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  1. PART ONE I was meeting my girlfriend for a dinner date on the other side of town, so I had to pretty much dash straight from work in an uber. A dash I didn't need to make as it turned out as she texted me shortly after I arrived saying that she'd be late. I sat at the table and started drinking the glass of wine I'd ordered on arrival. There were a pair of gentlemen on the table next to me who smiled warmly towards me as I looked around the restaurant as I marked time. It had been a pretty frustrating day at work so it didn't take too long before I ordered a second glass. I'd barely taken a sip when I got another text message saying that she was held up at work, was gonna have to cancel and that she'd catch up with me on the weekend. "Fuck", I muttered under my breath as I put my phone on the table. "Tonight not going as you expected?" one of the guys asked. "You could say that." "Well, you're welcome to join the two of us for dinner if you'd like. We were just about to order, and you've certainly had enough time to check the menu!" he replied. Why not? I might as well eat while I was there. I moved my chair & glass across as the waiter took my cutlery across. "I'm Ron, and this is my husband Damian." I must've looked shocked as they introduced themselves. "Is us being gay an issue for you?" "Oh God no, & I'm sorry if it looked like I did. It just never registered with me that the two of you were gay. I'm Josh by the way." The three of us shook hands. "No, we're not the "usual" gay guys." Damian replied, laughing. They both looked to be in their 50s to 60 and in pretty good shape. "Have you two been together long?" "About 30 years, in fact tonight's our anniversary!" "Oh God, I'm so sorry to be imposing. I'll leave you to it." "Not at all, in fact we thought it might've been fate that you sat next to us." They held each other's hand as Damian said this. "You look exactly like our son, we lost him a few years ago." It made sense given I'd only just turned 24. "I'm very sorry to hear that and I certainly hope that we can have an enjoyable night tonight then." "I won't get too crazy!" Ron replied. "I'm the one that drove here." The next couple of hours flew by in a blur of food & wine. They were the nicest guys, asking me lots of questions about my background, family & everything but whenever I tried to ask them anything about themselves, they quickly turned the subject around to me. I got to my feet to head to the bathroom & immediately stumbled. "Let's get you home!" Ron laughed. When I replied that I lived on the other side of town, they said that they lived pretty close by & that I could leave in the morning. Sounded pretty good to me. We got to their place pretty quickly, I sat in the back of the car while Damian & Ron were in the front, chatting & laughing. "Here we are, home sweet home!" I'd never been inside a gay couple's house before but it didn't seem to different to most places. Damian went to use the bathroom while Ron handed me a big glass of water. I drank half of it quickly in the hope of warding off a hangover as he watched. I saw a bunch of photos of the two of them with a much younger man who must've been their son. I could trace his deterioration through the years in the photos even in my drunken state. "This must be your son?" I asked Ron with a mumble. Everything was getting a little hazy. "Yes, that's Josh. He was such a giving young man and loved his daddies so much." I saw a photo of him with the two of them, standing proudly in his school uniform while the two of them flanked him, he looked about 15 or so. "You don't have any younger photos of him?" "Oh no," I heard a voice from the doorway. "That was around the time we first met him." "Met him? What?" I wondered as I turned toward the door. I caught a glimpse of Damian dressed totally in black leather before I passed out. END OF PART ONE
    14 points
  2. Just had a sexy boy who got off calling me daddy and he fucked, sucked and rimmed me for an hour before planting his own boys into this daddies hungry hole. Fuck I hope he comes back for more, he was a great fuck.
    6 points
  3. Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the apartment Several figures were trussed up, harnessed and bent Over couches and tables, or pushed up against walls And behind them and thrusting right up to the balls Were tops of all sizes, ages and creeds each in their own way expressing their needs. Through the grunts and through groaning, the raised voices of passion, with orgasmic moaning each boy in their fashion Was asking for deeper, for harder, for more! Begging each top for some cum like a whore, When from the front door there came a yell and loud knocking And in strode Big Daddy his appearance quite shocking. Dressed all in bright red from his boots to his head, and sporting a prominant bulge, All knew his attendance at this annual fuck-shed was purely for him to indulge He surveyed the room with a glint in his eye Stroking fingers 'cross his grizzled chin. Which one of these sluts should he first try? Which one would welcome him in? Skinny twink? or dad-bod? or tight hairy otter? It matters not to this lecherous soul. Truth of the matter is nothing is hotter than sampling every hole. Unzipping his fly and out springs the dick that has subdued many a guy. Not overly long, but beer-can thick, oozing precum from its fleshy eye. He strokes at it once and up it rises, stiffening like a flag staff. He grabs his first target and spins them around bending them almost in half. Firm hands grip those cheeks in most brutish zeal, and forward the weapon is thrust. From the lips of the victim comes an animal squeal; part shock, part pain, part lust. The fucking is hard, the fucking is quick; the fuck is with one goal in sight. He has to work now, he needs his dick to deliver the gifts in one night. And so on it goes as the clock it ticks by, they each get their chance of a ride. They'll all get the fuck of a lifetime just so long as he cums inside. On faggot, on cumdump, on chaser, on bitch-boy. On fuckmeat, on spunk-hole, on himbo, on fucktoy. The holes have been gaped and all now are dripping. The night, it seems, now is done. The Big Man is leaving, practically skipping, out before the rising sun. His voice booms back through the air, even as he's lost to sight. A MERRY POZMAS TO ALL YOU DIRTY FUCKERS! AND TO ALL A FUCKING GOOD NIGHT!
    6 points
  4. When I walked into the bar, I was in the mood to be bad. That’s why I chose the place. It wasn’t my neighborhood gay bar, where everyone knows I’m HIV positive and not taking meds right now. If I hook-up with someone there, it’s another poz man. Or, on rare occasions, I even agree to use a condom, much as I hate them. No, this was a place I go to on those rare occasions when I feel like barebacking a guy I just met. I like to make him hungry for my meat, too aroused to stop, just to see if he can think about being careful. I am well hung. I mean, I’m actually at least 8 inches when I’m hard and my dick is really thick. I love it when the bottom has that moment of hesitation before surrendering. Sometimes I tell him I’m positive before I fuck him; sometimes I wait until after I cum inside him. Usually the little faggot starts to whimper and cry. But he stays in my bed and always asks me to fuck him again. By the morning he wants my phone number for another date, LOL. Today had been a bad day at work. My boss had chewed me out for something one of my team had done, and then I had reamed out the woman in question. But I was still angry when I decided to go looking for some action. I needed a victim. It took me just one glance around the bar to spot him. He was sitting alone at the bar, looking nervous. Young, slim, very cute, checking out the other men but looking quickly back at his own drink instead of making eye contact. I was pretty sure it was his first time in a gay bar; maybe he was even cherry boy. I sidled up and sat on the stool next to him. “Eric,” I said, by way of introduction, as I rested my hand on his shoulder. I thought he would jump out of his seat. “I’m Andy,” he replied. “First time here.” He was rather effeminate, which isn’t my type, but he had thick, pouty lips. I imagined kissing them and feeling them wrapped around my cock. “I could tell,” I continued. I waved the bartender over and ordered a drink. When it arrived, I paid and suggested to Andy that we find a table so we could talk. He seemed relieved that I was taking the initiative. I knew right away that this was going to be easy. Easy, yes, but not quick. Sometimes you gotta be patient to set up a good fuck. Andy wanted to tell me how he had come to be in a gay bar. Out came his story: thought he was straight but always found guys attractive, dated women, the latest girlfriend – I think he said her name was Beth – had dumped him for a guy she said was more masculine, got into gay porn, blah, blah, blah. As he’s chattering away, waving his hands around in a very girlie way, I understood why the girlfriend thought he was a faggot. I thought, Andy, what woman wouldn’t see you as a sissy? It took two more drinks to hear his whole sad story of self-discovery. It was boring shit, but I pretended to be interested. I rubbed his back and neck, then his thigh, finally the bulge in his pants. He did likewise, and I saw his eyes widen. “Wow, you’re really big,” he said. “You know, I haven’t done this before.” Bingo! I smiled. “That’s OK. I’m glad you told me. I would be very gentle.” Then I leaned over and kissed him on those tempting lips. He didn’t try to pull away, so I drew him into an embrace and continued to kiss him, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. We sat there making out for a few minutes until I said, “Let’s go back to my place.” He didn’t hesitate. I called a car service. As we waited outside, I put my arm around his shoulder and held him close. He was so eager he practically sat in my lap on the 20-minute ride. As soon as we got into my apartment, we helped each other undress. For a moment I stared at Andy’s body – he was maybe 5’9’’ tall and thin, a real twink. I thought to myself, Your girlfriend must have enjoyed pegging you, because she certainly couldn’t have seen you as a real man. I was a good five inches taller and 75 pounds heavier. He was mesmerized by my cock, which was half-erect and already longer and thicker than his stiff dick. “You never held a man’s cock before, boy, have you?” I growled in a low voice. “No, sir,” he managed to reply. “Go ahead. You know how much you want to.” Andy gently stroked my cock with his slender fingers and began to pump gently, I hardened in his grip. The thought of how I was going to wreck his ass in a few minutes really turned me on. I pulled him close and kissed his thick, pouty lips again. He was delicious. “You have a pretty mouth, Andy. Get on your knees and show me how you can use it.” He obeyed me immediately. I felt his tongue swirl gently around the tip of my dick, then his lips parted and he drew the head into his waiting mouth. God, it was hard not to just fuck his throat! He gripped my cock near the base and pumped slowly, taking me a little deeper with each motion. I held his head in my hands and told him he was a born cocksucker, which seemed to make him more eager. Finally, I could no longer stop myself. I started to thrust into his mouth and hit his throat, forcing him to gag. “I’m sorry, Eric” he said. “I guess I’m not very good at this yet.” “No worries, boy. Just takes some practice.” He opened his mouth again to suck my dick but I stopped him. “I’ve got something else in mind.” I took Andy’s hand and led him into the bedroom. I pulled down the covers and told him to lie on his belly, his head resting on a pillow. Then I spread his butt cheeks with my hands. His pink, puckered, virgin hole was just an inch from my face. I began to lick around it, then inserted my tongue, my thick beard scratching his ass. He gasped at the sensation, then began to squirm and moan. I licked my thick forefinger and inserted it in his ass. Another gasp and more moans. My middle finger followed, stretching him, and then I began to scratch inside his asshole with my long fingernails. “Ouch!” he said, but he didn’t try to pull away. It was time to reveal my secret. “Listen, Andy, I really want to fuck you, but I want you to know I’m HIV positive. We can stop now if you want.” “Maybe you should use a condom,” he replied. “I brought some with me tonight.” “That was good thinking. But a real man doesn’t cover himself.” I resumed licking his ass, and my tongue went deeper now that I had loosened him up. I paused for a moment. “Listen, you really should feel your first cock bareback. I won’t cum inside you if you tell me not to.” It was bullshit – if he let me inside him, I knew I would seed his little faggot ass. But I really like it when a bottom can’t help himself and begs me to cum. I was pretty sure Andy would be one of those. “Well, I guess it’s OK if you pull out. You promise, right?” Not a chance, princess, I thought. But naturally I reassured him that I would respect his wishes. I could sense his hesitation as he mulled over what might happen. But I knew he was too aroused to turn back. To encourage him, I rubbed my thick cock along the crack of his ass, warming it. “OK,” he finally said. “I really want to feel you inside me. I’ve waited a long time to do this.” I applied some lube to the head of my dick and some more to his warm hole. He reached behind and held my dick, placing the tip at the opening. I pressed against him, gently at first and then with more force, but his ass resisted the intruder. “I’m sorry, Eric,” he whined. “I think you’re just to big for my first time.” “Don’t give up, boy,” I coaxed. “You don’t want to disappoint your top, do you?” He shook his head and said he was sorry. “Good!” I said, my voice casual and encouraging. I pulled him onto his hands and knees. “Now relax, Andy. What did you say your girlfriend’s name was?” “Beth. Why?” “Imagine you’re her, with her new man. You want to please him. Imagine how good his cock will feel inside you. How much you want it – no, you need it. Now push back against my cock.” He did as I instructed. Suddenly his sphincter relaxed and the head of my cock and the first couple of inches disappeared into the tightest boy pussy I’ve ever fucked. “Oh, YES!” he exclaimed. “That feels amazing! I’m so full of cock!” And he continued to push back slowly until I was entirely inside him. I rested my weight on his back and whispered, “That’s right, Andy, you and Beth have something in common. You both like to be fucked by real men.” He nodded again. I began to move in and out, very slowly at first, then a little faster. Andy was making high-pitched “Ah!” sounds. I started talking dirty to him, telling him his ass was now a cunt, how I was going to turn him into my bitch. He started to beg me to fuck him harder. I could feel the rising pressure of an orgasm building in my balls. “Lie on your belly,” I directed. My weight pressed him into the bed. I turned his head to the side and thrust my tongue deep into his mouth, a hot fuck kiss, one of my favorite parts of sex. “Do you want me to stop or should I cum inside you?” I grunted in his ear. “Tell me you want it, Andy. Tell me you want me to breed you.” I knew what the answer would be. He was too far gone, too lost in the pleasure of having my huge tool deep inside him, to think clearly about the consequences. “Cum inside me, Eric, please,” he begged. “You want me to poz you?” “Yes. Oh, God, yes. I need your cum.” I gripped his shoulders and thrust with my rocking hips, my balls slapping loudly against the faggot’s bubble buns. In a few moments, I exploded inside Andy, jets of man cum flooding his warm, moist back passage. I soared into that brief oblivion that follows male release, his body beneath me. For a few minutes we lay together. I gradually softened and slid out of him. I rolled over and drifted off to sleep. I awoke to the sound of Andy sniffling beside me. They always get weepy afterwards. Andy said, “I couldn’t help myself. I knew I shouldn’t let you fuck me. I knew I should’ve made you stop. And now I have your poz seed inside me.” He was so sweet. I decided to turn on my phony empathy voice. I told him how sorry I was, I just got carried away, I felt awful. He seemed relieved to know I cared about him. (I didn’t, of course, though I felt a tad guilty because I really didn’t give a shit.) Well, anyway, it worked. A few minutes later caresses turned into kisses, and then I maneuvered Andy onto his back and into the missionary position. He again guided my cock to the edge of his boy pussy and soon I was fucking him again. This time I jerked his dick until he shot a load onto his belly. He rubbed his delicate fingers on my abdomen and the sensation caused me to cum again. This time I didn’t bother to ask him if it was OK. He seemed very happy. In the morning, after a couple more rounds, we showered together. He got dressed and I told him the symptoms of the fuck flu. Then I called him a car. He asked if he could see me again. I lied and told him I had a steady boyfriend. He seemed disappointed but said he understood. I haven’t seen him since.
    4 points
  5. Had a long drive for work yesterday so decided to pop into the sauna on route. It was supposed to be naked day but not many were wandering around naked. I thought I would start having a steam and see if I could get lucky, so went straight to the dark room part. As soon as I walked in the hands started grabbing a gruff voice asked if I had just arrived? I replied yes and with that a few more hands started to touch me I was quickly bent over and I heard the lube packet being ripped open, felt it smeared over my hole and then the ramrod cock of a stranger slid in. I gripped it tight and was called a filthy slut. He fucked hard and fast and soon dumped his load. He was very vocal about how good it felt. For me that was a bonus as I was then passed around the guys in the steamy dark room one guy was so polite and kept saying ‘no it’s fine u first’ as he whisper to me that he loves a loose cummy hole and he likes to feel other guys cum coating his cock. whilst being used by cock 5 a guy entered and asked if this was the guy for breeding and they all responded with a yes he’s taking any load. He also asked what my load count was and I told him 5 he said good slut there’s another 5 in line before I breed ur hole and churn the cum up n push it deep. eventually after 13 loads it was time to go get a coffee, cool off n catch my breath. Steam room defo made me sweat some! Now on the hunt for even more for the next few days
    3 points
  6. Drew gave me my Christmas present this morning. I opened it and it was a new regulation jockstrap. Well, not quite new since he’d been wearing it to break it in for me. He insisted I strip and put it on. Like the good daddy I am, I put it on. I got an immediate erection putting it on. Drew led me to the couch and made me kneel on it with my legs spread and my hole on show. He got to his knees, put his hand on my cheeks and buried his face in my crack. Not just that but I could feel his tongue penetrating my chute. Those of you who have read my previous posts will know that eating ass is not one of Drew’s favourite things. I love having a tongue in my hole so it was a big deal for him to service me that way. He took his time and he ate me out for nearly an hour. He was still eating me when someone rang the doorbell. Drew answered it naked. It was Dwayne, his buddy. Drew had arranged for him to come over. Drew got his face back between my cheeks and resumed eating me out. Out the corner of my eye I saw Dwayne getting undressed. He stood behind Drew and soon I felt Drew’s tongue coming out my hole and a hard cock entering me. It was Dwayne. He went balls deep inside me. I fucking shuddered, it felt so good. He fucked me for a good 20 minutes then shot his load up my arse He pulled out and Drew forced his cock balls deep inside me. He asked “how are you liking your Christmas present Dad?” I grunted “fucking great son - shoot your load in me” Drew took another few minutes and shot his load deep in my guts. It felt amazing to have both boys’ loads in me. It wasn’t over yet. Drew told me that my present from Dwayne (apart from his load) was for me to seed his arse. I pumped Dwayne and drained my nuts up his hole. I sat back exhausted and thoroughly satisfied. Eating out my arse (and breeding me) was the best Christmas present Drew has ever given me. I’m afraid all he got from me was a new iPhone. Still, he’ll get a load from me tonight and tomorrow morning.
    3 points
  7. ****3**** It woke up a couple of hours later in a soft, warm, comfortable bed. It took a few seconds for it to remember what it had submitted to and what had been done to it. A sharp pain soon reminded it. It remembered the intense pain as his testicles and scrotum were severed from his body. The sound of them landing in the metal tray. He could also feel the result of the assault on his arse. He put his hand down to his crutch where once his balls had lived. There was a thick padded dressing under his cock. Thankfully his cock was still attached to him. His hand moved to his arse. His hole felt still slightly open and he was able to insert two fingers without having to stretch his sphincter. It wondered if it would ever return to normal. The Master sat in his armchair. Now showered and fully clothed he was very happy with how the boy had submitted and the results of his emasculation. He hoped that his insemination of the boy would be successful. He couldn't see how it would not. He had procreated with at least three other men who were now permanently carrying his babies and they had all been fertilised on the first or second breeding. There was one other large procedure and a few small cosmetic changes that he would do to it but, they would have to wait until it had recovered fully from its castration. Over the next few weeks the Master took care of it. Giving it the occasional salt bath to help the healing process and cleaning and dressing the wound. He had access to a vet should there be any complications or infections of the site but luckily he was healing nicely. There had been a fare amount of swelling initially but this was to be expected and in just two weeks it was starting to look like there would be only a small scar. Of course he fucked it regularly. Initially he had to be careful not force its legs apart too much as he didn't want to tear the wound but he managed to fuck it quite adequately from behind with its legs almost closed. It loved being fucked by the Master. His hole longed to be filled with as much seed as he could get. Three weeks past and one morning it woke in a soaking wet bed. Every muscle in its body ached. His head and even his eyes were painful. It was convinced it had an infection from its castration. It told the Master how he felt and was a little surprised when the Master smiled. He checked its wound site and was happy to confirm that it was healing nicely and the was absolutely no sign of anything untoward. "You're converting boy, you have the fuck flu. Your body is trying to fight off the bug in my seed that is infiltrating and taking over your body. My seed will win and you will be pregnant. This is good. You are bound to me forever or at last for the rest of your life" At that particular moment the last thing on its mind was sex. It was the first thing on the Masters. The Master took of his shirt, shoes, trousers and underwear. His cock was fully erect and engorged with blood. He told it to turn over and unceremoniously mounted it from behind. He was rampant. The boy was pregnant with his seed, he had to fuck it. Its hole felt so good that morning. It felt tighter and was definitely hotter due to its fever. It felt wonderful on his hard cock. The boy had little arousal, he just wanted to be allowed to go back to sleep, but the Master was to have his way. He ravaged the boy, fucking him like it was the first time. It only took ten minutes before the pressure in him was so high he had to release. Sperm shot from his cock filling and coating its guts. Even the boy thought he could feel the explosion inside his so intense was the Masters ejeculation. The Master slipped his cock from its hole and lay on the bed beside it. It's hole throbbed and it could feel warm wet cum leaking from his hole. Sperm leaked over the dressing where once his balls had been and onto his cock which for the first time in three weeks seemed to come to life. It rolled over onto its back allowing its erection to stand vertically, bobbing as it stood. The Master saw it. "Relieve yourself boy, you deserve it" Even though physically drained from his ill health and fucking he reached down and grabbed his cock. It hadn't been stimulated for so long it felt fantastic. As he massaged his member, he wondered he would still produce any fluid as he no longer had balls that produce sperm. He didn't need to worry. Within just a few minutes he felt his climax approaching. Within seconds semen shot high in the air and landed back on his stomach. His prostate having released its juice. "You'd better clean that mess up boy, use your fingers and your mouth. The protein will be good for you. It did as it was told cleaning every last drop. When he was finished the Master told him to get some sleep and threw the bed covered over him. He slept the sleep of the dead for almost three days, only rousing to drink or use the bathroom. The fuck flu had hit him hard. It was two weeks before he felt well enough to leave his bed. The Master had cared for it well during that time. Feeding it, cleaning it and changing its dressings. Three months past and it was getting used to the Masters ways, requirements and constant need to fuck. The Master had a huge sexual appetite. Not that it wasn't grateful. It loved being the target of his desire. The wound had healed very nicely. There was a small lump and red area at the castration site but, that would reduce even more with time. Eventually it wouldn't be obvious that there had ever been anything there. It was ready for the next procedure. One morning it was lead down to the playroom. As the Master opened the door it saw another man. It was a little embarrassed as he was naked and no one other than the Master had seen that he was now a eunuch, an unmanned male. The Master commanded him to lay on the bench. The same bench that three months ago he had been laying face down on as a complete male. The man lifted it cock and looked at the wound. "Nice job, very neat" The Master smiled at the man and he smiled back. "So, ready for the next stage" said the man. "Yes as discussed" It was very nervous now, the only thing left was his cock. Was the man here to cut it off. He began shaking and tears filled his eyes. The man took a syringe from a black medical bag. He inverted it and squeezed the plunger in order to expel and residual air then injected its cock in a couple of places, then in the flesh around the cock. It didn't want to lose its cock. He still liked to touch it and occasionally the Master would allow him cum. The man took a pin from his bag and stuck it into its penis in several places to confirm that all feeling had been dulled. Then to its horror the man took scalpel from the same steel kidney bowl that a few months ago had held his dead, severed testicles. It could feel what was happening but there was no pain, only the dull sensation of the man cutting around the entire circumference of his penis at its head. He realised, with some relief, that he was being circumcised. However the man wasn't finished yet. He felt the man cutting around the circumference of his cock again, this time close to his body at the base. He then felt a tearing sensation as the man removed all the flesh from the base of his cock to its head. He then proceeded to stitch the flesh from both ends together, essentially his cock would just be the domed end and he would be unable to achieve an erection. The last thing he did was to make a deep incision and the base of his cock close to where the root of his cock entered his body. He did nothing more than stitch this incision with two stitches. The Master looked very pleased with the results. The whole procedure had taken less than an hour and now he had a eunuch slave with nothing more than a nub of penis, useless for nothing more than to pee out of, although he would be able to achieve orgasm with stimulation which would be very useful in controlling the boy. "Any problems, give me a shout but it should be fine. I'll leave you enough pain killers and three more shots to give it. I'll come and check that mare in a few days anyway. Should be able to take the caste off then" The boy realised that this man, who had just ruined him was a vet. The Master looked at it and smiled. "You are now complete boy. Your cock is like a clit and that last incision has destroyed your ability to get an erection, which is just as well as you no longer have enough skin to stretch over an erection" It had tears in its eyes. It had enjoyed its cock. "Don't fret boy, you'll still be able to cum when I let you, if I let you" It took several weeks for its cock to heal but, even the boy was pleased with the way he looked now. His crutch was smooth except for a small domed cock head that occupied a small space between his legs. He had lost all sensation of becoming erect but if anything, his cock head was even more sensitive than before. His master had let him stimulate himself to orgasm several times after fucking him and the pleasure was immense. Now it was happy, more than happy. It enjoyed serving its Master. He performed all the menial tasks required of him. All the household jobs that need to be done and when completed the Master would give his arse a good fucking or let him suck him to completion. One day, later that year, he was very surprised when the Master told him they were going out. The Master had a surprise for him. It would be the first time since he had arrived that he was allowed to leave the farm. They drove to a nearby town and visited a tattoo shop. It was tattooed on one arse cheek with a poz symbol and on the other with the words 'Property of Stan' ******Fin*****
    3 points
  8. Xmas Eve: just got back from the sauna. Was kinda quiet but sometimes that pays off... I had hopes for having fun with a guy who had a scorpion tattoo on his back just above his butt... but it wasn't to be. Instead I got cruised by a really nice rugby build guy - muscular but with soft edges. We started off upstairs in one sling and then the other, which was more comfortable for him as it was less high. We switched locations and fucked in the gym, the darkroom, and the jacuzzi-spa. I'm not quiet when getting railed, so we drew a small crowd each time. He had tons of stamina and I was glad of a short break each time we switched locations. Since it was getting close to closing time (7pm since it was xmas eve) we went upstairs to the sling again for a grand finale. After he finished (second load from him) I stayed in the sling for a while hoping others who hadn't dropped their loads already might want to do so before closing. Put the towel over my face so I couldn't see and stayed a while to see what happens. Not long before I felt probing fingers and then a cock. Decided not to peek and let things happen... it could have been any one of about five or six guys who were left. Whoever it was didn't last long, which I was grateful for as the previous guy had been unrelenting and I was a bit sore. Now I'm home and looking back it is very horny thought that I'll never know who that was. Anon can mean just not knowing who they are but not seeing them at all is a whole new level and one I plan to revisit.
