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  1. The closest thing I can compare it to is one of the more gonzo Treasure Island films, like the 1000 load fuck or hard cuts 3. But it went so much further. The orgy with Jack, Derek and David, Rentman, Sheriff and Young Trucker made those flicks look like cinemax after dark. And thanks to the impressive work done by David and Derek, we have every single second captured on film, from multiple angles, with lighting that did my boy justice, and a sluttiness in each of us going off the scale. Brian Kinney wishes he could get as piggy, nasty, raunchy, risque, kinky, trashy, slutty as we got that night. And with over 6,000,000 views on pornhub alone, it's safe to say my boy is going to be a star. That's why he's back in LA, Hollywood to be specific. Armed with David's real estate savvy, Derek's native knowledge of the area, and my power of attorney, Jack is looking for a place for us in the Hollywood Hills. I miss him terribly, and I'm counting the days until he flies back home and I can give him a big hug, a bigger kiss, and an enormous load or three. But that's not to say I'm alone right now. Naturally, I'm naked, in bed, hitting the pipe and watching porn with tonight's trick. He's going hit for hit with me, and I'm impressed by his stamina. I've already fucked him three times this week, and tonight he came back for fourths, nevermind the fact that his hole is tender, and very, very beat up from cock. I wish Jack were here right now, I'm thinking, because I'd love to see his face when he walked into the bedroom and saw his best friend getting fucked relentlessly by his dad. *** I've known Teddy since Moses wore short pants. He's alway been a handsome boy, and he's always been Jack's closest friend and confidant. He was holding Jack's hand that afternoon when I walked into the living room and Jack walked out of the closet. I suspected that Teddy might have a crush on jack before either of them knew what a crush was. I never suspected he had a crush on me until about a year ago, when he was helping Jack pack up for college. Teddy came down for some snacks, or so he said, but then he lingered in the kitchen asking questions a toddler would know the answer to. His shirt was off, and I noticed the top button his wrangler cutoffs was undone. “Whatcha cooking sir?” I’ll give Teddy this… His mama and daddy raised him to be one of the most respectful and well mannered individuals I’Ve ever met. “Well, let me see, these appear to be steaks and those brown, potato looking things? I think they’re potatoes. Relax, there’s also a nice crisp salad sitting in the fridge, and I’ll bow to the demands of today’ youth with a vinaigrette instead of my homemade ranch.” I hadn’t intended to set him up for a homerun and yet here he was swinging at the pitch. “I think you’re homemade ranch tastes better than any other ranch out there. I can’t get enough of it, Jack has to check my face and clothes before we leave to make sure I didn’t get any of your… ranch… all over me. Now wouldn’t that be a sight? Me walking out of this house, covered head to toe?” “Teddy, I do believe that would be a sight. But you know if you did get a mess of it all over you, well you know where the showers are. Right upstairs, in my bedroom, there’s the nicest shower you’ll ever cast your eyes on.” The outline of his cock is becoming visible in his cutoffs, and if it wasn’t for the kitchen island I’m standing in front of, he’d see that mine is rising to the occasion, through the unzipped fly of my pants. "You know son, it looks an awful lot like you might need a shower right now. Perhaps on the cold side” He takes a furtive look at his cock before looking up and catching my eyes again,his face suddenly red from embarrassment. I admired the boldness he was showing, but I didn’t want to upset a very delicate applecart. I know Jack and Teddy messed around, and if I made a move on Teddy - or, more accurately, stuck my cock in his eager-bordering-on-desperate hole, Jack might have all sorts of feelings about it. My momentary indulgence of the fantasy hasn’t gone unnoticed; Teddy is looking at me intently, but his eyes keep darting to something. I discreetly look around, and then realize what the boy’s caught sight of: the reflection of my now painfully erect cock jutting out of my shorts and leaking drop after drop of precum. He knows I’m turned on. I know he knows, and he knows I know that he knows it. “We’re pretty knowledgeable around these parts,” I say out loud, echoing a line from a movie where Richard the Lionheart is fucking the King of France (sadly, offscreen). Teddy looks at me quizzically, not knowing how the fuck what I just said is supposed to be dirty. He rises to the challenge, though. “I’m pretty knowledgeable myself, but I can always use a good lesson.” I’m impressed, my dick even jumps a little. He notices. “Look Teddy, you’re like a son to me. But more importantly,” I pause for the necessary dramatic emphasis,” you’re a boy in the eyes of the law. When you’re 18, and can make a man’s decision, well…” I trail off, knowing his imagination was filling in all the blanks for me. And doing so with a teenager’s gusto. I didn’t have to wait long. Teddy turned 18 just a hop skip and a jump after Jack did. I knew there were no secrets between Jack and Teddy, and even still I was surprised to come home on Teddy’s birthday, to see Teddy and my boy ass up on the couch, the words “hey daddy” written across those magnificent, angelic, slutty little asses. “Well hello boys. I see Jack’s brought his little friend over.” Those were the exact words I used when I met Teddy nearly 13 years prior. I doubt either boy remembered; if they did, they didn’t say so… unless puckering those tasty holes I was about to devour counted as an answer. “Jack,” I began before he cut me off, knowing what his whore of a father was about to ask. “Daddy, you know it’s Teddy’s birthday, and he ought to get your first load.” I have raised such a charmer, my boy is so goddamned polite, I think, as I tear my shirt off - quite literally, one of the buttons hits Jack and bounces onto Teddy, both boys shuddering with anticipation at the added sensory stimuli. They’re both backlit by the dining room, and I can see the contours of their perfectly sculpted bodies, their back and shoulders casting deep, enticing shadows. The bright, pale skin of their bare asses contrasts so beautifully with the golden bronze of their skin. And there, hanging down in the center, is my boy’s cock, which I’ve started to get to know in minute detail. Matching his, just a few feet over, is Teddy’s. Almost as long, but noticeably thicker, than Jack’s… These two must have had some amazing sessions together, learning each other’s bodies and their own. I’m building the anticipation for them while taking my time in admiration of what God and good genetics had gifted them, gifted me, in this moment. Teddy has absolutely pictured this moment a thousand times, and I can imagine how hot the planning sessions with Jack were. I know my boy, and none of this is left to chance, right down to the lighting. He is as methodical in getting his best friend some daddy dick - His’ Daddy’s Dick - as I was in planning the moment when Jack would first give me his hole. *** “You remember that first night? Your birthday?” I ask, exhaling from a long drag on the pipe? "Is that a real question? Do yo know how often I jack off thinking about that?” I know it’s a dumb question, but I want to hear him say it. And echoing that flirtation in the kitchen, he knows I know… He flips over so he can look me in the eye while he strokes and licks my cock. “Well, as I recall, your son, devious little pervert that he is - clearly his daddy’s boy - suggested rather strongly that you might, how did he put it, ‘fuck me like a 2 dollar whore 10 minutes after last call’ if that was something I wanted. Naturally, being the obliging type…” he trails off, going to work intently on sucking a load out of my cock. The boy is an expert, I rather strongly suspect because Jack has taught him how to. In the same way I’m relieved Jack has two gorgeous west coast daddies taking care of him - in all the ways a dad and daddy should - he’s making sure his best friend, a boy like his own brother, is taking care of me. I marvel again at what a beautiful person I’ve raised, all the more grateful that he’s just as much of a slutty, methed up whore for cock as I am. I tap Teddy on the head, just as he’s about to earn another load down his throat. This boy loves sucking cock, more than anything else, and we’ve taken to having him service me while I’m on conference calls, and even the occasional zoom meeting. I bought a clear, glass top desk just so I can watch as he fishes my cock out of my pants, laps at it until it’s hard and leaking, then devours it until my nut goes rocketing down his throat. And because he’s such a cute little fucker, with impeccable manners, he licks my dick clean before replacing it in my pants and dabbing the corners of his mouth with a napkin. But when he gets the tap on his head, he knows what’s in store. He wordlessly assumes the position, taking a long couple of puffs off the pipe, and then a couple more, before handing it me. I take one drag, then two, and exhale slowly, the meth enveloping his body and making the scene all the more intense. I lube up my cock while he puts on his ball gag - his addition, not mine, as I love the sound of him moaning. But he says he gets turned on moaning through the ball gag, and I can’t lie, it’s incredibly hot to hear him shaking and screaming through the restraint as I thrust in and out of his tight, red hot hole. He’s gotten so used to taking my dick that I just slide right in. I still lube up, despite him asking me to just use spit. I know he’s taking dick elsewhere - the course of antibiotics I had to take a few weeks ago were proof enough of that - and I get turned on hearing how addicted to cum he already is. He sucked my cock so expertly, and I was so vividly recalling the details of that first encounter - how I made him wait, licking and gently grazing every part of his ass but his hole, that when I did finally lean in and kiss it, he came almost instantly. …How I used his cum, and the torrents of precum leaking from Jack, who had moved to the other end of the couch, watching us intently, jacking his dick to within a microsecond of cumming before backing off to start the edge again, to lube up my cock while I never once broke contact between my mouth and his hole. …How I put my cockhead right up to his hole, and for the second time in as many months, had an eager, virgin cunt suck me in slowly, steadily, aching to be wrecked. *** 90 minutes I fucked my son’s best friend, egged on and cheered every step of the way by my son, naked, covered in his own precum, spit from his best friend hungrily kissing him and sucking his cock, and from sweat from his dad’s olympic calibur dickdown of his friend. I only stopped - after shooting four loads and building to a powerful fifth - because Jack was looking at me with a huger that was coming to define his very essence. “Daddy, is it okay if I…” He gets shy, almost demure in asking me, and I instinctively know what he wants. “Son, I’d be delighted to see that.” I dismount, a barely perceptible “thank you” comes wheezing out of Teddy’s throat. He’s panting, shaking from the orgasm I had him on the brink of. I take Jack’s place on the couch, my legs spread wide so the boys can see me playing with my hole as I watch Teddy straighten up, crack his back, and stretch as Jack assumes my favorite position, on his back with his legs spread tantalizingly wide. Teddy bends down and starts gently licking Jack’s hole. I’m beside myself with lust, a primal hunger to watch these two studs fuck each other senseless. Despite Teddy’s gentile approach to licking my son’s asshole, there’s absolutely no finesse in the way he straddles up to Jack, positions his cock - by now engorged beyond all previous bounds, with a head glistening and red the color of a glowing ember and bring it right up to Jack’s quivering, desperate hole. “You sure it’s okay daddy” both boys ask me at the same time, and they both quickly start laughing at the unplanned precision of their last second manners. I give them the only answer appropriate to the moment, standing up and aiming my dick right at Jack’s hole and Teddy’s cock, stroke one, two, three, four times before firing a massive cumshot all over both of them. Jack grunts, Teddy groans, and they both sigh audibly as Teddy takes his go ahead and pushes in. He goes a little too fast, and I can see Jack tense up, for a moment fatherly concern takes over and I’m about to say something when Jack grabs my thigh and looks Teddy in the eye. “That all you got sport?” Teddy gets a devilish grin on his face, and starts thrusting quickly, powerfully. Gone are the trembling young boys coming out to me, replaced by two powerful athletes who, in a tale as old as time, are now competing against each other. The competition? Who can fuck the hardest, fastest, hottest. I am one lucky son of a bitch, I think to myself. Teddy relentlessly assails Jack’s asshole, sliding in and out so fast I can barely get my tongue in position to taste my son’s ass on his best friend’s cock. Teddy slows the pace a touch, slightly changing position to give me full access. Jack takes the opportunity to huff a bottle of poppers I hadn’t noticed until just now, and as soon as he feels the rush, he gives Teddy a good slap across the face. The competition resumes. Teddy, wanting more of the porn star performance, motions for Jack to get on his knees, but Jack flashes a toothy, cheshire cat grin, and before I know it, the two boys are outright wrestling. I’m a little concerned this might become an actual fight, so intensely are they going at it, until Teddy bursts out laughing, which Jack quickly joins in. The laughter consumes my boy until Teddy, remembering the competition, pins Jack. The both of them laugh even harder, and even though I’m stroking my cock to keep it nice and hard, I’m laughing too, amused at the latest antics of the two young adonises wrapped up in each other’s bodies. The moment of levity subsides, and both boys start making out. They clearly have lust for each other, and they’ve clearly played around before, but I can tell there isn’t a romantic overlay to this. They simply know each other so well, have bonded over so much, and have both thought about What It Would Be Like enough to know they’ll share this moment, and plenty more like it, as friends. But before I can go down that road too much, they motion for me to joint them, and I’m there in a flash. The three of us naked, having a three way kiss while we all furiously stroke our cocks. I can sense that neither of them have their eyes open, and mine are closed as well. It was a perfect moment, and I don’t even feel bad we don’t have a video of that last act, when I shot my sixth load of the night onto their cocks, and feeling Jack immediately unleash his on me and Teddy, before teddy grunts hard, shoots his load on our cocks, and yells out a perfect texas “yeehaw” that has all of us convulsing in laughter, even as the last blasts of cum still shoot from Jack and myself. *** I fuck Teddy hard, the way he likes it. Jack is definitely more sensual than Teddy. Jack like to feel every inch of my cock slide into and out of his hole, Teddy like the thunder produced when my thighs slam into his hips. After 15 minutes of unrelenting pounding, I cum hard in his ass, he shoots all over his chest. I pull out, gingerly, knowing he’s still relatively new to all of this, as he starts scooping up his load and feeding it to me. I hit the stop button on the remote - I promised Jack a video, and he promised one with Derek and Dave in return. I miss him terribly, and not just because I haven’t gotten to fuck him on over a month. Teddy has been a great sport, he’s practically living out of Jack’s old room. He’s planning on transferring from Texas A&M to UCLA, altho I do confess to loving him walking around in his hoodie and nothing else, the ATM logo giving itself over so easily to my new nickname for Teddy - Ass To Mouth. This is just round one for us, when Teddy smokes with me, we usually have three or four rounds like this before I send him to bed. I’m almost at my limit, when he cues up the video. “You’re quite insatiable tonight my boy,” and Teddy just snickers. He loves watching this video. It’s the orgy after I slam Jack the first time. “Can we watch it again?” He asks me in a singsong voice quite reminiscent of Jack. “Oh all right, I suppose. But you know you do have class in the afternoon and I have a zoom with a client at 10,” “Yummy,” he says, shaking his ass and winking at me through our reflections in the mirror. “Yummy indeed. How about you cue it up to the part where you show up unannounced and proceed to admin me, Jack, and the rest of the group.” I smack him hard on the ass, “Naughty boy going around and shooting up random strangers.” “Just the trashy cum guzzling slut you and your boy want me to be,’ he says with angelic eyes and a devilish smile. “My uncredited cameo, coming right up.” He cues the video to the 57:00 minute mark, just as Dave is nutting all over Jack’s face. The audio is as clear as day, “Jack, Daddy Tony, y’all gonna invite me in or what?”
