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  1. Part 45: Things Are Changing... (Will’s Perspective) “And Peter is going with him?” I asked. “That’s what he said,” Dom told me. “We’ll see how long that’ll last.” Dom had just gone to see Doctor Wade and returned with a considerable amount of news. Apparently, Doctor Wade had been contacted by some medical group to travel the country and act as a medical professional for various organizations. He’d work at colleges for some of their sports teams, working closely with the athletes. He’d also work at pop-up sites in struggling communities or within sections of cities where healthcare wasn’t readily available. While anyone else would see this as being a gesture of selfless kindness, we knew better. “He’s gonna fuck those basketball players, isn’t he?” I said. “He’ll fuck any guy playing basketball, football, baseball, soccer, track and field, swimming… I bet he’ll see how far he can shove a golf club up some poor guy’s ass.” “He’ll fit in,” I said. “He looks like a jock. It’ll almost be too easy for him.” “And then he’ll find hundreds of homeless men to fuck and convert,” Dom told me. “All those men will go to him looking for an injection, and they’ll get it. It just won’t be the type they’re expecting.” “And Peter is going with him?” Dom nodded. “Acting as his assistant. Don’t know how he managed that, but Wade found a way. Don’t think Peter will be working the medical side of things, but I’m sure he’ll find things to do.” “That’s a pairing I never expected,” I said. Since Peter had been recovering at Wade’s house, they had been spending a considerable amount of time together. Sure, we all got together to fuck, our weekly orgies keeping us all as horny as possible, but Wade and Peter had found themselves together enough that something had started between them. “Wade said he’s always been fascinated by hyperspermia,” Dom told me. “He wants to write a paper on it and thinks Peter is the perfect specimen.” “I’m sure that’s not the only reason he’s keeping him around,” I said. The last time I saw them, I could see something in Peter’s eyes, something that I hadn’t seen in him since he first told us about his desire to fuck and be fucked by men. His hunger was intense, but it also seemed controlled now. His desire was now directed toward one person: Doctor Wade. Without us realizing, a couple had been born. “Peter and Wade,” I said, trying out their names together. “Or is it Wade and Peter?” “Could just call them crazy fuckers,” Dom suggested. “I thought that was our name,” I told him. I came up behind him, wrapping my arms around his body, feeling his large, muscular form moving within my hold. Sometimes I forgot how powerful of a man Dom was. Yes, I saw his large form and could see his impressive physique, but it wasn’t until I held him close to me or had his body pressing down on me as he fucked my ass that I truly understood how impressive his body was. He was a god, and anymore, he was the only god I cared about. “We’ll have to start placing bets,” Dom said. “We’ll see how many guys they convert and then we’ll see who out of the two of them converts more.” “My money is on Wade,” I said. “You’ve seen that body. He’ll get all the athletes. Easy.” “Yes, but don’t forget that Peter is the man who fucked his own student,” Dom reminded. “That man needs to be fucking someone once every day or his sack will explode.” “I guess we’ll see who wins in the end,” I said. A melodic tune filled the room, Dom’s phone lighting up. Doctor Wade’s name filled the screen. “His ears must have been buzzing,” Dom said, answering. “We were just talking about you,” he said. I watched as Dom spoke to Doctor Wade, though there wasn’t much of a conversation. Wade spoke and Dom listened. I watched as his expression changed slightly. I wasn’t able to pin down what emotion he was feeling. All I could see was that he looked determined, as if he was taking in every word and analyzing them fully. “Thanks for calling, Wade,” Dom said. “No. I understand. It’s like we talked about. Yeah. Send it over. I’ll start it soon. Thanks.” Dom ended the call then looked at me, smiling. “That was Doctor Wade.” “Let me guess,” I said, “the NFL just called, and they need him to loosen up the tight holes of a few tight ends.” “No, nothing like that,” Dom said. “Is everything alright?” I asked, starting to feel worried. “It will be,” he said. “That was just Wade letting me know that he got back the results of some tests.” “Tests? What tests?” “He was just checking my T cell count,” Dom said. “Among other things.” “And?” “And, he says I need to start medication as soon as possible or my count will dip below 200.” “Meaning?” “AIDS,” he said. The word hit me hard. Sure, growing up I’d heard the word along with HIV. There was always a fear surrounding any discussion concerning either. Now, since testing HIV+, I found myself getting hard rather than afraid when discussing HIV. It had become a freedom. It had allowed us to create a brotherhood. Hearing Dom say “AIDS” didn’t create the same effect. “So, what are you going to do?” I asked, trying to hide the bit of fear which tightened around my neck. “At one point,” he said, “I wouldn’t have cared. I have a lot of friends who have never started medication. Their body, their choice. I support that. I always will. They’re some hot fuckers. For myself, I always knew there would come a time when I’d have to make the choice.” “You’re deciding to start medication?” I asked. “And that’ll make you undetectable.” “After a bit of time,” he said. “Well, more than a bit. It’s a process.” “And that’s what you want?” He shrugged. “I never really knew what I wanted beyond fucking men and converting them. It’s what I lived for.” “And now?” “And now,” he said, “I want to make sure I can be here with you for as long as possible, even if that means my gifting days are behind me.” He stepped forward and kissed me. “Besides, that just means you’ll have to work twice as hard in my place.” “Yes, sir,” I said, saluting him. He kissed me again, and I could feel in his lips a smile. My phone vibrated, a message flashing on the screen. “We’re very popular,” I said, breaking the kiss. “Who is it?” “My dad,” I said. “He says they just arrived.” Since Jay and I fucked my dad with Dom having a crack at his neg ass a short time after, my dad and Pastor Kline decided to go on a “trip” for a few days. They told their wives that they were merely two old friends catching up, comparing preaching strategies, but we knew the truth. They were going out to spend several days fucking. With Dom and my cum inside my dad’s ass and Jay and Pastor Kline’s asses swallowing my dad’s cock, we were sure he’d convert sooner or later. From the sounds of it, my dad could be Dom’s last converter should his cum trump ours and do the trick. “You know, I never imagined my dad would be doing what he’s doing right now,” I told Dom. “It’s crazy. Sometimes I feel like it’s all a dream.” “A good dream?” Dom asked. I looked into his eyes and smiled. “The best dream. A dream I never could have imagined.” “Have you ever wondered what would have happened if we had never met?” Dom asked. “I mean, if I hadn’t come to your church.” “You mean when you stalked me?” I joked. “Or when you accepted my invitation,” Dom continued. “You know, after you dreamed about me fucking you.” “I still think you put a spell on me.” “Or maybe you prayed to get into my pants,” Dom joked. “I’m sure my life would be nothing like it is now,” I said. “I’d be single, or I’d be dating one of the desperate daughters of the women at church.” “You’d still be a virgin,” Dom said. “You’d be jerking off to pussy until some woman managed to slip your preacher prick inside her.” “I’d be a miserable husband, dodging questions from my mom about grandkids.” I stopped, the idea hitting me. “I could have been a dad,” I said. I thought of Jay and me with our father. I thought of Pastor Kline and Ryan. Was that something I wanted? It had been at one point, though I wasn’t sure if that had been real or just expectation. “Do you regret not having those things?” Dom asked. There was a sincerity in his voice. I could tell he actually wanted to know. I took the time to think. “The man I was before I met you was the man I pretended to be,” I told him. “I pretended to be a holy man, a man who never took risks or did anything that he wanted to do because it made him feel good. I was lying to myself, but I didn’t even know it. Now, I know that that man, that version of me, is gone. You created the man standing before you.” I held my arms out, showing myself to him. He looked me over, a smile turning his lips. “And what a fine-looking man he is,” Dom said. “Any time you question whether or not I’m happy being the man I am now,” I said, pulling my shirt off, revealing my hairy chest and the biohazard tattoo beneath, “look at this mark over my heart.” I pointed to the tattoo, the mark Dom had given me, proving not only that he had converted me but that he claimed me as his own. “This is where my heart is now. I’m glad you came into the church that day. I’m glad I shook your hand. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have discovered who I really am.” “And who is that?” I unbuttoned my pants, pushing them down to reveal my erect cock tenting a stained jockstrap, one of Dom’s which carried not only his mark but also his musk. “I’m Dominic Moore’s toxic faggot.” Dom smiled. “Prove it,” he said, undoing his pants and pulling out his hard cock. “Get me wet so I don’t tear that pretty pussy up.” I fell to my knees and swallowed Dom’s cock, tasting his precum. I’d improved when it came to blowjobs. I could now swallow most of Dom’s cock, though I couldn’t take it all down. Still, I was far enough down his shaft that his pubic hair tickled my nose and I could smell the musk trapped around his balls. “That’s right, faggot,” he said as I moved along his cock, my one hand reaching up and playing with his balls. “Take my dom-cock. Swallow it down. Suck the cock that infected you. Taste the cum that poisoned your body forever.” My eyes found Dom’s biohazard tattoo right in front of me, staring me down. It was like an eye, watching me, judging me, admiring me as I worshiped at the feet of the man I had given my life over to. I wanted so much to please him. I needed to please him. “Be careful,” Dom said, pulling his cock out of my mouth. “You’re gonna make me cum.” “Only inside my faggot cunt,” I told him. Dom put his hands underneath my arms and picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, his cock finding my ass and slipping inside. “Let’s go back to where I can really fuck you,” he said, carrying me down the hall to his bedroom. Carefully, he placed me down, keeping his cock still inside my crack. “Please, fuck me,” I said, my hands running over my body, my chest already heaving from the rush filling me. “I need you to fuck me.” “No,” he said, pulling off his shirt, revealing the strong chest beneath. He leaned forward, hovering over me, his looking deep into my own. “I won’t fuck you.” I looked at him, confused. Dom smiled. “I’m making love to you,” he said, lightly kissing me. His lips, normally strong as he attacked my own or explored my body, were delicate. The way he handled himself was different. While he continued to be strong, he was also careful, precise in his movements. He slipped his cock inside my hole, his eyes never leaving my own as he entered inside my body, filling me, completing me. Once he bottomed out he let out a small gasp. “How’s that feel?” “Perfect,” I told him. He kept himself deep inside my body, allowing me to adjust to his size. His body was warm, where his naked flesh touched mine almost burning. I could feel every aspect of him. Every strand of chest hair pressed against my own was felt. Every vein along his cock was known to me. This man was more real to me now than ever before. It was as if I’d only ever seen him from a distance. Now, for the first time, we were meeting. I gasped. “Something wrong?” he asked. I shook my head, smiling. “No. Just the opposite. I’ve never been this happy.” Dom smiled and then kissed me. I smelled him, taking in his scent, memorizing every aspect of it. My hands ran down his back, admiring the muscles. As I explored, his hips shifted, pulling his cock out until only the head remained inside. It felt as if every moment he wasn’t fully inside me lasted hours, even days. I needed him to fill me. My legs tightened around him, pulling him back inside. “Someone is eager,” he said, breaking the kiss. “I just need you inside me,” I told him. “Please, stay inside me.” “You’ve got it,” he said, his thrusts short, keeping as much of his cock inside my body as possible. It felt as if I’d never been fucked before. My mind spun with every kiss. My body shook from every touch he graced me with. My heartbeat matched his thrusts. I felt as if my heart would stop if he stopped. Something about this moment was different than any other moment we shared. I couldn’t understand it, but I loved it. I loved him. He knew that. We’d said so to each other. Still, in that moment, I needed him to know again. “I love you,” I told him, his body pressed down against mine, a fiery heat filling the room, causing our bodies to sweat. The smell we created was pungent and intoxicating. I let it fill my lungs, tasting it on my lips. I smiled. Dom smiled back. “Will…” he started, still keeping pace with his thrusts, his breathing coming in short bursts. “Will…” “What?” I asked, feeling his cock swell, ready to flood my body with his toxic cum. “Will,” he said, gasping for a final breath as he climaxed, “will you marry me?” My eyes opened wide, my body shaking within his hold, milking him of his cum. (Peter’s Perspective) “So, he’s starting the medication?” I asked. Wade entered the bedroom, completely naked. There was a trail of my cum leaking out of his ass. I’d already fucked him twice, filling him with so much of my cum his body couldn’t contain it. “You know there is such a thing as patient confidentiality.” “Yes, but it hardly means shit for us,” I countered. Wade smiled. “Dom has decided to start medication.” “Why?” “Why do you think?” he asked, climbing back onto the bed. “For Will.” “That’s romantic,” I said, thinking of the two of them. At one point, I had considered my relationship with my ex-wife to contain the same passion, the same devotion as Dom and Will had. Clearly, I’d been wrong. But I was happy for them. I watched Wade as he crawled up toward me, opening his mouth and sucking my cock inside. I wondered if there was a chance I could fall for Wade the same way Will fell for Dom. It was possible, but that wasn’t my focus at the moment. Wade loved to suck and fuck, and that’s all I wanted. I admired how his tongue played with the golden PA at the tip of my cock. Fuck, this man was gorgeous. My phone started to ring, pulling my attention. I tried to keep my cock inside Wade’s mouth, stretching to reach my phone. “Who is it?” Wade asked, his words jumbled as he continued to suckle. “It’s Lewis,” I said, answering. “Hello?” “Mr. Flanagan,” Lewis said, his voice raspy and weak. “Peter?” “Lewis, is everything alright?” “I think I… I think I’m… I think I’m converting,” he managed to say. “What?” I said, jumping up in the bed, Wade falling back. “Are you sure?” “I’m feeling really sick,” he said. “My parents are trying to take me to the hospital. If they do, they’ll find out that we’ve been fucking, and everything will be ruined.” “Stay calm,” I told him. “We’ll figure something out.” “Hurry,” Lewis moaned, the call ending. “What’s going on?” Wade asked, still trying to get his mouth on my cock. “That was Lewis,” I told him. “He thinks he converting.” “What? Right now?” “Sounds like it didn’t just start,” I told him, “but his parents are trying to take him to the hospital.” “Oh shit.” Wade jumped off the bed and started searching for clothes. “Call him back and tell him that I’ll be right over. I just need to go to my office first.” “What’ll he tell his parents?” “Tell him to tell them that he called a doctor who does visits,” Wade said. “He heard about me from someone at school. Or maybe from Will. I don’t know. Tell him to call me and I’ll walk him through it.” “I’ll let him know,” I said, calling Lewis back. “Wade.” “Yeah?” “You’ve got a giant cum stain on the back of your pants.” “Shit!” Wade ran to search for new pants as I called Lewis back. I thought of the day I had fucked him in my old office, taking his virginity and starting him into this toxic journey. I felt proud of him, knowing what he wants at such a young age. If he managed to get through this without his parents knowing, I had a feeling his slut days were just beginning. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Until I can come back.........
    8 points
  2. Chapter 1 – She Set It All Up Ethan sat on the couch nervous. His girlfriend had brought him to her "special friend" that made amateur porn. She had convinced Ethan to come make a porn video. He knew her special friend was code for dealer and Ethan was ready to start hanging in the clouds with his girl. Jake, the special friend walked up to Ethan. J: Hey man, I heard your girl wants you to be in one of our little videos? E: Hell yeah, been thinking about it all week. Anna said not to worry, that you'd help us out with some favors to calm the nerves. J: Oh yes, it's all part of the deal. You're gonna love my shit. Here try it out. Jake pulls out a prepacked pipe and lighter and hands them to Ethan. J: Go ahead and finish that off and I’ll go find Anna. Ethan lit up the pipe and started to blow his own cloud city. Hit after hit. He was never one to keep a slow steady pace with his T. He was feeling good. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive. He had just turned 18 and thought he was the shit right now. He was getting high for free, was gonna be able to fuck his girlfriend, and get paid. Anna had really sold him on the idea. He took another huge hit and thought to himself the huge bowl was neverending. J: Hey Ethan, Anna is gonna be a bit. She is in the girls room getting herself ready. Here, you must be thirsty. Jake hands Ethan a bottle of Gatorade and he proceeds to gulp about half the bottle. Jake gestures to Ethan to hand over the pipe. Jakes refills the pipe with a huge shard and takes 2 hits before passing it back to Ethan. He starts hitting the pipe again. Ethan loved the chemical taste of the shit this guy was packing with. Ethan couldn’t help himself and just hit and hit until the bowl was finished. J: Ethan, I feel awkward asking this, you know, dude to dude. But did you two follow all the instructions Anna gave you? Even the weird ones? E: Yeah, even the weird one. Anna said she didn’t wanna do any butt stuff and would only due it if I cleaned out too. Something about knowing how it feels. 2 enemas later and we agreed anal was back on the table. Plus she said we should be really clean incase you wanted any close ups from behind. I don’t know why you’d have to get that close to my ass but Anna says its for the close up shots. Ethan smiles up at Jake and shows off his glazed over grey eyes. Jake tells himself he is almost ready and smiles back at Ethan. J: Good, yes that is an awkward one but really important. Oh and I have these for you for inspiration. Nothing worse than a dead dick in front of the camera. Jake hands Ethan some pills. Some he recognizes and some he does not. Ethan downs them without giving it a second thought. J: It gets pretty hot in here sometimes. Please make yourself comfortable while we wait. Take your shirt off and get comfy. Enjoy the vibe of my place. We can always film the beginning sequence later. Ethan zones in enough to realize there is a girl, maybe 2, moaning from the other room. He kicks off his shoes and removes his button up shirt and throws them on the side of the couch. Sitting back down on the couch, he starts rubbing his growing dick. Jake disappears again and Ethan is left alone and chugs down the rest of his (g) drink. He slowly sinks into the couch and starts to space out. He hears to moaning in the background and is now rubbing the full length of his dick in his jeans. His vision goes dimmer and dimmer. He barely makes out a figure coming up to him and pulling his tank shirt over his head before he blacks out. Chapter 2 – Passed out prize Anna pokes her head in the play room and sees Jake already has Ethan in his swing. Anna thought, just on time like always. She walks over and asks if he needed help with the cameras but Jake says everything is already set up and rolling. She helps Jake pull Ethans jeans off. There Ethan just laid there in nothing but his boxers. A: Should I do the honors? J: Oh no, I got this. Jake uses his fingers to open the gap in Ethan’s boxers and rips them apart at the inseam. As he bunches up the rags of underwear, he looks down at his naked twink prize. Everything about the boy was making his dick grow. Jake hands Anna her a roll of bills and a sizable baggie filled with T. J: Ok girl, go ahead and get spun and fuck your real man in the other room. The boy is mine. Anna leaves the room and Jake disrobes revealing his toned body and his 8 inch fuck stick standing straight out. He spends some time to transform his passed out would-be man into the fuck boy he would become. He took a razor and shaved off what little body hair Ethan had at 18 years. Shaved away was the dusting of hair on his legs, underarms, the light patch on his chest between his nipples, his laughable happy trail, and small bush around Ethan’s hard dick. He admires his work, his smooth fuck boy with white as snow body with no tan lines. It was like the boy never played in the sun. Jake licked his lips in anticipation. He zeroed in Ethan’s foreskin and reached down to rub it, just at the tip. He jerked Ethan off a few strokes to get him firm. Jake pulled out a ruler and measured the play thing. The fuck boy was packing a thick 5.5 inch uncut dick. He was so hard that his dick was straight up reaching for his belly button. Already he had a small wet spot where his tip pressed against his tummy. His precum glistened in the light. Jake looked down at his fuck boy and thought he looked like a little angel. He chuckled knowing he’d be a little whore demon soon enough. He just needed to help wake the fuck boy up. Jake brabbed Ethan’s legs and places them in the stirrups properly and then the arms tied to the swing. He moved between Ethan’s legs grabbed a cam and showed a close up of his virgin hole. So relaxed, so unattended. Jake licked his finger and put it against his opening. Rotating motion from his finger helped the opening pucker then relax. Unable to take it any longer, Jake held the cam as he inched his face closer to the rose bud. He sticks out his tongue and licks the forbidden hole. It quivers and then relaxes, the tongue slides in a bit. Repeat, slides in further, until finally he is eating Ethan out. The hole is relaxed a bit now. Jake grabs his special lube prespiked with T. Not wanting to get ahead of himself, Jake puts some of the lube on the fuck hole and pushes it in with his pinky. Ethan lets out a meek sound. He opens a baggie and picks a small shard and places it against his hole and pushed in with the lubed pinky. More meeks sounds Jake leaves his pinky in and can feel Ethan’s body squeazing slightly. Once it stops, he pulls his pinky out and wipes it on his snow white ass cheek. Jake pulls out a selection of dildos and picks the thinnest one. It’s about the thickness of a regular sharpy. He replaces it with another thin dildo, this one the size of a thick sharpy marker. He works the boy hole open until the dildo he is using is the size Ethan’s own dick; leaving it in his ass for now. Ethan was starting to show sign of slight movement and waking. Jake stands goes to Ethan’s side. He kneels down and kisses the boy lightly; flicking the lips with his tongue. The breathing gets heavier. Jake grabs Ethan by the hair and whispers in his ear J: Come on. Wake up fuck boy. Your future awaits you. Jake releases Ethan’s hair and goes down to suck on Ethans dime sized nipple. He moves on to the further nipple and lightly nibbles on it while reaching down to the boy’s leaking head. With some on his thumb, he steps back and rubs the precum on Ethan’s lips and then kisses him again. Again, reaching between the boys legs, this time he lightly plays with his balls and continuous to make out. Chapter 3 – Wakey Wakey Ethan is starting to come to. He is instinctually starting to kiss back. Ethan is coming to but the more he comes to, the more his head is spinning. He is on sensory overload and horny as hell. Nothing is making sense why is he laying down? Well, kinda laying own but not quite. Why can he feel a breeze on his chest? Before Ethan can come out of his fog, Jake pulls out a loaded pipe and torch and holds it up to Ethan’s mouth and instructs him to breath in the clouds while he holds it for him. Ethan just breaths in and blows out clouds. Breaths in and blows out clouds. Soon a whole bowl is torched and it was the good shit. Ethan is in heaven. The chem taste was driving his mouth wild and he clatters his teeth. J: Nothing but the good stuff for my star of the night. Ethan tries to look around him and focus but his eyes are finding it hard to focus. E: Where is Anna? I don’t see her here. J: Oh she was here. She left us because you couldn’t get it up. She was quite distraught. But that’s okay. We agreed to go with plan B. Jake once again bends down to a dime sized nipple and flicks it with his tongue and then engulfs it in his mouth. Ethan moans and closes his eyes. When he opens them he starts to gain a bit of focus. E: What the fuck is going on here? Ethan tries to move his arms but finds they are tied to the sling. He tries to move his left leg and then his right. Both tied to the sling. J: We had to go with a different plan since you couldn’t get it up for the girl. But that’s okay, you seem to really like plan B. Jake touches the boys belly button and slowly runs his finger from belly button to where his pubes used to be, along this hard shaft and finally his balls and taint. He then pulls the dildo that had been in his ass out a bit and then pushes it in. Ethan yelps with the realization that he had something up his ass, feeling it for the first time. The boy tries to break free of his sling but to no avail. E: please stop! Please take it out! I’m not gay! I’m not gay! J: Yeah, me neither. I just like to have a little fun sometimes. And it looks like you do too. Jake reaches down and squeezes the boys hard dick. He releases it and it smacks below his belly button. This confuses Ethan. Why was he hard? Why was he naked? Why was he missing his pubes and other body hair? Before the boy could vocalize any questions out loud, Jake goes down to the boys dick and takes it all the way in his mouth. The boy is in shock. He was sure he wanted out of this situation but he was making his dick feel soooo good. A man. A man was making him feel good. It's at this time that Ethan hears moans coming from the walls. They were there before but he couldn’t make out what they were until now. E: What…? Who …? That is all he can get out before Jake interrupts. J: On that is your girlfriend. She is getting with a bulldozer right now. Since you weren’t man enough to bone her. Not man enough…but that’s okay, you are boy bitch enough for me. That’s why you are so smooth. You’re not worthy of looking like a man naked. And that hard little dick is proof that you are just a boy. Ethan looked down at his tied up body. He was smoothed out like before puberty. He was right, Ethan said to himself that he was a boy. J: That’s okay fuck boy, I can get you to out moan that bitch. He kneels down between the boys legs and pulls out the dildo. Ethan sighs as it pops out. The man steps up and starts to eat his boy hole. Ethan throws his head back and lets out a loud bitch moan. He eats the boy hole for what feels like forever until Jake stops and says “break time”. Jake leaves the room and brings back a bottle of water and assists his captive to drink from the bottle. Jake goes and reloads the pipe and takes a big hit and then another. He walks up to the boy and offers. Like a good chem whore, the boy says yes without thinking. Jake pulls out the torch again and lights the bowl for the boy. The biggest cloud of the night so far escapes the boys lungs. He is urged to take another by Jake and another the same size blows out. J: Okay this time take the hit and hold it. Blow it out when I say, okay? Jake lights it and the boy breaths it in. Jake walks up to the boys head and lines his dick up with his mouth. J: Open up and blow that on me. Do it fag! The boys obeys and as soon as he opens his mouth, the man pushes half his dick in his mouth, blowing the smoke on the man’s dick. J: Again! The boy obeys and takes the hit and then takes the dick in his mouth and blows out. Jake reaches down and jerks the boys off while he is blowing the cloud out. The boy is lost in the good feeling and closes his mouth around the dick. He starts his first blowjob. Jake is able to work most but not all of his 8 inches in the boys mouth. He fucks that and slobber is going all over the boys mouth and face. J: See, you’re a natural cock sucker. Now, lets see if you like it up your ass. Jake goes back between the boys legs. He lubes up the same dildo and pushes it back in his ass. E: Noooo, not that. Please stop! I’m not gay! It’s too big! J: (Laughs obnoxiously) Are you fucking serious? That thing is the size of your tiny cock. That thing couldn’t get any girl off. Lucky for you, you are a boy. And boys have a special button in their ass that they love to get rubbed against. Lucky for you, your tiny dick will still reach your button. We just need to help it out. It will be the best orgasm you have ever had. You want that right? I can help you with that if you stop being a fucking bitch and let me work. E: I… want…so horny. … I’m not gay. Please … cum… J: That’s all I needed to hear. Chapter 4 – A Better Idea The man pulls out the dildo from the boy’s ass and dips it in a baggy of crushed T powder. He lubes up the hole with his finger and then pushes the dildo back in. Ethan’s ass is warm and he doesn’t know what to do. He begins to worry but is calmed by his new Man rubbing his balls. J: See, that feels better now, right? E: Yeah, not that bad. The boy starts to moan as his captor pushes and pulls the dildo in and out. When he thinks he is used to it, he replaces the toy with a slightly bigger toy. Again with the dust and again with the light burning. Again with the moaning. Finally the moment the Man was working the boy up to. He pulls out the toy with a pop. The boy moans disappointedly. J: Don’t worry. I’m just gonna refill the pipe. Oh wait, I have a better idea. Just for you baby. Jake grabs something and stands between the boy’s legs. He pulls out a good sized shard (0.4g or 0.5g) from his bag and pushes it in the boy with his finger. It gets pushed as far in with his finger as he could get before the boys clenched down on the finger. J: Don’t be suck a tease. You can take this. He waves his hard cock around just too low for the boy to see. Jake laughs to himself as he steps up and lines his dick up with the boy hole. He spits down 3 times and lubes his head and shaft. J: Okay, I’m gonna use the toy again to push the stuff further in. Look at me. Look into my eyes. The boy looked back with glazed over eyes. They were like mirrors that he saw himself in. Jake smiled as his dick touched the hole. The boy still had no idea.The man waited for the boy to stop clenching and relax. The second he felt the hole relax, he pushed himself into the virgin hole. The boy screamed and bucked. The boy felt like his ass was on fire and he was being impaled on a pike. The Man just grabbed his boy by the hips and pulled him onto his dick until all 8 inches slide in. He was balls deep in the boy. The once virgin boy. The had already placed his ripped boxers along the sling and reached for them. He shoved them into the boys mouth. J: You feel that? Stop crying and answer me. Can you feel that whole thing in you boy? Ethan mumbled with the boxers in his mouth. Tears running down his cheeks. He nodded his head. J: You like that dick in you huh boy? That real man dick. Ethan just stared, not getting what he was saying. Until a moment of clarity. He had said dick, not toy. The boy’s eyes grew wider (as if that were possible) and bulged. He mumbled incoherently and nodded his head from side to side. His eyes pleaded with his captor but they were met with a bellowing laugh. Jake pulled his dick almost entirely out and then slammed it back into the smooth twink. He did this 3 times before slowing down and giving the poor boy the slow fuck he needed for his first time. In no time at all, the fuck boy was moaning just as loud as his forgotten girlfriend in the background. Everytime Jakes big dick ran against his special button, the boy’s dick would bounce up and down. The boy was allowed to spit out his saliva drenched undies and was having his mouth tongued down while getting plowed. The man pulled out and walked around to the other side of the boy. He released the arm restraints and the boy immediately started to orally serve his host. The Man grew impatient and walked back around to the boy’s hole and started slow fucking him again. With his arms free now, the boy was able to jerk off during this ecstasy and shot his load. It landed on his face and lips. He instinctually licked up all he could from his lips and hand. This was what the Man was waiting for. With the first shot fired, he goes back to piston fucking the boy. After a few minutes, the boy says he has to cum again. They look down at the boys soft dick and watch as cum drizzles from his foreskin. A puddle of cum layed where his pubes used to be.The Man keeps power driving his meat for another minute before slamming his balls into the boy and shooting ropes of cum inside his ass. The man points out the cams around the boy. They look right into one. The boy tears up with the realization of what he just did. J: See, the cams love you. My new fuck boy. Jake slaps the boys creamy white ass and laughs obnoxiously again. J: If you think that was fun, Just wait for your first slam.
