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  1. The New Barber Part 3 I sat in my car for what seemed like hours, beyond angry... feeling betrayed and hurt. My attention snapped back to reality with a ping on my phone... my mate wanted to know how I got on at the Barbers.... I immediately dialled him. "Hey there, how's it going" I broke into a tirade of abuse directed at him, the fucker I had just been abused by and my own stupidity. Eventually he spoke, apologising over and over, assuring me he had no idea about the guy and that he was well known in the industry. "So what are you going to do ?" He asked.... Another ping on my phone..."hold on mate " I checked the message...it was a video of me being pounded and a countdown clock at the bottom. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" I went back to the conversation... "I don't know what to do " I mumbled" My mate assured me that anything police related would be seen as another fag getting himself into a dodgy situation..."you don't have a lot of choice mate " "That sounds harsh, but if this guy has all your info then.... for now it's best to play along" At this point I hated myself...he was right, maybe I could find a chink in this fuckers armour... but it's can't go on much longer.... The month passed slowly... I found myself checking the countdown clock more than I was happy to admit to... even getting a hard on at various times, what the fuck was wrong with me? The day came and the door opened up Infront of me... this time he was in full Rubber gear grinning like a cat that got the canary. "Good to see you back...smart move" as he ushered me in, hearing that all too familiar click as the door locked behind me. Before I had a chance to turn back to look I felt a jab in my neck... with no time to react I fell into his arms..."just a little something to help you relax... I want you aware this time" Everything was floating... it was like watching myself being dragged, undressed, positioned and placed in the sling ready for the onslaught. He leaned in and began to explain... "Okay, now that you're relaxed I'm going to start your education" I became aware of some sort of box thing coming down over my eyes... panic rising I began to breathe heavily, exactly what he wanted it seems as a pipe parted my lips and my lungs began to take in the fumes...my ability to focus losing its grip. Headphones came down over my head and a weird voice started talking, spirals appeared Infront of my eyes...I was falling... I was flying, feeling relaxed and down.... down I fell....
    10 points
  2. Patient 2: Dario It started out with a cough. At first, Dario thought it was a cold that just wouldn’t go away. But when it lasted through the winter and well into the spring, he began to get worried. He felt tired almost all the time. He could barely make it through a workout without feeling out of breath. He tried going to the hospital, but they dismissed his symptoms without a second glance. “It’s probably allergies,” said the nurse. “Take some Benadryl and you’ll be fine.” He didn’t tell them his real fear. The fear that he’d been carrying with him the last couple of years, ever since he’d first heard about the gay plague that was terrorizing his community. Could it be true? Could he have AIDS? He’d been careful, he tried to reassure himself. He’d been a strict condom user ever since he’d first gotten his hands on that pamphlet. He had even volunteered for Gay Men’s Health Crisis back in New York, working the hotline to chat with worried men who were afraid they might be the next ones to be infected. It was impossible. He couldn’t have the virus. And yet his health continued to decline. He began losing weight, which got him more attention at the baths but did nothing to quell his concern. He left San Francisco, moving back in with his old roommate Jeff in New York City. He could hardly recall the passion that had led him to leave the city in the first place–all he wanted now was the comfort of home. Jeff welcomed him back with open arms, but he too grew concerned as he saw Dario getting sicker and sicker. “You need to go and get tested,” he said one day. It was early spring, 1985, and the city had yet to shed the chill of winter. “They can test for it now. Better to have the answer, right?” He put his hand on Dario’s shoulder. “I can go with you if you want.” “I’m fine,” said Dario. Unfortunately, he was betrayed at that particular moment by an especially harsh fit of coughing. “That’s it." Jeff stood up and held out his hand, looking at Dario like he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “I’m taking you there right now.” As they sat in the waiting room waiting for Dario’s test results, the sight of the other patients made him feel even worse. Some of the men were almost skin and bones, with that terrible wasted look. One of them even had a purple splotch on the back of his hand. He noticed Dario looking at him and covered it with his sleeve. Dario looked away. “Dario Badalejo?” called a nurse. He stood weakly. Jeff squeezed his hand. “Come with me,” she beckoned him. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know. ____________________________________________________________________________ “I don’t understand,” said Jeff. “How could he have AIDS? He always uses a condom. That’s supposed to keep him safe. You said it would keep him safe!” The nurse shook her head. “Condoms aren’t foolproof. And if you’re the receptive partner, you’re a lot more likely to get AIDS. Especially if your partner is uncircumcised.” Dario laughed weakly. “First you’re shaming me for being a bottom, now you’re shaming me for loving uncut cock?” “I’m not-” “I’m never going to be able to have sex again, am I?” he asked. She shook her head. “It’s not a good idea. Not until they find a cure, or at least a treatment.” His stomach sank. He felt like he was going to be sick. “What’s the treatment plan?” asked Jeff. “We can treat the symptoms, but not much else,” said the nurse. “I’m sorry.” Jeff stood up. “This is bullshit.” He turned to Dario and grabbed his hand. “Come on. I’m taking you home.” Dario spent the next few days in bed, not from illness, but from grief. Despite his vigilance, despite how careful he’d been, he still got the virus. How could he have AIDS? What would happen to him? Would he die? He felt terrified and numb. Shame threatened to overwhelm him. His mother had been right after all. This was a lonely life. What of the men he’d been with over the last couple of years? Had he passed the virus onto them? All that time being careful, and for what? His sex drive had come back to haunt him in more ways than one. It was at that moment that he promised if he made it out of this, he would never have sex again. And then he got horny. It started about a week after his diagnosis. He woke up in the middle of the night sweating bullets, his cock hard as a rock. He’d been dreaming about getting fucked by a man. He couldn’t remember his face, but he could see his body crystal clear in his mind. Wasted. Veiny. Covered head-to-toe in purple lesions. It was horrifying, but somehow thrilling at the same time. Even now, his cock wouldn’t go down. He tossed and turned, trying to will himself back to sleep, but the lust was too much for him. He lay on his stomach and jerked his cock against the bed, rutting until he exploded with a loud cry. He awoke in the morning with his stomach glued to his bedsheets. His seed was hard and crusty on the sheets, full of his poison. He felt the shame overwhelm him as he remembered his dream. Why did that man turn him on? He should be repulsed, not aroused. As he washed the cum off of him in the shower, he conceded that jerking off was probably the most harmless way to deal with the lust he was feeling. At least that way he wasn’t harming anybody else. As long as he made sure to do his own laundry–he would hate to think of infecting Jeff and exposing him to this nightmare. Pretty soon, however, even jerking off began to get out of hand. He was waking up nightly in a sweat, his dreams filled with pale, wasted men and veiny cocks. But the worst were the dreams in which he was the wasted one, his brown skin pale and mottled as he preyed upon some unsuspecting young man. He couldn’t deny it, the idea of fucking another person, knowing that he had AIDS, made him hard. In fact, if he was being honest with himself, there was something about knowing he was positive and fucking someone anyway that turned him on. He had never been much of a top, always preferring to be the one getting fucked. Now there was a new desire in him, a desire to breed, to pass on what had been given to him, to give this curse to someone else. But that was all just fantasy. He wouldn’t actually have sex with someone, even with a condom. After all, condoms hadn’t protected him. He couldn’t count on them to protect anyone else. But what could he do? He couldn’t take this horniness for much longer. He had to do something to ease the tension and get the release he so desperately needed. After careful consideration, Dario decided to return to the baths. He definitely wasn’t going to have sex with anyone, but he decided that watching other people have sex would be okay. No one ever gave someone AIDS by being a voyeur, right? Of course, he couldn’t tell any of his friends there about his diagnosis, or else they wouldn’t even let him past the front door. He would have to pretend that nothing was wrong. “I’m going for a walk,” he told Jeff one evening after work. “Want me to come with you?” He shook his head. “I just need some time alone. Thanks though.” He felt bad lying to Jeff. His friend had been so good to him, staying by his side even through his diagnosis. But he needed release. He could control himself, he was sure of it. The second he stepped into the bathhouse, he was hard as a rock. He hadn’t been around a naked man in so long. It was summertime again, and the baths were filled with muscular men, daddies, and bears showing off their tanned bodies. He checked his clothes into a locker and wrapped himself in a fluffy white towel, heading to the pool to relax. A group of men lounged naked in the shallow end, their cocks floating in the water as they leaned back against the rim of the pool. One hairy older man stood in the corner, moaning as a slim younger guy sucked him with vigor. Dario sat on the edge of the deep end, away from the rest of the people. He wanted to ditch the towel and start stroking his cock, but he was self-conscious about drawing attention to himself. Better to take his time and ease into it. He lay back, closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of laughter, moaning, and grunting that floated through the air around him. Mindlessly, his hand slipped under his towel as he began to rub himself. The sensation of water dripping on his face snapped him back to attention. He opened his eyes to see an older man standing over him, the water from the pool falling down his naked body and dripping off the end of his cock. He had a thick cock with a light pink head, which sat nestled in a pair of large, hairy balls. He was looking down at Dario with a smirk on his face. “Mind if I join you?” Not waiting for an answer, he sat down next to Dario, leaning against one hand to display his naked body to him. Although the man was at least in his late 50s, he was in remarkably good shape. Dario had always had a thing for daddies, and this man was like something out of a dream. His skin was tan and mostly tight against his body, which you rarely saw on older guys. He had a bit of a pouch on his stomach, but the hair on his chest and stomach just made it look even sexier. Dario’s jaw dropped slightly as he took in every inch of the man. The guy laughed. “You know, if you take a picture, it’ll last longer.” “S-sorry.” “You new to the baths?” He shook his head. “I just… haven’t been in a while.” “Ah,” said the guy. “I feel like I’m crawling the walls if I’m away for even more than a week.” The guy put his hand on Dario’s leg, sliding it slowly underneath the towel. “You should get more comfortable. It’s all right–I won’t bite.” Dario bit his lip as the man undid the towel and let it fall away. His dick was rock hard and pointed straight up. The man laughed. “Nice cock,” he said as he wrapped his fingers around it. Dario moaned as the man slid his foreskin up and down. A little bit of precum dribbled out of the head. He gasped in surprise when the man leaned down and took the head of his dick into his mouth. “Fuck,” he whispered. The man’s tongue felt so good on his dick. He hadn’t felt a mouth on his dick in forever. It felt better than sin. He was sure he was about to burst when the man released his cock and sat up, grinning. “Yummy,” he said, savoring the taste of Dario’s precum on his tongue. “You want to come to my room? I’d love to get inside that hole.” He reached his hand under Dario’s cock, sliding his fingers along his taint and towards his hole. Dario wanted to give in, wanted to let the man fuck him, virus be damned. But he saw Jeff’s face in his mind. What would his friend think of him now? He scrambled to his feet, his heart racing. “I’m sorry. I gotta go.” He wrapped his towel around his waist and hurried back towards the front. He didn’t look back at the man, too scared about how close he’d come to breaking his vow. He’d barely been at the baths an hour before he’d almost had sex with someone! Sure, maybe they would have used a condom, but he’d agreed he wouldn’t even allow himself to do that. So much for willpower. He stayed away from the baths for the next couple of weeks, convinced that his little experiment was a colossal failure. But his horniness was only getting worse. His dreams, which before had featured faceless men with wasted bodies, were now filled with the old man from the baths. He dreamt about fucking him, about riding his cock and spraying his seed all over the man’s chest. He dreamt about cumming deep inside the man, staring in his eyes as he delivered what he knew would be a killing blow. The shame became unbearable–how could he condemn another person to what he was going through? He couldn’t do it, no matter how horny he became. Then came that fateful day a few weeks later. The summer was almost over, as July had come and gone and they were well into August. He was sitting on the couch channel surfing with Jeff when they landed on a report from the local news station. “Rising cases of AIDS and the closure late last year of San Francisco bathhouses has led local health officials to call for the New York State Public Health Council to close gay bathhouses, bars, and clubs in an effort to stop the spread of the disease,” said the reporter. “Good.” Jeff frowned. “I know it’s a blow to our community, but I just can’t fathom why some people would be so reckless. Don’t they know what they’re doing to themselves?” “We spoke with local congressman Ed Green to hear his thoughts on the epidemic and whether the city should take the step of closing down these facilities.” The man’s face that came on the screen nearly caused Dario’s brain to short-circuit. “I don’t give a lick whether they close these facilities or not,” said the man. “Go ahead and keep them open. These degenerates brought all this nonsense on themselves. As far as I’m concerned, the less of them the better.” “What a fucking asshole!” Jeff grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He threw it against the couch. “I can’t believe people like him even exist.” Dario could. After all, he’d almost fucked him at the bathhouse just a few weeks ago. He’d been wearing a suit on TV, but Dario would recognize that face anywhere. “You know what?” Jeff asked. He turned towards him, his voice raising with anger. “It’s people like him that deserve this virus. Not us. I hope you get AIDS, Ed Green.” Dario blinked in surprise. “I’ve never known you to be so vindictive.” “Am I wrong? The guy’s reprehensible!” Then something clicked in his head. It was too horrible to even consider–or was it? “What if he did?” he asked. “What if he did get AIDS?” “Good.” Jeff scoffed. “He can rot for all I care.” The image of Ed’s naked body growing thin and wasted popped into Dario’s brain. He was getting hard again, aroused at the idea of spreading the virus to someone who truly deserved it. Jeff was right–if anybody deserved AIDS, it was this guy. Maybe Dario wasn’t a victim of fate. Maybe he was an agent of it. He went back to the bathhouse every night that week, keeping his eyes peeled for Congressman Ed Green. He no longer had any fear of giving in to temptation and fucking someone else. Now that he had a target, he was a man on a mission. It was easy to avoid the flirty gazes and wandering hands of the patrons at the baths. He was saving his load for someone special. It was late one Saturday night when he finally saw him. He walked into the pool room a little after midnight, a towel wrapped around his waist. Even through the towel, you could see the outline of his dick. God, what Dario wouldn’t give to feel it in his ass. But he wasn’t here to bottom. The only way to be sure of spreading the virus was to cum inside the man. Dario watched as the congressman slipped off his towel and waded into the water. He slipped in behind him, his heart racing as he slowly approached his prey. Ed turned and saw Dario, then smiled. “Well, hello again.” Even with what he knew about the man, his deep, sexy voice still made Dario weak in the knees. “Fancy seeing you here.” “Haven’t seen you in a while,” said Ed. “Figured I scared you off last time.” Dario shook his head. “I wasn’t scared of you.” Ed raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” Dario slid his hand under the water and squeezed Ed’s cock. “I was scared of this.” Ed moaned. He put his hand on Dario’s ass, pulling him in closer. “I’ve never had one so big,” Dario continued. “I guess I just got scared.” “You don’t need to be scared, baby.” Ed grabbed the back of Dario’s head and pulled him in gently. “I told you–I don’t bite.” He kissed Dario, his tongue working its way into Dario’s mouth and opening him up. Dario continued stroking his cock, feeling it grow into full hardness under the water. The older man’s hands were squeezing his ass, then lifting him until his legs were wrapped around the man’s waist. Ed pinned him against the edge of the pool, kissing him deeply as he rubbed his cock up against his hole. “I want you,” Ed whispered in his ear. “Let me fuck you.” “Only if you let me return the favor.” Ed pulled back, a frown on his face. “I don’t get fucked.” Dario kissed his neck. “You don’t know what you’re missing. Trust me, the best tops are guys who like to bottom. I’ll take it slow, I promise.” Ed let go of him. “Forget it.” Dario felt the panic rising in his chest as the older man started to move away. He had to give him the virus, one way or another. He grabbed Ed’s hand. “Okay. Okay, fair enough. Just thought I’d try to get a shot at that beautiful ass.” Ed smirked. “Can’t blame you for trying.” He pulled Dario toward the edge of the water. “Come on. I have a room here.” He led Dario past the other patrons talking and fondling each other in the hallway and took him towards a room in the back. It was bare and cramped, with nothing but a rectangular mirror glued behind a cot. Ed sat down on the cot with his back against the wall and spread his legs, letting his half-hard cock flop down and hang in front of those delicious-looking balls. Dario dropped to his knees. He stuck his nose in the sweaty crevice between the man’s sack and his leg. Fuck, he loved the smell of man musk and chlorine. He took one of the hairy balls in his mouth and started sucking on it. “Fuck,” Ed moaned. He put his hands behind his head, relaxing as Dario slid his cock into his mouth. Dario was feeling cock-drunk as he worshipped the man’s shaft. It had been so long since he’d been able to enjoy another man’s body, and he wanted to savor every minute of it. He knew he should be figuring out a way to get the old man to bottom for him, but he was too caught up in fellating him. How could he have ever thought he could go the rest of his life without having sex with a man again? This was fucking heaven. It was more than just sex–it was why he was alive. As long or as short as he lived, he wanted to feel this again and again as much as he possibly could. “Turn around and let me see that hole,” said Ed. Dario pulled the man’s cock out of his mouth and stood. He used his hands to brace himself against the floor as he put his legs on either side of Ed. The older man’s hands grabbed him by the hips and pulled him closer to his face. He heard the sound of spitting, then felt the wonderful feeling of Ed’s tongue lapping him up. His cock was leaking precum now, he was so turned on by getting eaten out. He had always loved getting his ass eaten, but it seemed to feel even better now than it ever had before. Was that because it had been so long, or did it have something to do with the virus? It seemed to have made him hornier. Maybe it made sex feel better too. Ed’s tongue worked its way deep inside him, lubing him up and preparing his hole for the taking. His arms were shaking as he felt the man’s tongue probing him, opening him up to be fucked again for the first time in ages. “Fuck, I love eating your pussy,” said Ed. “I hear it feels even better on your cock,” he replied. Ed spanked him on the cheek. “Get up and bend over the bed. I want to take you from behind.” Dario got back on his feet, propping himself up against the cot as he waited to be entered. He practically wept when he felt Ed’s cock rubbing up against his hole. He wanted this so badly. “Shh…” Ed whispered in his ear. “You can take it.” Ed was pushing into him now. His cock felt wet, so he must have put some lube on it, but it was still painful as it worked its way into his guts. Dario hadn’t bottomed in so long, he knew his first time back wouldn’t be easy. But the pain paled in comparison to his lust. Ed buried his cock deep inside of Dario, his wiry grey pubes scratching Dario’s ass. “God I love your wet cunt.” He pulled out a bit and rammed it back in, making Dario cry out. He started fucking him faster, his cock battering Dario’s prostate again and again. Dario just laid his cheek against the cot and allowed the old man to use his hole. As the man fucked him again and again, Dario felt a sense of bliss overtake him. This felt right, being here. As much as he’d tried to deny it, when he was a teenager and again when he found out he had the virus, he knew that this was who he was meant to be. He was meant to be used by men, to take cock by whoever would give it to him. Even his time spent using condoms had been foolish–he was simply prolonging the inevitable. Better to give into his base desires and be who he truly was than to settle for some kind of half-life of mediocre sex. “Fuck, you faggots are so easy.” Ed laughed. “You’ll spread your legs for any guy with a pulse and a cock, won’t you? Oh fuck… I’m gonna cum… Ugh, take it. Fucking take it!” He grunted, then slammed his cock all the way in as he began to fill Dario with cum. Dario counted the pulses that filled him: one, two, three, four, five. As much as he hated the man who had bred him, he couldn’t deny everything the man said. He was a faggot who loved cock. But so was the old man. “Whew.” Ed pulled out of Dario and lay back against the cot. He wiped the sweat off of his brow. “You are one good lay.” Dario lay beside him, running his fingers through the man’s chest hair. “So are you.” He leaned down and took one of Ed’s nipples into his mouth, sucking and biting it as he grabbed the man’s wet cock. Ed laughed. “I’m a bit too spent to go again that fast. Maybe another time.” Dario lifted his head. “I know a trick that’ll make you rock hard again. Wanna try it?” Ed raised an eyebrow. “Rock hard, huh?” Dario crouched at the bottom of the cot and put his hands on Ed’s thighs. “Just relax. I’ll do all the work.” Ed rolled his eyes. “If your trick is a blowjob, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” But Dario ignored his cock. Instead, he grabbed Ed’s legs and hoisted them in the air. Before Ed knew what hit him, Dario’s tongue was buried deep in his asshole. “Oh fuck… Jesus, kid.” Dario made love to the man’s asshole, wiggling his tongue around and rubbing his nose against the man’s taint. He pushed his tongue as far as it could go, prying open his sphincter and tasting the sweet flesh within. By the sound of Ed’s moans, he wasn’t used to someone eating him out. He ran his hands through Dario’s hair as he ate him out. He pulled his face off of Ed’s hole for a second to stick one of his fingers in his mouth, then rubbed it up against the outside of the old man’s asshole. “Wait a minute, I don’t-” Ed’s words turned into cries of pleasure as Dario jammed his finger straight into the old man’s ass. He felt around until he found that precious little spot deep inside the asshole, then hammered it with his finger for all he was worth. “What are you- oh god… oh GOD!” Ed’s arms and legs went limp as Dario worked the man’s prostate. Dario smiled to himself as he watched the man get so bent out of shape over being fingered. Why some people denied themselves the pleasure of prostate play was beyond him. Keeping his finger buried in Ed’s asshole, he slid up the cot until his face was next to Ed’s. “Does that feel good?” he whispered. “Yes,” Ed said breathlessly. “I can make you feel better.” “How?” Dario kissed him, and for the first time, he was the aggressor. He climbed on top of Ed, grabbed his cock, and placed it against the old man’s hole. “Let me show you.” Then, without waiting for Ed’s response, he plunged his cock as deep inside the man’s hole as it would go. “Holy fuck! Jesus Christ… pull it out!” Ed shouted. “Shh…” Dario whispered in his ear. “You can take it.” He stayed still, giving the old man a few seconds to adjust. Despite the pain of the intrusion, Ed hadn’t gone limp at all–in fact, he was as hard as ever. Dario looked in his eyes and, when he didn’t see any sign of protest, began slowly fucking him. “Oh Jesus… that feels so good,” said Ed. “I told you, bottoms make the best tops,” said Dario. “We know what feels good. And we know how to find just the right spot.” He pulled his cock out a couple of inches, rubbing it up against the spot where he knew Ed’s prostate would be. “Holy shit. Ugh… fuck, don’t stop,” said Ed. “Just… just pull out before you cum in me. Okay? I don’t want to get sick.” Dario nodded, although he knew he would do no such thing. Not when he was so close to his prize. He fucked Ed slowly, careful to make it all about the older man’s pleasure. He knew that the best way to give him the virus was to make him want it. Now that he was inside, he was going to make this such a memorable experience that Ed would beg to be fucked again and again. Until it was sure to take. The tightness of Ed’s virgin hole was enough to bring Dario to the edge within minutes. He would have to be quiet about his orgasm if he wanted to accomplish his mission. He kept his breathing steady as he felt the pressure riding in his balls. Ed’s eyes were closed, his face sweaty as he grappled with how good it felt to let a man fuck you. For a moment, Dario felt guilty about what he was about to do. But then he remembered the way Ed had sneered when confronted with the virus. These degenerates brought all this nonsense on themselves. As far as I’m concerned, the less of them the better. You brought it on yourself, Ed. Dario kissed him to cover up the fact that he was cumming inside his hole. He grabbed his hands, pinning them against the cot as he rutted inside the man’s hole. The pressure of months of chastity released itself through his balls, entering the man’s rectum and infecting him the way that he himself had been infected. He didn’t slow his thrusting for a second, continuing to fuck even as his cumming began to slow and his orgasm faded. “You’re gonna pull out before you cum, right?” said Ed. “Of course.” Dario kissed the old man again, wrestling with the man’s tongue as he worked his seed deeper into his rectum. Now that he had cum, he started fucking Ed slow and sensual. Pinching his nipples, kissing his neck, stroking the head of his cock as he fucked him. He had Ed wrapped around his finger, making him moan and whimper with every touch. “I’m getting close,” said Ed. “Me too.” Dario stopped in mid-thrust. “Do you want me to pull out?” “No!” Ed said, his eyes growing wide. He was stroking himself wildly, desperate for a second cum. “Don’t stop fucking me.” Dario resumed pumping in and out of him, but he felt the familiar tension rising in his balls. “Ugh… fuck, I’m gonna cum if I keep going,” he teased. “I think I should pull out.” “No!” Ed wrapped his legs around Dario’s ass, trapping him inside him. “Just… a little… longer.” “Oh fuck… here I come!” said Dario. He felt a second orgasm flooding through him, his balls pumping a second load into Ed’s hole. Ed’s cock was shooting as well, dousing their stomachs in his seed. Dario collapsed on top of the old man, their chests sliding against each other as his cock dribbled the last of his seed into Ed’s no-longer-virgin hole. “Oh God… what did I just do?” Ed’s eyes were wide. “I don’t bottom, I don’t… you’re clean, right? Please tell me you’re clean.” Dario smiled. He ran his fingers through Ed’s hair, then kissed him gently on the lips. “It’s all good, baby. You have nothing to worry about.” “Oh thank God.” Ed sighed. “Fuck, that did feel good though,” he said with a grin. Dario pulled his cock out of the old man and sat back on his knees. “I’m down for a rematch anytime you are.” Ed sat up and kissed him. “I’ll give you my number. I’ve got a few friends who might be interested in joining in if you like that sort of thing. They’re discreet like me, but I can trust you, right?” Dario smiled. If Ed’s friends were anything like him, then he wouldn’t have to work too hard to find his next victim. “My lips are sealed.” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dario walked through the door of his apartment practically buzzing. Jeff sat on the couch watching TV. He smiled when he caught sight of Dario. “Hey man. What’s up with you? You feeling okay?” Dario plopped down on the couch next to him. “I feel amazing. Better than ever, actually.” “That’s great!” Jeff squeezed his hand. “I know you took it pretty hard, the diagnosis and all. Not being able to have sex. But there really is so much else to life.” Dario smiled. “You’re right. I have a lot to live for.” It was true. Stealthing that asshole at the baths had done more than lift his spirits–it had given him a new purpose. He was no longer a victim. He was taking control of his destiny. This virus hadn’t been a curse at all. It had shown him who he was, who he was truly meant to be. He didn’t know how long he had left to live. But whether it was a month, a year, or a decade, he knew one thing: he would take as many assholes with him as he could in the time he had left.
