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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2024 in all areas

  1. I met this hot 6ft tall black guy on Grindr today, he sent me pics of his thick 9” cock and I knew I had to have it. I cleaned up and headed over to his place. We got undressed and I started blowing him on the bed feeling his thick meat grow in my mouth till I started gagging from the length. He then put me on my back, lubed up and slid inside me. It felt amazing, he then fucked me in every position imaginable for the next 2 hours. He said he took a long time to cum but I wasn’t complaining. We finally finished with me bent over the bed and him pounding away at my hole till he shot a huge load balls deep inside me. I might just have to make this a weekly thing.
    8 points
  2. I was at work today when I received a message on sniffies app from a guy staying in a nearby hotel, hosting and wanting to be bred. I’ve never done a “cum-dump” scenario, so was turned on by the idea and his hot ass. So I arranged to meet him after work. I turned up at the hotel, he was waiting naked, legs spread and his ass up. He already had 3 guys before me. He was even hotter in reality: rugby-player build, big muscular body and big legs with a beautiful big muscle ass with just a little dusting of fine blonde hair! Wow, his hole was nice and wet and after a few sniffs of poppers he relaxed his hole and sucked me in slowly. My cock is wider at the base and thick, so it always takes bttms by surprise when they relax and feel the stretch, but they say they feel really full and stretched by it. This guy loved it, he was on all fours, legs open and his ass pushed against me wanting me deep. We fucked for about 15minutes till I got super hard and couldn’t hold back, one deep thrust and he gripped my cock at the base with his hole and asked me to shoot, so I did nice and deep. He’s here for the annual Chelsea flower show and said he has a couple of friends that he would like to share with me…. Let’s see what happens over the next week, who would have thought florists are so horny!
    6 points
  3. When they got back from their honeymoon Nick got sick and Tex had taken care of him like any good Daddy would. He had run a fever, been stuffed up and had no appetite but Tex had made him eat, mostly soup to be sure but it was more than he would have eaten if Daddy had not threatened to take his temperature anally if he didn't eat something Tex actually made great chicken soup and he spoon fed Nick in bed "Here comes the airplane! Open up the hanger!" Tex said as Nick shot daggers at him with his eyes but he did open his mouth and eat the sup He also put the vapor rub on his chest and when chills set in he held him, and kept him as warm as he could It lasted three days and Tex worried over him the entire time “I’m going to start calling you mommy if you don’t chill out Tex” Nick said the second day when Tex approached with the chest rub jar for the third time “Not even a koala bear could take this much eucalyptus! Get that stuff away from me” he grumped Nick was always surly when he was sick but Tex took it all in stride Nick got the rub apple anyway even though he glared at Tex the entire time, Iy didn't help that Tex had twisted his nipples with vapor rub covered finger just to make his point Nick woke up on the 4th day and felt much better, Tex was sound asleep “Poor guy ran himself ragged taking care of me” Nick thought His own “dad” had been one of those “you should suffer in silence" types who thought admitting weakness or needing help was for wimps when someone else was sick but let him feel bad and he turned into the biggest baby in the world Not for the first time Nick wondered what it might have been like to grow up with Tex raising him He let the exhauster Tex sleep and went to survey the rest of the apartment.. Except for the dishwasher needing to be unloaded the place was spotless “Tex is incredible” Nick thought He quietly went through the bedroom into the bath and soaked out the last of his aches in a long hot bath. Tex was still out cold when he came out Nick quietly straightened up the bedroom. He was tempted to throw away that damn vapor rub jar but just put it back in the medicine cabinet instead He realized he was actually hungry and called down to the restaurant on the corner. He ordered himself a relatively bland ham and swiss on white. He ordered Tex his favorite, “Volcano hear” buffalo wings and onion rings. The order was delivered in less than half an hour, Nick opened the buffalo wing container, moved it close to Tex’s face and let the steam and aroma drift to his nose Tex woke up immediately. He sat up, grabbed a wing and took a bite happily “I’m not sure about any food that works like smelling salts” Nick laughed “You got to eat them while they are hot1” Tex said biting into an onion ring hungrily Nick ate his sandwich slowly, giving his stomach time to readjust to solid foods Tex finished his food quickly and looked slightly disappointed Nick laughed and pointed to a bag on the floor next to the bed containing a second order of wings and rings Tex snatched up up and held it to him saying “My precious” in a fairly good imitation though Nick knew he had not voiced that character “I take it you are feeling better” Tex said as he finished his last wing “Much, thank you for putting up with me, I make a lousy patient” Nick said Yex shrugged “All part of being your Daddy and you were so cute trying to kill me with your eyes as I fed you. You were actually pouting between bites” he said heading into the bathroom. Nick heard him relieve himself and then the shower started. Nick clean up the mess from lunch as he waited Ten minute later a squeaky clean Tex emerged ,wrapped in a towel. Nick could admit his father was a good looking man. At 51 he looked 35 tops, Nick sat on the edge of the bed and said “Come her Daddy” When Tex approached Nick unwrapped the towel and nuzzled the nuts that had produced him rolling the large low hangers with his tongue before taking the head of Daddy’s cock in his mouth. He used every trick Tex had taught him so far and manages to keep him on the edge for quite a while before Tex filled his mouth with cum Tex was surprised when Nick pulled him onto the bed and started kissing him, sharing his own cum with him. The made out for a while and then cuddled together “Where did you learn about snowballing?” Tex asked “I saw it online and thought you might like it” Nick said as he lay in Tex’s arms Tex was again impressed and grateful, This straight boy he loved was experimenting to make their sex life better. Talk about getting lemons and making lemonade. Nick surprised him over and over To show how much he appreciated his Son, Tex gave him his best blowjob yet That afternoon they hung out by the pool and talked about unimportant things. They had a light dinner and went to bed early, Both slept soundly and woke refreshed The next day Tex had two appointments one with a movie producer who wanted to cast him to voicei a “villain” role. They were meeting at the restaurant on the corner The other was with his doctor whose office was just 4 blocks away. Everyone Tex knew went to Dr. Lars or his new husband/partner Dr. Cole. Tex dressed in one of the new suits Nick had bought him, the black one and headed out When Tex left Nick finally got to the packages that had been stacked in the foyer since their return from Mouse Town. The clothes fit perfectly and the other items were just right The meeting with the producer went well and Tex noted that his suit was of a higher quality than the one the man man interviewing him wore despite the man Beijing a world class producer. That was a first for Tex At the doctor’s office he was told he was in good over all health. His cholesterol was a little high, He could actually put on five pounds or so to reach his optimum weight but it wasn’t really a concern. His HIV test had come back “inconclusive” and needed to be redone. “There must have been a problem at the lab” Dr. Cole told him As the elevator doors opened he heard Nick call “I’m in here Daddy” from the living room Tex walked in and paused taking everything in at once Nick stood with his head hung low. He was wearing a white button up shirt and knee length grey wool shorts. Over the shirt he wore a blue blazer with a DBL School logo embordered on the pocket and on top of his head was a matching blue cap. In his hand he held a large stiff folded paper that read “Report card” on the side Tex could see There was also a leather armchair with an end table set next to it. Om the table was a leather paddle “Oh my god! This is a full role play scene!” he though It was one he had marked as “Favorite” on the kink website “How was your day Son?” Tex said deepening his voice and falling into his role, His cock was already getting hard “I got my report card Daddy” Nick said sounding a bit apprehensive as he held it out Tex took it “Lets take a look” he said as he opened it He almost laughed. Inside every subject had a large red F next to it “This won’t do Son. I am very disappointed in you, I pay a lot to send you to this school and you are not even trying” he said sternly, crossing to the chair, folding his suit jacked neatly over the back of it and sitting “I will do better Daddy! I promise!” Nick said sounding desperate now “Not good enough Son, You have said that before. Come here.” he said pointing to a spot next to the chair Nick walked over slowly… Like a reluctant school boy… and it was absolutely perfect… the scared look… the pouting lip… the way he dragged his feet… all just right Tex’s cock was at full attention now Tex picked up the wicked looking paddle and commanded “Drop your shorts and get over my knee Son. It’s time for some discipline in this house” in his deep “Dom” voice “I think ten swats will do to remind you to try harder next time! Count them off out loud for Daddy and be sure to thank me at the end. I’m doing this for your own good after all” “Yes Daddy” Nick sniffled as he undid his belt, dropped the shorts to the floor and bent over Tex’s knees. He was wearing a jockstrap underneath and it made his ass look even rounder and more ready for a spanking Tex ran his hand over that beautiful ass admiring it’s curve and firm feel He tapped it with the paddle a couple times then giving a hard firm swat “Holly shit!” Nick explained but he didn’t pull away “Language Son!” Tex snapped “That will be five more swats because of that dirty mouth of yours!” “Sorry Daddy!” Nick said contritely the he tentatively said “One?” “That’s better Son, Keep counting” Tex said rubbing that ass with the paddle “Two, three, four and five” were said in only a slightly elevated voice “Six, seven, eight, nine and ten” each got louder “Eleven, twelve and thirteen” were almost yelled and “Fourteen, and fifteen” hissed between clenched teeth. Nick was shaking and sobbing a little by the end nut he managed a “Thank you Daddy” after a moment Tex could not take it any more. He stood and roughly pushed Nck over the seat of the chair, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulled out his rock hard cock, knelt behind his Son and rammed in balls deep in one brutal thrust Nick’s ass was pre-lubed and ready “Smart boy” Tex thought as he pounded mercilessly Nick had thought the paddling was bad but he saw stars when his father rammed 11 inches of rock hard cock into him. Oddly, the pain made his own cock rock hard though “Fuuuukkk Daddy! Fuck me! Breed your Son! I will do better! I promise! Cun in me Daddy!” Nick gasped pushing back his ass like a slut That did it for Tex, hearing his straight Son begging Daddy to breed him sent him over the edge. He blasted Nick full of cum that may be infecting him with HIV right now, He groaned at the thought as his nuts emptied into the boy’s guts Mick was lost in a world of pain and pleasure crashing and merging. This was not a man breeding him this was his own father, unknowingly but incestuously breeding his own flesh and blood. That sent him over the edge and he shot all over the chair Tex pulled him off the chair and they lay on the soft rug kissing. Someone ha left a stack of pillows nearby and they used them to make things more comfortable They kissed until their heartbeats calmed down, then Nick snuggled into Tex’s chest Tex reached down and lightly slapped Nicks still rosy ass “That will teach you: he said and they both cracked up “You are incredible Son” Tex said holding him tight “I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I am the luckiest Daddy in the world. I love you Nick, so much” “I love you tight back Daddy” Nick said Nick could still light feel that paddling three days later but that just made him smile. Was his life exactly what he wanted it to be? He honestly could not answer that question anymore with a no but he couldn’t say yes either. It was not what he would have chosen but would that have been better? Who knows? He did know it could have turned into something a hell of a lot worse. Half of all marriages ended in divorce after all. “Given the choice would I trade the certainly I have with Tex for a maybe with a woman?” he though “I might have at first but no, I would not give up Tex for anything now, I love him to much” It was not transitional love but traditional love had a fairly bad track record. Nick would keep his Tex, His Daddy. His Father, in his bed He never verbally expressed these thoughts to Tex but he showed him in every way he could and Tex figured it all out A month later back at the doctor's office his HIV test came back Poz. Two months after that Nick got the same results, They had a little celebration because it was else something they shared, Zeke had told them about the Angel Strain of HIV and Dr. Cole backed him up. They both had that strain as it had come directly from