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  1. The next morning I woke up to realize that my suitcase had never made it up to my room and that my clothes that I had left in the bathroom were gone except for my underwear. The underwear however was stained yellow and still wet, I must have wiped up a lot more pee than I thought. As I looked into Michael’s room and saw he was not there. I swallowed the lump in my throat and put the wet pungent underwear on. I felt the middle band push up between my buttchecks and onto my anus. Thoroughly disgusted I went downstairs to try to find my bags. Instead I found Michael in the kitchen. “Morning boy” he hollered at me “well I’ll be damn I see we’re two peas in a pod” he said as he stood up pulling his shorts off revealing a thin stained bit of fabric clearly straining to cover his enormous penis. ”you know I was gonna mention my preference for going around in my underwear today but you beat me to it” ” oh no I’m sorry I just didn’t have any clothes in my room I normally wear them” I said hurriedly “ oh my apologies I was going to bring your bags up to you but didn’t want to wake you, let’s get that bag up for you “ as he brought my bag up to my room I couldn’t help staring at his exposed ass. Even it was tattooed and his anus looked as if it were closer to a vagina, making almost a slit rather than a hole and being slightly open. when we got to my room he held the door open and as I slid by my leg brushed the fabric covering his bulge. The fabric was sticky and slightly wet, leaving a strange residue on my hip. as he set down the bag I went to go get some new clothes when he clasped his massive hand on my shoulder. ”cmon boy let’s go get some breakfast first no need to dirty perfectly good clothes after all it’s just us” unsure of what to do, but scared to offend him I agreed. As we walked back to the kitchen he began with ” so i noticed you’ve been looking at my underwear a lot son” “uh I don’t think so sir, sorry if I have I didn’t mean to” I stumbled over my words, my face flushing red ”no need to be embarrassed boy, it’s perfectly natural to be curious after all you’ve never seen a jock strap before have you” I exhaled in relief thankful that he had not assumed I was ogling him ”no sir I haven’t” I said “what is it” ”well boy it’s a type of underwear made for more active men who can’t have the hindrance of extra cloth” he said “ it only covers what’s absolutely essential” I nodded in understanding as we walked back to the kitchen bar and I saw the stool he had been sitting on with a slight wet stain in the middle. “So would you like me to show you around the property son” he asked after we finished our coffee. “That would be great sir” he proceeded to show me the entire house. There was an attic that he said was just for storage, same with the basement, the entire second floor was bedrooms. The first floor consisted of a living room, kitchen, bar, and study along with a back patio. as he went to open the door outside I asked ”shouldn’t we go put some clothes if we’re going outside” ”nonsense there’s no one for miles round here, only reason I wore those shorts was for your comfort but there’s no need now that I know what you’d prefer” he replied with a slap on my ass. I yelped as he let out a deep chuckle and rubbed the cheek he just slapped. after going outside he pointed out the hot tub and pool. We walked pad a large shed on the way to the lake and I asked what it was for. ”oh that thing, it’s just for working out, I was in there this morning just before you woke up” he said slyly “what all do you have inside it” I asked ”oh you’ll see soon enough boy” When we reached the lake he asked if I’d like to take a dip. I turned it down saying how cold I’d be. ”to the hot tub instead then” he replied As we walked up to the hot tub he pulled the lid off with ease and then pulled his jockstrap off throwing it to the side. ”uh what are you doing sir” I asked ”what’s wrong no harm in skinny dipping, hell I’m not even sure if I own a bathing suit, c’mon boy we both got the same stuff” embarrassed but not wanting to back down I pulled my briefs off and tossed them to the side. “oh maybe I was wrong” he said shaking his massive penis while looking at my tiny one. I was mortified but the he put his arm around me guiding me into the tub “I’m just kidding around boy nothing to be embarrassed about not all men are made to fuck anyway” I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, I remembered biology where we learned all men were made to penetrate. ”what do you mean sir” I asked as we sat in the tub he slid closer to me and put his hand on my thigh and said ”well you see boy there’s some things they won’t teach you in school because they don’t want to offend anyone, but there’s two types of men, givers and takers, alphas and betas, doms and subs. There’s a lot of different names but the fact is that some men are born with cocks” as he said this he shook his massive tattooed penis which in the light I could see had a massive ring going through the tip under the foreskin “ and some men have cunts” he reached his hand behind me and stuck a quick finger into my anus. The sudden pressure made me jump and surprisingly moan in both pain and pleasure. ” Now boy it’s the duty of cunts to take care of cocks because men with cock are the only real men. Men with cunts aren’t actually men they’re fags.” He kept his finger in me while he said this and began rubbing sending waves through my body. ”you see in exchange for taking care of real men’s urges fags are given unimaginable pleasure. I’m sure you’ve never liked jerking off much not with a clit that small” he said as he squeezed my penis and balls hard with his other hand. Where I had expected pain however was a strange kind of pleasure. ”from the second I met you I realized you were a fag and last night when you shot my piss into your guts I was sure” I was feeling too much to process what was going on when he quickly pulled his finger out “Now boy you have two choices, either you leave and never come back or you stay and learn to be a good fag” with that I ran out of the hot tub “I’ll be waiting Scott I know you want this” he yelled after me as I ran back to my room.
    17 points
  2. I never thought I was gay, in fact it disgusted me. I was always very clean - verging on germaphobia - and was horrified when I found out what was involved in gay sex. This didn’t stop my family from thinking I was, partially due to me being 5’5 and almost hairless, and partially because I’d never really had a girlfriend. I had dated a few girls throughout my time in highschool and college, but I was an overachiever, graduating both a year early; which never left me much time for girls. My parents promptly stopped complaining about my lack of serious relationships when at 20 years old I got a six figure administrative position straight out of college. This was my dream job and what I had been working for all my life. The one downside was how little work there was, I had been so used to being busy that after getting the position I was bored. After nearly a year at my new job I was desolate. Bored out of my mind, I had made very few friends at work due to my age and had little going on outside of work. I chose to Chanel my boredom into something productive, more work. My department was famous for its annual team building trips. While I had yet to attend one I was excited and when the higher ups sent notice they needed help planning I jumped at the opportunity. This year they had decided on a nature retreat and had picked a series of cabins they thought could be good to host us. My job was to help determine which was best. I was supposed to go to one of the cabins and stay a week; seeing how it is, planning activities, and the like. I got assigned the most expensive and isolated option, 2 hours from the nearest town. Since it was so expensive instead of renting the entire cabin for me to stay, we chose to only rent a room. The owner assured me that I would still have free reign and the only other person there would be him. The cabin was a five hour drive from my home, most of which was through empty country and forest. I stopped at the last town to get gas I noticed the gas pumps didn’t have a card reader so I went inside to pay. The gas station was surprisingly well kept, but there was a strange noise inside: almost like a sloshing sound. I ignored it and went up to the cashier. ”how you doin’ there bud” said the cashier, he was tall and slim with thick stubble. ” I’m doing well sir how are you” I replied “ just dandy bud, what can I do you for” ” $50 on pump two please” “you got it, if you don’t mind me asking bud, where you headed” ” a cabin up on lake red rock” I noticed the sloshing sound was stronger up at the counter but continued to ignore it. ” Oh boy you’re in for a good time, how long you staying?” “a week sir” “that’s what you say — Oh fuck yeah” he moaned out. He stepped back and I saw that he was completely naked from the waist down. His wet penis hung a good 7 inches down on his equally low balls. As he stepped back a stout naked man an inch or two shorter than me walked out from under the counter. The naked man looked at me, smiled, and then I saw him swallow whatever had been in his mouth. I stood shell shocked, unsure of what to do I just stared blankly as the man walked into a door in the back. ”sorry bout that bud” the cashier said as he bent down to pull up his pants. “ but boy needs his food, I’m sure you understand” he added as he handed me my receipt. I walked out in silence and sped away as soon as my car was full. I tried to put it out of my mind on the drive, but kept replaying it. I suddenly realized the man had not been fully naked but had had some strange pink plastic dome where his penis should have been. ding on the porch waiving . I had only emailed him and in my mind pictured him as your standard retiree . This man was far from standard though. Standing at least a foot above me he was a Goliath of a man, with near body builder physique he was tattooed from the bottom of his beard to his feet. He wore only shorts, although with all his body hair he practically had a built in shirt. He was bald on the top of his head, but where most would see a flaw, on him it looked perfectly natural. — I’m sorry if this is a bit dull but I plan to add more soon feel free to ad suggestions/criticisms this is my first time really writing something
    9 points
  3. A pulse of lightly scented steam rose shrouding me deeper in a mythical mist as droplets of sweat ran from my neck down my torso, I placed the palm of my hands on my young smooth chest and rubbed it in. In the distance shuffling could be heard which told me I was not alone in the steam room but the dense mist made it impossible to make anything out. I had just turned 18, and had decided as a present to myself I would venture in to my first gay sauna and my first man-on-man gay experience. Don't get me wrong. I had done my fair share of masturbating to online gay porn, and it was while searching the internet for additional sex outlets that I first encountered an advertisement for the bathhouse in which I found myself. I had had to dig deep to find the courage to concoct a convincing web of deception to convince my conservative family I would celebrate my 18th with my friends, so I would be occupied all Saturday afternoon and that evening as well. Meanwhile, I googled the bathhouse for reviews and saw some comments such as 'Guaranteed to get your ass pounded here!' and 'Full of horny fit guys in their 20's and 30's', 'Way to many tops and not enough bottoms to knock up for real', and another which read 'Notorious breeding ground'. Hindsight would have been a great thing at the time but when sensibility and the mix of adrenaline and lust clash, sensibility has no chance of winning out, and so it was with me. On the designated Saturday I left the house in mid-morning, when to the barber where I asked him to cut my hair back to a number 1, and by mid afternoon I arrived outside the bathhouse. Walking in to the small reception room I paid, got my locker key and towel, and was directed to the changing rooms just past the bar lounge. The clerk also mentioned the sauna and steam rooms were on the lower floor. As I walked through the bar lounge I noticed three men who, I assumed, were taking a break. Each gave me a furtive glance. Stepping into the locker room, I quickly changed, and then returned my locker key to the admission clerk, and then headed directly downstairs. Another wave of steam hit me as I began to really enjoy this and the thought of sex had long since diminished, I hear more shuffling a blast of cool air which was a sign that the door had been opened. I could just make out the shape of a couple of bodies, one of which was seated on the bench next to me on my left, the other to my right. Each was far enough away I was unable to get more than a vague impression. I also recall being quite struck me by the quiet. Apart from the hissing of the steam vent there was very little sound. Still, the proximity of the two men brought me back to reality and the real reason I had come to the bathhouse. Then another cool blast of air announced someone had entered the steam room. The vague outlines of various men moved in and out of my limited field of vision, each man's shape shrouded by the dense mist. A hand appeared and ran down my chest and his shape became clearly visible as he moved closer to me noticing the a well defined arm with a tattoo sleeve gave me the most incredible erection. What do I do? Should I return the stroke, or perhaps kiss him? I had no idea how this was suppose to play out. Fortunately the man was far more knowledgeable than I, and wordlessly taught me the etiquette of a steam room. His hand moved to my shoulder, then neck, drawing my head in his direction. His body and face loomed in my line of vision, the striking chiseled features of his face moved ever closer as he leaded in to my mouth, a kiss landing on my lips, which were closed. Still, suspecting my niavete, his tongue moved about my mouth, his saliva moistening my lips as his tongue slid between my lips. My lips were receptive to his advance, and my mouth partially opened only for his lips to lock against mine as his warm tongue explored mine. After 30 or so seconds of this intimacy, he pulled away, although a dribble of his saliva still connected our mouths. A smile crossed his handsome face as, having given me a warm look, he dove back in with increased intensity, his right arm, which was wrapped behind my neck, pulled me closer as his left hand grabbed my right hip, gesturing for me to straddle his lap. Obliging his direction, I positioned myself over his crotch, and in descending, my ass encountered his erection, which was rock hard, and difficult to control as it settled nestled between my ass cheeks. Still, sitting face to face with one arm now holding me steady on his lap I felt his other hand caressing my buttocks then pulling as he slipped his hand to my hole he began gently rubbing at first. Gradually one probing finger coaxed its way into my hole. Eyes wide with startlement, I tried to protest but his mouth was still locked against mine and, as the pained eased off, I clasped him about his neck and responded to his kissing as simultaneously his finger explored my hole. He pulled his finger out quickly causing my body to tense his hand rubbed my back causing a pool of sweat that he guided to my ass and rubbed it in to my hole this time with two fingers causing my back to arch slightly. In vain I attempted to moderate his activity by gripping his arms, but his sweat made it impossible so I resumed my clasp around his neck. I must admit, moreover, by this time, my mouth now completely invaded by his tongue, and feeling lightheaded from the heat and steam, I neither wanted to, nor realistically could break free from him. Every now and then the man tightened the bicep of the arm which was holding my back, which gave me a comfort of feeling controlled. I was clearly in the grasp of a very experienced man who understood positive and negative reinforcement as sporadically he would withdraw this fingers from my ass, which left me feeling an immense sensation of release, but which also left me yearning for that moment he would slid his fingers back into my ass. In one such cycle the man broke off our kiss, and, spitting into his hand, we resumed our kiss as his hand moved slightly further down my back. Almost involuntarily I felt my body rising slightly only for a searing pain to shoot through my body. Naturally I wriggled to escape it the shocking pain, but the man clamped his arm firmly behind my back, preventing me from forcing a withdraw. Breaking off the kiss, I buried my face in his neck and groaned loudly. I knew his cock head had penetrated my ass: my virginity and body were forever parting company. The man reached behind my neck with his free arm, pushing my body downwards. By this point I was so overwhelmed with pain I was prepared to forcibly raise myself off of his cock, exclaiming a loud "NO" as he pushed my body downwards, forcing me to take more of him in to my ass. I gasped for breath - my body was being pushed further and further down on his cock, my moans and cries had brought other guys closer as they watched the transformation of a virgin. Tears mingled with the sweat as I came to rest on his lap, his cock now fully immersed in my arse. Almost immediately the pain began ebbing and was being replaced by a gentle internal caressing sensation, a sensation I was not keen on ending. My ass still felt as if to be on fire, but still I didn't want to stop. Raising my face to his, my lips greeted his mouth we resumed a now incredibly sensual kiss. My ass was also now responding to its own desires, rocking to and fro with small rise and fall movements which continued for what seemed like an eternity, the pain now replaced by intense pleasure. The sudden tight locking of his arms around my body forced me to expel what air I had in my lungs in to his mouth as he sounded a loud grunt directly into my mouth. Simultaneously his cock further hardened, swelled, and went rigid as a torrent of warmth flowed into my arse, the first wave of his ejaculation now planted seed deep inside me. I tried to catch a breath but his grip was so tight I couldn't pull air in to my lungs and in rapid succession of pulses stream after stream of his seed flowed in to my body. My head collapsed against his neck as I strove to catch my breath, but the man's grip was so tight around my body I could only manage short pants. In the aftermath of his orgasm, his cock twitched in my arse, the last drops of cum oozing into my hole, as ever so slowly the man released his grip, leaving me to find I had also shot my load - without even realising as much. His mouth sought mine and we kissed deeply as I remained impaled by his large still erect cock buried deep. Bodies appeared next to us, wandering hands sought to explore, only to be quickly pushed away by my maker. He was adamant. He alone would play with me. He alone would be inside my body. Slowly the gathering crowd moved away, still optimistically lurking in the dense mist, awaiting the master to release me, his prey. We broke from our kiss and he pulled me in to his neck and locked his arms around me securely. Involuntarily I winced as pain ran through my arse: again he was pushing his hips upwards, clearly indicating he was ready for another round, so I clasped my hands behind his neck and shoulders and resumed an up/down movement. My ass might have been sore, if not completely in fire with pain, but I knew trying to stop would be futile now, especially as he had now begun his second assault on my young body. I was a quick learner. Without hesitation my head moved to his and we engaged in another sensual kiss as my ass rocked faster as his manhood continuously speared my hole. Sweat was running down both of our bodies making if difficult for us to keep hold of each other. The man thrust up, perfectly meeting my downward motion. Each time I hit bottom I moaned loudly into his mouth. He broke the kiss, looked me in the eyes, his arms tightened again around my back. I knew full well what was coming. I found myself staring deep into his eyes as he moved in for the kill. Sharply tightening his grip, the air escaped my lungs as my back tried to arch away. My chest was being crushed against his. I couldn't expand my chest to draw a complete (and badly needed ) breath. My arse was forced down harder on his cock. Letting out a low long moan, the man's cock twitched as his pushed his hips up getting as deep as could and began releasing the first of five waves of his seed firing deep in to my ass. I collapsed against his body whilst he held me tight. Finally I could at last get air back in to my lungs and, shaking off the grogginess from lack of oxygen, I panted heavily against his neck. I might have felt violated and destroyed by this man but I was also overcome with lust and desire for his sex. My senses gradually came around. I knew my body had taken enough. Again kissing the man on his lips, I slowly lifted my ass off his cock, in the process emitting a slight cry of discomfort. I didn't anticipate the withdraw of his cock would be as challenging as its entrance. The man released his grip from around my back and I got to my feet, but as I was visibly unsteady, the man stood with me, escorting me out of the steam room and into the showers where he stood next to me, stroking my back as the cool water poured over my head and body, greatly refreshing me. The man, by this time, had taken the adjoining shower head as he also wanted a clean-up. This was the first time I had the opportunity to get a clear, unimpeded view of the man. He was about six feet in height, heavily tattooed, easily in his late 20's with a beautifully muscled arms, defined torso and strong legs. Still no word spoken between us he caught me looking at him so he cupped my face and gave me deep french kiss. I placed the towel around my waist and sat down on a nearby bench to relax, and I must have dozed a minute or so, for when I opened my eyes, I saw the man was gone. A couple of men walked through the corridor, obviously assessing the situation but I decided to head home so I went upstairs, retrieved my key, and entered the locker room where I saw only one guy was delving into his locker. I opened my locker and looked-up just as the other man in the locker room moved in my field of vision, revealing his back and the tattoos which adorned his body: dead square in the middle was a biohazard tattoo and, on his left shoulder blade, a scorpion. Then turning around I came face-to-face with the man who took my virginity. He gave me a warm smile. I was not so stupid that I didn't understand the implications of the tattoos. Fear froze me to the spot: a poz guy had just shot two loads deep into my body, and his cum was still inside me. I returned his smile, stepped into the toilet, where I did my best to push his seed out, but my arse was sore and burning, and each attempt came to naught. Wiping my arse, I noticed tell tell signs of blood on the tissue. Seated on the toilet, my head in my hands, I was beside myself and angry he could do such a thing, but then again I shared the blame as I never insisted on a condom and just allowed him to fuck me. I went back to the locker room to find it completely empty. Resigned to my fate I opened the locker door to find a note which contained both a message and a mobile number. The message read "Best fuck ever. You will want more of me and when you do, call me as I really enjoyed breeding you. I'm available whenever you need me." Looking at the note I realised my cock was rock hard so I folded the note away and put it in my trouser pocket and finished changing.
    6 points
  4. Well, some of us are on the thick side - and I don't want to hurt a Hole. I only want to Breed it. I generally get my mouth on it first, so I have an idea how easily it opens, if it's been Bred by other Cocks already, all of that. If you don't think you're loose enough, I guess there's something you should get more of !!! For instance, hard raw Cocks up your gut 😉
    5 points
  5. Not sure where this story is coming from, I've never written anything like this before... anyway, seem to be on a roll with it now! Pt.4 Mike took his hand from my eyes, and I saw that the apprentice had stripped off his singlet and dropped the shorts to his ankles— his ass was pressed against me with my cock inside. Unbelievable. This day was turning out to be mad. I could also see that in turning me around, Mike had set the three of us up in a position where the boy could lean forward to brace his hands on the pump shed. He took my hands and placed them on the boy’s back. With all this now set up, Mike began fucking my hole again, deep strokes in and out—each one banging hard into me, pushing my hips forward. His hands held my waist again, moving it back and forth in coordination with his strokes. I saw now how he had planned this… I was stuck in the middle, with him pounding from behind and the boy firmly positioned on my cock. Mike could continue fucking me while using my dick as a kind of dildo to fuck the boy at the same time. I’d have to admit that this felt incredible. My ass was really tired and numb, but Mike’s control of the fucking, his long, steady strokes deep in and out, gave me a tremendous feeling. My body had long before given up any resistance, so his huge cock felt almost comfortable in me at this stage, like it was becoming part of me. And now, my own cock was so hard and being used to fuck the apprentice, under Mike’s control. Hmm… perhaps I was starting to have fun 😉 On the other hand, my knees and legs were getting tired from standing and getting pounded for so long. I felt that I really needed give them a rest soon. Like in a dream, from a distance, I watched my dick being pumped steadily in and out of the boy’s hole. It felt really soft inside and, I thought, not at all tight like young guys usually are. Each time on the way out, I saw his slightly hairy hole open outwards a bit, with beautiful lips like a pussy around my hard-on. Soft and very wet is how it felt, and I also noticed that as my cock was withdrawn, it seemed to be getting a covering of juices from inside him… and then a small trickle of these white, creamy juices began to run out of his hole and drip down. Fuck! This guy was pre-loaded!
    5 points
  6. Owned - Part 3 The attendant handed me the locker key. In the locker room I noticed just one other person slightly out of view, I busied myself getting changed and closed the door. Catching sight of the guy we both looked at each other in surprise. Adam stood before me, he was in my class at college and we were pretty good friends but never really socialised in the same circles. He asked me how I was but he was more interested in why I was here. We decided get a coffee at the cafe just down the street. Stirring the chocolate in the milky froth he began to tell me that he used the place as an escape and to get sex. Asking me why I was there, I went on to hell him about the birthday present to myself, he probed wanting to know more. Telling him it was my second visit and that I had only been laid by one guy. He confided in me that he had hiv and was in no doubt he contracted it in the bathhouse. Explaining it was a notorious place for engaging in bareback sex. He coaxed out of me who had fucked me, his eyes opened wide when I described him. "So, both visits you had sex with Angelo?" he asked and I nodded as he continued "I tried to get Angelo but he was not interested. Although I did hear today that he had sex with someone twice which is unheard of.". A perplexed look must have come across my face as he went on "Angelo is known for pozzing guys especially unsuspecting ones, but very rarely shows interest in a guy once he is done with them. Are you going to meet him again?". I was still trying to take in what he was saying to me when he prodded me for answer. "Oh, I don't think so.". Adam then gave me a frightening perspective "Angelo will not take no for an answer that much I do know of him.". It was a very informative chat with Adam, and gave me a lot to think about, and worse, he probably had infected me the first time. I got up to leave and headed home. I began to have the strange feeling again of seeping fluid from my ass so rushed home. Three weeks later the summer holidays started my family had decided to head to the coast for several weeks. I decided to stay at home and catch up on some course work. There had been no communication between Agnelo and myself, kind of glad as I didn't want to get any further with him. One bright morning I woke up with a raging headache I ran to the bathroom to vomit. Heaving in to the toilet I realised I was sweating and as the day wore on I felt worse, suffering alone in the houseI went to bed and fell asleep. Startled awake by my phone I gathered my senses and picked it up. A message from Angelo, I put the phone down on the table and turned over. 10 minutes later another buzzing, retrieving the phone I saw another message from Angelo. I clicked on the first one "Your quiet." was all he sent, I read the second message "Don't ignore me.". I can't explain why but I was feeling slightly frightened and remembered Adam's warning. I typed a reply to him "I'm sorry, I don't feel well, I am in bed." and hit send. He replied quickly "Do you have flu?, give me your address I will pick you up and bring you back to mine.". I layed there looking at the screen as it turned dull and switched off. Turning it back on I typed in my address and sent it to him his reply was swift "Be outside in 15 minutes.". A car pulled up and Angelo's face appeared instructing me to get in. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Your coming home with me so I can look after you." and with that we drove off back to his. He carried me inside up to his bedroom, undressed me and laid me in the bed. He put the TV on got undressed and slid in beside me. He pulled me close and allowed me to cuddle up against him as I drifted off to sleep. I woke at the sound of movement, it was dark outside as Angelo entered the bedroom with food and water. He helped me sit up and began to feed me, eventually he spoke "It should pass in 48 hours, it is first effect your body has when you become infected with hiv.". He put the bowel and drink down, I looked up at him "I own you.". I put my head in my hands and sobbed heavily as he put his arm around me I flinched and pushed at him to move away, this provoked a reaction I never suspected. Angelo twisted my body around with such force and pushed me flat on the bed, his hands holding my shoulders down. He reared up behind me and without any warning he rammed his cock in to my arse in one crushing thrust. I screamed and thrashed about underneath his weight, he laughed as he pinned me to the bed, my body was burning and racked with spasms of pain from his sexual assualt on me. His hips moved like a jack hammer as he pulverised my ass continually for ages. My crying grew hoarse and the weakness of my body caused me to go limp as I had to accept this was not a game of getting a fuck but reality of messing with the wrong person. Angelo release a deep loud grunt and his hips locked against my ass. The twitching of his cock and jolting of his hips meant that he was delivering his poison deep in to my body. Rapid and successive pulses kept firing streams of seed, each one melding in to the wrecked lining of my anal passage. He panted heavily next to me ear as he whispered "Never, push me away, I own you, never forget that", with that he pounded me with his cock several more times to reinforce his statement to me. He pulled his cock out and turned me to face him, wiping the tears from my eyes and face he pulled me up close to his chest, we both fell asleep. Sunlight streamed through the window waking me up, we were both in the same position as when we fell asleep. I felt a lot better and started thinking about my decision to explore sex, how it had lead me down a road I never suspected or wanted, and I layed in the arms of the man who destroyed me and re-shaped my life. Looking at this person I wondered how 10 years age difference could turn a person in this type of monster. He raped me last night in no uncertain terms, yet I was not discarded like a empty tin of beans. What he saw in me I don't know, did he just want another boy of poz?. His arms moved pulling me closer to him as I drifted off to sleep again. After a few hours Angelo woke me as he got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. I got up and went to the window and looked out at how beautiful the day was. I heard him coming back in to the bedroom and felt his breath on my neck. He wrapped his arm around me and without hesitation I pushed back and rubbed my ass in his crotch against his semi hard cock. I was beginning to learn how to respond and respect the power he had over me now. He kissed my neck, picked me up and carried me back to bed and in his arms again, no sex this time, just the intimacy of us being together. I ended up staying for 4 days, during which the sex we had became more intimate and very spontaneous. My ass was still sore from the last time I pushed away from him but he showed more consideration when gently pounding the hell out of me. That afternoon I had to approach the subject of going home to catch up on my college work. To my surprise he agreed and drove me home. I leaned over and kissed him, as I got out of the car he called me over to the drivers side of the car. He looked up at me and smiled before speaking "Weekends you are mine." I did a cursory glance around the street to make sure I was not being seen before I replied "Not good enough, try again.". He looked more intently at me trying to guess if I was playing, when he spoke again the words that reverberated somehow must have been what I really wanted to hear, "Weekends you are mine, you have two months to sort out what you will tell your family. Because at the end of the two months I will turn up here and you will decide either to stay with your parents or get in the car and come home with me permanently.".