    9 points
  2. I live in an exclusive neighborhood in the outskirts of downtown San Antonio. The area is wrought with uppity high society types who think they are to good for some people so I keep pretty much to myself. I am a single executive with a large company to run and usually don't have much in the way of leisure time. So I value what time I have and enjoy swimming laps in my back yard pool. No, this is not another pool boy and lonely guy story. Yesterday, I got home about 7pm and it was hotter that hell. I walked through the house from the garage and peeled my clothes off as I went. By the time I reached the pool I was naked. Now one of the reasons I bought this house was because it was surrounded by a 12 ft high wall and large oak trees. As I walked into the pool, out of the corner of my eye I caught some movement along the top of the wall in the corner. But at that moment all I wanted to do was cool off. When I made the turn at the end of the pool and started to stroke back across I could see the top of a head and a set of eye peeking at me. Well being a bit of an exhibitionist and very proud of my hard 40 year old body and 7 inches of uncut cock, I just rolled onto my back and backstroked across the pool, away from the peeper. The though of someone spying on me gave me a raging hard-on and I played it to the hilt. I backstroked across the pool a couple more times, each time making sure that my peeper was still watching. Finally I walked out of the pool and over to the cabana and grabbed a towel and very purposefully faced way from my peeper and dried my hard body paying particular attention to drying the crack of my well muscled ass. The touch of the rough terry cloth on my butt hole was to much. I sat down in a lounge and began stroking my cock. I think that my peeper was having a hard time of his own. When I looked directly into his eyes for the first time, he was like a deer caught in the headlights. I motioned for him to join me. He climbed over the wall and dropped to the ground. This young guy looked about 19 or 20 was walking toward me with a look like he was going to eat me. As he came toward me he was pulling off his shorts and T-shirt revealing a buffed young darkly tanned body. Without saying a word he just knelt down beside my chair and engulfed by cock. I thought I was going to shoot my load right then and there. This kid had an extremely hot mouth and knew exactly how to make it give pleasure. I was on the verge of loosing my load when he grasped the base of my cock and squeezed tightly, all the while keeping the head in his mouth and his tongue in the piss hole to keep me from shooting. I reached out and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up off my cock and had him stand next to my chair. His 8 inches were standing at attention and that is just what it got. I lavished attention on this young hot cock. He spoke for the first time and warned me that he was going to shoot. I did him the way he did me, I squeezed the base of his cock and thought I was going to stop him from coming, HA, he shot this huge load of come all over my face and chest. I also was able to catch a few globs in my mouth ,because good come should not be wasted. He started to apologize and I stopped him. I didn't care that he had covered me with his spunk. I was now ready for more. I reached over to the table beside the chair and grabbed a bottle of baby oil that I use to keep up my tan and had him turn around. I stood up and squirted a glob of baby oil into my hand and then rubbed some on his young hot ass hole and then placed the head of my cock at the opening. He asked that I take my time because he had not done this before and wanted to savor the feeling of losing his ass cherry. Well being a man of action, and being extremely horny by now I worked very hard at not just attacking his hole. I allowed the head to just pop past his ring and he was right, this was a virgin asshole and I was about to come just thinking about it. So I slowly began to move into his ass, moving fractions at a time and then backing off, and then in again and then out. This was driving both of us crazy, he had his cock in his hand and was stroking away, and I began to really get into the groove, and was fucking this hot young anonymous guy for all I was worth. I know I was going all the way to my pelvic bone and then out again and he began to groan and moan and beg for me to come. That was all I really needed, I let loose a huge load in his hole that caused me to become weak and I pulled out and sat down on the lounge chair. He climbed right into my lap placed him arms around my neck and kissed my lips and face and neck like I had never been kissed. By now it was getting pretty dark and the night lights around the pool area were coming on. We sat there cuddled up in the chair and got aquatinted. He was the perpetually horny young next door neighbor kid that had been watching me over the wall for several years and never had the guts to make a move. I was turned on because he explained how he had watched me and some of the guys that I brought home and fucked and sucked with around the pool. And now that he was back in town he decided that this time he was going to come over the wall and have sex with me. We enjoyed a long hot summer in Texas.
    8 points
  3. "Glad you liked the lube. That's all you're getting that isn't my cum, baby." I could do nothing but moan like a slut. Moan like a slut I did, as if the last vestiges of manhood were leaving my body as we impaled me with his BBC. The more he thrusted and impaled me, the more I sounded like a female porn star. My moans got higher pitched and more fem. My cock was flapping around, semi-hard, slapping against me. You could hear the squelching sounds every time he pumped me. I could a little of his piss leak out every time he pulled out and pushed back in. After 15 minutes of being carry-fucked, he roughly laid me down on the bed. He pulled out completely to survey the damage so far. My hole was battered and bruised and gaping wide. He looked at it saw some red colored liquid leaking out. I could hear a satisfied grunt from him. With that he threw my legs on his shoulders and blasted his monstrous BBC into my bruised and gaping hole. I let out a whorish moan as he slammed his cock into me. He kept whispering in my ear how he was going to impregnate me. How I was going to carry his babies, then I was going to carry his buddies' babies, and so on. I was so turned on and horny, I didn't notice I had cummed hands free. I had a "sissygasm". I had cummed all over my chest and pubic hair. I didn't care at that point, I was in a state of horny bliss as my hole was being pounded into oblivion and my prostate was being pounded as well. "Ooooooooooh fuck yes, my slutty whore of a son. Take it!" Rex moaned. I moaned as he flipped me on my belly and continued to pound me prone bone. Then moved me to all fours and kept on drilling me. "Mmmmmmmm, I am close, son. How do you want to take it? Cowgirl? Reverse cowgirl? Doggy?" he asked in a moan. On my back like a true slut, I responded. At this point, I felt mindbroken by how many orgasms I had. I lost count. Rex deftly flipped me on my back, still balls deep in me, grabbed my hips, and started pounding with reckless abandon. I came again and again as his strokes got more and more harder, faster, and wilder. I moaned loudly. He roared as he pumped a few more times then slid all the way to the base of his monstrous BBC. I came one final time simultaneously, except little dribbles of cum only came out of me. We made out as his cock was still unloading his DNA into me. It was like a bottle of cum was dumped into me. We broke off the kiss and he surveyed his conquest. His cum flowed out of me despite his cock still inside me, tinged with blood. "You are now pregnant with my babies. But I have a surprise for you and your last neg load." All I could was smile giddily and moan whorishly. "Let me make a call..." Rex said as me pulled his BBC out from me. I moaned whorishly again as I watched his call someone. (to be continued in the straight/bi fiction section)
    7 points
  4. Chapter 2 – They get in deep In Chapter 1, I told the story of my birthday, and how my friend Dave planned a little party for me. After Dave and I started playing, our mutual friend, Chris, showed up too. I had never partied with Chris, so this was new to both of us. After lots of rimming and fucking, Chris was working my hole over, and had all of his fingers in my ass. I told Chris to add some more lube. Then I took a big hit of poppers in each nostril and told him to put his fist in me. He looked surprised since we had never done that before, but he added his thumb to his fingers and got his fist in up to the knuckles. I told him to push a little harder and he popped into my ass. Chris’s eyes grew wide as he realized that his hand was inside me. I told him to hold it mostly still, but he was vibrating with the excitement. Of course, I could feel every movement of his hand inside me. I coached him through some light fisting, getting him to work over my ass from the inside. He wanted to take another smoke break, so he pulled out, and they helped me out of the sling. Neither of them had seen me take a fist before, so that was a big topic of conversation while we rested, smoked and rehydrated. We all fingered my ass while we sat there. Dave really wanted to get his paw in my ass too. He has been a fister before, so he knows what he’s doing in there. I got back in the sling with my ass spread wide. Dave lubed up his hand and a good way up his arm. Chris saw how far up he had lubed it and said that there was no way it was going in that deep. Dave looked at me and I smiled to let him know that he could go deep. Dave thought he should add another shard to my ass. Since I had a few days to recover, it was OK with me. Of course, by that point, pretty much anything was OK with me. He showed me the shard on his finger, and it was a big one. He worked it into my ass and circled it around. With all the earlier lube, there was less burn, but I still felt it melting. While the shard was taking effect, Dave played around my hole, and I sucked Chris’s cock. Dave asked how I was feeling, and I pulled off Chris and tried to answer. Since I could barely form the right words, Dave knew I was well spun. He worked more fingers in and then made eye contact with me, asking permission to penetrate me all the way. I nodded yes, and he went for it. He had to twist his hand to get it in, but it went in pretty easily. He was in a little past his wrist and let it sit there for a while for me to get used to it. His hand is big and it felt great in my ass. Dave told me to take some poppers, so I inhaled in both nostrils. Chris moved to the bottom of the sling to watch what was going on. Once the poppers were capped, Dave started to slowly move his hand in my ass. A little back and forth, a little twisting, a little spreading his fingers. I was soaring from the T and the poppers, and the overall sex fueled atmosphere. Dave started working a little more on depth then. While Dave was working my ass and Chris was crouched down watching, another guy came in the door. This guy was new to me. His name was Jake, and he was amazingly well built. He had a handsome, rugged face. When he took off his shirt, I was greeted with his hairy and well-built chest. He removed his pants and was also wearing a Nasty Pig jock. Mine was pulled aside to show my T dick and it was soaked in lube and other fluids. Jake came over and pressed his jock into my face. It smelled great, with the scents of cum, lube, and a little bit of piss. Jake lit the pipe and took some deep hits. I looked up at him and he shotgunned me the next hit. I figured “what the fuck” since I was going to be worked over for a while longer and had plenty of time to recover. Jake looked at Dave and said that he didn’t know that fisting was on offer. Dave said that he didn’t know it either, but I seemed to be up for it. I sure as hell was! Jake pulled out his cock and I sucked him for a bit. He wanted to fuck so he asked Dave if he would pull out so that Jake could get his cock in me. Dave said that was fine, so he worked his hand out of my ass and moved out of the way to let Jake fuck me. Of course, his 8” uncut cock slid right in. I clamped down as much as I could, and Jake seemed to like it. He was able to go deep and worked his cock all around my ass. He fucked me for a while and Dave and Chris took another break to watch and smoke. I felt Jake pick up the pace and he said that he was going to cum. I told him to breed me, and he let loose with a hot torrent of cum. He deposited it deep inside me and kept his cock in my ass. While still inside me, he told me that he can only cum once while he’s been partying and that his cock probably wouldn’t get hard again. We talked about other ways to play, and he was OK with some dildo play and fisting. I needed another break, so Jake helped me out of the sling and over to the couch. I collapsed next to Chris and Dave handed me a sports drink. This time, we took a longer break, but Chris looked over at me fingering my ass and decided to help me out by adding his fingers too. It was good that we didn’t go too deep since that let Jake’s cum get absorbed into my ass. After more smoking, I climbed back in the sling. Dave got his Erebus dildo from Topped Toys to work into my ass. It’s the biggest one, with a max 14” around and 10” insertable. He lubed it up good and started to slowly work it into my ass. It gets widest about halfway through, so it took some time (and poppers) to get it in. Once it was in, he pulled it almost all the way out, really stretching my ass. He would turn it in my ass, letting me feel it all over my insides. I looked over to the couch where Jake was plowing Chris with a different dildo. They looked like they were having fun and Dave was distracting me with the dildo in my ass, so I paid attention to him and what was going on there. He shoved it all the way in and told me to hold it in place. He walked over to his wall of toys, picked a medium sized butt plug and bent over with his ass facing me to insert it in his hairy hole. Then he could feel the plug in his ass while working the dildo in my ass around and in and out. This left Jake as the only one with an empty ass. Chris came over to work the Erebus in my ass for a while. Dave was watching and I’d occasionally suck his dick or play with the toy in his ass. Jake was watching it all from the couch, slowly stroking his soft cock. I didn’t know if he was into having his ass played with, but it looked like a great ass and hole. Chris was really getting into playing with the toy in my ass. I took some popper hits occasionally and would really zone out on the ass work then. Eventually, Jake came over to give Chris a break. Jake was driving the dildo in my hole while Chris went over to the couch and fucked himself with a smaller toy. Dave was still by my head, getting occasionally sucked by me. His cock was hard, but not as hard as it was earlier. Jake said he wanted to fist me. I suggested that he take a butt plug up his ass so that he could feel some fullness in his ass while fisting mine. He was OK with that, so he picked a butt plug and came over to have Dave insert it. It was hot watching the plug slide into this top guy’s hairy hole. Firmly plugged, Jake sat on a stool in front of my ass and lubed up his hands. He started with the left hand, playing around my ass and inserting his fingers. He lubed it some more and looked at me to see if I was ready for his fist. I nodded, and he twisted his hand into me. His hand was big, and it took some time to adjust to it. He started to move a little bit, but it seemed that I needed more relaxing to accommodate him. He suggested that we all do a booty bump since we were all filled with a fist, dildo or plug. Obviously, that was OK with me. So, they all found a good shard and saved the biggest one for me. I put one in Dave’s ass and spent some time working his ass. When we’ve played before, he’s usually shy about ass work, so I figured to take advantage of his horniness to have some fun. I put the plug back in Dave and Jake shoved the biggest shard up my ass. While we all waited for the buzz to hit, I kept fingering my hole. The burn was high up and it was obvious that the shard was in deep. As it melted, my brain entered a new state where all that mattered was my ass and having it filled. I asked Jake to fist me again and he did. His pupils were more dilated now as his shard took effect. He was really stretching my hole with his big hand, pulling almost all the way out before shoving back in. He worked that shard deeper, and it melted away. A hit of poppers helped when he shifted from his smaller left hand to his larger right. He fisted me with that for a while and then pulled out.
    6 points
  5. Yesterday my younger FB who dunks me every week brought a friend. Nothing like random cock and a new load in me. They tried to DP me snd it worked a few times. The new guy was speechless so I’m not sure if I was his first fuck. He left dazed dragging his shorts on and dropped loose change on the floor without picking them up. It was 36 cents. I guess I was a 36 cents fuck. Lol
    4 points
  6. Damn this story reminds me of a family holiday I went on to Cuba. I stayed at a hotel with a large group of family and friends. Myself and the other kids were left to our own devices on the beach pretty much every day (I was 19 at the time). I went to the same spot everyday, as I caught this absolute Daddy there, definitely packing as I could see in his Speedos. The first time I saw him I had to rush back to my room to jerk one off. As we were there for 10 days, I spent some time trying to get his attention to see if it would be recipicated... Sure enough, it was... I waited for him to head off to the beach bar where I followed him, he was sat down at the bar and I went straight up next to him, arched my back at the bar, popping my little ass out and leaned against it doing a stupid pouty face lmao. He asked where I was from and we got chatting. I acted a little more camp than usual as I kinda "yeah I'd be your fag" sign. Flirted with him a little and kept staring at his thick package (he was heavily set, but in good shape, easily mid to late 50s but looked after himself). After 2 Pina coladas I simply asked "do you fancy a fuck?". He got up from the stool, said bring your drink and I followed him to his side of the hotel compound. I'll never forget taking his cock, it was thick, vieny and uncut. Looking back I wish he pumped his load in me but it was amazing feeling his thick ropes cover my belly, chest and face after pulling out.
    4 points
  7. I should also add that I dated, when I was in my mid 40s, a guy 20 years younger than me. He was predominantly a top and had a big dick. So he would fuck me predominantly at the time. He let me fuck him a few times but preferred to top. In some ways he was also more experienced as he had done some porn when he was 19. The thing that kept us together in the long run however, was that not only was he cute, a pig in bed but that he has a brain. and is a real sweetie. I was his first love and we still keep in touch.
