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Everything posted by Ieatcumholes

  1. OK, so we have _______ Brothers of Color. Really really rare as in availability to purchase or as in degree of being cooked? For the latter I found blue, but that's not an R-word. Randy is akin to rutting and not romantic, but Randy Brothers of Color does have a certain appeal.... As do Ready Brothers of Color and Receptive Brothers of Color! ๐Ÿ˜œ Other than that, I'm completely stumped on the "R"! ๐Ÿ˜–
  2. I wouldn't have chosen any of the listed options. For me rimming and felching are two completely different activities. And I would take felching over rimming every day of the week! Since I'm limited to two options, I'm really torn between fucking/topping raw and kissing. I could kiss without fucking and be OK. But fucking without kissing just seems anachronistic to me. So I guess my two choices would be felching and kissing.
  3. Whew! You're in Chicago, so it couldn't have been me! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ I have incredible powers of suction with my mouth. And I do this thing with my mouth when rimming where I suction the hole. Bottoms either love it or hate it. I've yet to find a bottom who was indifferent to it. Sounds like at least one person in Chicago has discovered that talent for themselves....
  4. Aww, thanks! That was back in my bottom days when I was playing safe. That would've been sometime during 89-95. Seven men in a couple of hours is nothing to some of the guys on this site and I ๐Ÿ˜ them for that! Tried to schedule 5 bottoms in 5 days last week. Three of them flaked/ghosted cause I haven't heard boo from them since. Oh well. I always have lots of other things to do outside of sex! ๐Ÿคฏ
  5. I wouldn't say becoming poz made me sex crazy as much as it allowed me to ignore certain inhibitions of mine and get in touch with my inner ๐Ÿท. I loved to rim before I became poz, but always thought it was dirty and that people would look down on me for wanting to do it (just to do it, not even in prep for anal sex). One I became poz, I felt like the worst thing (other than death) that could happen to me had already happened, so why hold back? And then I discovered that I not only enjoyed but craved eating other men's cum from a hole! ๐Ÿ˜ As I stated over in the slut in your family thread, I'm pretty sure my sex-crazed nature was a genetic gift from my father and has nothing to do with HIV status. I mostly suppressed that before I became poz, but there was one point where I wanted to tie (if not beat) a friend's record of 7 different men in 7 different days. (In retrospect, what a laughable goal! It should've been 7 men in 1 day at the very least!) I hit 6 men in 6 days.
  6. Yes. And I've also been in same-race (intraracial?) relationships.
  7. I freely admit that I come from "promiscuous genes" and that's mostly due to my father. Last I heard 10 years ago, the man had had 10 children by 7 different women. I'm his 6th by the fourth woman and he was 25 when I was born. Considering that I was 11 when I had my first ejaculation, if I had been heterosexual and the first ejaculation had been with an equally-developed girl, and I continued to pass the "promiscuous gene" along, I could be a great-great-great grandfather at 58! ๐Ÿคฏ On my mother's side, I have 50-some first cousins. AFAIK, none of them are even gay, much less promiscuous. By the law of gay averages, there should be at least 5 of us. Although I had sex with 2 of my cousins growing up, they both ostensibly are heterosexual with children (and maybe even grandchildren) now.... Since my father is gone, I guess I AM the only slut in my family! Cool! ๐Ÿ˜
  8. "I love sloppy seconds!" Or, if there's enough room, "I love sloppy seconds (or thirds or fourths or fifths)!" ๐Ÿ˜
  9. That has not been my experience. When I move to a new page, whatever I multiquoted from previous pages disappears. I've taken to copying my reply from the bottom of one page before I move onto a new page. Sometimes that works; sometimes it doesn't. The only way I've gotten it to work is to utilize two tabs on the same thread - the first tab collects all the mutli-quotes and my responses and the second tab moves through the pages of the thread. When I get to the end of a page in the second tab, I copy/paste it into my response in the other tab and then move to the next page. It really shouldn't be that difficult.... โ˜น๏ธ
  10. So did one person win and the other four lose? Or did the numbers just determine the rotation for when they slept in your bed? Either way, I must bow down to you for coming up with the idea AND executing it! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
  11. hntn! My brother from a different mother! ๐Ÿคฃ (It would HAVE to be my father's genes we share. The man had 10 children by 7 different women last I heard.) If I had a cumdump for a BF or even a regular cumdump FWB, I don't need (or really even care) to see him get bred by other men. I just want to reap the benefits of those breedings. Go off to the sex club, bookstore, woods, sex party, wherever and have your fun. Then bring your cumhole to me, so I can have mine! ๐Ÿ˜ the "mirror to my Lusts" comment! There's something about the anonymity of the sperm donors that really turns me on. I'm not all that interested in swallowing random loads direct from the tap as it were. But eating them out of a cumhole is pure bliss! I've never liked poppers cause the headache they give me far overshadows any potential benefit. But I get what you mean about the rush of eating out a cumhole!
