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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I don't like to serve gravy so I will try to weasel out of bottoming if I can't clean. A few months ago at the beach, my fuck bud wanted my ass. I was unsure about it but I had been taking tons of fiber pills. He plowed right in and the runway was clean. If it had been dirty, the ocean was right there. LOL. When I top, it really depends on my mood how picky I am. If I find a not so clean bottom, that's usually the end of the fuck. And I'll usually tell the guy. As awkward and embarrassing as it is, I think most bottoms want to know. I'll then go wash off and choose another hole.
  2. When I read the title of the post, my mind went in a totally different direction. I thought it was going to be about how bottoms could team up to lower the costs of traveling for sex. But I guess that's tricky as bottoms can be competitive and the fur might fly if one is paying half the hotel costs and the other is getting all the action. And then taking this into an entirely different direction, I never understood why more tops don't offer to whore out visiting bottoms for a donation. I get turned on by the idea of a top bringing guys to the hotel to fuck me or him taking me out to a local park (someplace I'd never venture on my own) to get guys to do me.
  3. I get exactly what you mean tallslenderguy. Over the years, I have developed something akin to relationships with tops that I don't see that often due to distance. We are both into each other physically and sexually. In fact, I'll even invite them on all expense paid holidays where we are monogamous with each other for that week. If I had several tops that I could regularly be with, I would gladly give up anonymous sex. I think I'll try to move in this direction in 2019. But it only works if the tops are into it too. Maybe my mindset will change again, but these days, I don't see much value in being community ass or trying to get chosen by community dick.
  4. Thanks OP. Nice post. I prefer quality over quantity these days - and regulars over anonymous dick. I also constantly run these algorithms in any group setting where I try to figure out what and who to do to minimize STDs. And I always say a silent prayer for the guys who just bend over and take every single cock or fuck every single ass. I got a nice dose of Hep C doing that a few years ago (now cured thanks to a clinical trial). All you need is a top to fuck you with blood on his cock from fucking a Hep C positive bottom and then bam it's your problem. For this reason, I will not allow tops to enter my hole immediately after pulling out of another bottom. I will wipe his dick off with a towel or if I'm really pressed will suck it and spit it out. Maybe I've avoided a few STDs because of this, but who knows? So yes, quality over quantity. In 2019, I'd rather have 50 loads (one a week) with no STDs than 100 loads and three STDs. I know that all it takes is one load to get something, but I've been in the backroom of Bull in Berlin at 4 am and thought "hmmm, somebody's leaving here with an STD tonight!" It's all about calculated risks.
  5. Most usually mention Berlin but I have taken an impressive amount of cock and cum in Hamburg, just an hour away from Berlin.
  6. Hide it in the trunk of your car (if you have one) or buy a small suitcase, and a lock for it, and keep it under your bed. Don't pick a loud color though.
  7. A few weeks ago while I was in Fuerteventura, I was at the beach with a friend. He asked if he could give me a massage. I knew that was not a great idea because he loves playing with my ass, but I said yes. After 5 minutes, he had a raging hardon and said he wanted to fuck. It was late afternoon/early evening and we were on a deserted stretch of the beach. He mounted me and was fucking me deep. In the distance, I see a hetero couple walk by but there was no point in stopping then. I didn't intend to put on a show but sometimes shit happens.
  8. I won't hook up with anyone who won't give me a phone number so we can exchange at least a couple of text messages. It is the only way I will give anyone my address. Besides, I need a way for the authorities to track him down if anything happens. I never use the phone number to contact the guy after the hookup. I revert back to the app or website where I first met him if I want a repeat. That way, I don't interfere with his personal life/relationships in any way. Asking for a number is (in my view) a small price to pay to have raw sex. It also discourages flaky behavior. I fully understand if people don't want to give out their number but those are my rules so that I feel at ease. I figure if I'm not willing to share a phone number then I might as well go someplace like a bar or sauna and have truly anonymous sex. The other dealbreaker is if a guy insists on kissing beforehand. I know some people really really like it but for me it's all about the chemistry. I know it sounds weird but I'd rather rim your clean hole than kiss you.
  9. Yes generous. I've been known to provide airline tix, hotels, meals etc - but it takes time to get to gold status lol. Just spent several days in the Canary Islands with one of my favorite tops.
