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  1. IV. Fever Pitch The rhythm of life in the Chapter House continued in the days after the Conversion Ritual. Lives and loves were celebrated, laughter and the union of the flesh continued to strengthen the manly bonds of the community. An energy and excitement filled the air, as it always does in the sacred season of a Conversion. Rumors circulated that visits of the Dark One were more frequent in these days. None dared speak of them, but the chosen ones betrayed their secrets in their morning countenances of beatific, demonic bliss. In this mystical, magical time, the passions He bestowed on the men selected to submit to His desires were more exquisite, the pleasures they experienced more searingly, beautifully painful, than before. The Brothers had given their spirits entirely to their Lord and Master. He held those trembling and vulnerable souls, literally, in His massive and clawed hand, and, if it can be said, stroked and stimulated them to a climax of celestial – nay, infernal – passion. The explosion of secret joy, in the silent darkness where He takes His subjects, can only be called an orgasm of the soul. A good two weeks after the Ritual, news of infinite joy spread through the Chapter. The Initiate had woken in fiery, delirious fever, an angry rash spreading across his torso. The Fuck Flu: a unique and one-time experience in a young man’s life, of more significance even than a boy’s first ejaculation. This was a time to celebrate -- for the sickness meant that the lad, though he would walk through a searing fire in the days ahead, was making his final transition to glorious Manhood. A Brother Medic was assigned to attend the young man’s bedside at all times, wiping his burning brow with a cool cloth and tenderly raising his head to give him sips of fluid containing electrolytes (stirred in with a load of cum that had been donated earlier, with a wry smile, by a Brother known as a prankster). All the Brothers knew full well what their new comrade was experiencing, for they had gone through the same in their day. Along with compassion, they were filled with pride – and not a little jealousy, fondly wishing they could relive that age of excruciating growth and new discovery. The Initiate murmured incoherently as he thrashed about in his sweat-soaked bed. Fading in and out of consciousness, he was vaguely aware of having been taken on a journey that night – a dreamlike odyssey that bewildered his young mind. For the night had brought a moment that comes only once in a youthful Brother’s life: his first time chosen by the Dark One to be inseminated, taken to the darkest depths of pure pleasure -- a pleasure tinged with the realization that he had given his immortal soul, of his own free will, in exchange for an eternity of sexual ecstasy. His spiritual virginity had been taken from him. A searing pain in the Initiate’s entrails brought forth vague, flickering memories of a gargantuan phallus, a hooded obelisk of hard, dark, scaly flesh, wrapped in veins like thick jungle vines. Out of the darkness eyes of fire, impossible to gaze at directly, had bored into him. Invisible, powerful limbs had muscled his vulnerable body into position so that the massive pillar could penetrate him to his most intimate depths -- quite simply, fucking his soul. As a river of boiling ejaculate flooded into him, his temperature began to soar almost immediately. Youth and health were sucked out of him in an instant, leaving him drained and deathly ill. For in this moment, the Dark Father was bestowing a satanic sickness on his newest Son. While the medical profession diagnoses such a fever as the biological process of seroconversion, for us it is a mystical event, like the transubstantiation that is at the heart of the Christian Holy Communion. The transition of a man’s body through Conversion is the most hallowed miracle of our Religion, to which we bow down in reverent worship. Desperate antibodies deluged the Initiate’s tortured body as his immune cells made their final, pathetic fight against the overwhelming invader. They were doomed to fail, but while they made their impotent last stand, the body was inflamed with a deathly illness like nothing the young man had ever experienced. Two days into his fever, a doctor was summoned to his bedside – one of several prominent physicians who were secret Brothers. (The man was, in fact, the dean of the medical school at the local university -- a campus well known to the Brothers, for it was prime hunting grounds, full of bright-eyed and innocent undergraduates, their raging hormones and youthful, unexposed blood a tempting invitation). The doctor gave a fatherly smile as he examined the Initiate. His temperature – 103 degrees Fahrenheit – was in line with that typically bestowed by the family strain. The pounding headache was likely to subside within another two or three days; the rash would fade in a week or so. The Transformation was proceeding in a normal, healthy fashion. (To be continued)
    10 points
  2. Just got back from the hotel near my work and fucked by a hot discreet construction worker. My favorite way to spend on lunchtime- to suck and get fucked by anon cock. This guy hit me off on Grindr saying he just got off from work shift, as I can tell from his paint and dirt-stained outfit. I was waiting in the cruising bathroom, until he came in to my stall. He has a fit body and a nice 7 inches cock with big head. Slightly musky and sweaty cock smell. I spent a couple minutes sucking him, deep throating till his cock got sloppy and wet. Then he asked to fuck my hole, I don’t usually get fucked during lunchtime, but I couldn’t say no to his cock. Some spit and it hurt a bit entering, I relaxed my hole, then he got it all the way in. He was so excited and keep pounding it as quiet as possible. 2 minutes later, he asked if he can cum inside. When he came, he growled a bit. I got his babies secured in my pussy. put a sanitary pad for my bum just in case it leaks lol.
    6 points
  3. Patient 3: Ed If there was one thing Ed hated, it was hospitals. He’d had tuberculosis as a kid, which caused his parents to ship him off to the Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium for almost a year. He was only five years old, forced to spend the year away from family and friends while surrounded by the sick and the dying. It was a miracle that he’d been able to survive at all, and once he returned home, he swore he’d never set foot in another hospital again. His time away made him feel like a stranger in his own family. Of course, this was only made worse by the realization that he liked boys a hell of a lot more than girls. At least he had the sense to keep that bit to himself. Aside from some careful experimentation with some of the boys at his prep school, he played his part perfectly–dating girls, sleeping around, and, in the case of his wife Helen, getting married. Like him, Helen came from a wealthy New York family. They met while Ed was studying for his law degree at Columbia University and got married immediately after graduation. He’d done the respectable thing, marrying and popping out a couple of kids before the age of 30. But his real life lay just beneath the surface, like the seedy underbelly of the city. The regular visits to the bathhouse to blow off some steam after work. The boys trips to the Adirondacks for a week of naked fun. The secret apartment on the Upper West Side where he took his conquests when he wanted a little bit of privacy. Helen didn’t know anything about all that, of course. To her, he was the perfect husband–a lawyer, father, and for the last seven years, a congressman representing Manhattan’s East Side. But now Helen was sick, hospitalized with some sort of ailment that meant that Ed had to break his 50-year vow and step foot into the one place he swore he’d never go. “You sure you don’t want me to call the kids?” he asked as she lay shivering in the hospital bed. “Maybe Susan can come and be with you.” She pursed her lips. “For heaven’s sake, Ed. I need you. Man up!” He bristled. She had some nerve asking him to come here and then insulting his manhood. There was a knock at the door. A doctor stood in the doorway with a pen and a clipboard. “Helen Green?” Ed’s wife sat up in bed, using tremendous effort to do so. “Do you know what’s wrong with me? What did the tests show?” The doctor put his pen behind his ear and frowned. “Your white blood cell count is high. Now, this is usually a sign that your body is fighting off some kind of infection. Unfortunately, we can’t determine what that infection is. You’ve tested negative for tuberculosis, your lungs are fine, we’ve ruled out allergies…” “Surely there are other tests you can run,” said Ed. “We certainly pay you people enough.” The doctor cleared his throat. “We’ve been seeing some cases with similar symptoms to yours in the last couple of years. Now, you’re not the usual demographic for this sort of thing, but I have to ask… do you think there’s any chance you might have come into contact with someone suffering from AIDS?” Ed’s face went red with anger. “Are you kidding? You think my wife has AIDS? What the hell kind of doctor are you, accusing her of such a thing!” Helen put her hand on Ed’s. “Honey, please calm down.” The doctor raised his hands. “I’m not trying to insinuate anything. We’re still not entirely sure how this thing spreads. It’s possible you could have caught it in passing–sharing a drink with someone who was infected, or-” “Absolutely not,” said Ed. “Hold on a minute,” said Helen. “I don’t even know what we’re talking about here. AIDS, did you say? What even is that?” The doctor raised his eyebrows. “You haven’t heard of AIDS?” She laughed in disbelief. “Well, I’m not a medical expert. Why would I know about all the various diseases out there?” “AIDS is a virus that attacks the immune system,” explained the doctor. “We’ve seen it mostly in intravenous drug users and… homosexuals.” Ed’s face went white. He could feel Helen’s eyes turn towards him. “That’s it,” he said firmly. “First you accuse my wife of having AIDS, now you accuse her of using drugs. I want you out of here and I want a different doctor working on her case.” “But-” “Now!” The doctor sighed, then left the room. Ed turned to Helen, his face flush with anger. “Can you believe him? Accusing you of-” “What is he talking about?” Her voice was quiet but serious. “Hm? What did he mean it attacks the immune system?” “It doesn’t matter because you don’t have it.” “But Ed-” “It’s probably Lyme disease! Remember that tick bite you had in the Hamptons a few years ago? You’ve probably been sick this whole time and the doctors just missed it.” “Ed-” “Tell them to test for Lyme disease. I’m going home.” He grabbed his coat. “I’ll call Susan and tell her to come visit you as soon as possible.” “I don’t want to bother-” “She’s our daughter. She’ll do what I tell her to.” Ed left in a hurry, his head pounding. The nerve of that fucking doctor. He should have known better than to make such baseless accusations against a US congressman. Ed would have his medical license, he’d make sure of it. He left his daughter a voicemail when he got home, telling her to get to the hospital as soon as possible to take care of her mother. Then he took a shower and went to bed, hoping to put this mess behind him for good. He awoke early in the morning covered in sweat, his body aching considerably. This had been happening more and more lately, probably due to stress. After all, it wasn’t easy representing the American people on a daily basis. First thing Monday morning he would have to be back in his New York office, hard at work drafting a new piece of legislation to repeal environmental protections. Then he was due back in DC the week after to present the bill to committee. Tonight, however, was a special treat. One Saturday night each month, Ed and a small group of influential power brokers would meet at a different location for a bit of revelry and fun. They always got the call at noon the day of, telling them where and when to be. They took turns arranging the entertainment for the night, finding various boys at the baths who wanted a bit of cash in exchange for a night of being used by New York’s finest. Just another perk of being the nation’s servant. Then noon came and went without a phone call. Concerned, he considered phoning his friend Bill and asking for the cause of the delay, but he didn’t want to appear desperate. Appearances still mattered, even for occasions such as these. But by 5 o’clock, he began to get worried. He needed to release some tension now more than ever. He couldn’t risk missing out on the night’s event just because someone forgot to phone him. So he dialed Bill’s private line and waited for a response. He could hear the sound of the phone getting picked up, then silence. “Hello? Bill, are you there?” He heard a sigh. “Tell me it isn’t true, Ed.” Ed’s blood ran cold. “What are you talking about? What have you heard?” “You know the rules. We decided as a group when this whole thing began. If any one of us got sick, we’d be out. No exceptions.” “I don’t know what you heard, but you’re wrong. I’m not sick. I’m not!” “Then why does Helen have AIDS?” Ed scoffed. “Who told you that? The doctor? He doesn’t know what he’s talking about! She’s got Lyme disease, I’m telling you-” “Helen called me herself. She got the test back this morning. It’s AIDS, Ed. And if she has it, you have it.” “You son of a bitch. I’m telling you, she’s wrong. I don’t have AIDS!” “Goodbye, Ed.” “Wait!” Ed gripped the phone tightly. “You can’t kick me out. I know too much.” “Oh, Ed.” Bill laughed. “You know that won’t work. We got your collateral, remember? To prevent exactly this kind of thing.” Ed cursed himself. Of course, that photo with the young man from Rochester. He’d even posed for it willingly, certain it was all just a lark. They’d never actually have to use it. What a fool he’d been. “Oh, and if you know what’s good for you, you might want to consider resigning.” He scoffed. “Excuse me?” “Think about what’s best for the country, Ed. No one wants a congressman with AIDS.” The sound of the dial tone filled his ears. He hung up the phone, his face slack with shock. How could this be happening to him? He didn’t have AIDS–he couldn’t have it. There had to be some kind of mistake. He picked up the phone and dialed the hospital. He needed to sort this mess out with Helen before it went any further. “Mount Sinai, how can I help you?” “I need to talk to my wife, Helen Green. She’s in room 815.” “One moment.” He waited with bated breath. Then he heard his daughter’s voice. “She doesn’t wanna talk to you, Dad.” “Put your mother on the phone, Susan. Now.” “Dad, no. She needs to rest-” “Dammit, Susan! I am your father, you will obey me!” Susan scoffed. “Are you kidding me? After what you did to her, you’re trying to hold onto the moral high ground?” “I didn’t do anything-” “They tested her for AIDS, Dad. She’s positive. You made her sick with your perversion!” “I did no such thing!” he yelled. “If your mother has AIDS, it’s because she cheated on me! I’m the victim here!” Susan laughed wryly. “Okay, Dad. Keep telling yourself that.” “Susan, wait–please, let me speak to her.” “Dad… I’m only telling you this because I love you. This thing is serious. Mom’s really sick. You need to get tested.” “I’m fine,” he said angrily. “I don’t need anything at all because I don’t have AIDS.” “Goodbye, Dad.” He sat down in shock. First his wife, then Bill, now his daughter? Had everyone betrayed him? After everything he did for them? The secrets he kept for Bill. The life he’d given his wife and daughter, all of the money and the fancy vacations. Now they wanted to drop him, just like that. Well, fuck them. He wouldn’t go without a fight. He pulled out his Rolodex and started calling his contacts in the group. He was going to find out where tonight’s meeting was one way or another. Each number he dialed went straight to voicemail. He knew better than to leave a message, so he simply told them to call him back and reached for the next number on his list. By the time he cycled through all the numbers without a single response, he began to get angry. “If they won’t answer me, I’ll just find a boy myself.” He pulled out the number for that hot Latin boy he’d met at the baths last summer. Dario had been an awesome lay, and even introduced Ed to the pleasure of bottoming, something he hadn’t allowed himself to experience since the notion had always been an affront to his manhood. But even he didn’t answer the phone. Ed slammed the phone down in rage. Not for the first time, he lamented that the baths had been shut down the previous October. He’d taken for granted how easy it had been to get a nut off whenever he wanted. Cruising was so much effort, especially when you were trying to remain discreet. You couldn’t risk a friend or colleague seeing you following some guy on the street into his apartment building for an early afternoon lay. The West Side piers were his last resort. He didn’t like paying for sex, and he certainly didn’t want to catch the kinds of things those guys might be carrying, but sometimes you did what you had to do. He drove down to the piers just after ten, cruising slowly by as he perused the selection. Tonight looked like a particularly rough crowd, mostly junkies and a few ragged-looking ones that were most certainly not Ed’s type. He liked the smooth, innocent boys, like the painting of Saint Sebastian that he used to stare at in Catholic school. A guy who was missing at least four teeth banged on his window. “What are you looking for?” he slurred. He grinned. “Want me to make your dreams come true?” Ed hit the gas and sped away. No way in hell would he stoop this low. He would have to find another way. But the next day, his horniness was starting to drive him wild. He needed to get laid and he needed it now. He even tried cruising, though he was so out of practice he was certain he’d scared several young men into thinking they were being stalked. He gave up and spent the rest of the afternoon at home, feeling sorry for himself. He decided to give the piers one more try, arriving at sunset this time in the hopes that maybe the earlier crowd would be more palatable. But it was the same as yesterday–a group of freaks and vagrants, no one Ed would dare to stick his cock in even with how horny he was feeling. He was just about to give up and head home for the night when he saw him. A curly-haired boy sat on the curb, shivering in a sheepskin jean jacket. He looked to be about 18 or 19, strangely out of place among the more seasoned crowd. Ed pulled up beside him and rolled down the window. “Hey,” he said smoothly. But before he could say anything else, the boy’s eyes grew wide and he began hurrying away. Ed drove after him. “What the hell, man? I’m just talking to you.” The young man shook his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this. This was a mistake.” “Hold on a minute.” The boy stopped and looked warily at him. Ed put the car in park and opened the side door. “Come on. You look cold, get in.” The young man’s eyes began to well with tears. “I shouldn’t.” “It’s okay, sweetie. I’m not gonna hurt you. All I wanna do is talk.” He pulled out a $20 bill. “Here, I’ll even pay you for your time. You don’t have to do anything but talk. Okay?” The boy nodded. He took the $20 and walked around the car, climbing in the passenger seat beside Ed. “Let me find us someplace private we can chat,” said Ed. He turned the corner and drove a couple of blocks before parking in an alleyway. “What’s your name?” The young man didn’t answer. He was practically shaking in his seat. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, son. Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?” The boy was absolutely beautiful, with pale skin and big doe eyes. Ed couldn’t help but put his hand on the boy’s leg, softly rubbing him. “I thought I could do it,” said the boy. “You know… but I chickened out.” He buried his head in his hands. “I just didn’t know what else to do. I only just moved here a few months ago-” “You an actor?” asked Ed. He looked up and nodded. “I thought so. You’ve got a face for it.” He brushed the boy’s chin with his thumb. The boy blushed. “But then I ran out of money, and when I got kicked out of my apartment, I… I didn’t know what else to do.” His eyes started to well up with tears again. “Aww, it’s okay, baby.” Ed put his arm around the boy and held him to his chest. “Don’t cry. You’re too pretty to cry.” He put his nose in the boy’s hair, breathing in his scent. God, this kid was an angel. “I can’t go home,” the boy said with a sniffle. “My parents kicked me out when they found out I was gay. I’d finished high school, so I figured a big city would be the best place to go… but I just don’t know what to do.” “Hey,” said Ed. “I don’t want you to worry about a thing. You hear me?” He wiped away the young man’s tears. “I’ve got a place you can stay for the night.” “You don’t have to do that-” “It’s nothing. A little one-bedroom on the Upper West Side. I keep it for boys like you who, uh, need a little bit of help now and again.” The young man’s eyes went wide. “Really? You would do that for me?” Ed smiled. “For those eyes? I’d do anything.” The boy blushed. “It’s Dylan. My name.” Ed brought the boy’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “Nice to meet you, Dylan. I’m Ed.” He drove Dylan to his apartment, parking in his reserved spot in the indoor parking garage. Truth be told, it wasn’t so much an apartment where he hosted young men in need as it was a place he could fuck his conquests without interruption. It was a modest little apartment, but he’d gone all out in a lush, king-sized bed. After all, you gotta spend money where you need it. “Let me take that.” He grabbed Dylan’s jacket and hung it on a hook beside the door. “Make yourself comfortable. You want something to drink?” “Maybe a coke?” Ed grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and poured it over a glass of ice. He added a little rum and handed it to Dylan. Dylan took a sip, then coughed. “Thought you’d like it a little strong,” Ed said with a wink. “You’re 18, right?” Dylan nodded. “Why are you being so nice to me?” He sat on the couch, setting the drink down on the coffee table in front of him. Ed sat next to him. “Well, I suppose I can’t help it. When I see a boy like you in need, it makes my heart hurt.” He put his arm around him, pulling the boy in just a little bit closer. Dylan smiled, then took another sip of his drink. “This place is so nice. I can’t imagine living somewhere like this.” “This is what you get when you work hard for a living. I’m sure you’ll live someplace just as nice when you become a famous actor.” Dylan giggled. “I don’t know about all that.” “Aw, come on. I could tell right away how talented you are. How handsome…” He put his hand on Dylan’s leg again, rubbing the inside of his thigh. Dylan looked up at him, those wide doe eyes full of innocence. “You’re really handsome, too.” Ed softly rubbed the boy’s cheek. “What I wouldn’t give to be with a guy like you. That’s why I talked to you down at the pier. I’d never done anything like that before, hire someone for sex. But I saw you when I was driving by and… I don’t know… it was like something came over me.” Dylan gulped. He was breathing heavily, his lip shaking. “You really think I’m handsome?” Ed put his thumb on Dylan’s lip and pulled it open slightly. “Baby, you’re the sweetest thing I think I’ve ever seen.” He kissed Dylan softly, careful to take his time with the boy. He wouldn’t be surprised if the kid was a virgin, he seemed so nervous. But he’d deflowered plenty of virgins in his day, so he knew just how to handle him. Don’t come on too strong, take things slow, and make sure to use plenty of lube. If everything went right, he’d have Dylan eating out of the palm of his hand. He kissed Dylan on the neck, holding the back of the boy’s head as he climbed on top of him. “Oh, Daddy,” moaned Dylan. He pulled Dylan’s shirt over his head, revealing his soft white skin and light pink nipples. His skin was completely unblemished, a perfectly pure canvas, purer than Saint Sebastian. He took one of Dylan’s nipples into his mouth, licking and sucking it hungrily as the boy moaned beneath him. His hands fiddled with the button of Dylan’s jeans, eager to release the boy’s stiffening rod underneath. He pulled off the boy’s jeans, revealing the young man’s hardness poking through a pair of light blue briefs. He buried his face in Dylan’s dick, rubbing his nose against it and inhaling the man scent that he loved so very much. He could feel Dylan’s hands in his hair as he pulled the boy’s briefs down to expose his rigid cock. It was beautiful and leaking, about 5” long, and buried under a soft patch of light brown pubic hair. “Oh, baby,” said Ed. He licked the underside of Dylan’s cock, making the boy moan. Then he enveloped it in his mouth, taking the entire thing down to the root. Dylan let out a small cry, his hands kneading Ed’s hair as the pleasure overwhelmed him. There was nothing Ed loved more than driving a boy wild with his tongue before opening him up with his big fat cock. He pulled Dylan’s briefs off all the way, then lifted his legs to gain access to the smooth, hairless hole underneath. He lovingly lapped the outside of the boy’s hole with his tongue, making him whimper. Then he spread his cheeks and dove in tongue first, readying his hole for the taking. “Daddy, that feels so good,” moaned Dylan. Ed took his time eating him out, wanting the boy as eager as possible to get fucked. When his hole felt nice and loose, Ed stood and held out his hand. “Come to bed with me, baby.” Dylan took his hand, following him shyly to the bedroom. Ed picked him up, kissing him softly as he carried him to the bed. He set him down gently, then unbuckled his belt as Dylan watched in anticipation. He pulled off his pants and underwear, causing Dylan to gasp at the sight of his thick, turgid cock. Ed climbed on the bed and kissed Dylan on the neck. “I know baby, I know.” He reached into the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube, lathering up his cock. Then he poured some on his fingers and slipped them into Dylan’s hole, making the boy whimper once more. “Should–shouldn’t we use a condom?” asked Dylan. He was looking up at Ed nervously. Ed shook his head. “No, baby. You don’t have anything to worry about. I would never hurt you.” He smiled at him, his fingers still