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Everything posted by FFun2BB

  1. BRAVO @parTyTopSD on your first and amazing story - THANK YOU for informing the readers that this story is complete in its own and that there wont be more chapters as I agree with @TaKinGDeePanal that some stories don't need more chapters as they are perfect ... and BETTER a short but FINISHED story than those many authors who keep their audience hanging .... BRAVO and hopefully we shall read more from you !!!!
  2. @PrisonbaiT would you be able to send a weblink ??! Sounds interesting:-) also one should see how many people would be interested !
  3. @Vatican666 - SHAME I MISSED OYU IN LONDON ...
  4. @PiercedVersGinger go to #Pleasuredome - ITS A GAY SAUNA ---- super easy to find, great location with GH's upstairs ... the darkroom you will enjoy too ... HAVE FUN !!!
  5. @SWLondonGay those days are really over ... as most public toilets are now camera controlled ... therefore be careful !!! best way to get your rocks off - go to a gay sauna , where everyone is in for one reason ..... TO SEEK SATISFACTION ...
  6. @Vatican666 what a brilliant idea --- even so I agree with @Spunkinmyarse that April might be a disappointing month due the weather change --- BUT if I may make a suggestion .. instead of rooms within a hotel or complex . ... a whole villa in its own grounds with pool and privacy might even be much more appealing, as you want to bring people together who are all likeminded and possibly interested to have all open fun with each other ... what fun to have all the space - indoors and outdoors - useable as one BBig glorified Gangbang space, where everyone with everyone can indulge with each other if they have the urge ... just an idea .. also make sure, that all the people who commit, will commit and pay their due upfront ... and that someone who committed and paid will not insist on refund should he suddenly have a different idea ... or chickens out ... only trying to say you to end up paying the whole tap ...
  7. I love getting stealthed in the dark rooms or clubs. It's so wrong and messed up, but I like it. @POZLOADTAKER and @scotty9 can we truly talk about being stealthed when we know what we love most ... :-)) we love the feeling of raw cocks and loads , to share it with others ... @scotty9 that isnt messed up - THAT IS TRUE PLEASURE WE LOVE :-)) BUT having said this - I love it when a Top likes to give the impression that he wants/insists to go "safe" and makes a fuss about it - that he only goes safe, when his plan is to "trick" us, at the receiving end... those guys make me smile, as they don't realise that they just made us Happy SLUTS... I never ask for safe, I love raw cock ... I love to be BBred - and I find it HOT when a true BBreeder/Gifter shares with me verbally what I shall receive from him .....
  8. @Jaygusher - you well deserve the praise - as so many authors fail to deliver the full story - nothing more frustrating than to be all horned up --- in middle of the story - and "puff" - nothing more follows and you read 4 weeks later , 6 months later , 4 years later ---- soooooo frustrating --- YOU @jaygusher have all of us in your spell - as you have a delicious dirty mind how you build up your stories ... and we all simply wish to be there !!!
  9. @Pozguyinchi I am totally with you .... I thought exactly the same ... and that our hero will be turned into a cummmBBucket for all those poz men in town ... and all raw cocks which need to cummm
  10. GREAT STORY ...and THE BULL in BBerlin is the perfect spot to be a slut and cummmmmdump and you always leave with gifts deep deposited and to carry out ... oink oink ... when you love THE BULL in Berlin YOU WILL LOVE THE T8 in HAMBURG ... it is the sleaziest and most delicious place to have Fun ...
  11. @azncumbucket YOUR STORY IS AMAZING .... ....and I think I speak for all of us here, when I say: DONT LET US HANGING - CONTINUE WITH THIS FABULOUS STORY ..... it brings our balls to the boil 😜👍
  12. @RawPigDad - WHAT A WONDERFUL LOVE STORY - something we all know to appreciate, as it is rare to find a true likeminded man, with whom one would want to share ones life together .... ...with whom one can be the slut & pig in bed and a reliable partner outside the playroom ... .
  13. @ijoey WHAT A BRILLIANT TWIST IN THE STORY .... I love it ... not what any of us - wanking to this brilliant story - expected to happen !!!! BRAVO!!!! and THANK YOU for finishing the story ....
  14. @drscorpio what joy it would be to continue this story ..... BUT from various other stories here, where someone did exactly that to all our satisfaction and delight - after months and years some guy appears as the original author, who starts a verbal fight here ... abusing those who picked up where he left us hanging ... I personally feel that there should be a list of UNFINISHED stories and FINISHED stories ... as often one gets all excited ... to find that the author never came back to finish what he had started ..... It should be accepted by authors, unless they finished, concluded their story, within a timeframe, that someone else is allowed to pick up on it and finish it - and is listed as co-author.... These stories could be in the UNFINISHED category - and when an author ignored for a year the story - let someone else finish it. Like this the library wouldn't end up with so many "cold fish" ... I also wouldn't allow unfinished stories to move to the top any longer through comments like "wish you would finish the story" - some disappointing stories constantly reappear, with page after page, members begging the author to finish the story ... .
