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a6uldeve84u last won the day on February 13 2018

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About a6uldeve84u

  • Birthday 07/23/1949

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    Louisville, KY
  • Interests
    Men, cocks, cum, piss, repeat
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  • Porn Experience
    Couple of non-published films; private use
  • Looking For
    loads of sex more bottom than top; raunch with some men; trained sub/bottom

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  1. RECAP Taking a deep breath, Frank propped himself up on his elbow and wryly asked, "So, was that the first poz load you've taken, youngin'?” a smile in his eyes and on his lips. I looked deeply and directly into his eyes and began to shake my head yes to his question. Without saying a word, we both knew that it would not be the only poz load that Frank would put in my ass. There would be numerous poz loads, and I would willingly accept them deep, deep inside me. And, I would accept numerous poz loads from Dave, too. What was I doing? How could I explain this to Roger? How would my boy react to what I had done? CHAPTER 2 Frank, Matt, and Dave I lay there being held by Frank. He felt so good with all that fur and demonstrative if not demanding possessiveness holding me in his arms. This was so out of my element as I was the one who held Roger in my arms. But this felt so . . . right. Frank and I talked about everything and nothing. I finally realized his voice sounded as if it were a mix of Sam Elliott and Randy Travis. It was also very hypnotic and held me spellbound. Each word registered in my brain but also echoed over and over and over drawing me closer to him as I became bewitched. As all of this idle chat took place, Frank almost imperceptible began to reposition himself closer and closer and then moving himself so that he was behind me. He began kissing my cheeks and ears and nuzzling them. I felt his hairy legs push my legs outward and settle his legs between mine. I felt his superb fur pelt deliciously scratching my back. His hands roamed over my sides until he reached my hips and then returned up my sides. I felt his hands push down on the mattress lifting his torso up off my body. His right hand lifted off the mattress and I felt him trying to guide once again his fully engorged poisoned cock to my hole. Without hesitation I reached back quickly grabbing my ass cheeks and pulled them as far apart as I could thus allowing Frank to lower his pre-cum dripping piss slit to my hole. He smeared his copious pre-cum on and around my hole, then, finding the center began to push inside me. Once more I felt Frank’s scorpion stinger cock slid into my tight ass causing me considerable pain. I closed my eyes slightly as I moaned hungrily and urgently for Frank to drive all of his poison delivering cock into me as deep as he could. I needed him inside me again. The pre-cum could help with only so much of his cock but the rest was dry going in me. I tightened my sphincter instinctively, attempted to ball my hands into tight fists as I pulled my ass cheeks wide apart, closed my eyes tightly, and grimaced as my body muscles contracted. I was thinking of what was about to happen: Frank was once again going to fuck me and deposit a large dose of tainted ball nectar deep inside me and I so desperately needed him to do that. “Now, now,” Frank cooed into my ear. “This is for you. This is so that you can be my boy and take all the lethal doses of poz cum from me. You know you want it. You know you do because you willingly came to my home after toying with me at the gym during our work out. You watched me take off my clothes on the way to my bedroom. You asked to use a bathroom and willingly entered my bedroom. You saw me stop walking and turn to face you totally naked. You did not turn away or even stop. You walked up to me and let me put my arms around you as you put yours around me. You know you want my poz cum in you. It’s the only way you can be my boy. You know you want this. You know you want to be my boy. You know you want to be my poz boy with a scorpion of your own.” I heard all of this said over and over and over as the words echoed in my head and began to attach to my storage. As Frank kept up his hypnotic cooing, my body began to relax as best as it could. My grimaced facial look lessened to one of acceptable pain. I opened my fingers and reached forward grabbing the bedding. Though pressed down by Frank’s body I did my best to raise upwards with my ass giving absolute no revocable total consent. After a couple attempts, I gritted my teeth and made a greater attempt at pushing backwards to accept more of Frank’s gargantuan poison stinger into my ass. “THAT’S MY BOY!” I heard Frank hiss into my ear. “Yes, that’s my boy for sure now. You know you are mine and will always be mine now. Let’s get another load of this stinger juice in you and then prime you for the actual physical acceptance.” And Frank began to shove fully into my ass until he met some resistance but not for long. Frank groaned and moaned with gritted teeth I could tell until I felt a “pop” inside me and the last four inches of Frank’s now fully inflated leviathan cock slid deep, deep inside me. I was going to be Frank’s boy for sure. I reveled and rejoiced in that thought. Frank held himself still. I felt sweat from his body running onto mine. Frank flexed his cock a few times