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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. @xxww: It sounds like you've made up your mind, which is good. The only problem I guess is that life doesn't always bend to our rules. There are a lot of people out here who THINK they are in monogamous relationships but they are not. Many people (both sexes) think it's ok if they dip out on the side but their partner should not have that option. I laugh out loud at this. Assume that the man of your dreams came into your life tomorrow and you fell in love with him. He turns to you one day and says I love you and I want to be with you forever, but I need a little ass on the side from time to time. I will respect you. I won't do it in your face. I won't allow it to develop into a relationship. Would you end the relationship? Would you demote him to friends with benefits, thereby freeing him to form an emotional attachment to someone else? I think there are a lot of lonely, single people in this world because they want to control/own someone else. When we enter into relationships, we don't turn over the keys to our lives to someone else. There need to be some boundaries of course. But my sexual organs and what I choose to do with them are my decision. I'm willing to compromise, but no one is controlling me. I was in an open relationship for 3 years and one of the things that kept me sane when it ended was that at least I didn't lose 3 years of sexual freedom and I didn't kick my fuck buddies to the curb.
  2. http://www.forttroff.com/product/74471_FT_SIT_N_STRETCH.html I mount it on the bathroom wall and open up my hole before my john arrives and then lube my hole...big dicked tops sink into my hole and it feels like jelly to them
  3. One guy took a screenshot of my ass and posted a pic of him jerking off to it...for some reason I found this disturbing and I wouldn't meet with him again after that (ok the sex wasn't that great to be honest)... Another guy took a photo of my ass as he was fucking me bare and posted it to his BBRT profile with the caption "enjoying a hot chocolate ass". I found that hot. Go figure.
  4. The only thing I can add here is that my doctor says that if you are on HIV meds, you can use Cialis, but the dosage needed is much lower because the combination of the two drugs makes the Cialis more potent. I have tried this and I believe it to be true. I certainly wouldn't combine Cialis and Viagra without consulting a medical professional. I have done poppers with Cialis, but as the others pointed out, I am very careful when I do.
  5. It's a wonder gay men have any sex at all, especially if the hook-up originates online. First, the pics have to be acceptable. (Show me face with no sunglasses, body, dick, ass, left thigh, right thigh. I once had a guy say we have to do live cam before we meet. That's actually NOT a bad idea.) Second, the guy has to be sexually compatible with you. (I'm always puzzled when I as a versatile bottom get hit up by bottoms. Are the pickings that slim out here??? To me versatile bottom means I fuck only on the third Tuesday of every odd month from 5:02 to 6:13 pm or if I see somebody in person and they push all the right buttons.) Third, the guy must say the right things, or at least not say the wrong things. (I had a guy block me recently because I wouldn't accept to be injected with saline. Bitch, I barely let NURSES stick needles in me.) Fourth, the guy has to be willing to travel to you or you to him. (Who has found the perfect guy before but can't negotiate this?) Fifth, both actually have to be free and horny at the same time. (You'd be surprised at the number of people who will get you worked up only to say, can we meet day after tomorrow? NOPE, this coochie coupon expires in 15 minutes.) If you don't want to do the online mating dance, I guess the other options are: go to a bar with a darkroom, go to a sauna, go to a park/rest stop/cruising area, go to a sex cinema, go to a sex party, find a few regular fuck buds or find an escort. Traveling helps considerably because fresh meat is always welcome. So there you have it. We are spoiled with choice. We play too many games. Our standards are ridiculously high. We want it our way or it's the highway. If you want to get off, you better get offline. I ain't never lied and my invoice is in the mail. Thank you and have a good evening.
  6. Dating is often about presenting the best version of yourself to others and hoping that the other person falls for you. It also involves being vulnerable. You can't be vulnerable or fall in love sitting behind a computer screen ordering up sex like you are ordering a pizza. You will learn some hard lessons. Love will make you crazy, happy, and sad sometimes and it will help you grow. If my last bf had said, I am an alcoholic, HIV+ self-absorbed drag queen who is bad with money and sleeps around, he could have saved both of us a lot of time. But he didn't and at least I know what I don't want going forward. LOL. I don't criticize gays who seek out a monogamous relationship. Not everybody wants a cumdump boyfriend - and it's not so much about trying to mimic heterosexual relationships, sometimes it's about health. Trust me, I've had to take off work and go get a shot because my bf was whoring and caught something. I just think everyone needs to have a think about what they want and need from a relationship and then try to hook up with a like-minded individual.
  7. I think it all depends on where you are looking for a real date. I wouldn't look for one on a chat site unless that chat site is designed just for that. If there are people on there looking for quick hook-ups, you will likely find guys who pretend like they are looking for more (perhaps because their friends use that site) but they really want just casual sex. Also I have found it more interesting to meet guys through my hobbies as opposed to only surfing the internet. And of course it's always helpful if your friends can introduce you to people in their circle. There are a lot of gays at my job, but I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of dating people that I might have to encounter in my daily work. I did fuck one guy a few times but he's since left the company (whew).