    5 points
  7. Angelo - Part 2 I was finding it difficult to walk normally so decided to take the bus. Taking my seat I jumped up a little as he pain hit me, it was turning out to be a very uncomfortable trek home. As the bus pulled up to my stop I stood up with the weird feeling of my underwear being stuck to my ass as I tried to adjust it without anyone noticing. Opening the door to the house it was very quiet so I guessed my family had gone out, I headed to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I took off my shorts and noticed a damp patch on the back and felt quietly embarrassed. Pulling down my underwear I noticed a pink slimy mess had congregated in them and decided to rinse them out so headed to the bathroom. As I stood rinsing them in the sink I felt a trickle run down the inside of my thigh so grabbing some tissue I wiped it up noticing yet more of the slimy pink mixture escaping from my ass. I cleaned myself up as best as I could then went back to my bedroom picking up my trousers off the floor I remembered the note in the pocket. Debating to destroy it I paused and read it once more, doing so caused a stirring in my groin. Maybe this was fate and we were destined to be together, stupid idiot I told myself. Picking up my phone I added the number to my contacts and tore the note up in to small pieces, there I thought, if I need to and I can remove him easily enough. Tired from my day and somewhat aching I pulled the duvet back and snuggled down in bed to have a nap for a few hours. I woke with a startle and felt myself laying in a wet patch and new immediately that more of his cum had escaped my ass, my sense of smell picked up an usual odour which must be what a fucked ass smelt like. This was all very new to me and wasn't sure if this was normal Cleaning up the mess as best I could and taking a shower to rid the slimly mess on the inside of my thighs again. Sitting on the bed I picked up the phone and started typing a message "Your cum is still seeping out of my ass." and hit send. The buzzing of my phone startled me a little. I read the message "Good. Let me know when you want me to breed you again.". The rest of the weekend went by without any further incidents but my ass was still hurting but subsiding slowly through Sunday and in to Monday. The week went by in a flash and college was hectic with lots of assignments to complete so I was kept pretty busy until Friday early evening. Assignments completed meant I had the weekend to myself, laying back on the bed group texting with friends deciding if were going out. I then stumbled across his old message. Something was drawing me to reply but the thought of having my body brutalised again should have been enough of warning. I typed one word "Hi" and a smiley face. His response came straight away "Meet me at the bathhouse in 20 minutes.", oh crap I said to myself, a second messaged arrived from him "When you arrive give your name as Tiger to the attendant.", not thinking any more I quickly dressed and headed out. Opening the entrance door the same attendant as before was manning the desk. I walked up as he asked my name, "Tiger" I said. He looked at me handed a locker key and told me my visit had been paid for. I must have looked slightly confused but he smiled "lucky you" he commented. Descending the stairs to the lower level I found it was really busy and trying to move around was a challenge. Hands were grabbing at me from all directions making me feel extremely vulnerable and disorientated. Two burly men collared me and started closing in forcing me in to the corner by the shower cubicles their hands reached out an grabbed hold of my arms, they started to steer me towards a dark corridor off to one side. I froze on the spot trying to pull away from their grasp. A tattooed arm appeared from behind and a familiar vice like grip secured me around the wait. The two men looked up as his voice bellowed "Fuck off and leave my boy alone.". Without any hesitation they released me and backed off hands raised in a surrender. He guided me to a private room that had a day bed in and turned to leave, I grabbed his arm. He looked back at me and spoke for the first time directly to me "No one will touch you, don't worry I am going to get us a drink.". Several men passed by looking in a guy who could have been no older than myself lingered posing in the entrance eyeing me up and down and stepped over the threshold. An arm grabbed him and warned him "Don't do it, he belongs to Angelo", a look of horror on his face he made a clumsy rapid exit. Angelo as I now knew his name, returned with two soft drinks. He closed the door and secured the lock as he offered me one of the drinks, I thanked him and he sat down beside me taking a swig he put the drink down on the floor. I took a small sip and put my drink down his arm wrapping around my neck and his hand resting on my chest he pulled me in and gave me a very tender french kiss. This man of little words quickly removed both our towels, he swung me around straddling his lap. Stroking the side of my face and whispering "I knew you would want me again." as he pulled me in to another kiss. His arms now wrapping my body tightly I felt comfortable and secure knowing where this was going. I raised my hips slightly and he removed one arm, spat in to his hand and rubbing it in to my hole he then guided his cock towards my ass. Tingling then a sharp burning pain ran up my body as I felt the head of his cock penetrating me. Pushing his hips up and forcing me down his cock tore it's way in to my body I moaned in to mouth repeatedly. Coming to rest on his lap he let out what seemed like gratifying purr. He disengaged our kiss "My boy. Back where you belong." he muttered whilst kissing my neck. I felt myself being lifted up forcing me to lock my legs around his waist as he stood up our mouths met in an excited yearning manner. In one swift movement I found my self on my back in a missionary position, he gently started gyrating his hips. The sensation was overwhelming as my body shuddered at this new experience he looked me in the eye a big broad smile on his face. I relaxed completely stroking his back as he switched between thrusting and gyrating, my back arching, body responding to his movements in unison. His arm wrapped around my neck pulling us closer face to face, we kissed tenderly as I held his neck I could feel his cock beginning to go rigid and swell putting more strain against my ass lining as he thrusted in and out with total abandonment. He grunted loudly several times as delivered the first river seed in to my body. An agonising cry emitted from me at the sexual slaughtering my body was taking. Every forward jolt of his body meant another release of seed being planted deep in my body. Still locked together he rolled on his side, his arms wrapped around my body. My head nestled in his neck and feeling the fading of his orgasm I tenderly kissed his neck as he tightened his arms around me. The warmth of our entwined bodies, his dominance over me just draw me deeper and deeper into hedonism and I just wanted to lay here with him forever. After some time had passed I felt his hips pushing up as he started working up to take me again. His orgasm was a big as the first but this time he stayed inside me gently pushing his cock deep making sure his seed was planted firmly. We enjoyed a very sensual kiss as he began to remove his cock slowly. A cry escaped my lips as his head finally pulled free. As we left the room I was told to go home, climbing the stairs I looked around to see him disappear in to the steam room.
    5 points
  8. I woke up Saturday late morning, after a fitful night, I always sleep a bit badly with the tina in my body. But fortunately we could sleep in and take it easy. I could feel Diego behind me, his dick semi-hard, spooning me. I started clenching my cheeks, feeling his dick slowly come to full attention against my ass crack. MMmmm... maybe... I sort of shoved his dick down, and his cock head met my hole perfectly - just open a bit... ahhhhh nice. He slid into me all the way. Nice. Now I just use my ass muscles, I don't move, just sucking on his dick with my ass. I could feel him come to life, his breathing changed, and his hands just grabbed my hips. We just laid still and I fucked myself with his cock. Finally, I could hear his breathing hitch a bit and he whispered "I'm cumming" and he filled me with his cum again. This was going to be a non-day, not doing anything, just lounging and cuddling. Finally, being a bit hungry, we ordered a bit of food to be delivered. We both had our briefs on, Diego's briefs - very skimpy, almost lace-like. Also, he was wearing a crop top, making him look like a porn star. Me, I was just in my underwear, whitey tighties. Door bell rang, and Diego - who was hungry - rushed to open. He accepted the boxes of food from the delivery boy, and sort of yelled to me to pay the guy. I found my wallet and went to the door, where the (very handsome, black, young) guy was a bit ... shall we say stunned from the sexy filipino display. When he saw me (and my wallet) he did the quick up-and-down glance, and mumbled the sum I was supposed to pay. I gave him the money and a nice tip, with a bright thank you, and then I closed the door. I could hear him standing a little while outside our door, before leaving. Saturday evening came around, and I could feel Diego getting a bit horny. I could also see that he was online - I guessed Grindr? and he was chatting away with someone. I don't have a problem with that, we're very firmly committed to eachother. Having third or fourth or group parties around doesn't bother us, fortunately - just as long as we're both involved in it :). Anyway... I fetched the supplies, and while he was sitting in the sofa "manspreading" and looking at his phone, I lit up this evening's first bowl. Watching the smoke unfurl from the glass, I started hitting it. Deep breath - hoooold - and then release. Mmmm... sweet, I could feel already, tingling a bit in my feet. I positioned myself on the floor, between Diego's spread legs, and started licking him from the knees up towards the crotch. I could see his cock harden, from the classical small asian filipino dick, growing in his sort of lace underwear, I'd say see-through, and then finally the tip of his cock head sticking above the edge of the briefs he was wearing. I kept on smoking and licking, as he kept on Grindering away. I finished the first batch of shards, and re-filled the pipe, giving it to Diego. He had to put away the phone a bit (which pleased me, but there's something so sexy, licking someone's smooth tanned legs while he's chatting with someone else), to light up the pipe again. While he was hitting it, I started getting closer to his balls, and started nibbling on them from outside his briefs. Taking the "package" in my mouth and pulling a bit, he was moaning quite loudly and in between the lighting the pipe pushing my head to his balls. I let go of his balls, and licked up his shaft, still outside, until I came to the tip of his cock... slowly, slowly I started sucking his cock head without removing any of the fabric. He finished the pipe and picked up the phone again with one hand, and the other pressing again against my neck, pushing his cock to my lips. Suddenly he takes a photo of me suckling on his cock head, and quite obviously sending it. "The guy wouldn't believe I'm being sucked right now" he smiled at me. "Hmmmm...." I hummed around his glans. With my mouth I pushed down the fabric, to take the whole cock in my mouth. Now sucking his shaft deeply, I could feel him hitting the back of my throat. He took several more photos and sent those off. I grabbed his hand and we headed down the basement, pipe, goodie bag, phone and everything. Time to get serious. He walked behind me, and I could more or less feel him getting out of his briefs, and taking off his crop top. I swatted his had away when he tried to rip off my underwear while still walking - "You'll have to wait, you pig" I told him with a smile. We sat on the sofa and lit up another batch - smoke was really heavy now, and I could feel my lungs getting heavy. Coughing a bit, just to clear it out, I moved over to the sling. I didn't take off my briefs though, but leaned back into the sling and lift my feet up. Diego came around and I noticed he was filming. "Who are you sending this to?" I asked when he stopped, to put himself between my legs, his dick rubbing against my ass "I don't know... a guy named James, he seems very hot on both of us". "Really?" "Yeah, but he's quite young, only 19..." "Far away?" "No, not really, just a couple of kilometers" "Well, let's show off a bit then" I said laughing a bit. "He's probably going to flake out soon anyway" "I don't know, he seems pretty confident" Diego had his briefs hooked under his balls, and he was rubbing his cock agains my fabric covered ass, showing it in the cam. He also showed how he took off my underwear, and threw it on the sofa. He then went to get the pipe and lighter and gave it to me, and started filming again while I lit up the pipe and blew some clouds. "Hahah - he liked that", Diego said, and then shifted focus from me to him, licking my feet... lapping my soles and sucking on my toes. Then going down the legs and stopping by my balls - my cock was now really hard. Sucking my balls and filming himself making them really wet... then going down and licking my ass, really really deep... I just love how he uses his mouth on my ass hole. He played with my ass for a little while, then gave me the phone and told me to film him while he would fuck me. I did so, and zoomed in on his cute belly, while he penetrated my wet ass to fuck me, at first a bit slow, to make me wet inside as well, and then picking up the pace. Now James on the other side was getting almost frantic, asking if he could come over. I checked his stats a bit, black, 19 y.o, he sent some nice dick pics. Did I recognise the guy? Hang on - this was the delivery boy from earlier! And - the last of his dick-pics, uploaded today on his profile? That one was taken right outside our door! The guy basically pulled down his pants to take a quick selfie with a semi-hard cock! A bit funny actually - so I chuckled a bit. I texted him - he could come over if he wanted to. The answer came, I'm gonna clean up, and I'll be there in 30 minutes. Well, I wouldn't count on that - usually guys like that were all talk and no walk. Anyway, Diego didn't want to cum right yet, so we decided to break a bit, just sitting on the basement sofa and cuddle a bit. 30 minutes came and went, and I was sort of thinking of gearing up again. I was just about to start loading the pipe, when the doorbell rang. I went to open it, and lo and behold, there was our dear delivery boy - James. "Hi, sorry I'm a bit late" he said. "Hi, come in" He followed me inside and toed off his sneakers, mmmm... nice, he was barefooted in the sneakers... love that in a boy. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a zipped hoodie, and so he opened it up, revealing a nice, shaped black torso right there. He smiled when I did the once-over of him, just as he had made on us when he arrived earlier with the food. I turned around and went before him down towards the basement - he was following close by, I could hear him shrugging out of his hoodie and coming downstairs. Diego had started up the pipe and was puffing clouds all around himself - he looked at our guest and said "Wow, that's nice, Hi I'm Diego" I turned around and said "I'm Joe - have a seat, why don't you?" "Hi guys, I'm James, call me Jamie" our guest said. As he sat down on the sofa he climbed our of his sweatpants. He had a nice little jockstrap on, holding his cock from flopping around in the pants. "Nice clouds" he smiled, and Diego immediately handed over the hot pipe, letting our guest get his first hit for the night. He inhaled the white smoke deeply, held it for a moment, and then released it. "Ohhhhh... that's nice T" he said. "Whooooow".... Diego held the lighter to fire up some more smoke, and Jamie huffed it all in. He was starting to sweat a little bit, of course, it's warm in our basement too, and running his hand over his chest, lightly pinching his own nipples. They were big and juicy, standing out quite a lot. "Man, that shit makes me so horny" he said, giving me the pipe, as I was sitting on his left side, and Diego on his right side. We both slid our legs over his, pulling his apart just a little bit. I was hitting the pipe hard, and then refilled it with fresh shards. I think we were on the last half of the 5 gs now, but there was plenty left. I lit it up again and inhaled, but this time I grabbed Jamie's head and shotgunned it into his mouth. He was a bit surprised first but took to it like a puppy suckling his mom. Nice, soft lips, hot tongue... mmmmm...that got me very very horny indeed. I gave Diego the pipe, and he repeated the action, shotgunning Jamie like crazy. In the mean time, I slid down beneath him, between his legs, and started nuzzling that little sexy jockstrap of his. His dick was really hard, straining against the fabric, I couldn't take it any more - I let it out. It slapped agains my face and Jamie moaned loudly. "Fuck yeah man, suck my nigga cock" he said. I obliged, started by licking the shaft of the at least 20 cm cock, fat and juicy of precum, tasted great. Then I started sucking his cock hard, he tilted his head back and just moaned. Diego let go of the pipe and started licking Jamies' nipples, ohhh... nice view, and then using his teeth to make them extra plump. I took off Jamies' jockstraps, and dropped them on the floor. Licked his very nice shaved balls and down to his hole. Very nice young taste of an ass hole... man, I went crazy on him, sucking it out and shoving my tongue in him. He just lifted his legs up and put his feet on my back, enjoying the attention. "Man," he panted "I knew you guys were going to be good" "You ain't seen nothing yet" said Diego while hummming on Jamies' nipples. Diego moved down to Jamie's dick and started sucking it - Jamie's eyes almost rolled back in his head, as he was treated to our use of his cock, balls and very lovely anus. He was bucking his hips up and down, chanting "Man, oh, man, oh man" . We played like that for about 10 minutes (hard to tell with the T, sometimes time passes really fast). I needed some more - picked up the pipe, and filled it up with big nice shards. I lit it up and waited for the small smoke coming out from the top. First smoke is always the best. I quickly inhaled it all, keeping the lighter under the bowl. This time I did deep inhale, kept it there, let a little bit out and then big inhale again, and kept doing it for a couple of minutes. That rush is so intense. Jamie was watching me and then I gave him the pipe - he mimicked me and did the same. In the mean time, Diego was still sucking on his cock, but being a bit less intense about it. Finally, Jamie passed the pipe over to Diego who moved over as to sit in front of Jamie, on his lap - and Jamies big black cock in his ass crack. While smoking, he was holding Jamie's gaze and sliding up and down, until he finally got up and let Jamie's cock head stop at his hole. I brought up the phone, I needed to film this. Diego took some deep powerful hits on the pipe and asked Jamie "Do you want this hole?" Jamie only nodded... and so Diego sank down on the shaft, in one go, all the way down to the balls. I got it all on film. Jamie just screamed of pleasure - and held Diego by the hips. Diego then started riding Jamie, moaning and looking at me - smiling and saying "Fuck he feels good, babe". I dropped the phone, I needed to get closer and use my mouth on that - while Jamie's cock was sliding in and out of Diegos hot cunt, I was licking his ass lips and Jamie's cock at the same time. Suddenly I tasted cum - oh, dear, Jamie was already cumming in Diego's ass, and just came without mentioning it! "Babe, he's cumming" I told Diego - and Diego, being the naughty man he is, didn't stop. And Jamie kept holding Diego's hips, moving him up and down on his shaft. Diego was leaking cum, but using is as lube is just the thing we both love. But I wanted some of that too... I prepped another pipe - it's really fucking hot. Lit it up, blowing clouds on the cock sliding in and out of the mancunt. I did another deep inhale, less exhale, and then moved over to the sling and positioned myself. Feet up, open hole. Diego slid off Jamie's cock and helped him up from the sofa. Jamie was really high now, his cock vibrating of lust. He took a few steps over to me in the sling and went down on his knees before my twitching ass hole. He started lapping my hole, using his lips to kiss it, sucking it hard and making my ass lips all puffy. Such a nice horny mouth. In the mean time, Diego was puffing away again, standing behind him. Finally, my cunt obviously wet enough, Jamie stood up - and Diego offered him more T, which he of course took. "Yeah baby, what do you want?" Diego asked - Jamie just came closer to me and I could feel his cock on my hole. "You know, John really loves horny twinks fucking him", Diego said, holding Jamie's cock in position. "Yeah man, you're both so sexy..." Jamie whispered and pushed inside me. His cum made it easy for me to accept that fucking big cock, all the way. "Fuck, take it, man!" He exclaimed, and started fucking me hard. No slow going there, just pounding my ass like there was no tomorrow. Diego stood behind him, caressing his chest and pinching his nipples, moving down to his tummy, feeling the cock base while Jamie fucked me, and then squeezing his ass cheeks, and spreading them a bit to feel Jamies still wet hole... his fingers obviously pleasing Jamie, who kept fucking me furiously. Diego then gave Jamie another hit of the pipe, and then positioned himself right behind Jamie. I knew what Diego wanted - and what Jamie needed, although if I remember correctly he'd put only "top" on his profile. Where the fingers had been, Diego's cock now slid in slowly - While Jamie was fucking me, Diego countered Jamie's moves and let his cock slide further and further in. I could see Jamie's surprised face, but he didn't stop or ask Diego to stop. Diego now grabbed Jamie's hips and fucked him in pace as Jamie was fucking me. That was pushing Jamie over the edge - with a small scream "I'm cumming" he started pumping me full of cum. Diego, at the same time fucked his load inside Jamie. "Push it deep inside me" I said to Jamie, who obliged by continuing to pump his fucking stick deep inside me. Time for a little break - we sat down on the sofa, Jamie all smiling, saying "I thought I was a top only, but man, that felt good"... But the night was still young - we had not really finished up all the tina, there was probably a few pipes left.
    4 points
  9. I have frozen my cum from jerking off into suppository size/shape. And everyone I know who appreciates that and wants it is many hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away... ☹️😢
    4 points
  10. Asking a bottom if he likes to be rimmed is the equivalent of asking a man if he likes to be sucked. I think you will find the answers are the same.
    4 points
  11. Pt.3 Having spent a good while warming up down my throat, Mike was now simply using my ass as a hole to pound his tool into. Once he started fucking, it was steady and focused, just like all his work—each stroke pulling out right to the point of almost popping out, the tip only just still inside me, then driving forward the full length of his cock, balls deep. I had to support myself against the wall, where Mike had put my hands, my head down, trying to accommodate what he was doing to me without too much resistance. I couldn't move my ass away because Mike was holding my hips firmly in the position he wanted. After several long, hard strokes, I let out an involuntary whimper and tried to shuffle my feet a bit, but Mike said sharply, ‘Stay’. From this point, he didn’t change the pace, just steadily railing my hole—a constant, relentless rhythm, like a machine. Long minutes went by, and then more. I started to space out, this was all so surreal, and the deep rhythm of the fucking was both numbing and also… well, such a fantastic feeling. My body was just taken over by Mike, his cock fucking me all the way to the end; a total mind/body fuck. I lost track of time as this went on, until without any sign of a change to the rhythm, or a change to his breathing (Mike seemed not to be even sweating despite the workout, from what I could tell), he suddenly stopped at the balls-deep end of the stroke, leaned forward to my ear and said ‘unloading’. His beard brushed across the back of my neck. Bringing my mind back from wherever it had gone, I became aware of his cock pulsing repeatedly, his balls tight against my ass… and I knew he was breeding me so deep that his seed would be with me for the rest of the day, at least. I let out a groan of relief that it was over—feeling very strange, a powerful pleasure mixed with discomfort and humiliation. I noticed that my own cock was fully hard, even though it often isn’t when I get fucked. I heard Mike say something quietly, with his cock still planted in me, and the boy mumbled something in response. So, he was still there, to add to my embarrassment. Without speaking to me, Mike put one hand over my eyes and put the other around me, holding my arms tight and turning me around, his cock still deep inside. Almost before I had a chance to think, ‘What the hell?’, I felt a touch to my cock, and then something soft, warm and wet began to slide over it… omg… is the apprentice sucking me? I tensed up, trying to figure out what was going on. Damn. Then I felt his skinny ass cheeks touch my body, and he laughed quietly… he had taken my erect cock all the way into his young ass.
