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  1. The following story is a true recollection of events which actually happened 2 weeks ago. If I’m honest, it’s taken a couple of weeks to sort everything out in my head. It was an epic session and it pushed me way beyond what limits I thought I had. To set the scene, it was 2 days after my 44th birthday. I’m a slightly chubby(ish) middle aged bottom, with dreams of being used as a cumdump. I live in a sleepy little town somewhere on continental Europe, where there is no action for miles and miles around me. I’m in a long term relationship with a woman, but we stopped having sex 4 years ago when she hit the menopause. I’m on prep, but given that I’m in a dead bedroom, there’s zero chance of passing anything on to her. I’ve always been bi, and have always found getting fucked by guys way more fun that sex with women. I was visiting friends in London, and a fuck bud hit me up. He knows about my situation, knew it was my birthday, and wanted to know if I fancied a birthday gangbang. Who was I to say no? He’s also the only guy I’ve ever done chems with, having been the first guy to ever offer me G&T. As long as I pulled out my phone every now and again to check MS Teams, work would think I’m online but in meetings, so the next day (Friday), I rocked up to his around lunchtime. He welcomed me into his place, and we went through to the living room to have a drink and a chill before everything started. As I entered the room I was greeted by the site of another slim, hairless guy in just his pants (we’ll call him A) but with a massive bulge in his pants. I could immediately tell that this was going to be a strenuous day for me. A was on the phone arranging some business, but we waved at me to say hi as my friend took me out to the balcony for a smoke. Turns out that A was a dealer and had brought a crap ton of party supplies for us. My mate and I sparked up some cigarettes, and he apologised to me, that somethings had come up, and whilst there would be a procession of guys to dump loads in me, some of them couldn’t get out of work at the same time, so it would be a staggered experience. I was just grateful that my friend had managed to put together anything at all. A finished his call and we went to the sofa. I stripped down to my jock strap and we all sat on the sofa. We all had a shot of G, and then the pipe came out. We started blowing clouds and catching up/got to know each other. I told A that this only my 3rd time on chems, and to be honest whilst it was fun, I never really the experiences that I’ve read about on here. Yeah I was relaxed, and there was a strong desire to get fucked, but it had always been less than I’d expected. My friend hates needles, and had asked that we don’t slam in his flat, but everything else was fair game. A asked if I’d ever had a booty bump, and I said yes, but as my friend is top, and only really smokes it, we didn’t really know what we were doing, and we’re probably far more conservative with the stuff that necessary. A’s eyes lit up and he started smiling. He said that he had to pop out for an hour, but when he got back he’d mix some bumps for me that I should appreciate. A headed out and my friend and I went to the bedroom. He put some porn on and I devoured his 8 inch cock. Turns out he was the smallest cock of the day. We alternated between blowing clouds and then sucking his dick. Eventually he laid me on my back with my legs in the air. I braced myself for the initial pain/discomfort that normally comes when the first dick goes in, only this time he just slipped in. The G&T clearly helped. Over the next hour my mate had me in multiple positions. He really went to town on me and I was loving just being his fuckhole. In the distance I heard the front door open and A calling out that he was back, then my friend asked me if I was ready for my first load of the day. I was on my knees and started squeezing was what left of my anal muscles on his cock as unleashed the contents of his balls into me. We laid back on the bed recovering for a moment, then he handed me the pipe and said he was going to see what A was up to. I just laid on the bed for a while, toking on the pipe and watching porn whilst feeling then cum slowly drip out of me. My mate reappeared carrying a small tray with 3 syringes filled with liquid. The booty bumps had finally appeared. He administered the first one and asked me if I was ready for round 2. We went into the living room to see A back in his pants, and that he’d brought another guy with him (who we shall call B, because I’m imaginative). B was naked and stroking a massive cock which at half mast was already getting on for 9 inches. As it was the only exposed cock, I quickly got on my knees in from of B and started giving him a friendly “hello” blowjob. As his cock grew in my mouth I began to really hope that the chems would kick in soon, as otherwise I was in serious trouble. I sat up on the sofa as we did another round of hellos. It was over an hour since the last G so we did another shot with B. A asked me if I was having fun before pulling his own cock out. It was a thick beast, and I couldn’t help myself. I got on my knees and started sucking it for a good 5 minutes. They then told me to get on my knees on the corner of the L shaped sofa. A and B started pushing their fingers inside me, commenting on how wet I was and that my friend must have shot a huge load in me. A leans over the sofa and puts the pipe in my mouth. B is standing behind me, slapping his dick over my hole. Then he slides himself in. I thought he was going to be gentle after the first couple of strokes, but he then started testing if I could take a pounding of not, alternating between hard and fast, deep strokes, and slower stokes going the full length of his cock. For anybody keeping count of time, it’s about 20/25 minutes since the booty bump. My first proper booty bump with what I later found out was 0.2g of T. A wave just washed over me. A rush that I’d never had before. Concentration on anything other than the cock inside me was impossible. I also began sweating like I was in a sauna. Getting words out was impossible. A and B knew exactly what was going on, as they were watching the physical change in me. I then started pushing my arse back into B’s cock. The harder he fucked, the more I slammed myself into him. I started clenching my ring around his cock, trying to milk it for that creamy goodness. A offered me the pipe, but I was so damn high I began to worry about having had too much. I just buried my head into the cushions and let whatever was going to happen to me take place. B pulled out and A slammed his cock into me. This wasn’t just a forceful entry, this was a full on slam fuck. He was brutal. No mercy, just slamming into my hole as hard and as fast as he could. It didn’t hurt. The small part of my brain that wasn’t high and was just watching me with curiosity was amazed that whilst I was moaning, groaning and begging for more cock, my body was registering the feeling as just an extreme fuck, but it was not painful at all. Or at least, the sensations were not registering the feelings as pain. I do not know how long he was fucking me for. Time was an abstract concept. I do remember that A called out he was going to cum. He pulled out for moments and then slammed it in to the hilt. I just laid there panting and being a generally sloppy mess. He slapped me on my arse and said “don’t worry, I can cum several times”. A pulled out, and was immediately replaced by B who wasn’t going to be outdone by A. This next slam fuck actually left me with a slightly bruised arse. It was insane what he was doing. This isn’t hyperbole, I’ve seen the video they made. I honestly can’t believe that not only was I taking it in my stride, but I was asking for more. Again, after an unknown amount of time B let out a roar and thrust all the way into me. He then pulled out and flopped down on the sofa next to me, still stroking his cock. I just laid there for a moment, panting and trying to make sense of what just happened, but then I leaned over to my left and sucked B clean. I too then flopped down on the sofa (after asking for a towel to catch the cum dripping out of me). A was laughing his head off, asking me how my first “proper” booty bump was. We then all had a bit of a hydration break, smoking cigarettes and chatting. All of a sudden my friend gets a message on his phone. The last 2 guys are on their way. He then showed me a picture of a huge black cock. This was one of the guys on their way. A told me to lift my legs in the air and after fingering my cummy hole for a bit, he pushed the next syringe in and emptied it. I’ll be honest, I was terrified about how I would react to it, but I was also horned up, it passed very quickly. Suddenly, my friend bends me over a stool he has and A quickly slides in. He’s not pounding as hard as before (seeing as it’s been at least an hour now since my last pounding), but it doesn’t take him long to get up to speed. This fuck is just another warm up apparently, and he blows another load inside me working 10 or so minutes (4th load of the day if anybody is counting). B then is right back there again, and he’s still in punishment fuck mode. The T hits hard again, and B blows his load once more. Making good on his promise, A calls out “me again” and dives in. I’m moaning like a bitch, and I’m sweating so much the fabric cover on the stool is soaked. Despite my focus on the cock inside me, I look up at some point to see 2 mountains of black men, naked and both stroking cocks that would normally scare the crap out of me. A blows a load again and the black guys start feeling the cum in my hole as I clean A’s cock. My friend asks if we should move to the bedroom. At this point I’m so spun I just do as I’m told. A and B both say goodbye as they have to go. And I’m then just roughly thrown on the bed and told to get on my knees. At this point, things are becoming a bit of a blur. I couldn’t tell you exactly what order things happened in, but I do know that the next hour or 2 included DP, several loads and one more booty bump. I was asked to put on a mask at one point, and it turns out that half of the fuck with the two bbcs was streamed on a Zoom room (hence the mask). At the end of it, I remember that we all went into the living room and had some food delivered. I was still coming down but I was at least making sense by then. It was remarked upon just how much of a cummy mess I was. All in all, I apparently got 11 loads that evening. I left around midnight, and got an Uber back to where I was staying. The next day was spent with the Godson and his family, trying my very best to hide just how hard the cum down was. Around lunchtime, I got a text from my friend, asking if I would potentially be up for it again that evening. I was….. however that will be another story
    10 points
  2. I'd say you also need to have a clear policy on phones and cameras. You have to ban them outright or make everyone aware they're permitted. The halfway solution of 'only film if you ask permission first' or 'phone allowed but no photos/videos' never works - someone always tries to get away with a few surreptitious photos or video when they think nobody will notice.