  8. And what if he doesn't want to have group sex with you? It's also worth considering if he just wants to be out of the relationship altogether. It sounds like you want it open. But he definitely needs to understand that you're not cool with him out here fucking if you can't. What's holding this relationship together? OK that's not really any of my goddamn business, but at least answer it for yourself.
  9. @RWHID: have you seen this? https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com I did the full clean out on Saturday and took Immodium. It's 48 hours later and I haven't shit yet. I am not a big Immodium fan by the way, but sometimes I just break down and take it as an extra insurance policy. I do like the point above about no solid food for 24 hours. That's tough because I love to eat, but eating complicates things, depending on what you actually eat. I don't want to be that light headed bitch that passes out because she trying to keep her runway clear. LOL.
  10. If a man is carrying around gel and condoms, he is fucking or planning to fuck. While he loses points for monogamy, he does get an honorable mention for planning to wrap it up. I think the OP's decision to go and take raw loads behind the boyfriend's back is an even bigger transgression than the bf cheating, since now everybody's health could be at risk. It sounds like the OP wanted to be a ho all along because he didn't even bother to have the "let's open our relationship" discussion first. I was in an open relationship for several years and boy do those need rules too! I was always in favor of: 1) don't ask, don't tell; 2) take care of home - i.e. don't deny your partner sex and 3) don't disrespect your partner by chatting online, texting dudes and setting up fuck dates in front of him; and 4) no threesomes or groups. What people don't understand sometimes is that your partner can have a long-term fuckbuddy who is not a threat to your relationship. But it's these hoes who don't even want your man but want to split you up because they are miserable, lonely bitches themselves who are a threat to your relationship.
  11. I was fine until I read that...unfortunately this is why so many bottoms end up in the clinic/doctor's office - i.e. tops bringing bacteria and Hep C infected blood from one bottom's ass to another...please tops wipe your dick off between fucks. It saves everybody time, money, and aggravation.
  12. It sounds to me like you were in a relationship so long that you don't feel comfortable or complete without being in one. And now that you found something you like and you want to "lock it down". We are close in age and I've had a guy half my age come at me hard and I said I'll be friends because I think the age difference is too big, although I think there are some compatibility issues too. I don't think 24 year olds should be closing off options. Get out there. Live life. Develop. Figure out who you are. This past weekend, I met a guy in his mid thirties - still a good 13-14 years younger but there I see potential. Sexually he ticks all the boxes (big dick, high sex drive, total top, extremely confident). We had real conversations too. We might go away for a week and that's where I'll check for things like goals in life, money management, diet, addictions, phobias, insecurities, what energizes him, what frustrates him, how much he's on his cellphone and who's texting/calling. I've got a laundry list of things I check nowadays. The sex is good, but I need to know what you're like day in and day out before I hitch my wagon to you. But back to you,. Enjoy the sex. Enjoy getting to know him. Let him be who he is and not who you think he should be. Don't force it. Don't lie. Don't put him in a situation where he feels he has to lie. And take your time. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.
  13. i was bred Thursday night by a fuckbud I've had since 2003. We played safe until 2011 and then the rubbers came off. I'm very proud of this "relationship". We play maybe 4-6 times a year. I have two others that joined the roster in 2014 and 2015. If I could find a few more regulars, I would probably stop taking anonymous loads. While I understand that my fuckbud(s) could pick up a bug from another guy, if we're all reasonable and not increasing risk by participating in orgies, being cumdumps, fisting and doing hard drugs, we could keep each other healthy for life.
  14. The Irish lads were good to me...took a couple of raw cocks in the Boilerhouse last weekend...some guys were playing wrapped though...
  15. I've been to sex parties and had guys I was not attracted to show interest in fucking me. I usually accepted 99% of the time. If that same guy had tried to approach me online, he would have been turned down with 100% certainty. Horniness and seeing the hard cock caused my standards to drop LOL. But seeing the satisfaction on their faces afterwards did make me realize how truly vicious we gays sometimes are with guys who don't meet our criteria and how much sex is psychological. A nice shaped dick rubbing your prostate is a nice shaped dick rubbing your prostate. It really shouldn't matter if it belongs to a twink, bear, older guy or heavier guy. I do have a rule that I do live by with public cruising. If I express an interest in a guy and he doesn't reciprocate, that's fine, but he can't decide moments later when he can't find what he's looking for that he'll "settle" for me. That's offensive to me. I don't turn men away hoping for an upgrade so I don't accept this from guys either. You snooze, you lose.
  16. einathens, I'm cracking up. Have you done this before? Those instructions were awfully specific. LOL. I'd probably try taking them some food and striking up a conversation with them. Just before leaving, tell them what you want from them and see their reaction. I'd prefer a bathhouse over a hotel (and would never invite the person to my place). Or maybe we could duck in a sex cinema (the only problem is they can't bathe in a cinema) - although the original poster didn't specify that they needed to bathe. Maybe just bending over in an alley and offering them $20 would get the job done. LOL. True story: I was in San Francisco some years back where there are (unfortunately) many homeless people. This guy asked me for some change, but before I could answer, he said "take me back to your hotel and I will fuck the shit out of you". I clutched my pearls and excused myself. But I won't refuse that offer next time! LOL.