    4 points
  12. Angelo And I - Part 4 Caught up with the choices I had to make, my brain was working overtime as I was torn what to do. My desire for Angelo was telling me to go for it, I moved my food around my plate while glancing over at my family taking in the scene. Little did they know that at anytime I could drop a big bomb on them, however, my mother knew me way to well and already had a suspicious look on her face. Friday afternoon approached and Angelo messaged me telling to say I should be ready at 6pm, he would pick me up at the corner of the street I lived on. Telling my parents I was out studying at friends and would be back on Sunday late afternoon, I packed an overnight bag and headed down the street. Right on cue Angelo appeared, I climbed in the passenger seat and he reached over and kissed me full on. I was still not use to this and couldn't fathom out why he liked me. As we pulled away and drove past my house I never noticed my mother standing at the front watching me. I explained to Angelo that I needed to get some college work done for Monday, he laughed, finding it amusing I was still in education. As we entered the house I was lifted off the ground and swept up into his arms, he carried me in to the lounge and dropped me on the sofa. Smiling down at me and told me to get on with my homework. As I finished we ate dinner and he told me we were heading to the bathhouse, hesitantly I got changed not really wanting to go there as it still made me slightly uncomfortable. We changed in the locker room and I waited for him to return from dropping the keys off, he guided me down the stairs and in to the steam room. In no time I found myself straddled across his lap and his arms wrapped around me. Sensing my unease his lips moved over mine, I parted them slightly to feel his tongue enter my mouth. We kissed deep and tenderly for a good 20 minutes before he lifted me up, I braced myself as I knew what was coming next. My hole settled over the head of his cock, teasing my hole he began to gently force the head in to my ass. My body quivered as I let out a moan, my back arched trying to ease the pain as he slowly pushed every bit of his shaft in to my ass. Angelo clamped both his arms around my back bringing my chest crushing in to his whilst pulling me down harder on to his cock. I threw my head back and squealed in pleasurable agony, my face contorting as I struggled to breathe under the immense pressure. Grabbing and pushing his biceps trying to relieve some of the pressure caused resulted in an increase of the pressure around my fragile torso. The searing pain in my ass was being replaced by the pain of chest and lower back being crushed. I couldn't resist any longer and threw my head forward and engaged his mouth, gradually the pressure around my torso eased and my body replaced. I reached up and stroked the side of his face and place my arms around his neck in preparation for my breeding, our mouths devouring each other with an open expression of lust and desire. Sweat trickled down our bodies and pulses of steam erupting around us we locked together in our own world. Angelo's hips were grinding in to me as I rocked back and forth, spasms shot through my body every time his cock went in deep. He pulled my head into his neck and clasped me firmly with one arm around my body he whispered "My seed belongs in your body.". The pain inside my body grew as his cock started to demonstrate the signs he was ready to take me. Angelo jolted as his hips thrusted upwards in one sharp hard powerful motion, I pulled myself close to him as the warmth of his first pulse of seed flooded my body. His arms tightened around my body ass the second pulse flowed in to me. For the first time I cried "Yes" to him as I kept forcing my ass down on his cock, my whole body shuddered as I release my load in between our bodies mixing with our sweat. Panting and clasping to him tighter, Angelo's mouth sought mine in a passionate kiss. We sat there relaxing, I looked him and in a soft voice I told him "I belong to you.", he smiled broadly "Good.". His hips started grinding away at my ass and I knew I was about to get another river of seed. Arms tightened around my body as he threw his neck back as he jolted upwards over and over emptying his balls deep in to my body. Once more he secured his territory and left me in no doubt. I gently pulled off his cock emitting a little moan as I did so, a trickle of his seed leaked out and ran down my inner thigh. Angelo stood and escorted me out where we then took a cooling shower together. I was now finding it hard not to touch him and feel those powerful arms caressing and holding me, what as happening to me? We dried off and headed up to the lounge area to get a drink. Angelo went to the bar and I found a table for us to sit at. Adam from college appeared and came over. "Back again." he joked sitting down and asked if I had scored. I smiled and said "Big time.", nodding in the direction of Angelo stood, who was now watching us. Adam had a look of horror on his face and turned to me "Are you serious?". I could tell Adam was a bit nervous as Angelo came over and sat down. "Angelo," I said, "this is Adam who is at college with me.", Angelo looked at him and held out his hand which Adam took. "Why you looking so tittery?" Angelo asked, "I, er, um..", tongued tied Adam didn't know what to say. Angelo spoke up "Oh I get it, you know my reputation I take it, and your worried about your friend here?". Adam nodded slightly, "You don't have to worry, I'm kind of in love with him", I choked on my drink spluttering it all over the table as Angelo laughed. Adam looked at us both muttering about the steam room and departed. I looked over at Angelo who said "If you want me.", dazed by the revelation but I had no hesitation "Yes, I do want you.". The man who took my virginity and infected me was now in love with me, go figure! By the time Monday came around and I went back college word had already got out amongst the gay community there. It wasn't the fact that they now knew I was gay, it was more so the suspicion I was hiv due to who I was seeing. Little did I know how well known Angelo's reputation was. On the flip side my circle of friends had grown larger over the week. I was seeing Angelo mid week as well as weekends and we were now coming up to the 8th weekend, which I knew what had to be done. That Wednesday early evening my parents looked across the table at me and at each other, my father's response to my coming out was no surprise and told it was unacceptable and not under his roof. My mother on the other hand waited for father to leave the room before she told me that she was suspicious something was going on and was pleased it was not drugs. Telling her I would be moving out on Friday she accepted my decision as being for the best. She told me the college fees would be paid but I would have to support myself from now on. I went up to my room and started packing my clothes, halfway through I decided to message Angelo and tell him the news. I waited 10 minutes but no response came from him, I now suddenly freaked out thinking I had been deliberately played with. I sat down on the bed not knowing what to do and feeling very alone. 2 hours had passed and I could hear my parents discussing "the thing" which I knew was about me. My phone started ringing, I reached over to pick it up and saw it was Angelo. "Is everything alright?" he asked, "Well not really" I began telling him what happened. "How soon can you be packed?" was his response, I told him I could be packed in 15 minutes. "I will be come and get you now.", I felt a lot calmer now, packed everything up and quietly moved my stuff outside the house. I went in to the lounge and told her I was going and that I will call her in a couple of days. She came over and kissed me tearing up, We can see each other I told her and turned and left the house. Angelo pulled up just by the house and got out of the car. He walked towards me and picked me up and gave me a big kiss in the middle of the street "I love you.", I cried in to his neck and told him "I am so happy, I've hopelessly fallen in love you.". My things loaded in to the car we drove off to his house. Some people are still amazed at how I tamed the beast, there was no taming him. We do have the most amazing sex life in private and still visit the bathhouse to have a steam and he always gives me two loads before we leave. But in reality all he wanted was someone to love and love him back as Angelo and not his reputation. He supported me through college until I got a job and takes good care of me. I respect him and trust him totally, well I have one the most stunning looking husbands who only has eyes for me and vice versa.
    4 points
  13. I went to Steam Portland one night looking to get fucked. I had gone a couple time before looking to bottom, but either struck out or ending up topping. I had cleaned out and lubed up with a dildo at my place before heading out. When I got to Steam it was moderately busy. I went to the steam room for a bit just to hang out, but no one caught my eye. After a bit I got up and made a circuit. I saw someone was at one of the glory holes, so I went up and opened my towel up and put my cock through. A moment later a mouth wrapped around my dick and started sucking me. I got hard pretty quick and after a few minutes, wrapped my towel around myself and started wandering around again. I made my way back to the steam room and was sitting there for a bit when a cute twink came in and went slowly by me. He made eye contact and I nodded at him. He came up to me and asked if I wanted to fuck him. I said sure, even though I was looking to bottom. He got on his knees up on one of the platforms and I got behind him. He grabbed my dick and guided it to his hole. He didn’t say anything about a condom, so the moment my cock hit his hole I pushed forward. He was lubed up enough I sank balls deep right away. His ass felt amazing. I fucked him for about 5 minutes then he pulled his ass off my raw cock and went out of the steam room. After a few minutes I went out to the showers and had a quick rinse. I walked back up towards the front to check out the sling area. The twink I was just fucking was in the sling getting dicked by an older guy. I watched him for a bit and let him suck my cock while he got fucked. After a minute of that, I pulled out of his mouth and went to the tunnel and cell block area. I was almost out of the cell block area when a fit mid-twenties guy came in the opposite direction. He stared at me hard as we passed each other, so I went into a semi-hidden alcove with a raised platform and sat down. He followed me and stood in front of me and opened his towel, revealing a 6.5-7 inch cut cock. I leaned forward and started sucking him off, opening my towel and starting to jerk myself off. After a few minutes he pushed my onto my back and took my cock into his mouth while playing with my balls and teasing at my hole with his fingers. All of a sudden he lifted my legs up and started rimming me, driving his tongue deep in my hole. I knew he was getting me ready for his dick. He stood up and lined his cock up with my hole, never asking for permission, just expecting it. Now I had been fucked bareback before by people I had just met, but it had always been guys from Grindr or people I talked to at bars. I at least knew their names. We hadn’t even spoken as he spit into his hand and rubbed it on his cock, lining it up with my ready hole. He slowly pushed the raw head of his dick forward, splitting my hole open, and I could feel my cock getting harder. He put my feet on his shoulders and sank his cock in so his pubes were against my ass. Then he started to pull out… And thrust back in again. He started fucking me with his bare cock with purpose. This was a man on a mission to breed a stranger, and I was his lucky conquest. After a couple minutes he let my legs down and I wrapped them around him, urging him on. He leaned forward and started kissing me, our tongues dueling. A few minutes more, his raw cock thrusting in and out of me, he whispered “where do you want it?” I told him shoot in me and after another minute his thrusting slowed down and he put both hands on my chest and pressed down as he shot his load deep inside me. He bottomed out in me and I could feel his cock twitching. Then he pulled out, grabbed his towel and walked off, leaving me with the first anonymous load I ever got at a bathhouse. I got up, threw my towel over my shoulder and as I was walking out, the twink I was fucking before was laying on his back on the padded bench. He smiled at me and I got between his legs. I pushed them toward his chest and lined my bare cock up with his hole. I could see cum seeping out of his hole as I started to sink into him. I made out with him for a few minutes until I could feel my orgasm building. I asked him if I could cum in him and he said yes. As I was about to cum I could feel the load in my ass start to leak out of my ass and down my leg. That sent me over the edge and I flooded the twink with my own load. I pulled out, thanked him, and went to go shower and go home, a very satisfied boy.
    3 points
  14. A note about guys with hearing issues: impaired hearing is the most common disability of them all. I am significantly hearing impaired to the point that I wear state of the art, very expensive hearing devices. I have tried to play while wearing them several times, and I’ve damaged or lost several devices to the point that I will no longer play in them. So…. A sixty-nine year old man I’ve been seeing on ocassionally offered a great solution. We each keep our cell phones close and set for large letters and on dictation. Then, if I don’t understand him first or second time, he just shows me his phone. It’s been an almost perfect solution.
    3 points
  15. I was taught very early that insemination is how males truly bond. That a real man always inseminates his conquests. Sex has to be bare, or it's not worth the effort. The first time I was fucked was the first time I was bred, and the feeling was incredible, it was like nothing I had or could have imagined. I ached to feel like that again. I felt different, that feeling was so strong, I worried that other people could tell that it happened. That just looking at me, they'd know what had been done to me, and maybe who had done it. That probably would have been very bad news for both of us, but after a while, I just didn't care. I ached to be pumped full of cum again. The first time I fucked, when it was over, I looked down at my conquest and knew that a piece of me was inside him forever. That he'd carry my mark for the rest of his life. It was an incredible rush. It felt so right! For a year or so after college, I "played safe" and used condoms for most encounters. It was profoundly unsatisfying. Fortunately, I met someone who set me straight, and I've never done that again. Sex has to be bare, or I'm not doing it.
    3 points
  16. As soon as I got to my room I collapsed on the bed, I had just felt something I’d never felt before and my whole body was asking for more but I wasn’t gay and certainly not a fag. I wasn’t going to take a man’s penis in my dirty anus much less any of the other filthy things gay people do. That’s when I remembered however that Michael said I didn’t have an anus I had a cunt. In all honesty I wasn’t sure if that was true, rushing through school like I did not much had been retained. But Michael had been so nice and welcoming to me even as I got too drunk on his whiskey and played with his piss. His piss, I almost threw up thinking about it being in me, and then how he knew. But I realized as well that meant that my insides could be cleaned. I went into true bathroom and started using the douche, with clean water this time. As it was inside me I began imagining Michael’s cock and started bouncing up and down on it. I felt close, so close, to what I wasn’t sure but then it came out and was over. Now that I was clean I knew that I could take Michael’s cock not in my dirty ass but in my clean cunt. I went downstairs and back out to the hot tub. Michael looked at me grinning as I said “I’m ready to take your cock Michael” He stared at me then started laughing “Oh you stupid cunt if you were to have my cock now you’d bleed to death, now keep in mind you’ll be bleeding plenty when I fuck you but I plan to keep you for a long time” he said as he motioned me into the hot tub “Aww look at this little guy he’s so excited” he said, grabbing my erection. He pulled it hard making me fall onto him. I was now sitting on his knees facing him with my legs spread around him. “Now this here is a cock boy” he said as he lifted his massive shaft up to rest on my cock. “It’s totally soft right now too and it’s still three times yours. You never had a chance you were made to get fucked” he looked me dead in the eyes and I couldn’t look away, I could barely think I just nodded. “Good boy you know you place, now start stroking so we can see how much bigger it really is” as I grasped it with both hands and began stroking it, I couldn’t take my eyes off the massive ring under his foreskin. “Oh is the boy curious again” he said as I continued to mindlessly stroke him. “That boy is a Prince Albert” he said, pulling his foreskin down. “This is used to show that I’m a man who knows my place. It’s also used to show how long a man has know his place because unlike a fags cunt this takes time to open up. Mines custom made because most men never get this big” I just stared at it and the little bits of liquid swelling up around it. Michael slapped me hard. “Did I tell you to stop” he said assertively “No” I moaned out as I started stroking his ever growing cock “No what” he yelled slapping me again “No sir” I moaned back “Good boy” he said while twisting my nipples “Now look at that seeing you moan like a bitch got me fully hard” he said as his now monstrous thirteen inche cock slammed down onto my stomach. I couldn’t believe that I had ever thought we were the same. Everything seemed so clear right now, I was meant to take cock and he was meant to give it. “Eyes up here” he said tilting his cock out of my view “Now do you see why I’m a real man and you’re a fag” I nodded vigorously “good boy, open” he said moving a finger covered in some goo up into my mouth. I sucked it off and it tasted so good, better than anything I’ve ever had. Michael lifted me up and pulled me towards him before dropping me. My knees were too weak to catch me so I grabbed his shoulders and my cunt landed on top of his cock. Instead of entering me like I expected it just hit my hole sending a jolt through me. I started wiggling my cunt to try to get him in but Michael just shook his head standing up while saying “You’re far from ready for that just bend over for me and I’ll teach you” He placed me down with my knees on the hot tub bench and my hands on the rim. He opened up what I thought was the filter in front of me but it was instead full of some strange odorous white-yellow goo. Michael put his finger in then brought it to my mouth. It tasted just like the goo from before. “Now boy this here is a fags favorite food, you’ll want to do anything for it but here I am giving you a near bucket of it. These are the leftovers from some of the fun I have in this hot tub so feel free to eat up while I get to work” as he said that he grabbed a lump and smeared it on my cunt before sticking his finger back in. I tentatively took a handful of the cream into my mouth and started rolling it around with my tongue. It tasted salty and sweet with a little bit of bitterness. As the waves of please start rolling over me again I gave in and started shoveling the cream into my mouth. I felt an amazing pressure building in my hole then felt it starting to move down to my cock. Only then did I realize the pressure was me being about to pee. But it was more than that I tried to warn Michael but all that came out were moans as I started pissing myself from pleasure. Once the pleasure had settled I felt my cunt empty and managed to turn around. “ I’m so sorry I’ll clean this up sir” Michael raised his hand, cutting me off. “ you were meant to do that boy it’s called a pissgasm, it your cunts response to too much pleasure” “ now your head should be a bit clearer so are you sure you want me to open you up and make you a cunt” he asked “Yes sir”
    3 points
  17. Born bottom… I mean look at that cunt ☣️😈
    3 points
  18. I can't believe I just stumbled onto this pic. Practically the perfect Colt, and his fucking shirt says Austin! I couldn't write this shit!
    3 points
  19. The owner walked up to my car as I got out and spoke in a booming southern drawl. ”Hi there son, I’m Michael, it’s a pleasure to meet you” he grasped my hand with his, which was nearly twice the size, and shock it send shockwaves through me. ”Hi I’m Scott” I mumbled meekly. I always thought I was well spoken but in this moment my voice failed me. I stared at him as if he were an entirely different species. With his chest in my face I couldn’t help but smell him, though based off how pungent he was I probably could have done the same a mile away. I did my best not to gag and managed a weak smile. ”You need any help with your bags boy” he spoke with a grin. “no sir, I think I got it” ”nonsense a cute little boy like you can’t possibly carry everything you brought, unless you planed on going natural during your time here” he said with a sly smile ” no sir, I mean I do plan on wearing clothes here” I stumbled through my words. I hadn’t been this embarrassed since freshman year of college when everyone on my floor found out that not only could I barely grow body hair, but that my penis was a measly three inches when hard, though at least it was about the same soft. “ and I packed them” I added hastily. Michael just chuckled as he pulled my bags out of the car and brought them in the cabin. when we got inside he put the bags down and offered me a drink. ”you want a beer or something stronger” he said assertively ”something strong” I replied, needing to get my mind off everything He poured us both glasses of whiskey and led me into a living room. He asked me a bit about my job and was surprised by my young age. I began asking him about the property while holding my whiskey close to my face to cover up his odor, which somehow made it across the room. ”so what’s the sleeping situation like” I asked “ there’s sixteen rooms all with full beds but every two rooms share a bathroom” he replied “I know it can be strange but believe me it ain’t nearly as strange as the plumbing would be with sixteen personal bathrooms” I chuckled in response beginning to feel the whiskey and my exhaustion more strongly while I continued asking questions. ”how many cabins are on the lake” “ about twenty most of us know each other but I’m the only one that lives here year round so I help out” he said “ ain’t nobody else on the lake right now but some people like to make spontaneous trips” By now I was three glasses in and I really started to feel it ”ha ha” Michael chuckled “ looks like you’ve just about had your fill boy seems like it’s time to hit the hay” I just nodded and tried to stand up but stumbled a bit as Michael caught me he felt warm and slightly sticky. ” Alright boy I’ll show you up to your room, don’t worry you’re just up the stairs right next to me” he said as he guided me up the stairs his sticky smell nauseating me. when we finally made it up to my room he put me down on the bed and walked through a side door that I assumed led to his room. I promptly passed out only waking up a few hours later. I woke up in a sweat and was suddenly disgusted as I realized not only had I slept in my day clothes but that they reeked of both Michael and my sweat. As I got up I knew I needed to use the bathroom and shower but was unsure of where they were. I looked over to the door that Michael had left through and saw it was the bathroom, we must have adjoining rooms. As I looked through the door I saw Michael’s figure and heard a strong spray, almost like a power washer. I also saw that Michael was completely naked, wait no there was a strange band around his waist that connected to two other band on each side of his insanely hairy ass. The flow stopped as he shook the last drops off and turned around. Thats when I saw his massive penis, at least 8 inches long, sprouting out of a dense brown bush. His foreskin was heavy on the front of his cock and seemed to be stretched around something that glinted in the moonlight. He heaved the massive shaft up into a small piece of fabric that was connected to the band at his waist and walked back into his room. I could feel the heat in my face as I went to the bathroom. I noticed as I got to the toilet that not only had he not flushed but the seat was covered in his urine as well. I looked for toilet paper to wipe the seat down but found none. I was scared to wake Michael if I made too much noise so instead I took my clothes off and used my underwear to dry the seat. As I used the toilet I had to resist the urge to gag each time his warm urine splashed my hole. Once I had finished I remembered the lack of toilet paper an noticed instead a strange nozzle connected to the toilet. I realized it was a form of douche that I had seen while shopping for a bidet. I remembered I had read about how to use it and inserted it into my butthole. It felt strange it first but was kind of pleasant. As I looked down however I realized that all the liquid from the bowl had gone and realized that my guts were currently full of Michael’s urine. Horrified i pushed out with all my might then ran straight to the shower. the shower was abnormally large and had a series of attachments on the wall, all of which I ignored instead immediately turning the first knob. As I was getting wet I realized that I hadn’t gotten the soap from my bag, thankfully there was shampoo in the shower. It was somewhat strange for a bald man to have shampoo and I didn’t think he was hairy enough to use it on his whole body. After I shampooed I tried to use it in place of body wash but noticed I had finished the bottle with my hair. After exiting the shower I saw there were no towels in the bathroom either. I began to wonder if he really lived here as I got into my bed wet and naked.
    3 points
  20. Slow start to the year in the first few days... about 6 loads, but then it picked up. I got load #24 three days ago. Now, that I'm back home, will go out tonight and do a cum-run: start at Reds at 8, move to Zoo at 10, go to Factory at midnight, and finish at Construction at 2 am. Will see where this goes !