    4 points
  8. The bear screamed as I slammed past his sphincter. If he thought he was going to get any mercy in my hate fuck he had another think coming. I didn’t wait or hesitate a millisecond, I was pile driving his ass with my raging hard cock. He continued to cry out every time I bottomed out, but clearly the pain had turned to pleasure. This infuriated me even more. I drove into him harder and harder, the slap of my body against his ass cheeks an ever-increasing rhythm. “Fuck he’s loving this rape!” From the other actor. “Help me turn him over.” I called When he was on his back with the other two pinning his lags to his shoulders my sword disappeared down is gaping hole. I could get even deeper and his cries of pain returned. I relished this and sadistically made every instroke more powerful. Tears were streaming down his face. I had never behaved like this in my life but found myself hoarcking up a big wad of phlegm and spitting it in his face. He looked shocked, but motioned with his right hand ‘bring it on’. The other two let loose with spit as well, one hitting him on the forehead the other in his open left eye. I was ready with another wad that went directly into his gapping mouth. Wiping his eye and swallowing he burst into a massive grin followed by a deep groan as once again I slam bottomed out. Seeing the grin on his face just turned up my anger and my hands were around his throat. He held me with deep eye contact and slightly nodded his head. Was he asking for this or daring me? I didn’t care. The grip of both my hands tightened, my thumbs pressing into his Adams apple. He looked to be in great pain but his gaze held me and he continued to nod encouragement. He couldn’t breath and he was turning scarlet red. “Fuckin A man, he loves this!” The other actor again. His face turned from red to purple. His eyes bulged, but he kept that permissive nod going. His face started turning blue and he was on the verge of passing out when the young man screamed in my face. “Stop, stop now, you’re going to choak him to death!” I had pulled off and stopped fucking with the first ‘s’ from the young stairwell fuck and the bear exploded into gasps of life saving air. I collapsed onto the floor sobbing. It seemed no time and I could hear the bear’s raspy voice; “That was fuckin awesome. God, I love a good choking! Love the adrenaline rush of fear as the thought ‘fuck, this guy’s gonna kill me!' sets in." The other actor stepped over me and plunged into the bear to take over where I had left off. Hands firmly around the bear’s neck. As the bears eyes bulged he was able to croak out , “Yeah, yeah!” There was no way I was going to allow him more pleasure so I quickly stood and pulled the other actor away. In the same motion I spun and fell back onto the bed edge with my legs spread and in the air. “Fuck me here and now” I barked. The other actor needed no encouragement and his raw cock was up my ass. He laid on a pretty decent fuck and was soon unloading deep inside me. My stairwell fuck was up my ass the moment the other actor pulled out. His erection had a big curve that made it prod my prostate with every instroke. He bellowed when he flooded my ass. The bear was ready to mount me next but I angrily demanded he lie on the bed. “I’m in control here, you get no fuckin control.” I had the other two aim the bears raging hardon at my hole as I straddled and lowered myself. As I bounced I dropped with the force of every ounce of my weight winding the bear over and over. After a few minutes of this I barked; “You ready for me to stop?” “No … ugh … No …araugh … No fuckin way!” My hands wrapped back around his neck once again. The fucker was mouthing ‘Thanks’. I was lost in rage and only stopped when the other two pulled my hands away. As I regained my breath I realized the bear was still under me. ‘Fuck, had I killed him?” As I had this thought he started coughing, spitting and gasping for breath. “Holy fuckin shit man! He really loved that! He orgasmed as he blacked out!” the other actor. As I got off I couldn’t hold all the cum that was draining from my ass. “Ok, time for you to finish knock us up. Maybe by the time you pump toxic loads into both of us this exhausted bear will be ready to up the chances of your impregnating us with the gift we so fuckin desperately need.” The other actor. I bent him over the edge of the bed and laid on the quickest pump and dump ever. My stairwell fuck was lying on the bed feet in the air as I finished breeding the other actor. I entered him with my cummy cock and the angelic look on his face and his soft smiling eyes melted away any anger I had been feeling. I made love to his hole, kissing his neck and lips for the next half hour. It was only after the bear slid in my ass and we train fucked that I began to feel anywhere near close to cumming. When the bear pushed into me deep and hard bellowing; “Fuckin breeding you poz slut” I was pushed over the edge and sprayed inside the stairwell fuck. The bear quickly retrieved his phone from his pants. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I enquired. “Well first I’m going to get a picture of your cummy ass. No, let’s make that a video, you got anything left in there to push out?” I bent over to accommodate him and when the phone was recording pushed out a huge wet fart. He was holding the phone so close I covered it with the cum mix from the three men. “You said firstly, what else did you have in mind?" I wondered out loud. As he poked away at the cum covered buttons the bear responded. “It’s time I call my friend with the scorpion tattoo. Clearly you are now ready to receive his toxic load.” “Do I want his poison load? Yes. Do I need it right now? No. Tell him to meet us tomorrow at the mid-town baths. What time will there be the biggest crowd?” “11 pm” from the other actor. “Tell him 11 p.m., he’ll find me in the sling taking any and all loads, no questions asked. I need a crowd cheering as his raw cock breaches my cummy hole and I take the sting of his scorpion tattoo when he breeds me."
    4 points
  9. So it’s been a bit, had fun but nothing worth writing home about until today. Sunday started like any other, wake up check my phone for messages and news when I was a message from bbrt, annoyed I might have missed a hookup last night I check my message and write the guy back and was suprised when I got a reply back quickly “yo fag coming back late I should just block ya but I need a twink on my rod now so where?” I still remember the smile that hit my lips and I replied “I’m free wherever you want me just need to shower and I’m yours” before I even showered I got a message with a location marker and a small message “be there in 10 don’t care if ur clean I need to unload before I work”. So I skip the shower and everything and just rush out the spot being almost 10 minutes away, when I get there I find a beat up old car sitting there when I go over he opens the side door and looks at me, for a blank profile I saw a older man in his 50ies greying hair but well built body wearing a construction working uniform with a lot of dirt. “Get in now” he gave me such a grin I was in without thinking and closed the door behind me. He drove off not saying anything, the scent of body odour filled the car as I watched him drive to a construction site and parked up, he didn’t wait a second leaning over kissing me hard his hand gripping my neck holding me in place before pulling away and just said “get out”. He took me into one of the buildings they were working on once inside he pointed to a table, “strip put your clothes there” I couldn’t resist him as I pulled each piece of clothes off till I was standing in my trainers naked in the empty half built room his eyes all over me. He watched me for a bit before opening his overalls pulling his dick out, “ok dirty boy get on my dirty old dick” he jerked his cock a little getting it hard at a reasonable 6-7inches I got down to my knees licking his cock head my nose filled with his scent I wanted to savour this but he grabbed my head pulling me onto his cock hard his hands wrapped in my hair not letting me off as he starts thrusting into my throat, “good boy hope your ass is as good as your sweet mouth” he didn’t stop fucking my throat despite my gags I could barely breath and I started to black out. He pulled off letting me breath panting on all fours he moved round me grabbing my ass slapping it, “ok boy last chance ya wanna go then go if not I’m not stopping till my balls are empty” I couldn’t talk still gasping I just leaned lower pushing my ass up ready not believing how much I was giving up to this old man, and he didn’t wait for me to think more as he gripped my hips and rubbed his wet cock over my ass his rough finger pushing into my hole opening me up, my moans seem to make him horny as he didn’t even warn me before he pulled his finger out and pushed his cock in bare and hard. He pounded me like this for what seemed liked ages, fucking with long deep thrusts my cock leaking and slapping into me covering my stomach with my precum. I felt him pull me up gripping my neck and whispered “ready for my load boy?” I just whimpered out “breed me give me your load please” I couldn’t say more as his grip tightened as he came inside me. As he slowed his grip didn’t loosen and before long I felt him pick me up and throw me down on my clothes on the table, I saw his semi hard cock approach my mouth opening I took him in tasting his cum and my own ass. His look as I cleaned his cock told me he loved it and as he pulled out he started pissijg over my face laughing before he put his cock away and grabbed my boxers wrapping it round my cock jerking me hard until I came in them, “thanks kid next time respond when I ask and you will get way more” and he left me there naked his load leaking out of me, smelling of piss and only having my shorts and tshirt to get home with. It was a long walk home but feeling his cum slosh inside me till I couldn’t wait and went in a public toilet squatting letting the cum leak out before I scooped it up licking it up.
    3 points
  10. I just tested positive for gono recently. I couldn't even remember how many guys I'd fucked that weekend. Didn't help that I'd just had a weekend at the parks and the local bathhouse. Oops!
    3 points
  11. Last night at the Vault. Hunky sexy French guy with thick shafted cock. Fucked me several times and then gave me his load just before leaving
    3 points
  12. I could've sworn I was in Heaven when I deposited my last load. But actually, I was inside a very open and community-minded college kid who believed that if you're going to invite someone into your hole, you should never hurry them out. I think he told me his name but I may have forgot it.
    3 points
  13. While this I not possible with the current Trump led MAGA right (plus a lot of their agenda doesn't really fit into the United States traditional left/right paradigm), I would disagree that it wasn't occurring in the past. One of the bigger shifts to the left in recent memory was the 1983 Social Security Reform, that shored up the trust fund for 2 generations and basically ended the rights effort to abolish the program in its entirety. While not quite as major as what Reagan did with Social Security, Bush I, acknowledged the tax cuts were too deep (costing him reflection), and Bush II made several moves that established the acceptability of Medicare on the right. As someone who leans lowercase l libertarian, but short of being an anarchist or believing all taxation is theft, the primary reason we have to defeat the MAGA movement is due to their anti-democratic stances. We can argue the other policy considerations once we have firmly established that our representative democracy is not going anywhere, and that the government does not dictate social/cultural norms. The only policies the Trump inspired MAGA right is even willing to "debate" revolve around imposing their desired social/cultural controls on the entire populous, and their effort to abolish any form of direct taxation. Additionally all of the leaders of this movement have made it clear they aren't going to let a little thing like democracy stand in the way of their goals, and will resort to any means to establish their power. It is also worth remembering that this ideological coalition, that we are calling the far right today, hasn't always belonged to the same party. Luckily it has rarely been able to take unified control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency and has only done so a few brief times since the Civil War. It was the faction that for the most part completely controlled the Democratic party from the end of the Civil War in 1865 until FDR was took office in 1933. During the their period of complete control the Democrats only managed to hold both chambers of Congress and the White House twice, from 1893 -1895 under Cleveland and 1913-1919 under Wilson. FDR ushered in a substantially different ideology for the Democratic party and they became the faction became the non dominate Dixiecrats within that party for most of the next 60 years. They only started migrating to the party they had previously hated after WWII, and did not achieved the full stranglehold control of the Republican party until 2018 midterm election. Which meant the worst aspects of their agenda was frustrated by the last vestiges of the old guard Republicans during the first two years of His Orange Hindness term, but unfortunately they have successfully banished any dissent within the party since then. We must vote to keep them out of elected power again, period. The judiciary will take more time, but luckily enough old guard Republicans and modern Democrats remain to at least slow them down.
    3 points
  14. “Fuck man! You’re poz?” “Yup, poz and very, very toxic.” “Fuck no! And you brought me here to try and fuck me bareback?” “I’m going to fuck you raw and paint your guts with my toxic load.” “Asshole, no you are not. We can fuck alright, in fact that’s what I came for, but you are going to wear a condom.” He laughed; “Bud, I don’t even have a condom in my place. Did you bring one?” Dejected I responded, “No” and began to pull my pants back on. I didn’t even look for my underwear, I just needed out of this place. “Where do you think you are going?” a slight bit of anger in his voice. “Home” “Why?” “Cause there’s not going to be any fucking going on here tonight.” “But why not?” “You are poz and toxic. Did you think I’d let your scorpion sting me? What the fuck?” “But you take two loads every night on stage, and I know you’ve been going back to his place for more. You’ve already taken more than two dozen toxic loads in the last two weeks. Why not take mine?” “What do you mean?” “Did you ever check his ass tattoo. It’s not drawn on there by the makeup department, it’s for real.” The blood froze throughout my body. “But how could you know? You don’t know he’s poz and toxic.” “I fuckin well do, who do you think pozed me about a month ago?” “I don’t believe you. He’s kind, he wouldn’t do that to either of us,” “Don’t be so naïve. Surely you suspected something when at the last moment your production left the legit theatre and relocated to the basement below a sex shop, which itself is below a gay bathhouse. No legit theatre would allow unsimulated sex on their stage, let alone where a known poz porn actor was going to infect a neg bottom. Everybody, all the other actors, the techies, the director …. Everyone is in on this.” “I don’t believe you, I just don’t.” I was pulling on my shirt as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed. “Hey friend. How was your back ally shag? … yeah …. Nice … Did he know you were poz breeding him? … yeah? … did he beg for it? …. Fuckin hot man. … no way! Chaser hun! Fucking twisted! But so was I.… un hun. Look can you swing by here? …. Your co-lead came home with me and is freaked out by my scorpion tattoo” He arrived 20 minutes later. Most of which his friend spent trying to seduce me into his bed. Poor sod couldn’t seem to take ‘NO’. I was livid with my bear co-star, cursing, swearing, crying, calling him every nasty evil name that I could think of. I was desperately hoping he would deny everything his twisted friend was trying to tell me. He admitted that he was indeed poz and highly toxic. He had pozed his friend and about seven other guys. Rather than apologize he told me that I was already infected. How could I not be he reasoned. I’d been taking his loads for two weeks. He’d been scratching my gut walls before breeding me at his apartment. I was livid, cursing, swearing, I found even more vile names to call him and his mother for bringing him into the world. He still insisted I was already HIV positive and should let his friend shag me. In fact he was there now and so why didn’t I let both of them have at my ass. It’s like neither of them were hearing a word I had to say. I finally just left. Hailed a cab and got to my hotel as fast as I could. A cute young dimple cheeked man got on the elevator with me. I tried to avert my eyes from his gaze. I didn’t want him to see I’d been crying, I didn’t want him to know I was upset. But he kept his gaze on me and slowly moved in closer and closer. When my shoulders started to shake and the tears began to flow like a river he just wrapped his arms around me and held me. No words, he just held me. My sobbing stopped as the doors opened for his floor. He gently drew me out of the elevator and backed me up against a wall. He leaned in placing his sweet lips on mine. Suddenly I pulled away and asked the most foolish question since he had already been kissing me; “Can I kiss you?” He grinded, “Yeah” I took his cute dimpled cheeks into my hands, pulled him in and landed a lip lock on his mouth, my tongue darting for his tonsils. “Can I ask you another question?” “Yeah” “Can I fuck you?” “I thought you’d never ask” he answered smiling broadly. He started leading me toward his room, I guess, but I had another idea. “In the stair well, I want to fuck you in the stair well.” “Um, yeah, I guess so.” As soon as the stairwell door closed he dropped his jeans and leaned with his hands against the wall presenting me his ass. Nothing was said about protection or lube so I just spit on my hand a few times lubricating his ass and my raw cock. I held a hand over his mouth as I brutally rammed into his tender ass. When his muffled scream subsided and I remover my hand he told me; “Fuck me, pound me deep, I love your fuckin raw cock up my hole. Give it to me.” I was pounding away; “I don’t’ think I’ll last very long ….” “I don’t care, just breed me, cum in my ass.” My cum canon was blasting before he finished his sentence. When I caught my breath, and my cock slipped out of his hole he said; “That was fucking awesome, thanks. Now come back to my room.” In his room he opened his bar fridge and poured us three shooters each. “First toast is to our mutal animalistic attraction …. Second toast is for the fuckin fantastic breeding you just gave me in the stair well …. Third toast is to anticipate the load I’m going to suck out of your ass before I fuck you silly.” We quickly downed the shooters He proceeded to rip both our clothes off and push me onto the bed on my back. He grabbed my legs and pulled my ass to the edge of the bed. In no time he was sucking my co-star’s cum out of my hole. And the next thing I knew his nice sized cock was buried in me balls deep. He leaned over to kiss me and feed me some of the cum he had just harvested from my ass. It tasted like ambrosia, heavenly, cum and ass juices, who knew? I decided not to say anything and just enjoy the ride. This didn’t keep me from groaning out my intense pleasure. He took this as permission to piston me without mercy and he was soon unloading deep in my ass. After an extremely short breather I noticed his cock was still in me and just as hard, or harder than ever. With a question in my eyes I looked deep into his. He just smiled, and nodded, and resumed the fuck. I couldn’t hold back, “Holy Shit” “Yup, I’ve got about three more in me and we’re not done ‘til they are in you.” It took him about 20 minutes to orgasm the second time, and about an hour for the third. Every load painting my intestinal organs. That’s when we took a break and started talking. Pillow talk. I found myself confessing I might have pozed him in the stairwell. He was none pulsed admitting he knew. He had known I was carrying a load for him to feltch from my ass because he had seen me bred earlier in the evening on stage. He knew the bear as a porn star that couldn’t get work in the porn industry because of his status. He had almost spontaneously cum in his pants he was so turned on seeing the bears biohazard tattoo flex as he unloaded in my ass bareback on stage. He knew who I was and had rushed to get on the elevator alone with me. “You knew who I was and you still agreed to let me fuck and breed you? Are you already poz?” “No sir, but I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have give me the gift.” “Well, I’ve not been tested. We don’t know for sure I’m poz.” I stayed the night and kept being wakened by his manhood pushing at my ass. After three more loads I fell in to such a deep sleep. … to be continued
    3 points
  15. A few years ago I was on vacation in Fort Lauderdale and was looking for some 420 on the hookup apps. Found this profile, blank pic but name was 420Daddy and messaged him and as luck would have it, he had some to sell and we arranged quick pick up. I was planning on going out to the bars right after so I took a few pregame shots and was all showered and fresh wearing a Jock under my shorts and tank. His place was only a few blocks away so I started walking over and he said to not knock or ring bell cause his family was home but just to message when I was at the front gate. I do as he says and am waiting for him out by the front gate which has high shrubs and no lights. He comes out, tall guy, at least 6’ tall, black guy, goatee and buzzed hair. He’s wearing a tank top and basketball shorts and flip flops. Of course I immediately look down at his basketball shorts and was not disappointed at all. I introduce myself and give him the money, he takes it and gives me the 420 and introduces himself as Zeke. I guess it was the shots or just being in vacation mode but I immediately clarify, “I thought it was Daddy?”. He immediately looks me up and down and I can see the change in his eyes and face. The environment immediately getting charged with tension. His only reply is, “do you want to call me daddy?” and grabs me by the waist and kisses me. It all happens so fast but we’re making out and he pulls me to the side of the tall hedges and has his hands down the back of my pants exploring and almost growls when he feels I’m wearing a jockstrap. He’s flush against me and I can feel his hard dick pressing against my stomach. It was the most unintentional hottest random moment going from a quick pick up to this intense moment. Not very long after I’m on my knees with his basketball shorts around his ankles and doing my best to throat his dick. He keeps shh-ing me but also keeps fucking the back of my throat. I hear him spit on his hands and quickly he’s fingering my hole. He does it a second time while I pull poppers out of my pocket and quickly take a hit. Before I even take a full first hit he’s turned me around and pressing his dick against my hole. He used a lot of spit so his head dipped right inside. He gasps and holds it there as I’m taking my second hit of poppers. I feel my heart beating in my ears but trying to keep quiet while he whispers, “oh fuck” and starts pushing deeper inside me. Once he’s balls deep he holds me there and I can feel his dick get even harder. After almost a whole minute he slowly starts fucking me, slowly and then building then he pulls out until just his head is in and then slams in again. I’m whimpering and moaning but his hand is over my mouth. He pulls me balls deep again and asks for poppers. I take two big hits and then give them to him. He takes a big hit and then breathes it into my ear and says, “call me daddy” “Fuck me….daddy” was all I could whisper out before he puts his hand over my mouth to the point of near discomfort and immediately starts fucking me hard. The entire front yard dark and quiet except the sounds of his balls slapping against my ass and my muffled moaning. I feel him get his hardest yet and then he holds me balls deep while emptying them completely inside me. Almost another full minute does he hold me there until he slowly pulls out with another “fuck” and slaps my ass once. He gives me my 420 money back and says to hit him up when I leave the bars… To be continued?
