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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Well, I finally found the pornhub scene again (the original post above was from before I created an account, so the scene didn't get saved in history). After a couple of hours of poking around related videos and so on, I finally winkled it out... The adorable cub is (a rather young looking) Parker Allen! But the tatts look kind of wrong because in the clip, you can see his inner arm (unusual in porn) and that fish tattoo is prominent - normally you would never see or notice it. Also they look wrong because in the posted version of the clip the image is mirrored, so everything is on the wrong side. And, I figured out which scene it is... it's a private clip from David-SF, who just happens to be the top in this scene! It's posted on his Xtube, and has been a favorite of mine for ages. I even linked it here in the xtube vids thread. So now I have to feel stupid because I didn't figure it out. But it's still such a super hot scene. I could look into Parker Allen's adorable eyes all night long, blowing multiple loads while doing so. YUM. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/david-sf-amp-parker-allen-late-night-hook-up-iml2017-30936882 Gee, maybe I'm getting a little stir-crazy with all this shelter-in-place stuff, what do you think? 😉
  2. How 'bout that... I found it myself. After a bunch of cross-searching from a small clue provided by a caption, I was right, it's TIM (naturally!). That's Will, in the scene "Will's Initiation" from Fearless. Hot, hot, hot!
  3. Here's another frame. Actually, I'm not sure it is TIM, though the production values and direction style certainly suggest it.
  4. Here's another snapshot, from a TIM video, but it was a clip elsewhere and although I went through all 55 pages of models on their site, I couldn't spot him... Another furry one; who's the bearded guy in this pic?
  5. 1. Check your spam mailbox - sometimes messages get put there based on the content. 2. I think the site is data-driven, so if he's not in the list, he's probably not in the DB, at least under that name. An administrator can maybe confirm this. Not sure why the search doesn't work, but it does that to me, too, pretty much no matter what I put in.
  6. Thank you for this, RawTOP! I had someone approach me for a hookup a couple of weekends ago and replied that I was staying home that weekend ("stay the fuck at home" was what I said), and got a rude reply basically accusing me of being a snowflake (which I wasn't - I'm not concerned much about my personal safety, I just know how to do math and why distancing is necessary). I bitch slapped him into next week, and had been feeling a shadow of guilt about it. Guilt dispersed!
  7. OK took a while to find, but here it is. That's Luke Tyler in scene 3 of TIM's "Flooded". [think before following links] https://timstore.treasureislandmedia.com/flooded-scene-3-luke-tyler-tag-team/
  8. And also, where did he get the BZ swag? I didn't know we had swag!
  9. Thanks for the follow!


  10. ...and that is POSITIVELY the LAST TIME I'm ever ordering FROG STEAK!!
  11. Very hot post! Just goes to demonstrate what I've been saying for decades: gay and straight are arbitrary labels. There are as many sexual preferences as there are humans on the planet.
  12. Thanks for the follow, sexy!


    1. marcsoton


      My pleasure 😈

  13. Yeah, this really sucks! The SSRIs and often the SNRIs can cause ED and anorgasmia... as I sadly know from personal experience. Keeping the dose as low as possible helps. Viagra and its relatives can treat the ED, but not the anorgasmia. I'm working on seeking alternatives but my health plan (so far) refuses to pay for them. I'll follow up if I find something that works. I have secondhand information that wellbutrin does not cause this side effect at least for some. I was discussing antidepressants with my mom and she volunteered that she switched from Fluoxetine for this reason. In her 70s. GO MOM! I knew I came by my libido honestly 😉
  14. All the ones I can afford... but first I have to get back in the black after this economic chaos.
  15. I had a little trouble finding it, so posting for those who wish to; the title of the song is "Shave 'Em Dry". Well worth the listen 🙂
  16. 1. Because Covid-19 is far more contagious than HIV and can therefore spread very fast. 2. Because with a hospitalization rate of 20%, Covid-19 has the potential to completely overwhelm the healthcare system (as has already happened in Italy). It's not just gay people who need to be avoiding contact. It's everyone. I did the math yesterday for the US (based on CDC numbers) and if we don't slow it down, we could easily have 40 million cases by the end of April. I know that sounds ridiculous, but honestly, that's the way the math works out. 😕
  17. Mine's 8x6 (actually more like 7.5x5.5 except when I'm super excited and it goes to full mast), and most guys seem to think I'm "very hung". I've certainly seen quite a few bigger ones, but it's well above average. It's a really nice size for sex, and guys seem to enjoy it a lot. I'm nothing like a strict bottom, but I enjoy bottoming very much and really don't want to top all the time. So it's really annoying that a lot of supposedly versatile guys just want to bottom when they meet it. Especially if they're oral, not anal, or if they think it's too big to take anally, because it's not super sensitive and oral topping doesn't usually get me off. The other time it's a drawback is when it won't stay really hard - that happens quite a bit with tighter bottoms or if I'm not that into a guy for whatever reason, or sometimes just because my various meds are causing issues. If it were smaller, I think it would be less trouble that way, but the way it is, I generally can't get back into a guy if it's not good and hard. So, some good, some bad. My only regret is that I wish I'd realized at a younger age that it was above average and that many guys are attracted by that. In my 20s I had no clue.
  18. There is very little reason to think that anti-HIV medications would be likely to work against Covid-19 (or any other coronaviruses), because they are in a different family of viruses that have a different life cycle. In HIV, the RNA of the infecting virus is transcribed to DNA (by a virus enzyme) and inserted into the host's DNA, and only later is that DNA copied out into RNA for new viruses (by the host's enzymes). In Coronaviruses, the RNA of the infecting virus is copied directly into the new virus RNA (by the virus's enzymes). So in one case the virus is making DNA and in the other it is making RNA, and the two enzymes are consequently very different and unlikely to be blocked by the same drug molecule. Worth a try, but unlikely to be of too much use. In better news, this explanation does *NOT* apply to drugs against Ebola and Influenza (e.g. Tamiflu), because both of those viruses use the same replication strategy described above for coronaviruses. So they would be much more likely to have effectiveness against Covid-19.
  19. The software that runs the site has the capability and RawTOP set it up in an effort to reduce spam. It's pretty much a constant battle with social media of any kind to keep bots and trolls from spamming the site into uselessness, and the perpetrators of such keep upping the ante. The current member levels here are "New", "Junior", regular (no prefix) Member, and "Senior". I just kicked over into senior myself, and I've been here for something like 8 years I think. But "New" only lasts a short while. Just keep posting and you'll get to Junior before you know it.
  20. Thanks for the follow!

  21. I haven't been in this picture for years... Nowhere near enough fur for my taste, nor to match my own physique. Back in the day, once I got over my inhibitions, I'd have been 6, 7, 9, or 10.
  22. Thanks for the follow!

  23. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/178/hairy-daddy-fuck-session/
  24. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/2944/powerbottom/
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