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Everything posted by PissPigBrooklyn

  1. Really great story, PozUrbana. You have a terrific imagination ;-) but truly you have a wonderful way with word to make the story fascinating and erotic. Congratulations LittlePrEP! having followed your musings for a little bit now. I am so happy at the resolution. RussWrestler sounds like a keeper then (and sure as hell looks like one too!) Keep us informed as to your progress. We are all in your corner rooting for the both of you!
  2. I say yes Sir and thank you, Sir! (Remember this PozUrbana if I am ever lucky enough tat you top me.)
  3. I might have to get down to Philly this summer and spend a night  in the bathhouses

    1. PaBandedballs


      Never got into bathhouses - rather like the bedroom - private sex.

    2. funpiggy


      oh damn. i wish i was going... i need a fun night or two.

  4. Thanks for following me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      Mostly. I won't lie. sometimes there are other health complications but in the main I am happy.

    3. pozseedlover


      cool you get much poz cum now

    4. PissPigBrooklyn


      Never enough! ;-) I am more crazy for poz cum now than when I was neg!

  5. I know mine because I am tested and yes I do get lectures from my doctor. So far I have only received one letter from the Department of health stating my responsibilities to use protection during all sexual activities and my liabilities should I not do so.
  6. I never made it to an afternoon session but probably going to try again in a couple weeks. Did you ever get to one? How was it?
  7. Hookup features are good. Thank you rawTOP!
  8. Thanks. I wish I had a pic with you ;-)

  9. I agree with those who feel that stealthing is morally wrong particularly when the other person has asked about hiv status. It is also criminal. I know the fantasy of stealthing and of being stealthed is hot as hell but so is the fantasy of being raped. The reality is something else again. Whether it is morally wrong to stealth by omission and/or is frequently mentioned in the discussions about this issue in the bathhouse or backroom sling situation is a bit more hazy. A case can certainly be made for not disclosing (if not asked) in this situation. I noted a couple who seemed to accept that both parties need to accept responsibilty for their own actions but then place the blame once again on the "negative partner" Accepting responsibility means "yes, the person who (by not asking) took the poz load must deal with the fact that he is sick by his actions but the person who stealthed must accept the fact that this person is ill and will remain ill and possibly die because you did not reveal your status or, worse, lied about it. You need to at least be able to say. "Yes I have harmed men but I'm okay with that." Look at yourself in the mirror as you say that statement. (I am not talking about chasers and gifters here. It is about stealthers and careless bottoms. I myself chased and I have been "stealthed" a few times by men who thought I was neg since we had not discussed status.)
  10. Hey, let me know. I cannot go this afternoon but definitely would be up for going next Tuesday April 25.
  11. thanks for the rep :)

    1. pigpozdad


      so youre  poz and chasing more??   quite a change.  BTW, i miss GSA

    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      More and everything!

  12. So fucking hot. Sexy yet romantic! I can't wait for Part 7.
  13. You bet. I rim anybody I can!!!
  14. Yeah Looking forward to Frank's return.
  15. When I was young I would sometimes cum when being fucked really hard and deep or after multiple fuckings. Actually when i came it seemed to lubricate my ass and made getting fucked even more pleasurable to me at least sometimes. Every now and then I would lose interest but I prefer to remember those times which made my pleasure and my ability to concentrate on the top's pleasure increase.
  16. I always found it frustrating that there was so little agreement on a code for bareback. The most frequent one I have heard was navy blue with white polka dots a bandana which is almost impossible to find. Now of course i guess there would have to be one for "Truvada whore" and I suppose one for undetectable.
  17. Thanks for following me! ;)

    1. SweatyKum


      My pleasure, pig! We need to chat soon! 

  18. thanks for the rep, stud!

  19. My hole is dripping two hot loads from bbc's at the bookstore and do I feel good!

  20. Congratulations and welcome to the club!

    1. hoosierdadddy4u


      Thank You Now I need some STD's

    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      i'm with you on that one! always hunting them here! Good luck to you!

  21. I lowball the number of bareback partners I have and tell the doctor that we have discussed status and other pertinent information. Of course generally we haven't. Since I have had gono three times in the past year, he probably knows I'm lying. He also thinks or did before my last test that I am still taking my meds. I am not. I was going to tell him I stopped of course when he gave me the results but although it has been three weeks I have not heard from him. I guess I had better call and find out what happened.
  22. Doesn't this age limit also pertain to discussions in the chat room?
  23. samename, PissPigBrooklyn on waterboys.com
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