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Status Updates posted by Fistulike666

  1. Thanks for the rep! xx:2thumbs::drool:xx

  2. Thanks for the rep! xx:2thumbs::Pxx

    1. NLbear


      You're more than welcum! Love your stuff.

  3. Thanks for the rep! xx:D:*xx

  4. Thanks for the rep! xx:drool::2thumbs::*xx

  5. Thanks for the rep! xx:drool:xx;)xx

  6. Thanks for the rep! xx:P:drool::*xx

  7. Thanks for the rep! xx:Pxx

    1. upinmeplz


      Always a pleasure

    2. Giveit2meraw


      Thanks for the rep upinmeplz glad you are enjoying the story of Grahame's depraved downfall :-)

  8. Thanks for the rep! You have a good w/end? xx:*xx

  9. Thanks for the rep!! ;):*xxx

    1. PHXbottomguy


      always!  wish I could show my appreciation for you live, face to face!  skin to skin!

    2. Fistulike666


      Reckon I'd really like that ... and to give mutual appreciation also!!

  10. Thanks for the rep!! :*:2thumbs:

    1. davtex


      You are very welcome man!


  11. Thanks for the rep!! :*:P:2thumbs:xx

    1. BttmCub88


      Always welcome sir!

  12. Thanks for the rep!! :*:Pxxxx

  13. Thanks for the rep!! :2thumbs::*

    1. workmyhole


      Definitely would enjoy earning a reputation with you.

    2. Fistulike666


      I'm pretty certain that your reputation precedes you!!

    3. workmyhole


      Thanks, but it would ffun to play with you

  14. Thanks for the rep!! xx

  15. Thanks for the rep!! xx:*xx

  16. Thanks for the rep!!:*;)

  17. Thanks for the rep!:*

  18. Thanks for the rep!:*

    1. bareall77


      Your more then welcome stud ?

  19. Thanks for the rep. Have a good weekend. xx:)xxx

  20. Thanks for the rep. How've you been ?  xx:*xx

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. versbbguy
    3. RotzBBengel


      No idea if it was the fuck flu. Don't know if I really want to know either... :(

    4. Fistulike666


      Nice to have you back my friend and so glad you're feeling better. Now ... back to whoring!!!

  21. Thanks for the rep. Keep up on being a total slut!! :P;)xx

  22. Thanks for the rep. Reckon I could very easily go upinuplz

  23. Thanks for the reps 667. You started quite a string of responses on your post!  xx:*:2thumbs::drool:

    1. Leatherman667


      Nice eh? Reel them in. lol

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