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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Dang, @Bearbarenyc - that's a gorgeous piece! Sure wish my butt were there for you to use! My BF lives 3.5 hours away, so we haven't been seeing each other. I have had one play date in the last 8 weeks or so, with a buddy (not usually a fuck buddy, but we both trust each other). Apart from that, a whole lot of porn and a cam session or two (had one yesterday with an ex-fuck-buddy who moved to Texas, which was super hot). So yeah, pickings have been slim. I've had a few offers, but I feel like it would be hypocritical of me to be beating the drums of social distancing while running around with strangers, so I've been saying no so far. It hasn't been too awful, mostly because I live in a fairly rural area and the cruising pool has always been limited, and I haven't had anyone nearby for play on a regular basis (fuck buddies in other words) since I moved here four years ago. So I'm used to dry spells. I'm planning to have a sex club blowout, or at least a BBRT-planned sex road trip, once non-essential travel opens up a bit. I've been doing my best to be a good little citizen with my social distancing and all, but because I have, even if I do catch Covid-19 at a sex club, unless I start having a lot more interaction, the chances of me spreading it significantly are very small indeed. Hell, I've only been to the grocery store once in the last three weeks.
  2. I got a really peculiar vibe from this one. It was hot, but... strange. Not sure whether that's just a cultural/age difference or something else. The high-pitched giggle (the cameraman?) really put me off. Ah well, chacun a son goût.
  3. Super hot video! Not the look I usually prefer in my men (there's a reason I'm such a fan of @josebarebear), but awesome chemistry and action. Two exceptionally furry asses (especially considering how smooth the rest of them is) - YUM! And the camera work is simply to die for! I very much hope to see the ginger bottom guy in 5 or 10 years when he's had a chance to put on some bulk and hopefully sprout fur elsewhere!
  4. I doubt Covid would be included in quarterly testing. Unlike everything else on your list, it doesn't remain active in your system for months (or more). You get sick, you recover or die in a matter of weeks. Either way, you are no longer a carrier - at least until next time you get it.
  5. I think you missed a spelling error... *smirk* shouldn't that last word be "piece"? LOL
  6. It isn't different. In that particular case (if it's the one I'm thinking of) it was simply that the post was in the wrong place, which was clearly a mistake (as it was obviously a non-sequitur in the thread where it was). So I was sure that I was not making a bad call in that case. In the case of the "gray area" of chems posts, making a call on someone else's post seems more questionable. And, THANK YOU! This detailed explanation of what happens is exactly what I was hoping you could give us, and makes me (for one) feel much more comfortable about reporting things when it appears there is something wrong. 🙇‍♂️
  7. You lucky dog! Be sure to send us all copies, or at least tell us where to find them!
  8. I've been saving mine, as I, too, have been getting no sex. Did play with a u+ buddy and took my 2 pills beforehand like a good little boy, but (a) wound up only topping him and (b) realized I was being a little silly and lacking the courage of my convictions about the science. So I didn't bother to take the additional doses - he's a man I trust to be honest about his status. I'm getting a pretty cheap rate on the meds, but they're still not free, and this saves a little cash. Also, as I have a good month's supply at the moment, if I get a chance to be crazy piggy when the masks come off, like perhaps having an orgy with my BF and the hot vers BDSM pig who lives up the road with him and whoever else we can drag into it, I'll have enough to give my BF some to cover the on-demand dosing for him (he's not on PrEP right now), and that would be nice.
  9. Alas not... it would have been most salutary of the occupants of the building. Just sayin.
  10. I kind of get where @BootmanLA is coming from here, TBH - Here's how I personally perceive it: Without a clear yardstick, "reporting" someone feels like an accusation of wrongdoing where there might not be any, which in many circles is considered a pretty serious slander. I understand that you want us to "be that guy", but it's hard to do it when a lot of us (including me, with 10+ years on the site) have no idea what happens once we submit that report. We never hear back about what actions were taken, what happened to the post, or what happened to the poster, unless we go looking for it. Does anyone but the moderator see it? Does the possible offender get to defend himself? Does the identity of the reporter get saved anywhere that it matters? If we had some reassurance about the nature and fairness (or lack thereof - as a longtime contributor to online fora for the last 35 years, I am under no illusion at all that moderation is guaranteed to be objective), it would help us (as members possibly concerned with pissing off or hurting other members) to trust in the process and Do The Right Thing. I fully understand that there may be very good reasons (site security comes to mind) why it's not possible for some of these details to be revealed to people who aren't moderators or RawTOP. Just putting my 2 cents in trying to see through that glass slightly less darkly.
