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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. Okay, second vote - Matteo Berrettini. For those of you who don't follow tennis, he's an Italian who got to the finals of Wimbledon last year. Just google his name, plenty of pics with his shirt off. Great face and smile. He gets a vote from me as well.
  2. There is a weather guy on the local CBS affiliate named Tyler Moore (locals look him up he is hot). Even the name Tyler Moore screams porn to me. He's relatively new, but very hot. He's listed as a "meteorologist with 10 Tampa Bay". I know it's odd to pick out some local television personality but he gets my vote.
  3. I always tried to take advanced placement courses in high school that were given on Saturdays and during the summer at the University I planned on attending. It gave me freedom from my parents, and access to other guys who were 16 or older, some already in college who had dorm rooms or close by apartments. It was the perfect scenario because there were many horny guys or those unsure of their sexuality that were willing to have a smart 16 year old come by their room or apartment and help study. Not every situation ended up with sex, and I actually made friends. But it did give me the time and location to play when others made it apparent they were interested in doing so. When I walked into a room and they immediately took off their shirt and just had underwear on, I knew I was in for more then just a cram study on college physics. I often wonder if these guys went on to marry women and have children, because I would only see them on campus and they usually pretended not to see me.
  4. Can I be part of the casting division? You know, help screen and select the "models", ask for their "head shots". Oh and communicate to those not selected what they can do to possibly earn a "walk on part" and be naked in the background. PLEASE I worked in HR for years I would be great.
  5. It's my birthday this week so I thought I would treat myself (By advertising I am in need) to some Big Cock. No experience necessary, just a willingness to learn and not have any place to be for at least 4 hours. Will provide food and beverage, alcohol as well, just don't bring lube. Please be 18, and have ID. any forum members in the area want to come by and pay mw a visit I will be offering complimentary blow jobs and please bring your cell phone for selfies. SERIOUSLY GUYS - if you are looking to blow your load, contact me
  6. No, his location was Chicago and to be honest he never opened the messages. He also didn't delete them, and that green light indicating he is online remains on. So I believe Mr. Dawson is a busy gentleman, other priorities. Maybe he has gone on to live and work a normal job, I don't know. I doubt we will see him in porn again, I know he gave an interview to a mid-west newspaper in the early to mid 2000s. (say 2007 or 2008?) saying he was HIV positive. It's his life and health and it's his business only. I found it amusing that on his BBRT profile he actually used some kind of porn promotion from one of his videos which clearly showed BBDawson, looking cute and innocent. The primary pic of him has him sporting salt and pepper facial hair and a skull cap. He looked good as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Czech Hunters is NOT real. Those young men who the photographer stumbles across have been pre-selected and screened prior to the filming. I often view these videos, and I admit the prized "discovery" the host makes can sometimes be very attractive. But what you may not see, is that in many cases the subject (Okay, let's say it - the bottom) have credits with film studios like BelAmi. They did not just decide to spend the day in the park and then that afternoon a stranger with a camera suddenly has his dick up their ass. It just doesn't work that way, many of those locations have been scouted in advance to make sure they are secure, and at times you see that situation come apart. So then we find our trusty cameraman in an apartment, this time the young man is riding his dick - perhaps for the first time, really! No, no not true. I'd like to know how many of these young men would know how to "prepare" for a bottom scene. The reason they know - they have been instructed on what things need to be done in advance of shooting. There is often the comparison Bait Bus equals Czech Hunter. I don't know if I have enough information on Bait Bus (are all the individuals gay acting students) but with Czech Hunter they are recruited and many have prior porn film credits.
  8. My birthday is on June 16th, it doesn't matter how old you are going to be - it still matters!
  9. So, anyone want to give me a birthday present, via my hole, and help me celebrate? I will host, and be generous in more ways than one.....
  10. I just wanted to take the time to thank you again for giving me the update. Some things make it sound appealing, other things you mentioned do not. However, it does give me a glimmer as to what is going on in that area. Not surprised to hear about the soaring housing prices, I had an x-bf move over there around 2005 and he told me he could only find a "shack" for $250,000. Now he always exaggerated so I took what he said with a grain of salt. I have been over there and stayed at two guest houses but I never really looked into living there full time. My employer would have transferred me but I would have lost my per diem for staying in a hotel and the COLA that was offered just did not make up the difference in rents. I often wonder what my life would have been like had I moved. I didn't trust myself not to be a total ho and at that time in my life I was at my most, ah, desirable. I managed to lose my government vehicle outside the baths one night, too hight to find it, reported it stolen, only to find out I had parked it in a Burger King Parking lot. The Fort Lauderdale police were kind enough to call me and tell me it was found and impounded. I had to beat it over to Lauderdale before my co-worker found all the phone numbers I had compiled in the glove compartment. I think I made the right choice by staying on the west coast, I just don't trust myself. Again, thank you for taking me down memory lane. Btw, sorry you were not aware of the "private employee bathroom". I had some of my best times there, taking all my clothes off for total strangers in a tiny room and doing "enhancements" makes me believe I really enjoyed myself. Have a great weekend, and thanks for helping me catch up to what I am missing!