    3 points
  9. In the 80's A few years back, I lived in large cosmopolitan city in the Deep South. Just before I left, I saved up some money, and bought myself one of the quintessential used white vans that could be seen everywhere in the city. I padded and carpeted the back floor, sides, and roof, and put in a small cabinet and extra-heavy curtains behind the cab and on the windows ... the usual stuff for then. I also added something special: a padded sawhorse with restrains on the legs and cross piece. As soon as I had finished, I need to test it. As I lived only a few blocks from downtown, I walked to a local bar, I cruised a number of guys, and settling on a hot looking victim: early-20's, auburn hair, dirty-blonde hair, blue eyes. (Yeah, I'm a sucker for blue eyes.) He said his name was Jim. After chatting a bit, I invited him back to my place for sex. When we got to my place, he said that he didn't get fucked ... that he never had, and never would be, because he was afraid of AIDS, and even a condom might break. I said that I was okay with that. We stripped naked, fooled around a bit, and smoked some weed in my bedroom. I suggested that I show him my van. We both threw on clothes, and went back down to where I parked it. I told him we had to take off our shoes before getting in the back. I grinned when he told me he liked the back, but wasn't sure what the sawhorse was for. I told him I'd demonstrate it. I lay down prone on it first, and let him restrain me. After he let me up, I coaxed my intended victim to lie prone on it, and I secured his wrists, ankles, thighs and chest. I then put a gag in his mouth, and asked what he thought of my contraption. All I heard form behind the gag was a muffled response. I took a knife, and cut off his belt, t-shirt, and jeans. He kept pulling at the restraints and trying to yell while I was doing it, but the restraints were firm and the gag was very effective. I was sure with the padding that no one outside the van could hear him. I got a jar of Vaseline from the cabinet, shucked my clothes, and greased up his asshole. I then spread his ass-cheeks, and pressed my dick head against his hole. He he kept trying to writhe and twist to get away while yelling into the gag. Grabbing his hips, I forced my entire thick rock-hard naked seven inch dick deep inside my victim in one shove. For a second his body froze before he screamed into the gag and fought like mad to get free. I took my time plowing his ass, enjoying how it convulsed around the cock that had destroyed his virginity. He continued to gurgle behind the gag and writhe, still pulling in vane at the restraints. Eventually, I decided I'd had enough, so I fucked him faster until I felt my balls start to draw up. Yelling "Take it, bitch," I rammed in balls-deep and splattered a huge load in him. He was crying as I withdrew my cock from his violated asshole. I cleaned-up myself, cleaned-up his ass, and dressed myself. As I stepped out of the van he resumed yelling into the gag. Perfect: I could barely hear him with the door open; with it shut, I couldn't hear anything at all. I drove the van to a leather bar, and parked it at the far end of the lot before I went inside. One by one, I began approaching men to see if they were interested in what I had to offer. It wasn't long before I found my first taker: an average biker type in boots and jeans. We walked out to my van, and climbed in back. He ran his hands over Jim's ass, murmuring "Nice." Jim pulled desperately at the restraints and yelled into the gag. "He okay with this?" the biker asked. I smiled "Why wouldn't he be?" The biker smirked, "Got it. Besides, I don't fuckin' care." By the time he had his clothes off, his dick was already hard. He stepped between Jim's secured legs, rammed it in and started fucking. In short order he blew a juicy load into Jim's ass. He dressed and we left. "Hot hole. Thanks," he said as he split. Over the next hours, I found eight different guys similar to the biker, all ages and races and sizes, each of whom eagerly mounted, plowed, and shot his load in the restrained victim's rectum. After the second guy, Jim stopped yelling, and began to uselessly blubber pleas behind the gag. His ass filled with more and more cum, some of which dribbled down the insides of his thighs as each new cock displaced some to make room for another guy's load. The last guy was the topper: a old biker, in his late 50's or early 60's, hairy, balding, salt & pepper beard, beer belly, smoking a fat cigar. I took him to the van like all the others, he fingered the cum dripping from Jim's hole, and grinned at me lopsided as he commented "Guess Ah'm not the first tonight, eh? That's okay. Ah like sloppy seconds." He unbuttoned his jeans, and brought out a very large cock and balls that were the size of goose eggs. It only took a few strokes for his cock to become a tool the size of a tall beer can with a huge steel PA. "Holy shit!" I muttered. Grinning lewdly, he asked "Think he can take this?" "He has a choice?" I answered. The biker laughed "Shit, no!" Still smoking his stogie, he stepped in and pressed the head against Jim's hole. "Hold on, fucker. This's gonna be a bumpy ride." He then began pushing himself inside Jim who renewed his whimpering and writhing. He slapped his ass. "Ah'm horny as hell, an' it's my turn at yer butthole." He then forced the entirely of his monster cock up the defenceless asshole, and Jim resumed screaming into the gag. "Take it slut!" Pausing a second, his huge dick buried balls deep in Jim's asshole, he glanced at me and commented "Hot hole... still sorta tight," adding the wry remark "for now." He then vigorously ploughed Jim who turned his face to me, tears streaking his face. I bent down and pretended to listen to him. I told the biker "He said he doesn't get fucked." Demonic lust contorted the biker's face. "That so? Lyin' slut. My dick too big for ya? Too bad." He rammed into Jim, who whimpered and quivered as the biker's trusts became brutal. "Ah'll just teach yer hole to open up an' like it. Ah'll fuckin' make it open up." I got hard watching him assault my victim's hole and my victim's fingers and toes reflexively curling and flexing. The old biker's stamina was incredible. He'd brutally plow Jim non-stop for ten minutes, slow down or stop for a few, his cock still lodged in Jim's ass, only to resume brutally plowing him. Some 45 minutes later he was still at it. He looked over at me and commented "Ah could do this all night, but Ah gotta be at work in a few hours." Grasping Jim's hips tighter, he launched into an assault far more rapid and brutal than the prior ones, his huge balls slapping loudly against Jim's butt. "Gettin' there, slut. Yer hole's wide open an' Ah'm about to blow. Ah yeah. Ah yeah, TAKE IT SLUT!" He threw his head back and bellowed, his monster cock buried to the hilt in Jim's ass. Wave after wave of orgasm wracked the biker as he came and came in Jim. Finally spent, he pulled back abruptly from Jim. "Fuck!" He looked at me. Damned good fuck." He began stuffing his softening cock and balls back in his jeans, the front of which were dark and damp with sweat, ass juices and various loads of cum in Jim's ass. He slapped Jim on the ass. "Hope ya liked that ... Ah sure did! Felt like Ah shot a gallon of cum up yer butthole." He opened the door, stepped out, then turned back with a really evil grin on his face. "By the way, all that hot seed Ah just shot in yer ass? t's dirty ... radioactive ... POZ." He laughed, slammed the door, and walked away. Jim began sobbing. My cock was once more rock hard.
    2 points
  10. Sliding my bare cock and shooting my load into a disembodied man cunt feels too damn good to refuse and pulling out is never an option. I don't even ask if a bottom wants me to wrap up, I just go in bare every time.
    2 points
  11. I can't forget it, I don't want to. He worked on me quite a bit until he managed to put me in.
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  13. I'm going back to Flex Cleveland this coming Saturday for an overnight visit. I hope to at least double these numbers and get at least 2 loads in my tight hole as well. I'll keep all you posted. 😋
    2 points
  14. Pre-Xmas party on Friday. Invitation from two buds. Both older bottoms like me. They had advertised a "fuck Daddy" party and leading up to the party the response was much higher than they had expected. I was more than happy to share the "burden" 😉 Eventually of the 13 guys who had responded only 8 showed up. Age range from 20s to 50s. I had a blast! Much needed multi-fuck. 20s guy with a big fat whopper seemed to have a preference for my ass. Luckily already had a load in my ass before he shoved his cock in. A sexy guy in his 40s liked me too. They had a party in my ass and mouth hehe! I love a spit roast! But others took a turn too. 20s guy pumped a big load in and returned later for seconds. 40s guy nailed me really good but preferred to shoot on my face and in my mouth. Ended up with 4 loads in my ass and one in my mouth. Fun time! Friends were happy and so was I. Let's do this again! 😉
    2 points
  15. ****Part 2**** The Master, pleased with how the boy had cleaned his cock extracted it from the boys mouth. It was time to move on to the second stage of its indoctrination. He walked over to a tall metal cabinet which sat against a wall between a sling suspended from the ceiling and number of large steel rings fixed into the wall. The boy watched as the Master opened a drawer in the cabinet and removed a stainless steel kidney bowl, the type surgeons used in operating theatres. The boy began to feel a little nervous but it was the next object he saw taken from another drawer that sent his heart racing. He had worked on a farm during the summer holidays when he'd been at school, mostly in dairies but , he'd seen various procedures being carried out at other locations on the farm. He immediately recognised a burdizzo, a device for castrating young male calves. The boy began to sweat and shake with fear. He was totally at this man's mercy, completely secured on the table. His scrotum stretched with his testicles pulled away from his body. The Master walked across to him with the burdizzo. He noticed small yellow rubber bands on the jaws of the device and he knew his emasculation was imminent. Fear took over his body and he began shaking uncontrollably but, conversely his cock became fully erect in the strap that held in firmly on the underside of the bench. It swelled so much in the tight strap that it hurt. Something in his brain knew that this was the last time the body would have a chance to reproduce itself. Pressure grew to an astronomical level in his loins and his body tried to pull his testicles up towards his body but, the weights attached to his scrotum restrained them. Suddenly his body involuntary convulsed and he orgasmed, ejeculating a huge stream of sperm onto the cold tiled floor. He had cum violently, but his body in one last final vein attempt to fertilise something made him orgasm for a second time. There was much less seed produced this time but, almost everything that had remained in his testicles was pumped out through his cock. The boy lay on the bench now, completely spent. Under him was a pool of seminal fluid. Some of his sperm were still swimming in what was a wasted effort to impregnate something that wasn't there. Soon they would be dead, as was any chance of the boys reproduction. The Master looked at the boys pathetic effort and smirked. He hoped the boy had enjoyed his last proper orgasm. He reached under the bench. The weights had stretched the boys sack enough that he was able to grab a handful of the boys sack between his body and his balls. He tugged down hard and then manoeuvred the burdizzo over its testicles and as high up on his scrotum as he could, releasing the rubber band where the skin of the scrotum met with the boys body. The boy groaned and whimpered and said "No, please" but then remained silent, any hope of keeping himself intact gone. The Master reloaded the burdizzo and slid the tool over the boy balls again. This time he released the rubber band close the his testicles. The boy noticed that the Master had become fully erect again. The skin of his cock so taught it could barely cope with the strain. The Master went behind him and mounted him again. This time though he'd prepared its hole with a copious amount of lube, he'd inserted two fingers in his arse covered with the cold slimy fluid. The Master made sure the soft tissue inside the boys rectum was liberally coated before retracting his fingers, which were now coated with lube, a little blood and previously donated sperm. He had hopefully impregnated the boy on his first attempt, now this fuck was purely for his own pleasure. The tight wet, hot walls of its arse felt wonderful on his cock. There would be no rush to cum, he could fuck him as long and hard as wanted. Meanwhile the boy was enjoying being fucked alot more than than first fuck but his testicles were throbbing like he was being continuously kicked in the balls. Under the bench his balls were slowly turning blue, dying from the lack of blood supply. The Master was fucking it hard now, pumping his cock in and out of the boy. It could feel his Masters balls slapping against his arse with every thrust. Sweat was dripping on him from his Masters body. The fuck lasted over twenty minutes before he finally felt him sink his member deep into his guts and unload his seed, coating his soft, yielding, hot internal flesh. The Master was spent now. He collapsed onto its back, enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm. It was glad the Master had finished. Everytime he had moved in or out it had made weights attached to his balls swing and cause, now, severe pain. The Master pulled his cock out of its arse. He made his way over to and armchair facing the boy and collapsed. He needed to rest for a few a while and recover. The next stage would need his full concentration so as to ensure the finished result was satisfactory. It lay whimpering for a few hours wishing he was somewhere else. What was he thinking surrendering himself to this sadist. He had been so turned on by the fantasy of being dominated for so long that any reality had long since departed his mind. That reality had returned now. The Master had left him in this poor state for at least a couple hours. He was glad when he finally returned. The Master examined its now dead testicles and scrotum. He made his way to the metal cabinet and opened another drawer. He slid open the drawer and removed a tool that was sealed in a sterile plastic bag. It was a scalpel combined with a filament that sealed a wound with very high heat to stop bleeding. He plugged the tool into a nearby socket and waited for the filament to heat to the required temperature. The boys eyes were wide with fear and he was shaking visibly. "Oh god please no" The Master replied "Your balls are dead and must be removed. I won't lie this will hurt, alot. But it's necessary for you to meet my requirements" The Master, holding the steel kidney dish in one had and the emasculator in the other moved under the bench. The boy braced himself. He felt the blade touch his scrotum just under where the rubber band had been placed near to his body. He felt the knife slowly sever his balls and his sack and the hot wire sealing the cut. The pain was was terrible but didn't last long until he heard the clang as his now severed testicles were collected in the kidney bowl. Then he passed out. ****To be continued ****
    2 points
  16. That's natural and sexy. I want the boy to ooze my seed all day and then show me the mess in his underwear. Even better is a wet spot on the rear of his pants in public. I want everyone to know what I did to him.
    2 points
  17. My apologies everyone for being absent for so long. My job is taking off and consuming more of my time (a good thing financially) and I've had some family challenges (my elderly parents are well, elderly and needing more attention). I have seen your messages and they have helped motivate me to continue with this story. Its going to be a bit of a slow burn but this chapter marks a major milestone in Jason's journey. Usual disclaimers apply (see chapter 1). Freshman Project: Jason (Part 3) Jason sat waiting at the table of the coffee house, slowly sipping his iced mocha frap. It was 4:10pm on Thursday and he was becoming increasingly resigned to having been stood up by Blake. He told himself he would give it five more minutes before trying to salvage some dignity by leaving. He looked down again at his phone and checked the time for the twentieth time in the last fifteen minutes. “I’m so sorry Jason,” said a nearly breathless voice from above him. Jason looked up saw Blake standing there, wearing a sweat soaked tank top and thin nylon workout shorts. Blake flashed his smile and Jason immediately forgot all about being made to wait, “Our team’s time in the weight room got bumped back so I didn’t get out of there till four. I tried to find a way to contact you today but apparently you didn’t sign in at the meeting, so I didn’t have your email or phone number.” “Huh, sign in? I didn’t know there was a sign in. Oh well no worries about being late, I wasn’t concerned,” lied Jason. “Cool, we should exchange numbers just in case something like this happens again,” said Blake as he sat down in the chair across the table from Jason. He noticed Jason was dressed up a bit more than the last time that he had seen him.. He had a nice button up shirt that framed his skinny body well and a pair of tight skinny jeans that looked like it was the first time they had been worn. Blake figured they were a purchase made after he got to school as he couldn’t image the boy wearing them back in Alabama around his religious family. Blake reached out and took a hold of one of Jason’s hands, prying it off the drink which he was clutching with both hands. Jason reacted by looking directly at Blake, something he tended to avoid doing that often. Blake smiled and said, “I hope I’m not being too forward, but do you want to go over to my apartment, its just a couple blocks off campus, and talk there? I know I said we would talk more here first, but I think I need a shower and I’m too jacked up from an energy drink I had before my workout to want any coffee.” While Blake was talking he gently ran his thumb over the back of Jason’s hand. Jason resisted the urge to immediately say yes, he did not want to appear too eager; he did not want Blake to think he was a slut, as if a virgin could be a slut. So he counted to three in his head before answering, “Yeah, I guess that would be fine, I could see you not wanting to sit there all sweaty.” The matter agreed to, Jason quickly downed the rest of his drink, giving himself brain freeze. He tried to act cool, but there really isn’t any way to do that while a chunk of ice is trapped where your sinuses meet the back of your throat. Blake licked his lips and said, “You look really cute when you are making faces, I bet you look amazing when you have your O face.” Jason blushed. He wondered if Blake was teasing him or flirting with him. He forced himself to laugh as he heard Blake laughing. Jason followed Blake to his apartment. In the ten minute walk they talked about Blake being on the swim team. He wasn’t a star and he wasn’t attending on scholarship. The school was limited to the equivalent of about ten full time scholarships and Blake wasn’t good enough to receive one. Still he enjoyed swimming and liked competing even if he was not getting to the podium that often. The season was just about to start and they had their first meet during the coming weekend. Currently they had practice every morning starting at six and then either alternated in the afternoon between another swim practice and time in the weight room. Today they were scheduled for the weight room but the football team was late getting out of there. The school’s football was in the top twenty-five and got whatever resources they wanted, while the other sports took got the football and basketball teams’ crumbs. Blake explained that he was paying for college through student loans, but was doing pretty well with his side hustle so it was manageable. Jason asked what his side hustle was but Blake just gave him a non-responsive answer, “Just a lot of different things to make a buck.” Jason did not press any further on the subject. When they got to the apartment, Blake plopped down on the couch saying he was exhausted from his workout and needed to sit down for a bit, asking if Jason minded that he postponed the shower. “Um, no, that’s fine. You don’t stink or anything,” said Jason again regretting that he did not shut up after the first sentence. “Good to know,” said Blake with a smirk. He patted the seat next to him on the couch with one hand as he grabbed the remote with the other, “You ever seen the series Heartstopper?” Jason sat down on Blake’s left, making sure he was close but not touching, “No, what’s it about?” “Oh you sheltered little gayby. It’s British. It’s about a gay boy that has a crush on a jock. I think it’s right up your ally,” said Blake as he turned on the TV. He reached his left arm around and set it on the back of the couch behind Jason, making sure the boy got a good whiff of his sweaty pit. After they finished the first episode, Blake got up and grabbed his weed pipe and a bag of Indica. He sat down next to Jason, closing the gap so that their sides were now in contact. “Do you, uh, partake?” asked Blake as set the pipe and weed down on the coffee table. “Um, I don’t know. Won’t you get in trouble with the swim team, I heard at orientation that anyone participating in athletics were subject to drug tests,” answered Jason. “They stopped testing for pot when it became legal in the state. They just don’t mention that to the students cause they don’t want to encourage it,” laughed Blake. “Oh, I just never thought about it. It wasn’t really available at my school, unless you were willing to hang around with the, uh, bad kids since it’s illegal in Alabama,” said Jason. “Bad kids? What made them bad?” asked Blake. “Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I guess that’s just my dad talking. I’ve never smoked marijuana before but I’m willing to give it a try if you promise not to make fun of me,” said Jason. Blake told him the basics of how to smoke it and after Jason’s first sputtering and coughing hit, offered to teach Jason how to shotgun a hit, keeping his lips just millimeters away from the naïve boy’s lips. Once they were both good and stoned, they resumed watching TV, but this time Blake was more aggressive and wrapped his arm around Jason and pulled him against him. Jason relaxed into Blake and leaned his head against the swimmer’s muscular chest. While Blake was all shaved and had a boyish look to him, his sweaty musk was all man. The weed was hitting Jason hard and making him want to lie down, he turned himself sideways and pulled his legs up onto the couch. Blake turned and look over at him. “If you want we can go watch this on my bed, I have a TV in there, it would probably be more comfortable.” “Sure, but I don’t know if I have the energy to walk over there right now, I’m really stoned I guess,” said Jason. “No worries, I got you,” said Blake. He got up, pulling himself out from under Jason, who collapsed onto the couch. Blake reached over and hooked his arms under Jason’s shoulders and knees, then lifted the smaller boy up and carried him into the his bedroom and gently tossed him onto his king size bed. He piled the pillows up at the head of the bed then climbed in next to Jason. He started the show back up on the bedroom TV then asked, “You don’t mind if I take my shirt off do you?” “Uh, no go ahead,” said Jason. He openly ogled Blake as the young man stripped off his tight tank top. He was too busy staring at Blake’s chest to realize what Blake was doing when the older boy reached over and grabbed the bottom of Jason’s shirt. “I think we’d both be more comfortable with your shirt off as well,” said Blake as he pulled Jason’s shirt off. Jason was too stoned to let his shyness stop Blake. After they were both bare chested, they resumed their cuddling as they watched the show. Jason was now on Blake’s right side. Blake slowly maneuvered it so his Jason was curled up against his side with Jason’s head on his chest and the boy’s leg over his. He stretched his arm down Jason’s back and let his hand rest on top of his ass. They watched the teens in the series developing their relationship while occasionally sharing another shotgun of weed from the pipe and baggie of weed that Blake had stashed in his nightstand. Blake kept rubbing his hand along Jason back from just under the shoulders to all the way to the bottom of the twink’s bubble butt. Jason being high, was enjoying the touch and without even thinking about it was rubbing his hand up and down Blake’s torso, every now and then going lower to brush against the growing bulge in Blake’s workout shorts. When Jason’s hand was down near his shorts and brushing against his semi-hard cock, Blake grabbed the boy’s hand with his left hand and moved the inexperienced boy’s hand directly on top of his cock, “Go ahead, feel it.” Jason ran his hand over Blake’s cock feeling it getting harder through the soft nylon shorts. The bulge grew without really lengthening all that much. Blake shifted on the bed and pulled his shorts down, revealing a white jockstrap that was struggling to contain his cock. As soon as he resumed his position laying on his back, Jason’s right hand was back rubbing and gently exploring the bulging pouch of Blake’s jock. Meanwhile Blake slipped his hand under the back of Jason’s jeans and underwear, running his finger along the virgin boy’s crack. “Go on boy, I know you want to smell it,” said Blake, his usual relaxed surfer boy voice suddenly having a more commanding tone. He grabbed Jason’s hair with his left hand and pulled the boy’s head down to his crotch. He held the boy’s head against his sweat, piss, and cum stained jock. He had made sure to jack a load into the jock before he left to the weight room that afternoon. Jason could not help himself, he was no longer in control of himself; the drugs and Blake’s commanding presence had taken over. He buried his nose in the jock pouch, feeling the hard cock under the knit fabric. He took a deep breath through his nose, taking in Blake’s intoxicating scent. “Mmmmm,” he moaned. “Yeah, your going to be a good boy for me aren’t you Jason,” said Blake as he ran his right middle finger over Jason’s asshole while using his left hand to press the boy’s face against his jockstrap covered cock. “Yes Blake,” said Jason. He was harder then he had ever been before. “Boy, when we are in private you will call me Sir or Master. If you want this cock, if you want me to release it from my jockstrap and let you suck it, you need to agree to be mine this year. You want this cock in your mouth don’t you boy?” growled Blake. Jason’s mind was all over the place. The combination of the potent smell of Blake’s manliness and the strong weed had him barely able to form a coherent thought. He just knew that he was harder than he had ever been in his life and he wanted more. He wanted, no needed to see Blake’s cock and have it in his mouth. He needed to taste Blake’s cock and his cum. “Yes,” he whispered. “Yes, what?” said Blake firmly. Jason’s response was barely audible, “Yes Master.” When the boy chose Master instead of Sir in that moment, Blake knew that Jason was his. Now he needed to make sure Jason knew it as well, “What was that Boy, I couldn’t hear you?” “Yes Master,” said Jason slightly louder. “Louder bitch,” Blake commanded. “YES MASTER,” yelled Jason.
    2 points
  18. **Seasons Greetings, Everyone** My eyes dart to Dad, then to Grandpa, then back to Dad; bewildered. “It’s time for you to join our little family tradition.” As Dad squats down to look me square in the eye, his robe comes wide open. No pretenses of modesty anymore. A glistening string of pearls oozes from a metal ring protruding from the hood of his cock. My breath is caught in my throat. What the fuck is going on here?! Dad pulls my head up to look me in the eye. “This is why you haven’t been allowed to come with us all these years. We had to wait until you were of age. Trust me – I wanted to bring you out here and join us much sooner.” Grandpa could see the confused look on my face. “It’s a special elixir that will make this Christmas festive.” “You’re gonna love it, Baby Bro,” Ronnie said. His body radiated a frenzied energy, as though he had seen Rudolph outside in the snow. “It’s gonna make you so…” “Zip it, Robbie,” Dad says as he reaches inside Robbie’s robe and gives his nipple a hard tweak. “Do you trust me?” Dad grabs a firm hold of my chin, directing my eyes into his piercing gaze. I am frozen in place, in shock. I want to pull my head away, but it is as though he clenched his hand around my inner being. “You have a choice,” he says. His demeanor shifts and I am taken back to my youth whenever he reprimanded me, lording his authority over me. “You stay here, go through our little ritual, and join our clan. If you stay with us, I promise you it will be the best decision you ever make. Otherwise, you go up to your room, gather your stuff, and bring it downstairs. You will be locked down in the basement, spending the rest of your time down there alone.” “Please stay, Baby Brother! Please stay! I’ve been counting down the minutes to this moment!” Robbie is practically bouncing up and down. “It’ll make sense soon enough.” Grandpa says, picking up the syringe. He strokes the side of my face. “Please stay, Baby Boy. Show Santa what a good boy you are.” “Uhhh…I guess.” What the hell was I supposed to say with their eyes staring at me intently, full of giddy hope, yearning, and Dad’s stern paternal stare?! Whatever it is they have in mind, they really want me to be a part of it. That much is abundantly clear even as nothing else makes sense. Still, the peculiar way everyone has been acting this morning has me more than apprehensive. “Good, Baby Boy! You know Dad loves you so very much and is so excited to go on this journey with you.” Just then, the front door busts open, letting in a blast of swirling snow and frozen air. “Ho Ho Hooo-oh good, we didn’t miss it!” “Papaw!” Robbie runs over to greet our great-grandfather, the eldest living member of the McKinley family. I pull my robe closed tight against the harsh wind howling inside. “We thought we would never make it.” Uncle Tom slams the door closed, bracing against the onslaught of wind and snow. Carrying a pair of bags, he stomps the snow off his boots. “Fucking storm canceled all incoming flights. We drove through the night, inching along at points. Almost thought we were going to get stranded as this second front moved in, but here we are.” “I wouldn’t miss the christening of my Baby Boy to save the world.” Papaw says, giving me one of his crushing bear hugs. “You did say yes, didn’t you, Baby Boy?” “I mean…I don’t know what I said yes to.” “To the best day of the rest of your life,” Uncle Tom says with a hug before embracing Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie. “I’m going to take our bags up to our room. Don’t start without me.” “Wouldn’t dare, Big Bro,” Dad says, kissing Uncle Tom as he passes by. I am thoroughly confused…especially as I adjust my hardening cock to conceal it in my robe. I’ve known for a while I’m attracted to boys. No, take that back, men. My classmates never did it for me. But their dads… But my own dad?!? I look over to see Grandpa remove his green velvet vest, revealing the expanse of salt-and-pepper fur covering his chest. A pair of silver rings adorn his nipples. Dad shucks his robe and I see he has a similar, but smaller pair of rings. I look to my left. Robbie the same. “Like the rings, Baby Boy?” Dad reaches out and puts one hand on Robbie’s chest, the other on Grandpa’s and starts rolling the rings in his fingers. “You’ll get yours soon enough. And many more.” I notice a glint from below. Metal also adorns the heads of their cocks as well, increasing in size with each generation. Grandpa’s has to be as big around as my pinky! Dad and Uncle Tom’s the size of a pencil; Robbie’s a little smaller than that. “Now it’s official,” Uncle Tom announces, bounding the stairs. Not only does he have a set of rings matching the rest of the men in my family, but he’s also got one in his nose. “Almost forgot.” Papaw reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out another set of rings and hands them out. Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie proceed to put them in their noses – again tapering in size from generation to generation. “I’m so proud of my boys.” What portal into the Twilight Zone did I enter this morning? And why am I so aroused? “We put them in this time of year as a reminder of our bond.” Grandpa stands behind me and grabs the shoulders of my robe and slips it down my body. “And to remind everyone of their place in my hierarchy.” Papaw reaches up and grabs Grandpa’s nose ring, pulling him in for a kiss. “Today, you earn yours.” Papaw turns his attention from me to his duffel bag, pulling out a set of orange-capped needles, setting them on the end table Dad moved to my side. He then pulls out a small, black case. Inside is a small vial with even more needles. Robbie rubs his hands together again. “Okay, Baby Boy. Why don’t you climb into the sling?” Dad pats the suspended sheet of thick leather. They ease me back onto the cold leather slab as the fire crackles in front of me, radiating heat. A stark contrast to the snow accumulating outside in the winter wonderland. It’s surprisingly comfortable; like a small hammock. I hear Papaw rummaging through his bag. He pulls out a mass of black leather and metal. “This will keep you safe and secure.” He passes one to each of the others standing at either corner of the frame. “It’s not too late, Baby Boy.” Dad stands in front of me, placing a hand on my shivering belly. “The choice remains yours. Stay and accept what’s coming or be banished to the basement and ostracized from the clan; never welcome back for another Christmas again.” All my life I admired the bond between these special men in my life. Try as I might, I just couldn’t seem to penetrate their inner circle to feel truly a part of the group. I was super jealous when they came home three Christmases ago. I could tell, in the moment I first saw he and Dad interact - I was now the lone outsider. If this was my one chance to join the camaraderie, I wasn’t going to let that window close. We lock eyes. The crackle of energy is palpable. He stares into my soul, and I can feel him connect, locking on tight. I nod my head, unable to form words. “That’s my Baby Boy!” Dad picks up his mass of leather. The four of them shackle my wrists and ankles. I am tethered to the chains, minus my right arm. Papaw takes Dad’s place in between my legs. “Give me your right arm.” He grabs hold, rotating it, wrist up. Grandpa rips open a small packet with a white square inside. The smell of rubbing alcohol fills my nostrils. He wipes the inner crook of my arm. Papaw uncaps the syringe, eyeing the tip and rotating it to his satisfaction. He leans in and I feel the prick of the needle. Robbie holds a tight grip on my wrist. “Look at me, Baby Boy.” I turn to face Papaw. His face has turned sinister, almost scary. “You no longer have any say what happens to you this weekend. Or for the rest of your life, really. I own you now. Merry Fucking Christmas, faggot. And welcome to my clan.” After Papaw pushes the contents of the needle into my arm, Robbie swiftly pulls my wrist back and locks it into place above and behind me then grabs the alcohol square and presses on the injection site. The four men circle the sling, looking down at me with eager anticipation and sadistic grins on their faces. Robbie rubs his hands together. They all look like they’re expecting something to happen and for a second I wonder what it’s all about. And then it hits me. First, the bottom of my throat sends me into a convulsive coughing fit. I try to bring my hands to my face to cover the coughs, but only meet resistance. “What did you give me?!” As the coughing fit subsides, my breathing becomes shallow. I panic, gasping shallow breaths. “Shh, Baby Boy. Just ride the wave of me taking control of your body from the inside,” Papaw says, nodding to Dad who reaches around from behind, rolling my nipples in his fingertips. The only way I can describe is like a smoldering sheet of paper burning from the outside in, consuming it. An electric heat spread through my body, consuming my insides as it worked its way through my system. The burning came to completion, tickling and tantalizing my asshole. I wriggle and write in the sling. I try to pull my hands free to touch myself; my cock, my face, my stomach; to touch ANYTHING! “You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, Baby Boy.” Dad’s pinch on my nipples dug deeper as he twisted and pulled.” “Oh Dad…” “Merry Christmas, faggot. Now give yourself over to Papaw like the rest of us.”