sending waves of elation and excitement through me. My body shook with deep anticipation of what was to come and what I was to become. My breathing was aroused as was I. I looked forward to the ultimate outcome which I knew would happen. I had no doubt of Frank’s ability to infect me. “You are going to be my boy after I am through with you today. You want that; I know. Are you ready?” he asked me quietly as he tenderly kissed my ear. I shook my head instantly and whispered, “Yes, I want to be your boy. Make me your boy. Make me just like you. Please.” Frank began fucking me like a wild man. He fucked me lying flat on the bed. He fucked me on all fours as he held my hips in his strong daddy hands. He fucked me standing on the floor as I was bent over lying on the bed. He fucked me with him standing up and with me bent over. He fucked me holding on to the shower wall as I had one foot on the side of the tub. He fucked me on my back on the bed. He fucked me pushed against a wall. He fucked me on my shoulders with my legs pushed over and my ass aimed at the ceiling. Frank was a crazy man fucking me and priming me for what was to happen. At first the pain was almost unbearable but I endured it willingly and with purpose. It was in this position that Frank yanked his now severely swollen cock from my ass, grabbed me with his mighty hands, and flipped my body around nearly slamming me down onto the floor on my knees. He reached up and shoved my shoulders to the floor and drove his super bloated poison cock deep inside me and began discharging his second toxic cum load into me deeper than his first. He roared loudly as salvo after salvo spewed into my ass. I felt every round of poison cum that was making me Frank’s boy. Frank had edged himself taking longer and longer times to fuck me in each of the positions he had used. I realized he was making sure to build up a large load of his HIV positive cum to have the greatest likelihood that I would convert on this fuck from him. My body began to tremor with anticipation and rejoicing of being like my new dad. Thoughts of Roger were no where to be found. As Frank’s spewing began to ebb, I slowly slid my front down onto the floor as Frank followed lying on top of me. We both were cooing and gently moaning satisfaction. I grabbed Frank’s wrists and wrapped them around me using them as a pillow. Frank nuzzled my neck and occasionally licked my ear or blew into it. He also ground his cock inside me as I did my best to push my ass upwards showing acceptance and gratitude. I was where I belonged. We at long last settled ourselves and quietly reveled in our deed. “Well, that was one helluva ending,” a deep voice said. “Looks like you might have yourself a boy, Frank. Didn’t seem to object to what you did.” “Dave, you always have perfect timing,” Frank rumbled deeply. “We were discussing the implications of the loss of the sugar cane crop in Haiti this year for your information. I was merely demonstrating how plunging prices could affect the world economies.” Frank began a slow withdrawal from his complete occupation of my ass. When his cock finally exited my sphincter, he slowly stood up. I stayed on the floor for a moment but rose quickly looking at Dave. I wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed. I wasn’t concerned about any jealousy once I saw Dave’s face. One look told me I was on safe ground. I grinned sheepishly then turned to the bed and climbed on it lying down so that the towel once more pushed my ass slightly upwards: lesson learned. Dave’s voice rumbled saying, “This . . . is the daddy . . . to that boy . . . who usually is with him at the gym? You going to let him keep that boy, Frank?” “I don’t know yet,” Frank replied quietly. I lay on my stomach hearing but saying nothing. I was the subject of the conversation but was not involved in it. I somehow knew that lesson also. My daddy was speaking with someone else. I may be a part of the topic of conversation but I was not in the conversation. “Is he private property?” Dave whispered. “Not from you,” Frank rumbled. “You know that.” At that pronouncement, I looked up at Frank who was looking at me. He smiled at me. I smiled back then turned my face to Dave. I raised my chest up from the bed and positioned myself on all fours spreading my knees sufficiently wide. I turned my head once more to Dave and smiled broadly. I mentally knew there was a connection between the two but I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t need to know. All I needed to know was I had a daddy, Frank, who had just given permission to Dave to fuck me. I was going to make my daddy proud of me. Dave once more looked at Frank and began quickly stripping out of his clothes. He was covered with hair but not as thick or as magnificent as Frank’s body hair. His cock was uncut, too, but a little smaller. Not by much mind you. He walked to the bed and climbed on behind me. I turned my head facing forward and began an ultra low moan. I realized later it was a mating call and signaling I was accepting of him. I had no choice since daddy had approved of it. And it was about pleasing daddy. I felt Dave position himself behind me. He told me to push out some of Frank’s cum which I did. He rubbed it all over the opening of my ass and no doubt covered the head of his cock. I closed my eyes and dreamily “saw” what was happening. I knew that Dave, too, was going to fuck me and deposit a load of HIV infected cum inside me. My body shuddered with excitement