    7 points
  3. Last Monday, I was working out of town and had a hotel room to myself. Contacted a bbc friend to come over. He is 9.5 inches long, too thick for my fingers to touch and gets incredibly hard. after we kissed and I undressed, I started sucking him and he started fingering my ass. A few hits of poppers and I managed to briefly get him in my throat. In the meantime he started using more fingers and with my encouragement managed to get his entire fist inside me. By now I was begging to get fucked and we started doggie style. Between poppers and his fist, he was able to get every inch in me. He later turned me on my side and bred me deep. He fisted his cum in me till I came incredibly hard. Hoping for a repeat soon.
    6 points
  4. Chapter 10 Uncle and I sat in silence for several minutes. We both were laying down on the round bed in the middle of the room and looking at the mirror on the ceiling but not at each other. I didn't take the slam but I'm still high from when Darryl was here. Uncle Jerry has to be high af still. I sat up because I could feel my dick getting hard and I wasn't sure if now was a good time for that. Uncle Jerry broke the silence and said “I'm sorry you had to see that and be a part of the act” he said “Are you OK?” I asked “oh yeah.. I'm fine. I’m sure you want to ask Zachariah. I promise that I’ll answer, but can we wait until tomorrow or another day? You saw what Zachariah pushed in me. I can't quite focus right now,” he said “that's fine. Can you help me with this” I tied up my arm and handed him a syringe “where did you get that” Uncle asked “Zach had it, but he sat it down for some reason. If you help me find my vein, then you wouldn't have to be the only one who is super high. You wouldn't have to feel like you have to hold back the rest of the night.” I said “Are you sure?” Uncle Jerry asked I gave him a nod. He got up and started touching my arm and quickly located a spot; then I asked. “Can I ask you something? It’s not about Zachariah did you like it? I mean, did it feel good? Because you cum a lot hands-free.” “yeah, I do. I don't mind fisting, and I don't mind playing a sub, but I don't like that bastard no matter what. One of these days, he'll have to pay for it,” Uncle Jerry said. “why do you ask?” “I thought it was hot. I was really turned on…… ” I felt that rush coming through before I could finish my sentence. “holy fuck” I said then I began coughing. I lean back on the bed and look at my eyes opening wide. I have yet to cum tonight, so the only thing on my mind was to cum. It's as if Uncle Jerry heard my thoughts. He positioned a fuck machine right at my hole and slid the mushroom head in me. “keep it in there,” he said. He then straddled over me and sat on my stomach. Uncle Jerry leaned forward and started making out with me. His tongue was battling mine, and then he put his right hand on my neck & pushed himself up while choking me, and said, “ You ready to ramp it up?” Uncle Jerry asked. Before I could answer, he pressed the remote in his hand a few times and then threw it down next to me. He hooked his arms around my legs and pulled them apart, surrendering my hole to that fuck machine. I could feel the fucking machine thrusting in me. “Ohhhh ohhhh uhh ohhh” I moaned. Uncle Jerry then backed up and put my cock in his gaping hole. It swallowed my cock without no resistance. It is so warm, wet, and still tight. Uncle Jerry let out an “ohhhhh fuck” as he moved up and down my cock. He was fucking himself just as hard as I was getting fuck by the fuck machine. My mind could not decide whether to focus on how my dick feels or my ass. All I know is that I wouldn’t last too much longer like this. “Do you like my cock in your cunt, Uncle Jerry? Look at your pre-jizz all over your dick. My dick is yours to ride anytime” I rubbed my finger around his round dick head then began to stroke his cock. “You think you are in control, huh, Benny” Uncle Jerry tightened his cunt muscle around my cock’s head each time then dropped straight down until he hit my balls. Occasionally he held the tension and moved my dick around in his ass. I would have never guessed his hole had just been fisting if I didn’t witness it myself. “Ohhhh my god. Uncle Jerry. Be rough to me like Zach did. I wanna know what it was like” I said Uncle Jerry had a smirk on his face. He put one hand on my neck, choking me, and another was pinching my left nipple hard and twisting it. I wanted to moan but couldn't make a sound because he was choking me hard. I could feel my face getting red until he finally let go. I gasped hard, trying to breathe. When I finally looked at him, he slapped me across my face and said, “You like that slut. You've always wanted to fuck me, don't you? Now you want to be my chem whore, isn't that right” “Yes, sir. I am all yours. He dumped some poppers on a rag and covered my nose and mouth with it.” take a deep breath,” he said. I followed his instructions and fell into a trance. I could see him talking to me and slapping me again on the other side, but I could not hear him. Or could not comprehend his words rather. All I know is the rhythmic thrusting in my ass and Uncle Jerry’s tight squeeze up and down my cock. He continued to ride me and occasionally twirled around, pulled away the rag, then put his hand into my mouth to pull it open then he spit in my mouth. I literally was seeing stars when I screamed out loud “Sir…..sir….I’m gonna….ahh AHHHH AHHHUHHG”. I unloaded all in his hole wave after wave for a solid 30 seconds. Before I could regain my mind, Uncle Jerry got off my cock and removed the fuck machine from my hole. He did it so quickly that it “popped” when he pulled it out. “I got one more gift for you Benny boy. This is going to be the strongest chem piss you’ve ever felt.” He shoved his dick in my ass, and I felt my hole getting filled up by a warm stream of liquid. When it started to leak out, he pulled out his still-pissing dick, pushed my legs up, and told me to hold it and open my mouth wide. He stood over me and gave me the rest of his chem piss. I, indeed, was a thirsty whore, trying to catch every drop of his blessing. He was not joking. The warm stream in my ass is starting to burn. It’s nothing like a normal boof that I only feel the burning sensation in a specific area. I feel it burn all over, deep and shallow. My eyes got wider and wider, looking at him with my mouth open because I could not believe what I was feeling. He spits in my mouth again and then straddles over my face and says, “suck your cum out of my hole, Ben”. I started eating it like it's the most delicious thing ever. I sealed my lips against it tightly and sucked hard to get every drop of my own cum out of his hole. “Hehe. That’s right. Just like that nephew” He got up and gave me a passionate kiss, covering his tongue with my cum in my mouth then he threw himself down next to me and almost instantly passed out. I tried my best to hold my uncle's piss in me for a while longer. It felt amazing. I wanted to absorb every bit of the nutrient he gave me. I eventually let it out while I was taking a shower. When I got out of the shower, I got on my knees and put Uncle Jerry’s limb dick in my mouth, and started blowing him but I quickly realized he was in deep sleep. There's no way I could wake him. Fuck. Now I'm even higher than I was before. There was only one way to cure what I was feeling. I texted Henrique, Keith, and Marc, hoping one of them would respond and fill the hole, but they never did. I got to take care of this burning sensation in my hole then I remembered there was a local kink bar just down the street. I’ve always been too timid to go, but tonight I don’t give a fuck. Someone there ought to give me a good fuck. I ran upstairs, grabbed one of Uncle Jerry’s red jockstraps, and put on a cockring. I threw on a simple T-shirt and shorts, and then out the door I went. When I got to the bar, I was asked to show my ID. I handed it to him and completely forgot that I might not be allowed in. I was already taking steps forward when he handed my ID back to me, but the doorman put his hand on my chest and pushed me back, and said “Sorry, bud. 21 and up” “come on, please. I'm not even here for drinks,” which I really wasn't “yeah? What are you hoping to find in there?” I looked around. There was no one else waiting in line. The bouncer was a muscle bear who was probably in his 30s. About 6'4 or 6'5. Very masculine. He could probably pick me up easily. The bulge under his jeans is extremely distracting. “well……” all I can think about is to fuck or get fucked. Seeing that no one else was in line so I took a step forward and started rubbing on the obvious outline of his dick that looked like a giant snake under his jeans. He grabbed my head and stuck his tongue in my mouth and gave me a good kiss. Then he said “Go on, bud, but go to the bathroom around 145am” I set an alarm clock and showed it to him. He smiled and let me in. The music is loud, and the bar’s lighting is dimmed. There is a group of people at the far corner. There are only red ambient lights around the base of the wall but some were obviously on their knees. I never thought people would or could just fuck in a bar. That was so hot that I started walking in that direction. That corner was far darker than I expected. It’s packed full of people, so once I got there, I tried to make my way in bc my dick and my hole both needed some attention urgently. As I moved through people, I could feel hands grabbing my crotch, fingers pinching my nipples, or rubbing my chest, but I had no idea whose hands they were. I stepped back toward the wall for a bit and let my eyes adjust to the lighting. I had my hands behind me as I moved back in case I bumped into anyone. Unexpectedly I felt a hard dick touching my hand. It was probably about 7.5 or 8. Girthy and had a big pair of balls. I started stroking it without turning around, and then I felt an arm go from under my armpit across my chest and pull me back. I felt someone nibbling on my ear. Whoever he was had a clean face because I didn’t feel any facial hair on his face. His precum was leaking out like a fountain. His hand grabbed me by my head and turned it sideways, then he started kissing my neck. His other hand had gone under my shirt and was pinching my left nipple, sometimes gently flicking it, sometimes rubbing just the tip of my nipples, and occasionally a hard pinch. I started moaning out loud, but I doubt anyone could hear me at this loud bar. He pulled down my shorts and started sliding his dick up and down my butt crack while holding me still with his hands. My eyes have adjusted to the light because I can see everything much more clearly now. As I looked around the bar, I locked eyes with the person right in front of me, my high school football head coach, Coach Green. Here I am. With my shorts on the floor and my cock sticking out, rock hard right in front of him and whoever it was behind me started pushing his dick into my cunt. As I was still deciding how I should respond to coach, he got down on his knees with his hands wrapped around my base and sucking my dick. Oh my god. I don't know what he does that set him apart from blow jobs I've gotten so far, but who knew coach can suck a dick this good. While a stranger's thick dick is thursting through my chem piss hole and pounding on my prostate. This is exactly what I've been wanting. Coach got me so close to cumming, but he stopped right before, stood up, and drop his jeans, and signaled me to blow him. I wonder if he knew how long I've been wanting to do this. I wonder if he knew that he just fucked my ass last week at Jay and Aaron's. Coach Green gave me a nod, so I leaned forward and licked his head at first, then I wrapped my lips around his head. His dick was so hard, and I could taste his sweet pre cum. I've wanted to do this to coach for so long and never thought this day would come true. Coach grabbed my head and started fucking my face. I could feel his balls hitting my chin. The guy behind me also started pounding faster and harder. I could feel him grabbing me tighter, and his legs tensed up. Then he seeded my hole while Coach Green was face fucking the shit out of my face, making me deep-throat his hard dick over and over again. Then I felt his dick swell up then unleashed his sweat man juice in my mouth. Coach lifted me up by my chin and passionately made out with me and shared the taste of his cum with me in my mouth. As I was pulling up my shorts, I felt my watch buzzing Coach gave me a smile and started walking toward the exit. I have no idea who fucked me bc there was no one behind me now. I have no idea when it happened, but looking around now, I see half of the people are gone. Almost everyone who is still at this bar has their shirt off. When I came in, I didn't even notice that the bartenders only had jockstraps on. Their bubble butt sure looked nice. I made my way into the bathroom. I thought half of the people had left the bar, but it turned out the bathroom was packed and full of people. There was no individual urinal. Just three communal ones along the wall, forming a U-shape. Not a single person was actually peeing here. Everyone was facing each other, stroking their dick. Some were on their knees, sucking. I was definitely the youngest dude in the room. I scanned the room twice and found the bouncer standing across from me. He waved me over, took a small step to the left, and gave me some space to his right. He had his shirt tucked behind him on his belt. He had the word “Obey” tattooed across his chest. I stood next to him and faced the same way since that seemed to be what everyone was doing. He started sliding his hand up and down my body and slowly lifted up my shirt. There was another guy with salt and pepper hair but an athletic build with a charming smile pull out my cock right away and started stroking while his hands continued to explore my body and were sliding on my hole, teasing me. His other arm starts lifting my right leg up so my hole is more accessible. Meanwhile, the bouncer was aggressively nibbling on my left nipple. A Latino daddy had filled his spot to my left and was rubbing his hand on my butt and lifting my left leg up just like the other dude. Next thing I know. I'm being lifted up and completely rely on the two guys next to me to support me. They both stood closer behind me so I could wrap my arms around them and lean on their body. The two of them each had one arm holding my leg and the other arm supporting me. They both leaned in to suck and bit on my nipples. At the same time, the bouncer started stroking my dick and was pulling on my balls. He demanded that I make constant eye contact with him because he loved seeing the slutty hungry looks he said. Additionally, I felt a wet tongue contacting and exploring my hole while someone new got behind me and was putting poppers in front of my nose. I must look like a real whore, completely being controlled by men around me, and there was not a thing I could do to stop any of them. It didn't take me long to realize that the bouncer was edging me. He was stroked fast and firmly, then slowed down right when I was about to cum. My face must give away the signal he needed to predict when I get close bc not only did he know to stop just before I reached orgasm. He also knew a few times when he needed to slap my balls, using temporary pain to keep my dick from exploding. My nipples are still being pinched and pulled. I now felt something being inserted in my hole, but I was not even sure because I didn't know where to direct my attention, it was followed by at least three fingers thrusting in and out of my hole. My legs were not quite a split but as far apart as they could be to a split. “aahh uhhh ohhhh” I was moaning uncontrollably. I have no idea what kind of faces I was making. Everything felt so amazing I could even think. I love that I had everyone's attention. This is exactly what I needed to satisfy my thirst. The bouncer stood up and revealed his 9-inch thick snake in his jeans. As if they rehearsed this before, the two guys that lifted me up started to lift my legs up more, exposing my hole to him. “look at that. A young slut's cunt”. I'm being lowered to the perfect height with my legs open to be fucked by the bouncer while my nipples are being pinched. Somehow there were two different kinds of poppers being held in front of my nostrils. The person who was eating my hole now reached his hand around to stroke my cock. I looked around; it seemed like the whole room had their attention on me. I felt the bouncer pressing his cock on my hole and looked right at me with a smile. My hole opened up for his dick on contact. I could feel it penetrating through my sphincter. I couldn't help but throw my head back, open my mouth, and let out a loud moan because it felt so good. I didn't get to do that for long before the two bottles of poppers were replaced by a popper-soaked jockstrap forcefully covering my mouth and nose. I felt the lights around me closing in with darkness, and the only thing I felt was the ecstasy feeling coming from my hole. I closed my eyes and fell into a trance for I don't know how long, but it was so amazing. Then the two guys from behind me pushed me up toward the bouncer and moved my arm to wrap around his neck. We started making out while he continued to thrust his dick into me. The two guys are still on each side, holding my legs apart. Then I felt another dick pressing up against my hole from behind me. I can't see who it was, but the dick was thick. I'm being lowered to take that dick in with my hole. Then there it went. My hole opened up even wider to accept the second dick. The guy from behind me now presses up against my back. One hand playing with my nipple and the other stroking my cock. “oooooh my god… I don't think I can,” I said as I was being lowered and pressed down to take both dicks as deep as I can. My second sphincter resisted and refused to let the second dick in. I felt like I was going to explode from the inside out. It felt so tight, so full. Someone put the popper jockstrap in front of me again. I instinctively bit on it with my mouth this time and the poppers on it was so strong I started blacking out again. After 1 minute or so, my muscles gave out. Not only the 2nd dick is through. In less than a second, it felt like 1-2 more inches of the second dick went inside me all at once. Both tops and I let out a long “aaaahhhhh”. I have never felt this great before. I'm being lifted up and down at a much faster pace now. The sensation from inside of my ass sends shockwaves across my body every time I drop down on them. “I’m about……..” before I could even finish my sentence, my dick shot out a load unexpectedly onto the bouncer's face. It was an orgasm for my dick and my ass. I felt it. He laughed and then said, “nice boy. Lick them clean while we seed you” He leaned his face forward, and I started licking my cum off his face. Then all of a sudden, he pressed his lips tightly against mine and groaned. The guy behind me pressed up tightly against my back then together, their cum erupted from their dicks. This was just what I needed. It feels so good to be filled with cum. The guy behind me pulled his dick out, and I was moved to lean back again. The bouncer surprised me and was still pounding my hole with his hard dick. “Your young cunt feels wonderful. My second load isn't far behind. Do you want it?” I was surprised “yes… fuck yes…. Breed me again, sir” Everyone else in the restroom now circled up around me and, one after another, sprayed their cum all over my body, face, and hair. I was soaked in cum until there was just me and the bouncer left. He flipped me around and pounded my ass so hard that the sound of his balls slapping on my butt echoed in the restroom. Then he wrapped his arm around my neck and choked me as he grunted and released his second load in me. I finally could catch my breath after he was done unloading in me. That was amazing. My hole felt empty but satisfied when he pulled his dick out. I'm soaked in cum, but I don't even care. I stuck my tongue out to eat the cum dripping down. Then the bouncer handed me his shirt. “one side is wet, and the other side is dry. Don't worry about getting it dirty. I just live across the street. If you want, you're welcome to come over for a shower. If not, you are welcome to bring that hole back any night, man. As long as I'm working, you can always get in. You're tons of fun” “Thanks, and I think I'll take you up on the shower offer.” We walked across the street. He put me in the hot shower, and the water pulled me back to reality. I started washing the thick layer of cum off me then I heard him said, “You mind if I join you?” “of course,” I said He got in and started rubbing soap all over me. I reached back and was surprised that he was hard again. “hahaha, I'm too tired to fuck another load out, but it sure seems like my dick wants to, doesn't it? I was only thinking about making you cum. Your balls still feel full,” he said as he played with my balls in his big hand. He turned me around and got down, and swallowed my dick while his finger easily penetrated my cum filled hole and massaged my prostate. My orgasm felt so close yet so far. I felt like I was right on the edge of cumming, but I couldn’t find the finish line. My attention was so focused on getting myself to cum. Before I knew it, his knuckles passed through my sphincter. His whole fist was inside of me. The sensation of it immediately sent me over the edge. I moaned in a way that I never knew I could then I cum hard all in his mouth. He swallowed every drop of it clean as if it were his favorite snack. I could not believe his whole fist went in me, and it was fucking amazing. I could see why this was able to make Uncle Jerry blow his load hands-free now. He slowly pulled his hand out, stood up and pulled me in close for a kiss. Then he started to help me clean up my body for real this time. When I was towel drying myself, I noticed a picture of him and Marc in the picture frame. Marc looked much younger in that picture. “who's that?” I pointed at the picture of him and Marc “That's my stepbrother. We used to be close, but then he somehow got involved with the Winston brothers and got into drugs, so we haven't spoken in a few years.” “oh…I'm sorry to hear that,” I said, but what was really on my mind was “oh shit.” I quickly got dressed. On my way out, he handed me his number and introduced himself: “I'm Jason. Be safe. I'll see you around.” “Thanks for the shower and for letting me in the bar” I rushed out of there. I could not believe that I had just gotten fucked by Marc's stepbrother, who I didn't even know Marc had. Thank God he didn’t know who I was and that I was high as fuck when I first arrived. Also, who is the other Winston brother? Why does it seem like my family has made a name for themselves in this town, but somehow I know nothing of it? I have to ask Uncle Jerry about this, but how do I bring this up, I thought to myself. I got in my car and started driving back to Uncle Jerry's with a lot of questions on my mind. At least the urge in my hole was satisfied.
    5 points
  5. This is my first time writing. Sorry if it sucks. This is just a recount of a dream I had. I was getting high and playing with myself and finally came up with the courage to message a top. I'm not out or regularly hooking up with guys or even doing Tina. This time was special though. I had been doing lines and instantly wanted to have my 10" dildo in my hole. I had been playing around with it as it had a suction so I could stick it to the floor or wall and do a line and ram back on it. After the second day of getting high, I finally connected with someone. I gave them my info and they immediately reached out and asked me to come over. Upon arriving, I am greeted by this guy with a dad bod his t shirt and his fat "coke can" dick was already rock hard. He reaches around and slips a finger in my ass and starts to kiss me as a greeting. I was super nervous, but also I wanted to play. He had his own stuff and introduced me to his husband. They were a bit older than me and had toys out and we're enjoying the evening. Once I got comfortable I took off my clothes and started playing with the hard cock hoping to feel it inside me. The night progressed and I asked him to top me. He had me bend over and lube me up, I was already flying high, and some more was put in my hole. This really got me horny in anticipation. Next thing I know he wants to eat me out. So I lay back on the table and lift up my legs exposing my quivering hole to him. He shoved his face in my crack and I was immediately in heaven. He stopped for a second to ask me to pull my cheeks open more. That's when he put his tongue deep inside my hole. I couldn't explain how good this felt, it being my first time to have a tongue deep in my ass. At this point I was ready for anything and begged him to enter me with his dick. I sucked his dick quickly and laid back down to have him slam his cock in me in one movement. My eyes bulged and I gasped in lust. I was finally high and getting topped, complete bliss. That's when I woke up with a puddle of cum in the bed next to me.
