow, and then kissed Lehua on the cheek as he took her hand. She in turn embraced him and kissed him on both cheeks. Laszlo glanced briefly at Daniel, raising his eyebrows, got an equally brief nod and smile in reply, and smiled himself as he asked Lehua, “Mother? We would be delighted to have you come to our wedding. Will you come?” ************************* Kanani was sitting again at his desk, after having survived the hugging and kissing festival which had unfolded a few minutes previously in Chalet No. 3. He now realized, as he hadn’t an hour earlier, before Lehua’s arrival, that he was very much a part of the story of Daniel’s family, and as such he did indeed find an active role to play in helping to patch up the rifts. He was glad and relieved that it had worked out. As he thought of that, he opened his desk and pulled out a treasure – a framed photo of him together with Keawe, taken on the beach when they were still in their twenties. It was a pure piece of seventies nostalgia. The slender, deeply tanned bodies, the tight little shorts, the long curling hair and lush mustaches, all of it took him back to the days when he had been young and in love. He stared at it for some minutes, and then he realized that he was actually talking to Keawe, there in his office, speaking as if the man he had loved was still alive and physically present. “Keawe, my love, I have done the best I can for our nephew and his partner. I’m sure you would be as proud of the two of them as I am. Their limitless love reminds me so much of how truly and deeply we loved each other.” He knew that it was time. He took down a framed photo on the wall, a picture of him taken at a ceremonial dinner some years earlier, hanging the framed photo of himself and Keawe in its place – right next to the framed engagement photo of Daniel and Laszlo. ************************* The tall A-framed roof of the Rainbow Room was draped with parallel rows of rainbow-coloured banners, rising in sweeping curves from the supporting posts to the peak of the roof. Bouquets of flowers, also in assorted rainbow hues, filled the urns on stands at either side of the podium. Stately music filled the air as the celebrant, an old school chum of Daniel’s from his childhood, gestured to the guests to rise. The four members of the wedding party marched slowly down the aisle, one by one, taking their places alternately to left and to right. When Daniel had asked Laszlo who he planned to have as his best man, he replied, “The man who persuaded me that I had to find you and be with you. And for my groomsman, the man who turned to me to help him find himself.” Daniel had laughed. “We’ve done it again. My best man is going to be the man who persuaded me that I had to find you and be with you. My groomsman will be my brother.” Now, Rodrigo stood on the left, with Darren next to him. To the right stood Miklos, with Silvio beside him. The phones were raised all around the room as Laszlo walked slowly towards the front, flanked by his mother and father, and with his sister Danuta walking ahead of them. Daniel now appeared, with his mother and his Uncle Ken (in the place of his father) walking on either side of him. His twin sisters, Malia and Maile, preceded them. Once they were all assembled at the front, the best men stood beside the grooms, while the rest of the two families mixed and mingled in a semi-circle behind the celebrant, facing the guests. The ceremony was not long, but it followed the conventional pattern. At the reciting of the vows, sharp-eyed audience members might have caught Kanani quickly dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief as Daniel and Laszlo spoke the final line together: “…for the rest of our Forever.” At the conclusion, the two grooms walked down the aisle, not just holding hands but holding their linked hands up in front of them to show off their rings for all to see. They were followed in order by their attendants, and then their families. Those present who knew Lehua were understandably a bit startled to see her radiant smile as she walked on the arm of Laszlo’s father, while Laszlo’s mother walked with Kanani. Lehua’s unbounded joy totally outshone the conventional social smiles of Laszlo’s parents. The guests were all invited to come out onto the terrace for drinks while the Rainbow Room was being reset for dinner and for dancing to follow. It was only at this point that Daniel and Laszlo had some leisure to take note of all the people who had come – in the great tradition of grooms at weddings, they’d been too nervous during the ceremony. There were friends and relatives from all the different periods of their lives. Associates and co-stars from the Hawaiian Nine days mingled with old school friends of Laszlo. Daniel’s surfer buddies, Arian and Brad, were having a field day, chatting with all the women they’d never seen before. Silvio had Malia and Maile in stitches with his ridiculous stories of daily life in WeHo. Darren treated the whole gathering as a checklist of his video idols, trying to meet as many of them in person as possible. Even Archer McManus had showed up, a bit to their surprise – he’d indicated that he might not be able to come. More surprising still was his arrival with a sexy Brazilian beach boy named Duarte on his arm. Daniel and Laszlo opened their eyes comically wide on learning that the perennial “never tie me down” Archer had gotten engaged – and was going to be married the following year. The longest conversation with the grooms was the six-way marathon with Marina and Lianne and Steve and Jim. Lianne’s boyfriend hadn’t been able to come, so she and Marina made it a double-date with Steve and Jim, since they were all the oldest friends present to each other. Once they managed to corner Laszlo and Daniel, their laughing reminiscences of the old days rolled on and on, ending only when the hotel’s General Manager interrupted, in his politest official vein, to tell them that the dinner buffet was all in place, and they were needed to lead the way inside. And so it went, right on through the dinner hour. The whole party was a glorious mish-mash of past and present, of different worlds and different personalities, and they all seemed more than happy to mix it up and get to meet as many people as possible. All around the room, people were jumping up to go to other tables and socialize, tell stories about Daniel and Laszlo (some of which may even have been true), and take pictures. After the spectacular dinner, Rodrigo and Miklos took the floor to roast the bridegrooms, with Silvio and Darren contributing as well. Of course, they had to put their own distinctive spin on the love story – “Do you have any idea how much of a hassle it was for us to persuade the two of them that they should become a couple?” – and Daniel and Laszlo laughed louder than anyone else. When it was time for the newlyweds to speak, Daniel chose to open on a more sombre note, by calling for a moment of silence and then a toast “in memory of all those who are no longer with us – especially my father, and my uncle Keawe,” before going on with more conventional thank-you speeches. Although some of the older guests departed earlier, the dancing roared on until quitting time at 2:00 am, and people continued circulating out onto the terrace between dances to visit the bar, and to take in the sheer beauty of the natural surroundings – the floodlit waterfall, the tropical vegetation illuminated by the flaring tiki torches, and over all the gentle yet forceful shushing sounds of the waves rolling ashore below them. The two grooms made their ceremonial departure from the party at 1:30 am, and by 2:00 they were seated side by side on the lounge seat of the terrace outside their chalet. There’d been so much hectic activity, so many words, so much of an emotional rollercoaster ride for the last week. Now, the time was ripe for stillness, for calm, for simply being fully in each other’s presence. No more words were needed. Laszlo leaned into Daniel’s side, putting his arm across Daniel’s chest and laying his head down on Daniel’s shoulder, while Daniel draped his arm over Laszlo’s shoulders, drawing him in close. They sat there, quietly in tune with each other, sharing the time and the space, each of them listening to the heartbeat of the other. In the perfect peace of the moment, as in so many other times and places, both of them were thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time: “For the rest of our Forever.”
    3 points
  17. Someone on here posted "A BiG DICK MAKES UP FOR A WHOLE LOT OF UGLY". Truer words were never spoken (or posted).😁
    3 points
  18. Couldn't agree more with @Spunkinmyarse PIG was amazing, the best sex party I've ever been to. Such a great venue, perfect for the sleazy uninhibited sex everyone wanted. Was lying on my back, legs spread open at a bench for an hour straight, taking cocks more or less constantly. Then walking around a bit, before coming back and repeating for another hour. At one point a top even started advertising me and whoring me out, finding new tops for me and feeding me poppers. And everyone was there for fun and sex. With 2500 guys your always going to get rejected a few times, but even those rejections were served with a horny grin. I cannot wait to come back! 🐽😈
    3 points
  19. So Sunday afternoon saw me at the usual place, and this time the man was there again. Turns out he is into more than being sucked, just careful about it with strangers, and as this was the third time we met he invited me to his home, so I followed him there. He knew the dynamic I liked so he made me strip once I got in and started telling me what a little whore I was and said he wished he knew me when I was younger. I started sucking that fat cock and he took me to his bedroom. I got on the bed and he lay behind me in a spooning position. His arm across me feeling my cock and balls. He kept saying that he knew I wanted to be fucked and i was pushing my bum against his cock to show my willingness. I told him a little lie that it was my first time (well it was my first time in actually meeting for it), and I could tell that it excited him and he was whispering in my ear about how daddy was going to show me and I was rock hard in his hand. He got some cream (it wasn't a slippy cool lube) and rubbed it round my hole. He told me to get my mouth back on his cock and to get it slippy with my saliva. I could feel the cream's warmth in my ass and I knew I was ready. He took me doggy style on the bed. I could feel his thickness slowly pushing in, feeling him against me. It was very different to the smooth lube of last time. He fucked me all the way in calling me slut and whore building up to a hard fucking and him cumming inside of me. Me face down moaning for my daddy. Then his cock rubbing round my face and in my mouth to clean it. Once he was done I wanked off while he watched and told me what a good lad I'd been. He said my ass was his and only to share it with his permission, and he'd help his slut get more if I wanted. I said yes. He also asked if I could bring photos of when I was young next time. I'm not sure when next time will be, but I'm absolutely buzzing and I don't feel guilty for my little white lie, although I don't think I'll get away with it again.
    3 points
  20. Long time lurker. Figured it’s about time I started posting some of my own sexcapades. I’m in the military and getting ready for a deployment. They have us in this god forsaken place here in Texas. Pretty locked down. Luckily, there’s Grindr. One thing about me is that when I’m in the open bay and there is only the showers or the bathroom stalls to JO then I’d rather go without fapping. So by the time I met this boy I had a weeks worth of cum brewing in my balls. He is a cute, 28 yo, 5’5” tall, 155 lbs, white, vers/bottom. I’m 6’1, 185 lbs and fit. I love cute, short, bottoms that are just a lil bit chubby. Anyways, he hits me up on Grindr and get my juices flowing and so horned up my balls hurt. He is just so cute and fuckable. Unfortunately, us being just enlisted and not high enough on the totem pole to have our own rooms. Unlike the major I hooked up with here. But that’s another story…. We had to figure out a place to meet. That’s when we came upon these latrines that are off the beaten track. we kiss a little bit, he sucks me, and I start getting a little hard. He starts eating me out and I get way hard. I might be more verse depending on the situation and this is one of them. I wasn’t prepared to get fucked but I wanted to feel his dick a little bit. So I squatted and lined up his dick with my hole. It felt really good but I knew I wasn’t clean down there so I turn around and then turn him around. I start spitting on his hole and working it in. I spit on my dick. And ease the head in. I can tell I went to far when i see he winces so I pull out and add more spit. I go a little slower this time and his hole opens up nicely. I don’t like a hole that is too tight. He is bent at the waist and I’m standing and I start getting into a good rhythm. We are standing in front on the sinks. Quick aside, honestly the way this bathroom is set up it would be perfect for cruising. Anyways, I’m so lookin on forward to blowing this load and boy it feels good when I do. It was such a fat fucking load. His hole looked so good coated in my cum. I had to snap a pic. I scooped some off of his hole and gave it to him to see if he wanted a taste. But he declined. I cleaned him up. I wanted to get him off too but with the risk of getting caught we were in a hurry to leave. it was hot walking back and hearing him say that his hole was wet and dripping. we have actually hooked up one more time since then and I got his load up my bottom. we plan to hook up tonight. It will be our last chance because I ship out tomorrow night and will be busy all day. I plan to leave another load in him and get one more before he goes. im adding the picture of his loaded hole. Hope you enjoyed my first post.
