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  1. When asked to describe where he stood on any number of issues, he was quoted as saying something along the lines of, “Pick up any Bible lying around the house and you’ll find what I’m about. It’s all there.” Chilling. I believe it is this drive toward religious rule that, more than anything else, would tip this nation again into civil war. They think they can make everyone else live their beliefs, and they cannot. Americans may have begun to take their liberty for granted, but they are also very accustomed to it, and if you take it from them, you will only make them want it back more fervently. The trouble with a people who have tasted freedom is that they’re like pigs who’ve tasted blood - once tasted, they will always crave it, and become dangerous.
    5 points
  2. The problem Mr. Johnson is ignoring is, there's plenty of other moral teachings in that particular tome. For example, how about "Judge not, that ye be not Judged"? Where in the above referenced collection of ancient beliefs does any text refer to forcing one's personal religious beliefs upon an entire society? Where does that authority come from? Don't bother looking for it - it isn't there. Where in "New" addition did the One they presume to follow say "go ahead - force your beliefs, however perverted - on your fellow countrymen? Mr. Johnson, and his intellectual peers, don't give one rats ass about that collection of ancient sayings/beliefs. I think if someone snuck into their outhouses and swapped out the Sears Catalogue for a Bible, they wouldn't notice for weeks. Mr. Johnson apparently abhors non-straight (as an arrow) folks. The obvious answer to his abhorrence would be "so don't have sex with other men, and keep your long pointy nose out of other peoples business". How did we get to this place? How did an apparently substantial segment of the population come to believe that they get to force their own personal beliefs upon millions of other citizens that may not share their myopic arrogance? If you don't like the issue of women's rights regarding care of their own bodies, then don't exercise those legal rights as they pertain to others, and keep your long, pointy nose out of other people's pants. Imagine if these people actually ran the country for an appreciable amount of time: They could set the US back by centuries of political progress towards equal rights for all. If anyone hasn't registered yet, for all of our sakes, DO IT. Vote these people out a year from now. Agitate. Question. Get involved. If not you, then who? Do what you can to send these folks back to their hate-filled miseries - whether they live in mansions or dirt-floored trailers.
    4 points
  3. {sorry for the delay guys - here's the next chaper} I retreated back upstairs for a rest after the short session bent over the barrel, and even managed to sleep for a bit longer. Once I was awake again I decided to take a shower, and then got myself dried and dressed initially in just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I went downstairs to see if I could find Peter to get a bit more of a steer on what I should be wearing, but he suggested I just go with whatever was comfortable as they would be stripping me naked anyway. I therefore headed back upstairs, stripped myself naked and then put on a jockstrap. After a bit of deliberation, I opted for what I’d already worn that morning for the coffee run, swapping out the T-shirt for a tight vest and clasping my big chain round my neck. I headed outside for a quick smoke, and then went back downstairs to see what was happening. Peter was by that point loading up his truck with some coolboxes, and without needing to be asked I just got on with giving him a hand to bring them all out from the bar area. On his final trip outside he was carrying a large hamper, and winked at me as he went past. “Party supplies” he said, smirking. I guessed this didn’t mean balloons and streamers. Once everything was loaded up, he gestured for me to get in the passenger side of the cab before he got into the driver’s side, and then we set off. We chatted amiably as he drove us out of town and into the hills, before eventually arriving at a rudimentary car park down a rather overgrown lane. There were a few other cars there, all with guys sitting in them, and as soon as Peter and I got out of the truck they all followed suit. Clearly these were the men who would be using me today, some of whom looked familiar from the night before but others were definitely new. “Gentlemen” said Peter, “I’m glad you could make it.” “You know we love a good picnic” replied one of them, grinning in my direction. “As do I” said Peter. “Anyway, if you’ll all give me a hand, we’ve got several coolers of drinks and snacks and a hamper of goodies.” Everyone set about helping to unload the truck, also getting various things out of their own cars, and then we walked off as a group along a path into the trees. At a certain point, the group veered off the path into the undergrowth, following a route that they seemed to know but which would not have been obvious to anyone else. I supposed that this was the point. Eventually we arrived at a sort of clearing, which didn’t have much sunlight on it, but was free of any plants growing on the forest floor meaning there was plenty of space to spread out. Once everyone was in the clearing it became obvious that it was very well shielded from view, and by the confident marching to this very location that the group had done, you could tell that it was a place they gathered regularly. Everyone got on with unrolling blankets and unfolding a few camping chairs, and then some beers were opened and handed round along with various sandwiches and snacks. I ate a little and drank a couple of beers, chatting to a few of the guys who seemed just as enjoyable to spend time with as the men who had gangbanged me the night before. Eventually the mood changed a bit, and a couple of the guys seemed to be getting things ready for what we had all gone there for. The hamper was opened to reveal bottles of lube, various bits of leather kit, and quite a stash of poppers. I took the hint, and got myself undressed down to my jockstrap, although I put my trainers back on to protect my feet. One of the guys then hauled out some of the leather before approaching me, and I stood there and allowed him to attach a thick collar, wrist cuffs and a chunky harness. I then walked over to the tatty blanket that seemed to be where things were going to happen, and got down on all fours. In no time someone was licking, fingering and occasionally nicking my hole, while I gently sucked on the cock of one of the other men while noting the small scorpion tattoo just above his balls. Shortly after I was being spitroasted, and that is how I spent most of the rest of the afternoon. I was moved onto my back to give my hands and knees a rest every so often, but these guys definitely had a preference for giving it to me doggy style so I was usually on all fours. They weren’t particularly verbal, with only the occasional comment about the nature of the semen being pumped into my rear end, but it was still exhilarating to be getting railed over and over again in what was technically a public outdoor space. I almost wanted some unlucky walkers to happen upon us and see me getting used this way, but to my knowledge that never happened. As the light began to fade, proceedings wrapped up with a final couple of double-fucks of my now very loosened hole, which I enjoyed despite how full having two dicks inside me made me feel. Once the men were truly done with me we all walked back through the undergrowth to the car park, and everyone got in their vehicles and headed off. With a bit of a wipe down of my rear end and the insertion of a large plug, Peter gestured for me to get back in the truck without getting dressed again, the tatty blanket being put on the seat first to protect the fabric. I had assumed he just wanted the thrill of me being near-naked for the drive back to the warehouse, but then he started to take a different route. We were eventually on a motorway for a very brief period, before he pulled off at a service station and then followed the route parked for lorries rather than cars. This took us to a large parking area filled with HGVs, at the end of which was a small toilet block away from the main service station facilities. He parked up next to it, and then gestured for me to get out and go inside while he remained seated in the truck. I did as he wanted, feeling very exposed even in the dim light, given the number of truckers that were around, and I hurried into the toilet block. It stank to high heaven and there was no-one else in there, but that soon changed as a couple of guys came in after me. Where meetings in public toilets will usually be a careful series of hints and signs to check that both parties want the same thing, none of that was needed here. One of the guys instead just pushed me into a cubicle, bent me forward over the toilet, pulled out the plug from my arse, and then slammed his raw cock into me. He fucked me hard and rough for just a few minutes before breeding me, and then the other man took over. Then another, and another, and another, and so on. I was called a whore and a slut by several of them, but only one of them indicated he was spewing anything toxic into me. Maybe by this point Peter had just decided to get me fucked, and perhaps see if the questionable contents of my rear end might take down a couple of these truckers too. I was in the toilets for a very long time, to the point that I was starting to wonder if Peter had just left me there, but eventually he came in and managed to wind things down so that I could leave. This time he had brought my clothes, which I did my best to put on without them touching the filthy floor tiles, and then we went back outside and got in the truck. “Well, that was quite a day for you then” he said once we were back on the motorway. “Uh-huh” I replied. “Not one I’m going to forget in a hurry.” “Hopefully ever” he said. “But just to make sure, when we get back I’m going to brush out your insides and then spent the night buried in there.” I had been fucked to kingdom come, but I still got hard at what he was saying. “Yes please” I croaked out. “Good lad” he said. “And tomorrow we’ve got a few of the regulars coming back to have a final go with you before lunch. Then you’ll be on your way.” Then I’ll be on my way. A choice of words I liked: I would be both leaving for home, and also hopefully heading into a new life as a pozzed-up pig. True to his word, once we were back at the warehouse and had got into the bedroom I was using, Peter really gave my insides quite a gruelling brush and happily showed me just how red the bristles were. He also indeed stayed buried in me all night, only pulling out when he had to piss or just wanted to stick the brush in there some more. The next morning, as promised, I was taken back downstairs and some of the men from Friday night pumped a few more loads into me as I lay in the sling and happily accepted all of their toxic goodness. Eventually it was just Peter left, and he fucked one more load into me in the sling before helping me up so I could back upstairs to shower and change for the drive home. “Thank you so much” I said to him as I got back downstairs a while later, my bags packed and ready for the road. “This has just been awesome.” “No thanks needed” he said. “Hopefully you got what you came for, but if not then you know where to find me. Indeed, even if we have succeeded, you’re always welcome to visit if you’re back up this way.” “Thank you” I said, knowing that I would now have to find a way to take a detour here whenever I was doing my fatherly duty at the start or end of term time. “Let us know how it goes” he said. “Want to see if we can officially add another one to our tally.” “I will do” I replied. “You got any more chasers lined up?” “Just one” he said. “Nice piece of young meat who’s just started at Nottingham uni. Been messaging me for a while from London, and still seems keen.” “Oh really” I said, smirking. “Yeah” he said. “Got a gay dad too apparently.” Oh. Oh. Oh. My. God… [to be continued]
    4 points
  4. I've found Recon to be very inactive in my area. FetLife isn't gay/queer enough for me. I've found most of my power dynamic fwbs and my daddy through regular hookup apps. At the end of the day, you need to meet more guys who are open to your kinks, talk about power dynamics in your profiles. Regular hookup apps and in person cruising are the best way to meet more men in my experience.
    3 points
  5. It’s not gas. It’s the air that is being fucked into you while he pounds.
    3 points
  6. All of the characters in this story are fictional and of legal age to participate in any and all sexual acts depicted within. If drugs, gay sex or straight guys getting bred offends you, then go away and knit or something. Chapter one Wanting, Taking, Having Almost one hundred and thirty years ago, Oscar Wilde wrote ‘I can resist anything except temptation,’ so chances are he wasn’t referring to me specifically. Still, I often wonder if somehow he knew, or at least had some inkling about the temptations that guys like me deal with daily. God knows I try to be good but I haven’t been able to say no since the first time I tried tina. Unlike a lot of guys I know, I am not what you’d call a meth whore. My habits tend more toward pot and booze, but every few months I will engage in a rare weekend of puffing, playing and eventually pounding ass like it’s my last night on earth. This wouldn’t be quite so surprising if I wasn’t so clean cut and innocent looking. Truth is my unsuspecting demeanor and outer appearance are a product of my genetics and small town upbringing, while my perverted party-loving personality was a more recent development caused by a mix of curiosity, help from a friend and…temptation. During my late teens, I discovered parTying when I was hanging with a dude I’d met at a very cruisy public bathroom near my house. The whispers around the lockerroom filled my head with ideas as guys shared stories of forbidden sex acts in the dark stalls after dark, stories they attributed to buddies and older brothers, but likely came from personal experience. Each rumored blow job or hand job made my imagination run wild, and when my latest girl friend refused to go further than some groping through my shorts, I gave in and took a detour through the park to find out just how true these rumors were. Part of me expected to walk through the rusting metal doors and find nothing more than a stinky, poorly-maintained park restroom, and I wasn’t disappointed. Both stinky and poorly-maintained were the perfect descriptors for the small concrete block building, they just failed to describe the contents of the building: horny, sweaty men engaged in all sorts of depraved sex acts. Dim light from the one working light near the sink was more than enough to show me a collection of hot cocks filling palms and mouths at every doorless cubicle. Nervous and unsure of myself, I walked to the closest urinal and whipped out my dick, trying to piss with a full blown hard on. I willed my cock to go soft before anyone noticed, but no such luck as an older man stepped up to the urinal next to me and unzipped Glancing over, I tried to act nonchalant while memorizing the sight of the large uncut meat the man was stroking. My gaze floated up to his face and I realized he wasn’t even trying to look away, staring hard at my teen meat while licking his lips. Dropping to his knees, he grabbed my cock and swallowed it whole before I could stop him…not that I was going to, of course. Sensations shot from my penis up my spine and into my brain, eliciting a moan and a scream before I unloaded down his gullet in under a minute flat. Smiling, the man stood up, produced a business card, shoved it in my pocket and told me to let him know the next time I needed more service. Outside on a bench, I retrieved the card and squinted to read it by the lamplight overhead. All it had was the man’s first name “Dave,” with a phone number and email address. Balling it up, I almost threw it away when I heard another groan from the bathroom, and decided to pocket it instead. It took Dave some time and a few very dirty chat sessions to convince me to finally meet him at his house. Up ‘til then I had only been back to the bathroom twice, but I gave in when he showed me some photos of a few of the guys he’d invited to join us. It was still almost five months later before Dave tried to convince me to smoke tina. I’d seen him smoke it with some of the other guys and he’d made it clear I could join in if I wanted to, but I was still young and innocent and thought that all drugs were bad (thanks, school propaganda). One night, a few months later, he had me and another guy over to play, and after plying me with weed and some strong drinks, Dave offered again. Even though I’d declined numerous times before, he was always polite enough to offer. As usual I started to say no, but before I could, the third guy stopped me and insisted I try it. Turns out he was not just there to play, he was also Dave’s dealer, and he was touting how amazing this stuff was, swearing that I’d “never find anything better for your first REAL high.” I am not sure if my response surprised me or Dave more, but for some reason, I said okay. Nervous and scared, I listened as the dealer, Aaron, explained what to do with the pipe. Watching him fill the bowl with white crystals, my mind was spinning wondering what the hell I was getting myself into and not hearing a single word Aaron was saying. I tried to watch what he did and imitate him, but after it took three or four tries to light the torch, I was too eager and didn’t wait for the crystals to melt and ended up getting nothing. “Here, lemme do it bro,” Aaron took the torch and pipe and held them in front of me, showing me exactly what to do. “Okay Rhett, hit it…now.” While I inhaled the clean white smoke, my mind began comparing it to pot, noting how much cleaner it tasted and wondering how much I should take. As I exhaled, all of that disappeared, along with any other thoughts in my head, replaced with just one idea: must smoke more! Within seconds I knew I’d be hitting it as much and as deep as I could that night. The only thing I knew I wanted more than the tina was cock… and lots of it. By the time the party ended, almost 24 hours had passed and I’d fucked both guys twice and sucked them off a couple times. My parents were furious that I’d disappeared so long, but I told them some lame story about my car breaking down way out in the boonies where I had no cell service, and spending the night on the backseat waiting for someone to stop and help me. Their anger became concern and I ended up with a new phone from the deal. It freaked me out how much I liked partying. So much so that I stayed away from Dave and any and all drugs for three months before getting a text including a picture of Aaron and Dave shirtless while the back of some guy’s head sat at their feet, groping their bulges. Once again, temptation got the best of me and I was headed back to his house. Just a few hits and I found myself pounding Dave’s ass while Aaron screwed some twink I recognized from my school’s drama club. Before tina, I would never have let a guy I knew see me like that, but now I could care less.