    7 points
  3. So with that I decided to put his mind at ease for now and confirmed that I thought he was wise, never mix business and pleasure, then I asked if he wanted to stop so he could be considered for the job, or just have some fun. With the puff hitting him he was quick to decide on continuing to have fun and I decided I would try to have my way with him anyway, so I put the pipe to his mouth again and gave him another big lung full, then encouraged the passionate kiss as we shotgunned. My free hand started to explore his body, running down his back and finding his tight bubble butt, then I took the pipe directly again and as I kissed it to him inserted my hand inside his pants discovering a fuzzy little bubble butt... And was pleased when his hands started rubbing my hardening package. I reached for the drawer to my desk again and pulled out a box of little blue pills... Smiled at him and said at my age a little help was needed and that sometimes the puff screwed things up, but this would make sure he got as much of my big cock as he wanted. He looked in the drawer and saw my lube, noting he hadn't ever seen silicone lube before, I explained it felt better and lasted longer, less sticky, then he picked up my open box of condoms... I'm pleased you have some of these he smiled. I grinned back, knowing that the reason the box was open is that I'd tampered with them all just in case a bottom insisted on safe, and agreed I always kept them on hand, need to be safe. I decided to ask him his status and if he was clear, he confirmed yes and when he asked if I was clean I confirmed. I always keep clean, that doesn't mean I'm not hiv poz and undetectable. The puff had brought out every dirty thought... I'm gonna plant my seed in this boy whether or not he wants it. After a couple more good puffs I started talking dirty... Yeah boy you wanna be daddies hot little fag boy cock sucker? Wanna get down between those legs and taste that tool? He eagerly got down on his knees between my legs as I sat in my office chair and rubbed my buldge now staring at it... Lean in and take a deep sniff boy... I instructed as I guided his head down. He happily did so and the moan of pleasure as he breathed out was a real turn on... This boy loves cock and manly scents. You want to unpack it boy? Yes please daddy... A thrill went down my spine with the word daddy and my cock throbbed. I instructed him to undo my belt then the top button, then slowly unzip the fly, then he could reach in and expose my cock, I was going commando today and that paid off as his sounds of amazement at my size and girth stroked my ego and labido. Wow I'm a very lucky boy... He said as I guided his head down, making it clear it was time for him to start sucking my fat tool. His young hot mouth felt so good and eager, he clearly enjoyed it when I took control, so putting aside the pipe, I put both hands on his head and began to push him down further and further. Taking a hold of him, guiding him up and down, each stroke deeper, each stroke more firm. Yeah faggot watch those teeth, suck daddies big cock, good boy, you love it don't you. He moaned in affirmative and I roughly pushed him down until my cock pushed at his throat and he began to gag. Yeah boy gag on that cock. I growled as I thrust his willing head down over and over. I pulled from my drawer some poppers, put them under his nose and barked at him to breath deeply, he did as he was told and I followed telling him to hold it in while I took a sniff, then let him breath out as I began to fuck his face more furiously. This kid was loving it, born little cock worshiping slut. Finally I let him up as he showed signs of being at the edge of panic and as he caught his breath I grabbed the pipe, putting it to his mouth and instructing him to hold it in this time and use my cock to Cork it. Soon enough I was balls deep in his mouth, holding clouds in his lungs and taking him to the edge. Then as I slowly let him up I instructed to breath out slowly, would watch the clouds come out around my shaft, and quickly cork it again, repeating until his lungs were again empty. When I let him up fully his first words were thank you sir. We repeated that a couple more times until I was too damn horny and needed more. Tonight would be a fun night
    5 points
  4. That was short but very sweet! That's the kind of top I am, usually. I had a nsa cum dump tell me I was his quickest load so far, but he appreciated it because it gave him more time to take more loads. I came back several hours later and gave his cum-dripping pussy another one.
    4 points
  5. I learned a long time ago, that the size of a dick has nothing to do with the quality of the sex. I’ve had phenomenal sessions with guys with smaller dicks. And have been immensely dissatisfied when fucking with men who are hung huge. It’s all about attitude for me.
    4 points
  6. Silicone lube is compatible with latex and doesn't degrade it. Read the label... Lawks! We need better sex education!!
    3 points
  7. never been fucked with a condom before and never plan to. A few times like at a bookstore or somethin a guy has asked if i have a condom but i say no and they just have at it anyway
    3 points
  8. the worst sex (and relationship) i've ever had was with a guy that was 9 3/4. seriously had no idea how to use what he had. was just used to being worshipped, which got old real fast. and it never got ROCK hard... always just squishy hard if you know what i mean.
    3 points
  9. One of my steady FWB'S is 5-6" and our sex is incredible. Big cocks are great but I've had lousy sex with guys who think their being hung is enough.
    3 points
  10. I cheat. It’s my absolute biggest turn on ever. I love knowing some other guys raw dick is in my hole about to shoot a huge load in me. Or I love breeding a guy raw. Then going home and having my husband use my wet hole or suck my dick clean without knowing where it’s been. Recently, I’ve been getting my husband involved in some side play. Don’t get me wrong. He doesn’t cheat. I know he doesn’t for a fact since I’ve gone through his phone and he makes it very clear if we play, it’s always and only together. So some of my side buddies and I have been talking. We love fucking and wanted to get my husband involved. I’ve never been hornier knowing I’ve been bred by these guys and now my husband is getting bred or breeding them without ever knowing I’ve given or taken loads with them multiple times in the past. It’s so hot watching my husband get filled. I love fucking him with someone else’s cum in his hole. if you’re in the Orlando area and want to join sometime DM me.
    2 points
  11. Spent most of Sunday at Sauna Sauna in Chesire (UK). Very vers, so fucked plenty of holes and took plenty of dick, all raw. I bred some random in the sling room, straight after another guy did. Another followed me in after, there was a queue. After some recovery time, bred an anon in one of the rooms. Towards the end of the afternoon, I went into one of the larger group rooms, I ended up taking loads off 3 guys, one after another. Could feel seed running down my thigh as I walked away. Stopped by a rough looking stocky bloke who I'd seen through the day. He stood out 'cause his jock had a really wide waist band. He pushed me down, so I started throating him, a nice dick. I dragged his jock down a bit.....saw the top of a biohazard tat. He tried to pull it back up but I made eye contact and started licking, kissing the tatt. He relaxed. Blew him some more then stood up and bent over, pushing my ass onto that dick. He took the hint, he was up me a second later, bare., jock pulled down, ink on show. 3 or 4 guys watching. He leans forward, says "you want my load" into my ear, I reply, "give me that poz cum". Next second I feel that dick flexing and a warmth in my guts. Don't know if he was U+ or not but I know what I'm hoping for, One of the watchers fucked and loaded me straight after that too.