    2 points
  19. Final part I returned to breed my sweet raw neg ginger twink 3 more times that week. Each time I put so much poz seed in his unsuspecting hole it was guaranteed he would get the fuck flu soon. The last night I put 3 loads of my highly toxic cum in his stupid neg 20yr old bussy. Like always when I flew out of the city I logged out of my stealthing Grindr account. I keep one that I used in my home town and one I used while traveling aka the stealthing one. About 3 weeks later when I was in another city for work and logged into the special Grindr account I got the regular messages. But as I scrolled through my messages I found the chat with ginger had several missed message: “I loved being your boy daddy! When will you be back again?” ”I miss your big raw dick in my boy hole daddy” “You have created a monster daddy. I have taken 5 loads in my ass the last week since you last bred me.” “I am feeling sick daddy. I need to go to the doctor” ”OMG daddy help!! They think I may have HIV!! But everyone that came in me said they were neg. I am waiting for my results to come back.” “Its official, I have HIV. I need you to get checked.” “My other partners all came back neg. Did you get checked?” “Are you there man! Did you give me this shit?” ”Answer me!!” ”I know it was you. But I am no longer upset. I just want your big raw daddy dick in me again.” “Please daddy! I haven’t started meds yet and not gotten laid since I was tested. I need your dick!” ”Fine!! I guess I must go and spread my seed to make you happy. I found online about gifters and stealthers. It all makes sense when I think every thing you told me. I won’t start meds and hopefully pass your seed on. Let me know if your ever want to fuck my hole again.” He smiled at the messages and blocked the stupid ginner. He was happy he would embrace his true nature as a poz piggy bottom slut and that his toxic strain would pass on to other through him. That was his 29th confirmed poz baby. After blocking the ginger he got a message from a hot twinky 19 year old boy. He could wait to hit number 30.
    2 points
  20. 9. Aiden "Fuck, you're a hungry guy," I said, whispering it into Jay's ear. He turned to me and smiled. The innocence of his smile belied his position; the boy was bent over, with a muscular man burying his manhood in the boy's hole. Unbeknownst to the boy, that fur-covered man was infected with HIV and it was far too late for Jay to protect himself. Of course, every boy I found attracted attention from a certain circle of collectors. There were always men who appreciated the special pleasures of a first edition. Jay smiled again. His smile was amazing. Even a hardened pimp like me could see that Jay's smile was what set him apart. He wasn't just the latest sequel in an increasingly tired story line. His smile made him something unique and special. Men were going to want to make him their own for more than just a few hours and those men were going to be happy to pay for that pleasure. "It feels so good," Jay said. Between the distant, far-off stare in his eyes and his soft, flaccid cock, I had been pretty sure that Tucker and Damon had introduced Jay to the pleasures of crystal. "So wet," he continued, his words slurring a bit. His voice confirmed my suspicions. He had partied. It was a perfect set-up for me. I would get to voice my disapproval before giving into his pleas to join him in the party. "Oh FUCK," Alex grunted, as he pushed himself back into Jay. There was the final spasm of his body as the last of his balls emptied out into Jay's hole. Alex gasped for air as Jay pressed up against the hairy man. Jay's metamorphosis into a cum-crazed, drug-fueled slut was well on its way. I had started it, now it was my responsibility to take him all the way. "Fuck," Alex moaned again. Alex leaned in. "That was fucking amazing. We gotta play some more." He winked at me. "Aiden has my number." Rod had paid handsomely for his privileges, but that didn't mean that other men wouldn't be able to enjoy the pleasures of breeding Jay. Besides, Alex had chosen to medicate his disease; unlike some of the men at the party, his semen was harmless. "I'll make sure you two connect," I said. I wasn't sure if the two men heard me. Alex had pulled out and spun Jay around. The men were kissing deeply as the savored the afterglow of the orgasm. "Connection," Jay murmured. I could see him struggling to put together sentences as the drugs hit him hard. It was the perfect time to pull him deeper into my world. "Yeah," I said. "Connection. That's good." "It is," Alex said. He pushed Jay towards me. The young man wrapped his arms around me. His body was hot and sweaty against my skin. I felt his heart pounding. "Aiden's a good guy," he said. "Make sure he calls me," he said to me. "Of course," I said. I pulled Jay closer to me. "Having fun?" I asked him, as Alex disappeared into the crowd of men. "Yeah," he said. I leaned in and kissed him. He barely struggled as my tongue pressed into his mouth. I could taste the bitter remnants of the crystal plus the salty hints of pre-cum. It was hard to believe that Jay had never even kissed a man, much less one fuck him. But if he was to be believed, this was all new to him. "I want to fuck you," I said. The boy's reaction was immediate and predictable. His hand reached down for my crotch and found my cock straining against my underwear. "Damn," he said, as he ran his hand over my bulge. "I want," he started, but then couldn't get out the rest of the sentence. I let him off easy and kissed him again. "I want you to fuck me," he finally managed to say. I reached down and guided his hand into my underwear. His fingers brushed against my cockhead. "You like this, don't you?" I asked. He nodded and wrapped his hand around my shaft. "You like getting fucked, don't you?" Jay continued to nod. He was still holding onto my erection. "Yeah," he said. "I do." He smiled again, and it was hard not to slide my dick into his wet, sloppy hole right then. "You want to fuck me?" he asked. "Now?" He had pulled it together enough to ask the only questions that mattered to him. I wanted to pound him hard and load him up with my strain of the virus. But the night was young and before the sun rose the young man's hole would still be able to make me some money. "I was thinking," I said. The boy's face fell. He wanted dick. Any dick. My dick. "After this," I said. He perked up a bit. "Maybe we can go back to my place. Just you and me. And just spend some time together." He was smiling now. That was the pleasure of a boy like him. Exploring being a bottom and tweaked out on crystal, he couldn't contain his desires or control his actions. "Would you like that?" "Yeah," he said, blushing. "I would. I'd like it a lot. I like you" I shouldn't have worried about turning Jay. He was a natural crystal whore. "I like you too," I lied, even as I kissed him again. He would learn soon enough that as much as I liked him, I liked the drugs and money his ass could bring even more. "There's one more old friend here. I want you to meet him," I said. "I'd like that. And I'm looking forward to after. With you." "Me too," I said. I was looking forward to the few hours we would get to spend together. But his reasons were not my reasons, and my reasons were the ones Jay needed to be afraid of. My cock twitched in anticipation, in anticipation of being part of the destruction of his innocence. We kissed once more, but I broke it off. "Come on. One more friend. I know you're going to like him." "Ok," Jay said. Any delay before his next dick was more than he wanted. Even if we didn't find Doug immediately, the chances were high that any interruption was going to satiate Jay's cravings. "Is everyone here hot?" Jay asked, as we navigated through the mass of men. Some were just talking, but more were making out, sucking, or fucking. I doubt Jay noticed, but there was not a single condom in evidence. "Hey," someone said from alongside me. I recognized the voice and when I turned, I saw Dennis. Officially, he worked at the bath house nearby, but unofficially, he was one of my steady and reliable sources for party favors. Given the time, he must have come straight from the bath house. I looked him over. He was just the kind of interruption that Jay needed. Dennis had on a pair of tennis shoes and a leather band around his left wrist. His cheeks looked a little more sunken than I remembered, his body looked a little more wasted than before. However, one thing hadn't changed; his thick cut cock was just as big as ever. It was hard to tell if the decline was due to his virus or his drug habit. Either way, he was just the kind of new friend Jay needed to meet. "Dennis," I said. "Wow. Great to run into you." "Yeah," he said. He looked over to Jay and looked him up and down. "New acquisition?" he asked. "Dennis, this is Jay. Met him at a club tonight, and thought he'd enjoy the party here." Not that it was needed, but I put an emphasis on "party." "Hi," Dennis said, reaching out for Jay. Jay was momentarily stunned, unable to take his eyes off of Dennis's thick manhood. Even before the boy could react, Dennis had pulled Jay to him. "Having a good time tonight?" he asked Jay. "Yeah," Jay said, then let Dennis press his lips against Jay's mouth. The two kissed. Dennis wrapped his hands around Jay's torso and sought out the boy's butt cheeks. "A lot of fun," Jay managed to say, before Dennis started to rub the boy's cheek, reducing the young man to soft moans of pleasure. "You want something up there?" Dennis asked. Jay could only nod. "You want to get my dick up there?" Jay nodded again. Dennis looked at me. "He free?" "All yours," I said. I wasn't going to make any money off of this encounter, but it would be worth it. The next teener from Dennis would likely be suspiciously large. Not to mention Dennis had stopped taking meds nearly six months ago. He has explained he didn't want to be putting too many chemicals in his body and he wasn't going to give up his party favors. I didn't care for the reasons. All it meant was that Dennis would give Jay his first injection of high viral load semen. "Can I cum in you?" Dennis whispered into Jay's ear. I was close enough to hear it. He looked up at me. He wanted permission to do what he wanted to do. "You want it, don't you?" I whispered. "You want his cum, don't you?" Jay nodded. "Tell him. Let him know what you want." "Yeah," Jay finally said. "Please. Cum in me." Dennis smiled, and spun Jay around. "You ready?" Dennis asked. "Lubed and ready?" "He is," I said. I didn't bother with asking Jay; I didn't care about his answer. Dennis would be the fourth guy to fuck him tonight. Jay already had four loads up there not to mention all of the pre-cum. The accumulated fluids would be enough for Dennis and his thick Latino cock. It would have to be enough for Dennis. Dennis hadn't bothered waiting for my response. He had already lined his cock up with Jay's hole. As soon as I gave him permission he pushed his shaft into the boy. "Oh fuck," Jay grunted. His tone was a combination of pain and pleasure; he was more than willing to endure the pain for the obvious pleasure. "Oh FUCK," he grunted again, as more of Dennis's cock disappeared into Jay's tight hole. "Feel good?" I asked, directing my question to Dennis. "Hell yeah. So tight. And so fucking wet, too" He grabbed Jay's hips, and pulled the boy all the way down on his dick. "Needed a slut like this." "He's yours to use." "He ready for a full-blown fuck?" Dennis asked. Jay wouldn't know the significance of the phrase, but I did. Full-blown AIDS. It was no wonder that Dennis looked worse for the wear; between the damage his virus was doing and the heavy toll the illegal drugs took, his body was struggling to stay healthy. "Full-blown?" I asked. "Yeah," Dennis said. "Full-blown. Found out a few weeks ago." "Damn." I turned to Jay; he was bent over, legs slightly spread, giving Dennis the best access to his unprotected hole. My dick twitched, thinking about Dennis's cock dripping his AIDS-infected pre-cum into the hapless young man. I was not going to tell Rod what had happened; Rod had paid well for the pleasure of infecting Jay, and I wasn't going to be a buzzkill. "What are you doing?" "Enjoying every second of it," Dennis said. "Sharing my gift." I leaned in to Jay. His face was agonizing pleasure. He knew he was getting fucked. He knew he was getting pushed to his absolute limits. But he knew he was powerless to stop it, powerless against his animal instincts to get fucked. "You want Dennis's gift?" He nodded vigorously, blissfully unaware of what he was agreeing too. "You want a full-blown fuck?" Jay nodded again. His fate had been sealed hours earlier, completely without his permission. "So big. So hard," he grunted, as Dennis shoved his cock in and out of his hole. "Fuck me," he moaned. "Fuck me hard." "Good boy," I said, and stroked his curly hair. I kissed him, this time allowing his tongue to explore my mouth. He was vulnerable and weak, and I was going to take full advantage. "You're going to let Dennis cum in you, aren't you? Let him give you his gift?" "Please," he nodded. "Cum in me. Give me your gift." He had no idea what he was saying. He was just parroting back what I had said. But it was enough. I kissed Jay once more. I was sad that in his very first night with me, his innocence and purity was going to be so utterly destroyed. But there was money to made in that destruction, and I was not going to let it go waste. "Make me proud," I said, before standing back up. "Give him his first full-blown breeding," I told Dennis. "Fuck yeah," Dennis said. The full length of his Latin dick disappeared into Jay. Deep inside of the boy's body, Dennis's engorged dickhead had begun to drip a thick, dirty fluid into Jay's unprotected body. Correctly used, the fluid was designed to ease the process of impregnating a woman. But tonight, this was a fluid made for infecting a man. It would lubricate Dennis's thrusts into Jay's body and already had more than enough virus to forever change Jay. "Does he know?" Dennis asked. "No. Hasn't even asked," I said. Jay didn't seem like he was all that stupid; the club where we had met was a hang-out for college kids. If he wasn't stupid, that left only two other options; he was either naive or high. Or, most likely, both. There would be time later to remind him about his weaknesses and mistakes. By then, it would be too late to make any difference at all. The futility of his rage would make the moment all the sweeter. "My kind of twisted pig," Dennis said. His cock disappeared back into Jay's hole, where the Latino's poisonous pre-cum could best do its treacherous work. Of course, every man who had cum in Jay: Rod, Damon, Alex, and now Dennis had delivered a toxic payload. That Dennis was so much further along than any of the others made the fuck so exciting to watch. "I'm sure you guys can find time to play more," I said. I didn't want to deny Dennis his pleasures, especially with the unique load he was going to deposit it Jay. But, I was eager to give Jay my own load. It was the best perk of my job; there was always a selection of fine young men to breed. "You want Dennis's load," I asked, turning my attention back to Jay. His eyes were glazed over, and he struggled to even focus on me. "Yeah," he mumbled, "Cum in me," he continued. His words short and clipped and he struggled to form even a simple sentence. "Fill me with your seed." Dennis pulled me back up and gave me a quick kiss. "Fucking sweet hole your boy has. Wanna seed that tight, unprotected hole." I put my finger to my lips, reminding him to be discreet about his desires. "Oh damn," Dennis grunted. "Stealthing a boy," he whispered, "Fucking stealthing the college boy." He pulled almost all the way out. His cock was slick with ass juice and dick snot, but before I could appreciate it properly, Dennis pushed it back into Jay. "Take my load," he grunted, as the familiar spasms of orgasm wracked his body. "Take my fucking load." He took one hand off Jay's waist and wrapped it around me. Although he acted the tough Latin top, my dick had found its way into his muscular hole more than once. His kiss was not unexpected, and I let him explore my mouth. "Breeding your tasty new neg boy," he whispered into my ear. "Blasting him full of my poz cum," he whispered, just barely loud enough for me to ear. Even though I had already made plans for my own toxic seed to be injected into Jay's hole, I was still jealous of Dennis. He had gotten there first and with semen even more AIDS-ridden than mine. But as Dennis pressed his tongue back into my throat, I realized that there was no need for jealousy. All three of us were getting off on the experience. "Fucking give it to me," Jay moaned, as the warmth of the semen spread through his body. "Fill me, fill me" he continued. "Fill me," he repeated several times. "Charging him up," Dennis grunted. Even in the middle of orgasm, he had the presence of mind to not say it too loudly. My own dick was straining against my white underwear, a wet spot growing on the left from the steady drip-drip of pre-cum. I needed to get inside of the boy soon. I wasn't sure if I could even wait for the last man of the night to have his way with Jay. "Fill him up for me," I replied to Dennis. Jay was going to be even better if he was dripping by the time we left the party. Besides being the perfect lube for fucking, the semen would make it easier for last shard of crystal to dissolve in his ass. "Fuck," Dennis said. "I needed that." He began to pull out, taking his time to work his load into Jay's unprotected hole, and ensure that every drop stayed inside the young man. "We gotta do this some more," Dennis continued, as he pulled Jay back up. He pulled all three of us into an embrace which devolved into a three-way kiss. "My balls are drained," he said. "Into my hole," Jay said. "Drained into my ass." "Yeah," Dennis said. He reached down into his socks and pulled out a business card. He handed it to Jay. "I work six to midnight, Wednesday through Saturday. Come by. I'll make sure it's a party." It was a free pass to the bath house. I took it from Jay and tucked it into the waistband of my underwear. "I can carry it for you." "And one for you," Dennis said, handing me as well. Between Dennis and my boys, I hadn't paid admission in ages. But the card was useful; it almost always got me an extra gram or two of favors. Dennis gave Jay one last lingering kiss. "I want to see you soon," he whispered into Jay's ear, before gently pushing him to me. Even before I could say good-bye, Dennis disappeared into the crowd. It would be only a few minutes before he would be in heat again and shortly after that, another poor boy would get his ass filled with pozcum. "My hole is dripping," Jay said, as he wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him, letting my hands seek out first his ass cheeks, then his crack and finally his fresh young hole. He was right. There were a few drops of cum leaking out of him. "It happens," I whispered into his ear, as my finger ran around the edge. "It's a reminder of all the men who have been inside you." He rubbed up against my bulge. "I want you inside me," he said. "I want your cum too." "Come on," I said. There was still one more old friend I wanted Jay to meet. Doug had thick salt-and-pepper chest hair, that lead down to a good-sized dick that remained dangerously hard all-night long. He had come out in his forties, pozzed out a few months later, and had been sharing his gift ever since. "One more guy for you to meet." "I just want to play with you," Jay whispered in my ear as we threaded our way through the crowd of men. "Me too," I said. "But soon enough," I continued. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of grey under a light. Even with just the glance I knew it was Doug. "This way. You gonna let him fuck you?" I asked Jay. "Yeah," Jay said. "I am. I'm gonna let him fuck me good." The bluntness was the crystal talking. I was going to have to re-stock before we left; I wanted him totally acclimated to the party and play experience. I pulled Jay close, and we kissed. As we made out, a familiar figure came out of the crowd and pressed up against Jay. "Jay," I whispered into his ear. "Meet Doug." "Hi Doug," Jay murmured. He leaned his head back, and the two men kissed, before I helped Jay turn around. "Nice," Jay said, before he leaned into Allen and kissed him again. The two men were closely matched in height, the younger one a bit taller. "You're a sexy one," Doug said. His hands were already grabbing Jay's ass and I was not surprised to see his fingers disappear into Jay's crack. From the gentle moan that emerged from Jay, Doug had managed to find the boy's hole. "And a hungry one," he continued, winking at me. "Why don't you get to know Doug a bit better," I told Jay. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down to his knees. "Get his dick wet for him." Doug's cock was already semi-hard; it would take only a bit of attention from Jay before Doug would be sporting his infamous titanium-stiff fuck rod. "Yes, Sir," Jay said, and started to lean in. "Wait," Doug said, and reached down. He carefully removed Jay's glasses, folded them up, and handed them to me. "Don't want to get them dirty," he continued, before guiding Jay's head onto his dick. "And I want to see those beautiful green eyes of yours." Jay greedily swallowed Doug's cock. Just semi-soft, it went easily into Jay's mouth, as the boy looked up at the older man adoringly. The men may had wanted the orgasmic relief that Jay had brought them, but it was clear from Jay's desire that the boy needed their cum far more. "Oh fuck," Doug moaned. He ran his hand through Jay's curly hair, gently pulling the boy further down on his cock. "That feels so good." "Can he take it all?" Doug continued, looking back at me. "You won't know until you try him, will you?" I said. Eventually, Jay needed to be able to take Doug's cock without a second thought. The more practice he got, the sooner that day would come. "This I'm gonna enjoy watching." "Almost as much as you're going to enjoy face-fucking him?" I asked. I had seen Doug destroy a boy's throat several times. I wondered if he was in his mood again tonight. "Almost," he said. He turned his attention back to Jay. "Ready?" he asked Jay. His tone made it clear that there was only one answer. Jay nodded, not taking his eyes off of Doug's body. "Right on," Doug said, and grabbed Jay's skull between his two hands. He held Jay in place effortlessly. The two might have been just about the same size, but Jay had submitted entirely to Doug's mature masculinity. "All the way in," Doug said, and pushed his dick into the young man. "Ooomph," Jay grunted as Doug's shaft hit the back of his throat. His eyes bulged slightly, not yet expected the full-bore assault on his throat. He closed his eyes for a moment, fighting to keep his body's natural reactions under control. When he opened his eyes again, there was still the terror of gagging, but with the steely resolve of a born cock-sucker questing for his true sustenance. "All the way," Doug said, smiling, as he pushed another inch of his cock into Jay's throat. "Make me feel good," he said. Jay was struggling under the assault, but correctly, all of his efforts were in the service of making Doug's cock feel good. "Oh damn, that's nice. So wet. So warm." Doug leaned back against me with his eyes closed as he enjoyed the pleasure of the blow job. "He's a champ," he muttered, just enjoying the masculine pleasure of getting sucked off. "Not even gagging on my dick." I looked down. His cock was a solid rod now, rigid and unyielding, despite the turns Jay's throat demanded of it. "Oh, hell yeah," he grunted, as the last inch disappeared into the young man's mouth. "Mmmmph," Jay grunted, as he forced himself to get used to the thick shaft filling up his throat and blocking his breathing. "That's it," Doug said, turning his gaze back to Jay. "Show my dick some mouth-love. Massage my dick head with your throat and make me drip right into your gut." Jay gulped, swallowed, but remained focused on Doug's cock. "Damn, you haven't even gagged. Now, I want to fuck you." He pulled his cock out, leaving just the head in Jay's mouth. His shaft was glossy with Jay's spit; it would be enough to lubricate it when Doug slammed it into the boy's hole. "You wanna get fucked, boy?" he asked. "Fuck me?" Jay replied, his mouth still full of Doug's dick. He was still staring at Doug, as if the slightest blink would mean that the hairy daddy and his hard cock would just disappear from in front of him. "We don't have to do it, if you don't want to." Doug was not one to pass up a tight young piece of ass. Especially one that was rumored to be HIV-negative. "But," he began, as he stroked the young man's cheek, his thumb running over the light stubble. "But, it would be so nice to share that with you. Really get to know you." He smiled at Jay. "Your choice," he finished. "Please?" Jay replied. "Fuck me? Give me your load?" I doubted that Jay had even processed what Doug had said. The pent-up desire from so many years not getting what he needed was all that he could think about. "Fuck me, please, Doug." "That's what I want to hear from my boy. Fucking eager to get his ass pounded." Doug pulled his dick all the way out of Jay's mouth and pulled the boy back up. "Turn around and show me that ass." Jay did as he was told. We had all gotten used to the dim light, yet Jay's ass seemed almost to glow, it was so white and perfect. He bent over, and spread his ass cheeks apart, offering up his tender and abused hole. "Fuck," Doug grunted, as he spit on his dick. "That's an ass I could fuck all weekend." "That's always an option," I said. Doug was more than good for it, and his infected sperm would find Jay's ass a very fertile ground to flourish and grow. "I know Jay will be very appreciative of any gifts you could give him." "Ohhh, damn," Doug moaned. He pressed his raw cock into Jay. Jay's hole opened up easily and allowed the older man's hard shaft to penetrate into the boy's guts. "Ohhh, damn. That's even better than your throat." "Fuck, daddy. Your cock. It's so hard." Jay wasn't thinking; he just instinctively called Doug "Daddy." Not that it mattered. Doug had fucked his way into the Daddy Hall of Fame years ago. "Yeah boy. You're going to take my dick. Take my cum." "Please, Doug. Fuck me." Jay was pressing his ass up against Doug's groin, taking every inch of Doug's cock and fucking himself deep and hard as the older man stood there. "Give me your load." "How many have fucked him already?" Doug asked me. I had to think a minute. "Four guys," I said, counting in my head; there had been Rod, Damon, Alex, and Dennis before Doug. "And five loads." "Charged up?" "All of them," I said. "But he doesn't know." "Fuck, that's hot," Doug said. "Fucking hot." He grabbed Jay's waist and held him in place as he forced his dick deep into the boy. "Fucking breeding him." "Charging him up," I whispered into Doug's ear. It was the depths of the night, when time slowed down and what little decorum we had started with disappeared. It was time to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and all of the dirty, sleazy fantasies that could come true. "Infecting him," I continued. "Damn, Aiden," Doug murmured. "I'm gonna fucking breed his hole." "Please, Doug," Jay said. "Cum in me." "Breed him," I said. Just for Doug to hear, I continued. "Fill him up with your poz cum." "Oh fuck," Doug said. "Getting close," he grunted, and slammed his cock deep into Jay. "Fucking on edge here," he continued, his breath shallow and fast as he stood at the edge of orgasm. "Give it to me," Jay said. Any doubt in Doug's mind about Jay's needs were erased with that statement. "Fucking load me up." I wondered if Jay had any idea what a dangerous game he was playing. So much of what he said was coded language for bug-chasing and pozzing. But he was so helplessly naive that it was hard to believe it was anything other than him parroting back what he heard the men around him saying. "Oh, hell yeah," Doug mumbled, as his body shook with the spasms of orgasm. "Fucking take my hot load," he grunted. His hips bucked and forced his dick deep into Jay's body and his cock unloaded its deadly payload deep into the young man. "Take it all!" "God, that feels good," Jay said, as Doug forced his dick into the boy. "Fill me up." "Give him what he needs," I said. This time, it was loud enough for Jay to hear. All three of us knew that Jay needed sperm; only two of us knew the deadly extra that the boy was getting. "Give it to him deep." "Oh, hell yeah," Doug said. "This is only the first load," he continued. He slammed his cock in and held it. "Fucking sweet ass." "You gonna fill me up again?" Jay asked. Even listening to him closely, I couldn't tell if he was excited or scared by the prospect of a second load in such quick succession. "Hell yeah, boy. I've got another hot load for you. You think you can take it?" "I want to," Jay replied, not quite answering Doug's question. It didn't matter. Doug was going to seed the boy regardless of Jay's desires, and I was more than happy to hold Jay in place while Doug took his time fucking his poz load into the boy. I switched positions, from behind Doug to facing Jay. He was smiling, but it was that distant, desperate smile of a tweaker. He didn't care who fucked him, or how hard he was fucked, as long as he got a load of cum at the end. "Fuck yeah," Doug said. Over Jay's shoulder I saw him wink at me. Jay's ass had been lubed up by his poz load, and it was now time for Doug to properly enjoy his newest boy. "Gonna work that load into you." "Do what you need," I said. I looked right at Jay. "I know he can take it." Jay's eyes locked on mine; he was simultaneously excited and terrified at the possibility. He had realized exactly what he had signed up for and wasn't yet sure if he could follow through. "He's made me proud all night." I was not going to make this any easier for him; seeing him at the very limits of his sexual endurance only made my dick drip even more of my own toxic miasma of virus, semen, and sperm.