    2 points
  7. So someone who's getting fucked for an extended period and taking multiple loads may well begin to experience "digestion" (for lack of a better word) of the seminal fluid in his rectum (or up in the lowest reaches of the colon, if any were delivered or seeped that far). And breaking down of ANYTHING in the digestive tract can produce gaseous discharges from the decomposing material. For me The best deepest fucks with the biggest cocks always ended the most gas the next morning. I had a wonderful black man with a very large penis that used to fuck me so deep and passionately and his cum would end up so deep it never ran out, but the next morning I would have a lot of gas as no doubt my body was breaking down his semen. The scent was unmistakable
    2 points
  8. No. But your previous comments to the above would also carry currency with the craven money-hunt by the speakers. I remember one (my grandmother used to watch these extravaganzas on tv) where the preacher would manage to bring up how much Gawd needed their dough over and over again. I've only seen it on tv. Fortunately when Billy Graham had an event in Chicago, and my mom and dad went, I was old enough to make other arrangements. The only thing I would have enjoyed is Ethyl Waters wobbling out His Eye is On the Sparrow. By then, her vibrato had devolved into a 10-foot wide tremolo, enough to drive a car through. I think I've always been suspicious of others imparting their religiosity, assuming I'd simply accept it. But, I don't, and never have. After getting a beating from laughing out loud (at the most inopportune time - when the congregation was in process of sitting down again after the recitation) at one of the creeds we had to recite in our Lutheran church service, I learned the hard way to evaluate when and where to voice dissent. As I see it, blaming some Entity of Antiquity for the exercise of individual intellectual probing, is the very definition of dullness. We're able to think on our own, which responsibility so many of these culturally-inspired bullshit, pseudo-clerics abhor, is nothing less than anti-human.
    2 points
  9. i think it's a fundamentalist mindset. It's not based on understanding, or even belief. It's an emotional disposition that convinces the person they know 'God' and their biases and notions are therefore authorized and untouchable. It's sleight of hand they practice with one another in their gathering places. Have you been to one of those mega churches? It's downright creepy. They call it 'worship,' but they drum this hypnotic, manipulative music filled with their ideas to start. A 'leader' upfront tells you when to sit or stand. After you are tranced, they send containers around to collect money, then some guy stands up front and purports to speak for God for an hour or so. Any human responsibility is repressed and shoved into a tight corner, often utterly destroyed, and replaced by their construct which they call "God."
    2 points
  10. Having a guy shoot his load in mouth / down my throat is my reward for servicing and pleasuring the man I am with. To feel a cock spasm in my mouth and then release his man juice is the most exhilarating sensation 💦💦
    2 points
  11. Here is the pic of Tiergarten and the table tops where the cumdumps bend over.
    2 points
  12. I grew up in a lumber mill town in Oregon with my Mother in a single-wide trailer. I don't know how we survived without my Uncle Joe, who would send money and send me a cell phone which I used to good use watching Gay Porn. It was a 2 hour trip to school, and I did not fit in as the class's shrimp. But I did have one thing that stood out in the male locker room I was well hung with a 10-inch thick dick. By the time I turned 18, I was 5 ft 7 115 LBS. When the mill closed a few weeks after my 18 birthday, my mother moved to Portland with her Lesbain lover, but I should go live with my Uncle Joe and his son Alex in Fort Lauderdale, Flordia. Uncle Joe sent the plane tickets, so it was a bus to Portland, a flight to Seattle, a stopover in Chicago, and then on the Fort Lauderdale. Uncle sent me a picture of what he looked like as Mom would send him a picture of me a few times per year. I have never seen so many people in my life in airports. I see Uncle Joe, and I'm shocked to see my cousin Ales as Alex looks just like me, skinny, but he is two years older and looks like my twin. Both are matching basketball shorts with tee shirts two sizes too small, showing their nipple piercings. After hugging and introducing me to Alex, he asked for my phone. They took out the Sim card then, threw it in the trash, then took my bags and threw them in the garbage. I'm scared as they lead me to their van; they tell me I will have a great time living with them, opening me up to new experiences. They show me a room where I can sleep as they remodel the house. The bed has a rubber sheet covering it, and that night I can hear grunting coming from the next room where Uncle Joe and Alex are sleeping. I had a good night's sleep as Uncle Joe came in and told me I m going to see the Doctor as I should have a complete check-up. I jump into the shower, and Cousin Alex joins me as. I a shock to see him, and he is hung like me. We get to the Doctor's office, and the first thing he gives me is a jar. They tell me to jerk off into the glass jar, then show me a room to do it in. The TV is playing Gay male pon in the room, and it does not take long. I enter and hand the jar to the Doctor, who is very impressed by how much I filled the glass jar. The doctor tells me the strip naked and laughs that it runs in the family having big dicks. He does the regular check-up until I see the needle and strap, wraps the belt high around my arm, and tells me I will feel like I can't breathe, then I will cough, then I will get a warm feeling and a rush. I see the needle go in. He pulls back the plunger. I see the blood. It all disappears into my arm. What he told me to happen I couldn't breathe, and I was coughing my lungs out. The doctor tells me to bend over the table. As I bend over, he spreads my cheeks and tells Uncle Joe to look at my virgin hole; both laugh as the doctor puts some lube on his finger as he works the finger into my virgin hole and hits my prostate. It does not take him long to get used to his finger as my dick is hard like never before. My breathing is getting faster, and I can't hold back anymore as I shoot another load.
    2 points
  13. Off-topic a bit, but, I love when tops think it’s cute when I fart out their cum😋
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. After a weekend busing my family back home I was starved for sex, and needed a good dicking down. After my husband left for work I got on the apps and started for search for raw cock and cum. There was a sexy business traveler on Grindr, a top that “loves bareback” (his hiv status was blank, my cock stiffened at the thought of extra risk) just my type. I send him an horny message and a picture of my ass; he responds that my pics are hot. then switch over to Sniffies. By all of the business hotels there is a hard cock looks like it is made for my hungry hole. I shoot off a quick message and picture. I get a prompt response “you whore, just chatted with you on Grindr🐷” so I knew he was interested. We do the standard chat back and forth, negotiating time… he says he just got to his hotel room and needs to eat before he fuck, he also prefers sloppy seconds so I get find a load while he is eating. I’m never one to turn down a multiple load day, so I keep stalking the apps. I find a dude that fucked me once before but couldn’t cum. He says he has a big load built up and is ready to bust in my ass. He gives me the address and directions to the hidden key so I can get wait naked inside for me. He asked if I was living room or bedroom, I say living room because it makes me feel sluttier. I get to his apartment and in no time I am on my knees throating his thick Latin cock, feeling it stretch my throat and enjoying the sounds of him moaning as i get stupid on his dick. He’s playing with my hole, and I’m huffing the poppers and I keep sucking. He bends me over in the middle of the living room and dives face first into my ass, after brief rim session he bends me over the back of the couch and plushies in to the hilt in one push. He pounds away while I continue to beg for his load, he has an amazing loud orgasm deep inside me. He pulls out and there is one last pearl of cum on the tip of his dick, “you want this too” he asks. Not one to turn down cum, I drop to my knees and clean it off. With out any other words spoken input on my cloths and walk out the door. I get on my phone “load one in, coming your way” I get to his hotel, thankfully no key cards are required for the elevator, I take a huge hit of poppers before I knock on the door. My sexy bull answers the door in a tshirt and boxer briefs, hard as a rock. We have a quick make out session before I strip down to my jock for the second time in 30 minutes. He gets his phone to take pictures to send back to his friend; showing off his newest hole to conquer. His dick is a little thinner than the first one but MUCH LONGER. And he is fucking my throat deep and holding it there till I gag. Which just promos him to pull it out and force it back in, while taking pictures of the bitch in heat that is is owning. We are both getting into this game of “gag thr fag” me looking up at him with a hunger in my eyes, him looking down on me calling me a worthless slut as he shoves his down down my throat. As I’m looking up at him he spits on my face and I take him down past my tonsils. At this point he has had enough foreplay and is ready my my hole. Before I know it I’m on my back ankles on his shoulders with my nose to the brown bottle preparing myself for the anal assault that is about to happen. Usually I prefer to be bent over to take cock but the dom top wants want the dom too wants. He gives me a good firm fucking. Never shying away from going deeper and fucking hard. I am hitting the poppers like crazy and he takes a bit too. I know this mean to brace myself. He continues to fuck harder and deeper. Than stops stays inside for a second then pulls out. I ask if he want to cum “ I already did” is is response. We have breif small chat as I get dressed to head home. I kept thr load in all night long, never talking my husband about hr double feature brewing I had. When I woke up in the morning to take a piss a huge glob of pink tinged cum plops out of my ass into the tile floor. I wipe it up before my husband wakes up to notice. I asked him later that day about his status and just just gives me a non committal ☠️ so I know his toxic babies were swimming in my guts
    2 points
  16. part 3 The feeling of the air from my fan along my gaping hole was so fucking hot, it emphasized the hot cum that never seemed to stop dripping out of me. Id been on my knees for about 5 minutes, getting out of this position for even a second before the next man arrived would feel like a betrayal. I was a faggot, and I was doing what I was told. It was already late, but I could see that there were 4 more men on the way to my place. Pics of the night had been sent to dozens of guys, though thankfully he hadnt sent my address out to them all. I wanted to look through everything hed said, but the knock at the door meant I had other obligations. When I opened the door the shorter old hispanic man let out a curse in spanish. When he walked in he told me I was a bigger slut than he thought, and crudely grabbed my ass to put a finger in my soaking wet fuckhole. I hadnt even closed the door before the next arrival was there, a very tall guy in his late 40s. he was white but tanned brutally, probably a roofer or someone who worked outside. he snickered seeing that the man in front of him was already 2 knuckles deep inside of me in the doorway. Once we got inside the tall guy started to strip, while the man behind me worked 4 fingers into me, calling me all kinds of names in spanish I didnt understand. I dropped to the floor and the hispanic man dropped his pants, revealing that the smallest guy of the night was packing the biggest cock. It was comically huge, I have taken alot of big cock, but I actually let out a nervous laugh when I saw it. He wasnt here to joke though, he got behind me, lined up his cock head so that the meat started slipping into my soft opening, and then pushed his whole length into me with one long stroke. I open mouth screamed as it tore its way into me, pushing aside anything in its path. I felt his hips hit my cheeks, then he immediately pulled it almost all the way out. SLAM SLAM SLAM he fucked this donkey cock into me like a sledgehammer. I came all over the carpet in a pathetic spash as my tiny faggot cock spasmed wildly. I felt him slow his pace, only to realize it was to allow the tall guy to get in front of me and feed me cock. He had a pleasant 7inches or so, slim and steel hard like a rod. he slipped it right into my throat, and the fucking resumed in earnest. I was being fucked so hard that the man in front of me didnt need to move, the cock behind me pushed me mercilessly forward, driving his entire cock deep into my throat with each push. It felt like this went on for hours, though later i learned it was only about 30 mins. As I was viciously impaled over and over from both ends I came twice more, and the man in front of me started to fuck back at me. Everytime his rythym was off his crotch would slam into my face hard, and he would call me a stupid bitch, or a dumb fuck. It was hot. I felt the cock leave my ass and moaned into the hard cock in my mouth, he was getting up to answer the door. With the ass in my mouth gone the tall guy apparently felt he had to make up for it, and grabbed the back of my head to brutally fuck my face. His crotch hammered into me as I swallowed him to the root with every thrust. It hurt, it was humiliating, and I couldnt breathe, only struggle to stay conscious. So fucking hot. He buried the entire length and leaned back, pinning my head in place with his legs. I felt his cock pulse its hot cum directly into my full throat. I gagged and fought but there was no escape. When he let me go I coughed and heaved and coughed a fat glob of cum onto the floor. I didnt even think I just scooped as much as I could up and put it back in my mouth. Looking up I could see 4 men in the room now, and they were all starting at me in shock. The two newcomers had come together, both black men in their 20s. Tall guy got dressed and left, as the hispanic man came and put his fat cock back in me where it belonged. The fuck was slow this time, making it easy for me to alternate between the two average black cocks in front of me. We spent 20 minutes like this, his big cock stuffing my guts in and out, and my mouth slurping and licking away at 2 black men in front of me. All good things come to an end though, and soon the pace behind me quickened back into the pounding it had started with as he erupted deeper in my guts than anyone had in at least a year or more. I felt the pulses along his length, and the warmth spread inside me in the hottest way. As he left one of the black men slid into me, and found the most loose and wet hole imaginable. "Holy shit" he kept saying, as he drowned his cock in the juices of all the evenings misbehavior. He shot fast, giving his friend my hole. Barely 3 strokes in and the last load of the night was deposited inside. As they left I was overcome with a slutty idea, and grabbed a plastic bowl from the kitchen. For the next 30 minute I squated over the bowl, everytime I felt all the cum was out of me, I felt another rivulet begin dripping into the bowl. Despite all that had come out during the fucking, there was quite alot of cum in the bowl. I grasped it with both hands, brought it to my lips, and poured the entire fucking thing into my faggot mouth and swallowed it. Only then did I allow myself a shower and sleep.