    2 points
  12. I so envy you in your relationship and bringing this into it. One of the problems with the relationship with my ex- is that we both cheated but wouldn't admit it to each other. And we both loved sex, and on a few occasions had sex with others which was great. But we could never get to that point of just opening up and making it a totally non-love, only sex, group thing. I so wish we had.
    2 points
  13. I was sucking and being fucked by many in high school from freshman year… including a few dads on friends who knew I was getting fucked at home…
    2 points
  14. I love sex. With anyone, so long as I get off. Sex with men is easier and nastier. I’m definitely attracted to men more. And I can have an emotional relationship with a man, whereas that’s totally absent in a female. But I love to fuck pussy if her boyfriend or husband watches. Especially if we can lure him into bed.
    2 points
  15. This is not what happens. Opportunistic infections are called that because they take advantage of the opportunity presented when an individual’s immune system is incapacitated by the virus and unable to defend the body. These infections are types of illness that the body normally has no difficulty beating, but that have a chance due to this window of immune failure. An HIV positive person does not reach a state of Undetectable/Untransmittable until his medication has the virus in his system controlled to the point that it is no longer significantly replicating itself, which allows the body’s immune system to begin to recover. Once that recovery reaches the point at which prophylaxis is no longer required, the danger of opportunistic infection is no longer at issue. HIV isn’t what nearly killed me - opportunistic infections did, namely double pneumonia followed by fungal meningitis. Even after I survived, I still fell prey to some small-time thug opportunistics like candidiasis and molluscum that healthy immune systems swat down easily, but act like bullies when they get the chance. I had to take prophylactic antifungals for months to make sure some random spore didn’t punch my ticket. Once my CD4 count hit 200 again, however, my immune system had recovered enough to stop the prophylactics and stand on its own because it was strong enough to beat the opportunistics. Make no mistake - we’re still immunocompromised, and still at increased risk of getting sick, and getting sicker than we otherwise would have if we were neg with CD4 counts above 500. But as long as a person stays on his meds and stays in a U=U condition, there isn’t a risk of suddenly falling prey to an opportunistic infection. If there were, we’d all have to live in big bubbles.
    2 points
  16. i believe there are currently two: eagles nest and megaplex. megaplex if a typical cruising spot filled with a variety of people, not just different ages, races, types but also open minded sluts vs people who just wanna watch vs picky people etc sat nites are the most crowded for better or worse. some will get into group scenes but many just want a 1on1 behind closed door in my experience there is currently an over abundance of bottoms lookin to get anon bred multiple times, so if that's your bent be prepared for competition considering the amount of bare cock i've taken there combined w the number of holes ive shoved my cock in its almost shocking i've never caught anything once
    2 points
  17. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.... Actually it wasn't LOL But it was the night before Pride in Berlin. The year was 2017. And the playground was the Lab at Berghain. I can't possibly tell how many men I fucked or I have been fucked by... Could've been 50, 100, who knows? But every now and then I would feel a slosh of cum dripping down my legs. At one point even the bartender couldn't resist and stuck his dick in me. It was the small bar between the two large areas. I tried to remember the following days about the fucks I got but who can make sense when I was in the dark container and getting pounded every minute by someone else? And how can I possibly keep count of the holes I fucked when the sight of man's ass up in the air was enough for me to plow in and give it a go? The whole night was a blurry mix of sweat, cum, cunt smell, spit, lube poppers, weed, piss, and more cum, sweat .... Once one has an experience like that, everything else, is a just a cute tale.
    2 points
  18. I'm 6" on the dot and reasonably thick. While I would rather have 8", I'm not unhappy with what I have. Not a single sex partner has ever complained and I have only received compliments when a comment is made.
    2 points
  19. Last weekend I fisted a Filipino. I pissed in a glass and ordered him to drink it. I don‘t know if he is into it. It was just my order.
    2 points
  20. Just got back from vacation with some buddies of mine...all straight but, known them since grade school. This trip had been planned for a while and it definitely geared up to be one hell of a trip! Cancun baby! We arrive and like douche bags my bros are already drinking and chasing pussy, even though two are married and two have GFs. I'm the only single bro and more of wingman for them being more into dick then pussy! So it's about 2am and we're leaving this bar, drunk, and acting like real self entitled assholes. The married guys are the worst and harras anyone in a skirt. As we are walking back we pass a massage shop with a bunch of really cute girls hanging outside and like a flies to a flame the guys start chatting with them and be real pricks ...turns out the girls work there and told the boys they could treat them to rub and a little "extra" if they behave. Well like idiots they all said sure and I asked they guys if they really wanted to do this? They all said fuck yeah and we went inside...now I wasn't gonna pertake but when we entered the room, I noticed the boys would all be in the same room for the massages. So, I thought there is no way my friends are gonna do this now but, if they do, I'm down for it too...they may be assholes but each one was a stud and I wanted to see this! Well the guys bitched but the girls flirted and told them that after they were on the tables that they'd cover their faces with hot towels so they wouldn't see each other getting"massaged "...that sealed the deal. So each got undressed and horseplayed for moment then the girls lead their fishbelly white butts and deep tanned bodies to the tables...I popped a boner immediately of course and noticed that the youngest one in our group was already pointing to the ceiling! Well as we settled in the guys started yanking my chain about being gay and the only thing exciting was seeing them naked. I teased them abit but we all got quiet as the massages began....couple of minutes in to the girls massaging our feet and shoulders I look up and every stud is hard as a rock! I laid back and watched as the girls proceeded to put the towls on my bros faces. As my therapist reached me she patted me and put her finger to her lips to tell me to be quiet and pointed to a chair. Not sure what was going on but, I thought well she knows I'm gay so she's gonna have me sit here to watch...then suddenly in walks these very large men..not attractive at all and I knew immediately what was gonna happen..my Dad had told me about how places like this that would lure in drunk Americans and trick them and have the bouncers jerk them off! The girls leave and the bouncers start jerking off the morons and I am sitting there in a moral delimma with a hard on that could cut glass! I decide to get up and go over to Shad,who had gotten the trip together, and tell him that it's not a petite hot woman with big tits jerking him off but, a very bored bouncer with only goal of getting a good commission from the girls! As I stumbled over(remember we had been drinking) Shad hears me moves the towel see me standing there and then notices the guy flapping his johnson. He's shocked and I whisper I was about to tell him! He looks a me and then the bouncer who has stopped jerking but still hold Shad's cock. Shad lays his head back down and whispers to me "not a fucking word to the boys or anyone" and puts the towel back over his face! I whisper back in his ear that he's in good hands and move the bouncer outta the way and I proceed to blow him and jerk off my very engorged dick! When you could sense the other guys were about to cum,the bouncer I moved a side went to get the girls. Shad proceeded to cum in my mouth and I came on the floor! Shad laid contently and whispered to me that I gave good head! I quickly got dressed as I watched each of my friends cum and the girls come back in and the bouncers leave. I walked out with one of the girls,as the guys got dressed high fiving each other and acting like kings of the world, and I told her my Dad told me of places like this..we should have known better...she told me the girls only do a switch on assholes and didn't want to play dirty to me because they thought I was cute and didn't like how they teased me for being gay..I told her they're my assholes though and they really did accepted me..but thank you! As we all left down the street and the bros had bragged how they had gotten hand jobs and acted like they all had massive dicks, Shad put his arm around my shoulder, winked, and said this trip will be one we talk about when we're old and grey! I whispered aren't you,at least, pissed that those girls tricked yall...he pointed ahead at the guys and said laughing, "Hell no! We are really a bunch of assholes!"