Zeke himself As time went by they got closer and closer. They explored many different kinks and roleplays, finding many the could enjoy together On their one year anniversary Nick brought up something new that once again blew Tex's mind They had gone out for an expensive dinner and Tex had paid. The first 1/15th he had gotten a year ago was his to keep and it put him on equal financial footing with Nick. It had never been an issue but deep inside Tex felt more secure “I want to talk to you about something Daddy” Nick said as they lay in bed that night. They were sitting up, propped against the headboard with Nick between Tex’s legs leaning back into him “You know I have no desire to let any man other than you fuck me or to suck any other man but you” he went on “I know, That’s a hard limit for you I would never think about pushing” Tex said. Truth be told Tex did not want his Son used by any other man, Nick’s ass and mouth were his and his alone. His mother had always told him his kindergarten teacher had rated him a failure when it came to “shares his toys well with others” “Daddy, how would you feel about us fucking neg boys together?” Nick asked “I love the idea of spreading the virus you gave me” You could have heard a pin drop for a moment as Tex’s mind grappled with that Nick leaned to the side and looked back at his silent Daddy, then he put a hand under Tex’s chin and pushed his mouth closed When Tex could speak again he asked “You want to share bottoms with me?” breathlessly. This was too much to believe. Too good to be true “With certain rules” Nick said firmly, He had thought this out: One - Only together Two - Both have to agree on the bottom Three - Never more than once with the same bottom Four - Never in their home Five - No friend or acquaintances . No one they would see regularly afterwards “The rest is negotiable” Nick finished “Basically I want to knock up strangers with you but I’m not willing to share my Daddy with any man more than once. I don’t share my toys with others well either but I have a strong desire to spread our gift. Preferably without them knowing we are infecting them” “Oh my god Nick I love you! when did you get so evilly twisted? Stealthing strangers? I love it! Your rules are perfect and I agree with them 100% Daddy’s boy is growing up and I am so proud!: That night for the first time ever Tex told his Son to breed him it was maybe the 3rd time Tex had bottomed in his life and Nick knew it He lubed up and very gently eased in. His cock was literally 4 inches shorter than Tex’s but seven inches still could hurt. He did his best to make love to this man who meant everything to him. He touched and caressed him in all the same spots he loved Tex to touch him and found that Tex responded in the same ways he did Tex was on his back and stroking, his head thrown back and his eyes closed Nick made it last as long as he could, He slid in and out pounding just the right spot “I’m about to incestuously breed my own father for the first time" Nick thought and he groaned low in his throat. He picked up the picked dripping sweat and finally hilted deep in Tex's hole and shot ropes of sticky cum to paint those silky inner walls Nick’s low growling “Take my cum Daddy!" sent Tex over the edge and he came all over both of them. His beloved straight Son leaned down to lick as much cum off his Daddy as he could then they kissed, sharing it The next day as they sat 9n bed again, Nick explained some things he had already done and what he wanted to do now What was already done came from an idea he had gotten from Zeke. An apartment in his building had come available, Rather than leasing it out again Nick had furnished it to look lived in, even putting photos of Tex and himself around the place, It was close enough to easily use it as a hookup spot while hiding their true residence What he wanted to do was create profiles on various gay hookup sites, They snapped some photos from the neck down and a face shot as well as their cocks from different angles, hard and soft. They made profiles as a couple on several sites stressing that it was both or neither On every site they listed their HIV stays as “Neg” They didn’t have to wait long for the messages to start rolling in One message came in in a slightly different way though They faintly heard someone yell “Hey! Hey you two evil, stealthy fuckers!” They looked out the open balcony doors Red had opened the window and was holding up his phone. He pointed to it then he gave them a thumbs up and yelled “Go get them! Breed them all!” **************************************************************************************** Abd a straight boy stealther is born! Let me know what you think! Scanbu
    6 points
  4. At this point I was a poz cub in mid to late 20's. I cannot recall exactly how long ago it was. I was unmedicated poz going through a semi-self destructive phase with a "don't ask don't tell" policy on my status. We I found a guy online not too far from where I lived. He prefers bb and is into some kinky stuff like I am of which includes part poundings and light bondage. So I clean up and head out to his place. He was 6'3 which male who had this thin body but with an average thickness cock that was at least 9in long. We made out and then I let him tie my hands up above my head. He played with my cock and rubbing my hole as he talked dirty. Like how he is going to rip me open. Pound me as long and hard as he wanted to. It wasn't long I was begging for his cock. With just some spit to the head and my hole he pushes in. He pounds me hard and I am moaning like a whore. He tells me he is going to piss on me or maybe in me. I beg him not to piss in me. I don't want any of his cock washed away. He smiles and keeps riding me. Stretching my legs further back to kiss me. I now can feel him pumping faster, sweating all over me. I knew he was getting close. "Where do you want my cum?" He asked while panting and spitting as he talked. "Breed me! You are already in me raw. Fill me up!" I begged him. Not like I had much of a choice tied up. "You sure? FUCK! So close. Beg for my load if you want it." "Cum in me, Give me every fucking drop." I begged He cried out as I felt his load slam against my walls. He just kept unloading in me. "Fuck! Yeah. Been forever since a guy took my poz loads." He moaned and then froze mid fuck. He realized he never told me his status. "Sorry, fuck I should have told you." He started to mumble while still in me. I wiggled my hole some and he moaned. "It is fine, I am poz too." I said with a smile. He smiled and slipped out. He laid on top of me, kissed me and started to piss all over me on his bed. Then he rolled me over onto my belly still hands bound above my head. "Round 2" he whispered in my ear before shoving into me.
    5 points
  5. From the web page I cited in my post: That would be a conspiracy theory. On BZ, the moderation staff decides what is and isn't a conspiracy theory, because that's our (volunteer) job.
    5 points
  6. Last Friday, invited by a couple, met on Grindr. Tourists from France. The top was 58, fit, hairy chest and legs, with nice thick cock. He gave me two heavy loads and his son 23 years old ate and cleared after he finished. I also gave two loads to his son. The son came in my mouth. It was a hot and delicious session.
    5 points
  7. Vividly, I was in NCY with my parents for a long weekend and was out for the first time to the bathhouse on the west side. It was early spring and It happened 3 weeks after my 18’s birthday. I decided on the bathhouse as I couldn’t get into the bar and it was extremely excited. Paid for the entrance fee and said to myself, I just wanted to walk around and see what the actual place looks and feels like. I did just that, walking around all the places, cabins, darkroom and saw all the activities. Being young and new to the place, many guys gave me a wink, smiles and some grabbed my butt. I just smiled and kept walking. After 30 minutes of checking out the place, I decided to hit the shower to cool myself. Taking my time, soaping &cleaning, and I suddenly I felt a hand caressing my butt and whispered into my ear, “you want daddy boy, love your smooth body and baby’s face”he was a daddy in his 50 plus, with decent look and fit body. I turned to him and said thanks, I just arrived and my first time here. As I said that I felt another hand grabbed my butt, a strong firm grip, I turned immediately and said not today. The guy smiled and showed me his cabin’s number. I’m 5’ 8”, 140, natural smooth with lean muscles. Decided to finish myself and walked toward the cabin area. Many rooms were opened than an hour earlier, showing the good. Being a first timer, my heart was pounding with excitement, and suddenly I saw this handsome guy with beautiful smile sitting in the room with his back against the wall, legs spread and covered with towel. I probably stared at him too long or frozen. He waved and called me to join him. My entire body was frozen and then he took off the towel to reveal his jew, very nice package. He kept calling and waving for me to join him. My heart was beating so fast and I slowly walked into the most memorable room. We immediately lips locked his hands explored my body and came to rest on my butt. His tongue down my throat deep and I did my best. It was intense and hungry, my body was shaking a bit. He laid me down on the mat. His hands were constantly explored my butt and now fingering my tight virgin hole. The guy had a mission, he licked, sucked all places, then lift my legs up and my knees were at my ears. He stared into my eyes and smiled. He took my hands and told me to hold my knees, I did just that. He dashed his tongue onto my asshole and sunk his face onto my ass. He ate, rimmed and sucking on my hole, no words to describe. The sensation, excitement, being eaten for the first time was overwhelming. I just lost all my control and let the guy did his magic. Pulling, sucking and tongue fucking my assshole’s lips. Finally, he stopped and crawled to meet for a deep kiss as the same time pushing my legs over his shoulders. I felt hard and wet cock’s head rubbing and poking all over my ass and asshole. The fluid from his semen and saliva were incredibly, flooding and made it slippery. Now, he stopped the kiss and adjudged himself for a tight grip on both of my legs and ass. Once he got himself in place, he leaned forward and planted a deep kiss. My body was shaking, his tongue was doing all the exploration. I felt a lot more pressure from his cock’s head and suddenly it popped in, I panicked and pushing him out. It was useless, his arms and legs wrapped strongly on my body, I couldn’t move. He stayed still and holding onto me very tightly for 20 seconds or more or less, and then I felt his cock moved slowly. The sensation of hot, being stuffed, warm and some pain. It last for a minutes, he took my hand and placed it where my asshole and his balls met. All I could say was Fuck. He stopped kissing me, pulling himself up a bit and gave me a big smile “your first time he asked” before I said anything he slammed his cock into my no longer virgin hole. We stayed in the same position for a long time then he lift me up and he stood up, with this position I was helpless, he used my weight and slamming my ass onto his fat cock…… over and over for ages…. I heard the knocked and the guy opened the door and asked if everything is ok. My fucker smiled and gave the guy a winked. The guy left and we continue fucking. By now, I was covered with sweat, mostly his. my cock was hard and leaked en entire time. He never wanted to stopped and finally he stopped and laid me on the mat and of course still inside me. “You want it you want it” it took me 10 seconds to think what he meant. And I relied he wanted to breed me….no I said. he pulled out, and sat up. He hold my head and we continue to kiss with his fingers fucking my well fucked hole. He stopped and explored his body, “wow this guy is big and handsome” touching, squeezing his muscles. He turned the light on full, dark blond hair, square jaw, hazel eyes, smooth tight muscles on the pectoral, thick treasure trail leading to long fat cock and big balls attached to it. For the very first time, I saw his cock clearly…. Thinking to myself, how could it fit in my hole. During the long session, he kept the light very low and he kept my hands on his neck. we chatted a bit, asked me if I want some one to join us, I smiled and he got up to open the door. “If You see anyone You like, squeeze my hand” after 10-15 minutes I saw no one I want to play with. I told him I wanted to refresh myself and he led me to the shower. We continue to kissed and he poked his cock’s head in and out my hole. he led me back to his room and gave me the phone number and email. I left him without cumming and no load from the first and the most memorable guy. I emailed him the next morning and we arranged for lunch. 10 minutes before the meeting, he sent me a message saying an old friend would like to join us. I said ok. we had great meal, his friend was much much older, bald head and in great shape. A very lively person. Suddenly, my guy excused himself and got up, saying he had to go. He left. This left me with his friend. I continue chatting with his friend. Later that evening an older guy sent me a message asking if I wanted to join him at the bar. Impossible, I told me…. A while later he asked Why…….I wrote 18…. His response um um um ……. 5 minutes later, he said “how about my place, I have all the good stuffs je je je wine, beer and more” I didn’t think much of it and certainly didn’t find an older guy attractive so I said yes. He gave me 3 loads. Next morning I received a message from younger guy saying I needed a daddy’s loaded up my gut and his friend was absolutely perfect for the job. remember them vividly….