    3 points
  21. Our first trip to NYC. We'd pretty much done everything! Every day we'd walked at least 10 miles, taken in a few shows and lots of bars. It had been such a perfect trip. Today was the last full day, with the plan being breakfast in the hotel then The Highline, lunch with a few drinks then see where the afternoon takes us. I'm John and my boyfriend is Dale. We've been together for almost 7 years. Life is stressful but it's great to spend these moments together. That morning we were about to head to breakfast but Dale wasn't feeling well. Typically he was complaining of feeling hot, run down and achy. I brought him up some breakfast from the buffet and reluctantly agreed to head out for the day without him. The Highline was beautiful! Great views, lovely nature and the stories of gay cruising I had no idea about!! I was disappointed that Dale missed out on it so instead of getting a late lunch I decided to head back to the hotel to see how he was doing. What was strange as I got out of the elevator and turned on to our corridor I could swear a guy was leaving our room! Feeling mistaken I headed forward and clicked my keycard. When I opened the door i was shocked. Dale was laid face down on the bed in just a jockstrap, the curtains were closed so only a crack of light illuminated the room. He was snoring loudly! Getting closer and feeling anxious the next thing I noticed was marker pen on his ass. On the left cheek was "Loads IIIII I" Then on the right cheek was "POZ IIII" I felt sick to my stomach. Had he really cried off on our last day to be a slut?? Our sex life was healthy but I had no idea he'd bottom for random guys... especially POZ guys!! Just then I became aware of a noise from our bathroom. The lightswitch clicked and an older guy, mid 50s, stepped out "That's one hot ass man. Hope you enjoy fucking my load in to him. Enjoy bud!", as he handed me his towel and walked out of our room. I felt sick to the core. He'd promised me his promiscuous days were over. Spending the day getting fucked by guys... and POZ guys too was just something I couldn't cope with. Dale was still snoring. I just packed up my stuff and headed to the airport. I've not heard from him since and doubt I ever will.
    3 points
  22. As an addendum: I went to the PIG party immediately after and more of less repeated the whole thing again, minus the hood! Reckon by the end of the night my fuck tally was well into 3 digits, which for this slut is a record in any one 24 hour period… Folsom Berlin is just great!
    3 points
  23. 1) Pregnancy risks 2) Societal expectations/mores/norms/repression 3) Parental control 4) They’re also a little more particular than guys because of people like YOU, @SouthAsianGuy . BTW, vaginal anatomy is NOT as accommodating as anal anatomy. There’s no way you can get your whole arm into the former.
    3 points
  24. I run my own business, we do office fit outs and reconfigurations, based in the city. For a years more I've had a personal assistant as the majority of the work I do is coordinating contractors, workmen and supply logistics, so having someone to help me keep my diary straight and things organised is just a no brainer. Until now I've always kept my sex life separated as being a Gay man in his late 40s and dealing with construction people, it was just always easier for them to not question sexuality etc. But then my PA Amy resigned to move to another city with her fiance and I found myself interviewing replacement candidates. There was a short list of three, two older women, very experienced and one young guy, with great qualifications but his experience was not directly in assistant work, though his skills were transferable. I'll be honest, he wasn't in the running, but wanted to meet him as I liked his resume and I was dirty minded and curious. After the first two had not really impressed me, I was beginning to think the search would be a bust when young James met me at reception. I was pleasantly surprised when the well dressed 21 year old shook my hand and smiled his blue eyes at me, my cock twitched and I smiled back, checking him out as inconspicuously as possible. I'm 6'2" 47 hairy and burly with a rugby build, he was 5'8" 21 lean with a more nerdy look, a great bubble but and signs of being a little hairy himself... Just perfect. Nasty thoughts ran through my head as I ushered him to my office, closing the door and locking it so as not to be disturbed, but I put them aside, let's give this kid a chance. As I asked him all the normal interview questions and noticed he was very nervous, I did my best to be friendly and put him at ease, but not let my dick make decisions, something I strongly believe is dangerous in business. So briefed him on the company history, the role and why it was vacant, then what I was looking for from an assistent, and asked him why he thought I should hire him over someone with more direct experience. James explained that he was a born organiser, his father had been in construction and that since he'd passed away he had wanted to find a way to follow in his dad's footsteps, even though he wasn't great at building things himself. He talked about how he'd done similar things around logistics in his last job and how he often found himself managing his mums diary as she was a busy single mum these days. He then dropped that he was single, so it ment he didn't have any other obligations right now and could focus on the job at hand. I joined that I war single too which war great for work but getting a little lonely as I was getting older. He smiled at my weak joke that prompted him to reassure me I want that old. With that I got up to get a glass of water from my cooler and asked if he wanted one, and that was my first clear hint... I caught him checking out my ample package. I pack 9 thick inches and big balls and always be sure to wear just the right jeans that show off my buldge, so it pumped my ego a little and quickly lead to some more dirty thoughts... So when it took him his water I intentionally came too close and caught him once again glance down. Then I headed back to my desk sat down and back, being sure he could get a view and decided, fuck it, I was alone in the office today, I'm horny as hell and I'm gonna see if I can break my rule... A secret fantasy id had for a long time. So I started with a simple question, what does he do for fun, he answered clubbing with friends, gaming and into sci Fi, like trek... I laughed and said I loved trek too, but wasn't much for Clubbing these days, preferring usually to sit at home have a smoke and relax. He asked what I smoked and I decided to take a risk... Asking if I could trust him with the truth. He eagerly reassured me, so I unlocked and reached into my side drawer pulling out my glass pipe, already loaded with Tina, and asked if he'd tried it before? When he said no, I asked if he was open to it and he said yeah maybe, then asked what it was like, side effects etc, I told him it was really just great for relaxing, and focusing, abs that it was pretty mild with come down that is really managed. He seemed curious, so I then mentioned that it was also really great for enhancing sex with the right partner, and since it was Friday, id let my team go home early, intending to puff up and see where the night and weekend took me. I asked if he had plans and when he said know I asked if he minded if I took a hit and said he was welcome to join me. I could see he was interested but nervous, so I just hit up the pipe, took a big breath and blew out a big cloud in front of him. "wow" I heard him utter as I saw his eyes check my package between watching the smoke. As the clouds started to rush through my veins I got a little bolder, stood up and moved to lean against the edges of my desk right in front of him, and this time I said, "go on give it a try, I'll shotgun it to you and you can stop if you don't like it". He bowed to the period pressure and seconds later I was up close blowing clouds into his mouth as he sucked them back, near the end i intentionally let our lips touch, then moved back. Once he had exhaled I quickly asked if he was ok and liked it? He was affirmative so I gave him too more shotguns each time kissing just a little more as I did it, he didn't resist and started to respond kissing back. Now was the time to up the stakes, so I moved back to my chair and asked if he would like to take one directly from the pipe... And smiled when he glanced at my package again on the word pipe. He said yes so I told him it would be easier if he came and sat on my knee while I drove it for him and encouraged him, it didn't take much and this young boy was sit on my knee, in close, my package now pressed gently against his upper thigh, I drove the pipe, then leaned in so he could shot gun it back to me. This time as we did I allowed the exchange to become a more passionate and clear kiss. When he sat back, with the courage of the puff in my system I told him he was a very good looking young man, that I was gay I loved being a daddy to a younger guy, and I asked him if he likes guys too? He confirmed yes, previous trepidation gone due to the substance in his lungs and my admission, he also said he thought I was a real hunk that he was hoping I might be a top. With that it was all on, more puff, more making out and our hands exploring each other's bodies, soon my hand was massaging his ass and he was rubbing my package. I then told him I was a trekkie too and asked if he would like to see my tattoo on the topic, slowly removing my shirt to show my com badge tattoo, he ran his hand through my chest hair as he admired said he loved the concept. After another puff I decided to tell all to him, that I was a dom daddy top who dreamt of having a boy to own of my own. That I had fantasies that that boy would also be my PA, a total bottom and love my cock and my cum. I told him I preferred it bareback, and loved seeding and breeding a hot boy. He was shy, but expressed he liked the idea but was really only looking for a hook up, safe sex and felt he'd love to have sex but wasn't inclined to continue with the job application. I was disappointed, but horny at least is get this young boys hot ass... And who knows where that night go...
    2 points
  25. Today was a beautiful day outdoors but I was indoors allday and night. This morning I deep douched my hole then hopped online advertising for tops to come fill it.... By 1pm I'd had my first load from a 22 Yr old... It was 4pm before I got the next.... A regular young man who breeds me popped in at 7pm and loved fucking my cummy hole as it leaked out down my inner thighs.... I then got 2 load at 9.30pm and it's still in me as I type..... Another top popped in an hour a go... 48 well hung.... He churned all the loads together in me adding his own, zipped up n left... Productive day... Its now 2am...time to sleep as I'm up 6am for work.
    2 points
  26. Agreed - the impetus behind my comment was that OP seemed concerned that this person suspected it might be him. I'd want to clear that up if I were in OP's shoes, even though the onus is always on the person to get tested and treated when necessary.