    2 points
  21. Just around an hour ago, I came back from my fav cruising place. First I met a nice hipster guy with average long, but pretty thick dick who gave me nice load in my mouth. I was craving to have a dick in my pussy, but no real top appeared unfortunately. But, while I was cruising around, I met this guy, by the accent somewhere from very Eastern Europe, aged somewhere between 38 and 55 I'd say...one of those face types where it's so hard to guess. He was apparently a horny bottom and he was quite sexy...in no time I had my dick in his mouth and then he bent in front of me, in apparent need to be fucked. I tried, but unfortunately I went soft immediately. I said sorry to him and went on crusing...I took three or four walks around the park, but nothing. I met two guys while crusing, but they were not interested in me. After around half an hour, I went into some bushes to check If someone's there...nobody though. I just stood there wanking my cock, waiting some time If somebody will appear. Suddenly the Eastern European guy appeared again. As I was wanking for around 10 minutes there, I was pretty hard and decided to givr it a second chance. Not before I forced him to stick his small, but hard cock in my ass for couple minutes. He said that it's his first time ever topping! 🙂 Unfortunately he could not stay hard for too long, but I didn't mind. After I enjoyed a bare random dick in my pussy for at least a moment, my cock was ready to breed. So I did...I stuck my cock in his horny ass and started rough fucking him right from the beginning. He was moaning like crazy, I bet you could hear us outside the park. He was very good bottom, knowing how and when to tighten his ring to drive me to ecstasy. In five minutes or so, I just had to shoot my load right inside his pussy. It was very big load, I could feel how his hole gets filled and my cock was just pulsing and pulsing and pusling...I was surprised and felt proud. On his side, it was a whole different story...after he literally forced me to fuck him bare, he suddenly got crazy about the fact that I gave him my load! I don't like to be rude, so I said sorry and tried to console him a bit. After he said it's OK, I left. While I felt little sad for seeing him so upset, I feel absolutely no guilt of giving him my load. He wanted my bare dick so much and honestly I believe that having a stranger fuck you bare means that you're ready for his load. Are you not? Then get back to riding your dildo...with a condom on! 🙂
    2 points
  22. I know this probably goes without saying, but there's a slew of other factors to consider for retirement housing, and for gay men they're sometimes not the same as for straight people. For instance: some gay men have children from a previous straight marriage (and some adopt or go through surrogacy), but the vast majority of us don't have kids, and we're not having to think about leaving the next generation "set up" for the future. So an area where housing prices are rising faster than average, or faster than inflation, isn't as big a deal if you're not worried about your kids getting to split the profits from expensive real estate. For another: geography and climate, and I don't just mean climate change. Some people want to be near the beach or ocean, and some people can't stand the sand for more than a day or so. Some of us love mountain vistas, while others want the flatlands and anything more than a slight rise is too much. Some of us can't stand the heat, and some of us can't stand snow and ice. And whatever our preferences are now, those may change by the time we're, say, 75 or more. That's not to downplay factors like politics for the region or the number of potential sex partners. But those aren't the be-all, end-all, do-all of retirement life, either.
    2 points
  23. After I breed a bottom, felching, ass to mouth and snowballing is the best way to get a 2nd or 3rd load from me. Piggy bottoms are my weakness.
    2 points
  24. For sucking I really prefer that size cock. I can deep throat without gagging and make sure the guy is getting the best service ever. when bottoming I do prefer a bigger cock. A 7-1/2 - 8 is perfect for me. My gifter had a BBC about that size and he opened my second hall when balls deep and also thick enough that although I could not feel his nut I could definitely feel his dick expand and pulsate as he unloaded
    2 points
  25. As I understand it, it was a wing that CLAW had rented(?) This last year, it was not used by CLAW for any classes or demos, but it was open for regular bathhouse play that weekend. It is above the bar. You reach it on the second floor. On the website, there is a picture of a flat, platform sling--that is part of this area. It may well be open most weekends...I tend to only go to Cleveland for CLAW.
    2 points
  26. I cheated on my last boyfriend with a guy that lived in the alley behind our apartment building several times. I would go outside to smoke and hed always be there so eventually we started chatting and after awhile became obvious he was gay so when my boyfriend was at work id invite him up for beers and hed fuck me. I let him fuck me several times over a few months til we eventually moved to a new apartment.
    2 points
  27. Damn this story reminds me of a family holiday I went on to Cuba. I stayed at a hotel with a large group of family and friends. Myself and the other kids were left to our own devices on the beach pretty much every day (I was 19 at the time). I went to the same spot everyday, as I caught this absolute Daddy there, definitely packing as I could see in his Speedos. The first time I saw him I had to rush back to my room to jerk one off. As we were there for 10 days, I spent some time trying to get his attention to see if it would be recipicated... Sure enough, it was... I waited for him to head off to the beach bar where I followed him, he was sat down at the bar and I went straight up next to him, arched my back at the bar, popping my little ass out and leaned against it doing a stupid pouty face lmao. He asked where I was from and we got chatting. I acted a little more camp than usual as I kinda "yeah I'd be your fag" sign. Flirted with him a little and kept staring at his thick package (he was heavily set, but in good shape, easily mid to late 50s but looked after himself). After 2 Pina coladas I simply asked "do you fancy a fuck?". He got up from the stool, said bring your drink and I followed him to his side of the hotel compound. I'll never forget taking his cock, it was thick, vieny and uncut. Looking back I wish he pumped his load in me but it was amazing feeling his thick ropes cover my belly, chest and face after pulling out.