    5 points
  8. It was getting dark when I pulled into the car park by the playing field. There were very few people about and one or two other cars. I got out and went through the trees to the old, brick public toilet on the far side. It was run down and dirty and the only visitors were guys like me, looking for sex. I had been introduced to the place by a friend a couple of weeks previously. It was really sleazy, and the guys who went there were mainly older and not particular about hygiene. I stepped in through the dark doorway, my nostrils immediately filled with the rank smell of piss, poppers and sweat and I felt the hairs stand up on my neck. It was much darker inside and I felt rather than saw a number of men around me. I stepped up to the pale urinal, pulled out my stiffening cck and waited, my heart thumping in my chest. They moved in on me, a dry, horny hand feeling my hard-on and another feeling my arse through my jeans. A bottle was pressed to my nose at the same time as a warm, wet mouth engulfed my cock. I groaned as the poppers kicked in, my legs turning to jelly and my will-power evaporating. Someone started to try and kiss me, rough bearded face and fat lips slobbering over mine. His tongue slid into my mouth as another mouth sucked my cock. I gasped with excitement and lust, even as my mind was repelled by the thought of what I was doing and the terrible, terrible risks I was running. I felt hands on my belt. The guy sucking me pulled my trousers open and dragged them down, followed by my underwear. I felt the cool air on my naked backside as I stood there with my clothes around my ankles beng kissed, sucked and fondled by god knows what kind of ugly trolls. The bottle was held to my nose again. This time they held my head, forcing me to breathe deep until my head was spinning and I had to hold onto someone o stand up. "Yeah", said a dry, throaty voice " he's gettin' into it now. Oh yeah, we got a live one here." My head was pulled forward and down and a thick, sweaty cock slid into my mouth. It tasted so good and the poppers were so srong I just started sucking greedily on it, the hairy, fat beely pressed against my nose. "Fuck 'um," commanded the voice, adding "Here's some lube." I felt fingers between my chceeks and something cold and slippery being smeared on my arsehole. I started to panic, this was getting too heavy, but it also felt soo good, soo dirty. I felt hands on my hips and a man's cock probed my arse. I reached back and grabbed it. No condom. He was going in bareback! He slapped my hands away and carried on pushing forward. I felt the meaty head slide into me. There was still time to stop this. I could just push them away and go, but still it felt soo good, sooo dirty. Again poppers were offered to me, and this time I took the brown bottle and inhaled greedily, thinking to myself 'Oh my god - I'm going to let him'. Then his cock burst into me and the shaft slid up me in a delicious rush. I bent over, holding on to the thighs of the man in front of me as I was fucked, my mind screaming at me to stop even as I pushed back to meet his urgent thrusts. "Come on, fuck him!" called-out a voice. " Shoot up him," said another, adding "he wants it bad." Oh my god, I'm going to let him. I knew I should stop now, but I was going to let him. "Here it comes, bitch!" The guy pushed his flabby belly hard against mt arse and I felt his cock thrb in me. I was horrified, afraid, excited and disgsted as he slowed, stopped, then pulled out his greasy cock and I felt his cum trickle over my balls. I stood up, panting for breath, aware of myself as never before and suddenly I knew what I wanted. I saw several pairs of eyes glittering in the dark around me and with a shudder of surrender I turned, bent over and spread my cheeks the tears of joy in my eayes as the next cock slid up me.
    4 points
  9. So we meet again! had a couple hookups during the day and got 4 loads in me when I was hit by this couple again, we haven't played together since that time and after having my hole well lubed with cum but by a single cock every time I needed to get my hole ruined. 20 minutes later I was at their place and naked as they started feeling my body and fingering my wet pussy. we moved to the bedroom and they both laid on the bed next to each other as I began sucking them, I forgot just how thick they are and was enjoying feeling my throat stretch as I was taking them both all the way in. Soon after one of them moved behind me as I was deep throating his partner and in one push he was all the way in my pussy. they were like animals and I was there to please them however they want and the energy was so good! I was being fucked hard, very hard from both sides, my throat juices were all over the cock I was sucking and the loads I had already in me were sloshing and running down my thighs. I love feeling like a complete cumdump slut! After 20 minutes the guy fucking my hole announced he was cumming and since I couldn't speak with a mouth full of cock I just used my hands to pull him as deep as he can go as he was dumping his huge load in me. when he was finished they both pulled out and in a split second I had the other partner now fucking me as I was cleaning the cock that just pounded me from all the cum and my sweet ass juices. Again my hole was being fucked HARD as the guy I was sucking got rock hard again and started fucking my throat as well. soon the guy fucking me was breeding me with his load and it felt like a huge one too. of course I immediately went to clean him too as they both laid back on the bed and after I was done I took the hint and started to lower my pussy on the first guy cock, this time it was my turn to show him how hard I can fuck myself on his cock while his partner was resting. Or so I thought. cause soon after I had a bottle of poppers in my nose and the head of a cock pushing in alongside his partner, except it wasn't a real cock but the same dildo they used in the previous fuck. so I was being double penetrated by 2 identical cocks and it was sooooooo good! this went on for a long while since the second load took them longer. then I had the poppers back in my nose and I was told to take deep breaths, it was like 15 hits before I felt the second partner pushing in as well. fuck I was feeling so full, more that a fist even I think but I was growing like an animal as they took charge and started plowing my soon to wtecked pussy! it took them 30 minutes like that as i basically had 3 cock in me before they both announced they were cumming together. At this point I just realize I had cum myself twice as they assaulted my hole! when they finished I took them both in my mouth to clean up and taste it all before I collapsed on the bed for 10 minutes to catch my breath. i need to have a session with them together with my partner ASAP! oink
    4 points
  10. I've never commented on this thread, but will admit I have hooked up with porn stars, including regularly topping a well known power bottom , long before he was a porn star, of one of the names that shows up repeatedly in this thread.
    4 points
  11. help me with the math here: so big pharma had the technology and knowledge to create a new deadly virus in order to make money off the remedy. but they had no remedy, no product for sale ready to go. so they just went ahead and unleashed a virus on the public and only then began throwing $$$$ at scientists in order to invent a remedy, which took years and years and countless $$$ not to mention the initial investment in order to engineer the virus. and they willing spent a decade herroraging $$ in faith that the eventual remedy would make them profits beyond recouping expense? are they drug addicts? because that doesn't sound like logical business investing to me. it's literally chaos. and just exactly how evil does one have to be to be ok with mass death over time just for potential profit?
    4 points
  12. Husband was working; HAWT 30-something gym-rat cruised me in the gym locker room when I was arriving and he was finished. He’s completely naked and not so hung-looking but fit as fuck and he’s holding a filthy jockstrap practically dripping sweat and maybe never washed. He complimented me being hung as fuck, said he’s totally into lean-muscle daddies, and got hard and turned out he was a shower; then my hopes soared more when he said he was looking for a hole and couldn’t take my big dick anyway. lol Turns out he was in town for a job interview that afternoon and said he needed to dump a load or two “for good luck.” His hotel was walking distance; nice place I’d never been in. He’d put on his stinking jockstrap “to contain the bone”, his sweaty shorts, and sneakers; he did the walk shirtless in the heat of the sun. He stunk of sweat and was pumped as fuck; few minutes in that room and it reeked of two men going at it. And he did go at it. Wanted to “practice his BJ game” and I didn’t stop him … ‘til I was so close to busting that I pushed him off and took my turn on his bigger-than-average uncut rod and sweaty balls and hole. He doesn’t shave just a neat man-scape around his crotch so it was especially delicious. Rimmed him until he couldn’t take more and savored every drop of his sweat and breath of his scent. Finally he said if I didn’t have such a big dick he’d beg me to fuck him; but since I do it was his turn. He asked if I wanted a condom, we had the test/PrEP convo very hurriedly, he asked if I wanted lube, and I told him he knows how to spit and has plenty of pre to back that up. Turned out he wasn’t very artful about fucking; more caveman than Casanova. lol He slammed in balls-deep and made me scream for real; he said “yeah man!, shoved his rank jock into my mouth, and started slamming my hole. This fucker went to town like he was driving me to Atlantic City! He was verbal fucker and kept saying demeaning things; “you effing love your cunt stuffed you daddy whore” and stupid stuff that distracted me. His verbal game was like his fucking; no skill just force and determination. About nine minutes and he says if I want to cum now’s the time. We’d been doggy at that point for a while and though he was hitting right the verbal nonsense was keeping me from the edge. I pulled off and went on my back again and held my ankles. Told him if he wanted my load to take it. His verbal game may be lame but that fucker was back pounding me and used my flowing pre and stroked me like it was choreographed. Another few minutes and even that stupid talk couldn’t stop me; told him I was about to nut and he fucked me even harder and faster and nearly ripped my hard-on off pulling my load out. He shoved the jockstrap back in my mouth as I amped my shouts when I was exploding and then he sounded like a wild animal in pain as he blew what felt like a bucket of cum up my hole. My cum was literally splashed from my hair to my groin and had my hairy body soaked with cum over the sweat I’d worked-up. He flops off me yanking his dick out at an angle which made me yelp again. “Yeah I fucked daddy good and that dad-hole won’t forget it didn’t I” he says panting. I’d let my legs flop down but pulled them back and told him to get down there and see for himself. He was kinda mind-blown but then grinned and did. The I told him to suck his cum out of my hole. He balked again but I said, “Be a fucking MAN! Just do it!” and he ate me until I was hard again. Then he blew me for fucking ever until I finally told him to work my fuckin’ nuts if he wanted another load. He did and did ‘em good and I finally erupted again. He grunted like he was cumming and took every drop aggressively licking me until I finally kicked him off and literally made him fly off the end of the bed. “Damn daddy!” he said and crawled back up and laid back next to me with his dick hard again and sticking up toward the ceiling fan. I reached over and stroked it and asked him what time his interview was; he had hours. So I climbed aboard and rode that thing until he was driving up into me and sweating and grunting again. I reached back and took a grip on his balls which startled him and told him maybe I needed to squeeze the second load out of him. He went fucking wild and threw me on my side with my left ankle in the crook of his neck and I grabbed hold of those balls again and he fucked me like a frenzied Neanderthal. When he started to cum I squeezed those tanks hard (had kept a grip so they couldn’t pull up) and made him yowl like a werewolf. I scrabbled around and got the jockstrap and shoved it in his mouth as he yowled and pumped out. That time he just collapsed on me with that jockstrap still in his teeth by my head. I got my leg free and laid back and we just panted for a while. I finally got up and he told me he was flying out after the interview or he’d tackle my big dick fucking him; he threw me some big-time compliments as I dressed too. He was laying there looking like a fucked-out Muscle & Fitness model and I took out my phone to check messages. He asked if I was going to take a pic of him, I asked if he was cool with it, and he said I didn’t look like the kinda man who’s gonna “dox” him. (I had to look that up on the walk back to the gym.) Then he threw me the filthy jock and asked why didn’t I wear it back to the gym or home or whatever. He also asked if he could see the pics and then asked if I wanted him to put his number in my phone. My dick stirred about wearing the jock and gave me trouble getting it on but I did finally get myself in. On the walk back to the gym I looked and for the first time knew his name: Griffin. I texted him and told him mine and said if he was as big a slut as he seemed he should go to his interview without brushing his teeth and if he was a bigger slut than even I realized he should go without showering. We bantered some about it might get him the job depending on who he was interviewed by. When I got to the gym I decided to go ahead with my workout and FUCKING KILLED IT! Then I texted my husband a locker room mirror selfie in the filthy jockstrap. He texted back: "Be wearing that when I get home. You can tell me about how you got it while I ball your brains out. He was as good as his word. After when it was us laying there fucked-out we sent Griffin a selfie all sweaty and naked. He texted back a pic of his khakis with his hard-on in the airplane seat and said he was going to the restroom to jack. We told him we hope he gets the job..
    4 points
  13. Rimming is a major part of fun sex to me, top or bottom. Luckily, I have not run into many guys who, as you say, don’t like to eat ass.