working open the boy’s hole. Dylan nodded. He spread his legs, revealing that sweet, smooth hole. “Okay,” he said timidly. Ed climbed on top of him, kissing him softly as he lifted the boy’s legs back. Then he grabbed his cock, aimed it at the promised land, and began to push. “Ugh… it hurts,” whined Dylan. “Shhh…” said Ed. “You can do this. Be strong for Daddy, okay? I promise it’ll feel good.” He pushed in a little bit further, slipping the head of his cock inside Dylan’s tight hole. He could feel a pop as the head lodged itself inside. Then he slowly pushed forward, feeling every inch of the boy’s guts as he penetrated him. “Oh god… it’s so big,” said Dylan. “Go slow, okay?” “You’re doing so good, baby. Just a little further.” He pushed his cock even farther before he hit a wall. He was still only about two-thirds of the way in. “Go ahead and lean back for me baby,” Ed said as he took Dylan’s legs in his hands. “I just need to get a little deeper.” He pushed Dylan’s legs back until the boy’s ass was slightly off the bed. Then he slid in deeper, sliding past Dylan’s second ring and into his colon. “Oof… oh god, it’s so deep.” Dylan’s lip trembled. “Are you… are you all the way in?” Ed nodded. “I’m all the way in, baby. Now let Daddy fuck you, okay?” He began to slowly saw into Dylan, pumping in and out of that sweet boy’s rectum. The kid’s hole was tight as a drum, so tight that Ed was convinced he had to be a virgin. How lucky was he, finding an angel like this just begging for a Daddy to take care of him? With an ass like this at his disposal, Ed was more than happy to give the boy whatever he wanted. “Oof.. ugh… oh Ed, that feels so good…” Dylan had his fingers pressed against Ed’s chest, tracing through his chest hair. Ed leaned down and kissed him, tasting his sweet tongue as he defiled his insides. He was leaking so much precum into the boy that his cock was gliding freely now. He was sweating profusely, his skin burning like it was on fire. Must be from lust, of course. “Baby… Daddy’s gonna cum now, okay?” Ed kissed Dylan on the cheek, then held him close as he unloaded inside the boy’s sweet hole. He had always been a big cummer, and now was no exception. He could feel his cum spilling out around his cock as the boy’s rectum struggled to contain all the love he had to give. “Oh… oh wow…” moaned Dylan. His eyelashes were fluttering in such a cute way. Ed leaned down and kissed him gently on his eyelids, then pulled out and laid beside him, spent. It was nice feeling the boy cuddle up to him, resting his head on Ed’s hairy chest. Moments like these were rare for Ed–he usually had to make way for the next guy at the sex party to use whoever was the night’s entertainment. But this time he held Dylan close, breathing in the boy’s scent and softly stroking his skin as his cock deflated. He awoke hours later, drenched in sweat. For a moment, he thought he was with Helen, but then he felt Dylan’s soft breathing against his chest. His hard cock was still nestled in between Dylan’s soft ass cheeks. Strangely, he realized he’d never actually spent the night here before. Usually, he had to be back before his wife got suspicious. Now that the bitch had betrayed him, he could stay as long as he liked. His skin was on fire, so he leaned over and turned the AC on full blast. Then he kissed Dylan’s neck, making the boy moan in his sleep. He reached down and pulled open his cheeks, slipping easily inside him. It took the boy a few seconds of being fucked to wake up, but by then Ed was deep inside him and ready to plant his seed once more. He lay there like an angel and let Ed use him, murmuring “Daddy” every few seconds as Ed stroked his cute little cock. By the time he filled him again, he could feel the young man’s seed dribbling through his fingers. Ed must have fallen back asleep again, because the next thing he knew the sunlight was streaming in through the windows and Dylan was blowing him under the covers. He slipped the blanket off the boy’s head to reveal his curly brown hair bobbing up and down. “Good morning, baby.” Dylan popped Ed’s cock out of his pretty pink lips and smiled. “Good morning. I just wanted to thank you again for letting me stay here.” Ed pulled him in for a kiss. “You can stay here as long as you like, lover.” And thus commenced the third load that Ed planted inside of his new sweetheart. By the time he left the apartment that morning, kissing his paramour goodbye with promises to swing by again later, he was practically smitten. Ed wasn’t the type to grow attached so quickly. But with the trauma of being unfairly kicked out of the sex club and having nowhere else to turn for release, he felt like karma was finally rewarding him. The enchantment proved short-lived when he arrived at his office to find his staff in the middle of packing everything up. “What the hell is going on here?” he asked angrily. His staff looked bewildered to see him. Ron, his chief of staff, cleared his throat and asked, “Uh, sir… what are you doing here?” “What do you mean, what am I doing here? It’s my office, isn’t it?” Ron exchanged a glance with Ed’s secretary. “Uh… I mean, it was, sir. Before you resigned.” His nostrils began to flare. “What on God’s green Earth are you talking about?” “Bill called,” explained Ron. “He told us about Helen, how she was sick… I’m so sorry about that, sir. He- he said that you were resigning so you could take care of her, that you were staying home today to draft your letter of resignation, and that we should pack up your office while you were gone. Is that… not true, sir?” He ground his teeth. So, this was how they were playing it, was it? Trying to edge him out of a job and the club all in one go. Well, they couldn’t get rid of him that easily. “I want you to take those boxes right now and-” He was interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing on his desk. His secretary answered it, then held it out to him. “It’s for you, sir.” He grabbed the phone from her. “Hello?” he said gruffly. “The only thing you should be doing in that office is turning in your letter of resignation.” His heart skipped a beat. “Bill? What the hell is this?” He turned away from his staff and cupped the phone against his mouth. “Are you having me followed?” “We wanted to make sure you didn’t do anything foolish. Seems like we were right to be worried.” “I don’t know what you think I’m-” “I want you to listen very carefully to me.” Bill’s voice was calm, but chilling. “You are going to hang up the phone. You are going to sit down at your desk and fill out a letter of resignation, which you will then fax to Speaker O’Neill. You will not disobey or your collateral will be released. You will not breathe a word about our organization or your collateral will be released. Do you understand?” “But you-” “Do you understand, Ed?” His blood was boiling. He wanted to scream, but that would ruin the only thing he had left: his dignity. “Yes.” “Great. My best to Helen.” He set down the phone and looked at his staff, who were all staring at him warily. He was sweating profusely, his skin feverish. He wiped his brow. “Right, well, clearly you’ve all heard about my wife. Very sad… advanced Lyme disease, you know. Have to do what’s best for my family.” “Of course,” said Ron. “Why don’t you go ahead and draft that letter of resignation for me? I should head to the hospital. Check on her.” “All right,” said Ron. “Do you want me to-” “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Ed was already on his way out the door. He walked back to his car, the blood pumping in his ears. He couldn’t believe how much he’d lost in just a few short hours. Of course, it wasn’t like he needed the congressional salary. Thank God for being independently wealthy. And he had done good work in Congress, successfully cutting taxes for the wealthy and eliminating wasteful spending on food stamps and childcare subsidies. But the principle of the thing was appalling. He didn’t have AIDS, dammit! He couldn’t. He had only bottomed that one time. Well, okay, a few times… but only with Dario. And Dario wasn’t sick. So how could he be sick? Helen cheating on him was the only explanation. She’d tried to ruin his life to cover her own guilt. Fucking cunt. He decided to treat himself to make up for the shitty afternoon he was having. Well, to treat his new boytoy, as it were. He stopped at Victoria’s Secret on the way home and browsed through their selection. He got hard as a rock seeing his boys in lingerie and leaped at the chance to spoil his lover. He dropped a couple of hundred dollars on a few thongs and lace bikini briefs (“a little surprise for my wife’s birthday”) and headed back to the apartment. Dylan was in the shower when he arrived. Ed opened the door to the bathroom to see the boy’s smooth white back and those beautiful, plump ass cheeks. He quickly disrobed and climbed in with him. “Mm, hi.” Dylan wrapped his arms around Ed’s back, kissing him deeply. “How was your day?” “Better now that I’m with you,” said Ed. He turned off the water and grabbed the young man’s quickly growing cock. “Come with me. I have something to show you.” Dylan was ecstatic when Ed showed him what he’d bought. “I love it!” he squealed. “Oh God, I’ve always wanted to wear stuff like this…” He picked up one of the lace bikini briefs and traced it with his fingers. “I was just too afraid my parents would find out.” Ed grabbed Dylan’s towel and pulled it off, letting it fall to the side. He got down on his knees and kissed the boy’s ass. “Come on–I wanna see you in one of the thongs.” Dylan modeled the lingerie for him, sliding the silky fabric up his smooth legs and giving Ed a little strut in the bedroom. His ass looked so hot in the thongs, so round and juicy that he’d barely gotten to the second pair of panties when Ed picked him up and carried him into the bedroom. “Don’t you wanna see the rest, Daddy?” Dylan giggled. “Daddy needs to be inside you.” He tossed the boy onto the bed and spread his legs, pulling away the thong strap to gain access to that hidden treasure within. He ate him out like his life depended on it, spurred on by the boy’s moans and whimpers. Before long he was balls deep inside of his lover once more. Even with the AC still running, he was sweating up a storm. He mounted Dylan from behind and fucked him fast and deep, watching the boy’s ass cheeks jiggle with every smack. God, he looked so good in that thong. He’d have to take him shopping sometime soon, really spoil him. After only a couple of minutes, he collapsed on Dylan’s back, shuddering as he implanted his seed deep inside of the boy. His skin was slick with sweat, and he could hardly move he was so exhausted. He rolled off of him and soon fell asleep. When he awoke again, Dylan was gone. He sat up groggily, temporarily confused. Where was he, again? Then it came back to him–the incident at the office, the phone call with Bill. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He hadn’t felt this out of it in ages. Old age catching up with him, he supposed. He got out of bed and walked into the living room, flicking on the light. A pink suitcase lay on the couch that he didn’t recognize. Dylan’s, probably. Everything the boy owned must have been in that thing. Poor kid. He debated opening it but held himself back. There are some things you just don’t want to know about people. He didn’t need to see the boy’s dirty laundry or sad little trinkets from home. All he needed was that mouth and sweet, sweet boy hole. The sound of keys in the door made him turn. Dylan walked in carrying a brown paper bag. “Oh, you’re up!” He set the bag down on the counter before walking over to kiss Ed. “Thought I’d grab us dinner,” he said with a grin. “How’d you pay for it?” asked Ed. Dylan smiled shyly. “I used the money you gave me yesterday. I figured it was the least I could do to thank you for everything.” Ed brushed the boy’s hair back and kissed him on the forehead. “I don’t want you spending a cent on me. I gave that money for you to treat yourself. Don’t go worrying about little old me, okay? Here-” He grabbed his wallet off the coffee table and pulled out two $100 bills. “Use this to get yourself something pretty. I’ll be back tomorrow and I’ll bring you some more.” Dylan’s eyes went wide. “Oh, Ed… that’s so much money. I don’t-” “Nonsense.” Ed lifted Dylan’s chin and kissed him. “I like taking care of my boy.” The look on Dylan’s face was worth ten times the money. He kissed him again, pulling him onto his naked lap. His hands slid underneath the boy’s shorts, and soon they were both naked with Dylan riding Ed’s cock once again. He squeezed the boy’s chest, thrusting himself high up into him. What was happening to him? He hadn’t been able to go this many times in a row in years. Something about the boy brought it out of him. After he’d deposited yet another load in Dylan’s hole, they cuddled naked in the living room, eating takeout and watching Cheers. Before he knew it it was almost 10 o’clock. “I gotta go, baby.” He kissed Dylan on the head and started pulling on his clothes. “You be a good boy and I’ll swing by tomorrow.” “Okay, Daddy.” He kissed Dylan goodbye, then drove back to his apartment on the Upper East Side. He was exhausted and couldn’t wait to slip into bed and pass out for the night. But when he tried to unlock the door to his apartment, his key wouldn’t work. “What the fuck?” he murmured. He tried his key again, but it still wouldn’t work. Then he noticed the doorknob had changed–where before it was gold, it was now bronze. He banged on the door. “Who’s in there? Open up!” He heard hushed whispering, then silence. The door opened to reveal his daughter, Susan. “What do you want, Dad?” “What do I want? What are you doing in my apartment? And why are the locks changed?” She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. “Mom’s back from the hospital. There’s nothing more they can do for her.” His heart sank. “Is she–?” “She doesn’t wanna see you. Now please, just go.” “I will not!” he said defiantly. “This is my apartment.” “Dad-” The door opened slowly behind Susan. Helen stood there, looking pale and waif-like in a satin robe. “It’s all right, Susan,” she said weakly. “But Mom-” “Let your father and I talk.” She nodded at Susan, who walked back into the apartment and shut the door behind her. “I demand to know the meaning of this,” Ed began, but Helen shook her head. “Don’t, Ed. Enough lying. I know all about your little club, your depravity.” His eyes went wide. “I don’t know what you’re-” “Just save it. I’ve known for ages. And I didn’t mind, because you were discreet. Whose husband doesn’t keep secrets? You were always faithful in the ways that mattered.” She coughed weakly. “But now look at me. What do I have to show for my loyalty? You’ve brought down more than just yourself–you’ve brought down the both of us.” She looked at him with disgust. “I won’t let you bring any more shame to this family.” “Now, listen here-” “Unless you want me to spill your secrets to the whole floor, you’ll leave. I’ll arrange for your things to be sent wherever you like. Maybe to that little apartment across town you think I don’t know about.” She opened the door and looked back at him, her face full of disdain. “Goodbye, Ed.” She shut the door behind her. He had half his mind made up to bang on the door and demand to be let in when he heard the sound of a door opening down the hall. His next-door neighbor was leaning out of his doorway, staring at him with a raised eyebrow. “Everything alright, Ed?” He took a deep breath. “It’s fine, Hank.” “You sure? We heard yelling-” “Why don’t you mind your own goddamn business and let me mind mine!” He strode back over to the elevator and hit the button for the parking garage. When Dylan opened the door, he had a confused smile on his face. “Ed? What are you doing back?” He pushed past Dylan and started pacing around the apartment. “Fucking bitch. Thinks she can get rid of me. Me!” “Who? What are you talking about?” He turned and glared at Dylan. “My wife! Wants to kick me out of my own apartment. After everything I’ve done for her. Selfish cunt.” “Oh no.” Dylan put his arms around him. “I’m so sorry.” The boy’s touch felt good on his body. But his blood was boiling with anger, and he wasn’t in the mood to calm down. He wanted to hurt something. “Come here, you little slut.” He grabbed Dylan’s arm and pulled him into the bedroom. “Oh!” Dylan followed him, eyes wide with fear. “On the bed. Now!” Dylan obeyed, sitting on the bed as Ed began unbuckling his belt. “I’m sorry about-” “Turn around.” Dylan got on his hands and knees, his ass pushed out to receive his punishment. Ed grabbed his shorts and ripped them down to his ankles. Dylan had put on one of the lace pairs of bikini briefs, a light blue color that made his white ass look so fucking delicious. Ed folded his belt in half, then ran it slowly across Dylan’s ass cheek. “Daddy, what- AH!” The boy squealed as Ed smacked him across the bottom with his belt. It left a red mark on his pale white skin. “Quiet, boy.” He spanked him again, using one hand to grip Dylan’s waist and hold him in place for the beating. He spanked him several more times, leaving big red marks along the boy’s ass and upper legs. At first, Dylan was whimpering, but he soon began moaning as Ed spanked him with the belt. By the time Ed had dealt a dozen blows, Dylan was thrusting his ass back to meet the belt. Ed stripped off the lace panties and crouched behind his boy. He spit in his hand and rubbed it on his cock, then thrust angrily inside Dylan’s hole. Like a good whore, Dylan didn’t complain at all. He took his punishment with nothing but enthusiastic approval. Ed rutted inside him until he came with a loud groan. By the time he came, he was in love. From then on, Ed and Dylan lived together in that little apartment. Dylan never asked about what happened with Ed’s wife that night, and Ed made no effort to explain. He couldn’t confess the real reason he had lost everything, the false accusation that threatened to tear apart what little remained of Ed’s life. If Dylan knew that there was even a chance Ed had AIDS (or HIV, as they were now starting to call it), he might abandon Ed too. Without his job and his family, Ed’s life began to revolve more and more around Dylan. He spent his days golfing or working out, too embarrassed to admit he didn’t have anything better to do. Then he’d stop at a luxury store on the way home to buy Dylan a new pair of shoes or the latest designer bag. When Dylan got the flu a month into their love affair, he found he was actually a pretty good nursemaid, bringing him cold compresses and making him chicken noodle soup. As long as he wasn’t at a hospital, he didn’t mind taking care of his boy. Through all of it, they fucked like rabbits, Ed dressing his boytoy up in thongs and garters and fucking him like they were trying for a baby. But things started to take a turn with Ed’s health around Christmas 1986. He was getting weaker and weaker, barely able to make it through one round of golf before he needed to go home and sleep. He was constantly waking up in the middle of the night covered in sweat, and he’d had fevers on and off as long as he could remember. His pants were starting to fit loose, too, although he attributed that to good diet and exercise. Dylan begged him to go to a doctor and get checked out, but he refused. He’d rather die than go back to a hospital. By March, he was so sick he could barely get out of bed. Then it was Dylan’s turn to play nursemaid, making him soup and using his credit cards to buy groceries and medicine. He considered calling his daughter or his wife, but he held off, still angry with them for their betrayal. Dylan was the only one who cared about him, and that was all he needed. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the doctor?” Dylan asked one day in late March. They were lying in bed together, watching TV. Ed was thin as a rail, with protruding veins and some ghastly purple bruising that wouldn’t go away. Bedsores, probably. “No doctors,” said Ed. He turned his attention to the television, which was displaying the nightly news. “The FDA has just approved the first medication used to treat AIDS,” said the news anchor. “An antiretroviral drug named AZT initially developed to treat cancer has been shown to block the virus’ activity.” With enormous effort, Ed sat up in bed. His eyes were glued to the screen. “You okay?” asked Dylan. He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped himself. How could he say anything without admitting what he so desperately didn’t want to be true? “Could you go to the store for me?” he asked. “I could use another ice pack. My card-” “I know, I’ve got it,” said Dylan. He kissed Ed on the forehead before leaving. Once Ed was sure he heard the sound of the door closing, he picked up the phone and dialed. The phone felt heavier than ever in his hand as it rang. “Well. I didn’t expect to hear from you anytime soon.” “Bill…” Ed’s voice was raspy. “God, you sound terrible.” “I need your help. Please.” He gripped the phone tightly. “You’re not getting back in-” “I don’t want back in. I need you to get something for me. It’s a drug called AZT. Have you heard of it?” “Yes, I’ve heard of it. Why can’t you get it yourself?” Ed looked down at his veiny, wasted body. The purple splotches covered his arms like bruises. “I can’t be seen like this. Please, you have contacts. Just have someone order it for me and deliver it to my place on the Upper West Side.” Bill sighed. “Alright, Bill. Just this once. Then I don’t want to hear from you again, are we clear?” Ed waited day and night for the drugs to arrive. He was becoming forgetful, continually asking Dylan what day it was and where he was. In his lucid moments, he remembered he needed to intercept the package before it arrived, but he was afraid he would forget he’d even ordered it. Finally, once a month had passed, he plucked up the courage to ask Dylan about it. “Dylan?” He was lying in bed while Dylan was making dinner in the kitchen. He cleared his voice and called again louder. “Dylan!” Dylan walked in, wiping his hands on a towel. “What’s up?” “Have you gotten a package from anyone?” Dylan furrowed his brow. “Are you expecting anything?” “Just some medicine.” Dylan’s eyes brightened. “Oh!” He pulled a small bottle out of his pocket. “You mean this?” Ed’s eyes went wide. “Is that… how did you get that?” Dylan took out a pill and popped it into his mouth. “It’s a miracle, isn’t it? Been taking it for a few weeks now and I feel right as rain.” “But… how did you know…” “That you have AIDS?” Dylan laughed. “Come on. It wasn’t that hard to tell. I mean, look at you!” He walked over and sat at the foot of the bed. “Of course, I knew you had AIDS ages ago. Before I even met you, actually.” Ed blinked. “What… what are you talking about?” Dylan sighed. “Oh, my poor, sweet Daddy. Do you really think it was a coincidence I was there at the pier that night? Just some sad, lonely boy from Oklahoma whose parents kicked him out for being gay? I can’t believe you fell for that story, by the way. I might be a great fuck but I’m a pretty shit storyteller. Still, you ate it up.” He pulled the sheets off the bed, revealing Ed’s wasted, veiny body. He climbed on top of him and ran his hands along his chest. He leaned in close to Ed’s ear and whispered, “You know your secret sex club of high-powered people you think nobody knows about? I’m part of it, Ed.” He sat up and sighed. “Well, I was, actually. Then I decided to go freelance. See, when they burned you, they told us boys not to talk to you if you reached out to any of us. Said you had AIDS and you were persona non grata. I’d never even met you before–you were out of town the night I was the star of the show. But when I heard about you and your situation, I knew it was an opportunity waiting for the taking.” Ed’s stomach sank. He felt like he was going to be sick. But Dylan was grinding on top of him, and despite his fear and revulsion, he could feel himself getting hard. Dylan lifted his hands and spread them out like he was reading from a marquee. “Think about it: lonely old man gets kicked out of sex club because he has AIDS. Nowhere else to turn for relief. Isn’t a guy like that the easiest kind of mark you can think of?” He looked down at Ed in pity. “They were laughing at you, Ed. They saw how you went to the piers and debased yourself, desperate for sex. I knew that if I dangled myself in front of you, you would give me anything I wanted. Shoes, clothes, a place to stay, cash. It was all so easy.” Dylan grabbed Ed’s hard cock through his pajama pants. “Even now, you’re still aching for me, aren’t you?” He pulled down Ed’s pants, then shimmied off his shorts and climbed back on top of him. “Then when you got sicker you just gave me your card, which was so stupid by the way. Do you know how much shit I’ve bought on your dime?” Ed swallowed, his throat dry. “I don’t understand,” he said hoarsely. “If you knew I had AIDS, why would you-” “Have sex with you?” Dylan reached back and lined Ed’s cock up with his hole, then sank down slowly. Ed stifled a groan. “I know I should have been scared of getting AIDS, but why bother? I mean, we’re all gonna get it eventually.” Dylan was gyrating on his cock, working his dick with those damn pussy muscles. “I figured, why not bite the bullet and get it when I want to? Take control of my destiny, you know what I mean? Especially when it comes with all these delicious perks.” Dylan moaned as Ed’s cock rubbed up against his prostate. He rode him harder, his hands tightly gripping Ed’s wasted chest. “Even now, all sickly and frail, you still drive me wild.” Ed began to groan as his body betrayed him, releasing his sperm into Dylan’s deceitful hole. Dylan grinned, his eyes mocking. He slid off of Ed and pulled his shorts back on. Ed spotted the bottle of AZT on the nightstand. He lifted his hand and pointed weakly. Dylan smiled. “Would you like some? Sorry, there’s not really enough to go around.” He grabbed the bottle and held it out of Ed’s reach. “But don’t worry. I’m gonna take good care of you. Plenty of food, water, and bed rest. No medicine needed.” He walked over to the door, slipping the bottle of pills back into his pocket. Ed’s mouth was dry as he called out, “Wait.” Dylan turned. “Yes?” Ed swallowed. “H-hospital…” Dylan laughed again, cruelly this time. “Oh, now you want a hospital?” He stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he smiled sweetly. “Don’t you worry, Ed. We’re gonna beat this thing the old-fashioned way!”