  12. I've told lots of bottoms that I don't mind sloppy seconds (or thirds or fourths or fifths, etc.)! So, definitely a turn on for me. But I know and admit that I'm a top who has a cum fetish. As I've said in other places, I will eat my cum out of a bottom's hole, but I prefer to eat other tops' cum from it. I think it takes a special kind of top to appreciate and use a preloaded/cum-filled hole. I think most tops don't want to think about who may have used the hole before them and/or don't want their dick to come into contact with another guy's seed. But tops like me revel in the thought, the feel, the sound, the smell and the experience of a felching and fucking a cumhole.
  13. I've done it as a top and back when I was a bottom. It requires both people to stay pretty still or, as others have said, the top will slip out.
  14. Was supposed to hookup with a bottom yesterday for the first time for a quickie before he went to work. Didn't show, didn't text, didn't respond to either of my texts. This morning I have a text from him that his wife got suspicious and followed him to work. We specifically talked about me breeding him but there had been no mention of a wife. Doesn't really matter to me cause I didn't exchange vows with her, he did.
  15. As a top, ATM is a must for me as I love kissing and I love eating/felching hole. If I eat/felch a bottom's hole and he refuses to kiss me afterward, that will be the last time I fuck him. Period. End of story. Don't care how hot the fuck was! Transmission of any potential diseases (and, yes, I know it's a possibility) isn't even on my radar. >> I << taste and enjoy the bottom's hole (and possibly the taste of my precum and/or cum depending on whether I'm eating or felching), and I want to share that taste with him. If he's not interested, there are many more bottoms who are, so NEXT! So, for me, it's less about the psychology and more about the smell and taste of SEX! Slightly dirty is an interesting twist. While I don't freak out if my dick comes out slightly dirty cause I know accidents happen, I'm less forgiving where my tongue is concerned. If I smell even the slightest hint of slightly dirty, I'm not eating/felching it. If I don't smell any hint of slightly dirty but an accident happens, the action more than likely will end then and there. Whether or not there will be a repeat engagement really depends on how "into" the guy I am. THANK YOU!!!! I can't STAND the taste of most artificial lubes! And the flavored lubes are even WORSE! ๐Ÿคข Silicon-based lubes, J-Gel and Albolene are passable. Anything else other than spit, and, as much as I might've enjoyed eating your ass before I fucked you, I won't felch it after I've bred you. And "tasting our fuck" is a great way to put it! And to take that to the next level with a cumdump, it would be, "tasting all the guys who've fucked you recently, including me!" ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ As long as the guy knows how to kiss (lots of guys don't), whether we kiss after I eat his ass or after he cleans off my dick after I cum in him, both are GREAT in my book! Both ways it's all about sharing the taste of sex!
  16. THIS!!!!! It goes along with my misuse of terms peeve! If you pull out and come on the hole, on the balls, on the stomach, on the ass, on the cock/pubes, on the chest or on the face of the bottom, that IS NOT breeding! It's also not breeding if you pull out and jack your load out whether or not that load touches the bottom anywhere but in his hole. (I know some tops can only cum from jacking off, so if they pull out, jack off and push their spasming cock into the hole as they start to cum, I'll count that as breeding.)
  17. I don't think the technology exists yet, but I wish there was a way in porn to select a certain act (fucking or sucking) and only see the action of that type. Or be able to choose a particular "actor" and only see the action that involves them. That way any given movie could be different every time you see it. Other porn peeves that occurred to me that I don't think anyone else has mentioned: the flagrant misuse of terms: "gang bang" movies that are more orgy than gang bang "internal cumshots" that are really coming on the hole and then pushing it in "bareback" movies that have condoms in them naming a video after a star who is only in ONE scene the invisible butler (which ties in with themes of discontinuity) who removes all the clothes that those fully clothed guys had on a second ago and now they're completely nude with no clothing in sight! I hate when two tops are working one bottom at different ends and the camera cuts away from the fucking to show the sucking. Have you not heard of split screens to show both at the same time? People of Color tend to have skin tones that absorb light. So when filming them, additional lighting may be needed lest the action be rendered in shadows. Studios that focus on a single person who is in every scene whether he's the top or the bottom. NOBODY is that hot. It could work for a movie or two, but when the whole studio's output is based upon that theme, it's gets boring fast! another item on the discontinuity theme is when the last top shot on, in or around the bottom's hole and when the next top goes to fuck the bottom, there is no cum in sight anywhere and there was no video of anyone licking the area clean!