    2 points
  21. 8. Jay "He came in you, didn't he?" Tucker asked me. I couldn't quite believe it myself either. Six hours ago, I was chatting with a girl, hoping to get her home. But now, a second man had just cum in my hole. Even though I barely knew him, I was still milking his dick, trying to get every drop of thick white cum out of him. I had a nagging memory, of high school health class, of gay friends telling me their fears, that this wasn't a good idea. That I was putting myself at risk. But there was a bigger imperative that I couldn't ignore. I wanted more. More men. More dick. More cum. I would worry about the aftermath later. "Yeah," I said, smiling. "He did." Damon had shot his load in my hole. The very idea made me happier than I ever remember being, and I never wanted it to end. "Lucky," Tucker said. Damon pushed his dick into me once more. It also pushed his load deeper into me. "Don't worry," Damon said. He pulled out his cock, leaving me suddenly empty. "There's more for you." Tucker swallowed and forced a smile. "Great," he said, but I could see the terror in his eyes. I wondered what it had been like for him, getting fucked so intensely that he had passed out. I wondered what he had thought about, as the blackness enveloped him even as Damon's cock continued its relentless assault. The fear must have been overpowering, yet there was nothing he could have done about it. But the thought quickly drifted away from me. All I could think about was how my ass was an empty void, and how much I wanted another dick in me. "Looks like that hit the spot," Aiden said. I nodded, not sure what the right answer was. "And that you need another cock up your ass." I nodded my head again. "Let's leave these two," he continued, then turned to Tucker. "I'll check up on you guys later. And Tucker, make sure you keep him happy." "Yeah, uh, sure boss," Tucker stammered. I looked down; I didn't want to meet his eyes as I went off with Aiden and left Tucker alone and unsupervised with Damon. I noticed that his cock had shriveled up like mine and wondered what the cause was; Damon's dick was semi-hard, and Aiden's was straining against the white underwear he had on. "Good boy," he said, then motioned for me. "Come on. I have some new friends for you to meet." The lights had been turned down even more, and I almost lost Aiden in the darkness. At least his white underwear gave me something to follow. Eventually, he stopped by the bar; it was an oasis of light, with a small light suspended over it. There was one other man there, a man a little shorter than me, wearing only a pair of red sneakers. He was thick with muscles, had a thick, trimmed beard and broad, and sported an amazingly hairy chest. Through the neatly trimmed chest hair, I could see a few tattoos. Even soft, his cock was still thick and long, hanging down over balls clearly heavy with cum. "Alex," Aiden said to the man. "Hey," Alex said. "This is Jay. He's new here tonight." Aiden turned to me. "This is Alex. I'll let you guys get to know each other properly." "First night, huh?" Alex asked. I nodded. "Welcome," he said. He reached over and ran his hand through my chest hair. Alex's fur was darker and thicker; next to him my light brown chest hair seemed almost non-existent. "You're a cute one." "Thanks," I said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. His skin was warm and he smelled like a man, a bit sweaty and musky. If I needed any other reminder of his masculinity, his dick was pressing against my thigh, already semi-hard. Before I could say anything else, he leaned in, lifted his head up, and kissed me. The height difference was a bit disconcerting, that he was both shorter and the more dominant one. But I quickly forgot about anything other than the feeling of his body next to mine and his tongue in my mouth. "See what you are doing to me?" he asked as he broke off our kiss. I looked down and saw that his cock was now nestled between my legs and pointing straight forward. His cockhead was just nestled against my hole. "Nice," he said. He pushed his hips in, letting the head rub against the cum leaking out of me. "You've been fucked already, haven't you?" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah," I said. "Three times," I continued, blushing. It felt odd, to be admitting how many men had used me. I wondered what time it was and how many hours had passed since that first, almost innocent, kiss with Rod. "Nice," Alex said, pressing his furry body even closer to me. "That's hot," he said. "Especially on your first night here." "Yeah," I said. I mean, it had felt nice having another man cum in me, even if it hadn't ever happened to me before. It felt natural to be gently grinding my ass against Alex's dick. But, everything was still so new and confusing. I had been indoctrinated into heterosexuality my entire life, and suddenly a new door had opened for me. "It's been fun," I finally said. "Good," Alex said. He had an arm wrapped around me. It made me feel safe. "Want to have a bit more fun?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. I pushed my hips against his, feeling his dick slide against my hole. I wanted it inside me. I stopped worrying what people thought about me. I stopped worrying what I thought about myself. I focused on what felt good. I focused on what I wanted. "I want you. Inside me." "That's what I want too, boy," he said, and kissed me. His beard was surprisingly soft on my face. "But first, that hole needs to be eaten out. Follow me." This time, he held my hand, dragging me into the dark room of men. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Damon and Tucker arrive at the bar right as we left. But before I could confirm, other men stepped into my vision, some naked, some with jockstraps, but I as I saw now, no one was fully clothed any longer. Alex guided me to a corner, then pushed me up against a wall. It was forceful, but not rough, and my hole twitched in anticipation. I remembered how good Rod's tongue had felt against my asshole, and I instinctively pushed out my ass so Alex could bury his furry face in it. He got down on his knees behind me and pressed his tongue into my crack. "Oh yeah," he mumbled. "Gotten fucked good, I can tell." "Yeah," I moaned, as he pulled my ass cheeks apart, exposing my hole to his explorations. It was a bit uncomfortable, to be exposed like this in front of a stranger, but at the same time, my heart was pounding in pleasure. "Oh god," I moaned as he rubbed his beard against my hole. It was just as soft as it was against my lips, and I couldn't wait to feel his dick inside me as well. "So fucking tasty," he said, as his tongue pushed into my hole. I wanted him inside me, but at the same time I was conscious that he was lapping up the cum that had been injected into me. I wanted him to stop; those loads were mine to keep. The men had injected them deep into me. They had marked me, let me share some of their masculinity. But, almost as quickly as I had that thought, I wanted his tongue to push deeper. I needed to open myself up to him, and allow him to experience me as intimately and as completely as the other men had. I reached down and grabbed my dick. Despite how turned on I was, it was small and soft. I was aroused as I had ever been, but yet, my dick was being recalcitrant and stubborn. It didn't matter; so far, all the men had been more than satisfied to use their stiff manhood against my hole. Still, I couldn't help but play with myself. "That's it boy," Alex said, between diving back between my cheeks and returning to my hungry hole. "Play with yourself." Notwithstanding my hand on my dick and his mouth on my hole, I remained perversely soft. I glanced around; the men were stiff and hard, their cocks straining against their underwear and sliding in and out of tight holes. The men were proud of their dicks and the pleasure each one got from their erections. All around me, there were men, enjoying their bodies and their cocks. I wondered what was wrong with me. Alex pulled away from my ass. I could feel how wet he had gotten my hole with the combination of his spit and the semen still dripping out. He stood back up and turned me around. We kissed; his whiskers were wet and the fluids dripped into my mouth. I had only tasted my own cum before; I recognized the familiar salty bitterness of semen, but the flavors were different from the times I had tasted mine. I was tasting the semen that had been fucked into my hole. It had been so long since I had tasted another man's spooge. He hadn't called me a disgusting cocksucker yet, so I licked his beard again, this time intentionally and carefully. I thought I could taste each man who had pleasured himself with me. Rod's semen was like a fine whiskey, dark, mature, and intense. Damon's semen had an edge to it, the bodily fluid equivalent of a chip on his shoulder. But the differences didn't matter. What mattered was that each man had offered me such a special chance to get to know him, and that I had been able to receive their seed. "You like that, huh?" Alex asked me, as I licked his beard again. "Yeah," I said. I was a bit embarrassed with my admission. I wasn't supposed to be hungry for another man's semen, and I tried not to meet his eyes. "Nothing wrong with that. There's plenty more for you here." He motioned to the men around me. I looked around. On my left, a boy, not much older than myself, was kneeling down in front of a hairy, muscular, older man. The older man's chest hair was flecked with grey, but his cock was stiff and thick, and sliding in and out of the boy's mouth. On my left, another young guy was leaning against the window, his legs spread with a tall black man forcing a massive dick into his hole. "Here's one for you," Alex said. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. My face was even with his dick. Instinctively, I opened my mouth and Alex's cockhead slid in, like two magnets clasping together. I looked up, Alex was staring down at me, smiling. "Go ahead," he said. "Your mouth feels great." I ran my tongue over his dickhead, licking up the pre-cum from his piss slit. "Oh fuck," he moaned. "You're good." It wasn't long before his dickhead was pressing up against the back of my mouth and demanding entrance to my throat. I didn't want to gag. I had seen girls gag on my own dick and it seemed disrespectful to Alex to reject his manhood like that. "It's your first night out," Alex said, smiling and stroking my curly hair. "Just relax. There's plenty of time to get used to this." I swallowed, and his cock slipped into my throat. It was an invasion, even more so than Rod's cock sliding into my asshole. It was easier to disassociate from the ass fucking than it was from a cock pushing its way into my throat. I closed my eyes, focusing on the feeling of invasion. I wanted Alex to be inside me, to feel the pleasure I could give him. "Fuck, that's a nice throat," he said. I re-opened my eyes and looked up. His head was arched back, but I could still make out the expression of happiness on his face. I put my hands on his muscular thighs, balancing myself against his muscular bulk. They were thick and hairy, the way a man should feel. I turned back to his cock, focusing on the thick erection pushing its way into my body. Far from gagging on his dick like I feared, it felt good to have it in my throat. I was enjoying being down on my knees, servicing this hot, hairy, hard man. It felt good to be able to take Alex's cock, to be able to accept such a precious gift. I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the pleasure of sucking dick. Alex's thick cock pushed into my throat. I might have gagged once or twice, but as intense as it felt, it was little consequence to Alex, and therefore, it wasn't important for me. Instead, it was just my way of thanking him for the pleasure of his dick in my throat. Once my nose was buried in his pubes, I lost track of time. Even a century wouldn't have been enough time to give him the pleasure I wanted. "You're enjoying this," Alex said, finally breaking my cocksucking reverie. "I can tell. The way your throat feels on my cockhead." I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His was smiling at me, his brown eyes wide in the dim light and the pleasure. I could see a tattoo across his chest; there was black text, but I was in the wrong position to read it. However, right in front of me, there was another tattoo, a red one, three interlocking semi-circles with barbed ends. The symbol looked familiar, dangerous and a bit sexy. However, it was hard to place it. Alex saw me staring at it. "You like it?" he asked. Even with his cock buried in my throat, I nodded. "It's my warning symbol. Just in case you had any doubts." I nodded again, not entirely sure what he meant by a warning symbol. No man as beautiful as him, with a cock so perfect needed a warning symbol. "Maybe you can earn one as well," he said. I nodded again. It didn't matter what he said. The only correct answer was to say yes, to give him any pleasure he wanted. He reached down and played with my hair. He ran his fingers through my thick curls, gently pushing me further down on his cock. I had thought I had gotten the full length of it into my throat but with his guidance, I found another inch of manhood disappear into my mouth. I gagged again, but the intense agony of it was merely my small gift towards Alex's pleasure. "That's it," Alex said. "Take it all." His voice was deep and resonant. I wondered if the entire room could hear him telling me what a good cocksucker I was. I glanced around, but the other men hadn't seemed to break their relentless rhythm of sucking, fucking, and making out. It was just me and Alex, at home in our universe of masculine pleasure. "Fuckin' sucked it hard," he said, as he released the pressure on my head. "Mmmmph," I managed to say, as I gasped for air. He had pulled his stiff shaft out. I was empty; there was only the puddles of cum in my ass to remind me of the men that had fucked me. However, the empty feeling in my gut was secondary to my need for air. I was gulping down air, smelling the heat and sweat from the men in the room. However, at close quarters, the dominant scent was Alex, a wild, masculine musk that reminded me of the old locker room on campus. My dick twitched again, but I knew it was still worryingly soft. He pulled me back up right and wrapped an arm around me. Although shorter, his arms were long and wrapped with muscle. He reached up, his thick beard rubbing up against my stubble, and kissed me. "You want me inside you?" he asked, before pressing his warm lips against mine and forcing his tongue inside of me. "Yes," I said, without hesitation. All that was important and all that was correct was to say yes to Alex's every sexual need. I had already let two men penetrate me. I was not in a position to deny him the simple pleasure of fucking me. "Yes," I repeated. "Good," he said. He kissed me once more, before skillfully spinning me around and leaning me up against the tall window. In front of me, spread out like diamonds were the lights of LA. It was mesmerizing, but even so, when Alex pressed his dickhead against my hole, I closed my eyes. I wanted to concentrate on the feeling of him pushing into me and possessing me. He pressed his hairy chest against my back and wrapped his arm back around me. I felt safe in Alex's embrace. It was both masculine and caring, a concept that had been alien to me only eight hours ago and was now almost natural and eternal. "Relax," he whispered into my ear. "This is for both of us to enjoy." I exhaled and he pressed his shaft into me. He was just as hard as ever, and his thick shaft filled me up, more than satisfying my deepest needs and urges. "Wet hole," he said, as the accumulated cum greased his path into my gut. "Fuck," I moaned. "That feels good." "Hell yeah," Alex said. His dick continued its relentless thrust into my body, pushing the semen already inside of me deeper into my guts. For a moment, I realized the danger that I was exposing myself to; there had been the endless, embarrassing high school sex ed classes with the unremitting reminders of the dangers of sex with a condom, much less the risks of unprotected sex. But the fear quickly passed. Alex was muscular and strong, healthy and fit, and it was hard to imagine any danger beyond his dick being too big for my hole. Or not big enough to satisfy my insatiable needs. Something had gotten to my head. My mind kept on slipping to sleazier thoughts and I was dangerously sanguine about the raw and intense sex I had been enjoying. I had let Alex penetrate me so easily, and his raw cock up my hole felt so natural and perfect. I remembered the bumps of cocaine that Aiden had given me and wondered if that was affecting me. Or the pipe that Damon had given me to smoke. Alex pressed his body against mine, his furry chest rubbing against my back. "Look out the window," he whispered. "All those lights." I nodded in agreement. It was beautiful, a private world that just he and I shared. Alex continued. "So white, intense. Like pools of sperm." He gently twisted my head back towards his, and we kissed. His tongue pressed into me, and I wasn't sure if I had ever been happier in my life. Alex's dick was now deep in my ass, thrusting in and out, rubbing the accumulated spooge into my body. I relished the feeling, that the two loads Rod had given me, the load that Damon had given me, and soon the load that Alex with gift me would be permanently a part of me. My dick twitched at the thought of the men marking me. "Mmmm," Alex whispered in my ear. "Tighten up that ass. Milk my dick dry." I tried my best to squeeze my ass around Alex's cock, but after three men, it felt loose. But he moaned each time, so it must have been having an effect. "Nice hole," he said. "We're going to have to play some more." He let his hand drift down towards my groin and it quickly found my dick. He played with it, but I remained just as soft as always. "You party tonight?" "Party?" I asked. I had no idea what he meant. "You know, tina? Crystal?" I realized what Damon had been letting me smoke. Friends had talked about crystal meth, how it fucked you up, sometimes permanently. But this wasn't fucked up. This was pure amazing, and if it lasted my entire life, it wouldn't be nearly long enough. "Yeah," I said. "Yeah, I have been." I blushed. I had just admitted using some crazy insane drug to this hot man. I was terrified of how he would respond and even the few seconds he paused before responding was fearful agony for me. "Nice," he whispered into my ear. "We need to PnP together. Damn hot tweaked out muscle bottom," he said. It was dirty and depraved and it made my dick twitch in pleasure. "Tonight?" he whispered. I was surprised he was asking me a question. He didn't need to do ask me anything. All I wanted him to do was to take what he wanted from me. It was my pleasure to give him whatever he required from me. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can I cum in you?" he asked. "Breed you?" I started nodding even before he had finished speaking. My desire had passed mere want, and it was now a fundamental need of mine to get more sperm inside me. "Yes," I said. "Of course. Cum in me. Breed me. Mark me." "That's what I want to hear," a new voice said. I looked away from the cityscape in front of me to see that Aiden had re-joined us. The two men, Alex and Aiden, might have been brothers, just separated by twenty-odd years. In the light from the window, I noticed how Aiden's chest hair was flecked with grey, and immediately wondered what it would look like with my cum sprayed across his chest. "A hungry boy." "Fucking hungry hole," Alex said. The two men kissed, as Alex pushed his dick deeper into me. I watched them make out, their eyes closed, each of them lost in their own private world of pleasure. "I'm going to breed your boy," Alex whispered to Aiden. "Fucking load him up with my seed." "Good," Aiden said. "I know he'd like that." Aiden ran his hand across my body, over my chest, down my flat stomach, before finding my traitorous dick. Despite my arousal, it was still soft, flaccid, and small. It was good that I was getting fucked, otherwise, it would have been an embarrassing situation. Aiden leaned down towards me and whispered into my ear. "I'm glad you're making so many new friends tonight. I'm glad you came to the party with me." I could only nod in agreement. "Feels good," I murmured, as Aiden pressed his lips against mine. His tongue pushed into my mouth, as he stroked my dick. "Him inside me." "Good," Aiden said. "It's supposed to feel good. Just enjoy it." He kissed me again. "Don't hold back. Don't be afraid. Everything is going to be just fine." "I want him to cum in me. Give me his seed." It was so strange to be saying those words, but yet it felt so natural. When I set out to the club that night, it was supposed to end that I was the one fucking some chick. I was the one who should have been injecting my sperm into her warm pussy. But instead, it was my hole that was getting defiled and degraded. "Tell him that," Aiden said. "Let Alex know what you want. What you need." It wasn't a command, but yet I knew there was no way I would ignore his request. It felt so reasonable and natural to tell Alex that my hole was his to breed. "Please, Alex," I said. "Cum in me. Give me your seed." "Is he?" Alex asked. I was confused, but then realized the question was directed at Aiden. I tried to figure out what Alex was asking. But, right as I focused, Alex pressed his dick back into me, and all I could do was moan in pleasure. "Nah. He's practically a virgin. But he's spoken for." Aiden stroked my dick, and the sensations overrode the foreboding I had about what he had just said. "Spoken for?" Alex asked. The way he said it gave me pause. I didn't want to be anyone's possession. I had just gotten out of my parent's house, and it was time to be my own man. But I remembered how protected I was when Rod wrapped his arms around me. Or how safe I felt with Aiden looking out for me at the party. Or most of all, how Alex cared for me enough to give me his load. Around these men, I was going to be ok. "Yeah," Aiden said. "But that doesn't mean the two of you can't have fun tonight." "You're right," Alex replied. He continued. "Fuck. This is going to feel good." Where Damon had been forceful and careless, Alex's every stroke was intentional and planned. As his cock slid in and out of my hole, I realized Alex had only one goal he was mindlessly pursuing. It was the goal of every red-blooded man, the only goal we had in life. It was to spread his seed far and wide, to impregnate every available pussy, whether willing or unwilling. Every thrust and parry of his cock was carefully planned and executed to push him closer to that fundamental masculine need. "It feels good, doesn't it," Aiden whispered into my ear. "His cock, inside you." I nodded. It was hard to deny what he had said. Alex's cock was sliding in and out, each stroke bringing him closer to that essential relief Alex needed so badly. Just as badly, I wanted to give him that relief, and the thick spurts of man-juice it entailed. It felt so dirty, so sleazy, but also so good. "Yeah," I finally said, lost in the pleasures of getting fucked. "I want your load," I grunted to Alex. "Give it to me." "Oh fuck," Alex grunted. His strokes were no longer the long, deep thrusts. His pace was faster and he was forcing himself right to the edge. "Oh FUCK," he grunted again. "Give it to me," I said. I had never craved something this badly in my life before. All I wanted was this man to cum in me. I wanted him to breed me. I didn't understand it when Damon had first told me he was going to breed me. But now, getting bred by a hot man was the only thing that mattered in my life. "Fucking breed me," I said. "OH FUCK," he said, this time ramming his cock deep into me. I felt Alex's cock pulse and surge and his thick, wet, cum fill my gut. Each man had been better than the last, and Alex's orgasm was practically a religious experience. "TAKE IT," Alex grunted. In the center of my torso, the wetness grew as Alex drained his balls into me. The perfection and peace of that moment, the moment where his semen filled me up, was going to be a feeling I was going to chase for the rest of my life. "Breed me," I grunted. I was on the verge of tears, so happy that Alex was impregnating me with his seed. "Fuck, this is nice," Aiden whispered. "You taking that hot load." "TAKE IT," Alex grunted once more. He was in his own world, where the only thing that mattered was his cock and how good it felt. I squeezed my ass, massaging and milk his dick. I tried to tell myself it was just to give pleasure to Alex, but I knew that my single focus was getting more seed in my hole. "Fuck, you're a hungry guy," Aiden said. I squeezed my hole again, and was rewarded by a visceral grunt from Alex plus another squirt of his precious jizz. It landed directly into my rectum.
    2 points
  22. [think before following links] https://truckersucker.com/uploads/videos/thumb/10359/2148364f73517872aebaa6010ad60ed2.mp4
    1 point
  23. I don't think people really care about it now. Most guys fuck BB at clubs and baths, and nobody asks about status. It only happened once when I was fucked by an Indian guy at bath, but he pulled out without cum. Then he asked me if I am NEG. I said yes. Felt funny coz he asked after fucking me. What if I was POZ?
    1 point
  24. Interesting start, but as has been said... be careful not to cross any lines... I'd hate to see a good story deleted and a promising author deterred.
    1 point
  25. Surprise last night.....Young skinny guy 26 dumped 4 loads up me then started playing with my hole - before i knew it he had his fist in me using his spunk as lube......i let him fist me for almost an hour......ive not been fisted for around 7 years (my choice) but i let it happen tonight as he was slim with small hands....when i stood up after it all his cum ran out and down my thighs.
    1 point
  26. Back in the 90s I took a trip to NYC for a weekend to check out NYU for grad school. I didn't make a hotel reservation; thought I would pick up a room near a gay cinema called West World. I was still closeted and playing around with guys discreetly at my small tech university in Pittsburgh. I started bottoming for a big thick 10 inch hung opera student, ginger guy, big and strong. He would stick it in me and get about ten pumps in, I would squirt everywhere and push him out and get dressed and fuck off back home. He got fed up with this one day and turned me over, forced my head down and held my hands behind my back and forced his way back in. He leaned in close over top of me near like he was going to kiss my neck and whispered hostilely THIS IS HOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN FROM NOW ON... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. He didn't wait for a reply and didn't care if I said yes or no, he was grinding into me really slow and long while I screamed and he pushed my face down into the bed. Well I did understand and didn't like being told what to do but kept coming back for big dick. Safe dick. Rubbered up. I did hook up with a few friends who waited tables with me at restaurants. Always bareback and me topping even though I'm not hung. I was a short, muscled, smooth weight lifter from an Italian family with huge legs and a square jaw. I could pull a lot of guys back then, they would always say CUM ON MY BACK DUDE, CUM ON MY BACK. It was so hot. I loved fucking with guys my age plus or minus five years. Never liked daddies or bears, they kinda scared me. I sucked a lot of hot dick in the glory holes but never let a guy fuck me bare, I was too scared of getting the poz bug. Not me. Never. I hung out with guys in a fraternity and some really straight guys, the ones I really secretly desired, would stare at out the corner of my eye when I thought they were not looking. The kind of guys I would steal used jocks and socks and underwear from and secretly wear them. So when the NYC trip came up I got excited and started wanking 5 - 6 times a day fantasizing about what would happen there. I wanted to do a bunch of guys all in one night. I got turned on eating cum when a guy would jizz while I fucked him or sucked him. I loved to deepthroat medium and small dicks, just sucked deeper as they would cum right down my throat. Sometimes I would drink a little piss. When alone I would always tell myself I would eat my own cum but never could. I love cum, until I cum, and then that's it. Get it off me, don't want any smeared on me or in my mouth. Are you like that too? Well I guess I like extremes, either shoot it down my throat, let me lick it all up off the floor or your boots or chest OR none at all. So I get to NY and start walking the street in Greenwich village where I decided I would like to stay. I saw a sign on the road room to rent, it was one of those small black cardboard signs with big block red letters. I went in and was greeted by two really big Latino guys who did pest control for the building and let out a small single bed in one of the service closets. They weren't gay but it was cheap and I was happy, paid the money and got the key. Showered and put on my best whore jeans, a hot guy's underwear and socks I stole the week before but hadn't jizzed in, and headed out the door. I had a map and knew exactly where West World was so headed straight over. No time for food or drink I could do that after. My heart was pumping as I paid the entrance fee and went inside. There were some small video booths just as you went in and a couple of rooms with metal folding chairs and guys watching porn on big screens. I had never seen anything like it. All eyes were on me suddenly, it was full of bears and daddies with their cocks out wanking or fully clothed and waiting for signals from each other. One really tall skinny guy stood up and bent over a chair in front of him and a huge black guy started to fuck him bare. Wow ... this is scary, maybe not the room for me. So I went to the next room and an arm grabbed me as I walked by, a big strong hairy arm. I looked at him, steely blue eyes, big square jaw, Italian type like me but wow .. hairy and muscular in a more mature way. Where you going boy? he asked me ... why don't you sit down here? First time here is it? ... He was a typical pushy New Yorker who knew what he wanted and decided to take it. He pulled me closer and said here .. sit down here next to me. There was a Chinese guy wanking two or three seats away. I got scared. What was happening here, was I going to be SAFE would I get what I wanted or would they get what THEY wanted. Bare sex with strangers in NYC. I would get pozzed for sure. But my eyes met his and like a snake charmer he was able to keep me right where he wanted me. I listend to his voice, I was really hooked and would do what he wanted me to do. Within limits of course. So I sat down. He pulled out a big thick monster, not shaved, and smelling like man cock. Not soap but not dirty, just like a man's cock having been in his trousers all day, know what I mean? Man cock. It was thick and darker in colour than mine and throbbing. Then the Chinese guy moved over next to me and took off my pants. I let him, and he started sucking me! NY Italian guy pushed my mouth on his dick and said Go on boy, suck mine while he sucks you, then I'll take you to a booth. I really loved it, the smell and being under his spell, his control. He had real power over me, his cock was the master that could command me, his big physique housed the thing I worship. Cock and cum. I WANT YOUR CUM I told him and then the Chinese guy really started going to town on me. I had never had a guy suck me off to completion until then. I started to squirm and move away, started to push the Chinese guy away but it felt SO NICE as the waves of pleasure started to build up. The Italian guy noticed and told me that's it, move your hips into it, let him suck it all out of you boy and I exploded. He swallowed everything and then it all closed down. I wanted to get out of there and fast. It was all happening too fast. I sheepishly said Thank You and they both chuckled as I pulled up my trousers. Italian guy said come on, I want to show you a private movie in a booth. He was getting ready to fuck me bare and I knew it, but I had already cum. I said I wanted to use the toilet first and would meet him in the lobby. Instead I went to the lobby, grabbed my jacket and RAN down the street. I ran for my life because I knew a pozzing was waiting for me otherwise. I must have run about 3 blocks when a big green Range Rover beeped the horn and I looked over and it was Italian guy ... he rolled down the window and said CAUGHT YOU!
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  27. Part 2: There’s something about JD…. As the train began to roll down the tracks, I started to get really comfortable. Train rides, well for me at least, are extremely relaxing and very scenic. However there was nothing scenic about this train ride as it was cold and dreary out. The weather seemed to be in sync with how I was feeling. I try to focus on my work which the train ride luckily affords me the chance to catch up on. The world of a beat reporter doesn’t stop, especially when you are dealing with a corrupt mayor who’s taking bribes and has been known to frequent the cities bathhouses. He’s known as Aunt Fancy as he is extremely prim and proper but a total cum dump. His wife knows about his nighttime routine. In fact they’re well known in the swinging community. The reason nobody has blabbered about his nighttime exploits is that in a very sex positive city, sex scandals just aren’t popular. Now if the mayor of my hometown had been accused of that, then it would be the story of the year, no the circumstances. I mean I see why he gets his reputation, he’s charming, extremely good looking, and he has this Cary Grant way of speaking. In one swath he could be putting you down but by the end you want to rollover and take your closes off for him. As I’m working on this, I glanced over to JD. By this point in our journey he was already passed out. I happen to notice that his phone had fell out of his hand and onto the floor. For a moment the lockscreen flashed and it was a photo of him in a jockstrap with a leather harness. I looked at the phone and back at him and it peaked my curiosity. However I didn’t want to wake him up from his nap. So I placed the phone back into his lap and he just kept on sleeping. About an hour or so later we reached our first stop at Cold Harbor, and the wind and rain was still blowing at a steady pace. The screeching of the trains breaks woke up my napping train companion. He stirred asking me if we in Bristol yet, and I said no not yet. He then noticed his phone was not in the same place it was when he dozed off. He asked, “what happened to my phone?” ”It fell out of your hand and I picked up before anyone could step on it,” I said pointing to the spot near where I picked it up. “That’s very kind of you,” he said with a slight laugh and a grin. I leaned over towards him and said, “I couldn’t help but notice that your lockscreen picture is very revealing.” He quipped, “Is that a bad thing?” “No it’s not,” I said with a grin. He definitely picked up on that. The train finally began to roll again, and JD was by then wide awake. So I felt it would be a good opportunity for us to kinda get to know one another a bit more. “So JD tell me a bit about yourself?” “Well obviously my name is Jesse but everyone calls me JD. I’m 28 from Pall Mall, Kentucky. It’s a small town just on the Kentucky side of Kentucky lake. I have two sisters who are much older than me. I’m the first in my family to ever graduate from college and after college I moved to D.C. to try to make a fresh start.” “What do you do for a living?” I asked him, “Well I’m a structural engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers. I’ve been doing that job ever since I moved to town. I also do some side work on the weekends at a bar to make some extra cash. You would think that me being an engineer would be a fruitful endeavor, but again I am working for the government. So on the weekends I work at Marvin’s which is this nice little bar over in Annacosta.” “I’ve heard of Marvin’s and it’s a really fun bar, and the men that frequent it are really really good looking,” I said with a wink and smile. “Oh it is a very nice place and I have made many many friends there,” he said laughing. “So what is it you do there?” I said curiously. “Oh I’m a go go dancer. I get tipped really well and it’s enough money for me to help save and put back. Especially with all the student debt I have and what not,” he said laughing. “So you’re an engineer by day and a go go dancer by night. That’s an interesting combination, and maybe someday I might have to mosey over there to see you dance,” I said with a playful smile. He was certainly blushing when I said that and it was that moment I noticed he had to adjust himself. He then put his hand on my thigh and asked me, “Now that you know some things about me, how about yourself. Tell me about you?” ”Well my name is David. I’m 32 from Tupelo, Tennessee. I moved away from home at 18, and I work for the Capitol Journal as a reporter on their local news division and occasionally helping out on the Congressional side too.” “I have read your work and it’s really really good! Your story on Councilmen Lawrence’s bribery scandal was a masterclass,” he said enthusiastically. ”Well I’ve had many years to hone in my craft and the only way to hold your leaders to account is to expose their skeletons,” I said laughing. ”I have to ask, are you named after David from the Bible?” I wasn’t surprised he asked me this, because this is actually the most frequently asked question about myself. So I chuckled and said, “Oh I wished I was named after him, but no I’m not named after him. I’m actually named after former teen idol David Cassidy. Why, I was named after him remains a mystery to me,” I said with a smile and a laugh. ”Well at least you were named after a celebrity of sorts. I wasn’t as lucky. I was named after my father’s cousin whom my parents just liked the name. However I never really went by that, my parents always called me JD which is the abbreviation for my first and middle initials.” So I had to asked, “So what’s your middle name?” He replied, “Dickinson, my full name is Jerry Dickinson Patton, however JD Patton is much easier on the ears.” I smiled and put my hand on his thigh and said, “I agree it’s much easier on the ears.” We continued to tell stories and laugh for the remainder of the train ride to Bristol. He struck me as charming and it didn’t hurt he was good looking. I couldn’t help but every once in a while notice the bulge in his pants. I really wanted to see what that was all about, but hooking up on a train can be hot. However I was spent. Yet there was something about him that just screamed raw sex appeal. As the train pulled into the station I looked at JD and asked, “Since we’re going to be in the same town for the next few days, would you like to hangout more?” He immediately and enthusiastically said, “Yes I would love that!” He took my phone and said, “Here’s my number, and the cabin resort we’re staying at is a place called Tupelo Falls.” I thanked him and as he departed I could see his silhouette growing further a part. I then heard my phone go off. It was a text from JD saying, “I can’t wait to get to know you more, and who knows you might get to have your own private dance ;).” I started to blush right then and there, but before I could reply I heard my mom’s voice calling out for me.