and the prospect of that. The pressure increased and soon Dave’s uncut cock slipped through and into my ass past my sphincter peeling back the mighty hood that I had seen. I swooned at the sensation. I felt every inch of his mighty seed giving tube slid inside me until his bushy crotch hairs were crushed by his pelvis against my cheeks. I gave out a loving coo and laid my head down onto the mattress. I heard Dave coo also at what his cock was feeling. But that was not to last very long. Dave grabbed my hips with his strong hands and began to fuck me slowly. He would pull all the way out to the head of his dick, hold his cock there, then, slam hard back inside me always hitting my prostate. Each time my head jerked upward for a bit. I knew this was a deliberate and brutal fuck he was giving me. I didn’t know why. I didn’t care. He wanted it this way. After about the fifth fuck slam, I grunted. Each time after that I grunted Dave began his own grunt sound. We each were enjoying what was happening. I turned my head as it lay on the mattress and looked at my daddy and smiled. He broadly smiled back at me. I could tell he was so proud that I had so readily accepted Dave in my ass. I got a shiver seeing him look at me with such a glow on his face of pure elation of what he was seeing. He stood there by the bed stroking his mighty phallus that commanded me now. With each stroke, pre-cum oozed out of his piss slit and was coating the end. The piss slit area was covered with a thick shiny coat of his pre-cum so much so that suddenly a large glob stretched out from the weight and finally dropped to the floor. In a flash, Dave stretched over my back grabbing my shoulders and pulled them upwards raising me off the bed as he slammed a final time deep, deep inside me. He roared loudly as I felt his cock begin to swell and spew his own venom saturated semen into my ass. Instinctively, my sphincter began spasming accepting this delivery of toxicant. My body shook as I began laughing giddily at how free and euphoric I felt now. I leaned backward until I felt Dave’s hairy chest rub my back. I reached my hands behind him and gently pulled him closer. I welcomed his entire brew into me. Daddy wanted that and so did I. Dave wrapped his arms around my chest and leaned forward kissing all over my back. Once his delivery had been completed, he pushed me gently forward as he pulled slowly and gently his cock from my now well used ass. He slipped off the bed coming to my face and kissing me deeply. As Dave kissed me deeply, daddy slipped up on the bed once again and I felt him positioning himself behind me. I quickly adjusted my position and he slipped quickly and easily into me where I felt him unleash another load of his toxic cum. All I could do was groan deeply my acceptance and thanks to him. I found myself once more on my stomach with the rolled towel beneath me listening to my daddy and Dave talk. It was about me of course but it also was about them and how I would be incorporated. They were a couple which didn’t surprise me. They were very open in their discussion with no argument at all. At the end of the discussion, they were agreed that I was to be Frank’s boy but that Dave had use of me as well. As for my “boy”, Roger, Frank and Dave both agreed that I should not be able to keep him. As they discussed the topic, I said nothing and discovered I had no objection to losing Roger. I felt a tinge of guilt but this was about pleasing my daddy . . . and Dave. Frank would approach Roger at the gym at the end of a work out session taking him back to his place to lay out everything. Then, they both turned to me signaling everything had been settled. I cleared my throat and stammered out a new twist. I suggested that they work on Roger to see if he would become Dave’s boy. It was a huge risk with them being HIV positive. And since they were and I was most likely on my way to being positive, that would be the biggest obstruction. But, I had overcome that same obstacle. Why wouldn’t Roger? CHAPTER 3 Roger, Charlie The flight from New York to Chicago was only two hours. But, the two hours were just the beginning that would inject in more ways than one new dimensions into Roger’s life. Roger was on edge as he sat in his seat and buckled himself in. He had hated getting up so early for this flight. He was now having to contend with his ass spasming and reminding him that he had not received his morning load of cum and his ass was demanding to know why. It was miserable having to sit for two hours. He knew he would have to go to the head and at least finger himself to quiet his ass’ demand. But even that would only be a short temporary fix. Roger knew he would have to have more. He shivered at the thought and anticipation. He had been through this before. Not often did his company send him to Chicago but when it had he found himself in desperate need with Matt so far away. He had never told Matt of his indiscretions. Roger just couldn’t tell him how unfaithful he had been. He had hooked up with other men to satisfy his deep carnal lust. Roger simply could not go without being fucked. Even in New York Roger had held out as long as he could but he eventually had found himself back at one of the bath houses where he would spend a few hours taking on one man after another until he was so tired he could barely make it back home. Roger was roused out of his deep thoughts by his seat mate who sat down with a plop and snapped his belt together. He turned to