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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Loved your pool party story! Sexy pic, too! Tried to find you on bbrt, but the s/n you have listed here doesn't hit in a search there 😞

  2. I'm sure a lot of people on this site don't understand that. I, however, do understand both of those things (I have a PhD in science). So I went back and re-read the studies carefully. Before, I had simply posted them so that others could do so, as I researched this subject and made my own decision about what to do quite a while ago. Your assertions regarding the French study are completely spurious. The "estimates" they are referring to are simply the overall hazard estimates for the study period (in each arm), based on the actual number of people in each arm of the the study who contracted syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. The "PEP" referred to in the study is the doxycycline itself; it has nothing to do with HIV PEP (all of the participants in the study were HIV-negative and taking Truvada for PrEP). What they found is pretty much exactly what I stated: Doxycyline as PEP appears to be somewhat effective at preventing syphilis and chlamydia, but not gonorrhea. Quoting from the actual publication: I will add that, with respect to overuse of antibiotics and the potential of bacteria developing resistance, the study authors also limited the total amount of doxycycline to be used by the participants to no more than 3 doses a week.
  3. Several studies have been done on this, and it appears to be effective. It is a single 200mg dose (ie both tablets together) and preferably within 24 hours post-exposure (that's the protocol the original study in France ca. 2015 used). It appears to be effective against syphilis and chlamydia, but not so much against gonorrhea. The French study: [think before following links] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(17)30725-9/fulltext A smaller US study: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4295649/
  4. I feel your pain, though I'm not quite at the "Mr. Burns" level. I can match you on the depression and blood pressure meds, though, plus piles of NSAIDS (which are hard on kidneys) and sometimes pain meds. No problems whatsoever with PrEP, and I've been on it for several years. I have switched to intermittent use because alas I live in a somewhat rural area and don't get to be slutty on a regular basis.
  5. Applause! So immensely well done, and the ending is just special.
  6. Love your vids, bud! Great to see you here.

    1. cawkslt


      Just watched your vids, hot stuff...

    2. TrashyWhiteboy
    3. backpackguy


      Welcum Trashy...!!!!!!! Oink/Woof!!

  7. OK, I feel certain that I've seen this adorable cub before in a professional porn somewhere, but I can't remember who the hell he is. Anyone know offhand? This snap is from a scene on pornhub. The tatts are pretty distinctive.
  8. Presumably (though you give no reference) you're referring to the preprint referenced (without a working link) by @ff-whole. Which has since been retracted. And which is in fact the work that the paper I linked to refutes. Yeah, I read that. It's full of problems. Which are nicely explained in the paper I linked. Which is why I linked it. SMH.
  9. There are a bunch on Pornhub, but there are multiple copies of a particular one, which pretty well matches your description... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=1542932346
  10. You might like this [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5648cca9bc6ae
  11. No, it doesn't. It contains genetic sequences that are similar to some sequences in individual strains of HIV-1... in parts of its genome that are highly variable. And similar sequences are present in many other species of animals and viruses. If y'all conspiracy theorist followers would like the details, look here: [think before following links] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/22221751.2020.1727299 Just one pretty important quote: "These results clearly show that three out of four of these inserts naturally exist in three bat CoV viruses before 2019-nCoV was identified. This undoubtedly refutes the possibility that 2019-nCoV is generated through obtaining gene fragments from the HIV-1 genome."
  12. Thanks for the follow!

    1. bttm4all


      You are welcome!

  13. No, it does not give you such a reason. The active drug is the same in Descovy and Truvada. It's the pro-drug form that is different between the two of them, which only affects how the drug gets absorbed and transported through the body, not how it interacts with HIV. So, if the virus were resistant to Descovy, it would be (by definition) resistant to Truvada as well. However, it's my understanding that the drug-resistant strains are somewhat less transmissible than the wild-type strains. Also, even if the virus were resistant, the concentration in your body upon exposure would likely be much less than the amount in an infected person's body, so even if its replication were not suppressed completely, your body might be able to clear it before it could establish a foothold.
  14. If you mean finding the profiles on other services of a particular person on this site, there is a section in their profile on this site that will tell you that (if they have shared it). If you open a profile, it's in the left-hand pane near the bottom.
  15. That video sounds crazy hot - I'd love to see it!
  16. Hey, read a few of your posts - nice! 🙂  I used to hit Bush River a fair bit when I lived in Delaware, but I don't recall running into you (which is too bad!)

    And one post (last loads thread from Nov '19) inspired a question - what are "gummies"? I've not heard the term.

    1. wildbottom


      Hey - I'e stopped going there, too many STDs!!  Gummies are the "new" pot. One gummy and you'll be high for about 3-4 hours. When I'm high I want to suck and get fucked over and over and over. Any State that has legal marijuana will have gummies in the smoke shops. 

    2. viking8x6


      Ah, good to know. THC does not put me in a good place, so I'll be avoiding those. And I totally agree with you about the STDs at BR. Pretty sure I got Syph there at least once.

    3. wildbottom


      Yep, that's probably where I got it too. Lately though I've been doing 1 100mg of Doxy before fucking around. It's supposed to drastically reduce the chances of Chlam and Syph. It does nothing for Gono though - and people keep giving me throat gono which is ridiculous.  I wish people would get freakin tested already!!!!

  17. Actually everyone dies, and plenty of homosexuals reproduce. But there are also a number of hypotheses as to why gay people keep getting born in spite of the logical presumption that we reproduce less effectively than straight people, and some of them have scientific evidence to support them. It's pretty cool - we actually DO reproduce off the bodies of straight people! [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_sexual_orientation#Sexual_orientation_and_evolution
  18. This definitely happens. Once in a while I do this (I admit it) when the bottom clearly really wants to be cum inside of and I know damn well that I probably can't (for whatever reason) or it would take me at least 45 minutes of huffing and puffing and wouldn't be any fun for either of us. Most times it's not that I wouldn't want to, just that the plumbing or the wiring aren't behaving. There are a variety of medications (for blood pressure, depression, and many other things) that can cause this problem. I'd rather at least fuck somebody (seeing how in-demand tops are and knowing how much I like getting fucked) than turn someone down just because I'm not sure I'll be able to cum in the end.
  19. Thanks for the follow, sexy!

  20. Would love an invitation to the next one! I'm not far outside DC metro, and love me some bears.
  21. Damn, that one's so hot! Don't know who it is, but this one looks like it might be some of the same guys, or from the same source - similarly high audio quality: [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57ac2688b3ce5
  22. Connected with a sexy guy on BBRT a few hours ago, and the desktop client said he was 90 miles away. But, after chatting a bit, it turned out he was only 6 miles away and we had hooked up (thru Grindr) about 3 months back. And he was looking for now - so I told him to come on over. Really great kisser and very sensual, so I took him to the bedroom and we got naked and made out. That didn't last very long until we put him up on the bed and I eased my fat dick into him missionary style and fucked him slow and deep with lots of eye contact and kissing. He was really enjoying it and before I knew it he said he was close to cumming. So I revved up and plowed him until he did, and his ass grabbing my dick got me to cum, though not completely, so I was able to keep fucking him for a while after, which was very hot.
  23. Love that profile pic! Sexy!

  24. Did the second version of this ever get going, or is it part of the new-site-to-be?
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