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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Thanks for the follow!

  2. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/getting-bred-on-the-bathroom-floor-at-his-job-39635641
  3. Ran across this today... it has to be one of the hottest things I've ever seen if you're into public restroom sex. The background activity is astounding... [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/35806/bareback-a-twink-in-public-toilets/
  4. Thanks for the follow! Hot pic there.

    1. fskn


      Thank you, and likewise, sexy!

  5. I agree this would be a helpful feature.
  6. Surely most of here are old enough to remember... I Like 'Em Big and Stupid [think before following links] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zALXQi1jUcQ
  7. Look in this thread:
  8. Some of us do in written language. Honest. The perils of reading too much as a kid. Grows hair on your palms, too 😉 I think I may agree with you on that particular use of "lounge", though. And of course, his profile doesn't say he's from Dallas, only that he's there now.
  9. The younger generation(s) seem less uptight about the possibility of being perceived as gay, so they feel free to express themselves in ways that (30 years ago) used to be construed as telegraphing that. That said, the younger generation(s) also seem to be a lot less worried about whether they *are* gay, straight, or bi (or whatever else) than people who are now in their 40s and 50s. And that's a *good* thing. My take on it is - and I've been saying this for decades to anyone who will listen - "gay" is just a label, and not a very useful one at that, for people who have sex with other people of the same gender. And already we're in trouble with that - does it mean "only" or "always", or just "sometimes"? Which gender is "the same" if one or the other is trans? Or cross-dressing? Or non-binary? I could go on and on... but the bottom line is there are over 7 billion human beings on this planet, and no two have exactly the same sexuality. So what's the point of putting them in boxes? If anyone wants further evidence for my theory, I can give chapter and verse of my own story, which has quite a few adventures that demonstrate the point.
  10. WTAF?! How can she possibly be a well-respected epidemiologist and state that without at least a mention of the fact that if young healthy people don't get vaccinated, the vaccination efforts will not produce significant herd immunity, and the virus will continue to spread unchecked via asymptomatic infections? Thereby putting at risk all of the people in high risk groups who choose not to get the vaccine, especially those who cannot because of other health conditions. Color me unimpressed.
  11. Thanks for the follow!

  12. I'm with @bluecollarotter here. It's a question of audience. It's really only appropriate to be "out" about barebacking, or being a proponent of it, with those people with whom you would ordinarily share the details of your sex life. For most of us, that doesn't include mom. I mean, honestly - do you want to know the details of her sex life? Probably not.
  13. My xtube favorites list shrank from about 15 pages to just over one. Not to mention the one vid I had up on xtube was taken down (by xtube) without any notice or even notification. Just gone. The account is still there, though.
  14. Awesome verbal... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cfea97d58804
  15. Stealthing... "We used a lot of lube." [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e85badbc16ae
  16. Knocking up Deep that Lean Freckled Mancunt [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ef4260fb8269
  17. You ready to get knocked up? [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f8babfa3f6fb
  18. Nice c2bb vid. It's great how the timbre of the bottom's sound changes when the top goes in bare... you can really tell how it feels different... hotter [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/condom-to-bareback-26-45628781
  19. If you read the previous posts in this thread, you might have noticed that @rawTOP said the site doesn't currently support uploading videos. Clearly, people are (sort of) getting around that by posting clips as images using the animated GIF format. But... GIF is an extremely inefficient compression format for video, so it's not good for anything longer than a few seconds, and that in low resolution. Think "sticker" or "animated pic" rather than "video". If you want to post real videos (before the rollout of that capability in the retooled version of BZ that is coming soon-ish), why not use xtube or pornhub or twitter (or any of the dozens of other sites that support this) and post the links here?
  20. Sexy avatar pic, man!

  21. How about that? A guy who hit me up on Growlr back in September but was on the road, so far away by the time I replied, got in touch yesterday because he was coming back through. And hey, hot damn, he didn't flake, showed up right on time, and was everything the doctor ordered! Took him up to my room and got comfortable, started in with kissing, sucking soon followed, and then he got me turned around and bent over the bed and started rubbing his bare dripping dick head against my hole... Fuck, yeah! He rimmed me a little and then stood back up and started poking my hole again, then sliding in 🙂 It had been quite a while (June, maybe?) but to my surprise I opened right up with only spit for lube - must have been in heat! He fucked me for a good while, taking a hit of poppers, then stood me up and kissed me from behind. Bent me back over again and plowed me some more - this time I got the poppers and was begging for it. Finally he unloaded in me at some length. Fuck, that was hot! And damn, I needed it! And we had a bonus chat afterward and agreed that we found each other interesting people and should have a drink sometime. Some time later I realized I had totally forgotten to ask his status... and looked at his profile only to find it wasn't mentioned. I guess I belong here.
  22. Correct. Nevertheless, despite the popularity of oral and anal sex (for persons of any gender), the overall level of human fertility seems more than adequate to populate overrun the planet. #JustSayin
  23. Both parties are firmly in the hands of the plutocrats, so I'm generally against them. There are individuals who seem like they might do some good. At the moment IMO most of them are Democrats - largely because Republicans seem to have gone for the scorched earth approach and flat out refused to work together on anything for something like the last 10 years. I'm registered as a Republican in the hope of changing that, and because registering as a Democrat in West-by-God-Virginia seems singularly pointless.
  24. Double loaded... one of 'em 22 days' worth. Yum. The verbal is great, too... [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/two-buddies-share-my-hole-and-cum-in-me-45489971
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