  11. You are probably right. Hanky code was already a fading memory by the time I finally got out of school and moved to SF in '94. I had orange in my mind as "any time any where", which is a related concept but very different. The devil truly is in the details!
  12. I'm no expert, but this might be one of those rare occasions where the hanky code would actually be useful. Those in the know would get it... and the others would have no clue that it was meant as communication. Orange hanky right, I think. Besides, now EVERYONE has to carry a mask, if not wear it, so it will be unremarkable. Makes note to self to be mindful of which bandana to carry for use as face mask in a pinch.
  13. My ex claimed that getting fucked in the ass was positively the best treatment for hemorrhoids. No idea if he was right or not, but it's worth a try!
  14. This is very true. I felt pretty alarmed and confused (but also turned on) when I discovered the bug chasing fetish, years ago (in fact before this forum even existed). To reassure you, @BlueBear4044 , that was probably 20 years ago, or nearly so, and I lived in SF at the time. It was years before PrEP became available. I'm still HIV negative, now on PrEP, and feel much more comfortable about acknowledging the excitement and exploring it, within the boundaries that I decide are appropriate in practical and emotional terms. In that way, it's really not different from any other fetish or hazardous activity, some of which have the potential for lasting physical or psychological harm. Responsible adults learn to negotiate the risk in the world and control their interaction with it. That can be safe words and boundary negotiation for BDSM play, PrEP and/or condoms for sex, or any number of other things. To follow up @drscorpio's example, I personally have done technical rock climbing (up a vertical cliff), using ropes and gear to reduce the hazard of a serious fall, and downhill skiing, using releasable bindings to prevent a broken leg. At least once while skiing, I did fall badly enough that without that releasable binding I almost certainly would have broken my ankle. I also do wildcrafting, including mushrooms, and eat some of the things I gather. There are mushrooms out there that are toxic enough that one bite can kill you (literally). I've found and identified one. I've also found, identified, and eaten at least a dozen different types of (non-poisonous) mushrooms. So... you pays your money, you takes your choice. Nothing is absolutely safe this side of the grave, but there's no need to worry about it, we'll get there sooner or later anyway. Best enjoy the ride! That brings me to the question of why we find it so compelling. Believe me, for bug chasing, I was just as puzzled as you (BlueBear). And that is true even to last week. But your post here along with drscorpio's reply reminded me of an insight I had ages ago (1985 if memory serves). Possibly to be taken with a grain of salt, as I was in a mind-altered state at the time. Here's my theory: It is a fundamental facet of human nature to want to push the envelope. Risk-taking is baked in to every one of us at a deep biological level. Some people have more of this tendency than others, but every one of us has some of it; it's unavoidable. That part of us want to deliberately explore everything we can get away with; to find our limits and extend them as far as possible without destroying ourselves completely. If there's not some possibility that we've reached the point where we might truly destroy ourselves completely, we haven't gone far enough; in fact, that's how that part of us knows that we haven't gone far enough. If you think about it from the viewpoint of evolutionary biology, this trait gives the species as a whole (although not necessarily the individuals) an incredible evolutionary advantage. It means that, as a species, we are wired to exploit every available resource, and every resource to which we can adapt (or which we can bend to our purposes) absolutely to the fullest. And if you look at the history of our species, that's exactly what we have done! We have completely dominated the entire planet and its resources, including environments where we could never survive in our "natural" state, and even sent out ambassadors beyond the planet itself. That's a heck of a track record. And I think the argument that it would not have happened without a human trait to risk self-destruction holds together pretty nicely. So, there's your philosophy rant for this week. There's no reason to feel alarmed or guilty about challenging, or even fetishizing, t-a-b-o-o-s. It's human nature to play with fire.
  15. I would guess it will be as an AYOR sport. There are plenty of things now where you have to sign a waiver stating that the management is not responsible for injuries and you promise not to sue them; a great example is downhill skiing, where it's prominently printed on your lift ticket. People won't stop doing things just because they are risky. I can imagine the government trying to stop such things, too. If they got really authoritarian about it, the venues would just go underground, something like speakeasies during Prohibition. I totally understand from a scientific and societal perspective the need to do something to limit spread. However, I also believe that it is morally wrong for the government to dictate personal behavior beyond a certain point and that it would be more appropriate to emphasize education and providing people with the tools to do the right thing on their own. Personally, I'm jonesing for a vaccine.
  16. Thanks for the follow - great pix there!

