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Everything posted by Leatherman667

  1. Glad you had such a great time. Cummunion is a good party.
  2. I would love to know your total for 2017?
  3. Lots of success I hope?
  4. If they are picky and discriminating against older guys then we should all boycott Fickstutenmarkt. The mares DONT have a clue who’s fucking them, whether they be 24 or 74. They’ll get a better fuck from the 74 yo anyway. Why are these people being Discriminatory?
  5. Problem is I don't like Wine.
  6. I have not heard it either
  7. Brilliant! Thanks.
  8. And the more loads the better. With many loads the top can felch, fuck and snowball. All enjoyment for the bottom too.
  9. Great story slavetoy! Can't wait for more.
  10. Cummunion always good for cumdumps. love it when a guy is leaking cum, sloppy hole, and i slide it! Best kinda fuck there is
  11. I always fuck bare. But then I usually top. They say little chance of becoming poz. There are times I’ll take a cock though, but always bare. Should go on PrEP.
  12. 403 loads! congrats mate; lots of those were POZ I'm sure, and some even toxic.
  13. Looking for poz guys around Dublin for fuck and piss fun.
  14. Need to see him pozzed up with HVL, and then return to his top activities. A poz machine.
  15. And if it’s not clean?
  16. You had a good time them drscorpio! Nice to get those loads.
  17. Ant of them ever tell you they were poz until u fucked them, and were really neg and chasing?
  18. It's a good place. Did you go anywhere else?
  19. I don't like hands when being sucked; and I don't use hands when Im sucking, unless instructed.
  20. He's not doing very well in two whole days of activity. I would have thought it might be nearer 50 cocks or holes. Ahhh bliss.
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