    2 points
  27. I should have mentioned before that my previous attempts of sex stories here on BZ were always little bit spiced up. All was based on reality, but it always included lots of fictional elements. I believe that it did not work well after all, but never mind 🙂 But this story is different. All within "JUST A SLUT" is 100% real and this thread can be considered as almost real-time chronicles of how I finally accepted myself as a cumdump whore. I AM JUST A SLUT! PART TWO Little did I know around 8PM that within a minutes, my pussy will start having an itch. Somehow, no matter how hermit-like did I felt entire day, my hole just started screaming for dicks. I knew that I need more than one for sure. Over the course of 10 minutes, I turned from hermit to the nasty horny cunt. I did not even consider buying condom when I promptly decided to go visit the nearest cruising place. Just had a shower and in half an hour, I was on my way there. As it is no longer than 25 minutes walk, I decided to walk there. I expected to start having some second thoughts on my this while I walk, but no second thoughts came. It was exact opposite. Just as I started walking, my mind went into sort of weird daze or trance...wanting nothing else than bare dicks. I basically remember nothing from the trip. One minute I was in front of my house and the other minute I was entering the dark park, with itch so strong that I think I never had such itch before...and I was never innocent kind of guy! And this is when things started unfolding rapidly. Less than fifty meters of walking through the park, suddenly two guys appeared in front of me, visibly looking for some sex. I said Hello...it turned out that both guys are Ukranian refugees and could barely speak my language, but it was clear that we all wanted the same. None of them was good looking at all, I think majority of gays would even consider them ugly. But that was so hot for me! I came to understanding that as a cumdump, I should only care about the cocks and not the looks. I am not a size queen, but I have no trouble admiting that dick of less than 15/4 is no fun for me. Interestingly, huge cocks never hurt me (except for the very first time with huge cock when I was 17, but that was rapid switch from 15/4 cm which I was used to to 22/7 cm king size dick - and three more fucks with him that night prove that it was just a first-time pain 😄) while I experienced lots of discomfort with smaller ones in the past. Odd. Anyway, we dipped into a nearby bushes and started making out. It was hot to have two guys right at the beginning of an adventure. I thought that one of them is going to be bottom or vers, but that was another thing where I was mistaken! These two guys turned out not to be a pair, but just two top buddies who want some bottom to share…I was glad to help. We started with me kneeling and sucking their cocks for some time. I was enjoying switching from one to another, licking both at the same time and trying to have both of them deep in my mouth at the same time. They did not have so long dicks, but one of them was thicker whick made the task challenging, but not impossible. Suddenly. the taller of the guys stepped aside and then made a few steps to get behind me. He leaned down to me and stuck two fingers to my pussy using just a little saliva. As he had his figners in me, he suddenly used them as a kind of hook and with those two fingers in my pussy, he pulled me upwards to standing position, while forcing me to bend with the second hand to ensure that I keep on sucking his pal. As soon as he pulled me up, the fingers disappeared from my pussy, only to be quickly replaced by his nice dick. He started fucking my pussy hard and I loved it. It was so hot to try to be as best whore as possible and provide the best service on both front and back end. I slipped in a total whore mood so easily that at that point I knew that this is what I was born for, and the slut mindset that I have is telling me that nobody should feel disadvantaged while using me. Every guy deserves the best ride I could provide. He was fucking me for like 5 minutes when they decided to switch. A real spitroast by two Ukranian refugees have just started...just like that, in public park...the bushes we were in were not even 100% dark...any passers-by on the nearby path could see us. I have no idea If any came through though, as for next 30 minutes or so, I have been fucked hard from both ends and all I thought was to have these two guys totally satisfied. Actually, I was enjoying it so much that it all felt like 10 minutes of fun...only then upon looking at the cell phone I noticed that we spend quite a lot of time there. My pussy felt great entire time, and my mouth was busy sucking either one or second refugee. I really lost the sense of time and surroundings. When the first guy shot his load in me, I had mixed feelings...one one hand, I was so happy for the load and the feel of it inside me made me feel proud. On the other hand, I was little sorry that now just one more of the pair will shoot and it’s done. And as I feared, it only took two or three more minutes to get the second guy’s load...but after all, I did not feel so sorry when he did so, as it was a really huge load. My ass felt totally full of cum after fucking with these two random guys. As soon as the secong guy slipped out of my pussy, they abruptly walked away and left me there standing with my leaky hole, which felt great in a light breeze which was occuring that day. I knew that this was not enough though. My pussy screamed for more dicks. I had to go on cruising. It was fun walking around the park with such nicely wet hole. I stumbled upon another guy in really short time. As he saw me walking to him, he stepped aside to the nearest bush with a clear hint that I should follow, so I did. When I stepped into the bushes, he was standing there with his shirt wide open, showing extremely big and beautiful nipples. From his gestures it was clear that his only intention is to have his nipples sucked and bitten while he wanks his dick. As much as I wanted another dick in my pussy, my mind is wicked enough to understand that his orgasm relied on me, so I gladly went on the job. I think I never saw such huge and hard nipples as his. It was hot to suck one them, and after some sucking, I always tend to bite the nipples a bit, so I followed this routine on this guy, too. Upon first bite, it was clear that this guy needs slightly more biting. Let’s just call it significantly more 🙂 His grunts were getting me really horny, and each my bite was harder than the one before. The guy loved it. He was grunting, he was shaking, his begging for more was basically screaming. We must have been heard all over the park. Apparently I did a good job, as after only 7 minutes or so, his cock suddenly started shooting ropes of cum all over the place. I was disappointed that he doesn’t want me to eat his load, but then I noticed the wedding ring...apparently he only needed somebody to torture his nipples, not minding the gender. I find such guys hot. The guy said „Thank you!“ and it really felt that he is grateful. I felt proud again and smiled at him. He then left and upon looking what time is it, I had to face a harsh decision at this moment – should I go home as quite a lot of work is expecting me the other day or should I keep cruising for cocks? Lots of logical reasons for going back home were popping up inside my head. But feeling the itch in my pussy made be quickly brush off all these reasons and go on crusing for another load. Just two or three bushes away, I noticed a slight movement, but upon hazing there, I saw nothing and heard no noises. I was thinking that maybe it was just some bird or so, but still I decided to peek deeper into the bushes to check. There was this little guy standing in dark, wearing black from head to toe. He was really small, he could have been like 140cm tall...at first I even thought that it is some kid. As I neared the guy, he took my hand and put it in his open crotch, where a half hard dick was already waiting. I felt the dick in my hand and started wanking, and very quickly it turned out that while the nature did not give this guy lots of a heigth, she compensated for it in another department. The guy had nice cut cock around 18 cm, not too thin but not too thick. Just the good size. I wasted no time kneeling and sucking on it, but this guys did not allow me to lots of a sucking...after just around a minute, he forced me to stand up and turned around. I then had to partially squat to allow him to enter my ass, but it felt great. He entered me very quickly balls deep and started to heavy-fuck me right from the beginning. I was there, thinking how slutty it is, and felt so proud and happy to be such slut. I loved the feeling of providing my ass to weirdos that I know nothing about, don’t know their status or even name. I knew that another load is waiting to shot inside me and that made the fucking feel awesome. His dick was sliding in and out of my sloppy pussy and both the guy and me were grunting with lust. After around 15 minutes, the guy just made one big grunt and upon that, I felt the warm new load deep inside my pussy. He must have been even heavier shooter than the second refugee guy. When he slipped his cock out of me, I felt quite a lot of cum leaking from my hole, so I quickly tightened my pussy hard to keep as much cum inside as possible. After that, I walked around the park two more times to see If there’s another guy to fuck with, but no luck, and the best that I could do was to walk back home to get at least some sleep before getting-up to work. As I was walking, my pussy felt great. She could take more, but she was somehow satisfied at this point. Just when I was in front of the house where I live, I realized that I did not shoot my load yet. It made me horny again, but it was time to sleep, so while I was travelling in elevator, I thought that I’ll just quickly wank and go sleep. And that was the last thing that night where I was wrong! As soon as I entered the door, my slutty mind overtook again and instead of just wanking, I practically ran in trance to the drawer where I store my XL dildo. It had to came in right there, while I was still standing in front of a drawer. I could not stop. The feel of dildoing my sloppy hole was amazing and the harded I dildoed myself, the harder I needed it. I spent another hour having no mercy with my own pussy and only after that I could shoot my load. I was maybe 18 when I last time had load this big. It was flowing everywhere around me, on my face, behind me on the wall, on the ground...it was everywhere! I kept the dildo inside me balls deep and decided to sleep like that. TO BE CONTINUED.
    2 points
  28. What planet are y'all on. Twitter and only fans and countless sights with millions of slutty females on it. Y'all just gonna act like they not saying hey I want the dirty cummy stick filling up my already uses holes, doesn't negate have the fact that the video is showing multiple guys using her holes raw. If the vast majority of guys are into one night stands. Then she is forced to endure one night stands from multiple men until it becomes the norm. Just cuz u said all the right things to insinuate a possible relationship to get in her cat, don't mean she ain't heard it from every other man. Woman know you want to Believe that they conquered the weak . Makes the sex better letting a man predator feel like they are devouring its lady prey. So we act like we ain't know you were lying to get in our pussy when we already knew what you came to do.
    2 points
  29. This. I stipulate all the socialization and societal and family dynamics affecting women's sense of what is acceptable and allowed for them. Male privilege as well. But even with all that, testosterone. A friend who was in the process of transitioning FTM pulled me aside after he'd begun testosterone. "I feel incredibly horny all the time. How do men ever get anything done?" he asked. "I want to fuck *all the time*!" We chatted for a while and I theorized that a boy going though puberty was likely the closest analog to what he was feeling. But that where a boy had a period to adjust to the onset of puberty, and was starting from a more neutral state, my friend had been through puberty originally as a female. We wondered whether the transition was more intense because of it. Don't underestimate the influence and power of testosterone to blow through previous AFAB socialization and constraints.
    2 points
  30. Its simple. Men and women are wired differently, esp in the way we view sex. They say prostitution is the oldest profession...and thats for a reason. Men are wired to separate sex from emotions. We can fuck each other with no questions asked. That's the reason why cruising, saunas and bathouses exist. For men, its a need. Simple. Women in most cases cannot separate emotions from sex. Men can easily fuck and forget. Most women cannot.
    2 points
  31. @curiouss - Nice to see a slow subliminal chemical seduction ...
    2 points
  32. It may be part of the deal but that doesn’t mean not checking with a previous partner or not letting them know. If you catch something it’s good to check with previous partners to let them know so they can get checked if they want. In this case the poster could say they’ve recently been tested and that they are fine but “thanks for letting me know”.