    6 points
  4. Gay skinhead here. I love having a close cropped head and I am pretty much geared up everyday, never leave my house wearing anything other than steel toe boots, people are often surprised at how hairy my cock is, that’s the one place I let grow wild.
    5 points
  5. I was in Miami Beach a few weeks ago for Joris Voorns set at M2 Club and the hotel I was staying at down the street had multiple buildings, and each building had a lockable bathroom on every floor. It was great for me because while my husband was sleeping I could go get fucked in there and just simply lock the door and we could both be naked. One chubby latin dude that bred me made me actually lick the toilet while he pounded away at me haha
    5 points
  6. Chuck could barely wait 'til my plane had landed before he insisted I meet him right away at the bathhouse I had taken him the first time we hooked up. I had lied and promised him a while ago that I was off my meds, returning to toxic. He didn't plan to miss a moment before he took my poz seed. I Ubered directly to the bathhouse and there he was waiting for me at the door. Cute sexy cub through and through. And devoted? The moment he saw me he rushed over, threw his arms around me, and delivered a deep passionate kiss on my mouth. A guy approaching the bathhouse entrance called, "Get a room fags. Second thought. Just come to mine!" He has a huge grin. Chuck grabbed my arm and towed me to the registration desk. "Delux Double Room with the sling and observation window." Ordered Chuck. On the message board at the front he wrote our room number with the hash tag 'watch Daddy poz son'. I had refreshed the temporary biohazard tattoo so as Chuck knelt before me and opened my comando trousers he was met with my eight inch hard on with the tattoo just about it. He was so excited and inspired that he inhaled my big cock to the hilt. I thought he was going to choke himself to death on it. The fact I was hard meant I was happy to see him and happy for the attention, but I knew I wasn't very toxic yet so I didn't share his over the top exuberance. Never the less we were soon naked. The notice at the front must have been effective because an audience was growing at our open door and the viewing window. I considered making him fuck and breed me first but decided to give the audience the show they expected. I helped Chuck into the sling and turned on the video of my cell phone. "So, young man, why don’t you tell these guys what this is all about. " I instructed with the camera pointed at his naked prone cub body with no attempt to hide his face. "My name is Chuck and I'm here to cheat on my lame boyfriend with this gorgeous silver fox daddy. You're here to witness this daddy claiming my life by knocking me up, gifting me with his HIV." "I'm going to film in a circle to show you are witnesses, if you don't want to be seen now's the time to move." A few did move, or covered their faces but most didn't bother. I asked if there were any questions. An old waisted guy asked; "Chuck are you on PreP?" "Not for the last month or two. " And then the old guy asked me, "Daddy, how long you been poz? How long you been on a med vacation? Do you know the strength of your viral load?" "I've been poz about 20 years. " Which was true, I lied for the next part. "I've been on a med vacation for three months. But no, I don't know the strength. " "Well mines super charged so if you need some help ..." Chuck quickly chimed in; "No. Just Daddy’s poz loads until I'm gifted, knocked up. Then u can pump all your high toxic loads into me old man." "OK" I responded "You can recharge my ass. I'm mostly a bottom myself so this kids gonna have a better time if my ass is also getting what it needs." The old guy ate out my ass as I rimmed and tongue fucked Chuck. His big raw cock was in my ass before my oral ministrations were complete. The initial pain was intense but over riden by the excitement of knowing this toxic poz cock was free to recharge my unmedicated hole. I was amazed by how much this turned me on. I realized I was harder than I had been in years. I had to give myself a mental shake to remember to get my raw cock in Chuck. Chuck was primed, open and ready. If he experienced any pain as I penetrated him his shit faced grin didn't betray any sign. I was in fuck sandwich heaven between the two men. This was one of those rare times I didn't unload on entering a bottom. We piston fucked for the next twenty minutes as the crowds chants grew louder and faster. You'd have thought they were cheering for the kill at a bull fight. And it wasn't the bull they wanted to see impaled. They were wild! So was the pounding my ass was getting which power drilled me into Chuck. The three of us were sweating like the sex pigs we were. The old man finally rasped through his ragged breath; "Ready for your recharge daddy? 'Cause fuucckkk ... you're .... augh ... getting it ... noowwwww ... fuckin repozzin your sorry ass!" That was it for me. My orgasm was triggered and Chuck received bast after blast of my unmedicated load painting his vulnerable gut walls. Chuck was over the moon with my toxic poz load on board and I couldn't help but feel proud to see him so satisfied. Besides, as soon as the old guy pulled out of me another big raw cock had plunged into my toxic sloppy hole. Clearly the next guy wanted his flesh wick marinating and stirring around in the biohazard soup in my gut. Within two minutes the second load joined the first. Chuck was helped out of the sling and I was strapped in. Someone produced a blindfold and head phones which were placed on me. In this state of sensory deprivation for the next three hours all my attention was on the series of raw cocks entering, pounding and depositing in my unmedicated ass. The experience was such a turn on I was extremely grateful that Chuck, Jeff and Zach had convinced me to take the meds vacation. With my ass dripping, my body exhausted and the crowd dispersed Chuck helped me out of the sling. We closed the door, pulled the curtain and spooned on the bed falling asleep almost instantly. I awoke a few hours later to Chuck's naked body trembling in my arms and the bed saturated in his sweat. I was instantly relieved to realize I couldn't have pozed him that quickly. We caught the health nurse just as he was ending his shift and a rapid test assured us Chuck was indeed in the midst of seroconversion. He was too sick to drive so I took him home. His boyfriend's face was a storm cloud when he opened the door but melted quickly when he saw how sick Chuck was. We both quickly gave Chuck a spong bath and tucked him into bed. Chuck insisted I show his boyfriend the video from the night before. The boyfriend agreed. By the end of the video, my load pounded into Chuck, the boyfriend was laughing. "So I win! Your toxic load was too late. He was already knocked up from the guys I've been farming his ass out to. I may not have bred the toxic load into him myself, but I controlled who did. And it wasn't you silver daddy. " I didn't protest and allowed him to own my defeat. I didn't share how relieved I was by this fact and that I wouldn't have to claim Chuck as my son or slave. I practically lived at the bathhouse for the rest of my stay, and the toxic old guy and his unmedicated friends kept me loaded with their poison seed up until the moment I left to catch my plane home. The male flight attendant could smell that I was full of toxic cum the moment he checked my ticket and welcomed me aboard. I was served extra free booze, given lots of special attention and openly flirted with throughout the flight. I was the last person to deplane and noticed the young fit attendant was following me up the ramp and into the terminal. ...to be continued
    5 points
  7. Master stood before me. “Tell me, slave, have you noticed that I’ve never been completely naked in front of you.?” “Yes, master.” “Why do you think that is, slave?” “I’m not worthy to see master’s naked form.” “There is that, yes.” He laughed, and his friends joined in. “But there’s a greater reason.” He pulled off his pants and stepped towards me. “Now, slave, tell your master what you see above his cock.” I looked. “A tattoo, master.” “A tattoo of what?” “A scorpion, master.” “And what does that mean, slave?” I gulped. “It means master is positive.” “Positive for what, slave? If I had to take a drug test, my piss would test positive for meth? Tell your master what it means!” “It means master is HIV positive.” Somewhere off to the side, I heard the bear who explained things to me say, “Five points for Slytherin!” The others laughed at his joke, till master glared at them. “Smart-asses get spanked,” said master. “Promise?” replied the bear with glee in his voice. “Save it,” master growled, then looked back at me. “Very good. And I’m guessing you’re not.” “No master.” “Then you are alone in this room. The rest of us have the marks of true sex pigs, the sign we fuck with abandon, that we are driven by raw carnal lust. Tell him, my fellow pigs, what we think safe sex is?” They all shouted as one. “Bullshit!” “Damn right. And now, slave, do you want to be one of us?” My mind raced. I knew there would be no turning back. But I also remembered the times I had been fucked bareback, taken raw loads in my ass. I had taken the risks willingly. And I had heard how liberating being positive can be, to accept the inevitable… Master glared at me. “Do you want it or not, slave? Do you want to take toxic cum from all of us into your ass and join our brotherhood? Or would you rather get dressed, go home, and let the rest of us to behave like real men?” “Yes, master.” I was barely whispering. “Say it like you mean it, slave.” “Yes, master!” “Louder! Tell us all what you want!” “I want you to poz me! I want all your toxic loads inside me! I want to be a true pig! Please, master! Poz me!” Master nodded. “Good slave. There’s one more step before you serve us all. Meth is what fuels us, what allows us to fuck for hours. You’re high now, but you need to be even higher. There won’t be any clouds now.” He went to the drawer where he kept his party supplies, opened it, and showed me a syringe. “Have you ever slammed before?” “No master.” “This is your reward for being such a good slave, for demonstrating that you can please your master and willingly accepting punishment.” “Thank you, master.” He motioned to another one of the men in the room. “We are fortunate to have among us a pig who is a nurse and is skilled at giving injections.” As his friend walked over, he added, “Oh, I’ve given plenty of ‘injections’ to everyone in here. Gotten a lot, too.” The rest laughed as master glared at him. “Am I going to get a spanking for being a smart-ass, too? Please?” Master ignored him. The nurse prepped the syringe as he continued to address me. “This will leave you higher than you ever thought possible. You will be overwhelmed by the need to touch yourself. As I told you before we began your night of servitude, I am a master not a monster, and I will not be so cruel as to deny you that need. You will be allowed five minutes of self-pleasure, but you are forbidden to ejaculate. You will only be allowed that release when you have serviced us all, when we have all filled you with our poz seed. Do you understand?” “Yes, master.” “Then prepare yourself.” The nurse set down next to me. “Give me your arm.” I extended it and he strapped a tourniquet around the upper part. I watched with anticipation as he wiped my arm with an alcohol pad and gently inserted the needle into my vein. I saw the cloud of blood form as he pulled back the plunger. “Get ready for a wild ride,” then he pressed the plunger in and released the tourniquet. I coughed and then… ohgodohfuckohdamn I was overwhelmed by the massive rush. Master was right, I had to stroke my cock, and my right hand furiously began to yank it. As intense as it was, I knew I had to have a cock inside my ass, that nothing else would do. I had turned into a creature of nothing but sexual desire and pure lust. Master finally said, “Time’s up!” I forced myself to withdraw my hands. “And now, slave, you will serve us all. Rise and place yourself onto the fuck bench.” He pointed to the bench. It hadn’t been there before; it must have been brought into the room while I was laser-focused on stroking my cock. I walked and lay on it face down, my chest on the platform, my face, hands and legs on the rests. Some of the others placed the attached straps around my wrists and ankles. Master stood before me. I saw his huge cock and I wildly wanted to have it inside me and to feel his cum shooting into me. He spoke again. “Mine will be the last you take. You will need to be stretched thoroughly before you are capable of accepting my member. He looked out to the others. “Who among you desires to fill him with your seed first?” I heard what I hoped when the bear said, “I will, sir.” Master smiled and said, “I thought you might.” The bear walked behind me, then said, “Will one of you pigs there bring this pig here some lube?” Someone handed him some, then as he bent down next to me and started to lubricate my ass, he whispered to me. “If you really want to be poz, I’m glad I’m going first. We’ll never know for sure who really infected you, but we can say it was me and it will be a bond between us. Sound good?” I nodded. As he slathered lube onto his own cock, he asked, “Sir, may I give him a shotgun first?” “I doubt he needs another hit, but if you want one, sure. Someone help him, I don’t want lube on the pipe and torch.” Someone did help him, we opened our mouths, pressed our lips together, and teased each other’s tongues as we passed the cloud back and forth. As wonderful as that was, I wanted his cock driving into my ass. As he pulled away and stood up, he whispered again, “I wanted the hit, but the real goal was an excuse to kiss you again.” He went behind me, and, at long last, I got what I had been craving for hours, a cock thrusting into my ass. We both gasped in ecstasy. He started slowly and gently, clearly wanting us both to savor the experience. He slowly picked up speed, us both moaning in delight. Eventually he bent down over me. I felt his weight and fur and sweat on me, and it was amazing. He reached around and twisted my nipples, and just the perfect amount, more than playfully, but not enough to really hurt. I moaned with delight, and he whispered, “Yeah, I like that too. I hope you’ll remember that when we’re together again.” His thrusts got faster and deeper. I had been fucked many times, but never so well. Master yelled out, “The slave has a mouth, too! Don’t waste it!” A cock appeared in front of me, and I opened wide. Its owner drove it into my mouth. Getting spit-roasted had been a fantasy of mine ever since I first saw it in a porn video, and I was finally fulfilling it. More cocks were placed in my mouth as the bear kept pounding my ass. Someone loosened the restraints on my hands so I could stroke more pigs. I eventually was pleasuring four men at once. It got more and more intense until he started shouting, “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” I released the cocks in my hands and pulled my mouth away from the other so I could focus entirely on the moment. He finally roared in orgasmic ecstasy as I felt him shooting his load inside me. He pulled out, slowly and gently, then declared, “I’m not even gonna bother with the excuse of a shotgun this time,” gave me a big kiss, then whispered, “I’ll be back again tonight, but I hope sometime, it will just be us.” That wasn’t the last of it, far from it. Everyone except master filled my slave ass with their cum at least, and I sucked everyone, too, getting loads in my mouth.. The bear even buried his furry face in my ass and gave me an absolutely amazing rimming. Master face-fucked me again till he almost shot a load into my throat, but pulled back and declared, “Your ass gets my toxic load, slave.” And I kept getting hits of T, of course, from the pipe, of course, and then somebody shoved a shard in me for a booty bump before pounding my ass again. I lost count of the loads I had taken, cum was pouring out of my ass and down my legs, and I was in piggy ecstasy. I was the main attraction, of course, but the room was filled with raw sexual activity. Fucking, sucking, rimming, a group of men driven by their most primal desires. I was excited that I was to be one of them, now that I had learned that I was a pig just like them. Much later, as exhaustion was setting in for all master stood before. “And now, slave, you will perform your ultimate service to me. You have served a group of pigs, and served them well. Are you ready for your master to give you the fucking of your life?” “Yes, master. Please.” He walked behind me without speaking. He smacked both my butt cheeks with his hand then plunged that massive cock into my ass. There was no gentle sliding, he instantly started pounding me like a jackhammer. I almost screamed. God, it hurt like hell, but like the complete sub pig I am, I relished the pain. Master’s grunts got louder as his thrusts intensified till thought, like the bear told me, I’d split apart. I wanted to yell “Harder master!” but I could only grunt with him. Without slowing a bit, he spoke again. “I’ve not cum once tonight! I’ve saved this entire load for you! Show me you appreciate it! Beg me for it, slave, let me know you want it!” “Please master, give me your load! Fill my ass with your toxic cum! Poz me, master, poz me!” And he did. With a massive grunt, I felt his cum enter me, squirt after squirt. It must have taken thirty seconds for him to finish shooting. Even after that, he still kept pushing himself deep into me, till he finally withdrew. “You may stand, slave.” I was weak, but did. “Now, fellow pigs, we have all been served by this slave. I deem him worthy of joining our brotherhood of pigs, but we must all agree. Do you all feel he deserves such an honor? Signify in the traditional manner.” And they all oinked, the bear loudest of all. Master spoke again, “Welcome to our piggy brotherhood. You need no longer consider yourself a slave, though you are, of course, welcome to play at such as it suits your desires.” “Thank you, master.” He smiled and shook his head. “You are no longer expected to call me master. I am the alpha here, but you may call me sir, as do the others.” “Thank you, ma… sir.” “There is one other thing before we end the celebration of our sexuality. I am certain that you need the release of cumming yourself.” I nodded. “You may choose to achieve orgasm yourself, or you may ask one of your pig brothers to receive your seed. Even I will do so if you desire, as I am not a totally exclusive top, though know that it takes a truly talented top to please me.” I knew what I wanted. I looked at the bear who had treated me so well. To my surprise, that pig who had been with every man in that room, shyly smiled at me and even blushed a little. “Will you…”, I said. “Dude, why do you even think you have to ask?” The rest laughed, and even sir briefly dropped his stern dominant pig act, smiled and said, “Oh, god, are we going to have a couple here?” I was wondering where in the room we should go at it, but he walked to the fuck bench and got on it himself. “I’ve been here before, and I think it’s hot.” I knelt next to him, and he quietly added, “But even better, you’ve been here for hours. It’s got your sweat on it, your smell, and it’s driving me crazy.” He then said, loud enough for the room to hear, “Somebody get us a pipe so we can have another shotgun before he enters my furry bear butt.” Someone handed me one, I took the hit, and we passed it back and forth, but we kept kissing long after it completely entered our bloodstreams. We finally separated when he looked down at my cock. “Tina dick, huh? Let me help with that. Get in my mouth.” I did, and I was thrilled to know he had amazing oral skills. I was moaning so loudly he pulled away and said, “If you want to shoot inside my mouth, fine, but I’ve got a butt that wants you inside it, too.” I wanted to give him what he wanted, so I walked behind him. Before entering him, I stroked his furry bottom, then remembered what he had done for me, knelt down and started rimming him. He practically squealed with piggy delight. I kept up with that till he finally said, “Get inside me. You’ve earned it.” So I did. Now, I’m not an experienced top. I’ve always been a nearly total bottom. But he guided me, told me how to position myself to best please him. I did remember what he asked and played with his nipples some, and he roared with delight. I tried to make it last, but it didn’t take long till I came inside him. I pulled out, bent down for a final kiss, and then he whispered, “You were great, absolutely great. Don’t feel bad you couldn’t last. We’re all exhausted. Next time we play together, you’ll do even better.” The other pigs had all left, it was just me, sir, and the bear. Sir said, “You know where the shower is. Get cleaned up if you want.” I started to head to the shower, when the bear said, “Too bad it’s just a stall. Showering together can be fun.” I smiled and said, “We can try that sometime, sure.” I showered and got dressed. Sir took my phone number and said, “We do this about once a month. This session was rather impromptu, I didn’t expect to find such a willing subject. You are of course welcome back. Despite my initial treatment of you, which you now understand was part of the initiation, you are an excellent addition to our group.” “I’ll be there.” “You might want to wait around till your new furry friend finishes his shower. Some of our group occasionally organize more private sessions. I think the two of you seem likely to be interested in such.” I smiled. “What gave sir the first clue?” “Didn’t you hear? Smart-asses get spanked,” and he gave my ass a light slap. The bear came out of the shower. As he dressed, he said, “Hey, let’s exchange phone numbers. I’d like to, y’know, just hang out a bit, we could get to know each other some.” “I’d like that.” “Cool.” We exchanged names and numbers and I went home, sore ass and all. So, like title says, master, though he’s just sir now, gave me a gift. Yeah, he and his friends pozzed me (I’ve been tested now, and I’ve got the mark of a pig now), but he showed me that I had a wild, piggy side I had only vaguely thought existed, and it’s hot. But then there’s the bear. Kevin is his name, he told me. He texted me the next day and asked me to come over to his place that weekend for pizza and a movie. Andy that’s what we did, ate pizza and watched a movie. We talked a lot and found we had a lot in common, and not just sexually. We found we like each other, a lot, and we want to see what develops. And the movie, it wasn’t a porno (well, we did watch some porn later), it was Star Wars. I joked he was so hairy he’d make a good Wookiee, he asked if I’d “sooner kiss a Wookiee”, and I showed him I was very happy to kiss a Wookiee. Then we got high really high on Tina and had wild piggy sex, just the two of us. He even got me to try being the dom. It took a little getting used to, but it was hot, even though one time he almost fell off his bed laughing when I tried to sound as stern as sir does. We’re going to do play more, too, sometimes just privately and sometimes with our piggy brothers. My new-found piggy side is hot and I’m loving exploring it with my friends, one in particular.
