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Everything posted by wood

  1. I’m not sure what conference you are referring to, but I do hiv outreach work, and can assure you that barebackers are always represented at any event I’ve been too, both on record, and in the bedrooms of the host hotel.
  2. Quick tip, get a 5cc syringe without a needle and prelube with some good silicone lube. You only need about 2-3cc but it’s get the lube up in there and helps out a lot
  3. I don’t have an answer for this question, but I think apps are the main cause of the change. In the US, Grindr was the only widespread app until 2011 or so, and 2011 was also the year the iPhone because available on other carriers. In 2012 Grindr crossed over to android and then multiple apps proliferated in the next few years. Suddenly you didn’t have to pay to go into an establishment to have sex. I think bathhouses took a hit too especially in smaller cities, but are still generally doing okay because they provide more of an experience.
  4. I never thought I could be, but the guy I have been seeing for about a year has changed everything.
  5. If you won’t get tested, you are not gonna know your status, maybe until it’s too late ??‍♂️
  6. Oh damn okay that’s a beautiful dick and a hot story!
  7. Its stuff like this that REALLY makes me wonder why anyone likes finger nails or a toothbrush in their ass. Even those small nicks can get infected and cause all sorts of issues.
  8. If you want to get fucked all weekend, heres what you do. Get on a good fiber regemine the week before (regular metamucial, and take as directed) Then After you have cleaned out really deep on friday, take immodium for the rest of the weekend, Fiber cleans you out, immodium plugs up the rest. As for the rest of the weekend, everyones body is different, but i would eat VERY lightly, and just have more drinks, lol
  9. I had a pretty easy one years ago and that was 3 months to take a normal sized guy, and way longer to build up to bigger guys. Yes, it sucked, but I made it, and OP, you will too. One thing is that, you will be tighter initially than before, so if you took big guys before, DO NOT jump right back into it. and to not complicate your recovery Id probably start with some smaller dildo's and work your way up. Hydrocortisone will help with swelling, but dont over do it or use it all the time because it thins tissues. I know it sucks being summer with horny guys around and all, but id start with the dildos now, and see how you feel in a month. No matter what the first time will not be pain free, and probably not even pleasurable, but things will return to normal
  10. Got to agree. Im over apps, and sites. Too many flakes, too many fakes. Meanwhile if I just go out and put myself out there in a cruising spot it happens. Guys on apps are way too timid, and looking for idealistic things. Guys cruising go for it.
  11. No big deal but this is why regular doctors visits are important if you are sexually active. Back in the 70's before HIV/AIDS, going to the doctors for a visit was almost a fun thing to do. You did it all the time because you wanted to continue having sex. The fear part of the doctors didn't occur until HIV, and unfortunately people are still paying for it today by being very complacent about sexual health
  12. Find the common variable. In this case if you are getting chlamydia over and over again, but also getting treated, you are probably getting reinfected from someone you are consistently having sex with. This is why clinics want people to inform their sexual partners to get tested and or treated.
  13. wood


    Not gonna happen. HIPPA restrictions mean that if you are over 18 even your parents get no information. As far is billing and mail is concerned, after the aetna? (not sure which company it was) scandal last year that included HIV information, most companies are eliminating direct health information in mail just to be safge.
  14. wood


