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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. If that app could somehow alert tops that there was a no-loads-refused cumdump ready to take loads three miles away, ...those perfect 10s would lose their minds seeing all the dick and ass go to those "uglier" guys. LOL.😂
  2. Sometimes I wish the various apps offered a special chat room/area called "Sex Now" that you had to pay extra to enter. You'd have to say upfront if you were willing to host or travel. Everyone had to be willing go live on camera if either party requested it. This is to avoid getting catfished with old pics. Hopefully guys would show their dick and ass. People should probably wear sunglasses and a hat to protect their privacy in case people were taking screen shots with their phone. Let's face it - the way things are currently, it costs nothing to be a flake. If it cost you something, people would (hopefully) be less inclined to waste others' time and their own money and actually try to fuck. This is why bars with darkrooms tend to work well. You actually have to make an effort to travel there and you have to buy a drink. If you're horny too, you're trying to fuck something. @blackdude: I think the reason you have guys hitting you up online after seeing you in the bar is that some men - especially white men - don't want their friends to know they fuck black men. Sad but true in many cases.
  3. I am going to assume, hopefully not wrongly, that you don't have any gay black male friends. If you don't, then make an effort to befriend some gay black men. Don't offer any of your warm moist openings to them at first. Get to know them as people. At some point, when the friendship has blossomed, put your proposal to them. They will likely gently explain to you how inappropriate and offensive it is. It doesn't really matter how pure you think your intentions are. It's how others perceive them. And perception is reality. Here's a link to the National Association of Black and White Men Together. Have a look. It's a wonderful way to get to know some black gay men. [think before following links] https://www.nabwmt.org/about-us/ Peace ✌️
  4. Here is a source with many ways that we all can contribute to the movement, regardless of race. [think before following links] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CjZMORRVuv-I-qo4B0YfmOTqIOa3GUS207t5iuLZmyA/mobilebasic
  5. Stories like this one scare me because it makes attacks on gay venues socially acceptable in the current environment... [think before following links] https://www.advocate.com/world/2020/5/09/outbreak-among-gay-clubs-stokes-homophobic-resentment-south-korea
  6. This does not bode well for people who have multiple sex partners. This virus is getting ridiculous. I'm already avoiding unnecessary contact with the public, staying 6 feet away, washing my hands constantly and disinfecting stuff. I do all that only to find out that taking a load may end up taking me out. Make it make sense.
  7. I'm in a European city with over a million inhabitants that has (had?) a thriving gay scene. I just found out that one of the most popular gay venues here has become a casualty of Covid-19. This bar was the biggest one here and hosted naked sex parties, leather nights, water sports, sports-themed parties etc that people from miles away would attend. I have given and taken loads there. We also have five saunas, but I'm guessing at least two will close as well, especially those whose clientele are primarily men over 50. It may be a long time before these business resurface - if ever - because it may become increasingly difficult to get the necessary permits to operate such businesses as we deal with the fallout from the virus. Will gay men even support these venues in the future? Maybe everything will turn out well in the end, but frankly, I don't see how any gay venue at the moment can make a convincing case to local authorities that they are an essential business that can ensure social distancing. Let's face facts. These venues basically exist to offer gay men the option to have anonymous sex in close quarters. These men then go out into the general public and place society at risk. Are you seeing venues close near you?
  8. Why wrap up when the virus is reportedly causing strokes now? [think before following links] https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/22/health/strokes-coronavirus-young-adults/index.html
  9. The bathhouse can seal off the dry sauna and steam room because those spaces are too tight for social distancing. If I'm really honest with you, even with those measures, I wouldn't feel comfortable hooking up in a bathhouse right now. When we emerge from lockdown here next week, I'm inviting a fuckbud I already know - MAYBE. I still think people think this virus is not that big of a deal. This is on a whole other level than STDs and HIV. You could be out of here in less than a week if you catch it. And you can multiply those reported deaths by a factor of 10 to get a feel of the real impact of this virus.
  10. If a top is tall, skinny, bald or with a buzz cut, and has a big dick, I will pretty much bend over no questions asked. If a bottom is shorter than me, hairless, slutty and has a bubble butt, I'll usually want to fuck him.
  11. I buy Psyllium Husk capsules from iherb. It's way cheaper than PFM and gets the job done. If you want the natural lubricant that chia provides, buy it separately, make a chia paste (1 part seeds, 4 parts water) and just add heaping teaspoons to your morning yogurt or juice. I tip my hat to PFM for their clever marketing, convincing bottoms that they have to have it. LOL. PFM is priced too high for what it offers. And I have tried it by the way.
  12. Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong, but it seems to me that if you can reopen a gym, you can reopen a bathhouse. I think a fair way to do it is to say that based on the square footage (or metres), you can have a maximum of this number of occupants at one time. It will be up to the bathhouse how to make that work financially. Maybe it is a 4 hour time limit? Higher entry fees? You might have to provide personal information for contact tracing, which might scare off the married guys. It's impossible to police everyone and every establishment to guarantee that people are social distancing, so why bother? Just ensure that it's possible to social distance and leave it up to the adults to decide if they are willing to risk catching the virus to be in that establishment, whether it is a gym, bar, restaurant, bathhouse etc.