    4 points
  6. Community hole I had a couple of hours to spare on Saturday afternoon and couldn’t help but offer my home to anyone who needed to dump a load anon, no questions asked. The first lad was a 29 yr old who has a boyfriend but loves to sneak out to breed my slutty cunt whenever he can. He gets off knowing he’s using a well used risky hole. I’m ass up in a jock in a dark room. He lets himself in, strips off and poppers up and slides in. I was using my new gas mask so was on a popper high as he pounded his cheating load in. He tagged my ass with the pen and left when done. I was advertising my used cummy community hole when a 27 yr old Brazilian lad asked if he could dump his load too in my cummy hole. I agreed and a few minutes later he arrived too. He just pulled his trackies and boxers down and hand worked his semi into a boner. Then he was straight in and nicely creaming my cunt and enjoying the previous lads anon load. It wasn’t long before he quietly announced he was going to cum. I begged him to breed me and that did the trick. He filled me back up. I couldn’t help drop to my knees to clean his cummy cock up. When I checked my messages I had one from a 60 yr old married guy asking if I took any load and asking if I’d take his. I told him I always promise ‘no load refused’ and he was keen to try my hole. Sure enough he found me on all fours on the bed and my ass tagged and plugged for use. A few slaps of his dick against my ass and he was ready. He pulled the plug out and released a trickle of spunk from my hole. He chased it back into my hole and plowed it back in deep. Then he fucked me good and forced the cum from my hole as he depleted the 2 lads loads with his cum fountain of hot mature cheating cum. My new jock was soaked in cum and properly christened for more community hole use!
    4 points
  7. My first time writing a story. Chapter 1 serves as a prelude. Chemsex element will become more prominent starting in next chapter. Chapter I Finally I'm all done with my exams for my classes. My winter break has officially begun. I cannot wait to head home to see my best friend Keith. "come on. I miss blowing my cum in you and I know you do too. " was the last text I received from Keith a few days ago We've been best friends all our lives. The last weekend before we each off to college, we were in his parents basement playing call of duty. We both proclaimed that we were much better than the other person. To decided that we'd take turn playing 5 rounds. Whoever gets the most kills win. Even though we were the same age. I looked boyish still. I had peaked at 5'9. In shape. Keith and I both are stayed active and played sports all year round. I had define arms and abs but nothing like Keith. He straight up looked like a matured young man in his 20s already. His physique was great. Muscular, blonde, with a charming smile and outgoing personality. 6'3, green eyes and his huge bulge had always been hard to ignore. I've only saw the outline of his dick when we were changing in the locker room a few times. I've seen his mushroom head a few times when we were working out in the weight room. He occasionally didn't wear underwear so when he was spotting me and standing over me at the bench press, I looked up and there it was. His long dick hanging on one side of his shorts. From my angle, it almost seemed like it his shorts could barely consealed it. My dick started getting hard the first time when I focused on his dick too much. After I finished my reps, Keith flicked my boner hard and said "we're almost done handsome. One more set then you are free to take care of yourself so let's stay focus buddy." I didn't know if he knew what got me hard but ever since, I try not to look into his shorts too long bc I didn't think I'd be able to control my urge to wrap my mouth around his mushroom head if I looked at it for too long again. As our two-people video game tournament went on, whoever is off started messing with the other person. At first Keith stood next to the TV and started lifting his shirt up, licked his finger and circled around his perfect nipple a couple times attempted to distract me. When it was his turn, I did the same except I went a step further and pulled down my shorts to show him my butt, supported by a pair of black jockstrap. Each round, we tried to one up the other. He licked the back of my ear, I full on licked his ear inside and out, he even sat behind me and played with my nipples. I made sure I didn't accidentally let out any moaning. Everything was all in the name of distracting the other person of course but I was getting hard. I didn't want Keith to see my boner so my last couple rounds I laid on my stomach instead so Keith wouldn't see my rock hard dick. As soon as my last round started, he pulled down my shorts, exposing my whole butt. I said "I played the game naked at home so that ain't going to do anything to hurt my game. If anything, it puts me at ease to take the crown for sure". My attention is fully on the game but I heard Keith said "is that so?" and I heard him walking away, opened and closed his drawer, and I heard couple bottles opening and closing. I said "are you getting your beside lotion? If you are, that's perfect. I could use a nice shoulder rub. You can start calling me the king bc I'm on my way to break my personal best" then I heard Keith whisper right next to my ear softly "we'll see about that. Tell me. Do always play this game at home with a hard on? ". He then reach into the sofa and grab my hard dick and lean me on my side slightly and started stroking it. He caught me off guard but I thought we were still trying to one up the other person so I said "keep stroking that. My dick is hard only bc the first thing you gonna have to do after I win is to put that down your throat". His arm wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer to him and said "you haven't won yet mister. You still need 10 kills and only 60 seconds to go". When he did that, he shotgun me a mouth full of smoke that he got off his vape and gave me a good head buzz. Meanwhile, He stopped stroking me and rest his hands on my hip. I didn't noticed that he had lube up his dick and was sliding up and down my butt crack. By the time I realized what he was doing, I felt a little warming sensation and heard a wet pop, his whole head slid into my ass before I could make a sound. By the time I did make a sound, his had his hand and a wet rag over my mouth. The rag smelled like some sort of chemical so my vision started to blurred and my body went soft. Mean while, he felt my muscle relaxed so his dick made its way deeper. I wanted to moan but I did everything I could to hold back bc the basement door suddenly opened. Keith's mom brought us a plate of fruit. She noticed that we were cuddling, which was something we had casually done before. We both still had our shirts on so nothing appear out of ordinary to her. She was completely unaware that we had no nothing on under the blanket that Keith throw on us last minute and her son's dick was making his way up my virgin asshole. It was so big and made me feel so full. I didn't even know how much I had taken bc it took everything out of me to aoo normal. When Keith's mom looked away for a few to turn up the basement theremostat for us, Keith placed the rag over my nose and mouth once again and whispered to me "take a deep breath then hold it in". As I followed Keith's instructions, I could feel his dick going deeper and deeper slowly as I inhaled. His mom turned up the thermostat the started making her way back up stairs. "you boys behave down here" she said as she made her way up. I let out the deep breath of poppers i inhaled and grab a big pillow and put my head into it and let out the moan I've been holding back for what felt like eternity. As soon as I lifted my head up, Keith put the rag in front of my nose and mouth once more and said "couple more deep breath. You're so tight but you're almost there. Baby Come on. You can do it. Take it all the way in". I could feel Keith pulling his dick 2/3 of the way out to reapply the warming lube on the shaft of his dick. His hands are covering my nose and mouth with such force that I was inhaling poppers whether I liked it or not. I feel my vision closing in, my ass warming up, and his balls now touching my butt. When his hard throbbing dick was all the way in he whispered "good job, Ben. That was all 10 inches of me. Relax and just feel it in you. Inhale more poppers on the rag and just focus on the feeling. I bet you can feel my blood pumping through my dick, can't you? It is hard as a rock bc damn you have a nice hole. Tight like mine just a year ago. I saw you made a tent earlier when I pinched your nipples so I decided to go for it. You're the first person to take in all of my dick. I'm impressed. Here take two more deep breath, one on each side." Keith put the popper bottle right under my nose this time. Left then right. "good now hold it" he straddle on top of me, grabbed the remote and turned on some music on TV and shoved my head deep into the pillow and held on hands together behind my back with one hand and started moving his pelvis back and forth. My head was buzzing and I was moaning without holding back now but with my head shoved in the pillow and music playing, my moaning was barely audible. Keith's head was massaging my prostate in a steady rhythm. I could hear him trying to keep his own moaning down. "oh ben.. I'm gonna cum soon. Are you ready for it?" I knodded. Then I felt Keith pressing his body hard against my back and his body tensed up, 4-5 warm waves of his warm cum hitting my inner rectum wall. When he rolled down on my side and turned me side way, his mushroom head touched my prostate and the pressure of it and his warm cum made me shot my cum hard hands free. I let out the first groan without anything over my mouth. He panicked and covered my mouth with his big hand through the rest of my orgasm. My cum got on his hair, my hair, our faces. After 30 seconds or so.... He finally started letting go of me. We both covered in sweat and cum and was still recovering from the intense pleasure that we just had. I said "why did we wait until now to do this?" he said "I don't know but I promise you this won't be the last. I have so much more to show you". We parted way a few hours later on our way to our college. We wanted to fuck once more but his parents interrupted us every few minutes we honestly couldn't. Keith slapped my butt as I walked upstairs and said, I guess I will see you during winter break. I'll have a good Christmas present for you. He giggled. I had no idea what was on his mind but all I know was no cock had felt nearly as good as his since I got to college. However, I did learn a few new tricks that I plan on showing him when I see him. 😏
    3 points
  8. Back in it's heyday the Belvedere Theater was one of the hottest, sleziest, and depraved places in Atlanta. The theaters were cruizy, action was happening everywhere - in the seats, at the back, sides, stage area. One particular Saturday night during the summer I experienced one of the most intense hookups in my life. Being a 100% bottom faggot, I had prepared in advance. Cleaned out thoroughly, shaved, and trimmed. Put on my stainless chastity cage with the urethral insert. Lubed my ass well and inserted a large buttplug. Placed a weighted nipple clamp on each nipple. Put on a pair of shorts going commando, and t-shirt. Slipped on my tennis shoes (unlaced no socks). It was around 10PM and dark when I started my drive down to the theater. I felt like a total slut whore. The clamps were doing their job on my nipples. The plug in my ass, and cage had me breathing hard. I arrived and parked in the rear. I noticed there were a lot of cars in the parking lot. A few guys loitering there. I walked to the entrance, paid the entry fee and entered the facility. I could hear the thumping of music from the theaters. Some guys were hanging out in the hallway. I made my way to one of the gay theaters. My eyes had to adjust to the lack of light. The only light was from the movie playing on screen. On the screen was a white guy on his knees, surrounded by 4 hung black stallions. He was getting fucked RAW by a big muscular hunk of a man with a huge BBC. He was sucking the hard throbbing cock of another, and stroking the other two with his hands. The music and fucking sounds were intoxicating. As my eyes adjusted I could see I wasn't alone. Several men were standing near me. Some with thier Cocks out stroking them, others on their knees providing oral service. I walked down the center isle about a third of the way down and found an empty isle seat. As i sat there watching the action on the screen, my nipples were aching under the strain of the clamps and weights. My cocklet was trying to get hard in the cage, I could tell I was leaking precum from the uretheral insert, and my sphincter was clenching the butt plug in my ass. From behind me I heard the footsteps of someone walking down the center isle. He was a bit heavy footed and obviously not trying to be quiet. As he passed me I could see why, he was decked out in cowboy boots, denim from top to bottom, curly hair and well worn dirty cowboy hat. He walked all the way down to the front row, turned around and started making his way back up the isle. As he got closer I could see he was a ruggedly handsome man in his late 20's or early 30's. He had his denim shirt mostly unbuttoned showing off his muscular and hairy chest. He was tall, about 6'4" and lean. His jeans were well worn. But what caught my eye most was the huge bulge he was sporting down the leg of his jeans. It had to be a full 8 inches of Cock. As he got to me on his way back up the isle something came over me and I raised my hand up to get his attention. He walked over to me, standing there about 6 inches from my face with that huge bulge. He leaned in "You want some of this?" he asked loudly in a gruff voice, as he grabbed and shook his cock. "Listen bitch, If you say yes, I'm going to use you, defile you, fuck you hard until I'm done using your holes. I'm going to fuck your mouth and ass RAW. I'm going to breed you. There will be no refusing me of anythhing I demand, no backing out, no tapping out, do you understand?" I replied "yes." He grabbed me by my t-shirt and pulled me up out of my seat and dragged me behind him as we made our way up the isle and out of the theater. I was confused until we got to the entrance of the bathroom. There he found an open stall and pushed me into it. He said "hurry up and strip." As I glanced up I saw we had an audience that had followed us into the bathroom. I pulled my t-shirt up and over my head exposing the nipple clamps. "Whoa look what we have here! Nice fag." he said as he tugged on the clamps hard making me swoon in lust and pain. "What the fuck are you waiting for fag, get the fucking shorts and shoes off." Ackwardly I kicked my shoes off and worked to get my shorts off while having my nipples abused. "Damn more goodies. You tiny dicked bitches should all be caged." He grabbed my t-shirt and shorts and threw them over my head to the back of the stall. He grabbed and pulled on my balls hanging below the cage and squeezed them hard, eliciting a moan of pain from me. "Turn around and bend over." I did as I was instructed. I noticed my shorts had caught the upright toilet seat, but my tshirt was half in the dirty toilet water. He smacked my ass cheeks hard with his hands. Both cheeks repeatedly over and over again. I know my cheeks had to be bright red. "Reach back and spread your cheeks open." Doing this exposed the buttplug in my ass. "Your ready and really want this don't you fag. Got that ass plugged and open." He grabbed the plug base and pulled it out roughly. "Put your fingers in there and open that hole." I reached back and inserted my fingers into my gaping ass and opened it further. "That hole better be squeaky clean or you will be eating whatever comes out of it." He coughs up a luggy and spits it into my hole. Then re-inserts the butt-plug. He spins me around and forces me to sit on the dirty toilet rim as the seat was up. "You ready to service me whore?" He slowly starts unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his six pack abs, and muscular upper frame. His Cock inside the leg of his jeans seems even larger. Throbbing, pulsing. He unbuckles his belt and starts unbuttoning his jeans. He is commando in his jeans, revealing more of his impressive body. He pulls his monster cock out and I instinctively reach out with my hands, which he smacks down. "No hands bitch. Just your holes and when I say." His cock is enormous. Good solid 9 inches and as thick as my wrist. He holds it over my face. I can smell his musty masculine scent. He smacks my face with his Cock. rubbing it all over my face. He pulls his cock up revealing his big hairy ballsack to me. He grabs a handfull of my head-hair with his other hand "Suck my balls. Give them a good tongue bath." I open my mouth and let my tongue do the work requested. His scent is so intoxicating, so manly, masculine, dominant. He directs me where he wants roughly. I'm moaning and breathing hard. When he is satisfied he pulls my head up and turns around presenting me his hairy masculine ass. "Get that tongue in my asscrack and ass. Dig in there deep bitch." Guided by his hand holding me securely, I start licking, tonguing, and probing his ass crack and eventually his pucker. "You like that bitch? Get that tongue in deep. Clean me good fag. Yep I took a shit before coming here, you like my shit?" I could tell from the smell and taste it was recent. But in my depraved state I was moaning and excited to be debased and used. He spun back around, and pushed his engorged cock into my mouth. I opened taking as much as I could. He now held my head with both hands. He started fucking my mouth going deeper and deeper, making me gag. "You better not bite me or throw up bitch. Take it whore." Tears were streaming down my face as I attempted to provide the service demanded. He stopped thursting while in deep, "look up at me!" He then spit in my face several times before proceeding to fuck my mouth and throat more. He stopped fucking my mouth but left his cock in it. Suddenly there was a stream of hot piss flowing into my mouth which caught me by surprise. "Swallow my piss whore, don't miss a drop." I swallowed what seemed like a gallon of his golden nectar. He then pulled out in mid stream and pissed all over my head, face, chest, and crotch until he was empty. Amazingly his Cock was still raging hard. "Get up fag, turn around, spread your legs and bend over, spread that ass open." He grabbed the butt-plug and yanked it out of my ass. I almost crumbled. He took the plug and shoved it into my mouth. "That will keep you quiet." He roughly and mercilessly beat my ass with his hands again, but this time included his belt. Then he shoved his entire Cock length and girth into my asshole in one full stroke. The beating had me crying and groaning around the butt plug. But when he shoved that huge Cock into me I screamed out which caused applause and comments from the crowd watching my debasement. Full strokes almost completely out to fully in (and into that next level). His muscular hands and fingers dug into my hip bones as he used them as leverage to force himself into my gut roughly. He fucked me hard and mercilessly for a solid 15 minutes. He was sweating heavily and I could feel his sweat dropping onto my ass and back. He pushed my legs farther apart, pushing my head down into the toilet - almost into the filthy water. Then with a mighty roar he shoved into me deep and bred me with his potent seed. He seemed to cum for the longest time. He slowly pulled out. Reached around and pulled the butt-plug from my mouth and shoved it back into my ravaged ass. Then he turned me around and pushed me down on the toilet rim. "Clean my Cock and Balls." I proceeded to dutifully clean his spent shaft and ball sack. When he was satisfied he pulled back and started dressing himself. He just turned and left. Never saw this man again - damn. An older black guy who had been watching the action and stroking his hard cock moved into the stall and forced his 6 inch thick cock into my mouth. He grabbed my head in his hands and face fucked me until he blew his load. I dutifully swallowed what was offered. He stepped back and then he and a hispanic guy started pissing on me. I opened my mouth and took some of their streams. The crowd dispersed. I started gathering my wet clothing. Couldn't find my shoes! My nipples were beyond aching. I pulled the clamps off and nearly passed out. I looked down at my cock cage and it was obvious I had cum while being fucked. After dressing I walked outside to my car. A young black guy had followed me out to my car. He said "that was so damn hot, I want to fuck and breed you. I want to put my load in next to the cowboys." I asked where do you want to do the deed. He said "right here over the back of your car." He whipped out a thick 7 inch BBC that was already hard and throbbing. I bent over the car, dropped my shorts, removed the ass plug, putting it in my mouth. He pulled my tshirt up and shoved his hard throbbing cock into my overused ass. My BBC stallion started fucking me hard and deep. My ravaged ass gave no resistance. Then he shoved his black cock in hard and gave me his load. He slipped out slowly. I put the butt-plug back in. Turned around knelt and cleaned his cock.
    3 points
  9. I started out at home stretching my hole with my butt plugs. I take an edible and pull out my poppers. After about an hour of stretching I can finally get my biggest one in all the way which is a new accomplishment for me. My goal to being able to take endless dick is coming closer and closer. I put on my jock and head to steam works. I’m pissed cause the line is crazy crazy long. I wait in line for about 45 mins and while I am in line some older guy keeps looking at me and undressing me with his eye. At one point he gives me a very specific cruising look that I choose to ignore because we are still in line. I keep standing in line only to get put on a waitlist for a room and I head to my locker. I get undressed and head to the back where the glory hole maze is. It’s very busy. I walk around making eye with everyone until the same older gentleman from the line sees me..clearly this guy is into me. Good thing for him I let anyone blow their load in me who wants to. If we weren’t at steam works this guy would never stand a chance normally. Clearly he’s pining for me and I’m gonna give him what he wants. I get into a booth alone and get on my knees and see him frantically enter the booth next to me pushing others out of the way. He puts his dick through and it’s a decent size. I begin sucking it and slurping moving my tongue all around his head as he thrust through the hole into my mouth. I turn around and press my hole onto his dick until he’s fully inside of me. He starts to thrust very enthusiastically. I take some hits of poppers and lean forward on the wall in front of me while his strange man uses my hole for his liking. Eventually he stops. I hear a knock on my door and it’s him. I guess the glory hole wasn’t enough and he wants to come in. Normally I hate sharing a booth but I had to let this guy cum at this point. I let him in and he starts fucking me thrusting harder and harder while kissing my neck and keeps telling me how handsome I am. This is turning me on that I turn around and start sucking him and then I let him fuck me.. I switch from ass to mouth a few more times and he’s loving it.. finally he’s ready to nut and he fucks me so hard that it starts to hurt a little so I take some hits and I am back to my piggy self. He blows his loads thanks me and leaves. I stay in the booth and see another dick poking through the hole. I begin to suck it. After a while I sit in it and this guy thrusts for few minutes. Then I feel him exit my hole. I’m pissed.. I look through the hole and see he put his dick on the other hole in the wall and is thrusting.. I put my hole up against the hole in the wall and hope he’ll come back for me. He does, at this point it’s clear he’s fucking me and another guy in another booth. But I get the load. i exit the booth and walk around and sit on a bench because the edible is starting to hit.. the way I am sitting puts me eye level with people’s crotches and some fat old man puts his dick in my face. I oblige and begin to suck it he blows his load without warning in my mouth and I am annoyed because I wanted it in my hole. He leaves and this encourages other guys to his place and i suck some guys dick who I don’t even remember. I bend over the bench and stick my hole in the air and he pushes into me. He starts pounding, another guy gets in front and I start sucking him off. I’m in heaven.. I take more and more hits until I’m spinning out. Not sure if the guy fucking me cums but he leaves and another guy takes his place. this guy is fucking me hard but his dick is small so I am Chillen bent over the bench completely disassociated with things around me. This guys makes a noice like he cums but not sure if he does. I am spinning out so I decide to leave and cruise the rooms. I see a bald big belly daddy jerking and I stand in his door and he motions for me to enter.. I get on his bed laying on my back and spread my legs. I take another big hit.. he starts pounding and I black out. When I come to I wake up to the same guy just pounding me. He thrusts a little longer until he cums I leave feeling weird about being fucked without being conscious about it.. until I realize how hot it was. I walk around trying to cool down and I see that my room is ready so I head to the front desk and I get a large room. I lay on my bed in my room with my legs spread in the air while I lay on my back. Some guy stares in the hallway and I lotion for him to enter.. he does and I suck him until I’m ready for cock. I take a hit of poppers and he enter me and starts pounding me. I am desperate to recreate the feeling I just had and keep taking hits of poppers. The combination of edibles and poppers makes me feel so loopy and slutty. Finally I am so out of it that I am not even aware that I am being fucked in a sex club. My mind is else where as I stare at the mirror in the ceiling at me being fucked by this random ugly guy. He fucks me hard that I am moving up and down in the mirror and I am super disassociated watching myself beign fucked. He says something I don’t quite make out and say “what?” He goes “I said I’m gonna breed you” then blows is load in my sloppy sloppy hole. He leaves and the fact that I am so high and being fucked and used while being totally out of it really turns me on. this feelings is amazing, I take hit after hit in my room alone. And I open the door.. I black out. I wake to an Asian guy pounding me. At first I start to panick a bit because I have no clue where I am or if I ever even encouraged this man to come in my room. But this is what I wanted. He keeps thrusting and thrusting and I let myself go mentally and he is talking major dirty talk. He says “ god ur so hot” I smile and he pounds harder . He says “ how many loads do you have? “ I say “ no idea” he keeps pounding that I hear our skin clapping together against my wet hole. He cums. He leaves and I close my door. My hole is super super wet. No idea how long I was out for or show fucked me during.. I love it. I get some water and head to the back and bend over the bench and feel a guy enter me and I start sucking some other guys while being fucked. At this point I can barely feel anything because I am so wet and so loose and so out of it. This guys stops fucking me and is replaced by another.. not sure if either guys cum but when they leave I go back to my room. I lay with the door open stroking in a poppers haze. I see a black guy come in and his dick is probably the biggest dick I’ve ever seen.. it’s probably 11 inches long and as thick as a beer can. There’s no way I can take this, I think to myself. I tell him he’s too big and he says “ you took it fine last time, and now I’m ready to cum” wow, this guy already fucked me and I had no clue. I shrug and spread my legs and he enters me. He’s right, I have no problems taking it and it’s amazing. I take more and more hits of poppers while this guy pounds my mess of a hole. He finally cums and asks if I’m negative. I say “yeah and on prep” he says “cool thanks” and leaves. this experience made me so euphoric. My hole was wet and loose now and I have no clue how many loads I have in me. What I do know is that I can’t stop now. After taking this huge cock I feel like any dick after that will be easy. I notice a guy keeps walking by my door.. this guy is older and hair and ugly with a huge mustache and a belly.. finally he motions me to turn around.. he wants me face down ass up. I oblige but he doesn’t enter. I sigh and stay in the position. Then I hear someone come in. It’s probably him.. he pushes into me and I can hear him clapping my cheeks and hear the wetness sloshing around. He’s pounding me hard and it sounds like wet skin slapping together.. my hole is so used I genuinely feel nothing. I probably wouldn’t even know I am being fucked if it wasn’t for hearing the skin slapping. I stare in the mirror in front of me and see me bounce with every thrust.. he doesn’t like this and pushes my head down.. he comes finally with a super loud moan that actually scares me.. he says thanks and leaves. I decide I a ready to leave it’s like 3 am and I am falling asleep.. I am almost tempted to sleep with the door open hoping that someone will fuck me while I’m out. But not sure if this will violate any rules. I choose to leave but I wanna cum. I cruise the rooms and I see this young Mexican guy and he motions to come in his room. I suck his little dick and ask him to fuck me until i cum.. he wants me to ride him. I straddle him and as I spread my cheeks to sit on him a bunch a cum falls out of me onto his dick. I look at him to cause his reaction.. he says “fuck that’s hot” and forcefully enters me to the point that I am suprised it hurts. He shoved the loads in me and thrusts literally twice before cumming.. I laugh to myself because my goals was for me to cum not him.. I get off him and he says thanks and I go back to to my room.. luckily some Asian man is cruising me so I let him come in. I tell him I want to cum and if he wants to fuck he’s gonna have to be quick cause I am ready to go. He says” it takes me while but I can fuck you and after you cum I’ll go find someone else” I let him in he pounds me hard and my dick is soft flopping out of my jock. He removes me jock strap and continues to pound my nasty hole.. my dick starts to get hard hands free.. and cums starts to spill out of my cock but I don’t orgasm.. he stops and I tell him to keep going.. he listens and my cock does it again and I feel a very dull orgasm happening he stops and I demand him to continue. He’s pounding harder and harder and my body seems to be confused.. as if I came but also not super satisfied.. he scoops my own loads off my abs and uses it as lube and shoved it in. I am ready to cum. My cock is not super hard and as he pounds I start jerking.. I say “holy fuck holy fuck I am going to cum” he pounds harder and harder and I blow my load so high and it feels so intense intense up badly and moan and moan. This guy at this point really should slow down or stop but for some reason he goes harder and harder I am just about to demand him to stop until he groans and it’s clear that he’s breeding me too. my load shot so high it was in my hair and my stomach is glistening with lube and cum and I am a mess. The guys leaves and I get up to go shower.. I shower and while I am getting clean some guy starts cruising me but I ignore it.. there’s no way I can stay awake any longer. I am now clean and then realize I am full of loads. I head tot he toilet and push them out.. time to head back to the shower.. my hole is throbbing at this point.. I am sore and exhausted. I check out and Uber home and fall asleep. I wake up the next day and take it easy. At the end of the day after spending all day in bed I turn on some cum dump porn and fantasize about being him. I jerk off while I play with my hole until I cum. I love it
    3 points
  10. I'm a preppy 28 year old, white dude of Irish descent, clean-cut, athletic, by many considered the typical red-blooded American male. But a more select group of acquaintances knows me for my more intimate characteristics. A bareback top with a mean 7” and a bubble butt to die for. Except for my propensity for barebacking, I’m pretty conventional. I get tested every 3 months, and have so far avoided the bug. Last weekend I got into chat with a guy in my neighborhood. When I say “neighborhood,” he lives 14 miles away. But by Internet standards, that’s close; so we decided to meet. I was pleasantly surprised when he opened the door. He was about 40, 5'8", bright green eyes, and dimples. A really handsome man. At first he was pretty easy-going, and we laughed a lot. We seemed to have a lot in common. We smoked some pot and got into a discussion of how it affected us. I commented that weed relaxed me and made me horny. He countered that it made him more animalistic and aggressive. He wasn't kidding! Once our clothes were off he became a totally different person—obsessed with using the hole of a guy that topped. In no time at all he had me on my hands and knees with my ass high in the air like a bitch waiting to be bred. He rimmed me for a while and used his spit to lube me. He worked his fingers into my hole. Long fingernails clawed at my ass. I sniffed his poppers and awaited the inevitable assault. I felt his cockhead against me, and within a minute was impaled up to his balls. A mixture of pain and ecstasy. He plunged in and out of me, almost withdrawing, then back in up to his pubes, till his balls snapped against my butt. My ass is still kind of tight, because I haven’t been fucked much, so each time he plunged in, it hurt. Not that he cared. He mumbled something about dry fucking being best, and called me his pussy-boy and his bitch. He told me he was going to impregnate me and wanted his seed to live on in my body. His dick, already engorged, grew ever harder and his eyes rolled back in his head—classic signs of a guy about to cum. But he fucked on. 15, maybe 20 minutes later I hit my low. The pot and the poppers had totally consumed me, and my ass had became the fucked-out hole sink hole he wanted it to be. Even token resistance was impossible. Where, he posed, did I want him to shoot? I'm not a Bug Chaser. If I know a guy is poz, I ask him not to cum in me. I asked his status. He smiled a nasty grin and said that it didn't matter, that he’d already cum once in me. I thought back 20 minutes, when I felt sure he was going to cum. He had! The fucker concealed it, hadn’t missed a beat, because he knew he could cum again. Grasping my ankles, he pushed my legs even further apart, and pounded my ass relentlessly as his 2nd load flooded my innards. That was just too much. With a head full of poppers and an ass full of cum, I shot all over my face and chest. Again I asked if he were poz. "Can’t rightly say. Guess you’ll have to wait and see. Then we’ll both know.” I wondered if “Can’t rightly say” meant he didn’t know or just wouldn’t tell me. I've taken some poz loads in my life, but have always cum out neg. Luck of the Irish, I guess. But maybe my luck’s run out. Meanwhile, I’ve developed an attraction to the guy. I’m going to see him again tomorrow, and this weekend we’re going to the baths together. I’m really looking forward to seeing him. If I have to be his boy-toy, his bitch, even his slave, to please him, so be it. Me, the arrogant ex-top.