    5 points
  8. Chapter 3 Who's Who: - Caleb: main character, 18 y/o senior at St. Denis High School with a strong interest in messaging strangers on sex apps. - Mr. Sanchez: teacher who caught Caleb jacking off in the school bathroom during class while cruising sex apps; threatened to turn Caleb in to the principal if Caleb didn't satisfy Mr. Sanchez's big dick. - Mr. Jacobs: the old math teacher who added his raw load to Caleb's hole between classes after finding out from Mr. Sanchez that Caleb is a little fuckslut. * * * Fourth period came and went. Caleb was feeling increasingly nervous — and a bit excited — with the swift approach of his lunchtime follow-up with Mr. Sanchez. The student's cum-slick ass crack and the teachers' cum loads sloshing inside his anal cavity had prevented Caleb from focusing during the intervening class periods. What did keep his attention was the effort to remember the feeling of Mr. Sanchez's thick, raw dick pressing into his soft insides that morning. Caleb wished Mr. Sanchez had not confiscated his phone so that Caleb could message one of his hookup contacts the salacious details. Alas, the story would have to wait until Caleb could secure the return of his phone during lunch. Fifth period biology, his least favorite subject, was next. Caleb made his way into Mr. Park's biology class where his classmates were already offloading the heft of their overstuffed bookbags onto the workbenches. Projected on the screen at the front of the class was the topic and learning objectives for the day, which read: "Today we will explore the structure and function of DNA. Students will explore DNA's physical characteristics by isolating samples from their own bodies. Students will have the opportunity to understand the role that DNA plays in the human body and to understand DNA's physical characteristics." "Caleb!," Mr. Park's ever-jubilant voice came from behind. "I hear from Mr. Jacobs that you got a head start on today's lesson!" Mr. Park laughed at his own comment as Caleb's eyes turned to meet his teacher's. "Mr. Jacobs?," Caleb responded, wondering whether the question was accidentally too apropos. "Indeed, indeed. He tells me you brought some DNA samples that we might be able to assay today for our lesson." If Mr. Park's eyebrows could have lifted any higher, they would have escaped his face. Ambiguous though the references were on the surface, Caleb felt a surge of anxiousness. Mr. Park had thrust Caleb into a chess match of innuendo which threatened a verbal checkmate in just a few rather inelegantly direct moves. How was Caleb to respond with so many of his peers around? And furthermore, why was it starting to seem like every last one of his male teachers knew about the raw cocks that had spewn ejaculate into Caleb's rectum that morning? "Yes, I brought them," Caleb replied, considering each word as it left his lips. He took a brief pause to calculate what followed. "There's a slight issue though. The container has a hole, and I'm worried there's been some leakage." His desire to steer away from the hidden meaning that Mr. Park was so publicly flaunting had only driven Caleb nearer to the precipice of revelation. Mr. Park appeared bemused by Caleb's apparent, if veiled, confession. "I must say, such sloppiness does not seem characteristic of you, but the good news is there is no hole that Mr. Park can't fill." Caleb wondered whether his biology teacher had lost sight of the infamous sensitivity of high schoolers to sexual double entendre. Sloppiness, indeed. The laughter from around the room made Caleb acutely aware that the conversation with Mr. Park was now a spectacle. "Class!," Mr. Park needlessly summoned the attention that he already held, "I'm going to have you start working on the reflection prompt on the screen while I step out to help Caleb with something." Caleb's face felt warm as he followed Mr. Park out of the classroom. They rounded the corner into one of the central campus hallways before Mr. Park spoke again. "Mr. Jacobs tells me you are quite the little whore." Mr. Park's sudden directness caught Caleb by surprise. Caleb's cock stirred as he looked around to make sure no one had been in earshot. The biology teacher continued, "I have to applaud you for that oblique reference to your cummy hole that you made just now in front of your classmates." Mr. Park looked sideways at Caleb and smiled knowingly. "Your slutty profiles on all the hookup apps that you're always logged into have really captured the male faculty's attention, you know." Caleb felt a warm excitement swelling in him. The biology teacher continued, "Surely a smart student like you understands what an exceptional provocation it is to stay logged into location-based hookup apps during the school day with a profile headline like, 'Pussyboy for use.'" Breaking for a moment from the rousing implications of Mr. Park's comments, Caleb noticed further down the hallway the towering, broad-shouldered figure of a man leaning in a doorway. It was not an entry to a classroom, but rather one of the many normally closed doors that lead to a windowless room of which the general student populace knew very little. Because these various doorways opened into neither classrooms nor study spaces and given that they did not serve one of the several disciplinary or resource-gathering functions typical of an educational institution, most students bore only a passing awareness of them. Had any enterprising student endeavored to inventory all the many closed entries to these rooms of ambiguous function that perforated the St. Denis campus, they may have chanced upon a discovery that would have been at once mundane and extraordinary, for these ill-understood spaces far outnumbered their counterparts of known function. Surely they could not all be supply closets and back entries to faculty offices. Mr. Park, mistaking Caleb's momentary silence for embarrassment, offered, "There's really no need to feel self-conscious that we've all seen your profiles, you know. You will soon find that an ambitious young slut like you can really make the most out of what St. Denis has to offer. To be totally forthright with you, Caleb, I would be shocked if you didn't get off on the idea of being the campus fleshlight." Caleb's cock swelled against his jeans. The obscured figure down the hallway was now much closer. As Caleb and Mr. Park approached, Caleb was able to perceive the uniquely defined musculature of the head custodian, Mr. Martin, who was staring Caleb directly in the face. Caleb locked eyes with Mr. Martin, whose gaze was both stern and ravenous. Caleb could never quite tell if the head custodian was angry or just an unaccommodating sort who dispensed with pleasantries and the feigned interest that the rest of the administrative staff had perfected. Only now did Caleb realize that Mr. Martin's thick right arm was plunged deep into his pants where he was fondling himself rather aggressively. As they came into conversational distance, Mr. Park nodded in acknowledgement at the custodian, stating cordially, "Mr. Martin." The head custodian said nothing in return and instead, looked Caleb up and down. Undeterred by their proximity and Mr. Park's greeting, the muscular hulk of a custodian rubbed his unseen cock under his pants with abandon. At once unsettled and transfixed, Caleb could not take his eyes off Mr. Martin's self-pleasuring in the openness of one of the main campus hallways. After Mr. Park and his transfixed student had walked past the crotch-fondling head custodian, Mr. Park resumed in a hushed tone, "Between you and me, I wouldn't let Mr. Martin slide up inside you without a pharmacy's supply of antibiotics in the medicine cabinet at home. I would be shocked if that man has ever set foot in a clinic." Caleb's heartbeat quickened and his throat felt tight. For the first time that day, Caleb felt that he was in over his head. And yet, there was no mistaking that he found the shocking visual of the head custodian fondling himself so openly on school property combined with the details Mr. Park was imparting to be thrilling. Caleb felt like he ought to be repulsed. The biology teacher came to a stop and turned toward one of the many ill-understood doorways along the hall. After passing a keycard over an access reader, he pulled the door open for Caleb, who entered cautiously, unsure of what precisely he was to do. "Head all the way in," Mr. Park offered. Caleb proceeded down the dimly lit passageway before him until he found himself in a room filled with elaborate lighting and camera equipment. Before he could take in the full scene, Caleb felt the warmth of lips kissing his neck from behind. The abruptness of it was startling, but Caleb maintained his composure and acquiesced. The kissing continued up the young man's neck toward his ear, as Caleb felt a hand maneuvering its way past the waist of Caleb's pants and en route to his ass crack. There was a tenderness and gentle pacing in the neck kisses that seemed to serve as a cover for the brusqueness of the wandering hand, which had found its way between Caleb's ass cheeks. It was clear that Mr. Park's hand was not waiting for the student's permission to proceed to the cum-soaked hole at the center. Caleb pushed his pelvis back slightly to make access to his cum-fragrant underside easier. A finger pressed firmly against his hole and steadily progressed inside as Caleb whimpered -- as much in ecstasy as surprise. "You like carrying your teacher's cum around inside you, slut?" Caleb's eyes widened as he realized the man's voice behind him was not that of Mr. Park's. Who was this stranger kissing his neck while sliding a digit inside Caleb's warm, cum-soaked rectum? Where had Mr. Park gone? Caleb tried not to let his shock force his asshole to constrict around the finger working itself deeper into his pre-fucked underside. "Shhhh…. Keep looking straight ahead. Don't turn around. Do you understand?" Whose voice was this? Caleb couldn't place it. He felt his heart pounding against his rib cage. "Yes, sir," Caleb replied softly. A second finger slid confidently into the young student's anal opening. The moistness of the cum inside was more than adequate lubrication for the stranger's fingers. Remembering Mr. Sanchez's demand from earlier, Caleb tried to maintain enough tension in his hole to keep the cum from leaking out. It was a difficult balance to also not fully grip the two fingers that were now fully inside him. The stranger swirled his fingers in the cum juices inside Caleb's rectum and then pulled them out with a measured slowness. The cum-soaked fingers presented themselves under the student's nose. "Clean those off, pussyboy." Caleb sucked down the dripping ejaculate. As he swallowed, Caleb cast his eyes downward. A cum-slicked, thick black wedding band glistened. The young man savored the taste and fragrance of the cum as he sucked the strange man's fingers clean. The task complete, the hand withdrew. "Drop your pants and spread your ass cheeks for me. If I catch you turning around, I'll have you expelled faster than it takes Mr. Jacobs to cum." Caleb heard a zipper being undone. "Now, show me this cum-filled teen pussy everyone is talking about." Caleb complied, dropping his pants to his heels and leaning forward slightly. The young man pulled his muscled ass cheeks apart as he wondered if Mr. Park was watching all this transpire in silence. Caleb had been certain that the footsteps that had followed behind him down the short hallway and into this windowless room had been those of his biology teacher, but the way that the stranger had just appeared behind Caleb in the place where he had assumed Mr. Park to be made the young high school student question his senses. It was as though the strange man had stolen the very sound of the biology teacher's footsteps. To have done so in such a small, noiseless space seemed rehearsed. All Caleb could hear in that moment were the sounds of fabric moving against fabric. The stranger was summoning his manhood to the surface. Caleb felt the warm soft head of the strange man's cock come into contact with his cum-moistened hole, pressing firmly enough to just part Caleb's cummy ass lips without proceeding further. The man's hand grasped Caleb between the shoulder and the neck. "I bet you've never been raw fucked by someone you don't even know." Caleb recalled all the times that he had fantasized about being passed around by a group of masked men with enormous cocks in the woods or an alleyway or behind the supermarket. It was a fantasy that he had had since he had watched his first gay porn. Never, though, did he imagine anything quite like this. "No," Caleb replied as the stranger's raw cockhead pressed a few centimeters further into the young man's hole, parting his spermy sphincter readily. "Well, you better get used to it, pretty boy, because it's what your pussy was made for." Reaching around, the stranger brought his other hand up underneath Caleb's chin and, grabbing the young man's lower face, pressed upwards, forcing Caleb to arch his back to protect his neck. As the anonymous man did so, he plunged the full length of his raw dick deep into the teen's guts. Caleb gasped in pain as the stranger's cockhead stabbed into his second opening. Caleb felt full and winced at the pain from the unrelenting pressure against his second hole. The stranger, having forcefully bottomed out inside Caleb, held his raw dick in place, saying to the boy, "A handsome little bubblebutt cumdump like you is going to make Mr. Sanchez a lot of fucking money." The strange man kept pushing up on Caleb's chin, his grasp covering the young man's mouth. Caleb, through the pain in his rectum, felt the metal of the man's cum-soaked wedding band pressing into his lower lip. The stranger kept pressing his cock deeply into Caleb, until finally the young man's second hole eased its resistance and opened, defeated and compliant, to the pressure of the massive raw dick. "Listen to me when I tell you this, nephew," the stranger continued, his grip tightening around Caleb's mouth and chin, "Mr. Sanchez pays me handsomely to make sure little cunts like you don't end up talking to the wrong people about what goes on here at St. Denis. You're his property now, and he expects you to be the cum-filled community fleshlight that he deserves. Do you understand?" Caleb gulped for air as the pressure against his chin and neck was making breathing more difficult as he replied, "Yes, sir." The stranger pulled his cock out suddenly and plunged it immediately back into Caleb's fuckchute with full force. The sound of cum slopping inside the teen's ass accompanied a loud yelp. "I'm not your fucking sir. I'm your Uncle Ryan. Mr. Sanchez is your sir now. Tell me you understand, whore." "Yes, Uncle Ryan. I understand, Uncle Ryan." "Good, nephew." The stranger began sliding his cum-soaked cock back and forth at the opening to Caleb's second hole, massaging his cockhead deep inside Caleb's warm pussy. "Now I expect you to do everything that Mr. Sanchez tells you. I don't care how you feel about it, the answer is always, 'Yes.' So long as you're on school grounds, you are to be cleaned out and ready." "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "Uncle Ryan" continued edging his cockhead inside Caleb's second hole. "You are to take and hold as many loads in your cunt as you can arrange in the morning before school. This morning was the one and only time ever in your life that Mr. Sanchez is going to be loading you first in the day." Caleb gulped in some air as the pain in his second sphincter began transforming into pleasure that radiated up through his abdomen and into Caleb's nipples. Everything felt more sensitive than it had before. "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "You are not to let any loads leak out of you. No aborting in the bathroom or in your pants. And no letting another top suck loads out of you. Mr. Sanchez deserves nothing less than a full cum bath for his cock whenever he wants to plow your insides. Do you understand?" Caleb began relaxing into the intense micro-fucking that his inner sphincter was receiving. "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "Hear me when I say that my number one job is keeping Mr. Sanchez happy, and what makes him happy is having a tight, warm community fuckhole available to milk his nut out of him on demand. You are never to say no to any load at any time in any place. I don't care if it's your own father asking to breed you live on the evening news. You open up your pussy before any top even has to ask, and let him blast your insides with his DNA. Have I made myself clear, nephew?" The stranger thrust his hips as deep as he could into the young student, driving his dickhead deeper into Caleb's guts. Caleb gasped. "Yes, Uncle Ryan." "Good, nephew. Mr. Sanchez put my number in your phone. When he gives you your phone back, I want you to text me a selfie showing your face and cummy hole in the same shot. Now finish milking this nut out of my dick so Mr. Park can get his turn." Caleb began sliding his sperm-filled ass up and down Uncle Ryan's large cock, savoring the fullness in his lower abdomen and noticing how the scent of cum had filled the room. The stranger released his hand from around the youth's face and chin and placed his hands around Caleb's waist, pulling the student deeper down onto his dick with each backward thrust. "God that pussy smells like cum, don't it?" The voice of Mr. Park emerged for the first time from its diligent silence, "Oh, yes it does!" "What a sweet piece of AIDS bait this little fuckhole is." Caleb's cock leaked a large dollop of cum onto the floor at hearing the stranger call him "AIDS bait." Caleb kept up the work of massaging the stranger's cock with his cummy boyhole, arching his lower back to demonstrate his compliance and to discourage any of the frothy DNA in his rectum from leaking any more than it may already have been. Uncle Ryan's words ricocheted around in Caleb's head as the strange man kept drilling his raw cock deeper into the student. The phrases "community fleshlight" and "AIDS bait" held an almost lyrical resonance in Caleb's mind. He felt transfixed. Hypnotized. Even more thrilling than a stranger's raw dick sliding in and out of Caleb's used hole was the thought that Mr. Sanchez wanted a dirty little slut boy to be his personal fuckhole and that he wanted Caleb to be that slut. As the pounding continued, Caleb wished for nothing more in that moment than for Uncle Ryan to understand that Caleb relished the assignment he had been given, that he could not and would not fail to fulfill all of Mr. Sanchez's most salacious desires, that he would make Uncle Ryan not just satisfied but proud. Caleb yearned for the stranger to add his ejaculate to the warm, foamy pool of cummy slosh from Caleb's teachers. Knowing his biology teacher was watching it all transpire from behind was making the young man hungry for more dicking after the stranger was finished. Caleb arched his lower back as hard as he could as this so-called "Uncle Ryan" began shuddering. Caleb knew he was taking the stranger's hot load deep in his teen pussy. Caleb held on to the pulsating cockshaft as he imagined ropes of sperm spitting into his soft insides. That he didn't even know what Uncle Ryan looked like made the load he just received feel all the more hot. Without anyone else knowing it, the teen smiled and bit his lower lip as he let Uncle Ryan finish unloading his balls inside the handsome teen's rectum.