    3 points
  21. PART TWO: Black Santa pays a visit “You want another gift from Santa, kiddo?” he panted, as he was drilling my ass with no mercy. “Fuck yeah, Santa! Empty that sack!” I growled. I was bent over the makeup table (again) in the janky Santa Village Gingerbread house, while skeezy Mall Santa was raw dogging my ass. With a quiet “Unnnggghhh” I felt his ginormous cock start throbbing deep in my guts. A few strokes on my own erection brought my load out. Out of respect, I aimed for the floor under the table, instead of spackling the makeup mirror again. This was the third time I’d been back to visit in the week since our first fuck, and it was getting tougher and tougher to come up with excuses for mom as to why I was home so late. But evidently I was a fucking whore for massive cocks- a person who would lie to baby jesus for the opportunity to get dicked down. After every time Carl and I fucked, I would jack off multiple times a day thinking about how good it felt to take that 9 incher of his. After that first breeding session, it was only a matter of time before I went back for seconds…. About 3 days as it turned out. And then just about every three or so days after. I was becoming so regular that Eric (Santa’s little helper) and I were kind of becoming buddies. He’d see me coming and give me a big hug when I got there. The previous time, he even joined in a little. He mostly smoked pot and watched Carl and I fuck while jacking his dick. But eventually I did coax him into letting me suck him off and feel him shoot in my mouth. It was hot, even if Eric is a bit of a twink and not really my type. I think we all know what my type is: daddies. Or more accurately- HUNG daddies. As Santa’s raw dick slithered from my ass, Carl said, “Hey kid, what are you doing this tomorrow? Think you can come back for another round?” “You want me to come back on a Friday night, two days before Christmas? I dunno if I can swing it—mom is getting suspicious of my absences. She thinks I’m on drugs. She checks my eyes when I get home and she’s been leaving anti-drug pamphlets on the kitchen table. And I know she searches my room when I’m not home.” “Well, it’ll be worth it if you can. Remember that other Santa I wanted to introduce you to? Well ‘Big Terry’ happens to be available Friday, and after hearing me rave about that perky ass of yours, he really wants a turn. I’ve been talking you up good, so he’s real excited to ‘meat’ up.” He did the cheesy air quotes around meat and chuckled, so I’d get the double entendre. Carl had mentioned after our first fuck that he knew of this Black Santa that he’d played with on occasion. And lord help me, but I have to admit I was intrigued by the thought. First of all, it was a chance to be fucked by another older man. And secondly, apparently I was an insatiable cumslut. Furthermore, I was discovering that I was the stereotypical “size queen”, much to my chagrin. And, truth be told, I was definitely curious about the black thing. I’d never been with a black guy before-- I mean, heck, I’d barely been with ANYONE before Carl. Really just a handful of guys from my school. And since I was now exploring sex in a bigger way, why not explore a different ethnicity while I was at it? Plus, if what Carl eluded to was true… this Terry was “big” in exactly the way I liked. “I’ll try.” I said with a shrug. “Eight o’clock again? Here?” “No- needs to be Seven because it’s Friday. And Kid let me just say… if you think I’m big? Well, Terry is in a different class. I can’t wait to see that massive black dong of his sliding into that little muscle ass of yours! Just make sure you’re good-n-ready for some fucking.” “Well, I’ll do my best to come up with something so I can be here.” I promised as I was pulling on my clothes. “You better! Because hell if I’m taking his dick if you don’t make it!” When I got home from Carl’s latest cuntwrecking, I had to endure mom’s scrutiny again. While she sniffed my breath and checked my arms for track marks, I decided to tell my mom a whopper of a lie. I told her I would be hanging out with “the gang” at the Mall again on Friday for some last minute Christmas shopping, and that I’d be home later. I knew my friends were really doing a movie night at Brit-Brit’s, which I’d begged off, saying I needed to spend time with mom. Naturally this could all blow up in my face if mom decided to call one of them, but when it came to hanging with my friends, mom generally trusted me. Friday dawned and I woke up with the nervous knot in my stomach. I couldn’t stop thinking about the impending fuck later that evening, and I was very distracted all day. I could barely focus at school at all. I thought about jacking off at lunch, but I didn’t want to spoil the sexual tension that was brewing. Thank god it was the last day before break and most teachers had already checked out until the new year. It was mostly movies and fun in the classes. Unfortunately I had so much time to kill before the scheduled meetup. I hung at the school library until 4:30, then went to a coffee shop and read for awhile and played games on my phone. Then when I was so restless I couldn’t stand it, I drove to the shithole mall. So here I was… again. Nervous as fuck and questioning every decision I ever made which led me to this point. Was I really the kind of kid who was gonna let sketchy Santa bring in some unknown rando to fuck my ass? What was I doing?? Since I was early, I aimlessly did laps around trying to quell the butterflies in my stomach while debating myself. My mind was racing again, matching my heart. Why was I turned on by the idea of another older man fucking me? Why does sex with strange men seem to be such an irresistible draw? Is this really who I am? And what if the other Santa was so big I couldn’t take it? Or what if it hurt me? I definitely thought about just leaving—doing a no-show and just being a “good boy” instead. I have to admit… it was very close. I actually headed for the exit more than once. But I kept thinking about “Big” Terry. Wondering what he’d be like. Wondering how big his cock would be. Wondering what it would be like to be used by TWO santas? And just like a gay man, my dick made the decision for me. Well, the appointed time rolled around, and my feet led me down to Santa’s village like I was on autopilot. It was deserted- Eric wasn’t even there, and the sign said closed—per usual. I crossed the velvet rope and went up to the Gingerbread house and knocked softly. “Come on in, kid,” Carl said. I casually looked around to make sure I wasn’t being watched too closely, and then I snuck inside. I could instantly tell it was just Carl and me in the place. “Oh,” I said, a bit crestfallen. And Carl just chuckled. “Don’t worry kid, he’s on his way. Had to meet up with his parole officer first,” he says. “Oh? Um…,” I said again... a bit more brightly. But my guts clenched a little bit. Parole officer?? I looked at Carl questioningly. Carl seemed to know what I was thinking. “Yeah, kid, Terry and I met in the joint. We were the two biggest swingin’ dicks in the place, and we tag teamed a ton of guys. Some even actually wanted it.” He smiled darkly. “I’m the one who got him this gig after he got out. It’ll be good to tag fuck with him again. It’s been too long.” I swallowed nervously. “Don’t worry, kiddo, we ain’t gonna prison rape you. This is just about having some fun.” “Ok,” I nodded. “I’m pretty nervous, but also kinda anxious and excited… you know?” Carl smiled. “Damn, I sure hope you’re ready for this kiddo. You know what they say about your eyes being bigger than your stomach? Well… same concept applies here, but for your asshole. So let’s get you warmed up some. Why don’t you strip down and then get that pretty mouth on my dick?” I didn’t have to be asked twice. Plus, I figured getting down to business might calm my nerves a little. I quickly stripped down to my jockstrap (left over from gym class today) and then knelt in front of Carl. Carl knew what I liked by now. He left the Santa beard and pants with the suspenders on—and was wearing his grubby wife beater. He just undid the fly in the red fur pants and hauled his cock and balls out for me to have unfettered access. And then he sat there and smoked and drank some Jack while I worked him. When he flopped out his junk, I sighed audibly and Carl chuckled. God his cock was beautiful! I worshiped it every time we got together. Three hands worth, and uncut. And pretty meaty. And just… wow. It was amazing to behold. And to suck. I found I really liked to play with the foreskin with my tongue and fingers, and work him well with my mouth while I tugged down on his low hangers. I was getting better at taking him. I could work him a bit down my throat now—not far, and I would still gag pretty often. But I could at least get about half of him in my mouth now. Which he loved. “Goddamn boy—sometime you gotta let me cum in your mouth! Although we both know where you like the cum best,” he said salaciously. I made appreciative humming noises while sucking away. I had Carl at full mast and leaking precum when there was a quiet knock at the door. “That you, Terry?” Carl called out. “Yeah,” came the deep gravelly response from the other side of the door. “Come on in,” Carl said, “And lock the door behind you.” I paused with Carl’s dick in my mouth, watching the door to catch a glimpse of Big Terry. The door opened, and all light from the mall was basically eclipsed by the figure wedging his way inside. Big Terry was, well… big. Very big. He had to be like 6’5” and lord knows how heavy. Like 280 maybe? But not really fat. No, he was just thick and heavily muscled which I could see when he wrestled himself out of his coat. And when he pulled off his sweatshirt—heavily tattooed as well. He had a thick, dark beard on him and close cropped hair. Terry locked the door and looked down at me with Carl’s dick in my mouth. He was such an imposing figure I involuntarily shuddered. He smirked. “So, dis the hungry little fuckboy you got, huh? Damn! He a little thing! Sure hope he don’t rip in half!” Terry laughed, rich and low. “Terry, this is Kyle. Kyle? Terry.” I pulled my mouth off of Carl’s dick and sort of half waved at Terry. I looked away quickly, afraid to meet his eyes. “Yeah, we’re gonna have to be a little gentle with him,” Carl says matter of factly. “At least to start with. We don’t to put the boy in the infirmary for Christmas. But trust me when I say, this kid can take some cock once he gets going. He just took another load from me last night and he’s already hungry for more.” “Damn, we get to rawdog him, Carl?” Terry says with raised eyebrows. “Oh yeah. Didn’t I tell you? Kid loves the cum deep.” “Fuuuuck yeah,” Terry hummed. “My bitch always be making me wear a condom so she don’t get pregnant. Again. Half the time the fuckers rip anyway so I know imma be payin for another abortion soon. It’ll feel good to fuck the old fashioned way.” “Just like the good ol days on Cellblock D,” Carl chimed in. And they both shared a laugh. Carl poured Terry some Jack and then flexed his cock at me. I went back to sucking and he moaned appreciatively. I stole a glance at Big Terry while working Carl. He was watching me work Carl’s dick with dark, hooded eyes. Terry started to rub his crotch while staring at me and licking his lips I could see a hefty swell starting in his sweat pants, and I was anxious to see just what I was getting myself into. Or more accurately, what I was going to be getting into myself. With Terry’s mass in the gingerbread house, there really didn’t seem to be any room left to maneuver. I started wondering how all this was all gonna work. Thankfully Carl evidently had some experience in these matters and he became the scene director. Carl could sense that I was anxious to get a peek at Terry. After another minute or so of me sucking, Carl stood up, leaving me on my knees. He shimmied his way behind me and then stood me up and bent me over gently. As Carl was kneeling behind me, he said, “Terry, why don’t you let him suck you a bit while I get him nice n wet.” Then he dove his tongue into my pucker which Carl knew was the key to unlocking my inhibitions. I moaned and made grabbing motions for Terry to move closer. He was still in the dark sweat pants and a sleeveless T, and the left leg of the sweats was already tenting out from his body. I reached up and tugged down the waistband to finally get a glimpse of what would be wrecking my hole later and… O. Holy. Beercan. Now I know that guys that are girthy always compare their cocks to beercans. You hear it a lot, and they even take pics of their cocks next to soda cans and shampoo bottles, etc. Butmost of them aren’t really beercan sized, they’re just thicker than normal dicks. But Terry? It was legit FAT. When I reached out my hand to touch it, it was as wide as my hand across the four knuckles. And it wasn’t just fat in like one spot. Or just flat and wide. The entire length looked round and about equal in girth. With a bulbous, shiny, ruddy purple knob of a head at the end. And it wasn’t just ridiculously fat. Oh no, It was long, too. Terry wasn’t even fully hard yet, but Jesus fucking Christ. It arced down and away from his body. There was no telling exactly how big he’d be once fully aroused and I caught myself wondering if he had enough extra blood to fill that cunt wrecker! “Hoooooooly… Fuck…,” I whispered while grabbing it at the root. The girth wasn’t human. My hand didn’t even come close to touching around it. Fuck “beercan”… it was more like a bottle of SmartWater. “Shit, I ain’t even hard yet,” Terry says while taking a swig of Jack. “Can… can… your girlfriend take all that?” I stammered. “Naw. She cry when I throw it to her. She say she like it, but she sure try to run away when I’m hitting it. You ain’t gonna run now, are ya? Carl said you can take it all. Like all dat prison ass. Bitches in there would take it all… eventually. Hell, there was even this one guard….” “Brad.” Carl says while his face is still have buried in my ass. “Yeah, Brad. That fucker… Jesus. I miss that ass. That fuckin married, muscle cracker sonofabitch really got off on being a pussy bitch for black cock” Great. So Carl promised I could take it and now I had to try to compete with this Brad guy. I said a silent prayer that I would be a god bottom for him— or at the very least not fail miserably.. The talk about Brad and fucking seemed to get Terry more aroused. He was definitely almost at full mast, and it was massive. I was happy to see he was not quite as long as Carl at probably a solid 8 inches , but damn. He was probably twice as thick. The thought trying to get it inside me made me break out in a sweat. But- I’m a size queen, so I couldn’t wait any longer. As Carl tongued my ass, I slowly snuck out my tongue and licked the tip of Terry’s cock. It jumped appreciatively. With one hand on the table for balance and one gripping Terry’s cock, I slowly worked my mouth over his head. Let me just say—sucking him was impossible. Absolutely fucking impossible. He was just too damn thick. I honestly don’t know how anyone could blow him, unless they had an inordinately large mouth or a dislocated jaw. I was able to get his head in my mouth (barely), and just a fraction of the shaft.. and that was it. I couldn’t really even work it for fear of grazing my teeth on him. And there wasn’t much room for my tongue to dig around it. So I was basically forced to sort of scrub my tongue on the underside of his head. That being said, I gave it the ol college try. I did what I could. Slurped and sucked. Licked up and down his shaft- which had this deliciously thick vein running the length of it. Cupped his balls and worked him as best I could while using my hand to milk up precum- which Terry was oozing galore. And Terry moaned appreciatively along with what I was able to do, even in my limited capacity. “Carl, imma need to fuck this little bitch soon, so you best be gettin to opening him up,” Terry growled. Carl didn’t need any more prompting. He stood up, and reached behind the makeup mirror and brought out a little Christmas gift bag which I saw reflected in the mirror. “What’s that?” I asked, taking my mouth off Terry’s dick just long enough to enquire. “Oh, this is a little gift bag from Eric. He knew Terry was coming, so he got you a couple things to help out.” And with that Carl pulled out a small bottle of Swiss Navy silicone lube, and a shiny metal aerosol can of some sort. “He figured the silicone lube would help things slide a bit better,” Carl said while pumping out a healthy amount into his hand. I felt him lube up my hole, and then watched him stroke his cock in the mirror with it to get himself ready. “What’s the silver can?” I asked. “Maximum Impact spray poppers,” Carl said. “You hold off on those until Terry is ready to fuck you. They’re stronger than the other poppers- You’ll be glad to have them.” I went back to sucking on Terry and I felt Carl position his head at my ass. Then he handed me the old bottle of poppers. I took a small whiff, and Carl began to slide in. Let me just say- the silicone lube was a godsend! I made a mental note to thank Eric later for his thoughtfulness. After being fucked by Vaseline, this felt like a dream. Carl’s dick, while still stretching the heck out of me, slid in with virtually no issue. He hit my second ring, pulled all the way out, relubed, and slid back in—this time to the hilt. So. Fucking. Amazing. When Carl popped beyond my second ring, it sent me into a frenzy. I started jacking and sucking the hell out of Terry’s monster, while Carl slowfucked me deep. I was hitting the poppers and soon tossing my ass back onto Carl with some fierceness. I was worried that after being railed by him yesterday I wasn’t going to be able to take him today, but the opposite seemed true. I was in full on fuck mode, everything was lined up and working, and couldn’t seem to get enough of his dick. Terry pulled a bit away from me, stood back, and crossed his arms in front of his massive chest. He kept his massive dick just out reach while he watched Carl fuck me. I actually appreciated this, as trying to be a good bottom AND also trying to deal with Terry’s massive cock was just too distracting for me. It was hard to do both effectively and maintain my balance. Besides, right now I really needed to focus on all the pleasure that was happening in my ass! Carl pumped some more lube on his dick while fucking me, and then I felt some additional pressure at my hole. Carl actually worked a finger into me during one of his thrusts in, and I could feel the pinch at my hole and the pressure of the extra stretching. And after a few minutes, more pressure and I knew Carl was working in another finger. And then another. Jesus, my hole was hurting a bit, but it also felt glorious. I kept hitting the poppers and I was really gooning out while Terry egged us on. “Fuck yeah! Get that pussy ready for me! You ready for dis meat, bud? You want dis big black cock? You ready for a cuntwreckin’, white boy?” All I could do was nod. “Ok, Terry. I think I got him about as open as I can. Now, go a bit easy on him—I don’t want that hole ruined before I get my nut.” “We’ll see,” Terry chuckled. “My dick ain’t been this excited to fuck for awhile!” I felt Carl pull his fingers and cock out of me. God I felt so empty! And then he gently spun me around so my ass faced Terry. Terry pulled my jock down in one swift motion. I stepped out of it and handed it to me. “I want that ass naked,” he said as he did it. He then added some more lube to my hole with his thick fingers, and I heard him slicking up his dick with several more pumps of lube. “Now might be a good time to hit those other poppers,” Terry said. I could feel him sliding his cockhead up and down my ass crack. It felt like a fist back there. I looked at Carl, confused. He took my jock from me, grabbed the Maximum Impact, and sprayed it into the cup portion of my jockstrap. Then he handed it back to me. “Put this over your mouth and nose and inhale—and then get ready to go to Mars.” I did like he said. At first I wasn’t sure what the deal was- other than the different smell. But then… whoa. Everything got very fuzzy and warm and my vision blurred. I got tingly and hot all over, and that’s when I heard Carl say, “Now.” And Terry started to enter me. JESUS! Fuck me sideways, it hurt like a motherfucker!! Even with the spray popper high, I cried out “OW!OW!OW!OW!OW!” and tried to push my hand back on Terry to stop him. To his credit, he stopped and didn’t try to force things. He pulled out, relubed his head, and started in again. Slowly. Back and forth. Easing it a bit further each time. It literally felt like I was being fucked with a baseball bat. Carl fed me some more spray poppers, and with the slow in and out motion, Terry was ever so slowly working himself inside me. Just about when I thought I couldn’t take much more, he slid out, relubed, and pushed back in with a steady motion. I was sort of amazed that my ass suddenly seemed to cooperate. Yes it hurt. Yes it felt like my hole was tearing a bit and it burned like hell. But it was also going in. I think it was maybe because I finally stopped tensing up and fighting it. Terry’s massive hands found my hips, and I felt him pull me back toward him. His massive knob hit my second ring… and stopped. Damn I wanted it to go further—all the way in—but fuck it hurt, too. I wondered if maybe this was as far as he would go. But this wasn’t Terry’s first time at the rodeo, and he knew how to use his weapon. He started to slow fuck me—right there. Right where his head was gently nudging my second ring. Kind of like what he did at the beginning to my butthole. Slowly working it. Teasing the depths of my ass. Getting me used to his girth. To that big head. “Carl, give him one more hit and we’ll be home free,” Terry said. Carl sprayed my jock again, and I inhaled deeply. I think Terry felt me relax, because with a slow but steady push he slid his massive prong up past my second ring. “Ugggggghhhhnnnnnnhhhhhhhhh,” was about all I could manage with an elated exhale when his head popped in and he bottomed out inside me. All the tension left my body and I could feel his pubes on my asscheeks as he was buried in me to the hilt. The feeling of all that dick inside me was… well, it’s indescribable. I was so full. So stretched. So fucking turned on! I wondered dimly if this is why guys liked being fisted? My body started to shiver and buck almost uncontrollably as Terry made micro thrusts deep inside me. I kept exclaiming, “Oh! Oh! OH!” every time Terry bottomed out. It was like nothing I’d felt before- like my full body being on the edge of a big sneeze. “Kid’s having an anal orgasm, Terry,” Carl said appreciately. “Told you this little cocksucker was built to fuck!” What Terry was doing to me was making me go berserk. I grabbed Carl’s cock and basically forced him into my mouth. I was in a fuck frenzy, and I didn’t even care that Carla cock was covered in lube and had been deep in the nether regions of my butthole. I had more of Carl’s cock down my throat than I ever had managed before- like part way down my esophagus. And while doing this, Terry started to fuck me with more of his dick. Longer and longer strokes were entering my ass. He was now giving me almost his full shaft on each thrust, and his head was punching my second ring like a prize fighter. And I couldn’t get enough. My whole body was vibrating as he fucked me as I freely choked and gagged myself on Carl. “Whoa kid, slow down!” Carl commanded. “I’m getting close and I wanna knock up that ass for Terry. He loves a cummy cunt.” Terry pulled from me abruptly, and he reached down and grabbed my legs behind my knees. And then he hoisted me up and back into his chest in one smooth motion. He was leaning back a little and holding my legs open for Carl. And without missing a beat, Carl spit on his cock and shoved it inside me. After Terry, taking Carl was a piece of cake. In fact, it felt fucking incredible. All the long dicking and second ring punching, but with none of the pain. It was just all pleasure upon pleasure upon pleasure, and I could now actually squeeze my hole around Carl’s dick and grip him on the pull outs. Carl was really throwing the meat to me. Harder than he ever had before and he had this greedy, happy look on his face. I reached forward and tugged Carl’s nipples through his wife beater as he plowed me mercilessly. “Fuck boy! Here cums a big gift!” I just looked into Carl’s eyes and nodded as he scrunched up his face with his orgasm. “Uggggggghhhhhh!” he grunted and I could feel every throb deep inside me, just as before. Pulse after pulse of sperm dumping deep into my guts. I squeezed and pulsed my ass around his dick to make him shudder and buck. Eventually his orgasm subsided, and he pulled out of me unceremoniously. “There you go, Terry. Now scrub that load into his guts. Get him pregnant!” Carl backed away and sat on the edge of the makeup table, sweaty and exhausted. His softening cock drooling a last bit of semen onto his Santa pants. Terry dropped me down and then sat in the chair- his cock sticking up obscenely. “Ride this dick, bitch,” he commanded. I pumped a bit more lube onto his dick, took another hit of spray poppers, and then impaled myself onto Terry in one fell swoop. The pain and pleasure of it were glorious. “DAMN,” Terry moaned, as I started to work my ass up and down on his massive tool. I was using the arms of the chair to help steady and hover myself as I reverse cowgirled the fuck out of him. I was still in fuck frenzy mode, so I was really going to town on his dick. Grinding down. Sliding up and down fast. Working just the head. Gripping him as best I could with my wrecked anus to try to stroke out a load. Terry’s hard cock seemed to get impossibly harder and thicker inside me. I felt his hands on my hips again. He gripped me hard and started to physically lifting and lowering my body up and down on his dick. He was using me like a human sized fleshlight, taking his pleasure out of my hole. I wasn’t really even helping him— I just kept my balance and let him throw me onto his dong. Feeling Terry’s strength and being used like this was the last straw for me. I’d been on the edge so long, my orgasm surprised me. With a gasp I started unloading my balls. Gobbets of cum started spraying everywhere. Each impact of Terry’s dick inside me threw bits of my seed everywhere. After the first few spurts, Carl bent down put his mouth on my dick to collect the mess. My orgasm triggered Terry. “Aww fuck, I’m about to nut!” he panted, and then he slammed me down onto his crotch hard. I felt that massive head unleash jet after jet of hot semen inside me. Terry made little moans with each pulse of his cock and I could feel his massive head swell with each spurt . And I swear could actually FEEL his cum hitting deep inside me. I definitely felt the volume- as my ass started feeling uncomfortably full. It was surreal. After all of the seismic quakes of our respective orgasms subsided, I collapsed back into Terry’s chest, as his hands gently caressed my nipples, making me shiver over and over. “Shit, Carl. Dat was good pussy,” Terry sighed. “I fuckin told you. It was good to tag team a hole again, wasn’t it?” Carl said. Terry nodded in agreement. “Was I… was I… as good… as Brad?” I finally panted. Both Carl and Terry chuckled softly. “Aww baby,” Terry purred, “there ain’t no comparison.” He kissed my neck and to emphasize his point, he flexed his cock a little inside me. After sitting a bit longer with Terry’s softening (yet still prodigious) cock still inside me, I slowly stood up and did the long, slow pullout. His big head popped free and a hefty blob of semen dropped out of me. “Jesus—I don’t think any of my internal organs are where they are supposed to be,” I said as my legs wobbled a bit. My hole was on fire and I had an ache deep in my guts where they’d punched my second ring repeatedly. Slowly we all got dressed. Terry left first, saying he really needed to get home. He was also worried about how he was gonna explain not wanting to fuck his woman later. “Guess I got a headache,” he quipped. Carl and I left the Gingerbread hut together. I wished him a merry Christmas, and he wished me one as well. As Carl headed for his exit he waved and said, “Until next time.” And then he was out into the night. I hobbled onward, with my ass on fire and leaking into my jeans. I paused and looked back wistfully at that sad, sketchy, Santa village.. Christmas was in a couple days, and after that Santa’s village would be packed away until next year.. Deep inside I think I knew there wouldn’t be a ‘next time’. I mean how I would find him and where we might fuck if we were to hook up again. I gingerly walked out to my car and headed for home. Epilogue: It turns out that I never saw Carl or Terry again after that night. And it would be many years until I found cocks of comparable size to remind my hole why I love the big ones. But that didn’t stop me from looking and filling the void with lots (and LOTS) of other, more modestly equipped men. You’d be surprised at how many older, married guys want a 20 year old piece of ass! And as for Carl and his Christmas gifts? Well, I didn’t grasp the full meaning of it until I got sick around new years with the flu. Mom said it was going around— just not this particular flu. I discovered later at student health my freshman year of college that Carl and Terry indeed knocked me up and I was HIV positive. A Christmas gift I would have forever. And one I definitely planned on regifting as often as I could.