    2 points
  33. After hitting 30, the covid lock down hit hard and I gained a bit of weight. At the end of 2021, and coincidentally the end of Covid restrictions, I decided to eat healthier. Especially since my colleagues, who are in their 20's, are all buff and work out regularly. This comparison was even more glaring once we all went back to the office. I didn't rush though, I lost about 40 lbs in those two years by portion control for meals and occasional stationary biking. I'm back to my old weight of 120lbs. I'm a short thing and I've always been attracted to men who are taller, and usually older. My college days were spent hooking up with older tall men into tiny Asian boys. It was always safe though. I have been in a relationship with the man I love for several years now, but very soon into the start of it I realized I can't get everything sexually I wanted from him. For example, he is a total bottom. And while I love fucking him, sometimes I crave the days of being manhandled by someone and going balls deep in me. My boyfriend and I fuck bareback, so over the years, if I hook up with someone else it was always with a condom. And these hook ups were very few and far between and usually someone who I've hooked up with before. I don't have much trust in dating apps. About a several months ago, I hooked up with someone who kept insisting to fuck me raw. While I find the idea super hot, I declined. He tried to fuck me with a condom but he kept going limp. I can't blame him. I can't remember topping with a condom and I'm almost certain I'd go soft too. I started looking into PrEP as a just in case. I talked to my doctor about it and he agreed that while condoms are still the best choice, it won't hurt to add PrEP into my daily prescription/vitamin regimen. I've been taking it ever since but honestly haven't thought much about it. I haven't really had the urge to get fucked recently. Now at the present, I'm finally confident enough to go to a gym and get my body toned. I signed up for a membership close by, with my only intention being getting healthier. I checked in on a weekend at around 3pm and the place was relatively dead, which I like because I'm a total introvert and still a bit self-conscious. I did my thing for about two hours, very proud of myself and headed for the locker room. There was only one other person in there who I didn't pay much mind to. As I was getting undressed, I noticed from my peripheral vision that this person kept glancing at me. I wrapped my towel around my waist so I can pull off my shorts and boxer-briefs without going full monty. I gave him a quick glance and we made eye contact for a couple of seconds. He was this tall black guy about 6'4" with short hair, a set of wireless headphones around his head. He was probably early to mid 40's, I can't be sure. He was wearing a shirt with the sleeves and sides ripped to his torso. I can see his enormous pecs and I felt a slight tingle in my pants. As I was pulling off my underwear I lowered my gaze to his grey sweats and saw that something massive was bulging. I felt my hole twitch. I quickly turned around nervous cause I didn't want to get in trouble in case I was misunderstanding the situation. I tried to clear my head of all these thoughts and grabbed my toiletry bag and shoved my duffel in the locker and locked it. I kept my eyes down with one hand on the towel around my waist as I walked towards the shower. When I was about to get into the small hall with the showers and dressing room, I heard movement behind me and a deep voice says "Hey..." I turned and put on an indifferent expression and replied "Hey." He looked me in the eye and said "Do you go black?" My mind was racing now. Did I hear him correctly? Does he mean what I think he means? I asked "I'm sorry?" Pretending I didn't hear so he'd repeat it. My heart felt like it was gonna jump up my throat. "Do you go black?" he said again. I heard myself say "I'm not sure what you mean." I think I wanted him to tell me exactly what he meant so there was no room for misinterpretation. He gave a small smile and shook his head and said "It's ok. Nevermind." He turned and started to walk back to the lockers. I guess my acting dumb made him think he misread me and that I wasn't gay or something, cause if I was, how would I not know what he meant? I kinda started to panic cause his sexy body and that bulge in his pants made me crave getting pounded. I blurted "I do... I do, though" He smiled and walked closer towards me and glanced at the entrance, then his eyes swept the bottom of the stall doors to make sure there was no one else there. When he was satisfied that we were in fact alone he turned to me and whispered "Show me." I tentatively grabbed the ends of my towel with both hands then slowly peeled it off. I was embarrassed cause my dick was already precumming. But it seems he wasn't at all interested in my dick anyway cause he whispered "Turn around..." So I turned and show him my ass and I heard him take a breath. He glanced at the entrance again and said "Go into that one at the end" then walked back towards the locker rooms. I turned and knew he meant the big dressing room with the handle bars for the disabled. The shower stall doors are translucent frosted glass while the dressing rooms have solid black ones. And even though they have gaps between the door and the floor, the big dressing room has its wall with the bench obscured so even if people glance at the bottom of the door, they wont see legs as unless they actually stick their heads in and look to the side. I slowly walked towards it, my hands shaking. I put my toiletry bag on the bench, wondering if he wanted me to wait long, but as I turned around he was already entering the room with his duffel bag and locking the door behind him. I was so nervous I couldn't think. He bent down and placed his duffel on the floor then turned to face me. Being this close to him just drove home how much bigger he was than me and I thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. This man can split me in half. Especially after seeing his bulge this close. He put his hands on my shoulders and had me sit on the bench. His crotch is almost to my eye level as he pulled down his sweatpants. It fell out and I heard myself audibly gasp. It was huge. Lengthwise it was probably around 8-8.5 but it was the girth that scared me. I swear it was thicker than my wrist. He pulled my head towards it and I began to lick. I was afraid it wouldn't fit in my mouth. After some licking of the head, I certainly tried. It was a challenge to just get even half in my mouth cause of the thickness... but I knew I was loving it. I couldn't throat it but I did my best to give him please anyway I could. I looked up at him as I was vigorously sucking the head. He smiled down at me and whispered "Too big?" I nodded but kept on sucking. He motioned for me to stand up and turn around. Now I obviously wanted this but I started having second thoughts... not only because of his size but also because I didn't prep my ass for this as I was not expecting anything like this to happen on the first day I went to the gym. I honestly didn't really think this type of thing happen except in porn or movies. I stood up and whispered "I'm not really prepared for this down there... should I go prep first?" He had bent down to get a magnum from his duffel and whispered "It's ok, I just wanna feel it." He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around, then put it on my back to lower it so I'm bent over the bench. I didn't see him get lube from his bag so I got even more worried I'd be taking that dick dry. I spat on my hand and rubbed it around my hole. I looked back and he had his condomed dick in his hand and spat a large amount of spit on it and spread it on his dick. He rubbed the head on my hole for a few seconds then slowly pushed it in. The pressure was intense. It felt like I was getting stretched to the limit and the spit didn't help at all. He felt me trying to run away so he held my hips tight with both hands. I wanted to scream. I can hear him whispering "Relax, you can take it, Relax." There was something about his girth and the plastic feel of the condom that was just creating friction, making the pain unbearable. He got about half way in and I jerked my ass away cause I couldn't take the pain anymore. I gasped and was breathing heavily. I quickly turned and plopped my ass down on the bench, afraid he'd try to stick it again. He looked down at me stroking his cock. "Too big?" he whispered. "Might be..." I said a little guiltily. He gave a sad smile and removed the condom and threw it on the ground. I was afraid he was too disappointed that he'd leave so before he could pull his pants up, if that was his intention, I grabbed his dick and started sucking on it again. We did this for a few minutes until he broke the silence. "Do you want this dick?" he whispered. I took his dick out of my mouth and said "Yes, sir" then went back to sucking it. "Stand up. You can take it. This is what you wanted." It really is. So I gave his prick one final suck, took a deep breath then stood up and bent over the bench again. He reached down for another condom and put it on. Then I realized I have conditioner in my toiletry bag. I pulled it out and squirt some in my hand and rubbed it around and in my hole. I felt the tip of his dick press against my hole. He put his right hand on my hip and put his left arm around my chest, probably to keep me from pulling away. I felt him slowly enter and gradually got most of it in. The conditioner definitely helped but there was still that plastic feeling friction but I endured through it. He nibbled my left earlobe as he works the last inches inside and then whispered "Does it hurt?" I nodded with a pained moan. He was all the way in now but barely moving. He pulled a couple of inches out then shoved it back in. I let out a hiss of pain and my body instinctively tried to pull away. But with how he was holding me there was no escaping. He licked the back of my neck then whispered "Are you clean?" as he gave another thrust. Breathing heavily I replied "Yes... I'm on prep. My doctor tested me for everything a couple of months ago before I can be on it..." "I see..." He said as he pulled out half way then gave me a hard thrust. I can feel my eyes start to water, and then I suddenly felt empty. He had pulled out. And I heard a snapping sound then saw him throw the condom next to me on the bench. I felt him spat on my hole and then heard him spat again, assuming to lube up his dick. I felt the warm head as he placed it against my hole and started rubbing it. It felt so fucking good. He then stuck the head in. No friction this time.., I just felt my hole widening to accept him. He shoved it all the way in and as it hit my prostate I let out a moan. He covered my mouth with his left hand as he slowly starts a rhythm. "Is this what you wanted?" he whispered in my ear. "Mmhmm" I mumbled through his hand on my mouth. He started to pick up the pace. "Are you sure you're clean?" he asked again as he moved his left hand to my hips and now using both hands to pull me into him with every thrust. "Yes" I replied. I was in a fog of pleasure. Every time he hit my prostate my legs wanted to buckle. "You wanna do a threesome? Get fucked by two guys?" he whispered. My eyes widened and pulled me out of my stupor for a moment. "Now?!" I whispered in shock. He gave a deep scoff and said "No... maybe next time we meet here again and I'm with my buddy." Before I can even answer he started to go even faster and I was lost to pleasure again. I could hear him starting to breathe faster and heavier. "You just wanted this dick raw didn't you?" he whispered. I couldn't really answer. I know in my head I wanted it raw. But everything that happened after I entered the locker room was totally unexpected. "You wanted to feel me raw didn't you?" he asked again when I didn't reply. "...yes, sir" I replied quietly, almost ashamed. He kept pounding me and asked for the third time "You're sure you're clean right?" "Yes." He nibbled on my neck and whispered "I'm gonna nut in you." My head went into overdrive of pleasure and panic. I wanted to push him off, or rather I knew I probably should've pushed him off., but I was in total ecstasy and just let him pound me even harder. He moved his hands from my hips and wrapped his arms around my chest. "Tell me you want it" he whispered short of breath. I was quiet for several seconds as he fucked me fast and hard and finally said "Please, come inside me" I heard him say "Yeah, beg for my nut." Then I felt him tense and felt his dick inside me uncontrollably throbbing. His dick felt so hot in my ass. It was the best feeling I have ever felt. I could hear his stifled grunts and I loved it. He gave me a few more deliberate thrusts, emptying everything in his balls inside me. He slowly pulled out flinching here and there cause of how sensitive his cock currently is. When he was all the way out I felt a drop of cum rolling from my hole down to my taint and balls. He was breathing heavily as he bent down and pulled a shirt out of his bag and carefully wiped his dick, grunting. I slowly turned and sat on the edge of the bench on my tailbone. I didn't want to plop my cum smeared hole on the bench. He threw the make shift rag back into his bag and pulled up his sweatpants. He looked down at me and smiled as he picked up his bag and said "I'm usually here weekends." Then opened the door, peeked down the hall for a second, and walked out closing the door behind him. I was stunned. I didn't cum but I felt fully satisfied. It's never happened before... I put the conditioner back in my toiletry bag and re-wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked out of the dressing room and into one of the shower stalls. I turned on the water and stood in the corner away from the stream. I then gave my hole a small push and his cum started to leak out and roll down my legs in earnest. It was a lot. And as I watched, I got hard again and jerked myself to completion. It seems my first gym trip was a total success. I'm definitely gonna be going every weekend now, and I'll be sure to clean my ass before leaving the house.
    2 points
  34. Fuck what he "thinks" ..... he's responsible for his own sexual health, and dealing with the lesser bugs - getting on PrEP, getting tested regularly, getting them treated when they come along - is part of the deal.