    9 points
  3. After the mini breakdown I decided to take a short vacation right away, the past weekend - 4/23 to 4/26. I booked the room at CCBC right away, they only had 2 left for the weekend. I've been to that resort before. It's clothing optional for gays. So it's a big cruising playground. I wanted to relax and escape from whatever is happening to me, mostly the feel of being tensed up and the lack of personal space. I can truly be myself at that place without any judgement. After a whole day driving I checked in and started feeling relaxed right away. When I'm in a hotel room I always feel safe, no judgements, and horny. Maybe because of the small space, and also it belongs to myself, and far away from my everyday life. To my surprise the indoor play area was still closed, but they set up a simple outdoor play ground with military theme. It has a sling, a few benches and a few chairs. I douched myself right away, and walked around with my clothes on, just looking at what was out there so I could feel more relaxing. ## Day 1 maybe around 10pm I went to the play area and saw the guy who was texting me on Scruff. I didn't know he had a nice dick, but then I saw it and I decided to give it a try. He fucked me on the bench and an audience was forming around us. After he finished in me, someone else just slides his dick in me again. I suddenly felt a sense of being the center of attention and I loved it. Several other guys also fucked me and bred me. After those crowd left it was time for me to relax too. # Day 2 There was a very hot white guy - he was wearing a black tank top and a pair of shorts, wearing a baseball cap, but he is in great shape, tall and strong. The first time I saw him I knew I wanted him. I tried several time to approach him but was ignored. I had sex with other guys and it was not bad. I wasn't chasing that guy any more. Around 11pm, I went to the play area and I just got on one bench ass up face down. After several minutes, an old guy came and started to play with my ass and he started fucking me too. Soon a crowd was formed around me and I was the center of attention again. Next time I looked back I saw that hottest guy was there too, and he was rubbing his dick. I was immediately more excited. Another guy came forward and bred me, I think I had 3-4 loads in me at that time. Then the hottest guy came to me and started fucking me! I was like "YES!!" and his dick is big! I didn't see it but I think it's at least 8 inches and thick. I inhaled some popper and I felt I was in heaven! I could feel all the load in my ass being pushed again and again by his big white cock. He even held me up and kissed me. While I was moaning he was talking to me like "take this cock baby" "yes right there baby" and it made me feel really good. Guys around me was cheering for that like “take that big fucking cock”. He fucked me for like 10 mins and came in me too. When he came everybody around us was cheering again. I was so happy. After that the crowd left and I went back to my room. Around 12am I logged on Grindr and started talking with a guy named "Hung Vers 8x6" and he came to my room. Damn his cock is gorgeous, and it's truly hung! I started sucking his cock and then riding it like crazy. But he then asked me to suck it again and came all over his chest. It's a shame that he didn't come in me. But then he asked me if he could invite his friend over to fuck me too. Of course! When his friend came over he left. And his friend took off the shorts and I was happy to see another big cock. But when it got harder and harder I realized it was the biggest and thickest cock I've seen. We fucked like crazy and he definitely knows how to use his big thick cock. I didn't want to cum but he made me anyway. After he pulled out I found a bit blood on the sheet. (and a bit poop because he fucked so hard). And then he said he should have brought his haler because he started suffering asthma. Damn I took it as a compliment for the sex, and for me. **On Sunday** it was a bit slow. Much slower than Saturday. There were two hot daddies walking around. One with a fucking big cock and I sucked it several times, but he had no desire of fucking an ass. He told me he’d like to cum in my mouth while I got fucked. Im fine with that lol. And another hot daddy wasn’t even naked and he was walking around a lot but never set eyes on me. But he watched a bit and was rubbing on his crotch while I was sucking on the daddy’s big white cock. Later on I went to the play area and got on a bench, ass up face down. After a while a crowd gathered around me and some one put a cock in my ass. The daddy came here too and he shoved his big cock in my mouth. I was being spit roasted and I was in heaven. I hit the popper hard and I felt I was just two holes to be used and that made me happy. The guy fucking me came and then another guy took his place, with a bigger cock. Soon after that the daddy fucking my mouth came too. I swallowed his cum. And another load in my ass after a few minutes. Then it got slow again. There was no one around the play area, and I finally overcame my shame and got on the sling. It felt interesting. 😉 After a while some guys came here and looked at me. Some of them didn’t even try I don’t know why. Maybe I’m too young for them or maybe they just wanted to watch. Finally someone came forward and started eating my ass. Oh it was a daddy type of guy I met at the pool who works for UC Berkeley. As he was eating and fucking me he said he’s been wanting my ass since he saw me around the pool for the whole day. I took it as a compliment 😂. Then some other guys came here and one guy had a big nice cock, maybe 7-7.5, and thick, big head. He fucked me like crazy and I loved it. The sling made it hit the right spot every time and I was going crazy. He dumped a load in me and his friend then fucked me and came in me in like 30 seconds. I happily took that load. He kept saying thank you to me haha. Another old guy came forward but he couldn’t keep hard. Then a couple of young guys came here, very hot and fit, one white one black, and they were just fucking each other , they didn’t fuck with other people which I really hated. They just wanted to put on a show and be a center of attention. While I enjoy being a center of attention too, I provide service and bring joy to others. I saw a daddy with very thick cock watching there. After that couple was done, he was looking at me and I signaled him to come. He moved slowly towards me and finally put his thick cock inside me. It felt really good and I can feel he almost came but he pulled out! Apparently he’s not ready to finish his day yet. The big cock guy then took his place and started fucking me again. And another load. And his friend then dumped another load, within 30 seconds again, and with a lot of “thank you” LOL. Then the big cock guy again started fucking me and it was hitting my spot every single stroke. My whole body started shaking and I couldn’t stop having organism from my ass. After several minutes of crazy feelings I finally shot a big load on myself. Damn. I needed a break. And I got off the sling and went back to my room. That was pretty much done for Sunday. After dark it got really cold and windy, I went to the play area and there wasn’t anybody I was interested in. Anyway that was a wild weekend and I loved it. I’ll definitely go back to CCBC again.
    8 points
  4. "The New Barber Part 2" I could hear a voice like it was in my head... distant and yet getting clearer as I focused back on the room. "You okay buddy" asked the man standing over me. Apparently I had dropped off the planet, he thought I was just very relaxed and carried on...he explained he sometimes has that effect on guys. As he leaned in there was a distinct odour, sort of rubbery and then I noticed under his shirt the black shiny material against his skin. I fidgeted trying to find my feet... but I was restricted somehow, the fucker had strapped me to the chair. As I started to struggle he stood back and grinning began to explain how my future visits to the Barber was going to play out. "You were very good in the chair" he explained I didn't know what he meant...then he guided my attention to a screen across the salon. A video started to play with this guy in a barbershop...my mind finally accepting what was playing out in front of me. "I gave you a little something to relax, and boy did you relax" As the video played I could see my limp body being hauled about, my legs being hoisted up and the Barber going to work on my body...my mouth went dry. "What the FUCK" "Sssshhhh he whispered, the good bit is coming up" At the side of the screen were all these names... the fucker was live-streaming his little performance. As I started to thrash around he turned grinning at my feeble attempt to escape. "In the time you were.... shall we say, relaxed. I got to work on some administration matters" "What the fuck does that mean you cunt " "It means you will come back to see me once a month" "LIKE FUCK I WILL" I yelled at him, my breathing now heavy with anger, panic and the sense that this wasn't over yet. "The reason you will be back is because I have cloned your phone, your contacts and even your bank details, you are quite careless having so much information in your phone" I felt sick....who was this cunt, and what fucking chance did I have of getting out of this. "Now, I'm going to let you up... but I have a live link to a mutual friend who has been given the instructions should anything occur in a negative manner towards me, the video will be released to your contacts" "There will be no safe place for you to hide your most excellent performance " "As you can see in the video, you took a pierced cock like a pro and even moaned like a whore when I pounded your tight little cherry " Words left me... I was beyond the ability to speak, understand any of this... yes I was gay, but few knew...who the fuck was this mutual friend??? As he unbuckled my restraints, he turned and handed me a glass of water..."Like fuck am I drinking that" I spat. "It's water... you are going to have to trust me" he growled "You don't really have a lot of options... do you?"
    8 points
  5. The next morning the cum had dried in my bed and I was horny. This is where the advantage of a gay hotel comes in. I jumped onto grindr, and after five minutes someone knocked at the door. It was a handsome guy, in his early 30s, with a nice seven and a half-inch cock, who only played safe. I hoped this would be as amazing as the cocks I had had the night before. We kissed, I sucked his beautiful cock and then he proceeded to fuck me. The sex was good, but something felt different and unnatural. I didn’t feel him the way I had felt the guys last night. He smiled, I smiled back, we kissed, he fucked and came. I came as well, but certainly not in the volume I had the night before. He tossed the condom in the bin, put his bathrobe back on and disappeared. I felt my hole. Cum must had still been in there, because we didn’t use that much lube. I played around, massaged it and got horny again. What was happening to me? I checked my grindr conversation again. He said he was neg. He looked neg. I leaned over, took the condom out of the bin. He left a decent load in there. I smelled it and my cock jumped into action again. I tipped a small amount on my finger and licked it. Hmmmm, that taste. I started wanking while I emptied the condom in my mouth. What a taste! And what a load I produced. After I came I felt disgusted by myself. Again. I ran to the bathroom, and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash. I looked up and stared at the guy in the mirror. What was this city doing to me? What was I turning into? I showered, got dressed and met the others for breakfast, traveling to a nice cafe in a nearby suburb, where we sat outside, chatting and watching families with children, old couples with their grandchildren and young couples. My friends discussed their hopes for children, and discussed the merits of one name over another. All the while, however, all I could think about was cock. I looked at the husbands, wondered what their raw cocks would feel like, and what their cum would taste like. Again, I was shocked by myself. After breakfast, the couple wanted to go to a museum, my mate wanted to do to some shopping, but I just wanted some alone time to understand what was happening to me, so I went back to the hotel, changed into my speedos and went up to the spa. It was completely empty which was great. The hot tub on the deck was just what I needed. I relaxed and closed my eyes. After maybe half an hour I awoke when two guys in their mid 30s joined me in the tub. “Late night?” smiled one. I returned his smile. The second guy then commented “We saw you taking those guys last night. That was amazing! Your hole must be sore." I turned red and my cock turned hard. “You know, I have never done it before. I have no idea what came over me there. I always play safe and have never been to a darkroom before.” I replied. “Looks like you found your true calling. Hi, my name is Sebastian by the way, but call me Seb.” “Nice to meet you, my name is Steve.” “And I am Christophe.” “How was it taking those raw cocks, Steve?” asked Seb. “It felt amazing” “Yeah once you go bare, you never go back.” “Yeah, I fear so. What about you guys? Do you fuck bare? Not scared of poz?” “We only fuck bare, and have been poz for years. Christophe actually a year longer than me. He gave it to me” Seb said gave Christophe a kiss. They started making out in front of me while smiling at me. “But don’t worry, we are both of meds now.” With that Seb, started kissing me. He then took my hand and I went to the steam room. He pushed me on my knees and I had two beautiful cocks to service. I sucked and licked and swallowed every drop of precum. Christophe pulled me up and turned me around. Started licking me ass again, which was still lose from last night and this morning. Christophe’s cock was about eight inches in length, but thin, whereas Seb’s was only seven inches, but was very thick. Christophe made the first entrance. I felt great. Nothing between me and him. Skin on skin. “How does it feel?” “Amazing” I moaned. “I bet you little slut” Seb chuckled. “Yes, I am a slut” I replied. Christophe picked up speed. His balls were hitting my ass and it felt just right. “Ready for another poz load?” “Fuck yeah." “Wait! Make some room for me!” Seb had been wanking while watching us, but now he slid under us and pushed his cock into me hole. I experienced both pain and pleasure, as did Seb and Christophe. A minute later both exploded in my ass, and I couldn’t hold it much longer either. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Take our loads!” I just moaned and blew another record load. I couldn’t talk. Reality hit. I felt awful. Another two loads. I was pushing my luck. I have lost control over myself. Again. It felt right while doing it, but now, I felt disgusted. I was shaking, cold sweat and hated myself. A pig, I was a dirty pig. A slut. Conflicted, I returned to my room and sat in the shower for an hour trying to wash it all off, but I couldn’t. I was scared of what was coming next. I knew where the path was leading me, I knew what was happening, but I was scared. Yet, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop it....
    6 points
  6. It had been a long time since I went to a barber... I was fussy and if I didn't click with the guy, it was never going to happen. A mate of mine told me about a guy he knew that had a chair in his own house... I wasn't impressed, but he assured me that he had a great reputation. I wasn't sure, still a bit gun-shy from previous experiences. I let it slide and forgot about it until I caught sight of my reflection in the bathroom... something had to give. After a couple of weeks I decided to let my mate arrange a meeting with this guy. After a bit of back and forth the day finally came to sit in this guy's chair, my mate told me not to judge a book by it's cover... I brushed it off but still thought it was a weird thing to say. I arrived at an ordinary looking house and even before I reached for the doorbell this tattooed, bearded guy appeared in the open doorway. He was pleasant enough, but I couldn't shake this feeling... maybe it was the past experiences that were causing ripples. We shook hands and I entered the house, I found it a bit weird that I heard the door lock behind me... I glanced back but the guy smiled and encouraged me into his salon. Pleasantries were exchanged and I began to unload, telling the guy all about my past experiences with dodgy barbers...he could see how uptight and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, as he threw the cover round me to start cutting my beard I noticed the heavy rubber of the cover... and it was tight around my neck, I commented on the cover and the guy just grinned. He asked if I would like a beer or something else to drink... I started to like this guy and thought... yeah why not! As I sat gulping my beer down, he groomed his way round my beard, fuck I was starting to relax...I was happy to sit there all day...at one point he leaned in and growled that he had time to do a good job on me, without thinking I accepted another beer, this was great as I started to lean back into the chair almost feeling drowsy...