    4 points
  14. The pig will out -part 3 Shortly after this, I got a job in London, which meant I didn't have much time for play, but I was hooked: I needed to be bred, almost as if my body was in heat and was desperate to be impregnated. I met a guy in a bar and he told me about a gay cinema not far from where I was working. He said it in a disparaging way - "full of old trolls, got to be desperate to go there as I bet you'd catch something" - without realising that was like a honeypot to a fly, and I found myself obsessing on the prospects of checking the place out, so I bunked off work, telling them I had the 'flu (!) and headed over there. It was a small, nondescript door in a row of shops and at first I thought he had been kidding me, but the door opened when I buzzed, and I found myself in a small reception area with a bored looking guy at a desk with hard core gay porn playing on some monitors behind him. I gave him the entrance money and he indicated a bank of lockers on one wall. "you're welcome to leave your stuff." He leered at me and looked me up and down. "I think you're gonna have a good time. The dirty fuckers down there like fresh meat." I felt my cock swell when he said that and my chest tightened with excitement. He indicated some stairs leading down to a basement. Taking a deep breath, I descended into depravity. At the bottom, it was gloomy and smelled of piss, sweat and spunk like it hadn't been cleaned in years. There was a short corridor with a cinema on the left with about 20 seats, filled with rough looking guys, mostly middle aged, watching a trannie on the screen getting fucked bareback. On the other side was a similar sized room with a screen showing twinks sucking each other in a field, but at the back of the room, behind the last row of seats was a low wall above which I could see the heads of three guys obviously standing to watch the movie. Intrigued, I went up the shallow steps to the back and round the wall, where my heart skipped a beat. The three of them were standing against the wall, trousers and underwear around their ankles, presenting their pale, bare backsides to the narrow space behind them in which was a door way to the corridor. They were all middle aged or older, silver hair glinting in the light from the screen. They looked eagerly at me and I could see lube glistening between the flaccid buttocks of the guy nearest me. At that moment, the door opened and a small, middle-eastern guy with a pock-marked face squeezed into the space behind the row of waiting holes. He opened his jeans and levered out a long, thick cock which hardened in his boney fingers. He grinned at me and chose his victim, a short, tubby guy who looked like a nice old grandad, and began to fuck him. The old guy barely moved or reacted, other than to grunt a little as the cock in his arse began to thrust harder, his eyes still fixed on the screen. The middle-eastern guy suddenly gave a snort of pleasure and thrust tightly into the old man as he emptied his spunk into him. After a few moments, he withdrew his glistening cock, slipped it back into his jeans and was gone. My eyes had adjusted to the gloom, and I gasped as I saw little puddles of spunk on the floor beneath each man's naked buttocks. My body shook with the realisation that they were there to be impregnated by any cock that needed them, like bitches in heat. By now, the little cinema room had filled with guys who had obviously noticed the newbie in their midst and and I knew what I was going to do.....
    4 points
  15. So you guys know by now I have this thing for straight men. I just love em, and I am luckey enough to get a few of them as fuckbuddies. One of the things about living in a semi rural area is there seem to be loads of straight guys who want cock. And this guy messaged me on BBRT. He was HOT!!! mid 30s, muscled, shaven headed. And wanted older guys. He messaged me and we chatted and then said he was straight. A straight guy on BBRT, this is new on me to be honest. Straight guys on gaydar and grindr yeah but BBRT? Really? Was Ibeing naive Anyway, we swapped numbers and texted and texted."I probably wont meet" he said. "I bale cos I get scared." "Great, a fucking timewaster" I said. And true enough, lots of chats but no action,a few butt shots. Nothing.Then after three weeks he messages. "I wanna get fucked soon" he says, " but I need to have had some beers." Cheers mate I am that ugly am I? I thought "I need the beers to loosen me up and get me horned to feel dirty."He replied. Ok, fair enough. He starts talking about taking poz loads. I think hes timewasting but then he tells me he has some truvada from a mate who's poz and fucked him. I'm begging to think this guy is not for real. "How you know he's poz" "I seek em out" he says.., " I figure they'e good fucks and I wanna feel like a dirty slut." "Where you get the truvada?" "Poz fuckbuddy" he replies. " But that's not proper PreP" I say. "Works for me though, mr." "this is still risky" I say. "that's why I like it, fella" he replies. "You fuck?" I say. "Nah mate, cant get it upwith a man, I only get fucked by blokes. I only fuck girls." Ok, takes all sorts to make a world. I feel slightly disappointed, knowing my liking for straight guys and both fucking and being fucked by them. Please, meet me outdoors one night and we fuck. "Ok I say but bet you'll bale" A week later he messages me..."11pm tonight" he says. "Ok," I say. "I'm taking the blue pills" "You mean truvada?" I say "Yeah" "not sure do it yourself PreP works, mate" I say. "Yeah its cool. I said before" he replies. Bring poppers a small dildo for me to use in the car and lube. I say yeah thinking this guy isn't for real but at least if he doesn't turn up I can breed some anonymous hole in the local cruising site, yeah? "I want your piss too" That's it. Im ready to give this guy a chance. "You pissed then?" I ask "Yeah five beers and my hole wants fucking. I wanna be dirty." So he gives me instructions. an hour later I turn up outside the sports club and am waiting in the car thinking this is stupid, and down walks this hot straight looking muscled stud in football gear. And he gestures to me. Fuck me, I think, he's hot! The passenger door of the car opens, in he climbs, sits down and puts his hand up my shorts. "Hey mate, I want that in me" and I'm so stunned I cant think whatto do for a second. "drive then, I know a woods" he says. and I set off. I nearly crash the car as he pulls his top up to reveal a hot muscled and hairy torso and then pulls his shorts down. He reveals a thick meaty cock and balls and muscly hairy legs. "I'm topping tonight, I'm topping tonight" I remind myself. "Suck my cock" I command and he leans over and sucks me as I drive. He pulls away and lubes his hole. I reach over and finger it. God it's inviting. Thank fuck it's dark, I think. He takes the poppers, sniffs deep then inserts the dildo slowly. By now I am rock hard and wanting to rape him then sit on his cock He directs me as his legs go up on the dashboard and he dildoes himself, his big meaty knob, totally flaccid, but BIG, flopping around. Eventually we arrive at a wooded beauty spot. He is out of the car naked from waist down and over the style and into the woods. I lock the car and follow him. He's naked and squatting and sniffing poppers while the dildo is going in harder and faster. "Piss on me" he says. I strip then let loose a streamof piss which he rubs all over himself before sucking on my cock. I fuck his face for a while "I wanna breed you" I say "I know mate I want you in my arse" He stands up and bends over I am faced with a muscular butt and beautiful back. I lean over and kiss it " fuck me man, fuck me raw with your poz dick, make me fucking filthy" He says this so totally deep and manly I am aching for this guy. I slide up his arse and fuck him Ten minutes of breeding talk follows and I am grabbing his cock as I fuck and getting close. "Stop" he says, and I do. He turns round and sucks my cock. Im enjoying this but wanna be in his arse. "You like my poz cock? " I ask. Yeah he says. Then he pulls my cock out and wanks me with both hands. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my cockhead and pull back to notice he's pricked it with a needle and there's a drop of blood. "Ow, What the fuck are you doing? I ask" "getting your blood man" "fucking stop it, its risky" I say as my cock starts to go flaccid "No, I want your poz blood" he says as he sucks. I have to admit this being said turns me on and I start to go hard again. He's fingering himself and groans hard. He pulls away "I've nicked my hole" he said. "I want your blood and cum in my bloodstream" "But you took truvada" "Nah mate, I only said that" He stands up, arms round me "breed me" Fuck I cant believe this but my cock knows what to do. Now red, and bleeding a little, it's standing to attention. He turns round, I slide up. I fuck.Its not long before I am ready to cum and I say "I'm gonna shoot" "Yeah mate, this is so dirty" " Shoot on my hole then fuck it in" And I cant hold back any longer. I pull out, I shoot and shoot on his hole then push my cock back in rough. And I lean on his hot back and fill this guy with virus. We stand there for a few minutes till we're finished and pull apart. He bends down and sucks my cock clean. I move to kiss him but he moves away "I don't kiss mate". Pity,I think "So you bugchasing? " I ask ...."You want infected." "Don't care he says, I wanna feel dirty and used by guys and if that comes, great." We walk to the car, he's still naked, we get in and I drive him home as he dressed again. I drop him off and drive home. All the time thinking of this. A few days later comes the message "going down pub tonight, you gonna give me my nightcap?" And my cock stiffens...and I know I want him "Your never gonna top me I say, you will always be my bottom cumdump" "Yes m8, that's how I like it. You top guys are my fantasy. And anyway I can only fuck women." If only he knew the cocks and loads I'd taken as well as the arses I've topped.....I never had this much fun while I was neg.
    3 points
  16. You're talking about Big Pharma here. They do that all the time anyway. So logically, why would they bother to spend a lot of extra time and money inventing viruses (which they didn't really have the technology to do in 1965 anyway)? Nature saved them the trouble. And continues to do so.
    3 points
  17. That's the cleanest bookstore floor I've ever seen LOL
    3 points
  18. Its my favorite hobby. and porno made in arcades is what led me to it
    3 points
  19. I'll be at The Den on Eastlake Thursday to Monday. I'll be at Cumunion on Thursday night at Steamworx. Jackhammer and Touche parties. BBRT@Musclecumhole. Dickluva11 on X. Lookin' to serve & breed.
    3 points
  20. Got a load from a package delivery guy this morning. I was hosting on Sniffles when I got a message from a Top saying he was in my neighborhood needing some help with a stiffy. A twentysomething arrived and gave me a hot "prime" load. Gave him my # if he ever needed relief in the future.
    3 points
  21. One of the guys standing against the wall pulled up his trousers and dug a tissue from his pocket, wiping the crack of his arse before fastening up his belt and leaving through the door into the corridor. I looked around at the group of men who had followed me into the cinema and felt my heart start to pound . I descended the two steps into the standing space and moved against the wall. With trembling fingers, I undid my trousers, and pushed them and my underpants down to my ankles. The man next to me grinned, and offered me a battered tube of KY. I unscrewed the cap, squeezed a dollop onto my fingers and rubbed it into my hole, feeling the cool lube on me. I was only just in time. Several guys squeezed into the space behind me as I gave the lube back and rested my arms on the top of the wall and watched the screen where the twinks were playing. Bodies crowded behind me, and I felt rough fingers pulling my buttocks apart. Suddenly, a long, thin cock probed my cunt and began to slide up me. I gasped with shock and excitement as the smooth length slid right up me and then began to thrust in and out. There were gasps and soft grunts behind me and a voice whispered "Fuck it. Fuck that hole." The man in me lowered his trousers and raised his shirt so I could feel his fat, hairy belly pushing against my arse. It was really hot in that small space, and I began to sweat profusely. Poppers were shoved under my nose, and I gratefully took a deep sniff, feeling my body melt in surrender to the urgent thrusts in and out of my rectum. "Look at that" someone else said, "he fuckin' loves it." The man in me gave a grunt of pleasure as his cock swelled and spurted into me. He sighed happily and pulled out and a gush of his spunk dripped onto the floor. "Christ!" someone laughed. "Dirty little sod's doing it bareback!" There was some jostling behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see a fat black guy, face running with sweat and shirt unbuttoned to reveal a pair of tits and a huge belly. He dropped his pants, and I just had a glimpse of a dark, fat, veiny cock before he pushed it into me, crushing me against the wall with his bulk. He began to fuck me with slow, delicious strokes until I was gasping for breath and my hole had flowered open around his shaft. "Like that, bitch?" he whispered into my ear. "Like that big cock up your cunt?" I moaned and nodded, thrusting back to meet him and feeling his sweaty belly against my back. "Want my cum, boy?" he breathed, the thrusts in my arse getting faster. I gasped in pleasure and he said "Dirty bitch, came here to get knocked up, didn't you?" I knew what he meant and felt my body shiver with fear, but it was too late now. I was crushed helplessly against the wall. "Gonna give you my poison," he breathed "and you be knocked up good." His hand snaked around and clamped over my mouth and then he gave a loud snort of pleasure and his cock throbbed and swelled, throbbed and swelled and I knew he was pozzing me. When he'd finished, he pulled his cock out of me, scooped up the cum running between my cheeks, and pushed into me with his finger. I heard him laugh and say." Well now, boys, bitch wants knocking up. Who else's got a good strong, dirty load for him?" Next to me was the thin, middle-aged guy who had given me the lube and had been standing naked against the wall, hoping to entice a cock into his flaccid, wrinkly buttocks. The veins stood out on his legs and arms and he had a firm, round pot belly. His cock was rigid as he had watched events, and I saw him give an evil grin, as he said "Me next" The black guy put his face close to mine and whispered. "This guy has full-blown AIDS. You sure you want him?" I said nothing, although my heart pounded in my chest and my mouth was dry with fear. He patted me gently on the shoulder as he said to the other guy "Guess he's all yours, John." The wasted creature got behind me and I felt the first stab of his diseased cock and then it slid up me in a rush. " Oh God" I gasped, taking another his of poppers and giving myself up to depravity. The black guy gently stroked my hair and whispered soothingly "It's ok, kid. Just relax. Take his babies." The man was fucking me like a rabbit and gasping with excitement. "Here it comes!" he gasped and the black guy held my face, turning it to kiss him as the poz spunk began to flow into me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, whether with happiness or fear I couldn't say, but when it was done and the thin man had backed off into the crowd, I could only surrender as the black guy pulled me sideways and bent me over, reaching over to spread my cheeks so the cum could be clearly seen leaking from my hole. "Who's next?" he asked.