    3 points
  11. Back in the early 80s, when I first was coming out, I went into a booth at a ABS where someone started blowing me through a glory hole. I came in his mouth and we both left the booth at the same time. He looked at me and smirked. He was a HS friend's Dad. He knew me because I had been to their house several times. I freaked and got out of there. I later found out he was a total cumdump and would see him cruising the bookstores all the time.
    3 points
  12. I was more into bottoming when I was younger. I was having sex with one of my first flatmates - once after he fucked me we were spooning in bed together with his dick still up my ass, I felt his dick twitch and throb a few times and I didn't realise what was happening until I started feeling like I needed to take a shit. When I asked him what was happening he told me he was pissing in my ass - there was something about being held and laying in bed while he did something so filthy that I loved straight away. He told me later that was also his first time, he had never tried it before but he said there was something about me that just told him I'd like it. He wasn't wrong 🙂 He had a big dick even when he was soft so it went deep - we couldn't do it all the time because it always took a few hours to completely work its way out of me, but that became a semi-regular thing for us after fucking. Usually we'd do it at night, I'd sit on the toilet and take a shower before going to bed but more always came out the next morning - so I was sleeping with his piss locked away somewhere in my large intestine. I also tried drinking his piss once but I hated it - I've had a few bottoms drink mine since then though.
    3 points
  13. Doc Murphy’s Therapy “Fuck... here we go,” I sighed, grabbing the door handle and walking into the reception area. Looking around ... it was a basic waiting room, and I could tell this was not going to be good. I turned around to leave until I heard a voice. “Can I help you?” I turned around and saw the man who had interrupted my escape now standing behind the counter. I took a sharp breath... “Uh...” I hesitated. “I have an appointment today. I’m not sure with whom. My dad made it for me.” I tried to keep cool, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him... His slightly tight white dress shirt and khakis did little to hide his muscular body. He stood still for a minute... his green eyes staring at me for a quick second before handing me a clipboard and sitting down. “You must be Sam” he said, looking at the computer screen. “I’m Mike, Doc Murphy’s assistant. You’ll need to fill out these out.” he said, placing the paperwork on the counter and looking at the computer monitor again with focused attention. Walking up to the counter, I quickly grabbed the clipboard and sat down trying to not be so obvious, but I couldn’t help staring. All I could think was this guy looked just like Bry, my best friend from high school, or at least what he would look like in ten years. Mike looked to be about 30.... All I could do was tell myself... “Bry’s gone... he’s on the other side of the country now. Get the fuck over it.” I finished the paperwork, filling out the basics... name, address, date of birth, insurance, etc. and walked it up to Mike. Paying me no attention, he took it and quickly dismissed me... “Have a seat. Doc will be with you soon,” Mike mumbled, still concentrating on the monitor. I sat there nervously, until he looked up and abruptly told me to go right in before fixating on the monitor again. Walking into the next room I didn’t see anyone, so I sat on the sofa and grabbed a pillow and held it tightly on my lap. I heard the door finally open... I turned and my eyes widened in surprise. In walked a man in his early 40’s wearing a tight black t-shirt and jeans. Seeing me, he smiled, flashing his white teeth before walking to me and firmly shaking my hand. “You must be Sam, I’m Dr. Murphy, but you can just call me Doc.” he said, turning down the lights. “This should help you relax a bit so we can talk.” Speechless, I just sat there as he sat down across from me and began looking over my paperwork. At this point I was glad I had the pillow on my lap as I felt my cock begin to stiffen. “Give me a second, ok?” he said, still looking over my paperwork. “My previous patient took a little longer than expected.” Even though he wasn’t looking, I nodded and tried to not to be obvious. I began to examine him with my eyes. Doc was about 45 with a muscular build and piercing black eyes. He was wearing black rimmed glasses with square lenses. Moving to the next page, he flipped the page and ran his hand over his short gray speckled hair. With him still reading, I cautiously moved my eyes down seeing how the tight black material of his t-shirt fit hugged his firm pecs. That’s when I noticed the prominent peaks where his nipples would be... they were pierced. Holding the pillow tighter, my eyes wandered down to his muscular legs encased in the dark denim fabric and noticed he was wearing a pair of black boots which surprised me. “10-hole Rangers,” he said, putting down the paperwork and grabbing his notebook.” Nervously, I looked up and struggled to speak, “What...?” “My boots... 10-hole Rangers.” he smiled. “Like I said, I’m running late and didn’t have a chance to change. I know you must be nervous. Go ahead and sit back... close your eyes and concentrate on my voice.” “Uh... sure,” I stammered, still gripping the pillow tight in my lap. “I’ve looked over your chart and some notes from your dad, but I’d prefer to hear it from you.” he told me as I began my story... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the night before my best friend, Bry... uh Bryan, was moving back east to go to college while I was heading here to the west coast. That summer, we spent as much time as we could just hanging out as we tried to ignore that we were going to be on different sides of the country. His family planned a big celebration and me being his best friend, I was invited over for dinner. It was a great time. Later that night, we laughed as he walked me back home, talking about all the good times we’d had. Reaching my house, I knew I didn’t want it to end but didn’t know how to tell him. I remembered the bottle of booze my dad kept in the garden shed and I suggested we have some shots to celebrate. “Let’s do it bro!” he smiled, grabbing me by the hand. “Come on.” I still remember how it felt when he took my hand... it was like we were connected in a new way. We slipped into the back yard and headed into the shed. Turning on the light, I grabbed the bottle of rum my dad hid behind a stack of bricks and took a shot. Handing it to him, I sat down and motioned him to sit next to me and we continued recalling good times. With every shot, we bumped into each other’s shoulder to urge the other on. Then suddenly, the realization that he was leaving hit me and at that moment, I couldn’t bear it. “Bro, you ok?” he asked, thinking I was probably wasted by now. “Yeh, man...” I told him, gathering up the courage to tell him how I felt. “It’s just... I’m gonna...” “Yeah, me too bro.” he sighed, leaning into my shoulder but kept his gaze forward. I knew it was now or never... he was leaving in a matter of hours. “Bry... look at me.” Continuing to look forward, he remained silent. “We’ve been best friends since sixth grade when you moved to town, right?” Nodding, he turned to face me, and our eyes connected. I started looking at that familiar face... those sparkling green eyes... those lips that begged to be kissed. All I could think of was wanting to lean in and kiss him. But even now, I wasn’t sure and didn’t want to risk losing him. Deciding to hold back the major part of my secret, I took another shot and blurted out my half-truth. “Fuck bro, I’m gonna miss you so fucking much.” Still looking at me with no reaction, he took the bottle out of my hand and took a large gulp. Putting the bottle down, he turned back to me and raised his hand to my shoulder. “Me too...” he sighed, pulling me into his arms in a tight grip. I remained still as his strong arm held me tight. I didn’t want this to end but the class clown came out. “Fuck, Bry... I can’t breathe.” “Fucker...” he laughed, moving his hand to my neck and holding it tight. I could feel him pulling my face to his and our lips tentatively met for the first time. Gripping my neck with more force, he drew me even closer, and I moaned... his breath filling my mouth. Sensing my desire, his tongue quickly invaded my mouth, and we began to devour each other. Taking charge, he pushed me back onto the dirty floor and pressed his stronger body on top of me. We continued on, exploring each other’s clothed bodies for the first time as if we had never seen each other naked in the gym showers. When our lips finally parted, I looked up into his eyes and saw an intense and unfamiliar look on that handsome face. Before I could say a word, he spoke... Pushing his crotch into mine, he began, “I’ve never done this bro, but over the last few years that we’ve been friends, I’ve realized how much I’ve wanted to. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to hide my hard-on because I wasn’t sure if you were...” “Yeh...I like cock.” I said with a laugh and interrupting him with a kiss as our hard cocks struggled for release. “Yeah?” he chuckled, lifting himself off me. He stood there... a wet spot on the bulge of his crotch now growing. I couldn’t believe what was happening and I got to my knees as he unbuckled his jeans and dropped them, releasing his thickening cock. “Commando...” I smiled, remembering how we had decided on the first day of high school that we’d never wear underwear again... the only thing that would hold our junk would be jockstraps in gym... otherwise, we’d be freeballing. “Show me, Sam. Show me... how much you like cock.” he insisted, holding his shaft firmly in his hand. I remained on my knees, seeing his thick throbbing uncut cock teasing me. Looking up at him, I nodded. Without a thought, I moved on my knees towards the object of my desire. Reaching it, I stared at it... wanting to memorize every veined inch of his cock. “Fuck bro... do it!” he hissed, swinging it... teasing me. With Bry’s insistence, I kissed the tip and opened up to take my best friend’s cock for the first time. “Aw fuck!” he moaned, feeling my lips slide push back the foreskin and slide over the ridge of his swollen cock head. I began to suck on it and lick the underside with my tongue. His cock began to release a torrent of precum. Continuing my work, I forced my mouth down and began flicking the underside of the shaft until my nose was buried in the ginger tuft of pubes around the base. His musky scent filled my nostrils as I held the shaft with my lips and instinctively worked my throat muscles. “Fuck yeah! Goddamn cocksucker!” he growled, taking control and showing me who was in charge. Encouraged, I began bobbing on his sexy cock... pulling back until just the helmet of his shaft remained in my mouth... sucking and flicking it with my tongue, tasting the pre-cum still flowing from his piss slit. With his hands now holding my head firmly, he began forcing my mouth back down onto his cock and began to give me my first face fuck. My lips slid over the shaft... my tongue worked the underside as the face fucking continued. Staring up into his now intense eyes, I couldn't believe I had fantasized about doing this and was now here sucking on Bry’s cock. It felt so good inside my mouth! He lasted about another five minutes before his breathing began shortening. I could tell it wouldn’t be much longer, and I started increasing my sucking while stimulating his shaft with my tongue. I felt his body tense up as his cock swelled even thicker. Groaning, he began pumping jet after jet of hot thick cum into my mouth from his first blowjob. When his cock released last drops, I pulled off his cock and swished his delicious cum around my mouth before swallowing as I saw the look of sweaty sexual pleasure on his face. “How was it?” I hesitantly asked, still on my knees hoping things wouldn’t get weird. “Fuck Sam, you’re one fucking good cocksucker!” he smiled, wiping the sweat from his face before his face went slack and his eyes widened in surprise... Turning, I saw my dad at the door. He just stood there looking down at me in disgust. “Bryan, go home... Your dad just called wondering where you were. You’ll be leaving for the airport in a few hours, and you’ll need some sleep.” was all he said in a quiet angry tone, never taking his eyes off me. “Yes, Sir...” Bry answered, buckling up... Heading to the door, he hesitated... “Sam...” All I wanted to do was run to him... to escape, but my now dad stood between us. “Bryan...” my dad grunted pulling me to my feet and staring directly at me. “You’ve got a great future ahead of you. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” Looking over my dad’s shoulder, I saw the look on Bry’s face as he gave me one last glance and walked out the door. “Clean yourself up, son.” dad said, finally stepping aside and picking up the bottle of rum and drinking the remains. The next week was hell. My parents seemed to avoid the subject, but I somehow knew I hadn’t heard the end of it. To top it off, I hadn’t heard from Bry either. I had tried texting him and even calling him, but he never responded. Then one night, my dad called me down to the den. It was shortly before my parents took me to campus. “Listen, boy,” my dad started. “This behavior has got to stop. I’ve done some research and have set you up for therapy while you’re at school. Your mom and I love you, son, but we can’t have our only son be a faggot.” “Dad...” I started but was quickly interrupted. “If you want us to pay for your school, you will show up for that appointment next week. Understood?” he said, standing up and leaving me alone in the room before I had a chance to respond. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So here I am...” I mumbled before opening my eyes and seeing him sitting there intently, listening to every word. I had to admit it was easier than I thought telling him. “Well Sam, our time is up for today...” he said, placing his notes to the side, spreading his legs apart even wider and leaning in. I felt relaxed... but how could my story have lasted that long? I must have looked confused because he looked at his watch and chuckled. “Well, it’s been fifty minutes... That’s standard.” he told me, looking directly into my eyes. “You’re not the first one to sit in that chair and lose track of time. I’m not sure how much you’ve been told, but my therapy involves meditation. I’ve had great success bringing out what young men were born to be... I suppose that’s what drew your dad to my practice. I’ve had great success with my methods. We’ll work together to get you to your ideal state. What do you think? Shall we move forward?” I sat back and sighed, the pillow now on the floor. What choice did I have? My parents would cut me off and, most likely, I’d be out on the street. I took a deep breath and gave in. “Yeh...” I nodded feeling defeated and grabbing the glass of water now next to me on the side table and taking a drink. “Good... I think we should have no problem bringing out your true self," he smiled, grabbing a business card. Slowly, he stood and walked towards me and stood in front of me handing me his card. Taking the card, I swear I could see his bulge growing but I tried to keep eye contact with him. “Here’s my card. I’ve got an office at home and think we could make better progress there. On your way out, have Mike set up the appointment for next week.” Taking the card, I nodded and slipped it into my back pocket. When I closed the door to his office, I saw Mike still staring intensely at the computer monitor. “UH... Doc said to make an appointment for next week,” I told him, trying to get his attention. “Doc’s calendar is filled next week, but he sometimes does late appointments. He’s noted in your records that he can fit you in at 7pm next Friday at his place.” he said, barely paying me any attention. “Uh.... yeah ok.” I said, knowing my dad would be checking up on me. “Alright, Sam... be there on time and make sure you wear comfortable clothes since Doc’ll be starting on the meditation therapy then.” Getting into my car, it hit me that Mike had never given me Doc’s address. No matter... I thought, patting my back pocket, I had it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday came and all I could think about was how I was dreading the upcoming therapy but, in a way, didn’t mind seeing Doc Murphy again. After class, I had the urge to hit the gym to get my mind off things. It was definitely the most intense workout I’d ever had... I tried to forget about the upcoming session, but I couldn’t get the fact that there was something about Doc out of my head. He wasn’t what I expected... his demeanor... his look, but especially his boots. Afterwards, I decided to head home and skip showering at the gym. On my way home, I stopped at the closest pharmacy... I don’t know why, but I felt that I needed to be completely clean for my appointment. I wandered the aisles and found what I was looking for... an enema kit. I quickly grabbed it and walked up to the older man at the cash register. Looking me over, he grunted and gave me a look of disgust just like my dad had given me that night. For some reason, I didn’t care what he thought, and I walked off without my change. Finally home, I hesitated for a minute before remembering my roommate Kirk had gone for the weekend... the coast was clear, so I started pulling off my shirt and left a trail of sweaty clothes on the way to the bathroom. Standing at the mirror, I took a good look at myself. “Not bad... though you could definitely bulk up and have more definition,” I told myself, running my hands over my pumped-up pecs before moving down my abs and grabbing hold of my cock and balls. Holding my junk in my hand, I could feel my pubes suddenly scratching my palms and an idea popped into my head. I went for the pair of clippers in the drawer. I saw it still had the guard Kirk used to buzz his head, so I turned it on and felt the buzzing in my hand as I spread my legs and moved the clippers through my pubes, trimming them down to a more manageable length. I tried to concentrate but the vibrations were making me hard. I hesitated for a minute but realized that it was making it easier to get the hair around my cock, so I continued until I was completely trimmed. That's when I looked in the mirror and realized it looked strange cause the hair on the rest of me was longer... it didn’t feel right, so I began trimming my body. Taking my time, I moved the clippers over my body while feeling the vibrations. Fuck, it felt good... I stood there looking at myself now trimmed... my cock did seem bigger. That’s when I knew what I had to do... I put the clippers to my head. The hair began to fall to the floor and mix with my body hair and I felt a wave of relief come over me... I was now even harder, but I knew I had to continue and turned on the shower. Stepping in, I began lathering my body from the neck down until I got to my cock and started stroking, getting it even harder. “Fuck yes,” I groaned, going back to the night I knelt at Bryan’s feet and sucked him off, before remembering that I didn’t have much time and Doc was waiting for me... I didn’t want to disappoint him. I grabbed the razor and proceeded to slide it along the skin of my crotch. Slowly and methodically, I continued, leaving my skin bare... it was almost as if I had been doing this forever. Finally, I rinsed off, watching as the final remnants of the hair flowed down the drain. Next, I grabbed the enema and inserted the nozzle into my hole and pushed the liquid up into me. Holding it in, I began showering to remove the final residue of lather and hair... all the while checking my skin to make sure I didn’t miss a spot. Satisfied I was now completely hairless, I moved to empty out. Fuck the feeling was intense... I rinsed out to make sure I was completely clean inside and out and began running my fingertips across my completely smooth body before drying off. Standing at the mirror again, I saw myself fully exposed. I smiled seeing the black stubble of my buzz cut bring out the blue of my eyes before moving down my pecs, past my abs to my crotch. Grabbing my junk, I felt the smooth skin of my sac gliding over my palms. “Yeh... perfect.” I grinned before running into my bedroom to grab a pair of jeans and t-shirt off the floor, slipping my bare feet into my sneakers and heading over to Doc’s. All I could think about how good my skin felt against my clothes as I made my way to Doc’s. Arriving at my destination, I turned into the long driveway... I knew his house was in one of the best areas of the city with large plots of land that allowed for privacy, but I was still impressed. I got out of my car and checked my watch as I rushed up to the door. Raising my hand to knock, the scent of my ripe t-shirt entered my nostrils. I smiled and knocked. I stood there again inhaling the ripeness, before knocking one more time... the door then opened revealing Mike. “Uh...” I stammered, not expecting to see him there. “Come on in, Sam.” he said with a slight smile as he looked me over. “Looks like you’re ready.” I stood there for a second staring at him, he looked so much like Bry... more so now when he was wearing jeans and a tight gray T-shirt. “Doc has a guest house that’s included with my job.” he told me, anticipating my question as we walked past the main part of the house into an annex. “Doc’s office is in there, he pointed. Take a seat... He won’t be long.” Walking in, I took a quick look around the room. It was old school English library style with rows and rows of leather-bound books with two chairs sitting prominently in the middle... a leather one and an upholstered one. Without a second thought, I sat in the one opposite the leather chair. It didn’t take long before Doc walked. He was also dressed like Mike... jeans and a skintight black T-shirt. As he walked over to a side table and poured a drink, my eyes were drawn to the movement of his arms and pecs. That’s when I saw he was wearing the same boots he wore during our first meeting. “10-hole Rangers,” I mumbled. "OK, Sam... ready to begin?” Doc smiled, handing me the drink and moved behind me. The first step is to sit back and let your body relax into the chair.” Sitting back, I took a sip and felt the soft cushions of the chair envelop my body as Doc’s firm hands moved over my buzzed head and grip my shoulders. “Sam, close your eyes and concentrate my voice...” he said calmly, moving his hands to my neck and began applying pressure. “Good boy. Take slow deep breaths...” I have to admit, his hands did feel good on me, and I began to sink even further into the chair as his fingers worked my neck muscles. I swear he was saying something, but I couldn’t make it out. After a few minutes, his voice slowly rose from a whisper... “Sam... I want you to know you can trust me. Do you trust me?” Without a thought, I nodded... “Yeh Doc, I trust you.” “Good boy, I want to make sure you trust me enough to do what I say so we can bring out the real you. You want that don’t you, boy?” “Yeh, Doc. I want to do what you say.” I answered, enjoying the feel of his rough hands still on my neck. “Alright boy, finish your drink now.” Without a second thought, I took the glass and downed the last of the drink in several gulps, his hands still working my neck muscles. Taking the glass from my hand, he released my neck and sat down in front of me. “Feels good to do what I tell you to do, doesn’t it boy...” I wasn’t sure if it was a question or a simple statement, but I nodded... feeling even more relaxed as he kept talking in a low deep voice which, I have to admit, was making me horny. “That’s it, boy... Just sit back and relax. That’s it. Listen to Doc... you want to obey Doc... good boy... relax...” “Yeh, obey...” I kept mumbling, as I began feeling a bit drowsy listening to his sexy voice until I couldn’t quite make out again what he was saying... I guess I must have fallen asleep because suddenly I opened my eyes, and I was alone in the room. I should have been worried, but I felt safe because I trusted Doc. For some reason, I stayed there sitting in the chair... Somehow, I knew Doc would want me to stay there. “Ah boy, you’re up...” I heard Doc say and I stood up to face him. “Yeh Doc,” I said, seeing him in a whole new light. Doc stood there, feet apart... his exposed hairy muscular chest was clad in a black leather harness... his nipples pierced with thick rings. My eyes wandered down and remained on the leather jockstrap bulging with what was obviously a thick cock. His sculpted legs were anchored in those polished boots I had kept thinking about. “10-hole Rangers.” I silently moaned. “How do you feel, Sam?” he asked, watching my reaction. “You fell asleep, so I thought I’d let you rest up before you go home... wouldn’t want you to have an accident.” “Thanks Doc. I feel great,” I said, still standing there calmly