    5 points
  9. FINALLY! It's probably been a good 6 months since I've had a good hard fuck. Everytime I get the opportunity to play I'll get on sniffies and grindr hoping to get fucked with no luck and my hole has been twiching. Lately I've been sucking more cock and while it's enjoyable I really need cock in my ass so today while I was out dripping off a few packages away from the fam I hopped on Grindr and after a few mins got hit up by a guy close by who was ready to go. I took the opportunity to stop by a local cruise lake and use a water bottle to give myself a quick flush and headed over to his place. Turns out he's a Hispanic guy with about a 7 inch decently thick cock. I got into his place and it was a small studio apartment and he had setup a mattress in his closet for a dark room style fuck but honestly I didn't care I just wanted cock. So we hopped in the closet( the irony lol) and I started sucking his cock till he got nice and hard and I rolled over and used spit to lube up my ass and he instantly stuffed it in, it hurt a little but who was I to complain. He fucked my in several positions for about ten mins hitting my prostate and making it hurt before he tensed up and flooded my ass with his load. After we got cleaned up I realized he got off work at the same time I do and he lives on my way home. So hopefully I can keep getting that cock on the regular which he seems down for. Fingers crossed
    4 points
  10. Amateur porn can be a lot hotter then studio porn , when its real unedited and raw and nasty ,, Have a friend that is a rare type of role/position/personality , He is a Dominate aggressive BBbottom , He has a buddy that also is a dominate bbottom and they love to get twisted high on partyee and slam and force tops to be submissive and their cocks used and milked , they were at a party when they found a drunk/ and extremely high straight jock wandering around confused ,he was depressed his girlfriend was with another dude , and he was the was perfect victim they tricked him into leaving the party and go back to there place where they put Viagra in his drink and had him smoking white clouds and told him it was weed , they got him extremely high and completely twisted and got him in a chair in the middle of the room where they tied him down to the chair then they cut and removed all his clothes then they put a pair of hightop Converse Allstars on his feet and he was totally naked wearing only the Converse as he sat there helpless and his head spinning they faced him in front of the big screen tv playing hardcore Bareback gay porn as he struggled to get free the two bbottoms got down and began working his cock and made him inhale poppers and more and more white clouds , and he slowly started to calm down and stop struggling and began to start to surrender to them , as he couldn't believe his dick was getting so rock hard and he had no control to make it go soft , . He couldn't help but start to moan from the incredible pleasure his cock was feeling , His girlfriend was an ok fuck but she didn't suck him or jack him off and she only did condom and he had to pull out and shoot in his hand when he came , This was TOTALLY different is cock was being massaged and jacked and sucked deep by the two gay dudes , and he could help but realize that he was feeling a level of pleasure he had never felt before and never knew was even possible , But then the two gay bottoms told him his cock belonged to them now and they wanted his cum , and they wanted him to cum inside of them and they lubed his cock and slid their holes down on his raw cock and told him he was inside them without a condom , and the jock sat there helpless to stop them , But as they began to pump their hungry holes up and down on his raw cock he was consumed with the extreme pleasure he was feeling ,His cock was literally being MILKED and as the pleasure grew stronger and stronger and his eyes rolled back in his head , he just totally surrendered and gave into them and began cumming and cumminig and cumming it felt like he was shooting stream after stream of his hot cum deep up in both their holes over and over making him orgasm and cum and then very quickly making his balls reload and he was cumming again and again , over and over all night till finally he thought he could not cum anymore , he had been milked at least 9 or 10 times he thought , but they made him extremely high again and continued to milk him several more times for hours and hours . as he looked down he could see both bbottoms were wearing Converse while they rode his cock as he was wearing them too , he knew he would remember being milked every time he saw a dude wearing Converse from now on . when they finally set him free he didn't freak out and hurry up and leave hey instead he got up and stretched and then sat back down and relaxed and told the two gay bottoms that he had never felt such an intense pleasure like that before and didn't know it was possible to experience such a level of pleasure and the white clods and the Viagra made him surrender to it . they got down and began sucking and jacking him and he didn't resist them he spread his legs and sat back and relaxed and told them they could milk his cock till they get what every cum is left or his balls can make for them , and they worked his cock and balls and made him cum 2 more times . He was now a slave TOP his cock secretly owed by his new BB bottom masters . He obeyed and returned on the weekends to be once again tied down extremely high and milked of all his cum he could produce . His new purpose in life , to produce cum for the bottoms to feed on .
    3 points
  11. I fuckin loveeee to service men between the ages of 50-80 years old. Definitely was born to be a daddys boy 🙂
    3 points
  12. There was around 50 guys there about half black and half white. I spent most of my time on the fuck bench in the darkroom poppered up and spreading my ass open. I ended up taking 11 anonymous cocks and loads in my sloppy, wrecked poz cunt!
    3 points
  13. Earlier in the week. Very cruise lay-by about 20 miles away , about 4.30 in the afternoon. As usual most people stilling in their cars on Grindr looking for the perfect shag. Amongst the cars and lorries was a white VW elderly camper van , I walked alongside it in the bushes and say 2 guys through the open door. I moved closer and 1 of the guys was wanking , by the time i got in one of the guys was ass up on the bed in a jock withe the other guy standing wanking. I love fucking with an audience to I lowered my work trousers , pulled out my cock and went straight up him , he was as loose as fuck. By the time the other guy had kneeled next to the bottom so I fucked them both one after the other alternating. After about 5 minuets the second guy got up and took a turn fucking him , I fingered his hole and quickly got him to the point of noreturn and he jizzed in the guys ass. As soon as he had pulled out I mounted the guy enjoying the warmth an extra lube of the guys load and shoot mine in to. I always love the walk of shame back to my van often with a little dark patch of cum showing through my trousers. Needless to say the same guys were still on there phones ,,,,,,,,,
    3 points
  14. To me, a DILF is always a mature man, who may or may not look younger, who realizes that he's still very sexy. He looks hot in a suit, in jeans and leather gear. He's now attracting a bigger variety of age groups, and especially a lot more twinks. He takes charge with confidence, not arrogance. He's confident in his ability to make an ass sing. He's secure enough to be completely verse. He's the guy you don't mind stopping by unannounced., and the one you hate to see leave.
    3 points
  15. Mid-40s. To my mind, DILF isn't just physical, but also an attitude, a state of mind, experience. Yes, I know that there are many 20-somethings who have plenty of attitude and experience [where the hell were they when I was in my 20s?]. But in them, the pieces are still being assembled into their approach and adjustment to life. Speaking in very broad generalities, a guy in his 40s is sophisticated, experienced, confident. That's what makes him desirable.
    3 points
  16. Bill raised an eyebrow as he took in Martin's plump body and innocent expression. "This is Martin, Peter's cousin." I explained. "Has a message for him, apparently." Bill looked at me and winked. "Well, go find him and I'll look after Martin here." As he spoke, he came round the counter. He was, as usual, naked and his cock was semi-hard with a drool of pre-cum dangling from the thick head. I thought Martin was shocked by his expression, but he didn't back away as Bill put his arm over his shoulder and his eyes were locked on Bill's dangling cock. I stepped out of my shorts as I was supposed to be nude at all times, and as I turned to go upstairs I heard Bill say "Why don't we go into the sitting room to wait, Martin? You look a little pale but these poppers will help relax you..."
    3 points
  17. ...how you guys feel about skinheads...and gay ones too?
    2 points
  18. Brotherhood of the Bug I. Initiation The young man felt himself being led down a winding stairway, flanked by two powerfully built men. His sinewy arms were shackled behind his back and the deep hood of an enveloping robe obscured his sight. Though the garment was of a thick, rough material, he shivered. His memory of what had led to the current chain of events was vague, but he felt a mixture of terror, excitement, and a powerful, animal arousal. Reaching the bottom, he heard the creak of a heavy set of doors. As the three stepped through, his companions pulled the hood off his face and head, and he felt a light, dank breeze touch his face. His eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom and he perceived a vast, low room of rough-hewn stone. He imagined it resembled the crypt of a medieval church, though at his young age he had seen little of the world. Thick stone pillars held flickering torches, the dark smudges on the arched ceiling above attesting to countless stories, if only these massive walls could tell them. He was led toward the other end of the room, where a raised altar of polished wood stood on a stone platform. Here the resemblance to a house of worship was unmistakable. The men turned him around to face the chamber, just in time to observe two columns of dark-robed men emerging from doorways at either end of the back, proceeding slowly and forming semicircular lines at either side. As they filed in, their voices in unison gave rise to a deep and vaguely disturbing chant in some unknown language, like the Gregorian chant of medieval monks. Now the two guards firmly turned the Pledge back toward the altar, forcing him to kneel. From the gloom behind, an imposing man of at least six-feet-five emerged, cloaked and hooded in a robe similar to the Pledge’s but with a cord of gold where the boy’s was a simple white. This, he recognized, was the High Priest. He trembled but simultaneously felt a rush of blood to his groin. The Priest began the ceremony, posing to the Pledge a series of questions to establish that he was serious in his desire to join the Brotherhood and aware that this was an irreversible step of the deepest significance, one that would place upon him a heavy responsibility to carry on the traditions and values of the clan. When the Pledge had answered "I do" to each solemn oath, the Priest produced a heavy coffer of wood and gold, richly adorned with mysterious images and inscrutable runes. He lifted the lid to reveal an interior lined with dark velvet. Nestled inside was an Oraquick instant HIV test. The Priest lifted the swab from the sacred Coffer and held it toward the assembled Brothers, then downward toward the floor, asking the blessing of the Dark Lord. Then the two guards immobilized the Initiate's face and forced his mouth open. The Priest inserted the swab and vigorously rubbed it around the back of the gagging young man’s throat. Again he held the swab aloft and then downward, uttering an occult prayer for the desired results. It was placed in a vial and the lid closed for the prescribed waiting time. A thick, ornate hourglass was placed on the altar and turned. While the grains of sand sifted down, the Initiate was occupied. The two guards opened the fronts of their robes, revealing rippling abs and cocks of supernatural proportion. The Initiate's mouth was held open once again as these colossal spears of flesh were forced repeatedly down his throat, one after the other. At times he was compelled to swallow them both together, as the Brothers aligned their shafts, a symbolic Union of their flesh just as they are united in the Spirit and Blood. The young man’s mouth and throat were forced open wider than ever and he gagged and struggled. But the two Brothers held him down relentlessly. Eventually their robes were cast off, revealing torsos of magnificent, nigh on terrifying musculature. There was clearly no sense struggling and the Pledge resigned himself, barely staying conscious by gasping for whatever small breaths he could take between the ten-inch strokes. The hourglass proceeded... agonizingly slowly. The Brothers continued their chant. It was growing in volume and urgency. Finally the last grains of sand dropped. Twenty minutes, the anointed time, had passed. The Pledge was released, the flesh that had choked his throat withdrawn. He was allowed to recover enough to fix his attention on the High Priest, who raised the lid of the coffer and retrieved the sacred Staff. He examined it first, and a small, knowing smile showed on his face. Then he showed it to the Pledge. A single blue line. Negative. Next the two Guards, as witnesses, examined the result, affirming their acknowledgment with a low utterance in the ritual tongue. The Priest held the Staff aloft, and one final question was posed to the Initiate. "This, O Pledge, represents the final evidence of Thy former self. Dost Thou now freely and willingly, knowing there is henceforth no retreat, no regret, offer up this, Thy health and youth, the status so coveted by mortal Mankind, in exchange for full Manhood and entry into the dark Brotherhood?" "I do," the Pledge muttered. The Priest then offered the Staff in sacrifice to the Dark Gods -- holding it, of course, not aloft but downward, toward the unfathomable Depths. The chanting had reached a crescendo of intensity, vibrating deep in the gut and soul of the Initiate. He almost sensed that he could understand the strange tongue: "The hour has come. The bridge has been crossed. There is no returning now. Bid Thy farewell to the land of the mortals. Thou art summoned to take Thy place among Men, carrying the burdens but also tasting the unimagined freedoms that pertain thereto." At this point there was a rustle as the Brothers began to unfasten their robes. Revealed were torso after torso, groin after groin, of magnificent, rippling masculine beauty, shining in the torchlight. The manhoods of each began to stir, rising to their glory, each pumped full of the blood that carried the coveted viral power that it was now time to share. The two Guards roughly grabbed the Initiate's robe and rent it as it was stripped from his body. Fear had risen in his throat and he felt an instant regret. What have I done?? he cried inside. The Priest, sensing what was happening, gave a gesture ordering the Guards to muscle the Pledge down, his struggles seeming ever more wretched and impotent -- the pathetic last struggles of the boy that was about to die. The Brothers began to approach and form lines, pacing in unison toward the altar. Their glorious shafts had reached their pulsing, turgid apex, in full worship posture -- the gleaming pre-cum, like holy water, consecrated to the dark Baptism that was nigh. The Initiate was roughly bent over the altar, his youthful buttocks exposed and vulnerable. As the chant reached an almost unbearable volume and intensity, the Initiation began…
    2 points
  19. As Mike sat in the back of the car blind folded, his cock hard and leaking precum into his boxer briefs. He reflected back to where his desire for another mans cock all started. Remembering at the age of 14 with his best friend on a camping trip, showing each other their cocks. His buddy kneeling in front of him and taking him into his mouth and giving him his first blow job. Being so turned on that he wanted to know what it felt like to give one too. Returning the favor he took his best buds cock into his mouth and got his first taste of cock and the musky taste of his first precum. His first time getting fucked (total disaster). To meeting Bill, who would teach him how to take cock and only bare cock. After training his hole for cock, giving him his first load of cum. Mike was completely hooked after feeling Bills load inside of him. It was also Bill that encouraged him to start letting other men fuck him, telling mike that he was made for taking cock, and he should share his ass with other men. But to always remember. Bare only and no wasted loads. This of course led to taking anon loads over the years. All the different hotel rooms, bed rooms, parks, and book stores. Mike never contracted anything. He knew that he would eventually be pozzed with all the anon loads he took, but he always had the desire deep down that when it happened, he wanted to know when, where, and who it happened with. He knew that once he opened his hole to a cock he was giving himself over to the top and to his desires and needs. So when it came to when he was going to be converted, he wanted to have that little bit of control. The area that Mike lived in was very conservative. Plenty of guys liked to fuck and suck. But anyone that was poz was also on meds. So if he wanted a viral load he would have to travel for it. Such was life he thought laughing. One night her was on BZ reading the “Your last load” posts and stroking a little when he jumped into the Bug Chasing section. Even Knowing there wouldn’t be any grifters in his area, he looked anyway. He was looking through the posts when one in particular caught his eye. “Insemination Service Available”. Intrigued, he clicked on it.
    2 points
  20. In Cleveland for a couple days would love to collab and shoot some vids with some poz brothers ☣️😈 hit me up if interested... Around until 3/25...
    2 points
  21. The Initiate had woken in fiery, delirious fever, an angry rash spreading across his torso. The Fuck Flu: a unique and one-time experience in a young man’s life, of more significance even than a boy’s first ejaculation. Damn....exactly how I remember my sero-conversion....Waking up with soaked sheets, a little scare but also excited as I remembered the event 3 weeks earlier when that man's semen entered my anus and immediately began off loading the virus into my abraded rectal walls. That morning was confirmation that his DNA was now part of me
    2 points
  22. I told myself I would just look, I always tell myself that. It was Friday night and I was online. Barebackrt always manages to get me in trouble and just when I was starting to be good again. I sorted through several messages and prospected fucks before coming across one that looked promising. The guy was a little bigger, but not fat, and he had a huge, thick cock. In his message, he asked me if I wanted to come play with him and a friend. He said they would get me high on g and t and fuck me all night. I had promised myself that I wouldn't party anymore, especially not a few days before class and since I had a loving (and in his mind), monogamous boyfriend now. We continued to exchange messages and eventually my slutty side won out when he mentioned how much he wanted me to be a whore and to watch me take several guys' raw cocks and cum. I was on my way to his apartment within minutes. I arrived at his apartment just as the other guy (his friend who he had mentioned) was leaving. I was a little disappointed as this guy was hot but by this point I was in slut mode and just wanted to get high and take dick. I immediately took off my clothes (the guy told me later what a turn on this was for him) and took some g. We started smoking a little while the guy (William) played with my hardening dick and told me what a slut he wanted me to be. This, along with the drugs, made me horny enough to try to ride his thick, 8.5" dick. It took some work but I managed to ride him while he lay on his back. He eventually lifted me up and fucked me doggy (my favorite) while taking breaks to message other guy's online with invitations to use my ass. I wont lie, his dick was painful to take, but it was a good pain and I was in heat. His phone rang and he stopped fucking me to answer it. He hung up and said "A guy is here to fuck you, put your ass in the air and get ready for him." I did as I was told, positioning my self so my ass was in the air facing the door. The guy came in, undressed, and immediately slid his raw dick in my ass. His was definitely easier to take and I was glad I had been stretched out a bit before. The guy wasn't exactly attractive, but he was passing and he had a decent dick that he fucked me with so I was happy. While he pumped away, William watched and told me what a good slut I was. He started taking pictures which really turned me on. The current top pushed me down from my knees so I was laying face down on the bed. He held my face down and fucked me hard, whispering in my ear "I'm going to breed your ass." He started fucking faster and I could feel his balls, thick with cum now, slapping against my ass. He told me he was going to breed me and William urged him on, "Breed his ass." He shot his load up me with a grunt, my first one of the night. He got dressed and left with a thank you and a slap on the ass. William's phone buzzed and he told me that the next guy was already here, "get back in position." I did as I was told again, but this time I had a load in me. The next guy was hot. He was from the Midwest with blond hair, a hot, worked out body, and a nicely sized dick. He took off his clothes and walked over to admired my loaded ass. "He just took a load before you got here," William told him. "Nice," he said as he teased my wet hole with his finger. He slid his ass up my cum-filled hole; his dick felt amazing. It was the perfect size. I moaned like a little bitch as he started fucking me, rhythmically pushing his dick in and out. While he fucked me doggy on the bed I reached around to grab his muscled arms, pushing into his cock as he fucked me. He slid out of me and William immediately shoved his thick cock in, it still hurt but I took it anyway with a slight gasp which quickly turned into moans as he pounded my hole. As he fucked me I noticed that there were 2 other guys in the room now as well, getting undressed. William slid out of me and I moved my ass back into position for the next guy. He was a hot, straight-acting, surfer guy with an amazing dick and this, low-hanging balls. His chest was smooth and tight. He fucked slid his cock in my wet hole and began fucking me like the others. The guy from the Midwest positioned his cock in front of me and I sucked on it while taking the other guy's dick. The surfer guy turned me over and fucked me with my legs in the air and over his shoulders. I wanted to kiss him so bad but he turned away when I tried. I reached down and felt his smooth balls slapping against my ass and his raw dick pumping in and out of my slutty hole. He grabbed my feet and spread my legs in the air as he fucked me, hold my feet. I looked down at his amazing dick fucking my hole. So fucking, hot. I wanted his hot ball sac to unload up me so badly. The second guy to come in started fucking Midwestern guy on the bed next to me. I love getting fucked while listening to another bottom moan next to me. Such a fucking turn on. William continued taking pictures and telling the other guys to fuck me. He told the surfer guy to breed me. He started fucking me more intensely, throwing me over so I was flat on my stomach again and shot his load up my cunt. My second load, I couldn't be happier. He lay on top of me as his balls unloaded into my ass, I reached back and felt them pulse. My ass was definitely wet now. Watching me get bred got the top who had been fucking Midwestern guy really horny, he pulled out and came over to shove his cock in my warm, wet hole. He had a long, curved dick and he fucked hard and fast. My ass must have felt great with the warm cum in it because he came within a couple of minutes. He shot a huge load and I could feel cum leaking out and down my balls as he pulled out. Midwestern guy was up next, he had me lay on my back with my legs in the air as he admired my cum-drenched hole. He slowly teased his hole with his dick, pushing it in and out of the opening to my hole gently. I moaned with pleasure and he rammed his dick in hard, pounding away at my hole. I could feel the cum running down and out of my ass as he fucked me. I reached down to feel his shaft which was slick with thick cum. He pumped me hard for several minutes as I moaned and told him how good his dick felt. I will admit, his felt the best by far. He finally shot his load in me, adding up to a total of 4. William gave me the last load and for once, with all the cum in me, his dick barely hurt at all. He had a huge load for me too. After that, everyone started picking up to leave and I decided to head back home too. My ass was full of cum as I sat down at my computer once I got home and logged onto Barebackrt.
