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Everything posted by TattPig

  1. Nonsense. Center City is fine. It's a big city; the 'violence' is mostly idiots settling grudges with relatives and acquaintances and low-lifes in remote neighborhoods (just like in other cities). It's not random.
  2. Never the p-word nor the c-word. Keep it masculine.
  3. Great line! I want to meet your husband.
  4. Marco Cruise, Draven Torres, Buzz Isaac, Thiago Romero
  5. What, exactly, is too big? It's possible to have a small photo that is a huge file size or a large photo that is quite a small file size (like mine). Also, what, exactly, is the error message? My profile pic is 396x610 pixels, but it's only 87KB. It works fine. Check both the physical size and the file size. Give us the numbers.
  6. Fuck yes!
  7. Morning piss is the fucking best!
  8. I don't watch porn any more because I don't have a pornograph to play it on. Ahem... A few years ago I saw a profile on Recon of a guy who was really into boots. He posted lots of pics of himself in boots. All different types of boots. One pic was taken by him while he was sitting down--looking down his legs to his cowboy-booted feet, crossed at the ankles, resting on the top of the edge of a low dresser. And just to the left of his boots, in a silver frame, a photo of Marlene Dietrich. I have no recollection of what he looked like. But that one image is burned in my mind. Ugh.
  9. Just go into Windows Photos app, click the 3-dot menu icon and choose Resize. It will walk you through it. Try the 4 choices.
  10. Please cite the source of that data--the origin of the data, not anecdotal rumors--and the specific instance of it (not just 'this or that agency said'). I am unaware of any such.
  11. Oh, fuck yes! I thought I was the only person who wanted that. I drink a lot of piss, but bladder-to-bladder is another level. Woof!
  12. Oh, my god. Of course you have to take meds! That goes without saying. It also should go without saying that with meds--HIV IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE. There is no reason that anyone cannot live a normal lifespan while taking meds until there is a cure. So, it is NOT a death sentence. It was 20 years ago, but those days are over, and they've been over for a long time. Your link does not support what you are asserting, because what you asserted was that "HIV can be a death sentence if you are chasing." Chasing has nothing to do with the seriousness of the infection that you may catch. I don't need to read your stats. I know the issues. And I know it is not a death sentence. It is a manageable chronic illness. It's 2019., not 1986.
  13. WHAT?!?!!! That is completely loony. HIV is HIV, whether you get it by chasing or by accident. Do you seriously not understand this?? Contracting HIV is NOT a death sentence, no matter how you get it. Chasing does not magically make HIV more potent or dangerous. I have a feeling that you're just trolling. Nobody can be this clueless in 2019 about HIV. And you really need to look up the definition of 'death sentence'.
  14. Oh, come on; it's 2019! HIV is not a death sentence, nor is playing with it a 'form of suicide' nor 'internalized homophobia'. That's just armchair analyzing from the outside looking in (possibly with a measure of jealousy and sour grapes thrown in). People make similar judgmental comments about anything that they are unfamiliar with--S&M, skydiving, mountain climbing, alcohol, etc. And they are just as uninformed.
  15. I'm getting the exact same error. Windows 10 with Opera browser.
  16. Yeah. Facebook is such a trustworthy source of legitimate information. He would be the 4th person worldwide to have experienced this. And the only source of the news is his Facebook post. Sounds like a fantasy post to me.
  17. Truvada stays in your system for a fairly long time. The level will dip a bit, but you'll still have protection. I wouldn't skip 2 days, but 1 day is fine. And as soon as you realize the mistake, take the make-up dose. This has nothing to do with do with resistance.
  18. It's good--one study shows 'on-demand' PrEP 86% effective. Men in that study took an average of 16 pills a month. However, if you do it rarely, it's less effective (I assume it's because the residual dose in you blood gets depleted between sessions). So, every weekend, pretty good. Once a month, much less effective.
  19. PrEP prevents the virus from replicating itself. It doesn't matter how the virus gets into your system; if you've been taking PrEP as prescribed, HIV has no way to multiply. It simply dies. Search online for PrEP; there are lots of good resources from experts (CDC, WhatIsPrEP.org, etc.).
  20. The usual delay between infection and 'fuck flu' is because in the majority of cases the infection begins locally in the tissue lining the rectum. The infection stays local, in that tissue and muscle, as it grows (kind of like a pimple is local). Eventually (in a few weeks), the infection reaches a location where it can enter the bloodstream. It's at this point--when the virus starts roaming around in your blood--that your body's immune system first becomes aware of the intruder and goes to work. It's your body's reaction to the invader that makes you feel sick, not the infection itself. Most viruses are very sensitive to heat, so a fever is your body's way of trying to kill the virus with heat. But you did an end-run around the normal route by injecting the virus directly into your blood. There was no local infection that you had to wait for. Your body started reacting to the virus right away.
  21. This is why Esperanto never caught on. Unfollowable, like Amy Farrah Fowler's Op language. And because there's no history nor etymology, the words are arbitrary, with no implied meaning. They didn't grow out of usage. 'Pozvert' has a very different connotation to me (and, I think, to most guys here) than the definition given.
  22. Well, the one-month stipulation doesn't make any sense. 1. It doesn't take a month to build up a protective level of drugs. That happens from Day 1. He's not going to have any more protection on Day 30 than he has on Day 2. 2. PrEP and PEP are the same pill (Truvada). He can take Truvada even afterwards (72 hours) and probably be fine, so he certainly doesn't need to take them for a month. 3. Truvada stays in the bloodstream long enough in high enough concentrations to be effective even if you skip 2 days. The CDC is recommending "weekend holidays" for young people (haven't got results yet for more mature people). 4. If you're on meds and have great numbers ("undetectable"?), the chance of you passing it on to anyone are essentially 0 already. Hard numbers show that being on meds is better than using condoms. You can certainly set your limits. I'm just suggesting that the ones you have set are not grounded in science or research.
  23. But taking it daily will surely lead to a problem with resistance. This seems like a very, very bad idea, particularly for poz guys, who may need all the arrows in the quiver when faced with a staph infection.
  24. The TSA's mission is to ensure the safety of the flight. They do not see themselves as enforcing state law. They have one--and only one--mission. I know people who travel all they time with poppers. If they confiscate them it would be for safety reasons (fumes, flammable), not legal. A friend of mine ran the operations at 3 different airports for a national carrier (but a smallish one). Each month the TSA would give him all the stuff they confiscated from that airlines' passengers. The number 3 most common item: rubber cement. I don't know why anyone travels with rubber cement (except maybe kindergarten teachers with a huffing problem), but there you have it.
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