as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “How long was I asleep?” “Good to hear boy. It’s late... you’ve slept about three hours. I think you should stay here. You’d like that, right? Get comfortable.” “Yeh, Doc... I would.” I answered, feeling a deep desire to please him. Without thinking any more of it, I sat down and took off my sneakers before removing my clothes, putting them next to my sneakers and standing up at attention. “Good boy...” Doc growled, inspecting my smooth body with his hands. “Commando or jock... always.” “Yeh, Doc... always.” I repeated, standing there with my cock now at full mast from the movements of his fingertips against my freshly shaved skin. “Commando or jock.” I don’t know why I said it, yet I felt I should... but still... part of me began to wonder why I was stripped down in front of this leather god. Seeing my confusion, he again stood in front of me and held my shaved junk in his hand and squeezed. “I know, boy. But I want you to know that I held back on our session earlier this week. My job is to bring out your true self and that’s what we will do. You’ll be fully aware from this point on. Unlike most of my patients, I want you to fully accept what is going on.” I remained still... not quite understanding what he was talking about as he moved behind me and began exploring my clean, shaved hole... “Very good,” he nodded, sniffing his finger... “Fuck your dad... I was never going to do it. I see your potential, boy. So, let’s get started.” and walked over to his desk to grab something from a drawer. I remained still, the feel of his hands still fresh on my skin as I watched him pick up a glass pipe and torch. “Down boy,” he ordered, and I immediately fell to my knees... his crotch now at my eye-level. “Do you know what this is, boy?” he said, holding the pipe filled with shards of white crystals in front of his crotch. “Yeh, Doc.” I nervously answered, looking at the pipe. “But I’ve never done it.” “You trust me don’t you, boy?” he said, lighting the bowl and placing the stem at my lips before I could answer. “Open up... this will help bring out what you were meant to be. You want that, right?” “Uh huh,” I mumbled feeling the stem between my lips as he lit the torch and began to heat its contents. “Inhale boy... feel the warmth fill your lungs.” he said, looking down at me and encouraging me on. “Hold it... good now release.” I felt the thick warm cloud escape my mouth as my body began to relax before he placed the stem back in my mouth and ordered me to take another hit. “That’s my boy... you want more don’t you?” he chuckled, pulling and holding the pipe just out of reach of my lips. “Please, Doc..." I exhaled, moving forward to grasp the stem with my lips. I didn’t just want it, I felt that I needed it to please him. “Fucker...” he laughed, offering me the pipe. Taking more hits, my body began to tingle... goosebumps formed on my naked flesh as I looked up into Doc’s black eyes and felt them looking right through me. He saw the real me and I wanted to serve this man. Reaching down and grabbing my nipples, Doc smiled, “Fuck your dad...” “Fuck my dad!” I moaned, feeling his fingernails digging into them. “Gotta get these tits toughen up.” he growled, digging in deeper causing me to cry out. “Breathe boy, feel the pain.” I did the only thing I could and obeyed. I began taking deep breaths. Releasing my left tit, he grabbed his bulging crotch and ripped off the codpiece barely holding his cock and threw it across the room to reveal a thick god-like cock. “Goddamn... gonna transform you into the perfect boy.” he growled, before gripping my tit again even harder and causing me to gasp for air and slipping his cock into my mouth. “You want it don’t you... to become the perfect boy.” he said, holding my head firmly in his hands as my body was reacting to the chems now flowing through my body. “Uh huh,” I moaned as a deep hunger took over. It was all I could do to fit my lips around it, but I was determined to take it. My lips surrounded the flared ridge of his cock and started nursing on it, trying to take more and more. “Goddamn cocksucker! Show Doc how much you love cock!” he groaned, grabbing hold of my ears and pulling me into his crotch and impaling me on his cock. “That feel good boy?” he growled, holding me there before pulling me off. “Fuck yeh, Doc!” I moaned, trying to take his cock again without any force from him. I could feel him start face fucking me a couple of inches at a time... back and forth in my mouth until his movements increased. Finally, I was able to take his entire cock and I began to fill the room with my moans until his pace increased and became more erratic... I knew he was getting close. Suddenly, pulled me into his crotch as his cock swelled and I felt a torrent of hot cum spewing down my throat before he pulled back and filled my mouth, causing me to spill some on my own hard cock. That did it for me... the minute my cock felt it, I shot my own load over Doc’s boots as he rammed his cock back down my throat until the last drops seeped from his cock. Satisfied, he pulled out and I hungrily started gulping it all down. “Boy... I can’t wait to get you fully trained.” he proudly growled, standing above me and motioning to his cum covered boot. Eagerly, I placed my mouth on the boot and began lapping up my cum... the only true offering I could give of myself to this leather god. I began moving up the boot, tasting the sharpness of the boot black and covering it with my saliva. With his approval, I continued up his body, experiencing my first taste of his sweat dripping off his muscled calf until I felt his softened cock next to my cheek. “Please, Doc...” I begged, wanting to feel it in my mouth again. “You sure, boy?” he chuckled, and I nodded. “Go ahead.” I quickly took his softened cock into my mouth and began feeding... wanting to taste any remnants of his load when suddenly, I felt a trickle... Even though I knew what it was, I didn’t think about it. I realized I wanted it... It was what I was meant to do, and I started to gulp it down. Seeing my reaction, Doc held my head and stroked my face and encouraged me. “Good boy...” he said with a surprised look on his handsome face. Looking up into his eyes, I happily nodded until the flow slowed and finally stopped. Keeping some of his piss in my mouth, I sealed my lips around the shaft and began to work his cock while covering it in piss until I could feel him getting harder again. Once he was fully hard, I greedily swallowed the mouthful of piss and worked on getting another load. “Goddamn piss pig!” he groaned, starting to face fuck me again. This time, Doc was relentless and began to rapidly force his cock down my throat with every hard thrust. I was letting him use me... my mouth was just a tool to service cock... His cock. On and on he went... throat fucking my mouth until I could feel the now familiar signal his cock gave to every cocksucker lucky enough to have serviced it. With one last thrust, he again gripped my head and released a second load, and I was fed again. After releasing me, he rubbed my head approvingly and moved to his chair and sat down... “That part definitely wasn’t in the prompt.” he chuckled to himself. I remained on my knees... knowing that Doc hadn’t said otherwise. I watched him sitting there, sweat dripping from his body, and light the pipe. I moaned... Taking a long hit from the pipe, he held it prominently and so I could see it. Exhaling the thick cloud, he motioned me to come forward. Again, somehow, I knew to remain on my knees... I crawled over to him and opened my mouth. “No boy, take it.” he chuckled, “You need to practice until it’s old hat.” Nodding, I took the pipe and the torch... Listening to his instructions carefully, I lit the torch and heated the bowl... watching the crystals heat up as I rolled the bowl carefully over the flame. I started to take a hit and looked to Doc... “Bigger...” he said, and I obeyed. “Remember that feeling... how it allows you to be free to be who you were meant to be.” Doc sat there and just watched me as I took another hit... I wanted to please him... make him proud of me. After another one, he stood and took the pipe and torch from me and placed it back in the drawer. I was feeling so good. It felt like every nerve on my shaved body was on fire. I went to my grab my cock and realized it was limp. I was so horny, and I began to work on it, but it was no use. I looked up at Doc with a questioning look. “That’s enough for now, boy” he said, sizing me up and moving to a hidden closet. “Your cock won’t be in play anyway while we’re in session.” Releasing my cock, I sighed as the immense hunger for his cock continued. “Next step...” he told me, holding up a black leather jockstrap. “Commando or jock... always.” Seeing the leather jockstrap, my eyes lit up. I couldn’t take my eyes off it as he told me to get up. Handing it to me, I took it my trembling hands and felt the supple leather before putting it on and letting out a soft moan. “Thanks, Doc!” I grinned, feeling the pouch enveloping my limp cock and balls... the scent of the leather filled my nostrils. “You’re welcome, boy...” Doc chuckled approvingly, grabbing my junk and adjusting it, causing my cock to swell a bit. “Better.” Next, Doc pulled out a harness and held it to my pecs. “Fuck yes...” I sighed, looking pleadingly into Doc’s eyes and raised my arms above me. Placing the straps over my shoulders, he moved even closer... his cock now in my face. I opened my mouth to kiss it before he stepped back and out of my reach. Motioning me to rise, he began pulling the wide leather straps forward... “Deep breath,” he ordered, and I inhaled, causing my pecs to rise... He connected the straps tightly to the O ring, pushing my pecs upwards and emphasizing the workout I had done earlier in the day. As I stood there looking down and feeling the tautness of the leather harness over my smooth skin, Doc dropped a pair of boots in front of me with a pair of yellow socks sticking out. “Go on, boy... try them on.” he chuckled. “The socks are a last-minute thing.” Dropping to the hard-wood floor, I pulled the boots over my feet now covered in yellow, and carefully laced them... making sure the ladder was perfect. I stood up again and smiled... never wondering why they were a perfect fit. Everything so far just felt so right. “10-hole Rangers...” I grinned, seeing Doc now holding a piece of leather in his hands. I grew silent seeing him walk towards me... I knew what I needed to do... I fell to my knees before him. Leaning in and looking directly into my eyes, he carefully slid the collar around my neck and secured it. “Fuck yeh...” I trembled, feeling the tightness of the collar. My cock began to stir from the feel and scent of the leather. I quicky inhaled the mixture of the leather gear and our now sweat covered bodies. I looked up to the man that had done this. Doc stood there admiring me and surveying my transformation. “Go on... have a look.” he said, gripping his cock and motioning to a full-length mirror against the far wall. I got up, made my way to the other side of the room and encountered a reflection of a geared-up leather boy... just like the ones that had begun to fill my jack-off fantasies in the last week. My hands moved across my pecs, feeling the tight leather straps against my freshly shaved skin. Looking down, I saw the pouch of my jockstrap growing as the leather encompassing my junk began to mold to it. Tracing the edges of my cock on the leather, I groaned... “Shit yeh! Doc,” I grinned, looking up at Doc’s reflection as he stood behind me. “Commando or jock... leather jock!” “That’s right, boy... leather jock.” he said, wrapping his arm around me and handing me a freshly packed pipe. “Fuck me!” I growled, taking a long deep hit as I felt fingers spreading my ass cheeks. “That’s the plan, boy.” he snarled, grabbing my head to face him and placing his lips close to mine... “I’ve been wanting to feel that cunt of yours wrapped around my cock since the minute I saw you.” “Yeah, Doc... cunt... fuck my cunt.” I begged, sending the cloud directly into his mouth as he began to stroke and tease my cunt. I pushed back against his thickening cock, the hunger increasing again... I desperately wanted it. Suddenly, his boots spread my legs apart and fell forward on my knees. Instinctively, I shifted my weight to my hands and arched my back to expose my cunt. I felt his cool finger probing my cunt... this time it slipped in easily. First one then a second... Must be lubed, I thought. Moaning, I raised my hips only to feel a burning sensation flow inward. I began to struggle but Doc held me firm... “Be still, boy... relax... That’s the tina in the lube you’re feeling.” he grunted, feeling my cunt tighten. “Yeh, Doc...” I responded, gritting my teeth as he pressed his cock and slid it in. “Shit!” I grunted, feeling the pain which only lasted a moment. The rush from the chems took over and I adjusted to the fat cock invading my cunt. He pressed on, easing the shaft into me until he hit my prostate... “Fuck me!” I cried out, falling to my elbows as pulsing of my cunt spread through my entire body. At this point, all I could do was to concentrate on my cunt... Doc continued, easing his in a bit more... my cunt pulsing against his shaft. Pushing it in further, he then pulled back then a bit deeper. “That’s it, boy... take Doc’s cock.” I was going crazy, feeling his invading cock going deeper and deeper so I pushed back to urge him on... “Give it to me, Doc!” I cried out, my hands now gripped tightly into balls. That did it! With one final shove, he buried the entire length inside me, and I felt his crotch scratching against my ass cheeks... I growled, feeling completely full. I began to pull back and push forward on his cock... “Yeah?” Doc growled, starting to pick up the pace. “Goddamn, boy... you’re loving this aren’t ya?” “Fuck yeh!” I grunted, “Fucking need it, Doc... fuck your boy!” Doc then began to really pound my cunt, “Yeah... my boy” he hissed, placing his entire weight on me... sinking his cock into the deepest reaches of my cunt and forcing me to the floor. I could feel the heat of his shaft in me as he took final possession of me... his boy. I bucked against him clenching my cunt around his cock... the fuck continued. I could feel both the metal and leather of his harness and the straps of my harness scraping against my back. Shoving deeply, he went to my shoulder and sank his teeth into my skin. “FUCK!” I cried out, feeling the pain move down my back and land in my cunt as the pace of our fucking increased. With every plunge, my body moved... taking it... gripping his cock... grunting and moaning for more. Deeper and deeper he fucked me as my body reached a new level of hunger and I kept urging him on. “Goddamn cunt!” Doc kept saying, pounding me again and again. I kept at it... opening myself to his steel hard cock and I kept begging for more.... I needed it to be complete. I continued milking his cock as we became nothing but a pair of rutting animals. I didn’t want it to end but I began to feel his cock begin to swell even more... I urged him on and on, with a final thrust, he sank so deep into me that I felt I was going to be split apart. “GODDAMN CUNT!” He yelled again... his body going rigid, and I felt the hot eruption from his balls deep in my cunt before he collapsed on me. We stayed like that for a bit... our sweaty bodies dripping onto the wooden floor as the scent of our therapy session filled the air until Doc lifted his body off me and pulled out. Letting out a soft whine, I gripped at his softening cock, not wanting to release it. Now empty, I turned to face Doc. God, he was even more handsome... his sweat covered body glistened as he sat back, his legs spread wide... hands behind on the floor behind him. “Shit yeh,” I growled, crawling to him and taking his cock back in my mouth and I began to clean it. “Good, boy... remember,” Doc purred, running his hands over my sweaty head... “and taste your cunt.” Those words suddenly opened up my mind. I began to remember more details... Doc had me strip down as I told him all about Bry... I now remembered telling him about how good it felt when Bry took charge and started calling me a cocksucker. I remember him asking me if I was hard and I dropped the pillow and unzipped my shorts to expose my hard cock to show him. And then another memory hidden deep in my subconscious appeared! Mike had walked at that point and took off his clothes, exposing a beautifully hard shaved body. Mike looked to Doc who nodded, and he dropped to his knees, making his way towards me and took my hard cock in his mouth. As I continued my story to Doc, Mike began to suck and finger my cunt as I went on to describe Bry’s load exploding in my mouth. Only this time, I now knew that at that very moment I had shot a load into Mike’s mouth. Sitting back, Mike looked so much like Bry that I dropped down and began to make out with him. I could hear Doc laughing as Mike's tongue pushed the cum into my mouth. Afterwards, I sat back in the chair and moaned... remembering how Bry’s load tasted in my mouth. Mike sat back for a minute, watching me before looking in Doc’s direction. Given permission, he stood and got dressed without a word between them and left. “Zip up boy...” Doc commanded and all I could remember after that was him giving me instructions on how to be a good boy. I should have been scared and angry, but I wasn’t, and I continued servicing his cock. This was the way it was meant to be... I remained on Doc’s cock even after feeding on the last of his cum and my cunt juices. Noticing, Doc straightened up and held my chin as I let his cock rest on my tongue. He spoke proudly... “You do realize, boy... piss wasn’t part of your therapy.” Releasing his cock, I smiled... “I guess I do, Doc...” before going back to his cock to wait for another load of piss.
    2 points
  14. The sad thing is that Kennedy is completely putting on an act. I've been around him (not close, but certainly close enough to hear him speak, regularly, for decades) and this Foghorn Leghorn hillbilly act is completely made-up. He went to Vanderbilt University for his undergraduate work, UVA for his law degree, and also got a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from OXFORD - the one in England, not the one in Mississippi - for god's sake. He always had a southern accent, but nothing like this affected drawl he drags out (pun intended) in the Senate. It's not even just a political thing - he was deeply involved in state politics without this affectation from 1987 forward.
    2 points
  15. Easiest solution as I mentioned previously is request your account be deleted and all your data will be removed, problem solved. Try not to trip over your indignation and spurious claims on the way out.
    2 points
  16. Anyone can "stand behind" their own comments. What does that actually mean though? In this case it means one anonymous contributor on a discussion forum making claims. It carries the weight and force of "one anonymous contributor on a discussion forum making claims." In debate, the burden of proof typically lies with the person making the claim. "Shifting of the Burden of Proof onus probandi (also known as: burden of proof [general concept], burden of proof fallacy, misplaced burden of proof, shifting the burden of proof) Description: Making a claim that needs justification, then demanding that the opponent justifies the opposite of the claim. The burden of proof is a legal and philosophical concept with differences in each domain. In everyday debate, the burden of proof typically lies with the person making the claim, but it can also lie with the person denying a well-established fact or theory. Like other non-black and white issues, there are instances where this is clearly fallacious, and those which are not as clear." [think before following links] https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Shifting-of-the-Burden-of-Proof If you were making a claim like: "the Pacific Ocean is full of water," that would be a "well established fact" that pretty much no one would have to research to accept, because it truly is a "well established fact." "Most of the gay people i know believe in Republican or conservative values." Coming from a self defined conservative Republican, that's sort of like a church going Christian saying: "most of the Christians I know believe in Jesus." That mostly establishes one's ethnocentricity, not a universal reality.
    2 points
  17. I was fucked outdoor at lot of places like woods, car, adjacent to the road, park, alleyway, House garden, lay-bys, etc. But a couple of fucks happened at the places I didn't imagine. I was chatting to a guy on Grindr - black young and hung - and we decided to fuck outdoors but I didn't ask him where as he told me that he has one location in his mind. When I reached his house, ( I was just wearing tank top and jocks and shorts, white socks and shoes and I already had 3 loads in me) he took me to his own house garden which was open and anyone from b I was fucked outdoor at lot of places like woods, car, adjacent to the road, park, alleyway, House garden, lay-bys, etc. But a couple of fucks happened at the places that I didnt expect. First hookup About a month ago, I was chatting to a guy on Grindr - young and hung - and we decided to fuck outdoors but I didn't ask him where as he told me that he has one location in his mind. When I reached his house, ( I was just wearing tank top and jocks and shorts, white socks and shoes and I already had 3 loads in me) he took me to his own house garden which was open and anyone from adjacent houses could see us. But we still got naked quickly and he rimmed my cummy hole for a while. He loved my loaded hole. After some time, he shoved his big cock in my ass and started fucking. After around 10 mins, we heard someone's voice from his house so he asked me if we can go inside his garage. We quickly went inside the garage and it was really messy and smelly with trash everywhere. There was an empty space for hardly 2 persons where we resumed our fuck. He finally cum inside my ass after another 15 mins. It was really a great fuck. When we were getting dressed, he apologised for the mess. I didn't really care about that place as long as I was getting his big cock raw 😈😈 lol. Second hookup A couple of years ago, I had an appointment in another city and soon after I was done with appointment, I started browsing guys on Grindr. I was chatting to a guy who wanted to breed me but I told him that I can either travel or meet outdoor. He didn't want to meet outside but after few minutes he came up with a plan and asked me to come to his place. As soon as I was near the entrance of his flat, he let me in sneakily and took me to a small dark storage room immediately without any chat/talk. It was really small room used to put their stuff and trash and it was all dark in there. It seemed his family members were in the flat and he fucked me in that small room silently. As we both were wearing tank tops and shorts, we could get naked quickly and he bred me with just spit. It was unexpected place for me get fucked 😁 but it was hot and risky.
    2 points
  18. Hot story! I love filling up a sexy guy with hot piss and feeling him enjoying it.
    2 points
  19. I'm pretty verbal when I'm cumming in an ass while in a darkroom or in my personal room at a bathhouse. I find that others tend to gather around if the action reaches its climax. Then I enjoy eating my cum out of his ass! Some guys, like me, are vocal; others are silent cummers. I can feel some guys squrit in my ass; others just dribble their loads inside. The more loads, the merrier!
    2 points
  20. I like knowing when the top is about to cum in me. It could be a grunt, faster pumping or verbally saying he’s about to explode in me. Either way is fine but I just like knowing. It increases my pleasure.
    2 points
  21. FWIW, I'm obviously not the one who created this inspired take on Britt's babbling. But I am happy to have shared it 🙂
    2 points
  22. So many factors may affect transmission. The use of lube, the size of the dick, the amount of time fucking. A gentle quick fuck by a a detectable man with small dick using lots of lube will probably be less likely to infect than a man with a very large dick just using spit and fucking for an hour. In the end it's whether the HIV virus enters the recipients blood stream. A well abraded anal or rectal lining is the perfect place for HIV to enter.
    2 points
  23. I've seen the number too. I think the big thing is it's for each time you have sex with a detectable guy and he tops and cums inside. It's an average so some stuff will make it more likely to transmit. I bet longer time fucking has an effect. But even going with a flat 1.4% that's low, but not super low. You might find a guy online who's at a hotel and do it one evening, stay the night and get fucked again in the morning. If he's detectable that gives about 3% chance, and if he was great in bed and you get in one more fuck before he goes home you're closer to 5% now.