    5 points
  7. Hi everybody! I’ve written a lot of erotic fiction elsewhere, but this is my first story on Breeding Zone. I’m sure a similar setup has been done in the past, but I thought this would be a fun saga to write. The premise is the path of a virus making its way from person to person, claiming more and more victims (both willing and unwilling). Enjoy! Patient 1: Sam The summer of 1983 was off to a sweltering start. Sam had moved to San Francisco three years ago, but he couldn’t remember a hotter period in the city. He’d stayed inside as much as possible, glued to the small AC unit in the bedroom window of his tiny apartment. Of course, that awful flu from last week certainly hadn’t helped. He’d come down pretty suddenly with a raging fever and horrible muscle aches, confined to his room for almost two weeks. He could barely get out of bed, let alone out into that summer heat. Now that he was feeling better, he was looking forward to finally getting laid. It had been too long since he’d had sex. The last guy he’d fucked had been this totally hot flight attendant he’d met on a flight back to his hometown in Alabama. The guy was a total DILF: mid-30s, blonde hair, thick mustache like a caterpillar. The second Sam stepped on the plane he knew he was gonna fuck this guy. They were barely off the ground before the attendant slipped Sam a note asking him to meet him in the first-class lavatory. When he arrived, the guy already had his cock out of his pants and was stroking it. “Get on your knees,” he said. Sam complied, dropping to the ground and taking the man’s cock into his soft mouth. He sucked him hungrily, bringing the guy’s cock to full, beautiful hardness within seconds. “Bend over the sink.” The man pulled his pants down to the ground. His cock sprang out, wet and hard. Sam had only bottomed once or twice before, but this cock was too delicious to pass up. He unzipped his pants, releasing his throbbing cock from his briefs. He stroked it in his hand as he felt the head of the man’s cock rubbing up against his hole. Then it was pushing its way in, tearing up his insides as it sank deep inside. A little lube would have been nice, though Sam never used lube himself when he was the one doing the fucking. He preferred the natural, slick wetness of a man’s insides. The flight attendant fucked him roughly, grabbing his hips and thrusting him back against his cock. Precum dripped out of his cock, which bounced wildly with every thrust. “Such a tight hole,” the man said with a smirk. “You a virgin?” “Mmph… I’m a top… ugh…” moaned Sam. The man laughed, then picked up the pace, fucking him harder. “Sure you are.” Sam just moaned. The cock was rubbing up against something inside him, and as he stroked his cock, he could feel his orgasm just around the corner. But before he could shoot off, the man shoved his cock deep inside him and groaned. “Take that load… fuck yeah,” said the flight attendant as his cock pulsed inside Sam’s hole. He could feel every burst of the man’s seed as it worked its way deep inside his rectum. It was just what he needed to push him over the edge, spraying his own load over the bathroom mirror as he let out a cry. But that had been a month ago. He stayed with his parents in Alabama for the next couple of weeks, which left him no time (and very little options) for cruising. Then, the second he stepped foot back into the city, he’d been hit with that awful flu. Sam hadn’t gone this long without having sex since he’d lost his virginity at 18. He knew he was a bit of a late bloomer, but he’d wasted no time making up for it over the next three years. At 21, he was still in his sexual prime. He was tall and trim, with a body he’d worked hard for and a pretty sizable dick he’d been blessed with. He practically lived at the baths, spending his evenings after work pumping iron and cruising the sauna. He’d gotten off in more guys than he could count, getting his dick sucked and blowing a load in whichever naive bottom just moved to town. Now it was a Sunday morning, bright and hot as ever. He’d used up his sick pay calling out the last two weeks, so he knew he’d have to go back in tomorrow. Today was his last chance to get laid before the workweek. He pulled on a pair of white jockey Y-fronts and some cutoff jean shorts, his dark brown bush peeking out from the top. A lot of guys these days had started shaving, but he loved how manly he felt with a full, dark bush. There was something so hot about seeing a guy’s nose buried in his pubes. Since it was too hot to wear much more than that outside, he tucked a tank top into his back pocket and headed out the door. As soon as he stepped outside he felt the sun beating down on him. Sweat dripped down his chest, practically steaming off of his hot skin. For a moment he wondered if he was still slightly feverish. Perhaps he should stay home after all. But his cock was too busy leading the way, so he wiped his brow and set off in the direction of the baths, already dreaming of slipping into the cold pool. When he turned the corner, the sight of the man at the end of the block almost made him stop in his tracks. He was short and thick, a perfect mix of muscle and curves that Sam loved on the guys he fucked. Forget the skinny twinks–Sam was all about having something to grab onto while fucking. The guy wore a black tank top and baseball cap, which showed off his dark tan skin and beefy chest. As he got closer, Sam could see that he was probably Latino. He had a thin black mustache on his upper lip, and he was looking right at Sam with a gleam he recognized all too well. They slowed down as they passed each other, each turning their heads to check the other out. Sam got a look at the guy’s ass, which looked full and fuckable in a pair of black workout shorts. He locked eyes with the guy again, who smiled and beckoned him with a subtle nod. The chase was on. Sam turned on his heels, following the hot Latino man down the street. He was growing hard at the anticipation of sinking into that tight hole. He shoved his hand down his Y-fronts to adjust himself, then grinned as the man looked back and saw him. The guy kept walking for another couple of blocks before turning down a street lined with a row of apartments. After a minute, he stopped in front of a tall rust-colored building. Without looking at Sam, he walked up the stairs to the entrance and unlocked the door. For a second, Sam thought he’d disappeared inside without him, but as he made his way up the steps, he could see a hand holding the door open. He put his hand on the other man’s, feeling his soft, warm skin as he slipped inside the apartment and the door shut behind them. Without a word, he followed the guy up the stairs. The man’s ass was an inch away from his face, jiggling deliciously in those black shorts. He stuck his nose in close and breathed deeply, inhaling the man’s musk. He’d have his tongue deep in there in a minute, he was sure. The man stopped on the third floor in front of one of the apartment doors. He turned and smiled at Sam. “Dario,” he said. “Excuse me?” The guy laughed. “Dario. It’s my name.” He had a little bit of an accent that Sam found incredibly sexy. “Oh. I’m Sam.” Dario bit his lip. “Sam… would you like to come inside?” Would he ever! He put his thumb on Dario’s lip, pulling open that soft mouth. He slipped it inside to feel the wetness of Dario’s tongue. Dario closed his mouth around it, sucking on Sam’s thumb like it was an audition. “Fuck yeah,” he said. He grabbed the back of Dario’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. His tongue invaded Dario’s mouth, wrestling for dominance. His hands slid into Dario’s shorts and squeezed that thick, juicy ass. He could feel the heat rising in him, urging him to seed this bottom. But before his fingers could make their way into the holy land, Dario broke the kiss. “Follow me,” he said breathlessly. He opened the door and walked inside the apartment, leaving Sam to follow. The place was small but intimate. It looked like Dario lived alone–good. No interruptions, then. Dario stripped off his tank top. He was smooth all over, a thin layer of sweat covering his light brown skin. Sam reached forward and grazed his fingertips against Dario’s skin. He rubbed his thumbs over the man’s nipples. Dario shuddered and leaned his head back, exposing his neck for the taking. Sam leaned in and ran his lips against Dario’s ear. “What are you into?” he whispered. He was playing with Dario’s nipples, enjoying hearing the bottom boy moan. “Whatever you want,” whimpered Dario. He smiled. Right answer. He latched onto Dario’s neck, kissing and licking and biting him as his hands groped the man’s ass. He reached his fingers underneath Dario’s shorts to feel the rough band of a jockstrap. He pulled it back and let it smack against Dario’s ass, making the man moan again. Then he slid his fingers downward, prying apart those sweaty cheeks to find the sweet hole between them. Dario let out a whimper as Sam’s fingertip brushed against his hole. He gently rubbed the outside of it, feeling the smoothness. Smooth holes always made him rock hard. He stuck the tip of his finger inside and wiggled it deep. “Oh, fuck,” said Dario. Sam cut him off with a kiss. His tongue was rough, fighting its way inside the little Latino bottom. He needed to be inside him and he needed to be inside him now. “Bedroom,” he said gruffly. Dario grabbed his cock through his jean shorts, leading him through the living room to a smaller room at the back. The room was dark and hot, with blackout curtains cutting off the light. A fan was running at full blast, but it did little more than swirl the hot air around the room. “Sorry there’s no AC,” said Dario. “Get on the bed.” Sam pulled off his shorts and underwear, letting his dick spring free. Dario laid back against the bed, but when he reached to grab Sam’s dick, Sam grabbed his hands. “No touching,” he said. “You have rope? Handcuffs?” Dario reached into his bedside table and pulled out a pair of cuffs. “Perfect. Now turn around.” He took the cuffs from Dario, then watched as Dario lay flat on his stomach, arms outstretched. Good boy. He put the handcuffs on Dario’s left wrist, then looped it through the headboard before attaching it to his other wrist. He was leaking like mad, leaving a trail of precum on Dario’s lower back. He pulled off Dario’s shorts to reveal his smooth hole. The boy’s ass was so big it looked like the jockstrap could barely contain it. He grabbed his cheeks and pried them apart, mouth watering as he ran his tongue over that tight pucker. Dario was moaning like crazy now, writhing against the bed as he ate him out. He loved eating a boy’s pussy. They were like putty in your hands if you knew how to work your tongue in their hole. But his cock was hard and angry. It wanted in. He rubbed his cock against Dario’s hole and put his mouth against the bottom’s ear. “You want this dick inside you.” It wasn’t a question. “Yes,” whispered Dario. But just as he was about to shove it into that warm, wet slice of heaven, he heard the words that made his blood run cold. “There’s a condom in the drawer.” Sam growled. He had never used a condom in his life. He sure as hell wasn’t about to start now. “I don’t do condoms.” “But haven’t you heard?” Dario looked back at him, eyes wide. “Heard what?” “There’s that thing going around. A virus. My friend in New York was telling me about it. He gave me a pamphlet.” Dario nodded towards the nightstand. It held a small white pamphlet with black lettering that read How to Have Sex in an Epidemic: One Approach. “It says you could get it from getting fucked,” said Dario. Sam huffed. “Well, I don’t get fucked. I fuck. So you don’t have to worry about me, baby–I’m clean.” He rubbed his cock against Dario’s hole again, hoping to make the bottom forget about all this condom nonsense. “Mm.. oh fuck.. It’s not… look, man, I hate it too. But you gotta put one on, okay?” Sam sighed angrily. He was half tempted to just walk out of there, leave Dario handcuffed, and find some bottom at the baths who actually knew how to fuck the way God intended. But the boy looked so fucking hot there, handcuffed and helpless. And that hole had tasted so good… maybe it would be worth it, just this once. “Fine. Where are they?” Dario nodded his head to the nightstand drawer. Sam pulled out a roll of condoms, looking at them in disgust. What was he, a fucking hetero? All this condom talk was making his dick limp. He tore off one of the condoms and set it on the table. He climbed further up the bed, grabbed Dario’s head, and turned it to the side, then shoved his cock deep inside the guy’s mouth. He face fucked him for a minute, getting his dick nice and wet and back to full mast. Finally, when he felt hard as a rock, he ripped open the condom and rolled it down onto his cock. “There’s some lube-” “I don’t need lube,” said Sam. He spit on his hand and rubbed it around the edge of the condom. Then, in one fell swoop, he shoved his cock deep inside Dario’s asshole. “Oh, fuck! Dude, you gotta take it easy,” pleaded Dario. So, maybe he was punishing him a little. So what. He deserved it, what with all that condom bullshit. He pulled his dick out halfway, then rammed it back inside. “Oh! Oh, Jesus,” Dario whimpered. Sam rammed his cock in and out, in and out. He was dripping sweat from his forehead onto Dario’s back, running down that beautiful skin and pooling in the man’s lower back. He leaned down and kissed Dario, thrusting his cock deep inside him again and again. He could feel Dario whimpering in his mouth, no doubt struggling as Sam’s cock tore him up inside. But Sam had enough experience to know that soon enough Dario would be begging him for more. He grabbed the back of Dario’s head and shoved him face-first in the pillow, plowing the man’s hole with reckless abandon. “Take that cock you fucking faggot,” he moaned. Dario’s hole was unbelievably tight, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of how much better it would be raw. The condom felt tight around the head of his dick, making his cock feel less sensitive. He fucked him harder and faster, channeling his rage into his cock. The condom got tighter and tighter around the head of his cock until it was almost too much to bear. Then he felt it–that glorious pop. The condom had snapped. “Oh fuck…” he moaned. His cock felt like heaven inside Dario’s hole. Now there was nothing between the sensitive head and Dario’s warm, wet insides. There was nothing holding him back anymore. He pulled his cock out and thrust it back in, rubbing his cockhead across Dario’s wet fuck chute. “Ugh… Oh… That feels so good,” Dario moaned. “You like that? Like being fucked by a real man?” “Ugh.. yeah… the-the condom’s still on, right?” Sam rolled his eyes. “Of course it is.” “Uhh… are you sure?” He smacked Dario’s ass, making the flesh jiggle. “Don’t worry about it. Now squeeze your ass on my dick.” Dario put his face into the pillow and arched his back up, squeezing his tight hole around Sam’s dick. “Deeper,” he moaned. Sam smirked as he started fucking him again. These bottoms were so stupid. A little bit of dominance and they’ll do anything you say. He couldn’t wait to paint this boy’s insides with his nut, just like God intended. He was fucking him roughly again, lost in the animalistic heat of the moment. His skin felt like it was on fire, hotter than it had been when he was feverous just a few days ago. He slammed his hips against Dario’s cheeks, holding onto the jockstrap like a horse’s reigns as he fucked the shit out of this boy. “Ugh… oh slow down, that hurts…” He ignored him, picking up the pace as he felt his orgasm build. The only thing that mattered now was his own pleasure. He needed to spill his seed, to breed this boy and mark him as his own. He needed to plant his seed so deep inside of Dario that he would be a part of him forever. “Ugh… fuck… I’m coming!” He wrapped his arms around Dario’s chest, squeezing the boy tightly as he blew his load inside him. His cock was planted as far in as it could go, and he felt nothing but ecstasy as it filled the boy’s rectum with cum. He could feel his cock throbbing, pulsing with his heartbeat. He collapsed onto Dario’s back, his cock twitching as it released its last few dribbles of cum. He put his nose in Dario’s hair and breathed in the boy’s scent. It smelled clean and fresh, like a flower waiting to be defiled. Another job well done. “That was fucking hot,” said Dario, his back heaving as he breathed heavily. Sam pulled his cock out of Dario’s hole, relishing one last feel of the boy’s insides. There was a light pink froth on the outside of the condom, a beautiful mixture of cum and a little bit of blood that he sometimes saw when he pushed a bottom to his limits. When he pulled his cock all the way out, he could see the tip of the condom hanging precariously off. He laughed to himself. “What’s so funny?” Dario asked, turning his head to smile at him. Sam ripped off the condom and tossed it in the wastebasket by the bed. “Nothing. Let’s get you off.” He wasn’t a total douchebag, after all. Just because he cared more about his own pleasure than anyone else’s didn’t mean he didn’t like helping bottoms get off. He released Dario from the handcuffs, then turned the boy on his back and kissed him. His hand traced down Dario’s chest, squeezing his meaty pecs and pinching his dark brown nipples. He trailed down the smooth, sweaty skin of his pecs and stomach until his hand reached underneath Dario’s ass, where he slipped his fingers in the boy’s hole once more. “Ahh,” Dario hissed. “It’s a little sore.” Sam kissed his neck. “Cum for me, baby,” he whispered. Dario pulled his cock out of the jockstrap pouch, tugging on it as Sam fingered him deeply. He was working the cum deeper into the boy’s hole, careful to remove any trace of his stealthing. After all, what Dario didn’t know couldn’t hurt him. It wasn’t like there was a real chance of him catching anything anyway. Sam had been to the clinic just a couple of months ago and tested clean. What could he possibly have? “Ugh… oh god, yes,” Dario moaned. He was jerking his cock, his hole gripping Sam’s finger like a vice. Sam shoved his finger in as deep as it would go and wiggled it around. “Cum for me. Now!” Dario cried out as his cock began to spurt. The cum flew up and hit him on the chest, covering those beautiful brown nipples in sticky white seed. Sam kissed him, ravaging the boy’s prostate with his finger as he rode the orgasm. God, he loved breeding these boys more than anything but diddling them to completion was a reward all unto itself. He watched the cum spurting out of Dario’s cock less and less until it was just a dribble. “Wow,” Dario whispered once he’d finished cumming. “That was incredible.” Sam smirked. He pulled his finger out of Dario and sucked it clean. He loved the taste of a boy well fucked. Then he pulled on his jean shorts, stuffing the Y-fronts into his pocket. “Can I see you again?” asked Dario. He pulled on his shoes. “I’ll be at the baths if you’re ever up for another round.” It was certainly possible that they’d hook up again, but not very likely. Sam didn’t like to plow the same field too many times–there were so many other holes to conquer. Still, best to let him have a bit of hope. As he left Dario’s apartment, he felt a sudden burst of energy. Instead of heading home, he set off in the direction of the baths. He’d be ready to go again in minutes, of that he was sure. That month off sex had really shaken him. He needed this, a reminder that he was a man meant to breed. Now that he’d gotten off on his latest conquest, he knew there was a whole world out there just waiting to be conquered.
    5 points
  8. Hey everyone. My name is Steve. I am a Bachelor of Business student in the harbor city of Hamburg in Germany. I came out when I was 19 and had my fair share of men over the years (I am now 24) but have always played it safe. While I was fascinated by cum, I thought it was a dangerous fluid which shouldn't touch my lips and best stay in condoms. I never tasted mine or anyone else's for that matter. All that changed when I joined a group of friends in taking a two week vacation in Berlin where we planned to join the Pride (or CSD) festivities. We arrived Friday evening and the four of us, a couple and me and another single guy, checked into the (gay) hotel in the main gay area. The couple got a room for themselves, and the other two of us each got a single room as we wanted to have some fun, so were happy to bear the cost. As it was Friday after all, we decided to go for a couple of drinks to some of the bars around the corner. Reception gave us a map and we started our own little gay pub crawl. Now, I am 5’11, lean, 160 with dark hair and a smooth body. It is a pain in the ass to shave but I love it that way. While I love drinking, I can’t handle very much. My friends however, must have a supercharged liver, because they can handle whatever you throw at them. Tonight, Michael, the other single, decided it was the night of vodka. We drank, vodka straight, vodka cola, vodka red bull and started at the front again. Early on I started struggling, so I stuck with vodka red bull. Michael was calling the rounds and both our eyes wandered around checking out what was on offer. Soon he made some new friends and now we were ordering rounds for six people. While the couple and I were tired, and could barely walk, Michael and his two new friends started kissing, so we made our excuses, called it a night, and made our way back to the hotel. A short distance from the hotel I found I really had to piss. Fortunately we were in front of a pub, so I told the others, ran inside, found the bathroom and relieved myself. Next to the bathroom was a little staircase leading into the cellar. A guy passed the urinal, smiled at me and disappeared into the cellar. I was curious, so I followed him down the staircase. In the cellar were some couches, walls and not much else. Some guys were kissing in the back, and another guy was on his knees giving a blowing two daddies. No, as I said, I had never been in a darkroom, but the red bull and the vodka made me horny enough to stay. A guy approached me, and started feeling my ass, started massaging my back and kissing my neck. It felt great. We started kissing and I could taste a mix of beer, cigarettes (total turn on for me) and something else. He unbuttoned my pants and slowly slit them down my legs. Only then did I remember that I was wearing a jockstrap. His fingers went straight to my butt hole. “What an ass” he whispered. “Mind if I taste it?” Without waiting for a reply his tongue moved pass my neck, my shoulders and my back all the way to my ass. Another guy, he must have been my age, came up, kissed me and started playing with my nipples. My cock was rock hard and leaking. The guy behind me started rimming me. His tongue exploring my ass, deepening and widening my hole, My nipple magician moved my hand towards his bulge. I was amazed by the size. I unbuttoned his pants and at least an eight inch uncut monster jumped at me. Now if there is one thing, I am proud of, it is my oral skills. I don’t swallow cum, but that doesn’t mean I don’t swallow cock. My gag reflex disappeared with my third boyfriend. I took his cock all the way in, and he moaned. I could taste precum immediately. The two daddies who had been kissing in the back came over to watch. They took out their cocks and I started wanking them while sucking my young hung friend. Just then, the rimming stopped and I could feel a cock pressing against my hole. Instinctively, I reached into my pockets and passed a condom to the guy behind me. I heard the it being opened, but suddenly my young hung nipple magician slammed his cock into my throat. Tears were rushing into my eyes. A guy held a bottle under my nose and close one nostril at a time. I was inhaling some weird smell. I started flying. I felt warm, dry and horny. The cock entered my hole and it all felt amazing. He started pounding me, so I had to hold on thighs not to lose the balance. I kept sucking and the guy kept pounding. Every once in a while someone would hold a bottle under my nose and I would lift off again. The guy behind me started moaning. I knew he was close. “Aaaaaahh shit your ass is hot” he moaned as he unloaded in me. One of the guys high-fived him, but before my hole could relax another cock slid in. I lost all plot, and just enjoyed the ride. Soon after the second guy, my young hunk nipple magician couldn’t take it anymore. His cock exploded in my mouth. I was shocked, but the taste was great. For a split second I wanted to spit it out, but he said: “Swallow my babies.” And so I did. The third cock unloaded in me and as it did so, I did as well, shooting all over the floor, probably the biggest load I have ever produced. I am not sure how it is with you guys, but after I shoot, I come to my senses. I panicked. What just happened? The guys looked at me bedazzled. “Are you clean?” I stumbled. My young hung nipple magician looked at the others, and replied ”None of us are, but we are all undetectable. Looks like you got lucky, little fella. But looking at the load you just produced, maybe you got unlucky?” and he grinned. I relaxed, but ran home. Later, laying in bed, I tried to recall everything that just happened. It felt amazing. The connection was amazing. No artificial boundaries. Everyone relaxed. The cocks felt great, the cum tasted amazing. I wondered, and then literally slapped myself. What was happening to me? This was disgusting and dangerous behavior. I stared at the ceiling and back to my rock hard cock. I was laying in a paddle of cum from strangers which leaked out of my ass. Oh, and I had a massive erection.....