    2 points
  16. Just tested positive for gono and syph again. Oops. Dr: can you notify your sexual partners? This weeks? How long back lol? And no to most of them.
    2 points
  17. After work I when to a trail by the front entrance of the trail is a church. All around the big forest trail are houses, but from the entrance I go on the left path. I spot a man the size of me, older bald, blue shorts, and a thick ass cock. I knew who he was, and what he was doing. I got on my knees and throated his thick 7 inch cock. I was so worried someone would come by and just see me sucking meat! So I asked for his poppers(witch where stronger than pig sweat) and kept troating him. I had craved it for so long I needed to zone out. Next think I know is he blows his load! When he confirmed he came I had pulled out, and saw a drop coming out of his dick. I couldn't help my self but suck it all up. This was my third time throating him. In the same park.
    2 points
  18. Daryl was on his back while his boyfriend, Peter, fucked him as they usually did a couple times a week. The only thing different, this time, was Brian, watching from a chair, stroking the biggest cock either of them had ever seen. Peter seemed to ignore the hot guy on the chair just a few feet over stroking, as he plowed into Daryl, while Daryl was trying his hardest not to constantly stare at Brian. By this time, Daryl would usually be faking moans so that his bf would finish. Peter was a nice young man and devoted boyfriend, but a horrible fuck. He even had a decent sized cock, Daryl thought, but Peter just couldn't get Daryl off. The chemistry just wasn't right. This time, however, Daryl was moaning with desire as he imagined Brian in place of Peter fucking him deeply. Peter sped up his pace a little as usual before he came, "I'm going to cum" he said. Peter then pulled out and jacked off onto Daryl's smooth belly like he had done dozens of time before. So well-rehearsed; and so boring to Daryl. Daryl faked another complimentary comment "Oh yeah, that was hot. I'm just too nervous to cum right now, I guess." Peter never seemed to care if Daryl came or not. Each fuck session ended the same way. And despite them having their first guest watch them fuck, Peter had a difficult time breaking his routine. "Uggh .. I need to shower. I'll be out in a few" Peter said, and then slipped away to the bathroom. He almost seemed oblivious to Brian even being there. Moments later, the bathroom door closed and the shower was running. Brian's patience was about to pay off. Daryl remembered the conversation they exchanged over e-mail messages as they arranged this. Peter would only agree to having a third person watch them fuck. Brian knew that's all that would likely happen. And since Brian was just going to watch, Daryl and Peter didn't mind Brian being poz. After all, he was just there to watch, so no harm done there. "Did you cum?" Daryl asked his newly-made athletic and hung poz friend. "No," Brian answered, detecting some interest on Daryl's part, "why don't you suck me off real quick while Peter showers." Daryl nearly jumped out of bed, and quickly made his way to Brian's thick tool. He had hoped this moment might present itself, and took advantage of it as quickly as he could. On his knees, Daryl struggled to go down down Brian's shaft. He was too aroused to even worry about Brian's HIV status. "Rules were meant to be broken," Daryl had thought to himself thinking about his own personal rule of not messing around with poz guys. Brian enjoyed his new twink friend gagging on his cock; and felt confident he would get what he wanted next. "Look, I know you don't play with poz guys. But, I can tell how much you want my cock. How about I just fuck you quickly so that you can enjoy it a little. I won't cum up in your ass or anything." Daryl thought for a moment. He had never had a cock as big as this, and the thought of getting fucked while his boyfriend was just down the hall showering, turned him on even more. It was so scandalous; and too delicious a thought for Daryl to not enjoy. He knew of a friend who let a poz guy fuck him, and he was still HIV neg. Fuck it, Daryl thought to himself, I WANT this cock. Daryl answered by moving back to the bed and laying back down on his back. Brian knew time was against them, and moved quickly into position, forcefully spreading Daryl's legs apart and throwing them over his shoulders while he pushed his thick cock into Daryl's already fucked and lubed hole. "It's gotta be quick .. oh FUCK!" Daryl tried not to shout as Brian's thickness entered and stretch his hole tighter than anything he'd ever felt. Thankfully his hole was very well lubed from his prior fuck. "Don't worry, I'll be quick," Brian said as he slid the rest of his girth inside Daryl, "I love how you stared at my cock while Peter fucked you. How's that feel?" "Fuck .. feels so damn good, oh GOD. Fuck me!" Daryl could barely contain the excitement. He was cheating with the biggest cock he ever seen, and letting a poz guy fuck him raw. The guilt and fear heightened the intense arousal he was already feeling. Brian picked up his pace and soon was all the way in him. "Oh yeah, take that huge cock." Daryl was having a hard time catching his breath, and trying not to moan too loud, "Oh god , don't stop fucking me." "I'm about to cum" Brian warned. "Please don't stop fucking me" Daryl begged. "But, I'm going to cum" Brian insisted. "Feels too good, don't stop," Daryl said. He had heard Brian's warning, but was overwhelmed by the sensations he was feeling and was losing control. Brian picked up his pace and jabbed deeply as his cock started to throb, "I'm cumming!" he said quietly while he continued to pound away." "OH GOD! OH GOD!" Daryl felt his cock about to explode; and he wasn't even jacking it. Brian pushed all the way deep inside Daryl and kept unloading the last of his load while Daryl started to shoot all over his stomach, chest and chin. Brian covered Daryl's mouth to muzzle the noise as Daryl moaned underneath his hand and sprayed his load. Brian slowly pulled his massive cock out of Daryl's hole. Both were relieved to hear the shower was still running as they returned to their senses. Daryl leaned forward and pulled Daryl close to his face, "You better leave before Peter gets out. "I'll tell him you were bored and left. Man, that was amazing. I've never been fucked like that. I want to be your boyfriend." Brian heard this before. One of the consequences of having a big dick is everyone says he wants to date you, but he felt an earnest and sincerity from Daryl he never felt before, "Well, you know how to find me. If you really wanna do it, I'm game. Let's talk again tomorrow." They kissed passionately albeit briefly, and then Brian made his quick escape. All before the shower had ended.
    2 points
  19. Because some tops aren't always honest about what they want. They SAY they want a sleazy, no-strings hook up with a cumdump, but what they really want is to fuck someone vanilla LIKE they're a cumdump. I've had lots of guys tell me how hot the thought of a cumdump makes them, but then they never follow through. I have a lot of tops tell me they want a loose sloppy hole, but they want to be the first load in my hole. Other tops might not be able to get it up for just anyone and want to make sure that's not an issue. It's hard to say really. It could be a lot of things. Me, once i realized that some of my best fucks were from tops that weren't "my type" I realized just how much good sex I was missing out on. Now, I'll take pretty much any load when I'm in those situations and they're generally better fucks than if I wait for someone I think is "pretty". That goes the same for when I top. I'll fuck a lot of different men that I didn't used to consider "hot". I've widened my parameters and find a lot of guys hot now.
    2 points
  20. I cheated on my last boyfriend with a guy that lived in the alley behind our apartment building several times. I would go outside to smoke and hed always be there so eventually we started chatting and after awhile became obvious he was gay so when my boyfriend was at work id invite him up for beers and hed fuck me. I let him fuck me several times over a few months til we eventually moved to a new apartment.
    2 points
  21. That is a great place to fuck, did it also at an STD clinic in Amsterdam 😉
    2 points
  22. I was on my knees yesterday at a local park. When I walked past this guy's car, I saw he had his cock out and was stroking it. I tried to lure him down a trail, but he didn't respond. When I walked back past his car he was getting out and headed the other way. I just asked him out loud, "Would you like for me to suck that dick?" He responded in the affirmative. We went under a little stone bridge and I pulled down my shorts and got on my knees in the dirt. His cock was already leaking through his shorts. He pulled them down and revealed a nice 6" cock and a surprisingly flat stomach. No other words were spoken. I just went to work and within 5 minutes, he was filling my mouth with thick, hot cum. He pulled up his shorts and walked away as I stayed on my knees and thanked him for the cum.
    2 points
  23. First, thanks for that excellent response. I completely agree. It's the inclination to "make things better" that has motivated the Dems for many years, and an inclination to "be less generous" that has moved the R's into the wilderness. Sure, there are a lot of them wandering in that wilderness, but it's their own myopia that allowed Tin-hat Trump to hook them by their noses and lead them there. Attempting to force their ill-considered social programs upon every other person in the country was, in effect, a clarion call call to decent-minded citizen of all stripes to sweep them out of office en-masse next year. While other outrages have surfaced for the press to go on about, the women are seething with rage, along with a substantial portion of the men. Forbidding books? How far down the garden path are we going to allow these misguided folks to take the country? Inserting their personal religious beliefs directly into the lives of every other citizen? We're seeing what happens when that happens in the Levant right now. If we can't hold our own religious beliefs (or none at all), and allow our fellow citizens to do the same, we're going down the same path. At least the ongoing war news has kept ShitMouth off the tv for a while, but I'd rather suffer through his daily diet of filth than see daily massacres on tv.
    2 points
  24. Very good thay you don't refuse a load. Makes me so horny reading that people on this site are slutty like I am
    2 points
  25. This is a great story. I used to hike through the woods on my property to sneak peaks at a neighbour's secluded pool. A couple times I even got up my nerve to quickly skinny dip. I was always disappointed that I never saw anyone there. Set in my younger secluded woods, this story was my fantasy. A young voyeur getting caught and invited in for a great fuck and breeding.
    2 points
  26. Enchanting acts of nature! Watching these inseminations is like watching a campfire to me, captivating. Find myself revisiting the best memories of friends and strangers painting my intestines with their fuckin hot loads. Only time I want to see a condom is when it comes off to breed the lad. They have no place in my hole!
    2 points
  27. LATE NIGHT LOAD I had just got back from a night out with m8s when I checked Grindr to see if there were any late night loads for my hungry CUM DUMP hole. There was a young lad I had met before online and not far away. So I reminded him I’d love his cock and load again. He too was heading home and was looking for a willing hole for his load. I immediately offered mine and he offered to fuck a load into my cunt. Ten minutes later he arrived and made his way to the bedroom to find me ass up in my jock and harness and pup hood. He stripped to just his socks, fresh new sparkling white Nikes. Straight away his fingers opened me up, quickly followed by a large dildo. He said he’d wanted to stretch me open and he did just that. When he was ready he pushed his solid 7 inches inside me. He pounded my cunt hard and fast whilst giving me plenty of verbal abuse and gobbing over my back and my hole. I sensed he could quite easily have dropped his load and planted his seed within the first few minutes as he was clearly proper horned up. I took control and pushed him back as I dropped to my knees. I took his rock solid cock in my mouth, guys love to see a slut suck on the cock that’s just been balls deep in their cunt. He took control back as he opened my mouth and fucked his way into my throat. I relaxed and let him pound my throat hard. Then I worked on his balls one by one. Before running my tongue under him and up his crack to his cute hole. I bent him over and sucked on his cunt. His hole proved too much to resist so I spread his cheeks and stuck my tongue in. I can only imagine how sweet his hole must be with a load in. I gave him a good rimming before pushing him down on the bed so I could work on his cock n balls some more. I sucked each in turn and even got his socks in my face too. Then he sprung back on his feet to finish my hole off. He gave it a super hard fucking while calling me all the faggot type names he could think of. Then he gave my cunt the hot late night load it was craving. He certainly made sure he bred me good as he confirmed there was nothing hotter than using the whores cunt that so many other guys use. He pulled out, tagged my ass and left me dripping and grabbed his clothes on his way out. Totally fucked and dripping!
    2 points
  28. This is link is likely listed elsewhere. But @teralex was asking about Czech glory holes in another discussion. I believe this is the original video of Czech glory holes. Definitely worth a watch! [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video58353583/euro_gay_gloryhole_club
    2 points
  29. I was out and about on an adventure/mini hike/cruising when i stumbled upon some underwear. Whenever i see underwear while out and about or sexy slutty outfits i will pick them up for inspection if i want to add them to my collection or not. Well this particular pair of underwear, grey boxer briefs, had a load blown on it.. So the pig in me took them into the port-a-potty and creamed myself with them! The boxers got left behind, but not the load. I have to say thank you Mister Mystery Man!!
    2 points
  30. Took 2 raw loads anon at Heroes Stourbridge on Saturday. Got fucked bareback 4 times, no mention of condoms at all.
    2 points
  31. My older brother. I was 11, he was 13 at the time. Made me wet cum for the first time, and said that meant I was ready to get fucked. We hadn't a clue what we were doing.
    2 points
  32. Some of my favorite things in the world to do are: 1)take a cock in my ass while my cock is in a hole; 2) breed a man and then flip over and let him breed me or vice versa. I may regularly fuck total bottoms I see at sex clubs, but if you want a regular arrangement as a fuck bud you have to be willing to occasionally return the favor. I guess the same would be true of total tops, but I can't remember ever having a top fuck bud that would not occasionally let me fuck them. For whatever reason bottoms seem a lot more committed to their position than tops.
    2 points
  33. I arrived in Vienna today. I stopped by to see a platonic friend before I headed to my hotel. As soon as I had gotten settled in my room and showered, Grindr started pinging. A guy close by asked where I was. I said "my hotel, to which he replied, "I thought you were in the IKEA." I told him I would prefer to get fucked in my hotel and we left it there. The angel on my right shoulder was proud😇. Then, suddenly, the devil appeared on my left shoulder said, "Douche your cunt and take it to that breeder". So I did😈. He texted me exactly where to go. Once I was in the bathroom, I texted him which stall I was in. Luckily, the stalls in that IKEA go from the ceiling to the floor so no one could see us. I sat on the toilet and sucked him before he signalled for me to turn around and face the wall. Looking him in the eye, I took a huge huff of poppers and assumed the position. He fucked me with strong, quick thrusts. I took his dick in silence. There was a guy in the next stall that had to have heard my breeder's belt buckle swinging back and forth. My hole was hungrily grabbing on his cock and it wasn't long before he started breathing hard. He whispered that he was cumming. I took his load, pulled my pants up and waited for him to leave the restroom before I opened the stall door. I walked past him on the way out the store. He was already back at his station and talking with his colleague about something. That co-worker likely has no clue what that quick "bathroom break" was all about. I stopped by the grocery store to get some wine and cheese to celebrate the fact that it's not every day that a hoe takes a load in a busy IKEA store. The breeder later texted me, "That was amazing. Thanks for coming." Devil:1 Angel: 0 😂
    2 points
  34. Do you mean the cultural arts? Galleries, symphony, theatre, etc.? About the only thing I really miss about Chicago is the richness of the above there, vs the relative absence of those attributes here in Ft. Lauderdale. There is a symphony orchestra down in Miami that appears in the local Arts complex downtown, and at least the conductor avoids the larger works they couldn't pull off. It's at least something .... but what tries to pass for "theatre" is deplorable. The weather is great, it does get hot/humid in the summer, but at least you don't have to shovel it, and your car won't get stuck in it.