    2 points
  35. The most influential cock for me was the first cock I ever sucked. I was 14 and had been hanging around a real horny guy who lived near me. I guess I was trying to make it obvious to him that I was interested, hoping he’d make the first move. Finally one hot day he invited me in for a coke. He left me sitting on his couch while he went into the kitchen. He returned with my coke, naked and with a solid hardon. He stood in front of me with his erect cock only an inch from my mouth. I stared at it and looked up at him, then back to his cock. He ran his hands through my hair to the back of my head. He didn’t force me but he encouraged me to lean forward and take his cock in my mouth. It was everything I always wanted. His balls smelled amazing and his cock tasted great. I sucked him best I could with some instruction from him. I wasn’t good enough to make him cum so he masturbated and when he was close he put his cock back in my mouth and shot his load. I swallowed a bit but most went down my chin. I fucking loved it. Over the next few days and weeks I practiced sucking his cock and with instructions from him I was able to suck him to orgasm and swallow his seed every time. After a few months he got my ass ready to take his cock so he took my oral and anal cherries.
    2 points
  36. It was fucking awesome! This kind of event pushes all my buttons, and it didn’t disappoint on any front. I’m hard-wired as a total bottom, so obviously went as a mare. Got there about 75 minutes before the door opened, in order to get a good spot once inside. I was 10th in the queue, one of the fortunate few in the shade, as it was a scorchingly hot day. I reckon by the time the doors opened there were about 80 mares waiting in the blistering sunshine- it’s very possible the heat put a few mares off. This was my second time, so I knew the drill: get undressed and ‘stamped’ as quickly as possible, so you can reserve your space. I was one of the dozen or so mares on the big fuck bed in the middle: prime position as far as I was concerned. The first hour or so is quite fun, just mares at this point, talking, smoking, drinking- all pretty excited about what’s to come. Then about 15/20 minutes before the stallions arrive, it’s hoods on (everyone was wearing red) and into position. Then the music changes to a heavy, thumping style, and that’s the signal that the stallions have arrived. At that point the feeling of anticipation is absolutely electrifying. As you can’t see anything at all, the only indication you get that the action has started is when you hear the first mare starting to moan. Then you start hearing others closer to you getting fucked- and naturally you get anxious that no-one is going to pick you. But that anxiety evaporates the moment you feel that first cockhead pressing against your hole… and from then on it’s pretty much non-stop action for the next 2 to 3 hours. I reckon in total I got somewhere between 50 and 70 fucks. No idea how many of those translated into loads, but a fair few. Your hands are not tied, which means you can reach round to feel how wet you are, but even that’s not a great indication, as guys fuck the come out of you as fast as they fuck it into you. I don’t know how many tops were there, but judging from the sound of the rutting going on all around me and throughout the club, there were enough! For me, the whole experience is completely mind-blowing. Being used simply as a piece of flesh for men to get off in may not be everyone’s idea of fun, but I find it deeply fulfilling on an almost spiritual level. Your whole world is reduced to your arse and a seemingly endless succession of cock, probing your inner self and dumping DNA there, somehow connecting you to the wider world in general. It’s a wonderful thing! Anyway, that’s just my take on Horsefair- it would be interesting to hear from any other guys who were there last night…
    2 points
  37. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. Been traveling for work and just haven't had the time. In any event, I got the next installment ready. Chapter 5 BEN: I loved seeing my Hole laid up in the sling. A watching Horse’s rip into it was a thing of beauty. Our Hole wasn’t completely in Heaven right now – it was feeling horny and wanting but it was still a little too resistant, even after Bull and Needles took it’s throat and Horse tore up that Hole. Axel had him plugged at the moment, and we all stood around, watching this beautiful body laid out before us. Needles was passing around the pipe, cock still out, and I could see throat slobber hanging off his huge PA. And this gave me an idea. “Axel, how much struggle was there on that plug you put in?” “Not much at all. Horse broke it in right.” I smirked, “find something about 3 sizes larger than what you put him it. And grab some of that powdered T”. Before he could speak up, I looked to Needles “I heard you…and I’m making this call. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Needles nodded and kept his mouth shut. “Get a popper rag ready…our Hole will need it here in a few min”. I saw Horse make the move; I got a big swell of feeling knowing that he was enjoying this far more than he expected. I rolled a little stool over between these split legs, and tugged on the plug. Ev moaned as I jiggled it and spun it inside his hole. I pulled it in and out, toying with the ring, making sure it wasn’t going to giving resistances to the widest part. I pulled it out and rolled the tip around in a good amount of crushed T and then shoved it back in. I was toying with it; I wanted to let that fresh T get my Hole is a place of utter and complete need. I was fucking in and out of our Hole with this plug and looked over to see what Axel has brought me. “Ben, does this one work for what you had in mind?” Axel knew exactly it was, and I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I was too far gone. Axel lubed it up and glanced at the crushed T. I nodded. I knew I was playing risky here, but frankly wasn’t in a mood to care about it right now. Lubed and T’d, I grabbed the flare with my right hand and toyed with the one in our Hole for a few, then yanked it out and immediately pushed the larger one in. It got about 2-3 inches in before I felt resistance and I heard a noise from Ev that told me they were on the same page yet. “Horse…poppers. Do it like a chloroform rag. Count to 5, remove it….count to 5….repeat. 3 times please.” Horse grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Ev’s face up and covered his mouth and nose with the rag and his huge hand. The look on Horse’s face was pure feral. I held the plug where it was and waited for Horse to remove the rag, and then I pulled back some and started to push in again. Our Hole was fighting it, still tight and resisting, and then watched Horse repeat it for the second time. While he was counting to 5, I got another inch or so in….we had about another inch before the widest part….a fat 5 inches across. Horse went in for the 3rd and final time and I knew this was it. I wasn’t taking “no” from this Hole. As soon as the poppers were removed, I pulled it back and shoved forward again. There was still resistance, but I wasn’t stopped until I got what I wanted: this giant plug in our Hole. Ev was whining and definitely was not enjoying this piece, which I was A-OK with. I heard a “I can’t stand that whining” from Needles as he stepped over and buried his cock down Ev’s throat. “At least this will keep it quiet until you’re finished”. With one final push I felt the Hole give up against my pressure and it stretched beautifully around the plug before sucking it in. Ev was shaking and struggling in the sling, between their ass hurting from the stretch and their throat full of Needles. I grabbed the plug and tugged on it some. Pulling hard enough to where it was almost slipping back out past the thickest part, before letting it slip back inside. I picked up a bit more lube and pulled the plug back, until the thickest part popped back outside. I didn’t pull it all the way out, no, just enough and I drizzled more lube on the thickest part and pushed again. Pushed it back inside against the resistance, but didn’t let it settle in….as soon as the thickest part breached, I pulled it back out. Over and over. I wanted to teach this Hole that it didn’t resist what I put inside it. After about 5 or 6 times, I let it settle in, Ev’s ass gripping the smaller part of the plug and keeping it firmly seated and stuffed. They were still whimpering around Needles’ cock, but I didn’t care. I was rock hard. I got off the stool and walked around to Ev’s head. Needles pulled out and I leaned over looking into Ev’s eyes. Their pupils were saucers; I could barely tell their color. I knelt down and cradled their head, whispering in their ears, “I know beautiful, I know you don’t know which was it up or down; I know your hurting and scared and higher than a fucking kite. And you’re so beautiful for me. So fucking beautiful, and I can’t wait to take you to new places.” “Axel, take the stool. I want to play my favorite game.” “Ben, are you sure that’s where you want to go? This is supposed to be a claim.” “Fuck yes, Axel. Do you not trust me to know where that fine line is?” “Sure, man….sure. This is your find, anyways.” Axel took a seat and reached up to jiggle the plug in Ev’s ass. I undid my pants and finally let my hard 9” out. I lined up and pushed against Ev’s lips, feeling them part as I slid inside their mouth. I wasn’t going to deep, just deep enough to get them used to my cock. I could see Axel playing with the plug. I started fucking Ev’s throat deeper and deeper, forcing past his gag reflex and resting my balls on his nose. I could see my cockhead stretching his throat as it pushed deep and dammit if that wasn’t the hottest thing. Once I could get a rhythm of fucking in and out and going deep, I pushed all the way in and held it. I grabbed Ev’s shoulders and steadied them. I held it in. Ev struggled. And then….Ev went limp and I immediately pulled out. I could see Axel moving. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew what it was: pulling the plug out of Ev’s relaxed hole and pushing it right back in. I slapped Ev to bring him back to me and leaned over “So beautiful for me, Ev….you’re so beautiful, and this will help you be compliant.” I looked into glazed over eyes, and saw that flicker I saw in the bar…one of need. I grinned. I shoved my cock back in their throat and went back to fucking in and out, long steady strokes. Another few min, I went in and held. Ev struggled some before they went limp again. I watched Axel as he repeated his job down between their legs. I got Ev back with me, and whispered, “just once more, baby, and then we’ll let you rest for a few….can you do that for me? Just give me one more?” I pushed in again. This time, I wasn’t going to just lazily fuck it. I went with more force. Holding it down longer and making Ev wonder if this time was when I’d pull back or not. Over and over, teasing them; fucking with their mind, before I slipped balls deep and braced myself. This time there was very little struggle before they went limp, and I saw Axel do his thing one more time. I got Ev’s awake again and gave them a deep, passionate kiss. “Such a good Hole for me. So compliant and brave.” “Ok guys, let’s get them out of the sling and on the mattress. I think our Hole needs to rest for a few before we keep going. Bull, get some water for them and for us.” Horse and Axel maneuvered Ev to the mattress and got them laid out and looking as comfortable as can be with that huge plug in their ass. I sat next to them and helped them drink some water, since I knew they needed it. “Ok, pretty baby…lay right here and rest for a few. We aren’t going anywhere and you’re perfectly safe right here.” The guys were all sitting around on the sofa and chatting, and I joined them with a big grin. “You men having fun, yet?”. A round of chuckles went around the room. I screwed the top off the water and kicked back where I could keep an eye on Ev on the mattress. They were squirming some, rocking their hips, and wincing when I knew they’d squeezed down on the plug. The T was doing it’s thing and make their hole so fucking hungry. I was doing my thing and breaking down their mental barriers. Slowly the conversations turned back to where the rest of the night/day was going, and the different things they’d like to see or maybe try. I didn’t really veto anything, but also didn’t want to have any set plans. Things would go exactly as they should, regardless of what we planned.