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  28. I went to a techno festival with a friend for a weekend in the summer. My boyfriend, with whom I've been monogamous for two years, didn't want to come along. The festival was impressive. You could hear good techno sound and feel the bass everywhere on the festival and camping site. We got on well with our tent neighbours and there was a lot of alcohol. On Saturday evening we went to the festival site. On the way there, I took MDMA to really party. When I arrived in front of the main stage, I could feel the effects: I started dancing and also got ... very horny. For fun, I downloaded Grindr and looked to see which guys were also at the festival. In my excitement, I wrote to several guys. I actually just wanted to chat suggestively and maybe get some dick pics. When the effects of the MDNA fully kicked in around 0:30am, I wanted to do more than just chat. Maybe wank together or something similar. I particularly liked one guy at Grindr. We arranged to meet at 2 a.m. at my tent, which was conveniently located near two main roads on the campsite. On the way to my tent, I realised that the effects of the MDMA were wearing off. I began to have doubts: should I really cheat on my boyfriend? When I arrived at the tent, I opened Grinder and pondered: should I say no to the guy or not? After all, I don't have any lube or condoms .... I looked at our neighbour's tent. I looked around and, in a knee-jerk reaction, went to our neighbour's tent without thinking. I opened the tent and reached for the bag of cocaine hidden under the front of a jumper. I quickly closed the tent door and disappeared into my own tent. I quickly rolled up a banknote and pulled the white powder through both nostrils. I realised how warm I was getting and how ... horny I was becoming agein. I looked at my watch: "Fuck, it's already 2:07!" I quickly crawled out of my tent, stood up and the Grindr guy was already waiting on the corner! I waved him over. In the twilight of the camping lights, he arrived grinning and we hid in the tent. When he undressed, I realised how the cocaine was kicking in with full force. He looked at me and asked: "Have you taken anything?". "Yes, cocaine... maybe a little too much" I replied. He grinned, said "very good boy...!" and took off my trousers and boxer shorts. He lifted my legs and started to lick my hole vigorously. Every time he stuck his entire tongue into my hole, I started to moan. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed the way he worked my hole with his big tongue. When I felt his tongue in my mouth and he began to moan softly, I opened my eyes. He had that diabolical grin again. My hands slid down his back to his sexy, tight arse. I enjoyed the way he penetrated my hole with his "tongue"... When my hands reached his arse, I noticed that it was constantly moving back and forth. In my cocaine high, I suddenly realised that it wasn't his tongue but his cock in my hole that was fucking me! "Fuck! You're fucking me right now!" I moaned at him, seeing his face only slightly blurred by the effects of the cocaine. "Oh yes! Are you enjoying my cock in your cunt?". I moaned and couldn't get a straight sentence out... I just stammered: "Ehm... Fuck... Fuck, that's hot... but fuck..." After a short time he grabbed my hair, pulled my head towards him and said: "I'm going now to fuck your fucking cunt from behind!". While he pulled his cock out, I wanted to suck him off. I grabbed his hard cock and realised that there was no condom on it. While I had his cock in my hand, I looked at him in horror and asked: "Fuck! Did you just fuck me without a condom? I have a boyfriend!". He replied annoyed: "Calm down! Didn't you like it? Come on, lie down on your stomach and I'll lick you again...". I was pissed off, but incredibly horny due to the cocaine. I agreed. He turned round and pulled poppers out of his bag on the floor. He gave it to me: "Take a few puffs! Then I'll lick your arse some more...". I opened the bottle and took a few puffs. The high kicked in immediately. Meanwhile, I noticed how he pushed his cock into me and started to fuck me hard. He bent over with his body and I felt his breath on my ear. He turned my head towards him and rammed his bare cock really deep inside me. I moaned loudly. "Tell me, how does my bare cock feel in your wet hole?" he asked. I was so horny that I could only answer: "Fucking goog. Fuck me. Fuck me bare. I don't care about anything right now. Just fuck me hard and cum inside me!!!". He bent up and started to fuck me hard. After few minutes he moaned loudly and a few seconds later he started laughing. I noticed how he pulled his cock out of my hole: "What's going on?" I asked. "I'm ready," he replied as he got dressed. My horniness abruptly diminished. I sat down and asked: "Ehm... did you come inside me?". "Yes," he grinned and put his shoes on and added: "It's leaking out of your hole, boy...". "Ehm... Okay... Tell me, how often do you fuck bareback? Are you healthy?" I replied. He opened the tent door, turned round and said: "I only ever fuck bareback. That's all you need to know!". Then he left. I wanted to run after him, but I was still naked. So I picked up my phone, opened Grindr and wanted to confront him. As soon as I'd written the first word, the chat disappeared. He had blocked me! Now I was sitting there: alone in the tent, overwhelmed and scared. My thoughts were running round and round: "What will you say to your boyfriend? What if he's infected me with something?". I spot the white bag of cocaine and thought to myself: Fuck it. Lets take a few more puffs. So I took another hit of cocaine, which made me extremely horny again. I started playing with my cock. With my right hand I slid down to my hole, where I realised that the sperm was flowing out. I took it on my finger and put it in my mouth. "Fuck that's hot... and it tastes good" I moaned quietly to myself. I reached for my phone and opened Grindr. I thought to myself: if anything, I want to be fucked properly today. Luckely, I quickly found a guy in his early 40s who had an XL cock and was a few tents away in his campervan. We arranged to meet up. I put on my clothes, took another line of cocaine and literally ran to the guy. Once there, everything happened quickly. He closed the door and took off his clothes. I knew from his profile that he was married to a man. While he undressed, I pressed my boxer shorts hard against my hole to wipe away the last traces and evidence of the past guy. We started kissing and I felt his big hard cock against my legs. "Fuck you are hot! Come fuck me" I whispered in his ear. He turned round and put on a condom. Then he turned me on my back, spit on his cock and slowly pushed it inside me. He started to fuck me slowly, but faster and faster. "Boy... you're incredibly hot and you have a delicious hole!" he moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his head and replied: "Oh fuck... I love your big cock! I would love to have you bare inside me". "Oh fuck yes. To fuck your beautiful cunt with my bare cock... That would be awesome! ", he replied, moaning and ramming his cock into me really hard all the way. While he fucks me in an alternating rhythm, he leans forward slightly: "Fuck boy... If I knew you, I'd fuck you right now without a rubber!". "Wow, yes, that would be so incredibly hot," I reply, pulling his face back to mine. "Do you often fuck bareback?" he asks me. I put my hands on his arse, grab it and push his arse against my pelvis. As he groans loudly, I look deep into his eyes and say: "No, I'm in a committed, monogamous relationship. I only fuck bareback with a boyfriend". He grins at me: "In a monogamous relationship?! You do realise that you have my cock in your hot hole right now?". I grinned back. Suddenly he stops. He slowly straightens up and slowly pulls his cock out of my hole, while he asks and says thoughtfully:"mhhhh... I understand. I'm married and only fuck bareback with my husband...". He looks down briefly, spits on his cock and slowly pushes it back in my hole. I moan loudly. "Do you want poppers?". "Oh, Yes!", I reply. He bends down and takes out the bottle next to the head bar. He opens the lid and slides the bottle under my nose. "If you only fuck bareback with your boyfriend and I only fuck bareback with my husband, then everything would be safe, wouldn't it?" As I sniff the poppers and give him the bottle back, I reply: "Yes. Everything's safe!". He sniffs hard on the poppers several times. While he puts the bottle away, he plays with his cock and rolls his eyes - the poppers kick in for me too. He looks at me, takes my hand and guides it to his hard, thick and big cock. "If you want to fuck bare, then take off the condom now...". My pulse increases, my cock gets really hard. I put my hand around his cock and pull the rubber off. He leans forward. I feel his rubberfree glans at my hole entrance. "You're really safe?" he asks me, "Yes, trust me!". And then... I realise how his glans penetrates my hole unprotected with rhythmic strokes. I close my eyes and burst with horniness. "Fuck, this is unbelievably hot!" I scream at him. "Fuck yes man! You have such a hot, wet cunt!" he replies and starts to fuck me really hard with his hammer with his eyes closed. I bend up a little to see his cock as he fucks my hole without a condom. It feels indescribable. The cocaine. The effect of the poppers. His big bareback cock. But the thing that really makes me explode is the knowledge and the fact that "my naughty cunt" is bulging with the cum of a guy I don't know. A guy who only ever fucks bareback. A guy who has blocked me on Grindr. A guy who probably isn't healthy. And now I'm getting fucked bareback by a married man who thinks I'm safe. As I watch his bare cock fucking my hole, I almost faint. The whole situation is so hot that I can hardly stand it. I mentally imagine what it looks like in my hole right now: My arse full of most probably highly contagious cum from a complete stranger, which is being massaged deeper and deeper into my bowels by a naive guy with his unprotected cock. At the same time, he pushes and rubs the highly contagious cum on his unprotected cock. I love the mental image of his glans of his uncut cock being wrapped in cum as he thrusts. And when he pulls his cock back, the whole cum is enclosed by his foreskin until the glans is exposed again during the next thrust... I mean: I really love it when I see an big uncut cock and the entire glans is full of cum and it spreads between the glans and foreskin. But the idea that it's someone else's sperm that the guy doesn't even know about. Not knowing that it's most likely poz sperm. Directly in my hole - wow, I can't have a cock in me as deep as I'm horny with this. Suddenly he punches me in the face. I look at him. "Fuck boy, were are you? I'm about to cum! Where should I cum?". "Fuck... hot... splash your load deep into my hole!". As soon as I've said that, I notice his cock twitching hard. With a loud moan he thunders his cock into me to the hilt and collapses on top of me. He starts to laugh and mumbles "Boy... You and youre hole are fucking awesome!". Meanwhile, I put my hand on my cock to make myself come. He leans up again and pulls his cock out of my hole. He looks down: "Wow... there's a lot coming out. I didn't realise I had such plump balls...". "hehe... yeah, me too!" I reply with a grin, "please push your dock in again slowly so that you massage your cum into my hole". He then grabs his cock with his hand, took it up with the leaking cum and pushes it into me. I take another quick poppers sniffs and shortly afterwards I come explosively as I feel his cock inside me - and once again - as I imagine how with every movement of his cock inside me, stranger, anonymous and highly contagious sperm is massaged between his glans and his foreskin. Later, while I wipe my sperm off my stomach and he wipes his cock with a cloth, he asks me for my number. I reply that we can continue writing on Grindr. I quickly put my clothes on and am about to leave when he grabs my hand. He looks at me and says that we should stay in touch, if only in case there was something about the bareback sex. I kiss him and agree. When I get to my tent, I open Grindr and block him. 13 weeks after the festival, I receive my HIV-positive test result. In the meantime, I had active and passive unprotected sex with my boyfriend several times. But that's another story ... 😉
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  29. If needed, you can get support by email at support <at> studio3x.com (or that should be correct). The footer of the MalePrime page (the one you get if you are blocked) contains a link to the Studio3X about page, which includes that email address.
    1 point
  30. Not only do I not expel a load, I angle my ass upward and stay that way a while after the Top has gone to allow gravity to assist in its deeper reach into my body. Nothing comes out if I can help it. Except - if he has a particular body chemistry. For a very, very small number of Tops, I seem to have an allergic reaction to their cum. If it gets on my skin, it burns, and I guess inside me it’s such an irritant that it prompts a need to expel. But this is very rare. Personally, I very much share @Phallarchist’s view as stated above - expelling a Top’s load is not something that would occur to me, to do so in his presence would be unthinkable, and to so into a toilet while he is still present would be unforgivable. For a Top to select me for cunting when he has an ocean of ass to choose from is a high honor; to choose my cunt as the vessel to hold the essence that codes his personal being is the very highest. If I am worthy of it, I will do my utmost to keep it where he put it. If I had to guess why most bottoms who expel do it, it may be because A) They’re conflicted about their sexuality and after the act feel the need to rid themselves of their ‘guilt’; B) They mistakenly believe that immediately expelling the load will reduce or remove the risk of STD exposure; or C) The idea of having someone else’s bodily fluid inside them actually squicks them out, but is an unpleasant requirement for the pleasure of bareback fucking, so they just get rid of it as quickly as they can. The above speculation supposed the bottom expels into a toilet, and is not simply pushing the load out in situ in the presence of others. The latter case I would assume to be for the erotic rush of displaying that he has been loaded, or simply for consumption.
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  31. Chapter 8 – the dawn of a new day In the previous chapters, I tell about meeting Philip and his husband, Ralph. We’re in their basement play space, with a play room, living room with a sofa bed, full bathroom with a massive shower, and small kitchenette for drinks. We’ve had a long session with plenty of partying and ass work. Now, we’re taking a breather on the sofa bed. I had fallen asleep for a while when we were all cuddling on the sofa bed. What awakened me was the fact that Ralph was rubbing his hard cock around my ass, spreading his copious precum all over me. When he saw that I was awake, he slowly inserted his cock in my ass. There was still a lot of lube inside me, so his insertion was easy and direct. Ralph knew what my ass had been through, so he took it slow and sensual. Philip had woken up and was watching his husband fuck me, and then he started to suck my dick. To my surprise, my cock was hard. He sucked me for a while and then rolled over and slid his ass back onto my cock. Now I was the fucked and the fucker. We were all taking it slow, just enjoying the sensations and company. But I was taking as well as giving, and that got me to shoot my load in Philip. He rolled onto his stomach afterward, and I fingered his cummy hole. Ralph suggested that I ride him. He pulled out and repositioned himself so that his legs were hanging off the side of the bed, and his hard cock was sticking straight up. I straddled him and lowered myself onto his dick. We still went slowly, but this position allowed for greater depth than before. Ralph’s cock is a little over 7” and pretty thick, and it was a nice ride. Philip had gotten on the floor behind me to watch me take Ralph’s cock. He stood up and positioned his dick at my hole, and, as one, they both entered me. Philip has a longer but thinner cock, so the match was perfect for my ass. We fucked like this until Philip shot his load in my ass. Then, I rode Ralph until he bred my ass too. Once again, we all laid back and laughed. It all seemed so natural and easy. I asked Philip how much his ass could take, and he said, “Let’s find out”. So, we all trooped back into the playroom and got Philip setup in the sling. We were all naked now, so it was great to see this hot, hairy man with his ass spread wide in a sling. Again, I started out with rimming. His ass was well used and opened quickly to my tongue. He took a hit of poppers and ground his ass into my face, and I tongue fucked him as deep as possible, tasting my recent load inside him. He wanted more though, so we started to consider which toys to use on him. Ralph looked at Philip and said, “You’ve always wanted to take the Mare Maker. He did, so now it’s your turn.” I looked at Philip to confirm that he wanted that toy, and he nodded. First, we all needed to get spun again, so it was time for more smoking. Ralph got the pipe ready and brought it up to Philip. He was the one that we needed to get spun up first. Then Ralph and I each sucked a few clouds out of the glass cock, sometimes sharing them with Philip. We were all feeling great when I went to sit back down on the stool. Ralph reminded me that we should use the Gape Keeper again to keep me open. He lubed it up, I sat on it, and drove it deep into my hole. But my focus was on Philip’s ass. I started out with some lubed fingers, eventually working my hand into his ass. I used my wrist and some fingers from my other hand to really stretch his hole. Once it seemed open enough, I asked Ralph to get the Mare Maker ready. He lubed it up and passed it to me. Philip’s hole was quivering in anticipation of the coming invasion. I reminded him of “tomato” and started to tease his hole with the toy. Just inserting the tip is a big stretch, and he took it well. That allowed me to slowly start to push more and more of the toy into his ass. Once, it was just about halfway in, and at the biggest stretch, Philip asked for the poppers. Ralph took care of feeding them to him, and Philip took several hits in each nostril. Once they had taken hold of Philip’s brain, I pushed the toy past its widest part. The rest was sucked into his hole, getting it in down to the base. Ralph was amazed at his husband’s ability to take the toy, and once he came down from the poppers, Philip was equally amazed. He wanted me to leave it there for a bit so that he could experience the amazing sense of fullness of this toy. I’d occasionally tap on the base, which I knew would send waves of pleasure through his ass. Philip said that I could start on some motion with the toy, so I began turning it left and right in his ass. He was moaning while I did this, so it was obviously a good feeling for him. “Let’s get this thing really lubed out so that I can fuck you with it”, I suggested. Philip nodded, so I slowly worked the toy out of his ass. As happened to me, once it was past the mid-point, Philip’s ass shot it out, along with a bunch of lube. I used some of that and some additional lube before placing it at his hole. Philip took a couple hits of poppers and said, “Shove it in”. This time, it went all the way in with ease. Once it was settled in there, I started some back-and-forth motion with it. Philip was enjoying the ride and, for now, was letting me control the motion and depth. He reached back to feel the toy, which moved his legs higher in the sling. That motion sets the toy in place nicely, and then gravity worked to let it sink into place. I saw some more of the dildo slide into his ass. The base was right up against his hairy hole. Philip moved down in the sling to a more normal position. I got up, being reminded of the Gape Keeper in my ass, and told Ralph to sit down and have some fun. Ralph was a bit apprehensive about moving the toy too much until he saw how much Philip was enjoying it. Then, he started to really pound Philip’s ass. At one point, he even took the toy all the way out and then shoved it back into Philip’s hole. Seeing his hairy hole swallow the toy was sexy. And I was playing with the Gape Keeper in my ass. Philip motioned me to come up and present my ass to him and he took over the manipulation. Now, Ralph was fucking Philip with the Mare Maker, and Philip was fucking me with the Gape Keeper. We played like this for a while until Philip called for a break. Ralph pulled the Mare Maker out out of Philip, and he pulled the Gape Keeper out of me. Lube was flooding out of both of our holes. We got Philip standing up and cleaned him off a bit before we all ended up back on the sofa bed. I wrapped my arms around Ralph, enjoying the feel of his hairy chest, and Philip cuddled up behind me. After some touching and stroking, we all drifted off to sleep.
    1 point
  32. I began sucking my cousin off shortly after I turned 15. He was 14. The first time was in my family's basement rec room during a family Christmas get together. He had some experience, having jerked off with friends before, so when I told him that I was gay, he asked if I wanted to blow him. I sure as hell did! Weirdly, when he asked if I wanted him to "do it" in my mouth, I assume he meant cum. When I nodded yes, he started pissing down my throat. 😲 So, I'm the unusual fag who tasted piss before ever tasting cum. We would continue screwing around, mostly oral, for the next 8 months, culminating in him fucking me for the first time in his family living room (while my parents celebrated their 25th anniversary with all our family right across the street). By this I had started seeing a 25-year-old dude, so I cooled things with my (otherwise straight) cousin.
    1 point
  33. I’m not so sure. Where I hang, guys come after me when they know I have loads in me. When I topped that was all I wanted. A sloppy hole.
    1 point
  34. I wasn’t sure I could believe my ears. But fuck, the pool boy’s fantasy wasn’t just turning him on. I sprang the biggest bone faster than I ever had. It caught in my shorts in such an uncomfortable way I grimaced. My pool boy noticed and apologized; “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you. I said it was bad. Please don’t hate me.” My mind was spinning. ‘Do I tell him the truth to play this out? See if he’ll let me stealth him? Or keep my poz status a secret and really stealth poz him?’ I knew immediately that I wanted to do the second by the mini orgasm escaping my incredibly uncomfortably bent erection. The grimace on my face was stronger and sent the best message I could hope for to the pool boy. “We better go.” I faked an angry voice as I rushed from the table to hide the cum wet spot on my shorts. “I’m so sorry, I really am. I’ll pay the bill. I can walk home from here. Please don’t hate me.” The sun was just coming up when I got back to the hotel. Three handsome young guys were leaving the poz tattooed guys room as I passed his door. They all had that freshly fuck glow. He invited me in and my ass couldn’t pass up his sexy charm. Especially with my horniness following the pool boy’s confession and the plans taking shape in my head. We drank mimosas and shared details of our past night. Well, he shared in great detail. I did fess up to being with the pool boy, but I didn’t share the stealthing fantasy revelation. I didn’t even tell him the pool boy had broke from his rule and bred me. I let him believe all our sex had been ‘safe’. He was quite angry with me passing up such a great opportunity. One of the guys leaving his place as I arrived had been begging to get knocked up. He and the other two were potently toxic and had obliged by dump in poisonous load after load into their willing victim. His only regret was that the infection doesn’t set in immediately. He’d have loved to watch the fuck flu take over and ravage their victim so they each could have brutalized his sorry ass one more time. I could hardly believe the evil look on his face as he shared this. From the beer, mimosas’, and intoxicating poz talk I was feeling quite tipsy. I slurred; “Ya dun fuckin, or ya got anatha fuuckin toxic load fa ma asssss?” My legs were in the air and his toxic raw cock in me balls deep before I could say ‘Bob’s your uncle.’ For a guy that had been fucking all night I was amazed at his stamina. He pounded me like he hadn’t had sex in a week. He was soon blasting away painting my guts as he grunted; “You should have done this to the pool boy.” I thought he’d been too drunk to notice, but when he regained his composure he told me; “I could swear you had a load in there already when I pushed in.” “Yeah, you’re right. After I dropped the kid home, I saw a bum in a store doorway. My ass was so desperately horny for cum Ioffered him twenty bucks. We went behind a dumpster and he filled my ass.” This lying thing was becoming to me more and more easy to me. “Fuckin A man. I’ve knocked up a few bums around town. I hope he pumped my strain into you.” “Could be. I’ve gotta get my drunk cum filled ass off to bed. Thanks.” “Anytime. If you’re not going to do the pool boy than give his ass to me. I'll knock him up so fast he won't know what hit him." I slept ‘til three in the afternoon. My dreams were filled with anonymous bb sex with a score of men. My ass would have been flooded had it all been real. The dream of doing the pool boy came back with the shock of believing I had stealthed him emerging only when I pulled my wet raw cock out of his ass. Then his body transformed into David’s. I awoke sweating, and shaking, and screaming “NO!”. Once again, I escaped the hotel, pool boy temptations and tattooed guys evil influence by going for a hike. Well away from the roads and people I stripped out of my shorts and laid back on a smooth rock. The sun felt great on my naked body and I was soon fast asleep. My dead childhood friend Peter came to me in a dream. He actually ‘came in me’ in this dream. He had mounted me doggy and after recovering from the most intense orgasm whispered in my ear; ‘You know that pool boy wants you to trick him. Beat that tattoo guy. Knock him up. With that sexy body somebodies going to eventually do it. It may as well be you. Make me proud." I awoke with a start. My cock was warmly wrapped in some guy’s mouth. A wet finger was starting to penetrate my hole. His eyes looked into mine as if to say; ‘You were just too tempting.’ They were puppy dog eyes and I melted. I just gently nodded my head and put my hands on his head to direct his face fuck. His second and then third fingers entered my ass. My legs soon floated up to my shoulder’s and his bare cock was soon finding my prostate. Only then did I get a good look at him. He was a sweet young otter. But not too young to not know what he was doing. He was an expert top. Seeing my delight he leaned in to give me a passionate kiss and went to town pounding When his breathing turned ragged he asked; “Where do you want my load?” “Where do you want to give it?” I asked He was already breeding me. His contractions finished and he didn’t loose a beat moving down and feltching his load out of my cummy hole. He moved back up to my mouth and snowballed the cum between my open lips. Mouth empty he quickly said; “Use that to lube me up.” We were on a roll. My conscience had no time to kick into gear. I spat the cum on his ass and fucked it inside with my tongue. He struggled to take my big raw cock but hung in like a trooper. It wasn’t long before I was long dicking him and when my conscience did kick in it made me so fuckin horny that I blasted away before I could heed it’s warning. “Fuck man, the desert doesn’t often serve me up that dessert. Sweet man. Good thing you’re neg to.” “Um, yeah, I shouldn’t have let you do that to me. So you’re cute cub ass is negative?" “Yup. But with my love of barebacking it probably won’t be for long.” “Yeah. I guess I’m in the same boat. In fact to be honest I really don’t know.” “You had a flu lately.” Here came the lie; “Awe, No.” “Good. Looks like we’re safe for another day and another fuck.” We both noticed I was hard again. I slipped inside him for another quick pump and dump. As I made my way back to my car I thought, ‘Well at least he knows and takes responsibility for the risk he just took.’ With this thought my dick was ragging hard yet again and I couldn’t stop thinking about the pool boy and the message Peter brought me in my dream. I rounded a corner and almost walked into a straight couple hiking with their dog. I quickly pulled on my shorts with great embarrassment. They couldn’t have missed my big erection leading me down the path.