  10. Happy to spend time with guys into fucking chub ass. And I'm kind and generous to my tops.
  11. I get tested at least twice a year. If I feel I've caught something, I get it checked out immediately. I've been around the block, so I'd advise young people who are "out there" to get tested regularly and definitely for HIV and Hepatitis C because those are the ones that if left unchecked can wreak havoc on your body over time. There's no shame in getting tested. Just say you were with someone and you found out they had something. No need to run down every trick you've had. It's not a confessional. ? Also, I was kind of shocked when a doctor told me that he believes that if you don't have symptoms, you don't need to test and treat. Anyway, I think the health care system approaches this stuff the wrong way. If left to me, I would probably offer DISCOUNTS on insurance to people who came in for a full panel of tests twice a year and showed interest in helping others stay healthy.
  12. I was there two weeks ago. Don't think I saw anyone use a condom.
  13. There's this guy in my neighborhood that I often see online. He checks my page out and sometimes I check his out, but neither of us made a move until tonight. He sent me a few pictures that were way hotter than any in his profile. I reply with some of my sluttiest pics. He says his bf will be home in 40 minutes so it will have to be a quickie. As soon as he said he had a sling, I ran to the bathroom to start prepping. The preparation didn't take long because I regularly take fiber pills which makes cleaning out so easy. I got a little lost finding his place but made it there in the end. I stripped immediately because at that point we had about 20 minutes to fuck. He compliments me on my huge bubble butt as I get in the sling. I then take a hit of poppers and he starts plowing my hole. He said it wouldn't be a problem if his bf walked in, but I never trust guys who say that! I'm not into running for my life while a pissed off bf pursues me with a kitchen knife! I'm high on poppers and he is trying hard to keep from cumming too fast. He said he wanted the sex go on a bit longer. Well I wanted the load so I started milking him with my ass muscles and asking him to give me his load. His body starts to jerk and there was no denying what was happening. He was shooting up the club! He leaned on my stomach for a bit before I jumped out of the sling and threw my clothes on. I put my tee-shirt on backward at first, but managed to tell him he can have my ass anytime he needs it. That's what neighbors do, right? As I reach my car, I see two men getting out of a car. One looks over at me. I thought hmmm this might be the bf. When I arrive home, the guy who fucked me texts me to say that as soon as I left, the bf arrived with a friend. If I had been another 30 seconds in the apartment, we would have crossed paths. I'm fingering the load in my hole now. Boy that was a close call. And it just goes to show that hoes are very efficient when they want to fuck your bf. Pull the panties to the side and slide through! I've just put an ad up on BBRT asking if anyone is interested in sloppy seconds. No use letting this natural lube go to waste!
  14. A couple of people have disagreed with some of the points I have raised and I take no issue with that. I think some of the insults are unfortunate, but I tend not to take things personally when I don't know the parties involved and they don't know me. For the record, I am not anti PrEP. I'm not convinced that one should be taking drugs as prevention. Truvada isn't exactly an aspirin: https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/drugs/406/truvada/0/patient Also, the insurance industry is actually discriminating against gay men who take it: https://www.advocate.com/commentary/2017/12/07/are-these-companies-discriminating-against-prep-users The article states that insurers are unsure about the long-term effects of the drug, the point I was making earlier. Personally, I don't think HIV is the scariest STD out there. Hep C is. There is a cure for it but insurers are hesitant to pay for the treatment. I read quite a few posts on here about guys excited about going to bb parties now that they're on PrEP. They seem oblivious to the fact that they are at high risk for Hep C in a group setting.
  15. Guy #1: HIV neg, sexual from age 20 to 65, on PrEP the entire time, stops PrEP, dies at 70. (45 years of taking the drugs) Guy #2: HIV+, sexual from age 20 to 65, on PrEP plus one extra drug, dies at 70. Don't see a huge difference other than guy ±1 doesn't have to take the pills (like guy #2) but chooses to. I'm not faulting guys for PrEP but I think there is this false sense that somehow they're winning. In regards to the long-term effects of the drugs, it will take time before we know. Big Pharma isn't trying to kill gay men - in fact, they'll make more money the longer we live. But we shouldn't forget they are more interested in sales and profitability than our health. Now if they developed a vaccine, they'd have my full respect. But there's no money in the cure. The money is in the pills. And I do believe most gay men these days are dying from other diseases not even related to HIV, which is why I am even more impressed that big pharma has managed to convince HIV neg men that PrEP is somehow the key to their longevity.