    2 points
  24. Hey guys, I just wanted to post letting you know something has come up in my life that is going to consume time and energy. I will be posting Part 45 on time, but I'll be disappearing right after for a bit of time. As soon as I can get back, I will. I'll continue writing, bringing this story to a close, but this event/issue demands and deserves my attention. I know you'll understand, but I just wanted to give you a heads up. Thanks - Heir2012
    2 points
  25. Last weekend, I was visiting a bathhouse to pleasure as many men as possible. The sling in the basement is where I enjoyed my last loads. I honestly didn’t care who was breeding me as I also love anonymous bb sex. It didn’t take long before the first one mounted me and plunged deep and holding his cock in me. As he felt me relax he began his deep thrusts and with in minutes I could feel his girth growing and stretching me. What a feeling!! He powerfully unloaded his seed in me as quickly as he had started. God it felt good to be his raw cum dump. I ended up with 6 anon loads that night. Very hot considering I hate prep and only take raw loads. Oink
    2 points
  26. Chapter 8 As I was walking out of Aaron and Jay's, I noticed there light coming out of Henrique's bedroom at Marc's cabin now. I walked over to the bedroom window but the blinds were mostly closed with about an 1in gap at the bottom. I walked up to the window and was going to knock on it and see if I could get Henrique's attention. I peaked in from the gap first and saw Henrique on his knees sucking a black guy's dick with his left hand wrapped around the base of the huge black dick while his right hand was busy stroking a white guy's dick that was equally as hung. He moved back and forth sucking and stroking both dicks. They barely could fit in his mouth but that didn't stop him from trying. I couldn't see anything from the chest up of the two guys that Henrique was blowing because they were standing up. I could tell both of them had muscular butt. The white guy had tattoos covering his right left from knee up. I could tell both of the men standing up were slamming because they both untied something from their left arm around the same time and the white guy set down two syringes on the desk. There was already one on the desk. I could only assume Henrique had taken his already. Both men standing had their arm raised for a min or two then it seemed like they leaned into each other to make out and play with each other's nipples. I could only tell by their elbow position and filled in what I couldn't see with my own imagination. I bet that high got them feeling amazing. Henrique got up and lay on his back on the bed. He positioned himself so his head was hanging over the edge of the bed. He immediately opens his mouth and pulls his legs up and holds them with his hands like a well trained bottom boy. Two guys wasted no time to fill up both of his holes. His face show not one bit of discomfort taking the BBC. The dude went in slow but pushed it in balls deep on his first attempt. The BWC made him gag a bunch but despite his face being covered with drolls, not once did he let the cock fall out of his mouth. After a min or two the white guy walked away to somewhere I couldn't see but the top started pounding Henrique hard. Not only could I hear the pounding outside of the house for the first time since I've been watching. I could also hear Henrique moaning for the first time. Damn…..That face he was making, the way he reached up and grabbed onto the edge of the bed tightly and the way he moaned loudly with pleasure was exactly what I wanted to do to him. I knew there's a bottom side of him beneath that tough guy act that he puts up. I know I didn't have any more loads left in me but my dick is hard as a rock and my nipples even got hard just watching this. Then the black guy stopped pounding him and picked up and started hitting a bong bc the white guy came back with a slam for Henrique. After injecting that clear solution next to Henrique's right neck region, he set down the syringe and handed Henrique a rag, which probably was soaked with poppers. After Henrique was done coughing he pressed his face into the rag for over a min while the white guy sat on Henrique's dick facing the black guy with his arms wrapped around his neck while the top picked up his pace again. After a few minutes the top cum first bc he arched his back and was fucking Henrique much slower now. The white guy riding Henrique's dick shot his load all over the top's chest, hands free. Henrique must have cum around the same time bc when the white guy got up from his dick. I could see the residual cum on his cock. Then all three of them left the room. I assume they went in the shower together. I decided not to get their attention because I needed some rest. I was fully drained. There was no way I could have participated. My life returned to normal for a couple days but in my mind, Friday could not come soon enough. Then Wednesday shortly after I got up, I got a video call from Jay. I answered and saw both of them laying next to one another with their oily skin and stroking their cock. I wonder if they were covered in lube or oil, then I heard Jay said “Time to open that box I gave you pup” “Yes sir” I responded and got it out of my drawer. I locked my door and closed the curtains in my bedroom and put a towel in front of my door because I had no idea what might happen after I opened the box and didn’t want my mom to come into my room or hear me. I put on one ear bud just so my other ear can still hear my parents’ if they come knocking. “I got it Sir. What’s the code?” I softly whisper I opened it up. In the box is a hollow buttplug, a pair of jocks neatly folded, and a syringe and a bottle with clear solution in it. I can only guess what that is. “You know what to do pup. The day is just getting started. All we want is to see you finish that bottle we premade for you. You can tell us how it feels and what you do when you come over on Friday” I pull the syringe to the position where the shots I’ve taken the past couple weeks were and realize that there were still a lot left in the bottle “All of it you said, sir?” I asked with a tone of disbelieve “Yes. All of it. I’m sure you know by now, that’s two slams to help you get started with your day” I've taken two before, but they did it for me. I have never slammed myself before. Now I have to do two!! My worries must be showing on my face. Aaron said “We’ll walk you through pup. Don’t worry” I tied up my arm as tight as I could make it bc I don't know if I can do a second shot. I'm still really worried because my mom is downstairs. She for sure will be able to tell that I don't look right. She can even tell when I'm heading out to hookups somehow. Then an idea went off in my head. “May I ask a question sir?” I asked “what is it, pup?” Aaron said “does my uncle Jerry….. do this?” I asked “What do you think, pup? Why do you ask?” “well….. I'm worried that I'll do it wrong and waste your gift. How about I go find uncle Jerry and ask him to help me? I will give you guys a call back so you guys can see that I follow through” Aaron and Jay whispered to each other then Aaron said “deal but you have an hour” “yes sir” I put everything back in the box and rushed into the shower. While I was in the shower, I tried really hard to find a way to bring this up to my uncle Jerry. Prior to the other night. I haven't seen him or talked to him since dad and mom separated a few years ago. I've talked to a few times through facetime when I video call my dad. They were both shirtless those times when I called. I guess I caught them in the middle of their workout. I wonder the person uncle Jerry referred to the other day was dad and they were in the middle of fucking someone together. The thought of it is making me hard. Uncle Jerry is a contractor. He has his woodshop and his place is right above his shop. Let's hope he's at his shop or at home because I didn't even ask what will happen if it takes me longer than an hour. It doesn't look like he's in his shop when I pull into the parking lot by his building. I grabbed my backpack and rang the doorbell to his place. I'm nervous. Still undecided what to tell him or know whether he'd be ok with what I'm about to ask him. I find myself pacing and adjusting myself and completely forget that I'm doing all that in front of a doorbell camera. I had to ring the doorbell a second time and just as I thought maybe he isn't home and is about to head back to my car and come up with a plan B I heard his voice coming through “Hey Benny boy. Sorry. I'm in the shower. I unlocked the door for you. Why don't you let yourself up. Give me a few minutes and I'll be right out.” “oh ok. Thanks” Everything in his place is so neatly organized. He's always been a man who is disciplined and way smarter than he led on. He's single as far as I know. He's always said that he likes being a free spirit and can't be tamed. I can hear the water running from the bathroom in his bedroom when I got up the steps. “hey Benny boy. Help yourself with some ice tea in the fridge” he shouted from his bathroom “ok. Thank you” I've been drinking his sun brewed iced tea since I was little. As I pour myself a glass, I still cannot believe what I'm here to do. The water in the shower stopped and uncle Jerry asked “so long time Benny. How's college treating you?” “It's good. I miss playing sports. I mean….I do play but not competitively anymore” “I remember your dad talking about that. Everyone expected me to be a star athlete in college but I just wanted to do carpentry and do my own thing. So what brought you in today?” “ummm…. I need help with something. I'll tell when you are done in the bathroom” “Ok. I'll be right out. Does your mom know you're here?’ he asked “Oh no. She doesn't know” I said while I'm texting Aaron and Jay letting them know that I'm at Uncle Jerry's but might be a few minutes late bc he's been in the shower Matter of fact I already told mom that I'm staying with friends then headed up to the cabin again this weekend just in case things go the way it's been the past two times I got high. I don't want to have to talk to her while I'm high and horny out of my mind. I hear uncle Jerry turning the light switch off and his footsteps walking toward me. When I looked up, he was still drying his hair and ear with a towel but had on a red and white pattern athletic brief. God.. He looks great. He's tanned and has a great body definition. I could not stop looking at his bulge. I could almost feel him fucking me again. He was by far the best at everything he did. He was dominant but also passionate. I find myself zoning out for a few seconds then he said “you are here because you miss my cock in you, don't you Benny” “uh what….” he caught me completely off guard and I didn't know what to say. He's standing right in front of me so close that his dick almost touch my nose “I'm not going to ask how you got mixed up with Aaron and Jay but I know I fucked you last weekend. I knew the moment I got there because I've watched you butt naked since you were little. You have a small birthmark on your left thigh so I recognized it right away” he said My head is spinning and I lost my words but at least the hardest part of the conversation is out of the way I suppose “don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Your face already confirmed that you know exactly what I'm talking about” he moved forward and his dick is now touching my face with his head hanging right at my mouth. His brief is the only thing keeping it from going in my mouth “go ahead. Show me what you come here to do. I can tell you are starting to feel the swirl. That's why it took me a while before I answered the doorbell. I mixed in some g in your favorite drink.” he said as he slid his hands down my chest and his fingers started playing with my nipples “well…. I do need your help with something” I mumbled the words out “yeah? What is it Benny boy? Or do you like to be called a slut? Your hole was already filled with cum before I fucked you last weekend. That's your calling isn't it. Be a slut. A slut who crave for his uncles’ dick and want more of it” “I need help with this. It's from Aaron and Jay but I don't know what to do. And… And they want to watch me do it on video” I opened the box and show it to him “hahaha like a true cum slut you are. So you need my help with your slut assignment, huh?” he said as he turned on his TV and grab his tablet Then I saw Aaron and Jay on his TV. He called them and put the web chat on his TV. Both of them are still chilling on their bed stroking their dick and passing poppers back and forth to each other “I heard you guys gave my nephew here an assignment” uncle Jerry asked “It was his idea to go to you. Did you slam him already?” Aaron said as Jay began to suck his dick “not yet. His assignment was to let you two watch him, isn't it? Do you guys want a close up or how do you want to see this?” Uncle Jerry asked “how about from the side? Since you are doing it for him, he should do some work with his mouth for you” said Aaron Uncle Jerry motioned me to go sit on an ottoman and face him. But first he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into him and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I've always thought uncle Jerry was hot as earlyas I knew that I was gay but I have never dreamt of making out with him. Most definitely not what he's about to do for me. He slowly removed my shirt and then my shorts. He saw that I'm only wearing a jockstrap so he grabbed my butt and brush his finger on my hole briefly and said “damn. I've been wanting to fuck that ass of yours for so long. I knew you used to watch me shower when we went camping. The couple times I got myself off in the shower. I did it for you. I was hoping this day will come. I didn't quite expect this soon. I most definitely didn't expect you to be a chem slut. I love it” said Uncle Jerry. He gave me another kiss then pushed my shoulder and motioned me to sit down. His dick is less than an inch away from my face again “You can help yourself Benny boy. It's what you came here for, is it?” “yes uncle Jerry” I said “That's so hot to hear him say that” said Jay while he get ready to give himself a slam as Aaron was now sucking his dick. Aaron seems to have no problem putting Jay's dick all the way in his throat. “How strong is this shit in here. There's enough for two. I don't suppose you packed one for me, did you?” uncle Jerry asked “it's about your usual. The whole thing was meant for him but we're ok and let you make the call, uncle Jerry. As long as you leave the camera on for a while. Said Jay I lean forward to start licking uncle Jerry's dick through his underwear. He smells so good since he just got out of the shower. I could feel his dick getting hard slowly and getting too big to be contained within his brief so his head started peeking out from the side. I wrap my lips tightly around his head and start sucking on it before I proceed to pull down his brief. He tied up his arm as well as mine. His dick is nice. Not too thick, not too long but who am I kidding. It is 10.5in. I must not be able to judge sizes well because I'm so spun. I began to lick his balls. That's when he said, “you wanna do one for me too? Don't worry. I'll take care of most but I want you to push it in me as I do to you, OK.” He stuck a needle in his arm then quickly got one ready on my arm too. Then he said “ready? On the count of 3 then watch what I'm doing to you and stay on the same pace as me, got it” “mmmm” I nodded while both of his balls are in my mouth” Aaron is in doggie position in front of their camera. Both of them have their attention on us while Jay lube up his dick and Aaron's hole. “1….2….3” I did pretty well keeping up with Uncle Jerry pace because we finished around the same time and untied our arms at the same time. Except he regained control of himself much quicker than I could. While everything was still racing for me. He motioned me to climb on his love seat on the side. It's the perfect furnish to let him bury his tongue in. Good thing he doesn't have neighbors otherwise they for sure can hear me moaning. He first use his tongue touching around the sides of my hole then lightly tap on it right in the center while his hands reaches around and rubbing my inner thigh in circular motion, making me open up my legs wider and wider for him “ooh oh.. Uncle Jerry….” I said while breathing heavily He started using the tip of his tongue swiping up and down through my hole then finally his whole tongue press up against it “how is it Jerry? How does your nephew's hole taste?” Uncle Jerry didn't answer. He backed away, grabbed the lube from the side table drawer, handed me an unlabeled popper and said “take a deep breath and DO NOT let go until you count to 20”. I did it while he put on a cock ring and stretcher on my balls. As soon as I let it out, he said the same thing. This time he curl up his tongue and is forcefully fucking my hole harder and deeper. He lubed up my dick and was stroking it downwards. I can't help it but to moan while holding my breath in. When I let go of my breath, uncle Jerry has his tongue in me as deep as he can be. My hands are holding my butt cheeks open for him. His hand cover the head of my dick and rubbing it in a circular motion “oooohhh uncle……. You're so good” I said “turn around then ake another big hit Benny. This time hold it until 30. While you hold your breath, come show uncle what you can do” I turn around. I saw that Jay is pounding Aaron in the video chat. No wonder it's been somewhat quiet. His hand is covering Aaron's mouth while he rapes Aaron's hole. I've never seen Aaron looking so vulnerable. I started taking my hit of poppers while uncle Jerry pinching my nipple with one hand and lightly biting the other. He stopped when he heard that I got done hitting poppers. I handed him the bottle of poppers then he turned and lay down on the couch. While I sucked his dick that barely fit in my mouth, my vision was closing in. Not to mention that I'm still spun af. He grabbed my head with both hands when I went as deep as my throat would allow his dick to go. He said relax, open up your throat and stay calm. I took a few seconds to gather myself then I followed his introductions. I didn't think I could open up to let more of him in me. Turns out I can. Following his voice with my mouth closed, I felt my throat expanding and as soon it expanded, Uncle Jerry's dick quickly filled up the space. I have no idea what it actually looks like but the way I felt. I thought his dick was half way down my neck bc when I opened my mouth, I was surprised how close I was to his nicely trimmed pube. Still smells like the shower he just got out of. “oohhh my. Not many people can do this, especially on the first try. Who knew the talent to take my whole dick down their throat was within the family all along “ uncle said I thought that it was so hot that I could feel a stream of precum steadily dropping down my dick. Then to my surprise, uncle Jerry pulled his legs up and exposed his hole to me and said “now show me what you can do with this” He has smooth ass cheeks and a light pink color asshole. Fuck… I have never seen an asshole so delicious. He didn't need to tell me twice. I could not wait to taste it. I tried to replicate what he did to me but I'm failing miserably. I could not get the precise contacts as accurately as he did. I could feel that he was not impressed as he hardly made any noise and his eyes started to wander off toward Jay and Aaron. I decided that I'm gonna do something differently so I switched to sloppy sucking on his hole. As hard as I could, I got a little bit of lube and slapped my fingers on his hole a few times then went back in and eat his pink hole. I repeated it a couple more times. Each time I got more aroused so I got more and more aggressive. Something gotten into me after I buried my face in his hole eating my uncle out, I said to my uncle “damn. Your pussy tastes so good” I slapped on it a couple of times then instantly slid 3 fingers in without any resistance. “This wet pussy wants a dick in it, does it? Tell me. Have you been fantasize about getting fucked by me? Just wait for me to grow up for this day, don't you” I started sliding my dick up and down his ass. Uncle Jerry moaned loudly but didn't respond so I leaned forward with my dick press up firmly in his butt crack. I reached down and started pinching his nipples hard “come on….you know you want this uncle Jerry. Just say ‘please fuck my pussy ben’ then I'll let you have it. SAY IT” I started twisting his nipples harder “please fuck my pus…. No…. Rape my pussy Benny boy. Be rough with me. Rip me open and fill me up” uncle looked back at me with the sluttiest face I've ever seen on him. I grab his hair and pull them back to make out with him. At the same time I pull back my pelvis to lower my dick then move it back forward then there it is. My dick found his wet hole without any problem. The head of my dick slowly gets swallowed by his hole. I let go of his hair and put both of my hard around his waist grabbing onto him then in one hard thrust I felt my balls slapping on his. My dick is all the way in his warm and juicy hole. “oh my god Ben” he shouted I took no time at all and started pounding him one hard thrust after another. “who's the slut now uncle Jerry” I talked tough but in reality, he's just so fucking good at everything he does. He occasionally moves his ass in a circular motion and pushes back and clinches his ass on and off often. I wanted to last longer. I don't know how long I fuck him. All I know is I couldn't hold it long at all. His hole just sucks my dick in and milks it. “oh fuuuck uncle…. AhhhAhhh ah Jerry” he held it for 30 seconds or so then he caught me by surprise and pulled my dick out then threw me on the couch and lifted my legs up and he used his right hand to aim his hard dick at my hole. The same way I fucked him. He pushed his dick in so hard and fast. “AhhhAhhh uncle… you're too big… I can't” then his hand covered my mouth and he said “yes you can bitch” I can feel his hard dick throbbing in my hole as he held it still for a bit to let me get comfortable with it. “Just because I let you fuck me for a little bit, don’t get too carry away and forget who is the boss here Ben” Uncle Jerry whisper to my ear then he grabbed a small rag out of the side table and wet it popper, wrapped it carefully so it doesn’t contact with skin. I initially thought he was going to cover my nose with it but he stuffed my mouth with it. The wet spot sits perfectly in the middle of my mouth and got me so light headed. He then put his hand over my neck and putting majority of his weight on me as he fuck my hole. Every thrust is so deep. Touching spots that no other tops have touched before. Sometimes I wanted to move away but he held me down so good that I had nowhere else to go. Finally he let go his hand on my neck so I could breathe. He open up my legs in 180 degrees point opposite direction and tilted my ass upward and said “Look at this. Look at me pumping my dick in you. It is what you were made for. Do you wanna be uncle’s cumdump, Benny, do you? I’ll get you high, make your hole hungry, and fill you up with my cum all the time” “Yeeeaaass……fuck. uncle……….I’m gonna cum ….aGAINNNNNN AHHHHHHUH” I shot a load straight up in the air unexpectedly and got some on his hair. He didn’t even touch my dick. “That’s right. Look how hard you just cum hands free with my dick in you. Are you ready for my load Ben” “Yes sir…..give it to me” Uncle Jerry fucks faster and faster then he surprised me by shoving his dick in my open mouth last second. My throat flooded with his cum. He pull it out half way of cumming and shoved it right back in my hole and gave me the rest of his warm load as he scream “ahhhAHHHH UAHHHHHHHHHH” “Yes uncle Jerry. Give me your cum” I said He slowly pull out his dick the grab the remote and shut off Jay and Aaron while Aaron was saying something. We didn’t really hear him though. He laid next to me and pull me into his chest and said “That was great Ben. Lets take a nap then go again”
    2 points
  27. Chapter 7 I woke up to the sound of flapping. A sound I know all too well. It's the sound of a pelvis contacting someone's ass. I'm no longer wearing a pup mask. Instead, my hands are cuffed together, and the chain in between my cuff is hung up to a hook, lifting me just enough off the ground that I have to stand on my toes to give my arms a break. There are these electric shock pads connected to my balls. I don't know if they were used on me while I was out or if they are about to. There is also a giant fuck machine right underneath me pointing right at my hole and both of my ankles also have chains connected to them. If I'm lifted off the ground even more. Those chains can pull my legs wild open for that fuck machine. The magnetic nipple clamps are still on my nipples. My nipples look the size of raisins, and I don't even feel them anymore. My ass is dripping cum all the way down my legs. I wonder if I was bred more after I passed out. I tried to clear my throat bc I'm thirsty af. In front of me is Keith, suspended in mid-air with his arms and legs pulled apart by chains in 4 different directions, getting pounded by Aaron while some sort of suction machine is milking his cock. It looks like it has milk quite a bit of cum out of his cock bc the glass is almost half full. His back and ass have some whip marks on them. Jay is holding a camera, filming a close-up of his gaping hole getting pounded. They heard me clear my throat, so all attention shifted to me. “oh hey Ben, welcome back. Was getting fuck by your uncle too much to handle? You better get used to it bc he put his signature on your back. Meaning he wants to use your ass even more,” said Aaron “we offered Keith a job last weekend. He just gotta satisfy us during his 8-hour shift every day. Do you think he likes his new job? Do you wanna try fucking his sloppy hole?” They noticed my dick was getting hard, so they slid the ceiling connector that suspended Keith in the air toward me. I would have never thought to put those things on ceil track. Aaron adjusted the height of the chain so his hole lined up perfectly with my dick then Jay stood in front of Keith, pulling Keith up to deep throat his dick then pushing Keith toward me so his ass get penetrated by my dick. Like a swing, Keith is getting his ass fucked and face fucked, swinging back and forth. It’s been a while since my dick fuck a manhole. I almost forgot how great a wet warm hole feels. I couldn’t help but have my eyes rolled back and my mouth open the whole time. I want more…more sex, and more high. That’s all I could think about. “So……you've been craving to come back here this past week, haven't you, Ben? Wanna know why??” said Aaron. “Let me ask you this. Did you black out at any point when you were next door last week?” That’s strange. How does Aaron know that? As I thought that, Aaron moved behind me and first lube up the fuck machine then he finally took off those nipple clamps but when he played with my nipples, they were extra sensitive. I started moaning as if I was getting fucked. I responded to Aaron while I was moaning “uuuhh…yee…yeaah..Oh….” “The reason you can’t help but crave for dicks and have a strong urge to be back here is all bc Keith, Marc, and Henrique set you up and installed some triggers on your subconscious that make your hole feel wet and warm when it is activated so you'd come back here on your own to beg to be fucked. It’s a neat trick they do to newbies like you so they are in control of you” Aaron walked away from me for a bit then I felt the hook rising up a bit and chains pulling my legs apart. The fuck machine started to extend until the mushroom head of the dildo on the fuck machine firmly pressed against my hole. Meanwhile Keith had been spun around, still suspended in mid-air and getting annihilated by Jay’s dick fucking him. He does look like he is in heaven, though. He made eye contact with me for a brief few seconds and winked at me. Aaron came back and put poppers under my nose, but I wasn't really feeling it because I wanted to know more about the information he just shared with me. “What did you mean?” I asked. But he said, “do it or not, you know what's happening next. Don’t catch an attitude now. It won’t end well for you. Your deal with us isn't over yet. We aren't going to hypnotize you. We are going to make you a real whore who will voluntarily come back to us again and again bc no one else can make you feel the way we do. Isn't that right, Keith?” “yes, masters. Please fuck my hole,” said Keith. Jay responded to his words bc and started pounding Keith even harder. “Tell me more about what you just said,” I asked “I don’t think you really have time for this conversation right now,” Aaron said “ahhhHHHHH” I screamed as I felt the shock to my balls. I was not expecting that, and it is far stronger than I could have imagined. Then the fuck machine started thrusting up and down slowly but only going about 2 inches higher it turned in a spiral motion as it moved up toward me. The electricity to my balls made me clinched so when it was finally turned off, my whole body relaxed butt then “oooHHh Fuck” I said. As my body relaxes, my relaxed hole descended on a hard thrusting dick ascending toward my hole. It penetrated me deeper and harder when I wasn’t expecting it then it felt just as intense when it spiraled out of my hole. Aaron repeatedly shocked me by my balls, then dropped me on the fuck machine. The fuck machine extends higher and higher. Within a couple of minutes, my hole completely opened up to let the monster-size fuck machine rape my hole. I didn’t really remember when did Aaron stop shocking my balls because just the sensation from the fuck machine alone was too much for me to process. Aaron started filming me with a camcorder, which immediately showed up on the TV behind Jay. There I was, arms tied together and pulled up by a crane and my legs pulled apart by the chain on my ankle in two different directions, breathing heavily with my mouth open and sweating profusely. I kept twitching my body, trying to find a comfortable position. “If you stop fighting it and trying to find the right position, just relax and let it own your hole, it’ll feel a lot more comfortable We want you to surrender your hole to us. That machine is going to stay right there fucking your hole until you fully surrender yourself.” Aaron pulled out a small remote from his pocket and pushed a button causing the machine to trust even deeper and faster into my hole, causing me to throw my head back and uncontrollably scream and moan loudly. “Don't pretend that you don’t love it. Look how hard your cock is” Aaron grabbed my dick that was pointing straight upward with its head touching my belly button, pulling it down, then let go and watched it rebound right back, hitting my stomach. I could hardly process anything Aaron was saying to me, getting fucked by that machine. “Let us help you find a different position,” Jay said. I didn’t even notice that he got done fucking Keith. I have no idea where Keith went, but Jay pulled and slid the crane my arms are tied along the track toward the back, and move my legs in the opposite direction. “Aaaaaahhhhh AHHHH AHHH” I moaned loudly “Yeah…you like that, don’t you pup?” said Jay “It’s hitting your prostate every single pump” Aaron put some sort of rubber thing around my cock that has a hose to a bottle on the floor and said, “enjoy and work hard, boy. When you fill the bottle up halfway, we’ll let you call it a night. Don’t worry. Keith filled up ¼ already. However, it did take him several orgasms to fill it up though. Oh, and I almost forgot…..” Aaron put the pup mask back on my face with popper diffusing and the magnetic nipple clip back on me. Jay positioned the camcorder directly above me and they said “Smile for the camera. Your fans are watching you” Then they walked out of the room. They left me alone in that position for an hour and a half. I’ve had four orgasms back to back to back already. I feel light-headed myself because this pup mask continuously diffuses poppers to my nose. Then Aaron from the speaker, “Well…..not quite ½ yet, but it seems like you aren’t producing any more cum because the last one barely produced anything, so here the deal. You must return next weekend for another session. Otherwise, some of the videos of you might just make it out of our private collection” I nodded. Finally, the fuck machine stopped, and I was being returned to my normal standing position. Aaron and Jay walked back into the room with big smiles on. Both of them are completely nude, so I thought I might not be done just yet. “What did you think? Being a pup and our ‘dungeon’?” said Jay “It was more than I was prepared for, that’s for sure. The dungeon is sweet.” I responded politely. I'm exhausted, and I just want to go home and crash. “so we'll see you next weekend, pup?” Aaron asked “Yes sir” My ass was so sore, and I didn’t love everything they did to me, but without a doubt, I want to come back. Something about submitting to these guys was so satisfying. I just want more. .” Where's Keith?” I asked “he's asleep in a room. It's best to just let him rest” said Aaron “alright. See you guys next week” I said as I walk slowly toward the door. “Wait….here, pup” said Jay, and tossed me a number lock locked case about the size of eyeglasses box. “Call us on Wed for a mid-week check-in” “Yes sir” I said Aaron and Jay returned to a hidden room on the opposite side of the basement, where Keith was tied up in a spread-eagle position. On a bed. His chest is covered with wax. He's blindfolded and has a piece of duct tape over his mouth and a popper-soaked rag tape down and secured right on top of his mouth and sits in front of his nose. There was a massager ribbing his taint in a circular motion. Its other end is in his hole, massaging Keith's prostate. Keith's dick is pointing straight up hard as a rock with a straw size sounding rod in his pee slit. “let's see how you're doing,” Aaron said as he pulled off the duct tape over Keith's mouth. Jay sitting above Keith’s head and had his legs extended on both sides of him and his half-hard dick resting on Keith’s face. “Ohhhhh uuuhooohhhhhh” Keith couldn’t help but to started moaning loudly because Aaron in one steady medium-slow speed pulled the sounding rod out of Keith’s dick slit. Once the sounding rod pulled out waves of thick and creamy cum erupted. It just kept cumming for about 30 seconds. “Niiiiiiice boy” Aaron said before swallowing Keith’s dick with his mouth. He quickly sucked Keith’s dick clean of cum then he walked toward the top of the bed and made out with Jay. The two shared the creamy cum while it was still warm and both swallowed a big gulp of it Aaron and Jay untied Keith, who was exhausted and seemingly passed out. They put a blanket on him, dimmed the lights then exited the room. “These two boys are cut from the same cloth,” Aaron said “And they don’t know when to stop..” Jay responded.
