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Everything posted by BarebackFan

  1. You may want to consider hooking up with undetectable poz guys while you figure out whether prep is something you can afford. Undetectable guys can be safer than a neg guy that just hasn't received his poz diagnosis.
  2. I thought this was a great article that talks about how Dawson's 20 Load Weekend came about. http://marksking.com/my-fabulous-disease/the-most-influential-gay-porn-film/
  3. yep... wanna add that to the list
  4. 3 cases were discovered in Japan, France and Spain.
  5. Great tribute to your man. Be sure to spread his legacy.
  6. Melrose Spa closed down: http://www.midtowne.com/index.php?fuseaction=dsp_city&c_city=hollywood
  7. wake me up when they start selling Biohazard Ken that is sporting nipple piercings,a biohazard tatt and a blown out asshole
  8. Thx for the follow!

  9. Early 80's visiting a coworker in the AIDS ward at Kaiser Hospital. He was pretty out of it, so I spent most of the visit talking to his lover, also poz. He was hot as fuck, despite (or maybe because of) a couple KS lesions and a fair amount of weight loss. I rimmed and fucked his boney ass in the hospital bathroom.
  10. I've been with my partner for just shy of 25 years. We met on a Thursday, two days later we went to a nude beach, a week later we went to a piss party. We've played together and apart over the years, and we've made our own agreements about it. Relationships are unique and require maintenance. Some guys can handle the sex with others, and some can't. It is what it is.
  11. Love your profile photo ... such a sexy body!

    1. lower_bucks_bottom


      Thanks, better in person :)

  12. Totally agree. What the article doesn't articulate well is, poz-and-undetectable sex is safe sex - therefore the unprotected label used isn't accurate.
  13. Mr. Gay New Zealand, who is poz, talks about stigma of supporting unprotected sex. Https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/stop-stigmatizing-hiv-positive-sex http:// https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/stop-stigmatizing-hiv-positive-sex
  14. I think the influence of the evangelicals is diminishing in the current Republican party. Donald Trump is the first president that went into office supporting gay marriage. His campaign brought together a number of unlikely allegiances, which has broken the traditional target audience for the Republican party. Where in the past, Evangelicals were a strong voting block that couldn't be ignored, their influence has been diluted by groups that have been brought into the fold in order to get Trump into the White House. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend.) Donald Trump campaigned strongly for the black vote, which was taking for granted by the Democratic party. Blacks - and gays - would get a few mentions in Democratic speeches but were mostly treated as an ATM for campaign coffers. I think the Republican party is trying to figure out who they are at this point, given Donald isn't particularly conservative. His positions are all over the place. Specific to gays, he's been supportive of the community and included sexual orientation protection into the temporary travel ban. I think we'll be OK. Mike Pence recently said, " If I saw a restaurant owner refuse to serve a gay couple, I wouldn't eat there anymore,"
  15. I love the newest update. Great layout and excellent features. Nicely done!
  16. Interested in hearing how this turned out.
  17. For me, it feels like my cock is getting fucked from the inside out. Love the sensation. They are a great masturbation toy, just use lots of lube.
  18. Sexy body there, stud!

  19. I've not read anything about increased chance of breaking bones. If it's a thing, there's nothing I've seen about it. I have borderline hypercalcemia, so the doc wanted me to do a bone density test before I started PrEP. We did another bone density test later one and there was no change. He's not concerned about me at this point. Good luck on your recovery.
  20. That's a hot idea! Getting some veiny toxic poz studs to breed and charge him up ... convert him and don't give him the option to stay neg at all. Take the decision away from them and infect him.
  21. There are many placed in Mexico that will pull teeth very cheaply and do it safely. You can tell them you'll be getting dentures, but want to save up money and do the process in installments. Tell them you'll get the teeth pulled first and then once the swelling goes down you'll go back for dentures. Then never go back.
  22. Gets me every time: "Fuck, yes. Give it to me, baby." "It will kill you." "Do it. Fuck it in me."
  23. Yeah ... I got off on this. More please!
  24. Here's what I've been reading here in the US: How soon after starting PrEP will I be protected? How long do I have to keep taking it to maintain that protection? SEXUAL EXPOSURE Before: The best available evidence suggests that, after starting daily Truvada, it takes 7 days to reach maximum protective effect against potential rectal exposures, 20 days for vaginal exposures. Investigation into this question is ongoing, and some researchers tell us that 7 days is conservative and there may be very good protection after only 4 days. After: It is advised that you continue to take Truvada daily for 28 days after your last possible exposure to HIV. If you have an active hepatitis B infection, talk to your doctor before you stop Truvada. Stopping Truvada can cause active hepatitis B to get worse quickly. Note for Transgender Men: we do not have good evidence about how well these guidelines may apply to you. The guidelines came from studies that were limited to cisgender men who have sex with men and cisgender and transgender women. Non-daily Dosing: In a study called IPERGAY, researchers found that non-daily dosing was also effective for some people. CDC has not endorsed the IPERGAY regimen and recommends daily dosing for PrEP. For more information about the IPERGAY study, please click here:http://on.fb.me/1bF9HhV. INJECTION EXPOSURE There is no good data on how long you need to take daily Truvada in order to have protection against an injection exposure to HIV. It takes 20 days of daily dosing for Truvada to reach maximum concentration in blood. However, even at maximum concentration, we do not know how well, or even if, Truvada protects against acquiring HIV from an injection exposure. There have been no clinical studies that examined this. Nonetheless, CDC recommends PrEP for people who inject drugs (http://1.usa.gov/1HfclIQ). Sources: http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25409469 http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/60/5/804.full.pdf http://betablog.org/iprex-update-with-robert-grant/
  25. Used to go to this great sex club in Silverlake back in the 90's called "King of Hearts." There was a guy that I used to fuck on a regular basis that was smokin' hot. We'd see each other outside and then go into a glory hole booth. He was poz/wasting and fucking his hole was one of the huge pleasures of life. His ass was pretty flat and it was awesome. He loved having me shoot inside him and I loved doing it. I wish I had let him return the favor by letting him shoot his load inside me.
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