    2 points
  28. "Glad you liked the lube. That's all you're getting that isn't my cum, baby." I could do nothing but moan like a slut. Moan like a slut I did, as if the last vestiges of manhood were leaving my body as we impaled me with his BBC. The more he thrusted and impaled me, the more I sounded like a female porn star. My moans got higher pitched and more fem. My cock was flapping around, semi-hard, slapping against me. You could hear the squelching sounds every time he pumped me. I could a little of his piss leak out every time he pulled out and pushed back in. After 15 minutes of being carry-fucked, he roughly laid me down on the bed. He pulled out completely to survey the damage so far. My hole was battered and bruised and gaping wide. He looked at it saw some red colored liquid leaking out. I could hear a satisfied grunt from him. With that he threw my legs on his shoulders and blasted his monstrous BBC into my bruised and gaping hole. I let out a whorish moan as he slammed his cock into me. He kept whispering in my ear how he was going to impregnate me. How I was going to carry his babies, then I was going to carry his buddies' babies, and so on. I was so turned on and horny, I didn't notice I had cummed hands free. I had a "sissygasm". I had cummed all over my chest and pubic hair. I didn't care at that point, I was in a state of horny bliss as my hole was being pounded into oblivion and my prostate was being pounded as well. "Ooooooooooh fuck yes, my slutty whore of a son. Take it!" Rex moaned. I moaned as he flipped me on my belly and continued to pound me prone bone. Then moved me to all fours and kept on drilling me. "Mmmmmmmm, I am close, son. How do you want to take it? Cowgirl? Reverse cowgirl? Doggy?" he asked in a moan. On my back like a true slut, I responded. At this point, I felt mindbroken by how many orgasms I had. I lost count. Rex deftly flipped me on my back, still balls deep in me, grabbed my hips, and started pounding with reckless abandon. I came again and again as his strokes got more and more harder, faster, and wilder. I moaned loudly. He roared as he pumped a few more times then slid all the way to the base of his monstrous BBC. I came one final time simultaneously, except little dribbles of cum only came out of me. We made out as his cock was still unloading his DNA into me. It was like a bottle of cum was dumped into me. We broke off the kiss and he surveyed his conquest. His cum flowed out of me despite his cock still inside me, tinged with blood. "You are now pregnant with my babies. But I have a surprise for you and your last neg load." All I could was smile giddily and moan whorishly. "Let me make a call..." Rex said as me pulled his BBC out from me. I moaned whorishly again as I watched his call someone. (to be continued in the straight/bi fiction section)
    2 points
  29. The closest thing I can compare it to is one of the more gonzo Treasure Island films, like the 1000 load fuck or hard cuts 3. But it went so much further. The orgy with Jack, Derek and David, Rentman, Sheriff and Young Trucker made those flicks look like cinemax after dark. And thanks to the impressive work done by David and Derek, we have every single second captured on film, from multiple angles, with lighting that did my boy justice, and a sluttiness in each of us going off the scale. Brian Kinney wishes he could get as piggy, nasty, raunchy, risque, kinky, trashy, slutty as we got that night. And with over 6,000,000 views on pornhub alone, it's safe to say my boy is going to be a star. That's why he's back in LA, Hollywood to be specific. Armed with David's real estate savvy, Derek's native knowledge of the area, and my power of attorney, Jack is looking for a place for us in the Hollywood Hills. I miss him terribly, and I'm counting the days until he flies back home and I can give him a big hug, a bigger kiss, and an enormous load or three. But that's not to say I'm alone right now. Naturally, I'm naked, in bed, hitting the pipe and watching porn with tonight's trick. He's going hit for hit with me, and I'm impressed by his stamina. I've already fucked him three times this week, and tonight he came back for fourths, nevermind the fact that his hole is tender, and very, very beat up from cock. I wish Jack were here right now, I'm thinking, because I'd love to see his face when he walked into the bedroom and saw his best friend getting fucked relentlessly by his dad. *** I've known Teddy since Moses wore short pants. He's alway been a handsome boy, and he's always been Jack's closest friend and confidant. He was holding Jack's hand that afternoon when I walked into the living room and Jack walked out of the closet. I suspected that Teddy might have a crush on jack before either of them knew what a crush was. I never suspected he had a crush on me until about a year ago, when he was helping Jack pack up for college. Teddy came down for some snacks, or so he said, but then he lingered in the kitchen asking questions a toddler would know the answer to. His shirt was off, and I noticed the top button his wrangler cutoffs was undone. “Whatcha cooking sir?” I’ll give Teddy this… His mama and daddy raised him to be one of the most respectful and well mannered individuals I’Ve ever met. “Well, let me see, these appear to be steaks and those brown, potato looking things? I think they’re potatoes. Relax, there’s also a nice crisp salad sitting in the fridge, and I’ll bow to the demands of today’ youth with a vinaigrette instead of my homemade ranch.” I hadn’t intended to set him up for a homerun and yet here he was swinging at the pitch. “I think you’re homemade ranch tastes better than any other ranch out there. I can’t get enough of it, Jack has to check my face and clothes before we leave to make sure I didn’t get any of your… ranch… all over me. Now wouldn’t that be a sight? Me walking out of this house, covered head to toe?” “Teddy, I do believe that would be a sight. But you know if you did get a mess of it all over you, well you know where the showers are. Right upstairs, in my bedroom, there’s the nicest shower you’ll ever cast your eyes on.” The outline of his cock is becoming visible in his cutoffs, and if it wasn’t for the kitchen island I’m standing in front of, he’d see that mine is rising to the occasion, through the unzipped fly of my pants. "You know son, it looks an awful lot like you might need a shower right now. Perhaps on the cold side” He takes a furtive look at his cock before looking up and catching my eyes again,his face suddenly red from embarrassment. I admired the boldness he was showing, but I didn’t want to upset a very delicate applecart. I know Jack and Teddy messed around, and if I made a move on Teddy - or, more accurately, stuck my cock in his eager-bordering-on-desperate hole, Jack might have all sorts of feelings about it. My momentary indulgence of the fantasy hasn’t gone unnoticed; Teddy is looking at me intently, but his eyes keep darting to something. I discreetly look around, and then realize what the boy’s caught sight of: the reflection of my now painfully erect cock jutting out of my shorts and leaking drop after drop of precum. He knows I’m turned on. I know he knows, and he knows I know that he knows it. “We’re pretty knowledgeable around these parts,” I say out loud, echoing a line from a movie where Richard the Lionheart is fucking the King of France (sadly, offscreen). Teddy looks at me quizzically, not knowing how the fuck what I just said is supposed to be dirty. He rises to the challenge, though. “I’m pretty knowledgeable myself, but I can always use a good lesson.” I’m impressed, my dick even jumps a little. He notices. “Look Teddy, you’re like a son to me. But more importantly,” I pause for the necessary dramatic emphasis,” you’re a boy in the eyes of the law. When you’re 18, and can make a man’s decision, well…” I trail off, knowing his imagination was filling in all the blanks for me. And doing so with a teenager’s gusto. I didn’t have to wait long. Teddy turned 18 just a hop skip and a jump after Jack did. I knew there were no secrets between Jack and Teddy, and even still I was surprised to come home on Teddy’s birthday, to see Teddy and my boy ass up on the couch, the words “hey daddy” written across those magnificent, angelic, slutty little asses. “Well hello boys. I see Jack’s brought his little friend over.” Those were the exact words I used when I met Teddy nearly 13 years prior. I doubt either boy remembered; if they did, they didn’t say so… unless puckering those tasty holes I was about to devour counted as an answer. “Jack,” I began before he cut me off, knowing what his whore of a father was about to ask. “Daddy, you know it’s Teddy’s birthday, and he ought to get your first load.” I have raised such a charmer, my boy is so goddamned polite, I think, as I tear my shirt off - quite literally, one of the buttons hits Jack and bounces onto Teddy, both boys shuddering with anticipation at the added sensory stimuli. They’re both backlit by the dining room, and I can see the contours of their perfectly sculpted bodies, their back and shoulders casting deep, enticing shadows. The bright, pale skin of their bare asses contrasts so beautifully with the golden bronze of their skin. And there, hanging down in the center, is my boy’s cock, which I’ve started to get to know in minute detail. Matching his, just a few feet over, is Teddy’s. Almost as long, but noticeably thicker, than Jack’s… These two must have had some amazing sessions together, learning each other’s bodies and their own. I’m building the anticipation for them while taking my time in admiration of what God and good genetics had gifted them, gifted me, in this moment. Teddy has absolutely pictured this moment a thousand times, and I can imagine how hot the planning sessions with Jack were. I know my boy, and none of this is left to chance, right down to the lighting. He is as methodical in getting his best friend some daddy dick - His’ Daddy’s Dick - as I was in planning the moment when Jack would first give me his hole. *** “You remember that