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Everything posted by FFun2BB

  1. #CigarBear68 - would I ever have assumed anything different ?!!! ?
  2. #masctravelingpup.... what a great story ... don't let us wait too long ... you know you have all our attention ... and please don't stop half-way through the story, as so many do ... nothing more frustrating than reading a fabulous story ... with a great build-up which stops in middle of the action and leaves you sitting with a hard, throbbing cock and no ending :-) GIVE US MANY HAPPY ENDINGS
  3. #CiagarBear68 .... YOU DID IT AGAIN ... all of us reading your story sprayed our loads all over the place ... I love the way your mind works...
  5. #Punaman ... you open the Pandora-box with this question ... if it was worth it ... You are right ... a lot of guys chase the danger, the thrill... and love it when they are horny to have Poz talk ... to know that they have sex with a Poz-top ... In my experience most POZ-Tops are on medication nowadays and talking with them often reveals that at one point they fell so sick, that they ended up in hospital - close to death ... and that the doctors put them on meds and that they then re-evaluate their prospect - LIFE or DEATH ... and choose LIFE ... that is why most men with HIV nowadays are on meds ... and talking with a health-worker in the Aids-clinic recently I was told that only very few cases are full blown Aids nowadays... as medicine has improved so much, that HIV/Aids is no longer a death sentence, like it was in the last century ... #Hangrystarfish - THANK YOU for such a detailed account !!! and that you share YOUR STORY with us... I love your honest words and one read so much in your text, which you write between the lines!!! WELL DONE !
  6. #CigarBear68 you look great as you are ... with your beard and short hair ... yummy - they all love it .. dont bother with a ponytail ... as that only looks like some president and those guys who have a problem going bald - ... be proud of it ... and like you already have realised ... so many love it ... #cannero YOU SAID IT !!!!! since I started to shave ... or wear a 3-day growth on my head ...the guys love it ... and I am often hit up by so many simply because they love that look ... but at the end - we all make BEST with what we have and cant change it anyway :-) I am happy to be bald and love it when guys cream my head with their juices and whatever they want ... :-)
  7. #jckent ... WELL DONE to find the story in the first place !!! and to post Part 1 here ... and even BETTER that we have THANKS TO #ConversionPiglet the link to read all 20 chapters ... they are HOT to all who love Black cock and have fallen under the spell of BBC's
  8. #Giveit2meraw ... the story is getting better and better ... keep it cummmming ... you certainly brought in a new idea as how the story can develop .... Well done !
  9. Hello #Slipitupme .... I was looking where you live but unfortunately your profile doesn't state your location The place you describe reminds me of two places in Germany ... One in Hamburg - called T8 ...it is a sort of adult cinema... sleazy , run-down and with all sorts of clientele and with exactly all those rooms you just described... the basement with the darkroom and the sling and all those trolls luring and feeding starving bottoms... and upstairs for wild wet sessions next to the open cinema where people sit naked and enjoy their beers while others suck and fuck .... The other place is in Munich - in the sauna of the DEUTSCHE EICHE - an institution of gay sex for anyone ever traveling to Munich....
  10. #masctravelingpup - GOOD START !!! like #cockhoney said ...and shows in his profile pic (Great Pic) ... we await your part 2 with dripping anticipation!
  11. #CHIreadhead you have been given great advice by many here ... and I guess by now you know what to do BUT when a Bottom asked you to be whored out, it isn't just about finding other Tops who will use that bottom for their pleasure ... IT IS ABOUT THE FEELING BEING UNDER THE CONTROL OF ONE TOP who acts as the PIMP ... to loose all rights and control ... #PERVERSATILE got it RIGHT ... it is about the fact that all those Tops who use your Bottom/s are PAYING ... whatever you ask for .. Pennies, to make your bottom feel like a cheap whore or in cigarettes or in Top $$$$ ... The Bottom is after the thrill of giving up his control - to be told that he has to take every and all cocks which appear and will use him - never mind the size or colour of a cock ... never mind the status of the Top - if infectious or clean ... YOU #CHIreadhead become the PIMP and YOU DEMAND OF THE BOTTOM TO TAKE IT AS IT CUMMMMS... You can even make your bottoms - who beg you for this - to take any guy YOU CHOOSE in their Lunchbreaks , before work or after work... the Bottom gives up the say in this matter ... THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A WHORE TO A TOP ... Like stated in various comments - test those Bottoms before ... as you will find that many will run or chicken out when you tell them to be available on your request/demand. Those Bottoms need to learn that there is a difference between asking a TOP to be dominant or to whore them out! Good Luck on your journey and keep us posted as HOW IT GOES/went
  12. #jackdaw keep writing
  13. wow.... keep writing ... it is such wonderful to reminisce on the good old days when one spend hours ...whole nights ... in those delicious filthy toilets... taking each all who wanted to be serviced ... # Giveit2meraw ...Keep writing
  14. Unfortunately CHAT DOESNT WORK FOR ME
  15. In regards of the dreams ... you can overcome this in taking the pill in the morning with your breakfast or coffee... like this it's is in your system and by the time you go to bed at night you will sleep peacefully ....
  16. Hello #dude8688 , YES, there is a way to take PrEP just when you need it ...it is called Event Based Dosing Most people, take the pill each day ... called Daily PrEP - like this they feel "ready to go" at all times and don't have to worry. EVENT BASED DOSING is for people who do not want to take a daily. It is an option to just use PrEP when they need it. This option is important if you dont have bare sex very often, and also if you usually know when you will have sex. The way it works is following: Take a double dose of PrEP (two pills) before you have sex. Ideally this should be the day before (24 hours before) but they say that between 2 and 24 hours it will give you correct protection. Take a single dose (one pill) 24 hours later Take another single dose (one pill) the following day You should aim to take two single pills after you have sex, roughly 24 hours and 48 hours after the initial double dose. If you continue to have bare sex, like you mentioned in your question, take a single pill (=dose) every day you have bare sex. After the last condomless sex = bare session, continue a single dose to cover the next 48 hours. As always - it is best to consult your doctor and discuss these options with him! I hope that this answers your question and might be considered helpful information by others too.
  17. it is so HOT knowing how to enjoy the ride of a life time ... knowing it can change you for ever !
  18. ....one reason why I love going to the Bathhouse (sauna) ...no long chit chat ...typing on your phone or computer... you come - you see - you conquer and be filled up with loads from horny fuckers...
  19. .... why are my Uber-drivers are always so proper ? .... Great story of BBC....
  20. #adame25 ....I had forgotten HOW AMAZING this story is !!!
  21. #bbbugfkr you keep us in suspense ... ... let them finally meet and get started...
  22. #jackdaw ...another great story ... let our patient enjoy his recovery in the hospital for a while longer ... with the attendant , the doctor .. perhaps even with another patient ?!!
  23. #jackdaw ... WELL DONE ... YOU have our attention and we all want to hear more about this doctor and his patients... ...and off course if this patient was gifted today and how many times he had returned ....
  24. Hello #MackyJay - I love your story ... BUT could you keep it in WHITE TYPEFACE COLOUR as a lot of your chosen colours are hard to read ... It makes it difficult to read ... I am sure others agree with me?!!! I was tempted to put all parts into one threat and colour it white - so others can read your amazing story with ease!
  25. #WritingBug ...WELL DONE... what a shame that this turned out to be another well written story .. building up beautifully and left us hanging at the end with our cocks hard and NOTHING TO FINISH IT WITH ... such a pity when authors start a great story but fail to finish it ... like another member suggested - it would be so much better if the authors would write the whole story before they give it to us in parts ... as it is sooo frustrating when one is all hyped up and will never hear the outcome ...
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