Roger and smiled. Roger’s heart skipped a beat. He caught himself staring with so much lust at the man seated next to him. He was Matt’s height at least, probably about the same weight, mid forties, naturally tanned skin, short black hair that cascaded down his sideburns and covered his face. His eyes were the deepest brown and sparkled. His teeth were perfectly white. His laryngeal prominence was very noticeable and Roger found fascinating when he spoke. His voice was deep and dark, yet quiet and very hypnotic. His flying mate introduced himself as Charlie. Roger shared his own name. They chatted about being sent to Chicago for work. Each went infrequently and dreaded it but it was work. They discovered they were both going for a week and staying at the same hotel: Palmer House. Their chat amicably came to an end when Charlie announced he needed a quick nap. Roger took out some papers and began reviewing them. Roger made notes as he went through each paragraph, chart, and notation. As he was coming to the end he got bored and began twiddling his pen between his index and middle finger. He didn’t pay any attention to what he was doing but soon found his pen took a short flight landing point up in the triangle of crotch and two upper thighs of his seat mate. He stared now at his pen and could see a large overly stretched fabric area on a left leg. The whole area seemed to be breathing slightly. Roger stared as his ass had a major puckering spasm. Charlie shifted in his seat setting himself fully upright and turned to Roger smiling and told him that it was quite alright to retrieve his pen. Roger just stared at Charlie. Their eyes stared deeply into each other. Charlie’s face then darkened and Roger saw flames in Charlie’s eyes as he rumbled out, “Do it, now.” Roger in slow motion moved his hand to the pen slowly extracting it and pulled it back to him. Charlie then smiled and rumbled, “That didn’t hurt.” Roger slightly shook his head no. Charlie kept smiling and moved his head slightly closer to Roger and in a reverberating voice told Roger that he knew of something that could hurt. He looked down at his pant leg with Roger’s head turning to look as well. They both saw that the large overly stretched fabric of Charlie’s pant leg was even larger and most decidedly pulsing. Charlie sat back in his seat as Roger became flustered. He eventually packed up his papers and sat quietly for the rest of the trip. Charlie took charge when the plane landed. He told Roger to follow him. They retrieved their luggage and took a cab to the hotel. At registration Charlie told the desk clerk that there had been a change in plans. He wanted an executive double room with double beds instead and that Roger’s room was to be canceled. The clerk did what Charlie had ordered and the two were soon in their shared suite. Charlie set about unpacking as did Roger. As Roger was finishing, Charlie grabbed up a small bag and went in the bathroom where Roger heard some sounds. Charlie called out to Roger to call his work and to check in with them and to see if he was needed today. Roger complied telling Charlie that it was okay for him to go in tomorrow morning. Finishing in the bathroom, Charlie came out announcing he was going to call his work and for Roger to strip and go use the shower. Charlie told his Chicago office he would be in Tuesday and that the group he was meeting should be ready to go as soon as he got there at nine. Roger had stripped and went in the bathroom finding that a sure shot had been installed. There was only one purpose for such and Roger went to work immediately. Roger came out of the bathroom and looked at Charlie hesitantly. Charlie looked up, turned and walked to an armless chair and sat down. He motioned for Roger to approach and to sit. When Roger neared Charlie, Charlie quietly told Roger to sit on his lap facing him. Charlie looked into Roger’s eyes for a few seconds then quietly told him that he knew all about him from other men. But, Roger was to tell Charlie everything about his other half and an absolute detail of how Roger was not monogamous and how he cheated, where he cheated, and with whom he cheated. Roger gave a little gasp that Charlie knew so much about him. His eyes reflected his fear. Charlie took his big hands and began stroking Roger’s body all over calming him. Roger stammered a few times then began pouring out all about Matt and his relationship. He told Charlie everything. Roger could not stop talking until every last sordid detail had been unfolded. Charlie smiled at him and told him that wasn’t so bad or difficult to do. He told Roger that for this week he didn’t have to be concerned about the lack of sex as Charlie would see to that. He told Roger to get up and go get on all fours on the bed which Roger did. Charlie stood and stripped. He quietly walked up to Roger, leaned down and spit on his ass opening a good half dozen times. Charlie then moved closer to Roger and lined his destructive fat cock head at the opening. Charlie stretched over Roger grasping his shoulders and whispered, “Not . . . one . . . single . . . sound.” He waited a few seconds and drove his uncut nine and a half inches fully into Roger’s ass. Immediately Roger went into frantic mode and tried to escape which he didn’t do since Charlie had him in a death grip. The pain was the worst that Roger had ever felt. After a few minutes of failing to escape, Roger gave up accepting his position while his body jerked and shook. It was almost