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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Moderator's Note: Telling a story about a time in the long past when you hired an escort is allowable (see link below). If the rest of this story is going to heavily feature sex workers, you might want to leave those details out, @Traveldude23.
  2. Moderator's Note: We generally do not delete posts if they are part of or have started a conversation. If you made a post which got no responses, you can report it and ask it be deleted. We will always delete photos, address, phone numbers, and other personal details; again, report the post and ask that this be done.
  3. Moderator's Note: I appreciate the post several of you objected to was out of line, but I (and all the other staff for that matter) am a volunteer. I work a full-time job, so it is often many hours between times I visit this site. Also, the reason the post got removed is that SOMEONE ELSE took the time to actually REPORT the post which is how you get the staff's attention to a problematic post. In any case, it has now been dealt with.
  4. Moderator's Note: @BootmanLA has made a valid point. I split off a couple of posts from this thread and added them to this aptly named thread: Please keep the discussion in this thread about whether or not there is too much incest on the forums. If you want to discuss incest itself, you can use the thread above or any one of these threads below that I found by using "incest" as the search term, or you can start a new thread if you think what you have to say is fundamentally different than what these threads discuss.
  5. Moderator's Note: You can file a report on such a message, and a member of the staff will address it.
  6. OnlyFans wants to borrow money. Banks wouldn't lend it without them getting rid of porn. I agree they may have to find alternate payment options. The problem there is people who have gotten used to using credit cards being unwilling to try other mehods. Online popper sales have had similar issues.
  7. JustForFans is run by sex workers for sex workers. They won't succumb to the kind of corporate greed that is driving OnlyFans' actions.
  8. I got hit up on Grindr one night this week by an old fuckbuddy. We have fucked for years off and on. He's a 30-something DL black guy. I pissed him off a few months ago when I told him I was not going over to his filthy apartment again; it's seriously a mess, and he keeps it almost pitch dark when I am over. Apparently, he's over it because he wants to load up my ass. I beg off until Friday because I need to be up early. He agrees. Last night, he hits me up. I told him I needed to clean out. He said to message when I was ready. I did so. He put me off for a while ("his girl" was on the phone), but he came on over. We got naked and into bed. He was very touchy-feely, and we made out a while. Eventually, he rolled me over and asked for the lube. He fingered my ass with one hand and stroked himself hard with the other. He insisted on putting me in a weird position where he struggled to get it in me. Once he did he slid home all at once. He has about 7.5" but only average thickness, so it went in easily. He pumped hard and steady for several minutes until he shot a big load inside me. It wasn't an artful fuck, but it got the job done.
  9. Everyone I have followed on OF either already had a JustForFans site or is starting one. Most of them are planning to migrate all the old content. There will be some disruption, but it should not be too bad.
  10. drscorpio


    Mono can be spread by sexual contact or kissing. But it also can be spread by sharing food/drink or coughing/sneezing. I wouldn't think of it as an STI; the fact that it can be spread by sex is incidental.
  11. @earlystart, don't feel bad about stopping your story. Too many authors give into the pressure to keep a story going. When they inevitably burn out on the story, people complain about unfinished stories. The only way for a story to be finished is for the author to finish it. If you think you are done with the story and you have said all you have to say here, it is fine to wrap it up. Stories about young guys being seduced into chem sex and poz fetish will always be popular. I don't think you need to feel bad about writing them.
  12. Moderator's Note: This has been happening seemingly at random lately. rawTOP is looking into the issue. Your story chapter has been approved.
  13. Moderator's Note: You are totally allowed to post more. I will send you a PM. Respond if you have any questions.
  14. That doesn't really narrow it down too much. If you mean the fairly recent one, it was removed because the characters were clearly underage, and the author did not wish to edit/rewrite it.
  15. Moderator's Note: I had to give several penalties and move posts for people who talked about their interest in Poz Fetish. If you want to include those interests in your post, please use the thread below in the Backroom. [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/50201-new-to-bz-introduce-yourself-here/
  16. The second part of this story contains Straight/Bi content. It can be found here.
  17. Moderator's Note: The post mentioned that fetishized an STI has been removed. Remember, promoting the spread of STIs and eroticizing them is against our new policy from this spring.
  18. Can you report the galleries that aren't working or give me some way to know which ones to look at?
  19. Moderator's Note: The short answer is that's not what the site is designed for. It doesn't have the sort of features a hookup site has. The closest thing we have are the Regional Hookup Forums at the bottom of the page. You can post an ad there. Unless you live in one of a handful of major metropolitan areas though, your local forum will probably cover a large area. Another good first step would be for you to include your area in your profile.
  20. Moderator's Note: I believe there is a limit built into the forum software.
  21. Like most forums, this one has a Read This Before You Post thread. It explains where things go and what is not allowed. Also, there is a header at the top of each area which explains what belongs there.
  22. Moderator's Note: Please keep your beefs from outside this site off the forum. Also when someone is out of line, just report them..
  23. Got a third load from the 20 year old top on Grindr who is less than 1500 feet away. He was no nonsense this time. Fingered my hole a but while sucking my nipples. Lubed a finger and slid it in. Then a second. Then his hard 7” and thick dick. He fucked hard for 5-10 minutes and then came hard. Cleaned up and out the door.
  24. Porn is theatre. It isn't reality. They hide lots of things in porn most importantly how much time the bottom spent warming up before he took that huge cock.
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