    3 points
  22. Woke up super horny this morning, so I hopped onto Grindr. The very first profile read, "hosting now" - and inside it contained the name of a very nice hotel right around the corner from me, along with a room number. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance to have some fun so close to home. "You just taking loads, or giving them too?" I asked, assuming he would respond that he was a bottom and only there to take loads. Still, maybe I could suck his cock, or at least eat his ass. "Both," he replied to my surprise. "Want to breed a fat ass?" I asked him, attaching a pic taken last year of my ass in the air with a big load of cum dripping out of it. "Sure," he wrote back. My heart racing, I checked his status, and he had listed it as 'neg, on prep'. Oh, well. It would still be fun to take his load! I told him I could be there in a half-hour, and quickly went into the bathroom and cleaned out. A little over thirty minutes later, I messaged him from the parking lot that I was headed into the hotel. "Cool, a guy just bred me and left," he replied. I arrived at the room to find that he had propped the door ajar using the security latch. Pushing it open, I found the room was pitch-black - the blinds were closed and there were no lights on. The only illumination was the faint glow entering the room from around the door. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my clothes on the floor, hoping I'd be able to see to retrieve them later. My eyes began to adjust to the dark and I could make out his shape standing in front of me. He was tall with a stocky build, and he was working his cock, getting it nice and hard for my hole. Instinctively I dropped to my knees and took it in my mouth, getting it rock-hard and slick for easy entry. His Grindr profile said he was 6.5 and cut, and he wasn't lying. But he didn't mention how thick his cock was! My hole twitched at the thought of stretching open around his shaft. After a few minutes I judged he was ready. I stood and bent over the foot of the bed, bending my knees slightly to place my hole at just the right height. He began to push the tip of his cock against my asshole, and I realized he was going to fuck me without lube. I pushed back against his thrusts, and little by little my hole opened up to welcome him inside. He grabbed my hips as he began to pound me, and in the process threw a bottle of poppers he had been holding onto the bed beside me. Ever the greedy popper slut, I took off the cap and inhaled deeply through each nostril. My head swam a little, and I felt my sphincter relax just a little bit more to accommodate him. It's been a while since I was used completely anonymously like that, and I was reminded what an amazing feeling it can be. All too soon it was over, though, and I felt his cock pulse as he pumped his load into me. As he pulled out I spun around, taking his cock in my mouth and cleaning it off as I always do. Without any lube in the mix, the flavor of ass and cum was extra delicious. He lay on the bed and picked up his phone, presumably to find another guest. I dressed hurriedly, found my shoes in the dark, and headed for the door - double-checking to make sure I had my phone, keys and wallet as I did so. When I got home, I got back onto Grindr, still horned and now hungry for another cock. My new friend was still online, so I messaged him. "Thanks for the load!" "That was hot," he replied. "But I should probably tell you that I'm really poz. And not on meds." With that, his profile and message disappeared - he had blocked me. His words hit me like a bolt of lightning. I was incubating his poz babies! I can't describe the feeling using any other word but shock. And yet, as I sat there stunned for a few minutes, another feeling began to take over. I was turned on. In fact, as I thought about his message my cock got rock hard and I was the horniest I've been since I was in my teens. I wanted to respond to him, but now I had no way to do so. But I knew his room number. Composing myself, I dashed out to my car and raced back to the hotel. I arrived at the room just as another guy - tall and slender, with a large bulge very prominently displayed by his tight jeans - exited. He had left the door ajar, and I pushed it open. I had no idea what I was going to say. A small part of me was angry that he hadn't disclosed his true status before dumping a load in my guts, but as a cum dump who isn't on prep, I accept the possibility that it might happen someday - knowingly or not. Much more of me was excited at the prospect, and hungry for round two. Once again my eyes began adjusting to the dark, and I saw that this time, he was on his back on the bed. He was stroking his cock. "I hoped that would get you back here," he said. I could hear the sneer in his voice. "Are you - are you really poz?" I stammered. "Yup, and since you're here, come take another load." I didn't need to think about it. The hunger took over and I dropped my clothes on the floor where I stood. He wagged his cock at me and I climbed up on the bed, taking the proffered bottle of poppers while I was at it. A couple of big whiffs, and I was swinging my left leg over his body. Reaching behind me, I took his hard cock in my hand and guided it to my hole. "If the last one didn't take, I hope this one does," he said, and this time I could just make out the grin on his face. Without hesitation, I sat back on his cock. I slid inside me with ease, no doubt helped by the gape and load he left me with not an hour before. I rocked back and forth, feeling his shaft sliding in and out of me. He grabbed me by the hips and began pounding me hard. I knew his next orgasm was imminent. Sure enough, he moaned as his cock pumped a second poz load deep inside me. As I had done before, once the pulses subsided I slid off his cock and down his body, taking his softening cock into my mouth. I savored the taste once again of cum and ass mixed together, and made sure not to leave a drop behind. "I'll let you know next time I'm in town," he said as I dressed. "Please do," I replied. "I'll take your load as often as I can." I was a little surprised at how calm I was. Maybe it was the peace of finally knowing that it had happened, that I no longer had to go into each encounter wondering if this is the time I'm going to get pozzed. I could lean into it and fully enjoy myself. I got home to find that he had unblocked me on Grindr and sent me a thank-you message, which left me grinning from ear to ear. I know I'll hear from him again. I can't wait.
    2 points
  23. Can anyone recommended a place for a curious, willing and horny guy to release my load this evening? Been building for a a couple weeks so hope you can catch it all
    2 points
  24. I don't disagree with BootmanLA in general, but there are compounds used for wildly divergent uses. Hydroxychloroquine, which is used to treat malaria, and Ivermectin which is used for a variety of parasites were both tested against COVID because they had characteristics that at least some scientists thought had promise, which is a good thing. However the studies stopped once the scientists determined they were not effective treatments for COVID, the conspiracists somehow found out about the initial promise, and then completely ignored the rest of the research.
    2 points
  25. Preface Let me start with saying that I haven't been able to fantasize about anything other than bareback sex for going on five years now - it's the only porn I find I can jack off to, and it's the only sex I have where I'm actually fully committed to the sex. Even if I'm getting a blowjob, if I want to cum, I have to pretend it's a sloppy ass I'm fucking. That only works sometimes. I'd take a load here or there - from friends generally or, if I was feeling really risky, from a stranger (once every blue moon). I've always kept it pretty tame for the most PrEP about seven months ago now - and it's made me rethink a few things. I was in Chicago for Market Days this past weekend, and while my friends were all off being social, all I could think about was Steamworks. I'd been to the Chicago location once before, and was well aware that it was the best one. I even remembered the 3rd floor being my favorite (anyone who's been there knows exactly what I'm talking about - gloryholes). Finally, on Saturday afternoon while everyone was at the fair, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go just 'check it out'. That turned into quite a bit more. End of Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------ The moment I walked in, I knew exactly what I wanted. Raw cock through a gloryhole. Maybe just one or two, no big deal. That would at least satiate me. I was wrong. I ended up with (at least) ten loads in my cunt and even craving more. I made my way for the 3rd floor gloryhole booths which are pretty dark and seedy, and have a hole on the three sides that aren't the door. I entered the booth, wiped some spit on my hole, and put it up against the wall with the largest hole. I made sure my towel was visibly draped over the door, and I made sure you could see by my feet under the stall door that I firmly had my butt planted up against that hole. I heard the shuffling of a few feet, and the jingle of a few keys, but nobody entered the booth. Back downstairs to the second floor, I went for the (sadly) better lit booths but was still looking forward to anon cock. The one nice thing about these booths was that they have a hole on the door, conveniently right at cock/ass level, giving me a chance to show off my ass and towel at the same time. And so that's what I did. I put myself on display "hey, anonymous raw cumdump over here!" Patience is a virtue, and boy did I need it in spades that day. Several old trolls came by, peeking into the gloryholes next to me (why, I don't know. Isn't that the point? I don't want to see the anyone's face, otherwise I'd be fucking in a private room) and tried getting me to stick my dick through. Now, I wasn't exactly being subtle with my ass-vertising. Why they thought I wanted a blowjob, I'll never know. Finally, a finger started prodding my pre-lubed cunt. Eventually he entered the booth next to me, and presented a semi-hard, decently-sized black cock. Testing the water, I promptly got down on my knees and started licking and sucking at the meaty cock - which had him almost instantly hard. I coated it with a little more spit, turned around and lined it up to my hole. Bingo - he rammed on home in one quick thrust (thank the gods I'm not exactly 'tight'). I was elated - I was being what I always dreamed of being. Suddenly, however, my plans were de-railed. He left his booth, and I was pretty certain there was no load in me yet. I was relieved when he came and knocked on my door and, while I didn't exactly want to SEE the man that was using the random slut I was trying to be, I wanted that fucking load. So I obliged by opening and was greeted by a pretty fit black guy with glasses. He locked the door and I presented - again, not being subtle as to what I wanted. He quickly slid back in my loosening hole, and proceeded to fuck me (HARD) for about five minutes. Suddenly, again, he stopped, put his towel around his waist, and headed back out the booth. Disappointed at first, I reached back and felt that amazing, familiar wetness that you get when you took a fresh load. I had done it - I had finally become a public, anonymous raw cumdump. Was I satiated? Hell no. The booth room was quiet for a while and so I took a walk. Mind you it was 3:00 in the afternoon, and even though the bathhouse is right on the main drag where the fair was being held, it wasn't exactly as busy as I had hoped it would be. I finally settled in on the fuck bench, just around the corner from where I had just taken my first load. I turned my head away so I wouldn't see any of my assailants, but there was a lot of touching, and not enough fucking. A few guys came by and patted my ass, and then finally a second large black cock parked itself in front of my face. I was initially worried he was only going to want a blowjob (again, I wasn't being exactly subtle as to what I was looking for), but after I got that big snake hard, he moved around behind me, felt-up my hole and said "You've been in the sling already, haven't you?" (I wasn't going to argue even though I HADN'T been in the sling, I simply thought Let's just shut up and fuck.) This guy was another rough fucker, and even longer than the last one. I started to get that pain from having my internal organs rammed, but I was determined to do what I came to do. After a while, he must have gotten bored - maybe I was too loose for him? Whatever - his loss. He was quickly replaced by a very large man, though, with a very unsatisfying small cock. But that didn't matter - I still wanted the load. What I love about small cocks? They usually cum quickly, and you feel the sperm shooting inside of you since it's so shallow. Now I was really in heat - I knew I just let a fat fuck breed me, a man I would probably not even look twice at if I saw him on the street - and would've begged for his load if he'd asked me. Fatty was replaced by a middle-aged doughy guy - I didn't mean to see him but I accidentally saw his body. No biggie - didn't see the face so I was happy. This guy had a hard time staying hard, and would fuck me for a while, then slow down, get a little soft, then get hard again and continue fucking me. It was frustrating but I wasn't going to argue. He sadly pulled out (with a nice pop - great mushroom head) and I was fairly certain he didn't shoot in me. He was replaced, though, with another small cock - meanwhile a muscular gentleman came around to my mouth and shoved his hard cock in. Next thing I know, small cock pulled-out and the mushroom head slid back in. When did he get back, I thought? I heard him talking to the guy with the small cock, and then suddenly he disappeared again. Muscular BJ guy moves around to my hole, slid in, and came in about thirty seconds. Small cock followed, and, once again, the small cock came quickly. At this point