    2 points
  17. I still remember the first time. I was shocked and thrilled. I thought I was going to have a gag reflex, but my hunger took over quickly. The only problem I have sometimes is if they piss astir than I can swallow. It’s never my intent to spill a drop, but I don’t mind feeling that warmth on my body. My enthusiasm to catch up hopefully is a step towards my top’s forgiveness. 😈
    2 points
  18. I have a strong desire to drink from the tap, but find this is sort of the "last [banned word]." Even guys who say they are willing to go along or even eager to serve me, seem to be shy about actually delivering. I get that you both have to be in the mood (and the piss top needs the urge to piss) but wondering why this is so hard to make happen? In the meantime I am practicing drinking my own piss, I've lost any gag reflex or disaste and can easily chug a full jar. Anyone else do this to tide you over until you can drain a hot tap?
    2 points
  19. Cum is a gift. When a man feeds me his cum, it is like he is sharing the essence of his masculinity with me. He is telling me I am a worthy recipient of his DNA.
    2 points
  20. Who among us would not LOVE to find a guy like this to feed on regularly? Yummy!!
    2 points
  21. Here I am with these men who are scary looking; The four of them are in their 30s and well built with a lot of tattoos. as one says to the other, here is prine pussy, not like the faggots we fucked in prison. One of them tells the others at least you had something to fuck as I was in solitary confinement for two years. Look for the supply and finds a bag, then empty it. WOW, we are going to have a real party. My brother has told me nothing as I can't run away as all I'm wearing is this jock strap. as they look at the parTy supplies, I'm getting the feeling this was all set up as one comes over and starts to kiss me. He pulls away and says you want to do this easy or hard as we don't care; either way, we will wreck your holes with our dicks. The mean one smiles at me and motions me to come over; he grabs my skinny arm, puts on a strap, then finds a vein. He looks me in the eye and says you will have a good time as the plunger goes in and the belt is released; I fall back onto the bed as dicks come from me at all angles for me to suck. They bend me in half with my head over the edge of the bed and my legs by my shoulders. The one by my ass knows how to eat and treat me as his tongue is doing beautiful things to my ass hole, but my throat will be sore when they finish with me. As soon as he cums the one fucking my throat enters my ass. The one fucking my throat pulls out, and I see him putting some powder on the head of his dick. He is not gentle but seems desperate as he drives right in like you have 1 minute to fuck; until it starts burning. The look on his face is red and angry as the others cheer him on. I guess this is how they fuck in prison. In less than 10 minutes, all four of them fuck me and gave me large loads. They sit back looking at the parTy supplies and start slamming themselves and me again. Maybe 30 minutes later, the one in solitary confinement comes over and tells me to suck his dick as he has to make up for lost time. It does not take him long to get hard; he is going long and slow this time but now slapping me on my ass cheeks. They like that I'm not giving them problems like some do in prison, so they don't have to tune me up. I know I will be here for a while, so my brother was kind enough to leave plenty of water; the bottles are marked regular and loaded; I'm getting the water bottles with GHB as Dad taught me the effects. Between Tina and G, I'm a willing cumdump for them as a dick comes from my ass; I suck as they say I would be a great prison bitch as I louse track on time and what they are doing to me, I do hear one make a phone call and says they are finished with me to pick me up. He speaks on the phone. Your boy took us on and tired us out. What bitch you have who would think a skinny twink could take so much abuse and keep asking for more. WTF did I say? I wanted more and more as I did not believe it until they showed me the video of me telling them to fuck me again, begging for tina, and when they were resting, crawling around on the floor as they sat in the chairs, going over to suck their dicks and being a real tease.
    2 points
  22. Inside, Uncle Joe and Alex take me to a part of the house I have never been to, and since I'm naked, Uncle says to me. I went into your Sim card and saw you only watch Bareback porn, so you know what will happen to you. The first time there is a lot of pain since you are a virgin; I will try to make it easier as it's my right to break you in. Alex explains how poppers work, and he will help me inhale them. This room is like what I have seen in some porn movies with sex slings, benches, a bed a stool with lots of toys on the walls. Uncle Joe tells me to get on the bed on my hands and knees as Alex is right in front of me with his rock-hard dick. I wish to reach out and suck it, but I can not. I feel Uncle Joe's hands spreading my ass cheeks as his tongue is licking my ass hole, which feels so good and relaxing as his hand is rubbing my back, telling me to bend lower. The feeling overwhelms me with pleasure I never knew as his finger slips in, and Alex tells me to inhale the poppers twice in each nostril. Uncle Joe says the fun part begins as two fingers go in, but it's so different as there is a burning feeling as he tells me the burning will stop soon. Things change fast as I'm pushed flat on my stomach, and Uncle Joe's body weight is on top of me as Alex tells me to hit the poppers five times now, and as I finish, the most pain of my life strikes me as I'm screaming for my life as Uncle Joe dick is pushing in until his 10-inch beer can size dick is all the way in. As my screaming stops and I start to relax, Uncle Joe talks to me. I'm Pozzing you, and one day you will meet your grandfather. Andy, I'm not your Uncle, but your father and Alex is your brother, and your mother is my sister. The tattoos on Alex's and my arms are the days we tested for HIV Positive as my father pozzed me. Alex bends down, kisses me, and welcomes me to the family as his dick enters my mouth. The pain in my ass is not bad as Dad is fucking me, as I have seen in many porno films. The heat from Dad feels wonderful as his sweat is dripping as he is working my hole, but I do notice these red lights on the wall. Alex tells me to open wide so I can swallow his load as Dad is now pounding me hard and grunting as he collapses on top of me. We lay there for what seemed like an hour. As Dad gets up, I see his dick has dark blood and tells Alex to clean it. Dad tells me next time; it's my joe to clean any dick that fucks you and gives you a load, especially one that is going to Poz your negative hole. Dad gives me a butt plug to wear as Alex gives me a belt to keep it in. Dad gives me a schedule of when my breeding is until I come down with the fuck flu. Alex is put in Chastity. I'm not to leave the house as only Dad is to fuck four times per day with no lube; I can be slammed, but the only thing going in my hole is Dad Poz's dick
    2 points
  23. Sorry for the long delay in posting the next chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy! Review of parts one and two: In part one, Rhett was initiated into gay sex and partying by some older men, one of whom becomes his boss, recruiting him as a drug dealer. In part two, he is happily dealing while working for his family’s handyman/maintainance company, and using his connections to find hot young guys to fuck. When one of his clients (Eddy) tells him he has a friend looking to get into the business, Rhett is skeptical but meets the guy. Mark is the son of a well respected, rich town leader, so Rhett is not convinced he should give Mark a chance, until he gets the teen alone and discovers that the boy is hot and desperate to break out of his squeaky clean image. Together, they work out a plan so Mark can prove himself to Aaron (Rhett’s boss) without his parents finding out, but it requires some help from Eddy. Eddy, who believes Mark has been cut off and needs the money to keep seeing a fictional girl out of town, agrees to recruit his housekeeper and provide an alibi for Mark. Rhett secretly steals some photos from Mark’s phone before Mark leaves. With no one around, Rhett took the opportunity to do some more tina and g with Eddy, then fucked his ass on camera, fantasizing about what he could do with Mark. (SEEN HERE) Part three: Trip To TempTaTion As I expected, Mark had avoided my calls and texts and even Eddy said he was acting elusive at school. Making sure he was last in before practice started and first out afterwards, Eddy kept missing him whenever he tried to get more details on when he’d need to provide Mark with an alibi. Luck and inevitability finally worked in my favor when the Montague family called and scheduled a visit from my company, so someone would get on their roof and seal off the ceiling fans for the winter and clean the chimneys before cold weather hit. My dad was flabberghasted at how speedily I volunteered to take the call, especially since it meant more work than I’d done at all my other calls that week combined. My truck was parked in the perfect position so Mark wouldn’t see it when he got home from school, so you can imagine how stunned he was to find me in his room sitting on his bed. I explained that I needed to talk with him and set up a time for his dealer exam, so I climbed in his window on my way down from the roof. He tried to feed me some lines about having second thoughts and worrying that his folks would never fall for it, but I cut him off. “Too late to back out now man,” I said, shrugging and leaning back on my elbows. “I told Eddy you’re gonna be his supplier starting next month. Even told him I won’t be taking his calls, since I’m handing him and the rest of his crew off to you.” “That’s fine,” Mark responded indignantly. “I’ll just tell them I almost got collared and I’m laying low til the heat is off. Or I’ll tell them I couldn’t get any cash together to cover the travel expenses.” “That might fly for a week or two bro,” I volleyed back at him. “But let’s be real: nobody will believe it once they see that you have no intention of going through with dealing. I guess Eddy and his bros were right about your lack of balls.” “They don’t think I’m a coward anymore,” Mark insisted, losing his momentum. “Not since they heard my dad threatening me.” “Dude, I’m not quoting them from a long time ago,” my smile widened, knowing I’d hit his weak spot. “I am telling you what they were saying two nights ago. Eddy practically offered to let me fuck him as long as he didn’t have to rely on you for his party goods. He told me his whole pack of bros agreed that you’d probably chicken out on the plan to get the stuff from the city, and back out of dealing before you even got started. Guess they’re right.” Mark looked crushed. He really believed he was getting close to making real friends with these guys, but I wasn’t exaggerating about how they’d respond once they found out Mark was too chicken shit to disobey Daddy, even just to get a chance to sneak out and spend a week fucking some hot Mexican pussy (which I would be sure to accidentally expose as another lie). Tired of waiting for him to come around, I stood up and turned to climb back down the ladder and pack up my stuff, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Okay,” his voice was filled with uncertainty, but his words were definite. “My Dad and Mom are spending a week on the coast when we take fall break next week. My brother and I are supposed to tag along, but they’re not too keen on the idea since this is a business trip and we’ll spend most of it at the hotel when we’re not paraded through business dinners and cocktail parties. I can tell them Eddy wants me to spend the week at his place, as long as I can find some excuse why I need to be there, like a big test or a ski trip or something. All I need to know is how much the favors will cost, where’s it gonna happen and how I should plan to get there after they drop me off at Eddy’s house.” “You sure man?” I asked while putting on my best ‘caring older brother’ face. “Cause this is your last chance to back out and keep on being a good kid. Once you do this, you’ll go from stiff to stud and nobody’s gonna think the same about you for the rest of high school.” “I’m positive Rhett,” Mark’s volume dropped and his quivery timber disappeared. Suddenly he spoke from a place of drive and desire to be a man in the eyes of his peers. “Tell Eddy my Dad will be calling him tonight to get the details so he better be ready. In the mean time, you’d better set up the location, playmates and party favors. Text me how much green I should bring and when and where we will meet.” --- From there it was almost too easy. Eddy’s housekeeper assured Mr. Montague that she would be supervising the boys the entire week while they took part in a youth retreat sponsored by Eddy’s church. Mark was a genius to tell his Dad he was going to a retreat that was really taking place, even more brilliant when you consider the remote mountain location would ensure he was out of cell range most of the week. Apparently his folks were nowhere near as suspicious as Mark made them seem. They accepted his excuse at face value and didn’t even insist on dropping him off at the church where the bus was going to pick up everyone going. --- The day of the “reTreaT” finally arrived, and right on schedule, Mark and his parents arrived at Eddy’s driveway, unloaded his sleeping bag and duffle, and sped off to catch their flight as Eddy and Mark waved goodbye. When they turned the corner and I lost sight of them, I turned on my truck and pulled out from behind Eddy’s garage, pausing for Mark to toss his stuff in the truck bed and hop in next to me, then heading off to endless possibilities. It was no accident that I hadn’t told Mark where we were heading to play, since I myself wasn’t quite sure until a day or two prior to picking him up. I knew I could have taken Mark to Dave’s house or any number of places that Aaron had set up, but I didn’t want Aaron to know about this particular “job applicant” just yet. He had the tendency to push pretty hard on the new hires, and I wanted there to be no way for Mark to be disqualified until I’d had a chance to see what I could get out of him. When I realized my place was too centrally located to ensure Mark’s continued presence, I began looking for places further out of town or even the next town over. As I pressed my cock through Eddy’s sphincter the night before Mark and I were supposed to meet, I remembered him saying something about a secluded place where he used to meet his girlfriend for the occasional night of fun. Between grunts and unintelligible pleas for me to stop or slow down, I managed to ask him where he used to take her, figuring it was probably the family cabin where he’d hosted the party where I first learned about Mark’s interest. Turns out his family owns some rental cabins a little further up the canyon only a few miles from the camp where the church retreat was supposed to take place. Pushing a little harder, both with my dick and my questions, I managed to convince him to give me the exact location and call the cabin manager and get one of the cabins reserved for a “friend” who was coming to town and needed a place to take a girl. Somehow the fact that this friend was coming to town at the same time that I was supposedly driving Mark to meet his girl in the city never raised any flags in Eddy’s mind, or if it did, he decided not to share his concerns (probably since every time he talked to me lately, he somehow ended up high with my cock up his ass). So we headed west, out of town, over the interstate, and up a small two lane highway into the foothills, where no one could reach us until I was sure I had gotten every last opportunity to make Mark have some fun. So far he had trusted me enough that he didn’t question our destination until we got far enough into the hills that his cell service cut out. “I figured you’d wanna do this some place private,” I told him, squeezing his knee in a reassuring manner that also reaffirmed that I was in charge. “so I got a cabin up in the hills. Don’t worry, it won’t be much longer now.” Ten minutes later, we pulled off the paved road and turned down a bumpy dirt street barely wide enough for the truck. Thank goodness no one was coming the other way, or I would have had to back up all the way to the turn off. The further we drove the more the trees blocked out the afternoon sun, which was close to setting soon anyway. A slow going five minute drive deposited us in front of a wood bridge, which caused both of us to hold our breaths as we crossed it and turned the corner. Suddenly the dark forest opened in front of us to