first night? Your birthday?” I ask, exhaling from a long drag on the pipe? "Is that a real question? Do yo know how often I jack off thinking about that?” I know it’s a dumb question, but I want to hear him say it. And echoing that flirtation in the kitchen, he knows I know… He flips over so he can look me in the eye while he strokes and licks my cock. “Well, as I recall, your son, devious little pervert that he is - clearly his daddy’s boy - suggested rather strongly that you might, how did he put it, ‘fuck me like a 2 dollar whore 10 minutes after last call’ if that was something I wanted. Naturally, being the obliging type…” he trails off, going to work intently on sucking a load out of my cock. The boy is an expert, I rather strongly suspect because Jack has taught him how to. In the same way I’m relieved Jack has two gorgeous west coast daddies taking care of him - in all the ways a dad and daddy should - he’s making sure his best friend, a boy like his own brother, is taking care of me. I marvel again at what a beautiful person I’ve raised, all the more grateful that he’s just as much of a slutty, methed up whore for cock as I am. I tap Teddy on the head, just as he’s about to earn another load down his throat. This boy loves sucking cock, more than anything else, and we’ve taken to having him service me while I’m on conference calls, and even the occasional zoom meeting. I bought a clear, glass top desk just so I can watch as he fishes my cock out of my pants, laps at it until it’s hard and leaking, then devours it until my nut goes rocketing down his throat. And because he’s such a cute little fucker, with impeccable manners, he licks my dick clean before replacing it in my pants and dabbing the corners of his mouth with a napkin. But when he gets the tap on his head, he knows what’s in store. He wordlessly assumes the position, taking a long couple of puffs off the pipe, and then a couple more, before handing it me. I take one drag, then two, and exhale slowly, the meth enveloping his body and making the scene all the more intense. I lube up my cock while he puts on his ball gag - his addition, not mine, as I love the sound of him moaning. But he says he gets turned on moaning through the ball gag, and I can’t lie, it’s incredibly hot to hear him shaking and screaming through the restraint as I thrust in and out of his tight, red hot hole. He’s gotten so used to taking my dick that I just slide right in. I still lube up, despite him asking me to just use spit. I know he’s taking dick elsewhere - the course of antibiotics I had to take a few weeks ago were proof enough of that - and I get turned on hearing how addicted to cum he already is. He sucked my cock so expertly, and I was so vividly recalling the details of that first encounter - how I made him wait, licking and gently grazing every part of his ass but his hole, that when I did finally lean in and kiss it, he came almost instantly. …How I used his cum, and the torrents of precum leaking from Jack, who had moved to the other end of the couch, watching us intently, jacking his dick to within a microsecond of cumming before backing off to start the edge again, to lube up my cock while I never once broke contact between my mouth and his hole. …How I put my cockhead right up to his hole, and for the second time in as many months, had an eager, virgin cunt suck me in slowly, steadily, aching to be wrecked. *** 90 minutes I fucked my son’s best friend, egged on and cheered every step of the way by my son, naked, covered in his own precum, spit from his best friend hungrily kissing him and sucking his cock, and from sweat from his dad’s olympic calibur dickdown of his friend. I only stopped - after shooting four loads and building to a powerful fifth - because Jack was looking at me with a huger that was coming to define his very essence. “Daddy, is it okay if I…” He gets shy, almost demure in asking me, and I instinctively know what he wants. “Son, I’d be delighted to see that.” I dismount, a barely perceptible “thank you” comes wheezing out of Teddy’s throat. He’s panting, shaking from the orgasm I had him on the brink of. I take Jack’s place on the couch, my legs spread wide so the boys can see me playing with my hole as I watch Teddy straighten up, crack his back, and stretch as Jack assumes my favorite position, on his back with his legs spread tantalizingly wide. Teddy bends down and starts gently licking Jack’s hole. I’m beside myself with lust, a primal hunger to watch these two studs fuck each other senseless. Despite Teddy’s gentile approach to licking my son’s asshole, there’s absolutely no finesse in the way he straddles up to Jack, positions his cock - by now engorged beyond all previous bounds, with a head glistening and red the color of a glowing ember and bring it right up to Jack’s quivering, desperate hole. “You sure it’s okay daddy” both boys ask me at the same time, and they both quickly start laughing at the unplanned precision of their last second manners. I give them the only answer appropriate to the moment, standing up and aiming my dick right at Jack’s hole and Teddy’s cock, stroke one, two, three, four times before firing a massive cumshot all over both of them. Jack grunts, Teddy groans, and they both sigh audibly as Teddy takes his go ahead and pushes in. He goes a little too fast, and I can see Jack tense up, for a moment fatherly concern takes over and I’m about to say something when Jack grabs my thigh and looks Teddy in the eye. “That all you got sport?” Teddy gets a devilish grin on his face, and starts thrusting quickly, powerfully. Gone are the trembling young boys coming out to me, replaced by two powerful athletes who, in a tale as old as time, are now competing against each other. The competition? Who can fuck the hardest, fastest, hottest. I am one lucky son of a bitch, I think to myself. Teddy relentlessly assails Jack’s asshole, sliding in and out so fast I can barely get my tongue in position to taste my son’s ass on his best friend’s cock. Teddy slows the pace a touch, slightly changing position to give me full access. Jack takes the opportunity to huff a bottle of poppers I hadn’t noticed until just now, and as soon as he feels the rush, he gives Teddy a good slap across the face. The competition resumes. Teddy, wanting more of the porn star performance, motions for Jack to get on his knees, but Jack flashes a toothy, cheshire cat grin, and before I know it, the two boys are outright wrestling. I’m a little concerned this might become an actual fight, so intensely are they going at it, until Teddy bursts out laughing, which Jack quickly joins in. The laughter consumes my boy until Teddy, remembering the competition, pins Jack. The both of them laugh even harder, and even though I’m stroking my cock to keep it nice and hard, I’m laughing too, amused at the latest antics of the two young adonises wrapped up in each other’s bodies. The moment of levity subsides, and both boys start making out. They clearly have lust for each other, and they’ve clearly played around before, but I can tell there isn’t a romantic overlay to this. They simply know each other so well, have bonded over so much, and have both thought about What It Would Be Like enough to know they’ll share this moment, and plenty more like it, as friends. But before I can go down that road too much, they motion for me to joint them, and I’m there in a flash. The three of us naked, having a three way kiss while we all furiously stroke our cocks. I can sense that neither of them have their eyes open, and mine are closed as well. It was a perfect moment, and I don’t even feel bad we don’t have a video of that last act, when I shot my sixth load of the night onto their cocks, and feeling Jack immediately unleash his on me and Teddy, before teddy grunts hard, shoots his load on our cocks, and yells out a perfect texas “yeehaw” that has all of us convulsing in laughter, even as the last blasts of cum still shoot from Jack and myself. *** I fuck Teddy hard, the way he likes it. Jack is definitely more sensual than Teddy. Jack like to feel every inch of my cock slide into and out of his hole, Teddy like the thunder produced when my thighs slam into his hips. After 15 minutes of unrelenting pounding, I cum hard in his ass, he shoots all over his chest. I pull out, gingerly, knowing he’s still relatively new to all of this, as he starts scooping up his load and feeding it to me. I hit the stop button on the remote - I promised Jack a video, and he promised one with Derek and Dave in return. I miss him terribly, and not just because I haven’t gotten to fuck him on over a month. Teddy has been a great sport, he’s practically living out of Jack’s old room. He’s planning on transferring from Texas A&M to UCLA, altho I do confess to loving him walking around in his hoodie and nothing else, the ATM logo giving itself over so easily to my new nickname for Teddy - Ass To Mouth. This is just round one for us, when Teddy smokes with me, we usually have three or four rounds like this before I send him to bed. I’m almost at my limit, when he cues up the video. “You’re quite insatiable tonight my boy,” and Teddy just snickers. He loves watching this video. It’s the orgy after I slam Jack the first time. “Can we watch it again?” He asks me in a singsong voice quite reminiscent of Jack. “Oh all right, I suppose. But you know you do have class in the afternoon and I have a zoom with a client at 10,” “Yummy,” he says, shaking his ass and winking at me through our reflections in the mirror. “Yummy indeed. How about you cue it up to the part where you show up unannounced and proceed to admin me, Jack, and the rest of the group.” I smack him hard on the ass, “Naughty boy going around and shooting up random strangers.” “Just the trashy cum guzzling slut you and your boy want me to be,’ he says with angelic eyes and a devilish smile. “My uncredited cameo, coming right up.” He cues the video to the 57:00 minute mark, just as Dave is nutting all over Jack’s face. The audio is as clear as day, “Jack, Daddy Tony, y’all gonna invite me in or what?”