    1 point
  35. I also prefer the hole to be sloppy
    1 point
  36. I dont discuss it unless the other guy brings it up
    1 point
  37. Written by my Big Brother Cub, but I have permission to share: Aaron held Darren’s hand passionately while his lover’s other hand supported his stride with the cane. They had been together for 4 years, madly in love and intimate, yet with the difference in age comes the variance in drive which is why they were where they were. They walked down a dim warehouse towards some suspended lights. They didn’t have to get too much closer to identify the figures grazing, humping, and fucking each other in the dimly lit spot. Darren looked down at his boy, a bit nervous but he cared so much for Aaron that he was willing to change what was more than capable for him; and he also had some pumping anxiety for excitement...he was a bit eager himself for what was about to happen. As they continued to walk down the path through the warehouse, they saw an assortment of equipment, tools, techniques. This was the Wonder Warehouse, a place where sexual fantasies were explored to the absolute extent of what was possible in this world; and in this case something out of this world. Darren’s cane dragged across the concrete, eyeing the stations before his eyes met the gaze of an elder man, possibly older than him but by far more tone. He had a long silver beard going down to his waste and he grinned. “Welcome Darren, I see you brought your boy.” The gentleman reached out and took the hand Darren used for the cane. “Yes, well, he’s the one who originally convinced me and showed me what was possible. And I wanted to go ahead and give it a try.” The older gent’s grin went away and turned serious. “Darren, I hate to turn so sincere but you do realize there is no try. Anything you experience today will fully develop and become you. Your pleasures will need to be fulfilled to their alterations no matter how unique they become. Do you understand that your commitment to this is fully needed and conceded for us to do what we need to do to make this happen?” Darren suddenly froze, feeling his chest drop as he looked at Aaron. Aaron of course looked back, biting his lip a little but clearly eager for him to continue on. Darren grinned, sheepishly then nervously before addressing the gentleman. “For better or for worse, I’m doing this for my boy.” The gentleman looked at Aaron before a malicious grin escaped through the thick beard. “Very well Darren, let’s get started. However you do realize your payment for this is….well it’s a unique arrangement right? “ “How so-” Darren started before he suddenly felt Aaron’s hand slip away. He turned, seeing Aaron muzzled and being tied down to a bench as he struggled. “What the-” Darren turned to interject but instead felt cuffs slip onto each wrist and he was dragged away, watching as his own boy was being subjected to their restraints and….they were doing something to him. Aaron’s heart pounded, this wasn’t part of the plan he thought. Yes, they got a discounted rate but the handwriting had faded away in the wash. What the fuck had he gotten him and his lover into- Aaron winced and shrieked as he felt a sharp piercing into his arm. He snapped his head towards the source and he went wide eyed as he saw an IV line being injected into him by a leather pup in a lab coat. “What are you doin?'' - Aaron tried to exclaim through the gag but to no avail. Darren was struggling, but the many years had broken down his body too fragile so he slid across the ground as he was dragged off. They hoisted him up, something similar to a curved St. Anthony’s cross before the gentleman calmly petted Darren’s face. “You do not need to worry….soon you’ll be just like me. Initially scared and nervous but realizing the potential it has to fulfil your desires and lusts along with your boys fully worth what you lose: self control.” “What the fuck are-” Darren started before he too felt a pressure in his arm where they were drawing an IV line. “What the hell is this?!” Darren shrieked as he started to feel the coolness of the liquid pump through him, but then it fused with his veins and a tingling started before warmth and then burning as it traveled through his elder broken body. “It’s best not to fight it Darren.” The gentleman said as he started to inject syringes into the IV line, color coded and precise. “Each variation has a different side effect and well….the result of this will like whatever those variations are tuned to.” He grinned as he fully pressed in the substance. Darren grunted, the sensations tingling….burning….reaching deeper into the core of his body before he gasped. The sensations had settled and seemed to “take hold” of his systems as they rapidly fused with each other and spread throughout the rest of the body. It was a unique and strangely blissful sensation as it spread and changed, little things at first that were invisible like skin and blood vessels. But as it went more south Darren looked down. He could see his gut, getting hairier through the shirt that had been cut open as sensors were attached. It was like a seeping magma flesh as it reached deeper past the belly button before settling on the groin. Darren couldn’t help it, he grinned, letting the sensations engorge his member and surrender it’s changes to the feelings and responses that would bring him pure bliss and joy. He could feel the shaft start to ridge up, creating indents and bumps but still smooth. The amount of nerves providing feedback of intensity to what they touched, and the vibrations of reaction were amplifying and quadrupling. Darren drooled, feeling even his saliva transform into something much less than human he had walked in as. He was past the point of starting to like it. He was fully embracing this change they were doing to him. “What the fuck-” Aaron gasped through the muzzle as he felt an attendee lube up his hole. But that wasn’t the main concern, he was watching his lover change, contort, with strange and malicious looks of joy and lust on his face as the sensations rapidly increased in rate to his body. The attendees around him started to cut the remaining clothes, take off the shoes he had come in with and Aaron gasped. His lover’s body had completely evolved into something of a toned, yet muscled gut body of the best daddy figure he could imagine. Aaron himself started to drool as his gaze found the shaft he had grown to care and love so much wherever it touched his body and saw that it now pulsed. Not normally, but like a heartbeat. It had swelled past the 6 inches it was originally to a double digit 11, the shaft curved out to meet his groin in a strangely unique yet alien style. His fur completely engulfed the pubic region and spread in it’s own focus down his legs. Aaron’s eyes looked up into his lovers and he felt the slightest sensation of fear; Darren’s eyes glowed, staring back with a passionate hunger as if Aaron was a tender lunch item. Aaron tried to flinch but he was too restrained as Darren shook and tried to break free. The shaft between his legs pulsed faster and faster, swelling slowly inch by inch and rounding in girth. Then it started to shift back and forth as if a syrupy warm liquid toned it and gave it motion subtly. Darren identified his mate, his mate needed to be bred. Why must he be restrained? Darren roared like a daddy beast because he couldn’t help it. His new body had to mate, it had to feel his boy’s tender ass and be subjected to the new sensations his new shaft and balls could deliver. While the cross wasn’t budging, it did fall forward, bending Darren over as if he was leaning over a kitchen counter. Darren tried to look back and saw a figure like him, similar but yet very unique body characteristics approaching nude, his own shaft pulsing like a rippling cylindrical meat cone of joy. He was a little concerned at first until his body seemed to ping his ass. The saggy elderly ass had stretched down, towned, and flexed into a well aged butt. He growled in cheek, his ass instinctively flexing out and in, beckoning the dick that was coming towards him. The gentleman leaned down. “Darren, luckily you seem to be eager but there is one thing I need to mention in this process.” Darren panted, trying to thrust his ass back, almost prompting the cross to jump back closer to the top approaching. “Don’t care, please I need to breed, be bred. I need to feel another man’s touch fuse with mine to bring joy. I can’t help-” “Oh don’t worry Darren, you will be feeling relief temporarily soon enough.” He nodded, and the top almost seemed to pronounce on Darren. There was no lube, but a syrupy andcreamy substance seemed to form and release on the penis, coating Darren’s holes as it fully slid in; no patience or slow gradual entry but a full slam in. Darren screamed out in pleasure as he focused on his ass to squeeze and never let that strange and yet wonderful dick go from his ass. “Fuck I need this forever, please breed me now!” The man didn’t need further invitation before grinning and thrusting, almost like a dance and yet fierce. “But Mr. Goodwin, I really must advise of this part. You see, this gentleman along with all of us has a unique viral strain to keep these sensations permanent and changes in check. You will never return to ‘normal’ and this will always be a driving force constantly” Darren felt a slight ping of panic but the pleasure of that shaft squeezing out his hole was too much to ignore what he had just heard. His prostate had split and yet swelled, both sides ofhis ass feeling pleasure as the shaft slid in, plunging the alien cum deeper into him. “This is still worth it-” Darren panted as he thrusted back. “You see if he stops now, you will turn back and go through withdrawal for a week….but if he breeds you fully, our genetically engineered virus strain actually freezes the transformations made to your new body, but also potentially amplifies them. You’ll also be spreading this to your boy so that the drugs we infused him with sync and match to your genetic preferences as well. ‘Pairing’ you two with your own unique strain. Darren looked up and then down at his chest and what he could see in front of the male panting and sweating on him as he was pre-jizzing alien loads into him. He then looked up at Aaron, his boy staring back with concern and fear. “I never want to lose this.” The gentleman grinned maliciously at Aaron “I said the exact same thing in your position. In fact…”he completely shredded his clothing and stood naked before Darren, his shaft flopping up here the tip was a bit flared out like a horse normally would be with metallic piercings to give it a bold shape. “I think I want to visit as close as I can to your perspective.” It was then that the man mounting Darren called out. Darren growled, bracing himself as the penis of the man fully swelled inside him, contorting, almost like….a seizure as it came and jizzed in him like a torrent. Darren continued to hiss, pant, and groan as he felt the warm seed flood him, not even falling back but traveling up through him. Finding the deepest crevices in his bowels and sticking to them like they belong and mending inside him. Darrens’ glowing eyes opened and he bore slightly fanged teeth through his beard that had grown more ferocious and viral. His ass then also started to shake and convulse. “What the-” Darren started to ask as he felt his butt cheeks reverberate, almost as if it was being triggered by the semen inside him. He almost purred and growled, his ass flexing and contorting before it got too much. Darren called out “Oh god-” he could feel his ass erupt in sensations: tightness, sensitivity, vibrations, warmth, tingles and vibes that made him shudder and scream out “Oh god yes, more! Fuck this is going to be my life forever and ever.” Darren’s ass contorted, seemingly sucking in the shaft and the man grinned as he felt his already swollen shaft get pulled further in. He barely braced as his legs met with the back of Darren’s and the man shuddered and called out, in complete unison with Darren as they both came and orgasmed a second time; as one being in complete bliss and pleasure. But of course Darren’s cum didn’t escape out front, it was inside him, fusing in through the tops’ urethra. “Fuck you just gotta love squiring virgins their first time” The man said as he tugged and withdrew his meat, flaring out from the stress of the fuck as he let the genteman with the long beard take position. The gentleman leaned down, grazing Darren’s body with his fingertips which triggered sensations and feelings no man could have possibly felt before as Darren shuddered, barely withstanding the senses and yet desperate for more. “I’d share this with you but it’s one of my own unique abilities that only I possess. I would love to see you use it on your boy just to seehim squirm to your demise.” Darren looked up, Aaron completely dumbfounded as he started at his lover getting mounted by a hot silver daddy bear. The older men grinned and looked at each other before meeting Aaron’s gaze and proceeding with their mating. The top climbed onto the furniture, fully getting into the deepest angle possible before plunging into Darren’s wet hole and ass. Darren’s face gave an infectious beaming look at Aaron as he felt the inches slide deep inside him and contort to a beautiful shape and design within him. Each pulse of the shaft and thrust would find a new area and ping it, creating new sensations that made Darren’s shaft ooze with precum, a homogeneous mixture of his own and the previous males. Strangely shining as it splattered the floor. “Aaron, you’re going to feel so amazing around my dick. They’re lucky they have me restrained because I’d fight them all off so you could feel your daddy’s meat.” Darren touted his son. Aaron gulped, completely intimidated and yet driven to stare back at Darren as if he had witnessed the vicious and abhorrent birth of a god; a sexual god of lust, power, and beauty. Aaron’s own shaft had been leaking his own boy cum for a while, leaving a puddle on the floor which some assistant would scrape up and bathe Aaron with, his bodily scent somehow amplifying in the space. And it found it’s intended prey, the scent being bait for Darren as he smelled Aaron, his own mate’s smell and he suddenly turned primal; snarling and straining against the cuffs even though his body was vibrating with bliss with the huge dick in his ass. “I know Darren, the primal drive. It’s now fused with your conscious; always there and always going to probably win in any logical choice you make. Because it needs to feed on bliss it generates, the lust that collects within your body and fuses with others. You may think it’s a curse right now, but it is giving your boy such an interesting look of fear and lust. You couldn’t argue with that. Aaron was shaking, his heart pounding, a mixture of wanting to escape, but also wanting to go over and kiss Darren before licking and worshiping his body. But all of a sudden his focus changed as tubes were attached to his gag and a white mist started to form and breathe in. Aaron panicked and shrieked, the gas forcing its way in leaving a sweet textured scent through his respiratory track and leaving long vibrations and buzzes which traveled to his brain. Aaron gasped, which only accelerated the effect as he closed his eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. An elder assistant leaned down, “I know boy, it’s weird at first but you’re gonna love it. It’s the best way you’re going to handle your partner raping you for the first time and yet not passing out.” Aaron seemed to be getting more focused, able to notice details and starting to feel a bit more hyper. He tried to bellow out “What is-” but all that came out was a low boy moan. The elderly assistant petted Aaron before kissing and licking his ears. “That should help you buddy.. In this case it’ll help….because otherwise you’d probably just be ravaged to death by your partner getting raped until you stood there in a blissful dead state.” The man chuckled. Aaron was wide eyed, he was focused, and now he thought “Maybe I can now do something” But he was gazing around for only 3 seconds before his gaze went back to Darren. The gentleman was picking up his stride and panting hard. Darren seemed to be gaining the sense of some interior muscles as he had the smirk of a mischievous cat in pleasure as the gentleman felt his own shaft tug back with every pull out. “I normally don’t get to enjoy the clients but you two were just so god damn adorable I couldn’t resist. It’s one thing to watch the shock and horror turn and evolve into sensations you’ll crave from here on out. But most importantly, it’s the sudden change to a loving blissful lusting state that makes it worth it.” Darren had difficulty understanding as his whole body felt good, in waves, pings, and pleasures that were impossible to predict as he felt the dick in his ass swell to even larger proportions than the man before him. “Oh god yes, fill me with that toxic seed. I never want to let go of this body ever again. I will die in pleasure and bliss in this body fucking my boy till day’s end.” The gentleman emitted a booming laugh before gasping and moaning and a mighty roar erupted from his lips as he fully dug his shaft deep into Darren, the seed flowing through once more deep into the recently transformed daddy bear, like a sweet pleasurable magma finding the places poorly neglected to feel better. Darren shuddered, feeling the secondary sensation coming to life as his ass recognized and instinctively paired with the gestures. Darren’s ass flexed and strained, further pulling in the gentleman’s dick as deep as it could and drawing the individual as closely as possible until both came again in a unified and beautiful mating gesture. As the pair heavily breathed,, Darren suddenly felt more pricks and stings which transmitted afterwards as blissful feelings of a painful lust. He chuckled “Damn is there anything that doesn’t feel good?” “Well, actually this next part is going to….well not hurt but feel incredibly weird Darren” the gentleman said as he connected the IV lines to a machine that they had placed around Darren’s body. As they worked another male got on top of Darren and started to mount and breed him. “Fuck yeah, we gotta get your seed toxic so you never lose this body of pure pleasure and bliss don’t ya” the broad man shuddered, covered in tattoo’s that seemed to merge with his skin. “Absolutely, I want a good viral load so that I can do the same to my own son watching my magnificent transformation.” Darren prowled as he stared in hunger at Aaron. Aaron’s heart pumped, his shaft swelling and pre dripping almost instantly.. Darren chuckled and roared in faithful laughter as he grinned and beamed. “You just know he loves that idea.” Aaron couldn’t help it, the scene of his partner being tied down, pumped full of biomedical drugs and DNA to create a perfect sex generating beat of a man with extraordinary selfish and personal feelings of bliss, and to top it all off in order to keep this abnormal creation as yourself you have to be a chaser of a rare viral strain. And as he assumed….it would be infecting himself from his own partner and lover. Within seconds Aaron was panting, inhaling even more gas which took his head to another level of high as he screamed in the mask and ejaculated hard; his human sperm rocketing out and instead of splattering on the ground were caught with a long flexible tongue. Aaron was panting, trying to regain his composure but the gag kept pumping the incredible drug into him which was making everything feel like sweet bliss and cotton candy for your dick. He eventually focused his eyesight and his eyes snapped open wide. The long flexible tongue that had caught his load was emitting from Darren’s mouth, almost primal like a lions and yet like a dragon’s at the same time. He grinned as he retracted his tongue and tasted all of Aaron’s cum. He licked and swallowed, salivating. “Not bad boy, but that’s gonna be the last human regular cum you’re ever gonna squirt out of my boy’s dick. As soon as I can-” All of a sudden….the cuffs released, the curved St. Anthony's cross folded apart and Darren landed on his hands and knees, not confined in any way except for IV lines connected to switches that were wrapped around his limbs and body. He grinned, almost demonically but more like primal hunting as he charged at Aaron. Aaron felt like he should have still tried to run, the partner and lover he had come with was no more; he was a behemoth, toned, sexy beast that was charging at him with a passion and lust that could possibly kill him. And yet...Aaron grinned as he knew he was ready. Darren wasted no time, grabbing onto Aaron’s shoulders while he hoped over and mounted his boy’s ass; Aaron screamed and grunted as the huge flexible pulsing dick seeped all in at once into him fully stretching it. “Yeah that’s it Aaron, feel your daddy’s new dick. You better start memorizing how it likes to make its way home inside you. You’re going to love this.” Aaron shuddered and panted, the drugs pounding his brain and cross firing with the sensations that were on a heavenly level of lust. Darren’s dick was swelling and weirdly diverging, feeling like roots or growths were emerging out and connecting deep inside Aaron; originally hurting like a stab but eventually those piercing sensations turned into a sweet joyful bliss and veered into something so good and numbing. “Oh god-” Aaron roared through the mask, never feeling anything like this weird sensation of being invaded, mounted, and raped. “Yes boy, I am your god and you will bow before my rod and accept it as it is. However…”Darren grinned as he leaned forward and licked Aaron with his long beastly tongue. The saliva dripped and started to numb Aaron’s skin; causing his boy to shudder as the saliva fused and melted; creating a warm cinnamon like feeling and Aaron rolled his eyes up almost passing out with too much pumping into him.” Darren laughed in pure godlike humor and joy as he continued. “However, my rod does not accept you anymore as you are. You shall be changed to serve as it’s sheathe.” Darren started to thrust deep into Aaron, the connections somehow flexing and moving on their own inside the boy. As they pumped into him Darren’s substance, his essence, his complementary genetic code was corrupting Aaron with every pump of his dick and every pulse of both men. Aaron was shaking violently, the sensations evolving too much for a mere young human as he was. “Hey boy-” Aaron heard, and his focus snapped into Darren. Even though he looked different, acted different, and seemed to be much more rough on his boy, he looked with tender gestures at his son and Aaron teared up. “Don’t worry my sweet Aaron, it’s quite a ride and well worth it; you don’t want to miss any bit of it and be my mate in a whole new way.” With that Darren’s tongue emerged and licked Aaron’s tears away….before slithering down under the gag, getting a taste of the drugs before filling Aaron’s mouth. It was strange but Aaron fell into a passionate tongue kiss with Darren, being mounted on his stomach, fully tied down and at the mercy of his mate. The tongue didn’t stop though, it kept burrowing and sliding deeper. At first Aaron gagged but the saliva emitting seemed to calm the muscles and reprogram them to adjust. Aaron’s throat stretched; no gag reflex anymore as the tongue coiled and reshaped the boy. Aaron shuddered, the sensation unreal before Darren’s tongue withdrew. “You taste good boy, and now you shouldn’t have any difficulty swallowing my dick or any other.” Darren growled as he continued to thrust into Aaron, the precum filling his hole the point where it was dripping out and flowing down his butt cheeks and legs; changing the human DNA as it traveled. Aaron was finally at that point in transition, no longer concerned, uncertain, but dedicated to this process with his lover now deep inside him in ways no other could possibly get to. Assistants at this time finally started connecting the IV lines to the switches between the two, merging the blood lines. Aaron was in a weird state of attentiveness and didn’t realize what was going on. That was until the gentleman, fully nude before Aaron reached down and petted his scruffy beard. “This is one of the final stages to be fully matched to your partner. As you can see, he is the alpha, primary top to breed your hole. Your body will adjust to complete all sensations possible for your partner.” Aaron grinned with pride before saying through the gag pumping methamphetamine into him “Thank you”. The gentleman was having none of that. He ripped the mask off, letting a little bit of clear air before his tongue engorged Aaron’s mouth in a deep kiss. Darren fucked happily with vigor, pounding Aaron’s hole as his nervous system was recognizing the finishing touches. His body was synced with Aaron’s: each sensation completing, complimenting and properly reflecting each other like something beautiful with sexual and sensory anatomy. It nearly put him over the edge, close to finally cumming and breeding a proper hole tonight: his rightful hole that he now owned beyond how anyone else could. He quivered, his balls swelling and wanting to explode inside his boy but they weren’t quite there yet. Darren actually whimpered, loving this and rubbing his head and tongue around Aaron passionately as his body matched and corresponded with every feeling in his boy. Their blood fusing before pumping into one another, Aaron’s blood becoming less human as it was corrupted by Darren’s essence of what kept his masculine body running. The gentleman stopped kissing Aaron before shoving his dick into his mouth. “We’re almost there you two, just have to time this right.” The shaft plunged deep into Aaron’s face, testing the gag reflex eliminated earlier and finding bumps and massaging surfaces which made the gentleman shudder and yank on his beard to amplify them. He was closely watching the two, closer getting in sync, trying his best to hold off and even having to slow down in Aaron’s throat until he saw the glowing in both Aaron’s eyes and Darren’s eyes erupt into a magnificent blast. “Another pair successfully corrupted to each other’s lustful tendencies!” The gentleman roared as he erupted along with Darren into Aaron. It was so much, the most masculine, alien cum filling both holes of Aaron and flooding every internal crevice to fully baptize his new body inside and out to be completely modified for Darren’s pleasure. His own pleasure corresponded with his partner’s, fully synced and matched to make the best possible feeling both could muster as they orgasmed and merged deep into a unified state. Aaron shook violently, the cum overwhelming him, corrupting every blood vessel in his body with the virus that would forever curse him to maintain this form. He roared around the gentleman’s dick as his body seized Darren’s dick inside him, deep within him nearly to Aaron’s heart where in a way they touched, kissed and Darren nearly whited out as he called out again into an eternal bliss of pleasure and passion. The 3 panted, heavily as the mating procedure was done. Aaron and Darren were barely human anymore, two beings that were completely rebuilt for each other’s sensational pleasure. They muzzled as they embraced each other in this position. Before they hissed and felt a searing pain on their lower backs. The gentleman had place metallic, glowing and flashing biohazard tramp stamps on both of them. He grinned “Those all wireless connect to every other….”toxically sensational being” on the planet. You will always hunger for the sexual appetite you witnessed today. So this way you can easily seek out someone just as horny and corrupted as you….unless you want to see how long a normal human can last before they temporarily feel some of the side effects. The two separated, Aaron looking over and seeing in a mirror a yellow biohazard tramp stamp glowing and pulsing before it got a bit brighter. It took him a moment to realize what was happening before another male had appeared beside him in the mirror, grinning. Aaron smiled, before bending over on all fours while his daddy watched him getting mounted. They had to keep pozzing to maintain these heavenly pleasurable bodies after all.
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  38. That's true, and a real sorrow. There are so many guys that feel "trapped" out in the sticks - no where close to the fuckjoints city-dwellers are fortunate to have at hand.
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  39. No. A fuck’s a fuck. Would hope the condom breaks, though.
    1 point
  40. Well there is a whole story behind how I went about it so I could really appear to have known nothing if it came out. But the short version is Ryan and I did another gh this weekend. Got Ryan to agree that we choose only by dick pic and don't look at profiles. I told him if its a dick I sucked before, we kinda have to say yes, but he didn't have to participate with anyone he didn't want to. I messaged his dad and told him to make a grindr profile, keep it blank, and just message with a dick pic. As soon as i put gh open on grindr the messages started coming in. We looked at dick pics, the first 3 or 4 we both looked at and said yes. The next one I knew who it was. We opened it and just like the others, we both just said yes. Ryan arranged the times with them. We set up two half an hour apart. We agreed to swap sucking back and forth and we would take turns who did the finish and swallowed the load. The first we shared cause thats what the guy wanted. When the next guy was on his way Ryan told the next guy, who was Brian, to wait close and we'd hit him up in a few. Second guy came over and I said id take the first load. He stuck it through and I started. I sucked for maybe a minute and he came before we could even switch. Then we told brian to come over and like 2 mins later his dick came through the hole. I told Brian I would be the first mouth and I would lick the tip when we were switching. I started sucking him then Ryan came close with his mouth, so I licked the tip and backed up and watched Ryan take over. At that point Ryans dad knew who it was and it was only a min or so when he said he was about to cum. He did and Ryan swallowed it. And I shot a load without ever touching mine
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  41. Zero regrets here. i've been sexually active since my teens and embraced sexual promiscuity early on. I saw the religious sexual dogma for the toxic fraud it is. I rejected sexual monogamy and offered myself to all the male partners i could find. I thrive in group use settings. I have no desire to stop being a cum dump and hyper promiscuous male.
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  42. I love being degraded by men who use me. only problem is I am such a priceless, shameless tranny faggot whore with no self respect that its only degrading the men who use me or watch men degrade me. for a dirty, no standards, community fucktoy, bathhouse cumdumpster with absolutely no standards nothing is actually degrading cause its just what I am. I’m a cheap, dirty, easy whore, a cocksucking bareback gangbang faggot, a toilet and the kinda whore guys do stuff to that they would never do to anyone they resppect. it’s hard to degrade trash but I love it when men try their hardest to treat me like a disgusting, disposable faggot.