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  38. Part 5 I broke the kiss and grabbed his shirt, undoing the buttons. Overcome by his lust, he stood up and started to undo his pants, kicking his shoes off. It took little time for his clothing to join my pants on the floor, his naked body exposed to me. I felt a shift in my mind, a presence that filled me with a surge of orgasmic power. Somehow, I knew Hunter was with me, seeing Mr. Fey through my eyes, examining the prey I had caught. My cock ached as it tried to spring free, blood pumping out of anticipation, and I knew Hunter was pleased. Mr. Fey took care of himself. He was muscular, clearly working out when he could, but I could tell his regime was far from what it had been when he had played football in college. With the muscle there was also a thin layer of fat, creating a strong body. A thin layer of hair covered his chest, though it was far less than my own. His married cock was fully hard, wishing to be impressive, but it looked pathetic compared to my own and the cock which had blessed me. “Impressive,” I lied, kneeling down and gripping his balls. I moved them in my palm, knowing what was about to happen to them. “Does your wife blow you?” “No,” he moaned, looking down at me with anticipation. “Not anymore.” “Too bad,” I said. “Could she ever do this?” I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock down in one go. “Oh, fuck,” he cried, grabbing my shoulder to balance himself, my tongue running along the underside. Twice that night I had been forced to taste the cock of this inferior man, but I knew it would all be worth it once he was claimed. I pulled myself off him, leaving his cock slicked up with my spit. I pulled off my jockstrap, allowing my own cock to break free. Mr. Fey looked down, his eyes wide as he took me in. “Fuck,” he said, falling to his knees, his eyes still glued to my cock. “You’re huge.” “Guess I’m just lucky,” I said. I grabbed the base and squeezed, a drop of my poz pre-cum leaking out and hanging from the head. “Wanna taste?” “Uhm,” he said, our eyes meeting again, the lust for me still present, though still mixed with his fear. “I’ve never… I’ve never sucked a cock before.” “Don’t worry,” I told him, my hand moving to his face again, at first caressing his cheek before moving to the back of his head to guide him closer. “Just try it once. Just try to even take the tip.” That’s all it’ll take. He opened his mouth, his tongue moving out, reaching for the drop of toxic pre-cum that would start his journey into depravity. I felt a warmth envelop my cockhead as Mr. Fey suckled at the tip, tasting the very pre-cum he would soon be producing in his balls. As if a switch went off in his head, he moved forward, taking more of my cock into his mouth. “Do you like that?” I asked, knowing perfectly well that the taste of the pre-cum was ensnaring him, acting like a drug, making him an addict instantly. Though he’d never sucked a cock before, his brain was rewiring itself, his ability to suck a cock of any size now second nature. Scratch that, first nature. I looked down at Mr. Fey who worked my cock, his mouth skilled in extracting more of Hunter’s pre-gift. His eyes looked up at me, and I could see the fear diminishing, dying away as we started to take over his body. “Since I already got you off,” I told him, relishing the pleasure he was bringing me, “it seems only fair that it’s my turn. Don’t you think?” My cock slipped from his mouth as he said, “Yes. Whatever you want.” His mouth reached for my cock again, but I stopped him, tilting his chin up. “I blew you,” I told him, my bare foot tapping the head of the cock I had sucked off not even an hour ago. “But I think it would be better if I was to fuck you instead.” “Fu… fuck me?” Mr. Fey managed, some of the fear returning to his eyes. “I… I haven’t been—” “You haven’t been fucked,” I finished, already knowing this about the closeted man. “But you want to get fucked, don’t you?” He nodded. “Then why not now?” I asked. “Why not get fucked the very same night you sucked your first cock?” I watched as he thought this over, his mind working out what to do. “You’ve already come so far,” I said. “Why not go just a bit farther?” The potency of the pre-cum was already working its way through his body, breaking down his defenses. What this man would normally have refused to do in the past, like be fucked by a student and cheat on his wife, would become a desire he couldn’t refuse. “You don’t have to worry,” I told him, turning on the compassion, helping him believe that I was someone who truly cared. “I won’t ever tell your wife or anyone. It’ll be our little secret. No strings attached. I’ll be gentle, and if you don’t like it, we can stop. You can even fuck me instead. What do you say?” He stared up at me, the fear in his eyes growing stronger for a moment before fading to the background again, replaced now by the same lust which had brought him here, closer to breaking free. “Alright,” he said. “Fuck me.” “With pleasure.” I pulled him to his feet, kissed him again, charging his lust for me, for what he knew was dangerous and wrong, and pushed him back onto the bed, noticing my reflection in the mirror hanging over the bed. I smiled, seeing myself for the first time for what I was: a predator. I pulled off my shirt, revealing my strong, hairy chest, knowing that my tattoo was out of sight, keeping Mr. Fey unaware. I started to flex, showing him my muscles, proving he wasn’t the only strong man in the room. “Fuck me,” he said, his hands reaching out to my chest, his fingers running through the hair and feeling strength beneath. His fingers found my nipples and squeezed them, extracting a moan from me. “You like what you see?” I asked. “Yes,” he said, a genuine smile filling his face. “I’m not the same kid you used to teach, am I?” I said, climbing onto the bed and grabbing his legs, running my hands along his warm skin, pulling them up and over my shoulders. “Most definitely not,” he said, smiling. “You’re a fucking gorgeous man.” “So are you,” I lied again. Lifting his legs up, I grasped his ass and pulled his cheeks apart, revealing the hole about to be claimed. I lunged forward and started to eat his hole, opening him up to what would surely bring about considerable pain and pleasure. “What are… what are you…” Mr. Fey tried to speak, but his breath was heavy, pleasure filling his body as my tongue entered him, tasting his virgin hole. “I’ve got to get you ready for me,” I told him, spitting into my hand and rubbing it over this hole. I slid one of my fingers into my mouth, wetting it, and slowly inserted it into his ass. “Fuck,” he choked, grabbing his legs and pulling them back, welcoming me into his body. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I lied, massaging his hole, opening him up to what would transform his body into a servant to my Master. “I’ve got to get you opened up for my cock.” Mr. Fey looked down through his legs, spotting my hard cock. His eyes grew wide, as if he hadn’t just had the same cock inside his mouth, dumping toxic pre-cum into his body, already starting to rewire his brain. “Will it fit?” “Only if I open you up first. That’s why I’m getting your hole ready,” I said, a second and a third finger already inside his body. The pre-cum was doing its work, changing his body to accept his fate. His mind didn’t know, but his body was already accepting its new allegiance, knowing Mr. Fey was no longer in command. I played with his hole as I played with his mind, bringing the trapped perverted monster inside him closer to the surface. “Please,” he moaned, his hole squeezing my four fingers, “just fuck me. Fuck my virgin hole.” “You’ve got it,” I said.
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  39. Part 36: (A Medical Procedure) I slicked the dildo up with a fair amount of lube, watching as Doctor Wade pumped Peter’s cock, causing the sick man’s body to shiver. “Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Flanagan?” Doctor Wade asked, his thumb running over the glands in a circular motion. “Please be honest. It’s important to be honest with your doctor.” “Yes, doctor,” Peter moaned, his hands reaching up and pinching his nipples, fingers moving through his sweat-drenched chest hair. “I believe my patient is in need of a special procedure,” Doctor Wade said, his hand moving down to the base and squeezing. His other hand cradled his balls, moving them in his palm. “Yes, I believe you may have a powerful buildup of potent, toxic cum trapped in your manly balls. I’m afraid we just can’t have this if you’re to get better.” “What can you do, doctor?” Peter asked. “I think my assistant,” Doctor Wade said, looking back at me, “can assist us in extracting the precious cum we’ve all been waiting for.” “I’m ready,” I said, winking at him. “Shall we begin?” I crawled onto the bed and moved with Doctor Wade, him lifting one leg while I lifted the other. “Are you ready, Mr. Flanagan?” “Yes, doctor,” Peter said, looking at both of us with an expression that proved how much he wanted this transformation. He finally achieved what he had wanted for so long. Not only was he now poz, but he was starting out on a new journey, discovering what he wanted. I could see in his eyes the images of all the men he wanted to fuck, all the men he wanted to be fucked by, and all the men swimming in the sea of poz cum he would now drown the world in. I knew I would be one of those men, and I was thankful. I moved the dildo to his hole, a hole I was familiar with, a hole I loved fucking, and pressed gently, watching as the blue head slid inside him, opening him up. “Fuck,” Peter moaned, his hands running over his body, his mouth open in a silent cry as he welcomed this new object into his body. “More,” he finally said, his ass grinding against the dildo. “Fill me. Fill me. Fuck me. FUCK ME!” “If that’s what the patient needs,” I said, pushing the dildo further into his hole, the base reaching his hairy hole and causing his back to arch. His pelvis started thrusting into the air, fucking Doctor Wade’s hand. “Fuck,” Peter cried, his hands grabbing the sheets, his dick kicking in Doctor Wade’s grasp, pre-cum dripping out in a flood. “I think the patient is accepting the procedure well,” Doctor Wade said, smiling at me. “We should take a sample to study.” He leaned forward and licked up Peter’s shaft, collecting the pre-cum on his tongue. “What a delicious sample.” He let go of Peter’s cock, his hand covered, and moved it to me. “Taste.” I opened my mouth and he slowly stuck his finger into my mouth, running it over my tongue. I could taste Peter along with Doctor Wade. My cock was throbbing, unable to believe the scene I found myself in. “It’s incredible.” “It’s all yours,” Peter said. “I’m all yours.” “Make sure you’re really grinding the head against the prostate,” Doctor Wade told me, squeezing out more of Peter’s pre-cum on his hand, using it to slick up his dick. “You do leak a lot of cum.” He moved his cum-covered hand to his naked body and rubbed it over his own chest, covering him with Peter’s essence. “We need to make sure we can extract that cum as soon as possible and as many times as possible.” “Absolutely.” I tilted the dildo, knowing where Peter’s prostate was having fucked against it so many times before. Just as with Dom, I knew Peter’s body well, and I knew how to control his body and fill every part of him with waves of pleasure. I slowly pulled the dildo out, watching it slide out of his hole, the hairs surrounding his hole clinging to the dildo, his legs shaking from the pressure I provided. “You like that?” “I fucking love it,” Peter said, his chest heaving, sweat pouring from his body. I leaned forward and kissed the leg I held, holding it close to my face, watching as I caused his body to writhe. “This is what you’ve wanted?” Doctor Wade asked. “This is what you needed?” “It’s… everything,” Peter said. “I can feel it,” he moaned. “I can feel it. I can feel the poz cum. It’s filling me.” “We need to get it out of you,” Doctor Wade told him, jerking his cock faster, Peter’s balls bouncing, slowly pulling into his body. “If you want to feel better, if you want to be a true poz man, you need to blow your first poz load.” “Yes,” he said, looking at us both. “Please. It’s all I want. It’s what I need.” I jerked the dildo into his ass, moving it against Peter’s prostate, milking him. Pre-cum continued leaking out of his cock, dripping over Doctor Wade’s hand and Peter’s balls, creating more lube for the dildo, pushing poz pre-cum into his body. “You’re filling your own body with poz cum,” I said, manipulating the dildo to send chills throughout his body. “Fuck,” Peter cried, his body shaking, our grip on his legs tightening. “I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming!” “Do it,” Doctor Wade shouted, his grip tightening, his pumping faster, centralized on the head which was a dark purple. “Blow you first poz load you fucking slut.” “FUCK!” Peter’s body lifted off the bed as cum shot out of his dick, sprayed high in the air, splattering over his poz body, mixing into his sweat and hair. “Fuck,” Doctor Wade shouted, watching with wide eyes as Peter continued to cum, pooling over Peter’s stomach, covering Doctor Wade’s hand. A few shots splattered his body, Doctor Wade looking at me with wonder. “He’s incredible.” “He’s a god,” I told him, leaning forward and taking Peter’s dick in my mouth, tasting the cum I’d loved before, knowing it was now toxic. It was still flowing out of him, filling my mouth. “How’s it taste?” Doctor Wade asked. “Potent,” I said, licking my lips. “Very potent.” Doctor Wade smiled and leaned forward, grabbing my chin and bringing his lips to mine. We kissed, Peter’s poz cum moving between us as we tasted each other and the sweet nectar. “I’d forgotten how incredibly hot you are,” Doctor Wade told me, grinning as I leaned forward, following after his lips. “You