    3 points
  22. Wrecked by a big cock at lunchtime today... Next!
    3 points
  23. That was 2 loads in me. So hungry
    3 points
  24. "honey, I'm home" That was Diego, my husband, a 160 cm tall filipino man of 46 (but, like many asians, looking like 25). He triumfantly held up a little baggie with some white crystals in it which made me pretty happy. This was going to be one of our piggy week-ends. I'm John, of some sort of European descent, also 46, but a bit taller than Diego. "Babe I love you" I said, while my mouth was watering. Diego took off all his clothes and threw them on the bed in the bedroom and came up to me sitting in the sofa watching some friday afternoon soap opera. His shiny brown body shimmied barefoot over the living room floor and stopped in front of me, his dick already hardening. Here's the thing about Diego - he's a grower. His dick soft is cute and small, and then it fucking grows to a 18 cm fat rod that looks unnaturally big for his small stature. I leaned over to grab his ass and pull him towards me, smelling his crotch, and letting my tongue out to lick it. His smell is just so horny. Really, horny. I love it when he comes home after his working day, and then either takes off all his clothes or comes to me in just his underwear. The smell is sweet and intoxicating and has an immediate effect on my own dick. He pressed his cock against my face, slapping it a bit while still half hard. "Mmmm" I said. "So how much did you get this time?" "5 grams" he answered. I winced a bit. "That's expensive" "Oh, come on," he pouted a bit with his sexy sexy mouth, "we only do this some times!" "You're right... let's go down to the basement" "Mmmmyeah... wanna suck me?" he pressed his cock harder to my face... it was impossible not to grab his shaft, give it a few tugs and then engulf his cock head with a hard suck. He moaned seductively and pressed his cock deeper into my mouth. I opened up, grabbed his ass cheeks and let him push all the way in, my nose on his cock's base. "Fuuuuuuuck yeah babe" he grabbed my head and started fucking my throat - thank god I don't have much of a gag reflex, and I love having his cock in me any way shape or form. I really didn't want him to cum - not yet - so after a little while I pushed him off me. "Let's get downstairs" I said - to our basement, where we have our little "dungeon". It's a not so small basement room, all decorated and warm, it's got a great heater to be able to be naked and sweaty and party a whole weekend away without having to think of anything else. There's a sling hung from the ceiling - I really love this feature and have had Diego fucking me senseless in it. There are some other furniture, some "normal" like a nice leatherette sofa, and some chairs, and then also some "special" - like a cross of St Andrew, and a gymnastics plinth, painted black with a top of shiny black leather on it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, eager to get downstairs, his now hard dick pointing the way. Down in the basement we sat by the table, and broke out the glass pipe and the lighter. Again, my mouth watering while Diego prepared the first hits. A few nice and big shards into the glass pipe and then he lit up. He smiled at me and took the first hits - I could see him visibly relax... cough a bit and then inhale some more white clouds. My turn. I took the lighter and fired up the shards a bit more. Melting them perfectly into the glass bowl... drinking the smoke. Fuuuck that was some nice shit. Tina always had such a fucking good effect. My dick grew hard. I could see Diego wanted some more and we smoked up the first batch of T together. I put down the still hot pipe onto the ashtray on the table and leaned backwards in the sofa. Diego was sitting next to me, sweating a bit in the hot room. He rolled over me, and sat in my lap, my cock nestling into his asscrack nicely, and started kissing me. I really love kissing Diego. He's using his mouth and lips the way they should be. He nibbled down my chin and throat... went all the way down to my chest, and started suckling on my nipples. Yeahhhh... he was moving his ass a bit up and down, playing with my shaft against his cheeks, making my nipples really swollen by suckling and biting them. My own ass hole was twitching, needing his cock inside me, but there would be plenty of time for that - the whole weekend. I looked at him and said "one more?" - he nodded, grabbed the pipe again, and put a fresh lot of shards in it , then lighting it up again. White clouds engulfed him, man, I couldn't let that just go to waste, so I put my open mouth over his when he was blowing the smoke out. We did that for a while, enjoying the quite strong T together. He moved over to the sling and put himself on it. He was sweating, and his body glistening from sweat, made him look so fucking sexy. He sparated his legs, showing off his pink hairless asshole, and puts the feet in the stirrups. What a sexy sight - my dick is so hard. I get up to him, standing between his legs, and then I bend down to eat his ass. I fucking love eating Diego's ass... his hole is muscular and loose at the same time. His silky ass lips can take a dick and squeeze the living daylights out of it, but makes entrance easy by just opening up like a cunt. I started licking from the balls and down. Lapping his hole with broad tongue, licking him like a dog. His hole twitched and he moaned with pleasure - I looked up and I could see how he played with his nipples. Now I went in deeper, separating his sweet ass cheeks with my hands and giving me deeper access to his hole. My mouth got in and my tongue hardened - I started tongue-fucking his pretty little ass, getting in deeper and closing up to his moist hole. Kissing it. Making out with his hole, let my teeth scrape the ass lips - he was moaning like hell. And then he did what I've seen only on porn sites, he opened up his hole totaly, so that I could see right into his ass. I covered the hole with my mouth, spitting into it. Toungue deep inside. Man he's so fucking hot. I picked up the pipe really quickly and fired up the last of the shards in there. Inhaling the cloud and exhaling in his wide-open gaping filipino fuck hole. A little bit of lube and then I stood up and pushed my cock inside him. Yeahhhh.... he wants my cock, needs me to fuck him good. I could see my pale white cock disappearing into his hot brown hole. Fucked him good, holding his feet, licking them - I love his small feet, they're so soft and clean. So I lapped his soles with wide tongue, from heel to toe, nibbling on the ball of both feet. I started sucking his toes, first one by one, and then opening my mouth with to take a foot in. All while pumping him with my cock. But I didn't want to cum yet. And I knew he wanted something else. So I got down again with my mouth on his now nicely lubed up and fucked ass hole. I love licking an open ass and his is really something special. I started playing with a couple of fingers, inserting more lube into him, lots and lots of it. I only stopped a little while to replenish the pipe and give Diego the lighter and have him hit the pipe some more. And now back to his hole, which I could feel was relaxing even more if possible. Four fingers in, more lube. Now I insterted my second hand. He was groaning loudly when I stretched his hole slowly, oozing of lube. Now eight fingers in, and opening him up more and more. Slowly replacing one hand with just the thumb of the other hand. Pushing my hand inside him... over the knuckles. More lube. pushing and releasing, pushing and releasing... and then ,finally, all the way. His scream was adorable, he was babbling and squirming a bit - and I told him to hold still. My hand sank inside him and his ass closed over my wrist. Ohhhh... he was twitching madly... and squeezing my hand so much... We held still, and since he still hand the fucking pipe in his hands together with the lighter he took even more hits on the poor remaining shards. His head was all engulfed in white cloud, and then he dropped the pipe on the floor - which fortunately has a thick towel on it. His hands came down to feel his hole and my wrist. He was feeling around it, amazed at the fist in his ass. I replenished the lube around the wrist and opened a bit more with a finger to force it inside him, so I could start pumping very slowly. His cock, that was so hard earlier, had now softened again, so now it was back to a small asian cock - I could not resist, but took all of his cock and balls in my mouth while I was slowly fisting him. Now he was almost howling in pleasure. I got my hand in pretty much, and then some of the arm, and he cried out to stop but that picture of my big arm going inside his horny hole was great anyway. Slowly, slowly, I withdrew my arm, and then slowly my hand out of his ass, which closed nicely, but now reminding more of a cunt than an asshole. His ass lips all swollen, and still twitching from my hand. OF course, there was only one thing to do, I had to inspect so there was no damage, and then use my mouth and make out again with that puffy ass hole. Time to rest a bit. We took another hit on the pipe and I could see him being content at having had my hand inside him. His cock was rising again with that memory while we talked about how horny I make him when I play with his ass. Only a few minutes later, he has me on the floor, my feet on his shoulders, and his big cock fucking the hell out of me - and he didn't put any lube at all, just spit on it and then entered. Which I love, of course. He fucked me so good, hard and deep. Just as I like it - and my cock started to precum a lot, which he noticed - scooping up the precum and licking it, then kissing me and making me taste myself. "Babe, you're making me cum" I panted into his mouth "Fuck take it, I'm cumming too" and then his cock started gushing inside me. I'm greedy when I bottom, it won't be wasted at all. The cum that goes in will stay in, unless I am compelled otherwise. We collapsed in a little heap, him and I, and then after a few minutes of resting, went to shower together and spending the rest of Friday night just kissing and cuddling, so enhanced by the Tina. Slowly we came down and then we fell asleep. We had a lot left of the week-end 🙂
    2 points
  25. AIDS. Sick joke, right? Kind of along the lines of the classic “What did the boy with no arms or legs get for Christmas? Cancer.” Only I’m not joking (although I wish I was). And yeah, I’m the “naughty boy” in this cautionary tale. It all started off innocently enough. Me and my friends were hanging at the mall after school- we used to do that a lot. Not much else to do in our town when you’re seniors in high school, just waiting to escape into the “real world”. And it was less than a month til Christmas. All the extracurricular shit was winding down for the holidays, so we had extra free time in the evenings. No play rehearsals. No band practice. So yeah, we cruised the mall. On this particular Wednesday, I was hanging with Matty, MJ (short for Margaret Jean), and Brittany (aka Brit-Brit). We were doing our normal shit- trying on crap clothes and modeling for each other. Drooling over Apple store products. Having DQ. And people watching. I don’t remember who had the idea (not me) but someone said “Hey, let’s go visit Santa!” I thought we were a bit old for this crap, but everyone thought it would be funny. Revert to being kids again and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. Shit like that. I wasn’t really game, but I went along with them because hey. They’re my best friends after all. Anyway, it’s midweek and before 5 pm, so the Mall is fairly dead and there’s almost no line for Santa. Great, I think. We’re really doing this. I hang back and let them all go first. I figure I might be able to bow out once they all have a turn. Before I go any further, I feel like I should kinda set the stage a bit more. So the town we live in isn’t big. It’s big enough for a mall, a factory, a prison, two grocery stores, a Walmart and one high school, but that’s about it. Our town is, how should I put this… a shithole. It’s pretty run down and tragic. Not like Stonebrook, where all the fancy folk live. No, we’re definitely the “other” kind of town. The kind of town people don’t visit unless you have to. Like where the whole place is on the wrong side of the tracks. Anyway, as you can probably imagine, the mall is also pretty run down. It’s dying a slow, horrible death- kinda like most malls these days. Lots of vacant stores. Macy’s is the biggest thing we got. And Kohls. But that’s about it. I’m pretty sure you can picture what it’s like. Tis the season, so the place is decorated for Christmas (albeit poorly), and in the center atrium is where the big, phony tree is located. Along with the phony Santa, and the phony elves (actually elf, singular), and phony Gingerbread house and reindeer. The tree, the house, and the decorations have definitely seen better days, and there are burnt out lights on the tree and crap. It’s a real fucking Christmas wonderland, I tell ya. We get there and there’s no line to speak of. There’s one kid with his mom and they are finishing up, and that’s it. And I can pretty much see why. Now that we’re closer, the whole “Santa Village” looks more like “Santa’s Trailer Park”. It’s pretty sad, and more than a bit sketch. And the Santa? Definitely as sketch as they come. Kind of a greyish beard, and it looks like his suit hasn’t been cleaned since the chimneys from last year. We’re talking serious homeless vibes. Total cringe. Undeterred and buoyed by her goofy, giggly spirit, Brit-Brit goes first as we all hang back. Matty and MJ are laughing and waving and enjoying it all. Taking snaps with their phone cameras. And I’m just watching dirty Santa probably getting his holly jollies from having a cute teen girl wiggle on his lap. I mean, let’s be honest. If you’re an old dude working as a Santa midweek at a rundown mall- you’ve got to be some kind of [banned word]… amiright? Anyway, after whispering what she wants to Santa and having a grand ol time, Brit-Brit hops off his lap and comes back to our pack. Full of good cheer, Brit and MJ push Matty up there next. He trots up plops down on Santa’s lap- hamming it up for us. Because it’s Matt, our leading man. He’s 6 feet of big grins and affable charm. Naturally he goes for the “aw shucks” schtick, miming asking for a football for Christmas. What a goofball- which is why I’m secretly in love with him. I’m still hanging back and MJ goes next. She’s all business as she marches up and takes her turn. It looks like she’s really getting serious, pleading her case with Santa and trying to wheedle her way onto the nice list (cuz we all know she’s permanently on the naughty list). Just ask her parents. Soon MJ is done and back and they all turn to me, expectantly. “Naw guys, I don’t think I’m down. Not really my speed,” I say with a shrug. This was met with a cacophony from the others. They would have NONE of this. I had to do it. It was fun! They wanted pictures. And above all they wanted to see me, the shy one, on Santa’s lap. I was told it was a moral imperative and that I was NOT getting out of doing it, even if they had to drag me up there. At this point, I knew it was better to just get it over with than fight it. I probably could have just walked away toward the food court, but I knew they’d be disappointed. I was already the “fourth one” in the group, and I wanted them to keep inviting me along places… if for no other reason than to be close to Matty. So I relented- but not without making a big show of giving in. Sighing. Eye rolls. The works. So I started my slow, reluctant walk up to Santa. The closer I got, the more oddly nervous I became. Like, there was something making my tummy clench a bit. I think it had something to do with the way Santa was looking at me—like I was the last rib at the Golden Corral buffet. Yeah, dirty Santa was definitely giving me the eye. I watched his gaze scan down my body lecherously and come to rest at my groin in my grey sweatpants. I was suddenly quite self-conscious about what I was wearing. The last few steps to him were agonizingly slow, and I was seriously debating about turning around. But that nervous excitement in my gut couldn’t be denied. I turned around to sit on his knee, but suddenly I felt his hands firmly at my hips. As I was sitting, he pulled me back and fully into his lap, all while doing his best jovial HO HO HO! My friends were all laughing and eating it up. I felt my face flush a bit with embarrassment- not just because of this whole Santa scene, but also because when I sat down, I could most definitely feel Santa’s package pressed against my asscrack. Fucking [banned word]. All of them I tell ya. And something was telling me this Santa was a gay [banned word]. “Ho Ho HO young man! And what is YOUR name?” Skeezy Santa asked . Up close, his makeup was terrible. Definitely theater makeup applied with a heavy hand, all caked and cracked. Over the phony rosy cheeks and highlighted by heavy eyeliner, his dark eyes twinkled. “Ummm, it’s Kyle,” I managed to reply. “Oh yes. Kyyyyyle. I remember you,” he nodded theatrically. “You do?” I asked naively. “Of COURSE! From my lists!” he laughed. “So. Have you been a good boy this year… or a bad boy?” He asked somewhat conspiratorily. “Um, shouldn’t you already know? Because lists,” I say sarcastically. (In case you couldn’t tell, I’m the sarcastic one in our group). That’s when Santa looks at me and for a second it’s like he’s looking into my soul. “Oh, I know exactly what you’ve been up to- I just enjoy hearing handsome lads plead their cases.” I gulp and am suddenly quite uncomfortable with all of this while my stomach continues doing backflips. “I, ah, I guess I’ve been pretty good this year. I’m getting good grades. Helping mom at home. Staying out of trouble. Stuff like that.” “So you have… so you have,” he says nodding again. And then he leans in closer and whispers “And yet you’ve also been a bit… naughty… haven’t you Kyle?” I catch the smell of cigarettes and a faint whiff of alcohol. He shifts a bit underneath me, and I can feel him stiffening inside his red velvet pants. From what I can tell, Santa’s proverbial stocking is definitely hung. Feeling his massive member pressing against my ass makes me shiver, and I feel a bit like I’m going to hurl. The simultaneous feelings of revulsion and titilation really mess me up. “I don’t know… what… what you’re implying…” I stammer. “Oh, I think you do,” he whispers even more quietly, punctuating it with a flex of his cock. “You’ve been more than a bit naughty this year—with some school chums, I’d wager Perhaps even your friend Matt?” I feel my face go hot with shame and embarrassment. He couldn’t possibly know my secret. That I liked guys. And worse- that I’ve had sex with a handful of guys from school. Sure it was mostly just blowjobs, but not always. And since this past summer, I’d been getting fucked about every other day by Jimmy Pulaski from the swim team. That was totally our secret to the grave! I could feel Santa’s eyes boring hungrily into me. “Oh Kyle,” he chided. “You know the song. I see you when you’re sleeping. I know when you’re awake. I know if you’ve been bad… watching gay porn on your phone and jacking off at night. Sucking off boys at sleep overs. Fantasizing about getting fucked by your cute friend Matt.” “I’m not familiar with those particular lyrics,” I manage to squeak out. This makes him laugh, like for real-real. “I know EXACTLY what kind of boy you are, Kyle. I can spot your kind a mile away,” he whispers with a grin. “And I’m pretty sure you can feel what kind of Santa I am.” Again, he grinds his now wickedly hard cock into my ass as he makes a show of adjusting me on his lap. And again I’m mortified- and aroused. Santa lets out a good round of Ho-ho-hos and I steal a glance at my friends. They are loving seeing me so uncomfortable. If only they knew why. “Oh Kyle. You have definitely been the highlight of my day! So here’s what Santa can do for you for Christmas. If you consider yourself a nice boy, then by all means, go back to your friends. Have fun here at the mall. Then go on home to your mom like a good lad, and I’ll make sure you get a little something under the tree this year.” Then he lowered his voice and the phony Santa schtick disappeared. “But if ya feel like being naughty? Well. I have a special BIG gift for you. And if you want that special gift- meet me here at 8 when my Santa’s village closes tonight.” He then mugged for the camera, and his Elf helper took our picture with a knowing smirk. I looked at the proof, but declined to purchase it. In it Santa looked like a sleazy Walt Whitman, and I looked like a deer caught in headlights. I rejoined my friends and we were off in a cloud of laughter. Matty and MJ were chatting loudly about how skeevy the Santa was, like it was all some big joke. Brit was just telling them to leave the old guy alone and that he probably really needed the job. And I was quiet- trying not to feel the ghost imprint of his cock against my ass. My friends and I hung around the mall for a couple more hours—hitting the food court for Sbarro and Egg Rolls, and generally bumming around and shooting the shit. I tried my best to be present and join in the conversations, but Santa’s words were rattling around my head. Of course I was a nice boy. I was just gonna head home tonight… right? So why was I even thinking about the way his big cock felt as I sat on his lap. And my was my stomach still all fluttery while I was thinking about it. 7:30 rolled around and we all decided it was time to beat it for home. We headed for the exit, and just as I was leaving I startled myself by saying, “Oh shit. I just remembered! I was gonna pick up something for mom for Christmas while I was here. You guys go on- I’ll catch you tomorrow at school.” We said our goodbyes , and suddenly I was alone. I was alone at the Mall. Where a sketch as fuck, hung Santa propositioned me. And I was actually entertaining the idea. What. The literal FUCK. Was I doing? The next 30 minutes were agony. I paced the mall, debating with myself. I should just go home. But I was curious. I wouldn’t have to do anything. I could maybe just ask him how he know about me? Was I obvious? No, I should just go home now. Forget this weird Santa business. But maybe I could just… see his dick? Not like actually touch it or anything because gross. But it felt massive. Like waaaay bigger than Jimmy’s. Or even Tony Scarpucci’s, which gagged the hell out of me that one time when he got drunk at homecoming. Why the fuck was I even entertaining this? He’s a pervy old fuck! I should just… And then it was 8:02 pm. And I found myself standing outside Santa’s sketchy village. The sign was flipped to closed, and the lights were off at the Gingerbread house. The elf guy was already out of costume and was helping to tidy things up. Santa looked up and saw me standing there and smiled. “I was wondering if you’d show up, kiddo,” he said. I just stood there and looked at my feet. “I can handle the rest, Eric. You can go on home. Now,” Santa said pointedly to Eric. Eric looked from Santa to me and smirked again. “Is Santa doing some special gift-giving tonight?” Eric asked breezily. Santa lay a finger on the side of his nose and winked. And with that, Eric said a cheery “have fun… and good luck, dude!” and left us alone. Santa turned to me. “So Kyle. I need to get out of this makeup and stuff. Come on into the house here and keep me company?” And he headed for the Gingerbread house door. “I thought this was just some phony prop,” I said. “It is,” he replied. “But it’s also our break room/dressing room. It’s small, but it works. And best of all, it’s private.” And with that I followed him inside. He locked the door behind us. Inside was definitely small. There was a rack for costumes, three vinyl chairs, and a small table/mirror setup with those round globe makeup lights. Scattered about the table was makeup, tissues, an ashtray and other detritus. It smelled like cigarettes and B.O. And … something else I couldn’t identify. “Cozy,” I quipped. He laughed. “Take a seat, kiddo.” Santa reached into a bag on the floor and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels. He unscrewed the top and took a healthy swig. He looked over at me and said, “Want a pull? Might help you relax some.” I shook my head. He just shrugged, set the bottle on the makeup table, and started to disrobe. “Oh! Um…” I kind of stammered. “Oh don’t worry. I just gotta get out of the jacket and hat and stuff.” He first took off the hat and wig and placed them on a stand. Then he took off the dirty jacket and the pads that were underneath to make him appear chubby. This Santa was actually quite thin underneath the padding and baggy clothing. He was nearly emaciated looking, but with a slight paunch. I was reminded of the Christmas Claymation special where Mrs. Claus says “Nobody likes a skinny Santa.” I kinda did. Soon Santa was standing in front of me, still in his red velvet pants, but also in a dirty wife beater. He had skinny, bony arms and on his shoulder was an odd tattoo—three interlocking semicircles. He still had the beard —I assumed it was spirit gummed in place. Without the hat, Santa was mostly bald, but with a rim of close cropped silver hair. I just stared up at him. “The illusion shattered, huh kid?” He said with a smile. “And by the way… my name is Carl.” Then he sat at the makeup mirror so he could start removing his makeup. He was old school—Vaseline and paper towels. I watched as he got to work. Our eyes met in the mirror. “So. You came back. Why?” He asked. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I guess I was just… curious?” “Curious about…?” he led. “Oh, I guess curious about how you knew I was… that I …” I trailed off. “That you were a horny little cocksucker?” He offered. “WHAT?” I shot back. “Kid, relax. It’s not like you scream “faggot” when I look at you. But we gays? We just know, ya know? Or at least I had a hunch. And you are cute as fuck, so I pushed it. Plus it was a dead night and I figured why the hell not? I might get lucky. And after your initial reactions to sitting in my lap and my… stiffness… I knew you weren’t about to blab to anyone.” “But… but how did you know about me… doing stuff… with guys?” Carl laughed at that. “Boy, you may not think it when you look at me, but I was a young faggot once too. I know what I was doing back I when I was your age. Besides, I could see the way you were looking at your friend Matt. I’ve had that same look on my face before.” My face flushed again with that. Suddenly he spun in his chair to face me. “So—while this is nice and all, let’s get down to brass tacks. Did you also come back tonight because you liked what you felt pressed up against that pretty little ass of yours?” Carl stated matter-of-factly. “Oh… um… I…” was about all I could get out. “So, that’s a yes. Yeah, all you boys seem to get turned on by big cock. Bet you’re hoping to see it too. Maybe just to see how big I really am?” he leered. I just looked away, and then nodded. “So, why don’t you help ol Saint Dick along a bit and tell me what all you’ve done with your buddy Matt?” he says as his hand drops to his lap. “I have NEVER done anything with Matt!” I say, flustered. “Well, you ain’t innocent. I can tell you’ve got some miles on ya. So tell me. Who’s fucking that tight little bubble butt of yours? Give an old horny Santa some details!” And here I was. Sitting in the broken down Gingerbread house in the middle of the dead mall with a sketchy old [banned word] Santa, and he was asking about my sex life. And I was honestly thinking about doing it. After all, I was here— and I’ve never told a soul about any of my escapades. I kinda liked the idea of speaking my truth out loud, you know? Boy, If you’d have told me this is where my day would have ended up, I’d have told you that you were smoking crack. So I took a deep breath and started to tell him about Jimmy. “The, um, most stuff I’ve done is with a guy in my class named Jimmy Pulaski. He’s on the swim team and one of the school jocks. I met him at this one girl’s birthday party over the summer. We were both drinking a little and he followed me into the bathroom because we both had to go. We both peed at the same time, and before I knew it we were making out. And then I was blowing him right there in the bathroom. It didn’t take long. Then about a week later he sees me at school and asks what I’m doing after. I tell him not much, and he invites me over because his parents don’t get home until 6. And we end up messing around again—me blowing him. Then it becomes this regular thing. And soon we go from blowjobs to him fucking me. The first time was in his bedroom after school. Mostly it’s in his bedroom, and it’s always him fucking me. He doesn’t blow me or jack me or anything- we just fuck. I mean, it’s fun I guess. I like it. Sometimes I even cum while he’s fucking me…” I’m lost in the remembrance for a moment, and then I snap out of it. My eyes dart down and I see Carl stroking himself through the red suit pants. He looks like he’s at full mast. “Ah, young lust. I remember those days well. When the straight boys just sort of fucked because it was convenient and fun. So, how’s that polack dick? Any good?” Carl inquires. “Um…yeah. It’s pretty decent. Thick. He’s uncut. Probably about 7 inches I guess? It feels good.” “No condom I’m guessing,” he says. It’s not really a question. I shake my head no. He cum in you?” “Yes,” I say quietly. “And you like that, don’t you?” Carl leers and licks his lips. “Yes,” I say again even more quietly. “And that’s what makes you a naughty boy. And I think it’s why you came back tonight.” I don’t respond, but the butterflies in my stomach are basically beating out a morse code of YESYESYES. Carl stands up slowly and his crotch is right in front of me. The red santa suit pants tent out obscenely in front of him. I sit there, frozen. “Go on, boy. You know you want to. Just unzip the pants and haul it out. It won’t hurt you… yet.” I hesitate, and he flexes it inside the pants. I can see a wet spot starting to seep through the velvet, darkening the fabric to the color of blood. I reach out slowly and brush his hardness through the pants. His dick jumps as he sucks in a sharp breath. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this,” I think. “But just a look. Just to see how big…”. And then my fingers find the fly and slowly pull down the zipper. I reach in and feel the heat pulsing from his groin. I have to fish around a bit to get him through the opening, but then there it is. This massive, ruddy, rock hard prong jutting out proudly from the santa pants. It’s hard to tell exactly how big he is, but it’s definitely the biggest dick I’ve seen. It’s of porn proportions. I grip the base of it just to feel it, and my fingers don’t touch around his girth. “Holy shit,” I manage. “I get that a lot,” he chuckles. He then reached down to also tug out his balls. He has the proverbial “old man balls” going on, but they’re equally as epic as his cock. His balls are BIG. And they HANG. They literally hang to the middle of his thighs. “Holy SHIT,” I say again. “In my youth, I spent time doing the ball stretching thing. And now gravity has taken over, especially when they’re full like they are now. After all, I had cute twink edge me up all day.” He looks down at me and winks. “They really get swinging when I’m fucking, too. They’ll swing and slap your nuts and dick.” I don’t know quite what to say to that. “Ok Kyle. Time to show me what that mouth can do. Suck me like you suck Jimmy,” he commands. “Um, I’m not sure…” I start. “Yes you are. You want it. That’s why you came here tonight. You want it all. You wanna taste it. And Once you get a taste, I bet you’re gonna want me to fuck you.” “Oh, I don’t think I could ever take THAT. It would rip me open!” I say. “You’d be surprised what a willing bottom can take,” he says. His dick jumps in front of me again, and a drop of precum squeezes out the piss slit and starts to drool down from the end in a long string. I reach out and touch it with my fingers, fascinated. And before I can even think about what I’m doing, I touch my fingers to my tongue. His precum is slightly bitter and salty. “There you go… that’s a good boy. Now, let’s get the head in your mouth.” My brain is racing again—what the fuck am I doing? Am I really going to go down on Sketchy Santa? At the MALL?? It’s getting late and I should be home. What that fuck kind of faggot am I? But then I look at that massive cock again and it hits me like a slap. I know exactly what kind of faggot I am. And I take the great knob of his cock into my mouth greedily. Carl’s head tips back and he lets out a big sigh as I start sucking him. Admittedly I don’t think I’m that good a cock sucker. I gag way too much and I really don’t know what all I should be doing. Mostly I just slurp around and move my hand up and down. Carl doesn’t seem to mind though. And jesus, he’s fucking big! I can maaaaaybe get 1/3 of him in my mouth before I gag and have to stop. I’ve heard of guys and girls deepthroating entire cocks (MJ brags that she can do it), but I can’t. His head is just too big to even think about going down my throat. I take a break from sucking and get my hands around him to sort of “measure” him. I put my right hand at the base, and my left on top of that. Then I took my right hand off and put it on top of my left… and the head of his dick was still above my thumb and forefinger. Fuck. Three full hands worth of dick. Plus the head! I also take a measure of his balls. I grab at the base of his ball sack, and his balls still hang freely below my hand. I experiment by trying to take one testicle in my mouth. Carl moans in delight as I tongue and lightly suck on one testie. There’s no way I could get both in. “You like Santa’s sack, huh boy?” Carl says. “Yeah, I do sir,” I reply as I go back to playing with his nuts. “Well, there’s lots of little toys in that sack just waiting for a good boy to receive them.” I went back to sucking his cock as best I could for awhile, but suddenly Carl steps back and away from my mouth. “Ok, boy. I think it’s time I got a closer look at that ass of yours.” He hoists me up by my armpits, spins me over to the makeup table and bends me over. “Oh, I don’t know about… I’ve never done….” I say with some trepidation. “Relax, kiddo. I’m just gonna eat that little pucker of yours. But first, let me get rid of this damn Santa beard.” In the mirror, I see him reach up and start to tug at the phony beard. “Wait! Um… can you leave the beard on?” I ask tentatively. “And… um… maybe put on the santa hat?” Carl meets my eyes in the mirror and chuckles. “Ho Ho Ho! Well it seems young Kyle has a Santa kink! You like silver daddies, Kyle? Santa types with beards? Is that what turns you on?” I blushed furiously in response. Honestly, I didn’t know why I asked. Sure, my head was always turned by older men— coaches, teachers, etc. But there was just something about this scene. The mall santa (sketchy as he was), the gingerbread house, the beard and the suit… for some reason it all enticed me. I couldn’t explain it. “Well Kyle. Let’s see if this hole is as naught and nice as I suspect it is.” Carl is now talking a bit more like Santa, and I gotta be honest. It’s doing it for me. How fucked is THAT? Carl pulls down my sweats to reveal my bare ass. I feel his bony hands pull open my ass cheeks, and then I feel his hot breath in the crack of my ass. “Fuckin beautiful,” he exhales, before diving his tongue into my quivering hole. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Nobody has ever eaten my ass, and the feeling is exquisite. The heat. The wetness. The movement of the tongue. The beard… my god. The BEARD! I can feel myself relaxing and trying to spread my legs wider, only to be hampered by the sweats binding my legs up. Carl sees what I’m doing and he deftly helps me lose my shoes and sweats. While still tonguing my fuckpucker, he pulls off my right shoe. And then he works my sweats down and off that foot. Once freed, I’m able to spread my legs wide and bend over more for Carl, so he has more access to my hole. And I’m loving every second. Mostly my eyes are closed for this, but I did open them briefly and I saw myself in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize myself. The naked lust on my face. The blown pupils. “You’re a slut like MJ,” I thought to myself. “Only worse. You’re letting a random stranger do this. And not just a stranger—one old enough to be your grandpa.” And yeah. God help me, I fucking loved it. While Carl was buried in my butthole, I piped up and asked him. “Hey Carl? How old are you?” Carl stopped eating my ass and leaned back. “Why? How old are YOU?” he says suspiciously. “You’re a mall santa eating the ass of a young guy in your dressing house— something tells me you don’t really care how old I am,” I say. “Look kid. I ain’t no pedo. I like my boys to be old enough to know what they’re doing and appreciate this cock. And I would really prefer not to go back to prison so….” “Is that where you got that tattoo?” I gesture to his shoulder. He looks at it. “Oh yeah. That’s where I got it,” he says with a wry smile. “Well, don’t worry. As of September I’m old enough to vote and serve our country. All good.” Carl goes back to eating my ass. He pauses just long enough to say from my crack, “I’m 68.” “Wow. My grandpa Henry is only 61,” I say. “You turned off by a man 50 years your senior eating your hole, boy?” “No. Not at all. Actually, it’s kinda hot knowing that older guys are still horny for it.” And to show that he is, he redoubles his efforts on my hole. I’m not sure how long Carl ate my ass. He kept tonguing and spitting and tonguing and spitting, and occasionally teasing my hole with a finger. I could feel my back arching and my ass pressing back into his face and finger—I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t think I could take what was bound to happen next. Carl, being a savvy man of the world could read my body language. He stood up and moved behind me. Our eyes locked in the mirror as he did this. I watched as he drooled a lot of spit out onto my ass and his cock, and then I felt him slowly start to slide his massive meat against my spit slick crack. Just the feel of that much cock sliding against me has me almost cumming. Involuntarily I start moving in rhythm with his humping motion, getting that monster to slide in my crack like a Chicago footlong in a bun. I see him reach across the makeup table where he grabs the jar of Vaseline. Shit- I guess we’re going old school for this, I think. He scoops up a generous portion and starts to finger my hole with it. He’s very good—teasing and circling around slowly. Eventually working in a finger. Then two. But I’m tensing up for the fingering. No guy has ever put a digit in me either—only dick. So his bony fingers feel sharp and foreign. Next he slathers up his dick with another goodly amount of Vaseline. I see his hefty meat shining in the lights from the mirror. He goes back to rubbing it against my ass, and then he stops and positions his head at my pucker. “Wait. Shouldn’t we get a condom?” “Why? You don’t make Jimmy wear one. Or the other guys. Why start now? And trust me—it’s going to be hard enough getting this inside without the friction and tightness of a condom.” And to emphasize his point, Carl nudges his head forward a fraction of an inch. Even with the Vaseline it burns a bit. “Oh dear baby jesus… that’s never going in,” I said with a shiver. “Oh yes it will. All it takes is a little Christmas magic,” he says. Carl reaches into the pocket of his Santa pants and pulls out a small, brown bottle. He hands it to me. “What’s this?” I say? “Christmas magic, of course,” he says with a grin. “You ever wonder how Santa can get his fatness up and down all those tight, little chimneys? Well, a little whiff of what’s in this bottle is all it takes.” I am really hesitant at this point, and I draw the line at drugs. So I just hold the bottle, and Carl says “Suit yourself.” And he starts to push inside me. “Oh FUCK that hurts!” I cry out as I try to squirm away. “Hush up!” Carl commands. “These walls aint exactly soundproof.” He starts to slowly push in again. “Wait wait wait!” I whisper. “I think I need some magic.” Carl pauses as I uncap the bottle. I’m met with a sweet, yet acrid chemical smell. “Just place the bottle under you nose and inhale a bit. It’s like smelling salts… for your asshole.” So I place the bottle under my nose and take a deep sniff. The warmth soon floods over my body and I feel tingly and a bit dizzy. I also notice a pressure at my asshole. A slightly burning, stretching feeling, and a fullness inside. Somewhere in my brain, I realize that Carl’s huge penis is starting to make it’s way inside me. I also dimly realize that it hurts a bit, but I also kinda don’t mind that it hurts a bit. “Oh my god…” I exhale. “Just you wait, kiddo. I ain’t even CLOSE to being all the way in. Take another whiff and we’ll see how far I can get.” With a few more inhalations of the brown bottle and some steady pressure from Carl, he slowly starts to make forward progress. Carl has one of those dicks that is ramrod straight and hard, but not like steel. There is still a little sponge to the head and shaft. Like he’s 95% hard and rarin’ to fuck. Soon I feel my ass stuffed to the point of tearing. I also feel a dull pain inside where evidently Carl’s prick has hit bottom. “Ouch,” I tell him. “I think that’s as much as I can take. Maybe you should pull out now.” “You mean like this?” he says, as he slowly starts to retreat out of me. The long pullout is intense and makes me shudder as his meat drags across my prostate. “Oh FUCK me that’s good!” I manage to croak out. Carl doesn’t pull all the way out. Instead, he leaves his head parked inside and adds more Vaseline to his dick. Then he starts the long, slow slide back in. His dick moves more easily this time—like either I’m relaxing more or the Vaseline has finally slickened me up enough. Carl bottoms out again, and backs out again. Rinse. Repeat. And I occasionally hit the bottle for relaxation help. After a few minutes, he pushes in to the stopping point again. “Kid, we gotta get past this point. I’m at your second ring and I got a good two inches left of dick to give you. You need to trust me that once I get past this point, you are gonna find the true meaning of Christmas. So take a good whiff and relax for me.” I do as I’m told and I exhale and will myself to relax. I feel Carl’s massive head pushing deep inside my guts. It hurts, I’m not going to lie. But in a weird way. Like, it’s both a sharp and dull ache inside me, but there is a pleasure quotient that is also undeniable. He pushes ever so slowly and the pain builds, and then… Joy to the motherfucking WORLD! “Now THAT’S a good boy!” Carl exclaimed. “You just made my secret ‘special’ Naughty List!” The feeling when his head breached that deep deep place inside me? I honestly don’t know how to describe it. Once his head popped in—I felt his cock slide easily all the way to the root inside me. The brief intense pain was replaced by pleasure that nearly caused my knees to buckle. “Oh… my… God… Oh……. My……. GOD!” I gasped. Carl stayed buried inside me and made small movements back and forth and around, and all of it was pure pleasure. Then he slowly withdrew, maybe about midway, and then pushed forward again. This time his head popped in with only a little resistance.” “Now you’re opening up. I told you Santa had a big ol present for a special boy!” I was now freely hitting the bottle and getting more into the fuck while Carl started to slowly pick up tempo. I honestly lost track of time in my haze, but before long, Carl was really giving me all of this dick. Like slowly pulling out until only his head was inside, then shoving in until his bony hips slapped my muscle butt. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m taking it all!” I groan. “Yeah, all the precum I’m leaking has lubed you up inside so your guts are slick. We can get to fuckin now,” he says. Carl then started to fuck and snap his hips forward. That’s when I felt the first ball slap. As promised, his balls swung forward and tapped mine making me gasp. “Oh!” The feeling both startled me and turned me on. “Told ya, kiddo. My balls will really get to slapping you now.” And they did. More bottle snorts, more relaxation, and I caught myself in the mirror again. This time I watched. It was like I was watching one of the porn scenes I so frequently jacked off to. Only I was also feeling the pleasure from the fuck at the same time. The guy in the mirror was gooned out all the way, tongue lolling out, drooling on the table. Fucking back onto Santa with every thrust and having his balls slap repeatedly into his balls and taint. And Santa was gripping the guy in the mirror’s hips hard, as he hungrily watched his cock disappear repeatedly inside the young guy’s ass. “Oh Christ kid, you’ve got me close!” Santa says. Carl keeps fucking me with all of his might and I swear I feel his cock get harder. Like that extra 5%, which translated into like another half inch of dick and some extra girth. I’m feeling every damn thrust from him and my insides are starting to ache mightily. His balls are also tightening up, as they’re now only slapping into my taint, which is oddly working up my own orgasm. I know what’s coming (or so I think) and the small, intellectual part of my brain is saying “don’t let this stranger cum inside you.” But the animal side of my brain has fully taken over now and I find myself willing him to cum. I WANT to feel him cum inside me. I DESERVE it after all. “You ready for your gift Kyle? Santa has a special gift for naughty boys!” His eyes lock on mine in the mirror. “It’s coming. Do you want Santa’s gift? Tell me you’ve been a naughty boy. Beg me for your gift!” “Fuck yeah, Santa! I’ve been so fucking naughty! Letting guys fuck me. I want your special gift for Christmas! Please Santa?” “Here it come’s boy! A gift you’ll never forget!” And with that he thrusts one more time, hard, and buries himself deep inside me. And I feel it. I feel him cum. The throbs of his orgasm cause his cock to press deeper inside me and stretch my hole. I feel every spurt. Every dick twitch as he unloads all the way up inside me. The feeling of him cumming inside me pushes me over the edge. This entire time I’ve been rock hard and leaking precum everywhere, but I haven’t once touched my dick, and neither has Carl. But we didn’t need to. Carl is still spurting inside me when I arch back and start launching my load. I’m proud to say I completely spackled that makeup mirror and table. It was running down in streaks like a scene in a horror film. Carl saw it and just chuckled. “I’m gonna have to clean that before Eric comes in tomorrow,” he says. Now that I’ve cum, the realization of what I’ve done is starting to set in. I start to panic a little as I pull off Carl’s softening dick. When he slides out of my ass, a large blob of cum drips out of my hole and hits the floor. “Oh my god! You fucked me. You CAME in me! What the fuck was I thinking?? Jesus, you tricked me you fucking [banned word]!” I spat. “Now now, Kyle, don’t get chippy. You wanted this. You know you did. And hell, I just bet in a couple days you’ll come back to visit Santa because that ass will be craving another Christmas gift.” I start to reply but am cut short by a PA announcement from the Mall. “The Mall will be closing in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the exits.” “Better get going home to Mom, kiddo,” Carl says with a smirk. “Hope you enjoy your gift. Oh, and if you want more, you know where to find me. Maybe next time I can arrange for another Santa too? I know Terry the black Santa here would love a shot at that ass.” I pulled up my sweats, threw on my shoe and beat feet for the exit… and home. I beat myself up the entire drive home, cursing Carl and my stupidity. I dashed past mom while apologizing for being late and ran to my room. As I lay in bed, I tried to forget what had happened at the mall. But my sore wet ass was a constant reminder. As was my relentless boner that took jacking off 3 times to make go away. And yeah- I thought about Carl’s cock breeding me every time I jacked for the next 4 days. Until I went back to the mall on Monday evening….
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. I happened to be messaging a guy on adam4adam for quite some time, when we finally were able to connect. His profile photo only included a picture of his cock, which was beautiful. He stated he was 40 years old. I thought, perfect. He also had the term "total top" and "bareback only" in his profile. Words that are music to my ears. So you can imagine my surprise when I opened the door I saw a gentleman who was probably 62 to 65. He was in average shape, pleasant smile so I let him in. My bf at the time, who was going to be part of the deal, looked at me and shook his head as if to say NO. I told our visitor it was fine and we headed back to the bedroom. He inquired if it was okay for us to play, as my bf was not going to be joining us. It was at that time, I came to understand, he was ALMOST DEAF. I had to shout at him in order for him to hear me. He proceeded to drop his pants, I laid on my back, and he slid that beautiful hard cock in me, and "went to town", so to speak. He shot his load and I have to admit he was smiling, confident, and very good at what he was doing. We took about a five minute break, and he had to SHOUT AT ME that he was recently retired from the Post Office after 35 years of employment and was working on his new home here in Florida. He had moved from somewhere in the mid-west and apologized for our multiple messages as he never changed his location on the hook up site, so many times I believe he was still in Wisconsin or Michigan or somewhere up there. Then, out of nowhere, he motioned to me to get on "all fours" and he proceeded to fuck me again. Again, he was really good and after a few enjoyable minutes, he shot a second load. He stayed for maybe 15 minutes, we SHOUTED some more at each other, and he did apologize about his hearing loss, I told him it was fine. I didn't give him any grief about saying he was 40, he was better than many 40 year old guys I have had sex with. He shot a load twice, something most guys won't do or hang around long enough to accomplish. I told him he was welcome to come back, he did say he had some reservations about my bf not wanting to participate and he felt somewhat uncomfortable. I told him I would be glad to come over to his place, and that made him happy. Normally, I would have had declined once I opened the door. For whatever reason, I made the decision to invite him in, and try to figure out why he said he was 40 and if that cock pic was indeed a picture of his own. He wasn't close to 60, he was closer to 65. But it didn't matter in the long run. So if you are reluctant to hook up with someone over 50, over 60, there are many guys who are worth your time. This was one of those instances.
    2 points
  28. Mmm yes that's what I need, my hole loose and gaping needing to be plugged by thick raw cock.
    2 points
  29. I agree. The phrase "should be allowed" implies at least a previously discussed "scene", in which issues like this would be addressed, agreed upon, etc. In the case of a fuckjoint, where guys just go to fuck each other, it would be most inappropriate for a Top to simply assume - with no prior conversation communication - let alone a proper negotiation, that the bottom "know" intuitively what the Top expects. That would apply to online hookups too; when denial of some aspect of the scene is desired by one or the other, that needs to be mentioned (or better, discussed) prior to the hookup. We should never simply assume that the potential scene pre-ordains knowledge of any particular bent. That needs to be expressed prior to the event - even if only a few minutes before the fuck begins, such as in a fuckjoint full of horny men.
    2 points
  30. Have been in the same position and resorted to doing both also! The things we do for a load! 💦💦💦
    2 points
  31. I will say there is something inherently hot about being fucked by a top and him speaking in a language you don't understand. I had one of my regular hooded cumdump sessions last year and a Pakistani guy and his mate took turns spitroasting me and both unloaded in my ass, I couldn't understand a word they were saying throughout and it turned me on thinking that they were commenting on how much of a whore I was or the state of my holes. They could have just been talking about the weather tbf.
    2 points
  32. This is the sort of thing that really turns me on, when a top tells me I'm actually not loose enough or that I need to be sloppy and gaping before he'll consider sliding his meat or fists into me.
    2 points
  33. Experience means they are less likely to cause permanent damage. While I love my fun, I don't want it to end in sirens.
    2 points
  34. My regular daddy is in his late 60s and I love being barebacked by him, and he seems to be able to keep it up. I love the dynamic between us.
    2 points
  35. I've started part 7 but wanted to give you a brief continuation anyway Part 6 Dennis was awakened by Michael making noise in the kitchen. D : Michael is that you. M : yes my converting slut, it's me. D : man, I don't feel good. I think Master Tom gave me too many chems and the session was a little too intense. D : my whole body hurts M : hahaha, you are not suffering from a chem hangover my son, you have the fuck flu. Your DNA is transforming. My babies are completely taking over your DNA and within days you will find rebirth places as my Poz seed and Tina whore son. M: I have already sent the brotherhood and they are preparing your birth and my impending paternity party. A small smile appeared Dennis who was slightly delirious with fever and almost fell back asleep. M: here drink up, you will feel better soon Michael gave Dennis a glass of water and an aspirin so his fever would go down a bit. Dennis took the pill and drank the glass. M: let me feel your pussy son, let me feel how pussy has grown this week and if you are ready for your new life as a Poz whore. Dennis turned on his side and Michael lowered the jogging Dennis had on. With his finger, he slid between Dennis' butt crack and found the moist and still seed-filled hole of his future son. Michael noticed that Dennis' hole no longer gave any resistance at all and that the sphincter was completely open. He was able to insert 3 fingers without Dennis noticing. Michael licked his upper lip and felt like licking the seed from his future son's hole and then providing him with a portion of his own seed. Dennis groaned as he felt Michael's fingers slide out of his gaping hole. Michael wanted to lick his fingers clean but didn't get the chance to do so. D : let me taste father, let me taste my reward from Master Tom and Liam. Michael's cock jumped up and was stiff in 1 second. Dennis turned his head and sought Michael's fingers. With open mouth and watery red eyes, he looked at Michael with a horny seed asking look. Michael stuck his seed coated fingers into Dennis' mouth who licked them clean. Dennis' spun his eyes around in horniness and then looked at Michael's fly. He opened Michael's zipper, Michael let it happen and looked amused at his new creation. Michael's cock jumped out through the zipper opening. D : may I suck your cock father. I want to receive your medicine so I will get well again soon. M: hmmmm you can suck me anytime son. But I can't promise you that you will be allowed to swallow my seed. If you start sucking me I will also take your pussy and fill intestines with my medicine. This sounded like music to Dennis's sickly delirious head. He opened his mouth again and sat up a little straighter. He unbuttoned Michael's pants which then fell to the floor. D : I am all yours as long as you make me better. Dennis took Michael's hard thick cock in his mouth and started sucking it softly. Michael felt how hot Dennis' mouth was and enjoyed this rare moment. M: oh son, I am so proud of you. How you have changed these last 2 weeks is beyond my wildest dreams. I had always dreamed you would be a cumdump but I never thought you were actually a born whore. This was always in you my son, I just woke up your true self. Michael took hold of Dennis' head and pushed his fat swollen cock deep into Dennis' throat. M: just choke on your father's fat cock, let me feel how hot and sick your throat is. Dennis no longer suffered from a gag reflex and the fat pole slid deep into his throat until he felt Michael's balls against his lips. Michael's cock was deep in Dennis' hot throat, leaking pre-cum and down Dennis' throat. He enjoyed the moment for a moment and then withdrew his cock. Dennis gasped and eagerly sucked on and tasted Michael's pre-cum and started moaning with pleasure. M: oh yes my son, suck that fat pole. Suck your father. A moment later Dennis stopped sucking, he fell down exhausted in the seat. But he didn't get long to regain his strength. Michael pulled off Dennis' jogging pants and turned him onto his belly and got on top of him. He placed his thick mushroom against the gaping sphincter and without any effort he pushed it inside the moist and radiant cave. Dennis moaned because of the blissful feeling he got from Michael's cock sliding inside. M: my god son, your cunt, your cunt is amazing. M: your cunt already feels the way a cumdump's cunt should feel. Wet, open, hot and without resistance. Your fuck flu completes it completely. Michael began to thrust more firmly as he felt he would not last long Dennis' hot cunt excited him too much and he thrust his cock in hard a few more times and then let his medicine run into Dennis' bowels and then fell down exhausted on Dennis' radiant body. M: hmmmmm I can't wait until tomorrow at the party to fill up your pussy again son. You are really great. Dennis looked at Michael with his red and small eyes D : me too father, me too. D : thank you for your medicine. M : rest now, I will stay here and take care of you. Then tomorrow night we can go to the party together. Dennis felt the seed running out of his pussy, he still put his fingers in his pussy to taste his father's gift and when he put the seed-covered fingers in his mouth and tasted taste of the heavenly nectar he fell asleep.
    2 points
  36. I'm a cum dump Gay Dad visiting Chicago from Boston. I posted about the first two nights earlier, now for the next two... I have wanted to visit a back room of a bar and get fucked and never had the courage. I need to "just do it", I need to fulfill my desires and get out of my comfort zone. I tried to get bred in the hotel with the usual apps, no real luck as sometimes there are way too many fakes and flakes. (sorry guys, it's true). It was a Friday night, I had posted on Sniffies and asked where I could get fucked, they said Cell Block and/orJackhammer. Never been to either and it's been a long time since I have really been to a gay bar. It's just not my thing. (I am a real parent and thats probably why) So I put on my jock and harness under my clothes and headed off to Cell Block in an Uber. I arrived and had never been to a bar with a backroom let alone taken off my clothes in a place like this. It's now or never. Checked it out, went to the clothes check, stripped to my jock and harness. Walked around, watched a guy sucking cock in the GH, watched a Twink get into the sling and get fucked. I got on my knees in at the GH, no action. I got in the sling and exposed my hole, laid there for a while, no action. I suppose since I am not 23 and a Twink thats why. The Twink came up to me in the sling and told me if I wanted to get fucked I should try Grindr. Nasty little thing, all I want to say is that I believe in Karma. Watched another guy get fucked in the corner by two guys, Sucked a BBC, offered my ass but he declined. I finally gave up an decided it wasn't happening there. But I was pleased that I took that step. I will try again. I walked down the street to Steamworks. I had been once before about a year ago. I have wanted to go again. By this time it was in the wee hours of the morning. I checked in, I got a room. I got undressed and was ass up in the room. Immediately two guys came in, one guy played with my ass, the other shoved his cock in my mouth. They both played for a but it and then left. I decided to walk around. I am not that familiar with the layout but learning it. A guy was in the sling, so I got ass up on the fuck bench. A couple guys touched me, one placed this cock in my ass crack, but not much action. The guy in the sling was gone so I went and laid in the sling. The place was not that busy but several walk thru's. A young asian guy mounted me, but didn't breed. A younger kid came and fucked me good. I sucked him hard and then he got between my legs and mounted me. He fucked me for about 15 minutes. a pretty good fuck. A few guys watched him pump his load into my willing hole. I love getting fucked In a sling to be perfectly honest, OK, I loved getting fucked any which way. After a while I decided I would check out some of the other area's. I sucked a few cocks in the ramp area. Love working on my deep throat skills. I want to learn to really get throat fucked good. So I was practicing, both at cellblock and at Steamworks. Practice makes perfect they say. So I sucked for a while. I kept telling myself I needed to get back to my hotel because I had to work in the morning, but kept extending my deadline to leave.. After thing in the ramp area slowed down I went back to my room. I really wanted to get bred good. This is where it got fun. I decided to leave the door open and just be ass up. Now I had not slept, it was about 4 in the morning, I was tired. So I zoned out with my ass in the air pointing at the door. I was in the zone, my ass was lubed up, I was waiting. I would get brought back to reality as guys would show up and use my hole. I would feel a hand on my ass or a cock head pushing at my hole. It was pure heaven. A guy would come in, use me, then leave. I would tell myself, in 40 minutes I need to leave, put ass up with the door open, waiting an another guy would wake me out of the zone with his cock, some rock hard, some I would suck to get them hard and then they would use my hole. Not sure how many came in me, but it was really great being used like this. I love being ass up and a hole to be used.\ I finally decided I had to leave so that there was enough time to get an Uber, get to the hotel, take a shower and meet my co-worker to go to work. I got dressed, headed out of the place. before going down the stairs there was a guy in a towel and it looked as his cock was erect. So I sat down in the seating area at the top of the stairs. He walked toward me, opened his two and showed me his cock. I got up, walked back to my room, he followed, I went in, he followed, I unzipped the back of my jeans (I had back-zip jeans on), he mounted me and began to fuck me. I eventually took the jeans off and he gave me a full fledged fucking and breeding. It was great!! Dumped this load in me. Success! I got back to the hotel just in time for to shower and go to work. It's been years since I did an all-nighter. After work I went to the hotel and passed out, but dreamed about being ass up taking loads. Tonight I got on the apps, as usual. Too many fakes, time wasters. A guy hit me up who had chatted a few nights ago , his profile said Bi-Top. He wanted to come breed me, I of course offered my ass and requested he pump me full of cum. He thought he might want to drop two loads if after the first I sucked him hard. I lubed up, put the harness on and waited ass up on the bed. I heard him enter and undress. I sucked him hard, he held my head and pushed his cock down my throat. Some guys love that, I love it when they do!! He then mounted me doggie style and pounded a load into my hole. He seemed done, started to get dressed and then asked if he could "go again". Certainly, thats what my hole is for... So he mounted me again and pumped away until he dumped a second load in me. I loved it, fucking a cum filled hole he previously filled. When he was finished he stuck his cock in my mouth, I sucked him once again, he got hard again!! So he went for round three, pumped a third load in me. It was hot... He messaged me after he left that he thought my ass was amazing... I get that a lot, those who fuck/breed me, usually tell me how amazing my ass is! Oh, how I love being pumped full of cum!!