  18. I gave a guy three loads today. We tried for four, but it just wasn't happening. ๐Ÿ˜’ Congrats on getting five loads from one guy! Would that more of them would have been in your ass though....
  19. In order of my preference, it's pussy then hole then cunt of the options listed in the thread title. (There is just something wholly pejorative about the word "cunt" in my mind that I can't see using it in a positive way.) I have never had sex with a woman and intend on dying without having sex with a woman. But somehow "pussy" for a man's asshole turns me on. I always confirm with the bottom first what term they use for that orifice, and will use the term they prefer. If the bottom doesn't have a preference, I will use the term >> I << prefer.
  20. My bedroom this morning. Gave the same guy three loads.
  21. I wouldn't even try to speak for all tops or even most tops. But this one loves them! But you probably couldn't have guessed that from my screen name.... ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘…
  22. I wasn't going to reply to this thread, but some of the posts seem like they're speaking directly to me. So, speaking for myself as a Black man, and NOT speaking for ALL BLACK MEN,,,, YES! I agree 1000%!!!!! EXACTLY! And I usually think it's that person's loss and not my loss! I realized a (relatively short ๐Ÿ˜•) long time ago that not everything is about ME! Someone posts a bunch of content that >> I << don't like? Well, they didn't post it for ME. They posted it from THEMSELVES! If I walked into a group scene (unlikely, but as a hypothetical situation) and every single person there wasn't my type, I would make my excuses and leave. If SOME people weren't my type, then I would focus on those who were my type. And I guess I'm just a slut, but if a man I'm not all that interested in presents me his hole to fuck and my dick is hard, I'm going to fuck him! Whether or not he's my type, be damned! YES! THIS! I like ALL races and most shapes and sizes. I also understand that's not the case for everyone! I've been told repeatedly over the last 30+ years, "It's not what you say. It's how you say it." In my mind (and I'm sure others will disagree with me), racism is less about what you like/don't like and more about how you EXPRESS what you like/don't like. "Sorry, I'm not interested" is QUITE the different statement from "Sorry, I don't like (insert particular group)." Reiterating that this is just from me, about me, as a Black Man, and NOT a statement about all Black Men, it's not that I don't/won't have sex with other Black Men! I do, have and will! But one of my interests (and despite years of introspection, I still haven't figured out WHY!) is hairy men. Genetically, Black Men are not hairy. Push a hairy Black Man my way, and I'm going to be ALL over him! Some other races tend to be genetically hairier, and I am initially more drawn to them than I would be to one of my Black Brothers. Another genetic trait many of my Black Brothers tend to have is a "phat" ass. Those don't do a whole lot for me. I tend to be more interested in cupcakes (you can cup the cakes in your palms) or flat asses. Again, other races tend to have those kinds of asses, so I am more drawn to those races.... And I'm not saying that I wouldn't fuck a smooth Black Man with a "phat" ass. That just wouldn't be the FIRST man I would fuck if it were a multiple choice situation. I've never fucked a woman and have no desire to ever fuck a woman. As I stated above, we all like what we like. And we shouldn't be faulted for that. How you would turn down an Asian or Black woman, at least for me, would determine whether or not you were racist. "Not interested." is quite the different statement from "I don't fuck Asian or Black women." This is a completely alien concept to me. But I'm not discounting anyone else's truth. I've had sex with White, Black, Latinx, Chinese, Filipino, Tongan (? Samoan?) and Southeast Asian men (that I can immediately remember so there may be more different men I've had sex with). I do see race. But race isn't one of the determining factors on whether or not I will have sex with another man. But I realize and understand that race IS a determining factor for some people. And I was with you until this. I grew up in an all black neighborhood. I went to an all-black Elementary school. I was introduced to white people in Junior High and High School. For college, I applied to one HBCU and two non-HBCU's. (Historically Black College or University) I got into all three schools. Even though I got a full scholarship to the HBCU, I chose one of the other schools on the other side of the country. Not because I wanted to "graduate" and find a place outside of black society, but because I wanted to get as far away from where I grew up as I could without leaving the country. And, although I had the opportunity to request the African-American theme house at the non-HBCU