too,” I said. I pulled the dildo out of Peter’s hole, admiring the ass juice covering the blue silicone. Doctor Wade took the dildo out of my hand and admired it. “Mr. Flanagan, you were a good boy today. Your doctor is proud. How about a lollipop?” Peter’s hand reached out and took the dildo, his orgasm and poz-confused brain unaware of what he was holding when he brought it to his mouth and licked the blue shaft. “That’s a good patient,” Doctor Wade said. “That buildup of poz cum won’t bother you anymore.” “I wouldn’t be so sure,” I told him, reaching over and grabbing Peter’s already hardening cock. “I think the patient could go again.” “Then we should get to work,” Doctor Wade said. “This time, let’s take a more ‘invasive’ angle to the treatment.” Doctor Wade climbed off the bed, and I followed, Peter still admiring the dildo. “Pull his ass to the edge of the bed.” I did as he said, Peter moaning as he filled his mouth with the dildo. “Are you ready for another procedure?” Doctor Wade asked Peter. Peter nodded, smiling. “Please, sir.” “Then let’s get started,” Doctor Wade said, reaching down and scooping up the large puddle of cum collected on Peter’s stomach. “A doctor must be properly prepped.” He smeared the cum over his own ass, pushing deep into his hole, making sure his hungry ass was ready. “I believe you have a history of fucking this patient’s brains out.” I smiled, nodding. “Then let’s see how long it takes you to fuck his cum deep into my guts.” Doctor Wade crawled onto the bed and mounted Peter who was attempting to deepthroat the dildo. “Now, Mr. Flanagan, I believe a healthy dosage of sodomy should do the trick.” He grabbed Peter’s hard cock and slipped it between his cum-covered ass cheeks. “And I think a nice injection should help your body as it transforms.” He looked back at me and winked, Peter’s cock disappearing as it entered Doctor Wade’s hole. Peter moaned around the dildo as he entered Doctor Wade’s body. I collected some of the cum which had splattered on Peter’s legs and balls and slicked up my cock, There was still residual lube from the dildo and the cum which had dripped down to his ass, making his hole ready for the fucking. “Are you ready?” I asked, lining my cock up with Peter’s hole, my head pressing into his puckered opening. “Ready to begin,” Doctor Wade said. I forced myself into Peter’s hole, finding him to be prepped and ready for me. While my cock was bigger than the dildo, I still found no resistance, his body loose and open. “Fuck,” Peter and I shouted at the same time, my hands reaching forward and grabbing Doctor Wade’s shoulders, forcing him all the way down onto Peter’s cock. “Fuck,” they both shouted, Peter now thrown into a wave of confusion as his hole was filled, his prostate was hit, and his cock was enveloped in a warm embrace that welcomed him. “The patient is accepting the procedure well,” Doctor Wade moaned, bouncing on Peter’s cock, his own hands playing with his nipples while Peter continued to suck on the dildo while his free hand pumped Doctor Wade’s stiff cock. “He’s doing very well.” I gripped tight on Doctor Wade’s shoulders, Peter’s legs wrapping around my waist, pulling me deeper into his body. Fuck, I had missed this hole. Fuck, I had missed Doctor Wade. Maybe Peter had the right idea. Maybe leaving all the secrecy behind so he could go out and live without fear of being discovered was the right way to go. It sure as fuck felt right as I fucked his ass, my mind spinning with the possibilities. “I can feel it,” Doctor Wade said, a hand resting on his stomach. “I can feel you filling me with pre-cum. I can feel it. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, it’s incredible.” “Don’t stop,” Peter told us, his conversion unleashing the pervert slut within him rather than weakening his strength. “Fuck me. Fucking take my hole.” “We already have,” I told him, my fingers digging into Doctor Wade’s shoulders, my knuckles white as I fucked harder, my own orgasm on the horizon. These two men were incredible, their bodies pouring sweat as they gave into their animalistic passions, seeking out the only thing they knew would make them feel satisfied: poz cum. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I said, slamming into Peter’s ass harder, breathing in the stench of sex. “Oh, fuck. Fuck.” “Do it,” Doctor Wade said, his head jostled around as he rode toward his own orgasm. “Complete the injection.” “FUCK!” I shouted, slamming one last time into Peter’s hole, grinding against his prostate and starting the chain reaction. As I came, shooting my toxic cum into Peter’s guts, Peter’s toxic cock shot out his second load of poz cum deep into Doctor Wade’s hole, filling him full. As Peter’s toxic cum shot out of Doctor Wade’s packed hole, hitting his prostate, Doctor Wade’s cock erupted in Peter’s grasp, shooting cum all over Peter’s face and the blue dildo in his mouth. “Fuck me!” Doctor Wade cried, his body shaking, Peter’s body struggling under his weight. Doctor Wade held his place over Peter’s body for a moment before Peter’s legs bucked him forward out of my grip. I tried to hold on, but my fingers lost their grip, creating scratches down Doctor Wade’s back. “Oh shit!” Doctor Wade fell forward onto Peter, their sweaty, cum-covered bodies writing together in the heat they created. “What the fuck was that?” “I’m sorry,” I said, eyeing the cuts down his muscled back. “Don’t be sorry,” Doctor Wade said, looking back at me. “That was incredible.” He looked down at Peter who was still filling the doctor’s hole with cum, his eyes almost rolling into the back of his head from the intensified orgasm coursing throughout his body. “You’re amazing.” He leaned forward, pushing the blue dildo out of the way, and kissed Peter, Doctor Wade’s own cum covering their faces. I scooped up some of Peter’s cum which was dripping out of Doctor Wade’s hole and drank it down, savoring the flavor which I knew to be male lust. “Looks like I missed a good time,” Dom said, entering the room. “It was nothing,” I told him, smiling, cum covering my face. “It was just a simple medical procedure.” ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I couldn't help myself with the medical lingo and scenario. I love medical porn, and I couldn't resist.
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  41. The Intern Part 5 Montgomery blew a thick cloud of smoke on the slut as he tried to suck his cock as best he could, considering the odd position. He heard the front door open and close and smiled. He grabbed his faggot by the hair and yanked him to his knees. “Open.” The simple command revealed so much. Nathan obediently opened his his mouth and waited for Montgomery to spit in his open hole. “Good boy, you’re learning.” He let go of his hair, grabbed his shoulders and roughly tossed him back on the bed. “On all fours. Good boy. Arch your back,” Montgomery admired the stud in front of him. What a fucking slut he was becoming, even if he didn’t know it yet. Montgomery climbed up behind the sweet hole and gave it a hard smack. But instead of a yelp, Nathan gave a moan of approval. This jockboy was about to be broken. “Ohhh, you like that boy?” “Mmmm hmmm…” He reared back and slapped the waiting ass one more time, leaving a red hand print. “I need to hear you say you like it. Use your words, faggot.” One more slap. The hole in front of him arched his back, while trying to bury his face deeper in the mattress, spreading his legs wider. *SMACK “Say it, slut!” “Yes! Yes, I like it. Slap my ass, man.” He said, turning his head so he could be heard. “From now on, it’s Sir. Understand, faggot?” To reiterate his newfound position, Montgomery slapped the slut one more. “Yes, Sir. Yes…” Montgomery had the boy in his clutches now. The time to fuck the boy up was almost at hand. “Good boy. Now, relax, I’ve got some plans for you.” The comment didn’t quite register, but he just moaned as Montgomery spread his cheecks with one hand and rubbed his index finger up and down the hole. “Give me your hands.” Nathan, either lost in the sensations or not quite hearing, received a fourth smack. This one harder than the ones prior. “NOW BITCH!” “Yes, Sir,” he whimpered. Montgomery felt the presence of someone at his bedroom door and saw Devin stroking his dick, with a torch and pipe in the other hand. Montgomery raised a finger indicated Devin to keep quiet, and then extended the same finger forward letting him know to wait just a bit longer. Devin nodded and had a seat in the lounge chair in the corner of the room. Devin, on a good day was 5’8” and weighed 130 pounds soaking wet, but what he didn’t have in mass, he made up for in cock. At just about 7.5 inches, his fuck stick was thick, thicker than most dicks Montgomery had ever encountered. The two met three years ago, when Devin sent him a message on Grindr asking if he wanted to tag a twink he had met on U Street. After seeing the picture of his salami stretching the boys mouth to its limit, Montgomery was sold. The two spent the night giving the spun twink poz load, after poz load. Montgomery turned back to his boy, pleased to see his hands behind his back, waiting for Montgomery to do as he pleased. He grabbed the boy’s hands, and put one on each cheek, “Spread ‘em fag.” Nathan obediently did as he was told and gave a moan as Montgomery spit directly in the fuzzy hole before him. Watching the spit slowly dribble toward the slut’s taint, he leaned forward, flicked his tongue and slowly licked up to his waiting hole.” “Oh fuck.” He said, barely audible, as a shiver went through his body. And with that, Montgomery dove in. An expert in pleasing boys to get what he wants, he munched, licked and worked the kid’s hole. After a about 5 minutes of hearing the kid moan and push back on Montgomery’s face, it was time to get the party started. He rubbed his stubble up and down the kid’s spread cheeks one last time. He reached for the canister and picked two shards, each the size of fresh pencil erasers. “Keep your cheeks spread. You are going to feel a slight burn. Just go with it, okay boy?” “Yes, Sir.” With the kid keeping his cheeks spread, Montgomery placed the first shard at the hole’s entrance and slowly pushed in with his index finger. One knuckle in and the kid bucked. Montgomery gently kissed the boy’s ass cheeks, giving each one a tender and lingering peck. “You’re doing so good, boy. You want to make me happy, right?” “Yes,” he mumbled into the mattress. “Good, because I want to make you happy,” and he inserted his finger further, past the second knuckle. He rotated his finger inside the kid’s hole, letting the shard gently scrape his tender walls. When he felt that it was deep enough, he slowly began to piston his finger in and out. The kid was in heaven, and he had no idea what was in store for him. “You’re pussy feels so good around my fingers. You’ve got a perfect hole, you know that, right?” “What did I say about answering me? Next time you don’t answer, we are done, you got it? You’ll be out of here as fast as I can drag you to the door. If you want more of what you’re getting faggot, answer me.” Afraid that the pleasure he was receiving would end, Nathan said, as coherent as he could practically begged, “Yes, Sir. This feels good, please don’t stop.” Montgomery smiled and looked back at Devin, who mouthed the words, “Fuck yeah” before he blew a cloud. Montgomery grabbed the remaining shard, happy that his slut still had his cheeks spread, and repeated the process, but this time adding a second finger. The finger piston worked a little faster than before, rotating and spreading. He reached between his faggot’s legs and was pleasantly surprised to see the kid’s cock was rock hard. He gave it few pumps, and Nathan’s hole flexed around Montgomery’s fingers. “I think the slut likes it,” he said to Devin. Montgomery removed his fingers and crawled up on the bed and moved up and sat against the headboard. “You can let go of your ass now, faggot. Time to suck my cock. Show me that you deserve this cock,” he gave the kid a slight slap on the face and saw the hunger in his eyes before he placed his hands on either side of Montgomery’s hips and took his cock in his mouth. With all pretense gone, Montgomery addressed Devin. “Turn on the webcam. I’m already logged in…oh fuck yeah baby, work that cock, prove to me that you deserve it.” “He’s one hot piece of ass,” Devin said as he typed a quick message to the chat room. “What are you saying in there?” the other stud asked, eyes closed, hands on Nathan’s head, getting lost in the feeling of blowjob. “Just that we are going to slam this newb,” he said without turning around. “We keeping him to ourselves, or…?” “For now.” “Cool,” the other replied. He then reached up, tossed two points to Montgomery, along with the tourniquet. He placed another on the bed, then grabbed the kid’s ankles and pulled him into a prone position with Montgomery’s dick still in his mouth. The surprise registered in Nathan’s eyes, and a sense of panic filled him. He came off the cock and went to turn to see what the fuck was happening. Montgomery grabbed Nathan with both hands, one on each side of his face. He used his thumbs to stroke the temples of his tweaked out victim. “It’s alright, baby boy. You don’t need to worry about anything. I told you I would take care of you, right?” The kid locked eyes with Montgomery, then let them flutter closed as the his fingers continued to soothe the boy’s nerves. “Yes, Sir.” “That’s a good boy, I knew I could count on you. Now, I want you to lick my balls while I stroke my cock. Understand?” “Yes, Sir,” he said as he buried his face deep between Montgomery’s legs. Devin climbed up on the bed, and spread the kids’ cheeks and began to rim the faggot, making him moan around the hefty balls that were in his mouth. “Give me your arm,” Montgomery said. Hearing that, Devin hopped off the bed and grabbed the webcam to make sure this moment was saved.