    2 points
  28. Chapter 2 It’s been a few months since I last saw Keith. No one has fucked me like he did before we left for college. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have rather stayed in my frat house and only come home for Christmas just so I could hook up with anyone I wanted freely. Thankfully Keith said he got a place for a few days just so we could catch up and not have to worry about parents. The address he gave me is a cabin about 30-40 min away from our hometown. When he said he got a place, I didn’t quite expect it to be a getaway destination. The place seems nice. It has an industrial feel to it, is modern, and is packed with some excellent amenities like a pool table, ping pong table, and hot tub. When I looked through the pictures, all I could think about was where in the house we can fuck each other brains out. I pulled up to the driveway and there were two other cars there, too. I recognize both of them. They belong to Henrique and Marc, both are a grade above us. Henrique is this hot Brazilian exchange student. About 6’0, nice dark skin tone, had a slender tone build and his arms were already covered in sleeves of tattoos in high school. He wasn’t exactly a typical high school student. I don’t know the background but all I know was that he was already 20 when I was a junior. He gives out a bad-boy vibe which makes him intriguing. Rumor has it that he has a huge curve dick and he knows how to use it. Girls described that sex with Henrique wasn’t just sex. It was an “experience”, whatever the fuck that means. Marc’s family was Henrique’s host family when he came to the US. They hit it off right away and pretty much have been inseparable since they met. He’s 6’4, ginger, with a deep voice. I don’t know much about him really because other than being on the football team together, we didn’t really interact with each other all that much. I’ve seen him bending over in the locker room before. I must admit, his red hair makes his butthole extra delicious looking. I jack off thinking about him sitting on my face, making me eat his hole and tongue fuck him plenty of times during football season. I surely wouldn’t mind if they stay with Keith and me at the cabin, as long as they don’t mind us fucking everywhere. I got out of my car and walked around the house to the back, following the smell of delicious steak to the back, and found Henrique out back cooking steak, brazilian style. They look and smell so good. Even better was Henrique, who was wearing nothing but an apron and sandals. I had no idea his back was covered in ink, too. As he walked around, his dick, which hang down just a little above his knee swung freely left and right. “Oi Benny. Long time. Man, you look good. You seem hungry, are you?” he gave a devilish smile “The steaks need a few more minutes but my sausage is ready if you want it.” I stood there with my mouth open and my eyes fixated on his cock. It wasn’t anywhere near hard, but its size was already nearly as big as Keith's dick at 100%. I also didn’t know he was into guys so I was trying to decide whether he was making a joke at me or serious. I didn’t need to figure out the answer because the next thing I knew, he already walked up to me and gave me a deep tongue kiss. While we were making out, his right hand moved down from my waist into my shorts and had his middle finger pressed firmly against my hole. He stuck the tip of his finger in my hole and out quickly. It burns a little. I’m guessing it was probably salt since he’s been grilling. “Nice and tight. You gonna be calling me papai after dinner Benny boy. It’s great to see you. Marc and Keith are in the house. Get comfortable. I’ll be right in with dinner soon. Oh….can you throw me a beer from the fridge?” “Year, sure. Nice to see you, too” I was still shocked by everything that all happened so quickly. After I tossed Henrique a beer, I walked down the hallway looking for Keith and Marc. Then I saw Marc walk out of the bathroom completely nude into the room directly across from it and Keith was just turned on the shower and taking off his soaking wet shirt. “Hey man. What have you been up to working up a sweat that got your shirt soaking wet?”, I said “Marc was teaching me something new. You'll learn soon enough. I’m glad you’re here though. Sorry I didn’t tell you about Henrique and Marc being here. It’s technically this is Marc’s place. His parents own this cabin. He moved out here after high school and has modernized the place. It is a nice place, isn’t it?” Keith sounded kind of out of it. Maybe he’s just exhausted from helping Marc with the place. I didn’t think too much of it. He looks like he’s gotten a bit slider and slightly scruffy. I dig his new look. He looks great under that rainfall showerhead. The shower was big enough for all four of us. I’d been driving all day, so I decided to get in the shower with Keith. Just as I took off my underwear Marc slapped my butt and said “Hey Benny. That ass truly is as good as Keith described it. I liked your butt when we were on the football team together but it’s been a while and your ass has gotten more ripe than I remembered. There’s a towel in the closet after you are done. I’m always nude because this is my place, but there’s a robe in the guest bedroom if you want to wear it. Make yourself at home. Dinner should be ready by the time you guys are done. I’ll come back to that cake of yours after dinner” Marc smiled and licked around his lips in a circular motion as he walked toward the dining room. “Wow! Did you see Marc’s dick?” I said to Keith as I got in the shower with him “It was as thick as my arm!!” “Yeah. His dick is no joke, but you know you miss mine the past few months.” Keith said as he pushed me down and put his rock-hard dick in my mouth. I gagged, then I heard Keith said “Say thank you Papai” I was confused and hesitated, then before I knew it, Keith forcefully shoved his dick even deeper in my throat and said, “Say thank you papai. That’s a number 1 house rule you must learn in this house, or you gonna chocking on a dick for a while”. I mumbled those three words out of my mouth then Keith finally let go of my head and leaned forward, gave me a French kiss and pinched both of my nipples. “That’s a good boy. We’re gonna have so much fun with you. It’s gonna be a long night. Do you want some time to yourself in here?”. I nodded as Keith slid his dick up and down my butt crack, and the head of his dick slid right in my hole briefly and made me moan aloud “Oooo…..this hole has been through some college training, hasn’t it? It was much harder to get my dick in the last time. You are such a slut. I had thought I might have to teach you how to get ready, but now I think you know exactly what to do don’t you?”. We both laughed as Keith exited the shower and started toweling himself off and said, “We won’t start dinner with you but take your time.” As I walked in, Henrique was fucking Marc’s throat sitting in a chair while rimming Keith’s hole. Keith seems a bit different compared to when he left the shower a few minutes ago, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. I was wondering if Keith would let me fuck him at some point. I think the way he moaned basically gave the answer I needed. Henrique saw me from the corner of his eye and said “Alright pigs. It’s dinner time” Dinner was delicious, and I had a great time catching up on a lot that I had no idea was going on when we were all in high school back then. It’s as if I lived under a rock the whole time. I knew nothing until tonight. The day Henrique arrived at Marc’s, he was high as fuck because the night before he was at a sex party fucking all night. He took a slam to keep himself awake so he could make sure that he made it onto the plane. When the plane’s lights went off, he decided to whip out his dick and stroked it because he was in the last row on the plane, and no one else was in that row with him. Then he realized the flight attendant had been looking at him stroking his monster dick for how long he had no idea. Henrique wiped his precum off his dick with his finger and signaled the flight attendant to suck on his finger. The flight attendant took no time to lick the cum off Henrique’s finger. Henrique whispered to his ear, telling him to go into the bathroom and make sure his pants were off and his hole was facing the door. Henrique said he walked in the bathroom shortly after, covered the flight attendant’s mouth then went balls dick in his hole right away. He kept his mouth covered and pounded him until he unload in his hole. Henrique showed us a picture of his dick half way in the flight attendant’s gaping hole after he bred him and wrote “whore” on the flight attendant’s lower back with a marker. Henrique said he slammed once more before getting off the plane because he had already seen pictures of Marc and was already determined to make him a cumdump of his. He snuck into Marc’s room that night, covered his mouth the same way he did with the flight attendant, and popped Marc’s virgin hole forcefully. We were surprised that he could hold Marc down, who was so much bigger than him. Henrique said he had put some g in Marc’s drink before bed so Marc could barely fight him and his hole was hungry for his cock. Marc just didn’t even know that’s what he needed until he started moaning like a bitch. Henrique had gone to bed after breeding Marc’s hole but Marc was high as fuck from Henrique’s chem cum and couldn’t sleep. He fingered himself all night long but still couldn’t get himself to cum. In the morning before school, Marc begged Henrique to please fuck him again so he could cum. He had a midterm that day, and he could not focus unless he shot his load. Marc said all he could think about was Henrique forcefully breeding him in the middle of the night and he loved it. Marc has been Henrique’s cumdump all through high school behind closed doors. I was amazed. Not only this was the first time I learned about slamming, chemcum…etc. I would never guess Marc was Henrique’s nightly cumdump. Both of them have always been so masculine acting. On their prom night, Henrique got a hotel and blindfolded Marc, tied him to a bed, and put a hidden camera to record Marc taking stranger’s load and load. Marc was even double penetrated at one point. To their surprise, that night, someone they knew came to the room. Henrique then showed me a video of Keith walking in and immediately putting his finger in Marc’s cum filled hole. When he realized how loose that hole was, Keith did not hesitate for a second and lubed up his arm and fist and shoved it in Marc’s ass. He got under Marc and swallow Marc’s thick dick all the way down while he upper hook punched Marc’s hole. Keith then did the same thing he did to me, wet a rag with poppers and held it in front of Marc’s face for a while, and he pulled out his fist fast. Marc’s hole made a pop sound then Keith stick out his tongue, licking every drop of cum he could find around Marc’s rosebud. He held the popper rag in front of Marc’s face the whole time he was fucking him, bred him, then sucked his own cum out of Marc’s hole, untied Marc and flipped him around, split out his own cum on Marc’s dick, then sat on Marc’s dick balls deep his first try. He fucked himself until he cum hands free then made Marc clean up his dick before he left the room. “That was the best performance of that night and we would have never guessed that it’d come from a junior jock that we saw in school every day,” said Henrique. “He used Marc so good that we decided it was time to get Marc his own cumdump because Marc does also have a dominant side of him” “The next day, we sent Keith the video of him when we were all in study hall together. His face went so pale, and then we told him to go to the bathroom next to the classroom and open up a package floating in the toilet and put it in his ass, then return to the classroom,” Marc said while could hardly stopped laughing “It was a pretty wide electric buttplug, and we gave him no lube. In addition to that, there are four small magnetic balls that we wanted him to pinch his nipples using them. Those balls pinch the nipples HARRRD. He came back in the classroom in no time, though.” said Marc “He didn’t know the buttplug was an electric buttplug and could be controlled wirelessly. He really held it together and kept everyone else from noticing what was going on with me, but we knew. Especially when a large coin-size wet spot appeared on his shorts,” said Henrique “We instructed him to reach into his shorts and get as much cum as he could on his hands, then lick his hands clean. If he doesn’t, then everyone will get that piggy video of him,” Marc said. I was strangely turned on by getting to know this new side of Keith that I didn’t know before. Keith just sat there with a smile. “Anyway……I want to take a shower and get a few things ready for our night, so let’s save story time for another time. Why don’t you boys get a drink” Henrique winked at Marc when he said that, “and go enjoy the hot tub for a bit or start a camp fire. Oh….don’t forget to give a couple of the things we made for Ben last night before I come back.” Henrique got up from the dinner table and started walking to the other side of the house then he paused, turned to me, and said, “hum…my cock is covered in precum. It’d be a waste to wash them off. Ben. Do you want to come to taste my precum?” “Sure”. I quickly in front of him and down on my knees about to wrap my lips around the glistening head of his cock but he pulled my head back by my hair “Ohhh no, Benny. Not so fast. I only offered you to taste my precum. You don’t get to suck on it just yet. Stick your tongue out and use your tongue only and lick my precum clean……yeah that’s it.” he let out a satisfied giggle and said “Now crawl over to Keith and Marc and make sure you do the same for them. Don’t suck. Thoroughly use your tongue to get every bit of their precum in your mouth. You must call me Papai for the rest of the evening. Do you understand? I nodded, but Henrique gave me a warning slap across my face when he saw me nodding, “Do you know why I slapped you?” “Yes sir” I got slapped again but on the other side of my face and it was a lot hard than the first slap. “Sim Papai” I said “There you go Benny. Good boy. I will also allow Papi if that's easier for you to remember. I can speak either Spanish or Portuguese. Now you may crawl over to Keith and Marc” Henrique gave them another wink before he started walking toward the other side of the house. I thought to myself, being a sub isn’t necessarily my thing, but I’d do anything for these 3 guys. I wonder what they have planned for me tonight. I was most excited and a little bit scared.
    2 points
  29. Possible Sciatica nerve inflammation. It's what I'm dealing with right now. Pain throughout the left side of the pelvis, shooting down my left leg. I need to make an appointment tomorrow and get this checked out. I'll also probably go see a chiropractor and a massage therapist. I've been dealing with it for over a year and it's only getting worse. One tip is don't drive with your wallet in your pocket. Throws off the alignment of your hips, pinching the sciatic nerve.
    1 point
  30. Honing the definition of "journey" somewhat, my own "journey" only began once I went away to school. It's not easy to explain or understand, but in the burg where I grew up, one of the most horrific things that could happen would be that others would look down on you, for whatever reason. I didn't understand it then, but I do now. "What will (other) people think?" was one of the worst-possible results of misbehavior that could possibly occur. So, I was raised in a "lemming-like" crowd of people who would do anything to prevent others from having so much as a question about their behavior. When everyone you interact with - kids, parents - know who you are, who your parents are, which Church you go to, only the really rebellious ones do whatever they want and say f.y. to the cultural structure, and they were cast out early on. Even years later, when I took the exit off the Interstate to visit my folks, it seemed like heavy, wet, invisible blanket settled over me, and didn't lift until I hit the Interstate back to Chicago. Once I escaped - went away to school - it was different; I could be who I knew I needed to be - certainly not "out" - no one was, but at least there weren't authority figures everywhere waiting to catch any infraction, summoning forth the HellFire to burn me to a cinder. So it was an "Alex-in-Wonderland" kind of thing. I sucked my first Cock, fucked my first Hole, all the stuff every other guy does, figured out where I fit in the amazing puzzle we call "Life", and never looked back, Sure, I have a few regrets, things I could have done better, but none of those have one bit to do with coming to terms with my sexual proclivities. The arrival of hiv certainly did put my tastes on hold for a coupe of years, but sticking to my life-partner exclusively was hardly a cross to bear. So when the medications against it became available and guys started fucking in the backrooms again, it was nice to get back to "pig" fucking. Best of all, I'm still l doing what I want, when I want, and that's one definition of real Freedom.
    1 point
  31. Just joined 26 NY here found this site through some hot guy I follow on my porn twitter account who’s a proud poz gifter and lately I’ve just been finding myself more and more interested in poz men. im neg on prep and it started with gooning a year and half ago but ive gotten so worse since then my porn taste has gotten out of hand n I keep finding myself through hours of porn come back to pozing as the last vid that makes me cum. Thought it was just porn thing but at times when looking to hook up I’ll purposefully look for guys who are undetectable rather than just neg.
    1 point
  32. Recently did. Hooked up with a homeless tweaker. Let him spend the night. Most of the time with his bare cock in my ass. He even talked me into getting spun. Felt like such a pig
    1 point
  33. White ass belongs to the black man no question about it.
    1 point
  34. as a bottom I find , finding tops a lot harder . and to find a group of tops , is next to impossible . I am a mature neg and looking to be the dedicated bottom for a conversions party , NOW that is a challenge . I can travel and always looking . Interested let me know
    1 point
  35. I was horny last night and today. Went out for two sessions taking all loads from sniffies. Ended up taking 8-9, and the night is still young. I love it when a top gets off on my ass already being filled. My last load was a 2 week flooding and then a good few minutes of making sure that load stayed in there by fucking it into me deep. Trying to find some more loads before the next two who want to “breed my sloppy hole.”
    1 point
  36. I absolutely would and have twice. I don't know what is so erotic about it - but it's definitely a personal fetish deviance I enjoy.
    1 point
  37. Agree with others here. To be more specific though, for a beginner: get in shape; practice being a good boot licker, tops, bottoms, soles, welts; practice sucking, licking, worshipping cock, down to the root, wet and nasty; learn to rim your man's ass; always swallow cum (no spitting out) or take loads in your ass unless otherwise instructed; be verbal, if your top wishes, take his cues what that sounds like; expect to be verbally degraded, slapped, spanked, tits worked hard; clean out before a session unless raunch is desired; assume you will drink at least beer piss; be able to take a hard fuck; listen whether your top likes his nips, ass or other body parts played with; call your dom sir or boss, as he demands; be prepared to light your top's cigars or cigarettes if instructed; more generally, listen to instructions given by your top as scene begins, and follow them. These are a few examples of what I expect as a bare minimum from a beginner sub. The key point is that you must focus on giving pleasure to your man, not what you want him to do to you. Generally I prefer older muscled subs who are much more experienced and into receiving pain and edge play, and getting very dark, with no safe words. Although I have a weakness for hot college age bottoms looking for their first...raw cock, smoke, snort, slam, poz load, blood slam, whipping....