    2 points
  35. I was 22, and working in Lewisam Hospital HIV centre as a third year medical student. I was young, blond, 11 stone, and 6 foot tall, so I got a lot of attention from the gay guys on the AIDS ward. There was one particular inpatient who always flirted with me like crazy. He was 56 years old, skinny and tanned, he was in the advanced stages of AIDS. On one particular night when I was on call, I went into his room, closing the door, and found he was still up. "Hi, John, still awake?" I asked, standing next to the bed. I was wearing just scrubs, boxer shorts and trainers with no socks on, my bulge kind of rested on the mattress as I leant forward against the bed, but I knew he wouldn't mind. "Hi, Joe, how are you?" John replied as he turned to face me, ihe process his hospital gown fell off his shoulder, showing his skinny chest, covered in grey hair. "I'm ok, but more importantly, how are you?" I asked. "Not so great. My viral load is up high again, and the KS on my leg is itching," he said, pulling his foot out from under the cover. He had a Kaposi Sarcoma on his left foot, one of the signs of advanced AIDS. It was a small brown, scaly lump, about the size of a 50p coin. I lifted his foot up and stroked the cancerous lesion. "You need some moisture on it. It's quite dry," i remarked, running my hand up his calf, feeling the similar sized cancer lump on his left shin. With one hand I stroked the KS lesion on his shin with my thumb, rubbing the lesion on his foot with the finger tips of my other hand. "Well, I'll let you sort that out for me young man," he commented, curling his toes round my fingers as I stroked his bare foot. "Is there anything else with which I can help you, John?" I asked. "Well, my cock has a problem," he replied, broadly grinning. "Oh, really. What would that be?" "It swells everytime a certain medical student comes near," he answered, out-lining his erection in his hospital gown, suggesting "I think you should lock the door and examine it," he said, lifting the edge of his gown up a bit. "John, ummm, you shouldn't get that out here..." I said as John exposing his big, heavy, hairy nuts, which I knew were full of toxic cum. "Oh, ok. I'd better lock the door if youre going to do that," I said, walking over to the door and locking it, and turning the little knob so the slits in the window went opaque. I walked back over to John's bed and sat down on the edge, slipping my shoes off and wiggling my sweaty bare toes. "At least I can go barefoot if the door is locked, I commented. "You like teasing me, don't you Joe?" John asked rhetorically. "This is just going to be a visual inspection, I said, lifting-up his gown. His fat, seven inch, uncut, veiny, tanned, poz erection lay obscenely hard along his bare thigh. "But I think I felt a lump, or maybe two lumps," he said lifting his balls up from between his thighs so his fat genitals proudly hung over his leg in front of me. I stood up, the hard floor cold on my bare feet, standing right up to the bed, my semi hard cock bulging my scrub trousers, the lump of my genitals resting on the mattress. "John, you have an amazing cock, but I'm a student here. I'm supposed to leave the room if a patient gets aroused," putting my hand on his bare foot again, rubbing his cancer lesion gently as he stroked his erection slowly. "You can just watch me wank. Anyhow, you seem to like touching my KS" John said. With that, he slid his bare foot up under my scrubs top, placing his bare sole on my bare chest under my clothes, suggesting "Take your top off." I did as he directed. Lifting my scrubs top off over my head, I stood bare foot and topless in an AIDS patient's hospital room. I put my hands on John's bare foot, lifting it up to my face as he lay naked, stroking his fat cock on the bed, and looked closely at his KS lesion, and then pressed my lips into the cancer riddled skin, kissing his bare foot right on his KS lump. "You're a nasty one, ain't ya," John asked, rubbing his big toe on my lips, pushing his sweaty toe into my mouth. I sucked down on his big toe, tongue-fucking the toe gap between his big toe and the next, proceeding to work my way down towards his little toe, thoroughly tongueing his toe gaps until all five of his toes were covered in spit. Then I kissed my way back-up his bare foot, until again I was pressing my lips into his KS lesion. "You can suck it, if you want. It'll help moisturise it,' John observed. I licked the cancerous lump, feeling the scaly texture of the lesion with my tongue. I pressed my lips round the circumference and sucked on his KS lump, sloppily sucking his cancer between my lips and into my mouth. Eventually I stopped slurping on his KS lesion, kissing his toes as he pulled his foot away, rubbing his saliva covered toes on my erection that was tenting out my scrubs trousers. "I think it's time to take these off," John said, pulling at my waist band with his toes. I assisted, pushing my trousers and boxers to my bare feet and kicked them off, standing naked in front of John as he leant forward and started to suck my cock. I held his head, curling my toes on the hospital floor as I face fucked John. The old guy deep-throated me easily. "John, I really shouldn't be doing this. I could lose my position,' i said as John pulled me onto the bed, laying me on my back and maneuvering on top of me. Our chests and cocks were pressed togther, our faces six inches apart. I leant forward and started to snog him, making out with his as we ground our cocks together. "Good boy, right decision," John said as he shoved his tongue down my throat. "But what if the nurses outside hear?" I asked as we rubbed our naked bodues together, readying ourselves for sex. "Well, we should probably do this quietly so they don't hear" John answered. Lifting my feet up onto his shoulders and kneeling between my legs, pressing his cock into my nut sack, he bent over so his face came close to mine again. "John, what are you doing?" I asked, adding "We can't fuck. Maybe some sucking, but we don't have a condom," I said as John kissed my forehead. With that, John reached over and pulled a condom out the drawer next to his bed and placed it on my chest, saying "It's there, if you want it." "What do you mean 'if I want it?'" John then kissed me on the lips as he rubbed his helmet over my ring and up and down my ass crack. "You're laying on your back, your feet up on my shoulders, on the AIDS ward in which you chose to work, having sucked the KS lesions on my foot," John replied. "So?" I asked. "So I guess you have a fetish for poz cock," John replied. With that he stuck his tongue out and pointed it to the left, so I could see another 50p sized KS lesion on his tongue, growing out of the side of his tongue half way along the shaft of it. "Is that...?' I started to ask but trailed off as I felt him lodge his helmet at my anus. "It's another lesion. Do you want to suck it?" he asked, gently putting pressure on my ass with his helmet. "I'd love to suck on it," I replied as John pressed his cock harder into me, the tip starting to seperate my ring. "I'll have to bend over to let you reach. My poz cock might slip inside a little bit," he observed, pushing his helmet into me a fraction to emphasise his point, noting "I've leaked quite a lot of poz precum on your little ass ring, so you're pretty well lubed back here," he said, rubbing his cock round my ring, pushing in a tiny bit more. "I don't care. Let me suck your tongue lesion," I replied, inviting him by widely opening my lips. John bent forward, his helmet slowly slipping into me, along with half his shaft, and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I knew his poisenous cock was buried in my guts, but all I could think about was sucking on that lump on his tongue and how nasty and kinky and horny that was. Then John pushed his cock deeper into my body. Then it realized: I was being penetrated bareback by a very toxic cock. I stopped sucking and stared in his eyes. "You like sucking my lesion? Do you want my raw cock up you deeper or should I pull out?" he asked. "Put your cock balls-deep inside me," I answered, pulling him back down and sucking on his tongue again. As directed, he slid in, balls-deep, grinding his cock into me. He slid out again, removing his tongue from my mouth. "More?" he asked. "Fuck me" I answered, laying back. "You nasty lil student boy," John said as he straighten his back, and buried his cock balls-deep into my ass. John was kneeling between my legs, my feet on his shoulders, trying to poz me as I lay on my back pierced by his fat cock. "John, jesus, actually, fuck, I can't let you do this. You've got to," trailing off as John slid his cock out and then gently slid it back inside me again. "Just let me fuck you for a bit. I won't cum in you, I promise," John whispered. Lifting my bare feet to his face, he sucked on my toes as he slid his cock in and out of my ass, gently fucking me. "Oh god, fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this in the hospital,' I said, curling my toes round John's tongue as he fucked me bareback, slow, and really deep. "Are you sure you don't want this?" John asked, reaching over and picking up the condom, putting it in my hand. "Why? I don't need it - as long as you don't cum in me," I replied. John fucked me harder. "Yeah, but I'm getting close," John said, sliding out completely and then fucking back in to the hilt, hard and deep, my ass slurping wth each thrust. "Fuck. How close? This feels really good," I asked, pushing my feet into his mouth as he fucked me. "Getting closer," John warned. "Don't cum. Just slide it in me for a few more seconds before you pull out. You're my first ever poz cock. I want it to last as long as possible," I responded, only to be met by a grunt from John. "How close are you now?" I asked as John tongue fucked my toes while he poz fucked my ass. "Pretty close," John answered, fucking me deeply, adding "Whoa, stop, stop, don't move," as he buried his cock inside me to the hilt, his balls slapping my ass. Then he bit down on my toes, chewing them gently as he closed his eyes. I could feel his cock throbbing in my ass as we both held still, John moaning and sighing. "Got too close and had to stop?" I asked, rubbing my big toe on John's tongue. "Fuck yeah. I nearly nutted up in side you then," John answered. I lifted my ass up off his cock and slid back down onto it again, grinding my ass onto his erection buried deep inside me. "Careful,' he said, grinding into me, adding "I'm really close." "How close? Could you cum in five strokes?" I asked, pulling my ass up and slamming it back onto his cock again. He tensed inside me, grinding up into my bowels trying to burrow deeper with his cock. "I dunno. Do you want to risk it?" he said pulling out and sliding back in counting off "One." "Go on. Go to five," I answered, pushing my toes again into his mouth. He slid in and out as I counted "Two..., ugh..., three... ughhhh..., four..., ughhhh... five....' I said as he slid in and out slowly. "Well, I didn't cum,' he said, grinding hard into my guts with his cock. "Then keep fucking me," I responded, pushing my foot into his mouth and gripping his tongue with my toes. He pulled-out and slid back in again. "One...' he said, adding "how many strokes do I get this time?" as he slid out and fucked back in, hard, balls-deep, "...two...," he said. "Just keep fucking me," I replied, pulling my ass off his cock and sliding it back down. He slid in and out repeatedly, quietly counting as he fucked. "Three... four... five... six...." "Stop counting," I ordered. John fucked me gently, in silence, and then sped-up, his balls slapping my ass. "But keep fucking?" he asked. After ten or more thrusts, he rammed his raw, poz cock deep inside my ass. "Fuck, John, keep fucking me. Don't stop," I ordered, again pushing my toes into his mouth. "I'm going to cum," he said, pushing my feet into my chest as he bent me in half to fuck me harder, slamming into my guts over and over, asking "Where do you want it?" "Cum inside me." He lifted my feet up to his face and sucked my toes again. "Are you sure?' he asked, all the while fucking hilt deep and brutally hard, warning "I'm about to cum. I didn't reply. As he moaned and closed his eyes, I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled his cock into me. John bucked his hips as his balls pulled up tight in their sack. "Cum in me, John. Oh god, cum inside me," I answered. "Here it comes. FUCKING TAKE MY LOAD, YOU LITTLE NEG STUDENT BOY WHORE. YEAH, FUCK.' he hoarsely grunted. Then he bent over, putting his face next to mine as he unloaded deep inside me, asking "Can you feel my cock expanding? I'm cumming inside you." He took the condom which I was still clutching, and tossed it on to the floor, saying "My dirty sperm is right up in your guts. What would your doctor friends say?" as he finished-off his orgasm, his cock still buried in my guts. After a few seconds John pulled his cock out of my ass, resting his helmet at my hole, coating his fat mushroom tip in his sperm, he rubbed it round my ring and pushed his cum covered cock back inside me, fucking my cum filled ass for a minute or two as he came down off his cum. "Working it deep up into you boy. What does your medical student knowledge say about that?" John asked, grinding deep up into me with his cock. "John, fuck, oh god, pull it out. I've gotta go shit out your load." With that John finally let me slide off his cock. I stood up, naked, my bare feet cold on the floor, as John's toxic cum ran down my leg. John stood up in front of me, our cocks touching. As we stood face to face, he held our cocks together in his hand and stroked them, while his other hand slid round behind me and fingered my cummy hole. "You probably should shit that out," John suggested, ramming two fingers into my guts and swirling them around in his load up inside my guts. "Oh fuck..." I responded as John scraped my prostate with his finger nails. "...or, you could just fuck me quickly first, you must be gagging to blow a load after taking your first poz cock," John responded, turning round and bending over the bed, pulling his ass cheeks apart. i had a strange, out-of-body moment. i looked down at his rosebud ass, looked at my bare feet, curling my toes on the cold floor, cum dripping down my ankle and onto my foot where it had leaked out my ass. Then I looked at my hard, dripping, angry, cock, my mushroom helmet purple. It was so hard. "Well?" John asked. i stepped forward and pushed my helmet into his ass. "Good boy," John said.