  13. Like the poster above said, barebacking is not the issue. I don't want to engage in sexual conduct of any kind, with a random guy or even someone I know who is very slutty, if there is a chance I could catch the virus right now. While there are guys out here playing russian roulette, I bet even they would agree that no ass or dick is worth being on a ventilator or potentially dying. And I'm quite sure that if they do get sick, they would conceal their sexual activity out of fear of being judged. I do hope all this ends soon because I see some potentially sinister developments on the horizon if this endures. You can completely stifle gay life with no venues, stay at home orders, cell phone tracking etc. If you tank the economy, the poor and eventually the middle class will become dependent on the state. Life already sucks with no sports, no entertainment, no restaurants etc. I just hope we can avoid international conflict.
  14. Not revealing right away that he is into something like drugs or piss or scat...tell me what your deal breakers are up front so I can save us both some time. Don't wait until it's time to close the deal and hit me with the request to indulge you in your fetish.
  15. I am being tempted and pressured by three tops. Two of them I know fairly well, and both are multi-cummers. They want ass and they want it now. 😩 I said we are supposed to be social distancing. One of them replied "Can I spend the night too?" 🤔 SIR.
  16. For those who are not yet socially distancing from others, there are confirmed reports of several governments (eg South Korea, Switzerland) using cellphone metadata to see if people are following the order. So imagine hearing a knock at the door and it's someone telling you they have evidence...and are issuing you a fine.
  17. Another perspective here on sex and the coronavirus from a gay publication... [think before following links] https://www.advocate.com/health/2020/3/21/heres-what-you-need-know-about-sex-and-covid-19
  18. I nearly didn't start this thread two weeks ago because I didn't think it would be of interest to others. I thank everyone for the input. It feels a bit like group therapy and a place where we can vent. Soon enough, we will all be back to fucking and breeding. We will make up for lost time. Hopefully, we will never again take it for granted.
  19. Any tops out there with a hazmat suit? Asking for myself. 😂
  20. Let's not overlook the fact that we have all been annoyed at some point by potential suitors horndogs. 😂
  21. In the end, the "hot" guys are trying to get the guys they find undesirable or less attractive to opt out of contacting them. Yes, BIYOL lacks tact. I think we pretty much all agree on that. But on some level, I can understand how it can be downright annoying to the "hot" guys who are constantly being approached. On BBRT, many "hot" guys turn off their oinks. Let's say 90 out of every 100 guys who approach us are not what we're looking for. How many of us - be honest now - want to send out 90 rejections and try our best to make the guy on the other end not feel like we're assholes. On another thread, we've had spirited debates on whether everyone who approaches deserves a gentle "no" or if ignoring unwanted advances is the way to go. To get potential suitors to opt out of approaching you, the wording is key. Something along the lines of "I'm most attracted to white guys, 30-45 years old, height weight proportional" or "Black/mixed race guys to the front of the line" gets the point across quite well. There are probably much better formulations than that. To use another example, quite a few bottoms tend to have this "ugh" reaction when another bottom or versatile bottom approaches them. So with that, I am hesitant to condemn people who aren't likely to be interested in me giving me clear signals not to waste my time by approaching them. Let's not overlook the fact that we have all been annoyed at some point by potential suitors. Now imagine having that happen every single time you are online.
  22. I just got an email from Leather & Fetish Pride Belgium, a party that I've attended in the past. It recently took place March 4-9 in Antwerp. According to the organisers, roughly 20% of those who had registered before the coronavirus outbreak canceled their participation. However, what really caught my attention is that they said 5 people who had attended the event have now reported that they contracted the coronavirus. They also said these were the cases they know of and that there are probably more cases. I was reading an article in the New York Times that said an infected person can spread the virus 6 feet by simply breathing, talking, coughing or sneezing. So I'm imagining all of the people who could now be carriers from just this one party. Given that the party ended just 6 days ago, that's enough of an incubation period to be showing real signs of illness.
  23. Someone who is less picky about their sexual partners is probably always going to be upset when they encounter someone they are attracted to, who is extremely picky. The "Bat in Your Own League" comment twists the knife because it's essentially suggests, in a not so subtle manner, that you should only target guys who are close to you in age, weight, height and appearance. It also says "you're not worthy of me" and "I'm out of your league". Why can't the picky person mention the type of guys he is attracted to, instead of using terms like BIYOL or stating something like no fats, no fems, no hairy guys, no blacks, no latinos, no older guys etc. We often underestimate how vulnerable we are when we are putting ourselves out there hoping to find a hookup. Let's not be unnecessarily mean to each other in the process. I just wish more of these apps would offer us a way to make these offensive profiles invisible to us or warn offenders they risk being banned.
  24. According to this article, gay men should avoid all sex with strangers until the Coronavirus has been contained. Sure, a subset of the gay community is always going to throw caution to the wind and keep on fucking like they normally do. However, "having unprotected sex with an infected person creates a high chance that it will cause you to become the virus’s next host." Some of you in this thread have already said that you will be more careful because you want to avoid exposing your friends, partner, family and colleagues to it. This article addresses barebacking in particular and the science behind virus transmission is explained by openly gay men. I walked away thinking that I am not prepared to stand before you guys and say: I will continue to engage in random anonymous sex with strangers during this outbreak even if: 1) it means I am at a higher risk of contracting the virus, 2) I could contract pneumonia (16% chance if infected), 3) I could sustain permanent lung damage, and 4) as the virus's host, I can live with infecting innocent people I care about. [think before following links] https://udatz.com/gay-sex-and-the-coronavirus/ Now excuse me while I go jerk off to memories of all those loads I have taken in the past.
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