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About ObligingBottom

  • Birthday 04/01/1984

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  1. Find a guy you are attracted to and who is attracted to you. Figure out if you trust him. If you want to know something, just ask him. Talk to him a little if you have concerns or issues. Communication is key. Have fun and enjoy the experience.
  2. I seriously do not enjoy sex unless the top has cum inside me. I don't know what it is, but that has to happen. Maybe I'm selfish or selfless or it's the interaction / chemical reaction. I don't know.
  3. I'm definitely going to get it, not only because I work in a high risk industry but also because I want to travel again and visit my family in the States. While I'm thankful I live in a pretty much COVID-free country and have ridden out the pandemic here, I would like that quality of life back no matter where I go, so I need to do my bit to make that a reality. I don't think anyone can say they want life to remain this way indefinitely or for years on end. If that's the way you feel -- and I'm sure you do -- then it's best to get the vaccination to help humanity achieve herd immunity or hopefully eliminate the virus outright.
  4. I have never asked a guy to wear a condom, no.
  5. Yeah I definitely can feel a guy cumming inside and his load in there too. I'm a good boy and try to keep it inside to absorb.
  6. Yes, I can tell. I think it really comes down to paying attention. I've found a guy's cock changes (like gets harder and sometimes starts throbbing) and also he tends to fall into a rhythm of fucking before he's going to cum. Not that I've had tons and tons of experience, but that's what I've found when I've been fucked.
  7. I've never had a guy wear a condom with me.
  8. I enjoy the intimacy and the connection in the act. It's the ultimate thing I can give to a man sexually. Plus it feels better for him and me.
  9. Lesson learned: be careful of the bullshit artists. They’ll sing a sad ballad of romance lost, but really, they’re con men in disguise. Beware.

  10. Like breeding videos, I have found quite a few creampie videos also have a guy pulling out, cumming, then pushing it back in. The one term I have started to use with limited success is "impregnates".
  11. Totally understand this, but the word “breeding” means just that. Don’t strap an icecream cone on a cow’s head and call it a unicorn. It’s false advertising.
  12. My opinion on this: Bareback - not wearing a condom during the scene. Cums either inside or outside the ass. Breeding - cumming inside the ass. No pulling out. I mean, seriously, let’s look at the term itself. Breeding. Implies someone is getting pregnant. Most likely NOT going to happen if someone pulls out, dumps most of the load somewhere else, then pushes the cock inside. It really fucks me off when I’m watching a “breeding” clip and the top pulls out. Bareback, it was. Breeding, it wasn’t. </rant>
  13. I agree with @travelingdude and @Veytoss because either of those options work. I have my douche in a non-descript box hidden under clothes in a drawer in my dresser I barely used. The ex never found it, so that might work too.
  14. Sorry I’ve trunicated your message, @raunchycumslut but you’ve made a lot of excellent points. I want to put my 2 cents’ in here because it backs you up. When you say, “I am not going to be your backup plan”, it really hits home for most of these guys. When you say, “You said ‘no’, and I’m holding you to that”, it also hits home. The other night, I had a guy who was average looking but do-able contact me. He sent a face pic, I sent one back. He said he wasn’t interested. The prick had the fucking audacity to contact me a few nights later when I was feeling a bit precious. He wanted my face pic. I told him no, he’d already rejected me once, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with rejection that night again. He actually demanded (like, “Excuse me?”) my photo. Again, I repeated what I had said before. This prick had the cheek to demand (not ask. Demand) it from me a third time, and I very firmly said that no meant no, and I wanted him to go away and if he didn’t, I’d be reporting him. He finally got that message. We don’t have to put up with this sort of abuse, guys. I honestly would rather use my hand and a toy than have to deal with the fucked up abuse because by dealing with this kinda crap, it only reduces my self-worth and my self-esteem. I’ve dealt with enough bullying and crap as a gay kid growing up in suburbia; I’m not putting up with it in my adult life. In my adult life, I come first, and I have pride in myself; I hope you guys do too because you deserve it. :)
  15. To answer your questions: It's not just you. I get frustrated about it as well. And yes, I am a sensitive person, but hey, I'd rather care than not. I actually do sometimes get depressed or upset. But, then I realize all things happen for a reason, and there has to be something better out there for me. And seriously, would I really want someone like that buried deep inside me? No. I don't know if I have faith in the community per se, but I do have faith in individuals. I try to keep those individuals close to me and push away those who are not good for me. I do get frustrated. I don't always avoid the frustration. I have told this story to a few people privately on here, but I'll share it publicly. I love the karma of it. I moved to New Zealand to be with my then husband, and it was very hard to find friends. So I advertised on a local dating / friendship site for friends. I was talking with one guy for a while -- he was an actor (I like acting) and artistic (I'm artistic) and we seemed to get along pretty well. He sent me a photo of him and hey, not an oil painting but I'm looking for friends, nothing more, and there's really no attractiveness need there in my opinion. I send him a photo back. He tells me we can't be friends because I'm "not attractive enough". I'm sure you understand the frustration thing because you sound like me in that regard. A few months later, I'm out shopping at a local mall for Christmas presents. Someone arrives right next to me, full of happiness and excitement and jazz hands. "Hey!!!" It's the guy from the friendship Web site. "Hi. I thought I wasn't attractive enough to be your friend." "Oh, your photo doesn't do you justice. You're way hotter in real life." At that point, I was shaking. "Hey, why don't you just fuck off?" And, after looking incredulous that someone said that to him... he fucked off. Karma does work sometimes! I'm sorry this is happening to you but I do understand. Chin up and big hugs.
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