    2 points
  42. Been a long wait for this one, my apologies... **************************************************** I stared at the screen for a moment thinking about it. All the years of hearing Doug sexualize Troy and my head was spinning with lust and fear. Realizing I was taking to long to respond I typed quickly, “On my way.” I grabbed my keys and in less than five minutes I was pulling into his driveway. I hit my pipe a few times before I left, knowing it would only help and left it in the car. Troy doesn't do that. I walked right in and found porn playing on the TV in the den with a bottle of poppers right beside it. I grabbed the bottle and sampled, very nice. The porn was planting something, I recognized it from my own collection. Both buzzes hit me at once, also the same moment he came from the bedroom with an open robe. That big cock swinging between his legs, smile on his face. He brushed it in front of my face and he walked past. My position on the couch and proximity to the coffee table left little room for him to get passed. He reclined beside me on the couch, exposed on on display. I hit the bottle a few times and settled in to enjoy my meal. No cock ever tasted better. A beautiful piece of seven inch thick cock slide slowly into my mouth. I had had plenty of time to salivate to accommodate this beauty. I sucked hard and deep as long as I could but eventually I had to resurface. Perfect opportunity to hit the poppers before returning to my duty. I sucked the head briefly before jerking him slowly so I could lick and suck on his balls. I sucked him after that for as long as he let me, but not long enough. I had thought that maybe I could get him off with a blowjob and that would be fine. But it seemed only a short time later when he pulled me off of that delicious tool and turned me around on my knees. I grabbed the bottle and let me eyes roll back in my head as he sank his tongue in my ass. Pure heaven and I kept the bottle right there because I knew what would inevitable happen. And it did, first a finger then a thumb. He finally pulled back and sat on the couch and struggled with something, I looked back. He was putting a condom on. I was relieved as he came back rubbing lube on me and his cock and slowly sank into me. Thank god for poppers. It hurt at first but was bearable, eventually he settled into a rhythm and kept plowing away. Definitely worth the poppers. He pulled out and laid back on the couch. I took my cue to mount and reposition and lowering myself on his still sheathed cock. After several failed attempts at comfortable entry I hit the poppers again and lowered myself onto him just as he removed the condom. Instantly I felt the difference and told him so as I started milking his cock. I rode him for ten minutes before he got his strength back and flipped me over onto my back and sank quickly into a position that allowed for a steady rhythm and deep penetration. His breathing quicked and I head those words I dreaded, “I'm gonna cum soon.” My head was swimming with everything and the ecstasy. “Do you want me to pull out?” I quickly nodded and closed my eyes as I was close to unload myself. He pulled out of me and pushed my legs higher, taking his cock and beating it. It wasn't long before he was firing shot after shot of cum at me freshly plowed hole. I could feel in splashing on my ass and felt at least one spray find and coat my hole. He wiped the cum from his cock on my ass and kept my legs elevated while he used his fingers to pool the remaining cum on my hole while I strained to keep it closed. With the remaining cum pooled where he wanted it he circled my pucker with his finger. I watched him intently as he looked at me and said, “I pulled out.” After he spoke he slowly pushed his finger into my hole bring his load with it. It was at that moment I lost control of myself and started announcing my own climax. As cum started erupting from my hard-as-it-has-ever-been cock, he rocked me back and in one motion his finger was replaced by his cock forcing the rest of his load deep into my sore ass. He stroked viciously while I came all over myself. Finally after it subsided he pulled out of me and went to take a shower. I put my clothes back on quickly and left, returning home still dazed with everything but feeling completely satisfied.
    2 points
  43. Back in Berlin when I was slowly drifting from safe sex to raw only, I met a guy on gayromeo. In his profile it said that he doesn't do anything anal, but he loved to fuck and breed throats. At that time, it was exactly what I was looking for. Don't get me wrong, I loved to get fucked too but at the time I was too afraid to do it bare. But for some strange reason I thought it was ok to get my throat fucked and to swallow cum. We were chatting back and forth. He only wanted to fuck my mouth and throat and he said he would only face fuck me if I turn up as slutty as possible at his apartment. The only thing I was allowed to wear were some flimsy shorts and shoes. Definitely no shirt. The date was on a Sunday afternoon so I would have to walk the streets almost naked in broad daylight! I parked my car and I had to walk at least two blocks only wearing this mini shorts. I have to admit that I sniffed some poppers before I got out of the car. On my way some guys and girls passed me and turned their heads. I was so horny that I did not care what the people thought of me. It actually turned me on even more walking the streets like the true slut I am. I arrived at the apartment building and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later I heard a buzzer and opened the door. I climbed up the stairs with my dick dangling from the right leg of my mini shorts. But I was so horny that I didn't care even if someone saw me like this. I stood in front of a door that was ajar. I knocked at the door and then started stroking my dick. I heard a voice saying come in! With my left hand I pushed the door open but kept stroking my cock with my right hand. I saw a tall somewhat muscular guy with trimmed chest hair standing in the hallway naked with a fully erect fuck tool. I walked into the apartment still stroking my dick. He looked at me and said, "Perfect! A real slut!" I just grinned and couldn't wait to feel his throbbing member in my mouth. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against the wall. Facing the wall, I heard that he picked up something that made a metal clinging noise. He grabbed my left wrist, pulled it behind my back and put a handcuff on, then he did the same with my right hand. I was in sub heaven! He ordered me to turn around and get on my knees. His drooling dick was right in front of my face. He made me sniff poppers and told me to spread my legs. I was dizzy and my throbbing cock was sticking out of the leg of my shorts spilling pre cum on my flexed thigh. I started sucking his dick and enjoyed the wonderful taste of his pre cum. He grunted and said in a deep voice that he would give me his cum if I was a good cock sucker. So, I sucked him eagerly for maybe 10 minutes with my hands tied behind my back. He moaned and grunted. He called me a cock sucking whore. A sleazy cum dump boy and that he would give me his DNA. I could only moan, and I heard him sniffing poppers. He grabbed my head with both hands and pressed it against the wall behind me. With no warning he shoved his rock-hard dick merciless all the way into my throat. I caught and struggled to breath, but he didn't care. He fucked my throat and his balls full of cum slapped against my chin. The guy nailed my head with his dick against the wall. He kept his dick all the way down my throat, and I could only breath thru my nose. I had tears in my eyes, and I was drooling saliva and fuck-juices that ran down my naked chest. He opened the poppers again and held it under my left nostril while pressing the right one closed with his finger. He switched sides and kept me inhaling poppers for almost a minute. I was delirious and lost all will to resist him fucking my throat like a pussy. He said that he got me where he wanted me, and he continued to aggressively pump his fuck tool in and out of my throat. I felt the head of his cock giving my throat a rough massage and I imagined how my throat bulged each time he slammed it inside me. He let go of my head and put his hands against the wall. Here it comes you little bitch whore I heard him grunting. He pressed his hips firmly against my head and I felt his dick throbbing and pulsing in my throat as he sprayed his hot cum into my body. Yeah! That's a good boy! Take it all! He grunted. His dick was so deep in my throat that his fuck-juice was flowing directly into my stomach. I gagged and luckily, I could taste some of his hot seed in my mouth. His hard shaft kept pulsing as he drained is balls completely. He started pulling his dick slowly out of my mouth and more and more of that cum-saliva mix was running down my chin dripping on my naked chest. The sight of his glistering cock dangling in front of my face took me over the edge. I shot my load all over my left thigh. Good boy! You sure know how to give head! The guy said. He told me to get up and took off the handcuffs. Without further ado he opened the door and pushed me out into the staircase. So, I was standing there almost naked just wearing a flimsy short shorts with my dick still sticking out. And I would have to walk back to my car like this. I took a deep breath and tried to put my slowly softening dick back into the shorts. As I walked down the stairs, I could feel my warm cum running down my leg. The sun was still shining when I walked back to my car. This time the streets were empty, and I did not encounter anybody. I unlocked the car and got in. I looked at my cum covered leg and when I looked in the mirror, I saw my bare chest still completely covered in that fuck-juice mix and I was actually a little disappointed that nobody saw me in that fucked-up and sleazy state I was in.
    1 point
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