    2 points
  30. My hole after nud night in Melbourne leaked on the way back to my hotel
    2 points
  31. The bear screamed as I slammed past his sphincter. If he thought he was going to get any mercy in my hate fuck he had another think coming. I didn’t wait or hesitate a millisecond, I was pile driving his ass with my raging hard cock. He continued to cry out every time I bottomed out, but clearly the pain had turned to pleasure. This infuriated me even more. I drove into him harder and harder, the slap of my body against his ass cheeks an ever-increasing rhythm. “Fuck he’s loving this rape!” From the other actor. “Help me turn him over.” I called When he was on his back with the other two pinning his lags to his shoulders my sword disappeared down is gaping hole. I could get even deeper and his cries of pain returned. I relished this and sadistically made every instroke more powerful. Tears were streaming down his face. I had never behaved like this in my life but found myself hoarcking up a big wad of phlegm and spitting it in his face. He looked shocked, but motioned with his right hand ‘bring it on’. The other two let loose with spit as well, one hitting him on the forehead the other in his open left eye. I was ready with another wad that went directly into his gapping mouth. Wiping his eye and swallowing he burst into a massive grin followed by a deep groan as once again I slam bottomed out. Seeing the grin on his face just turned up my anger and my hands were around his throat. He held me with deep eye contact and slightly nodded his head. Was he asking for this or daring me? I didn’t care. The grip of both my hands tightened, my thumbs pressing into his Adams apple. He looked to be in great pain but his gaze held me and he continued to nod encouragement. He couldn’t breath and he was turning scarlet red. “Fuckin A man, he loves this!” The other actor again. His face turned from red to purple. His eyes bulged, but he kept that permissive nod going. His face started turning blue and he was on the verge of passing out when the young man screamed in my face. “Stop, stop now, you’re going to choak him to death!” I had pulled off and stopped fucking with the first ‘s’ from the young stairwell fuck and the bear exploded into gasps of life saving air. I collapsed onto the floor sobbing. It seemed no time and I could hear the bear’s raspy voice; “That was fuckin awesome. God, I love a good choking! Love the adrenaline rush of fear as the thought ‘fuck, this guy’s gonna kill me!' sets in." The other actor stepped over me and plunged into the bear to take over where I had left off. Hands firmly around the bear’s neck. As the bears eyes bulged he was able to croak out , “Yeah, yeah!” There was no way I was going to allow him more pleasure so I quickly stood and pulled the other actor away. In the same motion I spun and fell back onto the bed edge with my legs spread and in the air. “Fuck me here and now” I barked. The other actor needed no encouragement and his raw cock was up my ass. He laid on a pretty decent fuck and was soon unloading deep inside me. My stairwell fuck was up my ass the moment the other actor pulled out. His erection had a big curve that made it prod my prostate with every instroke. He bellowed when he flooded my ass. The bear was ready to mount me next but I angrily demanded he lie on the bed. “I’m in control here, you get no fuckin control.” I had the other two aim the bears raging hardon at my hole as I straddled and lowered myself. As I bounced I dropped with the force of every ounce of my weight winding the bear over and over. After a few minutes of this I barked; “You ready for me to stop?” “No … ugh … No …araugh … No fuckin way!” My hands wrapped back around his neck once again. The fucker was mouthing ‘Thanks’. I was lost in rage and only stopped when the other two pulled my hands away. As I regained my breath I realized the bear was still under me. ‘Fuck, had I killed him?” As I had this thought he started coughing, spitting and gasping for breath. “Holy fuckin shit man! He really loved that! He orgasmed as he blacked out!” the other actor. As I got off I couldn’t hold all the cum that was draining from my ass. “Ok, time for you to finish knock us up. Maybe by the time you pump toxic loads into both of us this exhausted bear will be ready to up the chances of your impregnating us with the gift we so fuckin desperately need.” The other actor. I bent him over the edge of the bed and laid on the quickest pump and dump ever. My stairwell fuck was lying on the bed feet in the air as I finished breeding the other actor. I entered him with my cummy cock and the angelic look on his face and his soft smiling eyes melted away any anger I had been feeling. I made love to his hole, kissing his neck and lips for the next half hour. It was only after the bear slid in my ass and we train fucked that I began to feel anywhere near close to cumming. When the bear pushed into me deep and hard bellowing; “Fuckin breeding you poz slut” I was pushed over the edge and sprayed inside the stairwell fuck. The bear quickly retrieved his phone from his pants. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I enquired. “Well first I’m going to get a picture of your cummy ass. No, let’s make that a video, you got anything left in there to push out?” I bent over to accommodate him and when the phone was recording pushed out a huge wet fart. He was holding the phone so close I covered it with the cum mix from the three men. “You said firstly, what else did you have in mind?" I wondered out loud. As he poked away at the cum covered buttons the bear responded. “It’s time I call my friend with the scorpion tattoo. Clearly you are now ready to receive his toxic load.” “Do I want his poison load? Yes. Do I need it right now? No. Tell him to meet us tomorrow at the mid-town baths. What time will there be the biggest crowd?” “11 pm” from the other actor. “Tell him 11 p.m., he’ll find me in the sling taking any and all loads, no questions asked. I need a crowd cheering as his raw cock breaches my cummy hole and I take the sting of his scorpion tattoo when he breeds me."