    2 points
  23. Initially schoolmates but when I started cruising public toilets they tended to be older men. Looking back, they probably weren't much above 40 but from a 16 year old's perspective they were old.
    2 points
  24. Best friend through out school and my mom's boyfriend
    2 points
  25. Masculine, very fit, short hair, cleanshaven, with interests in leather/piercings/tatts and getting fucked at least daily..loose hole.
    2 points
  26. Doesn’t make any difference to me , as a top I just want to cum. most guys seem to wear a jock and as I fuck doggy style they can’t wank anyway
    2 points
  27. Hey NYC Daddy here a Latino Bottom from latam. Ill do my best. What do you crave most? Cock or loads deep in you? I need both in my life but Ill say cum. Fresh cum out the source . Do you ever feel satisfied or are the cravings insatiable? Im never satisfied like The Stones. How old were you when you first realized it was about your hole/pussy/cunt and not your cock? Was qit innate and there from the beginning or did you learn it over time? The hottest opening line I ever heard was, “I don’t care about my cock.” Do you even think about cumming? Do you have a need to? I am fetichized a lot for my cock so I kinda got bored of topping with time so pretty much I was a top who became bottom (vers bottom) Also should mention my fantasies changed over time. My hottest opening line would be "this ass is yours but only if you cum in it". When you are home alone, do you play with your hole or your dick? both. Are you afraid of how deep your cravings are and the levels you will submit to in an effort to satisfy them? I am sometimes cause you cannot undue whats done but at the same time the risk rush keeps up going. How many loads does it take to turn you into an “any cock, any hole, any load” guy? After the second one by different men. Do you tell your friends about your cumdump desires or are those separate and secret? Ive told them ive taken loads before but no one knows the depthness of my desires. What would you choose…sucking a hot guy’s huge dick or taking a taking a heavy-set Daddy’s load up your ass? Honestly would rather having both with Daddy. Thats what I consider a hot guy. Anonymous sesssions or do you prefer to see who is fucking you? I rather see whos fucking me but context its everything. Is there anything mor important to you than taking loads? Paying rent
    2 points
  28. I always feel the spurts of cum as the cock jerks. My hole is sensitive to it and it drives me wild when I feel it. Usually won’t feel the cum itself but the feeling of being a bit more full and wet stays for many hours when the load/s are kept inside as they should. 💦
    2 points
  29. Drinking the whole bowl. Always on the lookout for used condoms at the bathhouse. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
    2 points
  30. My poz cunt fuck hole 🤤☣️🫣 please fuck, breed and enjoy your.
    2 points
  31. III. A Deeper Love The ceremony at an end, the Brothers again arranged themselves in a semicircle, resuming the final chant. The Initiate was released. A robe was brought -- this one with the deep crimson cord of a Novice rather than the simple white he had worn before. He was taken away to private quarters, where he would be held in confinement for the next 72 hours, lest he be overcome by the urge to seek medical intervention in the form of PEP, an abomination that is sacrilege and treason to our creed. He would be well loved and cared for, and Brothers would continue to engage him in lovemaking both rough and tender, now intended not to infect – that work was surely done – but to strengthen the bonds of family. He would have access to a well-equipped gym where the Brother Trainer would kindly but firmly oversee his physical transformation. The Initiate understood that a final trial awaited in some days or weeks. Given the potency of their family strain, few Brothers, upon conversion, escape the most violent illness. The Fuck Flu is a painful ordeal – but a glorious one. For it marks a boy's final crossing through the fire, to the full triumph of Manhood achieved. Poz: he will have earned the high rank that is the culmination of a homosexual life. In the days and weeks after the Ritual, life resumed its normal rhythms in the chapter house. Each man ventured forth to his daily occupation, clad in quotidian garb and indistinguishable – on the exterior – from the common folk, who must never know his true identity. The Brothers hold important jobs: many are lawyers and politicians, artists and journalists, doctors and lab technicians (the last two fulfill crucial duties for the Brotherhood, as we shall see later). Their worldly success is an expression of the fraternal sustenance and the powerful secret network they enjoy. Evenings after the workday are reserved for fellowship: meals together filled with wine, laughter, and deep affection -- which is, of course, then given its full expression in muscular, manly copulation. Their passion for one another inspires the Brothers to take each other to new heights of ecstasy. In their tender mutual devotion, they learn the special desires of each Brother and strive to give him fulfillment. Some men need to be strapped into a sling and take cock after cock (this can take place in the Sanctuary, but only during consecrated chapter meetings). Some need to be clad in leather (of which the Chapter House possesses a vast storeroom), bound to a cross, their bare backs flogged to a deep crimson -- or their manhoods wired with electrodes, their bodies twisting in painful, jolting ecstasy at the hands of the Brother holding the console, who controls them completely. Others, oriented as tops, need to inject their load into the man they most covet -- whether selecting the young, tender flesh of the newest recruit, or directing their semen into the mature, hard-trained body of the most senior Brother. The objects of their desire are expected, within reason, to give their bodies freely, for they too have tasted the satisfaction of their own deepest fantasies. For men who need a fist in their gut, a Brother always stands ready to provide his muscled arm, up to the elbow or shoulder as required. Of course, some live to be bathed in piss, pouring forth from phallic fonts like holy water. For such a man, a gathering will be summoned -- five or more Brothers will endure the discomfort of drinking beer after beer and holding their bladders until the anointed time, so that their Brother in need can be deluged with steaming streams until he explodes in joy. Another form of ecstasy is little spoken of, but known to all. Deep in the night, in his most private moments, a man may feel himself summoned to serve as the vessel for dark Powers, beyond the grasp of mortal minds. When an ethereal Entity sweeps a Brother from his bed in the dark, the man must submit. He is carried to another plane, where his body is invaded, speared by one or more Members of supernatural proportions – his gut and throat pumped beyond imaginable capacity with gushes of ecstatic, ectoplasmic fluid. The men thus taken feel themselves ripped open, their holes and throats ravished. But when laid back in their beds they fall into a deep sleep and their flesh is regenerated. They wake with the same tight, muscular rectums they had as youth. But the unfathomable joys they have experienced during the night remain, coursing through them like a powerful current. This does not happen frequently, but when it does, the Brothers will observe the man in question at the breakfast table, his face bearing witness to a peace and joy like no other, his body bathed in a perceptible aura, almost an electrical force field. It is a coveted experience, on such a day, to make love with that anointed Brother, for the residual supernatural energy may rub off from the chosen one’s body onto his partner. Despite this link to the Beyond, the Brothers remain human. Amidst the supreme pleasures of the flesh the heart has its tender desires, and there is the natural tendency to fall in love. While the sin of sexual monogamy is frowned upon (and would impede the sacred duty of spreading the Faith), this unnatural vice is almost never encountered. Nonetheless, the Brothers may freely devote themselves to romantic love as nature decrees, and are encouraged to give their hearts to one another. Devoted relationships form, some of them bonding for life -- husbands and brothers at the same time. There can be no stronger connection between two men than sharing in the duties of Conversion. Not infrequently, a pair of Brothers will venture out and select an unknowing man to seed together (the sharing of the virus is not limited to ritual Initiations -- but the Brothers, just like Christians following Jesus' commandment, go forth as missionaries into the world). A threesome with such an impeccably beautiful couple is a powerful draw to an unsuspecting young man, and the chosen target, usually selected because of his expressed insistence on condoms, will invariably relent and accept their potent loads. Later, after the initial shock of an unexpected test result, that young man will most often adjust to the joys of his enhanced status, and -- if he is lucky enough to pinpoint the date of his infection -- have fond memories of the fuck of a lifetime. Romantic love is, of course, not limited to pairs. Lovers form special bonds of threes, fours and more. The Brothers know that love can expand almost infinitely. Just as a parent can have equal love for many children, a man can share a romantic connection with as many husbands as he realistically can devote proper care and affection to. (The High Council may offer wise and gentle advice in some cases to ensure that these relationships are healthy. There is no specific rule, but in general a union of more than five husbands can be hard to sustain while meeting everyone's emotional needs). It is a moment of special joy when a marriage is performed in the Chapter Hall. At one recent wedding, the four grooms, dressed in formal wear (above the waist only, of course), held hands in a circle while they recited their vows. The Priest declared them husbands, then asked the Congregation to affirm their support, declaring, "You may fuck the grooms." The four (in a gesture reminiscent of the Initiation ritual) turned and bent over the altar, at which point the gathered Brothers arose and penetrated the new quadruple, anointing them with sacred semen to seal their union forever. Love may take many other forms. Owners and slaves, masters and pups, daddies and boys -- the full spectrum of masculine love is acknowledged and celebrated. Only enforced chastity is considered anathema to religious practice -- for the locked penile cages that are popular in today's BDSM scene prevent a man from achieving erection and ejaculation. They may, however, be tolerated, within reason, in the form of temporary play, so long as the subject remains a man with full manly powers. Indeed, the privileges of Brotherhood entail next to no [banned word] in general -- except for drug abuse: antiretroviral treatment, to be exact, a deadly poison that deals a knockout blow to the delicate, beautiful viral life that stirs in the Brothers' loins. To subdue the Virus is to betray the sacred duty of the Brothers. As such, any indication of ARV use is grounds for excommunication -- an extreme measure which, thankfully, has only rarely been resorted to. (To be continued)
    2 points
  32. Hey guys, thanks for the encouragement. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to post subsequent chapters -- just as comments on this thread? Anyway, here goes: II. The Bestowing Hours and hours, deep into the night, the Brothers performed their sacred duty. Muscles heaved, sweat poured, solemn chants mixed with animal grunts, as erection after pulsing erection glided easily into the Initiate’s opening, now slick with sacred semen. Many a man delivered his life-giving load in just a few thrusts, but some, understandably, drew out their pleasure – savoring the delicious hope that, against the odds, their own strain would win the urgent race among the viruses now coursing through the boy’s bloodstream, jostling to be the one to change his destiny. If the extended lovemaking reached the point of self-indulgence, the High Priest would gently pat the top’s jackhammering hindquarters, signaling him it was time to complete his devotions. In those cases nary a split second would elapse before the copulating Brother released his Gift, shuddering in joy and emitting a cry of praise that rang in the gathered men’s ears like a hymn of our Faith. The young Pledge grimaced and at times thrashed, but the implacable Guards held him immobile, face-down against the altar. They did not use shackles, but rather on occasion would free one of the captive’s hands and compel him, while being fucked by one man, to stroke and suck the cock of the next, preparing him for the task at hand. (Truth be told, after many hours, some of the Brothers’ rigid members had flagged. There was no shame in needing some stimulation before performing their service at the young man’s reddened, pulsating buttocks. For indeed the dutiful congregants were patiently awaiting by the dozen their turn at the head – or should we say rear – of the line.) Yet every brotherly cock, as it took its place at the altar, instantly regained its maximum, marble-hewn magnificence – even those that during the long wait had shrunk to their smallest natural state. (To be sure, even when at rest, the Brothers’ flaccid penises outsized the full erection of the best-endowed “normal” man.) The men tensed and pulsed as they made their deposits, as ordered by the ancient rites. Just as, in Christian tradition, sacred words turn the wine to Jesus' blood, so the High Priest's mystical incantation calls forth powers of the cum that is, like the Christian communion, at the very heart of our Religion. In the secret tongue he uttered the Prayer that must never be heard outside these walls: "O Dark Lords, we beseech You to bestow upon us the blessed Gift: the power, from our loins, to plant our seed in fertile soil. A seed that represents burgeoning Life, but also the genesis of Death. "Grant us a mystical union of Men that endures unto the grave and beyond. We commend unto You in sacrifice the youth, health, cleanliness of blood and purity of soul of our newest Brother. Take them from him. Remove from him those pale tokens of human frailty and grant in their stead a power greater than mere mortals can ever fathom. "A power to bond in the most exquisite pleasure, unbridled sexual union, with Men of the same Blood. And to receive, in dark congress, the penetration of our Overlords from the nether realm when they come to us in the night and take what they desire of our human flesh -- giving us in return the purest ecstasy beyond our human capacity to understand. "Grant us these gifts, O Lords. We pour forth as commanded the holy nectar of life. Let it penetrate and transform this Pledge. Take the boy he was, strangle the pathetic mortal life from him, and give him rebirth in glorious full Manhood. "This we pray in the name of Cock, our almighty deity." The Brothers had all delivered forth their precious Devotions from the rock-hard sacred Shafts into the moist, dark, fleshy Chalice that was perfectly designed to receive them. They had exerted every muscle in fulfilling their solemn duty. Rippling torsos gleamed with sweat in the crackling torchlight. Gloriously massive cocks, their hours of diligent work at an end, began to relax from attention, slick with the offerings of the many Brethren who had shared the holiness. The lovemaking had provoked a powerful feeling of blessed togetherness. Now that the raw, animalistic fucking necessary to brutally inject the virus into the new Pledge had finished (it was not without pain and bleeding -- much like childbirth), the tender side of their brotherly love emerged. There were embraces and passionate kisses, and a mingling of taut, muscled limbs as piles of satisfied men fell into each other's arms on the flagstone floor. The High Priest, who was, as protocol decreed, the last to deliver a load (his fourth or fifth of the Service), welcomed this tender moment, and approached the huddle. Seeing the men reclined and entangled, he lifted his spectacular member – even at rest a good few inches longer than most of the Brothers’ full erections – in his hand. A powerful stream of gushing yellow rushed forth. Another holy benediction. The Priest doused the men liberally with its blessings. Mouths opened eagerly to receive their divine liquid benediction. His cock began to stiffen again, aroused by this feeling of family bonding. He allowed the more eager of the Brothers to swallow him, giving a warm balm to throats that were fatigued from chanting and grunting all night. When he felt a sixth eruption of semen gathering force in his loins, he quickly strode to the Senior Brother, a man who could only be described as godlike: golden blond, six-foot-three with chiseled features, icy blue eyes, a magnificent chest lightly dusted in golden hair, and rippling muscles of breathtaking beauty. This Brother, by virtue of his high station -- and, it must be admitted, of an admirable viral load that had maintained its peak of nearly 1 million, years after the Brother crossed over into viral Manhood -- had the privilege of designated Alpha status. This meant exclusive top duties, not only in anointing negative Pledges with his toxic gift, but in recharging Brothers to help top up flagging strains. His potency, in both sexual prowess and viral toxicity, was legendary. This night he had so dominated the Pledge -- delivering a minimum of ten injections -- that the Brethren were certain that his strain would prove the viral Alpha, muscling out the dozens of others that were competing to be the first to overwhelm the formerly strong, young immune system that was destined to be subdued and possessed. The High Priest approached this man. He might be an Alpha, but the Hierarchy must be observed. The Priest lightly stroked his cock and the Alpha knew what to do. He assumed position, turning his deeply rippled back to the Priest. His Brothers helped support him as he leaned, presenting his hard, muscled hindquarters to his Superior. So tight was his hole that assistance was needed in the sacramental Penetration. Willing Brothers lent their tongues to the task, preparing the muscular, manly orifice for its humbling. The Priest was ready to take what was rightfully his. In a single, powerful stroke he drove his manhood -- dare I say godhood -- deep into the most private and intimate part of the Alpha Brother. He grasped the man's muscled shoulders, hard as granite, while he pumped in piston strokes, as powerful as a steam engine. Finally the seed streamed forth deep into the man's cavity. The degraded Alpha cried out in pain and humiliation -- and in love and devotion to his Master. For the Priest had earned his station through many years, and had himself taken countless such Injections. His infection was beyond legendary: a viral load in the millions, in theory resistant to every medication (not that he had, or would, try them). An ejaculation from him virtually guaranteed that a man would retain his potency and be blessed with many offspring. For this the Brothers were grateful and, despite the pain and shame of being raped before the entire assembly, eagerly accepted what was being forced upon them -- for it was a precious gift. This flow of sacred semen came in spurt after spurt. The Priest's buttocks clenched and unclenched repeatedly in involuntary spasms, fulfilling their hard but anointed labor. He tensed his entire body and a guttural, animal roar emanated from his throat. This, the final orgasm of the endless night, marked the official close of an indescribable marathon of impossible ecstasy, both deadly serious and bathed with pleasures only the powers of His Dark Lordship could endow. (To be continued)
    2 points
  33. Patient 2: Dario It started out with a cough. At first, Dario thought it was a cold that just wouldn’t go away. But when it lasted through the winter and well into the spring, he began to get worried. He felt tired almost all the time. He could barely make it through a workout without feeling out of breath. He tried going to the hospital, but they dismissed his symptoms without a second glance. “It’s probably allergies,” said the nurse. “Take some Benadryl and you’ll be fine.” He didn’t tell them his real fear. The fear that he’d been carrying with him the last couple of years, ever since he’d first heard about the gay plague that was terrorizing his community. Could it be true? Could he have AIDS? He’d been careful, he tried to reassure himself. He’d been a strict condom user ever since he’d first gotten his hands on that pamphlet. He had even volunteered for Gay Men’s Health Crisis back in New York, working the hotline to chat with worried men who were afraid they might be the next ones to be infected. It was impossible. He couldn’t have the virus. And yet his health continued to decline. He began losing weight, which got him more attention at the baths but did nothing to quell his concern. He left San Francisco, moving back in with his old roommate Jeff in New York City. He could hardly recall the passion that had led him to leave the city in the first place–all he wanted now was the comfort of home. Jeff welcomed him back with open arms, but he too grew concerned as he saw Dario getting sicker and sicker. “You need to go and get tested,” he said one day. It was early spring, 1985, and the city had yet to shed the chill of winter. “They can test for it now. Better to have the answer, right?” He put his hand on Dario’s shoulder. “I can go with you if you want.” “I’m fine,” said Dario. Unfortunately, he was betrayed at that particular moment by an especially harsh fit of coughing. “That’s it." Jeff stood up and held out his hand, looking at Dario like he wouldn’t take no for an answer. “I’m taking you there right now.” As they sat in the waiting room waiting for Dario’s test results, the sight of the other patients made him feel even worse. Some of the men were almost skin and bones, with that terrible wasted look. One of them even had a purple splotch on the back of his hand. He noticed Dario looking at him and covered it with his sleeve. Dario looked away. “Dario Badalejo?” called a nurse. He stood weakly. Jeff squeezed his hand. “Come with me,” she beckoned him. The look on her face told him everything he needed to know. ____________________________________________________________________________ “I don’t understand,” said Jeff. “How could he have AIDS? He always uses a condom. That’s supposed to keep him safe. You said it would keep him safe!” The nurse shook her head. “Condoms aren’t foolproof. And if you’re the receptive partner, you’re a lot more likely to get AIDS. Especially if your partner is uncircumcised.” Dario laughed weakly. “First you’re shaming me for being a bottom, now you’re shaming me for loving uncut cock?” “I’m not-” “I’m never going to be able to have sex again, am I?” he asked. She shook her head. “It’s not a good idea. Not until they find a cure, or at least a treatment.” His stomach sank. He felt like he was going to be sick. “What’s the treatment plan?” asked Jeff. “We can treat the symptoms, but not much else,” said the nurse. “I’m sorry.” Jeff stood up. “This is bullshit.” He turned to Dario and grabbed his hand. “Come on. I’m taking you home.” Dario spent the next few days in bed, not from illness, but from grief. Despite his vigilance, despite how careful he’d been, he still got the virus. How could he have AIDS? What would happen to him? Would he die? He felt terrified and numb. Shame threatened to overwhelm him. His mother had been right after all. This was a lonely life. What of the men he’d been with over the last couple of years? Had he passed the virus onto them? All that time being careful, and for what? His sex drive had come back to haunt him in more ways than one. It was at that moment that he promised if he made it out of this, he would never have sex again. And then he got horny. It started about a week after his diagnosis. He woke up in the middle of the night sweating bullets, his cock hard as a rock. He’d been dreaming about getting fucked by a man. He couldn’t remember his face, but he could see his body crystal clear in his