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Everything posted by jeff238

  1. I Google this once and found quite a bit of info. Everyone wants bigger loads, just like everyone wants bigger cocks, so there is lots of info to work through. I wouldn't bother with any pills that claim to "increase volume", probably just a scam. Try the natural ways first. Eating a certain combination of foods/herbs, and of course not jacking as often will let it build up. I find the most effective thing is stay hydrated. Drink water only and till your piss is nearly clear. Good luck...
  2. Are you on truvada, and have diarrhea, or are u just curious? I haven't read where anyone has had the shit from just truvada. I've been on Prep for about a month and a half and had no side affects that I could say for sure was from truvada. My Doc said if there were any at all it would probably last a day or two, and would decrease over time.
  3. Fuck yes I love eating ass before and after I fuck and cum in it. The smell of his ass and my cum makes me crazy. If I'm lucky enough to felch some of the hot mess out of his ass, I always share it. The bottom always loves it too. When I bottom I expect to clean that cock that just loaded me. Even if it's shitty, I still love to clean it. Recently, I got fucked by a poz guy, it was a hurry up kind of thing and was in too much of a hurry when I cleaned my ass out. Needless to say there was some shit. The guy kind of freaked out a little and after he came he went to wash his cock. I got up and saw a spot of shit on the bed and dutifully licked it up I wish he would have been piggy enough to eat my hole after and share it with me...
  4. Doesn't matter to me. I love a masc guy or a sassy fem bottom. I love Liam Riley btw, the voice just makes him more special. One thing I don't get is the moustache/beard thing that many gay guys have going on, esp if it's grey. Ugh, total turn off. Give me clean shaved guy next door any day.
  5. For years, I used the big red bag to clean out. It was an arduous process. I have learned that the amount of water is key. I have since gone to the little disposable enema bottles and only use about a half a bottle for each step. It only takes 2-3 steps to get clean water and last a good 5-8 hours. If you use too much water you start to loosen the stuff in the intestines as opposed to just the colon. It goes without saying, that you should take a shit before starting the process.
  6. Figured that was too obvious, but u never know.
  7. Sounds a little like "traded for drugs" I just read. No mention of an envelope tho. Boy ended up in mexico.
  8. Commercial equipment repair. My two most fun clients are a car wash chain and a large fitness center. Lots of hot guys at both.
  9. I recently went on PrEP. Since my state has a program, the meds are free. My process was as follows: Find a savy doctor. My regular doc won't even discuss an HIV test. I found a Doc through a guy on bbrt. Go to a county health center and get full std tests, it's free. You can go to any county, mine didn't offer testing. Have them forward test results to your new doc. Doc will require an office visit and bloodwork to check kidney function and screen for any HEP strains. My Doc wrote the truvada prescription the same day, but I couldnt/shouldn't fill it until the bloodwork came back. The state has a preferred provider list for pharmacies, so I picked one and got the prescription filled. Done. There will be a follow up office visit and bloodwork, in 30 days, to verify kidney function. This was a no brainer as far as I'm concerned.
  10. This topic gets to a fundamental issue I have wrestled with forever. I just don't have much, if anything, I common with "gay" guys beyond sex. I don't present as gay, or participate in anything that would be considered "normal" gay activities, again, besides sex. I have no problem owning the gay moniker, but just think it's false advertising, in a way, to tell someone I'm gay in a social sense. To be most accurate, I would say I'm without a doubt homosexual, but not gay. As An example, I Have no musical appreciation at all, don't dance, and find nearly all parties boring as hell. I do like dirt bike riding, sitting around a shop BSing with friends, working on everything from computers to heavy equipment, and in fact do equipment repair for a living. I have absolutely no problem being intimate with another guy, and love kissing. I like sex to be passionate as well as piggy. I'm effortlessly monogamous. My personality type (INTJ) makes me somewhat standoff ish, or distant, until there is a clear connection. Interestingly, my favorite place to go to "mingle" with gay/homosexual guys, is the baths. I hate the bar scene. So, I guess, what I'm saying is that I just hold little hope of finding someone to connect with on more than one level. I have found my self being jealous, in a way, of guys that present as "gay" since they have an obvious connection with other "gay" guys. It just makes it harder for me to connect on multiple levels, so I hold little hope of a relationship.
  11. That's what I was thinking as well. Re: turning the boys gay with cum. My thought was that we could choose who would be gay, as opposed to a mass conversion. It would be even better if it worked for any age guy
  12. Too bad eating cum doesn't make you gay. The world would be a better place
