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Everything posted by Leatherman667

  1. I got the infections so am now immune. There is no vaccination for Hep c though.
  2. I got both Hep A and B. Got them both from eating ass, so be careful with that. Breeding should be fine though.
  3. Why do stis slow you down? Fear of getting them, or fear of spreading them?
  4. Sauna NZ in Amsterdam; all raw
  5. Tell us more about the Pig Pen???!!
  6. This is the answer I would go for; and give, had it not been already given. Thanks hungandmean.
  7. It is good to get home and have the ass juices of many guys on your dick; and also the cum of many others. That's why I love fucking well filled holes.
  8. I have only done 6 once or twice. Getting tons of sex cuts it down big time.
  9. On average, how many times would you WANK in a day? 6 times my best.
  10. Living in London, as you do, it would be worth doing. You'll get into the hundreds in no time at all.
  11. Don't think he was slut shaming you; think he was giving you a compliment!!
  12. For some older guys, escorts are the answer!
  13. I know a guy who died from it.
  14. Which Cinema in Amsterdam?
  15. Great story and detail mate. Good way to begin the holiday!
  16. I do find it difficult to take this seriously, for a number of reasons. But leaving that aside, I agree with everything NLbear and einathens have said.
  17. Lots of STI's there?
  18. Why you guess that date?
  19. Tree trails in Atlanta.
  20. I thought the same. Good to have a full STI check!
  21. Hey mate! Which Cinema?
  22. Its a great time there. Church is always good though; as is Dirtydicks. Poz afternoons in both too.
  23. Nothing better than a darkroom; going from hole to hole, and enjoying the cum oozing out. Love also to suck a cock as it cums out of a guys hole. Heaven
  24. Yes; although this untreatable type is said to be gaining ground. Not good.
  25. Not heard the term before, evilqueerpig.
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