    2 points
  32. Sorry for the short chapter there. Got interrupted and didn’t want to lose what was written so far. So…. But he didn’t pull out. He continued to tug against my ring from the inside, his now clenched fist turning like a washing machine. It drove me absolutely out of my mind. Finally I came, screaming so loud I’m sure the entire complex could hear me. I was hyperventilating and it felt like my entire insides and clenched down on his fist. He coached me to slow down my breathing and relax. When my hole loosened enough, Gino pulled his hand out slowly. Immediately he shoved his hard cock in me and started fucking me violently, telling me he was going to poz me and give me whatever other diseases he had. It was too much. I felt like my ass tunnel was being completely destroyed. He came in me again a few minutes later, the salt of his cum burning the tears in my chute. He laid down on top of me, his cock still inside. He wrapped his arms around me. I realized I was crying. I wasn’t really upset, just overloaded and exhausted. After I calmed down, he helped me up and we got into the shower. The warm water helped calm me down. Gino grabbed a washcloth and gave me a rubdown. After I dried off, I checked the clock. It was after 5am. I was still to spun up to drive but needed to get my shit together and get back to the house of my husband would be freaking out. We walked over to the whirlpool nearby. We were all pretty wobbly, them because they were really high, me because I was so sore it was painful to walk. It was a beautiful night out and the water jets felt great. Unexpectedly, Rob became affectionate and pulled me onto his lap, running his hands over my body, then wrapped his arms around me. Gino came up from behind, giving me a sandwich hug. I didn’t know what to make of these guys. Were they evil dudes on the lookout to corrupt party virgins? Or were they nice guys in the party scene and just got a wild hair to pop my party cherry without telling me? Turned out maybe both. We talked for awhile and then went back to the room to pack up and head out. That wasn’t the last time we hung out together, but that is story for a different chapter. When I got home, I was pretty messed up in my head. I had been so responsible and strait-laced my whole life, I couldn’t believe I put myself in a situation where something like that happened. I was chatting with a guy on BBRT who I’d been talking to for years but we’d never met. He was a really sexy guy about my age, shaved head, tatted with a big fat cock. We’d talked about hanging out quite a few times but just hadn’t yet. I liked his sense of kink. He asked me how Palm Springs was and I told him what happened. His response was, “Well, I party. If you ever want to do it again, I’d be down for that…..” To be continued
    2 points
  33. Continuing the story…. We followed Rob out into the shared area of the complex. There were rooms around the central area, that had a pool and hot tubs. He took us to a corner of the complex where there was an outdoor dungeon. In the center was a sling. There were four guys there sucking each other in different corners. It was dark outside with only dim lighting. Rob lifted me into the swing and began fucking me. With gymnast skill, Gino jumped up on top of me and lifted my legs so they could double fuck me. I was spinning and so relaxed and my hole and been fucked by both of them for hours so I was as loose as I’d ever been, but I didn’t think I could take these two at the same time. Rob slid in first. He felt so good and I moaned as he warmed me back up. Then Gino put his head at the entrance and firmly forced the tip in. They had obviously had lots of practice together. I didn’t think I could take getting double fucked again, but I was so high I could have taken an elephant, I thought. They both came again, one shortly after the other. While I was catching my breath, Rob was talking to the guys. One by one they came over and fucked me. None of them came but the nastiness of having four strangers stick their dicks in my slag hole was hot. Rob and Gino pretty much carried me back to the room. They smoked some more and Gino blew some more smoke in my face. I didn’t fight it but didn’t try to inhale it either. Rob said he was going for a walk and left for awhile. Gino and I talked for a bit and then he stuck his still hard cock in me again. He felt soooo good inside and I told him. I knew it was the drugs but I felt like I was falling in love with him. He was so handsome and nice and sexually in tune with me. Then he said, “You ready?” ”For what?” I asked, wondering what else they hadn’t already done. Gino slid three fingers inside me along side his cock. It felt fantastic. Then he added a forth and got his hand in up to his knuckles and held it there while he fucked me hard. It was better than being double fucked. I screamed as I tried to cum but the T was keeping me limp and unable to com. After a few minutes, he slid out, backed down and told me to just relax my body and my hole. He petted the outside and softly massaged the inside. It felt good. I felt a burning. I’m not sure to this day if he added more T but I wouldn’t be surprised. Then he inserted all four fingers up to his knuckles. I knew what he was doing now. “I’ve only been fisted once by a guy with small hands years ago and that was for like ten seconds.” I said. ”Just relax.” He replied. He coached me to breathe and push out and before long his whole big fist was in me. Fireworks blew in my brain and my entire body started to shudder. “Oh fuck, Gino. Oh fuck!” Then Gino started to turn it gently one direction and the other. I couldn’t believe the ecstasy that was wracking my entire body. Like every nerve was on fire. I moaned so loudly I thought someone would complain from another room. He continued by pulling almost all the way out and then back in. Finally I asked him to pull out. My nervous system was overloaded and I could not take any more. To be continued.
    2 points
  34. There has been a lot of dichotomy in my life, including my years in high school. I was the popular big man on campus … but they thought I was gay. (I was raised in the South, and that combination didn’t compute.) I lettered in high school sports … but I was gay. I was the jock who fucked the cheerleaders, but also sucked and fucked my teammates (who weren’t gay 🙄). They just didn’t know what to make of me!
    2 points
  35. I love rimming a freshly bred ass and sucking that cum out. My nastiest instance of that was when I felched the loads out of a cumdump that had about 9 or 10 in him, including mine...that just got me rock hard all over again.
    2 points
  36. Hmmmm, piss. Love it, especially piss fucking than drinking it out of a fresh fucked hole. Wish more guys were into it….
    2 points
  37. I was actually in elementary school, first time i had oral sex
    2 points
  38. I got started my freshman year of HS and by senior year I was definitely a full on slut. Sucking fucking getting fucked all of it with people from school and outside of it. College only made things better I fucked with my roommate an hour after moving into the dorm.
    2 points
  39. Part 3: She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. As soon as the door closed, she kissed me aggressively. After a while she broke the kiss and led me straight to her bedroom. „This time I won’t be so gentle. I am going to finish this job tonight.“ Her words sent shivers through my body and I followed her like her puppy. In her bedroom she pushed me backwards onto her bed and shoved her cock in my mouth. I wanted to suck her with full passion. But she has had other plans as she forcefully pushed her dick into my throat. She fucked my face for 10-15 mins in different positions and angles. My face was covered in spit. My throat was sore. My jaw hurts. But I loved every second of her rough treatment. My dick was rock hard. „Take off clothes and lay down on your back. I will be right back.“ In seconds I stripped of my clothes and laid down in her bed. Nervous, but excited I waited for her return. Minutes later she came back a toothbrush in her hand, devilishly smiling at me as I realized what she had in mind. She climbed on the bed and spread my knees. I hesitated at first, but I gave in after a firm push. She lost no time. She caressed and stroked my cock with her left hand while she pushed the toothbrush into my hole with here right hand. It felt weird as she twisted and moved the toothbrush in my ass. She pulled the toothbrush out of my ass and showed me how reddened it was. „Time to give you what you are craving.“ She spit on her hard cock and onto my ass and in one move she pushed my knees to my chest and her cock into my hole. It hurts a lot and I moaned loudly. „Yes Bitch. Take my poz cock.“ I concentrated on the pain as Nina started to fuck me hard and rough. The pain was intense, but my cock was hard as fuck. „Yes, please fuck me. Give it to me.“ She switched me on my stomach and started to fuck me really intense. She grabbed my hair and moaned into my ear. „I am going to cum soon. You want my poz load, bitch?“ I moaned. „Answer me, bitch.“ „Yes, I want your load.“ „Louder.“ „Give me your load. Please cum in me.“ “Louder Bitch, so that my neighbors can hear you.” „Poz me, please. Poz me, poz me, poz me.“ With a load roar she pumped her poz load into me and collapsed on me. Sweating and breathing hard.
    1 point
  40. Short but sweet breeding [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/34969/nice-breeding/
    1 point
  41. I’m among those who transplanted here a bit over 4 years ago. When I bought, I had my eyes on Punta Gorda since I have relatives in the area, and looked at homes on the canals. But something told me that ultimately wouldn’t end well, and that proved out with Hurricane Ian. I’m happy with where I landed which came through Ian unscathed and is in a good area near everything that isn’t on the East Coast (the night life on the Gulf Coast is fairly tame).
    1 point
  42. They are to the left (front) as you enter the main suck ramp glory hole maze. In the play room area. The lighting does not make it totally dark so the holes don't function as being anonymous reverse glory holes. I have not been since pre-Covid so the set-up might have changed.
    1 point
  43. My nasty fuckhole for anybody to use help yourself and poz me
    1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. If you want actual insemination, there are a couple of compilations on xHamster of ‘50 Tops Cumming Inside Bottoms’ (parts 1 and 2, link to the first below). [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/50-tops-cuming-inside-bottoms-pt-1-xhUobwJ These are actually interior ejaculations, no pulling out and then pushing it back in, the real deal. This is what I consider insemination. Somehow, filling a bottom with thawed semen lacks something to me personally, in that some sense of the Top’s ‘vital essence’ has gone from it, but a Top were to tell me to raise up my ass because he was about to pipe 100 loads of semen into it, it’s not my place to stop him.
    1 point
  46. You could be lucky (or unlucky depending on what you want) or you have an immunity. If your background is Western European there is some evidence that a gene that made people resistant / immune to the Black Death in the Middle Ages may do the same with HIV.
    1 point
  47. I have been fucked, bred and pissed on by a LOT of homeless men and I love it. just took a load dt in an alley behind a dirty dumpster with my shirt off and my shorts around one ankle. big dick, big load. gave him a joint. he left an 8 day load dripping out of my guts and trickling down my leg.
    1 point
  48. I actually disagree with you, and know more than a few black bottoms who are into race play. with that said, raceplay is DEF not my thing. 🤮
    1 point
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