  13. Found this interesting article from THE SCIENTIST magazine. published Dec, 2013. I never heard of these studies and their findings before now. They suggest that there may be an accessible and inexpensive treatment to HIV caused CD4 T cell mass death. A few excerpts, since the article is quite long. "...HIV leads to AIDS primarily because the virus destroys essential immune cells called CD4 T cells, but precisely how these cells are killed has not been clear. Two papers published simultaneously today (December 19) in Nature and Science reveal the molecular mechanisms that cause the death of most CD4 T cells in lymphoid tissues, the main reservoir for such cells, during infection. ...The death of CD4 T cells during HIV infection has generally been attributed to plain old apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Problem is, most studies have focused on active cells in the blood, which are “productively infected” by HIV, meaning that the virus has integrated with host-cell genome and can make copies of itself. In a 2010 study, Greene and his colleagues showed that 95 percent of CD4 T cells in lymphoid tissue, by contrast, are bystander cells that are “abortively infected”—the virus penetrates but can’t integrate or replicate. To better understand HIV pathogenesis, Greene sought to figure out how this particular population of immune cells dies during HIV infection. ...For the study published in Nature, the team looked at human spleen and tonsil tissue cultured in the lab and spiked with HIV. The researchers found that when the virus productively infects the few permissive CD4 T cells present, death occurs through apoptosis mediated by an enzyme called caspase-3. But when HIV abortively infects nonpermissive CD4 T cells, death occurs by pyroptosis, which depends on the activation of caspase-1. It turns out that the vast majority—roughly 95 percent—of CD4 T cell death in lymphoid tissues is driven by caspase-1-mediated pyroptosis. ...In bacterial infection, the release of inflammatory signals is thought to promote clearance by attracting more immune cells to help. In a pathogenic inflammation scenario like HIV infection, however, the strategy backfires. Instead of clearing the infection, proinflammatory signals released by pyroptosis attract more cells into the infected tissue to die and, in turn, produce more inflammation. “The cavalry come riding in and fall victim to this same form of fiery cell death, turning their rifles on themselves,” says Greene. ...The discoveries could help researchers come up with new treatments that restrain the hosts’ destructive response to HIV rather than the virus itself. The authors showed in the Nature study that an existing caspase-1 inhibitor—a drug already shown to be safe in humans—suppressed CD4 T-cell death and inflammation in cell culture. They are now planning a Phase II clinical trial to test its capacity to block pyroptosis in HIV-infected patients. Fauci said such an approach would not replace antiretrovirals (ARVs), which suppress HIV replication and halt disease progression. But it could be used in combination in people who are dealing with highly resistant HIV strains to reduce the destruction of CD4 T cells and inflammation. “One of the things about blocking the host response is that it's very difficult for the virus to mutate to counteract it,” added Fauci. Greene pointed out that a caspase-1 inhibitor might also provide a bridge therapy for the millions of people without access to ARVs. He added that such drugs might even prevent expansion of the reservoir of latent virus that lies low in memory CD4 T cells, which has so far precluded a cure for HIV/AIDS. The dysregulated action of cytokines during chronic inflammation might stimulate the homeostatic proliferation of memory CD4 T cells. “If we get rid of chronic inflammation, will we stop the homeostatic proliferation and degrade the latent reservoir?” asked Greene. “That’s something we can test. If it does, caspase-1 inhibitors might—and I emphasize might—become a component of a curative cocktail.” So naturally I looked to see what caspase inhibitor they might be talking about. There is really only one. CrmA, derived from the cow pox virus, inhibits caspase 1,8,10. All very interesting stuff. A study, just using the anti-inflamitory caspase inhibitor could actually arrest the progression of HIV infection. The person would still be a carrier, but would show little to no symptoms, by way of letting productively infected cells (5%) die, while saving the other 95% from pyroptosis. At least that's my take on it.
  14. Another spin on PrEP, at least in my mind, is that now I get to have no limits sex with guys that are poz, regardless of their VL. The guys most likely to be more adventurous. I absolutely love poz talk during sex. Not going to get that with many neg guys. Vanilla, just doesn't come close to doing it for me, unless I have a real intellectual connection with a person, which for me isn't likely. I have my own business. A one man show, so I can't afford to be sick. If it wasn't for PrEP, I just wouldn't be having sex. HIV has robbed me of most of my penetrative sex life. I have never had sex with condoms, as a top, and only a few times as a bottom. I just hate it.
  15. Yeah, I want them to tell me, so I know I'm getting what I want. If they want me to beg for it, so much the better. I really love to worship a poz cock before I get fucked. Really, I want the guy to tell me he's poz even if he isn't. Role play is fine with me. The more talk the better for me.
  16. Can't upload any pics. Have been trying for a few weeks. The link opens the file but never finishes downloading. Couldn't find a How-To on pics.
  17. Haha, I'm not even on it yet and the implications have me horny AF. Better living through chemistry
  18. Emotional and physical connection for me. I can't get enough of the guy I'm with, and want him to have as much of me as he wants. No limits whatsoever. Even when I go to the baths, I want as many hands on me as guys want to do. Anything more than that without my permission I see as disrespectful tho.
  19. What you are saying, I think. is that you would want that hot woman's body, but with a man's "I want to fuck everything" mind. If that's true, count me in. But, If I had to deal with the psycho brain of a woman too, FORGET IT.
  20. I have also had this fantasy of a mall like setting that is more or less anything goes, clothing optional, and had stores, restaurants arcades, bars etc. The mall proper would be a main street kind of thing with pavement, streetlights, curbs and a park. A logistical nightmare, I know, but would be hot as hell.
  21. Can't upload a profile pic. Have tried from 2 different computers and my phone. Link opens the file but never finishes and I have left it running for over an hour.