five minutes before Roger settled down and the pain had finally stopped. Charlie’s zero gauge PA and his eight-step Frenum Ladder had caused a great deal of the pain; Roger would eventually get used to the piercings. Charlie whispered to Roger he was a good boy now and would reap his reward. Charlie began to pound Roger’s ass hard and deep. He slammed into Roger banging against his prostate with each stroke. His PA scraped along the walls and punched through Roger’s second opening. The steps on the Frenum Ladder scraped along the sphincter and inside causing a combination of pain and pleasure. Charlie fucked Roger non-stop for over ten minutes. Then, Charlie began panting heavily and upped the speed of his piston strokes jarring Roger almost senseless. He had never been fucked like this before. Roger wasn’t capable of thinking by this time. He merely accepted his position. He realized that he was Charlie’s cum dump boy. All feelings melted away as that single thought spread throughout his brain. The fact that he wanted to be Charlie’s cum dump boy was then set in concrete in Roger’s brain. As that thought became permanent, Charlie roared out and slammed a final time as deep as he could shove his bloated, slime-covered, bloody nine and a half inch uncut cock into Roger. Huge globs of HIV infected cum erupted out of his piss slit and spread out everywhere inside Roger coating everything. More and more of this poisonous gooey liquid erupted from Charlie and into Roger. It went on and on and on. Roger would learn a new vocabulary word from Charlie: hyperspermia. Slowly the salvos of cum abated and those that did occur were smaller amounts. Finally, Charlie began very slowly pulling his softened monster from Roger’s ass. Charlie quickly flipped Roger down onto two pillows which he had stuffed below Roger’s crotch. Charlie told him to stay there. Charlie lay down beside Roger moving closely and began stroking him with his big hands. Nothing more needed to be said. For the moment both men were sated. Blue copy needs to be rewritten into third person; as it is now in first person Charlie finally looked at his watch and got up off the bed telling Roger to get up and dress. They went downstairs and got a cab which drove north until they reached their destination at 5015 North Clark. Charlie led Roger into the lobby where he met Ricky who had Roger to complete a membership card. Charlie paid Ricky; the two grabbed their towels and keys, and entered the bath house. Charlie and Roger undressed stuffing their clothes into the locker. Charlie gave Roger a quick tour of the basement, first floor, and then second floor. Here Charlie opened the door to room 70 dropping a bag onto the bed. Charlie motioned Roger to the bed. He got on the bed on his knees undraping his towel. Roger watched as Charlie pulled from the bag a bottle of lube, a jar of Elbow Grease, several bottles of poppers, a metal device which was a speculum, a small spoon, a cock-shaped black dildo, and several items Roger couldn’t quite see. These were spread out on a “nightstand”. Charlie told Roger to bend so that his chest was on the bed. Roger heard Charlie untwisting a cap and waited for what would happen next. Charlie spread some thick lube on Roger’s hole (no doubt Elbow Grease). Charlie then proceeded to insert something very hard and felt like metal. He was very slow and kept adding dollops of the lube to the metal he was pushing inside my ass. To be truthful of course, there was a lot of discomfort. But Charlie kept it up until he had the speculum inserted and then slowly opened it. He hummed a bit and said Roger’s rectum looked like it had had some cum in it. He laughed and Roger chuckled and smiled giddily. Roger felt and heard a metal tapping at his ass. He learned later Charlie was dropping Elbow Grease into his ass. Charlie reversed and removed the speculum and slowly slid his giant poison snake in him. It felt so excellent. Charlie gave Roger only a couple of pumps before pulling out, slapping Roger’s ass, and telling him to get up. Charlie said that they were going out to get Roger’s ass fucked. He caught his breath as his body jumped at what Charlie had said. Roger was so excited as he had never been in my life. The duo left the room and slowly made their way once more through all three floors. Charlie spoke to a few men, nodded at others, and ignored others. He had his towel wrapped around his neck while he made Roger follow him with his towel around his waist and the back of his towel tucked into the waist so that his ass could be seen. They made it back to the third floor and went into the stage room area. Several men were standing around. Charlie stopped and viewed all of them. He reached back to Roger grabbing his hand and pulled him forward with him to the chest-high wall. He put Roger’s hands on the top as he positioned Roger and pulled his towel off. He tossed both towels over the wall. He pulled Roger’s hips backward slightly then told him to spread his cheeks. He obeyed. Charlie slowly pushed his hardened, poison, snake-tatted cock—which Roger had finally seen—into his ass. Charlie returned Roger’s hands to the wall as he began slow fucking. Roger kept his eyes looking straight ahead but did steal a few looks as men began gathering around the two watching Charlie’s bare cock slide in and out of Roger’s ass. Roger could sense that Charlie was focused on watching his bare cock entering and exiting Roger’s ass. He was such an exhibitionist or at least