    5 points
  9. Took bb loads at the glorryhole booths in pleasures in Colfax in Denver 3 times this week.. was horny as fuck! first day I got there it was pretty slow, and only took maybe 3 cocks and no loads. I got on sniffles and a hot top was hosting so I went and took his load after second day at pleasures was incredible. I got in and got a good gloryhole booth and within 2 minutes a guy comes into the other booth and slides his hard 6in latin cock through. I lube him up and guide my ass right on it and take a hit of poppers as he slides in and out of my raw hole. Couple minutes later he groans and says he’s gonna cum and fills me up. He leaves, I catch my breath for a second and then not even 2 minutes later another HUGe white dick slides thru the GH. I was glad I was just fucked and bred cuz I was able to slide my ass back on him first try and I hear a huge deep moan. He wrecks me through the Gh for a few minutes then asks to come in my booth and I say he’s. He comes in and fucks me so much better that way just ass up hands in the wall bent over. A couple minutes later he Moans and fills me up. He leaves and I’m feeling so horny, gaped, and dripping cum. I take a few more loads then decide to head back home and go to bed. third day I got fucked by 6 cocks and only took 2 loads but it was still hot.
    5 points
  10. I began realizing I must be a relentless tease. I told the west coast chaser about Jeff and his friend. About how tempted I was to go off meds for a chance to poz his cute cub ass. My desperate Scruff son reacted immediately; "Wow daddy that's amazing. So I'll have a poz brother from you! I always wanted a gay brother. My blood brothers kept kicking the shit out of me for being gay. A poz brother is beyond my dreams. Will he also become your slave?" Before I could write back he added; "I've been off PreP for two weeks now. I'm ready for you to poz me. I need you to come right away. My evil boyfriend keeps taking me to the woods and tying me to a tree. It's every other day now. Twenty guys must have flooded my ass in the last week. My boyfriend has no idea I'm not protected. He'll kill me if I get sick. Besides I need to get it from you. Just like Jeff. We'll be poz blood brothers. We'll be family! How toxic are you now that you stopped your meds?" I felt guilty, but I still didn't tell him the truth. I stayed on my meds. Jeff and I began meeting at his place. Most of the time he gave me a great 'tossing about' which always ended with his hot young load simmering in my gut. Every fourth time we would flip fuck. I loved the look on his face as my big raw cock slid into his ass. The amazement on his face as I was breeding him always made my day. He was constantly after me to go off meds. He seriously wanted me to gift him. When we roll played with lots of poz talk he had the most intense orgasms. Honestly, so did I. A month into this arrangement Jeff invited me to a 'special' party at his poz friend's place. He wouldn't tell me what the special part was to be. Before we left Jeff's place for the poz friend's party Jeff handed me a gift insisting I open it right away. I had no idea what it could be by the size, shape and sound of the box. Turned out it was a temporary biohazard ☣️ tattoo. Jeff insisted that we apply it so we could roll play for everyone at the 'special ' party. I stripped down. Jeff lovingly applied the tattoo on the right side above my groin. It felt so hot and sexy I was sporting a full boner even before my blue pill. We snapped some photos including one of Jeff's mouth impaled by my cock as he lovingly stared at the biohazard tattoo. I now thought I knew what the 'special' was about. But my thought was incomplete. We arrived to the party a little late. It turned out there was only one other guest. The kid looked to be sixteen. He was sitting on the poz friend's couch nursing a beer. He was wearing jeans and a 'Barbie' t-shirt. The poz guy, Jeff and I took the couch and the kid moved to a tall stool where he sat facing us. The poz friend had a video camera on a tripod pointed at the kid. He pressed record and began to interview the kid. "What’s your name?" "Zack Francis." "How old are you Zack?" "I'm eighteen. I turned 18 yesterday. " "Can you show us some proof?" He hauled out his wallet and showed us his drivers license. "Do you have a girlfriend Zack?" "No I'm gay." "You're gay? Are you sure? How many guys have you had sex with?" "None yet. But I know guys turn me on. I've been watching gay porn for years. Straight porn does nothing for me. " "So you've never even sucked a guys cock?" "Never." "Why are you here tonight? " "To suck your cock." "On camera?" "Fuck yeah. I want to remember every moment." The poz guy slipped out of his clothes and sat on the stool. Zack moved in between his legs and froze when he saw the biohazard tattoo. "What’s wrong Zack? Why don't you take my dick in your mouth?" "Because of that." He was pointing at the tattoo. "Is that what I think it is?" "What do you think it is Zack?" "A toxic tattoo, it means you are HIV positive and could infect me. " "You are right Zack. But, it's very rare for a guy to get infected giving oral sex. Do you have any cuts or soars in your mouth Zack?" "No" "So you'll be safe." Zack looked to Jeff and I for reassurance. We offered friendly encouraging smiles and nodded our agreement. Very tentatively Zack took the now hard cock tip into his mouth. The poz guy moaned his appreciation. When Zack was not taking the cock any deeper the friend asked if Zack wanted a demonstration. He did and Jeff moved in on the poz cock showing amazing skill. Zack was then stripped, sat back on the stool, and the three of us gave him an oral treasure trove treatment that had him blasting down Jeff's throat in no time. He didn't go soft so I was able to suck out load two from the kid within the next two minutes. Now it was Zack's turn to show if he'd been paying attention. He had. Mine was the first cock he would eventually tackle, but he froze again when he saw my tattoo. It took some gentle persuasion but he eventually, tentatively did a half hearted job. I called a break long before I was anywhere near cumming. Zack had no hesitation with Jeff. He enthusiastically inhaled Jeff's medium sized manhood to the base. Jeff took this as permission and face fucked the kid with gusto. He did verbally warn the young fellow before filling Zack's mouth with cum. But he certainly didn't give Zack a choice about swallowing. By the look on Zack's face we had an instant convert to protein directly from the spigot. The poz friend spoke, "So Zack. What do you think? Do you want to be a cock sucker?" "Fuck yeah!" "Do you want to suck down our biohazard loads." "Ummm, no ..." "OK, fare enough. Do you want to try something else?" Zack, "Like what?" "Have you ever had your ass rimmed?" "No." His eyes were wide as saucers. "Bend over this stool. Let Jeff demonstrate for you." The kid did as instructed and Jeff dove in with his short cropped beard. Zack was automatically squealing with delight. Zack and Jeff adjusted to watch the couch when they heard my vocal delight as the poz guy rimmed my hairy ass. Jeff went back to work on Zack's ass as Zack watched the poz guy and my show. Zack couldn't hide his shock when the poz guys naked cock found my hole and started snaking in. He couldn't take his eyes off us as the intensity of our bb fuck grew. When the poz guy was close he made a show of asking me where I wanted him to cum. "Inside me. Don't pull out. I need every drop of your toxic seed." He was blasting before I finished speaking. Then Zack watched as Jeff raw fucked and bred me. Zack was mesmerized. It was my turn to mount and breed the poz guy. Jeff returned to rimming Zack's virgin ass. After I came the three of us started gathering our discarded clothes. Zack pleaded, "Wait. What about me? Everybody got fucked but me. " Poz friend; "But you already got more than you asked for. You came to learn about blow jobs and the bonus was getting rimmed. " "I know" Zack responded "But I'm so horny from watching all your fucking. I want to fuck too. " Jeff; "You want to fuck or be fucked?" "Ummm, well both ... please? I brought condoms just in case. " Poz guy, "So Zack, have you seen any condom use here?" "Awe .... uuu ... n ... no. But only you poz guys bred each other. Jeff never got bred. Jeff could wear a condom and fuck me. Take my virginity." "Let’s fix that misconception right now." Poz guy pointed at me. "Do you want to fuck and breed Jeff?" "If he wants it. Are you taking PreP Jeff." "No daddy. But, I want your gift . Knock me up. " Zack was once again in shock as my naked eight inches disappeared into Jeff. Zack kept asking Jeff if he was OK, if he was sure about taking my poz raw cock. Jeff was more than enthusiastic with his ongoing poz talk. "Raw fuck me daddy. Tear up my ass. Breed me good ... Knock me up with your toxic babies. " "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit " was all Zack could now say, over and over and over again. After I came deep inside Jeff, Zack moved over to get a close look at Jeff's dripping hole. He surprised all of us by sticking a finger in, scooping out some of my cum and licking his finger. "Fuck man, you actually just pozzed his ass! That's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. I can't leave here tonight without getting fucked. Which one of you guys is going to use a condom and fuck me?" "I'll fuck you first " chimed in Jeff " but you'll have to agree to start with the condom, then just try the tip of my cock raw so you can compare. Then you choose how we proceed. Deal?" "Ummm ... I don't know. ... I need to think ...." Poz guy, "Don't think too long or you'll miss the offer. Right Jeff?" Jeff, "Right!" Zack, "OK. But let's start with just the tip. First bare then covered." "Deal" the three of us said in one voice. Zack, "Make sure you catch all this on video." Poz guy; "Oh we wouldn't miss capturing this. " The kid was placed back down on the couch and I held his feet up. Jeff ate out his hole a bit more before lining up his raw cock with Zack's virgin hole. It took some work and coaching but Jeff's cock head finally penetrated Zack's first ring. "Holy fuck. That hurts. Pull it out." Zack cried. Jeff, "Trust me. Breath deep. " Zack did and Jeff pushed in halfway. "How's that Zack?" "Better, but try more please. " Jeff went in balls deep and we could see Zack relax. Zack, "Wow, this feels great. " Jeff started to pump. Zack again"Fucking amazing. I love this. " Jeff, "I knew you would. " "Fuck me man. ... wait ... wait ... are you wearing a condom?" Jeff, " Not yet, you wanted to start raw." "Fuck no. Pull out. Wrap it up. Now!" Jeff pulled out and wrapped up. I could tell he intentionally didn't add lube. Zack struggled a great deal as the sheathed rod probed his hole. It finally broke through the first ring and was pure agony for Zack as Jeff worked it deeper. Before he was balls deep Zack cried out, "Stop! It's tearing me appart. Pull it out. " Jeff, "Are you sure?" "Yes, hurry, it's killing me." Jeff pulled out and kissed Zack as he removed the condom. When Zack had a moment to recuperate he asked Jeff to just put the tip in again. Jeff, "Covered or naked." Zack "Naked. Just the tip. " Jeff, "You sure. " Zack, "Yes I'm sure. Just the tip this time tough." Jeff's tip went in quite easily. "Shit that hurts, make it stop. " Jeff pushed in balls deep and asked, "Better?" "Fuck yeah. Wow. Why would anyone use condoms?" Zack asked. "Exactly!" Chimed in the poz guy. I asked, "Do you want Jeff to fuck you?" "Yes. But don't cum in me. OK?" Jeff, "We'll see. " "Fuck me please. Your raw cock feels so good. " Poz guy mounted me again as Jeff first gently and then more roughly took Zack's virginity. Jeff, " I'm getting close Zack. Where do you want me to cum?"! Zack, almost breathless ; "Don't stop. This is fuckin amazing. Just keep raw fucking me!" I pushed out between my own groans of pleasure; "He's gonna cum Zack! Remember he's got a poz load from me in his ass. " Zack, "I don't fuckin care. He can give me his load and blow your's on through as well. I don't care, just don't stop!" Jeff, "Fuucckkk, Fuucckkk, fuck! Breeding your virgin ass Zack. Fuckin A. " This brought the poz guy over the top and rope after rope of his toxic load flooded my ass. Me, "Your first fuck kid. Bareback and cum filled. Congratulations!" Zack, "Fuck man, that was amazing. This is amazing. I want your cock next. " He was looking directly at me. Poz guy had done me from behind. I pointed at my fake tattoo. Zack, "I don't give a fuck! I need your big raw cock fucking me. "
    5 points
  11. I’ve always had a submissive side, sexually. I’ve been tied up a few times, gotten spanked, but I wanted more. So, I went to a leather bar, hoping to find a dom guy who’d show me the ropes… and the sling, the handcuffs, the paddle… I had been there about half an hour when I saw him. Bearded, muscular, leather pants and vest, like a Tom of Finland drawing come to life. My cock was tingling. I walked up to him and said “Hi”. He didn’t even look at me, just grunted and growled, “You can do better.” ”Hello, sir.” “What do you want?” I gulped and thought for a second that seemed like forever. “To serve.” ”There’s a Denny’s down the street with a Help Wanted sign. Why don’t you get out of my sight and go there?” “I want to serve you, sir.” He finally turned to look at me. It was clear he was unimpressed. “What makes you think a fat little faggot like you is capable of serving a man like me?” ”Nothing sir.” ”Why do you think you deserve to even be in my presence?” ”I don’t sir.” ”You’re Goddamn right you don’t. You’re lucky, though. I just dismissed my last slave. I caught the little queer looking at Grindr. He had the nerve to even consider being with another man without my orders. I just kicked his lousy ass out. I should have paddled him, but he would have enjoyed it. Do you want to try to replace him?” ”Please, sir.” ”You’ll be expected to be my sexual slave. You will serve my every whim. And I have friends you’ll serve too..” I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was I ready? ”Are you fucking hesitating?” ”No, sir! I want to serve you! I want to be your slave!” “That’s better. Have you ever parTied?’ “Yes sir. A little sir” I had hoped that would be part of it. I’m sure he could tell I wanted to get high with him. ”Did it make you willing to do things you had never done before?” ”Yes sir.” “Tina is good for making a slave more willing. Are you going to earn it? Good slaves get rewarded.” ”Yes, sir.” “Good.” He wrote down an address on a bar napkin. “Be there in two hours, ready to serve.” More to cum
    4 points
  12. He finally came down, dressed head-to-toe in leather. A cap, a vest that showed his beautiful hairy chest, and pants so tight they looked like they were glued on. ”Do you like what you see?” ”Yes, master.” ”What does it make you want to do?’ ”Serve my master, please my master.” ”Fucking right, slave.” He looked at my naked body. “Flabby, fat, weak, and a small cock. If I wasn’t such a generous master, I’d kick you out now. But your cock doesn’t matter. Why is that, slave?” “Your cock is all that matters, master.” ”That’s correct. You’re not even allowed to touch yours without permission.” He paused and opened a drawer. “I’m going to get high now. You’ve not earned a hit of Tina yet.” He pulled out a pipe with an already loaded bowl the size of a tennis ball and a torch. “You said you’ve parTied before. I bet the clouds turned you on, made you horny, made that tiny dick hard.” ”You’re right master.” “Worthless little chem fags like you always do. I don’t understand it. Clouds floating in the air aren’t making anyone high. But because I’m a good master…” He put the pipe in his mouth, lit the torch, and heated the crystals in the bowl. I was transfixed as I watch him inhale, pause, lean his head back, then release a massive cloud. My cock, already swollen from being in the presence of my gorgeous, glorious master, tingled. I wanted to do whatever it took for him to allow me the honor of flying high with him. “Thank you, master” I whispered. ”Fuck yeah” he said. “That’s really potent T. You’re gonna be so fucking high when I decide you’ve earned it.” “I want to earn it, master. Tell me how I can please you.” “For starters… what do you call someone who is paid for sex?” “A whore, master.” “Good slave. And how, my little whore, are you getting paid?” “With T, master.” “You’re getting closer.” “With meth. Master gives me meth for serving him.” “Good slave. So that makes you a…” “Meth whore, master.” “Exactly right. You’re just my dirty meth whore. Tell master who you are.” “Your dirty meth whore, master.” “Approach me.” I took a step towards him. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? A slave isn’t allowed to come to his master standing! On your fucking knees, you useless fucking faggot!” I dropped to my knees and hung my head in shame. “Please forgive me, master.” “No. There’s one way a slave is forgiven. You have to be punished.” “I know, master.” Holy fuck, I was turned on now. “Ask master to punish you.” “Please master, punish me. Allow me to earn your forgiveness.” He didn’t respond, just went to a cabinet and opened it. “Turn around and don’t look,” he ordered. “Wait to see what I have for you.” It only took a few seconds but it seemed like an eternity. He approached me from behind. “Turn your head.” I did and saw he was holding a riding crop. “You know what’s next, right?” I nodded.“Yes, master.” “Tell me what’s next.” “You’ll beat my ass with it, master.” “Why?” “So I learn to serve my master better.” “Pain is the only way to teach useless shits like you anything. Get on all fours.” I did as he walked behind me. “Don’t yell out. Just count the swats. Show me you have the potential to be man enough to serve me.” He raised his arm. I heard the crop slice the air and… oh, fuck it hurt! But it felt even better. It was my first real lesson as being a sex slave, a meth whore, and I fucking wanted more. “One!” I yelled. Two more blows. I counted them as ordered. He walked around in front of me. “You took your punishment well. What do you say now.” “Thank you, master.” “For what?” “Thank you for training me to serve you, master.” “Good. Are you ready for your first hit from the pipe?” “If master thinks I am.” “Beg for it. Show me you’re a meth whore.” “Please master, make me high. I don’t deserve it, I know. I’ll earn it, I swear.” “You’re fucking right you’ll earn it.” He opened a drawer and pulled out a smaller pipe. “You don’t get to use my big one, not yet. You’ve not proven you’re worthy to have your lips touch something my lips have touched.” He loaded the pipe from a huge baggie of crystals. “Stay on all fours.” He put the pipe into my mouth. “Inhale when ordered, whore. Only exhale when I tell you. No pansy-ass clouds. I want you higher than you’ve ever been” He held the torch under the bowl. I could see the vapor swirling. “Inhale.” I did. My lungs filled with potent clouds. He pulled the pipe away. “Wait… wait…” My lungs felt like they were about to burst, but the rush was hitting me too. “Exhale.” I finally did. Just a few wisps came out. “How do you feel, slave?” “Oh god, oh god, I’m flying, master. Thank you, thank you.” I was talking a thousand miles an hour. “Stop acting like a fucking tweaker. I didn’t allow you a hit so you fucking chat. Tell your master how it makes you feel!” I knew what he wanted to hear. “Ready to serve my master. I’ll do whatever he wants. Anything. I’m his meth whore now.” “Fucking right. You may approach me.” My chemmed-up mind was racing with thoughts of what might be next. Whatever my master wanted me to do, I wanted to do it. I was his to command and I loved it. I crawled towards him. When I was about three feet away, he ordered, “Stop. Rise before me.” I did. “You need to be marked.” He pulled a sharpie out of a drawer. “Come closer.” I did until he put a hand on my shoulder. Dear God, just that touch was extraordinarily erotic. He uncapped the sharpie. “Close your eyes.” I did and felt him write on my chest. “Turn around.” I did, and felt him writing on my back. “Open your eyes. Tell me what it says on your chest.” I looked down. “Meth whore.” “That’s right. And your back says ‘Cum dumpster’.” “Thank you master. I know that’s what I am.” “You fucking love it, too, don’t you.” “Yes, master. I love existing to serve you. I love being rewarded with the pipe. I love being trained…” “Shut the fuck up. It’s time to get to work on earning your next hit.” More to cum
    4 points
  13. Met two daddies on grinder, went to their place and stripped down together and jumped in the jaccuzi, after a few drinks I couldn’t help it and reached my foot over to daddy 1 and rubbed his cock and with my hand rubbed the daddy 2’s cock who pulled me in to make out, when daddy 1 saw that he stood up and came over cock wet,hard and glistening. Without saying anything daddy 2 and licked each side of his cock…after a bit of this daddy 2 pulled me up and bent me over to eat my hole before making me ride him which felt so hot being out in the open getting my hole filled. Daddy 1 got jealous I think and suggested we check out the sling ( never was in one before) after some awkward getting settled in it, daddy 1 lubed me up and slid his cock in, I remember how amazing it felt hitting my spot that he got rougher and I eventually came all over myself. Daddy 1 nutted in me and could feel/hear the load drip out, daddy 2 walked up and got ready for his turn. He was a bit of a faster cummer but I didn’t mind at that point I was a mindless sex object. Daddy 2 nutted and I felt satisfied. We all got up and shared the outdoor shower and made out together
    4 points
  14. My first time was at the Boiler in Berlin when I was in my early 20s. I was so excited and read so much about it I couldn't wait till I walk in. My heart was pumping so hard when I got in and undressed, at the beginning I thought I'd stay with the towel on and underwear but then I decided to lose the towel and stay just with my jock on and flip flops I brought with me. I went in, started scoping the area, had a quick bear at bar before heading to the dark room for the first time. Took a deep breath and walked in, my ass exposed and my hole was prelubed (I cleaned up thoroughly before at the hotel and used a lubed dildo to open up lol) very soon after I started feeling hands touching me, then a stranger brought me to a kiss while feeling my body up, touching my hole and he groaned. then I was put on my knees and I started sucking his rock hard cock, he was moaning loudly which signaled the others to join and they formed a circle of 6-7 men around me and I sucked them all in rotation, till my first guy rearranged me and I was put on one of the benches as he ate and fingered my hole while I continued sucking every cock that was presented to me. then the guy behind me started penetrating me, first slowly till he was balls deep (it was about 6-7") and I was groaning hard with a cock in my mouth as he started increasing his pace till a full on pounding. No talk about a condom, and he kept saying geil and getting encouragement from the other men till he announced that he was cumming and asked where I wanted it - in a split second I just used my free hand to hold him deep inside, that did it and he came deep inside me. that started a train of men that used both my holes for an hour or so, all loading me up before I had to take a break. I took a quick shower to rinse the sweat but kept all the loads in me then went to the jacuzzi to relax. some of the guys there recognized me and started feeling me up, fingering my cum filled hole and we made out before 1 guy took me by my hand and walked me out, we dried ourselves quickly and he walked me to the sling area and put me in (another first) and started fucking my hole hard from the start, he was 8" and very thick so I was lucky to have my hole used and full of cum, it was a relentless fuck and a crowd started gathering around us and I was sucking anyone and got fucked by whoever wanted my hole till they started cumming in me one after the other. I ended up staying there 4 hours in total with a few breaks and some one on one action but I took many loads and was hooked. the next day was my first fickstutenmarkt and after that I ended up at the Boiler again for a repeat lol
    4 points