I was doing pretty well. Mushroom head finally comes back - I could recognize the sound of his footsteps at this point, and points a VERY hard, greased up cock at my hole. He fucked me hard for about two minutes and audibly groaned as he emptied his balls into me. As annoying as his back and forth was, it was totally worth it. The room got quiet for a while and suddenly, large black cock number two grabbed me by the arm and saying "Come with me." I followed him, once again sad that I was seeing my breeder's face, but ended-up in his room. He roughly pushed me onto the bed on all 4's and goes right to work. I was moaning like a bitch in heat as he tore up my hole with that big cock, once again assailing my organs. "I haven't cum in two weeks" he mentioned, out of breath. Trying to make sure I was loud enough for all of the neighbors to hear me, I said "Fuck yeah! Breed me with that big load!" "I'm gonna fuck you for a while, bitch." Disappointed that he just said that, I stayed strong and took his assault like a good little slut. Eventually, though, it became clear to me that he wasn't going to cum, and my guts needed a break from him. I thanked him, said I needed a break, and went upstairs to hide in my favorite gloryhole booth. Taking my cumdump position from before, I saw a fat cock move through the middle hole - rock hard. Perfect, that saves me some work. I didn't even bother to suck it, but rather just spit on it and backed on up. He didn't budge, and soon I was riding that fat dick with gusto. Bent over all the way, I could see four feet in his stall, and could tell from the motion that he was getting fucked as he was fucking me. HOT. When he came, it felt like I was taking the top's nutt vicariously through him. Another decent sized, semi-hard cock came through the side I usually lean against, and I went to work trying to get him hard. He motioned with his hand to put my ass up, and so I did. He knew what I was there for, and maybe knew I'd already been bred six times at this point. I spread my cheeks and awaited the cock I wanted...nay...deserved. I felt the head poke at my hole and started to push my ass back on it. As sloppy as my hole was, and as much cum as I had in my cunt, something still didn't feel right. His cock was the hardest dick I've ever had in me, but it wasn't that good, warm sloppy feeling. I reached back and was disappointed to notice there was a condom on. I let him go for a minute or so but then pulled off - that wasn't what I was there for. Thankfully another hard cock came through the middle hole at that exact moment. I moved around onto that one, not bothering to suck him, but just backed up onto that average raw cock. As I was being relentlessly pounded by the guy (all the while thinking to myself Man, he knows how to fuck), I heard a knock at the door. I assumed it was condom-guy and sure enough, he came in, still rock hard and still wearing the same condom. Turns out he had a passion for gloryhole sluts like myself and started pushing me back onto my current raw assailant. The man fucking me started to moan, and condom-guy asked "Yeah, is he breeding you?" "I think so" was the reply, and sure enough, his softening cock fell out with a *plop* and I hear the spatter of cum on the floor (too bad, wasted cum). Sweating, I wiped myself off with my towel and condom-guy asked "Are you done?" "That depends. Can you lose the condom?" "Not while fucking you, no." "Then I'm done." He gave me a frustrated look. "You didn't seem to mind five minutes ago." "I minded, which is why I stopped. Not interested." He slammed the door as he left the booth and I shrugged it off. His loss - he could've felt the warm, silky embrace of seven loads and a raw hole around his cock. I was disappointed I'd tainted my evening by even trying to take a cock with a rubber. I took my position back at the bench for a while, and achieved getting another two (unremarkable) loads - again, doughy motherfuckers probably desperate for some pussy. I was happy to oblige. Several other cocks slid in me but pretty obviously weren't ready to blow their loads yet, and so went on their way with full balls. I wasn't thrilled, but had at least gotten more raw cock. I was getting tired and thought I should probably go be social. That didn't last long as I took my position back in the gloryhole. I wanted a few more loads - you know, to at least get to the double-digits. Annoyingly, some twinky thing stood in the doorway of my presentation-hole and blocked the view, not to mention bogarted the booth that men with full balls were supposed to use to fill me up. Before I knew it, he was backing up onto his own assailant and I decided to watch for a bit. He was a good little cumdump like me, and when he was done, I thought he might like to take a try at my hole. He apparently felt the same way, and backed his ass up to my ass. *shrug* sure, I'll try a little bit of that raw hole while I'm here. It was sweet, warm and wet but not as wet as mine. I'm sure it would be by the end of the night but I wasn't going to stick around long enough to find out. I wasn't ready to cum, and decided to check out one more booth before I left. The man in the booth adjacent to me felt my hole up to the booth and roughly shoved a dry finger in. Once it got wet, it felt really good, but I wasn't there for fingering. I wanted cock. I turned around, put my fingers over the edge of the hole and he got the picture pretty quickly. I stuck a very hard dick up to the hole and I backed right onto it. As he did that, the booth in front of me was occupied and a long, fat white cock came through. It was bigger than any of the black dick I'd taken, and I was hoping the guy breeding me would hurry up. He didn't last long, and just as I went to put my still-fresh hole on that monster dick, he pulled away. Apparently he just wanted a blowjob and wasn't interested in what I had to offer. Ten loads. I think it's safe-to-say that I've finally taken the plunge into being a full-fledged, raw, anon cumdump. I'm already planning a trip to the San Francisco Steamworks this weekend, so, more to cum.
    2 points
  26. Maybe the floor is clean.... Cause all the suckers swallow?
    2 points
  27. I agree. Rimmin is almost always god before a good fuck.
    2 points
  28. lmao rightt?? it reminded be of folsom gulch but i remember the floor was dirtier
    2 points
  29. I did not Poz my brother but I did take his virginity.
    2 points
  30. This story is a pastiche of real things from my past, a real video on xtube, and fictional things that could have happened - or that maybe I wish had happened. He wasn’t, in fact, what I would call a bear now. But I was a lot younger then, and, well… you’ll see why I still call him that. I was studying at a university in a town surrounded by a lot of rural nothing, where there wasn’t much going on besides the university. The program was intense enough that it kept me pretty busy, so most of the sex I got was mutual handjobs or the occasional blowjob in the library bathroom. Back then I was really cautious about anal anyway, and used condoms for it, and never did it all that often. Partly guys were squirrelly about doing it in the bathrooms. But also, even though I craved it, the actual event was always underwhelming and didn’t feel that great. I was a bit of a computer geek (even though I wasn’t studying that) and the school was a good one – you would recognize the name. So naturally when the internet got going I had access early on. And of course I used it to find porn and sex chat. Now and then I’d even manage to hook up that way, although it was nothing like it is now with an app for every niche. And there was this one guy who frequented the local chat room. He wasn’t the sort that normally caught my eye (nor that does now, truth to tell). Clean shaven, very fine blond hair, and his face really didn’t do much for me. He looked like a High School football player gone to seed. In fact, his main picture was him sitting in a kitchen chair in a jersey with his dick out, stroking it. His dick was nice. Pointy head but then thick like a barrel. I didn’t know if I could take one that thick, but it made me want to try. And something about his profile text and facial expression got to me. I can’t even remember now exactly what it said, but it got under my skin. So I developed a bit of an obsession with him. But I wasn’t brave enough to actually chat him up, and also I wasn’t sure I really wanted to act on it. I found him fascinating but also just a tiny bit creepy. So I would visit his profile, and then watch some porn (or more often read it, back then) and jerk off. This went on for months. Finally, late one night when I had cruised the tea room all evening with no luck, I went online and he was logged in. And damnit, I was horny AF. So I messaged him. Back then my screen name was “Goldlocks”. Goldlocks: Hey there DavidHB: Hey, what’s up? Goldlocks: Horned up. Nice profile there. DavidHB: Thanks. What do you get into? Goldlocks: Beefy hairy guys. You? DavidHB: Fucking. Not picky about looks. You wanna? Well, crap. Yeah, I do, but I’m scared, too, and I don’t quite know why. The proposition is so sudden, and so direct. So there’s a pause. I’m not sure how long it is, probably not as long as it seems. DavidHB: You there? Goldlocks: Yes. Just thinking. Goldlocks: Yeah, I wanna. Where? DavidHB: Come to my place. “David” gave me his address and phone number and I told him I could be there in 20 minutes. He lived a little way out of town, so I had a quick shower and grabbed a couple of condoms and headed over. When I got there it was in a trailer park, very white trash. Jesus, the last time I visited somebody in a trailer park was in 5th grade when my best friend lived in one. He had said the door would be unlocked, and it was. I went in and it was dim. I could see the light was coming from the kitchen, one of those greenish fluorescent bulbs making a nasty buzz. I could hear porn playing in the bedroom so I went in there. That was even dimmer – the only light was from the TV. It smelled of stale cigarette smoke and body odor and a little of piss. He was sitting in the same kitchen chair, wearing the same jersey and a jockstrap, and stroking. “Get on the bed.” I almost left, right then. If I hadn’t been so damn horny I would have. But I was, so I got on the bed and dropped my shorts and got on my hands and knees. There was no discussion at all of top or bottom, somehow we both knew I was the one getting fucked. Then he came over and stuck his tongue in my ass. I had only ever been rimmed once before, in a bathroom by a guy with the face of an angel. It had turned me to quivering jelly then, and it did again now. Something about that warm wetness, the teasing poking moisture at my hole, connected with that fuck craving and switched it 200% on. I wanted fucked bad, and I wanted it now! I fished a condom out of my pocket and pushed it back along the bed toward him. He stood up and grabbed something off the nightstand. A bottle of poppers. I had read about them, but had never tried them. He took a hit in each nostril, then held the bottle out to me. I hesitated. “Kid, you’re gonna want these,” he said, hefting his dick in his other hand. “This thing is thick.” Sometimes you just gotta say “What the Fuck”… I took the bottle and took a hit in each nostril and handed it back. And then the poppers hit. That warm rushing sensation. And the fuck craving quintupled. Oh. My. God. He rimmed me for a few more seconds, getting me thoroughly wet. “Fuck me!” I could hear him spit on his dick. Then he put it against my hole. And teased it. “Fuck me!” He pushed the tip of it in. Fuck he wasn’t kidding about the thickness. He paused there, letting me get used to it. And pushed the open poppers bottle into my hand again. I took two big hits this time and held them in. “Do another.” OK… I already felt pretty fucked up but yeah. I took two more hits. And then he slid into me all at once, all the way. Fuck, that hurt! He held it there, not moving. And the fuck and the poppers took over my body and suddenly my ass opened and it didn’t hurt. It felt amazing. “Feel good, boy?” “FUCK yesssss!” He started moving again. First slowly, then picking up the pace. “Fuck, that’s a hot ass, boy!” “Fuck me!” My whole world consisted of his dick in my ass and the sounds of him in me, our breath, my heartbeat. “Fuck me!” He levered himself forward and put his weight on me, flattening me out on the bed. “Fuck me!” “Fuck yeah, boy!” I could smell his tobacco-tainted breath and feel it on the back of my neck. It was hot as fuck. And his fat dick buried in me was heaven. “Fuck me!” His ragged breathing told he was getting ready to cum. Wait, was he wearing the condom? Then I felt his dick swell up even thicker and his muscles spasm with orgasm. “Take my load. Take my dirty bear load!” I came all over his bed without touching myself. The condom was still there on the bed in its wrapper. I was in shock. In a daze, I pulled my shorts up and left without a word. He never messaged me again, and I sure as fuck didn’t message him. But the seed was planted (so to speak). Because this time the actual event of anal sex did feel great, and it was not underwhelming. More like overwhelming. I did try to use condoms, but my heart was never in it after that, and eventually I just gave up. Years later I was browsing xtube and I saw him again. There he was in that same jersey on that same kitchen chair, only this time it was a video. A pretty lousy video, might have been made back when he fucked me. I couldn’t resist checking out his profile. He had only put up four videos. The chair one, two really short ones, and one that was very dark. I clicked on the dark one. It was him fucking some twink on his bed. The same damn bed he had fucked me on. It started in the middle of the action, and was just him fucking for a while, with the twink occasionally repeating something that sounded like “fuck me.” And then he pushed the guy down and fucked him full-length, which didn’t last long. And as he came I heard it: “Take my load. Take my dirty bear load!”