    2 points
  37. Pt2 I put my tongue out and let it gently touch the drop of pre-cum, drawing it into my mouth. Mmmm that sweet taste, after which there is no going back… I opened my mouth and put it all the way around Mike’s cock, with my face right up into his red-haired crotch. He smelled both manly and clean, a faint smell of soap. Even still not fully hard, he was touching the back of my throat. As I started sucking his cock, drawing my lips and tongue back and forth along the length of it, I felt him quickly getting bigger and harder. My jaw had to open wider as his cock got surprisingly much fatter. He made no sound but put his hand firmly on my shoulder, which I took as a signal to continue. After a few minutes, he put his hands on either side of my head and held it still, so he could begin to fuck my face. He pumped his cock in and out steadily and calmly—but each inward thrust pushed firmly, kind of sternly, against my throat… and I started to get the message that he was going to persist until it opened for him all the way. After one of these thrusts, as I was trying to relax my throat to take the hard head of Mike’s cock into my neck, I heard a twig snap underfoot on the ground nearby and remembered the boy. He was still nearby, apparently, or maybe walking away. Sensing my moment of distraction, Mike’s next push was stronger and he kept pushing, not pulling back. My throat muscles almost reflexively opened and he was in— I felt his hard mushroom head pop through, followed by a terrifying length of hard, merciless dick. Luckily, I had prepared the angle of my neck for it, so although it felt like a shocking intrusion into a vulnerable part of my body, at least I took it in without too much pain. As I knew he would, he held my head firmly with his cock far down my throat… forcing me to get used to it. I had to shut my eyes, telling myself to just relax (as if that was possible) and wait. Eventually, he decided that he’d blocked my breathing for long enough and slowly withdrew… I coughed up a handful of saliva, but he was already putting his cock back into my mouth. He now settled into a pattern of fucking my mouth while regularly pushing it through into my neck, more and more often, and keeping it down there for longer. I could feel my face turning red and a waterfall of saliva running down my chin onto my naked chest, trickling down to my cock and dripping off my balls onto the ground. A thought passed through my mind, slightly amused that only a short while before, I had felt embarrassed about being caught naked—my shame had now progressed to a new level. After an eternity in which I just had to let go of control and any sense of time, while Mike had his way with my mouth and my throat, just taking what he wanted, he eventually pulled out. I was thinking about how sore my throat would be tomorrow for a moment, but Mike just said, “Up”. I got to my feet a bit slowly, my knees sore and stiff from so long kneeling on the grass. Mike’s cock was huge and rock hard, rooted in his beautiful ginger pubic hair, shining wet and dripping with all the water he had pumped from my mouth and throat. It was long and really fat towards the base, tapering a bit towards the end, then topped off with a big mushroom. A porn star’s cock. Without any more words, he firmly took my arm and turned me around, pushing me toward the wall of the house, with my back to him. He took each of my hands and placed them on the wall, then let go. I stood there, feeling exposed, naked mentally as well as physically now, looking at the wall. I was feeling I should brace myself but more just resigned to what must be coming next. To be fair, although I was starting to see Mike in a new light, as he revealed himself as a very in-charge top, what came next was tough but not unkind. He put his strong rough hands on my hips from behind, holding me firmly. Then I felt the tip of his wet cock touch my ass hole, and he just went in, not roughly or painfully, it was in control and firm, and I knew there was no option. Somehow, my body responded to his by just letting it happen— my hole opened for him like a flower bud, and he slid smoothly all the way in. I pushed out a bit to open myself further as he passed my second sphincter. A rush of pleasure, or something beyond pleasure, rippled upwards through my abdomen and chest, manifesting outwardly as goosebumps on my skin as Mike rested his great weapon deeply inside me. I was lost in this sensation and Mike was totally in control.
    2 points
  38. my loose, sloppy gaped open fuckhole/cumsewer. as you can tell, it takes a lot of use from a lot of males
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Part 2 I gave him the run down of how the past few years have been. My studies, my interests my career paths. We talked about me for quite some time. Uncle Chester was on the couch next to me already empty on his drink. He was tentatively taking in everything I was saying. Never taking his eyes off me. “And so now my gap year trip has lead me to San Diego.” I wrapped up. “Sounds like you have a general idea on what you’re going to do.” “Yeah I don’t like to over plan. I like some room for flexibility.” “Well that’s good. You need some room to enjoy yourself. Do you have anyone to enjoy it with?” “Oh no I’m single.” “No ladies catch or eye? Or are you a heart breaker?” He smirked I hadn’t outright asked him if he was gay but I remember dad mentioning he was and based on the way he acts dresses and some of the hints in his house I’m fairly sure it was a safe bet. He does fit the effeminate old queen stereotype. I decided to tell my first family member about me. Chester seemed a safe bet since he was estranged for so long it wouldn’t hurt much if I was rejected for it. “Actually I’m not into girls. I’m gay.” “Oh wow! That’s wonderful!” Uncle Chester wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. “You precious boy. We have more in common. I’m gay too.” “Yeah, dad mentioned that a while back. Is that why you guys don’t talk anymore?” He was sitting with his arm around my shoulder keeping me pulled in close. He had a musky smell to him “Nah your dad is just a drama queen in his own right. You know he had his own experimental phase when he was your age.” “Really? That’s crazy.” I guess a lot of guys experiment at some point in their lives but dad? He never came off that way at all. I can’t even imagine it. “Yeah he’s a piece of work, your father. But enough of that. I’m assuming you haven’t told you parents.” “Right, I’m not out to them. So I’d rather they didn’t know.” “Your secret is safe with me. You’re not telling them you over here so what goes one here stays here.” “Thanks uncle Chester.” “Just Chester you silly boy.” “Sorry, I like the way uncle sounds. I didn’t get to know you much growing up.” “Well I’m an open book nephew Will. Ask me anything. Nothing is off limits with me.” “How have you been these years? What have you been up to?” It was uncle Chester’s turn to give me the run down over the past decade. He tells me about all the different jobs he’s taken, places he’s lived and bounced around till settling back here. He currently works as an at home masseuse. He talked about vacations to a handful of exotic countries that I’d love to go to and some tedious history lessons on each place including the monuments. Then things got a little personal as he mentioned his various boyfriends he’s had… “Well boyfriends isn’t accurate. I don’t really date much. I hook up a lot. What can I say? I’m a lean mean fucking machine.” “Oh, that’s empowering. I’m all for sex positivity and all that.” “Damn right Will. I was born with a massive insatiable libido, I’m gonna “positivity” in every hole I can find. That was always something your dad didn’t like. How often I fucked.” “He just comes from a conservative world. He doesn’t understand anything that doesn’t conform to his lifestyle. He’d always warn me about catching something from the wrong girl.” “Yeah well the catching part is right. It caught me quite a few years ago.” “It?” “HIV. Been living with it for nearly two decades.” “Oh I’m sorry Chester…” “No don’t be. It’s totally fine. It makes me who I am, adds spice to my life and I can fuck uninhibited all I like.” “I guess medication these days helps you live a regular life.” “Eh, when I remember to refill my prescriptions. Sometimes i do, sometimes I don’t.” “Oh well I’m sure you know what you’re doing.” “I definitely do.” As we chatted like that in the living room. The day was turning into an evening. Chester and I had dinner and talked about local shows that were going on. At some point I heard a knock on the door. Chester sprang up and looked anxious. “Oh that must be one of my tricks.” “Your tricks?” “I still fuck, Will. Don’t worry I’ll keep it in the bedroom. But that’s how I do things around here. Almost daily sluts from grindr, scruff, recon, you name it. That’s not going to be a problem is it?” I was a little uncomfortable with the idea but I was in his home and he is a red blooded man, so I understand the need. Besides this wasn’t my parents house anymore. No prudish uptight lifestyle anymore. “No not at all. It’s your place, keep doing what you always do.” “We’ll get along great Will.” He smiled and answered the door. I saw the guy enter and was surprised. He was a young guy close to my age, blond. He looked like he could be my brother, if I had one. Uncle Chester guided him wordlessly down the hall to his room. For the rest of the night the house was filled with sounds of sex and moaning. I don’t know if Chester realized how thin his walls were. This may take a little more getting used to. Later in the night. I was trying to sleep on the couch. It was a warm night and I was having trouble staying asleep. I was stripped down to my boxers which did little to help. I heard someone come out of uncle Chester’s room so I kept quiet. In the dark I saw a silhouette walking toward the kitchen, it was uncle Chester, he was nude and I could see his penis, or at least the outline of it. Damn was that real? Was he wearing a monster strap on? The dim light from the window illuminating it just enough for me to see something dripping out the tip. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Chester drank some water and returned to his room. I couldn’t help but wonder how that other guy could take such a huge dicking for so long. In the morning I slept in a little. I was kept up a little by uncle Chester’s late nite play time. I was woken up by the sound of a coffee mug being placed on the table in front of me. “Good morning Will.” Chester was still in the same thong he wore yesterday. That was the only thing he had on. He sat down on the couch in front of my waist and rubbed my hair. I was a little old for that but it was kinda sweet. “Good morning uncle Chester. Is your friend still here?” “Him? Oh nah. I sent him home earlier. Pozzed up and walking with a limp he he.” “Pozzed up?” “Shot my raw load in him, converted his ass. I gave that boy hiv.” “What? Why?” “He wanted it. I’m a gifter Will. There are plenty of guys out there that crave toxic seed, and I love giving it to them.” That was quite a shock. I knew of STDs and protection. But I wasn’t aware of people who actively try and catch hiv. “Oh don’t look so surprised. There’s many many fetish communities out there. I’ve dabbled in quite a lot in my day. It’s all good fun.” I didn’t want to be judgmental. Uncle Chester welcomed me into his home after so many years without question. I know that there are plenty of communities that get into all sorts of weird things in the cities. As long as he’s having fun then who am I to say he shouldn’t do that? “Oh it’s fine with me uncle. I’m not gonna lecture you on how you live your life.” I was sitting up now. Slowly sipping on my coffee. “I guess I was a more surprised with how such a young guy would be into that sort of thing.” “But chasers come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. I’m not picky but 18-25 year old bottoms are my favorite.” “Oh, I see.” I’m 18. I don’t know why that’s relevant. I’m his nephew so being in his preferred age range means nothing. “I know, why would the young handsome guys want anything to do with a decrepit old man like me?” “I wasn’t thinking that. You’re probably just his type.” “This is his type.” He grabbed his bulge and jiggled it around. “Gay guys may be picky at first impression looks but they see this big bad boy then all that nonsense of type, preference, principles go out the window. If there’s an ugly troll with a monster cock then even the most snobbish gays will bend over and beg for it.” “Yeah that tracks. I’ve seen plenty of porn where the top wasn’t my type but the dick was nice so it didn’t really matter.” “So what is your type Will?” He was cross legged and attentively paying attention. I hadn’t really thought about my type. I like a wide range of guys, but the few partners I’ve had tended to be in the older crowed. “I guess I like older guys. But I’m not picky. It’s more if the vibe is right.” “Older men eh? Good to know.” He giggled a little. “I now a place that caters to that. I can take you sometime.” “I’m not old enough to get into bars.” “That’s why you’ll be with me. I know the people who own the place, they never check IDs with the friends I bring.” “Oh that sounds like fun actually. I haven’t been to any night life like that on my trip yet. But I don’t have anything club appropriate to wear. Speaking of which.” I grabbed my bag and sniffed a shirt. Just as I thought. Nothing clean and the semi clean stuff was getting musky. “ You use my washing machine. Let’s get your things sorted out.” Uncle Chester grabbed my bag and was headed down the hall. I got up to fallow. “Here we go I’m sure you haven’t found a good place to get your clothes washed yet.” He was throwing my clothes in the washing machine. He didn’t have to go through the trouble of doing the laundry for me. I was grateful for the help. “Let’s get those off of you too. I’m sure they’ve seen their mileage as well.“ He was pointing towards my underwear I was wearing. it was the only thing I had to wear left. “But Chester I don’t have anything else.“ “We’re both guys, what does it matter if you let it hang out while the clothes wash? I’m usually walking around the house in the buff most of the time. This thing is merely a courtesy.“ He snapped the string off his thong. He calls it a courtesy, but it really doesn’t cover up much at all. He junk is practically shrink wrapped in it. But it was his house, and the pair I was wearing was also in need of a wash as well. So I opened it and threw them in the machine with the rest. “Well, since modesty is no longer an issue.” Chester took off his thong and threw it in as well. That was the first time I saw his dick. I couldn’t believe how large it was. It was hanging down and flopping back-and-forth so it could not have been erect but there was still so much there. It was almost frightening to imagine what it would look like hard. He threw in some soap and started up the machine. “Now then, let’s see if we can find you anything interesting in my wardrobe for later tonight.” Chester gave me a playful slap on the butt as he walked past and entered his bedroom. I blushed a little, but I was curious to try on something other than what I had been carrying around with me these past several days. “Don’t mind the mess, there’s a bunch of naughty stuff all over the place.“ As I entered his room, I noticed that there were sex toys, lube bottles, handcuffs and all sorts of strange objects I couldn’t identify all over the place. A leather swing on chains in one corner and a padded table with a hole in it at the other. His room had a distinct smell of stale sex and sweat. He obviously got a lot of action in here. I was feeling a little self-conscious, so I was covering my privates with my hands as I followed him to his dresser, and he was rummaging through it looking for something for me. “We’ll have a regular guys night out. What kind of host would it be if I didn’t show you around?” He pulled out a pair of black jeans that looked like they were from the 80s. They were faded but they looks like they might fit me. “Now stop all of that. You don’t need to be shy around your dear uncle. Take those hands away, let it breathe for goodness sake, he he.” I pulled my hands away, and now uncle Chester could see my dick as well, it wasn’t nearly as big as his, it was average, but it got the job done. At least I haven’t had any complaints. “That’s a healthy looking thing there. I’m sure you’ve given plenty of men memorable times.“ “Some here and there. I’ve played around with a few guys, but not that much and nothing too crazy.” “Well, while you’re here, we should do something to change that. Soil your oats, spread your wings so to speak. I’m sure these old things will fit you.“ He wadded the pants up and threw them in a corner for later, I figured he would have had me try them on, but if anything else, I can just throw on whatever comes out of the dryer. “Well, what do you think of my set up here?“ He pointed to his room showing it off. I wasn’t sure how to respond. It looked like a sex shop exploded in here. “It’s pretty extensive. I couldn’t afford all this.” “Well I didn’t buy it all at once. I gathered a bunch of it over the years. I’m sure some of it is from before you were born.” “That long? Wow and and I thought the saying was ‘I have shoes older than you.’” “I have those too! The foot subs love sniffing them. Come let me show some photos from back in the day.” Chester wandered over to the bed and reached under it to pull out a photo album. He sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him to invite me to join him. I sat on the edge and looked over at the album cover. “Closer you silly.” He wrapped an arm around my bare waist and pulled me in. We were sitting close, our hips touching. I was so close that I couldn’t ignore the way he smelled. It wasn’t typical BO, it was more like the smell of sweat, stale sex, and cheese. I hadn’t noticed it before but being this close it was fairly strong. He open the book across our laps and turn to a collage of Polaroids from when he was younger. He looked like he was in his late 30s early 40s standing next to some classic cars. He also looked like he had more body mass on him back then. I could even call him slightly bear-ish. A stark contrast to his rail thin body now. My dad was in there too, looking like he was in his 20s. I was surprised to see how much dad looked like me back then. Maybe a bit rougher around the edges, but it was fairly close. “Whose car is that?” I asked, pointing towards an old van. “That was mine. Your father, and I would go on road trips in that thing all the time. We got up to all sorts of riffraff in the back of that thing. You look so much like your father. Such a handsome young man.” He put a hand on my face as he looked at me to admire the resemblance. I blushed a little bit. “Thanks, uncle Chester.“ We flipped through several other pages. He would give me a brief backstory to every one of it he pictures. He rotated his body slightly to position towards me more. When he did it I felt something warm poke against my thigh. I didn’t know what it was at first, but eventually realized it was his dick poking me. It was soft but it still had enough length to make contact. It was a little awkward, but I was more focused on the album and Chester’s commentary on the past. “Here we are at one of my old friends parties. Your father stayed for a little bit, but it was getting too rowdy for him so he left early.“ As he showed me the collage of party photos, I saw many guys drinking and smoking pot. There were cups and bottles and all sorts of paraphernalia all over the scenery. I noticed quite a few of the men were naked. The rest wore very little. Amongst the polaroids of naked party, goers, I saw Chester in there as well. He was naked and wrapping an arm around a young 18 or 19 year old blonde boy. The blonde boy in the photos was pretty cute. Chester pointed to him as if remembering someone he forgot about. “Oh, he was a lot of fun that day. I definitely got a lot of mileage out of him. Can’t for the life of me remember his name.” He turned the page and the nude party photos continued. Common characters reoccurring to pose with one another, the occasional fool putting on a curtain like a dress, and putting on some sort of impromptu performance. In the collage of photos my eye shot to one particular photo that I was not expecting. The cute blonde boy on a table, surrounded by party cups. His legs were up in the air, and uncle Chester had his cock in the boys ass. They were fucking in the middle of the party. The boy had a look of ecstasy on his face while Chester was holding his ankles nearly folding him and a half. “Oh, my God.“ I muttered, not really sure what to say. I get that it was that kind of party, but I didn’t expect to see a picture of my uncle turning up the action. “Yeah, Harvey thought he was Sylvester, trying to dance a jig.“ Uncle Chester was commentating on the photo of the guy wearing the curtain dress, as if the pornographic photo of himself wasn’t the highlight of the page. “I was talking about this.“ I pointed to the photo of Chester going to town on the blonde boy. Chester look at it and commentated like it was any other photo. “Good technique, right? I made that little bottom squeal good. He couldn’t get enough of my meat stick.“ As he looked at the lewd photo I felt his dick starting to get hard against my leg. I think I even felt a dab of something wet oozing out the tip. “Yeah, that’s quite the extreme inclusion to the album.“ That’s when it dawned on Chester. “Oh! Will, I hope this isn’t too much for you to see? Your uncle having a little fun? Like I said, I’m very sex positive. I’m not ashamed to bear all and share all.“ Seeing photos of family members having sex would normally be quite the ick factor for me. But since I didn’t grow up with Chester in my life, I don’t feel quite as conservative around him. It was still a little bit awkward to see my uncle in that position, but if he’s comfortable with it, then I guess there’s no reason for me not to be. I tried to see it as if an another friend were showing me wild highlights of a kinky party. So I decided to be mature about it. “I’m cool with it. It looks like a fun party. I wish I could’ve gone to parties like this. Not necessarily the sex part, but everyone looks like they’re enjoying themselves.“ “You would be quite popular then. But you probably wouldn’t want to go to this specific party.“ “Why not?” “Well, this house party was hosted by my friend Gus. He always had a cheeky rule that any new guy who showed up to his parties for the first time had to allow their ass to be available for him to fuck. Sort of like paying a toll. And trust me almost every first timer who went to his parties got a hefty load up their bums.” “I mean, I’m not a prude, I guess it just depends on the mood at the time.“ “That’s not all. You see, at this particular party Gus was living with AIDS, and it was really putting a toll on him. This was before medication‘s were really a thing. This particular day I’m pretty sure he mostly spent time in his room. But his rule still stood. Let’s say if I chaperoned you to that party, Gus would expect me to bring you into his room to see if he’d be interested in fucking you. And you are quite the handsome young man. I know without a doubt he would shoo me away to leave you alone with him. Regardless of how advanced his condition was you still wouldn’t be leaving his bedroom without him emptying his toxic balls into you.“ “Yeah, I don’t think I would want to go to that party.“ Things really were different back then were they? I shudder at the thought of getting infected with HIV but the party itself still looked fun regardless. “Well, those wild parties are hard to come by these days. I still attend a few here and there, but not as frequently as I used to.” Chester was flipping through more of the pages looking for other memories worth recollecting. As he flipped through the pages, I noticed the photos were getting progressively more and more raunchy. Different locations and time periods well past the party. Full-blown pornographic images with him, and other men doing all sorts of things. He stopped on the page that had an assortment of kinky activity on it. My face was blushing hard, and I was trying to keep my composure. Uncle Chester pointed to what looked like a fairly recent photo of another young blonde guy sucking on his toes. “This was the best foot slut I ever had. The only boy to make me cum just by working his tongue on my big old stompers. Probably of all the kinks I like, having a boy worship my feet is perfection in its simplicity. Look at that boy. Doesn’t he just look like he’s in heaven beneath my feet?“ “I guess. I wouldn’t know, I never did anything like that.“ “You never worshiped a man’s feet before? Oh, goodness! You must try it! It’s the most common fetish, you know. Even guys who say they aren’t into it, once they try it, it flips a piggy switch in their heads.” “Hm, I’m not sure if I would be into that. I mean, for the right guy I guess but in general, I’m not so sure.“ “You never know until you try. We’ll find you some feet to go down on. We just need to find a a nearby old man who loves having boys worship his feet.“ Uncle Chester emphasized his last sentence by subtly wiggling his toes. “I appreciate the offer uncle, but I will try that out in my own time. I’m not opposed to it though.” “Fair enough.” It was then that we heard the buzzer for the washer. Uncle Chester closed the photo album and was about to get up. When he lifted the album up, his massive erection, strang upward and smacked his belly. “Oh goodness that trip down memory lane stirred up this old thing again.“ Jesus Christ, and I thought it was big when it was soft. Chester‘s cock was a massive monster thing. I was surprised the photo album was able to hide it. The head of his cock was poking out of his foreskin, and the tip was drooling pre-cum down its shaft. I looked at my leg where it was touching me earlier and I saw there was a blob of pre on my thigh, trailing down and onto my balls. “Um, uncle Chester?“ He looked at the mess he made on my leg and saw my messy balls. “Oh, let me get that for you.” He reached over and grabbed an old sock off the floor and started wiping me up. He then positioned himself between my legs. “lift your legs Will, looks like my stuff dribbled all the way down your taint.“ Before I could say anything Chester grabbed my ankles and lift them up over my head, my ass on full display. He was sitting on his knees, scooting closer to me and placed my legs over his shoulders. His huge cock pointing straight at my ass. He took the sock and gently wiped up my scrotum. “Uncle Chester, that sock is kind of dirty, don’t you think?“ I should have told him that I could clean it up myself, that it was embarrassing to be naked with legs up in front of him. But the sock did look fairly well worn so I didn’t think it was getting me any cleaner. “I guess you’re right. I think I have a rag under the pillow.“ Uncle Chester tossed the sock aside, and in a maneuver not very well thought out he leaned his body forward and reached underneath the pillow my head was on. But due to where his cock was already aiming, his body leaning forward, caused his dick to come forward. I was feeling my uncles cockhead kissing my pucker. “Hey! Chester!“ “There it is!“ Uncle Chester sat upright again, revealing the rag from underneath the pillow. His cock head no longer digging into my ass, but still pressed against it. “Uncle Chester this is a pretty compromising position don’t you think? Your dick is poking me down there.“ I try to say as calmly and diplomatically as possible. Uncle Chester takes a look down, and it looks as if he didn’t notice it before. “Ha ha ha, well look at that. Oops guess I wasn’t watching where I was aiming this thing“ “Could you please move it?“ “Just a moment Will“ Uncle Chester reached over for the photo album and was flipping through pages all the while I could feel the heat and the moisture from his twitching cock on my ass hole. “Take a look at this“ Chester pulled out a Polaroid of the party, where he is fucking the young blonde boy on the table. Legs in the air. “History repeat itself I guess. Ain’t that funny?“ I try to let out a chuckle to laugh at his joke. And I’m surprised with how casual he is about this. I know he’s a free spirit, but is his dick pressed up against his nephews ass really not that big of a deal? “Let’s get you cleaned up shall we?“ He pulls his dick aside, leaving a trail on my opening. He wipes my butt with the rag and tosses it aside. “All right, let’s go dry those clothes.“ Uncle Chester got up off the bed. My heart was racing a little at the strange phallic contact that I wasn’t totally sure how to feel about. “Hey, uncle Chester? Was that really OK, you know, your dick poking me down there?“ “Oh, don’t be silly. It was just a little bump. You don’t freak out when shaking a man’s hand, and that hand most likely jacked off that morning. Besides most guys in locker rooms do far nastier jokes on each other. Nothing wrong with the occasional bump.“ “He he, I guess.“ I guess that made sense? I mean sorta. Either way it did put my mind at ease a little. But I was curious about something else. “Hey, uncle Chester.“ “Yes?“ “That blonde boy at the party in the photo. Was that his first time there?” “Yes, it was. And yes, after I was done with him, I gave him to Gus to deposit his obligatory cum load.“ “Whatever happened to that guy?“ “After Gus got to him? That boy passed away about four or five years later. It was a time before meds after all.”