mind. Wasted. Veiny. Covered head-to-toe in purple lesions. It was horrifying, but somehow thrilling at the same time. Even now, his cock wouldn’t go down. He tossed and turned, trying to will himself back to sleep, but the lust was too much for him. He lay on his stomach and jerked his cock against the bed, rutting until he exploded with a loud cry. He awoke in the morning with his stomach glued to his bedsheets. His seed was hard and crusty on the sheets, full of his poison. He felt the shame overwhelm him as he remembered his dream. Why did that man turn him on? He should be repulsed, not aroused. As he washed the cum off of him in the shower, he conceded that jerking off was probably the most harmless way to deal with the lust he was feeling. At least that way he wasn’t harming anybody else. As long as he made sure to do his own laundry–he would hate to think of infecting Jeff and exposing him to this nightmare. Pretty soon, however, even jerking off began to get out of hand. He was waking up nightly in a sweat, his dreams filled with pale, wasted men and veiny cocks. But the worst were the dreams in which he was the wasted one, his brown skin pale and mottled as he preyed upon some unsuspecting young man. He couldn’t deny it, the idea of fucking another person, knowing that he had AIDS, made him hard. In fact, if he was being honest with himself, there was something about knowing he was positive and fucking someone anyway that turned him on. He had never been much of a top, always preferring to be the one getting fucked. Now there was a new desire in him, a desire to breed, to pass on what had been given to him, to give this curse to someone else. But that was all just fantasy. He wouldn’t actually have sex with someone, even with a condom. After all, condoms hadn’t protected him. He couldn’t count on them to protect anyone else. But what could he do? He couldn’t take this horniness for much longer. He had to do something to ease the tension and get the release he so desperately needed. After careful consideration, Dario decided to return to the baths. He definitely wasn’t going to have sex with anyone, but he decided that watching other people have sex would be okay. No one ever gave someone AIDS by being a voyeur, right? Of course, he couldn’t tell any of his friends there about his diagnosis, or else they wouldn’t even let him past the front door. He would have to pretend that nothing was wrong. “I’m going for a walk,” he told Jeff one evening after work. “Want me to come with you?” He shook his head. “I just need some time alone. Thanks though.” He felt bad lying to Jeff. His friend had been so good to him, staying by his side even through his diagnosis. But he needed release. He could control himself, he was sure of it. The second he stepped into the bathhouse, he was hard as a rock. He hadn’t been around a naked man in so long. It was summertime again, and the baths were filled with muscular men, daddies, and bears showing off their tanned bodies. He checked his clothes into a locker and wrapped himself in a fluffy white towel, heading to the pool to relax. A group of men lounged naked in the shallow end, their cocks floating in the water as they leaned back against the rim of the pool. One hairy older man stood in the corner, moaning as a slim younger guy sucked him with vigor. Dario sat on the edge of the deep end, away from the rest of the people. He wanted to ditch the towel and start stroking his cock, but he was self-conscious about drawing attention to himself. Better to take his time and ease into it. He lay back, closed his eyes, and listened to the sound of laughter, moaning, and grunting that floated through the air around him. Mindlessly, his hand slipped under his towel as he began to rub himself. The sensation of water dripping on his face snapped him back to attention. He opened his eyes to see an older man standing over him, the water from the pool falling down his naked body and dripping off the end of his cock. He had a thick cock with a light pink head, which sat nestled in a pair of large, hairy balls. He was looking down at Dario with a smirk on his face. “Mind if I join you?” Not waiting for an answer, he sat down next to Dario, leaning against one hand to display his naked body to him. Although the man was at least in his late 50s, he was in remarkably good shape. Dario had always had a thing for daddies, and this man was like something out of a dream. His skin was tan and mostly tight against his body, which you rarely saw on older guys. He had a bit of a pouch on his stomach, but the hair on his chest and stomach just made it look even sexier. Dario’s jaw dropped slightly as he took in every inch of the man. The guy laughed. “You know, if you take a picture, it’ll last longer.” “S-sorry.” “You new to the baths?” He shook his head. “I just… haven’t been in a while.” “Ah,” said the guy. “I feel like I’m crawling the walls if I’m away for even more than a week.” The guy put his hand on Dario’s leg, sliding it slowly underneath the towel. “You should get more comfortable. It’s all right–I won’t bite.” Dario bit his lip as the man undid the towel and let it fall away. His dick was rock hard and pointed straight up. The man laughed. “Nice cock,” he said as he wrapped his fingers around it. Dario moaned as the man slid his foreskin up and down. A little bit of precum dribbled out of the head. He gasped in surprise when the man leaned down and took the head of his dick into his mouth. “Fuck,” he whispered. The man’s tongue felt so good on his dick. He hadn’t felt a mouth on his dick in forever. It felt better than sin. He was sure he was about to burst when the man released his cock and sat up, grinning. “Yummy,” he said, savoring the taste of Dario’s precum on his tongue. “You want to come to my room? I’d love to get inside that hole.” He reached his hand under Dario’s cock, sliding his fingers along his taint and towards his hole. Dario wanted to give in, wanted to let the man fuck him, virus be damned. But he saw Jeff’s face in his mind. What would his friend think of him now? He scrambled to his feet, his heart racing. “I’m sorry. I gotta go.” He wrapped his towel around his waist and hurried back towards the front. He didn’t look back at the man, too scared about how close he’d come to breaking his vow. He’d barely been at the baths an hour before he’d almost had sex with someone! Sure, maybe they would have used a condom, but he’d agreed he wouldn’t even allow himself to do that. So much for willpower. He stayed away from the baths for the next couple of weeks, convinced that his little experiment was a colossal failure. But his horniness was only getting worse. His dreams, which before had featured faceless men with wasted bodies, were now filled with the old man from the baths. He dreamt about fucking him, about riding his cock and spraying his seed all over the man’s chest. He dreamt about cumming deep inside the man, staring in his eyes as he delivered what he knew would be a killing blow. The shame became unbearable–how could he condemn another person to what he was going through? He couldn’t do it, no matter how horny he became. Then came that fateful day a few weeks later. The summer was almost over, as July had come and gone and they were well into August. He was sitting on the couch channel surfing with Jeff when they landed on a report from the local news station. “Rising cases of AIDS and the closure late last year of San Francisco bathhouses has led local health officials to call for the New York State Public Health Council to close gay bathhouses, bars, and clubs in an effort to stop the spread of the disease,” said the reporter. “Good.” Jeff frowned. “I know it’s a blow to our community, but I just can’t fathom why some people would be so reckless. Don’t they know what they’re doing to themselves?” “We spoke with local congressman Ed Green to hear his thoughts on the epidemic and whether the city should take the step of closing down these facilities.” The man’s face that came on the screen nearly caused Dario’s brain to short-circuit. “I don’t give a lick whether they close these facilities or not,” said the man. “Go ahead and keep them open. These degenerates brought all this nonsense on themselves. As far as I’m concerned, the less of them the better.” “What a fucking asshole!” Jeff grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He threw it against the couch. “I can’t believe people like him even exist.” Dario could. After all, he’d almost fucked him at the bathhouse just a few weeks ago. He’d been wearing a suit on TV, but Dario would recognize that face anywhere. “You know what?” Jeff asked. He turned towards him, his voice raising with anger. “It’s people like him that deserve this virus. Not us. I hope you get AIDS, Ed Green.” Dario blinked in surprise. “I’ve never known you to be so vindictive.” “Am I wrong? The guy’s reprehensible!” Then something clicked in his head. It was too horrible to even consider–or was it? “What if he did?” he asked. “What if he did get AIDS?” “Good.” Jeff scoffed. “He can rot for all I care.” The image of Ed’s naked body growing thin and wasted popped into Dario’s brain. He was getting hard again, aroused at the idea of spreading the virus to someone who truly deserved it. Jeff was right–if anybody deserved AIDS, it was this guy. Maybe Dario wasn’t a victim of fate. Maybe he was an agent of it. He went back to the bathhouse every night that week, keeping his eyes peeled for Congressman Ed Green. He no longer had any fear of giving in to temptation and fucking someone else. Now that he had a target, he was a man on a mission. It was easy to avoid the flirty gazes and wandering hands of the patrons at the baths. He was saving his load for someone special. It was late one Saturday night when he finally saw him. He walked into the pool room a little after midnight, a towel wrapped around his waist. Even through the towel, you could see the outline of his dick. God, what Dario wouldn’t give to feel it in his ass. But he wasn’t here to bottom. The only way to be sure of spreading the virus was to cum inside the man. Dario watched as the congressman slipped off his towel and waded into the water. He slipped in behind him, his heart racing as he slowly approached his prey. Ed turned and saw Dario, then smiled. “Well, hello again.” Even with what he knew about the man, his deep, sexy voice still made Dario weak in the knees. “Fancy seeing you here.” “Haven’t seen you in a while,” said Ed. “Figured I scared you off last time.” Dario shook his head. “I wasn’t scared of you.” Ed raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” Dario slid his hand under the water and squeezed Ed’s cock. “I was scared of this.” Ed moaned. He put his hand on Dario’s ass, pulling him in closer. “I’ve never had one so big,” Dario continued. “I guess I just got scared.” “You don’t need to be scared, baby.” Ed grabbed the back of Dario’s head and pulled him in gently. “I told you–I don’t bite.” He kissed Dario, his tongue working its way into Dario’s mouth and opening him up. Dario continued stroking his cock, feeling it grow into full hardness under the water. The older man’s hands were squeezing his ass, then lifting him until his legs were wrapped around the man’s waist. Ed pinned him against the edge of the pool, kissing him deeply as he rubbed his cock up against his hole. “I want you,” Ed whispered in his ear. “Let me fuck you.” “Only if you let me return the favor.” Ed pulled back, a frown on his face. “I don’t get fucked.” Dario kissed his neck. “You don’t know what you’re missing. Trust me, the best tops are guys who like to bottom. I’ll take it slow, I promise.” Ed let go of him. “Forget it.” Dario felt the panic rising in his chest as the older man started to move away. He had to give him the virus, one way or another. He grabbed Ed’s hand. “Okay. Okay, fair enough. Just thought I’d try to get a shot at that beautiful ass.” Ed smirked. “Can’t blame you for trying.” He pulled Dario toward the edge of the water. “Come on. I have a room here.” He led Dario past the other patrons talking and fondling each other in the hallway and took him towards a room in the back. It was bare and cramped, with nothing but a rectangular mirror glued behind a cot. Ed sat down on the cot with his back against the wall and spread his legs, letting his half-hard cock flop down and hang in front of those delicious-looking balls. Dario dropped to his knees. He stuck his nose in the sweaty crevice between the man’s sack and his leg. Fuck, he loved the smell of man musk and chlorine. He took one of the hairy balls in his mouth and started sucking on it. “Fuck,” Ed moaned. He put his hands behind his head, relaxing as Dario slid his cock into his mouth. Dario was feeling cock-drunk as he worshipped the man’s shaft. It had been so long since he’d been able to enjoy another man’s body, and he wanted to savor every minute of it. He knew he should be figuring out a way to get the old man to bottom for him, but he was too caught up in fellating him. How could he have ever thought he could go the rest of his life without having sex with a man again? This was fucking heaven. It was more than just sex–it was why he was alive. As long or as short as he lived, he wanted to feel this again and again as much as he possibly could. “Turn around and let me see that hole,” said Ed. Dario pulled the man’s cock out of his mouth and stood. He used his hands to brace himself against the floor as he put his legs on either side of Ed. The older man’s hands grabbed him by the hips and pulled him closer to his face. He heard the sound of spitting, then felt the wonderful feeling of Ed’s tongue lapping him up. His cock was leaking precum now, he was so turned on by getting eaten out. He had always loved getting his ass eaten, but it seemed to feel even better now than it ever had before. Was that because it had been so long, or did it have something to do with the virus? It seemed to have made him hornier. Maybe it made sex feel better too. Ed’s tongue worked its way deep inside him, lubing him up and preparing his hole for the taking. His arms were shaking as he felt the man’s tongue probing him, opening him up to be fucked again for the first time in ages. “Fuck, I love eating your pussy,” said Ed. “I hear it feels even better on your cock,” he replied. Ed spanked him on the cheek. “Get up and bend over the bed. I want to take you from behind.” Dario got back on his feet, propping himself up against the cot as he waited to be entered. He practically wept when he felt Ed’s cock rubbing up against his hole. He wanted this so badly. “Shh…” Ed whispered in his ear. “You can take it.” Ed was pushing into him now. His cock felt wet, so he must have put some lube on it, but it was still painful as it worked its way into his guts. Dario hadn’t bottomed in so long, he knew his first time back wouldn’t be easy. But the pain paled in comparison to his lust. Ed buried his cock deep inside of Dario, his wiry grey pubes scratching Dario’s ass. “God I love your wet cunt.” He pulled out a bit and rammed it back in, making Dario cry out. He started fucking him faster, his cock battering Dario’s prostate again and again. Dario just laid his cheek against the cot and allowed the old man to use his hole. As the man fucked him again and again, Dario felt a sense of bliss overtake him. This felt right, being here. As much as he’d tried to deny it, when he was a teenager and again when he found out he had the virus, he knew that this was who he was meant to be. He was meant to be used by men, to take cock by whoever would give it to him. Even his time spent using condoms had been foolish–he was simply prolonging the inevitable. Better to give into his base desires and be who he truly was than to settle for some kind of half-life of mediocre sex. “Fuck, you faggots are so easy.” Ed laughed. “You’ll spread your legs for any guy with a pulse and a cock, won’t you? Oh fuck… I’m gonna cum… Ugh, take it. Fucking take it!” He grunted, then slammed his cock all the way in as he began to fill Dario with cum. Dario counted the pulses that filled him: one, two, three, four, five. As much as he hated the man who had bred him, he couldn’t deny everything the man said. He was a faggot who loved cock. But so was the old man. “Whew.” Ed pulled out of Dario and lay back against the cot. He wiped the sweat off of his brow. “You are one good lay.” Dario lay beside him, running his fingers through the man’s chest hair. “So are you.” He leaned down and took one of Ed’s nipples into his mouth, sucking and biting it as he grabbed the man’s wet cock. Ed laughed. “I’m a bit too spent to go again that fast. Maybe another time.” Dario lifted his head. “I know a trick that’ll make you rock hard again. Wanna try it?” Ed raised an eyebrow. “Rock hard, huh?” Dario crouched at the bottom of the cot and put his hands on Ed’s thighs. “Just relax. I’ll do all the work.” Ed rolled his eyes. “If your trick is a blowjob, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” But Dario ignored his cock. Instead, he grabbed Ed’s legs and hoisted them in the air. Before Ed knew what hit him, Dario’s tongue was buried deep in his asshole. “Oh fuck… Jesus, kid.” Dario made love to the man’s asshole, wiggling his tongue around and rubbing his nose against the man’s taint. He pushed his tongue as far as it could go, prying open his sphincter and tasting the sweet flesh within. By the sound of Ed’s moans, he wasn’t used to someone eating him out. He ran his hands through Dario’s hair as he ate him out. He pulled his face off of Ed’s hole for a second to stick one of his fingers in his mouth, then rubbed it up against the outside of the old man’s asshole. “Wait a minute, I don’t-” Ed’s words turned into cries of pleasure as Dario jammed his finger straight into the old man’s ass. He felt around until he found that precious little spot deep inside the asshole, then hammered it with his finger for all he was worth. “What are you- oh god… oh GOD!” Ed’s arms and legs went limp as Dario worked the man’s prostate. Dario smiled to himself as he watched the man get so bent out of shape over being fingered. Why some people denied themselves the pleasure of prostate play was beyond him. Keeping his finger buried in Ed’s asshole, he slid up the cot until his face was next to Ed’s. “Does that feel good?” he whispered. “Yes,” Ed said breathlessly. “I can make you feel better.” “How?” Dario kissed him, and for the first time, he was the aggressor. He climbed on top of Ed, grabbed his cock, and placed it against the old man’s hole. “Let me show you.” Then, without waiting for Ed’s response, he plunged his cock as deep inside the man’s hole as it would go. “Holy fuck! Jesus Christ… pull it out!” Ed shouted. “Shh…” Dario whispered in his ear. “You can take it.” He stayed still, giving the old man a few seconds to adjust. Despite the pain of the intrusion, Ed hadn’t gone limp at all–in fact, he was as hard as ever. Dario looked in his eyes and, when he didn’t see any sign of protest, began slowly fucking him. “Oh Jesus… that feels so good,” said Ed. “I told you, bottoms make the best tops,” said Dario. “We know what feels good. And we know how to find just the right spot.” He pulled his cock out a couple of inches, rubbing it up against the spot where he knew Ed’s prostate would be. “Holy shit. Ugh… fuck, don’t stop,” said Ed. “Just… just pull out before you cum in me. Okay? I don’t want to get sick.” Dario nodded, although he knew he would do no such thing. Not when he was so close to his prize. He fucked Ed slowly, careful to make it all about the older man’s pleasure. He knew that the best way to give him the virus was to make him want it. Now that he was inside, he was going to make this such a memorable experience that Ed would beg to be fucked again and again. Until it was sure to take. The tightness of Ed’s virgin hole was enough to bring Dario to the edge within minutes. He would have to be quiet about his orgasm if he wanted to accomplish his mission. He kept his breathing steady as he felt the pressure riding in his balls. Ed’s eyes were closed, his face sweaty as he grappled with how good it felt to let a man fuck you. For a moment, Dario felt guilty about what he was about to do. But then he remembered the way Ed had sneered when confronted with the virus. These degenerates brought all this nonsense on themselves. As far as I’m concerned, the less of them the better. You brought it on yourself, Ed. Dario kissed him to cover up the fact that he was cumming inside his hole. He grabbed his hands, pinning them against the cot as he rutted inside the man’s hole. The pressure of months of chastity released itself through his balls, entering the man’s rectum and infecting him the way that he himself had been infected. He didn’t slow his thrusting for a second, continuing to fuck even as his cumming began to slow and his orgasm faded. “You’re gonna pull out before you cum, right?” said Ed. “Of course.” Dario kissed the old man again, wrestling with the man’s tongue as he worked his seed deeper into his rectum. Now that he had cum, he started fucking Ed slow and sensual. Pinching his nipples, kissing his neck, stroking the head of his cock as he fucked him. He had Ed wrapped around his finger, making him moan and whimper with every touch. “I’m getting close,” said Ed. “Me too.” Dario stopped in mid-thrust. “Do you want me to pull out?” “No!” Ed said, his eyes growing wide. He was stroking himself wildly, desperate for a second cum. “Don’t stop fucking me.” Dario resumed pumping in and out of him, but he felt the familiar tension rising in his balls. “Ugh… fuck, I’m gonna cum if I keep going,” he teased. “I think I should pull out.” “No!” Ed wrapped his legs around Dario’s ass, trapping him inside him. “Just… a little… longer.” “Oh fuck… here I come!” said Dario. He felt a second orgasm flooding through him, his balls pumping a second load into Ed’s hole. Ed’s cock was shooting as well, dousing their stomachs in his seed. Dario collapsed on top of the old man, their chests sliding against each other as his cock dribbled the last of his seed into Ed’s no-longer-virgin hole. “Oh God… what did I just do?” Ed’s eyes were wide. “I don’t bottom, I don’t… you’re clean, right? Please tell me you’re clean.” Dario smiled. He ran his fingers through Ed’s hair, then kissed him gently on the lips. “It’s all good, baby. You have nothing to worry about.” “Oh thank God.” Ed sighed. “Fuck, that did feel good though,” he said with a grin. Dario pulled his cock out of the old man and sat back on his knees. “I’m down for a rematch anytime you are.” Ed sat up and kissed him. “I’ll give you my number. I’ve got a few friends who might be interested in joining in if you like that sort of thing. They’re discreet like me, but I can trust you, right?” Dario smiled. If Ed’s friends were anything like him, then he wouldn’t have to work too hard to find his next victim. “My lips are sealed.” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dario walked through the door of his apartment practically buzzing. Jeff sat on the couch watching TV. He smiled when he caught sight of Dario. “Hey man. What’s up with you? You feeling okay?” Dario plopped down on the couch next to him. “I feel amazing. Better than ever, actually.” “That’s great!” Jeff squeezed his hand. “I know you took it pretty hard, the diagnosis and all. Not being able to have sex. But there really is so much else to life.” Dario smiled. “You’re right. I have a lot to live for.” It was true. Stealthing that asshole at the baths had done more than lift his spirits–it had given him a new purpose. He was no longer a victim. He was taking control of his destiny. This virus hadn’t been a curse at all. It had shown him who he was, who he was truly meant to be. He didn’t know how long he had left to live. But whether it was a month, a year, or a decade, he knew one thing: he would take as many assholes with him as he could in the time he had left.
    2 points
  34. Spot on! That's me. 100% You would have had to have been with/around black men to understand that. 👍 What gets me is the fake outrage and virtue signaling with any reference to black or BBC.
    2 points
  35. i enjoy all flavor get naked please !!!
    2 points
  36. My white ass totally belongs to Black Men.
    1 point
  37. Yeah, I've recently been fantasizing more and more about much older men. Like literally the age of my grandfather, using me in a group.