    1 point
  38. I’m afraid you vastly underestimate MAGA ability to believe their own propaganda.
    1 point
  39. I took a load deep inside on Sunday from a friend in the neighborhood in my bedroom
    1 point
  40. He just sits there with his legs wide. His boxers still on and he keeps sucking on the pipe. Then he moves the chair he is sitting on towards me. He looks me in the eye. I am pretty sure you have wanted to have sex with me for a long time, he says. But I want you to know I am going to be the boss tonight. Do you get that? Of course, I answer. I think he means, that he will set his boundaries because he is so new to this. But that thought is immediately shattered when he lifts his right leg and holds his foot right in front of my face. Lick it, he says. I’m spinning and just look at him. He now pushing his foot right into my face. Listen, if you wanna do this you are going to do what I tell you to. That needs to be clear. I can’t talk. But I just grab his foot, his sweaty, smelly but beautiful foot and start sucking on it like my life depends on it. His other foot starts gently kicking my cock and my balls. I get such a kick out of it. He suddenly pulls his foot away and I miss it but he straddles me and sticks the pipe in my mouth. Suck baby, he says. I carefully inhale but he pulls the pipe from my mouth slaps me hard across my face. I said suck, bitch. It’s the combination of things that make me so wasted. The kick of relapsing, the drugs of course but most of all my treatment by him which is so completely unexpected. You are going to be my bitch tonight, Kyle, he says. I have been thinking about this for years and when I did meth for the first time a few weeks back I knew this was the way I could make you mine. So you’re going to be my fantasy tonight, understand? I hold in the smoke and am losing it. I’m so wasted and so turned on. Lie on the floor, he says. I get on my stomach, but he orders me to turn around so I lie there on my back, spacing out. He places his knees on either side and then lowers his ass on my face. I can hardly breathe. I don’t know this feeling. I feel like a total pig and I start to ferociously eat him out. I try to get my tongue as deep in has ass as I possibly can, and I hear him moan. He rides his ass on my face, up and down, up and down. He hits my cock which starts to get harder. I hear him laugh. Oh you’re enjoying this aren’t you. You fucking little pig. He suddenly gets off me and I beg to get his ass back but he slaps me in my face, hard. I decide. Everything tonight, he says. He turns around and so I have that beautiful cock right in front of my face. I open my mouth to swallow it, but get another slap in my face. He raises his voice. I said I fucking decide EVERYTHING tonight. He slaps me and then spits in my face. I never liked degradation games before, but now I only want one thing: to be his bitch. Man, I am so fucking high, I say. Thank you. Thank you. You’re not even halfway there, mate, he replies. I can’t believe it. He walks to the bedroom and comes back with a bottle of poppers and a bottle of lube. Get up. Snort. He holds the poppers under my nose. It hits me harder then poppers ever hit me, and the weirdest feeling comes over me. I need to get my ass touched. Again, as if he reads my mind he says, turn over. On hands and knees. I do what I am told. He gets up, fumbles with his jeans that lie in the floor and suddenly I get wacked with his belt on my ass. It fucking hurts but I want more of that pain. Another lash and I moan in ecstasy. He laughs. Then I suddenly feel a finger, lubed up entering my ass. Even though I usually top, I want to tell him my ass is his, but I can’t speak; can’t find words. I feel like I am literally in heaven. He pushes his finger in and pulls his finger out. Have my ass, please I wanna scream, but I can’t. His finger is out and doesn’t come back and I want to beg, beg him for it back. And then it comes back and I’m in bliss. But then it starts to burn. Burn quite heavily. Just breath through it, he says. I do and the pain slowly subsides. But something else comes in its place. A horniness I have never felt before. I am off this planet. I need you to fuck me, I hear myself say. Please fuck me my master. Whack. Again the belt over my ass. Go to the bedroom, he says. I do and he follows. The bed is quite high up and he makes me bend over so my stomach lies on the bed and my legs stand on the floor. Again the belt, but I devour the pain by now and the feeling in my ass is sensational. I feel the head of his cock slowly circling my sphincter and it is driving me mad. Please, I beg, please. He laughs. You’re a pretty pathetic fag when you’re high, he says, aren’t you? And then in one go he thrusts his entire cock, which is neither thin nor short in my ass. It hurts. It hurts like mad, it might have been more than ten years since I have been fucked but at the same time the pain is exhilarating. Oh god, thank you, I stammer, thank you. Yeah, you’re a good bitch, he says while he places a hand over my nose and mouth which makes it hard for me to breath. I wiggle to get out of it but at that time he starts slowly fucking me. I don’t even care I can’t breathe no more, this is all I want. I think I can lie here all night and just be his hole.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Chapter 5 I woke up in a bed by myself in an underwear but it wasn’t mine. I looked around the room. I'm guessing this is the room that Keith and I will stay in because I recognize the stickers on his backpack. This must be his boxer brief. Next to the nightstand is a Gatorade and a note. “Hey Benny. I’m guessing you will wake up pretty soon bc we boofed a little bit too much from the three of us and that’s why you fell asleep. I can smell the cum on you and in carrying you in here. If you feel like freshening up, a towel is in the bathroom if you want to shower. Anything else you might need is under the sink. Here’s one of my jockstraps if you feel like putting it on or just come out naked and find us out back in the hot tub or in the garage. Stay hydrated, buddy” I looked over at the clock, it's 2am. I guess these guys really don't sleep. I wonder if they continued their fuck fest without me. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. As much as I love their cum in me. I think I'm gonna take a shower here and make room for more. I went into the bathroom and saw an iPad sitting on top of the toilet bowl. I picked it up and was going to use it to play some music if it was unlocked. Not only was it unlocked, but a video was paused. I hit play, and then I heard a somewhat familiar voice saying. “take another hit, boys. Deep breath, then hold it until I tell you to let go.” Then I saw Marc setting the iPad down in front of him and sitting on the bed next to Henrique. They each had their own popper, and they both are drooling, kind of, but their dicks sure are throbbing. “Keep going…keep going.” Both of them are still sniffing the poppers, and it’s been at least 15 seconds. “Hold it and make out with one another. Then, you can slowly let it out when you guys are making out. They turn facing one another, and both put their right hand behind the other’s head. Marc’s left hand was playing with Henrique’s beautiful right nipple, and Henrique had his fingers bunched together closely and was slowly penetrating Marc’s hole. Marc couldn’t help it but to stop making out and moaned. Henrique grabbed him by his hair and yank it down, then inserted his tongue back into his mouth, top down. Then there it is, Henrique’s hand disappeared and was all the way in Marc’s hole. I couldn’t tell whether Marc liked it or not but he could barely catch his breath. “Oh yeah Marc. How do you like your brother’s hand up in your ass.” “Ohhhhhh…hah ~......I…..I love it sir. Thank you” “Alright. I just parked, so I’m coming in. Both of you take a strong hit, just like the one before. They both grab poppers and start sniffing. Now when I come in, I wanna see Marc in a doggie position showing his ass to me. Henrique, do the same thing but I want your ass stacked on top or Marc. I wanna see both of your beautiful holes pointing toward the door when I come in. “Yes, Daddy,” they both said.” Henrique proceeded to pull his fist out as Marc moaned and moaned until his anal made a ‘pop’ sound. There it was. Marc’s rosebud again. They both took another hit of popper getting into their position for wherever they were taking orders from. Henrique slid his dick up and down Marc’s butt crack and slipped his dick head in mark occasionally. Henrique didn’t turn around to face the camera, but I could tell he was doing something. As the bedroom door opened and the familiar voice got louder, I heard the sound of something snapping. Then, all of a sudden, Marc had a 180-degree change in his behavior compared to how he had been a minute ago. Then I saw Marc raising his left arm and starting panting “Oh fuck.....oh fuck,Daddy. oh fuck......Please fuck my cunt. It’s been a few days. I really need fucked. Please breed my cunt. Marc said “Oh yeah baby…..your pussy is hungry isn’t it? Henrique. Rape your brother’s hole and show him no mercy. Put on a show for me” “Yes boss.” then the camera went dark. I’m guessing the iPad got put aside, but I could still hear the sound. There was one other short video so I tapped on it. Now it seems like iPad is in Marc’s hand. Henrique had a pigtail coming out of his ass and was on all fours deep throating the cock of the mysterious man sitting on a hair. The man's face was still not in the frame. Then the man pulled his legs up, exposing his hole and said “Now do that thing you do with Daddy’s hole Henrique. No one else does it the way you do” Henrique put his face in his ass as told then the man said “Oh fuck yeah….Is it how you get boy pussies ready for your dick?....oh….man, you are good. Now...Good enough. Stand up and turn around now” Henrique turned around, showing the camera the pigtail coming out of his hole and gave a loud moan when the man violently pull it out of his ass. The man hover over Henrique’s hole from top down, drip some lube on his hole then at a steady pace pushing his dick in Henrique’s hole inch by inch. “Is this what you wanted in your cunt? Daddy’s cock?” “uuuuhhhhh….Yeeeaaaas. Fuck me daddy” Henrique said in an uneven high pitch voice “How do you like watching your dominant brother getting fucked Marc? You didn’t know he was such a submissive bitch, did you? The guy who owns your ass now belongs entirely to me, taking my dick with his tight hole. Make sure you zoom in and get a good look at his slutty face. Henrique’s mouth was open but didn’t make any sound other than some occasional moan. When the camera backed up, the man spit on his dick and let his saliva slide down and into Henrique’s hole. He was holding a glass dildo that he lubed up hastily and started push it in Henrique’s hole. When it went in, Henrique’s dick was twitching and he let out the sound of ecstasy. Henrique’s cum shot past his head. Then finally, the men’s cock started pumping into Henrique’s ass. The sound of his balls hitting Henrique's ass grew louder. “Did you like that dick in your pussy?” “Yes” Henrique said “Yes what” “Yes sir. Please rape my hole and breed me” “Oh yes….here it comes, baby,” the man’s dick plunging into Henrique’s hole hard. His asshole looks great in the shot, too. After one minute of fast pounding and making Henrique moan like a bitch, he pulled out his dick “Oooohhhhhhhh uhhhhhhh fuck……I love your tight hole so much” he cum all over and around Henrique’s hole. He then used his dick to push as much of his cum toward Henrique’s hole and was fucking them in him when there was enough cum gathered. I love you, two cock hungry whores. I don’t know what I’ll do with you guys. “We can bring you…” Marc said, but the iPad died, so I didn’t hear what he was going to say. Who was the man? He dominated Henrique’s hole the way I wanted to. He fucked so good that even Henrique moaned like a bitch. I wonder what that’s like. I hop in the shower cold, hoping to cool my boner down bc I didn’t want to waste a load jacking off in this house. There were way better ways to unload in this house. While I was in the shower, I got so thirsty and drank most of the Gatorade After getting out of the shower and towel myself roughly dry, I started walking toward the living room with just my towel on. It was so fucking smoky everywhere, but it didn’t smell like anything bad. Normally smoke detector should be going off by now. In some parts of the house, I could barely see my own hand sticking out in front of me, hoping to avoid running into something. Where we were messing around in the middle of the room with the square couch bed now has a sling above it. It is a single chain sligh hanging from the ceiling in a triangle shape. It’s a pretty good one because now you can use the slide from any direction. They saw me walking toward them, and Keith said, “Come on, Ben…..this next line is yours.” I had no idea what am I running toward. When I got there, Marc said “hold this tube to your noses or slightly in your nose. Whatever you are comfortable with. When I said go I’m going to move from your left to right, you gonna have to move along with me at the same pace while sucking as hard as you can, ok? “Yeah, I think I got it.” My left hand was still holding my towel together, and my right hand was holding the tube in the ready position. “3….2….1…Go” Henrique took my towel off for me and said “I don’t think you need have this up in this house. I finished ⅔ of the line but not all. Before I was about to exhale, Henrique said “wait wait wait….come here and blow all the smoke on my dick slowly. As the smoke surrounded his dick, It’s unbelievable how hard his dick is. He pulled my chin up to make out with me. I whispered to him and said, “I saw a video of your hole getting wrecked. I loved it. The next time let me breed your hole. Henrique smiled. When I turned around, Keith just did a line himself and shotgun it to me. I got better at inhaling smoke from his mouth this time and passed it on Marc’s dick this time. We all did one more line then we moved to the hot tub outback. Marc gave everyone a gatorade and told everyone to stay hydrated. The cold gatorade tasted so good sitting in the hot tub. I chug mine down all at once. Keith didn’t want to get in the tub yet so he sat on the edge with his legs in the tub only so I took the seat in front of him and lean all the way back, feeling the jets massaging my lower back while the left side of my neck resting on Keith’s balls and his dick resting on my left shoulder. I turned my head to the left to give his dick a kiss. We got on the subject of talking about our childhood crush. I said “It’s kind of weird but I used to jo to my dad and uncle so much. They are identical twin so it’s hard to find one hot but not the other. They both are about 6’3 with a tennis player build. Muscular legs and arms. When they wear shorts and free balling, any shorts just naturally hug their dick and make out an impressive outline. I know I’m talking about my dad and uncle but I’d love to get fucked by one of them, I don’t even care which one. Unfortunately, I hardly saw Dad after he and Mom got divorced. I had not since my uncle at all since. I caught my dad jacking off to porn while sniffing popper once. I was so turned on that 3-4 strokes got me to cum. I shot the biggest load I’ve ever had. I’m pretty sure my cum dripped on the floor when I tried to rush back to my room bc my dad thought he heard something and was coming out to check what was going on. Keith's hands were rubbing my shoulder, then he slid both hands down and started playing with my nipples. It’s honestly not quite fair. Anyone who plays with my nipples is guaranteed to have full control of me because I just can’t resist how good they feel. Then Keith asked me “How are you feeling?”. Just as Keith asked, “everything started to spin but I didn’t feel like I was going to pass out or anything. Everything was spinning and I could not keep myself balanced. Next thing I knew, I was carried out of the hot tub, put on a ball gag, and my legs and arms tied to the sling. I muffle through the ball gag “what the fuck….What are you guys do…….?” I couldn’t finish my sentence when the popper towel was put in front of my face. Then I couldn't see them anymore. Marc, Keith, and Henrique all went and sat somewhere behind me, whispering something to each other. But I didn't have time to find out what they were setting me up for. I heard the front door open, and there were two people. After a few seconds, I finally recognized these two guys. They were Marc’s neighbors, Aaron and Jay. I saw them washing their car and doing yard work when I arrived earlier. Aaron is about 6'2, has even salt and pepper hair, and a charming smile. He's the more aggressive one of the two in bed, from what I've heard. Jay is about the same, but a lot more disciplined bc of he used to be in the military. They are both tops. Aaron had a 8in dick and Jay is 9 and the both can fuuuck. I remember Marc mentioned earlier in the day that both of them are tops so they are constantly on the hunt for new bottoms at all costs. They sometimes keep the bottoms in their basement for 2-3 days. Both of them walked through the front door fully nude with sandals on. One of them said “Hey boys. Nice work. We knew this new hole was gonna be tight and beautiful when we saw him drive up earlier. It was hard not to rip off his clothes then and fuck the shit out of him.” said Aaron They both had a devilish smile as they walked toward me. “Benny boy. We’re here to feed you, but first….we gotta make sure you stay put bc I heard I'll be your first admin ever. What a pleasure. Are you guys gonna help or just watch?” Aaron seemed like he could hardly contain his excitement. The next thing I knew, I was tied up to the poles with my legs and arms going in different directions. I cannot move at all. “Don't worry. Just wanted to make sure you don't chicken out. As soon as you're high up in the cloud, we'll let put you back in the sling. I've been waiting for this all day.” The room is still spinning for me. I did not quite process anything Aaron said nor do I know what's going on. I see that Marc is setting up a camera that's facing bottom-up from the corner of the sling pole. That camera displays its images onto a TV screen toward the right of me. Keith is setting one up from the top down. Henrique pumped some lube deep in me. They feel like cum leaking out already. I tried so hard to comprehend everything, then all of a sudden am 9 an uncut dick came from behind. It's nearly hard, but not quite all the way yet. It was Jay, but at the time, I simply opened my mouth when I saw a dick. I didn't even try to figure out who was behind me. Whoever it was, I wanted to please and submit to their cock. Make it hard, milk it, and repeat as many times as they would let me. Not even a min later, I could feel Jay's uncut dick is hard as a rock. So hard when he slaps my face with it, it hurts. “Come on boy. All the way down your throat and make sure you make eye contact with me the whole time, understood?” said Jay “Yes Aaron “ then I heard Henrique said “ahh~ Good boy, Ben. Don't forget” Thays right. He said for the rest of the night I'll address everyone as sir, papi, or daddy. Anything else only if I get their permission somehow. Jay put on lube, then slowly slid his way in my throat again. The lube did help a lot. His balls could almost touch my nose. Jay is also doing one fine job playing with my nips. Sometimes hard, sometimes sensual. My nipples and my cock are so hard bc of him. Finally, Aaron asked, “Everyone ready?” On his command, everyone sort of circled up around me. I didn't know what was going, but Keith did, and he remembered that I do not like needles, so he asked me if I wanted to be blindfolded. I still thought we were all role-playing, so I nodded. He came back with a bandana and came back just in time before I could see what was in Aaron’s hand. It all happened so quickly that I don’t remember feeling it. All I knew was Keith put a double nostril popper inhaler up in my nose. I could feel Aaron’s thick mushroom head pressing firmly against my hole while he leaned forward from standing in between my legs to suck on my right nipple. Sometimes while I was trying not to let double nostril popper fry my mind and Aaron’s incredible nipple-sucking session, Jay gave me my first slam. As soon as Jay was done, the guys untied me from the poles so my body sank into the sling completely. Keith raised my arm up. I felt that sudden rush and could not catch my breath for a short while until Keith reminded me to take deep breaths. As soon as I took my deep breath, the body buzz felt a bit more manageable. However, when I took several deep breaths, it naturally relaxed my anus, which was exactly what Aaron was counting on. I barely caught up on my breath then I let out a loud moan bc not only did my muscle relaxed and my hole opened up and let Aaron’s dick in me before I was mentally prepared. He went all the way in, balls deep, then immediately started pumping. He’d pull his dick out just far enough that I thought he was going to pull it all the way out then he pumped dick back in me. I could feel every inch of his 8 inch dick thrusting back to me every time. Getting fucked felt so fucking good my eyes were rolling back and I was moaning uncontrollably. Jay quickly shut my mouth up by standing above my head and pumping his dick in my throat and both of his hands playing and pinching my nipples hard. Keith moved to the side and started sucking my dick, which was rock hard from the slam Jay gave me. Marc walks around all of us with another camera in his hand filming all of these with a hard on. “How’s that ass babe?” Jay asked. “Tight and warm. Nothing like those loose cum dump tweakers we’ve been fucking. Ohhhhh….ohhhh….my god.” I felt Aaron’s body tensing, his muscles flexing around me. He started thrusting at a quicker pace. “Ohhhhh….I’m about to….” Aaron groaned out as he held my ass tightly against his pelvis, making sure every wave of his cum shot as deep in me as he could. I could feel the warmth of his cum hitting inside my ass. “Yeah babe. Breed that pussy and fill it up with your cum.” Aaron’s eyes were wide open, and he shook a few times. Then he pulled out and switched spots with Jay. Come try it out yourself. “Lick my dick clean, bitch” he said. “Straddle over him with ass facing me” Aaron said to Keith. Keith continued to suck on my dick while I was sucking Aaron’s cum off his dick, and Aaron’s leaning forward, tongue fucking Keith, and stroking Keith’s cock. Jay aimed his dick at my hole and he said “I hope your pussy is ready for my dick. In one quick thrust, no lube, he went in deep, all the way in my ass. “Man…did you hear that sound when I pumped my dick in you boy. Sounds like I’m fucking a wet pussy. You have an amazing hole” I couldn’t make any verbal response because I was so high. “Spread your butt cheeks for me. Let me fuck that wet pussy” said Jay while playing with own nipples. His 9in dick is hitting my prostate for sure with every thrust. My prostate is my absolute weakness. After a few min of it, I scream out “I’m gonna cum,” and Keith responded, “Me, too,” as he breathed heavily. Aaron pull his dick out and guided Keith’s dick to my mouth and said. “Oh yeah….sluts. Cum in each other’s mouth and make sure not a single drop get wasted.” Keith and I moaned loudly and pushed our dicks in each other mouths, and unloaded everything we got. This was not Keith’s first load of the night but it was still so much. I almost could not swallow it all fast enough. Keith swallowed all of mine, and as he lifted his head up, Jay grabbed his head and shoved his face into his chest, and said, “Bite my nipple. Hard. Come on, bite it”. Shortly after that, Jay let out his primal scream, and tensed up as he fed his cum to my hole. I have no idea how much he cum but I knew it was a lot before cum was leaking out of my ass already after he unloaded. “That was amazing.” Aaron said “We’d stay for another load but our pups in the basement has been waiting for us all day. You know where to find us”. Jay and Aaron didn’t both putting their clothes back on and decided to wake back to their house nude. My hole feel so empty and I still am horny af. Marc is using his camera zooming in at my used fuckhole full of cum leaking out of it. I could see it on the TV. Meanwhile, I still had no idea that Henrique was in the other room monitoring the live stream, switching from camera to camera to satisfy their loyal followers.
    1 point
  43. Chapter 1: Moving in What a ride my life I've had over the last year! Gifted by my step dad, also seeded by my real dad who is also toxic. Converted my best friend who I experimented with. And now moved in with him, helping him on his quest to create his first son, just as I created him! My new life with Marc was a huge success. I ended up transferring to his college, and we rented our own three bedroom home. We rented the home from one of the professors at the school who was gay. Instead of a rental deposit, we let him deposit his seed in both of us. If payment happened to be late, he came by to collect it, and he waved the late fee using our asses instead. Let's just say he was never mad when we were late! In addition, he owned a boi who was our yard guy. He would come to mow the yard simply shirtless and a leather collar around his neck. On his collar was a biohazard dog tag. When he finished the yard, we'd invite him in for a shower, a cold beet or two and then give him our toxic recharges! Our place wasn't much, but it was ours. We shared the master bedroom, and had plans to make one of the bedrooms our playroom. It apparently had been a playroom before, as there were still hooks in the ceiling for a sling. This was perfect as now we wouldnt have to get a sling stand! This would leave a second bedroom open to possibly rent out. Needless to say, the sex was amazing. Knowing that my child was living and growing in him was not like anything I've ever imagined. On our first day there, we decided to fuck in every room. Granted this was no easy task. We did have a nice bed, but the living room consisted of a chair and a TV. Fortunately the house included a washer and a dryer. The dining area had a small table, but we didn't feel it was safe to fuck on, and wasn't even sure it was study enough for either of us to be bent over. On our first day, we went shopping at thrift stores where we picked up some cheap kitchen items and bed linens and towels. When we got back, we immediately stripped and Marc started washing the dishes. He made sure he was bent over the sink with his ass pointing up and out. That was all I needed, and he got exactly what he needed! My load oozed out of his hole when I pulled out, dripping all over the kitchen floor. We used one of our new towels to clean it up. Well what was left after Marc licked up my cum from the floor. Marc then draped the towel over his rock hard cock and we headed to the washer. As I was loading the washer, Marc was eager to load me. Once I closed the lid I bent over the washer. Marc started to mount me as the washer was filling with water. I told him to eat my ass as it was filling, and then start fucking me as it started to agitate. My cock was rock hard against the machine as it was filling. It created an amazing feeling. The sound of the water, and Marc eating my ass was incredible. As the washer started to churn, Marc quickly put his cock up my ass. Pumping away in rhythm to the washer. It seemed as though it was forever before he deposited his seed deep in me. Once he finished, I jumped on top of the washer and Marc sucked my cock. As he was doing so, the washer went into its spin cycle. My balls were resting on the washer and the vibrations quickly sent me over the edge.
    1 point
  44. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 720 550 0376 - Please keep it to texts for ultimate discretion. Maybe if you become a regular then we can talk on the phone. But this is for the purposes of scheduling hookups. A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Colorado, Parker - 80134 Times you're generally not available: Thursday, Friday - But even that is flexable Age: 21 Height: 5'9ish" Weight: Ethnicity: Caucasian
    1 point
  45. Barcelona has other saunas, I'm unsure what's going on in them. Best BB action is still basement on Tuesday and Sunday afternoons.
    1 point
  46. Yes. Condal is a completely different sauna today. They changed the layout and most of the regular clientele left. Most current patrons are just the "snuggle" kind .. the ones that try to hug you and kiss you in the dark room. It's a far cry from the old days. I only know of Bruc as an alternative. It can be lots of fun if you are ok with a much older clientele. BB does happen often.
    1 point
  47. Chapter 2: A Perfect Couple We quickly loaded the dryer and headed to our bed. We had not washed the comforter on it yet, but figured we'd just get it cummy and sweaty anyway. Our time in the bed was quite romantic. We laid side by side with Marc's cum still dripping from my ass. We started deep kissing and running our hands through each other's hair. I started to nibble on Marc ear, which I've not done before, but he loved it. My tongue slowly entered his ear and although already semi hard, Marc's cock rose to full attention. I didn't want him to cum just yet, so i moved my mouth to his neck. My first thought was it would be cool to give him a hickey. Marc moaned in pleasure as I sucked on his neck. Marc changed it up some, pulling away from me, and started to lick and suck my nipples. He knew this always got me going. I had been working on enlarging my nipples with clamps and suckers, hoping they would one day be like my step dads. Marc knew me well, and before I came, he moved away from my nipples, gently kissing my stomach on a trail to my balls. He gently took them in his mouth and started sucking on them. Occasionally taking his mouth off of them, and running his tongue up and down my pre cum covered cock. I then moved away, putting us into a 69 position. The best part of this was that we both exploded in each other's mouths ar the same time. We continued to make out and cuddle in bed. I told Marc i was so happy that things developed like they did. He agreed, saying he had always dreamed of the first time we fucked, but never imagined himself wanting to be pozzed by me. I asked if he had any regrets, and he said only one. It was that I hadnt pozzed him sooner. I asked him why he felt that way, and he said just look at us now. Laying in bed sharing our intimate moments together. Making love, not just having sex. He said he wasn't sure if it was the power of the poz Brotherhood or how we had progressed from being experimental friends to true lovers. I said i think it's a little of both, and he agreed. The buzzer went off on the dryer, and we retrieved the warm sheets from it. We put them on the bed, and threw the comforter over us, grinding our cocks together. Somehow we didn't make love though. I asked Marc where he wanted to take things. He said he truly enjoyed moments like this, but knew we both liked piggy play with each other as well as others. I agreed saying once we were settled, and the playroom was complete, I was sure we would have plenty pig sex with other college guys who couldn't host in their dorm rooms. I then asked Marc if he had thought of becoming a father himself. He said he had thought about it, but unsure. He said he has seen how it had changed our lives for the better, but didn't want to strain the relationship we had. I assured him it wouldn't, but respected any decision he made. Marc asked the same of me, and I said I was also uncertain. I suggested we just let the Honeymoon continue, and decide later.
    1 point
  48. My head hurts. I don't know why I have migraines on Sundays, but it happens about every other week, hangover probably isn't helping. I guess I fell asleep on the couch again, slept wrong, so groggy, so sore. Well, I went out last night and I guess I drank too much, I don't remember how I got home, but I'm glad I got home safe. I need to get up and move, take a piss. I noticed I fell asleep with my contacts in, it always takes a couple minutes before my eyes get a chance to reopen. I started moving my eyes while they're still closed, I started to run my hands down my face and a sharp pinch jolted me when my palm pressed on my nose. Did I get punched? I gingerly started feeling my nose. The pain made my eyes start to water so I can try looking, no bruising or blood, but I saw something silvery out of the corner of my eye. I knew something had happened. I started to roll out of the couch, my body was aching all over, my legs were a bit wobbly. I needed to get to the bathroom to see what had happened. As I was starting to straighten up, my chest and back started to itch as I slogged to the bathroom. I turned the corner and was stunned. It wasn't me in the mirror. There was this punk version of me. I saw a mostly shaved head, except for a dark red Mohawk. The shine below my nose was a thick nose ring and matching rings in my earlobes. Then it dawned on me, the itching, the soreness. Quickly I peeled off my tee shirt, and a sharp snag on my chest made me recoil in pain. After a second I was able to see the cause: my right nipple was now pierced too and a large tattoo encircled it. It took me a moment to recognize it- a biohazard symbol. I panicked, realizing my back itched too, I spun around and contorted to try seeing what was behind me. In the mirror, it was an even larger and colorful tattoo, a biohazard symbol with the word 'POZ' above it and 'whore' below it. I stood there breathless. A lot happened last night, more than just getting drunk and blacking out. The pressure in my bladder reminded me I had to piss again. I unzipped my jeans and reached to displace my briefs... I felt leather. I let my jeans drop to the floor. I was wearing a leather jock strap. I shook my head in disbelief. I still needed to pee so I pulled down the jock pouch, started to relax to urinate and then I felt some other new pressure coming from my asshole. As I stood there urinating in the toilet, I spread my legs a little and reached back with my left hand to feel the base of a butt plug. This wasn't a good sign. I pulled the jock strap all the way off and squatted down. I had to get this plug out of me. I beared down and the rubber plug started moving, and I gently pulled on it with a free hand. It got to the point that it just snapped out of me. The sudden release made my cock jump and spurt out some precum onto the leather jockstrap I just peeled off and dropped on the floor. I picked up the plug and looked at it- it was covered in thickened lightly pinkish goo. I stood back up in disbelief, dropped the plug in the sink and walked away. My hole started to clench back up and my cock was at full attention. Between my hole feeling empty and used to the plug that was inside me and a case of morning wood, I had to rub a load out, so I walked back to the living room to put some porn. I threw in my favorite gangbang flick and plopped back on the couch. As the video started loading up, I saw new dvd case on my coffee table, it had a hand-drawn biohazard sign in sharpie on it. Curious, I picked it up and opened up the case, and found a folded paper note in it. It read: "Last night you said you hated the bar whores, mostly because you wish you could be more like them. Your wish was our command. Enjoy ALL of your Gifts!" followed by another biohazard sign.
    1 point
  49. This afternoon I already know I'll be doing a ton of ATM and hopefully felching. Playing with a repeat total top/total bttm couple. We played last month, but it took around an hour and lots of positions before my own hole and the bottom's started getting REALLY loose and sloppy. That's when things got more "piggy" and the black top stud started sucking both our asses like it was his last meal. I had fucked the bottom multiple times before this bf a couple years ago, but he never got loose and juicy like this. The top wanted us to take turns bending over the bed for him to fuck while the other one of us stood up and bent over so he could eat sloppy hole while he fucked the other. The top and I then started spit roasting the bottom so it was non-stop ATM for him as we rotated around. ATM and felching are about the "nastiest" things I get into, and they turn me on more than anything. The top and I were then just taking turns fucking the bottom's LOOSE wet hole, and I couldn't resist deep throating that black cock straight out of that wet loose bubble ass. We were about an hour into it by that point, and going down on that juicy cock made me lose control and I could tell I was gonna cum. Top was still in position to fuck the bottom, and we could all tell I was losing control, so top stuck his cock in his BF and I blew my load on the top's cock to fuck it in. I cleaned him off again then made out with the top. The top then immediately told me to get on all 4s and started pounding me. We played for another 30 mins, and I kept taking dick like a champ :) Today I know the piggier play with start way sooner now that we all know we're into it, and I totally plan to have that bottom sit on my face after one of us breeds him and let me suck the cum from his hole unless the top bf wants it too! I'm gonna push the envelope a little and also see if the total top will do ATM on my cock when I pull it out of his BF ass. He's SOOOO into eating sloppy hole I think he'll suck my cock from his BF hole too :)
    1 point
  50. I do not question the friend who felt bad after swallowing liters of semen, not all bodies are equal. However in my experience, when I go cruising in the park or even in the sauna, I drink a lot of water, others surely consume beer or other alcoholic beverages but that does not go with me when it comes to sucking dicks, I prefer that my breath always have the aroma and flavor of semen. I said it in another post, my record is of 10 loads that I have swallowed in one session, both in cruising and in the sauna, I have not yet passed the mark because in my country sometimes men prefer to download in the face, perhaps be it for porn.
    1 point
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