  15. I did as I was told, went to the address, and knocked on the door. He answered. “Get your fag ass inside.” I complied and walked into his living room. He wasn’t in leather anymore, just tight jeans and an even tighter shirt. Even then, he looked like a god to me. I desperately wanted to please him. My cock was tingling, my hole was quivering with anticipation. ”I want to make sure you know what you’re here for. This isn’t a hookup. This isn’t just a kink session. This will last for many hours. You are here to serve me as a sexual slave. You will have no other purpose than to please me. There will be pain if you do not perform to my high standards. You will be rewarded if you do well. Do you understand?” ”Yes sir.” ”I have piggy friends I will invite for you to serve if I think you can. Do you want that?” ”If sir wants it.” “Good answer. Everything is what I want. What you want is what I want for you, nothing more, nothing less. Tell me why you are here.” ”To serve you, sir. To do whatever sir wants. To be your slave.” ”That’s right. You’ve earned your first reward.” He reached down and gave the crotch of my pants one stroke. I moaned with ecstatic pleasure. “Thank you sir.” ”Do you think you deserved that?” ”No sir. I’m lucky to even look at you sir.” “Of course you don’t. You’re lucky I’m a benevolent master. Two more things. First, I’m a master not a monster. If it’s ever too much for you, just say ‘No more John’. It’s not my real name because you don’t deserve to know my real name. Understand that if you do, you will never be allowed to serve me again. Is that clear?” ”Yes sir.” “Last thing. No more calling me sir. You will call my friends that if I think you are worthy. What do you think I expect to be called?” ”Master.” ”Fucking right. Who are you?” ”Your slave.” ”Say it like you mean it.” “I am your slave, master!” ”Louder, you worthless piece of shit!’ I shouted it again. ”Good.” He motioned to a door. “Get downstairs and take off your clothes. These a bathroom. Take a shower. I like my slaves to be clean before I make them so dirty.” I did as I was told and stood in his basement, filled with anticipation about what was next. I knew I was in for a wild ride, and I couldn’t wait. More to cum
    4 points
  16. I woke up when my friends called. They wanted to go out for some drinks and dinner. We went to a pub where they brew their own beer and served massive portions of food. The beer came on long wooden serving plates and you could drink yourself through their different varieties. I love beer! We drank and got pretty drunk. I forgot my dark secret for a while. Next to the bathroom was a breathalyzer. You put some money in and it measures you alcohol. I managed to hit 0.2% and was feeling accordingly. The guys were in an excellent mood, but I had enough. My brain was telling me to go to sleep and my cock told me that there was nothing to get here. On the rare occasion where the two agree, one should follow their advice. It was a big of a hike back to the subway, so I went on grindr and chatted up a few guys. Everyone seemed to be out and about. I debated whether I should join any of them, but instead jumped on the subway and looked for gay places in Schoeneberg. As I sat on the train, I skimmed some of the descriptions of various gay businesses, and noticed quite a few nasty ones. My cock got hard. Just then I looked up only to see the subway doors were closing and that I had missed the station at which I had intended to disembark. 'Fuck', I thought. More walking. Anyhow, I got off at the next station and Google maps to show me the way. Suddenly, I stopped in front of a sign 'The Bull'. I just read about this place. It sounded like one of the nastiest cruising places in Berlin. My cock jumped, and I brain was screaming no, but the alcohol made me listen to my cock. Securing my my cards and most of my money in my socks, I walked into 'The Bull'. The place wasn't particularly crowded, so I ordered a beer and scanned the room. Most of the patrons were middle aged men, drunk and horny. I smiled, finished my drink and disappeared into the darkroom. On my way in I passed a guy who was wearing only leather chaps. A beautiful tattoo was depicted on his torso, above his cock. A bio-hazard sign. Fuck that was hot. He turned around and followed me in. In a corner, I went on my knees and started to suck his cock. My eyes fixed on the tattoo in the dim light and my nose almost hitting it with every deep throat. He moaned, inhaled from a small bottle and held it under my nose. I started feeling the same sensation as the night before. I took of my shirt and threw it into the corner. Another cock appeared. The guy must have been at least 50. When I hesitated, Bio-hazard guy took my mouth and forced it onto the other guy's cock, which was rock hard. The cock tasted great, especially as he was drooling lots of precum. My cock was also rock hard and also leaking precum, although my precum was being absorbed by my jock strap. Bio-hazard guy helped my in taking off my pants while I was sucking the old guy so there I was, on my knees, in my jockstrap and my sneakers, sucking two cocks. Bio-hazard guy started fingering my hole, using some lube he found somewhere. “Are you poz?” I managed to mumble a reply of sorts while sucking the two cocks. "You're not?” “No, I am not.” “Oh well, don’t worry about it. It will be fine.” With that he lifted my ass and pushed his cock in. It felt amazing and I couldn’t control myself, moaning loudly. The old guy smiled, and placed a small bottle under my nose, encouraging me to take a hit, whispering "You like poz cocks, don’t you, you little slut?” “Fuck yeah” was all I could manage. “Take my poz babies, you hot little slut” bio-hazard guy almost shouted as he exploded in my ass. Before I could straighten up, the old guy pushed his cock in me and started fucking. Bio-hazard guy, meanwhile, left without a word. However, he must have told the guys back in the bar, because before the old guy could unload, a group of guys arrived. They opened their pants, wanked and lined-up. Some made me suck them first, while others went straight for my hole. They fucked and fucked and fucked. Load after load was dumped in my hole. In between popper rushes, I completely lost my sense of time. My hole started hurting, but all I could moan was “more lube.” A guy stepped forward wanked and sprayed his load over my hole while another guy was fucking me, laughingly remarking “Here you go.” More guys came in. Some had a look and left, while others joined the crowd. Eventually, however, it seemed as if they were all done: the last guy dumped his load and left, I was exhausted, and in looking around noticed the old guy was still there. “What a hot little neg slut you are! You just took 13 loads. I have no idea how many of them were poz, but hopefully it is your lucky number.” With that he strolled-out. I rested for a second and waited for the poppers to clear my head. I couldn’t find my clothes, and panicking, searched everywhere for them. Nothing. So I walked out to the bar and asked the bar man if he had any suggestions. He was obviously expecting me, as without a word he handed me an envelope in which I found a hand-written note, a 50 EUR note and, thank God, my phone. The hand-written note read “Byy yourself some new clothes - for the new you!” What just happened? The time on my phone said 5:15 AM. The sun was about to rise and I had nothing but my jockstrap for a 600 meter walk. I ordered a whiskey, finished it and left the bar. Somehow, I enjoyed the walk. I hadn’t cum, was still drunk and it was pleasantly warm. The receptionist just smiled at me, I slipped into the elevator made it into the room without anyone else noticing me. Looking into the mirror I took measure of myself: for some reason, my hair was covered in cum or something, my jock was wet with precum, and my hairy legs and pieces of dried and half dried cum were sticking everywhere on my body. I was a slut! I knew that as soon as I blew my load I would panic, that I would feel disgusted and might even run to the hospital. But I honestly didn’t want to. I jumped into bed the way I was. Let tomorrow be the day of worries. This day I was a cumdump. I was my true self.
    4 points
  17. Oink 🐷 My weird fetish is wearing filthy cum soaked clothes. ‘feels fucking hot wearing it and smells even better. makes me feel instantly a cum seeking whore.
    3 points
  18. What you say jives with my experience too. Most of my btms say thay can feel my load when I shoot a few ropes of seed. Sometimes I can feel a top breed me, sometimes I can't.
    3 points
  19. I can't wait for more! Love seeing the path the virus is taking! Can't wait to see Ed convert and fuck someone else. Someone in power with him? A married man? Hope we don't wait too long!
    3 points
  20. My first bf and I fucked and he came deep inside me and had to take a piss, I didn't even think about it before but I just stopped him with my hand holding him deep inside me and asked him to go ahead. His eyes lit up and he was still rock hard when I stated feeling him pissing inside me. I never felt so full before and he just kept on pissing. He was still hard and slowly started fucking me again while I was gripping my hole around his cock tight trying to keep it all in and not making a mess at the hotel room, he continues fucking till he dropped another load in me, then he plugged me and I kept the 2 cum loads and 1 piss load in me for about an hour before having to evacuate it all lol
    3 points
  21. Saturday afternoon, I attended my first orgy and left with 4 loads in me and 2 loads deposited in other guys. I’m an NYU sophomore and had been wanting to go to an orgy for a long time. I was approached at the gym and invited to this by one of my classmates and it was like 30 sweaty hot college to 30 year olds fucking like there was no tomorrow. I took one dick that was as thick as a beer can and maybe 9” long at the end and took his load before I left. It started out with just making out but soon enough I had my dick in someone’s ass and someone had theirs in mine. I think the longest train was about 5 or 6 guys at once. At one point I was double penetrated and it was the first time I had ever done that. It was such a rainy day I was happy to be spending it in a NYC penthouse fucking and being fucked for hours. Definitely one of the best sexual experiences I have ever had and am super excited to go to another. It was so hot to stare into a man’s eyes, make out, never know his name, and he would get up and another man would replace his cock in me. It was also so hot to use other guys holes immediately after they were being used. Not a condom in sight and it was so fucking hot. Can’t wait for the next orgy in a few weeks.
    3 points
  22. Four hours later my phone rang. My friends wanted to go for breakfast and then have a look at the pride festival around the corner. Usually, I can’t handle anything less than eight hours of sleep, but my dick all-but commanded me to get up and join my friends. You see, I hadn't cum the night before, so essential horniness awoke me enough that I could meet with them. Looking into the mirror I had knew I had looked better, even if I was somewhat proud of myself. Overall I looked like shit. My hair was a mess, caked with cum, hair gel and who knows what else. My knees were scraped-up from kneeling on the ground for an extended time, my hairy legs were covered with dried cum, my hole was also a mess, but my jock saturated with dried precum. In addition I noticed the sheets were stained with white and even some red. 'Not a good sign', I thought to myself, grinning internally, as I remembered a statistic I had encountered, that on average, every 30th load bites. Thinking back, I thought I had taken 15 or so loads the night before, which was far from 30, but the intensity of the sex play, and blood stains suggested the probability was somewhat higher than average. Was it too late to catch myself and return to the good side? I jumped into the shower and sat on the shower bench, letting the water pour down on me as I fingered my hole. A little more blood, as well as more cum oozed out. My cock got hard. “Fuck it!” I thought. It was probably too late anyway. Getting out of the shower, somewhat cleaner, I dried myself, pulled on another jock, a T-shirt and some jeans and ran out the door to catch-up with my friends who were waiting in the lobby. “What happened to you? You look really tired,” was the gist of their greeting. Someone else asked “Didn’t you leave early?” I mumbled something about a noisy party next door and a bad hangover. They left me alone. We walked over to a nice place where we could sit outside and look at the farmer’s markets. We had a nice breakfast, but all I could think of was cocks, dicks, cum and being poz. We went and had a look at the pride festival. Heaps of stalls, men and beer. Being on holidays, a beer at 11:00 was totally justified. We each paid for a round, so life was good. Started chatting with a couple of guys, the atmosphere relaxed and a little cruisey. My single friend started an intimate discussion with a twink and disappeared, and my friends who were couples were getting bored, so I sent them on their way and promised to meet up later. I kept wondering around and ended up at the tent for the national AIDS council. Condoms and brochures everywhere. A mid 30s, tall blonde stud was discussing treatments with one of the volunteers. A sexy guy in his early 20s, dark hair, blue eyes approached me. “Are you alright there?” “Yeah thank you” I stumbled. “Are you informed about protection? Do you have any questions?” “Ah thank you” I blushed. “Big couple of nights recently, not sure whether I need protection anymore...” “Oh really? Sorry to hear that” ”No no it's fine. Guess for some it is their destiny.” “Maybe. Maybe not. You think you are already infected?” I began to tell him about the last two nights and as I did I noticed an increasing bulge in his crotch. When I finished my story, somehow I wasn't terribly surprised when he commented with a broad smile, "So, you were quite the slut!” As I sputtered a reply he continued saying "You don’t look at all like it. I love your innocent looks and the inside piggyness. I got pozzed to years ago. A condom broke, but I have no idea who it was. Would have loved to be aware of when it was happening.” “Oh, I assumed all you guys are negative." "Hell no. Most of us are poz. And some of us are here to make new friends. Some of mine stopped talking to me after they found out I was poz.” “That’s heavy” I replied. “Yeah, but we are a club here now.” “Once you are diagnosed, you are very welcum to join” he winked at me. “Only then? No possibility to join earlier?” “Well there is an option,” he replied, explaining "One of the members needs to vouch that the diagnosis is inevitable.” “And how does he do that?” “Special one on one time” his eyes now looking devilishly at me. I was rock hard. This hot twink wanted to poz me! Should I risk it? What were the odds? What did I have to lose? Would I regret it, if it turned out I was already infected and said no now? I grinned and asked “How do I sign up?” “Come with me.”
    3 points
  23. Hey guys. This is the first story I've written in awhile. I used to have an account as btm4bbrn, but deleted it awhile back for personnel reasons. This first chapter has a bunch of lead up, I promise there will be more exciting chapters soon. As always, feed back is always a appreciated! Check out my other stories. They are: Scorpion Bikers Turned Over Christmas XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Chapter 1 This is a story about how I, a once straight college jock boy, was turned into a bottom slut for black cock overnight by a random stranger. A little about me. My name is Riley, and I am about to start my Sophomore year of college. I'm about 19 years old, and stand about 6'2" and 170lbs. My white body is not overly muscular, but I was pretty toned from playing sports in high school and hitting the weights during my freshman year. I have brown hair, with a high fade on the sides that led to longer hair on top that I kept in a messy look. It all started as I was waiting at the gate to catch my flight back to college. I had just flown into Chicago from Iowa, and was waiting to catch my connecting flight. I grew up in a smaller midwestern town and I was going to college in Georgia. I did not want to be so far from home, but I had gotten an academic scholarship. Due to the distance, my parents decided to pay for me to fly back to school to save on a multi day road trip in my car that was not all that reliable. They had drove me down to school last year, but this year they decided that I could make the trip down myself. I sat at the gate, waiting for the 830pm flight, scrolling through Tik Tok on my phone with my airpods in. I noticed movement in the corner of my eye, and saw somebody sit down across from me. I looked up and saw a very large black man sitting there, also scrolling through his phone. This man looked to be in his late 30's, and he was wearing dress slacks and polo shirt. This man was ripped, with bulging arms with big veins that were stretching the sleeves of his shirt. His pants were tighter, and I noticed his calves and thighs looked solid against the fabric. He looked to be about 6'4", with hair buzzed short on the sides that led to longer curly hair on top. He and black scruff on his face, and I could see some tattoo's stretching out from under his sleeves and going down his arms, but I was unable to make out what they were. I went back to my phone, and soon heard the gate agent come over the PA to say that the flight was delayed due to maintence. About an hour later, the gate agent came back on and told us that they were unable to fix the issue and that the flight would be cancelled. The next flight would be the next day when they were able to get a spare part in. I groaned and pulled out my cell phone, calling my girlfriend over my airpods. I had been dating Audrey since the middle of my freshman year, and we had managed to do the long distance relationship over the summer. The phone rang, and she eventually picked up. I told her about the flight, and she was upset that it was now going to be even longer until we were able to see each other, even if it was only another couple hours, or at most a day. I told her I would spend the night in the airport since I didn't have money for a room, and we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. No sooner then right after I hung up the phone and took my airpods out did a hear a voice, and realized the black man sitting across from me was talking to me. "Bro you really planning to spend the night in the airport? Thats fucking brutal!" the man said. "Yeah dude, headed back to school and I'm pretty tight on money. Looks like I'm camping out tonight" I smirked and said back to him as I gathered my things. "Nah man. I just booked a room at the airport hotel here. It's got two beds. I can't let you stay here over night buddy thats just wrong". I told him I appreciated the offer, but I would be fine staying for just one night. The man was persistent, and would not talk no for an answer. He was adamant that I take up his offer, telling me he just felt bad knowing I was gonna be sleeping on the floor in a crowded airport. He eventually wore me down, and I agreed to stay with him, mostly because it was apparent he was not going to take no for an answer. I figured whats the worst it could be, it's only one night and it beat sleeping on the floor in a crowded airport. Little did I know this decision would change my life forever. I grabbed my backpack and followed him, as he drug his small carry on bag behind him. We made small talk as we walked across the airport and over to the hotel across the street. I found out his name was Adrian, and that he was here visiting for work and trying to get home as well. I told him I was going back to college, and that I was from Iowa. We stopped at the baggage carousel on the way out of the airport to grab my luggage, but the airline said the luggage was already loaded into the plane and they did not have the staffing to have anybody unload them. I just laughed to myself, my day had gone from bad to worse.What next I thought to myself. I did not have any spare clothes or anything to wear besides what I had on. Adrian just laughed and "Boy they are really screwing you over tonight. Don't worry we will figure something out", and with that he kept walking. We got checked into the hotel, and Adrian insisted we grab food at the restaurant in the hotel lobby. I tried to just sit there and not order anything since I did not have money, but Adrian insisted I order and that he was buying. I ordered a burger and a water, and we made small talk as we ate. Adrian asked about school, home, and if I had a girlfriend. I filled him in on Audrey, and he just smiled and said "good for you bro." I found out he was single, and had just joined a business firm after getting out of the military and he was traveling for work. Adrian sat and drank whiskey while I sipped on water as we visited. I wanted nothing more but to get to the room so I could get to bed and get on my flight the next day, but Adrian seemed to be in no sense of a hurry. We continued talking, mostly him asking me questions and staring at me with his brown eyes. His attitude was matter of fact, and he was kind of arrogant, but who was I to judge a man who was giving me a place to stay and even bought me a meal. Eventually the restaurant said they were closing and forced us out. We grabbed our things and I followed Adrian up to the room. Once in the room, Adrian told me I could hit the shower and wash the travel dirt off of me. I didn't particularly want to shower, but he said it in a way that made me feel like I should, and I felt like it was the polite thing to do if this man was suggesting it. "I know you don't have anything to change into, I'll see if I have anything for you to wear buddy" he called out as I went into the bathroom. I told him that was not necessary and got into the shower. I turned off the water and got out of the shower. As I pulled the curtain back I noticed all of my things were out of the bathroom. My clothes were gone, and my wallet and cellphone were missing from the bathroom counter. What the fuck I thought to myself. "Hey Adrian have you seen my things?", I yelled out of the bathroom. "Bro I grabbed them, come out here I found something for you to wear". Jesus I thought to myself, this guy is just over the top. I tucked a towel around my naked waist, and awkwardly walked out of the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom Adrian was standing at the foot of the bed, wearing only a pair of black boxer briefs and a gold necklace. I could see his chest was firm and round, and the crotch of the boxers had a rather large bulge. This threw me off at first, but then I quickly figured Adrian must be getting ready to hop in the shower himself. "Get the fuck over here faggot and get on your knees". What the fuck I thought to myself, there's no fucking way. This guy must have me confused for something else. "Ah...ha...I don't swing that way buddy, remember I told you I have a girlfriend?" This seemed to put Adrian into a rage, and I saw fire in his eyes. He lurched forward, and grabbed me by the throat with one hand, and grabbed my dick through the towel with his other hand. I immediately panicked, and tried to back up and break free, but this man towered over me and was much stronger. He held me with a firm grip, and I struggled to breath as he held my throught and it felt like he was going to rip my dick off. "Did you think you were getting all of this for free boy? You think you were just gonna take advantage of a free room, eat a meal on my dime, and not have to pay for it? No I know your white college ass is broke as fuck, but you're gonna pay another way. Maybe next time you should think twice about staying with random strangers". My heart race and I panicked, not knowing what the fuck was going on or how I was going to be able to talk myself out of this predicament. "Please..just let me...go man I'm so sorry" I struggled to get out, with the large black hand still firmly around my neck. "You got two options here white boy. Either you can walk out of this room right now, stark naked and figure out what to do with yourself, or you can spend the night with me and work off your debt in other ways with that sexy body of yours. If you stay, you're gonna become very friendly with my big cock before you catch that flight tommorrow. Also, I got your phone and wallet locked in the safe, so those will be staying with me until I decided to give them back in the morning". Adrian eased up on my throat, and asked "Well whats it gonna be boy?". I sat there in silence, not knowing what to say or do. It felt like I had a frog in my throat and my stomach had dropped to the floor. I had no idea what other option I had other than to stay, because god knows I couldn't walk into the lobby naked as the day I was born without being arrested. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was repulsed at the thought of what this man planned to do to me, but I decided that I would do what I had to do to get through the night and get on my plan tommorrow and let all of this be a distant memory. "I...uh...I guess I will...uh...guess I will stay Adrian" I gulped and looked down at my feet, wishing I could just crawl into a hole and disappear. My hands were trembling and I dreaded what the rest of this night might bring.
