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About bbbrat

  • Birthday 09/25/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Owned pig who is inspired by all you fuckers to achieve my full raw potential for my Sir.

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  1. There is so much perfection in this story. Unholy sixsixsix fucking, full-blown AIDS deathseed, the gono equivalent of hyperspermia... It's like you wrote my Xmas wishlist for me! 🐷
  2. Beautiful, and fucking sick! You know how to deliver, S6AT6A6N!
  3. DaddysHand, dickluva, alwaysready... that's just for starters. damn, do I have to choose?!
  4. Thanks for the follow! OINK!

    1. MTWTFSS


      My pleasure stud

  5. "I am your very own private AIDS Daddy for the afternoon." Is there anything more romantic for a faggot to hear?! :D
  6. Thanks for the follow!

    1. bbbrat


      And yours too, brother!

  7. I'd love to be owned,  mmm??

  8. You know you’re a lucky pig when your Sir says “God I can’t wait to watch you waste!”

    1. kckinkybtm


      I'm jealous. I need a sir like that

    2. bbbrat


      Needless to say I gave him my ass right then and there!

    3. bbpoznow


      love to find him , can have my ass to 

  9. Hope you get knocked up, pig!

  10. We need more men like Markus!
  11. @bbpoznow Right?! Pretty much every poz top is undetectable.
  12. Day three of my Sir being out of town, and my pighole is STARVING for cum!

  13. ☣ Fuckin' Oink~! Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Please keep sharing your pix & adventures. Wood love to swap cumholez with you. Thanks for the Reps, & following me too. xox

    1. bbbrat


      Super hot profile! Why do I get the feeling you're a good pig to know? ;) XX

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