    2 points
  36. I arrived at the bathhouse around 10 p.m.. I went straight to the sling and climbed aboard. I decided to wear nothing but a leather chest harness and a blindfold. The harness had a small pouch attached which I kept poppers in. I sniffed them in liberally. By 11 p.m. I already had five loads lubricating my ass. There was no way I was going to let the bear and his scorpion tattoo friend have the honour of being first to breed me. When they arrived there was a line of tops waiting their turn. My ass hardly had a moments rest before the next raw cock would be in it after I received another breeding. Three more guys bred me in quick succession before the bear’s friend with his scorpion tattoo got to me. “Finally, I get to breed your wimpy ass.” He called out as he reached me. I removed the blindfold to confirm it was him. I invited anyone with long fingernails to scratch up my gut walls before I would let him slide on in. The bear played along, the other’s didn’t need to know I was already poz. Besides, I wanted to be sure they all got a close look at the tattoo, a chance to know I was inviting his sting ‘to take’. Five guys, including the bear, reached in my ass to cut my gut walls as I inhaled poppers over and over again. I was totally spun out by the time he got a chance to claim my hole with his big poz dick. “Poz me up man. Give me your scorpion sting.” I called this out loudly to hold the audience. It worked as a dozen guys crowded in to get the best view of his raw poz cock invading my sloppy ass. He fucked me with no mercy. My head was spinning enough that I hardly noticed this, but I was fully aware and flying high on the crowd cheering us on. My exhibitionist self running the show. I don’t know how long he pounded me before he called out for all to hear. “I’m close. I’m going to breed you with my toxic juice , knock you up.” I followed him by calling to the crowd; “What do you guys think? Should I let this fucker breed and convert me?” A chorus of “Fuck yeah!”, “Knock him up”, “Fuckin poz him”, and such cat calls filled the air. This brought him over the top. I couldn’t feel the spray on my gut walls, but the convulsions of his tool were unmistakable. That’s when I saw the phone. One of the audience had video tapped this breeding. Maybe the show wasn’t over. “Let me see that, please.” The guy with the phone was backing away cautiously, he looked scared shitless. “You’re not in trouble, I’m not angry with you, I just want to see the video.” It was a fucking fantastic video clip. It caught the scorpion tattoo as well as the raw cock going into my hole. It caught every word that was said. It was also crystal clear that he had orgasmed deep in my ass. As delighted as I was with the clip my breeder was livid. He tried to grab the guy’s phone away from him. “You can’t have a fucking phone in here! Give me that God damn phone, or I’ll go to the front desk and get you tossed out of here on your ass.” “Hold your horses here. It’s not that bad. He didn’t get either of our faces. What’s the harm? Besides we could increase our fun.” “What the hell are you talking about?” “You want the video gone. Right?” “Fuck yeah.” “Well, I want a copy of it. Let’s make a wager. I doubt you got infected and that scorpion tattoo from topping?” “It’s none of your business!” The bear chimed in, "Come on slut, you know I fucked, bred and pozed your sorry ass." These words were directed at his friend with the scorpion tattoo. Then he directed his words to me. "He’s as much a pussy bottom as he is a top no matter what he tries to make you believe." “Here’s the wager. We each offer up our asses for the next half hour. If I take more loads up the ass then you, he keeps his phone, and sends me a copy of the video clip. If you take more loads than me then he’ll erase the clip right here so you can go home happy.” I looked at the guy with the phone, “Does that work with you bud?” “Awe … yeah … I guess so.” “That thing has a timer, right?” “Yeah” “Set the alarm for thirty minutes. You in on this mister toxic scorpion?” “Only if I get the sling.” “Good enough. Don’t start the clock until he is in this sling and I’m leaning against that wall with my cummy ass ready and waiting.” I climbed out, he climbed in. I leaned against the wall and pulled my ass cheeks apart. The guy with the phone called out “GO”. In a split second we both had cocks entering our asses. Mine slid right in balls deep, I was so well lubricated. He was dry and it took a bit of time for his top to get in. My top went right into pounding me. Nothing I hadn’t experienced earlier in the evening. Scorpion cried out he needed time to adjust, time for his ass to relax. By the time he said he was ready I was already receiving my first breeding. With that start his guy was pretty cautious and didn’t get right into it when Scorpion begged him to speed up; “pound me hard man, breed my ass, fast.” His top finally hollered out his orgasm. By then I had three loads on board, only ten minutes had elapsed. “Three to your one, you gonna concede this now, or keep goin? The more time and the more cocks I ride the happier I’ll be, it’s up to you.” “Fuck you man, I’m not conceding anything.” We were both already being fucked by new tops. With his ass prelubricated the next guy was immediately into the hilt and pounding away. In the next ten minutes he took five loads to my three. We were tied. “Your turn to concede bud. You can’t break this tie in ten minutes.” “If I’m goin down, I’m goin down tryin. Come on guys, keep those raw cocks cuming!” I was so busy with one guy after the other shooting their loads as they slid in, or just after two or three strokes that I had no idea how scorpion was doing. I was up seven new loads. He had to be taking them as fast or faster than me, which I didn’t think was possible, but he was up eight loads and there was just one minute left. That’s when a guy that had been vigorously stroking his rod pushed it into me unloading as he went. Tie game. We were down to the wire. That’s when the guy with the phone bulldozed into my ass, pumped about five times and blasted his man juice into me. The alarm sounded about ten seconds before scorpion received his last load from his friend the bear, my co-lead in the play, the guy that had indeed knocked me up. I stood and turned from the wall as a few guys high fived me. The guy with the phone took my name and phone number assuring me he’d Whatsapp the clip to me ASAP. Scorpion was making moves to get out of the sling. I called to the closest guys, “Please give me a hand and keep him in that contraption.” Four guys stepped in to help secure his hands and feet in stirrups. I called to the guy with the phone “Record this for me.” I got down and started feltching out his sloppy hole. When I had a mouthful, I moved up and snowballed two of his captors. As I looked in his face, I showed him the cum left in my mouth and then made a show of swallowing every remaining drop. I moved back to his ass filling my mouth once again. This was snowballed to my other two helpers. He tried to look away, but I grabbed his chin and turned him to see what was left in my mouth and then I savored swallowing small portions until my mouth was empty. Again, I returned my mouth to his cum filled rectum, sucking the load mix out until my cheeks bulged. I moved up to within inches of his face and spat the entire mouthful. He hadn’t had time to close his eyes and they turned bloodshot instantly. High fiving as I made my way back between his legs I pushed on in with my naked cock. He groaned as I bottomed out. It felt fantastic on my bare rod to be in his hot cummy ass. “So, you concede now?” “You won fair and square.” “So I get a bonus? To fuck and breed you?” “Yes please, be my guest.” “Have you four guys bred me yet?” to my helpers. One said he had. “How be you three fuck me while I give it to this guy?” I had barely finished the sentence when the biggest of the tree cocks was pistoning away, it felt so amazing to have the extra help driving me deeper into scorpion. After about twenty strokes he said he was close and asked where I wanted his load, “Don’t ask , just paint my fuckin guts man.” I could hardly keep from cumming myself as he unloaded in me, but I wanted this show to last ‘til scorpion watched another two loads deposited in my ass bank. The next top was a compact hairy cub who slid in me deep and hugged his hairy torso to my back. His hot sweaty body was so fucking erotic, again I was afraid I couldn’t hold off my tingling balls. When I leaned over to kiss my scorpion bottom the cub just rode on my back causing him to push into me even deeper. More than he could handle he moaned as he released shooting rope after rope to join the toxic mix already in me. Number three lined up and slowly sank his snake into my eager ass. We got a great train fuck rhythm going. This lasted about ten minutes when my bottom started begging for my “last negative load”. “You want it up your ass, or down your throat?” “You won; you decide.” As he spoke, number three started to groan as his cock convulsed in my now very sensitive ass. I wanted the crowd and the video to see me cum, so I pulled out and had guys help scorpion out of the sling and kneeling on the slippery floor. As I approached, he opened his mouth and swallowed my sword to the hilt. I grabbed his hair and face fucked him as he gagged and sputtered. I soon knew I couldn’t hold off. I let the first blast slosh directly down his throat and pulled out for the rest. Each volley plastered his nose, cheeks, eyes and hair with thick rivulets off my baby making juices. He started to wipe his face and pushed some more cum into his bloodshot eye. He screamed in pain as tears flowed freely. “What the fuck man? cum shouldn’t hurt this much.” “What about poz cum? You ever had that in your eyes before?” “But your negative, my load couldn’t infect you that fast.” “Who said I was negative bud, I converted last week. That’s some toxic shit you just pushed in your eye.” Turning to the guys with the camara, “Did you get all that?” “Fuck yeah, that was so hot! I didn’t miss a thing, you and your friends are going to get off on this, better than any porn I’ve ever seen.” At this point the last voice I expected to hear was from scorpion; “So, when do we play next, why don’t you come home with me.” The bear spoke next, “Yeah what a great idea, and I have a better bar.” “Fuck guys, you two are unbelievable. I have an idea. Come to my show night after next.” The excited bear; “So you are coming back to let me breed you on stage. Great!” “Yup, I’m going to return to the play. Hey cub, yeah you; I’ll give you comp tickets for two nights from now if you’ll come back with us after the show to the bear’s house. I hope you are negative.” He affirmed that he was indeed negative and just tested last week. “Great. I’ll knock you up while the other two take turns breeding my poz ass. Everybody in?” The cub ran over and planted a kiss square on my lips. “I’ll take that as a yes. You scorpion?” “Fuck yeah you poz cum slut, fuckin A.” “You bear? You in?” “You couldn’t keep me away. Fuck Yeah.”
    2 points
  37. Today went to The Green Door in Bethlehem Pa for the first time. I bought some jungle juice platinum and went down the hall. Went into a booth and let the door open and got naked and was jerking off. No one seemed interested, so I moved to a different booth and a guy stuck his cock through the hole and I suckked his cock until he came in my mouth. He left, so I went to a different booth looked in the hole and saw a guy jerking off. I asked him if he wanted a blow job and he declined, so I found a double booth took off my close and started hitting poppers. A guy asked I was giving bjs and I said yest. So I sucked his cock and swallowed his cum, that's load number 2. After he left I sat their jerking off to the movie playing and hitting more poppers. A while later the guy I asked if he wanted a blow job earlier walked in so I started to suck his cock, which was huge had to be 10 inches. After a few minutes I asked if he wanted to fuck and he said yes, so he bent me over and started to fuck me as I was hitting poppers. Good thing I had poppers. He fucked great, probably the best I ever had, he fucked me in all kind of positions. We did a lot of ass to mouth. Then he started to fist me, first time I was able to take a full fist, it was awesome. He was great at fisting. After a while he started fucking me More and he filled my cunt. So today was a good day 3 loads down.
    2 points
  38. “YOUR ASS IS A MESS” I’ve been abstinent lately since I had a cold for the past 1.5 weeks. Today I resumed sex and my fwbs surely didn’t disappoint. (1) Brooklyn Matt is a 6’3 50yo salt & peppery engineer. We’ve been fwbs for years now, but haven’t seen each other in a while. Passionate kissing, cuddling, caressing, & eventually, flip fucking. I tried to save my load for later tonight, but I can’t decline Matt’s perky hairy hole. As he was was moaning “Breed me” / “I want you load,” I erupted inside of him. Afterwards, we had boyfriend pillow talk. I love wrapping my legs and body around his tall frame. Daddies make me so weak, sighs. (2) Then, dudesnude’s hndsmtop ([think before following links] https://forums.dudesnude.com/u/hndsmtop) came over. Sexy, slutty, rough. ❤️😈 He knew I had been freshly loaded. Rather than intimate kisses or a slow ramp up, he proceeded to pound me hard. It didn’t take long til he spewed inside of me. “Joy to the world, the daddy has cum. Let my body receive his kids” LOL. Thank you, baby xoxo (3) Damian next came over from Jersey. 50yo+ with muscles all over & a huge thick Dick. He has a tendency of fucking me so hard that I start sweating, sometimes sing gospel songs in my head, & almost to the point of making me say “uncle” because he’s so aggressive. He hadn’t fucked me in about 1-2 months either. He bred me while I was on my side & told me he missed his favorite hole. (4&5) J & A are a Harlem couple. I see J more often since he works nearby and sometimes fucks me after work. J is a cute latin twunk while A is a fit & nerdy white boy. Both in their late 30s (I think). I was immediately spit roasted with J cumming in me first. A was a little shy since he didn’t know me as well. He had a tough time getting erect. I told him that was ok. I was in the middle of a J & A cuddle sandwich; occasionally switching sides to spoon kiss the other. I told A a little more about myself & he eventually got hard. Gave me his 8 inch d shortly afterwards. (6) Ed is a handsome gent who I met in the gym. It was our first time fucking. He’s really hot, but tbh he didn’t really put it down in the bedroom. Happy to c him again tho (7) Staten Island Matt is a hung Vers geeky brunette. He just came over from getting fucked by another guy LOL. He loved how wet my hole was; alternating between rimming and fucking me. I love it when tops do that to me. (8) Chipper is a handsome DC visitor who hit me up earlier this week on scruff. Great communicator, handsome & nice guy, 7 inch d. I sure was chipper after he was done with me LOL (9) lastly, craig came over. He’s been fucking me since 2011 so he’s seen me in all sorts of compromising positions lol. He was on his way to his gym nearby. After he finished nailing me, he said “MY HOLE WAS A MESS.” Hallelujah it was lol. Just waking up from a nap now. Headed to a fwb’s group & then another orgy later tonight for more fun XD I’m back riding on the saddle 😁
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  39. Only a quick one from yesterday. Daddy messaged me out of the blue "I want to see you, when are you free?" My heart fluttered reading the message, as it always does. Quick reply saying I'm free now, and a few seconds later a reply. "Be there in 10 mins, bringing a friend." 10 minutes later, I'm naked kissing daddy's smoke tasting mouth, while his friends pulling my nipples, then I turn as his friend spits in my mouth and kisses me. I kneel, undoing their jeans, the smell off 2 unwashed cocks was amazing. I pull them out, 2 gorgeous cheesy cocks for me! I'm possessed, licking, sucking, I can't get enough of their cock cheese in my worthless mouth. Daddy fucks me, hard, deep, cumming quickly. His friend slides in as I'm sucking my ass from Daddies cock. A few more minutes Daddy grunts again as I feel him shoot straight Down my throat. His friend starts groaning, pumping another load into my hole. I turn, sucking his cock clean as he and Daddy dress again. They both tell me they can't wait for next time, before they leave, locking the door behind them and leaving me feeling used. very yum!
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  40. I awoke the next more feeling worse than I had ever felt in my entire life. My side of the bed was soaked and the sweat was rolling off me like a mountain stream. My cute prince was very attentive to my every need. He had room service change the bed and washed me down with a sponge bath. When we had the room to ourselves again he removed his clothes and cuddled up beside my sweltering body. I could see he was getting hard again and prayed he didn’t want to fuck me. Soon his mouth was on my cock and to my surprise it was responding. ‘Where was this energy coming from?’ When my cock was both slobbery wet and good and hard he straddled me and aimed my ragging boner at his rear entrance. Facing me he took the lead in riding my raw knob. His eyes looked into mine and just kept inviting me. He didn’t say a word but I could hear those eyes saying; ‘Yes, Yes’; I could hear them begging ‘Yes! Yes!’ When my breathing became ragged, which didn’t take long, he nodded his head three times. I knew he wanted every drop of my toxin planted as deep in him as I could. And I had no energy to stop myself from blasting away before I passed out. The next five days were a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. A rotation of people seemed to be providing my care. Sometimes the young dimple cheeked man, sometimes my bear co-lead and infector, and other times even our director. Surprisingly my dreams were not all nightmares. Some were, with people trying to kill me, that sort of thing. But a significant number were actually very pleasant and many of those were incredibly erotic, as in sexually explicit. I was naked in all these dreams and often having incredible sex with many men; always bareback and always in front of crowds of enthusiastic people. A deep conviction was solidifying deep inside me; I was born to be a sexual exhibitionist. By day six I was beginning to feel a little better but still to weak to spend much time out of bed. I had lots of time alone, and lots of time to think. I was a bit horrified as I remembered the stairwell sex. I knowingly initiated raw sex and bred the young stranger even though I was pretty certain I would be painting his vulnerable insides with this disease. What kind of monster had I become? I had to remind myself that he took full responsibility and practically raped a load out of me when he was sure I was shooting toxic bullets. On day seven of my recovery the bear came to visit. He brought with him another actor who had enthusiastically stepped in to paly my role. The show had only been dark and missed two performances two nights before this new guy felt ready to stand in. The bear and the new guy assured me the show wasn’t as good, everyone in the production was highly anticipating my recovery and return to drawing standing room only cheering crowds. “Are you fucking kidding me? You expect me to work with you after what you’ve done to me.” “Your poz now, what’s the big deal with coming back to the show?” asked the bear nonchalantly. “I can’t begin to draw the crowds you have” from the other actor. “Fucking unbelievable. Can you even hear yourselves? You tricked me into this, and I’m going to have to live with it for the rest of my life.” The bear; “Yeah! It’s fucking hot. You’ll never need to worry about it again. You can get fucked by any guy you want and never have to worry about him pozing you. What’s not to like?” “I’m not gay man! I don’t live for guys to fuck me!" “You could have fooled me. Seems you to grew to enjoy my raw dagger fucking you.” “That was my role asshole!” “What about those nights you came home with me?” “What the fuck, you took him home?” the other actor protested. “Get off my case, you know I fucked you and your two roommates two nights ago” the bear retorted. “And you” looking to me, “You knew what my friend took you back to his place for until you got all high and huffy about his scorpion tattoo. You may claim to be straight, but admit it, you like it up the ass and you love it raw.” I remembered my dreams and I couldn’t argue. “So how soon ‘til you’re back on stage with me?” “Fuck, you are so self centred and arrogant! I hate you!” “I could care less. Go ahead and hate me, just get back on stage and let me keep breeding your ass. It’s a good gig for both of us.” There was a knock at my door and the other actor ushered in my friend from the stairwell fuck. He came by to see if I was feeling strong enough to ’knocking him up’ again. The bear; “So when did you fuck this cute young specimen?” Me, a little shamed faced; “After I stormed out of your scorpion friend’s place.” “Tell me again how straight you are. So high and mighty. What hypocrisy. Ready to gift and infect a guy that you just met. Straight my ass!” “Yeah, and don’t forget you fucked me the next morning when we knew you were sick. Fuck man, I loved that!” My replacement actor, “Oh man, I fuckin love sex with poz men. I get so funkin excited, ‘maybe this’ll be the time it takes’. Fuckin love the adrenaline rush!” The bear started unbuttoning his shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. As he was opening his jeans, “Well, I’m getting undressed so you can recharge my poz ass partner.” The other two were already down to their designer underwear. I wanted to but couldn’t miss that I was quickly getting hard. “I’m so going to lay a hate fuck onto your sorry ass!” He was already naked and bent over the end of the bed; “You sure better, and don’t even think about using any lube!”
    2 points
  41. I got married to a big-dicked twink after he unknowingly pozzed me. The other gogo dancers in West Hollywood must have INITIATED him into the 'brotherhood'. We have been thick as thieves for over ten years now. Age DIFFERENCE between us is 25 years! Our prenuptial was a pledge that ALL SEX IS SPORT, no jealousy, no shame or hypocrisy allowed! Also not allowed are old-school home-wreckers or those showing the attitude. And ALL SEX MUST BE CONSUMMATED BAREBACK or it's too lame to brag about! Young guys getting bred and submitting OPENLY and proudly to jaded much older, barebackers has become an awesome turn-on for the both of us!