    2 points
  24. Chapter 1 – She Set It All Up Ethan sat on the couch nervous. His girlfriend had brought him to her "special friend" that made amateur porn. She had convinced Ethan to come make a porn video. He knew her special friend was code for dealer and Ethan was ready to start hanging in the clouds with his girl. Jake, the special friend walked up to Ethan. J: Hey man, I heard your girl wants you to be in one of our little videos? E: Hell yeah, been thinking about it all week. Anna said not to worry, that you'd help us out with some favors to calm the nerves. J: Oh yes, it's all part of the deal. You're gonna love my shit. Here try it out. Jake pulls out a prepacked pipe and lighter and hands them to Ethan. J: Go ahead and finish that off and I’ll go find Anna. Ethan lit up the pipe and started to blow his own cloud city. Hit after hit. He was never one to keep a slow steady pace with his T. He was feeling good. He felt like he was the luckiest man alive. He had just turned 18 and thought he was the shit right now. He was getting high for free, was gonna be able to fuck his girlfriend, and get paid. Anna had really sold him on the idea. He took another huge hit and thought to himself the huge bowl was neverending. J: Hey Ethan, Anna is gonna be a bit. She is in the girls room getting herself ready. Here, you must be thirsty. Jake hands Ethan a bottle of Gatorade and he proceeds to gulp about half the bottle. Jake gestures to Ethan to hand over the pipe. Jakes refills the pipe with a huge shard and takes 2 hits before passing it back to Ethan. He starts hitting the pipe again. Ethan loved the chemical taste of the shit this guy was packing with. Ethan couldn’t help himself and just hit and hit until the bowl was finished. J: Ethan, I feel awkward asking this, you know, dude to dude. But did you two follow all the instructions Anna gave you? Even the weird ones? E: Yeah, even the weird one. Anna said she didn’t wanna do any butt stuff and would only due it if I cleaned out too. Something about knowing how it feels. 2 enemas later and we agreed anal was back on the table. Plus she said we should be really clean incase you wanted any close ups from behind. I don’t know why you’d have to get that close to my ass but Anna says its for the close up shots. Ethan smiles up at Jake and shows off his glazed over grey eyes. Jake tells himself he is almost ready and smiles back at Ethan. J: Good, yes that is an awkward one but really important. Oh and I have these for you for inspiration. Nothing worse than a dead dick in front of the camera. Jake hands Ethan some pills. Some he recognizes and some he does not. Ethan downs them without giving it a second thought. J: It gets pretty hot in here sometimes. Please make yourself comfortable while we wait. Take your shirt off and get comfy. Enjoy the vibe of my place. We can always film the beginning sequence later. Ethan zones in enough to realize there is a girl, maybe 2, moaning from the other room. He kicks off his shoes and removes his button up shirt and throws them on the side of the couch. Sitting back down on the couch, he starts rubbing his growing dick. Jake disappears again and Ethan is left alone and chugs down the rest of his (g) drink. He slowly sinks into the couch and starts to space out. He hears to moaning in the background and is now rubbing the full length of his dick in his jeans. His vision goes dimmer and dimmer. He barely makes out a figure coming up to him and pulling his tank shirt over his head before he blacks out. Chapter 2 – Passed out prize Anna pokes her head in the play room and sees Jake already has Ethan in his swing. Anna thought, just on time like always. She walks over and asks if he needed help with the cameras but Jake says everything is already set up and rolling. She helps Jake pull Ethans jeans off. There Ethan just laid there in nothing but his boxers. A: Should I do the honors? J: Oh no, I got this. Jake uses his fingers to open the gap in Ethan’s boxers and rips them apart at the inseam. As he bunches up the rags of underwear, he looks down at his naked twink prize. Everything about the boy was making his dick grow. Jake hands Anna her a roll of bills and a sizable baggie filled with T. J: Ok girl, go ahead and get spun and fuck your real man in the other room. The boy is mine. Anna leaves the room and Jake disrobes revealing his toned body and his 8 inch fuck stick standing straight out. He spends some time to transform his passed out would-be man into the fuck boy he would become. He took a razor and shaved off what little body hair Ethan had at 18 years. Shaved away was the dusting of hair on his legs, underarms, the light patch on his chest between his nipples, his laughable happy trail, and small bush around Ethan’s hard dick. He admires his work, his smooth fuck boy with white as snow body with no tan lines. It was like the boy never played in the sun. Jake licked his lips in anticipation. He zeroed in Ethan’s foreskin and reached down to rub it, just at the tip. He jerked Ethan off a few strokes to get him firm. Jake pulled out a ruler and measured the play thing. The fuck boy was packing a thick 5.5 inch uncut dick. He was so hard that his dick was straight up reaching for his belly button. Already he had a small wet spot where his tip pressed against his tummy. His precum glistened in the light. Jake looked down at his fuck boy and thought he looked like a little angel. He chuckled knowing he’d be a little whore demon soon enough. He just needed to help wake the fuck boy up. Jake brabbed Ethan’s legs and places them in the stirrups properly and then the arms tied to the swing. He moved between Ethan’s legs grabbed a cam and showed a close up of his virgin hole. So relaxed, so unattended. Jake licked his finger and put it against his opening. Rotating motion from his finger helped the opening pucker then relax. Unable to take it any longer, Jake held the cam as he inched his face closer to the rose bud. He sticks out his tongue and licks the forbidden hole. It quivers and then relaxes, the tongue slides in a bit. Repeat, slides in further, until finally he is eating Ethan out. The hole is relaxed a bit now. Jake grabs his special lube prespiked with T. Not wanting to get ahead of himself, Jake puts some of the lube on the fuck hole and pushes it in with his pinky. Ethan lets out a meek sound. He opens a baggie and picks a small shard and places it against his hole and pushed in with the lubed pinky. More meeks sounds Jake leaves his pinky in and can feel Ethan’s body squeazing slightly. Once it stops, he pulls his pinky out and wipes it on his snow white ass cheek. Jake pulls out a selection of dildos and picks the thinnest one. It’s about the thickness of a regular sharpy. He replaces it with another thin dildo, this one the size of a thick sharpy marker. He works the boy hole open until the dildo he is using is the size Ethan’s own dick; leaving it in his ass for now. Ethan was starting to show sign of slight movement and waking. Jake stands goes to Ethan’s side. He kneels down and kisses the boy lightly; flicking the lips with his tongue. The breathing gets heavier. Jake grabs Ethan by the hair and whispers in his ear J: Come on. Wake up fuck boy. Your future awaits you. Jake releases Ethan’s hair and goes down to suck on Ethans dime sized nipple. He moves on to the further nipple and lightly nibbles on it while reaching down to the boy’s leaking head. With some on his thumb, he steps back and rubs the precum on Ethan’s lips and then kisses him again. Again, reaching between the boys legs, this time he lightly plays with his balls and continuous to make out. Chapter 3 – Wakey Wakey Ethan is starting to come to. He is instinctually starting to kiss back. Ethan is coming to but the more he comes to, the more his head is spinning. He is on sensory overload and horny as hell. Nothing is making sense why is he laying down? Well, kinda laying own but not quite. Why can he feel a breeze on his chest? Before Ethan can come out of his fog, Jake pulls out a loaded pipe and torch and holds it up to Ethan’s mouth and instructs him to breath in the clouds while he holds it for him. Ethan just breaths in and blows out clouds. Breaths in and blows out clouds. Soon a whole bowl is torched and it was the good shit. Ethan is in heaven. The chem taste was driving his mouth wild and he clatters his teeth. J: Nothing but the good stuff for my star of the night. Ethan tries to look around him and focus but his eyes are finding it hard to focus. E: Where is Anna? I don’t see her here. J: Oh she was here. She left us because you couldn’t get it up. She was quite distraught. But that’s okay. We agreed to go with plan B. Jake once again bends down to a dime sized nipple and flicks it with his tongue and then engulfs it in his mouth. Ethan moans and closes his eyes. When he opens them he starts to gain a bit of focus. E: What the fuck is going on here? Ethan tries to move his arms but finds they are tied to the sling. He tries to move his left leg and then his right. Both tied to the sling. J: We had to go with a different plan since you couldn’t get it up for the girl. But that’s okay, you seem to really like plan B. Jake touches the boys belly button and slowly runs his finger from belly button to where his pubes used to be, along this hard shaft and finally his balls and taint. He then pulls the dildo that had been in his ass out a bit and then pushes it in. Ethan yelps with the realization that he had something up his ass, feeling it for the first time. The boy tries to break free of his sling but to no avail. E: please stop! Please take it out! I’m not gay! I’m not gay! J: Yeah, me neither. I just like to have a little fun sometimes. And it looks like you do too. Jake reaches down and squeezes the boys hard dick. He releases it and it smacks below his belly button. This confuses Ethan. Why was he hard? Why was he naked? Why was he missing his pubes and other body hair? Before the boy could vocalize any questions out loud, Jake goes down to the boys dick and takes it all the way in his mouth. The boy is in shock. He was sure he wanted out of this situation but he was making his dick feel soooo good. A man. A man was making him feel good. It's at this time that Ethan hears moans coming from the walls. They were there before but he couldn’t make out what they were until now. E: What…? Who …? That is all he can get out before Jake interrupts. J: On that is your girlfriend. She is getting with a bulldozer right now. Since you weren’t man enough to bone her. Not man enough…but that’s okay, you are boy bitch enough for me. That’s why you are so smooth. You’re not worthy of looking like a man naked. And that hard little dick is proof that you are just a boy. Ethan looked down at his tied up body. He was smoothed out like before puberty. He was right, Ethan said to himself that he was a boy. J: That’s okay fuck boy, I can get you to out moan that bitch. He kneels down between the boys legs and pulls out the dildo. Ethan sighs as it pops out. The man steps up and starts to eat his boy hole. Ethan throws his head back and lets out a loud bitch moan. He eats the boy hole for what feels like forever until Jake stops and says “break time”. Jake leaves the room and brings back a bottle of water and assists his captive to drink from the bottle. Jake goes and reloads the pipe and takes a big hit and then another. He walks up to the boy and offers. Like a good chem whore, the boy says yes without thinking. Jake pulls out the torch again and lights the bowl for the boy. The biggest cloud of the night so far escapes the boys lungs. He is urged to take another by Jake and another the same size blows out. J: Okay this time take the hit and hold it. Blow it out when I say, okay? Jake lights it and the boy breaths it in. Jake walks up to the boys head and lines his dick up with his mouth. J: Open up and blow that on me. Do it fag! The boys obeys and as soon as he opens his mouth, the man pushes half his dick in his mouth, blowing the smoke on the man’s dick. J: Again! The boy obeys and takes the hit and then takes the dick in his mouth and blows out. Jake reaches down and jerks the boys off while he is blowing the cloud out. The boy is lost in the good feeling and closes his mouth around the dick. He starts his first blowjob. Jake is able to work most but not all of his 8 inches in the boys mouth. He fucks that and slobber is going all over the boys mouth and face. J: See, you’re a natural cock sucker. Now, lets see if you like it up your ass. Jake goes back between the boys legs. He lubes up the same dildo and pushes it back in his ass. E: Noooo, not that. Please stop! I’m not gay! It’s too big! J: (Laughs obnoxiously) Are you fucking serious? That thing is the size of your tiny cock. That thing couldn’t get any girl off. Lucky for you, you are a boy. And boys have a special button in their ass that they love to get rubbed against. Lucky for you, your tiny dick will still reach your button. We just need to help it out. It will be the best orgasm you have ever had. You want that right? I can help you with that if you stop being a fucking bitch and let me work. E: I… want…so horny. … I’m not gay. Please … cum… J: That’s all I needed to hear. Chapter 4 – A Better Idea The man pulls out the dildo from the boy’s ass and dips it in a baggy of crushed T powder. He lubes up the hole with his finger and then pushes the dildo back in. Ethan’s ass is warm and he doesn’t know what to do. He begins to worry but is calmed by his new Man rubbing his balls. J: See, that feels better now, right? E: Yeah, not that bad. The boy starts to moan as his captor pushes and pulls the dildo in and out. When he thinks he is used to it, he replaces the toy with a slightly bigger toy. Again with the dust and again with the light burning. Again with the moaning. Finally the moment the Man was working the boy up to. He pulls out the toy with a pop. The boy moans disappointedly. J: Don’t worry. I’m just gonna refill the pipe. Oh wait, I have a better idea. Just for you baby. Jake grabs something and stands between the boy’s legs. He pulls out a good sized shard (0.4g or 0.5g) from his bag and pushes it in the boy with his finger. It gets pushed as far in with his finger as he could get before the boys clenched down on the finger. J: Don’t be suck a tease. You can take this. He waves his hard cock around just too low for the boy to see. Jake laughs to himself as he steps up and lines his dick up with the boy hole. He spits down 3 times and lubes his head and shaft. J: Okay, I’m gonna use the toy again to push the stuff further in. Look at me. Look into my eyes. The boy looked back with glazed over eyes. They were like mirrors that he saw himself in. Jake smiled as his dick touched the hole. The boy still had no idea.The man waited for the boy to stop clenching and relax. The second he felt the hole relax, he pushed himself into the virgin hole. The boy screamed and bucked. The boy felt like his ass was on fire and he was being impaled on a pike. The Man just grabbed his boy by the hips and pulled him onto his dick until all 8 inches slide in. He was balls deep in the boy. The once virgin boy. The had already placed his ripped boxers along the sling and reached for them. He shoved them into the boys mouth. J: You feel that? Stop crying and answer me. Can you feel that whole thing in you boy? Ethan mumbled with the boxers in his mouth. Tears running down his cheeks. He nodded his head. J: You like that dick in you huh boy? That real man dick. Ethan just stared, not getting what he was saying. Until a moment of clarity. He had said dick, not toy. The boy’s eyes grew wider (as if that were possible) and bulged. He mumbled incoherently and nodded his head from side to side. His eyes pleaded with his captor but they were met with a bellowing laugh. Jake pulled his dick almost entirely out and then slammed it back into the smooth twink. He did this 3 times before slowing down and giving the poor boy the slow fuck he needed for his first time. In no time at all, the fuck boy was moaning just as loud as his forgotten girlfriend in the background. Everytime Jakes big dick ran against his special button, the boy’s dick would bounce up and down. The boy was allowed to spit out his saliva drenched undies and was having his mouth tongued down while getting plowed. The man pulled out and walked around to the other side of the boy. He released the arm restraints and the boy immediately started to orally serve his host. The Man grew impatient and walked back around to the boy’s hole and started slow fucking him again. With his arms free now, the boy was able to jerk off during this ecstasy and shot his load. It landed on his face and lips. He instinctually licked up all he could from his lips and hand. This was what the Man was waiting for. With the first shot fired, he goes back to piston fucking the boy. After a few minutes, the boy says he has to cum again. They look down at the boys soft dick and watch as cum drizzles from his foreskin. A puddle of cum layed where his pubes used to be.The Man keeps power driving his meat for another minute before slamming his balls into the boy and shooting ropes of cum inside his ass. The man points out the cams around the boy. They look right into one. The boy tears up with the realization of what he just did. J: See, the cams love you. My new fuck boy. Jake slaps the boys creamy white ass and laughs obnoxiously again. J: If you think that was fun, Just wait for your first slam.
    2 points
  25. Kyle was an 18 year old high school senior. Excelled at sports. Aced most of his classes. Except one. That was his history class. His teacher Mr. Caine secretly lusted after Kyle. Caine was a tall hairy guy. He was also a well respected teacher. With Kyle on the verge of flunking, Kyle talked to his parents and girlfriend who convinced him to talk to Caine about making up some assignments. Since he had sometime before graduation. “Kyle. I’m not sure if there’s enough time for you to make up the class.” “Please Mr. Caine.” “I’ll do anything you say.” “Anything?” Caine raised his eyebrow. “Yessir”. “I need to pass so I can graduate.” Caine got up walked over to Kyle unzipped his pants and pulled them down. “Suck my hard cock Kyle.” “Sir, I’m not gay.” “You’re not going to pass my class either.” “If you don’t do as I say.” Kyle knew he had no choice. He took in Caine’s big thick cock and started sucking him. Caine got undressed and ordered Kyle to get undressed. Both completely naked. Caine positioned the young man on a chair leaning him against the wall. Caine slowly slid his dick into the young man’s virgin tight hole. Kyle screamed with an unlubed dick went in. Caine didn’t care. He was rough fucking the young man. For Kyle what felt like hours was almost over. Caine felt his dick pulsate in Kyle’s ass. Shooting several loads into him. Caine grunted. Pulled out. Kyle fell to the floor. Caine got dressed. Smiled at him. “You passed my class.” Then walked out. Before Kyle could pull himself together. The overweight 53 year old custodian came in. Saw a naked Kyle with loads coming out of his ass. Decided to fuck him too. Before Kyle could do anything the old man was inside of him shooting off his loads……unfortunately for Kyle the custodian threatened to tell his girlfriend. Unless he continues to have sex with him and a few of his friends.
    2 points
  26. Definitely. No condom ever. If I'm at the baths and someone pulls one out I simply say "You don't need that". The majority will go bareback.
    2 points
  27. I'm not a very good sub, I'm afraid. Had that happened to me, I would have said "Hello. Can you come over and fuck me too? He's all the way in and I can barely feel him".