Roger believed it. He fucked Roger for a long time. Roger then heard Charlie quietly ask someone if he liked what he saw. The guy said of course he did. Charlie pulled out of Roger’s ass, patted him on the rump, and stepped away. A man whom Roger had not seen and did not know was going to fuck him now. Instinctively, Roger reached back and pulled open his cheeks. He felt the tip of this unknown man’s cock at his hole and let go of his cheeks grabbing the wall once again. The man slammed into his ass full force jarring Roger. He proceeded to pound Roger who made small adjustments in his position to accommodate the onslaught. His cock wasn’t as big as Charlie’s but it was filling Roger well enough. Roger swooned at the thought of an unknown man fucking him as was happening. Roger felt so free and alive since Charlie had approved of this unknown man fucking his ass. Why wouldn’t Charlie approve? Roger’s ass belonged to him now. He began to moan his contentment and enjoyment so as to encourage his unknown fucker. Then, the unknown man began an intense hammering of Roger’s hole. Roger grabbed tightly the wall in front of him and held on as the unknown man made a final slam deep, deep inside Roger holding himself with a vise-like grip on his prey’s hips. Roger could feel his body quiver as he jet sprayed his cum deep inside Roger. Both the unknown man and Roger were breathing heavily. Eventually his cock slid out of Roger’s ass and a feeling of wetness run out of his hole, down his taint then balls, and eventually pool on his sac where it dripped slowly onto the floor. Somehow Roger knew not to move from the site. Another man stepped up behind him and without any assistance from Roger rammed his cock inside him and began sawing. This was a no nonsense fuck. It was direct and Roger was merely a meaty hole that was going to masturbate this man’s cock and let him unleash his ball nectar into him. It did not take long and soon he grabbed Roger around his chest and groaned loudly as he could feel this second man’s body jerking and thrashing as he emptied his juices into Roger. He yanked his cock out of Roger’s ass pulling a torrent of liquid which ended up on the floor eventually. He walked away taking deep breaths and moaning and groaning and telling everyone what a good piece of ass he had just had. Roger beamed with pride and hoped that Charlie was pleased. Three more men took their turns in Roger’s ass depositing their sperm in him. One was very rough and had a long cock that speared him deeply. If it had not been for Charlie busting through his second opening earlier, this man would have done serious damage. But Charlie had prepared Roger for him. Roger was so relaxed during all of this. It was so natural feeling. Whenever possible Roger looked at Charlie for approval and got it in many ways. It was very obvious that Charlie got very turned on by watching Roger getting fucked and Roger very much got turned on watching Charlie watch him. Roger marveled at how much his snake-tattooed cock leaked pre-cum. The thought of the snake-tattooed cock how it filled Roger’s ass full of toxic cum excited Roger to no end. Charlie grabbed Roger with one of his big hands leading him away to their room. He had Roger to kneel on the bed inserting the speculum in his ass spreading it wide. Charlie told Roger his ass was so full of cum and that he had never seen so much in one whore. Roger shivered with joy, excitement, and pride. Roger had never had anyone who was so encouraging for him to get fucked as Charlie. He then closed the arms of the speculum and replaced it with the cock-shaped black dildo. It slid easily inside Roger’s ass and was quickly seated comfortably. They then lay on the bed. Roger backed himself up to Charlie as he wrapped his big arms around Roger who sighed contentedly. Roger felt Charlie’s breath on his back. His magical voice asked how Roger felt and if he was going to be equally as good for the whole week. Naturally Roger told him he would be and do whatever he wanted him to do. He was pleased with that and gently played with Roger’s cock but for only a brief time. Things turned more serious then. Charlie began talking and reminding Roger of Matt and their “monogamous” relationship. He kept talking about Matt, the years we had been together, and how Roger had cheated on him. Charlie kept up the quiet hypnotic talk repeating everything. He then added how Roger was his boy for the week and that he would be treated like he needed to be treated: like a whorish cum dump. He would be Charlie’s boy who was a boy who had two holes to service all men of Charlie’s choosing. Roger would refuse no cock or cum. Charlie’s voice was as if it were on an endless hypnotic loop going from one topic to another drilling it into Roger’s head where he kept processing what Charlie was telling him. Charlie started adding that Roger needed to be free to be a whore for a man who appreciated a whore. He pointed out that he definitely appreciated and enjoyed watching Roger being a whore. The first time he mentioned this, Roger’s body tingled with excitement and pride. He thought deeply about this point now and especially about being free to be a whore. Of course Charlie eventually brought up that being a cum dump whore for any cock that there were consequences that would have to be paid. He hit Roger between the eyes with a direct statement that he might now be on his way to being HIV positive. Roger had now taken six cum loads in his ass. Did he