  11. Just a quick "shout out" to you about your description of Ramrod that you posted recently. I had the privilege of having to work in Ft Lauderdale from Sunday to Thursday for five years and I would go to Ramrod every Thursday night. You described that place perfectly and I miss it so much. Sure parking was a bitch, but I could go in wearing no shirt, 501 jeans and no one had attitude in that place. Just nice guys looking to get laid. I became friendly with the bartender. One room I am not sure you described was the "staff toilet" and he used to give me the key so I could use it to do some "enhancements" or fuck around with a few guys, as long as I kept it brief. I found it funny they asked if I wanted to join the "Young Men's Leather Club of South Florida". Don't know if that still exists, I used to go even on an afternoon, my favorite event was picking up a UPS driver in uniform and having sex in the UPS truck. What seems to have changed is how you described the open sex in the outside area. I used to walk by there, some guys were getting blow jobs, and I believe there was a notice saying it was a "quiet area". No one talked, and the bartender back there paid no attention to what was going on. You mentioned "Slammers". That wasn't there when I was working in that area, the name alone triggers me. I can't figure out if it is a bar or sex club or combination but it sounded like it was close to the Ramrod. I am going to have to drive over and check it out. While I was working there, I would go to the Ramrod, I believe the Eagle was still open, and then I ended up at the bath house. Both the first one and then when they moved across Broward to the second location. I could not believe they hired someone to check your bag when you came in, the first location I swear I had sex with at least two thirds of the guys that worked there. When I was approached about the bag check, it turned out the guy was someone I knew from Sarasota who used to hustle and he let me just go and pay. What I later heard is that they began doing room checks and making guys sit on their hands to check the rooms, all the guys smoking t. To me, that is just too much but I guess they wanted to stay in business. Well enough of my trip down memory lane, but I meant to thank you earlier because your story about your adventure at the Ramrod, with the young man, and hearing about Slammers makes me want to come back to Lauderdale. I used to bitch I had to stay on 17th Street causeway at the old Crown Sterling Suites for four or five nights a week, I never realized how good I had it. All paid on the government dime. I would kill for that opportunity again, and having sex with half the guys who delivered room service was great. Take care.
  12. Lito Cruz remains one of the hottest men in porn today. I don't know if it is by choice but I don't see him as often as I used to. He seemed to work for studios out of California and he was always a masterful top, really knew what he was doing and got the bottom to blow his load. I had read somewhere he was the oldest working porn star in gay men's pornography today, not sure if that is accurate but he looks incredible.
  13. No, no. I met him back when I described that situation in NY, and he was very nice, no attitude. Today, I wouldn't really be interested that much.
  14. I no this is sort of off topic - but I found Dawson (of Dawson's 50 load weekend) on BBRT yesterday. In 2004 I was in NYC and we had both been nailed by the same guy top within like a 4 hour period. I knew the guy well and when he asked if I would take a pic on his bed with this other guy I said "Sure"! Well the other guy was Dawson. So being the total himbo that I am I sent a message to Dawson yesterday. (I did, really I did). I said "Hey, do you remember taking a pic with me and this hot latin guy in NYC before you became famous (or infamous) on his bed in the Chelsea area of NY? Now this was during "Black party" weekend and I am sure he took pictures with like 1000 guys, or maybe the 250 or so who topped him, but who's counting, right? His profile even has a pic taken out of the movie saying DawsonBB, his profile pic has him with a scull cap on. Now I have to say I complimented my Latin friend about the fact that he had fucked this soon to be porn star. He said "Don't be impressed, everyone has!" So I asked more questions, as I normally do in these cases so don't invite me to any cocktail parties where I might embarrass you. My friend told me Dawson was very approachable (I bet!) and when they first met everyone in the room was standing around, not doing anything, so he just went up to Dawson, pulled out his dick, and asked if he wanted to go for a ride. Dawson said "sure!". Well I don't know if he said "sure!", that usually comes out of my mouth but he did agree and when we did take our little picture together Dawson asked if I knew our Latin friend the way he knew him. I said "Sure!" and we both got a giggle over it. Now I have not signed into BBRT yet, I don't know if I am dreading a response or even worse, seeing he never even bothered to look at the message. The green light indicated he was online so there is hope. For all of you who wondered what happened (did he respond, did he tell me I was a nut case, did he block me?) I plan on checking today (after I have done an afternoon of day drinking). Stay tuned, I have no filter!
  15. They are still around if you are interested. They are on A4A in the Bradenton, FL area. The father is about 60 now and the son is late 20s. Don't let the age fool you, that father has blonde guys like myself booked weeks in advance. He's got one huge piece of Dominican meat hanging there.
