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Everything posted by cumslutcraig

  1. Mine is: https://twitter.com/Craigthepig
  2. Happy Valentines Day ❤️ If you didn't get any like me, then this is yours ❤️ 

    1. Monster5-8gPA


      Happy Valentine’s Day Craig !❤️?

  3. I've been having a look at bdsmlr.com as a replacement for my tumblr, and set up a profile, so far, so good. I'll show you mine if you show me yours https://craigpigfaggot.bdsmlr.com
  4. I've just seen an advert for staff at a gay sauna, but its too far from where I live. But it got me thinking about how hot it would be to work in one, and I wondered if anyone has, or has any stories/experiences of sauna staff?
  5. the results from my bdsm test


  6. One of my facebook friends is setting me up with a 72yr old AIDS top. He's seen my pics but I haven't seen him, but I've agreed anyway!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. POZ4Chasers


      Damn sorry he flaked out.

    3. cumslutcraig
    4. youngvertight


      damn that would of been hot even better if you filmed it

  7. Happy new year cocksuckers

    1. SIReast


      happy new year to you as well!


    2. Patrick


      The same to stud slut. Drink it and keep in deep in u

  8. I know what gift I want this Christmas, and I hope someone has already given it to me ;)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. averageslut48


      I wish the same for me. With a bit luck I get it from one of my dates during the next two weeks.

    3. Patrick


      Agree with u guys. Best presents in this special season is gang bang breed orgies with many hot horny men

  9. Awesome story, its turned me on more than I thought it would
  10. Awesome, I'd like to see the website haha And hopefully some more of this story
  11. Really hot story! I can't wait to see how it ends. Consider ending it with a flashforward so we know what Dalton is like in 5 or 10 years
  12. Took my first poz load 2 weeks ago tomorrow (13/11/16). No symptoms showing, so I don't think its converted me. But I have arranged another meet with the same poz top next week :grin:

    1. MexPigMaster


      Good luck. If you're ever in New York, let me know. I'm POZ

    2. cumslutcraig


      Thanks! Hopefully in the future :) I'll be looking to collect some strains from around the world

    3. averageslut48


      Same here. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

  13. really enjoying it, chapter 11 got me really hard
  14. horny and craving a toxic load

  15. I like older, chubby and bald (shaved or natural) .. so thats considered unattractive to some. I've had few men tell me they want to watch me get fucked by fat, old, or ugly men bb
  16. Level 3 until about 3 years ago, level 6 since
  17. I like it. I get turned on when other Men call mine a cunt or pussy
  18. neg bottom faggot chasing poz and aids

  19. http://craigpigbottom.tumblr.com/
  20. I now want to get a job in an AIDS hospice
  21. Looking for poz loads or AIDS

    1. chubbybear


      Fine looking ass to pump full of poz cum. Wish I had a charged load to give you but still chasing myself.

    2. cumslutcraig


      Thanks anyway, Maybe in the future :)

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