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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. Agree 100% Bottomhole. Anyone who has the opportunity to go onto Prep and doesn't really is ....... (insert your own words)
  2. I travel o/s each year. Over time I have found that Amsterdam has gone quiet, London is still fairly sleazy.. a couple of the clubs in particular, but there are lots of sex parties advertised on BBRT. Manchester wasn't too bad last year, Munich has it's moments but Berlin.. well they don't call the place barelin for nothing, but mostly on the big party weekends. e.g Folsom. Brussels and Antwerp have their moments too. In Australia, Melbourne and Sydney have some good sex clubs/saunas, but tend to only really work Friday, Saturday and Sundays. Hate to say it but the US has become boring of late.. when compared to years ago (first trip across was in 1993 and a further 9 since). Venues closed, people obsessed with their "images" and more interested in getting off their face on drugs. Generally, a lot of people don't seem to have the income of past years.. eg Amsterdam used to be very busy each weekend with an influx of visitors just there for the weekend.. not any more. Just the observations of a seasoned traveller..
  3. Welcome to the site Chilean Top. My pa has been worked up over the years to 7mm.. just under 0g. I never take it out for fucking and have only had one guy back off. Indeed the last guy that I fucked claimed it was a first for him.. he had been looking for a pa'd cock. Have seen larger gauges at raw parties, the owners didn't seem to have any trouble finding willing holes. In short.. stretch it up and enjoy..
  4. I am in Australia. I have been on prep now for 45 days, not through any of the govt sponsored trials. My doctor provided me with a script which I forwarded to a group in Canada, the release form was filled by a chemist in Canada and the pills supplied via xxxxx in India. Pills arrived via Singapore about 10 days later (delayed by the Easter long weekend). I sent you a message scottyrim regarding this.
  5. I was looking about on Recon the other day and saw a guys profile and checked his friends. You might like to look up the following profile: balllessslave - Texas BBdave New Jersey Castratedpozslave - netherlands Deballedpig Berlin Eunuch - Florida
  6. Have been visiting Melbourne for a few days.. getting stuffed around by a couple guys off BBRT. Anyway last night went to a well known sex club, very quiet night but ran into a muscular Asian boy with a hot lubed ass. Fucked him big time and loaded that hot hole. He was excited as it was the first time he had been fucked with a pa'd cock.
  7. "Down under".. Queensland Australia.. there had been a bit a blitz on synthetic drugs eg synthetic cannabis etc following a few deaths. I think it would be more along those lines.
  8. Nah.. I know several guys who have profiles on one site.. saying strictly no bareback.. then they have a bbrt profile saying yes to taking loads. I'm with Wissler on this one.
  9. The place that I stay at in Melbourne (Australia) is an old house converted into 4 rooms. Loft beds, with a downstairs play room. Heavy rubber floors, tie points, fuck bench, rubber "bed" and a sling. Love putting a hot leather/skin boy in the sling for a long fuck session. Have been there when all 4 rooms are taken and there have been some great times.
  10. You should also have a bbrt profile.. check out the parties on there. There's generally something going on in London every day/night and as others have said it's a compact city.
  11. Last year in Berlin at Folsom, did the rounds of the stalls etc.. had a few beers with a couple of people that I knew.. had to pee so went into and adjacent bar.. here were a couple guys there looking to take piss.. was happy to help one got some of mine down his throat, then some in his butt and finished off helping his mate get his rubber waders.. the locals were a bit standoffish towards them, but seeing what I did, inhibitions were loosened afterwards... great time.
  12. There are small trials in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane (only 50 in brisbane) with state support of various Hiv groups, with careful monitoring. Doctors specializing in the field can supply a script to obtain Prep from overseas (like I do). They can also supply a script to get it at full cost (11-13K) a year - can't afford that. There is also a concerted push to get it listed on our Pharmacutical Benefit Scheme (PBS). This would make it available for about $38 (waged etc) or $6 pension/etc per script.
  13. Yes get it done.. then progressively stretch it to a bigger gauge.. a 0g on that cock would look great. Have never regretted getting mine done.
  14. I have a local gp who I'm not out with, but I also go to a hiv gp and I am completely comfortable with her. She has got me on Prep, with all the tests etc. She understands that guys have reached a level of condom fatigue, and do fuck raw, so being on Prep is the next best thing.
  15. Congrats fro me too... Have actually met two guys off here on my overseas trips. Keep up the good work all of U.
  16. A butt in chaps.. a harness to hang on to.. and my cock into a hot hole.. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  17. A few years back I had a boy who love to be fisted. We played for hours.. cock..dildos then a fist, working into him to my elbow.. a great session. Then next morning he would climb on top.. slide down on my cock.. and he was TIGHT. At other times he would play alone with a 10 pin from a bowling alley.. had no trouble taking that 2/3 of the way. He worked his ass muscles extensively.
  18. For me it's Recon and BBRT
  19. My doctor told me that it takes 7 days of prep pills to be fully effective, so getting loaded 8 days ago you should be safe to have a break. She said that it a drug that you can go off and on, but remember the 7 day rule. There are periods that I won't be taking it eg whilst on a boat cruise with the rellies, or when I get hip replacement surgery, where sex will be one of the last things on my mind.
  20. Scheune is ok, small area downstairs. Mutschmans has a large area downstairs, 4 slings etc - open fri and sat night, sometimes other nights (fairly strict with dress code -leather/rubber/skin/uniform).. other bars have play areas, a lot are old bomb shelters from ww2. Suggest a walkabout- u will find something/someone in Schoenberg!!!
  21. Further to the above.. the postman delivered my parcel of pills this morning. Twelve days after sending them the release form. Made by cipla in India.
  22. Yes Wood, it can be obtained from overseas, but the organisation that I am dealing with require a prescription signed by a doctor. My doctor is also requiring me to have on-going blood tests as in time Truvada does have an effect on kidney functions. Base readings were obtained last week. The crowd that have the patent rights for Truvada are about to alter the formula slightly so that they can get their patents extended. Prep in Australia is only available in some tightly controlled trials in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. It can be obtained by prescription at "full cost" of 8-10 thousand a year, or via the way that I am getting it at about 1600 a year (depends on $A vs $US). Have just got advice that my parcel has arrived in Australia via Singapore-- hopefully I will get it before the end of the week..
  23. Berlin for folsom has a couple of huge sex parties (Sept).
  24. Sundays at SBN or the naked nights at Vault139.. have always walked away with empty balls after a session there.. raw too
  25. Agree Samshadow... my cock head is super sensitive after cumming..
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