    2 points
  28. my darkest fantasy! Having a homophobic/serophobic bottoming for me while I'm off meds for at least one year. It's a pity the virus doesn't talk in real, otherwise it could tell me in real time the asshole's reaction, describing his face to me.
    2 points
  29. Answered the phone with my partner riding me! It was my best friend who just came home from her vacation. So, it wasn't such an awkward situation and it was my partner encouraging me to answer, even though he preferred to stay as quiet as he could. My female friend was talking about nothings so wanting to make it dirtier, I transferred the call to the speaker instead of earphone and said "just talk dirty to me" we're confident so I can talk sexually without her getting offended, so a simple phone call became spicy. Making my sex with my partner even hotter. When I talk about it to my friend she still laughs.
    2 points
  30. I always make in clear in advance that I ONLY play bareback. If the top doesn't like it, tough.
    2 points
  31. Another amazing chapter! More please! I like where I think you’re going with this. It’ll be hot to see you take us on this journey through the decades showing us the stages of AIDS and its acceptance in the gay community. Seeing the fear of it now knowing that in the present there are many seeking it out and embracing it.
    2 points
  32. To restate what everyone else has said, it depends. If a man cums a lot, and not just "oozing" out of him but actually shooting out in spurts, then yes. Sometimes it's an actual feeling of something hitting, but it's normally, for me" a warmth that wasn't there before. I've had some guys tell me they can feel my cum shooting inside them when I top, but others can't. Depends on when I came last and how "used" the hole is. Sometimes, for me when I bottom, just the feeling of his cock throbbing and kicking is enough.
    2 points
  33. Rick was a 24 year old top. He liked to fuck guys his own age. Very much into himself. He would tease older men with the promise that he would bottom bareback for them. Letting them text their fantasies on Grindr. Even trading nude pics. One guy in particular an older man named Gus, at age 56 was diagnosed with HIV. And put on meds to help make him undetectable. However the meds didn’t work on this particular HIV variant. Gus wanted to be able to fuck but didn’t want to let anyone know he was positive. Rick would flirt with Gus. Promising him he could shoot his loads deep into his ass. Gus grew frustrated with Rick. When he kept avoiding hooking up. That would change. One Sunday night Gus and Rick were at a bar. Gus spotted him. And went over to say hi. Rick recognized Gus. And they engaged in small talk. Gus even brought Rick a drink. Unknown to Rick. Gus put a roofie into it. Gus got Rick out of the bar and into his car. Taking him to his house.Gus put Rick on the couch and undressed him. Then he undressed himself. Gus rubbed Rick’s ass cheeks. Kissed him on the neck. Gus also played with his and Rick’s cocks. He fingered Rick’s ass. Getting a moan from him. Gus lubed up his dick and Rick’s ass. Rick was slowly awakening up due to the thrusting of Gus’s dick inside his ass. “Wait” Rick said softly. “I’ve waited long enough and I’m going to see that you keep your promise to me.” Gus got more aggressive with fucking Rick. Who was too weak to fight him off. Gus flipped Rick around to fuck him missionary. He wanted to see Rick’s face when he came inside the young man. “Ahhhh” Gus grunted. “I’m cumming inside of you!” “Take my hiv loads, you teasing bitch!” Rick pleaded. “Please no!” But it was too late. Rick had Gus’s loads inside him. And Gus put a butt plug into Rick’s ass to be sure his loads stay inside him. “I’ll have you arrested for assault.” Rick said. Gus without a word got his phone and showing him Rick’s text that he could fuck him raw. Rick knew then he would have no case. And Gus fucked him one more time and secretly recorded the second fuck. As evidence in case Rick decided to arrest him.
    2 points
  34. Love to be piss in, especially if the piss includes a gift from evening play
    2 points
  35. Had the house to myself last Monday night. I had been watching porn and sniffing from my brown bottle all afternoon while 'working from home', not to mention chatting with a bbc top on BBRT, so by the time I shut off my laptop I was ready for some loads. Unfortunately my BBRT top went quiet, saying he had to run some errands, so I decided to post on the apps and see what other trouble I could find. The first response I got on Grindr was from a 22-year old who recognized my pics. He informed me early in the conversation that he bred me at my last few gang bangs in late 2022 and early 2023. His dick pic sealed the deal and I invited him over. While I was waiting for him to arrive, my friend from two Mondays before (I call him the hole stretcher - see And Now My Hole Is Really Sore) messaged to say he was free and wanted another turn in my guts. I told him that I was waiting for someone who wanted to be alone with me, and his response was, "That's cool, I'll park at the plaza down the street and wait. Let me know when he leaves." Hot damn! I got a message from the 22 year old saying he was a few minutes away, so I unlocked the door, undressed and lubed my hole, then laid down on my stomach on the floor as he had requested. I took a big hit from my brown bottle as the door opened. I heard him kick off his shoes, then the rustle of fabric as he undressed. I felt his hands on my ankles as he pushed my legs together, then knelt down and straddled me. He leaned forward and supported himself with his left hand as his right guided his cock to my hole. Feeling my pucker open for the tip, he pushed forward gently before placing his right hand on the floor to stabilize himself. I could feel his warm belly brush against the small of my back as he shifted his weight forward and his cock slid balls-deep. He let out a sigh, loud enough that I could hear it over my own moan of pleasure as he filled me up, and then began to move his hips rhythmically. With each thrust he almost fully withdrew his cock before gently sliding it back inside me, savoring my velvet grip. After a few minutes of this he picked up the pace, and I knew he wouldn't last much longer. I started to encourage him, begging for his load in my hole, telling him that I wanted him to breed me like a slut. And in no time at all, that's exactly what he did. His cock jumped and pulsed as he pumped his load deep. At last, spent, he stood up. Being the good slut that I am, I spun around quickly and took his cock in my hand, guiding it to my mouth so I could savor the mixture of my ass and his cum. As I did so, I felt some of his kids slip out of me and down the back of my thigh. As he dressed, I grabbed my phone to message the hole stretcher who was waiting down the street, only to find a message from the BBRT bbc top asking for my address. I told hole stretcher to come over and then sent it to him while I waited, asking him to give me a half hour. "No problem," came his reply. Not five minutes after the first guy left, the door opened and in walked the hole stretcher. I was waiting on all fours, my freshly-fucked hole greeting him as he entered. In no time the tip of his cock parted my sphincter, followed by that thick knot just below it. I inhaled deeply from my brown bottle and forced myself to relax, and was excited to find that those actions, coupled with the previous stretching and a liberal coating of cum on my insides, let him slide right in. He met resistance at my second hole, stopped and waited patiently until, like magic, I felt it open and welcome him in. He let out a moan at the same time I did. It felt amazing, and I was so turned on that I soon found myself pushing backward to meet each thrust, impaling myself as deeply as I could. It was something I've never been able to do with him before! He grabbed my hips and pushed balls-deep over and over until, with a gasp, he added his load to the mess inside me. I was even more eager to clean off his cock with my mouth, and the combination of two loads and my hole did not disappoint! I thought I might have tasted a hint of blood, too, but shrugged it off. After all, what's a cum dump good for besides taking every load he's offered? The hole stretcher dressed and left, and I went back to my phone. The guy from BBRT was getting close, and as I eagerly waited I clenched my sphincter muscles to keep the remaining cum inside. After less than ten minutes, which felt like forever, he came through the door and stepped right around to stand in front of me. He was wearing grey sweats and as I looked up, he had already lowered them to expose his cock. I instinctively knew what he wanted and got up on my knees - careful to keep the back door locked to prevent the kids from escaping - and sucked him until he was hard as a rock. This was the only cock of the evening that I had seen, and it was a solid seven girthy inches. I slid that cock deep down my throat, gagging and coughing up thick strands of saliva that would ease his entry when I was time to bend over. And the time to bend over came quickly. He muttered the words, "I don't want to bust yet," and took his cock out of my mouth. I spun around and presented my ass to him, and I heard him get down on his knees behind me. His knees pushed my legs apart as he moved in closer. I felt the tip of his cock against my hole, and then he was sliding in. He didn't stop, just slid all the way to the hilt without stopping. He pushed me forward, forcing me onto the floor on my stomach, and began hammering. That big, thick cock pounded me over and over again as his breath tickled the back of my neck. One last hit from the brown bottle, and I was in heaven. He must have lasted nearly fifteen minutes, and when I finally heard him gasp and his cock begin to dance inside my hole, I was actually disappointed that it was over. As with the others, I dutifully cleaned him off with my mouth and sent him on his way. I spent the rest of the evening sitting in the wet spot of cum that kept leaking out of my hole and into my underwear, Sadly, the stars had aligned just for that night, and for the rest of the week I struggled to find anyone who was interested in hooking up. I have the house to myself again this weekend, though, and I fully intend on taking advantage - by taking as many loads as I can.
    2 points
  36. Chapter 5 – Washing up Jake held the boy as the boy started to shiver. Ethan tried to make sense of the gravity of knowing that he had just had sex with a man. No, he was fucked by a man. No, he was hard and shot the biggest load of the week, while he was being fucked by a man. Was he gay now? His body was in shock. He was a cummy mess. He was happy that he didn’t have anything in his ass anymore but felt so empty without one. J: You did great boy. Cherry poppin’ videos are always the hardest for new talent. And your creamy twink body is going to be very popular. Oh dear, you look like a sweaty dirty whore. Can’t have you looking like this all night. It might scare my guests. I tell you what, how about you go take a shower and come back so we can talk. Jake yells out for someone to come into the room. A latino guy just the same body type and height of Ethan walks in the room. This new guy has more muscle on him than Ethan. Not a twink, more of a twunk in his mid 20's. Not quite innocent looking. He’s dressed in a t-shirt and gym shorts. J: Thanks for coming in here Miguel. This is our new friend Ethan. He is a bit sweaty from his first breakthrough performance. Would you be so kind as to help him to the shower and bring him back here? Miguel smirked and turned to Ethan. M: Hey friend, nice to meet you. I’m Miguel and I live here with the boss man. Let me help you out of this scene. Jake disappears from view. Miguel reaches out and unties Ethan’s legs and helps him stand up. They hobble over to a nice bathroom. They look over and see a nice big walk-in shower. Miguel leans Ethan against the wall while he walks in the shower and turns the nob on. The shower shoots on and gets Miguel a big wet. He walks back over the Ethan. Ethan is still floating high. He barely registers Miguel stripping his shirt and dropping his shorts. Miguel is kinda stripping in slow motion. He knows the shower room w loaded with a few cams. He knows the water temperature is regulated to lukewarm and just in case, all the glass of the shower was antifogged. E: Looks like we both need a shower. Haha. Ethan is looking Miguel up and down. Ethan was used to seeing a guy here or there naked in the gym showers and lockerroom but this was different. He was transfixed on this new guy’s body like he had never seen a man naked before. He stared at his chest, his pecks, his quarter sized nipples that looked especially pointy. He followed the chest down to the navel, and further down to his neatly trimmed hairs. This made Ethan reach down to his own area below and felt himself above his dick. Smooth. Smooth because he was a boy and this guy in front of him was obviously a man. Ethan became transfixed on Miguels dick. And just like it knew of his gaze, Miguel’s dick begins to grow and fill out. Miguel smirked and asked the boy if he liked what he was seeing. The boy took to his new position like he was born to it. He walked over to Miguel and reached out for his growing dick. M: Go ahead you know you want to boy. Start acting like the slut you were meant to be. Ethan licked his lips and dropped to his knees. He grabbed the dick with his left hand and leaned forward. His mouth engulfed the brown dick. Halfway at first but it didn’t take long before he was playing with the balls with the right hand. M: oh, fuck yeah, you love my cock in your mouth. Don’t you boy. Relax your throat baby boy. Miguel reached down with his hands and grabbed Ethan by his head. He says to the boy to cover his teeth and begins to fuck his mouth. Not hard and fast but a gentle rhythm. He looks down and the boy and pulls his dick out. M: you have to be careful with those teeth. Close your eyes. **Slap** The boy was not prepared for the hand to his face. Ethan covers the slapped surface with his own hand. E: What did I do? Did I do it wrong? M: No sweet thing. That was just to show you what happens when you graze a dick with your teeth. Better to learn now. Oh and if you bite down on a dick, you will probably have those pretty teeth of yours pulled or punched out. No body wants that right? Like I said, good to learn now. I’m sorry to hurt you. You are so innocent looking. I’ll tell you what, you deserve an apology. Miguel sits on the closed toilet seat reaches under the vanity of the sink and pulls out a loaded pipe. He takes a hit and blows it out. M: Come sit on my lap. I’m gonna shotgun you. Do you know what that is? Yes? Good. Ethan is taking orders like a pro and sits on Miguel’s lap with one of his legs going across Miguels. Ethan feels Miguel’s dick against his thigh. Miguel takes a big hit and then locks lips with Ethan. Blows out. Miguel hits then Ethan blows out. After the third shotgun, Miguel pushes his 2 fingers in Ethan’s mouth, coating his digits with saliva. He reaches between the boy’s legs and pushes the slobbery fingers in the boys new fuck hole. Ethan moans and starts to rock a big on the invading fingers. M: Good little whore. Now get in that shower and lather your body up. Clean yourself up and make yourself like new. Well, as new as you can. I’ll join you in a minute. Ethan got up and walked right into the spraying water. He reached for the bar of soap and did as he was told. He washed up. He was just about done when Miguel walked up behind him and pushes him against the wall. M: Put your hands against the wall and stand with your ass out a bit. Good now spread them legs. A little more. Good. Now beg for it. Beg for my big brown dick, for my sticky white cum, beg for me to impregnate you like the whore you are. E: Fuck me! Fuck me please! I need that big latino cock in my fuckhole. Fill me with your babies! I need it! Miguel got closer to his prey. His dick curved up a bit so it should be no problem at this angle. He smired some lube on his head and looked down at his 7.5 cut snake as it rested at the entrance to this deliciously creamy round ass attached to this boy begging for it. He slowly pushes in and continues until he bottoms out against the boy’s skin. E: oh yes, I love this feeling of feeling full. Mmm, yeah fill me with your babies. Miguel uses his legs to push the boy’s legs apart further; getting him in the optimal position. He then reaches down to the boy’s ear. M: Do you want me to breed you like I bred your girlfriend? Yeah, that’s right, while you were making your video, she was making hers. I’m gonna fuck you harder than I fucked her. You are so much tighter than that loose bitch. And with that, Miguel power fucked the boy in the shower. Moans and occasional “please slow down” and “it hurts a bit” would be uttered. But Miguel did not care. He fucked him for 20 straight minutes. When he was done, he pulled out and rised himself and the boy off. He wrapped a towel around the boy and said great job on his second video of the day. All cleaned up, Miguel walked Ethan over to the sling room but set him down on the bed instead. He said to wait here for further instructions. Miguel pointed out there was porn playing on the screen in front of them. He told him he could watch and play with himself but no cumming was allowed without permission. Ethan was mesmorized by the video on the screen. It was a video just like he had made earlier. Only this time, it was a just legal aged black boy that was passed out and being stripped and then placed in the sling. Ethan was half hard watching the vid but dared not touch himself. Not yet.
    2 points
  37. There's been a few homeless/hostel guys over the past few years. I actually met one at the hostel after I'd been out at a bar. I saw him nearby on scruff. We swapped pics, but he wasn't very talkative. I was horny though, profile said bottom, and he was a good looking guy, so when he said come over I figured I'd give it a try. He let me in and we went to a room with multiple beds, but nobody else was around. Hard to say his exact age because he was handsome but kind of rough. I'd guess 30. White guy with dark hair and stubble in a hoodie and jeans. Kinda lean build and not much shorter than me. He was a bit beat up with scratches on side of his face and back of his hands. I didn't ask him about those. He seemed chill and was drinking beer. We had the usual small talk when you first meet a guy you're planning to do stuff with and then we kissed. Started slow but after a bit we kind of went in to the zone where the kissing is so good you could do it for hours. I remember rolling around with him, feeling his lean body against me through our clothes, kissing softly, hard, slow, fast, and every kiss was great. We just kissed a long time and rolled around different positions, stroked each other's dicks through our jeans. It was cold in the building and we were getting close to keep warm. Ended up with me spooning him and kissing. We were still wearing all our clothes because of the cold, but I pulled his jeans down to play with his dick and balls. He had big chunky balls and a tapered dick that was very thick at the base and slim at the tip. Would have been interesting to bottom with him. Things went pretty quick from there, I pulled my jeans down too and started teasing his hole with my dick. His crack had thick soft hair that felt great around my helmet, and then I found his hole. In the cold air his hold felt intensely hot so it was easy to hit the target. I asked him if he had any lube and condoms, he said no. I was on a break from prep at the time so would have wrapped. I just couldn't take my dick off his hole though, it was way too warm and inviting. So I'm still teasing his hole and precumming like crazy because it feels so good. I'm telling myself I won't go too deep, I'll stop soon. Yeah right. Things just happened from there, as his hole got wetter I started dipping inside and eventually we were fucking. Just the tip easily becomes the whole pole. He's one of very few guys I've done it totally unprotected with, but I wanted to have the experience with him. It was a mix of just physical fucking and making love, thrusting and grunting, then sexy kissing as we spooned. I eventually wanked him off while I was inside him and his orgasm contractions as he leaked cum all over the bed made me cum too. Awesome guy, I hope he's made a lot of tops as happy as I was that night. I never saw him again though, but we messaged a bit and he was far away.