  16. I don't think anyone wants to have an incurable disease that could kill you or cause others to discriminate against you, but I have a different take on this. If you are on PrEP, you are basically taking the same meds as poz guys...so what's the benefit of being neg if you are going to eat the same pills everyday as the poz guys? Now that's a question I would love to debate. No one's talking about the long-term impact on health of taking the meds. I envision neg guys being extremely envious of the poz undetectable guys taking loads and said sign me up for the meds. Is it then logical to think that one day we will undergo preventative chemo to avoid cancer? I used to seriously question why anyone would willingly ingest pills to avoid something. If it's to cure something or prolong life, yes, I get it. Big pharma is sitting back laughing at neg guys. Why? They've figured out how to cash in on gay men's fear of HIV. I'm one of the few who think HIV was introduced (intentionally) into the population to thin it out. So I'm waiting for the next sexually transmitted disease to be introduced and for companies to then turn around and sell us pills to stay alive.
  17. Hook up with a guy right in front of the sling lizard, essentially forcing him to watch you get fucked but also blocking others from getting to him to fuck him. I'm petty. I admit it. Petty Labelle. LOL.
  18. Guys usually assess my age as 10-14 years younger than what I really am, which goes to show that if you are reasonably good to your body, you will be very competitive on the market as you get older. I do think men over 35 would be better off cruising in person at bars, saunas etc than using apps exclusively. As someone who doesn't fit the typical mold, I don't get picked if I get on an app as an older, versatile bottom. But if I'm at a venue, I'm quite likely to get fucked or fuck someone because I stand out. I'm fortunate enough to be able to travel as much as I want, so that adds even more to the possibilities. The only thing that is tough is finding a suitable mate for a relationship. Most guys my age are set in their ways or have made life decisions that make a relationship a bit tougher to manage. I've been chased for a while by a guy half my age but I really don't want a project or to be a mentor. I need a partner who has more to offer than just sex.
  19. Find a way to come out without making it into a thing. For example, instead of saying "I'm gay", say something like "I used to go to NY a lot with my ex. He was really into Broadway shows." Or whatever else you want to say. Then the workout buddy knows what's up and you can relax. And he knows you are available. I'm not sure how old you are, but one of the things I have learned as I age is to stop getting worked up over potentially heterosexual men just because they show me a little attention. Yes we are sexual beings but not everything has to be about sex. Gay men can benefit immensely from having straight male friends. And who doesn't want more genuine friends in their life? The way I see it, there are a few scenarios here: 1) keep him as a friend/workout buddy (no sex); no risk at all here 2) come on to him and get rejected; perhaps no more friendship 3) fuck him but then things could get complicated and mess up your relationship 4) it becomes a real relationship and you live happily ever after together I guess you have to decide what you really want and what you are willing to risk to get it. By the way, I had the same thing happen to me a couple of years ago and I chose scenario 1. We are still friends to this day. Yes I would fuck him but I'm proud of myself for not pushing it. Besides, I get plenty of dick so I don't have to have his. ?
  20. well we might get a chance to answer this question for real... https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/07/health/htlv-1-virus-australia-explainer/index.html
  21. I think the real issue is that sex work (other than brothels) is not taxed. If there was like an Uber for selling ass, then I bet it'd be left alone. Maybe all hook ups (gay and straight) should require a fee, something minimal like $10. If you had to pay, you probably would not flake. If a top paid for a bottom and the bottom flaked, the top gets all his money back and the bottom would lose the right to be on the platform if he flaked multiple times. If the top flakes, he loses all his money. If the bottom went through with it, he'd get some of the money. You'd be able to rate the hookup (only positively) so over time, people would know who the good ones were because they got more positive ratings. When's the IPO? LOL.
  22. Don't confuse good dick with love. At best, it's lust. You don't know him, so you can't "love" him. And if he is not interested in a relationship with you, you are wasting your time. And get this for irony: if you did end your marriage to be with him, he might never trust you fully because he thinks you would leave him the next time that you - as a self-described serial cheater - find another guy with good dick. This probably isn't what you want to hear, but I think you should stop seeing him if you can't keep your feelings in check. He wants your ass, not your hand in marriage. Reread that last sentence. There are people that cross our paths in this life who can literally turn us into lovesick fools who can no longer think rationally. Your story is why I tell bottoms "girl, don't let him hit the bottom of your pussy". There should be a hotline for bottoms to call when this happens. Bitches out here thinking about rearranging their entire lives because the dick was good. LOL.
  23. I got fucked 21 times at a party a few years ago. If I'm really honest here, I can't say I enjoy the fucks after I hit double digits. As I age, I definitely prefer quality over quantity. I've got fuck buds in a few cities around the world and I'd rather lay up with them and take multiple loads than fuck at parties where I have to deal with the increased risk of getting an STD.
  24. Just take some psyllium husk pills daily and those bowel movements will be bulky, which means you can quickly clean out. But I feel your angst. It seems like people want to fuck just after I've eaten something I shouldn't have. As long as I avoid coffee and greasy food, I'm usually good to go.
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