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  42. What the fuck now,’ was the panicked thought running through my head. We had gone completely off script and I wasn’t supposed to learn that he had taken the risk of pozing me until I saw the very realistic biohazard tattoo the make-up department had put on the bear’s ass to wiggle at the audience. The other thought, ‘is his biohazard tattoo really a fake’. Both thoughts raced through my mind at lightning speed, but I knew I didn’t have time to dwell on them. I just returned to the script other than bewilderedly asking for confirmation when I did see his tattoo. The script worked perfectly and was all the more powerful with my emotional uncertainty about what had just happened. The bear was far more convincing as well, and the dramatic start didn’t take away from the audience hanging on every word. We argued, we cried, we expressed our overwhelming attraction to each other and we went through the cycle again. Act two began with us at an emergency clinic where I’m administered 'themorningaftertreatment'. Next scene has us back at my apartment and the bear making sexual moves on me. I’m like “Really? You just almost pozed me and you want me to give up my ass so soon?” “Your protected now.” His words once again traveling to my core and causing me to melt. We are soon both naked and the audience is once again seeing his huge bare member disappear up my ass. Lights fade to a black stage. The spot light comes up on a sign held out from the wings, “Four months later.” Stage lights come back up. The bear has me bent over an ottoman and is unloading in my ass once again. Yes, literally breeding me again! He continues pounding me, urging me to jerk off. Okay, we’ve left the script again. I stroke, he pounds, and soon I have one of the biggest longest orgasms of my life. My exhibitionist self is more than happy to receive the cheering. We collapse on the couch and talk about how great we feel we are together. All the fucking hot sex we enjoy together and with others. We marvel at the the fact I’ve been taking his loads all this time, without protection, and I’ve stayed negative. We eventually make our way to bed, and again the stage fades to black. New sign from the wings, “Next morning.” Lights come up, we are still naked in bad. I’m sweating profusely. I’m clearly sick as a dog. Shortest closing scene in theatre history. The ‘opening night after party’ was a blur for me. Everyone was full of praise for the bear and my performance. Especially our director. He kept picking up the tab for our booze and we were soon drunk. I wasn’t thinking clear enough now to even have my questions occur to me. Second night I’m happy and excited to be naked back on stage. Our theatre space is sold out, standing room only. My co-lead doesn’t turn his back to the audience, so again my first move is to actually take his beautiful cock into my mouth for all to see. Cheering from the crowd. When we get to the part where he is to fuck me again we are positioned for the crowd to see every detail. As his mushroom head is seeking to find my hole I stage whisper for only him to hear. “What? Are we doing this again? I thought it was just for opening night.” “See this full theatre? Everyone one of these fags is here to watch me poz breed your neg hole. Do you want to disappoint them now? No longer using stage whisper I call out, “Fuck me with your big raw cock daddy bear!” As he’s pushing in the crowd goes wild with excitement and encouragement. During the intermission the bear brought one of the other cast members and they pulled me aside. The bear was angry and wondered why I hadn’t cleaned out before the show. I didn’t know what he was talking about. The cast member took me off to a bathroom and taught me how to douche. Apparently I had just been lucky the first three times I got fucked By the end of the night I am again hosting two of the bears loads deep in my ass, and I’ve shot off for everyone to see and enjoy. The rest of the weeks performances go well. I’m getting two loads bred into me per show, and more people are cramming in and standing every night. Week two of the run starts once again with a jammed packed enthusiastic crowd. By the end of the night my cohost is so delighted he invites me back to his place for ‘a drink’. I take this invitation literally and am shocked and amazed when the door is hardly closed and he has me bent against the wall, both our pants at our knees and his raw cock pounding away in my well lubricated ass. The second night I knew what I was in for. Any moral compass I used to have about casual sex had completely evaporated. I ended the week having taken the 10 show loads and about 12 after show loads. This bear was insatiable! I didn't have a show the next day so accompanied the bear and a friend of his to a restaurant. During the meal the bear was extremely flirty with our sexy waiter. The waiter was flirting with all of us. While handing his credit card back to the bear the waiter said; "My shift is finished and hubby is home, meet me in the back alley in 5." When the bear left our table his friend asked; “So do you want to order another drink, or come back to my place. I vote for my place.” “What about your friend?” “Oh those two will be a while I can assure you.” “OK I guess it’s drinks at your place.” I knew he had not invited me for drinks. The moment the elevator door closed as we left the restaurant our tongues were down each other’s throats. In the elevator in his building we actually started tearing each other’s clothes off. We were barely decent as we stumbled to his door past an elderly neighbour. She called him by name, gave a knowing wink and wished us both a very good night. As he slipped the rest of the way out of his jeans I saw it. A big scorpion tattoo on the left side of his lower abdomen. I wasn’t sure why it filled me with dread but I remained calm enough to ask him about the tattoo. “My scorpion? You are straight aren’t you?” …. To be continued…
    2 points
  43. Context: POV of my experience breeding a cumdump in London. I had been eyeing his profile for a few weeks now, but had been too nervous to message him. After getting off to cumdump porn on twitter for a while, I worked up my courage to get the real experience. The beating of my heart drowned out the noise of the busy road outside his apartment building, as I waited to be let in. It was my first time doing something like this and I didn’t even know the guy’s name; all I had to go on was a single image taken of him on all fours: showing off a muscular back, leading down to his small waist, and finally a bubble jockstrapped ass. In his profile description, there was just one word - ‘Cumdump’. The buzzer sounded and I was let in. Irrationally, it felt as if the man in reception knew what I was there for and my face was heated. I walked quickly through the corridor to the elevator, whilst masking my anxiety with nonchalance. After reaching his floor, I again read over his instructions to find his flat - my cock was rock hard at this point. My breath paused briefly when I saw his door ajar… this was really about to happen. It was dark inside, with faint music playing. It smelled of sex. I found him on all fours in red lighting, in nothing but a jockstrap exactly like in his pictures. The sight of a muscular man, face down ass up, waiting to be fucked will forever be engraved in my mind. I got on my knees and gave his round globes a feel, taking my time to appreciate every inch and occasionally spreading his hole. With the tip of my right thumb I circled his wet hole teasingly before doing the same with my tongue. I then laid it flat on his hole - it tasted a mix of berry-flavored lube and cum - lapping at that soft, silky goodness. The next few minutes were spent alternating between tonguing his hole deep in and out and drawing letters, shapes, and symbols, I honestly couldn’t get enough. But I came for something else. The thing that had kept my cock straining against my jeans for the entirety of London to see on the journey to his place. My balls were churning like crazy - I needed to breed him. Pushing my cock into his pre-loaded hole was so easy since there was little resistance. The feeling of warmth and wetness was unmatched to any other guy I had fucked before and I knew I would become addicted to it. I slid my cock in and out with long-strokes, slow and deep, really just stretching him out as much as I could. That was my standard tempo, speeding up to a faster fucking every now and then; he would get especially verbal at the peak of fucking, begging for my load. I kept at this for about 45 minutes, with some small breaks in between. Fucking him in missionary was amazing - he wound his thick muscular legs around me as if to get my cock as deep as possible into his slutty hole. All the while his baseball cap stayed on, obscuring his anonymity. He was just a cumdump, a hole to be used and bred by the men of the city. I heard his door open as someone else came in. Initially I panicked, but he reassured me it was another cruiser coming to dump his load - my time was up. He laid flat on the ground, with me on top of him. The feel of his sweaty muscular back against my chest as I fucked him deep was glorious. In this position, his hole felt tighter than before, he was stimulating my cock so well. I sped up faster and faster until he was begging for my load in front of the new guest, who had already dropped his pants and began stroking his cock. Finally I came, shoving my cock as deep as possible inside him. With full control over his slutty hole, he did this thing where he clenched his cheeks to squeeze my dick, milking the cum from my dick. After a minute of my cock being jerked off by his ass, I slid out and saw his hole gape with my cum. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I gave him a soft slap on his ass and said thank you, putting my jeans back on. He mumbled something unintelligible in response, probably because the other breeder had already started fucking him. I left with a smile on my face.
    2 points
  44. In this case the OP is specifically asking why a Top cares what a cumdump looks like, rather than simply what a bottom looks like. I think the question carries the inference that he’s asking about situations in which Tops are approaching men for anonymous sex, and bottoms are acting as cumdumps, providing ease of access without strings, hassle or drama. Your reply is, of course, correct as far as it goes - it certainly explains why some Tops post criteria. But it doesn’t really answer the question of why a Top looking for an anonymous cumdump would care about a face or features he’s unlikely to see. My answer would be that arousal is in the mind, and the Top fucking an unseen, anonymous body in a darkened room isn’t actually fucking that body at all - he’s fucking a body that he has created in his mind and imagination. Some men, however, don’t have as much imagination, and want to have some idea what they’re working with for something to build their arousal fantasy around. There’s also that percentage of Tops who prefer missionary position - those Tops may want a preview because they’re going to have to look at that face while they’re fucking the body, and they want it to be at least tolerable. Personally, I don’t know why they would want to see what I look like; I send them an ass pic, and thus they see me at my best.
    2 points
  45. Part 2... So I was getting totally fucked in earnest by this BBC and my slammed up hole was convulsing on his every thrust. Squeezing, milking him for every bit of nut in his enormous sack. "You like that big nigga pipe in your pussy don't you baby? You're gonna get all that nut in yo pussy in a minute. Ohhh" and with that he gave a final thrust and seated his member the deepest it would go in me and his dick began to swell with every pulse. Suddenly, my hole was burning up, as every pulse brought out torrents of nut coating my insides. He collapsed on top of me and began to pull out. "Just wait bitch, Ima call my boys now, and we finna run a train on that pussy. You gonna have so much nigga dick and nut you might explode." Part 3 soon...
    2 points
  46. I tested positive for chlamydia on my last test
    2 points
  47. I had the same thing when I was first diagnosed with HIV - I'd been fucking bareback pretty much every day for years and could only identify a few of the more recent ones by their online name, so I told the ones I remembered but I must have shot toxic loads into dozens, if not hundreds, of different guys.
    2 points
  48. Part 2 I was 22, and working in Lewisam Hospital HIV centre as a third year medical student. I was young, blond, 11 stone, 6 foot tall, and was not surprised I received a lot of attention from the gay guys on the AIDS ward where I had earned a reputation as a potential target. I had fooled about with one of the AIDS patients, although I don't think he had told the other patients the sordid details. At most, the other patients guessed something had gone on, but precisely what was not common knowledge. I needed a fag, and to go out to the smoking hut. Because it was summer time, I slipped into a pair of flip flops as we weren't allowed to wear our hospital shoes outdoors, but, as usual, I was dressed in scrubs. Arriving at the smoking hut, I saw one of the patients from the AIDS ward, named 'Andy'. He was in his mid-thirties, bald, skinny, and in the advanced stages of AIDS. In addition, I knew he kinky, and was a nasty exhibitionist slut. "Hey Joe. Looking sexy, as usual, with your cute feet showing like that. I approve," Andy said as I lit-up a cigarette. "Hi, Andy, and thanks," I replied, in the process slipping off my flip flops off and flexing my toes. I love my feet and being barefoot made me horny. "So, how are you, Andy?" I asked, flexing my knee and holding my bare toes as I smoked my cigarette. "I'm good. Thanks. Did you have fun with John the other night?" he asked. As I debated my reply, he took a last drag on his cigarette, extinguished it, and stood-up. Dressed in tracksuit trousers, slippers and a hospital gown top, his bulging cock was visible in his baggy, grey trackies. "He shouldn't have told you, I could get in trouble," I replied, as I massaged my toes. "He just said you had some fun. I aint gonna say anything, don't worry" Andy commented as he took a step so he was standing directly in front of me. "Besides," he continued as he took hold of my bare foot and rubbed it gently with his big, muscular hands, "you're young, body full of hormones, and your nuts are full of cum, huh?" With that he pulled my foot into his crotch and rubbed his hard-on against it. I did my best to curl my toes around his shaft. "Your cock feels massive, Andy. Promise not to tell anyone about John? Or this?" I asked, rubbing his boner through his trousers with my bare foot, gripping his shaft with my sweaty toes. "I promise," he replied, grinding his crotch against my foot. With some pride, I noticed a wet spot of precum appearing through his trousers. "I'd better stop or you're gonna have a tell tale stain," I observed, removing my toes from his cock, and returning my bare foot to the concrete flooring. The concrete was quite cold, but that didn't stop me from slipping off my other flip flop, and standing barefoot in front of Andy. "Will you tell me what you did?" he asked, reaching over and squeezing my cock through my scrubs. "I can't. I could get in so much trouble," I replied. Andy continued to rub my erection through the thin fabric, but after a few seconds he paused, and poked his head out the door, checking to see if the coast was clear. 'I'll do anything. Come on, please. I can see you're turned-on by talking about it" Andy plead. With that he knelt down and, lifting my left foot up to his face, he brushed the dirt off my sole and, one-by-one, sucked my toes. "Oh god, Andy, that feels nice," I responded, trying to grip his tongue with my toes as he licked all around the underside of my sweaty digits. "You're a foot loving boy, aint ya? If you won't tell me what John did, will you show me?" as he moved from licking my bare sole to sucking my big toe. "Fuck, oh god. I can't here," I answered, pointing my toes and poking them into his mouth. "You sure?" And with that Andy took all five of my toes between his lips and sucked about half of my foot into his mouth, deep-throating my foot, and tongue-fucking my toe gaps, coating my toes in saliva. He had earned my respect. "Fuck it, ok, stand-up and drop your trousers," I said, removing my foot from his mouth. My toes were covered in his spit. Andy stood-up, again glanced-out the door to make certain no one was near. Then he slipped-off his slippers, dropped his tracksuit trousers down to his ankles, stepped out of his trousers, and tossed them on the bench. Standing in front of me, his hospital gown came down to his knees, so his genitals were covered, but his fat erection made a huge tent in his gown front, and the back was only loosely tied so his bum and bare back were visible through the crack. "Have you got a condom?" I asked, pulling my cock out my scrubs and giving myself a few wanks. "Nope. Did you and John use a condom?" he asked as I wanked myself. Andy then reached over and took hold of my erection, repeating his question "Did John use a condom?" "No, no he didn't," I finally answered. "Then you don't need one now," as he commented as he continued to wank me off. "Ah, fuck. Turn around," I ordered. Without a pause, Andy turned around, showing me his half-tied hospital gown. His skinny bum cheeks and muscular back showed through a gap in the gown. I slid my hand up his inner thigh, and along his ass crack. It was wet and slimy. Andy smirked, commenting "Oh yeah, I took a load from my boyfriend load earlier this morning," all the while standing nonchalantly at the entrance of the smoking hut, smoking a cigarette, playing look-out as I played with his bum cheeks. "Is your boyfriend HIV positive?' I asked, pulling his bum cheeks apart and looking at his cum-coated, poz fuck hole. "Yeah, he gave the bug to me,' Andy answered, and then cajoled me saying "come on Joe, show me what John did to your little neg ass." At the same time Andy bent at the waist, arched his back, and backed his cum-oozing hole nearer to my cock. "It sounds like you already know," I remarked, having made my decision. I rubbed my helmet in the cum oozing out of his hole, getting my mushroom head coated in brown tinged poz cum. Then I slid my helmet slowly into his poz man cunt, feeling the hot cum ooze out round my coronal ridge as I held my helmet in him. "Oh, yeah, fuck me neg boy. Put your student cum up me," Andy moaned as I buried my cock slowly into his guts until my balls hit his arse cheeks. I held my cock inside him, slid my hands up his back, un-knotting the ties on his hospital gown, and, opening the back of his garment, I slid my hands round him to feel his bare chest. "How far can you see if someone is coming?" I asked, pushing the hospital gown completely off his shoulders, letting it fall to his waist where it hung on his erection. "About 50 feet. Plenty far for a quick naked fuck" Andy replied, as he pushed the hospital gown off his cock, standing completely naked impaled on my bare cock in the door of the smoking hut. "Fuck, I shouldn't be doing this," I whispered to myself, my cock balls-deep up Andy's ass. I pulled my scrubs top over my head, dropped my trousers and boxers to my ankles, awkwardly kicking my bunched-up