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About wantingmore

  • Birthday 12/08/1981

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    friends, fun, music, dancing/clubs, hiking, video games, food, fucking
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Married Dad, but horribly addicted to raw fucking. 6'3", relatively good shape, alternative-looking, music-going (house/techno), can hold a conversation, love indoor and outdoor activity alike.
  • Looking For
    Friends, lovers, even a new partner that changes my situation if we click hard enough. Good attitude and sex appeal. Anyone can be hot & sexy, regardless of stats.. we either click or don't. Huge admirer of trans (mtf) folk. Fun times that continue to show me who I am and that sex is the primary role and function of my life. A raw life of pleasure with like-minded people.

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  1. Wife and kids will be gone for two nights soon! I'm already in heat.

  2. A claimed detectable load nearby.. probably walking distance, even... has oinked me.  Oh lord... my body aches for it but my logic center is in rapid response mode telling me no. Guess I'm not ready.. but wow I feel my hole twitching and my insides burning.

  3. ...and then out of nowhere a group thing is happening near by... guys my age and a few older.. I'll be only 1 of 2 who aren't listed as undetectable. 

  4. are you still around?? just noticed you're in Seattle. We should get together if you are. ?

  5. I had a hard enough time using condoms with my wife after I had a g/f years ago that loved to fuck raw. Fast forward many years and I have 2 kids, but damned if I'm having more.. very difficult to want to fuck with condoms! Besides, marriage is ending due to other complications. I look forward to raw cocks in my ass, and I'm never wrapping mine before getting into a guy or girl again. It's so true.
  6. I mostly have the same feelings. I'm about to embark on the journey to bottomhood. I've always been scared that once I start getting fucked I'll enjoy it too much and go crazy for dick. Topping is fantastic, but toys in my ass have always been next-level.. so getting the real thing is the next logical step. My hesitation is more about my current situation being 'ok' in life and not wanting to disrupt my flow right now.. but that's becoming easier to see changing, especially as this site and others have helped me get in touch with something that is a major part of my livelihood: fucking raw, every day if I can. If I discover that it means being vers or I end up full bottom.. so be it.
  7. I'm in the same boat! I get to travel to Boston in 2 months, so I'm hoping I can use the 5 nights I'm there for some much needed fun. I only top on occasion now but I'm lusting to get fucked, but I'm afraid I'll enjoy it too much and just let loose! I usually buy a sex toy to pleasure myself while I'm away but I think I'll be having the real thing this time =X
  8. I started by having raw sex with women, which felt great, then found bareback topping guys and sissies freaking amazing. It feels SO good and seems to be a part of my directive in life. I'm looking forward to getting a raw cock in me this year.
  9. That's been a problem of mine for years: Where to keep toys "hidden"? Let me know if you come up with any great solutions. =)
  10. one reason I'm hesitant to bottom: I'm afraid I'll enjoy it too much.

  11. The last attempt didn't pan out (he flaked). I got another one possibly in the works, though! Definitely nervous to get into the bottom-side of things.

  12. Ah neat! Status updates.. well, finally might meet a guy from BBRT on Thursday night.. and take my first raw cock and load!!! I'm nervous but so excited! My body wants it badly.

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