reveal a beautiful two story cabin, lights ablaze inside. Lit no doubt by the caretaker, as requested by Eddy before he gave me the key. The instructions for the cabin caretaker also included stocking the cabin with plenty of drinks, both alcohol and non, food, and fresh firewood, and then leaving the cabin alone for the next 5 days. After we unloaded the truck and made our way inside, we took a few moments to familiarize ourselves with the layout before deciding what to do next. On the main floor, right off the front porch, was the kitchen and dining area, which included a nice new fridge, stove, dishwasher and microwave, all of which seemed totally out of place with the knotted wood cabinets and table. Beyond that was a large living room with two huge couches, a giant flatscreen tv hung over the stone fireplace, and some bric-a-brac on the end tables and coffee table. At the back of the cabin was a small bedroom, a bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink, and a stairway. Up the stairs was a nice sized loft overlooking the kitchen and living room, with a huge bed and nice sized closet and bathroom. Thoroughly impressed but trying not to give away that I didn’t know it any better than Mark did, I held back my shock and awe and just agreed a lot as Mark oooh’d and aahhhh’d over all the cool stuff we were seeing. I couldn’t help but smile though when I noticed the hot tub out the back door by the stairs. I had grand plans for both tubs forming in my head. “So, what’s the plan man?” Mark asked me, dropping onto the couch opposite me, after tossing his stuff on the bed in the small bedroom on the mainfloor. I didn’t plan for him to need his clothes this week anyway so it was fine if he thought he’d be sleeping in there. Silently I responded to his question by pulling my backpack up onto the couch next to me and pulling out a small zippered bag from the outside pocket. Inside there was a large bag of crystal, a straw, a torch and three pipes, one clear glass, one long blue glass and one bubbler. Since I didn’t want to scare Mark off, I chose the small clear glass bowl and began loading it with rocks from the bag. “You sure you wanna do this? Last chance to back out.” I warned, fishing out the torch and looking at the nervous teen next to me. He hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath, nodding yes, and closing his eyes. “Good, then open your eyes so you can see what you’re gonna have to do.” With some hesitation, he opened his eyes. Slowly I described each piece of the puzzle as I pointed them out. While he carefully examined the pipe full of tina, I took a towel from the small bathroom and wet it under the sink. Returning to the couch, I moved my stuff to his end and sat next to Mark, closer that two dudes normally would, making an excuse about being close enough for him to really watch me. Watching and listening as I demonstrated how to melt the rocks until they began to give off some clean white smoke, I could tell he was wishing he’d been smart enough to pull out a pad and pencil to take notes. Once I felt it was ready, I put the pipe to my lips and took a large hit from it, sucking down some of the best shit I’d ever sold, that I’d chosen especially for this occasion. Exhaling, I slowly released a giant white cloud from my lungs, surprising even me with the size and density of the smoke. “Wow…” was all Mark said as I turned and smiled at him, making like my huge hit was no big deal. I cooled the pipe in the towel for a second and asked him if he had any questions. Whether he did or didn’t, he sure as hell wasn’t going to ask me at that moment, since it was obvious to me that all he really wanted to do was run out the door, down the stone steps, across the rickety old bridge and straight back home to his sheltered little world. “Good, then it’s your turn Marky boy,” I said, shoving the pipe and torch into his hands. Shaking, he lifted the pipe and imitated my actions, trying once, twice, three times before finally getting the torch to light. Once it was on he started trying to melt the crystals, but kept forgetting to hold down the trigger, allowing the torch to go out. Laughing, I asked him if he’d like me to light it for his first hit. He blushed and nodded, but I made sure to tell him it was no big deal. “No sweat dude. I sucked my first time too.” (no pun intended lol) “you just hold the pipe near your lips and when I say go, start rolling the pipe slightly from side to side and inhaling, cool?” “Yeah, cool.” He feigned confidence, and I had to keep from laughing as I lit the pipe again. “See how I am holding the lighter just a little ways from the pipe?” I explained as I began. “I don’t want the crystal to get burned, but I have to get it hot enough to become a liquid, like it is now. Keep watching and you’ll see it is starting to smoke, so go ahead and start rolling side to side…there, not too far…nice…now put it to your lips and begin inhaling, as deep as you can…good…keep going…keep going…ok, now lower the pipe and exhale.” He coughed as a nice big white cloud spewed from his mouth and nose. I could tell he wasn’t used to smoking anything, even weed or cigarettes, let alone tina, but I knew this was really good stuff so it wasn’t harsh enough to choke or taste bad. More likely he was coughing from the psychosomatic urge in his brain that told him ‘smoking equals coughing.’ I handed him a water bottle from my backpack (laced with a small dose of ghb) and he downed half of it before he’d even stopped exhaling. As his breathing returned to normal, I asked him if he was okay. “Yeah Rhett, I’m fine *cough* just a lot stronger than *cough* I expected,” he told me, face red and breathing raged. “Maybe I’m better snorting it or someth*cough* thing like that.” “Snorting this shit is a bad idea bro,” I told him, taking another big hit for myself. “Trust me, smoking it is waaaay easier.” “If you say so,” his breathing returning to normal, I motioned for him to take another hit, but he waved it off, insisting I go ahead while he finish his water. “Okay, I’ll take another hit,” I said, putting his mind at ease, until I continued: “but why don’t I shotgun it to you? That way it won’t be as harsh as taking it all yourself.” “Shotgunning?” He repeated, making wonder if he was so sheltered that he didn’t even know the most basic of terms. “Yeah, you know, I take a hit,” I said, pantomiming the act. “then I exhale into your mouth and you inhale it and exhale back to me and so on.” “I know what shotgunning is man,” He said, indignant and defensive. Whether he did or not, who can say? “I just think it’s kinda…you know…gay, isn’t it?” “it’s not like we’re making out Marky,” I laughed and went to light the pipe. “All we gotta do is get close enough that you can suck down the smoke I exhale, no tongue, I promise.” “I guess.” He had little choice since I’d already begun my hit. Once I’d inhaled a large amount, I waved for him to lean in and turned to face him. He closed his eyes and I was tempted to plant one on him, but instead I moved in and began exhaling as he sucked in as much smoke from my mouth as he could. As I finished, he leaned back and let out a huge billowy cloud, with no coughing or choking at all. “Nice job bud,” I slapped him on the back and handed him the pipe. “How does it feel being a bad ass?” “Not bad I guess,” he smiled and blushed a little, embarrassed and proud to be braking the rules. “but I’m not really feeling anything man.” “Just take a few more hits and you’ll see,” I held the pipe to his mouth and lit the torch. He’d already forgotten how freaked he was to be smoking, so he took the pipe and waited for my signal to inhale. “this will be the best high you’ll ever have, trust me.” After that he began shotgunning with me after ever hit either of us took. There was no more coughing or balking at taking a hit, we just chatted and passed the bowl around, taking hits and brushing lips on each exhale. Soon the bowl was finished and Mark was flying. “Damn Rhett, I see what you mean,” Mark stood up and bound over to the kitchen to refill his water bottle and get one for me. “I feel fucking great! I feel like I could rip a phone book in half! And I am fucking horny as…as…fuck! When will this girl be getting here for us to play with? I wanna get her high and fuck her right in her fucking pussy!” “Slow down Mark,” I laughed and lit the fire place with the remote on the table in front of me. Pulling up the menu on the tv, I linked it to my laptop in my backpack and found a file full of amateur porn, mostly made by friends of mine so each video featured multiple guys and one or two girls, all smoking and fucking together. “Let’s just watch some porn and chill for a little bit and see how we do.” “Damn, are those dudes smoking tina too?!!?!?!” Mark flopped right next to me on the couch, eyes wide and locked on the guys on screen as they sucked down a bowl as some teen bitch suck their cocks. “Yeah man, some friends made this vid for me.” I loaded another bowl and melted it while walking over and turning up the thermostat. Between the fire and the temp set to 75 degrees, Mark should start getting hot pretty quickly, and more heat meant less clothes. “By the way, did you clean up like I told you?” “You mean like showering and using the…” suddenly he was shy again. “It’s cool man, you can say it: enema.” I smiled and acted like it was normal while I took a big hit. Mark licked his lips, hungry for the bowl as I exhaled. Reaching for it, I pulled it away and asked again. “So did you?” “Yeah, it was weird man,” Mark admitted, willing to tell me almost anything to get another hit from me at that moment. “But you were right it cleaned me out from top to bottom, and even though I haven’t eaten since last night, I’m suddenly not hungry anymore.” “Not for food anyway,” I added, watching the formerly naïve teen as he took a giant hit from the bowl. “Tina will do that to you. Plus it can make you need to take a dump really bad, so that’s why I had you use the enema, so you wouldn’t end up in the bathroom all night once the girl arrives.” “Awesome bro,” Mark said after pulling me in and exhaling into my open mouth. He smelled like mint toothpaste and bodyspray. On most guys I would find the scent tacky, but on this teen stud I could feel my cock harden as I inhaled. “Wow look at her go! That girl can really suck a dick!” We laughed and our focus returned to the tv, watching the girl suck the handsome young college guys. These ‘porn stars’ were actually my customers who I traded some meth in exchange for taping them tag team a girl they all knew would be down. I smiled to myself, remembering that three of the four of the boys had sucked me off since that day and I’d even fucked one of them a few weeks ago, but here on camera they seemed straight as hell, even as they occasionally jerked one another off for a moment or two. Whether Mark noticed this or not, I couldn’t tell you, since all he wanted to do was praise the tits, ass and body of the girl on her knees between them. Oh, that and smoke more tina. By the time the guys on the video had moved into the bedroom and were starting to prep the girl to get gangbanged, the temp in the cabin had risen enough that I was sweating pretty hard. Looking to my left, I could see beads of sweat forming on Mark’s forehead and neck as well, plus little dark patches under his armpits. Time to get the ball rolling. “Fuck it is hot in here,” I stood and tore off my ball cap and shirt, toeing off my shoes as I did. “Hope you don’t mind man.” “Not at all” Mark said, standing as well. “In fact, I’ll join you.” “Cool bro, you may want to start jerkin now Mark,” I encouraged the stripping boy to go further. “Tina can sometimes make you go soft and if you don’t warm up before ‘the entertainment’ arrives, you may not be able to participate in any of the fun.” “I’m not worried man,” Mark said, deflating my master plan as he stripped off his white sleeveless undershirt then reaching for the pipe. “I bought some viagra from a guy at school just in case.” Suddenly my spirits perked up again, imagining Mark cumming over and over with his drug-induced hard-on. In my experience, teenagers on Viagra could cum for days without ever getting fully soft, even if they were so high on meth they couldn’t remember their own names. To be certain he’d have enough for the entire trip, I asked him how many he bought, pretending like I might want one. Truthfully I was lucky enough to have a cock that seemed to only get harder on drugs. Aaron and Dave referred to it as “perma-stiffy” lol. I needn’t have worried though, since Mark was overly-prepared (as usual) and got 20 tabs, informing me the price went down when you got that many. Plus 20 could be explained as another drug he was looking to sell, so no one would suspect he might be using them himself. Asking me if he needed to take it now or if he should wait, I told him to go ahead and lose his pants and then he could bust the pills out, so he wouldn’t need to find them in the heat of the moment. Shy as always, he turned away as he lowered his jeans to the floor leaving him in a clean pair of tighty whiteys. My eyes took in the sweet, round globes of his ass as he walked to the bedroom with his folded pants and shirt before returning with his bag which he brought over and dropped next to the coffee table. Biting my lip to stifle a groan as he bent over to look through it, I felt my already stiff cock throb against my tight boxer briefs, the fabric stretching in order to hold my shaft down. I hadn't realized when Mark first dropped trou, but up close I could see that his sweat had created an almost see-through strip of cotton down the center of his butt and allowed me a semi-decent view of his ass crack, providing the slightest hint of dark mystery where I imagined his hole to be. In need of a distraction, I stood up and took a look at what he was unpacking from his bag. “Jeez Marky” my eyes bugged a little at the amount of crap he had crammed into the large duffle bag. “What did you do? Pack every piece of clothing you owned?” “Not quite,” Mark responded, not realizing I was exaggerating. “My dad and mom were insisting I be prepared for any activity that might occur on the ‘retreat’ which meant all kinds of gear for everything from chalk bags for rock-climbing to pads for mountain biking and even my speedo in case we swam any races! It was easier to just go with it than argue, so I have it all here.” “Wow, that’s…insane man!” I laughed and dug out a pair of snow-claws to attach to his boots. Mark joined in on the revelry, laughing and whipping out a pair of wrist braces. I followed with a bag marked ‘Mark’s sweatbands’ containing one for his head, two for his wrists and two for his ankles. My laughter caught in my throat as Mark one-upped me by pulling out his speedos in one hand and his athletic supporter including the cup in his other. He was too busy laughing and spinning them around on his fingers to notice me lick my lips at the thought of his hot ass in either pair. Not wanting to get him feeling too silly, I took that moments to suggest a drink for both of us, and asked what kind of booze he preferred. It didn’t take a genius to decipher his sudden change in mood to realize he wasn’t sure. “I’m gonna have a long-island ice tea Marky, want one?” I offered, eliciting a relieved head nod and visible relaxing of his shoulders. “Good, keep watching that porn and find that Viagra so you can take it with your drink, k?” With Mark distracted, he didn’t notice how much booze was going into the drinks I was making. My original idea was making the drinks with a small amount of ghb from the vial hidden in my sock, but I figured the disguised booze taste of a long island would allow him to get a nice buzz without realizing how much he’d had, and I would save the g for later, if I needed it. When I walked back into the room with the drinks, Mark was trying to get a hit from the pipe, even though there was nothing left for him to hit. We traded, me handing him the drinks, him handing me the pipe, and I loaded it while watching my victim…I mean friend down his little blue pill and half his drink in two gulps. “Damn man, you sure there is booze in this?” He asked, taking another big swig from his glass. “This tastes way better than any drink I’ve ever tasted.” “It’s got enough, trust me.” Smiling I handed him the fully loaded pipe and sat close enough that our bare legs were touching from the knee most of the way up the thigh. Unlike before, Mark didn’t move away or even flinch at the contact, much too focused on trying to melt the crystals like I had showed him before. Once they melted enough, he took a nice, big hit and turned and shot-gunned it to me without me even having to ask. I couldn’t have planned it any better than this. --- End of part three. In part four, Rhett will get Mark to do a lot of stuff he has never tried before and maybe even like it...
