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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. The hookup apps seem to have become the place for all sorts of very specific kinks. I can't say that I understand why anyone would pay money to listen to 2 guys fucking. Are there more normal exhibitionist/voyeur activities common?
  2. It doesn't seem to be the norm where I live, there are far more oral only guys (both bottoms and tops) than guys who are even willing to entertain fucking with a hookup.
  3. or a tampon. The 1st guy I barebacked used to shove one his roommates tampons up his creampied hole. I think I'll try to remember to throw the beach towel in the car before I go slutting.
  4. How? I don't think I've ever had someone try to literally chew my ass. I've had more than a few guys try their teeth on my cock or want to chew my foreskin, neither of which are pleasant.
  5. Maybe it is a lack of imagination on my part, but I can't say that I understand the worthless trash fetish at all, but the same is true of most fetishes. I see sexual fetishes as a means of enhancing the sexual act, they don't extend beyond that, and even so I'm uncomfortable with any fetish that is intentionally self destructive even if it is entirely fantasy.
  6. I'm okay with up to a couple hours session if we are fuckbuds and have been having sex for a while. I do have a problem with guys that think they are entitled to spending the rest of the day/night together on the 1st hookup.
  7. or around the base of their cock. Both are equally irritating to a versatile man.
  8. I never understood this either. It is not something I ever intentionally sought out, unfortunately I did not take enough precautions. PREP is readily available to most people now, so there is really no reason to take the risks I took.
  9. The weird thing is, at least in some places, is that the baths, sex clubs and hookup apps are overrun with men who are looking for this with strangers. Where I live cuddle parties, for strangers, that strictly prohibit sexual contact are common and popular. Admittedly a lot of these same men, at least at the fuck venues, are more than happy to volunteer that what they are really looking for is a relationship, it seems like they are looking in the wrong places and doing it in the wrong order. It seems to me they want to have the romantic parts before they even know their partner.
  10. Nice, hope he has returned the favor for and filled your hole full of cum by now!
  11. I've had to clean the driver seat of several rental cars before I returned them. It seems like it happens every trip to southern California, I guess I need to learn to throw my beach towel in the car when I hookup on sexcation. LOL
  12. That can be a bit disconcerting the 1st time it happens. I was in the supermarket the 1st time I had an ass full of cum got that urge in public and luckily did make it to the washroom. If I'm not in a place where it could cause embarrassment or I have pants on that are thick enough to contain it I actually relish it. If I'm at home afterward I simply put a towel under my ass and enjoy the feeling of my wet loose hole and the inevitably cum farts.
  13. I'm usually more than happy to flip over and let someone have a go in my ass after I cum, which often leads to me getting hard and wanting a 2nd or 3rd go in your ass, but I'm not really into the "after play" for more than a few minutes afterward. It doesn't make a difference whether I topped, bottomed or flipped once one of us is done fucking for the encounter I'm finished. I do run into a lot of men with your preference here in the PNW, they want lots of foreplay, and will only fuck or get fucked to keep me interested and then try to use the fuck to guilt me into feeling obligated to cuddle for hours afterward. I get the feeling that the fucking isn't the main event for them, and to be honest Im not into cuddling no matter how much I'm into or care about the other person.
  14. That is a truly awesome feeling, almost as good as being fucked while I fuck an ass.
  15. It feels awesome, the most confirmed loads I've ever taken is 7, but I get most of my loads in sex clubs and at orgies so I often don't know whether a guy bred me or just fucked me for a few minutes I'm reasonably sure I've hit low double digits. Once I get up to 3 or 4 loads, I find it hard to tell when additional loads get added, because I leak cum any time a cock is pumping in and out of my hole. You do keep getting wetter as more cum gets deposited.
  16. Damn, I really need to expand my horizons on darkrooms. I'm pretty sure I prefer the visual stimulation, but can definitely comprehend the appeal you describe and have experienced a handful of times at a darkroom in LA, a lot of my opinion was formed based on the only darkroom I have regularly frequented, which was at Hawks PDX, which was never completely dark and very rarely experienced the type of activity you described. I did post a thread that is essentially about darkroom etiquette here.
  17. I'm curious, but if you were fucking guys at gay fuck venues and lost track of how many guys you had fucked, how were you keeping track of who you had fucked. While I never made it a quest to never fuck the same guy twice, within 6 months of starting to fuck, I had guys seeking me out to fuck them again even though I didn't remember fucking them before. I'm extremely guilty of this one myself, I definitely tend to stay clear of anyone who is even a "bit pushy, clutching", which has almost certainly been a detriment here in the PNW where so few guys go to the sex venues to hookup with strangers, but I've pissed more than a few of them off by trying to get or even suggesting to them that we should try to get someone else to join in, even when the someone else is hot and watching us at a sex venue.
  18. I love uninhibited pig, dog pile orgies, while my 1st preference isn't to do it in complete darkness, if that is where it is happening I will make the rounds fucking the available holes and offering my hole to be fucked. If I'm in a club or orgy where there is dog pile fucking happening where you can see, I will gravitate to that over the darkroom.
  19. I lost track of the number I had hookup with within a few months of starting so for sucking I was 20, I was 21 before I really got into fucking so I was around 22 when I lost track of that. That's been happening to me for 30 years. If I'm somewhere random hookups are readily available, I might be able to remember who I've fucked or been fucked by in the last couple of weeks. If they remember me from several years ago, not a chance. The weird thing is most of them remember my name, which I will give them if asked but it is not something I volunteer. The exception is if it was particularly bad or they had a long laundry list of inhibitions we had to abide by to have sex or in many cases have "sex" that did not involve penetration, I'm very good at remembering and avoiding them.
  20. I've actually thought a lot about this.. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer a little over 5 years ago, and was told that if the original course of treatment did not put me in remission or I had a recurrence I would need a stem cell transplant. Having been through a rigorous course of chemo and radiation, that stopped short of completely destroying and replacing my immune system the current "cure" is something I would put myself throu only as a last resort. If a less dangerous cure for HIV is found I will seek it. I did find 1 small bit of encouragement in this article, in that we now have someone who was cured without requiring stem cells from someone with that was believed to have genetic immunity to HIV.
  21. I love variety, so I would take the 6 cocks preferably in a rotation, and flip and returning the favor for any of them that are versatile. I'm not that particular about getting the 5 loads, in fact I would prefer that we all got at least 1 load in our hole and had lots of fun swapping back and forth sampling each others poles and holes.
  22. Well I guess there is a little bit of good news, they are no longer billing Thursday nights as dildo playdate night. The do still list toy washing sinks and sex free spaces prominently on there list of features. I really need to find the time to make my move to another part of the country, I'm not going to accomplish it by spring of 2023 like I had hoped.
  23. I am a blue eyed blonde that will admit that I have a slight preference for black men, especially well endowed black men, but it isn't for the reason most are expressing on this thread. My primary reason is that other men who are stereotyped as tops are the most likely to flip fuck, and being 6'2", 220# even when in great shape, and having 8 thick inches between my legs, I know a lot about being stereotyped as a top. I do love to top, but I like to bottom just as much and have hooked up with numerous black men that share my love of flip fucking over the years. At an active orgy it seems like it is almost always a flip fucking black man that gets my last load and plants the last load in me.
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