    2 points
  31. Ramrod got their lease renewed for 5 years. Yippee
    2 points
  32. While the sluttier side will say "give up your hole to whatever man wants it," the real answer is that it's your fucking body. When you're done, you're done. You don't owe anyone anything, only yourself. If you're enjoying it, keep going. If you feel that you're done or a guy creeps you out, leave. You decide.
    2 points
  33. Yeah here's me wearing my favorite shorts with built-in unsafe sex condom - it makes my dick look good when it becomes saturated in cum and pussy juice.
    2 points
  34. Last Friday I went to Steamworks I thought I would try a different approach I had a cardboard sign the said “dump dump” Rented a room and laid on my stomach Put sign jus above my ass. I now time a young Latin guy came in He closed door and fingered my ass. He asked if sign was true. yes I said He left and a few minutes later returned with 2 buddies Closed door and all three fucked me. of course all three came in my ass I was flooded with cum when they left I still laid there with sign I got three more loads it worked
    2 points
  35. I'm on all 4s, presenting. Top says "man, you got a fukkin beautiful asshole, I'm gunna open it up and breed it deep"
    2 points
  36. After the old man came in me, I felt something give way in my mind. I don't know if it was the smell of poppers permeating the dark, sweaty atmosphere or whether it was the filthy loads I had already taken inside me, but I felt my body shiver with lust and a need to breed like I was in heat. The man stroking my head felt the change as I squirmed and slobbered over his cock. He raised my head and saw my swollen face and bright eyes and grinned at me, revealing sores clustering over his lips. "That's a good boy!" He breathed. "You're nearly there. Accept it." He raised me up and grabbed my arm. "C'mon." He said. As he pulled me towards the aisle, I tripped over my trousers and pants, leaving them on the filthy floor so I was naked from the waist down. He dragged me down the aisle to the toilets which were off to one side. I was aware of men following us, mere shadows in the darkness like demons from hell. There was no light inside, and the small area reeked of piss. He groped to one side, and dragged me into a cubicle and sat down on the pan. Then he pulled my head down onto his cock . "Suck it, bitch!" He whispered. I began to slobber over his erection, literally shaking now with lust and depravity. I felt bodies cramming in into the space behind me, fingers dipping into my cum soaked hole and excited whispers and the sound of zips being drawn down. Then the first cock began to slide into me and a fat belly was lifted onto my bare bottom. The man began to thrust like a rabbit, working himself quickly to a climax as the others urged him on. "Hurry up! Don't take all night. We all want a turn!" He grunted, his cock throbbed in me as he spurted, and then it was literally ripped out of me as eager hands pulled him to one side and another cock was thrust into me. I was lost. I felt my legs open wide, stretching my hole as wide as I could and pushing back in heat to milk their diseased cocks. I was in heaven or in hell. I didn't care. All I felt was the hands stroking my face, his voice saying "Good. Well done. Take them all." and troll after troll emptying his balls into me.
    2 points
  37. Eventually they let me go. I stumbled to a seat, pulled-up my underwear and jeans and sat there, feeling like a pig, as cum soaked through my clothing, only to be absorbed into the seat cover. Men came and went, watching the movies and drinking cans of beer. I guess I must have drifted off 'cause when I awoke it was late in the evening. The cinema was still full, but the clientele had changed. There were more older men, rough looking, some looking like they hadn't washed recently. I asked a guy next to me the time, and what was going on. He replied the cinema had a special reduced price once a week for retired guys, or guys on benefits, real trolls, and that meant most other guys stayed away. As I looked around I realised I was the youngest guy in the cinema, and the I was surrounded by guys who were watching me as much as watching the film. I also noticed several of the men were jerking themselves, cocks protruding from stained trousers beneath their fat bellies. My throat went dry and I felt my own cock stiffening in my pants. A man in an old jumper offered me his fat cock and I leaned over to suck him. His cock tasted salty and his groin smelled of piss. That was apparently a signal to the rest of the men, because within seconds there was a free-for-all, and I was theirs for the taking: I was surrounded, hands investigated my body, slid under my shirt, felt-up my chest, and even went so far as to jerk the cock in my mouth. I grunted with approval, only to find a bottle of poppers had been thrust under my nose. Next my shirt was gone and rough fingers pinched my nipples. I staggered to my feet, sensing this was too much, and aghast I had allowed old, bloated wretches to take command of my body, but at the same time the poppers were swirling in my brain and I nearly fainted. Hands grabbed my arms to steady me and someone whispered. "Steady kid, we 'aint gonna hurt you." They dragged my trousers and pants down, and I heard them hiss with anticipation as my cock sprang up stiff as a poker. Immediately, a balding old man bent and took it in his mouth, his lips encrusted with cold-sores. "Nooo!" I instinctively murmured, even as I thought his services felt excellent. Then a man in the row behind leaned forward and kissed me, his unshaven face rubbing against mine, and his tobacco breath in my nostrils. His shirt was open, and he guided my hands to his fat, sweaty tits which sported rings in the nipples. Slowly, ever so gently, he pulled me forward until I was bent over the seat back where somehow I found his heavy, veiny cock in my mouth. He stroked my hair in a strangely gentle way as he simultaneously reached back, pulled my cheeks apart, exposing my arsehole. I felt other hands on my hips and looked back to see a man old enough to be my grandfather leering at me with a gap-toothed smile. Before I could react, his cock was sliding into me as the fat man held my shoulders down onto the seat back. "P..please.. stop," I gasped, "let me go!" I felt the cock in me swell and throb as it came and the fat man bent and whispered into my ear "You're a good boy 'ain't you? You want to look after us don't you?" Another cock slid into me carrying god knows what diseases, but his hands were so gentle as they smoothed my hair and his voice was so soothing I could only submit and offer my hole for his use....
    2 points
  38. The pig will out - part 2 When I got home, I panicked about what I'd done and the fact that I had unprotected sex with strangers I couldn't even see. I swore to keep away from that place and for a couple of weeks I was a good boy. I was very stressed in case I came down with the fuck 'flu, but after a couple of weeks it kinda receded into the background, and I found myself really horny and felt the need for sex really bad. One night, almost without thinking, I found myself in the car next to the playing field, almost as if my body needed to breed and was taking over my rational mind, even as my rational mind was saying 'Oh, you've done it once and everything is okay. You can do it again and get away with it.' I got out of the car and went over to the old public toilet. It seemed pretty quiet, but when I stepped inside it was full of bodies, and the darkness was full of the smells of sweat, piss and spunk. Immediately, hands reached for my body, grabbing the bulge in my jeans and pulling at my belt. Dry, urgent whispered voices, surrounded me as guys pulled off my tee shirt and dragged my trousers and underwear down. "Fuck, yeah, nice body," someone breathed. "Gonna get fucked tonight, boy?" whispered another, as a wet mouth engulfed my cock. I stepped out of my clothing and stood naked in the darkness, which seemed to excite the crowd of men around me, who jostled each other to suck my cock, explore my arse, and plunge their tongues into my mouth. Poppers were thrust under my nose, and in the chemical rush, two thoughts crossed my mind, first, that the guys were barely men, they were more like demons in the darkness, wanting to spread their seed and damning anyone who came into their clutches, and second, how incredibly excited I was at the extent of my depravity. "Get 'im bent over!" someone said with an evil chuckle, "Fuck the bitch." I was pulled firmly into the rear of the toilet and shoved into a cubicle. I couldn't see virtually anything, but apparently a man was already sitting on the pan and I positioned so his fat, stiffening cock was against my mouth. I felt his fingers separate my lips, and his cock slid into my mouth. Eager fingers were spreading my arse and I felt the familiar cold, slippery lube being applied. The man seated on the pan bent low and stuck a bottle of poppers under my nose, hissing "Well now, what have we here? Dirty little bitch," adding a laugh that sounded like dry leaves on a pavement. I felt hands holding me open and then the first cock began to force itself into me, the head widening my hole, and then slipping into me with a rush. I groaned as I was fucked, holding onto the thighs of the man sitting before me, while I greedily sucked on his cock. Then I heard the man in my arse grunting, and felt his cock throb as he came. He withdrew his cock roughly, and someone else's rough finger was thrust into me, who briefly explored my hole, and then excitedly asked "Oh yeah, he's wet. Who's next?" A thick, slimey cock slid up me, and a huge belly rested on my back as a fat troll got in the saddle and began to fuck my arse. After two or three minutes, his thrusts became more urgent, and then he pushed hard against me and groaned loudly as he shot his spunk into my dripping hole. Suddenly, a lighter flared as the man seated on the toilet lit a cigarette, even as I kept sucking his cock. I managed to catch a glimpse of his thin, wasted face, his sunken cheeks and the sores around the mouth. The man's eyes, however, were his most striking feature. They seemed to suggest they were as old as time and utterly pitiless in the intensity with which he bored into my soul. "Welcome to the brotherhood," he grinned, as his cock began to spurt in my mouth, adding "Dirty seed for a dirty boy!" I knew then I was lost forever....
    2 points
  39. My ex used to love to blindfold me (and sometimes tie me up) then invite other guys to come over and fuck me. At first, I was petrified, but over time, I got to love being used. Eventually, he didn't blindfold me or would take the blindfold off while I was being fucked. Later in our relationship, he would go online and pretend to be me. He would have tops come over and I would be ready on the bed. He would either be hiding in the closet to secretly watch, or he would be sitting in a chair in the corner of the bedroom, watching as they fucked me. I really missed the excitement of the random anonymous fucks. I was going to the adult bookstores to get fucked through gloryholes. When the local adult bookstores started closing down or getting rid of the gloryholes, I started hosting at a gloryhole I setup at my place. For the last 10 years, I have hosted anonymously from my gloryhole or from the sling. I love the feeling as I am laying in the sling, a stranger walks in and starts fucking my ass. Never knowing who they are, only leaving their cum in my hole.
    1 point
  40. I posted about this guy in cocksucking forum months ago. I was asking about sucking a very big cock. I had an ad on double list looking for a couple to play with. A lady emailed me asking if I would be interested in sucking off her husband's cock. I was so we all met up for drinks one night. Now this couple was very different. He is dark skinned 6'7 and over 300lbs. She is 4'9 and maybe 90lbs. Turns out we live just a few blocks apart and we all hit it off. We go back to their place and she tells me she hates sucking cock and wants a guy to be a regular for him. So after a lil more flirting and drinking he sits back on the couch and she is rubbing him through his shorts. I get on my knees and was absolutely shocked at how huge he was when she pulled him out. It has been a learning process to suck him off. There really isn't much sucking as I can hardly get the head in my mouth. So a couple times a week for a few months I show up to do my best to slobber, gag, and service his cock. He is never a blow and go guy. He likes to take his time and have his huge balls licked on too. So the other day I was invited to a BBQ at their place. All afternoon I am wondering if I'm going to get a mouthful of cum. After a bit the wife starts getting a little buzzed and flirty so now I'm sure its going to happen. Things are wrapping up and she pulls me aside and tells me she talked to him and he wants to fuck my ass. I never really thought it was an option because its always just oral. Now I'm super excited so I go home to clean out and get ready. An hour later I'm back and horny as ever. He is already naked sitting on the couch and she is sipping wine and rubbing her clit. I usually prefer for tops to mount me but due to his size I want to be in control at first. After about 10min of sucking and getting him ready I climbed on top and started sitting on his cock. The girth wasn't an issue but the length was a problem. After several minutes of trying everything lined up and he was balls deep. I rode him a bit to make sure I was good and then he pushed my down to the floor and climbed on top. It was a lil painful at first but once he was all in it was awesome. After a good hard fucking he unloaded inside me and just laid there. When he finally pulled out I cleaned him making sure to get every drop from his foreskin. I told him that was the biggest cock I'd had by far. The next morning he sent me a pic with a measure tape. He is a legit 13in.