    2 points
  24. The first time I got force-chemmed and raped was my first visit to NYC. I was barely 21, in the Army, all buffed out and a bit over-confident as I explored the gay-scene for the first time, alone in a strange dangerous city I had no business exploring by myself. I was walking down a dark, narrow, deserted street taking a shortcut on my way to check out a popular gay dance club I had heard about that was rumored to be frequented by gay college jocks my age. This hot Latin guy was leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette at the opening to an alley. We checked each other out as I went by. He was wearing faded jeans and a wife beater that hugged his torso showing off his nicely muscled chest and arms. He had some hot tats and this bad-boy look about him that made my dick hard, so after passing him, I turned around to look again. I noted that he was checking out my ass, and when he saw me looking back, a sly grin flashed across his face. He dropped his smoke, cocked his head toward the alley in a "follow me" gesture, and disappeared into the shadows. I was feeling a slight buzz from a few drinks I had earlier, which undoubtedly clouded my judgment. There were no thoughts of danger flashing through my mind, only this burning desire to feel this guy's naked body up against mine. I remember wondering if he was gonna fuck me or if I was gonna fuck him. I didn't care which it would be. Maybe both if I was lucky. I didn't have any condoms with me and that fact didn't even register in my mind. When I entered the alley, it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. I could barely see him ahead of me in the distance. He was waiting for me outside of what looked like a doorway. As I approached, I heard the door open and he disappeared inside. I followed him, enjoying this little chase thing we had going. I found myself inside a dark hallway. I could smell cigarettes and alcohol. I could hear muffled voices. I couldn't tell where he had gone so I started down the hall. I checked the first few doors, which were locked. When I got to the end of the hall, I opened the last door and stepped inside. I found myself in the back of a long poorly lit room. There was a small bar counter to my right with a couple of guys sitting on stools and chatting with a bartender. There were a couple of pool tables toward the front of the bar, each with a single bare bulb hanging over it. I heard nothing but Spanish being spoken and quickly realized I was the only white guy in the room. As I stood there, taking in the scene, the occupants of the room noticed me and the place fell silent as all eyes turned to me. I sized up the situation quickly and the alarm bells were starting to go off in my head. There were about 12 guys, all Latino, roughly 20-30 in age I guessed. It was hot as fuck in this room and everybody but the guy I had followed in here and myself had their shirts off. These dudes were all in damn good shape and I realized they looked like gang bangers. I noticed a couple fresh tattoos on the two guys nearest me that looked like prison tats. This was not what I bargained for. I started to turn toward the door planning to retrace my steps out into the alley. That was when I heard the door shut behind me and the click of the deadbolt. I knew I wasn't going out the way I came in. I saw another door at the far end of the room and started calculating how I was going to reach it. I'm a tough, wiry, scrappy fucker but I realized there was no way I was going to be able to fight my way through these guys. When I saw a guy at the front door throw the bolt and lock us all in, I knew that I had fucked up royally. Swallowing my panic, I figured I'd better make friends fast. I forced a smile onto my face, walked directly up to the hot guy I had followed in from the alley, and said, "Hey amigo, can I buy you a drink?" The room was silent as he ran his eyes up and down my body and I could see the lust in his eyes. I felt like I was in a fucking meat market and I was the new meat. After what seemed like an eternity, he smiled at me and said, "No white boy, you are my guest, let me buy you one." The whole place erupted in laughter and everyone turned back to their conversations and drinks. I felt such a wave of relief sweep over me I thought my legs were going to buckle. My "host" fired off some commands in Spanish to the bartender, who got busy mixing our drinks. My Spanish is shitty and these guys all spoke some kind of dialect that rolled off their tongues like gun fire. I was clueless what they were saying. In no time I had a cocktail in my hand and I was invited to play a game of pool. The guys at the closest pool table cleared out to make way for us and the game began. The cocktail I was drinking tasted REALLY good...not too tart, not too sweet. It was like something you would have on a beach in a warm climate, but I had never tasted anything like it before. My host had the bartender make me a second one and about half-way through it I started feeling really light-headed and unstable on my feet. I plopped my ass onto a stool and someone asked me, "You feeling alright white boy?" I tried to respond but my tongue felt thick and all that came out of my mouth was gibberish. Several of the guys around me chuckled and the sound of their laughter sounded like it was echoing down a long hallway. I started to fall off my stool and a hot muscle guy with huge arms caught me. He picked me up and laid me on my back on the pool table. My host, the hot guy in the wife beater, came up to me, leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Relax and enjoy it white boy. We're gonna show you the best time of your life tonight." The realization swept over me that I had been drugged, and the panic was starting to build inside me again. My mind was fully engaged, but I had no control over my body. I could see what was happening and feel it, but I was helpless to do anything about it. Guys in the room were stripping their clothes off and I could see guys playing with their cocks. I heard one guy say in English that he had gotten a taste for white boy ass in prison and now he couldn't get enough of it. Several other guys agreed with him. I watched as my host peeled out of his wife beater, then stripped out of his pants. He had purposely positioned himself so I could watch him strip and he was giving me a show. He had a gorgeous chiseled body with 8-pack abs. I was totally hot for him while simultaneously scared out of my wits. The combination of fear and lust was oddly erotic. My mind was doing this tug of war in my head. I realized that I was about to be gang raped by these guys and my reaction alternated between panic and lust. I was scared to death and horny as hell all at the same time. My cock had a mind of its own and it was rock hard. My host took notice and I saw him smile, knowing he was getting the response from me that he wanted. I could tell he got off being in total control of the situation and having me powerless. It dawned on me that I couldn't do anything about it anyway so I might as well make the most out of it. My host walked up to me wearing nothing but boxers. His cock was straining against the front of his boxers creating a tent effect and I could glimpse his cock through the overstretched fly front. He dropped the boxers revealing the biggest slab of cock I had ever seen -- even in pornos. It was long, thick, and rock hard. He stroked it as he showed it to me and told me I was going to enjoy being his faggot for the night. He told me how he was going to tear my ass open with his mammoth cock and how all his buddies were going to watch him fuck me before they took turns in my ass. I was thinking there is no way humanly possible that something that large could be made to fit into my ass. Boy was I wrong. My host said something in Spanish and then I heard him say, “Gibron is going to get you ready for me.” I wasn't sure what that meant until I felt someone grab my arm and pin it to the table. Someone growled in my ear "hold still motherfucker" and I felt something stick my arm. Then I heard, "got it," followed by, "hold on white boy and enjoy the ride," as more guys chuckled. Seconds later I felt a weird sensation. My pulse quickened, I felt a source of intense heat gather in my chest then burst, like a sun going super-nova, spreading outward through my arms and legs like liquid metal until the energy burst from my fingertips and toes erupting outward like jets of super-hot plasma. The heat in my chest rose up through my lungs and into my throat as I coughed violently a couple of times. The noise inside my head sounded like a freight train roaring through a tunnel. My vision changed suddenly and I could see nothing but star-bursts and colored lights. I couldn't focus my vision and my eyeballs wouldn't hold still. They bounced around in my head like a balls in a pinball machine. I experienced the sensation of weightlessness. It seemed as though my body has risen up off the pool table and I felt like I was floating. It was without a doubt the most intense and most pleasurable sensation I had ever felt. I couldn't help but repeat over and over, "oh shit", "oh fuck", "oh shit", "oh fuck." Then I became aware of my cock, standing straight up and rock hard, with this sensation of fullness and heat building inside of it. It felt like my cock was swelling and that it would burst outward from the pressure. Suddenly I felt the heat gather at the tip of my cock, and without any stimulation, the biggest cum load I have ever shot erupted from the head of my dick. My dick was like a fountain, with spurts of cum shooting several feet into the air and spraying in all directions. When the geysers subsided, cum continued to drain from my cock in a steady flow for what seemed like minutes. I was soaked in cum and could feel a huge pool of it forming underneath me on the table. It must have been impressive because I heard several remarks like, "fuck man look at all that cum!", "I've never seen a guy shoot like that!", and "I didn't know a guy could cum that much!" Then I felt multiple tongues on my body licking my load off my skin. The sensations of having these guys touch me were amazing. The next thing I was aware of was my host's tongue and fingers playing with my ass. He was telling me how much he liked my hot, tight, pink hole and how much he wanted to put his huge cock in there and own it. I realized that my ass was craving cock like never before and I found myself lusting after that mammoth cock he had showed me earlier. I felt confident that I could take every inch of it and I was eager to show him how much I wanted it. I knew in my heart that I would give every ounce of effort inside me to take all of him and that I wanted his load in me. In fact, I wanted every last motherfucker in that room inside me and I wanted every one of their loads. I tried to say something to that effect and someone bent close to my ear to hear my confession. He stood up and announced, "He says he wants all of our cocks inside him, right now, at the same time." That got a big laugh from everyone. Someone asked, "How much did you give the kid?" I heard, Gibron say, "Point 8, and I've got lots more for him when he wants it." My host walked up and showed me his hard cock. He held two beer cans in his hand end to end aligned alongside his dick. His dick was the same diameter as the cans and slightly longer than both cans put together. He asked me if I was ready for him to bury his tool in my guts. I wanted it desperately but the size of the thing scared me. Before I could answer he said, "It doesn't matter what you want cuz you're gonna do what you're told, faggot." He walked around to my ass, put the head of his cock against my tight hole, and with one shove he rammed it in ass far as it would go. I felt him bottom out inside me and heard him say, "No faggot. You're gonna take all of it, not just half." I felt him push harder and I was sure he was up against my diaphragm. It felt like he was tearing a hole through my intestines. I could hardly breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I remember a tear falling from the corner of my eye and rolling down my cheek. I remember thinking I had never felt such pain inside my guts. I remember thinking I was going to die and wondering if I would wake up in heaven. Just then, I felt something inside me relax, and I felt a 'pop'. His cock slid further inside and it felt like another two feet of hard dick slid into me. Suddenly I could breathe. Suddenly the pain was gone. I heard my host say, "That's the way white boy. You know you like that monster cock. Relax and enjoy every inch of it." I began to be aware of how fucking amazing this guy's cock really was. He had me stretched to the point I didn't think my hole could get any larger. He liked that tight feeling and he told me so. He was sliding his cock all the way out until just the head was inside me, then sliding it all the way back in again. With each stroke, there was a point in the middle somewhere where I would fell that resistance and that pop, and each time he passed that point a burst of pure pleasure would radiate through my body. It was fucking amazing and I thought, “Maybe I am dead and this is heaven?” It dawned on me that my version of heaven would be spending eternity with an endless supply of hot tops with huge cocks to fuck me, tight bottom boys to take my cock, and this wonderful shit called tina flowing through my veins. The rest of my time at this place was amazing. I had no concept of time. Every so often someone would slam another rig into my arm, and I took every cock in the place multiple times. At one point I heard someone ask how many loads I had taken and I heard, "at least 30 so far". I was both proud and amazed. Every time someone would pull out of my ass, I could feel my hole gape open and cum would run out of my ass and down my butt cheeks. At one point my host laid down on the pool table next to me and I was lifted up by many hands. I was really wobbly, but they set me on top of the host and fed his massive meat into my ass so I was riding him from the top. It slid in easily this time and felt really great pushing up so deep inside me. I was starting to rock on it and ride it when someone grabbed me by the neck, pushed me forward so I was lying on the host's chest, and ordered me to hold still. My arm was pulled straight and I felt something tighten around my bicep. I felt a sharp stick and that amazing heat flooded through my body again. I shuddered and whimpered. The host whispered in my ear, "You love that rush don't you white boy?" I answered, "Yes sir. I don't ever want that feeling to go away." I felt the head of another huge dick push against my hole. There was a steady pressure for a long time and the voice said, "Fuck! This white boy is tight!" I felt a finger slide inside me alongside the host’s massive cock. The finger worked around for a few minutes, then I felt another finger, then another. After a few more minutes, the fingers came out and they were suddenly replaced by the second cock sliding in and filling my ass beyond comprehension. I moaned in pain and pleasure. I didn't think anything could feel better. The second cock slid back and forth inside me, rubbing against my host's dick and stretching me further open with each thrust. This went on for a long time until both guys announced they were getting close. They were both grunting and snorting and telling me how hot my ass felt and I came for the umpteenth time without touching myself. As my cock released, my ass convulsed around their cocks and they both shot their loads inside me at the same time. After they pulled out of my ass, my ass felt empty and it felt like there was a piece of my soul missing. I didn't like the feeling and needed something in there to make me feel whole again. I started begging for someone to put something in my ass, anything. I felt someone slathering my ass with this thick, creamy substance and felt fingers teasing my hole. In and out they went, working my hole, stretching it larger and larger. Soon I experienced four fingers and the narrow blade of the hand. Then it became five fingers and the intensity grew exponentially as the volume of the hand changed from flat to round. The hand was removed for several seconds while something cold and wet was sprayed onto my ass and into my hole. The cold liquid turned hot on contact and burned for a second, then I felt this warm sensation flood my ass and the irritation inside my hole disappeared. I heard the aerosol can spray again near my ear and I could smell some chemical. Someone shoved a wet cloth in my mouth and told me to breathe through my mouth. I took a deep breath and I got an instant warm, fuzzy feeling. My head started to swim and my vision closed in like I was looking out through a tunnel. I was fighting to focus my mind and stay conscious while someone was working hard on my hole. I was aware of someone's hand wedging my hole open and the fullness felt like someone had parked a truck in my ass. Someone stuck a bottle of really strong poppers to my nose and told me to inhale. A few seconds later I felt my body relax and the hand pushed really hard. I struggled to get away but several guys held me down so I couldn’t move. Someone sprayed more liquid on the rag and stuffed it back in my mouth. I was given another big hit of poppers and I felt my ass open up. My ass seemed to have a mind of its own and it started to stretch open as if begging for the hand. I heard the guy fisting me say, “Yeah white boy, suck that hand inside!” I felt him change the angle slightly and the intensity of that small move was off the charts, then suddenly the hand slipped all the way inside me. I felt instant relief and heard a chorus of approval from those that were watching. The hand worked itself around inside me and started to play with my prostate and cock from the inside of my body. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. I started oozing LOTS of precum from my dick and it continued the entire time his hand was in there. At one point a guy pushed his cock inside me alongside the guy's wrist and I felt him unload inside me. Several other guys followed suit and I took several more loads that way.