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  43. Pt. 2 is here: THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Ray escorted me up the back stairway while carrying his clothes. "I think you might want an enema now. There's a special hose in your bathroom that Kevin will teach you how to use." Really? Just the word made me uneasy. Kevin was already awake when I went into our room. "Well? How was it?" "How was what?" "Getting fucked by Ray. You need to drop the innocent act pretty soon." He was already mad at me for some reason. "Hot. He sure knows what he's doing." "Uh huh." "He wants me to use the enema hose or whatever. How do I do that?" "I need it too - you can watch me. It ain't glamorous, but it's part of this." I won't describe what I watched Kevin do. I sat on the toilet and tried to act like this was most normal thing in the world. "So is this party going to be all gay guys?" "Mostly. There are usually some women for the bi guys and for Earl. You won't see Rhoda, but you will see some sort of famous people. Be casual...unless they want you to know of them. It's tricky." "Ray says I'm going to be getting a tattoo? What's that about?" "Shit. I kinda forgot to tell you about that part. He wants us to mark us both with an 'R'...like on the rings." "No way." "Yeah. It's his trademark. Almost everybody in his life gets the same tat. It's small and you can get it somewhere discrete like on your ankle or something. Watch enough gay porn videos and most of them have an 'R' ink somewhere. I guess if he's gonna let us live here, we'll have to do it. Don't worry about picking out something to wear...no clothes allowed at the party. You can wear one of those white robes on the bed. Most people go barefoot as well, but I usually wear sandals because I don't want to get athlete's foot in addition to everything else." 'Everything else' worried me somewhat. Ray's sex basement was a lot like Kevin's, only bigger and grander. I guess I expected to just see a pile of naked bodies. but no actual fucking was happening yet. Ray and Earl were tending bar and that seemed to be where most of the action was, people sucking down the fantastic booze and making small talk. It could almost be any cocktail party in the world except that everybody was wearing the same white robes. Ray saw us and made two people get up from their stools to make room for us. "The guest of honor is here!" We sat and were served some kind of red drink that smelled like cherries. "Drink up and try not to look so Kansas." "Anybody famous here?" "John Travolta is around here somewhere, but the real talk of the town is the new star over at the end of the bar. Jeff Stryker. Mostly straight, that one. But I've seen him in action and he really does seem to enjoy men. I'll introduce you later. Oh...we've got our first couple going at it." Sure enough - there was some fucking going on right there on the carpeting. I couldn't see much because a crowd of onlookers surrounded them. "This is how it always begins. Peter North fucks some guy or gal within the first 20 minutes and then everybody goes at it. Go watch if you want," I stayed put and made small talk with Earl who was helping Ray behind the bar. She'd put on makeup and it really didn't do much to make her look for feminine, but at least she is a good enough mood to be somewhat friendly. "I was asked by someone about you. Too bad the drinks are free because he would have bought you one." "Who? Who is it??"f "Calm down. I can't rat him out, but right now he's pretty close...within five feet. If you moved to your right a little, you'd be getting warmer." He was probably sitting at the bar too. I wasn't cool enough to act casual as I openly checked out the other guests nearby. There was Tony who I'd just met but there was also Dick. Both of them were looking at me and smiling. I couldn't read anything definite in either pair of eyes. Dick wasn't wearing his glasses so maybe he didn't even know who was looking at. I wasn't sure what to do. but being shy didn't make any sense. I was attending an orgy after all. So I swallowed the rest of my drink and went over to sit with them. "Hey Scout!" Tony invited me to take a seat between the two of them. "We were just talking about you." "Oh yeah?" "Actually we were talking about bondage too...how neither of us were all that interested in it." "Same here." "But about the Spider Man stuff we heard about? When you were a kid?" "No. I was young and playing around with my neighbor. It wasn't about sex at all." "Everything is about sex, kid. Even at that age." This wasn't an argument I wanted to get into. All childhood games could probably be sexual if you tried hard enough. The phrase 'Tag. You're it.' went through my mind. "Maybe so. Who's ready for another round?" They both nodded and I signaled Earl to set us up. "Where's your fellow Kansan? I hear he likes to get head. Cock sucking is about all I'm up for tonight." "I don't know. He seemed kind of moody earlier, so maybe he left. Who knows." "Well, I promised Kelly I'd leave you two talk alone for a bit. I'm off to hunt down a suck-able prick. Ta!" And Tony left me alone with the guy who I only knew as 'Dick'. I guess his real name was 'Kelly'." 'Tony' probably wasn't his real name either. "Alone at last," Kelly/Dick said as Earl brought the fresh drinks over. "If Tony likes to suck dick so much, why didn't you let him suck yours?" "He has before. Before we became good friends. I'm only good for one load a night and I want to save it for someone special." "Just one?" I was amazed by that. He was a porn star for Christ's sake! "Yeah. My health isn't so great these days." Uh oh. "My back hurts all the time and I get one cold after another. I never had a single cold the whole time I was growing up in Texas. California is full of bugs...of every kind." "Have you seen a doctor?" "Not yet. So what did Ray tell you about me." I really didn't want to repeat what I'd heard already. "Very little." "Tell me." I was trapped. "Well, he did mention that you had a hard time keeping a boner." I didn't see the point in lying now. From what I gathered, everybody talked shit about everybody. "Don't take that to mean I have an issue down there. It's just the business, man. I mean -- There's a crew of strangers with equipment and bright lights and the guy you're fucking doesn't even like you or want to talk to you. AND he looks exactly like the last guy you fucked. I know I'm only having filmed sex is because my dick is so big." "But you have so many fans! Doesn't that tell you something?" "Fans of my penis, maybe. It's hard to keep an erection when that's all you are." I guess he had a point. I thought about telling him how much I was addicted to Kevin's dick and it was nothing special, but I didn't want to think about him right now. "But that's not all you are." "Thanks. Whoa...looks like the party is heating up." He gestured over my shoulder and sure enough, many robes had been discarded and bare asses were everywhere. I saw some jiggling boobs that were obviously 'enhanced'. Not many visible cocks because they were all buried in mouths or holes. Not a condom in sight. I turned away and looked back at Dick. His features were fine as they were. Handsome. "So if you don't like fucking in front of strangers, why are you here tonight?" "I haven't been here for a long time, but then I found out you were going to be here. The famous Scout. Ray said he thought you and I 'had chemistry'." Suddenly Ray approached us. "You need to go talk to Kevin! He puked in my bathroom and it's way too early for that shit. Earl is pissed as hell too. I sent him to bed. If you want to sleep in another room tonight, go to one of the two opposite yours. You can even bring a friend if you wish." He winked at Dick and walked away. "Does your Kansas friend have a drinking problem?" "Probably. I might too, but my tolerance level is insanely high." "Not me. It doesn't mix well with pain pills. If you drink on some of them, your brain can forget to tell your lungs to breathe. I'm fine with club soda for now." I glanced back at the action. Jeff Stryker was fucking some guy doggy-style but was clearly wearing a condom. Some redhead woman was watching with pure hunger in her eyes. She obviously had a thing for this up and coming 'star'. Nice ass. "He's kind of an asshole." Dick had obviously noticed who I was watching. "At least that's what I've heard. He won't kiss a man on the mouth." "What about the other guy...Peter North?" "He's a definite asshole. He's mostly done straight porn, but he'll fuck any hole no matter who owns it. Gay porn pays men better than breeder porn does." "OK. I know it's the thing out here, but I'm not cool with trashing people behind their backs. I suffered for years because of mean gossip." "Sorry. You're right. I did too...Texas is maybe even worse than Kansas when it comes to verbal abuse." I decided right then and there that I wanted to have sex with this man. I let my hand wander over to his and let the heat of my touch do the talking. "Want to go somewhere upstairs?" "Yes. I do, but I want you to have a true orgy experience first. Do you mind if I just watch you mix it up with the crowd a little? It'll help inspire me." Huh? I had already decided I wanted him and now he wanted me to go fool around? "I don't know how to do these things. I've never done anything with someone I don't know." "Start letting your dick do the thinking. I'll get you a shot first...Hey Earl!" There was a shot of whiskey before me now. I drained it in a gulp and waited to get horny for anonymous sex. "Maybe this will inspire you..." Dick opened his robe and revealed his monstrously big dick. There was nothing soft about it. "One kiss, and then you have to go get it on." I bent down and gave a tender kiss to the over-sized head. I tasted the salty pre-cum even after the shot of whiskey. OK. U was ready. Jeff Stryker was already gone. There was a pile of bodies writhing and I just let myself fall among them. I kind of got twisted around a bit and ended up landing on my back. Some guy's naked ass was a pillow under my head. How embarrassing! I just turned over and started kissing some stranger's butt cheeks. He'd shaved his butt because I could feel stubble on my tongue. I don't know why I loved that so much. I wondered if he even knew who was rimming him because he was so busy fucking some guy whose legs were flailing around either side of my head. I remember reading an article about AIDS prevention that advised people not to brush their teeth before a 'date' so you wouldn't have any tiny abrasions in your mouth. Any kind oh opening to your bloodstream is a way for the virus to get in, but I guess it was already too late to worry about that now. Just as I'd finally gotten up the nerve to dip my tongue into the guy's crack, somebody grabbed my shoulders and hoisted me upright. "Hey -- Spider Man is here to rescue you!" Huh. I turned around and looked at some dude who was an inch shorter than me and Ray's age or maybe older. He looked the part of a 70's porn star. Broad hairy chest and a somewhat sleazy mustache. He even had a gold chain on. I have to say that he was appealing because everybody else here was so shaved, waxed and mannequin-like. "Recognize me? No, I'm probably a little before your time. I still work but not as much as I used to." I didn't admit to not knowing who he was so I just reached and touched his chest fur. "Hi. I'm Dennis." "Yeah. I know all about you, Scout. Would you lick my ass too? It's been so long since anybody's rimmed me. I'm strictly a top and it seems that only bottoms are entitled to get their ass eaten...on film anyways. I never understood that." "I..uh...yeah. Why IS that?" "I dunno. Most bottoms like to be dominated and what's more dominating than sitting on some dude's face??" I really had nothing to add to this conversation because I'd only tasted my first butt thirty seconds ago. He was working his healthy-sized cock into a throbbing stiffy. "You like this?" I did. "Yeah, man. It's beautiful." "Come on. Let's find someplace where we can stretch out a little." Mr. Mustache guided me over to a corner where there was more space. He had been carrying his robe and was now turning it into a makeshift pillow. He lied down spread eagle and closed his eyes for a quick second. "Get down here." I didn't have access to his butt now so I just knelt between his legs and took his fat boner in my mouth. "Yeah...good boy. Get it nice and wet for us." He tasted of soap and a tiny bit of man funk. He had a huge bosh of dark brown pubes and more than a few stray hairs ended up in my mouth. His knees cracked as he got up on them and forcibly fed his dick to me. He was a little too eager and was going at a faster pace than I was used to...and his dick was so slick that it kept slipping from my mouth and leaving little trails of slime on both of my cheeks. No finesse. He let out a huff of air, obviously losing patience with my efforts. He pulled away, lied on his back again and lifted his legs. "Kiss that hole Scout." I went for it. I kissed and licked and made appreciative noises. I knew right then that I would always love doing this. The musk, the hair and just the idea of serving a man so shamelessly were all so intoxicating. "Wow. You better stop or I'll shoot right now. Lie down on your stomach. Want some poppers?" I knew what they were and there many bottles being passed around, but I'd just never felt like trying them. "No. But keep them handy." "Spread your legs a little. This is my favorite way to fuck." It hadn't occurred to me that he might be bisexual or even straight until right then. He allowed me to pleasure him in various ways but had made no attempt to touch me or even offer a kiss. Whatever. It's not like I was in any kind of position to make requests. "Damn, I'm still leaking all over the place from that rim job -- no fake lube required, Scout. Sorry I don't have any rope to tie your wrists together...I know you're into that." Goddammit. That Spider Man story had really gotten out of hand. It was just a stupid game! He was not seductive or teasing in the least...he just plowed right in. I lifted my head and groaned loudly, but I doubt anyone could hear me over the relentless fuck music coming from the speakers. I tried to just relax and enjoy what I could from this. He pumped recklessly and harshly. I'm glad my first time wasn't with him. I could see bare feet all around my limited scope of vision. Watchers. He didn't hesitate for even a second as he occasionally found that one little spot inside my ass that radiated pure pleasure. He lowered his mouth to my ear and started in with some dirty talk that could have been taken directly from a generic porn script. "Take that big dick! Yeah! I'm gonna cum in your tight little ass! You want that?" That mustache tickled my ear. This position wasn't so bad after all. Just as I was starting to enjoy myself, my top announced he was about to cum. He shivered and quaked as a rope of hot semen shot straight up my bowels where it would percolate and decide what to do next. "Thanks, man. Ray's got my number if you want to meet up again. I gotta go piss but you can come watch if you want." Uh...no. "Thanks, but I need to go clean up a little." "Cool. There's boxed of those moist wipes at the bar." And the he was gone. I wondered if Dick had seen the whole show and what he thought of it. I would have gone back to ask him but he wasn't there. Shit. Ray was sitting at the bar wiping his face with one of those wipes. I went and stood by him. He handed me the box of wet towelettes and I cleaned my ass. "Here. I saved your robe. Did you enjoy yourself with Glenn?" "I did. Where's Dick?" "Gone. Earl was telling me the reason before she got busy. Here she comes." Ray had a drop of cum on his right shoulder. "I brought you a beer...it'll hydrate you faster than a well drink." "So what happened to Dick?" "He wasn't feeling good. His back or something. I guess it was so bad that he had to take a pill and Ray put him up in one of the bedrooms. Probably not a good idea to join him...he's in no shape for sex." Was it selfish of me to be a little pissed off? "Poor guy. I was worried he didn't like seeing me be such a slut just now." Earl looked at me with an almost sympathetic expression. "That wasn't it at all. You want a little something to help you relax?" "No. I think I'm done here for the night. I need a shower and sleep." "That's probably a good idea. Ray set up a casting call for you tomorrow." "A what?" "Yeah. You're on the road to fame. Take these two Xanax tablets with you in case you need them and I'll see you in the morning." TO BE CONTINUED
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  44. 10. Jay Even after Doug dropped his thick load in my hole, his dick remained impressively hard. I had expected his shaft to grow limp and for his pace to slow down before his dick fell out of my well-fucked hole. But instead, Doug's shaft remained hard and he continued to thrust in and out of my hole. Each stroke pushed the accumulated jizz deeper into me and spread it out along my hole. Just six hours ago, I would have never dreamt of being fucked so intensely. But now, after several guys had used me, each one depositing his load inside of me, it felt almost natural. "Fuck," I moaned. Aiden was now standing in front of me, his body pressed up against mine. I was sandwiched between these two men, their bodies pressed up against my own torso, holding me in place as one of them forced his dick into my almost virginal hole. Even though it was a rough, aggressive fuck, I felt safe between the two men. Doug was nibbling on my back, whispering something I couldn't quite catch, but made me feel safe. "Oh god, that feels good," I grunted. Doug had just pressed the full length of his dick into me and pushed a thick load of spooge deep into my guts. It felt so honorable and perfect to be taking these loads and, in the moment, I couldn't imagine any other way to fuck. "Damn," I moaned once more. "Feel good?" Aiden asked. I nodded in reply. I was starting to lose track of where I was, of what had happened. All I cared about was that feeling of dick in my hole. It was a little scary letting go and letting Doug take such advantage of me. But It felt so fucking right at the same time. "It's good," Aiden whispered in my ear. "Let him fuck you." I lost myself in the deep, repetitive thrusts. Doug was an expert cocksman, and he knew how to fuck me. Plus, as Doug pounded my hole, Aiden held me tight, kissing me and whispering reassurances in my ear. I could feel his cock press against my groin and my leg; it was just as hard as Doug's and I couldn't wait to feel it in me. Despite enduring the reality of Doug's cock, I lost track of time, pushed forward by dreaming the fantasy of Aiden's dick. "You gonna cum again?" Aiden suddenly interjected. I looked back, as best I could with Aiden's broad arms wrapped around my torso. I could just barely see Doug in the low light. His face was locked in an ecstatic determination; he was on the edge of cumming a second time. I tightened my ass; I wanted to milk that load out of him and make him anoint my hole once more with his fluid. "DAYUM," Doug grunted, and he slammed his cock deep into me. "Fucking sweet hole on you boy. Getting a second load. Fucking milking me dry." "Give it to me," I moaned, and pressed back against his dick. In my gut, I felt the familiar warm bloom that I now knew to mean Doug had just shot another load into me. There was a second and a third jet of cum into me; the sequel was at least as good as the original. "Fucking hungry hole on you boy," Doug grunted in my ear, as he shoved his dick back into me, and spurt twice more into my hole. "You and I gotta play again soon. I'm gonna have to get to know this hole properly." He shoved his dick back in once more, and a sixth spurt of semen landed in my gut. The warmth from his cock was spreading across my body and made me feel protected and safe. Although I hardly knew Doug, I felt comfortable around him. Certainly, comfortable enough to meet with him again and to let him cum in my hole once more. "I'll make sure that happens," Aiden said. Doug had stopped pounding my hole and I felt his cock soften. I squeezed my hole one last time, in order to get the last drops of semen from him. I was dreading being empty but at least Aiden had promised to fuck me next. "Do that," Doug said and he slowly pulled his dick out of my hole. "I can't wait." He leaned against me, his hairy chest now wet with sweat from his intense fucking. "Looking forward to our next time," he whispered in my ear. "I'll make sure it's a big load." "Me too," I said, although my mind had already leapt ahead, hungry for more dick. I didn't want to wait to get back to Aiden's apartment; every second without my ass being filled was an eternity of torment. I wanted Aiden to fuck me right there, in the open and in front of all these unknown men. "So badly," I managed to say, right as Doug stood up, and stepped back. "Can't wait," Doug said, and he left me, still in Aiden's arms. Aiden leaned in and kissed me. It was a long kiss, deep and intimate. I let his tongue explore my mouth and longed for his cock to do the same. As he kissed me, Aiden let his hands drop down, finding my ass, and gently pulled apart my butt cheeks. The air was cool against my exposed asshole, but it felt good. I spread my legs slightly, giving him easier access to my hole. "Feeling good?" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah," I said. "Really good." "You want to go back to my place?" he asked. "And I can finally get into that hot ass of yours." He pushed a finger against my hole. It slid in easily, using the accumulated lube from all the men who had the pleasure of fucking me. "Damn," he said. "That's a wet hole." "Doesn't have yours in it yet," I said. "I want you to cum in me." I was surprised but not shocked to hear myself say that. It felt natural to ask another man to cum in me, especially a man like Aiden. "Don't worry," Aiden replied. "I'm gonna cum in you. Many times. But not before getting to enjoy this hole." His finger had slid deeper into me, but it was more a cruel tease having neither the length nor the girth of what I felt trapped behind his underwear. "Let's go," he said and kissed me long and deep. As we kissed, another man came up behind me, and pressed against me. For a moment, I thought it was Doug returning, but he was both shorter and less hairy than the earlier man. "I heard you had brought a new friend," the stranger said. Aiden broke off the kiss, and looked up, over my shoulder at the new man. "Edward," he said, smiling. "Yeah," he said, turning me around to face the new man. "This is Jay. Jay, meet Edward." I looked him over; I guessed him in his mid-thirties, a bit shorter than me, but sporting a big cock in his tight white jockstrap. He had a beard, and there were flecks of grey in it. Even though he was shorter than me, I could feel the masculine power and energy radiating off of him. I wanted to get down on my knees in front of him and worship his cock. "Hi," I said. I was almost blushing; despite my arousal, my dick was still limp. I was embarrassed for a man like him to find me like this. I wanted to ask him to fuck me, but somehow, I wasn't able to say it. "Hi," Edward said, then turned his attention to Aiden. "Damon told me about him. Sounds like he's just the way I like." "I know how you like them," Aiden said. "That's why you can't have him. At least not tonight." "Ha!" Edward said. He turned back to me. "Aiden's taking care of you?" he asked me. I nodded in agreement. Aiden had wrapped one arm around me and the other hand was covering my too-soft dick. "You been having fun?" he continued. I nodded as well. Edward reached down and pushed Aiden's hand out of the way. He played briefly with my cock. This time I did blush, ashamed of my impotence. But he only brushed lightly over my cock and instead settled on my balls. Edward squeezed them gently. It was just enough for me to gasp slightly; that elicited a broad smile from Edward. Aiden pulled me a bit closer to him. "He is taking good care of you," Edward said. Still holding onto my balls, he continued. "You been partying tonight?" My feeling of befuddlement must have been obvious. "You know, smoking the glass pipe?" He squeezed slightly, a reminder that I had to tell the truth. I remembered the pipe Tucker had shared with me. "Yeah," I said. "I did." "That's my kind of boy," Edward said, but Aiden didn't loosen his hold on me. He pulled out a thin black case. "You want to keep the party going?" he asked. He turned to Aiden. "You mind if I share a bowl with the boy? You want to join?" "It's been a while for me," Aiden said. "A few months now." I blushed again, and my cock shrank even more. I had just admitted to using drugs in front of these two men. I wondered what Aiden would say next, right after he had said he hadn't used in so long. "But I bet the boy would enjoy it." He turned to me. "I know you can handle it. Just know your limits." A pause, then he turned back to Edward. "Know your limits too," he said, with a bit of an edge in his voice. "Of course," Edward said, with a hint of defensiveness in his voice. But it disappeared as he smiled, holding up a glass pipe just like the one I shared with Tucker and Damon. "You sure you don't want to share?" he asked. The pipe was close enough that I could see the details I had missed the first time, the details like the slight imperfection at the edge of the hole at the top, the milky whiteness of the long tube, or the beautiful crackle of the white drug in the bowl. Each one drew me in and reminded me how good I was feeling. I didn't want to stop it, not yet at least, when there was still the rest of the night to play with Aiden. "You go first," Aiden said to me. "Do a good hit for me." It wasn't clear if he was giving me permission to do party with Edward or if he was saying that he was going to join the two of us in sharing the pipe. I remembered how it had felt when Damon had shotgunned the hit to me with his dick buried in my ass. I wanted to share that same feeling of closeness with Aiden. But first, Edward lit the torch and held it under the glass bowl. I watched as the drugs melted and smoked, and then he stuck the stem into his mouth. He inhaled slowly and carefully, draining the bowl several times. Once his lungs were full, he took the pipe from his mouth, and stuck it into mine. "Do it," he said to me, holding the torch under the bowl. I had gathered the basics from earlier, and following Edward's lead, I inhaled deeply. The clouds were so much smoother than the weed I normally smoked, and it was easy to take a big hit. "That's what I want to see," Edward said. "Now, hold it for me." As he spoke, I could see him exhale a thick cloud right into my face. "That smells good," Aiden said. "Brings back memories." "Do a hit," Edward said. "Just enough to get you in the mood." "I'm not sure," Aiden said. I wanted to tell him to do it. I wanted him just as relaxed and carefree as I was. I wanted him as intense as Damon had been. "Shotgun him," Edward told me. I leaned back, and Aiden met my lips with his. I exhaled my hit into his mouth and he inhaled, letting his lungs fill up. "Fuck, that's hot." He was stroking his jockstrap, his bulge straining against the fabric. Aiden and I kissed more, his tongue exploring my mouth. "That's good shit," Aiden said, finally exhaling the thick cloud. "Really good." "You know I have the best," Edward said. "You want another hit?" he asked. Aiden paused for a second, thinking. Finally, he spoke. "Yeah," he said. "I do." He smiled at me. "But give it to him," Aiden continued. Edward put the pipe back in my mouth, and we enacted the now-familiar ritual of heating the drugs and inhaling the thick clouds. I kissed Aiden again, and exhaled the hit. We repeated this twice more, the two of us feeling the freedom of the crystal hitting our blood. "Do one with Edward," Aiden finally said, as he exhaled a dense white cloud. "Fuck yeah," Edward said. "You ready for this?" he asked. I nodded, and he took the pipe from me. He stuck it in his mouth and I watched him hit it. Once more, he took his time, making sure the bowl was always full of the white vapors. "I like partying with you," Aiden whispered in my ear. "A lot," he said. I was transfixed Edward, watching him continue to hit the pipe. I had the presence of mind to nod. The drugs were hitting me hard and the familiar sexual urges were ricocheting around my head. "Me too," I finally said. "Good," Aiden said. "We'll do that." Edward took the pipe out of his mouth and smiled at me. "Your turn," he said, and pressed his mouth against mine. There was no mistaking who was the dominant man here; before I realized what I was doing, I had opened my mouth and let his tongue force its way into me. He exhaled and a condensed cloud of pure bliss filled my airways. "You got a pipe?" he asked Aiden. "I think I do." "Tell you what," Edward said. "If you have Jay here return it, you can borrow my pipe. Just in case." My heart jumped. As I gasped, the cloud escaped my lungs and engulfed my head. "One more hit for you, I think," Edward said. He put the pipe in his mouth. It was still warm, so it only took a second before the bowl filled up. This hit was bigger than the previous one. "Sounds good to me," Aiden said. "I bet Jay would like that. Wouldn't you Jay?" I heard Aiden, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Edward. He was staring at me, his brown eyes studying me, seemingly seeking out my weaknesses and vulnerabilities. "Yeah," I finally said, immediately worried that I had taken a step too far. Edward removed the pipe. He winked at me, then leaned in and we kissed. I expected him to exhale immediately, but instead we kissed. I was hungry for everything he would give me -- his tongue, his drugs, but most of all, I was once more craving cock. "Yeah," I said, taking a second to catch my breath. "I would like it." Edward exhaled and my lungs inflated with the thick cloud. I had no real idea what drug I was taking, but it was the last thing I was concerned about. All that mattered was getting another hit. "We're going to have so much fun," Edward whispered, his lungs now drained into mine. "Just the two of us. Getting to know each other properly." He reached down and grabbed my balls. He squeezed, once more finding that perfect pressure right at the edge of pain. "I'm going to have so much fun with you." He squeezed just a little harder and I gasped. The thick cloud escaped, and my head was swirling with agony of his playing with my balls. "Careful, now," Aiden muttered. There was a growl in his voice and my hole twitched at the depraved masculinity. "Right," Edward said. He released his hold on my balls and in relief, I exhaled the last of the hit. Edward stepped back and stuck the pipe and torch back in the case. From the waistband of his jockstrap, he pulled a small baggie, and put it in the case as well. "Teener for you. I want it well smoked when you bring it back." "Don't worry about that," Aiden said. His arm was still wrapped around me, holding me tight, seemingly protecting me from Aiden. "He's gonna be wanting more soon enough." "And I've got it," Edward said, grabbing his crotch. He had the cocky swagger of a confident older man which let him pull off such a bro move. "Leon's here tonight," he said to Aiden, before closing the case and handing it to him. "Perfect," Aiden said. "I'll make the connection." "Aiden knows my number," Edward said to me. He leaned in and kissed me one last time. "Looking forward to our time together," he said, before disappearing back into the crowd. Once more, it was just Aiden and myself. He turned me back around, facing him. "Let's get ready. I can't wait to get inside you." I nodded in agreement. My mind was racing, thinking about everything that we would do, and I didn't want to wait. I leaned in and kissed Aiden. "I want you inside me," I said. "So badly." I pressed my body against him. His cock was hard; I reached down and tried to pull his underwear off. "We have all night for that," Aiden said, as he pushed my hand away. "One last friend for you meet." We stepped away from the corner, and Aiden pushed his way through the crowd. "If I know him, he'll be by the bar," Aiden said, as he pulled me through the mass of men. The men were less dressed, and most were coated with a layer of sweat that came with fucking. Occasionally a man would grab my ass; once a man pressed his finger against my hole. I had to force myself not to reach back and spread my ass open for him. The crystal had hit me hard; all I could think about was getting close to another man, feeling his hard penis press into me, and then shoot a big load in my hole. I remembered how warm I had felt when the other men came inside me and how safe and protected it made me feel. I wanted to feel that feeling again. "I see him," Aiden said. "By the bar, of course." I looked over to where Aiden indicated. There was a pool of light illuminating the table; there were various bottles of liquor and beer all over it. There was a guy a little shorter than me with thick brown hair and a beard. He looked like he was only a few years older than me. Like the other men in the room, he was naked, except for a dark green backpack slung over one shoulder. "Leo," Aiden said. "Wow. Aiden Wolfe. Didn't expect to meet up with you," he said. "How's it going? And who's your friend?" He looked up and checked me out, lingering on my still-soft dick. "Leo, this is Jay," Aiden said. He turned to me. "Jay, this is Leo, another old buddy of mine." "He means I was his dealer," Leo said. "I see you've been enjoying your night here." "He has," Aiden answered for me. "And looking to keep the party going. You got a teener?" "Of course," Leo said. "$75." "I'll get my wallet," Aiden said. "Take care of Jay while I'm gone." "Of course," Leo said, and pulled me in close. His furry chest brushed against mine and his cock hit my thigh. "You're a sexy one," he whispered in my ear. The thick fur of his mustache tickled a bit, but also sent a tingle down my spine, right to my hole. "Thanks," I murmured. I was trying to stay still, but every muscle in my body was taut, dying for the merest brush of his body against me. "You too," I said, and finally forced myself to reach out and stroke his cock. It had been easy to see that he was already erect, but it took touching him to realize just how hard his cock was. It wasn't as huge as Damon's, or what Aiden seemed to have, but it was still very respectable, with a good thickness to it. "You want that inside you?" Leo whispered in my ear. "Yeah," I replied. "Me too," Leo said. "First time here?" I nodded. "Yeah," I said. Leo glanced down; even in the narrow space between us, I knew he could see my cock. Unlike his rugged and erect manhood, my cock was still painfully soft. "Partying, I take it?" "Yeah," I said. In the moment, I was totally unable to meet his eyes, and felt myself blush. "It happens. I took a V," he said. He leaned in and kissed me. His beard was softer than I expected when it rubbed against my face. "Can I fuck you?" he whispered to me as he broke off the kiss. "You are so fucking sexy." "Yeah," I said. I shivered in anticipation. His dick was warm against my skin. It would feel so good when he slid the full length of it into me. "Please. Fuck me." "I haven't cum yet tonight," he said. The crystal racing through my veins allowed me to believe him when he said it. I wanted to get every drop of his cum in my hole. "Give it to me," I said. Aiden was going to be back any moment, but it didn't matter. No matter how close Aiden lived, it was still going to take too long to get to his place, and I was ravenous for sperm. I had already taken so many loads, one more would not matter in the slightest. "Just fuck me." "You're grabbing it by the horns," Leo said. "You're gonna remember this night good." He spun me around and pushed me down over the bar. As I got face to face with a bottle of "naval strength gin," my ass popped up. "Fuck," Leo said. "That's a well-used hole." Before I could say anything, he stuck his face in my crack and began to lick my hole. "Fuck," I moaned, as his beard rubbed over my throbbing anus. I was suddenly thankful for how soft his mustache was; it would be near agony for me to endure stiff bristles. "Oh fuck," I moaned again as his tongue gently pressed into my hole. "Fucking cummy hole," he said. "Guess you like to get barebacked, huh?" I grunted and nodded. I knew there was something I needed to be sacred about, some reason why "good boys" didn't get barebacked by strangers. But it was hard to remember, especially as Leo's tongue pressed into my hole, licking up the sperm that had dripped down. "And you get bred too, huh?" I nodded again. "Breed me," I moaned. I had seen online porn where the girls had moaned like I just did. I now understood why they moaned and how bad the need could be. "Give me your seed," I grunted, no longer caring what Leo thought of me, so long as I got his load. "Fucking bareback that hole," Leo muttered. He was rubbing his dickhead along my crack, getting it lubed up and ready to penetrate me. "Sweet, spermy hole," he continued. He had stopped stroking his dick and was now lining it up with my hole. "So fucking wet," he said, and pressed it into me. There was a moment of sharp pain, but it quickly dissipated as Leo's cock pressed into my sperm-filled guts. As the accumulated sperm coated and lubricated Leo's cock, the feeling transmuted into utter bliss. I was getting fucked, and I was loving it. "I see you made short work of him," Aiden suddenly said. I looked to my right; he was standing there holding his pants and shirt in one hand, my cargo shorts and tank top in the other. "Yeah," Leo said. "It was easy. Your boy is in heat tonight." Aiden draped our clothes over a nearby bar stool. He leaned in and kissed me, his tongue probing deep in my mouth. It felt nice to have him near me, to be tenderly making out with me even as another man fucked my hole. "Just want to make sure he has a good time tonight." "Well, I know what will help you two have a great time," Leo said. Aiden looked down, and I suddenly noticed a plate right next to me, already set up with the now-familiar glass pipe and torch. "Go ahead," he said. "Sure," Aiden said. He stuck the pipe in his mouth, lit the torch, and started to heat the bowl. "Forgot how fucking good this shit is," he said, as the first bit of white clouds appeared in the bowl. "Get yourself twisted," Leo said. "Jay would appreciate it." "I know," Aiden said. He ran a hand along my back, starting at my ass, and ending up resting on my shoulder. "He's definitely a catch." He returned his hand back to the pipe, gently rolling the stem as he inhaled deeply. Leo forced his dick into my hole, filling me up. I gasped, but at the same time, tightened up my hole, trying to keep him inside me for as long as possible. "Oh fuck," Leo moaned. "He's a hungry one." He pulled his cock out slightly, then pushed back in. It reminded me just how deep I had been fucked over the course of the night and how much spooge was still deep in my guts. "Here," Aiden said. I looked over my shoulder. Leo leaned in and pressed his mouth against Aiden's. It was hot to watch the two men make out and see the beards of the two men pressed together, as Aiden's salt-and-pepper whiskers mixed with Leo's dark brown fur. I wanted to make them happy, make them feel like real men, strong and dominant. I already had one of their cocks in me, and it was only a matter of time before Aiden would fuck me as well. Aiden exhaled the hit into Leo's waiting mouth. "Fuck that was good," Aiden said. "This one is for you," he said, looking right at me. I pushed myself up a bit, careful not to disturb Leo's cock, still lodged deep in my asshole. Aiden put the still-warm pipe back in his mouth and started to inhale even before the torch was under the bowl. "I want to see you get nice and high," Leo said. I wasn't sure if he was talking to Aiden, me, or both of us. In a thick white cloud, he exhaled the rest of the hit. It drifted down towards me slowly, as Aiden continued huffing on the pipe. Leo continued. "Does he know how horny you get when you are tweaked?" "He's gonna find out," Aiden said. "Aren't you?" He exhaled a small hit, just enough for me to get the slightest hint of its scent. My ass throbbed, anticipating the pleasure of one more hit from the pipe. Aiden put the pipe back in his mouth. This time it was the hit I was going to take, a long, slow, intense draw from the pipe. I wondered how much was too much, but quickly decided that I wasn't there yet. "Please?" I grunted. It was for both of them, for Leo to force his cock deeper into me, and for Aiden to force his hit into my lungs. I remembered how Damon had held his hand over my mouth and nose. For a second, I missed Damon's forthright intensity. But then I remembered the terror of the encroaching blackness. But then, Aiden leaned in for the shotgun. His beard was stiffer than Leo's, more like a man's whiskers should be. It scratched slightly, but I still willingly opened my mouth and accepted his hit. It was thick and intense, and I felt the rush of the drug almost immediately. "Fuuuck," Leo grunted, as he watched just how much of the cloud still dripped out from between Aiden and myself. "That's gonna get you in fucking orbit!" "Me or him?" Aiden asked. "Both of you, I guess," Leo said. This hit was more than I wanted, coming so quickly on what Edward had fed to me. But I didn't care. Leo's cock was lodged in my ass and Edward's tongue was deep in my mouth. I was happy and the drugs were not going to make it any worse. "Glad to see you back with us," Leo said. Aiden leaned back and kissed Leo. "It's nice to be back. One more for you?" Aiden asked. "Of course," Leo said. "It'll do you good too." "I know," Aiden said. He started to heat the bowl again. "So, fucking good. And so nice to be sharing it with men like you." He put the pipe in his mouth and used his free hand to brush my back. It was another long, careful hit from the pipe, and then he kissed Leo. The two men made out longer than they needed, enjoying the carefree liberty the drugs gave them to simultaneously explore their masculinity and sexuality. As they kissed, Leo's cock throbbed and he leaked some of his pre-cum into my hole. "Fuck," Leo grunted, struggling to keep the cloud in his lungs. His pounding had been steady and intense, and he would not be able to hold his breath for too long. Still, from the way that one hit had affected me, he had potent drugs, and even the few seconds would be enough. "Yeah," he said. "Good drugs. Good men. Good fucks." He exhaled, and kissed Aiden one more time. "You want it?" he asked, turning his attention to me. "Hell yeah," I grunted. "Fucking breed me." He was just one more man in the night's slow parade, but he was still every inch a man. It was his birthright to cum in me, and I would not deny it. "Load me up." "Is he?" Leo asked. He had leaned into Aiden, and I almost didn't catch what he said. "No," Aiden said. "Not yet. He's spoken for, but he's definitely needy." "So needy," Leo said. He was talking about me, saying that I was needy. I didn't know if I was supposed to the proud or ashamed of the label. But in my cum-soaked gut, I knew it was true. I had lost track of the loads I had taken, but they were nowhere near enough. I needed cum. I would always need cum. "Give him what he needs," Leo said, slamming his cock into me. "Fuck," I grunted. The cum in my hole was still lubricating Leo's cock, but it would not last forever. I needed a refresher, and luckily, Leo was right about to explode. "Breed me," I moaned, squeezing my ass tight around Leo's hard cock. "Damnnn," Leo moaned. He slammed his cock into me one last time and exploded. In contrast to Doug, Leo's orgasm was blistering and intense, his hot cum spraying from his dickhead and literally burning my insides. I must have twitched, because Leo grabbed my hips and held me in place. "Need you to take this load," he muttered. "Oh god, it's so fucking hot," I said, scrambling to acclimate myself to the stiffness of his orgasmic cock and the heat of his fresh semen. "You’re fucking cumming in me."