    1 point
  41. Easily. Just allow anyone to fuck you with a blindfold on. It’s not always great but getting loads always is.
    1 point
  42. Needing someone to sit on my lap and kiss me and feel my raw cock in your guts.
    1 point
  43. Love this story. I truly caputures the feel, smell, sights, and sounds of my local bath house. I'm an older guy, but you could call me "Timmy". I go to the baths and I'm naked for my entire visit. Walking around naked with my hole lubed and ready to take any load. Everyone knows I'm available. While some visits are busier than others, I know that I am a public fuck hole available for anyone to use. Nothing like getting fucked with an audience, feeling the cum dripping down my leg. Poz men and poz loads to the front of the line.
    1 point
  44. After lying with his cock in me and very sensual kissing. I climbed off his still semihard cock. It plopped out and cum fell out on his stomach. I leaned down and licked the cum which was pink from the stretching and tearing of my cunt with these two huge cocks. I then cleaned his gorgeous meat of cum and my ass juice. His cock oozed some slightly yellow cum. It looked like infected discharge and i bent down and sucked it up, he moaned and pulled me towards him and he kissed me deep and out tongues exchanged his cum and discharge. "You are such a dirty whore aren't you. You can get enough of my infected seed and my filthy dirty puss leaking out of my cock", he said, "No i can't. I want your dirty seed in my cunt and in my mouth so i can get pregnant and taste you all day", i smiled back at him and kissed him again. Ricky came up from behind me and stuck two fingers in me and swirled them around and massaged my prostate. I fell foward in surprise and closed my eyes a little and moaned as my pussy was so wet. "Yeah you dirty slut. You just got fucked by 2 cocks and we all came and no more than 2 minutes later i'm fingering your pussy and your all horny again", he laughed. It was true. My ass got wrecked and bred and i was still horny. He kept massaging my pussy walls and my prostate and started to moan and breath harder. He quickly pulled out his fingers and i looked back in disappointment. He laughed, "No more pleasure whore", he said taking his fingers with cum, puss and a little blood scooped up in his fingers and stuck it in my mouth. I opened gladly and sucked on his fingers and licked them as if they were a cock. "Yeah good boy, suck all that dirty diseased cum and puss and your pussy juice", he said. He stared at my and our eyes locked as i sucked them clean. He pulled his fingers out of my mouth and pulled me in and kissed me deeply. "Good boy" I them without being told, dropped on my knees and sucked his semihard cock and cleaned it good. It tasted of cum and blood and some puss. He pulled me up turned me around and put the butt plug in my ass abruptly. And then he started to twisty and rotate it around a bit and i started to moan again. He stopped and slapped my ass. "Lets go slut before i fuck you again and leave you here as his property", he laughed. I looked back at him and had that look in my eye of wishing he would. "Ohhh someone's in lust. Mike you may have puppy here that won't leave", he said. "Yeah, he's a hungry little bitch. You can leave him. I could use a slut around the house", Mike said and laughed but was serious. Mike stared at me while i put my panties and short shorts on with lust and hunger. "Sorry he's not my boy to give but maybe we will come back soon. You want that don't you", Ricky asked. "I do but only if its okay with you and Daddy", i said. "We will see. Take care Mike.", Ricky said I walked over to him and kissed him deeply. "You come back now", Mike said. "I hope i can", i said. As we drove back to my Daddy's place i couldn't believe i just took diseased, AIDS cum and loved it. In fact i wanted more. I was both scared and excited. My cock grew hard and i reflected on those last few days of incredible sexual pleasure and experience. I wanted more.
    1 point
  45. I love hot humid Southern Ontario summer nights. Especially when my hubby is away like this particular one. I had tossed back three generous gin and tonics with my rare barbecued steak for dinner and it was getting dark. I decided to head out for a walk wearing only sandals and red flimsy gym shorts. They did little to conceal my semi erect cock and if I wasn't careful it could grow and peek out through the leg. This knottiness mixed well with the booze in my system and the sensual humid air. I walked the railtrail beside our bay hoping this might be one of those rare nights I came upon someone interested in an anonymous encounter. Other than the voices of some teens likely skinny dipping I didn't meet or hear anyone. That is until I got to the high end condo under construction next to the trail. A security company vehicle sat by the side of the fenced work site and a young guy in his uniform sat in the driver's seat, window rolled down. The closer I got I could make out he was a turbaned East Indian. Probably 20 years old, small stature and warm inviting smile. I approached his open window and we chatted about the weather, sports and some sporty cars that drove by. He was a sexy little bugger and I had to sheild my crotch with my hand. He noticed and grinned. I asked if he was alone at this site all night. "Yes " "It must get boaring?" I added. "Yeah, a bit. Don't tell anyone but sometimes my girlfriend drops by to help with that. " "Oh. Is she coming tonight?" "No, she's also at work." I was disappointed to hear she existed but decided to go for broke. "Does she suck your cock to help pass the time?" "No! Are you kidding? She's very religious. " "Have you ever had your cock sucked?" "No." "Do you want to change that tonight?" "I don't want to get in trouble. Besides who would do it? You?" "It would be my pleasure. We could slip inside out of sight. " "No I don't think so. " My erection was now poking out the leg of my shorts and I could see his trousers tenting. "Could we be quick? I don't want to loose my job." He opened the gate and we scrambled into the middle of the unfinished building. I slipped out of my shorts, crouched and opened his trousers. To my delight I was facing a ten inch long straight pole of an erection. I knew immediately which hole I needed this beautiful cock in. I proceeded to give him a very well practiced blowjob and from his moans I didn't need to ask if he was enjoying it. When I figured I'd edged him close to shooting I stopped and told him I wanted him to fuck me. "I don't have a condom, do you?" he asked. "Let's go to the roof I responded ignoring his question. I didn't bother gathering my shorts and had him equally as naked by the time the elevator cage reached the roof. I led him by the hand to the bay side of the building. I leaned against the railing and directed him to move in behind me. When he was in place I grabbed his magnificent cock and teased it against my hole. I pushed back and as his head penetrated I gasped. He asked; " Are you sure?" "Never more so was my enthusiastic response. Slowly but surely I pushed back 'til he was balls deep. This was all too much for his virgin cock and he blasted away deep into my guts. Immediately he apologized and I assured him there was nothing to apologize for. "But I came in your ass." "Exactly what I was hoping for, Thanks. ... You're not getting soft. Why don't you keep going?" He needed no encouragement and was pounding away at my sloppy hole. He fucked two more loads into me before we heard the elevator gate slam shut. We hadn't heard it move being so engrossed in our fucking. "My supervisor! Shit, my clothes are on that elevator. What are we going to do?" "I suggest you keep fucking." Came the deep voice of the handsome bear that was already slipping out of his clothes. The young Indian was to frightened and backed away. The supervisor now naked and sporting a beer can thick six inches dove into my ass with his bearded mouth. When he pulled off licking his lips he said. "Fuck, better than I thought. How many loads have you pumped into this trespasser?" "Three" "Well time for me to catch up!" And he plunged balls deep into me proceeding to rail me for the next hour and blast me full of three loads. "You ready to go again. " he asked the young Indian. The 10 inch cock was back up my ass and the supervisor was backing his ass hole onto my raw cock. We found the perfect train rythm and 20 minutes later when the guard emptied again into my flooded ass I shoot my load into supervisor. None of us got dressed until we got back to the ground floor where the supervisor's deminor became very officious. "Don't ever let me catch you trespassing here again or you'll get more than 'security deposits.' I wondered what he meant as I walked home not even trying to keep the cum from leaking onto the ass of my gym shorts.
    1 point
  46. I am glad Michigan and Indiana still have bookstores. I would so much rather cruise there than sit online.
    1 point
  47. I started going to XXX bookstores as soon as I turned 18, and man, was my inner pig unleashed. After my first couple of visits, it became my goal to see how many cocks I could suck every single time. If I sucked 5, I HAD to suck 6. If I sucked 20, I HAD to suck 21.
    1 point
  48. I do great whoring out visiting cum dumps at the red roof inn. Usually have them post the ad on BBRT and I tell my top buddies that tag team with me.. As long as my toxic seed get planted deep..with my other top buddies..
    1 point
  49. I did a scene for Knightbreeders. "Creature From The Sperm Lagoon" Dec 2014
    1 point
  50. When I got home I got a big surprise—a phone call from Joey, a twenty-some-odd year old I’d POZZED 3 months ago. I‘d been only the second one to TOP him, and never thought I’d hear from him again. We met last June. I couldn’t wait to caress his youthful, tender Ass. He, in turn, went down on me, and sucked me close to Cumming. I stopped him 'cause I had better use for my POZ Cum than that. He’d find that out. I led him to the bedroom. He tried to escape my engorged Cock, but I trapped him to the mattress. He began to whimper, so I kissed him and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. I fucked him slowly, with powerful deep thrusts. I hit his Prostate, and he felt it. I couldn't hold back—filled his Virgin Hole with hot POZ Jizm, paused to allow my Toxic Seed to settle, then began to fuck him hard and fast. He bellowed in shear pleasure. After 15 minutes he reached down and felt my Dick. His eyes went wide. "No Rubber? Don’t Cum in me, OK? Shoot on my Chest and Stomach.” I acquiesced. He hadn’t counted on my Special Gift—that I can Cum a half dozen times, depending on the NEG-AND-SEX-APPEAL of the Dude I’m GIFTING. And Joey boy was VERY NEG and VERY SEXY. I fucked him harder. God, the guy appealed to me — so young and vibrant and voluptuous! I felt It tingle in my Balls, rising toward my Piss Slit! I shot again, inundating his Guts with my POZ Jism. And kept on screwin’ for half an hour longer. “I’M CUMMIN!” That was him; not me. He hadn’t even touched himself. I was fucking the NEG Shit out of him. How I wanted to swallow his last NEG Load. I slowed my pace and licked up what I could, without stopping. "Man are you going to Cum or what?" he asked, almost exasperated. I had a duty to perform, and didn’t want to shirk my obligation. I responded I’d shoot soon. I wanted my first Loads to fester for as long as possible, so I intentionally held off and fucked him for another quarter-hour. "Please Cum! I can't take this any longer!" I spooged all over him. He got so excited at the sight of my raw Seed. He said he was afraid that I would Cum in him. He wanted to play Safe. I only smiled—I may have POZZED another one. ***************************** “Hello.” "It’s me, Joey, remember? Three months ago. I’ve tested POZ. You didn’t….?" “Wasn’t me, Joey. I never came in you. Have you played with someone else?” “A couple—but they all wore Condoms.” “Then it must have been a friggin’ accident. A broken Rubber or something. Tell you what. Cum over and we’ll talk about it.” “Are you POZ?” I hesitated. To continue the charade or tell the truth. “Yes, I am.” “I’ll be over in 30 minutes.” Talk we never did—at least not that evening. Talk is cheap, and not what I was in the mood for. He arrived visibly upset, wearing Tank Top and Cutoffs, and, for the record, no underwear. I asked if he wanted anything to drink. “Ginger Ale would be fine.” He’d drunk Ginger Ale the first night, too. Silently we sat on the couch. I massaged his inner thigh, worked up his pant leg, brushed his past his Balls, and stroked his soft Cock with nimble, practiced fingers. Magnificent! My POZ Child’s Shaft was hardening. I unbuttoned his cutoffs. The well-worn zipper glided easily, exposing his infected tumid Shaft. I couldn’t wait to taste his POZ Precum, knowing one so recently knocked up must be rife with the Virus. Yeah, I was responsible; and proud of it! I shoved my unlubed index finger up his Pussy. He jerked reflexively, then relaxed. I led him to the bedroom leaving his Cutoffs on the couch, pulled off his Tank Top, lubed up with Vaseline, and fucked him for an hour. I came 4 times, and with each climax acknowledged how good it felt to have my POZ Jizm flowing up his Pussy. By my 4th ejaculation, I think he knew exactly how he’d been POZZED. I began to masturbate him mercilessly. I worked his fat Cock faster, my hand but a blur upon his Tool. “Shoot your Toxic Jism, Joey. Shoot It down my throat. And promise me, you’ll remember— ’Tis better to give than to receive.’”
    1 point
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