    1 point
  25. So sad to hear, he was a great performer and seemed to be sweet and caring.
    1 point
  26. Please write more! This is the kind of family I need to belong too. Pnp with family here. Anyone else? Message me
    1 point
  27. Oh My God… my nipples are so wired to my cock… I LOVE it when I’m sucking and deepthroating a Top or he is fucking and getting ready to breed me when he tortures my nipples… that’s why I love wearing my nipple clamps 🔥💕🔥
    1 point
  28. I love sucking cocks, its one of my favorite things to do. But the thick tip of this strangers cock was really straining my jaw. Hed put my phone down a few minutes earlier, and the first of the men hed invited was actively behind me working his cock into my ass. He was latino, his cock was big. I was kept in the lap of my first visitor while the newcomer came in, undressed, and wasted no time getting behind me. He wasnt as big as the cock I was sucking, and slid in without resistance. I felt warm squelches as cum frothed around his dick. The man in my mouth was kind enough to cum, holding my head back and coating my tongue while I got fucked. Another of his invites was arriving, and the latino pushed my face into the floor and fucked me deep while our newest addition was led in. I was pulled up roughly, and a white cock was presented for me to suck. He wasnt big, maybe 6 inches, but he fucked me like my mouth was a pussy. Between these two men I was in heaven, and I caught the first visitor of the night on my couch, filming the whole thing on his phone. Small cock was the first to nut, asking for my ass and the latino beind me was kind enough to give it. He busted fast and I sat back down on the latin cock full of a fresh load. small cock man packed up and went After a minute or two of fucking from both ends, I stood up to catch my breath, and suggested we turn my foldout into a bed to make things easier. During the process another two men joined us, both older white men, in their 50s. Neither was in great shape, but as they undressed they showed cocks that were nice and fat, with one of them packing what grew to easily be 8+ inches. Soon enough I was on the bed, with my first visitors fat black cock parked in my asshole, two white cocks in my hands, and a latin dick exploring the depths of my throat. I got no warning from the man in my throat as he began spurting fat globs of cum directly into my stomach. As he left the black man pulled out from behind me, and one of the older white men took his place. Soon I had these two old men at either end, fucking me nice and slow. I was happy to get some rest, but sadly it was shortlived. The man behind me came in less than 2 minutes, and the other took his place. His cock was the longest of the night, and was hitting depths I hadnt felt yet, but he too came in about 2 minutes. As they dressed I saw that fat black cock still hard, still ready, and straddled him. Cum drooled out of my hole and all over my legs, I felt it squish between us as I eased onto his cock. Cum really ran out of me as his big head pushed its way in, and I rode his wet cock, reveling in the disgusting sounds my cum drenched backside made as I did. I spent maybe 20 minutes riding his fat cock until he finally grabbed my hips and started to grunt. His second load was just as awesome as the first, but unlike the first time he dressed and left. He saw me putting on underwear and told me I wasnt done, and to wait like a good faggot. I put a pillow on the floor and knelt, watching him leave. I pickd up my phone to find out what else was in store to be continued
    1 point
  29. The first time we connected, we agreed to meet in a park where we made our transaction. Several times after that, he would meet me at my house, an hour late, or two hours late, or he wouldn’t show up at all. It drove me crazy, but dealers are hard to come by, and I knew that if I pissed him off, I’d probably have a tough time finding another connection. After we’d met up maybe half a dozen times, I guess he decided that he could trust me, and he started having me meet him at his apartment. That worked out great, no more having to wait around, hour after hour, for him to show up. He would answer the door, we’d make the transaction, and I was on my way. One Saturday afternoon, after the usual frustration of trying to connect with my dealer, I finally got him to answer his phone, and he told me to meet him at his apartment. Fine. At least I wouldn’t waste an entire afternoon waiting for him to show up at my house. No matter how many times I met up with my dealer, I was always extremely nervous, so I got in the habit of taking a couple of big hits on my bubbler, before I left the house. That always made the tension and nervousness roll right off of me. I pulled on a pair of 501’s, my boots, and my black leather motorcycle jacket (no shirt), and headed out. Traffic was good, and parking was easy, so it didn’t take me more than 15 minutes to get to his apartment. Apparently the leather motorcycle jacket look gave him the idea that I was in the mood for some action, because, for the first time, he invited me in. As soon as I was inside, he offered me his pipe, and, of course, I accepted. I took a good hit, then handed it back to him. After we each had taken a few hits, he asked me if I did G. I said, “Sure,” so he went out into the kitchen to mix it up with some Gatorade. He handed it to me, and I drank it right down, as usual. But, man, this was some strong assed stuff ! It made me feel extremely dizzy, and just before I passed out, my eyes closed, and I could feel him unzipping my jacket and tearing open my 501’s. The last thing I remember, I was sitting on the couch, feeling his mouth on my cock. When I came to, I was all put back together, but I was still feeling kind of dizzy. I couldn’t help but notice that, now, there were 2 more men in the apartment. It turned out that one guy was another customer, and the other guy was my dealer’s supplier. The customer was a hot young guy who looked like he was barely of age, if that. He and my dealer were passing the pipe back and forth, and my dealer asked him what he liked. He said that he liked sucking big dicks. My dealer said, “I’ve got a pretty big dick,” and he proceeded to haul it out. He wasn’t kidding. It must have been about 8” long, and quite thick, and cut, with a big helmet head on it. The kid wasted no time dropping to his knees, enthusiastically sucking my dealer’s hard cock. Soon, the kid stripped down, and he resumed sucking. I asked the kid if he wanted to have his cock sucked, too, and he said, “Yeh !” So, I went right to work on him. I’m one of those guys who gets Tina-dick, as soon as I start partying. Not these guys. I was surprised that, even though they’d both been hitting the pipe, over and over, their cocks stayed rock hard. While I happily sucked the entire length of the kid’s cock in and out of my mouth, my dealer placed his hands on the back of the kid’s head, and repeatedly forced his down into the kid’s throat, and held it there until he had to come up for air. It was fuckin’ hot to watch, and I wished that it was my throat that was getting fucked. Several times, the 4th guy in the apartment (my dealer’s supplier) mentioned that he needed a ride back to his house. After a while, the kid had to take off, so I volunteered to drive the supplier back to his house. Every time I think of that afternoon, I could kick myself for not hanging around. Maybe I could have had a nice long session partying with my dealer and sucking and riding his big cock. It was about a 30 minute drive to the supplier’s house, and we exchanged small talk, then he suddenly blurted out, “Have you ever thought about becoming a dealer ?” I admitted that I hadn’t, and he proceeded to give me kind of a soft sell proposition. “You want some real quality shit, not that stuff he’s dealing you, that’s been cut so many times that you can hardly raise a decent cloud.” Well, he was certainly right about that. I told him I’d give it some serious thought, and I’d let him know. When we got to his house, he said, “Come on in. I’ll show you some real quality shit.” No way was I going to refuse THAT offer. I parked the car, and we went inside. Having never been in a supplier’s house, I didn’t know what to expect, but it looked pretty much like any other average house. He quickly gave me the ten-cent-tour, casually mentioning the sling that was hanging from a couple of beams in the ceiling of one of the bedrooms. Of course, my eyes lit up when I saw that. Back in the living room, he told me to have a seat, while he went out to the kitchen to get a couple bottles of water. When he returned, he also had what I was pretty sure was his “stash” kit. Smart guy, I thought. Being a supplier, he must have had a fairly large quantity of Tina, well hidden, somewhere in the house, and he kept a small “stash kit,” just for regular use. “Have you ever done hot rails,” he asked me ? I said that I had done, a couple times. “Wait’ll you try this shit,” he said. “This shit will knock you on your ass ! But, in a good way.” And, he laughed. I was surprised that the only thing in his “stash kit” was one small baggie, about half filled with very finely crushed Tina. Again, he was being smart, not keeping everything in one place. From one room, and then another, he retrieved a large mirror, a long glass rod, and a lighter. After placing the mirror on the coffee table, in front of me, he layed out a couple of fat lines of the Tina, then he proceeded to move a steady blue flame up and down the tip of the glass rod. When he determined that the glass rod was blistering hot, he handed it to me, and said, “There you go. Do that one,” pointing to one of the lines on the mirror. I put the glass rod to my nose, and very quickly sucked up the entire line of finely crushed Tina, holding the smoke in my lungs for a second, before blowing out a huge white cloud. “You feel that,” he asked ? He already knew the answer. He could see my bulging eyes and dilating pupils,as the rush intensified and i gasped for breath, my head and chest feeling hot, and my heart beating a mile a minute. Again, he laughed. Suddenly, I felt an urgent need to get out of my clothes, which I did. I could feel my hole twitching, and I couldn’t keep my hands off my cock as I watched him reheating the glass rod. Then, he handed the rod to me, and told me to continue heating it. “I’ll be right back,” he said. When he returned, he was minus all of his clothes, and wearing nothing but a steel cock ring and a pair of black leather chaps, with his big black cock hanging down, very thick and heavy. Showing a big grin, all I could say was, “Whoa !” “I thought you might like that,” he said, as he took the glass rod from me, and heated it a little more, before he bent down and snorted the second line. Immediately, he grabbed the back of my head, and pressed his lips to mine, and shotgunned the cloud into me, completely filling my lungs. Now, I really was reeling. “Chug down that bottle of water, then follow me,” he said. I was more than happy to do as I was told. He handed me a black jock strap, and said, “Here; try this on.” I pulled it on, glad to cover my ever shrinking Tina-dick, and turned back and forth to see if he approved. He smiled and nodded. “Go ahead and hop in the sling,” he told me, which I was more than happy to do.
    1 point
  30. I went to an out-of-the-way park the other day, after work. I walked by a hot big cross fit type guy sitting on the park bench. I went down one of the side trails where it's great to take off my shirt and sit in the sun. I enjoy sitting in the sun after a sweaty dirty work day. A few minutes later that guy from the bench turned up. I unzipped my shorts, he gave me a quick cock suck. I played with his ass while he was bent over. I don't think he was into that so much. I played with his dick a bit and it was pretty hard, so I got him to stand up and I rubbed his cock head in my ass. He got into that pretty quick, so I rubbed some spit on his cock and he got into it. He fucked me pretty deep pretty quick, I had to brace myself and get used to the size. After a few minutes, I could tell he was getting close. I thought he was going to pull out. I told him to keep his cock in deep when he cums, he got the message loud and clear. He doubled down and went deep. He busted his load. He tidied up his clothes and took off, to finish his run I guessed. I sat back down and enjoyed the warm afternoon sun. Another dude walked by, but I was not into him, I was kind of worn out. I went for a walk in the forest for a bit and then went back to the clearing to get some more sun. After sitting in the clearing for 20 minutes, the first dude came back. I stood up and went over and had a play with him. My cock was rock hard. He pulled his shorts down and pulled his shirt up. I got in behind him and rubbed by cock in his ass. He grabbed my dick and rubbed it in his hole. I dropped some spit in there and pushed it in. We went at it for a few minutes, I rubbed my hands up on his pecs those CrossFit types a re well built. I got close and groaned and breathed deeply he knew I was close. I unloaded deep in his ass. It was a good afternoon getting some sun in the park.
    1 point
  31. Ive always cheated on my boyfriends, always thought it was the hottest thing ever, and never felt bad about any of it 🙂
    1 point
  32. When I first sucked of my uncle, he told me it was rude not to swallow, I got hooked ever since.
    1 point
  33. The whole point of piss drinking is not to have it dribble back out of your mouth but to swallow it. It's another part of the bottom's role of accepting everything the top presents him with.
    1 point
  34. A couple of days ago. Very hot early 30's muscle guy - had been chatting on and off for ages on Fab guys. Super hot body , worked out several times a week and does manual labour - 5'8 or so - absolutely my type. Was looking on line at 8 am , the guy messaged and said he had just taken his first load from a guy on his way to work. I'd self employed so rearranged my morning to drive over - he messaged me just before the arranged time to say that another top was coming over and if I wanted him wet and loose could I wait ? I parked my van in a lay-by just up the road and saw a car arrive and a 30/40s guy get out - very hot waiting outside - after about 8-10 minutes he left (classic pump and dump) I drove over and parked in his drive , he met me at the door in a pair of white CK pants - cliched , but hot Went to the top of the house to what looked like his anon fuck room - not too much light , but an intoxicating small of sweat , testosterone and cum No chit chat , he just bent over and touched his toes , I pulled his very muscly ass cheeks apart and got my tongue in him as deep as possible - wanting to taste the other guys 5 minute old load. As it was just a pump and dump I mounted him , and went balls deep in 1 thrust with my full body weight - I love when the previous guy has done a proper deep dump - as I bottomed out in his ass it became very wet and warm as I reached the other loads. There is nothing hotter than fucking a hot young ass with a couple of warm creamy loads - I fucked for about 5 minuets and added my 5 day Daddy load 4-5 spots of thick cream - he was very grateful - I will do him again.