    Ive worked in outreach before, and I can assure anyone that if you make under 100k USD a year you can find ways to get prep for little or no cost. Between The ACA, medicare, private insurance, and gilead copay assistance its quite easy to get it for next to nothing. If all that fails, you can order the generic from India for $60/month. As for the number of guys lying about it. Id say as long as you are in a metro area, the number of people lying is actually probably quite small. Any city over a couple hundred thousand people will have a sexual health clinic that is informed about PREP at this point, and its expanding beyond that. The HIV outbreak in Indiana a couple years ago spurred public health officials to know more about PREP and get people on it if they are at risk. However, Just like always however the biggest risk groups are going to be in the south and south east where healthcare is the worst; and just like HIV infections are the highest in those areas, I suspect the number of people lying about PREP are the highest in those areas are as well. Up in Chicago where I live, Everyone I know on it has several bottles laying around. Hell for myself I think I have about seven new bottles lying around because they fill it about a week early.
  15. How did it go man?
  16. theres a "somewhat" easy way around this, tell your doc your partner is HIV+ and hand him prep materials you can download, and demand it. It will work
  17. I wish this topic had a poll, with options like, grandam likes it like that, it just feels better, its hot, etc.
  18. Not to put you completely on point, but you talk about "bury their head in the sand...out of sight, out of mind"; yet you actively talk about deciding not to go on treatment, fucking whoever and not disclosing status. No offense, but aren't you the ultimate hypocrite? They may be ignorant, but you are willfully omitting something you know.... Otherwise I agree completely, outreach is tough, and getting people to get tested, and on treatment or PrEP isnt easy, but it helps a TON to an endemic issue.
  19. Theres MANY veins and arteries near the anus/scrotum/penis, and in many cases trauma can cause some bleeding in semen, or while urinating. The big issue is internal bleeding, which can problematic in certain cases. However, its really the amount of blood loss thats important. If you have red tinged urine or semen, that is somewhat normal after some sort of "trama" (your mind can run wild with that, but general definition is very aggressive sex, surgery, etc) But unless its after surgery you should never see large amounts of blood in urine, semen, or feces. Some people naturally bruise more, or are more susceptible to slight blood vessel damage, this is normal. However it shouldn't persist, and especially if you are on a blood thinner, you must go to the doctor asap.
  20. doubtful. Its the UK, he will be placed on treatment immediately, and will be watched to make sure he takes his meds.
  21. You hit the nail on the head. Most of my opinions on here because of my public health background are not popular, even if my persona life is way different, but here goes. For example, a HIV+ bttm who is undetectable doesn't disclose his status? WHO CARES!? The chance of infection is incredibly remote, thus there is no point in charging anyone. Hell in my very personal opinion if there was an option to disregard law, I would say as long as an undetectable person is med compliant, they shouldnt have to tell their status, but thats only my personal opinion. But when someone is on a mission to hurt someone by omission, or by thinking, "well they should know?" sorry you are at fault, and I dont have a problem with penalizing that. Additionally Willful blindness, (at least in the US) is still able to be prosecutable as a crime (United States v. Jewell). Meaning you cant be fucking raw for years, having and pretend you have never seen something abut HIV if you also frequent gay oriented establishments. However, I think in retrospect, my opinion is simple and comes from my public health background. HIV can easily be a non issue, and possibly eradicated based on current treatment and prevention measures, but it wont be, and the two main driving reasons for that is lack of treatment for HIV+ people, and lack of testing. Treatment alone is almost enough to eradicate HIV, even without Prep. But people must know their status.
  22. I dont agree with all HIV criminalization, but this guy was out there specifically to injure people and take away their autonomy. You want to poz someone? Go to a bathhouse and fuck an anon bttm, go on bbrt, or find a bug chaser. I dont agree with those either, just cause treatment and prep is much easier, and everyone is better off in the long run, but at least then people have some idea of consent.
  23. So I guess my main question is where in the world are you located? Because depending on that, there are tons of options for you, that would mean no matter what the outcome you live a very full normal life. By the language you use, and dialect I'm guessing in the UK, even if you quote the CDC. FYI, I Know EXACTLY how you feel. I didnt get tested for three years at one point way back when I was fucking my HIV+ boyfriend raw, I just assumed I had it. The problem is that fatalistic approach took a huge drag on other parts of my life. After I finally got tested, and in my case it came back negative, I swore I would never do that again, because no matter what the result, not knowing is worse in almost every case. At that point I also went into outreach and prevention. I really hate giving bad news, but I can also tell you in most cases, even when people think they are HIV+, it comes back negative, non-reactive. My friend who just tested poz, was literally stunned when he heard the news... He had tested neg two weeks before, and he only tops! but it happens. Less than a month later, his life hasn't changed one bit except a pill a day. HIV is only a fate today if you let it be one. Otherwise, you will have a regular life, and can fuck guys as long as you please bare!
  24. IMO this is why steathing is just plain dumb, leave it to fantasy. All it takes is one person to get infected who is pissed to go on a vengeance mission. There are plenty of places to fuck people who don’t care about hiv or the risk.
  25. Ummm just go get tested and know? It’s not hard, and either way you get piece of mind because you know what to do then. It obviously bothers you, and ignoring it only makes things worse. As for for the question, yes it does happen. A friend of mine converted in jan and he’s a circumcised complete top that only fucks raw. Best guess for him was that he fucked a guy who was newly infected and very infectious, thus it was easier for him even as a top to contract it. Any HIV infection stat can be quite misleading because not all chances are created equal. For example, you can’t grt hiv from someone who doesn’t have it. With that said, if someone is neg, and has hiv+ hvl cum in their ass, and you also fuck them, there is a theoretical exposure there. An undetectable person is also very low risk but not no risk. People that are newly infected are at much higher risk of spreading it, through topping or bottoming, etc, etc. Because of these factors HIV exposure is NOTHING like a game of Russian roulette with a pistol that has 161 equal chances. With hiv exposure yours could be the first one, or it may never come up. Additionally small steps can actually reduce risk. Using plenty of good lube and washing up and urinating after sex have been shown to significantly reduce risk as a top.
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