as a freshman, I didn't. Because I wanted to experience something different. If I had wanted the same experience I grew up with, I would've gone to the HBCU. I ended up getting placed in the Asian-American theme house. And I ended up living there three of my four years. My Junior year, I was a Theme Associate. My Senior year, I was a Resident Assistant. My skin tone is dark enough that I can never pass for anything other than Black. So, there is no way I can "graduate" and find a place outside of black society. I love my people. We CAN be fierce. We aren't always though. And just as I'm sure people see me as a representative of my race, I'm equally sure that people see my race as representing me.. I can love my people without feeling like I need to be immersed in "black society." Excuse me, but think I might ๐Ÿฅฐ you! ๐Ÿ˜‰ The "thug" stereotype of today is nothing more than an update from the Mandingo stereotype of the 70s. Gay Black men are seen as either macho thugs or effeminate queens. Heaven forbid we don't be at either end of the spectrum.... โœ‹As much as I like white men, blond, in and of itself, doesn't do a whole lot for me. Never has. A blond man has to have something else to catch my eye; otherwise, he goes to the back of the line behind brown-haired, brunette and redheaded white men. But I know I'm in the minority in that regard. American culture seems to have a boner for Blondes! I don't bottom much. But if a Latinx guy with a 9" dick wanted to fuck me, I probably wouldn't turn him down! And I would definitely choose to bottom for him before I'd choose to fuck a blond unless the blond checked something else off my list of ๐Ÿ‘… ๐Ÿ‘… ๐Ÿ‘… As a general rule, whenever (the generic) you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one, especially yourself! Put out something you are happy with and don't worry about anybody who won't be happy with it! Women are sometimes told, "The best way to get over a man is to get under another one!" The same is true for gay bottoms. For gay tops, it's, "The best way to get over a man is to get on top of another one!" And I have stopped thinking, "my loss! ๐Ÿ˜ญ " when rejected by someone. I now think, "HIS loss!" Those who can, do. Those who can't, criticize! Only YOU can do you! Other people are always going to try to live your life for you. But YOU are the only person who can live it! And NEVER give that power up to anyone else! Yes, there was a time when a Black person who looked at a White person in any way other than deferential or submissive was likely to be lynched. And that's the kind of thing that permeates through generations of Blacks in certain areas of the US. (I don't know about places outside of the US.) While I really want to claim BS to that, my second reaction is, "Yeah, that may be right." The DL movement started around Black men who had sex with other men on the down low. There would very likely be many fewer questions about "why do you know that White man (whether or not he appeared to be effeminate)" than there would be about "why do you know that gay Black man". Yes! See my statement above. As I've already posited, I believe it is ok to tell someone you're not attracted to them. It's HOW you tell them that makes the difference. "Sorry, not a match." or "Sorry, not interested." is fine. "I don't DO (men of a particular race or trait)!" isn't fine. And it's now past my bedtime, so I'm going to end this rather long post.
  23. Like @YourNoLimitsBottom, I'm always in the mood for sex. (And I'm assuming this thread is about sex with another person and not masturbation.) And I'm definitely not going to cry if I don't get it! And I live in a big city. If I could've modified the answers, I would've selected, "I'm always horny and amenable to sex." I have a number of hobbies that require my full focus. And when I'm involved with any of those hobbies (which could be days or weeks at a time), I'm not actively looking for sex. But if someone hit me up and said, "Let's fuck!" I more than likely wouldn't turn him down! Even when I setup a sex session and the bottom flakes for whatever reason, I don't usually get upset. Cause I can turn my attention back to whichever one of my hobbies I'm currently involved with. And at the end of the day, I jerk off most nights before going to sleep if I haven't had sex with some guy during the day. So I still get that release. And without what can sometimes seem like an effort....
  24. Hmmm.... Didn't think I had a negative outlook. My various conditions are well-controlled through medication and/or lifestyle changes, so I don't regularly even think about them. Yes, my conditions and I co-exist - they don't control me. But the thread asked about poz being exciting. For me, it's neither exciting nor boring. It just is. I wouldn't be surprised though if others fell definitively on one side or the other though.
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