    2 points
  38. My Older Black Friend - Part VIII Without much notice Robert did just that. He pushed into me, passed that second ring, and held still. His cock was now pulsing and I could feel a different pressure in my ass, almost my guts, his poz cum blasting into me. With that last bit of pressure my cock just started exploding alll over my stomach and waist. stream after stream flew out of my hard cock. I was now moaning deliriously. Without pulling out, Robert felt to my chest and I wrapped my legs around him to keep him in me. Robert looked up, "I love you Tim. You are now mine" I had just taken John's cock and cum deep in me for a second time this week, and now my lover lay between my legs after giving me all of his hot cum deep in my ass. This was truly what I had fantasized about for so many years, fulfilling every sexual desire for my man, and pleasuring him more by giving my ass to him to own and give out when it turned him on to do so. I had barely noticed John while making love to Robert, but now sensed him next to me, while still on my back and Robert inside of me. I opened my eyes to see John slightly rubbing Robert's shoulder and a big smile on his face. "Tim, that is one of the hottest things I have ever been a part of", John said as he bent down to kiss me. I felt John's tongue and spit filling my mouth, it was a great turn on, and very sensual. John pulled his face away from mine slightly and spoke quietly to Robert. "My friend, I don't now how you found your boy, but Mr. Tim is very much in love with you". John smiled and added, "damn lucky!". John stood fully again and now I noticed his cock was semi hard. I looked up at John, he was staring intently at me, moved his hand down to his cock and squeezed. "Yes Tim, when Robert wants me to fuck you again, I will not hesitate". Robert lifted his head from my chest and turned to us. "John, I am thinking my boy will always love that". We all smiled!!! He was very right! After we had all cleaned up, we dressed in shorts and t-shirts then headed for the pool area at Robert's house. We all grabbed some water on the way out and got comfortable in some of the lounge chairs by the pool. Robert had grabbed us each a towel. I was in the middle chair with John on my right and Robert on my left. The sun felt so good as we started to chat about our day so far. It was moving in to late afternoon so the sun wasn't as intense, but felt so warming on my body. "Fuck that was amazing Robert, and Tim", John said without opening his eyes. Robert both said 'yes it was', almost in unison. There was a moment of silence and Robert started talking. "John, I am really glad we finally found the right partner to help us with our fantasy, everything we have discussed over the years. I know Tim has been wanting the same thing, to be the bottom in this type of scenario, so it seems it works out for all three of us. Is that right, Tim?" "Yes sir. I honestly couldn't have imagined it happening in a better way". I turned my head to John and he was looking me and my body, I caught his view and said, "John, I am so happy you joined our love making and exploration". John smiled. "I can't tell you how great you are Tim, willing to be with us both and so thankful that it turns you both on to share you with me". I saw John reach down and grab his cock through his shorts. His eyes never left mine. I smiled and laid back on the chair, closing my eyes. "John, those thoughts make us all hard I think", I said. We all laughed. As I lay there, I could start to feel cum making it's way to my ass opening and I knew two big loads wanted to exit me! I smiled, but felt a little embarrassed. I started to get off the chair and said, "I need to use the restroom", paused as I got up and continued, "no thanks to the both of you". Both of the men just stayed laying down, eye closed, and said that I was welcome. These guys were great! I made it to the rest room and let some of their big loads drain from me. I was amazed at first, but honestly knowing that John produced huge cum loads I wasn't really surprised after all. I cleaned up and exited the bathroom. When I made it back to the pool, both Robert and John were now naked, enjoying the sun on their bodies, and semi erect. I wondered what they had been chatting about! That made me smile. "Oh, naked time now, huh?" I asked. They both said yes and I quickly removed my clothes and joined them. This time I adjusted my lounger more upright so I could stare at both of their massive cocks and older frames. All this time in my life I Had fantasized about these two men, not them exactly, but this type of situation and these types of men. With my left hand I reached out to touch Roberts chest, nipple, and let my fingers slide down to his hip and rest right next to his cock head. I looked at John next to me. "John, what about you, why don't you have a boy of your own?". John moaned a little. "good question Tim. I guess I just haven't found the right man. Sure I find them to fuck, which is always great, but some still want protection, which you know isn't my thing. For those, I just need to fuck and cum. Finding that perfect bottom boy, that knows what real sex feels like and is very ok with taking my raw cock and cum, it is rare." Just with those few sentences, I saw John's cock start to grow. John continued, "Robert can testify to this, you are a very rare young man Tim. That you immediately recognized that connection between you and Robert, realized that the connection you two shared was bigger than statuses. That is really amazing". As I was watching John's cock and listening to him, I suddenly felt Robert's wet cock head touch my hand. I quickly looked at my man. His head was still back, but his cock had grown towards my hand and he was now leaking on me. I started running my thumb over Robert's cock head, rubbing that sexy precum all over. That only encouraged Robert's cock to grow harder and harder. While I was playing with Robert's cock I had heard John get up from his lounger, but was focused on my man's cock. Then I heard John, he was next to me, "suck my cock boy". I turned my head towards John and his cock was hard and leaking next to my face. What a gorgeous sight he was. John still had his cock ring on and he was pushing his cock down so I could get my lips on it. I opened my mouth and helped guide his leaking cock into my mouth. His cock tasted so fucking good. It tasted like precum and cum from our previous fuck session. I brought my legs up and spread them wide so my ass was exposed. I felt Robert shift and my hand left his cock. Soon he was kneeling next to me telling me to suck John's cock while his finger found sore, dripping, hole. I moaned in response to his gentle touching of my lips. John started in on the hot talk, which turned me on even more. "Suck this cock baby boy. Do you like the taste of my cock? This cock bred your cunt a little while ago, how does your ass taste?" This was driving me crazy with lust, John knew exactly what to say. Robert then stood up, "we should take this into the bedroom". John slowly pulled his wet cock from my mouth, "yeah probably" as I watched him stroke his big cock once more, right in front of my face. I looked at Robert and he was standing, rock hard, again. Fuck he is gorgeous. Robert helped me up and as I turn pats my ass to remind me I am his good boy. I reach behind me and take hold of Robert's big cock and start to walk into the house. As soon as I enter, John is there, cock now semi hard, but still leaking. while holding Robert's big cock in my hand, John takes my face in his hands and kisses me deep, tongue invading my mouth. I reach down with my free hand and hold John's cock, it is already rising to being fully hard. Robert's hand is now on my ass, fingers making their way to my wet hole. Robert wastes no time in burying his finger deep into me! I moan into John's mouth. John backs away slightly and tells me, "I want to be under you while Robert fucks his cock into you". Robert pulls his finger out of my ass, pats my ass again, and says "you heard him, let's go boy". When we entered the bedroom, John immediately got on the bed, on his back with his head toward the end of the bed. I followed him and got over him on all fours and immediately my mouth found his gorgeous cock! My mouth took over right where I had left off outside, sucking and tasting that gorgeous man cock. Before too long, I felt some lube being applied to my ass and Roberts big fingers slowly working my hole in circles and then penetrating me. first one finger, then two fingers. Robert's other hand was gripping my ass cheek, trying to pull my hole open wider. "Fuck your ass lips are puffy boy, your ass is begging for my cock again", Robert said. I removed my mouth from John's big cock, long enough to say "please fuck your baby boy. I need your fat cock in me". I felt Robert's fingers withdraw from my ass and heard him apply lube to his cock...I could almost see in my mind his hand sliding all around my man's hot thick cock. I knew what was next. I was right, within seconds I felt Robert's big wet cock head at my hole, pushing slowly...almost rocking, into my hole. one more slight push and Robert's cock head broke through my hole. "boy, my cock head is in you and fucking eh, it looks so good! do you want more of daddy's cock?", Robert said. "Yes please daddy, put your cock in me. my pussy belongs to you, please take me", I almost yelled. Robert put his hand on top of my ass and said, "here it comes baby, take my cock". Robert was pushing steady now! At some point I want to jump forward as I felt it was too much cock, too quick, but I made myself push out and push back on his black did. "my little slut, you want daddy's cock and load in you, I can see you pushing back on my dick. Yes, take it baby", Robert said. John said, "Robert, this boy loves your cock, you can tell. With each inch of your cock this boy leaks even more precum. Only a true daddy's boy reacts like that". I was really stroking and swallowing as much of John's cock as I could. His precum, and my spit, was flowing around his cock and down over his balls. I couldn't help it. Soon enough I couldn't keep my mouth on John's cock, I was panting and moaning so much with Robert sliding in and out of me with a nice steady speed. It so fucking good, and I felt so full of his big cock! John maneuvered out from underneath me and was now standing beside the bed. I felt John's hands on my ass, pulling them apart for Robert as his big black cock slid in and out, relentlessly. "Fuck boy your ass is really opening up to that big cock", John said. "We have really turned you into a hot slut bottom, haven't we?". John continued, "Robert, are you going to give him what he wants? I want to watch your cock breed your boy". Robert just moaned and picked up his pace. I was moaning out loud every time that big cock penetrated my ass again. Robert was sooooo deep in me and by his pace and heavy breathing I knew what was coming. I could feel that black cock start to swell in me, stretching my hole even more. Robert started gripping my waist even tighter, "baby are you ready for daddy's hot cum?" "....mmmmmmm.....yes please", I replied. "take my cum boy, take my poz seed baby!" was all Robert said as he slid all the way in and passed my second ring. HIs cock swelled one last time and I could feel him shooting his load into my guts. Robert held still, buried deep in my ass. I couldn't even believe I was taking all of his cock. It felt so amazing. Slowly Robert's cock was shrinking and I felt him slowly start to pull out, which seemed to last forever. As soon as he finally pulled free I immediately fell on my stomach, legs still shaking. Robert got off the bed and moved to the top so he could whisper in my ear. "take John's cock and cum now boy, he is going to take you". I felt John get on the bed behind me, he didn't pull me up but instead mounted me with his legs on either side of my legs. I felt the tip of his cock at my hole, but I couldn't move to help him. "Don't worry boy, I will do the work, I just need to unload in you", John said. I felt him pulling my ass apart, and the tip of his cock at my used, now sore, hole. He was going to fuck me one way or another, and I secretly loved that. In one motion John slid his big cock all the way in me. After Robert's massive cock having been in me, and breeding me, John could easily sink in to his balls! John was more grinding his cock into me than really fucking me, churning Robert's cumload in my ass. It felt so great to feel John's weight on me, and the emptiness of Robert pulling out to be filled with a big hot cock. John lowered his body to lay on top of my back. His mouth was next to my ear telling me all the good things I was feeling and of things to come. "baby boy I am going to fuck my poz load deep into you. is that ok?" John asked. "please John, please give me your load". "That's it baby, I am going to cum right on top of Robert's big load, give you my babies. Fucking hot, here comes my load baby boy". John pushed in deep and felt him swell, but my ass was already too wrecked to feel his load shoot., but I knew he was cumming hard by the guttural moans was making, and telling me in my ear. John slowed down his motion, but kept his cock in me. "I hope we knock your ass up today Tim". "me too" I sad, "me too". John rolled off of me to his back, and I was empty once again. I lay there, breathing hard. Robert the joined on the other side of me, his big hands slowly and gently exploring my ass where John had just been. gripping my ass cheeks hard and thanking me for being his. I smiled and slowly started to drift off to sleep. Two weeks later. I had been at Robert's house for the past several days. A week or so after I had been with Robert and John I got pretty sick and while talking to Robert he suggested I go get tested as soon as I could and then come stay with him so he would nurse me through it. I had been at Robert's house, while feeling shitty, also very glad to be here and guided through it by Robert. He was so caring, and when we did find out my results, we cuddled and kissed. I could tell me was super turned on, hard to hide that big cock, but I wasn't really into it, and he totally understood. Two days later I managed to get showered, and cleaned out, and made it back to bed. I got it bed naked, not that Robert could tell, but after checking on me I asked him he wanted to lay with me and watch something. Sure enough Robert got into bed and soon realized I was naked. His cock was so hard. I looked at him and kissed him deep while reaching for his big leaking dick. "Tim you are sure you are feeling up to it?", Robert asked. I guided Robert's hand to my ass and bare cock. "Yes sir, please take me again" I said. Robert proceeded to give me my first post-poz fuck and load! It made me so happy to know I was now truly his.
    2 points
  39. As we walked to Clint’s car I contemplated why I was doing this. I wasn’t gay, I loved women. But in truth none of them really loved me, my cock had always been too small to even penetrate most girls. When Clint had tongue fucked my ass it felt so good that I had to go with him and see what he would do. As we got into the car Clint leaned into his back seat and grabbed Gatorade bottle. “This’ll taste like shit but just keep drinking it, it’ll make cunting you a lot easier.” I just nodded and began gulping down the vile liquid quickly realizing it wasn’t Gatorade. Clint began driving and once we were on the road pulled his sweatpants down revealing his massive cock. He nodded down to it while I stared. After a second he grabbed the back of my head and slammed it onto his 9 inch, beer can thick cock. “First lesson faggot, when an alpha male like me presents his cock to you, you get it in one of your hole asap, do you understand faggot” he screamed as he thrusted into my tight throat. I was trying my hardest not to throw up, when everything began feeling lighter am I felt my throat loosen up. Not only did my throat loosen but I began to enjoy having my throat fucked. After fucking my throat for 20ish minutes we pulled up to Clint’s house. “Take your clothes off, they aren’t coming in the house” he said, surprisingly I complied without even thinking about it even though I had always hated being naked. As I followed Clint to his door I began to realize that I was butt naked for the entire neighborhood to see, and I didn’t care. Once inside Clint showed me to the couch and put a pipe and lighter in my hand. “You’ve smoked weed before right” he asked and I nodded in response “ good it’s kinda like that breath out fill your lungs with the smoke then hold it, now finish that pipe while I go get some things ready.” As I began smoking the mystery drug I felt a rush of energy and a burning sensation through my body. I began to rub my cock after I finished the pipe but as I got close to cuming I felt a hard kick in my side and fell the the ground. “Your never touching that tiny fag cock again boy!” Clint screamed as he grabbed me by the hair “you’re my faggot now, I’ve spent over a year making you into the perfect muscle cuck for me and you’re gonna do what I fucking say” he screamed as he locked a small chain around my neck He then put something over my cock and locked it “there now you won’t be tempted into thinking you’re a man” “Now before your mind is totally gone im going to ask you something and if you say no you can leave right now ok” I nodded as I rubbed up against his leg loving the pressure on my locked cock. “ I have hiv and if I fuck you your going to get it too, once I cum in you your mine for the rest of your life not just in the sense of carrying my disease, but I will actually own you, you’ll spend the rest of your life kept high and full of my cum never making another decision again. “Do you want that boy” “Yes sir please I need you to use my ass again I need it please please please I’ll be your slave and let you do whatever you want I just need my hole filled now” “Atta boy” Clint said
    2 points
  40. I really get off on fucking my boy, Drew’s pre-seeded hole. We regularly group fuck with our mates and I always go up him last. There’s something primal, animal about fucking his loaded arse. The fuck I enjoy the most is when I get my buddy, Steve over to fuck him. He puts Drew on his belly, mounts him and fucks him. He makes direct eye contact with me as he’s fucking and says something like “mate, I’m pumping a fucking massive load up your boy's arse” He pulls out and tells me “go on mate, shove your cock up your lad’s arse, enjoy my sperm lubing his hole” I then mount Drew and fuck my load up his hole while Steve watches. Man it feels so horny - I gotta get Steve over tonight - I need Drew’s seeded hole on my cock.
    2 points
  41. 'What are you doing? Are you fuckin' crazy? This will seal it!' My brain was ringing all alarm bells, but I didn’t listen. He was sexy, witty, and he wanted to fuck me hard. How could any reasonable individual say no to him? So I followed him to his apartment. It was actually a bit of a ride: we road the subway for twenty minutes during which I had mixed feelings as I nervously asked myself 'What was going to happen? Who was I following home?' but he just smiled and we chatted as I discretely tried to take a look at his package. I wasn’t sure whether he was hard or not, but the bulge was certainly promising. Little did I know. From time to time he would touch my hand, my chest or my ass. It looked like we were two twinks from one of the American porn studios rather than two strangers which were about to share the same strain of HIV. When we arrived at his apartment, I wasn't surprised to find it was nice and so fucking twinky, al la an American porn video. There was even a 1D poster on the door. We kissed and made out as we slowly and intimately helped each other out of his clothing. He made it a point to taste every part of my body and I returned the favor. Then I felt it. Oh my God! It was huge! I stopped and stared as he widely grinned and dropped his underwear. I had never seen a cock like this before. How he had any blood left in his body I didn't know. This definitely could turn any chocolate obsessed bottoms if you catch my drift. I tried sucking it, but I couldn’t open my mouth wide enough. And above this monster was a scorpion tattoo. How telling. We kissed further and then he reached over under his bed and gave me a little bottle. “You will need this. Use it as much as you like. Take a deep whiff.” With that he positioned me onto my back. I inhaled and the familiar sensation of flying began, but my ascent was interrupted when he smeared some spit on his cock, lined-up with my hole, and silenced me by securing my mouth with his palm. I looked at him. He returned my gaze, and in so doing, rammed his cock all the way into. It ripped everything in me apart. I shrieked in pain. It felt like the whole muscle ripped. Barely able to breath, I inhaled as much of the poppers as I was able. They provided provided some relief but not much. I looked at him in absolute horror, trying to understand what just happened. He pulled out, smiled, leaned over and kissed me, murmuring "Don’t worry, it’s all over now. I'll use lube. We are going to make love and when I cum, my toxic babies will swim straight to your heart. So you will never forget me.” We kissed more. He took the lube, massaged my hole and his cock and slowly pushed himself back in. I still struggled, but the poppers and the training I had received within the past few days helped me enjoy the intensity of the fuck. His cock pushed his way back in. “Are you ready to join the club little boy?” “Fuck yeah, give me your babies.” He smiled, looked me straight in the eyes and accelerated his pace, clearly getting closer and closer. To this day I love watching the top cum. So hot. And especially that moment was unique. As he blew his load into my ass he all-but yelled. “TAAAAAKEEE THEEEEMMMM!!!! AAAAAAHHH!” I had never felt a cock cumming in me, and have never after that night. But that experience was amazing. I felt the dick pulsating and shooting in me. Load after load after load after load. He didn’t seem to stop, but eventually, when he was done, he collapsed and smirked. “Welcum to the club my friend. Better put on some pants before you leak on my bed.” With that, he pulled out, turned around and walked towards the bathroom. On his way, he stopped in front of poster which was hung next to a wall calendar. He put an X on today’s date and another on his poster, and then he disappeared into the bathroom. While I dressed a took a look at the poster and calendar. The X he had made was on the day's date, which was the 8th, and the poster had 24 crosses before me, so I was number 25. I heard the shower going, so I got the drift, put on my shirt and left. Only then did I realise that I still hadn’t cum. On my way back to the hotel, I looked at the skyline and couldn’t decide whether I ended up in heaven or in hell....
    2 points
  42. The city lights shone bright around them, the noise of traffic drifting up from the streets, and the wind swirled across the rooftop. “What do you sense?” asked the younger man. “Peril” growled the older one. “It’s strong.” “Where?” said his apprentice. “I…I don’t know, but it feels close.” They looked out across the city in silence, the younger man allowing his master to focus. “He’s blocking me” the older man said. “The Doctor?” asked his apprentice. “Yes” said his caped master. “Which means…oh no!” The man swirled round and jammed his rod into the ground. “What?!” asked his apprentice. “What does it mean?” “The frat house” growled the older man, before bending his knees, looking up into the sky, and shooting upwards towards the stars and swirling away in the direction of the campus. “Oh fuck” said the younger man, racing towards the door of the roof. —— “I dunno man” said Chad. “I thought we weren’t supposed to take anything.” “It’s just one little pill” said Mike. “What harm can it do?” “I suppose” said Chad. “But what if they find out?” “How will they know?” asked Mike, smirking. Chad shrugged, and studied the tablet in his hand. He then reached for the bottle of water Mike and given him, unscrewed the lid, and went to place the pill in his mouth. At that moment the bedroom window blew in, and Chad recoiled under the barrage of wood and glass. As the dust settled, he looked up to see the caped pozsader himself, Virus. “Where is he?!” Virus demanded of the cowering pledge. “Who?” Chad meekly responded. “The one who gave you that pill.” “He…” Chad began, before realising there was no sign of Mike. “He was just here.” “What did he look like?” demanded the superhero. “He, er, was tall and blond with curly hair” Chad said. “Damn” said Virus. “Wh…wh…what?” asked the hunky pledge. “Never you mind” sighed the superhero. “Just a nemesis up to his old tricks again.” At that moment the door burst open, and four of the senior frat members rushed into the room. “Holy fuck man!” said one of them, looking around the room. “What are you doing here Vi?” asked one of the others. “Gents” said Virus, giving them a nod. “You had a visit from Dr Prep it seems. Was trying to entice this one.” The four frat members darted their heads towards Chad, glaring at him. “What gives man?” said the first one. “I’m sorry…” said Chad, wringing his hands together. “He said I would have a better time if I took it.” “Men” said the superhero, “don’t blame him. The Doctor has found a way to disguise himself again. This boy had no way of knowing.” “Still…” said the second one, still glaring at Chad. “Thank fuck you got here in time.” “Indeed” said the hero. “But I would suggest you get on with the task in hand, and keep your wits about you.” “Yes sir!” the four frat members said in unison, before grappling Chad off the floor and hauling him out of the room. The superhero walked over to the obliterated window and looked out, surveying the quiet campus street where Rho-Omicron-Zeta’s sprawling frat house was located. He knew that somewhere out there Dr Prep was planning his next move, working on his next dastardly plan, plotting and scheming to re-make the world to his liking. Somehow, somewhere, Virus had to stop him, once and for all. He lifted his arm up to his mouth and pressed a hidden button. “Gift, stand down” he said. “He got away.” “Roger” replied his apprentice. “Did you get there in time?” “I did, but someday I might not” he said, with a sigh. “Meet you back at the house.” He lowered his arm and then began to climb onto the shattered window frame. As he did, he heard the unmistakable sounds of the conversion starting next door, and felt a surge of power run through him as Chad began his ascension to The HIVe. Despite his nemesis having got away, Virus could not help but smile. —— From the deck of his boat way out in the harbour, Dr Prep watched the unmistakable silhouette of the city’s unsung superhero shooting across the sky. “I got so close this time” he growled. “But one day I’ll do it, and your destruction will begin. Just you wait Virus, just you wait…” Stay tuned for the next chapter…
    1 point
  43. Sounds perfect to me
    1 point
  44. Usually, yes, I feel the spurts, and I definitely feel the jizzjoy as it soaks in. Completely anecdotal, but of the guys I've known were poz the jizzjoy was more intense. Not sure if it's the placebo of knowing, or if the poz nature of the cum amps up the sensations. Either way, I'm not complaining.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. sounds like a Fucking hot Pig's place, must be super horny if you get fucked with that smell in a toilet like that. would fit well with my Pig gear
    1 point
  47. It was a neighbor boy. I was 12, he was 17. He was very careful and skillful. We were sf for 4 years.
    1 point
  48. If you can get the top to squirt part of his load directly on your prostate, it is a truly amazing feeling. The 2nd guy to ever fuck me did it on accident the 1st time, he was versatile he and I both quickly learned to do it to each other after that.
    1 point
  49. Normally if they insist on fucking safe I can usually convince them to at least finish in my mouth
    1 point
  50. Even though my ass is the part of my body that gives me the most fun I do like my cock.
    1 point
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