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Everything posted by sportsfan

  1. Steamworks will be busy the whole weekend, and I'd expect fairly high pricing on the parade sunday. Pride Fest and Market Days are almost identical. Market Days tends to be a bit more gay, I assume that's because there's so much else going on in the city during August weekends.
  2. I'd get into the city and hit steamworks. I highly doubt you'll find anyone in Hoffman Estates unless you luck into another guy staying at the same hotel. I assume this is a business trip, if not, change the hotel and stay in the city.
  3. Anyone been to one of these events. The host hotel is the Ritual hotel which seems to be an all gay hotel and has their own sauna as well. I was thinking of going for 4 days and then heading up to Madrid for 3 days or so.
  4. Just a few months ago, I was in a hotel room with about an hour until my train, didn't really have time to do anything. A guy who wasn't my type messaged me on one of the apps and happened to be in the same hotel. I figured may as well play, it beats watching tv for an hour. Turned out he was a pretty good fuck and i don't regret it at all.
  5. It really depends. Obviously, anon if we're at a bathhouse or cruisy bar. Same if it is late night on Grindr and it's either hook up or JO and go to bed, But, at other times I don't mind some interaction, particularly if the person has an interesting profile on the apps.
  6. I've been on PrEP since 2014. I'd continue to play raw, but probably search out undetectable guys like i did before PrEP.
  7. I live in Chicago and plan to have as much fun there as possible this year.
  8. Before the mobile apps, A4A and Manhunt were the sites I used most often. Lots of game players, but also had a decent number of hookups. Now, I rarely log into A4A since Grindr has kinda made it obsolete. Plus, A4A seems to spam daily with emails.
  9. I remember using vaseline in college. It wasn't like lube was sold everywhere and vaseline was cheap. But, wow, it can stain the sheets requiring washing in hot to get that stuff out. I've stuck with gun oil most of the time, although a few years ago, I met a hookup in a hotel and we had to resort to lotion. It worked and I'm sorry for the hotel maid.
  10. I haven't used a condom in ten years. I can't imagine using one again.
  11. All sites and apps have time wasters and flakes and just odd people. No way around that, it is just like a gay bar. i live in boystown so Grindr occasionally works, I always tell them up front that I"m BB only, although I can't put that in my profile. There's some nut nearby that enjoys flagging profiles that mention BB. Admittedly, a lot of the guys I meet on Grindr are just looking to either suck or get sucked, and depending on my mood, that's ok. BBRT has been hit or miss every time since I've been on it starting in 2011. Because it isn't as well known, there are fewer guys on there and in a city as big as Chicago, they can be quite far away. I get increasingly annoyed with too many ask me's in the profile. At least I know the sex will be BB and no one there is going to lecture me. Scruff tends to be the best app as there are very few 25 year olds that are only looking for twinks. It's main annoyance is that you can't go back to read the whole conversation. While I don't usually have long chats on there for a hookup, i'm occassionally on there at work and setting up something for later. If the guy and I end up chatting for a bit, then I can't go back and read the first part where he tells me what hotel he's at
  12. I've had it twice and it is awful. The first time, I was traveling overseas and saw these bright red spots all over me. I thought it was allergies. That was my first trip overseas and I was so looking forward to having sex in another country. It also made me extremely tired and not able to walk for long periods of time so I had to cut a lot of places off my sightseeing list. When I got back to the USA, i showed the spots to a friend of mine who immediately told me to get my butt to urgent care for the penicillin shot. The second time was really weird. The red spots appeared on my face, inside my ears and as bumps on my head. I didn't initially think syphilis since my previous time the spots had been confined to my arms and chest. Once I went to urgent care, they again identified it as syphilis, lectured me, and I got the penicillin again. It also caused tensions at work, because I had to delay getting a new portrait picture taken since the red blotches on my face took forever to heal.
  13. I'm open to all, but I love Asian tops. One of my fantasies is a three way, me with two Asian guys.
  14. Pretty much the same ones. I live in Boystown, Chicago so there are plenty of men around. Grindr has an annoying safe sex policy and I've been reported on there for mentioning BB sex. But, I assume most guys on there that list they're on PrEP or undetectable will BB. If not, most of them mention that in their profile details. BBRT can be good as well, and I had a HOT hookup last night that I'm hoping will become a FWB. I've certainly run into my share of jerks on there. Sometimes, I log on from my phone when I'm bored at work to check messages or browse. My main requirement is that I either host or travel very nearby. Sorry, I'm not spending 45 minutes on the CTA or paying $12 for an Uber just for sex when I live in one of the gayest neighborhoods in the world. Adam4adam has become a spam filled garbage site. I log in rarely, and even then wonder why I bother. Squirt is pretty much useless for hookups, but it is good for finding out information on bathhouses and other cruising areas when travelling. Scruff is pretty good, since you can see who viewed your profile and the would you meet feature is nice if guys use it. It is also nice that you can see guys in other parts of the USA and the world, I work a lot of night shifts, so I've had good chats on there. The main drawback is I seem to get one message daily from someone 'looking for true love' who lives 5000 miles away.
  15. I'm neg, on PrEP and would certainly be in a LTR with a poz guy. Not that I'm particularly looking to date, but most of the guys I've met and become closer with have been poz.
  16. I'm not really a new member, but I haven't been on here much. I'm vers, in Chicago, and have been more bottom lately. Also, reallly into Watersports, getting pissed on, pissing on guys. I've been BB only for years and been on Prep since Dec 2014. I"l be on this site a lot more, seems like it is more active than Grindr game players
  17. Sure , let me know when you're in town.
  18. I'll be attending my first one on Monday. I'm eager, and glad I'm vers. Hopefully get the best of both worlds
  19. I'm really tired of spending so much time on hook up sites. I work the overnight shift and I'm looking to find someone nearby that is looking for a NSA fuck bud. I'm white 33, 511 170 vers, probably more top, but it depends. Looking for someone 18-40, white, latin or Asian, someone in East Lake View, I'm near Briar/LSD. Message me if this is you! We could be in bed now rather than checking every hook up site and app
  20. City Suites on Belmont, near the CTA Belmont station for convenience and close to Halstead for fun
  21. In the Status section, I also interpret ask me as Poz. But for smoking? Taking loads?
  22. It really gets on my nerves to see so many "Ask Me" in a bbrt profile. BBRT is not a looking for a boyfriend site, it is a hookup site. BBRT isnt' the type of site that a typical 25 year old gay guy who only plays safe and never hooks up is going to register on just to see who's on there. Too many Ask Mes just drive me crazy!
  23. Gun Oil is a brand of lube and is the best I've ever tried. I'm one of those guys who uses lube when I'm topping or bottoming and I love it.
  24. Interesting. I use gun oil and always play bb. So does a fuckbud of mine
  25. I live alone now, but in my roommate days, I think I slept with almost all of my gay roommates. Especially in the pre internet era, if neither of us got lucky at the bar, we usually figured getting off together was better than jerking off alone. I've also never had a hang up about fucking with my friends either. Most of my friends I've ever slept with or want to sleep with. Even the ones who I don't really find myself attracted to, I'd let them at least suck me off. Yet some people say they don't cross that line. I've never really found it weird to look at a friend or roommate the next day after sex and thought it was weird. I guess it might be weird if I knew someone for ten years and then we played. Thoughts?
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