know if any of them were HIV positive? Roger was shocked. He didn’t know. He sort of panicked and Charlie could tell he was upset. He tightened his hold on Roger and told him to relax. He told me that if he were now infected that would only make it more possible for Roger to be free to be the whore that he needed to be. Charlie kept saying this over and over and over until the lesson was drilled into Roger’s brain. Charlie’s words were beginning to be accepted as law. It wouldn’t be so bad if Roger were HIV positive. Yes, he could easily and readily get fucked by any man at any time. This pepped him up and he moaned pleasantly and backed up to the beautiful furry chest behind him. Roger felt Charlie disengaging himself and getting out off the bed. He turned up the light and returned to the bed. He held out his hand to Roger. He told Roger to look at his cock closely. He told him to look closely at the snake tattoo he had and to follow it to its source. Roger picked up Charlie’s cock and looked at the snake that was tattooed on his cock. The mouth of the snake was open and it looked as if the snake was swallowing his cock. The snake’s body was in fact almost the entire cock of Charlie. It wound its body through the thick black crotch hair up and over his right hip where it dipped down and wound its way around his right thigh then crossed over its own body and went half up his right cheek across the cheek and finally down into the crevice of his buttocks. Roger was in total awe. He had failed to notice such detail. Charlie pulled Roger up to look directly into his eyes and smiled. He asked if Roger knew the significance of the snake. He did not. Charlie said if Roger had looked closely it was a black mamba or as close to one as the tattooist could get. He told him that he had met a man from Botswana who had topped Charlie for a week. The man had been HIV positive he learned months later. To commemorate his pozzing Charlie had the black mamba tattooed. His pozzing had been the result of being fucked, so, out of his ass came the snake coiling around his body and onto his cock so that it would be a warning to all who he fucked that he was HIV positive and how he had become so. Roger stood there stunned. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He looked at Charlie so clearly now. His PA and Frenum ladder plus his using the dildo made sense. He was working to make Roger HIV positive. Roger asked Charlie if he knew if the other men who had fucked him at the bath house were HIV. Charlie said he asked and that each of them were HIV. Roger looked at Charlie so closely. He then reached up and kissed Charlie deeply. Charlie smiled. The two climbed back onto the bed, tossed the sheet over themselves, cuddled closely, and fell asleep.
  2. With the permission of the original author of this tale, I have written two additional chapters and will post them shortly. For these chapters to make sense the superb story's first chapter must be read. Failing to read that foundation will mean the reader will be left with two nonsensical chapters unrelated to each other. I hope you enjoy these two.
  3. True, a newly written chapter one would create a new story, but I really like how this tale was written. I have additional chapters to many stories published on this site. I did so because I saw a way of extending the tale. I've also re-written many stories changing the dynamics of what was originally there. It's a very difficult habit to break as I did a lot of editing of written materials when I was a minion in the work force. I still re-read my own stories and edit and add to them from time to time. It makes the days pass. At one time I asked permission and was granted permission to offer a single chapter of stories to other writers to take and expand on them. When published, they had to claim the work in its entirety as their own work; I wanted no credit or acknowledgement. I sent out about 10 such tales resulting in only two being published. This is the absolute top-notch site for stories. I would very much be disappointed in its departure.
  4. In an alley behind a dumpster after I had spent the night at Man's Country in Chicago getting fucked all night long. Guy and I then rode same bus out Foster as we both were heading home. He got off bus at my stop and followed me home for another couple of rounds.
  5. With permission, I would like to post 2 additional chapters to this story. I may have more chapters but I do have 2 currently written and am willing to offer them to add to this story.
  6. In what section will it be posted?
  7. What happened to Chapters 5.1 and 5.2? Your numbering went from Chapter 4.4 on page 2 to Chapter 5.3 on page 3.
  8. Chi4Loads, do not take it personal when comments drop off after the second chapter/part of a tale. That is the nature of the beast. I noticed that trend on all of my own stories posted. This short attention span is not actually short at all. There are many subscribers who write once to compliment an author, and I have come to believe that they believe that one compliment is sufficient. Just accept the fact that you ARE an excellent author and keep writing and publishing. Be accepting that you KNOW that you are an excellent author. Your readers by now know your talent. They will always be with you; on that you can be sure. So, write for yourself and what turns you on and what twists and turns you can create in a tale. In so doing, you'll make your tales even more heady and sought to be read.