  15. @Jaygusher BRAVO on all accounts : You delivered an amazing story!!!! You completed this amazing story !!!! ....which so many other authors fail to do ... they turn us on - and leave us hanging with rock hard cocks in hand ... while YOU BROUGHT US SOOOOOO MANY ORGASMS - Thank you for this .... This story is definitely a MUST KEEP and belongs to the TOP STORIES HERE!!!! Cannot wait what story will follow next!!!!
  16. @Slipitupme THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THAN K YOU for continuing this AMAZING STORY - in contrast to many other authors here, you keep feeding us with more and more delicious dirty chapters, which keeps us cummmming in buckets each time we return to this story ... I love that you describe delicious sleazy scenes - the sauna we would love to go to - with those guys who really frequent those places, day-in, day-out ... your characters are soooooo real and such pigs, driven by desire and lust - the acceptance what they are and who they are .... the introduction of the Basement - BRAVO ... and so much can happen down there - and the Homeless guys - wow - YOU ARE OUR STAR AUTHOR!!! Seldom an authors brings so much reality & life into a story, that one literally feels one is there and wants to participate!!!! Keep at this story - keep it cummmming - as I think that I am speaking for everybody here - WE LOVE YOUR WORK and CANNOT GET ENOUGH ...
  17. @bugpup HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US .....start, what promised to be an amazing story and left us hanging with our hard ons in hand .... I am sorry to say - but I personally hate those stories which start well and leave us hanging - they shouldn't be brought forward as they are frustrating ... I have stopped giving great markers until a story is complete - and I am sure not to be the only one here who feels like this ...
  18. @Hotrawbutt4u THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU for such an amazing HOT STORY which made us all cummmmmmmm all over the place and who wouldn't have loved to be part of that story in one or the other position .... Thank you for making us cream BBig time.... Thank you for giving us a complete story and not keeping us hanging with cock in hand ... Thank you for being such a talented writer , who knows how to keep his audience hooked !!!! I am sure all the others here agree with me!!! 😜
  19. @leatherpunk16 THANK YOU for not only giving us an amazing story - BUT also for completing the story with the Epilog .... it makes you @leatherpunk16 THE PERFECT author for this platform ... you know how to get us all worked up - all hard as rock BUT YOU FINISH the story and won't stop halfway through as so many here do ... BRAVO !!!! I am sure all the others agree with me and hope to read more from you - oink 🐷 oink 🐷 KEEP WRITING!!!!! .
  20. @BiGeekySlut we all loved this story - can we not persuade you to give it another try - to continue this amazing saga .... I am sure all the others agree with me , that we all love your work and would love this story to continue ... such an amazing start !!!
  22. @Spermpig THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZING - COMPLETE !!! - STORY.... of course we all would here more ...but the story is complete and doesn't leave us hanging with a hard cock in mid-air .... DELICIOUS !!! THANK YOU!!! The story is hot and we all imagine this D&D basement - it appears satanic, erotic and simply soooooooo inviting .... who wouldn't want to experience our heroes "ordeal" of great pleasure , being filled up by all those masked Orks and feel their cock plowing through ones inner rings .... to be flooded with their juices - being bred and impregnated by their seed - to end up with THE MASTER making true love at the end - to give oneself up to TOTAL & ABSOLUTE BLISS....
  23. @bently67 BRAVO !!!!! and THANK YOU for an amazing and complete story .... it reads like a short novel ... is HOT with delicious SEX which drives the blood into ones cock ....but it is special , as it is full of the human aspect - the inner feelings of a man who finds himself - realises who he is and what he wants !!! This story stands out as it doesn't just stop in the ABS - it continues with the people involved - it portraits inners feelings, inner fear and the outcome of realisation!!!!! It shows true emotions! THANK YOU for having completed this story and not leaving us hanging here, as so many other authors do .... THANK YOU for be making us poz cum chasing BB-Pigs cummm with those verbal encouragements, which we truly love!
  24. @bently67 you got it soooooo right ....nothing beats a raunchy, uninhibited verbal poz fuck .... knowingly receiving the gift - enjoying the poz breeding ....
  25. @BarebackFan I soooooo agree with this statement - it makes one crave to go into position to receive the gift .... Even hotter when one knowingly receives poisonous loads and when the top is verbal about it while breeding ones hole.... and makes sure it is deposited deep inside for others to enjoy too ....
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