    1 point
  38. I love both equally, if you fuck me, you have to at least allow me to taste your cum. I was born to be a Cumslut. I don't cum, sometimes I have sex with different men for weeks with out cumming. Heavy-set daddy's load Only to few very close friends. If I host an open door anon session this means I just want to take as many cocks as I can, I don't care how their faces look like. Nope
    1 point
  39. I like a hairy daddy with an ass I can grab and hold on to as I fuck his hairy hole. Doesn't need to be a fat ass, but there's got to be something there. Extra points if he's got a patch of hair on his lower back. It's a great visual.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Last week i went to a gay sauna to meet an old married daddy who had a profile on Grindr looking for sub married bottom to suck his thick meat and get fucked with condom. We agreed to meet at the gay sauna because we are both married and cant host . When we got inside an empty room, we quickly dropped off our towels then he ordered me to get down on my knees to sniff his sweaty ripe cock, balls and rim his hairy asshole while he was loading up his glass pipe with white crystals then started taking hit after hit. He then pulled me up to give me take hit after the pipe was reloading. Despite my refusal for not taking any drugs due to the fact that I have to pick up my youngest daughter at the childcare later . But what I didn't know that he had an other plan to get me wired up and high. As he was rimming and fingering my asshole, he secretly pushed his wet finger coated with tina into my dry cunt hole. As discussed before the meeting that he would fuck me with rubber and i don't want to pnp but when I actually hooked up with him I was turned into a drugged up raw whore against my will. He started fucking my asshole with his covered thick cock and only used small amount of his spits as lube . At first I was struggling to accept his powerful cock but he was kind enough to make me snort amyl even though I'm not big fan of sniffling that shit. He made me laid down on my tummy then he climbed on top of me using his weight to pin me down and fucked me senselessly and taking dirty in my ears saying that I'm his filthy sub pig , how much he loves fucking cheating and unfaithful married daddy's asshole . During the rough fucking he took off the condom without me knowing then kept going on ramping his raw meat deep inside my bare cunt. He then reached out to get the already loaded up pipe , lit it up with the touch and taking more hits while still grinding his unprotected cock into my innocent fuckhole then gave me the pipe to smoke the rest of the remaining crystals . This time I took his offers without any hesitation. He knew that i couldn't resist the magical feelings of blowing up the white clouds after I was given the booty pump earlier. I was flying hight and got fucked up totally. He then asked me to sit down on his cock. In my drugged up state I clearly saw his raw cock for the first time but I completely forgot my agreement with him that he can only fuck me safe. He looked at me with his evil eyes and smiled when he finally let me know that he actually fucked me bareback and got me all wired up and high. I was disappointed with him for not being able to keep his words but my disappointment only lasted for a few seconds after his whole cock dissapeared completely in my spunk asshole. He took control over my slutty asshole for what seemed to be long period of times ( it would have been at least 3 hours ) . He was a horny devil hung top daddy, he planned to drug me up and fuck me all bareback on the wet and dirty floor of the gay sauna that i don't consider to have sex with strangers for a first time. I ended up getting fucked up bareback and took his 2 heavy dirty loads just before my alarm went off for picking up my daughter. I called my wife to pick her up instead because I wouldn't drive when i was still under the effects of the drugs. When my hung top daddy left the room, i went straight to the glory hole booths, got in an empty one, locked the door and waited for any horny cocks that need a wet mouth or sloppy cunt hole to put through the holes on the wall. I was still hungry for cocks and cums after the long fucking session with devil daddy. I sucked two more cocks from anonymous guys, one of them was an Asian gentleman who has a decent uncut cock with white cheeses around his knob, the other was a big fatty old man with huge smelly thick cock. Both unloaded their fresh sperms in my hungry mouth and I was more than happy to swallow them down my empty stomach . Just before I was about to leave the booth, a young construction guy still in his dirty uniform went in the booth and looked the door. He was so damn sexy and good looking. He squashed down to look through the hole and when he saw me all naked and my hard big cock, he asked me to slide my cock through the hole and hungrily sucked on my cock. After a short time indulging himself on my meat, he dropped his pant dowm to his ankles and offered me to taste his juicy manly cock. He then turned around, brought his hairy asshole to the hole and i knew actually what he wanted. I used my hands to pull his ass cheeks wide open, his pinky asshole had a strong sweaty ripe scent. I don't usually play with dirty smelly assholes but weird enough i stuck my nose right into his cunt hole , take long deep sniffling one after an other then gradually gave his shithole a good rimming with my tongue and slided my fingers into his cunt hole to stretch it open wider for my wet tongue to do its magic works. He suggested that we should go to a private room for more privacy. How could I refuse not to play with a hot muscle young guy who is half younger than my age. When we were inside the room, he asked me if Im married daddy because he saw the gold band on my finger. I confirmed him that I am bi vers daddy with 2 young daughters . He said that am I ok to play with a total gay guy who is in long and steady relationship with an older mature gay guy. I told him that it's one of my fantasy to have sex with gay guy who has partner but loves to fuck around as i do fuck around behind my gf . He owns a great good looking 8" cock and an asshole that makes me as a sub bottom daddy wouldn't resist the temptation to fuck him. We took turns to suck our cocks and rimmed our assholes. When he tasted some cums in my asshole he asked how many loads i took, i answered more than 2 from a pervert dirty old man who i met on Grindr and an mature guy at the glory hole before he arrived. He got so excited by the facts that i was drugged up by the hung top daddy , got fucked bareback and took loads unwillingly - he rammed his unprotected cock into my sloppy cunt without any lubricant and of course without my resistance. His awesome gorgeous big cock pounded my cumdump hole so rough and deep as if he was taking revenge on his cheating boyfriend. He forced me to sniff his sweaty ripe pits, sniffing his smelly asshole, swallowed his spits and tongue bath his whole body. I was in heaven for being the useless piece of shit for this horny muscle young gay guy who in real life i could have paid him big bucks to have sex with him but it was my great luck to be his sex machine just because I'm bi married bottom daddy and I am a big dirty kinky cumdump. I asked him if I could fuck him for a while but he said NO because he wasn't prepared to be bottom even though he was obsessed with it when we were playing in the glory hole booth before. I kept on asking him, convincing him, begging him to let me sink my married cock into his gorgeous pussy hole because i knew that it turns him on big time to get fucked by a cock that gets my gf pregnant twice. Eventually he gave up his slutty asshole to my horny daddy's big cock. I fucked him missionary style because i love seeing his gorgeous face's impressions while he takes my raw cock up in his cheating asshole and tell him how much of a good slut he is for daddy's big cock and how much i love impregnate him, how exciting it is to send him home to his longtime partner with his asshole full of my babies. My messy slimy cock was happy to penetrate this young muscle slut knowing that he is a great cumdump pig as i am . We are both in a steady relationships but we love playing the fields and love fucking around , talking loads then go home to our partners at the end of the day and have intimate moments together with them . I would love pnp fucking with a gay couple when the top's cock is smaller than mine and his partner convinces him to take my cock in a sandwich fuck 😋
    1 point
  42. I knew the risk of it all would get the boy's pussy sopping wet in eager anticipation and that soon enough lust would make all reasoning defeat their defenses. "Okay but you can't cum inside, you can pull out and blow on my face if you like" said the soon to be pregnant little tramp. "I can try but I can't make any promises, when I'm in the moment I forget about such things" I had no intention of trying to pull out. My cum is used to breed. "As long as you try really hard then okay. Where and when?" I was in, and soon would be in literally. I gave them my hotel room number and said I would be waiting on the bed hard and ready for them to slide down my 9 inches, til their pussy lips rested on the top of my overflowing balls. I had taken some cialis 30 minutes before, I wanted to pump multiple loads up the slut. The punk showed up and damn near jumped onto my cock. Clothes where off in milliseconds and they climbed on my lap and put me at their entrance. "Tell me when you're close so I can climb off and finish you with my mouth", said the bitch. "I'll do my best but you gotta get me there by milking me with your pussy slut" my hand grabbed her arse cheeks and my mouth bit his nipples. I knew if I got him drunk on my cock he'd forget about where my seed ended up.
    1 point
  43. This has been my experience as well, and I love eating a big muscular Black ass.
    1 point
  44. My profile page has gone missing. Hopefully the men at the top 😆💦 can assist. Candii 💋
    1 point
  45. Chapter 1: Moving in What a ride my life I've had over the last year! Gifted by my step dad, also seeded by my real dad who is also toxic. Converted my best friend who I experimented with. And now moved in with him, helping him on his quest to create his first son, just as I created him! My new life with Marc was a huge success. I ended up transferring to his college, and we rented our own three bedroom home. We rented the home from one of the professors at the school who was gay. Instead of a rental deposit, we let him deposit his seed in both of us. If payment happened to be late, he came by to collect it, and he waved the late fee using our asses instead. Let's just say he was never mad when we were late! In addition, he owned a boi who was our yard guy. He would come to mow the yard simply shirtless and a leather collar around his neck. On his collar was a biohazard dog tag. When he finished the yard, we'd invite him in for a shower, a cold beet or two and then give him our toxic recharges! Our place wasn't much, but it was ours. We shared the master bedroom, and had plans to make one of the bedrooms our playroom. It apparently had been a playroom before, as there were still hooks in the ceiling for a sling. This was perfect as now we wouldnt have to get a sling stand! This would leave a second bedroom open to possibly rent out. Needless to say, the sex was amazing. Knowing that my child was living and growing in him was not like anything I've ever imagined. On our first day there, we decided to fuck in every room. Granted this was no easy task. We did have a nice bed, but the living room consisted of a chair and a TV. Fortunately the house included a washer and a dryer. The dining area had a small table, but we didn't feel it was safe to fuck on, and wasn't even sure it was study enough for either of us to be bent over. On our first day, we went shopping at thrift stores where we picked up some cheap kitchen items and bed linens and towels. When we got back, we immediately stripped and Marc started washing the dishes. He made sure he was bent over the sink with his ass pointing up and out. That was all I needed, and he got exactly what he needed! My load oozed out of his hole when I pulled out, dripping all over the kitchen floor. We used one of our new towels to clean it up. Well what was left after Marc licked up my cum from the floor. Marc then draped the towel over his rock hard cock and we headed to the washer. As I was loading the washer, Marc was eager to load me. Once I closed the lid I bent over the washer. Marc started to mount me as the washer was filling with water. I told him to eat my ass as it was filling, and then start fucking me as it started to agitate. My cock was rock hard against the machine as it was filling. It created an amazing feeling. The sound of the water, and Marc eating my ass was incredible. As the washer started to churn, Marc quickly put his cock up my ass. Pumping away in rhythm to the washer. It seemed as though it was forever before he deposited his seed deep in me. Once he finished, I jumped on top of the washer and Marc sucked my cock. As he was doing so, the washer went into its spin cycle. My balls were resting on the washer and the vibrations quickly sent me over the edge.
    1 point
  46. I posted this elsewhere. Years ago outside cruising I see this short latino guy following me, I suck his short hard dick with crazy foreskin and he's precumming like hell. He motions to fuck me, enters me and has a deathgrip on my hips so I'm not moving. He felt great in my hole, pure animal breeding on his part. He's cumming and he's buried emptying his balls. It felt like alot of cum, tried holding as much as possible. It was really hot, I never turn anyone away.
    1 point
  47. Predators and prey (Part 10) Predators and prey (Part 10) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Michael recovered slowly from the traumatic rape, which happened to him a few nights ago. Steven was busy working as a doctor in a hospital, and because of his long working shifts, he didn’t see him that often. Matt was the one, who took care of Michael, but he felt that he was not welcome. One morning Matt was preparing the breakfast for the boy. He pissed into the teapot, before mixing it with the hot water. Of course he didn’t forget to add some teabags. Then he prepared some scrambled eggs and blew his nose into the pan. It was so wicked, but it was Matt’s morning routine for the new ‘guest. He loved the idea, that Michael would drink and eat some of his waste. Michael’s room was quite dreary with only a bed, a small table and one chair. There was no window. Michael never knew, if it was day or night. Matt insisted there would be no television, radio or newspaper. The door had to be locked at any time and the boy got sedated heavily for his own goods. That was helpful, because this way Matt could abuse the guy regularly and throw some fucks into his body. Matt had convinced his boyfriend, that it would be dangerous, if the Michael would escape and inform the cops about this residence. They didn’t know, what was going on in Michael’s mind. Steven decided, they would to get him back to his feet and then set him free. Matt unlocked the door and brought the breakfast in. He served it on a small tablet. “Hey… you… wake up! Breakfast time….” he put the tablet down at the table. Then he pinched the boy’s sensitive nipples. Michael moaned in his drugged state. The effect of the drugs subsided and he could smell the food. He was hungry and so he stuffed some pillows beneath his back and received the tablet. Matt sat there with his leg spread widely. You could clearly see his nice package. “Thank you for the food. It tastes great.” Mike smiled cutely. “Yeah… drink your tea also….” Matt answered. He watched the boy picking up the cup and sipping the tea. It was still hot. Matt fondled his penis through the fabric of his pants openly and smiled. “I really appreciate, that you are taking care of me. I hope I will be on my feet soon. I am still aching you know? My butthole never seems to heal. Is that normal? I thought after a while it wouldn’t hurt so bad. But it is still hurting me a lot!” Michael blabbered. Matt thought about last night, when he visited the youngster to fuck him roughly. No wonder his ass would not heal up so fast. He was molesting him almost every night and every day. As soon as the pills would knock him out, he would bang the boy’s asshole without mercy. It was fun. Although the lad was almost comatose, he still felt the pain obviously. “It is so boring in here. Can I spend some time with you in the kitchen or so? Maybe I could socialize with some of your friends” the young boy asked. “Nah…. well maybe I could call some guys for you… if you insist!” After getting the twink back into his bed he actually called one of his friends. His name was Dean and he was a nasty POZ top. He was in his 40’s already, but had a trained body and a 9 incher in his pants. “Yeah… he is Steven’s patient. But 18 years old only and he was quite abused on a bareback party. Maybe you want to charge him up a little bit?” He mixed the truth with some lies, to make sure, that Dean would want to fuck the teen. 30 Minutes later the doorbell rang. Dean looked hot in his tight black jeans. His bulge was already bigger than usual, so Matt guessed Dean was already hot to share his toxic semen. “Don’t tell him, you are here to fuck him. I will sedate him with some pills first. Then you can use him, as hard as you wish.” Matt whispered. He unlocked the door and both guys entered the room, which was more like a cell. Dean just took one look at Michael and he started already massaging his dick through his jeans. Matt leaned against the wall, while Dean moved away the blanket and realized the twink was absolutely naked underneath. Michael felt a bit intimidated. “Michael… this is one of my friends. His name is Dean and he wanted to know you better.” “Hello Dean…” Michael whispered. “Hello faggot. You are a faggot, right? I can smell it, that you are….” Dean snarled dangerously. Michael looked very scared now. This aggressive behavior pushed him back into this fatal night, when he was raped and hurt seriously. Dean recognized this was not a good start and so he switched his appearance immediately. “Listen… I didn’t want to scare you. I turn that way sometimes. No need to be afraid of me.” Dean grinned, but he still looked dangerous. The boy looked at the huge guy suspiciously. “Will he rape me?” Michael addressed his question to Matt. “No… No, of course not, you are safe here. You wanted someone to talk to… that’s why he is here. But this has to be our secret” Matt explained. Subsequently he smacked Dean over his head to reinstate some composure. The new ‘friend’ took a seat. He edged the chair away from the bed, screeching the chair legs and parted his legs far apart. This way Michael could see the huge bulge in full view. “You must be very ill, Matt told me. You got to stay all day in bed?” Dean asked casually. “Well… I feel much better now. I don’t have to be in bed all day long, but mostly I am, because I am tired very often” Michael replied. “Okay… so if you are not tired now, why don’t you take a seat with me?” “There is only one chair…. and you are sitting in that chair” the twink responded. “Oh…. you are right…. but look how much space there is in front of me. You could kneel here, between my legs… then we would be a bit closer. You and I” Dane smiled. “Come on… don’t be afraid. I promise to you, I won’t attack you.” “O… ok.” Michael wrapped the blanket around him like a robe and got out of the bed. He kept some distance and knelt in front of Dean who smiled down at him with a pearl white shark grin. “Move a bit closer boy. Let us get acquainted. Use your hands and place them on my knees. That’s harmless, but we will get a connection.” Dean suggested. Michael slid closer to Dean, but in order to place his hands at the requested spot, he had to let go of the blanket. It fell down to the floor and finally showed his nudity. “Do you feel better now” Dean asked in a monotonous voice. The twink nodded uncertainly. “So what happened to you?” Dean asked. Immediately the boy got totally stiff and looked extremely frightened. He summarized that he was raped and beaten and that Steven had rescued him. “How did you get into that situation” Dean wanted to know. “I went to this place by myself” Michael sniffed. “So it was your fault that you got raped. You went there all by yourself. No one forced you to… hum?” The pup lowered his head. “I wanted sex… but I didn’t know they would hurt me so bad.” was the boy’s defense. “True… but in the end, it was you who chose to look for trouble” Dean retorted. “Believe me, talking about this stuff will help you to accept, that it is not always the fault of the other one. You got to accept the facts and ask yourself why you did it in the first place.” Dean felt like his pants would rip any second now. His cock was so hard, it was almost unreal. Michael was not so responsive at the moment. “I will tell you a secret, how you can relax your body and soul within a minute. But you must be open for new things – ok?” Dean asked calmly. “Do you know, when do Babies have their happiest hour?” Michael shrugged his shoulders. “They are carefree, when they suckle on their mother’s tits. Did you know that?” “As an adult you can get the same experience, all you need is something you can suckle on. Come closer between my legs” Dean ordered. Michael’s hands were almost placed now next to Dean’s enormous bulge. “Believe me – this is not sexual, and you don’t have to suck my dick. I am here to help you on your way and give you a good feeling” Dean used nice word, but his eyes were totally emotionless. He just wanted to free his cock. “Open my jeans…. open my belt slowly and then every button – take your time…” he almost whispered those words in a soothing way. “Don’t force me to suck you please” the lad begged, while working on the buttons. “I won’t – I promised you. You see my briefs? Do you see where my cock ends? Start to suckle on my briefs. I know you think this is probably sucking, but it is not. My cock is still covered. This will help you calm you down. You are not in danger, but you will almost feel like a little baby again…” Dean continued whispering. Very slowly Michael raised himself up a little bit and lowered his head to Dean’s white briefs. He could see the huge cock glans underneath the fabric and licked across it with his tongue. Then he half engulfed it with his mouth and started to suckle as he was told. Matt observed the whole scene and saw Dean was crossing his arms behind his head and seemed to be very pleased. “Do you feel it, how this is calming you down already? Concentrate on sucking my dick” “U-huuu” We heard the smacking sounds, and even Matt was jerking his cock through his pants right now. “Did you wear tight jeans that night?” “U-huuu” Michael confirmed that. “So you wanted the guys to get horny for your ass. And you were looking for some dicks. It was not the tops fault, that it got all out of hand… in the end you were responsible for the outcome. You and your faggot ass” The lad continued to suckle on Dean’s cock, while listening to his logic. He had already Dean’s cock taste in his mouth. Dean was leaking precum like a faucet and Michael sucked that all up. He sucked and swallowed his tormentor’s toxic precum. “You simply have to accept the fact, that you are a faggot and that you deserve such brutal treating” Matt talked softly to Michael, that it would be time for his pills. As soon, as he heard that he turned to Matt and looked at him sadly. Slowly he got up and went back to his bed. Matt handed him the glass of water and a few different pills. “You feel better now?” Dean asked the boy. He nodded gingerly. “I need to sleep…. now….” Michael stammered. He closed his eyes, as if he wouldn’t be able to keep them open any longer. “He will be out in two minutes” Matt explained. Dean nodded and got up. He started pulling his shirt over his head. Michael opened his eyes again slowly and looked very tired. Although he saw, that Dean wore no shirt anymore, he couldn’t connect these things anymore. “Thanks…. for your visit… and your… help *sighs*” Dean kicked his shoes off and started to get out of his pants while grinning evilly at the lad. “Maybe I can… suckle on your… cockhead again… soon *closes his eyes again*” “Don’t worry. You will do that and so much more….” Dean answered coldheartedly. “You can get between his legs now… he won’t remember a thing from now on” Matt stated without any empathy. Dean grunted as he got on the bed. He raised Michael’s legs and rested them on his shoulder. He wanted to give the boy and long and brutal ride. He forced his rigid stiff cock down into Michael’s tight and narrow asshole in a fast and ramming motion. This was too good to be true…
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