    1. edward21uk


      Same here due; I've been trying for over two weeks every few days. I posted a HELP comment but no-one has offered any solution. Shame as I want to get my ass shown - and then fucked hard.

    2. CalebS


      having the same problem. going to have to try again as i really want to show off my ass so i can get bred!

    3. NYBBGUY58


      My guess would be that the file sizes are too large. Try opening it with whatever software you have on your computer -- I don't know MAC, only PC. If you have a PC, try going to where the file is, right click and choose "Open With." One of the choices should be a program called "Paint." Once the photo is open, press Ctrl+W, and you should get a little dialogue box that will allow you to resize the photo. Easiest is to use percentages -- try setting it at 50%. I suggest...

  22. Not at all. He doesn't want to hear it. Small town doc. He's a good MD but too closed minded straight. I asked for an HIV test once. He said I had to go to counciling before I could have the test done. Such bs. Looking for a new doc now, but hard when u live in the stix.
  23. First time was bare. I was 35. Was supposed to hook up with a guy from gay.com, but when I got to his house he had left for another hookup. His roommate was there and we chatted a bit before I started sucking his 7". He fucked me bare and gave me his load. Never did get the guy I made the date with. He was poz and didn't disclose when we made the date, so it all worked out.
  24. Love that u do everything, and you're so cute. What do u do toilet wise? I love shit play, both top and bottom.

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