  9. Just an observation that you have two part fours.
  10. Just to let you know as a courtesy, you have two parts listed as number 3.
  11. You are one SICK PERVERT! Why haven't you written MORE on this topic? DAYUM that was a hot tale.
  12. Just thought I'd let you know that you have two parts listed as 35.
  13. A small technical note: You have two chapter 15's.
  14. Business is business.
  15. CHAPTER 14 I went back to my bed and sat down for a few minutes rehashing what I had done so far since arriving here. My head was spinning. Soon enough I snapped out of my trance, straightened my bed, retrieved my towel and key, and went off to take a shower. It was a shower I needed I thought not realizing that by doing so I was also advertising myself. I returned to my room stopping by Ian's room only to hear that he obviously was occupied. From my walk through the hall, I came to realize there were several modes of advertising what one was seeking and on reaching my room I began in earnest to put into multiple practice what I had just learned in the past few hours. I was determined to become an expert. When I was satisfied with my room, I once more made a walk to the shower room, used a urinal, and made a slow walk back through the full length of the hall from one end to the other finally arriving at my room. I unlocked the door pushing it wide open. I snapped off the overhead light and walked to the desk lamp. I covered the shade with a t-shirt which I pinned on the top of it and clicked on the lamp. The room was dimly lit by the desk lamp behind me and the bed was flooded with light coming from the hall. I climbed onto the bed naked and lay face down with my legs spread and flexed. I waited no more than five minutes. A young guy probably in his thirties from what I could tell had stopped on the opposite side of the hall so that he could be seen in the hallway light. He began rubbing the front of his towel causing his cock to rise up. I moved my hips enough on the bed that they could be seen moving. I made a last invitation to him. I rose up leaning on my left arm reaching behind me with my right hand and shoved a finger in my ass pumping my ass with this finger. After fucking myself a few times, I withdrew my finger, sucked it clean, and once again lay down flat. This new man now moved across the hall into my room shutting the door behind him. He walked to the bed in the dim lighting removing his towel as he approached. His now swollen cock bobbed as he made the last few steps to the bed. I was now face down as flat on the bed as I could get. I bent my knees as far as I could spreading my ass wide and finally hooking the tops of my feet at the edge of the bed. I waited. The bed began to move slightly as he climbed up onto it. As he did so, I adjusted myself so that I ended up in doggie position in front of him. He made his final adjustment grasping lightly my hip as I felt the tip of his cock line up to my hole. It was a little high but I figured he'd work that out which he did. We were good to go . . . and we did. I was awake until after seven the next morning when the last of my visitors left me. My first unknown visitor returned twice more during the night filling me with more copious amounts of his cum which I relished. I had also swallowed three cum loads during the night as that was all that those men wanted. Disappointment was what I felt but came to realize later at least I got their cum in me. What really mattered to me were my visitors who stopped by and fucked me leaving their own loads of cum deep in my ass. I collected cum in my ass from seven men that first night not counting Glen and my first visitor. None of the fucks were all that memorably super as Glen's and my first visitor. But they set in motion a string of events that would see me through the rest of my life. I had the seed sown--no pun intended--of becoming a cum addict. My swimming practice in a pool was done but not as extensively as I led my parents to believe. I made reference to swimming but included my ass in the commentary knowing how much swimming had taken place in there by all those billions if not trillions of whip-tailed DNA samples. When I did take to the pool, I forced myself to concentrate on actually swimming for competition. But, by and large the vast majority of the swimming related to all the sperm I took in me. I called Glen again early Saturday afternoon to see if we could have a rematch. We did. He gave me three grand deposits as he had before. He added a fourth unexpected load of cum when he asked about my night and morning which I relayed to him providing him with as much detail as he wanted. I wanted to hold nothing back from him. Glen and I visited and fucked as often as possible through the years given my circumstances. It became easier when I left home for university as I would often return and spend my weekend with him and almost always with his beautiful cock shoved in my ass . . . or mouth on occasion. Glen introduced me to rimming as well as water sports. He told me that in everything I tried with him I definitely excelled and surpassed his expectations. All I know is he was an excellent teacher who never laid claim to exclusivity on me which I knew I could never give. I knew he would never ask for such exclusivity the weekend he mentioned having a three-way with a buddy of his which I easily and readily agreed to do. To say my first 3-way was a total success would be such an understatement. What was supposed to be a one time 3-way thought to last maybe an hour turned into just over three hours. Glen and Bob--his buddy--took turns fucking me while the other rested. The two of them had me spitted between them three times and filled my ass each time. I still have fond memories of that particular weekend. As for my stay at the Y, that first weekend also holds fond memories for me. All toll, I swallowed at least a dozen cum loads during that weekend and sucked at least that many cocks with no cum. From the note hand records that I made weeks later, I got fucked by 21 different men excluding Glen and my first visitor that weekend. Of the 21 men, 9 of them fucked me twice. The word had spread up and down the hall, and I was definitely a hit even with some bottoms who fucked me which I took as a huge compliment. Twice in the shower and three times in the hall I was unceremoniously surrounded by several men, forced to bend over, and was fucked in full view of every man in the shower or hall. I had no inhibitions by the time I left the Y on Sunday. Through the years I returned to the Y meeting up with a few of the men from my first weekend who remembered me and willingly spread the word about my being a cum slut. I was so proud each time I was informed that some man knew all about me. To be fair, I found that the more I got fucked and filled with cum my own cock and balls began to grouse at being left out. Yet, they did nothing on their own but remind me they were still attached. So, to help myself as well as to repay kindnesses shown to me, I would every five or six hours find a willing bottom including Ian to be sure and blow my own ball contents into a willing hole. Willy and the twins were ever so grateful but this only resulted in my ass screaming at me to get it back in the game which I always did.
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