  17. I know it's frustrating. Moving someplace in hopes of a better sex life seems rather extreme though. Traveling works for me. And sometimes paying. I know people resent that, but one way to move to the front of the line is to get your wallet out. LOL. Tops with good dick should never be broke or homeless or hungry. If I were a big dicked bareback top, I'd build of stable of employed bottoms and service those bitches regularly especially if they made a volunteer donation. :-) On a serious note, I think getting too worked up about it just makes it worse. I do believe the energy we put out has a direct impact on who approaches us. And let's face it. Tops have a lot of ass to choose from. It's a buyers market so prospective sellers (bottoms) have to be patient, flexible and do what they can to remain attractive in the marketplace (exercising, grooming, nice photos, being willing to travel to the dick, etc). I know I've been guilty myself of not doing my part to make sure a hook up happens. If a guy has 10 bottoms to choose from, is he going to choose the one with a long list of demands? Probably not.
  18. Maybe telling the cumdump your fantasy? I distinctly prefer bottoming but I have been known to breed other bottoms. I don't like to be pressured though. I also tend to top bottoms who are ass up someplace like hungry_hole described. I was in Toronto a while back and saw a bottom positioned just like I like them. He couldn't really turn around to see me and I bred him and walked off. Another time, I had just taken a load and saw a really submissive bottom with long hair waiting for dick. I immediately bred him. The key is to be patient in my opinion. Another strategy might be to offer to flip fuck with the cumdump and then tell him your fantasy while he's fucking you. T
  19. I'm not going to lie. I hate aggressive tops. I've had my share who ask for another date and I say HELL NO. If a top allows me to relax and open up, I can take a good hard pounding but I have no patience for a guy who is willing to inflict pain and doesn't care. I want to enjoy the sex too! To a lesser extent, I do get mildly annoyed by two other things some tops do: 1) refusing to let me guide their cock into my hole (HELLO? I know where my hole is better than you) 2) refusing to allow me to lube my hole before penetrating me (but of course I can counter this by being pre-lubed before play).
  20. Boy if this ever happens in Berlin, tourism would take a big hit. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/22/asia/jakarta-sex-party-lgbt/index.html
  21. I've used a combination of the tips mentioned above. I use a separate wallet for cruising that has just a bit of cash and one piece of ID. It is one of those soft tourist wallets with a string so I can hang it around my neck. The hotel card key is stashed there. No chance whatsoever of the wallet getting stolen. If I am at a nude sex party, then I wear longer socks and put the cash there. The phone issue is trickier. Sometimes I am someplace and prefer to have my phone on me. In that case, if I am fully clothed, the phone is in a front pocket and I continuously monitor that it's still there.
  22. Maybe the top was pissed that you extinguished the sexual energy of the other guy by making him cum? Maybe he was punishing you for not letting him dictate how the scene went? I haven't done tons of threesomes but I don't remember any of them being truly outstanding. Usually someone gets left out. There's often feelings of having to compete. One thing I will say is that if you want to do a threesome, it's probably better to do it someplace neutral like a bathhouse so that no one has "home court advantage" and you can escape quickly if the vibe feels off. I am most uncomfortable when a couple asks me to play. I know it's just sex, but I feel somehow diminished knowing that they have this bond and will discuss me after the act. I feel that reduces me to just an object - or toy that's to be played with and tossed to the side.
  23. I can feel from how well this post is written that this is very difficult for you. And I am sure some people will tell you to cheat or maybe end the relationship. It doesn't sound like you want to do either. The only person who can really help you resolve this is your boyfriend (and maybe a good relationship therapist - Dan Savage comes to mind). He has a weekly podcast, so maybe you could call in and he might answer your question. http://www.savagelovecast.com For what it's worth, I think you need to have an open and honest discussion with your bf to see how both of your needs can be met. I'm guessing that you are rather young (25-30 years old) and that does play a role in how I see this. I'm not really a big fan of young people settling down too quickly because there's always that nagging thought about what they're missing and "the grass is greener on the other side". I also think you don't really have a strong sense of who you are and what you want out of life until you've lived a little, dated others, or simply enjoyed being single. However, being single for too long can cause one to be set in their ways, selfish, stubborn etc. I see this played out on apps and chat sites - i.e. a guy must be absolutely perfect to qualify for a fucking sex date. I digress. I don't think monogamy works particularly well for straight people and it's an even taller order for gays. But if that's what your bf wants (or demands), then as much as you love him, he may not be the one for you if you can't reach a compromise regarding your sexual needs. Only you know if this relationship is worth sacrificing for or fighting for. I do think too many gays dismiss the notion of forming deeper, meaningful relationships out of fear and/or selfishness, so I really do applaud you for your willingness to be vulnerable and form a real connection with another human being. When you look back on your life, you will likely cherish this. I learned the most about myself when I was in a relationship and I still love the guy even though it didn't work out. I do wish you all the best and hope that this works out for you.
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