  16. No he just pointed to where the shower was and the rest of the time he was speaking in Spanish. I don't think he said goodbye to me. I heard him groan, I knew he shot his load, he pulled out and I just tossed my hands up in the air like "do you have a towel" or "can I use the shower". Such a charming man. 🙄
  17. It was Ft. Lauderdale, it was a weekend, and that was a conservative number.
  18. I don't think you are required to or tell how a hook up just how much sex you have. If you sign on to any of the regular hook up sites, and you see the same guys who are in their 20s, 30s or 40s, you can bet they are getting laid. This is my feeling on the subject, if I wasn't getting laid on a particular site, I would go elsewhere. I use two in particular, and have done so for years. Because I live in a bit of a tourist area, there are always guys coming into town to fuck with. I don't have issues finding new guys. Do I mention to new people who I have hooked up with? No! I can tell you that if it is a group scenario there are times when a particular individual's screen name comes up, and I usually shut up. It's interesting to see everyone's "spin" on that particular guy. Here are a few exceptions to my rule about keeping my mouth shut. A. If they stole from my home, or from my backpack. If someone steals from me, and I in fact know they did, I will mention it to other people because I don't want that to happen to them. B. If they have an STD (like syphilis) and didn't bother to tell me, I will tell others. This happened to me where I went to a tricks house, and this was someone I had played with in the past. The lights were so dim, it was almost dark. When I got a view of him in the light, he was covered with blotches. He knew he was sick, and didn't bother to tell anyone. If someone can't show personal restraint and fails to notify his partners he is ill, I think that is terrible. I know some guys are not aware they are affected, but if they are all they need to do is go to the public health clinic or personal doctor, not spread it around. I
  19. He's obnoxious and full of himself, is very jealous of other men in porn, but yeah being fucked by him is not a bad thing. His attitude, well that is another subject.
  20. I think Jessie is married now to suck artist Damon Dogg. You are correct I have not seen him in anything for a long time. I named my first cat after Dawson (of 50 load weekend fame) and my second cat Jessie (as in Jessie O'Toole.) Anyone who has info on any of these guys it would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Just so you know Jeff Allen is not exactly the nicest of individuals. I didn't spend a few hours with him, more like three days. He actually used Yahoo Messenger and broadcast my bf and another guy without their permission. This was done in my home after I had initially hooked up with him. This is the way it played out. We all met on the ICU II web cam site. JeffAllen or Jeff AllanXXX as he was known there invited four of us to come to Orlando. He was in the process of selling a condominium of his late partner. I did not know him that well, he was friendlier with my partner. On occasion, when my bf had ICU up and running he would ask him to bring me into camera focus. Jeff, who living in Long Beach CA, at the time, would say hello to me and introduce me to his friends. So four of us climbed into a car and drove from Tampa to Orlando. Jeff had a bottom date with him already at the location. I thought that seemed fine. Well, Jeff was kind enough to give all of a shot of trimix as "enhancements" were on the menu for the evening. After I was given the enhancement, I suddenly found Jeff on top of me, and inside me. What I did not know is that behind a mirror was a camera. After being somewhat "out of it" I mentioned to another party goer that the mirror and the camera did not match. Well that was because "moving making" was over, and Jeff had live streamed it. When I asked an ICU buddy about the whole situation, he said "Don't worry, the video was hot, it's already been burned to DVD. I was not a happy guy. Jeff did not speak to my partner that evening, instead going to bed and leaving us with plenty of enhancements, which I declined. The next day Jeff and his "date" (who I never saw him have sex with) drove from Orlando back to my place in Tampa and decided to stay. Jeff was on an east coast swing, so to speak. He also used "enhancements" to basically immobilize me while my bf and Jeff's date played in a swing and Jeff Allen broadcast that. Now, I was in no condition to tell him to stop, he continued to yell at me in my own home, but to make this better he left me PLENTY of free "enhancements" as well as trimix. Not long after Jeff Allen was BANNED from Yahoo Messenger and was no longer on ICU ll. Anyone that doubts my reaccounting of this event please feel free to contact me because it is logged in my brain forever. Jeff Allen (Paul actually) is not a nice guy. Anyone want to add to that?
  22. Once??? More like 18. I had a room for eight hours in Lauderdale, what was I supposed to do??? LMAO
  23. Never, ever interested in having sex with any close or distant relatives. Now I have had sex with a father and son combo, but the dad was like 47 and the son was 24. I had hooked up many times with the Dad and he bought his son over as a surprise. Now those two never touched each other but it went well, and the father bought the son over at least two other times. I also managed to hook up with the son another time for a three way. But actually, sex with my own FAMILY members? NO WAY!
  24. The fact that I am gay is not as obvious as many might think. Yes, I am in shape and yes I am obsessed with going to the gym. One co-worker told me the one thing that made her think I was gay was my collection of CD's, she said no straight man would have CD's from someone like Chaka Khan. I knew I was screwed then and when I wouldn't fuck her (excuse my language) she proceeded to tell everyone in my agency that she thought I was gay. I have to admit I was happy to go out on disability and there was nothing that anyone else could say.
  25. To be honest, no. I had been doing a lot of tanning beds at the time. I was dancing with my shirt off and a female nurse saw me on the dance floor, and told me I needed to go to my Infectious Disease Specialist Immediately. The fact I was so tan made it look like it was a result of a lot of anabolic steroids I was doing at the time, and to be honest they were prescribed by my doctor. When I was at my lowest, with KS and few T-cells, I looked and felt great.
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