trousers and underwear off my bare feet, all the while trying valiantly to keep my cock buried in Andy's guts. Eventually, however, I too was completely naked. "Fuck yeah, fuck me nude boy," Andy moaned as I worked my cock in and out of his sloppy ass, his boyfriend's poz cum making his ass slurp every time I slid out. "You're so sloppy," I quietly remarked, sliding my cock out completely on every stroke so I could watch the second hand cum drool off my helmet before plunging back into his guts. "I could get in so much trouble if someone sees us," I said, standing on my bare tip toes to get more purchase to fuck his cum leaking man cunt. "Don't worry, damn it, I'll give a shout if anyone comes! Don't want you getting in trouble! Relax and enjoy yourself," Andy advised as he encouraged me to fuck his poz ass. "Fuck getting in trouble," I said, horniness getting the better of me. I pulled out, and before Andy could question me, I instructed him "Lay down here, on our clothing," as I kicked our discarded clothing into a pile with my foot. Andy obliged, laying on his back on the mound of clothing, as I knelt between his legs. "We won't be able to see if some one comes,' Andy observed as I lifted his feet up onto my shoulders, my helmet at the entrance of his hole. "Are you okay with getting caught?" Andy nodded his approval, so I continued "Shit a bit of cum out onto my knob." Andy immediately strained his sphincter muscles, pushing a glob of cum out onto my cock head. It was farty lump of frothy white cum that, once shat out onto the tip of my cock, smeared along my shaft as I slid into Andy's bowels. "Fuck yeah, but I thought you were worried," Andy continued, as he reached-up and pulled my face to his, pressing his lips against mine. "Honestly, I'm too fuckin' horny to care," I responded, slowly starting to fuck Andy, sliding my cock in and out of his diseased guts as we started to snog. "Close your eyes. Fuck it. If someone walks past, just fuck me and snog me with your eyes closed until you cum," Andy suggested. And with that we both closed our eyes, Andy on his back, his feet over my shoulders, bent double as I rutted on top of him, grinding my raw cock deep into his intestines as we snogged, oblivious to where we were or how risky it was. We fucked for several minutes, my cock slopping in and out of his cunt, and, pulling his left foot between our faces, and we snogged each other, his dirty toes in our mouths and occasionally up my nose, slobbering each other's face (and his foot) as we fucked in a contortionist's pose. After a few minutes, I pulled Andy's foot away and rammed my tongue down his throat, making him gag, fucking him for ages, but eventually we heard faint foot steps approaching, and I opened my eyes and tried to pull away. Andy, however, held my face to his, our lips pressed together, and commanded me to "Keep fucking me," licking my nose as I resumed fucking him. The footsteps meanwhile, were getting louder. "But Andy," I said as he sucked my nose and stuck his tongue up my nostrils, "there's someone coming." He held my face right up to his, my hips bucking into him as we listened to the approaching footsteps. "Just fuck me, deep, slow, fuck yeah, come on, fuck the person coming, let him see," he urged, snogging me hard as the shadow of two people appeared on the wall of the shelter. The newcomers were two young guys, probably in their late teens or early 20s, and with their first clear view of the shelter, I was about to blow my load. "Fucking queers," one of the guys said as the two of them walked past. My nuts were boiling with lust and pride, having just been seen by two youths, in a smoking shelter, fucking this guy, both of us completely naked. Just in case the guys couldn't tell precisely were I was in the process, I announced "I'm cumming," slamming my cock into Andy's guts, my balls jumping as I unloaded, simultaneously shoving my tongue into Andy's throat as I bred him. We moaned in pleasure into each face as I came deep in Andy's guts. I exaggerated our respective role by ramming hard into Andy as my cum flowed into his body, my balls emptying their load into his poz bowels. Suddenly one of the guys re-appeared in the doorway of the shelter again, just as I was bucking my hips into Andy, finishing-up in dumping my load deep inside him. Asking the obvious, he said "Are you cumming up him?", his iphone in hand, apparently filming the two of us in action. I continued, finishing-up in dumping my load into Andy as we both snogged, glancing at the guy but more or less ignoring him. After all, I was making bareback nasty with a very poz guy, breeding his dirty asshole. I lay on top of Andy, my cock up his ass, our bodies interlocked on the floor, our naked bodies heaving as the boy stopped filming. "Are you going to piss off so we can get dressed?" Andy said sternly to the boy. "Andy, don't be so horrible. He's just curious," I said, and then turning to the young guy I asked "You gonna stay until you've seen this, aint ya?" Just to entice him, I withdrew my cock from Andy's ass, and both it and I stood proudly in the full light of day for the inspection of the guy. As my cock was slick with anal juices, I grabbed my shaft and squeezed the last few drops of cum out my tip. The boy just stared at me as I stroked my softening erection, my cockhead shining in the sun. "How old are you mate?" I asked, helping Andy to his feet. Andy immediately stood behind me, pressing his cock into the crack of my ass as he hugged me, both of us standing naked in front of the boy. "I'm 19", the guy answered. Meanwhile Andy ran his hands up and down the front of my torso, making my cock throb as the on-looker watched, Andy also grinding his erection into my ass crack. "Thank god for that. What's your name, mate?" I asked. Andy finally stopping molesting my naked body. I reached for my scrub top, but Andy grabbed it from me, handing me his hospital gown. "Simon," the guy answered, as I looked puzzled at Andy, taking the gown from him. "I'm Andy, and this is Joe. He's a patient here. Put your gown on Joe," Andy said while slipping on my scrubs top and pulling on my scrubs trousers, handing me my boxers. Still mystified, I did as he ordered, pulling the hospital gown over my head, and pulling-up my boxers. Andy tied only the top tie of the hospital gown up on my back of me, squeezing my bum through my boxer shorts. "Why were you guys fucking here?" Simon asked. I looked him up and down. He was skinny, five foot nothing, wearing high top skater shoes, skinny knee length shorts and a tight white polo shirt, a 'Justin Bieber' hair cut, and a button nose. I remember thinking to myself 'Simon is as cute as hell - a very trendy young lad'. "Joe has been a patient here for ages, and we can't do it in the hospital, so we have to come out here," Andy lied to the boy. At that moment the boy's phoned beeped. "It's my mate. He's waiting for me at the youth club," Simon said, as he stepped out the doorway. "That's not fair," Andy retorted, stopping Simon in his tracks. "What isn't?" Simon asked. "We showed you ours. You've gotta show us yours. Here, look," Andy said, lifting my hospital gown up and getting my cock out my boxers, and then hauling his own cock out, holding both and stroking them gently. "I dunno..." Simon replied, looking round to see if anyone was near. "Go on. I can see you thinking about it," Andy urged, stroking both our cocks, one in each hand. "Fuck, hold on," Simon answered. Putting his phone in his pocket, he unzippd his flies, popped his button, and pulled his shorts wide open. He was wearing bright blue boxers. Then he then hooked his thumbs into his underwear waistband and paused, looking over his shoulders again to check if the coast was still clear. Apparently satisfied the coast was clear, he turned to face us, and then pulled the front of his boxers down, inviting us in saying "Here ya go," wagging his cock round. It was, at most, five inches, and matched his build as both he and it were fairly skinny. His foreskin covered most of his helmet, his japs eye nevertheless visible. His blond pubes, glinting in the sun, and neatly trimmed, completed the package. "Joe, I haven't a hand free. Pull his foreskin back for me. I want to see his helmet," Andy said wacking both of our cocks. I didn't need any further invitation. I reached over and took a hold of Simon's cock. He took a deep inhalation. "Don't worry, Simon. I'm just gonna skin it back for you mate. Okay?" Simon nodded, watching as I gripped his shaft and pulled back his foreskin. Simon sighed as I began to play with his cock, and I used every manual trick I knew, holding it, cupping it, stroking my thumb along the shaft, gently pulling his foreskin over his helmet again and then peeling it back slowly. His pleasure was evident as his piss slit smeared my palm with his precum. "You ever fucked anyone, mate?" Andy asked, as I let go of Simon's cock and watched as it jumped with ever heart beat. "Eermm.... No...." Simon replied. "Joe likes watching me get fucked by other guys," Andy said, letting go of our cocks and pushing his trousers down to his ankles. "Andy, you can't," I said, as Andy again took hold of my cock. "Maybe this will convince you," Andy replied. Turning his back to Simon, he bent over and slid my cock into his mouth, sucking hard on my helmet as he presented his ass to Simon, who just stood there, still holding his boxers down so his erection could hang out proudly, all of six inches from Andy's hole. "Simon, push your boxers down below your balls. That's it," I observed, as Andy sucked my cock. Simon did as I ordered, pushing his boxers down so his cock and balls hung out. His little nuts were pulled up tight under the base of his cock. I leaned over Andy as he in turn bent over between Simon and me, gagging as I shoved my cock deeper into his throat. At this point I was thoroughly horny, and certainly horny enough to carry through with this scene. I then pulled-out of Andy's mouth, and stood next to Simon, as I stroked my cock. "Simon, are you ok? You haven't said anything," I observed, as I reached over and moved Simon's hand to my erection. Andy was still bent over in front of the Simon, his ass no more than inches from the tip of Simon's innocent cock. "I'm ok. What do I do?" Simon asked, still holding my cock. "Inch forward, that's it," I instructed, as Simon put his helmet to Andy's cum-leaking hole. "I've got a condom in my wallet. Should I get it out?" Simon asked, adding "what's that stuff?" as he smeared his helmet in my sperm. "You don't need a condom. Andy's not a girl. He can't get pregnant, and that stuff is my cum. I wouldn't have fucked him bareback if it was dangerous would I?" I lied. "I guess. Should I just fuck him without a condom then, like they do in porn?" Simon asked, gently squeezing my cock onto which he was still holding. "It feels so much better without a condom, Simon. Never use one. Always get your little cock in there skin-to-skin," Andy recommended, reaching back and pulling his cheeks apart, presenting his poz cunt for the him to fuck raw. "Help him do me bareback, Joe. Please," Andy said. "Line it up with his hole, and now just push inside. That's it," I said as Simon's helmet slid easily into Andy's experienced hole. Simon's cock skin, of course, was being caressed by Andy's poz bowel lining, and in obvious pleasure, Simon grunted "Oh, wow", as he all but throttled my cock in the excitement of the moment: his erect cock was lodged in Andy's guts, and my cum and all sorts of other juices leaked out of Andy's ass, to lubricate Simon's entrance. In fact, Simon's pubes and nuts were completely matted in cum. "Good huh?" Andy moaned as he pulled his ass forward and then back, and back again, fucking himself onto Simon's erection. "Fuck!" Simon exclaimed, perhaps a little loudly, but certainly understandably, as he began to thrust his hips, slowly and gently, fucking Andy, all the while still holding my cock with his young fingers. "Glad you tried it?" I asked, sliding my hand onto his skinny bum, the top third of which was bare as his boxers were puled down a bit. My finger tips were exploring his ass crack, pushing his boxers shorts waistband down even further as I pushed Simon into an ever harder fucking motion. "Oh, I think I'm gonna..." Simon exclaimed, as he likewise dropped my cock, grabbed Andy's hips, and fucked Andy deeply and erratically, jerking into the poz guy. "Just let go - cum inside him. Good boy," I said, sliding my hand down the back of Simon's boxers and feeling his bum cheeks clench as he started to cum, his little hips hammering into Andy, unloading his cum into Andy's hole. "Oh, fuck, yeah, fuck, fuck.......' Simon grunted as he came, grinding his cock into Andy's guts. "Good boy," I praised him, letting Simon come down off his orgasm. I couldn't help myself, but found myself openly stroking his bum cheeks as he pulled out, cum dripping off his cock, which was still rock hard and pulsing. Andy stood up and started to pull my scrubs trousers on again, as I stared at Simon's pulsating, all the while playing with his hole. Panting quite hard, Simon gasped "Fuck me, that was cool," looking with obvious pride at his throbbing cock. I knelt down and sucked it into my mouth, sucking all the grime off it - until Simon pushed me off. "All clean," I said, standing-up and stroking Simon's cock one last time before he pulled his shorts and boxers up. "Fuck, well, I've gotta go," Simon announced. "Thanks, and nice meeting you mate,' Andy grinned. "Yeah, and thanks. See ya," Simon replied as he hurriedly left the shelter. "Young guys always run after they've cum," Andy observed. "You shouldn't have let him fuck you bareback, Andy," I said, gripping Andy's cock through his trousers. "Hey, at least I didn't breed him. I done as much to guys his age. "So tell me, Andy, why am I wearing your hospital gown?" I asked as Andy rubbed his fingertips on the skin of my bare back through the gaping gap in the back of it. I shuddered in pleasure as he slid his hand down into the back of my boxer shorts and grazed his finger over my hole. "So Simon didn't know you worked here. Plus, I thought I'd have easier access. If, that is, you've got a little longer?" he asked, turning me round to face him, our bare toes touching. "You're still horny? I guess you haven't cum yet. Sure. I'm not needed in theatre for an hour," I answered, adding "What did you have in mind?" Andy slipped on my flip flops on and picked up his slippers, suggesting "Let's go for a little walk, shall we?" as he squeezed my cock through my clothing. "I can't go barefoot and dressed like this," I retorted, as Andy stroked me to erection again. Then he took my hand by the wrist and slid it down the front of the scrub trousers he was wearing, getting me to hold his fat shaft. "You want this up you?" he asked, as I slowly stroked his cock. I nodded. "Come with me," he said, further instructing me to keep ahold his cock in his scrubs trousers, and as he held his tracksuit trousers and slippers in front of his crotch to hide where my arm entered under his waist band. With no more ado, he led me off towards the hospital, barefoot, in just boxers and a loosely tied gown, my cock throbbing....
    2 points
  49. PART TWO What was Daryl supposed to do next? He tried to stop thinking of Brian, but the sexual attraction was constantly there. Peter was a good guy; Daryl liked him and did not want to hurt him. The first few times he'd called Brian, he felt guilty. He and Brian would talk over the phone, after work, or when Peter was out, and both would find pleasure in these nightly chats. Not only intellectual pleasure, but also a hot jack off session foreshadowing the fun they would have again and again. Without Peter. Daryl had been negative all his life. He desperately wanted it to stay that way. He got scared merely thinking about HIV. It made his heart beat and his adrenaline rush. But when he was with Brian, he stopped caring. He cold no longer help himself from becoming a whore or his bottom bitch. Even cheating on Peter had turned him on. He could no longer think rationally. Peter had continued plowing Daryl's ass before bed time, but Daryl just could not get off. No matter what - it seemed the chemistry just was not there. Unlike when the sexy Brian had been inside him. And now that Peter was away on business for a few days, Daryl sat wondering if he had made the wrong decision to invite Brian over. A "date" consisting of a few beers and a movie, he had explained. But he knew they would fuck. So Brian came over and, after some chit chat and a few beers, they started kissing. Brian wanted to put his thick cock inside Daryl again. And Daryl was horny for it, too. Brian asked him if he loved his partner, but Daryl could not bring himself to say yes. Again, he explained that Peter was a nice guy. "So you prefer a real man who knows how to fuck you and make you moan and roll your eyes. I'll do just that for you. And more." That as basically the reason why Daryl got on his hands and knees and let the top penetrate him. And, like the first time, Brian started to bang Daryl's tight hole. Slowly at first, but faster and faster by the second. Only this time, there was no need to rush. He watched and drooled as he admired Brian's reflection in the mirror. The stud was holding his ass and fucking it hard and deep. "Tell me you want me to stop. Tell me Peter means enough to you and I will stop," Brian proposed. But Daryl said nothing. The choice was made. He loved Brian. When Peter called to wish Daryl a good night, Brian did not stop fucking. Brian enjoyed watching Daryl pretend to be groggy and taking from a nap as his cock invaded Daryl's pussy. Peter's former partner. He whispered to Brian that he was getting close. Daryl didn't know how to respond. He knew he wanted to be with Brian, but he couldn't just end things with Peter like this. Sensing Daryl needed help, Brian leaned in and whispered in his ear: "When you tell him that you love him, I won't hesitate. Ill fuck you fast and furious. I'll make you beg for my cum. Then I'll breed you." Daryl felt a wave of desire wash over him. The conversation between him and his boyfriend (or was it former boyfriend now?) was winding down toward the traditional evening greeting. "Anyhow I should get back to work," Peter was saying. "See you tomorrow, Daryl." Now was the moment to decide: stay forever stuck in a deteriorating relationship and feeling unsatisfied in bed, or let loose and take the POZ stud up the ass raw. "I love you, baby." Daryl was looking straight into Brian's eyes. He repeated it again just as Peter was hanging up on his end. He continued moaning... "I love you, Brian! Cum in me. Knock me up." Brian's sexy face contorted into an animal's rage as he unloaded several spurts of cum into his new boy's unprotected yet willing hole. "Fuck yeah, bitch! I know you want it. Get ready, baby... Here's my toxic load for you." And he came inside Daryl. Again.
    2 points
  50. There were SO Many around in the late 70s and early 80s. Loved being young, constant boner and In-shape. Those were days to be remembered. I go back much less these days. They're all still youth-oriented. I get it and that's fine. I just wish the facilities were a bit more welcoming to older patrons. There was something about the randomness and anonymity that made it special. AIDS really put a hammer on the fun... somewhat like COVID did most recently.
    1 point
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