    1 point
  35. I was on my knees yesterday at a local park. When I walked past this guy's car, I saw he had his cock out and was stroking it. I tried to lure him down a trail, but he didn't respond. When I walked back past his car he was getting out and headed the other way. I just asked him out loud, "Would you like for me to suck that dick?" He responded in the affirmative. We went under a little stone bridge and I pulled down my shorts and got on my knees in the dirt. His cock was already leaking through his shorts. He pulled them down and revealed a nice 6" cock and a surprisingly flat stomach. No other words were spoken. I just went to work and within 5 minutes, he was filling my mouth with thick, hot cum. He pulled up his shorts and walked away as I stayed on my knees and thanked him for the cum.
    1 point
  36. I was out on my morning walk/jog/run this morning and super horny so I had Grindr going and was soon talking with a couple guys. One was nearby at the Toyota dealer getting his oil changed. A cute 29 year old stocky Latino guy who looked younger than that. He sent a cock picture showing a pretty thick and long uncut cock with a curve. I loved that his profile said he barebacked and was verse and he was pretty clear he wanted to fuck me, but needed me to pick him up to do it. I told him I was sweaty and needed to shower, but he told me was cool if I was sweaty and wanted to do this quick. I went back to my house quick, jumped in my truck and went over to pick him up. In person he was even hotter and had a butch voice too. I'd told him there were places nearby we could park and fuck that were safe and we headed to one and parked. We both stripped down and i got down to start sucking his cock and was loving it. He was already throwing off a lot of precum and I couldn't wait to feel his cock inside me. He told me he was getting close and I got up to straddle his cock and lower my ass down on it. I'd got his cock head in my ass when he asked me if I had a condom. I told him I didn't but I was cool for taking him raw. He told me he couldn't do that as it was too risky and said we needed to go get condoms. By now I had his whole cock in me and was stunned as he didn't seem to mind being in me raw and his profile said bareback. I was about to call him out on it, but instead started riding him saying it was cool, we could start out raw and he could pull out to cum. It was clear from his case he was enjoying it but said "No bro, we need to go get some. There's a CVS nearby." I kept riding his cock and he again said to stop and that we needed to get condoms. I was tempted to push it but decided against it. I got off his cock sad about having to do that and put my shorts back on and told him to leave his pants off so I could stroke his cock as I drove. It wasn't far to the CVS and I went in to get some condoms. I like smirking at the cashier on the way out as it looks like I'm getting some, but in reality I'm gonna get it in the ass like the pig I am. I have a pen knife in my pocket and pulled out one of the condoms and nicked it with the tip of the pen knife so I knew it would fail once he started fucking me and put it back in the box so I would know to grab it for him. I got back in the truck and we drove back to the spot, me jerking his cock as we did. He thanked me for getting and said it would be better for both of us if he wrapped. We parked again and I grabbed the right condom out of the packet, pulled my shorts off and opened the condom and put it on him. I grabbed some lube out of the glove box as I knew I would need iot to take a wrapped cock and then started easing my ass down on his cock. His cock felt even bigger and more painful with the condom on it, but I knew the condom would fail and I'd get his load anyhow. I was riding him extra vigorously and being verbal hoping that would tear the condom more. He liked that I was so into getting fucked and me telling him how good his cock felt in me. He let loose with a loud groan and I knew he'd cum inside me even if he didn't know that. I slowed my riding him and eased my ass off his cock, quickly pulling the condom off his dick, putting down the window and tossing it out.It was pretty clearly torn so most of his load was inside me and I put the window back up. He'd been stroking my cock and admitted he doesn't normally bottom but wanted me to fuck him, but that I had to wrap to do it. Talk about a boner killer. I got hard and wrapped to fuck this stud but just could not stay hard enough to get to an orgasm. I'd pull out, pull of the condom and jerk a bit, put it back on and try some more. I knew if I was barebacking him I'd have no problem and would have blasted a satisfying load deep inside him. I kept trying and then the condom slipped off my cock and suddenly I was fucking him bare. I know I should have told him rather than being a dick, but wanted release and so I kept fucking him saying nothing now that I was rock hard. He had his back to me and wasn't one of those condom Nazis constantly checking to make sure I still have the condom on. I shot a massive load inside of him and kept stroking, hoping to pump another one inside him. I was surprised he hadn't realized I was now rawdogging him but he said nothing or didn't realize it. I was so turned on it took little for me to bust another load inside him. As I slid out I knew I'd have to fake surprise that the condom came off and did a good job, apologizing profusely. He was kinda dumb like he didn't comprehend, so I explained it slid off as I was pulling out, which he fell for. He still didn't seem to be grasping it and I wasn't about to go into more detail and started putting my clothes back on. I figured I better drop him back before he figures it out and possibly gets mad/angry that he's got my loads in his ass. As hot as he was and how bad I'd love to take his dick again, that he wanted it safe was tiring and not worth it. I'd got his load which is what I really wanted, and that I got to dump my loads inside him was an added bonus. I was still kind of pissed he lures people in posting he wants bareback but then does a bait and switch. I dropped him off and neither of us said anything to each other. Eventually he'll the condom is still in his ass along with my cum and he'll probably be pissed.
    1 point
  37. Yesterday afternoon it was a beautiful sunny day not exactly warm, but a beautiful day nonetheless. I was crazy horny and had been thinking about cock all day. I needed to find some dick, so I fired up Sniffies and started looking at the cruisy park near my house. I saw a little bit of action going on there so I decided to drive down and walk the trail some hoping to get my ass fucked but if I strike out it still was a beautiful day to be outside. I drove to the park, parked my car, and got out and headed for the trail. I have been walking maybe 15 minutes when I got to one of the very discreet cruising areas. I went off the trail to check out the spot and when I got there to my surprise, there was a boy sitting on a rock looking very sus. I was really taken back because I never see boys his age when I’m out cruising. He was wearing running pants and a hoodie, but the hood was down and I could see he had beautiful, long, blonde hair that came to his shoulders. He probably weighed 110 pounds, and would fit every definition of twink. As I walk towards him, he blurted out awkwardly “you looking“ which surprised the hell out of me, and I started looking around for a cop or a camera or something but there was nothing. I responded “yes I am“. Again, I was shocked because this is normally not how this kind of thing goes down. It was apparently obvious that cruising was brand new to him. After I responded, again bluntly he asked “do you top” which gave me pause for a second but situations like this don’t come around often, so I was like “I sure do“ and it was easy to see that he was excited and nervous at the same time. I walked over to him and took one last look around and pulled my cock out over my waistband and shook it at him. He immediately dropped to his knees and started sucking my flaccid cock. He was so beautiful and so eager that my cock swelled to rockhard in no time at all. My cock is pretty big and he was definitely struggling with it a little bit because he kept trying to deep throat it, but eventually he gave up on that. He stood up, pulled his pants and underwear down and leaned against a tree. He asked me if I had a condom to which I responded no. He paused for a second and said “are you clean?”. I wasn’t going to lie to the boy so I replied “I have no idea” and he responded “ummm, ok”. I pulled out my little bottle of lube and dripped it on my dick. I also put some on my fingers because his pink hole was dry. I worked in two fingers which slipped in fairly easily and moved them in and out. He was moaning as I moved my fingers which got me pretty excited. I noticed that his anus definitely had seen some action at some point, because in between the beautiful pink spokes of his hole there looked to be a scar from tearing I would assume. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful young hole. I took my cock and rubbed it up and down his hole a few times and then eased it in with very little effort. As soon as I pushed my cock in all the way to the root I was surprised by how tight he felt. Being that my fingers slid in so easily, and it didn’t take a lot of effort to mount him he felt surprisingly tight. I started off slow, but I was giving him every inch of my cock and he was moaning with each slow push. It literally was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen the way his pink hole gripped my penis on the out stroke. It was almost like he was prolapsing a little bit but it was fucking hot. Just the way his anus was gripping my cock got me really excited so I held his hips tightly and really started to fuck this boy good. He was getting a little loud and because I was fucking him hard. You could hear the slapping sound kinda echoing in the woods and I got a little worried that someone might hear us. Fortunately, I was still thinking with my cock, so I ignored any worry I had. It didn’t take long and I was just about over the edge when he said “fuck me daddy, am I a good boy?“ and that was it for me. I started pumping multiple days worth of cum deep in this boys guts After I could feel the pumping stop, I pulled out and spread his cheeks with my hands. I watched as huge drops of my thick seed, rolled out of his gaping ass, and landed inside his pants. he just leaned there catching his breath. I asked him if he wanted me to get him off and I offered that he could fuck my ass if he wanted to. He politely declined which being a bottom I totally understand where he was coming from. He told me it felt amazing and thanked me. In my post nut clarity I asked him how old he was and he replied “don’t worry I’m legal“ and I left it at that. He pulled up his cummy pants and made a joke about how cold my jizz was against his skin and him and I walked out together back to the parking lot. He had a car so he couldn’t been too young. we both got in our cars and left. I am a very dedicated Bottom and it’s so rare for me to top that it really was extremely exciting for me.
    1 point
  38. It's a Two for Tuesday! Chapter 49: Toys R Us. Before the Sirs and their boys left the campground, we decided to head to Fantasyland and visit the toy store there. The Sirs both agreed that they had become close friends, and should get together with their boys again soon. The four of them went into the toy store, and looked around. The Sirs noted when the boy seemed to have interest in particular toys. This wasn't your normal toy store, as it had extreme toys which you normally wouldn't find elsewhere. After looking around, they told the boys to go see what trouble they could get into while they shopped. The Sirs were happy with the selection of toys at the shop, and went on a shopping spree. They agreed to each buy toys which would be theirs to keep, but all used on their boys the next time they got together. My dad first bought a stainless steel anal hook. He found a unique one that had multiple size heads which could be screwed onto the tip. He knew it would be perfect to attach to my collar. The other Sir was into ball torture and found the perfect toys. His thoughts were that his boy should be a total cum dump and his cock and balls were useless, until he converted. He already kept his boys cock caged to remind him how useless his cock was. He first bought a wooden humbler. It's a curved piece of wood that goes around the subs balls and creates a tight squeeze. The ends of the humbler go behind the subs legs, pulling harder on his ball sack if he moves. Sir also found something he'd never seen before called a Hells Theter. It was similar to the humbler yet different. It is essentially a ball stretcher, but includes ankle cuffs to turn it into a humbler like toy. Finally the other Sir got a cock and ball crusher. The crusher is two acrylic plates with two wing nuts on them to tighten the plates with the boys nuts in between them. Fortunately my dad saw me as being vers, and not just a hole and bought toys for both ends. First up, Sir knew I loved a thick cock in my ass, and got a 10 inch knotted dildo with a set of two huge knots on it. The second set was near the base and larger than the first ones. Dad had also noticed that I seemed to enjoy piss play, and got a deluxe model puss funnel which would strap on my head, and included a nice blindfold. Next up dad bought two different sounding kits. The first was a training kit with different size stainless steel sounds. Amazingly dad did not already have a sounding kit, and had only sounded himself once before. Perhaps this toy was just for him? Next Up was a stainless steel speculum. Now these are usually used by gynecologist on females to open their pussy for an exam, they could also be used on a guys ass to open him wide. Dad went back to the sound section, and also decided to get an e stim sound set. He had an e stim set, but wasn't sure how it would work with a sound. Before he turned away, he picked up a second regular sound kit, thinking it would be fun being next to me both sounding our cocks together. With that, the shopping spree was over. Dad was anxious for us to be side by side both virgins to sounding. There were so many things at the shop that he would love to have, but they were more like for a dungeon. Dad was looking at the doctors exam table, as he loved having fun at the doctors office, but he knew there was no way to have one at home. That was also his inspiration to buy a speculum. The Sirs went looking for their boys, and sure enough, found them in the sexcade. They were playing pin the tail on the donkey. Guys would pay to get behind a glory hole wall and put their ass up to it. It was free to participants to be blindfolded and given a huge dildo with a tail on it, and find a hole to fill. If one couldn't be found in 10 minutes, they were free to take off the blindfold, and free to fuck the hole closest to them! The other boy found a hole in under five minutes, and I'll admit, I tried not to so that I could breed a hole through a gloryhole. That's when the Sirs found us. I nutted in the anon ass, and we headed back to the cabins, where we sat on our porch, smoked some cigarettes and talked. We all agreed that it would be great to get together again. By that time the other boy should be poz, and I would have at least considered if that's what I wanted. My Sir suggested we go inside and end the weekend just the way we started, by breeding the othe Sirs boy.