    1 point
  45. lol..Rotz we were same age!11 years old here too when that first load of cum ejaculated into my rectum.Blonde blu eyed freckles and slender made me a pedophiles wet dream walking.After that shock of first seduction soon realised there were a LOT of men that liked the boy I was,and several told me they had been watching me for YEARS.Had an absolute BLAST as a kid and young man.
    1 point
  46. part one is here: 1988 I didn't want to get out of bed on Sunday morning...mainly because I was a little hungover, but also because I didn't want to look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Jessie had said I looked like a horror movie, and it couldn't have improved much overnight. I made myself step out in the hallway and go to take a shower. So little to look forward to in my reflection and so much to dread. I guess it wasn't SO bad. Most of the dried blood must have worn of on my pillow. The cut was very thin and looked clean. I'd probably have a gnarly scar eventually. I also looked into my own eyes -- into a grown man's eyes. I was no longer a virgin, but I looked pretty much the same except for the cut and the bloodshot eyes. I showered for a long time. I knew there were things from my adventure that I couldn't wash away. When I touched the bar of soap to my asshole, it hurt a little. As i dried off and got dressed, I thought about Shane and Dawn. Did I indirectly cause another teen pregnancy last night? Maybe I could ask Dawn if I could be the kid's godfather. And then I thought about the new kind of living thing I might have inside of me...I'd directly caused that. I asked for it even. Jessie. Jessie's kiss. His lips. His eyes. I could find no regret anywhere inside of me. I sensed the house was empty. It was quiet for a Sunday at 11 AM. As much as I wanted to just go back to bed, I was hungry and wanted cereal. As I walked down the stairs, Dad came home with a bunch of grocery bags. I was strangely happy to see him. He glanced up quickly and greeted me. I tried to think of how I'd explain the cut, but all I'd come up with so far was 'I don't remember'. "Are you just now getting up? Must have been a good party. Come help me." "Where's Mom?" "No idea. She didn't come home last night. I went to the grocery store by myself for the first time in decades. It was fun!" I helped him unload the goods. It was a bunch of frozen, microwavable stuff from Stouffer's and Jimmy Dean. I'd never seen shit like this in our house before. Mom would be horrified...but she was AWOL. After the freezer was full, I looked at the other stuff. Cheetos, pork rinds, Pop Tarts, Rice Krispie Treats....the world must be ending. "Check it out," he said as he pulled a giant bottle of Captain Morgan's rum out of a bag. "Rickman's opens at 10 now. Let's have a little eye-opener" "Dad! I haven't even eaten yet!" He tossed me box of pop tarts which I ate immediately. All six of them. He was busy making us drinks and hadn't seen my cut cheek until he sat down at the table across from me. "What the holy hell happened to your face?!" "I don't remember. I got pretty drunk and probably fell or something." "Looks like it was done with a scalpel. Did you fall on a piece of glass?" "Maybe. So where do you think Mom is?" "It's not infected at least. Son...I think your mother has left us. Doesn't matter much. Just remember that she loves you and always will. You haven't touched your drink." "It's kind of early for this, Dad." "Nerd! Just kidding. I've always been proud I raised a little bookworm. You only have three days of school left and I am quitting my job tomorrow -- this is going to be a week-long party!" Wow. I took a long sip of the rum and coke. Nice. The taste reminded me of chocolate. "So I can skip school tomorrow? I've never done that." "It's the right time. You already got accepted to college and have nothing to go back for. Same here. I'm looking for an eye clinic to work for in St. Louis. Hell, I might even start my own." "So are you guys getting divorced?" "I can only tell you that I am. I can't stay here. I have to move which breaks my heart because I always wanted to have a home here you could back to." He made another round of cocktails. "I have to go back to school at least once....to return my books." "Yeah, yeah. You're good about stuff like that." "Did you and Mom ever love each other?" He belched and paused. "Yes. We did. I was so happy the day we got married...and the day you were born. But...I don't know. Why do you ask?" "Because I think I've fallen in love." "I figured as much. This was in the mailbox." He handed me an envelope with nothing on it except 'ERRIN'. No stamp, no address...just my misspelled name. "I didn't open it. What happened last night?" "Well..." I finally just told him I was gay,met a man and we made out. I didn't mention any of the other stuff. I chugged more of the drink. "Yeah. I'm sorry, but we pretty much knew you were a gay from early on. Thank you for confirming it, though. Does this guy you met have anything to do with your wound?" I scrambled for an answer. "No. I don't think so. I was pretty drunk." (part of that was true) "Well, Aaron. We hit a milestone just now. Let's toast!" He made more strong drinks, and it was only noon. I felt a bit of tension melt away from my spine. We sipped them without toasting -- I guess he forgot. I held the envelope and it was burning the palm of my hand. What was inside? What did it say? "We need a radio, Dad. Want me to bring my boom box down here?" "Yeah! Great idea. And read your letter too. You don't have to tell me what it says if you don't want to. I'm gonna microwave us some pizza rolls!" I raced upstairs and tore the letter open. I sensed from the handwriting that it was written quickly. Dear Errin, Hi. How are you today? Is your cut better? Mine is fine. Did you sleep OK? I want to see you again very soon! Can we meet tonight in the park? Just us. The guys won't be there so don't worry about them. We have decided to lay low for now. They are worried that you live so close to where I killed you. ha ha. We can meet where your friends had the party. That area. The keg is still there. They are going to lose the deposit. Can we meet tonight around 1? We don't have to do anything. Just talk, ok? I want to see you. Tonight!!! -- J I read it two more times and touched the ink letters with my fingers. I put it under my pillow and grabbed my boom box. Downstairs in the kitchen, Dad had made us two fresh rum and cokes. I plugged the radio in. "I'm gonna get a stereo for every room. Want to go shopping with me?" "Sure. You want to hear old stuff, right?" He snorted. "Just you wait. All your favorite songs will be 'oldies' one day." Maybe not, I was thinking. I found 95 FM which played all the shit I knew he liked. I liked New Wave and certain pop songs. Madonna was my favorite....God love that tired old bitch -- she just kept going. She was probably in her 40's by now. "That! That song played at my prom." It sounded dull to me. "Fog Hat!" "Did you know Mom then?" "Slow Riiiiide...Take it eeeeasy!....What? No. I was a lot like you in high school. Never dated because I wanted to get into med school. Are you going to date this man now?" "I doubt it." "Well you can invite him here if you want to. I'll be cool." The endless string of old rock songs continued and Dad kept refilling our glasses. "Dad? Can we listen to another station now?" "No. I got a better idea. Go get your top five tapes and play some of your music for me." That would be tricky. Have you ever played a song you loved for somebody and they had no reaction? Music hit their ear differently than it did yours. It was too much pressure and so I just grabbed the first give tapes on top of my pile. Back downstairs, Dad has smoking two cigs at a time. Weird. "Here. I just lit one for you. What you got for us?" I played my all-time favorite: Elvis Costello's 'My Aim is True'. It had enough of an oldies rock feel that hr might dig it. He listened and drank. The only song he seemed to like was "Allison" -- maybe because he'd heard it before. "Well?" "Here. I lit one for you. I changed my mind about the music. We got all Summer for that...I want to talk about your gay thing." "My gay thing??" Was he serious? "I meant...just be patient with me, Son. It's new territory for me." "Sorry. You can ask me anything, but I don't know much." "But you know to be careful, right? Careful of HIV? Of course you know...you're smart. But I'll still worry, OK?" If he only knew. "I know about that part. It's the love part, the courtship part that I don't know anything about." "I only ever dated two girls before meeting your mother. It's different for everybody. Who is this guy you like? What's his name? Is he in your class?" "His name is Jessie and he's a few years older than me. I just kind of ran into him in the park." "What does he do?" Oh God. "He's in sales." "And how does he make you feel? What makes you think it's love?" "I don't know that it is...for sure. I just know I felt a connection, a feeling like I've never had before." "That sounds about right." I almost told him that I was meeting Jessie tonight. He'd most likely be passed out by then. Speaking of....I suddenly needed a nap. "Dad, I need to rest a little now. Will you be okay?" "I was thinking the same thing. Let's get some sleep and then continue the party later." He went to his bedroom and I went to mine. I changed my pillow case and looked at the letter again. I loved his boxy, deliberate handwriting. I touched my lips to the paper. I tried to smell a trace of him, but the whole house stunk of cigarettes. I just put my head on the pillow and immediately found the dreams that were already waiting for me. Jessie. Jessie' face, voice, body. His penis. The light in my window was darker when I finally convinced myself to get up. I showered for the second time today, and maybe took a little too much time getting my hair right. I picked out some casual but nice clothes to put on. I didn't shave because maybe a beard would help hide the scar I'd eventually get. Cologne? Not yet. "AARON!! Wake up!" "I'm right here, Dad." He was in the kitchen, doing something with the oven. Really? "I was trying to make garlic bread, but I burned it. Your mom's fancy oven is too complicated...it's like something from NASA." He was wearing only underwear again. "Need an apron?" "Nah. But look at you -- dressing for dinner. No wait. You're going to meet your boyfriend, right?" "I was going to tell you. But yeah." "Well. I put lasagna in the microwave. It'll be ready in 12 minutes. I think. Let's have a cocktail. Sit." Rum again. "Do you think Mom is ever coming home?" I decided I didn't care if she did. We sipped. "Who knows? She might be shacking up with some guy. I don't give much of a damn. But, you need to be honest with me..." "About what?" Uh oh. "Your cut looks to thin and clean to come from falling. I went to med school, you know? It's from a blade. Tell me some truth, Aaron." "Yes. It came from a knife with a very sharp blade." "Did your boyfriend do it. I'll kill him." "No. No, I did it to myself...to save us from gangsters." "WHAT?" "Things have changed, Dad. Crofton Park is known as the 'The Kill Zone' now. It was dangerous and I did what I had to...to survive." "Holy Fuck, Son." "But I'm fine. Jessie had nothing to do with it." Pretty much a lie. "Don't ever go back there without me. That lasagna smells like shit. Let's eat the other garlic loaf. It's not baked, but it's buttery and tasty still." So that's what we did while the manure entree went untouched. The bread really was pretty good. I wondered which way the wheels in his head were turning. "Bring him. Bring Jessie here to meet me. I'll feel better after you do that." We finished the whole loaf of bread and I felt a little sick. "I will." "Ok. That's settled. I will prepare myself to meet my only son's gay boyfriend. Give me a day or two." "Thanks, Dad." He made us more drinks as I glanced up at the clock. 9:25 PM. So much time. "Let's watch a movie!" That would fill the next two hours. Perfect. And I knew what movie he'd put in. "The Amityville Horror". Dad had grandparents that lived in that area. "Did I ever tell you I saw that house?" Yes. "Really?" "Yeah. The book had just came out. My brother and I drove by it during the day. All those houses sell for millions now. The market there is insane!" I'd heard all this before...many times. I was just busy looking at James Brolin. The ideal man, I swear. "The traffic was a mess. Those poor neighbors." This movie scared the fuck out of me as a kid. "Dad? Do you believe the story?" "No way! Aaron, there are no such things as ghosts." I wasn't so sure. I got a chance to see James in his tighty-whities. So I was done. It was almost 11. "Let's have a drink, Dad. Want to go to the kitchen?" "No. Stay put. We'll have a living room party tonight." He lumbered away and fussed with making drinks. He was trying to turn us both into alcoholics I guess. The clock on the VCR said 11:03 PM. Jessie was thinking of me...I sensed that. I wanted to see him so bad. "Jesus -- look at the time. What time are you meeting your guy?" He handed me a fresh drink. "Soon." "But not in the park, right? Meet him at Denny's or something." "We're meeting at the corner." Lie. "OK. Just remember what I said. Bring him here so I can see him. Got it?" We drank a little and saw the dog rescue George from the muck in the basement. No way. I never believed in that part. "How is that dog strong enough to lift him?" I turned to look at Dad, but his eyes were closed. Poor man. He was going through so much. I would appreciate him more from now on. I would repay his kindness. Somehow. I lifted him lengthwise on the couch and covered him with a thin blanket. I never ever wanted to feel pity for my father. It was 11:25. I wanted to see Jessie so bad. I could just go early. So I did. Dad was snoring as I let myself out. It was quiet as I crossed the street. The night was warm. I was SO early, but I'd kill time somehow. I still had the salutatorian speech to write. It's funny how I once thought about just saying "Fuck all of you!". But now I wanted to say something meaningful. Something.... I wished I'd brought the rum with me. I would stake out a spot close to the entrance and watch for Jessie. I got a sense the park was empty, and I planned on thinking more about my graduation speech. I'd make it short for sure. Nobody liked listening to these speeches...they wanted to go home and celebrate privately. "I wish you all the best." ?? No. That was a little too brief. A hand on my shoulder.... "Looks like we had the same idea." It was Jessie. "I couldn't wait to see you again. I thought I was way early." He looked so sexy in the shadows, with his polo shirt and big, white high-tops. His face seemed somehow different too. He was wearing a nice cologne. "Walk with me. I have a surprise for you. I also brought your brand of cigarettes. Here." He handed me a pack and asked if I'd light one for him. I did. "I also got a new bottle of whiskey. But you have to wait for that. Come." "Thank you for the letter, Jessie." "I was hoping nobody else opened it." "Nope. My dad got it out of the mailbox and just handed it tome. He's not himself right now, and Mom has disappeared." "Is that why you want to leave?" "I guess. Maybe. It doesn't matter anyway. My dad is moving and selling the house. Mom has another life somewhere. There's no home for me in this town....no reason to stay." "You will miss this place if you leave. You need to stay." He wasn't hearing me. In the distance, I saw an green light. It was that weird shade of green that glow-in-the-dark cereal prizes always had. What? "What is that light?" "Camp. Come on." Sure enough...there was a lantern (battery powered?) on the ground next to some blankets and a bottle of booze. "Whoa! You brought all this back here by yourself??" The keg had vanished. "It's not so much. How is your cut?" "Fine." "Let me see." He held the lantern thing up above our heads.In the light, I saw that he was neatly clean shaven. He looked so cute. I like beards, but this look suited him more. "You really made a long cut with that knife." "How is your cut, Jessie?" He let the light down at his side and lifted his shirt. The cut was just a line of scab. I put my hand on his cock and felt it through his jeans. Hard. I wanted to open his fly, but he'd already had the same idea. His dick poked out, less than an inch from my lips. I never wanted anything so bad! I instantly kissed and tongued his beautiful meat. He inhaled noisily and gently pushed the head over my tongue. He'd said in his letter that we would just talk tonight, but I guess he wanted to do more. I know I did. He was so careful and kind. My man. I wanted to taste his cum in my throat, but had no way of vocalizing that request. "Oh! Such a soft mouth! Take your clothes off, Aaron." I stripped down while he did the same. Once again, he took his socks off too. I followed suit. Maybe I'd ask him about that sometime. I didn't come from a barefoot family...we all wore socks or slippers in the house. "Is your butt too sore for me to fuck again?" "No." It maybe was, but I wanted him back inside me. It was very necessary. I lied on the blanket and looked up at the half-moon. He was something out of a tube. Cream? It made slopping, slurpy sounds as he rubbed it on his dick. He put a glob of it on my ass. His expression was unreadable. He had the studied,blank face of someone paying bills or waiting for the oven to pre-heat. He was not interested in making this slow. His greased dick went straight for the target. I had no time to protest because he was inside of me so fast. OW! I wanted to force him off a little, but he was heavy. "You can yell if you want...nobody is around. Or I can put my sock in your mouth again. Choose." I don't have a response. I want to yell...in pain and pleasure. I will yelp if I want to. Give me the sock, please." "Good. Last night, I wore that sock you chewed on and it was wet on my foot. So nice. I'll never wash that one." He stuffed the new sock in my mouth and it tasted like fabric softener. He then proceeded to push that big dick of his inside me...quicker then I was ready for. He closed his eyes. "Oh...there...I'm in. A few more times of doing this and you'll enjoy it more. We'll be like an old married couple." He went so deep that I thought he'd hit the bottom of my stomach somehow. Damn. My legs were splayed open like a dissected frog in biology class. I reached around and pulled him closer. Closer. His weight and his body heat fueled my passion. I wanted him to enjoy this as much as I was starting to. "No...I ....I need to cum now. It's..it's NOW! Shit!" His whole body tensed and was still. He panted and said some Spanish under his breath. "You can leave, but you'll never be rid of me." He lied down on the blanket next to me and sighed happily. I'd had sex two times in two days. Was this real? "Need a minute to rest?" "Just a few seconds, okay? My head is doing spins." "Take your time. That was wonderful, Jessie, but I wish I could see your face in the daytime." "This face?" He was directly over me again, looking into my eyes. A long passionate kiss followed. His hair was so soft. My eyes were closed, but I had this weird sense that his were open. And then he did something I'll always remember. He pushed two big fingers in my mouth, like he was searching for a lost ring or something. It was weird and only slightly erotic. Maybe there was a kinky significance I was missing. And then he stopped, and we sat up. I didn't ask him about the finger thing. "Wow." "Yea wow. I want to make you say that word every day from now on." Wow again. "Here's your sock...I'm gonna put my clothes on." We both dressed in silence. We sat back down on the blanket and just listened to the night as the green glow of the lantern illuminated out shy faces. "Open the bottle, Aaron. I have something else for you..." He reached into the pocket of his jeans and handed me a new pack of cigarettes. Cool. I'd developed a taste for smoke and booze. "Before yesterday, I'd never had a drink or a cigarette." "Really? That's another reason you should stay -- lots of drinking in college." "Maybe in some places, but I'm staying in a dorm where no booze is allowed. I'll have a roommate, and I'm dreading that part." "You should worry. He might be awful." "He might, but you have to understand that my dad is selling the house. I couldn't stay home if I wanted to. There won't be a home to stay in." I studied Jessie's handsome face. He was thinking. "Would you like to go out on a date with me, Aaron?" "A date? Like a date date? Dinner and a movie date?" "Yes. But not a movie. You can't talk in a movie." "No...but you can hold hands." He smiled. "Yes. I didn't think of that. Get up, Mr. Romantic -- I will walk you home." "What about all your stuff?" "I'll get it later. I want you to rest up for our date tomorrow!" Tomorrow? So soon? We started heading back to the park entrance as we shared sips from the bottle of whiskey. "I have to tell you something, Jessie..." "Yes?" "I sorta promised my dad that he could meet you before we continued seeing each other." "Oh. What does he know about me already?" "Just your name...if he even remembers me telling him. He's a party animal this week." "Yes. OK. I will come by around 5 PM. Is that too early?" "No. That's a good time. We'll just stay a minute and then leave." And that's what happened. We all met the next day, and it seemed to go pretty well. Dad was maybe a little taken aback by all of the tattoos on Jessie's arms, but played it cool...even though I could read a hint of distrust in his expression. But dads did that, right? I'd never brought a girl home before -- so maybe he was just too new at this. The date was nice, everything I could have hoped for. We went to see "Rain Man" a few weeks later (and held hands through every second of it). Every chance he had, Jessie told me about how I shouldn't leave. He laid out so many awful scenarios that could happen to me. Not one conversation passed without us going into that. I knew he wanted me to stay, and I knew I wanted to stay. But my future wasn't here. A few sweethearts in my class were already engaged to be married, and I thought that was so stupid of them. Too soon and not smart. The world was out there. Jessie and I had sex almost every night that Summer. We tried a few different things, but always he did that thing with his fingers...reaching them in my mouth. Once, he wanted to see if he could get his whole hand in me and almost dislocated my jaw. He did it with his toes too. We never discussed it, but I think he was somehow trying to climb inside of me. Either that ...or grab something of mine to keep for himself. He sometimes joined Dad and I for our daily parties. One of the last times we did this, Dad seemed to openly resent Jessie's intrusion. "Hey, Aaron. Your grandpa sent you a nice check in the mail. Said it's for luggage and pizza." It was an 800 dollar check! Cool. I didn't even need luggage. Dad seemed pleased that I'd shifted my attention away from Jessie's hand on my knee. "Oh...and I went ahead and changed the terms of your trust fund. You get it now. It's already in your savings account. I'm moving soon, and you need it more now. You can even go get an apartment if the dorm is bad." Wow. Life was taking a sunny turn all the sudden. Jessie was silent. "I don't know what to say, Dad!" "Then don't. Your speech at graduation was so nice. You made me sound like a better father than I ever really was." We toasted all the happy news. I'd miss him so much when I left. Here were two men I loved...and I had to leave them. You could tell Dad had won the night tonight. Jessie was just a witness. "It's been a pleasure, Doug. Aaron and I and have a reservation at 7." We did? I didn't know anything about that. "Yeah...fine. But remember I get these last few says alone with my son. Alone!" Wow. If I still had a mother present, she'd be part of this illogical tug-of-war. "Let's go yo your room. I know the shirt I want you to wear." Jessie was giving me that look of 'go along with it'. "The blue-striped one?" "No. A different one. I'll show you." He pulled me up out of the chair and practically dragged me up the stairs. What the fuck? "Which shirt do you mean?" He closed the door behind us. "Any one you want. I'm sorry, but your dad was trying to own you tonight and doesn't know I already own you. All that money? He tried, but I won." "No, Jessie. He's just going through some stuff. I'm probably his only friend. Don't dislike him, please." "I know. I know. I don't. Get dressed and fix your hair...you know I don't like it when you use gel and slick it back like that. Go get ready and I'll deposit your check at the ATM for you. United Federal, right?" "Uh...yeah. Here's my card. The PIN is my birthday. Six digits. Remember it?...I can write it down." "I KNOW it, Aaron. Go get ready. Leave your hair dry-looking, okay? Hurry. I'll be right back." And he was gone. I should have walked with him. What if Dad was still awake, more drunk, and itching for a fight?? Jessie had a knife on him always. Fuck it. It was almost 6:30. I combed out my dry gel helmet and got dressed. I wore the leather loafers I'd never put on. Our last date. The end. I was so ready. I ventured downstairs to wait for Jessie and check on Dad. He was of course passed out on the couch with CNN blaring. Dan Quayle had said some retarded thing again as Jessie's car pulled into the driveway. He let himself on before I could open the door. "We're already running late, boy. Let's go." We stood on the porch for a second as the sun tried to set. I had this weird idea that it hesitated slightly just to watch what Jessie and I did next. "Boy? I'm a man, Jessie. Where are we going?" "There. Just there. Our last night together should not be wasted looking at menus and unfolding napkins. We're going to the park and have a very serious talk. OK?" "Sure." He held my hand in his big paw as we crossed the street. He was in a mood that made no sense to me. Wasn't this going to be romantic? We got to one of the nearest tables and sat. Serious talk? He let a long breath. "You're not leaving. Get that through your brain. I won't be without you, Aaron. I just...I can't. CanNOT!" "I love you, Jessie. But I have to go. There's no life for me here anymore." "YES! There IS! I am here. I am inside of you. How will explain your HIV to those kids up there?" "We've been through this. I'm leaving on Thursday. I'm ready." "I could kill you now -- you know that, right? I could kidnap you or other things. Don't cross me." Whoa. He sounded unhinged. "I'll come back to see you, Jessie. And you can visit me too. It's less than a two hours' drive." "No. Not options I like." "I'm trying, Babe. Look...we can spend the night in my bed tonight. Want that?" "Nope. We're done here. I'll help you pack your car on Wednesday night. We'll say 'good bye' and be done, but..." "But?" "Nothing. Go home. Get out of my eyes. See you on Wednesday. Go." Oh. My first boyfriend just dumped me. I'd survive. The next few days I spent with Dad. We drank and watched TV and smoked. I kept thinking of Jessie, but it was an aching thought I'd leave behind. So much was ending now...and I needed some beginnings. That last night in my childhood bed...I wasn't cold but I covered up anyway. I wished I could go back in time. He said he'd come over tonight to help me load the car, but never did. It was all done anyway. And then...And then I felt a hard knock on my skull. Blue fireworks exploded across my closed eyelids. I also smelled the rag over my nose. It was like sweet mold and then I was no more. What I mean is...I was somewhere else, a place where knowing things wasn't important.
    1 point
  47. daddy carried me to his play room. he puts me on a swing. 2 big guys come in with snacks. they feed me, rub my belly. the chub with the harness fucks me first. yes yes yes ooooo yes I moan. then the bear fucks me mmm yes yes oooo yes ooo ooo ooo. then daddy fucks me oooo yes yes yes that feels soooo good. after they fill me with cum daddy feeds me soda and kisses me. they take of the swing and put me on a mattress. your a good cumdump daddy says, I'm going to get u a babysitter when I'm not here. then he rubs my body putting me to sleep
    1 point
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