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About subbytch

  • Birthday 08/29/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Nerdy, fun guy in real life. Nudist. Perv in bed.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    45 year old bear. Guy next door... but bitch-in-heat in the bedroom.
  • Looking For
    Younger, dom, chaser-tops, who like it from vanilla to kinky. Kiss me like you love me, fuck me like you hate me.

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  1. 14. I desired to be carried off, controlled, and used by the guys around me. But really understanding and accepting that was decades away. I scribbled notes about it. Imagined it. Twisted TV and books into 69 shaped knots around my secret, deepest places to give it some kind of hold. But it was the 80s. Homosexuality was still "wrong." AIDS was everywhere. Fearful faggots like me paid my secrets in shame. It's taken decades to unwind that shame and embrace what I always knew.
  2. Twins, brothers, or cousins. It's a hard one to find, though.
  3. 50. Bottom. Faggot. Gawd I love the younger tops. Those that love older dads love me. COVID has put a crimp in my finding a permanent Alpha Top for my cunt. But I keep looking never the less.
  4. I get that not everyone is everyone's type. That extends to skin colors as well. Whether that is something learned, biological, or phobic, is another discussion. But whatever your preference isn't, being a dick about it isn't required. "No X Y or Z" on a profile is an example of being a dick. Insulting someone who hits you up for not being what you want is being a dick. Talking about how people of X race aren't attractive, as if that were the case for everyone, is being a dick. "I'm flattered, but we're not a match" is a perfectly acceptable way to nicely turn someone down. Don't be an ass about what you like and don't like.
  5. subbytch


    Being faggot to twin tops is such a fantasy of mine. Don't know if it will ever happen, though I keep looking for it. That said, I'm actually sad to read that you guys have to hide even when you are having a three-way with someone else. You both are consenting adults. And the third person is doing something that is a cultural [banned word]. They have no room to complain or to judge! I understand why you feel its necessary to do it. I wish the world was a different place.
  6. I finally broke down and got used yesterday. Four months. I felt so good... and so empty today. I'm now self quarantining for two weeks to make sure I didn't get anything. This is all so frustrating.
  7. I'm a total faggot beta bitch -- in the bedroom. I want a dom top to use me hard, especially younger ones. I so get off on the difference in ages and sizes. In the real world? Not really. I have my alpha moments, my betta moments, and whatever other moments exist. Getting along in society requires the ability to be all of those things. Dating, too. Though I prefer guys that can switch on being alpha when it comes to sex. So hot.
  8. When I'm being bred by a dom top, it's perfectly fine and appropriate. Outside of a sexual context, it's pretty much fighting words.
  9. I haven't been bred in two months. I was looking forward to the quarantine ending -- and then I realized there still was going to be a high risk of infection for many, many months after. Blargh. I have no idea what level of risk I'm comfortable with post-crisis and pre treatment or vaccine.
  10. Two things: one, my PrEP doc has been "encouraging" all of his patients to continue taking PrEP and not to shift to a 2-1-1 or to stop altogether. In conversation, he mentioned clients who'd stopped their PrEP for the run of the pandemic, "cracked" under the isolation, hooked up, and both felt guilty and were afraid they'd gotten HIV. He said the worst thing would be to have COVID and an HIV infection. I understood his point. We need touch and interaction, some more than others. There are going to be people who despite their best intentions, break down and have sex. Two, that's different than people who've said "fuck the pandemic" and decide to fuck around anyway. While both are examples of being human, I'm sympathetic to the former, and not so much the latter. ps. I'm horny as fuck. I'm not breaking. This is hard -- sexually -- on most everyone trying to be responsible.
  11. I love to be slapped while being fucked. I'll mention it. Play it by ear with new people. Beg for it from tops I've fucked with many times. I see there's a bit of an art to it, too. Some tops just slap to jar your head, randomly, to perform dominance. That's not as much fun as the guys who know exactly when to slap, where on the face or side of the head to slap, and know how to do it so they aren't playing at being dom but actually are.
  12. Younger tops. Definitely. I love being a bitch to younger guys. Hands down... and cunt up. 🙂
  13. Congrats! It's so hot. Totally opened me up to all the fantasies I'd ever had.
  14. Today was the third time it happened. I'm really surprised at how awesome it is to bend over, have cock inserted, and feel the warmth arrive inside.
  15. People who have STIs aren't "dirty." Most people with an STI don't know they have one, which is why "I'm clean, UB2" is a terrible method for reducing the chance of getting one.
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