    1 point
  39. Chapter 47: Double your Pleasure The next two guests arrived, and wasted no time. They jumped on the bed, and the one said suck our cocks bitch. Dad was right, neither was as long or thick as the first guest. After they were hard, the talkative one said time to ride his cock. He helped position me on top of him, and I bucked up and down on him before he said to stop. The second top then positioned his cock at my hole, slowly entering me. Although he didn't speak, he grunted quite a bit, so I still didn't know who it was. He fucked me for about 15 minutes before unleashing his massive load in me. He then pulled out, and slapped his cum coated cock on my face. The other top started thrusting in me for another 10 or so minutes before releasing his pent up balls. Five more guys seeded my ass that night. It was a mix of guys. Most very verbal telling me they were going to poz me, some saying nothing. Although I was blindfolded and couldn't see their cocks, they all seemed to be 7 or more inches. All of them felt to be thick. The most exciting breeding of the night was the last with my step brother pumping his load into me. It was more of a romantic fuck, but after all the cock and cum I'd already had, I truly enjoyed it. After the last guest left, dad suggested we visit the other Sir and his boy. The party was just finishing with the boys dad pumping the final load of the night deep into his son. His son was in the sling, and rock hard. As soon as his dad pulled out, he looked at me saying he wanted his son to shoot what was very likely his last negative load into me. As he was fucking me, he said that once he converted he also wanted to pump his toxic load in me, either if still on Prep or not. After he unloaded in me, dad said we were going back to our cabin, so I could get my final load of the night. What a night it was. I had taken the largest number of cocks I've ever had, including my dad's and step brother. I'll have to admit, all of the poz talk was turning me on. More and more the possibility of becoming poz was turning into more of a reality.
    1 point
  40. It's Two for Tuesday again!!! Chapter 43: Living a Fantasy. The Sirs and their boys headed quickly to Fantasyland and the Sling Set where they continued where they had stopped before. The Sirs made several bets with each other. The first bet was whoever lasted the longest would get to use both boys as he saw fit for the next hour. Both Sirs agreed on that, knowing there was plenty of trouble to get into. The second bet was that both boys were required to stroke their cocks while getting fuckt, and the last to cum got to choose what "attraction " they wanted to experience and with whom they wanted to experience it with. Some of the attractions were free, but many came with an additional cost. Sadly both my dad and I both lost our competitions. The Sirs suggested we head to the snack shop to discuss. We went to the sex shop though and each Sir bought a nice thick stainless butt plug, and each Sir shoved it up the other Sirs boy. The snack shop had quirky type snacks and names for them. The best part of it though was the most drink station. It was a standard soda machine with a sign that said large soda $2.39. Next to it however was a stack of cups and a sign that said Free Lemonaid! Please take a cup and fill it in the restroom just in case your aim is bad! All 4 headed to the bathroom and filled their cups and brought them to the table. Once there, my dad had an idea. He asked someone to come over and mix the cups of piss up so no one knew who's piss they were drinking. The other Sir loved the idea, and told my dad he was a pig just like him. We gulped their drinks down, and went back to the bathroom to fill another cup with their combined piss to give to the guy who mixed the cups up. My dad noticed the guy was wearing a yellow jock, and knew he'd love it which he did. Chapter 44: Let's Party No not THAT kind of party as the campground is a drug free environment and Sir and I don't do illegal drugs of any type. The Sirs gave both of their boys permission to speak, and asked the winning boy what attraction he would like to experience. His boy said there were so many to choose from, and not all of them were open and although the names were suggestive, he wasn't totally sure of what they involved. His Sir said that's fair and said for his bet, he wanted my dad and I to attend his party tonight. Dad said we could stop by, but were having our own party tonight. The other Sir told him he would fit right in as it was his boys conversion party. He added that he noticed that dad had been stung by the scorpion, and asked if he was toxic. Dad lied and said very and he had a drug resistant strain. Dad asked the other Sir if he was toxic. He said he was toxic as fuck, and after tonight his son would start his lifelong journey. Dad asked the other boy why he wanted pozzed. He replied its not a want but a need. He said he and his father have had sex since he turned 18, and was now 22. He said his father has taught him all he knew, and they had long and numerous conversations on getting pozzed. Both the good and bad of it, and he came to the conclusion that the good outweighed the bad. His Sir then planted a big kiss on his son. Dad said we had a similar situation. He said he introduced me to gay sex just after I turned 18. He said that his son had learned quickly and that he too was curious about becoming poz but for now on prep until he decides. Sir said their party tonight was with positive guys that were going to breed his son. Sir neglected to tell them the guys he knew were all on meds and undetectable. The other Sir said he already had 8 positive guys lined up to breed his son. He said adding more would be complicated and their parties had some different intentions. The other Sir dismissed the boys telling them to get into any trouble they could find while the Sirs talked. They ran off in glee! The other Sir said he had an idea in mind. He suggested that we come over and prep both of our boy holes with a toothbrush before the party started. He asked dad if i was serious about being pozzed. My dad said yes, but he had only been having sex with me for less than a month, and he wanted to be sure it wasnt just his cock and ass overruling his brain! The other Sir said fuck, it took my son almost 4 years to make the choice to become poz. Dad said tonight would be a make or break night for me. He said all of his friends were very verbal and rough fucks, something i havent experienced alot of. He suggested that my dad could also brush my hole, to make his decision on pozzing. Dad said he was sure I'd be up for that, and packed a new toothbrush. Just then the boys returned, and dad asked what trouble we found. I said we went to the Penis Arcade, and played suck a cock. I explained that it was like Whack a Mole, but penises popped up and you had to get your lips around them. I said I won a suck a cock coupon, and sucked the other Sirs boy. His boy said the coupon didn't say single use only, and told his Sir to get down on his knees and suck my dads cock, which he gladly did.
    1 point
  41. I’ve never had incest thoughts but I’ve always loved older men. Nothing is hotter to me then pleasuring an older men, taking their cum in either hole
    1 point
  42. Dad and Alex help me out of bed as they take me to the shower. I'm so weak, with my body racked with pain. Alex stays with me in the shower to cool me off as I know I'm running with a high fever. Alex says the next few days will be hard as my body will louse the fight as Dad's toxic seed invades my body. Dad is changing the wet sheets as the rubber sheet goes on with towels to absorb my sweat. Dad's Doctor comes by to check in on me as he sees a rash and asks me to turn on my stomach, spreads my ass cheeks, and is laughing about what my hole looks like now. The doctor says to my father that this was a beautiful virgin hole a few weeks ago, and now it's a swollen mess, so how many loads did you put in your son? Dad shrugs his shoulds, maybe 50, with spit for lube. It's too early for a test, so for now, keep your son well hydrated with water only. On the fifth day, I started to feel better and could eat some food. I'm so thankful Dad, and Alex was here to take care of me as Dad tells Alex to take me shopping for some clothes so I will have my own and will not have to wear Alex's clothes. Alex knows where to find clothes that will fit me and show off my body. The first stop is the Scorpion lounge, where Alex sometimes works and introduces me to the manager. Alex asks if I can work there sometimes, and the manager asks for my ID and for me to drop my shorts to see my dick. I can see he was impressed, then wondered if I was pregnant yet and Alex that I was recovering from the fuck flu, then told him it was our father was my breeder. Since the Fuck Flu, my dick is with semi-hard or rock hard, so I ask Alex if this is normal, and he starts to laugh. You need to unload, so after the Jock Strap store, I will take you to an Adult Book Store to unload. At the Jock store, the owner as me to strip and take measurements like I was getting a custom-tailored suit. He says to wait as he goes into the back, and in 20 minutes, he comes out with a black and white one. The store owner says I have your measurements, so you call and tell me what you want. He asks if I want to get with Jockstraps with the POZ symbol. Next was getting shorts, some for comfort and some to show off my butt crack and that I am swinging a big dick.
    1 point
  43. My favorite time on a fuck bench was once when I found one vacant and there were two guys standing near it but not looking particularly interested. I got on, and after a minute one mumbled something to the other and they started taking turns fucking me. After they both shot, they backed up against the wall again, and nothing happened for a few minutes, so I figured I should get off and let someone else use it if they wanted. I pushed up with my arms to get up, but suddenly felt a hand in the middle of my back, pushing me to stay down. Shortly after that, another guy came up and had me. Then timr passed again, and I figured that was it, but when I tried to get up, there was the hand again, pushing me down. He kept doing it until the guys fucking me had drawn a small crowd. I took 12 cocks on that bench. Good times... ?
    1 point
  44. I lusted for my 7th grade gym teacher. He was solidly built, around 40, had a deep voice and no nonsense attitude. He was taking role during the first week of school and we were all seated with our legs crossed on the ground. At one point he looked down and said to one of the other boys, "You better get a jock, son, you're hanging out." That was all, he just kept going down the list of names after that. I boned immediately. He was definitely the man I wanted to get my cherry, and right away. Fuck the penal code.
    1 point
  45. Trex slowly pulled the half inflated butt plug out of me, leaving my hole gaping. Then, he walked over to the shelf, and picked up the baggie of Tina, and sorted through it until he found a shard about the size of his fingernail. Handing it to Dantrell, he said, “Here. Push this big shard just a little way into your piss slit, then shove your lubed up cock into Danny’s hole. That’s it. Keep going until you can feel the head of your dick up against his inner ring.” Dantrell followed Trex’s instructions, then said, “Okay.” Trey said, “You’re there, up against his inner ring ?” Dantrell said, “Yeh, I can feel it.” Then, Trex handed the bottle of poppers to me, and told me to take several hits. When he saw my face becoming really flushed, he told Dantrell to gradually push his cock head against my inner ring. “Whoa,” Dantrell said, as I let out a yelp, and Trex knew that Dantrell’s cock head had popped through. Continuing his instructions, Trex told Dantrell to push out a small stream of chem piss. When he did, he felt the big Tina shard shoot out of his piss slit, deep into my guts. Trex said, “Perfect. Now, let’s wait a few minutes for that to dissolve. In the mean time, go ahead and fuck him, but not too deep, yet. Oh, and hand the bubbler pipe to him, and make him take a couple of hits.” Then, Trex took the red plastic cups from the shelf and headed back into the kitchen. When he returned, he was juggling 3 cups, handing one to me, one to Dantrell, and saving one for himself. Dantrell said, “G ?” And, Trex replied, “You know it,” as all 3 of us drained the cups down our throats. Next, Trex told me to take several more hits of poppers, and he told Dantrell to push his cock deep inside my hole, again. “Push right through that inner ring,” Trex said. “Yeh, man, give him the entire length of your BBC. That’s what he needs.” At first, Dantrell kept his cock deep inside my hole, fucking in and out of my inner ring. Then, he switched to pulling his cock back farther, then punching it all the way back through my inner ring, with every thrust. “How does that feel,” Trex asked me ? “Fuck ME,” was my reply ! “That’s fucking incredible !” For more than a half hour, Trex kicked back, occasionally hitting the bubbler pipe, and watching Dantrell’s big long cock giving my hole a good workout. The Tina and the G had me flying high. I was obviously tweaked, and loving the intense fucking that my hole was getting. Soon, Trex blew out a huge white cloud and stood up. “Time for the big one,” he announced ! “Here, I know you’re going to need these,” he said as he handed the bottle of poppers to me. At the same time, he motioned for Dantrell to pull his cock out of my hole, which he did, very gradually, revealing inch after inch of his BBC, until it finally fell out of my gaping hole, and flopped around. I was lying back, my ass a few inches off the end of the sling, my feet in the stirrups, and my legs spread wide, an open invitation for Trex’s BBC. I watched Trex lubing up his thick monster cock, and as he approached my hole, I started snorting the poppers, moving the bottle back and forth, from one nostril to the other, each time taking a big hit, and holding my breath as long as I could, feeling my heart slam and my head pound, until I felt the head of Trex’s cock pushing into me. That was the easy part because his cock head was nowhere near the huge girth of his shaft. Even though my head was spun from all the Tina and G and poppers, I still let out a loud gasp when Trex started forcing his shaft inside of my hole. “Come on ! You want this BBC ? Push back against it ! Come on ! Take it ! Take it ! Trex continually coached me while taking a few steps forward, pushing me and the sling backwards, and increasing the pressure of his cock against my hole until the huge shaft suddenly broke through and the thighs of Trex’s black leather chaps made a loud slap against my ass. Sweat rolled down the sides of my face, and I could see thatTrex was sweating, too. Right now, he knew enough to stay very still, his monster thick cock completely buried in my hole, letting me relax and get used to it’s size. “Holy FUCK,” I yelled out ! “I wasn’t sure I could do it.” Trex told Dantrell to hand him a couple of paper towels. He handed one to me, and we both wiped the sweat from our faces. “Good job, Danny boy ! We need to celebrate.” He told Dantrell to reload the bubbler pipe. Then, he told him to hand the torch and the pipe to me, and ordered me to take several big hits. Next, while Trex was hitting the pipe, he could feel me moving my ass in the sling, fucking myself up and back an inch or two on Trex’s massive cock. Trex blew a huge cloud down toward my hole, then he grinned, knowing that his BBC was in charge, and that my hole wanted it, wanted it fucking me. Handing the bubbler pipe and the torch back to Dantrell, Trex told me to hit the poppers, again, and, as I did, Trex pulled his cock back about half way, then slowly shoved it all the way back in, again. I moaned loudly, and pushed my hips forward, signaling to Trex how fucking good it felt. Trex responded by pulling back most of the way, then slamming back in, in one quick motion. My entire body shuddered, and I yelled out, “OH, FUCK, YEH !” For the next 10 or 15 minutes, Trex kept pounding his BBC in and out of my hole, only occasionally stopping for a few seconds to let me hit the poppers. When, he felt like taking a break, he let Dantrell have a turn, marveling at how my ass was able to take Dantrell’s big long cock punch fucking my inner ring. Dantrell and Trex kept taking turns pounding the hell out of my insatiable ass, and pumping load after load of cum into me, only stopping long enough to fuck more shards deep inside my ass, to make me hit the pipe, and down a few more doses of G. The session ended up lasting about 36 hours, with all 3 of us feeling pretty well warn out. I had received 5 big loads of cum blasted deep inside my ass. Before I left, Trex shoved a large butt plug up my hole, and told me to keep it in for at least 24 hours, to be sure that I had completely absorbed all those chemmed up loads of cum.
    1 point
  46. this reminds me of when I'd go to the old gloryhole sex club in SE DC... I'd watch a bb btm take loads through a hole, then I'd stick my hole up to a hole in the bottom's booth .... such a hot feeling when I then feel a raw cock in my ass from a guy who'd been taking countless raw loads and passing on aids loads and std's to me...
    1 point
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