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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Amen! I think I've always understood this intuitively, and that last "if" is the one that really stops me. I am a rather risk-tolerant (sometimes even risk-seeking) person, but I definitely do have my boundaries, and I am fundamentally unwilling to relinquish my sovereignty to anyone. No matter how much I trust them - the boundaries are mine, not those of the Top who would be whoring me out, and I have to take my own responsibility for them. That said, the "safe word" approach used by the BDSM community seems like a very serviceable way of handling the issue. Hand your Top the key to the city and let him whore you out as he sees fit, but give yourself an out if things really do get out of hand. My feeling is I'd need that *and* a Top I trusted to honor it, and then I'd be willing to test my boundaries a lot harder. Of course, that's all pretty theoretical for me these days... the pickings are pretty slim. Hell, I'm happy just to get laid. As a top, even. *sigh*
  2. Well, he has his own desires, which may or may not align with yours. Most likely they partly do and partly don't - that's the way life usually goes. But you're focusing on what you want him to do, and how to convince him to do it... and from your viewpoint he seems reluctant. What about his point of view? You might make better progress, and in a better direction, if you ask in an open-ended way what he would like, instead of suggesting and having him respond that he wouldn't like your proposed option. Get him on board. Let him control the options here. That alone will probably make him feel a lot more comfortable about exploring. I could go on, but that's a good stopping point, and you can always ask if you want to hear more of my thoughts on it.
  3. Anon Bttm Takes Verbal Top's Load [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e1d2f686e42d
  4. I get where you're coming from. It took me quite a while to get over my alarm about my own fascination with it. Now I've known about chasing for at least 15 years, and I'm a bit more comfortable with my own thoughts. My take-home is, to quote a favorite movie, "consistency is not really a human trait." It's perfectly possible, and even OK, for one to have that fascination with pozzing and to have a rational thought process that says it wouldn't be the right choice for them. They are both just thoughts, and equally valid. What actions one takes in consequence are equally valid, too. Our responsibility as humans is just to choose our actions, every day - which is a fuckton harder than it sounds. But in the end, we're all going to die, and the only antidote is to live our most authentic life, every day. Consistent or not.
  5. So far I haven't mastered the art of cleaning out effectively - it seems no matter how much I do it, more material is always coming down. Possibly I'm using too much water (from a comment earlier in this thread). Unfortunately, I don't have occasion to practice nearly as often as I'd like 😕 Maybe I should work on getting it good on my own with some deep dildo work to test my technique? Re fiber smoothies - always a good thing. I just make my regular smoothie and throw in a tablespoon or so of psyllium husks - I prefer the non-powdered ones from Trader Joe's - they seem to make a better formed stool than Metamucil. Also they're not flavored, so you can add them to anything. I often add a spoon to oatmeal if I'm having that for breakfast. That breakfast will cure any tendency to constipation, also.
  6. Smokin' hot pics, man, especially that avatar shot. WOOF!

  7. Pennsylvania (the US state that's about the same population as Ontario) is currently clocking 1,000 cases a day. And the southern US is much worse at the moment. Between a government that puts business before citizens (progressively more so as one goes from local to federal levels) and a culture that is generally mistrustful of authority - there are a lot of people here, myself included, who react badly to government decrees and will flout them simply to make a point - we pretty much screwed the pooch. Fun times!
  8. I went to a very well-known ABS last weekend (I was actually on a play date with a FB and we decided to run over there and get poppers and check out the scene). Almost everyone was wearing a mask. Wandering around among the video booths. It was quite surreal. Didn't do a lot for me - too much of my sexual response is keyed by facial features.
  9. Well, DAMN! I'm sorry I missed you! You're so damn sexy. And I lived... ON The Fenway (literally across the street from the Fens) until June of '88.
  10. Good start - now I'm curious to see where it goes. Minor thing that might be a glitch - should "Ian" in the first line be "David"? Or is he really someone else?
  11. This sounds interesting, but the link didn't insert correctly. Could you post it again, please?
  12. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/raw-fuck-and-cum-16764182
  13. I'll join the "see a doctor" crowd. Could be anything from earwax to a brain tumor. And it's pretty much impossible to look in your own ear... be well!
  14. There is a whole thread on prophylactic doxycycline here:
  15. This happened to me a few years back. All kinds of blood. It was kind of awkward, but fortunately the top was actually a good FB and not just some stranger, so I assured him that it was not painful (it wasn't) and probably would be OK. If I remember right I looked it up and there was no particular treatment to be done, so I left it alone and it healed up fine. It grew back in time, about a month or two if I remember right. And yes, before it did, my tongue mobility was amazing - quite noticeable during voice lessons, which I was taking at the time.
  16. Which data, posted where? I certainly couldn't find anything on the CDC Covid-19 page to indicate that this was the case. And I looked. If you're going to assert that the government is essentially lying to people, at least be specific about what the lie is and where they said it. Otherwise you're just blowing smoke yourself, and wasting people's time and energy.
  17. Cross-posting from xtube thread - thanks @ronetbus for an awesome find! [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/breed-ing-understall-44377142
  18. Given the content, it seems inconceivable that it's commercial. Also, the videography isn't commercial quality. So I'm not sure what you mean by "identify". Also, given the content, this really belongs in the Backroom, which is NOT where this thread is. Maybe you should start a new thread?
  19. This is a nearly unanswerable question because of the way studies work (by statistical sampling). That said, here's a link to a pretty interesting study of HIV transmission rates (the overall rate of new transmissions in a community) at a bunch of sites in India with many thousands of participants: [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4863069/ Their conclusion is that the prevalence of viral load >150 copies/mL (that was their arbitrary cutoff for "viremia") was by far the most highly correlated measure with higher transmission rates. It was a much better predictor than number of people on HAART, average viral load of people who knew they were HIV+, or viral load of people on HAART. That's the measurable fact. And now you see why I say the original question is hard to answer - the facts you can measure just don't answer the question.
  20. Mildly, but mostly because if they are, it would make it hotter for me. And I'd want a copy. And royalties, if there are any... 🙂
  21. I posted this in a different thread a while back:
  22. One thing you *can* do is set up a custom feed that only shows some of the recent activity. I did this for my own use with a selection of about 6 threads that I like to catch up on more regularly. My purpose was that if another thread in the same section gets updated more recently, I won't see that these ones are updated without looking - and it's much more convenient to have them all in one place. It's much easier if you "follow" the threads or topics. To set it up, pull down from the Activity menu at the top of the main page. Then pick "My Activity Streams" and you get a sub-menu including a bunch of convenient pre-set options, but also you can create a new stream, which opens up a form that lets you define what you want to show up there and then save it.
  23. It doesn't have to be perfectly exact, but try to keep it as close as possible. You didn't mention what dose and formulation of raltegravir you're taking, nor what other PEP drugs - and that matters, too. Raltegravir was originally a three-dose-a-day medication, until the manufacturer reformulated it. The liver clears it from the body relatively quickly, and that's why it's important to take it at close to the same time. If you wait too long, the body level can drop below where it's effective. Everyone's metabolism is different, and without actually monitoring the level of drug in your blood, you wouldn't be able to tell. That said, the way they figure out the standard dosing is that it should work well in more than 95% of cases - including a bit of leeway for variations in liver chemistry, imperfect dosing, and so on. So don't worry, just do the best you can...
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