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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. turns out I wasn't correct about that. some other identifying info is compared after the fact. so it flagged a duplicate account creation, but not in real time. and sent a (somewhat snotty and definitely poorly proofread) message threatening a ban
  2. 1. From my experience, that sounds pretty normal. If you caught it at the time of the rash, that's secondary, not tertiary stage (by definition). After that it can go underground for years (sometimes decades) before the slow damage it causes to your body allows it to emerge as tertiary syphilis. An explanation of the "syphilis count" numbers: The RPR (rapid plasma reagin) test is *not* a specific test for the syphilis organism. It is a test for antibodies to a substance found naturally inside the human body's cells, that is released when they are damaged by the syphilis organism. Even after the syphilis organism is gone from the body, it can take a long time for these antibodies to drop back to the "unreactive" level, and sometimes they never do so at all. There's a more specific test for the organism itself, and if you get a reactive test on the RPR, they use the specific one to confirm that you actually have active syphilis. 2. Correct, and besides your body can develop an allergy to penicillin, so it's good to avoid using it unless you really need it. If you're allergic, you can't use it when you might really need it! 3. I get tested regularly and treated when necessary. The main impact on my personal life is that sometimes my playmates are disturbed or pissed off if they get the news that they've been exposed to something. That's annoying, but I don't consider it my problem - they're grown up people and they know (or should know) the risks. I never pretend to be an angel. It has no impact on my professional life (none of anyone's business in that arena).
  3. That would depend on its efficacy. The trial you mentioned was completed 15 years ago (it's not current news), and the efficacy of the combined vaccines used was only 33% as measured in the study. That's not really enough to do all that much to prevent the spread of the virus, only enough to give a false sense of security. IMO.
  4. Asshats. And idiots - Caverject (Trimix) is not in fact an illegal drug. All you need is a different email address, though. No biggie.
  5. I'm living by myself now, but back when I was in a long-term relationship, that was exactly how it worked for us. We both worked from home, and spent a great deal of time together at the house (either working or doing home or recreational tasks). If I didn't hook up when I was out exercising, I would simply say that I was going on a play date if we happened to cross paths as I was headed to the car. Or just that I was going out (without specifying). It was not especially odd. If I was planning it ahead of time, I'd usually check with my partner to make sure there wasn't a conflict. These days, my (long-distance) partner and I have a shared Google calendar, so I don't generally have to make an explicit check, though if the planned hookup is during time when we're to be together, I generally do check, since details often aren't on the calendar.
  6. It occurs to me that one difference between BZ and all those other sites that seem to work fine is that it uses one of the "expanded" top-level domains. That suggests it could be a DNS issue. I know the ISP I use for mail and web services does not provide them, for example. And I have observed in the past that when my internet gets wonky, it's just as often a DNS problem as it is one of actual connectivity. Maybe if the issue resurfaces, those who are experiencing it could try the experiment of hitting some other sites in the expanded top-level space to see whether they also exhibit the problem.
  7. I tried to do this last year. Clearly I picked the wrong year LOL. Haven't started one this year (despite actually having had a few encounters). I keep thinking it would be a good thing, if only for those occasions when an STI crops up... but maybe I'm loath to get serious about it because then I'd have to notice just how little sex I'm actually getting 🤨
  8. I love the question! In my experience of adult relationships, they are seldom just one "kind". Each one has its own unique combination of sex, friendly love, passionate love, and all the other ways two people can interact (including the negative and dysfunctional ones). Putting a label on them is convenient mostly for explaining to people outside the relationship, and even then it doesn't always work. I long ago lost count of the times I tried to explain to people in my gay chorus, "This is my partner, 'Q'. And this is her husband 'P'. We all live together." The relationship in question has since then been simplified, which is both good and bad. But people would inevitably assume something about who slept with whom or what our preferences were... and most often get it completely wrong. You know what happens when you ass-u-me. So I try (sometimes without success) to bear that experience in mind when other people tell me about their relationships. I will add that the best relationships in my experience are those where the people in them don't get hung up about sex or about passion, both of which are more temporary than many things in life. So, in that sense, I would agree that "friendship" is the best relationship.
  9. Or even worse, they are ideologically motivated to intentionally omit medical accuracy and useful information from the sex-ed programs they create.
  10. There are a lot of postings in its listing on Squirt. Cops patrolling from marked vehicles are mentioned several times, but it does sound like the place is quite active and people aren't overly worried. Just realized you probably know that already. Wishing we had better cruising options up in my area.
  11. Here's a second shot where the faces are clearer... hoping it helps.
  12. Here's another one I'd like to know about. I'm sure I've seen the top before - I thought in a TIM video, but I couldn't find him there. He's aggressive and sensual, which is a nice combo, though he's not my usual type. Sorry for the light flare - it's a problem with the original media.
  13. So, I ran across this vid of two bearded and tatted guys fucking at a urinal today, and from the length and the content I'd guess it's commercial work of some kind. Anyone know? Or at least who the guys are? It really turned my crank (I confess I didn't even make it halfway through before I blew a huge load)...
  14. Posting in this thread to bump it, but also because I've noticed a lot of newer people who don't seem to have seen it. I've been here way too long to remember whether one gets a link to it when one joins the site. @rawTOP Perhaps it would be good to install a permanent link to this thread in the main forum tree view, as you did at the top of the Backroom section for the recent thread about AIDS/STI fetish? I think it would save some grief for both newbies and moderators. Thanks, as always, for all you do!
  15. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/41951/big-cock-seeding-my-hole/
  16. Used them from '85 to '95. After that, sometimes until about '10. Not since then unless the other guy really insisted and I thought he was worth it. The combination happens pretty seldom.
  17. @Viking8x6 - just created it, kind of partly for this, partly to keep following some of my favorite xTubers who moved things over there after the purge. I probably won't post a lot, but feel free...
  18. Love anonymous, but I also have a strong preference for being able to see the guy, especially his face. This has nothing to do with identifying him; it's all about what makes a guy sexy to me - faces really matter for whatever reason. So outdoor cruising, sex clubs, saunas, showers and the like really do it for me, while glory holes much less so.
  19. Whoa, you're SEXY AF!!!

  20. I partly agree, but I think more of the problem is the conditionality of the signal. If I'm "logged in" to a cruise app (I use Growlr, Scruff, and Grindr mostly) I might be checking to see if I have received messages in the last day, actively cruising for "right now", actively cruising for "later this week", looking to see if a FB is online, or just looking at eye candy. The same, of course, is true for most of the people on there. So even if there's a fair bit of signal (in the admittedly enormous amount of noise), it may not be relevant signal for a given cruiser. A few of the services have some kind of nod to trying to address this (usually a setting for "what I'm looking for"), but I haven't seen any that work particularly well. It's far worse in rural areas like mine, where the amount of relevant signal that involves less than a one-hour drive each way is so small it's mostly not worth the effort.
  21. Thanks for the follow! Great pic there!

  22. Given that you've had at least four skin conditions that have worried you in less than a year (and a year when Covid slowed down sexual exposure in general, at that!), you'd really be best off getting connected with a dermatologist on the regular.
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