    2 points
  41. my hole ....................
    2 points
  42. Have you ever been so high that you didnt quite understand the world around you? That was definitely M in that moment. So high his eyes were crossing. S and I were also really fucking high, I cant speak for S, but I was still able to comprehend what I was doing, even though I was in that state that my eyes were shaking and I had to concentrate really hard to be able to focus my vision on something. We had gone through almost 5 grams of MDMA in one night, and all of it was done either through our nose or up our assholes. I just watched two super masculine perfect bodied straight brothers fuck eachother. It was one of the most incredible sights Ive ever seen in my whole life. Ive since jerked off to what i witnessed multiple times. Its been about a week since this happened, and Ive been a little low while enduring the recovery from the amount of drugs that I consumed. But i need to let you all know how this night ended. After M got his asshole used by his older brother and I tried to get him to suck my cock, he started to come to a bit, he sat up and told us how intense that was. We talked about how crazy it felt to him to have his ass played with, and how he'd never done MDMA through his hole before, but that it made him want his hole to be filled. He told us how it made him so horny and his thoughts were racing and how he kept thinking about how he made girls feel and how he actually wanted to get fucked like them. I broke the news to him, that he was arching his back and how he was actually asking to get fucked when he was getting fingered. Then S told him that he fingered him a bit, and how when his cock got close to his hole, he pushed his ass back on S's cock. M was shocked. Not horrified or anything, but couldn't believe that he wanted to get fucked, and really couldn't believe that his brother was who fucked him. We were still really high on MDMA, which makes you very empathetic and understandjng and open to new things. I think that's what was happening inside M and S's minds. We all kept talking about how crazy it was that M actually got his ass played with and fucked. S kept saying how he'd never fucked ass before tonight and how it felt so different than he thought it would. Its so much deeper than a pussy, and how he can fuck an ass so much harder than a pussy. I made a comment on how his cock was so fucking big and how i bet most girls wouldnt be able to take it as hard as I watched him fuck M. He just laughed and said most girls can hardly take his full length, let alone let him actually fuck them hard. He said mostly he has to jerk his cock off in order to cum. I educated M and S that for men, it actually feels better when you get fucked by a big cock. The stretch in your ass and your gut is when it feels really good. M spoke up in agreement, from his personal experience. S's cock was resting between his legs and started to swell. I noticed it and made a comment like, "I see your enjoying the conversation." Or something like that. He said, "Yeah, kinda." He pulled his cock up and kinda flicked it and let it fall back between his legs. I looked over at M and his cock was also starting to harden. He saw my eyes drift from his face down to his cock and he kinda laughed, but his eyes were a bit deviant. I asked him if he would let me suck his cock. He said sure and I bent down and took his cock in my hand. M's cock was thick with a fat head on it. It was thick and straight all the way down from the head to the root. It had one big vein that went right in the middle of the cock as well and he wasnt even fully hard yet. I sucked his head and ran my tongue around the rim of his cock head. He let out a light moan while I went all the way down on his cock. I felt M put his hands on my head. Then S's hands on my back. S asked his brother if it felt good. And M just said, "Yeah...fuck..." and kinda let his voice trail off at the end. I looked over at S and ask him if i could suck him too? He nodded and spread his legs apart, granting me full access to his cock. I pulled off of M and moved my head between S's legs and started sucking his cock. Noticing the difference in length between the brothers. I could only get about halfway down S's cock before it hit the back of my throat. I kept jerking M off while I sucked on S. Both of them were moaning and sighing. Letting me know how good it felt to have their cocks getting worked on simultaneously. I was in fucking heaven. My hole was so open, it was still wet from the fucks and loads that I'd taken earlier in the night, and I was praying that I would get both of these brothers cocks and loads inside me. I went back and forth between their cocks. M's fat cock that was as thick around as it was long, and S's long cock that was making me gag. As I was sucking S i was jerking and playing with M's balls. And when I was suvking M, i was doing the same with S. I started to moan and arch my back more and more. Not so subtly hinting that i wanted one of them to play with my hole while I sucked them. M got the hint first and moved behind me while i sucked his brother. He started with his fingers probing my hole. It felt so good. The MDMA that I'd got pushed in my hole earlier made my hole sensative and hungry as fuck. I wanted to be filled more than anything I'd ever wanted in my life up to that point. I moaned louder to let him know i wanted him. He got four fingers inside my pussy and I was pushing back hard on his hand. I saw the poppers on the couch, took the cap off and brought them to my nose. I took 4 huge deep hits off them. S reached out and took them from me and also took two big hits. I started to go to town on S's cock while M worked over my hole. My moans were muffled while I had S's cock in my mouth. I pulled my head off his cock and turned my head to M and said how fucking good it felt to have him stretch me. Then i turned my attention back to S's cock. I buried it as deep as I could in my thoat. I gagged on it and at the same time, i felt my hole release and let more of M's hand inside my pussy. And M let out a, "Holy fuck!" His hand had slipped all the way inside me. I was getting fisted for the first time in my life. It was driving me crazy. The fullness. The absoutle stretch to my maximum capacity. Ive never felt such an intense feeling. I was seeinf stars. I know that expression had been used before, but it was true. I actually saw stars. It was an immense feeling of pleasure and pain at the same time. I couldn't believe that I had actually gotten a whole hand inside my ass. I had fantasized about it so many times. Watched countless porns of men taking fists or even multiple fists, while i rode dildos and gooned on poppers, but it was actually happening to me. I was the being the biggest slut in the world in that moment. I fucking loved it. I had to take big deep breaths and let S's cock fall out of my mouth. I looked up at him and the look of shock snd curiosity on his face drove me wild. I was smiling and wincing in pain. Then the reality set in and I begged M to please take his hand out. "Please...please...slow...slow....oh my god." I kept begging, until he slowly pulled his hand out of my ass. I let my head fall into S's lap and just allowed my hole to recover. I was taling deep breaths and giving meaningless laughs. I was in disbelief of what just happened. And let out a final, "Fuuuucck." And my body just collapsed fully. But as my body kind of limped to the floor, M pressed his cock in my loose pussy. His cock was so fucking fat, like a soda can. He shoved it all the way in and i was rushed back into that intense state. S put the poppers back under my nose and I hit them again. And again. And again. He passed them to M and he took some hits, then S took some hits. I gobbled down S's cock again while M went wild fucking my hole. I was so fucking loose. The fuck sounded so sloppy. Wet and loose is all i can say to describe it. His thick cock was digging out my asshole. Pounding it hard and deep. I could feel every time he pumped into me. He wpuld pull all the way out and plunge all the way back in. Each time my hole would get a big stretch around the immense girth of his cock. I was moaning like a little bitch while i was throating his brother's big cock. S grabbed my head and held it in place and started pounding away at my face while M was completely destroying my hole. My muscle butt was absolutely getting ruined. I lost track of time and how long this was going on. I was in a disociated state, complete ecstasy, my mind was no longer in my body, i had let go and was allowing my body to experience the total joy of being used for other mens pleasure. I was having anal orgasm after anal orgasm. My whole body was tingling. I was so sensative. I was jusy a hole for these two perfect men. The loud moan of M brought me back to my body. He was fucking my pussy like a jack hammer. Pounding me relentlessly. His cock was stiffer than before, i was pushing my pussy out, meeting him with every thrust. I could tell he was close. Even though it was hurting my hole, i didnt want to stop. I wantes to bring him to full climax and take his load inside me. The slapping of his skin against mine was keeping me so fucking horny. His brother still fucking my throat. Then he said it. "Oh fuck...im cumming. Im Cumming. Im cumming." As he unloaded inside me and his thrusts slowed. I did it. I took my 3rd load of the night. I was so fucking exhausted. That fist and fuck had me spent. But there was still one more fuck I wanted. I needed that massive cock inside me. I wantes the final load to fill me up. I lifted my head off S's cock and turned around. I archdd my back to show S my loose, cum filled pussy, as I cleaned off M's cock. I tasted the multiple loads and my ass juices. It was so fucking good. I couldn't wait to get my next cock.
    2 points
  43. I always have, and always will,, prefer looser to tighter. If it's too tight, I just advise the bottom to go take more Cocks, and then come find me.
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. Again see disclaimers in Part 1. Happy New Year everyone! Freshman Project: Jason (Part 4) Jason woke up the next morning in his bed. His 5 inch cock his was rock hard and his jaw was sore. He was not sure if it was just his imagination or not, but he thought he could still taste Blake’s cum in his mouth. His mind was at war with itself. His religious upbringing was trying to make him feel guilty for all the sins he committed last night, specifically smoking pot and sucking a man’s cock. Meanwhile there was no denying that it had been the best night of his life. Part of him also feared it might have just been a dream, but when he looked down at the floor and saw the backpack that Blake had sent home with him, he knew it was not a dream. ***Last Night*** The southern baptist evangelical closeted gay boy had never felt more alive than after he had declared Blake his Master. Blake had reward him by sliding off the dirty jockstrap and freeing his thick veiny cock. Once free of the pouch, it quickly grew to its fully nine and half inch glory. “Worship my cock slave,” commanded Blake after his heavy cock had been freed and flopped against his smooth abs. “Yes Master,” responded Jason, embracing his new role. While he had no real life experience, he had learned enough about computers to be able to secretly watch a lot of gay porn over the years without his parents finding out. He shifted his position so that he was no longer laying next to Blake but was on his hands and knees perpendicularly to Blake’s body. He gently ran his hand over Blake’s cock, enjoying the sensation of feeling another cock for the first time. It felt similar to his own, but so much bigger. The one thing he noticed was that it was not quite as stiff as his smaller cock, even hard it still had a bit of bend to it. Being stoned out of his gourd, Jason took a long time just feeling the thick cock with his hands, running his hands up and down it, slowly jacking it. As he ran his hand down to the base he finally noticed Blake’s large balls nestled between the swimmer’s bare legs. Like the cock, the senior’s balls were much bigger then Jason’s. He wrapped his around the older boy’s balls, and gently stroked Blake’s cock with one hand while fondling his balls with the other. He watched as the head of Blake’s cock slide in and out of his foreskin. “That’s my Boy, now use your tongue,” order Blake. “Yes Master,” said Jason, getting turned on by feeling like this hunk of an upperclassman owned him. The most gorgeous guy he had ever met in real life was calling him his. As he started to lower his face and stick out his tongue, there was a small part of his weed addled brain that recalled all the safer sex messages he had been subject to during orientation and the meeting at the Rainbow Center he had attended, ‘use a condom, even for oral sex’, it said. As he stared down at the huge beautiful cock that belonged to his new god, he rationalized ignoring the advice, ‘it’s just a blow job, it is low risk, I want to to taste him, not a rubber.’ He ran his tongue up from the base of Blake’s cock to the head as he pulled the skin down to make sure the head of Blake’s cock was exposed. He saw a glistening drop of pre-cum oozing out the tip. He licked up to the tip and swirled his tongue around the head savoring the sweet taste of Blake’s pre-cum. “Suck it Boy, I don’t expect you to take the whole thing tonight, but eventually I’ll train you to be able take the whole thing, you want that right? You want to be able to deep throat real men’s cocks, don’t you slut?” asked Blake. “Yes, oh yes,” replied Jason. He opened his mouth and took Blake’s cock into his mouth. Blake knew he did not need to push too far tonight and punish Jason for not saying Sir or Master every time. There would be plenty of time to fully break the boy and unleash his truly submissive side. So instead of reprimanding the freshman, he just lay there passively as the horny repressed stoned teen let himself indulge a long unfulfilled fantasy and suck his first cock. “Take as much as you can and use your hands on the rest. Yeah that’s it. Get it nice and wet, feel it in the back of your throat, you’re doing great Boy,” instructed Blake, coaching the virgin boy, “Pull on my balls, yeah that’s it.” Having cum twice the night before and once before practice today, it took Blake awhile before he was ready to shoot his load. He made Jason work for it and much to Blake’s delight Jason never once complained about how much Blake’s thick cock made his stretching jaw ache. He warned Jason as he was about to cum, “I’m close Boy, you are going to make me shoot my load. I’m going to cum for you, take my load, take it, you’ve earned having part of me inside you.” Jason felt proud that he was going to make this hot experienced older guy cum. He had no second thoughts, he wanted to taste Blake’s cum, he wanted to have a part of Blake in him. It just felt right. Even though his jaw was hurting him, he redoubled his efforts, trying to take even more of the thick monster cock into his mouth and down his throat. “Oh yeah, take my gift Boy, swallow me, you want that cum, oh fuck yeah,” moaned Blake as he shot his load into Jason. The first couple of shots went straight down Jason’s throat, but the boy started to gag and pulled back so the rest went into his mouth. He did a good job making sure he caught it all and none spilled out. Jason savored the taste, it was both sweet and bitter at the same time. Blake reached down and gently stroked Jason’s cheek, “Fuck yeah, you did good Boy, savor that cum. A man’s cum is a great gift for a slave. Cherish it.” After he had recovered from his orgasm, Blake pulled Jason up and kissed his newest boy. He hugged the boy to him and gently rubbed his sides. Now was the time to be gentle and caring. Coach Malone had taught him that nothing was better to sooth the guilt an inexperienced boy might be feeling than snuggles. He smiled to himself as he felt Jason melting into him. He snuggled with Jason for ten minutes or so, letting the boy come to terms with what had just happened before he rolled over on top of the smaller student. Jason’s eyes shot open as he felt Blake’s full weight on top of him. He saw Blake smiling down at him. “Your turn,” said Blake. “Huh?” responded Jason. Blake sat up, pulling his legs underneath him, and straddled Jason, his naked ass resting on top of the boy’s small hard cock still covered by his tight skinny jeans. “No more speaking Boy until your Master says you can. Do you understand? Nod if you understand,” said Blake. Jason nodded eagerly. "Stay there, put your hands behind your head and clasp them,” order Blake. Jason complied. Blake climbed off of Jason and the bed. He smiled down at his newest toy, “You are so cute. You are meant to serve men. Now to reward you for taking the first step in accepting yourself, I’m going to make you cum for me, for me. Do you understand?” Jason was about to say something when he remembered that he had been ordered not to speak, so he nodded instead. He was rewarded by seeing Blake smile again. He wondered why it made him so happy to see Blake smile at him. ‘Was Blake right, was he meant to serve men?’ he asked himself. Blake reach down and unbuttoned Jason’s jeans then pulled them and his underwear down to his hips, freeing his five inch rock hard cock. Blake grabbed a tube of lube from the nightstand and squeezed a small amount into his hand. He then reached down and started to stroke Jason’s cock. “Cum for Daddy, cum for Daddy, give me your load Boy. Yeah you want this, you want to be sex slave for dominant men, don’t you?” asked Blake as he stroked him. Jason blushed but he knew deep down that Blake was right. This felt so right, he loved being told what to do, he always had. That was why he had always been a good boy for his overbearing religious dad. He did what he was told even if he did not like it. He needed a man to tell him what to do, he wanted to please a man, that was when he truly felt alive. “Go ahead and shoot your load Boy, you have my permission. Cum for me,” order Blake as he knew Jason was not going to last much longer. “AHHHHHH,” screamed Jason as the most powerful orgasm of his life rocked his young body. The first shot of his cum landed in his hair, the next on his face and rest trailed down his chest and stomach as his body twitched on the bed. When the last bit of cum had been milked from the boy’s balls, Blake started collecting it off his body with his lubed up hand. “Open your mouth Boy, cum is not to go to waist, it needs to always go in your mouth or ass. Show me you understand,” commanded Blake. Jason instinctively knew how to respond, he opened his mouth. He greedily licked and sucked the cum and lube off Blake’s fingers as his Master fed him his own cum. Once all the cum had been cleaned off Jason’s body, Blake lay back down along side Jason and took the boy into his arms, “You can speak again Jason, our scene is over. I hope you enjoyed it.” Jason started crying tears of joy. Blake was not surprised by the response, Aiden had reacted similarly. He held the freshman against him and let the boy process his emotions. When the tears had subsided, Blake spoke again, “You okay?” “Yes, thank you. That was, I don’t know how to describe it,” said Jason. “Heh, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I really enjoyed it too and I want to see you again. I look forward to doing even more, would you like that? Would you like me to take you on a journey of discovery?” asked Blake, already knowing the answer. “Yes,” said Jason. “Cool, you are a really awesome guy Jason,” said Blake. They stayed cuddling for awhile longer before Blake spoke again, “So Jason, about ‘safe sex’; the school makes me say a lot of shit about it, but the reality is that condoms suck. They totally kill the vibe and don’t feel good. While I have to push them in the meetings, I don’t use them. I don’t like having a barrier come between me and my partner. I want to feel you and I want you to feel me. I hope that’s not going to be a problem?” Jason cuddled his naked body up against the naked body of the senior god that was lying next to him. “I can understand that, but aren’t you concerned about STD’s?” he asked. “Not really. Everything is treatable these days. Even if it can’t be cured, it can be kept in check. If you have concerns you should go to the campus health clinic and ask them,” offered Blake. Jason felt a deep sense of dread at the prospect of talking with strangers about sex, “I don’t know if I could do that.” “If you have any concerns, you should. Ask for Ian though, he’s a gay guy that won’t judge you and will answer all your questions honestly. I don’t ever want you to feel that you’ve been pressured into anything you didn’t want to do, so while you can come over and suck me off whenever you want, I’m not going to fuck you until you beg me to fuck you, and I’m not going to wear a condom, you understand?” asked Blake. Jason was still too stoned to really understand, but he knew he did not want to say no to Blake, so he said, “Yes Master, I understand. But um, being honest, I don’t know if I can, um take you, you know, up there. You’re so big.” Blake gave a little chuckle, “I’m big but I’m not ‘that’ big compared to some others. If you want, I can send you home with a few toys that you can test out and play with at your own pace to start getting you ready, would you like that?” Even though Jason had sucked off Blake and eaten both his and his own loads of cum, he blushed. “I guess,” was his answer. “No guessing BOY,” scolded Blake. Jason sheepishly answered, “Yes Master, I’d like that, I want to be ready for you.”
    2 points
  46. Love busted, sloppy holes. So much easier to slide into and fuck. I get much harder and hornier knowing that I'm fucking some hot, nasty slut.
    2 points
  47. I’ve done this a few times. With my own to prelube before a fuck or with other guys. It’s a fun thing and feels amazing going in and then slowly melting. Don’t go for anything too big since you’ll def feel pretty cold while it’s melting.
    2 points
  48. Dad’s Basement Part Twelve I had almost gotten up and left the booth, when the door opened and a older man came in and shut the door. He was average height, with white hair, dressed all in black. He kept his back to me as he locked the booth door. There I sat with my shorts around my ankles. He turned and smiled. That’s when I noticed he was a Priest, a real fucking Priest. “Hello my Son” he said. “Hello Father” “Now what could bring a boy like you to a place like this?” he asked, “tell me honestly” “Looking for cock Father” The Priest shook his head. How could this fucker be judging me, when his ass was in here too. “Son, I think you need to get on your knees and pray.” I don’t know what game he was playing, but I would see how it would go. I stood up, bent over to pull up my shorts. When he stopped me. “Step out of them my Son and kneel” I stepped out of my shorts, and kelt on the dried cum stains on the floor. He stepped forward, his crotch inches from my face. “Close your eyes my Son” he said “and I will begin” I blindly obeyed him. “Heavenly Father, please give this young man guidance in his sinful times. Let him see the wisdom of your oh mighty vessel before him.” As he spoke, he unzipped his pants, reached inside and pullout out his cock and balls. They hung limp against his black pants. “Allow the seed of your being to flow from my Holy shaft, into his waiting challis, filling him with your light as well as the darkened love from Below. Allow the bond between my Holy Massive Shaft to open his challis for more of man’s destructive seed. In POZ cum we pray, Amen.” What the fuck was I hearing. Was this Priest praying about poz cum, cock and ass. “Open your mouth my Son and swallow my shaft” I opened my eyes to see a thick cock sticking straight out of his black pants, I circled my lips around it and started to suck. I slobbered on the cock until it shined and dripped spit on the front of his pants. Reaching under my pits, he pulled me up, turned me around, bent me forward until I faced the glory hole again. Without uttering another word, he rammed his cock balls deep into my hole. Not even waiting he began to fuck my hole, harder and harder. He grabbed my hair to keep me form moving. “Boys fucking never fucking learn. Cock, cock, cock is all they want. I will give them cock until they fucking get fucking over it.” He continued to yell the most vile statements about cock and sex as he pounded my hole. He thrusted all the way in and began to shoot his load. “Take the Unholy cum deep in your pussy, you God damn fucking whore” Then it was over, he quickly pulled out, tucked his cock away and leave. Leaving with with a “I’m sorry” I stood up shaking me head. What the fuck was that about. “I see you met Father Micheal. Man is so confused, but so twisted” Garrett said, “ I should call him and let him and the other Priest in his order gang bang you. I think you would like that. Come with me, let’s walk around” “Okay” I said grabbing my shorts, holding them in a ball in my hand as I left the booth. Fuck I was naked from the waist down and I didn’t care, hell maybe the men would stop me in the public area and fuck me. I was getting a lot of looks as I was standing in front of Garrett, who was back in a corner, he had placed me in front of him - ass out to everyone. “Hot load on your face Matt, give me a lick” Instead of moving closer, I bent forward, sticking my ass out. Garrett’s tongue was licking my face, savoring the cum load. I felt hands rub my ass, as the men walked by. Some stopped and slid fingers in, fingering my hole, coating their fingers with cum and sucking it off. “Hold still” Garrett said to me, hooking his arm around my neck. I felt a cock stabbing at my hole, it would slide in just slightly then pull out, testing the tightness of my hole. I could not believe that someone was doing this out in the public area. I felt more and more of the cock slide in me. My hole gave way with ease after the couple of rough fucks I got. The cock slid in until I felt a belt buckle pressing against my ass. The cold metal only stayed there a moment, then was gone, but seconds later it return. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see men gathering, pulling their cocks out and stroking them. “Afternoon Garrett, this a friend of yours?” “Afternoon Officer Thompson and he is the son of a friend of mine” “Should arrest you two for lewd public acts” “Let’s take it out in trade” “Had your ass many times, Garrett, so this boy’s hole will do this time” I felt him pick up speed, thrusting in and out of my slick hole, at times he would move his hips in circular motions while his cock was pushed in almost the whole way. Then it was back to deep fucking. I moaned wildly as I watch men jacking their cocks next to use. “I am going to shoot” one said. Officer Thompson pulled his cock out until the head was just inside, pulling at the inside of my hole. “Shoot it on my cock and I will drive it in the boy” The man stepped up, aiming his cock at the cop’s exposed shaft and shot. The cum covered the shaft and was driven in, he was pushing deeper and deeper into my hole. More men began to yell they were close and each time they shot, it was on the cop’s cock only to be shoved into my hole. I could not keep count of how many men shot this way. The cop was moaning loudly, Garrett just had a grin on his face, watching me get fucked by his cop friend, and taking all the loads from the voyeuristic men. The cop kept slowly stroking his cock with my cum filled hole, edging it while he allowed all the men to shoot. “Need to finish, got to get back to my beat” He pumped a few times and drove in deep, spilling his cum deep into my hole. I felt his cock jump as his cum coated my inside and mixed with the other men’s loads. “Fucking good pussy, Garrett.” he said. “Maybe you can bring him to Ryan and I’s home so we can use him for a weekend. Think his Daddy would allow that” He slowly pulled his cock out as I squeezed my hole against it. “We would treat him right and send him home with our gifts” he said, “Now clean my cock Garrett” Garrett moved in front of the cop and dropped to his knees. I turned to see the cop for the first. He was ruggedly handsome, slightly muscular build to make his uniform tight. Garrett slurped on his cock, taking the spongy shaft into his mouth. Licking and sucking the cum off it. The cop pulled free of Garrett’s suction, tucked his cock in his pants and left. “Let’s get you home young man, you had an very busy afternoon” I put my shorts on and we left. All the way home I could feel cum leaking from my hole. By the time I got into the house, there was a huge wet spot on the ass of my shorts, and cum was running down my leg. Dad was sitting on the sofa, butt naked. HIs hard cock sticking straight up in the air. “Come sit on Daddy’s lap and tell me all about it Son”
    2 points
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