  17. Enabling that avoidance is precisely the purpose for having the separate sections, and according to the rules as stated, there aren't exceptions. Beyond that one post (and its mirrors at the top of the cordoned areas), I can not find further detail. I did find a long-ago post by @drscorpio referencing an FAQ for the overall forum, but following the link gave a page-could-not-be-found error, and a search for "FAQ" turned up only one post, and that irrelevant. From what I've seen in practice, folks feel comfortable with poppers, alcohol, and marijuana in the general areas of the forum, and it seems to be that those drugs (which are legal, or at least tolerated, at least in many places) are exceptions. Given the purpose of the rule in the first place, I'd say if it seems to you, as a person who knows people who are in recovery, that a post outside the cordoned area is a significant issue or risk for your friends, it's totally appropriate to report it and let a moderator move it. That certainly will harm no one. That said, this reply is my opinion only, and I think a lot of us would appreciate it (I know I would) if RawTOP (though he's busy, I know) or a moderator could update the rules thread with a bit more detail about what is or is not allowed, vis a vis drug references.
  18. Hot pic & last load post, man!

    1. BeardedDddy


      Thanks man! Glad you enjoyed 

    2. viking8x6


      Thanks for the follow, too! Where in PA are you? Just over the southern border here, about in the middle.

  19. Rather hot if you like the hairless twunky look. Beware, has a very distracting (IMO truly awful) music background! The bottom's face when he's getting plowed from behind is especially nice. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/cum-in-my-ass-please-43586631
  20. Hey, thanks for the follow!

  21. Well, I finally found the pornhub scene again (the original post above was from before I created an account, so the scene didn't get saved in history). After a couple of hours of poking around related videos and so on, I finally winkled it out... The adorable cub is (a rather young looking) Parker Allen! But the tatts look kind of wrong because in the clip, you can see his inner arm (unusual in porn) and that fish tattoo is prominent - normally you would never see or notice it. Also they look wrong because in the posted version of the clip the image is mirrored, so everything is on the wrong side. And, I figured out which scene it is... it's a private clip from David-SF, who just happens to be the top in this scene! It's posted on his Xtube, and has been a favorite of mine for ages. I even linked it here in the xtube vids thread. So now I have to feel stupid because I didn't figure it out. But it's still such a super hot scene. I could look into Parker Allen's adorable eyes all night long, blowing multiple loads while doing so. YUM. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/david-sf-amp-parker-allen-late-night-hook-up-iml2017-30936882 Gee, maybe I'm getting a little stir-crazy with all this shelter-in-place stuff, what do you think? 😉
  22. How 'bout that... I found it myself. After a bunch of cross-searching from a small clue provided by a caption, I was right, it's TIM (naturally!). That's Will, in the scene "Will's Initiation" from Fearless. Hot, hot, hot!
  23. Here's another frame. Actually, I'm not sure it is TIM, though the production values and direction style certainly suggest it.
  24. Here's another snapshot, from a TIM video, but it was a clip elsewhere and although I went through all 55 pages of models on their site, I couldn't spot him... Another furry one; who's the bearded guy in this pic?
  25. 1. Check your spam mailbox - sometimes messages get put there based on the content. 2. I think the site is data-driven, so if he's not in the list, he's probably not in the DB, at least under that name. An administrator can maybe confirm this. Not sure why the search doesn't work, but it does that to me, too, pretty much no matter what I put in.
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